#that D.O. gif is so SOFT
minzbins · 1 year
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D.O Hear Me Out / Recording Behind The Scenes
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jongbross · 1 year
hello may i request matching couple items headcanon with exo? thank you <3
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minseok would have matching mugs with you. as a big fan of coffee, he would go shopping with you one day and lose himself at the store. when he's back, he has two grey mugs with little drawings that complete each other. "look what i found! it's cute, don't you think?"
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junmyeon would definitely have matching phone cases with you. he has a good collection of cases, so it would only be natural for him to receive a package one day and say "love, come see it!" - and when you appear behind him, you see two star wars phone cases with the words "i love you" and "i know". 🥹
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i think yixing would either have matching necklaces or matching earrings with you, it just fits him. maybe he would be preparing to travel for a press tour, and before he leaves, he takes you out on a date and gives you a little box with a cute silver necklace, a tiny, shiny pendant on it. when you look at him, he pulls his own necklace from inside his shirt. "we're matching", yixing would say, with a big smile on his face.
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definitely matching shirts. baekhyun would tease you, looking online for corny matching shirts for couples - like those with bright colors and funny sayings. he would loooove to see you annoyed, rolling your eyes at him. in the end, baek would buy simple, minimalist matching shirts in a dark color - "we don't need to drought attention to our love, people would be jealous that you have me and they don't".
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matching bracelets!!! the idea probably wouldn't be his, maybe jongdae would see someone doing it and just tell you "hey, what if we do it too?". next thing you know, you two would be at his couch on a sunday afternoon, making diy bracelets for each other - something that he would never, ever take it off.
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this man screams matching sneakers to me. chanyeol loves buying new shoes, and at some point he would start to look at a few sneakers and think that maybe they would fit you - and then it hits him. what if you two had matching sneakers? it would be nice, right? and this new nike air force is just sooo cute, isn't it? 🤭
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kyungsoo is a simple guy, he doesn't like to go too big for a lot of things - and one of them is matching items. i feel like he would maybe buy something small, like a keychain, at one of his trips. he would see the two keychains completing each other and instantly think about you. "i thought of you - and look, i have one too", kyungsoo would say, hoping you would like it.
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soft, sooooft boy. jongin would definitely have matching pajamas with you, with cute little things all over it - his would probably have little brown bears, while yours would have little dogs or cats on it. jongin absolutely loves to sleep and to have comfortable clothes on, so the moment you said you needed a new pair of pajamas, he went "oh my god, i know just the place!"... and then you two left with two bags each.
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where the fuck is gifs from sehun on at sg photoshoot?
deep inside, sehun is a child - we all know that. so i absolutely think he would love the idea of having matching toothbrushes with you! the idea would be yours, but he would laugh his ass off once he saw it. "i want the spongebob one" "nope, that's mine" - as he grabs and puts in his mouth. "sehun, you didn't wash it!!!"
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kimbappykidding · 2 years
Imagine being nervous around D.O. because of his angry reputation and having no idea D.O. has a soft spot for you because he has a crush on you
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Exo's Kai was your cousin and he was one year younger than you. You were both idols and being family and similar ages, interacted a lot. You saw each other often and were always at each other's houses, hanging out with the other's members and that was how Kai quickly noticed some things. D.O. was into you! His eyes would go to you when you entered a room and even though he wasn't obvious he'd follow what you were saying and was very aware of you. He'd tell Baekhyun to knock it off if he was messing with you and was sweetly protective of you. Drunk D.O. was even more obvious and would stare at you the way a prince looks at a Disney princess. Based on all this, Kai picked up on D.O.'s crush on your pretty much immediately and did everything in his power to get the two of you together but it was hard. For one, D.O. wouldn't outwardly admit he had a thing for you. Anytime Kai mentioned it he gave him a death glare and point-blank refused to engage in the conversation. Meanwhile, you were too nervous to say more than a few words to D.O. Kai tried talking him up to you and encouraging a conversation but frankly, you avoided D.O. and Kai had no idea why. D.O. was everything you wanted in a man but you just couldn't see it. So one day he asked you why you weren't comfortable around D.O. "I just get nervous around him Kai, I've seen him yell at Chanyeol and it scared me". Kai paused "wait when was this?". "At Sehun's 25 birthday party". Kai's eyes widened "but that was ages ago when you first started coming around". You nodded "I know, that was the first time I met him and it just stuck with me. I'd had a rough week and my manager had yelled at me all day so when he yelled it scared me and I don't know that's just always kind of stuck". What neither of you knew was D.O. was outside the room listening and folded his hands to stop them from shaking. He felt awful. He didn't even remember the party you were talking about but it sounded like him.
"Then I don't know, he can sometimes look angry and intimidating and I can never tell if he hates me or not" you continued. Kai shook his head almost laughing "he definitely doesn't hate you and I promise D.O. is not that scary. He's a bit tougher than say...Baekhyun but he's a softie really. You just have to talk to him to see it". You bit your lip "I'm just not sure" and Kai sighed "fine but just be open-minded yeah?" he asked. You nodded "okay I will be" but Kai didn't notice much change in your behaviour. So you were too swayed by an interaction with D.O. almost a year ago and D.O. wasn't the type to just insert himself into a conversation or go up to a girl he didn't know very well and start talking so despite his crush nothing happened...but Kai was determined to change that.
You had dinner at Kai's often but when he found out all his members would be out except D.O. he was very excited. Kai didn't say anything to you and welcomed you like usual. You were both playing Mario kart when he pretended to get a phone call from Suho. He then told you there was some problem and he had to go to the studio. "I'll be back as soon as I can and D.O. can keep you company, I've told him the situation" he explained. He'd told D.O. his friend was having an emergency and he had to go and had purposefully asked him to be welcoming to you but he needn't have told D.O. that. D.O. remembered the conversation he overheard and he wanted to put some things straight. D.O. figured a pretty good way to create a welcoming vibe was to bake. Everybody loved brownies and what said I'm not scary better than chocolate and raspberries? So D.O. got to work and you eventually came to find him in the kitchen, the nice smell wafting out to you. "Hi" you said coming into the room and D.O. smiled at you "hi Y/n, how are you?". You paused at his friendly voice but told him you were good and enquired how he was. "I'm good" D.O. told you "thanks for asking, I've made cupcakes if you want one". "Really?" you asked and D.O. nodded "of course". "Thanks" you said taking one and sitting down. "Do you like cooking?" you asked and D.O. paused. This was the first time you'd asked him a question unprompted and embarassed him how much that pleased him. "Erm yeah I really enjoy it. I like how it's a really practical hobby and you can make any dish your own". You nodded "it's hard to do though...I burn everything I make even stuff that goes in the microwave". D.O. laughed "really? How". "Well I get confused with all the buttons and forget how long it needs to be in for...it's a mess". D.O. laughed "well I was going to cook dinner tonight and if you want I can show you some things?". You paused "are you sure? I'm a pretty bad student". D.O. remembered what he'd overheard that day and smiled "don't worry I promise not to get annoyed or angry". You searched his face for a few moments before nodding "okay" and came to stand beside him "so what's first?". Kai returned home a few hours later with all his members and he was practically bouncing of the walls to see you and D.O. cooking dinner together. You announced the two of you had made dinner and D.O. was just helping you with the finishing touches. So you disappeared into the kitchen together and Kai watched you pretending not to. You looked so comfortable around D.O. now and D.O. himself was acting like a giant teddy bear. Dinner was served and you and D.O. fluttered around like nervous parents. You seemed especially worried that the food was edible but the boys soon told you it was delicious and you beamed. D.O. congratulated you and only then did the two of you sit down and eat. You sat together and Kai could see how happy D.O. was...which of course the other guys noticed too. "Is it just me or is D.O. glowing?" Baekhyun asked "anytime y/n looks at him he lights up". Sehun laughed "yeah now that you mention it, is he into her?". Chanyeol smirked "if he's not he's doing a good job of pretending". "They look good together" Lay said and Suho nodded "I was just thinking that". D.O. looked up and saw them all staring. His smile fell away and he glared at their smiles before turning back to you. "Awww pouty D.O. is the cutest" Baekhyun grinned. Kai popped a delicious piece of chicken into his mouth and considered this a huge success. And it was! After that the two of you grew closer and closer. Now D.O. would join you on your cousin days and Kai adored the way D.O. acted around you. He still wouldn't admit he had a thing for you but he also stopped denying it because all the guys teased him for it because he was just SO obvious. One night you were here late so it had gone dark by the time you were heading home. You only lived around the corner but D.O. walked you home just to make sure you were safe. Another time you were abroad for a few weeks and D.O. looked after all 5 of your house plants immaculately. Then when you heard D.O. wasn't going to be able to go home for his birthday you organised a small party and even baked a cake for him. Kai thought D.O. was going to pass out with pride when he heard you baked it yourself for him. D.O. didn't stop smiling the whole night and finally when the party was over Kai turned to him. "Still going to pretend you don't fancy my cousin?". In response D.O. just shook his head "I like her" and left the room. Kai squealed in delight. Now you were both aware of one another he just had to get you two together and he had the perfect opportunity...a wedding! Your joint cousin was getting married and the two of you had to be at the ceremony. You were stressing out because you'd just heard everyone had to have dates and Kai could've grinned at how perfect it was. "The wedding's in 2 weeks! How am I going to find a date on such short notice?". Kai smiled "Well why don't you ask D.O.?". You blushed "I...he's probably busy". Kai laughed "Have you forgot our cousin invited all of Exo and the boys are all going?" Kai asked. "But how do you know he hasn't asked someone else?". "Well let's ask him" Kai shrugged and yelled for D.O. "No don't! What if he doesn't want to?" you asked when D.O. appeared "what if I don't want to do what?". "Be Y/n's date" Kai said looking right at his friend. D.O. eye's widened and he blushed but luckily he was tanned enough to hide it. "To my cousin's wedding" you quickly clarified "I've just find out everyone in the family photos has to have a plus one but it's totally fine if you don't want to..." when D.O. shook his head "I don't mind, I'll be your date". "Really?" you asked and D.O. nodded "sure, it'll be fun" and you smiled hugging him "thanks D.O., I'll feel so much better with you over some random guy my mum would've got". D.O. smiled "no problem" and Kai had to hide his laughter at how dazed D.O. looked after you hugged him. So two weeks later the wedding rolled around and you, Kai and D.O. all travelled separately to the boys because you had to be there early. You checked into the hotel and then a few hours later were in the church for the ceremony. D.O. was the perfect date, he was polite, kind and seemed to always be there when you needed him. You cut your hand on one of the flowers and he just had a tissue for you. When the weather suddenly became rainy he was there with his jacket to cover you and whenever any family members asked if you were together he side-stepped the question without being rude. So by the time you made it to the reception you were so pleased D.O. was your date. He'd been perfect and you realised Kai had been right this entire time and you didn't know how to react. You vowed never to judge someone so quickly again and were having a really good time with D.O. Then you saw someone walk through the door and your smile dropped. D.O. noticed the change in your behaviour and how pale you'd gone but he couldn't work out why. He looked around the room and turned back to you "what is it? What's wrong?". You looked down and shook your head "nothing just my ex is here...Eun said he wouldn't be here but I guess he turned up". D.O. looked across the room and saw a guy watching you. "Do you want me to get security?" D.O. asked. You shook your head "no he'll just cause a scene. It should be fine, he probably won't come up to me because he doesn't know who you are and that'll intimidate him". D.O. nodded "okay then I'm not leaving your side". The smile you gave him was so amazing it have him the courage to go one better. "Actually how about we dance? There's no reason why you have to hide away and I'll make sure he comes nowhere near you". You seemed very surprised by D.O.'s request and he worried you'd say no when you nodded "I'd love to!". D.O. took your hand and led you to the sea of people. You were both adorably unsure around one another and took each other's hand delicately. D.O. gently put his hand on your waist and took the lead. You of course knew D.O. was an idol therefore, was experienced with dancing but it still took you by surprise how good he was! He took you around the floor effortlessly and it was very hot to see a guy like him be so good at dancing. You must've looked like you were having quite a lot of fun because you attracted attention from Eun. After dancing for a while you and D.O. grabbed a drink and headed outside to cool off. Eun followed you. Eun waited until you were halfway down the path before calling your name and you looked back and froze. “Shit” you said and D.O. saw where you were looking “do you want me to speak to him?”. You sighed “no just let’s stop and see what he has to say”. Eun caught up to you quickly and raised his hands “what no hello?”. “Hi Eun” you said and he looked you up and down “that’s a bit cold for a childhood friend”. You didn’t reply but he didn’t take the hint “you look good, have you lost weight?”. D.O. wanted to pummel him right then and there but as if sensing this you touched D.O.’s arm and looked at Eun “no I haven’t”. Eun looked you up and down again and made a surprised noise. “We’re going now, it was nice to see you” you said and turned to walk away. “So soon but we haven’t even caught up!” he called following you. “She said we’re done!” D.O. called but that angered Eun. “So who's this Y/n? Your boyfriend?" Eun replied. You shook your head and D.O. continued walking, ignoring him. "I don't owe you any explanation" you said and D.O. nodded "she doesn't, come on y/n" and he led you away but Eun followed. "If he's not your boyfriend then why were his hands all over you in there? If you're trying to make me jealous you should try harder" Eun called. D.O. shook his head "man this guy's an idiot". "What did you say!" Eun yelled and you tightened your grip on D.O.'s hand "come on let's just go back inside". D.O. was agreeing with you when Eun carried on. "I'm the idiot? You're the pathetic one y/n. Let's not forget you asked me out! You were the one chasing me Y/n. I have way more options than you and I was the best thing that ever happened to you but life finally started again when I was free of you". That's when D.O. lost it. "You have no clue what you're talking about! You came here, to her cousin's wedding to see her and she's the one who needs you?" D.O. asked yelling. Eun was slightly caught off guard by how D.O. had changed from a quiet sweet guy to a scary man ready to kick his ass. He went to reply but D.O. cut him off "no, you're done speaking and if you say another word I'll shut your mouth for you. Got it?" D.O. asked. You watched nervously, hoping D.O. wouldn't hit him if he made a smart comment but Eun was smarter than you gave him credit for. "Whatever" he muttered and walked away. Once he'd gone you felt better but turned to D.O. nervously. "Are you okay?" you asked and he nodded calming down "I'm fine...are you?". "I'm okay" you said cautiously and D.O. recalled your first impression of him and cursed himself for getting angry. "Y/n I'm so sorry for yelling at him like that and not just ignoring him like you said. I know you might think less of me now but I hope I can make that up to you". "Think less of you?" you asked “D.O. I couldn't think more of you! You defended me when you didn't have to and said things I wish I had the courage to say so thank you". D.O. blinked "you're thanking me? I was worried I'd made you nervous by raising my voice..." D.O. said but you shook your head "no I know you're safe so that didn't scare me". That was so nice for D.O. to hear he felt like dancing all over again. "But I don't think I want to go back to the party, so I'll head to my room". D.O. nodded "let me walk you" and you fell in step together. The hotel looked really pretty in the evening and the now quiet night made it feel like it was just the two of you in the world."Y/n just in case you aren't aware that guy is an asshole and you can do so much better than him. There are so many guys who would love to date you, who would treat you right and be there for you so please don't listen to that idiot". You laughed awkwardly and D.O. smiled "I'm serious! He didn't know what he was talking about, you were way too good for him". You didn't respond and when you turned D.O. realised you hadn't been laughing but were crying. "Ow y/n I'm so sorry..." he started when you cut him off "no it's okay. They're happy tears. Thank you. That was really sweet and I didn't expect it but I needed to hear that". "Of course!" D.O. said offering you a tissue and you took it. D.O. helped you sit down on a nearby bench and waited for you to stop crying. "I haven't dated since Eun and I've thought a lot of the stuff he said tonight about myself". D.O. shook his head furious "but none of that stuff was true! He was lucky to have you and you're far too good for him. Plus who cares if you chased him and it didn't work out? That just shows you're brave enough to go for what you want and make mistakes and that's one of the most admirable things in the world!". "It is?" you asked and D.O. nodded "totally...well that and not murdering a guy like Eun when you had so many opportunities". You laughed and D.O. smiled to see you looked happier. You both sat in silence for a while before you sighed "you know I just realised I've never asked about your love life, is it as bad as mine?". D.O. shrugged "well depends on what you mean by bad, if pretty non-existent counts then yeah it's bad". "You've never dated anyone?" you asked and D.O. paused "no there was one girl. We got together when we were 14, just kids really, and were together for 4 years...it got pretty serious but we were too young" he said "both of our lives were just taking off and we were changing as people. I wanted to keep trying but she broke it off and I guess the experience changed me. I'm of course glad when I look back on it, it was definitely the right thing to do but it made me more cautious and pessimistic. You might've realised I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine like Baekyun". You shook your head "you're plenty sunny to me, I always feel happy around you" and D.O. smiled "you do?". "I do" you nodded watching him and D.O. couldn't believe he had that effect on someone like you. You both stayed in that moment just gazing at one another for a few seconds before you blushed looking down. "Well I think whoever she is, she's probably kicking herself now to have lost you" you said and D.O.'s heart fluttered "thanks y/n". You smiled and gently squeezed his hand "thanks for telling me. I used to think you were so intimidating and scary and I'm so glad I got to know the real you". "I'm glad too" D.O. nodded "I know how I can come across so thanks for giving me a chance I guess?". "You never need to thank me for that" you said "I wish I'd have done it so much sooner". D.O. realised you were still holding his hand and looked down. You followed his gaze and dropped his hand "sorry! The alcohol and weeks of wedding stress are kicking in. I'll leave now before I do anything else embarrassing" and you disappeared. D.O. however didn't find it embarrassing at all. D.O. woke up the next morning feeling great! Which was hilarious as all his members were clutching their heads and moving slowly, nursing hangovers. After last night D.O. was in pretty good spirits and he still got goosebumps when he thought about everything you'd said to him. However one thing was bothering him. He'd mentioned how after his ex he'd become more cautious but he meant what he said about admiring people who went for what they wanted. It applied to him so much that he felt a bit like a hypocrite and so he knew he had to tell you he just didn't know when. Luckily you had a car ride back together so he could work that out then. D.O. was coming back with you because he had to be in the studio later today while his other members didn’t. So they were going to go film something and do some sightseeing which D.O. was upset to miss out on that for work of all things but when he realised he’d be coming back with you he warmed up to the idea. He was waiting for you by the front of the hotel when you appeared. You came around the corner and D.O. paused at how beautiful you looked. Your hair hung loose and you had no makeup on at all. You looked so naturally radiant his heart skipped a beat as he took you all in. "Are you ready?" you called and D.O. nodded re-discovering the ability to speak. "Yeah let me just put my stuff in the boot" he said and hid his face behind your car. The car ride was the most fun road trip D.O. had been on. With the members, there was always someone who was too loud or an elbow in his side or someone who wanted to play music D.O. hated but there was none of that with you. The car ride was so peaceful and just proved to him how well the two of you got along yet again. D.O. realised he just loved being around you and enjoyed seeing you happy. He adored that he could now make you smile and it was pretty much on his mind constantly. You stopped off at a cafe on the way back and got breakfast. You were both pretty happy and made the waitress laugh several times at your infectious happiness. When it came to paying the waitress had clearly taken a liking to you. "It's on the house for the young couple" she said "how long have you two been together?". D.O. went to reply you weren't together when you spoke first. "6 months, we met at work" you said and the waitress grinned "I thought you had that honeymoon period glow! But to be fair 6 months is a little late for that so the two of you must just be the real deal". "We hope so" you nodded and the waitress smiled. "Well have a nice trip home, it was nice meeting you". "You too" D.O. said and he held the door open for you. The two of you got back in the car and D.O. paused "so she thought we were..." he trailed off but of course you knew what he was saying. "Yeah, I agreed in case she charged us for our bill. I love a free meal". D.O. took a breath "is that the only reason you said we were a couple?". You paused and turned to look at him "why? Would you like there to be another reason?". D.O. nodded "I would" sending a shiver down your spine. "You would?" you asked and he nodded not showing how nervous he was. "Yes, I'd like you to want us to be a couple because I want that...I like you y/n". You smiled "you do? I had no idea! Since I met you I've been so pleasantly surprised and I felt myself falling for you but thought I might've ruined it with my preconceptions". D.O. shook his head "you didn't ruin anything" and kissed you. Having a first kiss in car is slightly awkward because of the positioning. You both had to turn towards one another to reach but you managed. It wasn't the most comfortable position but neither of you cared. D.O. couldn't believe you were kissing him back and you couldn't believe how sweet D.O. was. Then D.O. tried to move closer to you and elbowed the dashboard sending a shooting pain down his arm. He cried out in pain and you jolted apart. "Are you okay?" you asked and he nodded sighing "yeah I'm fine..." then you both started laughing. Once you'd settled down you turned to D.O. "you sure you're okay?". He nodded "I'm better than okay" looking at you and you blushed. D.O. had to rush off to work as soon as he got back in the city but he hesitated to get out of the car “so are you free this evening for dinner?” D.O. asked “we can go to a restaurant or I can cook you something”. You smiled “I am but let’s go to a restaurant, I don’t want you to have to cook after working all day. I want to take care of you too” and D.O. went bright red making you chuckle. “How did I ever think you were scary?” you asked and D.O. smiled “I get why you did but hopefully I’ve gotten rid of all those thoughts now?”. You nodded “completely” and shot him a warm smile that made D.O. just want to kiss you all over again. The thought must’ve been contagious because you glanced at D.O.’s lips before sighing “so you should probably go before I refuse to let you”. D.O. smiled “I’ll call you as soon as I’m done with work?”. You nodded “can’t wait” and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. D.O. practically strut into work and smiled and greeted every single person he passed. His manager remarked he was in a good mood and he smiled “it was a good wedding!” and got ready to start recording but before he did he pulled out his phone and sent Kai a text which you ironically also sent Kai a few minutes later. 
Both of your texts were three words long. 
“You were right”.
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kouxbe · 9 months
christmas open mic kou performing ... d.o that's okay
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it hadn't been something he'd planned. though again, kou was never someone who meshed well with the idea of planning – for some reason, his life had always felt like a pile of things accidentally falling into place.
it comes in hushed whispers from the trainees at the building. an open mic night – a somewhat good way to try and get some exposure and experience. probably not the most effective, but the trainees there seemed desperate enough to grab onto anything. and most of them genuinely seemed as though they liked the idea of performing for a crowd.
"you should do it too kou," a trainee says, nudging kou's shoulder.
"huh? me?"
"why not? you've been here for a month already. don't you wanna see how much you've improved?"
kou blinks. "i don't think i've improved that much though..."
it's his turn to step on stage. the idea of performing in front of a crowd isn't foreign to him, he's done it enough in japan, and more often than one would think in korea ( next gen and dead calm ), but it's a little different now, standing on stage alone with nothing but his guitar and just a month's worth of training on his back.
"uhm, hello. i'm sato kou," he bows, and his head accidentally hits the mic, causing it to make a high pitched noise. "oh sorry," he says, blinking. "i'll be performing a song, that i've been really into lately. it's called that's okay."
he wants to say something else, wants to say that this song is dedicated to a special person, someone he holds close to his heart and can't seem to stop thinking about. that the lyrics have somehow perfectly expressed his own emotions. but he doesn't, because he's both short on time and isn't sure if a trainee publicly professing their love for someone else is the best thing to do.
"so for y...ou... all out there, that's okay." close enough.
he strums his guitar and a soft melody begins to play, no longer is he the boy that had accidentally hit his head on the microphone.
i feel like i'm losing myself in the many emotions that have gone by from a certain point, i became used to the rules i follow to hide my heart, oh, uh, oh
he begins to sing, and quite honestly he feels as though there's been some sort of improvement with his pronunciation. he continues to sing, voice floating through the crowd.
like time passing all the happy days and all the heart-breaking days i’m naturally letting them go like the sun and moon that rises and sets
he's a lot more comfortable now, singing. though as he's singing, a face appears in the back of his head. singing is the closest thing to pouring his heart out, and he feels as though he's doing so in front of a crowd. an unspoken public confession.
it's then when he tears his eyes away from his guitar and looks up at the audience. yuwol is there, yuwol is there and he's looking at him and kou wants to rip out his soul and give it to yuwol right there and then. he wants to place it on a silver platter, he wants the words – his voice – to be the only thing that yuwol can focus on.
his heart tightens and there's a sort of fluttering in his chest that seems to have been bottled up from his stomach. butterflies, is what they call it. he can't seem to tear his eyes away from yuwol. so pretty, so so pretty. in a sea of people, his eyes can only spot yuwol.
like the countless stars always in the same place i'll shine as much as i can so don’t hide yourself but show me you, just as you are, it’s alright, it’s alright
he smiles, and it's bright. kou's never been a big smiler, his own mother had pointed it out to him years ago ( you can't keep that blank expression forever! ) but when he's with yuwol – when he sees yuwol, he's so overwhelmed with happiness that smiling only feels natural.
it's alright, it's alright.
today, for the first time i faced my honest heart i even hesitate to stand in front of the mirror why is my face so awkward?
he likes yuwol. kou likes yuwol, he really likes yuwol. that is his honest heart. he wonders momentarily if yuwol can understand the depth of his feelings? if the song is reaching him? and then, he wonders if he'll ever reach yuwol.
all the unspoken worries all the deeply paved scars time always passes at the same speed tt will wash it all away just like always so you can just go with the flow, it’s alright, it’s alright
he ends off the song with the chorus, his fingers against the guitar strings slowly fading away. "thank you," he says into the mic, before bowing. once more, the top of his head hits the mic and a loud echo spreads across the bar. "oh, sorry."
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
Hey love, I could use a second opinion - who do you think out of exo wolves would be the biggest mess if they accidentally bit their human partner? I'm thinking Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun but... Thoughts? 🤔
Kai - At first wouldn't realize, thinking you're just messing with him, he couldn't have possibly hurt you- but when he acknowledges, he does panic. Big mess. Even though he probably didn't bite you very hard, he's too delicate with you.
Chanyeol - He's not so much aware of his strength and size, and so if he does bite, it can be pretty big. The thing is, he probably did it as a form of playing around, but since you react so suddenly, he'll instantly react as well, soothing you and licking the bite like puppies generally would to comfort each other.
Lay - He's generally so soft, but he does sometimes get carried away. Unlike his wolvish bastards of packmates, he's going to behave in a more humanly way, apologizing over and over again, snuggling you close, kind of like you'd do to a pet if you accidentally stepped on its tail (so who's the animal in this relationship again?)
Suho - He is the responsible man of the pack, so he would have to get AWFULLY carried away to actually end up biting you. He's not so much apologetic as he's trying to make things better, he's definitely calmer than you, making sure to take care of any injury that occurred.
Xiumin - Pretty much a mix of Lay and Suho. He's definitely treating it seriously and trying to just make things right, but at the same time, he's panicking a lil bit inside, just trying not to show it.
Chen - A bit amused with how you panic, ends up treating you like a baby. Like he's going to take care of you and of the wound, but it's like when a child scratches a knee, he's going to be all "oh my gosh, poor thing" when inside he is like, "wtf loser".
Baekhyun - He might even do it on purpose just because he likes to do it, although hey, he didn't mean to hurt you. He doesn't also fully acknowledge that he made a mistake; he'll comfort you and take care of you, of course, but inside, there's just a little bit of satisfaction at showing off his strength over you.
D.O. - He's like, the most unbothered out of them all. Not that he's not treating it seriously, but he's basically just wrapping you up with like, "shit happens".
Sehun - Also doesn't acknowledge what's the big deal about. He's going to be a bit softer with you and pamper you a little, but it will probably end up in you pampering him, because he got a bit stressed out over your distress. Baby.
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iyeolie · 5 years
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q: passionate chen, d.o. who’s habitually silent, who talks more when you’re together? kyungsoo: why does everyone think i’m silent?! jongdae: i’m not that kind of person. i just talk less only, that’s being habitually silent. kyungsoo: but chen also only says the things he needs to say, so when we’re together no one talks more than the other. our personalities are similar.
⤷ chensoo ✨ for anon
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baebywendy · 5 years
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When you stan a group since the beginning, middle or even recent just seeing them happy is what you want. I’m emotional because I’ve been with exo since the beginning, through all the hardships they always made it okay. Now we get to see them making themselves happy and that’s an amazing feelings to have. From them crying at 2017 mama to them crying because a new chapter is opening for them. Chen when I first heard you sing I was floored and I loved you with all my heart. Watching you getting married and having a baby brings happiness to my heart and the love I have for exo will never go away. I’ll always be happy, if their happy. It’s like watching your friend do so good with their life and you feel so proud of them, its like that for me right now. 
Chen having his baby and all of exo and his friends looking down at the baby with pure happiness because they know that Chen will love that child with his life. Chen having the baby and singing his songs to them as his wife watches with a smile on her face. Chen brining the baby to sound checks before a concert and they’re dancing around on stage with their uncles. 
I’m just really soft rn....
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aerisosweet · 6 years
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baeksoo’s soft looks (plus a clingy nini)
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just-e-x-o · 7 years
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Chanyeol’s pout is too strong, he must be stopped...
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softpeachsoo · 7 years
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Low quality gifs of a high quality cutie 💟
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veriloquentmind · 7 years
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[171001 jyp’s party people] SQUISHY SOO IS ♡♡♡
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sekaisoosgirl · 7 years
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Please continue the teacher student au
Part 19 is here ; Here's Part 20:
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Debbie nodded, licking her lips as she moved to the bed, laying down on her back, her eyes following the blonde’s movements as she hooked the dildo through the harness, moving the harness up her hips with ease before she turned to the brunette.
“Where do you keep your—“ Lou started to ask, only to be cut off by Debbie.
“No need,” Debbie smirked, her eyes twinkling as she wagged her index finger in a come-hither motion to Lou, the blonde looking at her sideways as she walked forward, unsure what Debbie meant. But then the brunette was taking the strap between her hands, tugging Lou towards the bed the rest of the way before she ran her fist up and down the shaft, licking her lips. “Let me get that ready for you, baby.”
Lou was floating. No, she was flying. No, that wasn’t quite right either. She didn’t know what she was, but she knew she felt warm, and safe, and dare she even say it…loved.
She could feel Debbie’s fingers carding through her hair and tugging at. Could feel Debbie’s lips ghosting along her neck and shoulders and collarbone. Felt the tickle of her whisper in her ear. The tug of her lips and the raking of her teeth against Lou’s…Fuck.
The blonde shot up in bed, dizzying herself with the sudden momentum as she glanced around her, only now truly seeing Debbie’s bedroom as the sun peered in through the windows.
They had been slightly cracked. And instead of curtains, long, sheer tulle-like fabric blew in the breeze against the walls, the material billowing out into the room with a gust before receding with a sigh. She couldn’t quite pin the color on it, nor why it reminded her of the ocean.
The sheets moved with her body as she rolled, blushing as still perky nipples brushed against the comforter and the slickness between her naked thighs. She looked around, aching for Debbie, but her curiosity getting the best of her as she scoped out the room from the bed.
The dog-eared, tattered book on art theory on Debbie’s night table. A canvas tucked in the corner behind an armchair that she couldn’t quite see, but smirked as she was able to decipher the squished cursive “D.O.” in the bottom right corner of the piece. Little marble figurines. A stack of abandoned paint palettes and charcoals on the floor. A picture of a man who rather resembled Debbie and would be quite handsome if Lou had any interest in men at all. Danny, she assumed. Museum and gallery postcards. An antique trunk that Lou would be good money on holding sex toys instead of sweaters.
“I see you’re finally awake, my sleeper,” a soft voice whispered, throwing Lou slightly in her snooping as she turned to face Debbie. Hair ruffled and curlier. Clean, makeup-less face. Silk, kimono robe. Long, naked legs.
Lou’s gazing and gawking prevented her from uttering any sort of response, but Debbie wasn’t offended in the slightest. The blonde was still trying to let her mind catch up with reality. The club. The hallway with the artwork. The car ride. Last night. It had all seemed absolutely unreal. Her fantasies getting the best of her, she had half-expected to wake up on the floor of an art studio, clutching charcoals in her hand. But this was real. And here was Deborah Ocean. Morning after Debbie. Simple Debbie. At home Debbie. And she was radiant.
“I have to admit,” Debbie chuckled to herself sitting down gingerly on the edge of the bed next to the blonde. “While I was quite taken by the shirtless suit ensemble, I was wishing you had a button down I could’ve stolen this morning to greet you in.”
“I think that would have killed me,” Lou admitted, finally finding her voice as she told herself this was real over and over.
Debbie’s fingers slid towards her, entwining with Lou’s as she let out a soft hum.
“I wish I was the type of woman who could tell you that there’s breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen,” Debbie sighed. “Or that I at least had a cup of coffee to offer you before you go.”
Just as soon as Lou’s heart had started to flutter, she felt it sinking in her chest, Debbie’s words not matching the way she was inching closer to the younger woman as if she felt she’d been too far away for too long and was craving her the way Lou was craving Debbie. She needed her skin against hers. Needed to hear the thrumming of her heartbeat. Her gentle breathing. Needed the scent of her perfume tickling her nose.
“No, it’s nothing like that,” Debbie breathed suddenly, blushing as she shook her head at herself. Lou looked up at her in awe, again wondering how this woman could read her so well without any words or expressions to call her bluff. “I’m just always a bit of a mess in the mornings. I’m actually surprised I was awake before you, but I was just too eager to start our day.”
Our day, Lou thought.
“But then you just looked so peaceful sleeping and I couldn’t bear to wake you and I should’ve attempted to make you eggs or a piece of toast or even had a piece of fruit to offer, but I—“
“Debbie,” Lou smiled, relishing the name of her lips and the way the brunette was rambling, their power stance and confidences almost shifting in a continuous circle, back and forth. “I don’t need anything. Well, aside from you. I most definitely need you. Right this instant, hopefully.”
“Funny you should mention that,” Debbie smirked, licking her lips as she crawled forward to kiss Lou deeply before pulling back with a satisfied grin. “Because I was hoping for exactly the opposites,” she murmured, tucking herself beneath the comforter as she laid across the blonde’s chest, kissing and nipping at her breasts as she slid lower, her hands ghosting along her neck and breasts as her mouth moved towards the blonde’s hips, rolling without Lou’s control as Debbie ran across them like ink, finally breathing against Lou’s heat as she gasped.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Lou laughed, her voice strained as her eyes fluttered, Debbie licking along her inner thigh.
“Out for breakfast,” the brunette mumbled against her heat, twisting Lou’s nipple as she cried out only to be consoled with the swipe of Debbie’s tongue and her melodic moans.
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peachybun-bun · 3 years
D.O (Kyungsoo)
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pairing; D.O (Doh Kyungsoo) x f reader genre; make out session; suggestive notes/warnings; kissing, touching/groping
Song suggestion; D.O - Rose (English Version)
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Hearing the knock on your door, you glance at the clock and smile, knowing who was on the other side. You check your hair, and put on chapstick, before finally opening the door to see Kyungsoo standing there with his arm behind his back. He smiles and tilts his head, before bringing his hand around to the front to show you a single rose, like every single day.
Smiling, you take the rose and bring the red petals to your nose to take in the sweet floral scent. “Where do you find them every single day?”
He laughs and leans against the door frame, before glancing down the street to a neighbor's house, where a few rose bushes were planted, the blooms slowly dwindling. He knew he would need to find a different source before too long.
You turn to the hallway table to place this rose with the others, the vase now holding an impressive bouquet. “Do you want to come in?”
Kyungsoo smiles and nods, stepping over the threshold into your house. He glances at the roses with a satisfied smirk, before looking back at you. “You look pretty, like a spring day.”
You blush and shake your head, closing the door once he is inside the house. “You are good with words…”
He grins as you compliment him, his hand reaching out to take yours. “I’m telling you the truth. You are beautiful. Why do you think I come here every day with a rose?”
You laugh and let him pull you towards him, glancing up at him as his hand rests on your lower back. “I don’t know...did you hit your head?” You reach up to pretend to check for wounds.
Kyungsoo laughs and takes your hand, placing a chaste kiss to your palm, before shaking his head. “I fancy you.”
You laugh at his choice of words. Sometimes, he could sound like he was from a different time. “Well I’m glad, because I fancy you too.”
He smiles against your palm, before letting go of your hand, moving his hand to run his fingers over your cheek. “You do?”
You nod and laugh a bit that he needs to even ask. “I accept every single rose, Kyungsoo... I’d be crazy not to.”
Kyungsoo smiles and leans to press a kiss to your cheek, that makes your breath get caught in your throat. You hadn’t expected that. He pulls back to look at you, his eyes a bit more serious, before his lips move back to your skin, but this time rests on your lips in a soft kiss.
You smile against his lips, your hands moving to rest on his shoulders. You rest your toes on the floor, as your foot literally pops like in a rom com, to his sweet kiss.
He pulls back to look at you, to make sure it’s ok to keep going. You smile up at him, before glancing back at his lips. He doesn’t make you wait, delving back into the kiss a bit deeper, as he walks you backwards towards the couch, causing you to laugh softly as your knees hit the cushion, pulling him down with you so he is laying over you.
“Sorry…” He laughs into the words as he speaks on your lips, starting to move, but your hands keep him where he is.
“Don’t be, stay…”
He furrows his brows and nods, before nudging your nose with his. His lips meet yours again, causing a small happy moan to escape yours, leaving a smile on his lips.
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taem-min-archived · 3 years
Ink heart || o.sh
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PAIRING || Sehun x female reader
GENRES || Horror, angst, yandere (?)
SUMMARY || You were his forever, by blood and ink.
WARNINGS || mentions of blood, yandere behavior, Sehun being delusional in love, character death, mentions of accident
A/N || Yes, this is my fifth draft but hey at least I like this version better. Big thanks to @shining-prism and @a--pl​ for helping me so much with the initial ones.
WC || 0.5K
TAGGING || @exoxobsession @cerisetalks @iminchaosnow @shrutiajit @woo-minhee02 @buttvi @xavi-in-kpopland @whatudoing @spacebyuns @midnightmoi
EVENT || Part of the Suit a Lyric event by @houseofincantations​ thank you for letting me take part!
PROMPTS || Yes I took many- But hey some of these are my most favourite songs like i hate u, i love u, be alright and Paris in the rain.
17."I remember how you looked like at the end. The memory haunts me, as if you're mocking me. You're like a shadow." -Taemin, Shadow
11."Anywhere with you feels like Paris in the rain."- LAUV, Paris in the rain
33."Even though I see you every day you're still pretty and I love it" -Rose, D.O
41. “I’ll search the universe until I can find you again.” - EXO, Universe
54."The universe has moved for us" - BTS, serendipity
9."How is it you never notice, that you are slowly killing me." / "You want her, you need her. And I'll never be her." - Gnash, Olivia O'Brien- i hate you, i love you
16.“You took all of me and left.” - Taeyeon, 11:11
41."I know you love her, but it's over, mate, it doesn't matter, put the phone away."- Dean Lewis, Be alright
6."You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you."- Twenty One Pilots, Heathens
11."Even the veil that hides the smile inside the glass mask is lost." -Taemin, Advice
13."I'm the only one in your arms forever." -Dreamcatcher, BEcause
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“I’ll search the universe until I can find you again.”
The single tear drop fell from his eyes, dampening her skin once more. He hiccupped as he wiped it away, trying to swallow in the pain.
But it was too much for him to bear, too much for his heart to take. He could feel himself breaking under the pain as he raised the pen to ink another line on the skin.
“Baby, you took all of me and left."
The nib of the pen dug into the skin, breaking it until the blood oozed out of it. Sighing with satisfaction, he began carving his name with the new red ink.
Sehun wanted to remember her in every way possible, and he wanted her to remember every aspect of him. 
When she first died, his friends had told him that what he was doing was wrong, that he had to move on.
“I know you love her, but it's over.” Chanyeol had said, but he shook his head in disagreement. Chanyeol wouldn’t understand. He was never in love with her.
Sehun couldn’t, and wouldn’t move on from her. 
“The universe has moved for us." He muttered, staring at his artwork as he had carved his name on the skin with blood. It looked perfect, like now they were tied to each other forever.
It had been almost a month since she left, but he was glad that he could still see her everyday. Everyday he could see her pretty face, her soft features and bathe in her former love.
"Even though I see you every day you're still pretty and I love it" He muttered, running his hands over her ruined skin.
He clearly remembered the day she had died, the way her body was after the car had crashed into her. Covered with blood and bent in odd angles. He had nearly killed the driver in rage.
Here she was crossing the street to meet him, and here a drunk driver rammed his vehicle right into her in a red light.
I remember how you looked like at the end. The memory haunts me, as if you're mocking me. You're like a shadow. 
That’s what she had become for him.
A shadow.
He cradled her body closer to him, trying to capture her long gone body heat.
 "I'm the only one in your arms forever."
He smiled at her, but of course she didn’t return the smile. Frowning at her expressionless face, he forced her lips into a smile and then smiled at the memory. Deep down he knew that even the veil that hid the smile inside the glass mask was lost, and yet this was more than enough for him.
He only had simple wishes in life, and one of them was visiting Paris with her. But it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Anywhere with you feels like Paris in the rain." he muttered, running his hand gently over her carved skin.
He stared at his masterpiece with great satisfaction. All over her body he had marked his name, making her his forever.
Now she was always his, by blood and ink.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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itstheoneshot · 3 years
Summary: You’ve always had a soft spot for your CEO, having worked for him for such a long time now, you’ve climbed the corporate ladder to a seat on the board, and it’s all thanks to him.
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: D.O. x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Public Sex.
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You are sitting in the meeting room, in amongst your co-workers, and you smile as you make eye contact with your boss, CEO Doh Kyungsoo. The meeting has gone on for a while now, surely close to finishing, and you are trying to stay focused. You haven’t been on the board for long, having spent the last few years as an intern, you are finally starting to feel confident in your position at the company. You had spent years studying for this, working day in and day out, being coached by the lovely CEO, you are making a name for yourself, and are now in a respectable place amongst the staff.
As the meeting comes to a close, you wait a moment for those around you to stand before joining them, though as you rise to your feet, you feel a familiar tap on your shoulder.
“Can you stay back for a minute, love?”
Your gaze connects with that of your boss, he stares at you with kindness in his eyes, and a soft smile. You nod, and lean back on the table as you wait for everyone else to leave. You are patient, as Kyungsoo bids everyone farewell, except for you of course, and you watch as he follows the last person to the door, before shutting it, and then turning back to you.
“Is everything alright, sir?” You ask tentatively, as Kyungsoo returns to his seat, he sits spread-legged, leaning back into the chair.
“It’s okay, doll. I just wanted to have a quick chat.” He replies, gesturing for you to come closer.
You walk around to his side of the board table, and stand less than a metre from him. He eyes you up and down, as he ponders his next words. You begin to feel a little nervous under his watchful gaze, though he reads this from you, and smiles once more.
“I need to talk to you about professionalism, love.” He continues, as your mind begins to race.
“Oh? What did I do?” You ask worriedly, trying to recall everything you had said during the meeting, though you can’t think of anything that you could have said wrong.
“It’s not what you did, sweetheart. It’s what you are wearing, just look at you.” He advises, raising a hand to gesture at your body.
You look down, at your tight-fitting white blouse, tucked into a gray-plaid pleated skirt. The skirt is short, too short, you now know, and your legs are bare underneath, no stockings, though it is the middle of summer, so you thought it was too warm. You wear black heeled boots on your feet, they accentuate your legs, though apparently too much, according to your boss.
“I— I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t think this was inappropriate, but I know better now.” You stutter, feeling a blush run to your cheeks.
“No, angel, it’s okay. Don’t be upset, you just need to be a little more careful next time.” He soothes you, reaching out to take your hand.
You nod, looking down at your feet while you will your tears away. You feel so stupid for messing up like this, and even more so for getting emotional like you are right now.
Kyungsoo tugs on your hand, pulling you closer to him, your knees knock against one of his, as you stop yourself from coming any closer.
“My lovely girl, don’t cry... look at me.” He urges.
You lift your head to look at him, tears welling in your eyes despite how hard you are fighting them down. Kyungsoo takes your other hand, now holding both with both of his, he guides you to step even closer to him, so you’re standing with one of his legs in between both of yours.
“Yes, sir?” You ask quietly.
He lifts one of your hands to his mouth, pressing those soft, luscious lips to your fingers in a gentle kiss, he gazes up at you with an intent stare.
“I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about you, okay? You’re a good girl, even when you don’t dress like one, right?”
“Mhmm,” You nod, “I promise, I’m good.”
Kyungsoo smirks, as he pulls your hands down, supporting you to rest on his thigh. You pout at him, as you try to stand back up, conscious of how exposed you feel, with only your thin panties on under your skirt, you can feel every muscle through his trousers, though this is exactly where he wanted you.
“Are you sure, Princess?” He asks, chuckling as you whine when he tenses his leg under you.
“Y-yes, sir.” You respond, gasping as he tenses up again.
Kyungsoo lifts his heel off the floor, pressing his thigh into you, and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You are ashamed at how quickly arousal flows through your body, your cheeks flush a deep red as Kyungsoo pulls you harder down on him. You gasp, biting your lip as you try to contain yourself, though your hips reflexively grind against the muscle pressed to your core.
“Are you okay? You’re looking a little flustered there, angel.” Kyungsoo purrs, only making your cheeks blush harder.
You try to pull your hands away from his, wanting to cover your face, but his grip on your wrists only gets tighter, and he clicks his tongue at you.
“You wanted this, didn’t you? Wanted to wear a short skirt, so you could show me your pretty legs, wanted me to touch you?” He croons, moving your hands so that he can rest them on your thighs, his fingers tickling against your bare skin.
You want to deny him, but you know that he is right. You know that you love the way he stares at you, his eyes dark and full of lust, you love the way that he gets when you tease him just a little too much, when he tells you what to do, how to act, what to feel.
“Use your words, doll. Good girls know to use their words...” He teases, letting go of your wrists so that he can hold your thighs instead.
You nod, before mumbling another “Yes, sir.” as Kyungsoo’s hands trace up your thighs, reaching the hem of your skirt, and running his fingers underneath it, close, painfully close.
“Oh baby, you need this, don’t you? Feels good, huh?” Kyungsoo asks, lifting his heel again, though this time you don’t hold back in grinding down onto him.
“Ah, fuck yes, sir.” You whine, as Kyungsoo finds your core through your panties.
As he runs his finger across your clothed slit, you watch him bite his lip as he takes a deep exhale, grounding himself, as you grow ever desperate for more.
“Shit, you’re wet doll, gonna make a mess of my pants.” Kyungsoo groans, you can see him faltering.
You break eye contact to stare down at his lap, noticing the growing bulge, though Kyungsoo doesn’t give himself up this easily, and you know it. Though he sees you staring, and it makes him chuckle, you lift your gaze to his again.
“Want something?” He asks cheekily, raising a brow at you.
“You, sir. I want you.” You reply breathlessly, as every second with his thigh against you has you wanting more.
“You know the rules, angel, you gotta show me you can cum first before I help you.” He replies, teasing your entrance for only a moment more before pulling his hands away.
You attempt to take a hand to your wet, though Kyungsoo immediately grabs your wrists instead, shaking his head at you.
“No hands, babydoll. You can do this without them, I know you can.” He assures you.
You whimper as you grind yourself into his leg, hoping to relieve some of the pressure in you, though you are not sure if you can get yourself there. Grinding your clit into your CEO’s thigh, panting as you pull yourself closer to release, not close enough, you feel like you might start crying if you can’t get there soon.
“Having trouble, angel?” He teases, watching as you desperately try to help yourself.
You stare down at his crotch again, and find yourself imagining riding his cock instead, knowing the way it fills you up just right. You find this helps a little, you picture his lips on you, you think about him having you bent over the table like he has done so many times before, fuck, you’re getting close.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you, baby?” Kyungsoo asks, mesmerised by your moaning as you fuck yourself on his thigh.
“Can I, sir? Can I please cum?” You ask, knowing from experience that permission is a must before you do anything.
“Hmm,” He ponders, “How badly do you want to?”
You whimper as you try to contain yourself, but with each second that passes, and the way that Kyungsoo’s hands now rest on your hips, helping you get closer to climax, you are struggling to speak, or focus on anything at all.
“I need it sir, please, I need it.” You whine, as your toes begin to curl, and your thighs twitch.
“Cum, doll, show me how good it feels.” He urges you.
You don’t need to be asked twice, as you let your orgasm break through, arousal flows from you, soaking your panties through to Kyungsoo’s suit pants, as you moan, breathing laboured, as you lose yourself on him.
“Good girl...” He soothes, “and now it’s my turn.”
Kyungsoo guides you to sit on the table behind him, laughing as he watches your body shake, he looks down at his pants, the wet patch so prominent on his black trousers.
“Fuck, doll, gonna need new pants, but first, priorities.” He purrs, standing up to unbuckle his belt.
His pants drop to the floor, at the same time as he guides you to lift your hips, pulling your panties from you and discarding them aside. Now, finally, he leans in to kiss you with those plump, soft lips. You melt into the embrace, as Kyungsoo takes his cock to your cunt, dripping and sensitive from your first high, he wastes no time entering you, thrusting in to bottom out.
“Oh, Princess, your pussy is fucking perfect.” He moans, grabbing you by the hips, bringing you in to meet him as he pulls out to thrust back in again.
You are dizzy at this point, overwhelmed as being filled up is all that is on your mind. You got what you wanted, and now Kyungsoo is after only one thing, chasing his own high as he fucks into you. Watching you cum for him, cum on him, had him so close to finishing already, but he needed your tight walls around him to get him there.
“So good, sir, you fuck me so good.” You drawl, wrapping your legs around his waist for support as you throw your head back.
Kyungsoo kisses from your lips, and down your neck, his hot breath on your skin sends shivers down your spine. The angle he fucks you in is just right, hitting your g-spot, you are going to lose yourself again, though he wants this too.
“You want to cum again already, doll? You’re lucky I have another meeting, we have to be quick.” He tells you, feeling the way you clench around him each time he thrusts harder.
“Sir... please?” You ask, your pitch jumping an octave as he speeds up.
He does not reply, instead lifting your chin, bringing your lips to his, his kisses enough to tell you that it is time to let go. You do again, though this time with the man inside you, the sensation is completely different. You gasp, as only moments later you feel Kyungsoo follow suit, filling you up, as he clumsily thrusts out his seed, his moans mixing with yours in a beautiful harmony.
“My lovely girl.” He sighs as he pulls out of you.
You blush, as he reaches down to hand your panties to you, and you stretch your legs out to pull them back on. You swing your legs from your position seated on the table as Kyungsoo dresses himself, and then leans in to kiss you a final time. He leans back to admire you, and winks before he speaks again.
“You need to watch yourself, sweet angel. You have to be professional.”
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