#that I gleam from feedback because it's just. I don't have that distance needed to judge
lavenoon · 2 years
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
and lastly 🤩 Who is your favourite character to write?
I did this to myself, huh. Alright alright fine I'll compliment myself, y'all gfhdjs
(glad I put this in my queue tho, feels nicer to answer some after I finally got another lil drabble out hehe)
I'm really creative and love exploring little what-ifs, which is a lot of fun for me and many others! (do feel bad about it sometimes, so I'm turning this into an affirmation lmao) It's nice to see how a differing little detail or circumstance changes things, while depicting the same outcome because all my characters go "On purpose, I'm going to love you on purpose" <3
My sister knows, she was my beta reader for my tloz fic! She also knows I write for fnaf, which was just the same (mock) disappointment as when I told her I draw art for it fgdhjs Also pretty sure I told a couple friends about it? Some old hs friends bc I had no shame back then, and my uni friends, too. Hell, my parents know I write fanfic, I just don't tell them about what lmao. I like telling people I write! But unless they're interested in the source I usually just leave it at "oh yeah I'm writing a story for that media I like"
Angst no comfort. Anything that leads to hurt in a way that is not fixable within the narrative - betrayals, death (which I did write, only to back out again because it made me cry so much), and frankly anything along the lines of "I never actually loved you". I write about hope, and also to comfort myself with what I create, so while I enjoy catharsis it always, always has to come with comfort!
For AU specifically perhaps, it's... Well you're gonna be happy to hear it's Eclipse. Maybe because I haven't written him much but he's so so fun, and he kicks off so many good things it's always a delight to include him! In general it's very hard to say, I enjoy writing different characters for different reasons, so to compare them would be near impossible. I think, at the core, I love writing funny and caring characters! <3
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hufflautia · 3 years
The Boyfriend
Dedicated to the anon who came up w this idea and to @eatacrackerandstop <3. There's a small Shadow and Bone reference; if you find it, you get a high five✨
Summary: Slytherin and Hufflepuff meet their daughter’s boyfriend for the first time, and Slytherin has a few concerns.
Hufflepuff closes the door behind her daughter, who stepped out to privately wish her boyfriend goodbye on the front stoop, and turns to Slytherin.
“He seems like a sweet kid,” she smiles. Slytherin follows her into the kitchen with a disgruntled expression. He leans against the countertop as she begins washing the dishes.
“What’s taking her so long,” he eyes the door. “It only takes a couple of seconds to say goodbye to someone.”
“They spent the entire night with us. They probably just want a little alone time,” Hufflepuff replies. She glances at him when he sighs and crosses his arms. “Do I sense a little disdain for our daughter’s boyfriend?”
Slytherin scowls.
“I don’t like him,” he states plainly. “He gives me...bad boy vibes.” His scowl deepens when she laughs incredulously.
“Bad boy vibes?”
“Yes,” he says indignantly. “Bad boy vibes! Did you see his smirk when she laughed at his joke?"
"You smirk a lot,” she points out, to which he grudgingly admits. “Besides, is it bad that he can make her laugh?"
"'Course not," he huffs. "But did you see how he put his arms around her?”
"I'm pretty sure that's called a hug, honey."
Slytherin steps between her and the sink. She shoots him a look as water drips on the floor.
“Please get out of my way, Slytherin. You’re acting like a child.”
He takes her hands into his own, not caring that they’re wet. “Honey, you’re not listening to me.”
“I am! I just don’t agree with you.” She continues before Slytherin can object. “You’re worrying over nothing. Our daughter is old enough to make her own decisions on who she hangs out with and what she does with her time."
“She’s only in her seventh year—”
“Slytherin," she says sternly. “Our baby is grown now, believe it or not. I trust her judgment. You should too.”
His brows furrow, and he doesn’t respond right away.
"It's not that I don't trust her," he finally says. "I just don't want her to get hurt."
Hufflepuff softens in this rare moment of vulnerability—his grumpiness and frustration often mask his fears.
"We can't control what happens," she says gently. "We can't control who does what or who hurts who. But what we can control is what we do and how we act." Slytherin remains silent as he considers her words. "I think the best thing we can do is support our daughter. And if things don't end well in their relationship, she will know who to come to: the people who have always been there for her."
Her words sink in, and Slytherin nods.
"You're right."
"'Course I'm right."
He smiles somberly. "I’ve only ever wanted to protect her."
"You will," she assures, pulling him into an embrace. "But you will do so at a healthy and reasonable distance. No threatening the boy."
Slytherin snorts and says, "I'm not that type of dad." He rests his chin on top of her head. "But if he breaks her heart, I keep no promises."
"Good," she murmurs into his shirt. “I'll be right behind you.”
Their moment of peace is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. They see their daughter, Giselle, standing by the doorway with a flushed grin.
"Hey kiddo," Slytherin smiles.
She makes a face. “I'm 18, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore."
"Alright." Hufflepuff notices a familiar gleam in his eye and tries not to smile as he continues. "Do you prefer muffin? Sweet pea? Or perhaps cupcake—"
Giselle covers her ears. "Dad!" she groans. "Eat a cracker and stop."
He holds his hands up in defeat as he chuckles. "Okay, okay."
"So," Hufflepuff says once things settle down. "What did Dorian think? Did he like us? What about the food? Was my cooking okay?" A look of horror washes over her face. "Oh shoot, should we have given him some leftovers to take back to his family? He probably didn't get too far, I'll go get the food from the fridge and—"
"Honey," Slytherin laughs, resting his hand on the small of her back before she can scurry off in search of tin foil and plastic containers. "It's fine."
"Yeah," Giselle assures. "The food was great, and he loved meeting you guys."
"And we loved meeting him,” Hufflepuff says warmly. “Tell Dorian he's welcome to come back at any time."
"Okay," she grins. "Can we start our movie night now?"
Slytherin nods. "I believe it's Mom's turn to choose the movie."
"I know exactly what we should watch tonight," Hufflepuff beams. They pile onto the couch, and when she puts the disc into the DVD player, everyone but Hufflepuff's face falls when they see the title.
"Aw, not this movie," Giselle complains. "We watched the trailer last week, and you said it yourself that it looked like trash."
"Wha—I didn't say trash!"
"I think you did," Slytherin interjects. He stifles a laugh when she shoots him a look.
Hufflepuff purses her lips. "Ravenclaw and I watched it at the movie theaters a few days ago, and it was a cinematic masterpiece!"
He arches an eyebrow. "So you're gonna watch it again?"
"Yes! Because it’s that good. And I want you guys to watch it with me. The movie has adventure and plot twists and romance—I mean, what hurts more than a broken heart?"
"A severed head," Giselle replies, to which Slytherin snorts a laugh.
Hufflepuff scoffs and shakes her head, but a smile tugs at her lips. “You’ll see what I’m talking about after we watch it, but I need to use the bathroom first. I’ll bring back some popcorn.”
“Can you also get some Sprite?” Giselle calls after her.
“Okay.” Hufflepuff lingers by the doorway. “Do you want anything, sweetie pie?” she says to Slytherin.
“No thanks, snuggle bunny.” He snickers when Giselle visibly cringes. He and Hufflepuff liked to call each other outrageously sweet pet names in front of their daughter for the sole purpose of grossing her out.
“Yes,” Giselle says in a deadpan voice. “This is the exact spot I want to be in right now.”
Hufflepuff laughs and winks at Slytherin before leaving. He watches her walk away before whispering to Giselle, “How likely is it that she’ll accidentally trap herself in the bathroom and we get to pick another movie?”
“Extremely likely,” she replies. “If we put a rubber item underneath the door to act as a door stopper, she won’t be able to open it from the inside…” Slytherin is looking at her weirdly, and she swallows her words. “...I mean, I don’t know.”
Slytherin smiles but doesn’t say anything. Giselle may have inherited her mother’s looks, but she has her father’s mischief.
While they wait for Hufflepuff, Slytherin speaks. “Can I ask you something personal?”
“Sure,” she says cautiously.
“Do you love him?”
Her eyebrows rise—she didn’t expect this question. She takes a moment to think.
"Not yet.”
He nods. "But you're happy?"
"I am," she smiles.
His eyes crinkle. If she was happy…well, that was good enough for him.
“I’m glad, kiddo.”
This time, Giselle doesn’t roll her eyes at the term of endearment. Instead, she takes his hand and squeezes it three times. Slytherin, who taught her the gesture, squeezes her hand four times in response.
“Who’s ready to start the movie?” Hufflepuff walks in with popcorn and sprite, unaware of the father-daughter moment she just missed.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Slytherin sighs, scooting over to make space for her. She plops down beside him and settles the bowl between them.
“Oh,” she perks up. “Before I forget. Accio tissue boxes!”
Slytherin looks bewildered as tissue boxes come flying their way. “Do we really need tissues?”
“Absolutely,” she scatters the boxes over their laps. Slytherin raises an eyebrow and glances over at Giselle, who also looks perplexed.
“My teen angst bullshit is about to have a body count,” she whispers as the movie begins playing.
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A/N: This fic is somewhat connected to Different Love Languages, another one of my fics. Is the slytherpuff couple in that fic the same couple in this one? That's up to you, dear reader😌
I lowkey hate the title, but I couldn't come up w a better one. Also, this fic was longer than I planned. I originally decided to write something like this:
“Why don’t you like him?”
“Because I used to be a bad boy, which is exactly why I don’t trust him.”
Basic dialogue, plain and simple. But the darling anon who told me their idea deserves a full-length story <3
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Let me know what you thought of this one-shot. Feedback makes me happy <3 If you prefer to stay anonymous, the anon option for asks is available! Be safe and well, everyone.
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