ta1dagrn-blog · 5 years
Internet and the Law
This was the coolest course ever. Although we had to work, I must admit that I loved the assignments and discussions. Even, the videos were a little hilarious with the professors “little helper/assistant.”
Before this class, I had never thought to stop and read the terms and conditions or the Privacy Policy page on websites where I register my information. I now realize that I could possibly sign my life away and not even realize it until it was too late. The things listed on some of these pages are ridiculously outrageous. How could these people get away with some of the things listed as an agreement to say? “The lack of knowledge!” I now truly understand why they say, “reading is fundamental.” I really don’t have a favorite assignment or discussion in this class, because I loved each and every one of them, which is unusual and maybe a first for me. Although, it entitled us to push our research skills a little more, this was a very information and learning course and there isn’t much of any thing I would change about it, besides maybe have more time to gain more information. There should be like a part one of this course taught right after Mastery and then part two in the middle and the final part at the end. There are so many laws being created and passed each day.
As I approach the end of this journey, this chapter in my life, as always I want to thank Full Sail for giving me the opportunity to better my self, to discover my hidden treasures, and to make new life time friends. This course and all the others has been a building block, some blocks were a little bigger and hard so I stumbled, but I over came each one. I love Full Sail and the Full Sail family.
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