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sleepy-achilles · 1 year ago
TikToks in my FOD universe part 8/???
Fun stuff below da cut
1. Posted by a fan. Mainly footage from bts videos or wrestler vlogs.
Caption- remeber the time Leon was the big one and drew was the small one? God times have changed and I'm thankful because look a them.
2. Posted by a fan. Footage from alexa and Leon's time as The Fiends minions.
Caption- Firefly Alexa and Leon were a gift from whatever higher power, because look at them! Listen to them! The tension, the serving, urg beautiful. Thank you fiendie
3. Posted by a fan, reblogged by everyone. Blew up. Footage from fod vlogs.
Caption- Learning Leon was a slut who was tamed by drew is a fanfic writers wet dream and I'm here for it. But also, John and Leon? They are serving in the latest vlogs.
4. Posted by the official wwe accounts when Taker announced retirement.
Caption- Sometimes, the students out grow the mentor. And sometimes, it hurts everyone involved. #thankyoutaker.
5. Posted by a fan. Blew up, along with the hash tag, toturting Leon Michaels
Caption- When they are a powerful sibling duo and they are the most successful and have the most fun when it comes to torturing Leon. (Even if Leon always gets revenge) atleast they always look good doing it.
6. Posted by a fan, reblogged by everyone including wwe official account. Blew up. And reblows up everytime someone reblogs it.
Caption- 'When his eyes turn from his usual siren to doe eyes? That's when your truly in danger' - Roman Reigns when asked about Leon's sudden change to baby face and whether he believes Leon is still a threat. Also who knew baby face Leon would be so submissive and breedable? Like damn, thanks drew.
7. Posted by a fan. Cassie always rblogs their stuff.
Caption- In honor of the trauma duo winning hottest wrestlers of the year, them being the king and queen they are.
8. Posted by a fan
Caption- The gayest man in the company and he had all our mom's in the 90s eating out of his hand and now, in the present time, he and his kids have us eating out of their hands still. The original beauty of wwe and he gifted us with future generations of beauty's. Thank you Shawn.
9. Me when the trauma duo go through more trauma because vince hasn't learnt- 👁👄👁.
Like give them a break vinnie. They deserve better than this. The fact Leon and John have a normal (well kinda) duo name, the same for cassie and John and then we have cassie and Leon, the trauma duo, hurts my heart.
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helixtheman · 2 months ago
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Never knew that this no name person in yugioh 5d's during crash town was a homage to WWE'S undertaker
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#thankyou #thankyouGod #thankyouJesus #thankyoulord #thankyouskateboarding #ThankYouForYourService #thankyoutoronto #thankyousomuch #thankyoucanada #thankyouall #thankyouuniverse #thankyouteami #thankyoukobe #thankyouveterans #thankyoucard #thankyougift #thankyoucards #thankyounotes #thankyouverymuch #thankyouAmsterdam #ThankYouForTheLove #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyoutaker #thankyouforeverything #thankyougifts #thankyouAllah #thankyoumom #thankyouguys #thankyouforbeingafriend #ThankYouIndianArmy
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year ago
Yess my viking american latino!! everything except a gypsy biblical character.
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undertaker-gifs · 4 years ago
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ruhunuseytanasatanadam · 4 years ago
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roddyjo · 5 years ago
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"I did things my way, and I'm gonna leave my way. And I'm good with that." - Mark Calaway.
The Undertaker. 1990 - 2020.
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chuckelarms · 5 years ago
Not to jump on the Undertaker bandwagon, but I’ve been watching WWE since I was a young warthog, and I’ve stopped watching and started watching again and been on and off watching plenty of times.
As I was writing this, I was reminded of a video that I linked hopefully directly below this sentence.
The very first wrestling match I saw was Kane vs. MVP in an Inferno match, so I was roughly 9 or 10. And when you see something like that when you’re a kid like me, the world changes. I fell in love instantly. All I knew was people beating the crap out of each other, rooting for the “good guys” and booing the “bad guys” at that time. When I first saw this Undertaker, I didn’t get it, but hey, he can really beat the snot out of guys, right?!
But as I got older, I realized that this Undertaker was truly larger than life. So much more than just a wrestler. So much more than just Mark Calaway. So much more than the Dead Man, the American Badass, the Phenom, a Brother of Destruction. So much more than words can describe. He became to me what he had to so many others. I’m not silver tongued, so I can’t explain it fully, but he was inspiring and awesome, in the truest sense of the words.
The Undertaker, the Phenom, the American Badass, Mark Calaway is truly one of the goats of all of entertainment history, as one of the commentators of Smackdown said. Mark Calaway, perhaps more than any other wrestler, has brought an unending amount of joy and entertainment to people around the world, and has inspired countless others to become wrestlers, and countless wrestlers to better themselves and the craft for our entertainment.
I wish I could say more and really get across what WWE and the Undertaker have meant to me growing up and what they continue to mean to me. I can’t imagine the weight Mark Calaway has felt being the Undertaker, and I hope he has loved it as much as we have loved him. I hope he knows that he’s changed the lives of so many, and has created many fond memories throughout the world. He will forever live in our hearts and minds.
Thank you, Taker.
Thank you, Mark Calaway.
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kayfabeconspiracy · 4 years ago
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A rare photo of The Undertaker and “Fake” Undertaker (Brian Lee) with Yokozuna in the back
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twistedtwinsproductions · 4 years ago
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#ThankYouTaker https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6zAj3lDLPqopMPZlEkoMBbncZ8sx62Grza940/?igshid=137zvizdchyky
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brandontalkswrestling · 5 years ago
Looks like The Deadman may finally put to rest. If so, I hope that he is as happy as all of us who were lucky enough to watch him for the past 30 years.
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adriheavymetal · 5 years ago
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Taker💀💪⚡🔝🙏👊👊 my fav wrestler of all time ❤💀💪👊
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undertaker-gifs · 4 years ago
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djvillain · 4 years ago
WWE Survivor Series 2020 Review: #ThankYouTaker
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khatiblogs · 4 years ago
Our Childhood Superhero Has retired.
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roddyjo · 5 years ago
I missed the final episode of The Last Ride on Sunday because of family stuff. finally watched it last night.
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