#thannk u for providing me a good launchpad to write a little bit of lore over :)))
paper-mario-wiki · 12 days
it occurred to me that you might not actually see the post i made of this drawing so im dropping it here too... anyways apparently scientists figured out that yellow food dye can make a mouse's skin transparent (something about refraction indexes) and it reminded me of your lil mousey :) so heres this lol
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she discovers this fact while working at the lab.
over the weekend while she's off work, she replicates the experiment at home because it seemed cool.
well, she didn't really "replicate" it, it was more like she ground up a bag of doritos in her blender and rubbed it all over her tummy for 15 minutes-- a significant departure from the diluted liquid dye hooked up to an intravenous drip that they had at the lab, but she was told the important part is that the dye is absorbed into the dermis. why not direct contact?
and it kinda worked! but not as windowpane-clear as it was in the lab. it was more like a windowpane covered in peanutbutter someone tried to wipe off with a single mcdonalds napkin. but hey, experiment still successful.
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