#that also goes for taemin and minho for shouting the thank you kany etc on the year end stages btw but that was kinda cute
poetka · 8 months
The whole kibum mcd brand deal situation is really fucking upsetting because as much as I could understand (=/= excuse!) the colourism thing as a person from another homogenous country, this time i can't even wrap my head around it. No brand deal is inescapable, especially if you're a fucking millionaire. And the cheek of him to show his middle finger during the concert. The Lucas shout out ("sitting with my family"). The way he suddenly started parading Kany around coincidentally right after the colourism scandal and apparently also mentioned Fatou in the show tonight... like I hope they genuinely are friends but honestly I don't know anything anymore.
I miss Jjong. He was the best and most empathetic of them and that's why he had to suffer. I really fucking miss how wise he was for his age and his comforting words and how he seemed to really care about other people and what's happening in the world. He talked about Palestine 10 years ago and the rest of them are refusing to say anything even today. But that's okay. Entertainers are here to entertain, not to share their political views. But there is a fucking line and supporting a company that's openly funding a genocide without addressing it is something everyone should agree crosses it.
I've been a huge shawol since I was 12 years old. That's half of my life. That's pretty much all of my life that I can remember well. I've had my ups and downs but this is a new fucking low. I don't even want to look at Kibum's face right now.
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