#thanksgiving whump
mj-iza-writer · 10 months
This was definitely supposed to be posted a few days ago. So let's pretend that that happened and not on Thanksgiving day. Ugh!
"Mister, Caretaker, sir", Whumpee gently knocked on the office door.
"Yes Whumpee", Caretaker smiled cheerfully at them, "how can I help you?"
"Um I'm sorry to bother you, but, I-I have a question", Whumpee pulled at their sleeves.
"Okay, absolutely come in. You're not bothering me", Caretaker leaned up to their desk, "you can take a seat if you like", they offered.
Whumpee timidly walked up to the desk, and stood.
"That works to", Caretaker smiled.
"I keep hearing about this Thanksgiving thingy, and your spouse is talking about all of these foods and plans. But, what is Thanksgiving again, I don't remember it", Whumpee looked down.
"It's when people gather around the people they love, its a time to be thankful for the things we may have and the people in our lives. Some have a harder time then others during this time of year though, so it can be hard for some", Caretaker looked at Whumpee sadly, "do you remember any time before Whumper when you may have celebrated Thanksgiving?"
"No sir, not really. What do we do during the celebration?", Whumpee looked at them.
"Well, everyone is a little different, of course. For our house, we have family members come over, and we spend the day together. There's often a football game on, and we watch the parade in the morning. The kitchen is very busy all day as we all help cook, and then when everything is prepared, we gather around and eat our meal", Caretaker thought for a second, "everyone coming over is safe for you to be around as well, no one will try to harm you. They are excited to meet you."
"You mean I get to be part of your Thanksgiving", Whumpee almost jumped in excitement.
"Yes of course, our family is very happy to have you join us", Caretaker smiled, "like I said everyone is safe to be around, and if you need me, I'll be close by for you."
"Hmm", Whumpee thought, "I remember now, there was a time Whumper tied me up and left me in their closet. I could hear a lot of people downstairs, and the smell of the house made me hungry", Whumpee frowned, "I don't know what day that was though, but I spent that night hoping for just a bite of the yummy smelling food."
"Whumpee I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Did you ever get any of the yummy smelling food?", Caretaker sighed.
"No sir, although they did give me butter on my bread, and some milk. I was thankful for that", Whumpee smiled.
"Well, you will definitely have plenty of food, my spouse and our family love to cook", Caretaker smiled, "I on the other hand burn water, so I get ushered out of the kitchen fairly often."
"I'm excited sir, I can't wait to smell everything, and know I can eat some of it as well", Whumpee exclaimed, "what foods will be there?"
"All kinds, plus all kinds of dessert as well", Caretaker promised.
"Sweets", Whumpee almost jumped.
"Yes, pies, cakes, cookies, you name it", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee grew more and more excited.
"And I really get to be part of this Caretaker?", Whumpee looked at him, for a moment they got serious, "you really mean it?"
"Yes, I am being very serious, but you need to promise me one thing", Caretaker looked at them.
"Okay?", Whumpee looked at them.
"During the day, we need to do check-ins. There will be a lot going on, and you may get overwhelmed. So throughout the day, I may stop you and make sure you are okay. If there is a moment you feel overwhelmed, you can get me, or even my spouse", Caretaker explained, "my office here and your bedroom will be our safe zones, so off limits to others. If you need to take a breather or have a rest away from other people, those will be the places to do so. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes Caretaker", Whumpee smiled.
"Okay, that's good. This will be your first big event after your rescue, so you could get overwhelmed, at any point feel free to step away. Even if you can't find me, or my spouse, go to those safe zones. We will probably come to check on you soon after", Caretaker stood.
"Let's go see if they need any help. There is a lot of planning that goes into the meal and the long weekend", Caretaker started to walk to the door, and they both went to the kitchen.
"Aww there you are", Caretaker's spouse looked up and smiled at Whumpee "where have you been?"
"Oh we've been in my office for a few minutes talking about Thanksgiving", Caretaker grinned, "you know this will be their first Thanksgiving in a long time, they are very excited."
Caretaker's spouse smiled, "well I have a job for Whumpee, if you are up to it", they looked at Whumpee.
Whumpee eagerly nodded.
"I need two official taste testers", the spouse smiled, "Caretaker always helps with that job, but I think Whumpee will be able to help this year."
"How do you do that?", Whumpee looked at Caretaker, then at their spouse.
"Well you take a taste of something that we've made, and if you say yum right away, we know it taste good", the spouse smiled.
"It's really fun", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee almost had stars in their eyes, "okay."
"It's just small bites, we don't want you to be to full before the meal", Caretaker smiled, "this way, you will also know what to load up on your plate."
"Let's do a practice round", Caretaker's spouse suggested, "I just finished these pies, let's taste these and see which is our favorite."
Once the pies were served, they started to taste them.
"Ooh, I really like this one", Caretaker pointed, "what do you think Whumpee, which one donyou like."
"Can I say I like them all", Whumpee talked with their mouth full.
"You can absolutely say that", Caretaker's spouse smiled, "I think I like them all to."
Caretaker looked up, "Yep, they're all amazing."
"Alright these are all on the menu for Thanksgiving", Caretaker's spouse smiled, "let the feast begin."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
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whumpookies · 2 years
To my mutuals over the pond, happy Thanksgiving and in the style of a whumper..
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I couldn't help it 🤣
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redd956 · 2 years
Prompt 17
Whump Prompt
CW: Drugging/Poison, Creepy Whumper, violence, torture, the usual for whump, did some things out of my usual
Whumper’s eyes gleamed down at a whumpee, who still attempted to show defiance and control. Whumpee brushed at the blood on their face with their bruised knuckles, giving Whumper shots of glares even though they knew they looked pathetic. 
They hated even more how it made Whumper smile. Whumper, who lazily turned a glass of wine around in his palms, was just delighted by a whumpee who takes so long to break. They fantasized in their head what they wanted to try next, allowing one hand to slip over to a bundle of estranged tools. They watched as Whumpee flinched at the sight of them.
Whumpee gulped down their fear. They knew they only needed to hold on for a little longer. Whumper wasted no time once they settled on an idea, setting their now empty cup aside, and deciding on their trusty combat knife. They felt warm with wine, and at this point were physically aching for something to do.
They laced the knife against Whumpee’s skin, listening to Whumpee hiss in anticipation. The hissing turned to held back whimpers, which became gasp of air and barely held back pleas. Whumper’s work became slower, and lazier than usual, starting to miss the marks they wanted, and fail to enter as deeply.
The knife clattered to the ground, and Whumper tiredly glanced at it like a kid who dropped their ice cream cone. They stood up ignoring how the room spun, chopping it down to being tipsy. But when they went to pick it up, they couldn’t bring themselves back into a stand.
Whumper’s eyelids grew heavy. The bored aching became real pain felt deep within Whumper’s bones. The warmth became blistering. Whumper felt their own cheeks flush, and rolled their eyes over to make sure Whumpee wasn’t watching. But Whumpee was, and was enjoying every last second of it.
Finally they spoke as Whumper allowed themselves to fully sink to the floor, “How was your wine Whumper? I put a little something in it for you.”
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brutal-nemesis · 10 months
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she's just like me fr fr
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
Just letting people know but if anyone ever plans to make a sickfic or any sick whump-related art/content of raincode, please let me know asap 👀
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Caretaker offer a sick Whumpee some clear soup but in a cup so it's easier for them to consume -- no need for multiple utensils, easily spilled bowls, etc. -- only for Whumpee for completely flip out because it's the wrong container and their poor delirious brain can't cope!
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wisteria-whump · 2 years
whumpee who gets sick as soon as (or even before) they're on holiday break from work/school
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
For the five sentence fics I’d love something cute with Nate and Mina or Nate and Danny! Maybe “he never really danced well” or whatever sparks joy :-)
He never really danced well, but he doesn't plan to let that stop him.
Danny, taller than he is, lanky and lean, rests his cheek against the top of Nate's head, against his silvered black hair. Danny's own silver streaks are starting to overtake the red in his waves, giving him the look of a man with tinsel in his hair.
Between them, Mina naps with her own tiny chubby face resting on Danny's collarbone, one ear pressed just over his heart. The kitchen in this house is bright and warm and large, smelling like the braided bread Danny has spent two days perfecting, working the dough with hands that remember too easily the blistering Canadian cold in the past.
The three of them sway, slowly, in time to the song playing from the speaker in the living room.
This day is a hard one, but Nate can feel the way Danny's tension melts to its baseline, the whispered fears that cannot become screaming. Not here. Not in this kitchen.
Not with his husband and his baby in his arms.
"So," Nate says, a little husky, lifting his chin to catch Danny's mouth with his own, watching with love the way wrinkles crinkle at the corner of Danny's eyes - just barely - just a little. Laugh lines and crow's feet and who'd have ever guessed they'd survive to have either of those things?
"So," Danny whispers back. Mina snuffles in her sleep, soft little noises that make Nate's heart break. "So what?"
"Want t-to lay Mina down?"
Danny blinks, and Nate crooks an eyebrow and a slightly wicked smile. After a pause, Danny looks down at Mina's perfect fuzz of thick black hair. "... No, not right now," He murmurs. "I just want to... to feel her, to feel... here. Right now."
"Okay." Nate presses another kiss to warm lips, and knows every holiday thins the already blurry line between past and present for Danny. Some days he can barely remembers what year it is at all. "C-can we k-k-keep dancing?"
"Fuck, yes."
Nate grins. "D-dollar for the swear j-jar, Danny."
"Doesn't count if she can't even understand words yet!"
"Sure d-does."
Danny groans, but closes his eyes and moves, slow shuffling side to side, with Nate as the song changes.
Both of them ignore the quicker beat and continue their slow dance.
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radarsteddybear · 2 years
Name, Rank, and Serial Number
Title: Name, Rank, and Serial Number
Fandom: Hogan's Heroes
Summary: Carter is taken in by the Gestapo for…questioning.
Warnings/Tags: hurt/comfort, whump, torture
Written for: Falling for Hogan's Heroes
Crossposted to AO3 and ff.net; links in reblogs.
“Sergeant Andrew Carter, thirty-five thirty-six oh-seven-oh-nine."
“Sergeant Andrew Carter, thirty-five thirty-six oh-seven-oh-nine.”
Sergeant Andrew Carter, thirty-five thirty-six...oh-seven-oh-nine.”
The leather whip licked at Carter’s back, slicing through Carter’s undershirt and tearing his skin to shreds.
“Sergeant Andrew Carter, thirty-five...thirty-six...oh-seven...”
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mj-iza-writer · 10 months
Whumpee rushed around the kitchen for most of the day, cooking the Thanksgiving feast.
They kept good spirits as they cooked, believing the food was going to taste amazing at the end of the struggles.
They peaked out at Whumper, who was reclined on the couch with their buddies, watching the game.
They quickly went back into the kitchen, and checked the turkey.
"Almost done", Whumpee sighed.
"Oh good", Whumper surprised them from the kitchen entrance, "we are getting hungry."
"Yes, Master. The turkey needs a few more minutes, everything else just needs to pulled out, and it's ready", Whumpee smiled, "I'm hungry to."
"Will you come with me for one moment", Whumper left the kitchen.
Whumpee quickly followed.
"I'll be a few minutes", Whumper spoke to their friends, who nodded.
Whumper and Whumpee went to the back of the house where Whumpee was kept when they weren't needed.
"Um Master, what's going on?", Whumpee stood at the doorway of their room.
Whumper flashed an evil grin.
The room held only one thing, a cage. Whumpee's cage.
"Get in the cage", Whumper held the door to the cage.
"No please", Whumpee backed out of the room, "please don't", they almost whispered, voice cracking.
"I'll not ask again", Whumper stepped toward them threateningly, "get in the cage."
Whumpee sobbed, "please."
Whumper grabbed Whumpee's wrist and yanked them back into the room. They slammed Whumpee to the floor, then closed the door.
Whumpee groaned and looked at Whumper with pleading eyes.
Whumpee forced themself to get up and crawl towards the cage.
"I-I'm going, please have mercy", Whumpee pleaded as they scrambled into the cage, "please."
"Now that's better", Whumper slammed the cage door and sighed. They hurried out of the room.
A few minutes later Whumper came back carrying something.
"The food looks great, my friends say thankyou", Whumper unlatched the cage door and slid a microwave turkey dinner in, "enjoy your Thanksgiving meal", Whumper chuckled.
Whumpee looked at the meal and then looked up at Whumper teary-eyed.
"What do we say?", Whumper closed the cage harshly.
"Tha-thankyou m-master", Whumpee tried hard not to cry.
Whumper left the room, Whumpee could hear the door being locked.
Whumpee shakingly reached for the microwaved meal.
"It's still partially frozen", they sighed as they felt the bottom, "they couldn't even give me a fork."
Whumpee couldn't control their crying anymore and was full on weeping now.
They put their knees to their chest and rested their chin on their knees. They shook as their tears continued to fall.
They felt their stomach gurgle, and eyed the dinner again.
They sighed and reached for the dish.
"Happy Thanksgiving to me", they sighed and took a bite of the icy turkey.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @sacredwrath @the-beasts-have-arrived @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
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queerdiazs · 1 year
my (guilty) pleasure is post-lawsuit fics 🥰🤤
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gracetoldmeto · 2 years
Oh, where’d I get my sense of humor?
Pfft, just the Trauma grocery store. 
This year I unlocked Aisle 22 where I'm currently deciding between items labelled “Orphan Jokes” and “99 things you didn’t know about Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder” and also “Overdue stories I tell my therapist”
Aisle 19 was empty except for “Familial Cancer” and Aisle 20 only had “dead mom lol” and “Intro to Grief 101″ so we had to find better and more expensive content.
How am I affording all of this, you ask?
I was given some confusing coupon right before Aisle 1 that read “1 Free Item on the 11th shelf of Aisle 22, you are not allowed to refuse the item” and the fine print on THAT item read “Surprise ADHD!!! You’ve been paying twice as much as everyone else your entire life lol we’re not gonna change that, but we’ve now arbitrarily decided you’re allowed to know, take that as you will.”
So, short answer? I’m broke.
Can’t wait for Aisle 23 I’m gonna be so funny then, I can FEEL it
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Stepdad!joel stepdad!joel stepdad!joel stepdad!joel stepdad!joel 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Amazon 📦
2700, stepdad!Joel x f!reader. Stepdad Master List
New: BONUS SNAPCHATS, and one more (what if)
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Ty for always ID-ing stepdad in the wild @gracieispunk including this pic ILYSM!!
SUMMARY: You give Joel the cold shoulder. He's sad and horny and finds a way to get your attention with a gift. He snapchats you a lot. A/N: Shout-out to @scratchietella (cum ask). WARNINGS: I8+, POV alternates twice, jacking off, stepcest, degradation, angst, reflection on cheating, a bit of whump and a hint of reader dacryphilia. Joel comes a lot (7x or so?), and I spelled it the short way for disambiguation.  NO use of Y/N. 
After you let Joel give you head, he thinks he’s back in your good graces despite cheating with your mom. But as soon as Joel leaves your room, you must be putting on your clothes. Because within less than a minute, you call Jacques on your way downstairs-–in earshot–to apologize on Joel's behalf for rushing him out.  
Joel follows you downstairs, but your Mom is on her way in.  You go out the front door, and when your Mom walks in from the garage, Joel is standing at the kitchen with his hair all messed up from running his hands through it in distress.  He doesn’t know if you’re going to Jacques’s, back to your apartment, or out, but he doesn’t like it. Joel knows he has no right to tell you anything, but that doesn’t stop him from calling you.  You don’t answer.  
Your Mom isn’t home for long.  She goes right back out, at which point Joel goes straight to his dresser to retrieve both pairs of your panties: The pair you gagged him with after he gave you a ride home, and the pair you stuffed in his pocket in the kitchen on Thanksgiving. The ones from the car are already ruined by his own cum, but the ones from Thanksgiving are all you. 
Joel lies on the bed and lubes up his cock, still hard from eating you out.  He puts on his glasses and looks at the screenshots he took of you before he knew Snapchat was telling on him. He whimpers as he strokes himself.
After a minute of looking at your scandalous photos, he feels pathetic for clinging to such a tiny morsel of you when he needs it all. He tosses his phone aside, closes his eyes, and smothers his face with your panties as he strokes himself.  He takes in deep breaths and he grunts and moans into them, and his hips involuntarily flex like his fist might as well be you. 
For the thousandth time, he imagines putting an end to his misery by just fucking your shit up.  Busting in your door, grabbing you by the throat slamming you against the wall.  Shoving his tongue down your throat and his hand between your legs. Tearing your clothes off as you whimper his name. Then taking you to bed, only so he can put you on your back and spread you wide open.
He'd memorize the folds of your dripping cunt as it twitches and begs for his tongue. Flip you over and shove himself in without warning, making you mewl as his girth splits you in two. Pounding you. Spanking you. Yeahh, just railing into your needy whore cunt as you whimper under him.  He sees your face screwing up as he cums inside you with a harsh grunt, finally giving you what you wanted all this time, a cunt full of his load.  
Cut to his own fist full of it on his bed. As he lies there breathing, the shame sets in. Not only the stepcest shame, but also the knowledge that he'd never have the balls to do any of that. It’s barely believable enough to get off to.  And then the guilt sets in – the guilt of what he did, how he fucked things up with you.  He feels guiltier about this than he felt for cheating on your Mom. He feels like he cheated on you. 
He puts away the evidence and washes his hands. Then he stares at your text convo. He has to figure out how to make things right. 
You don't respond to a single text or snap for the next week or so, and you don’t come back to the house either. Joel feels even more desperate. He’d do anything, if he only knew what might help.  He needs something to get your attention. He doesn’t sleep with your Mom, and your Mom doesn’t care. She doesn’t even bring it up. He’s pretty sure she’s having an affair anyway. Brazenly.  For her to confront Joel about his lack of interest would be to risk Joel confronting her about the affair. Joel isn't sure if it’s physical or just emotional, but it doesn’t matter much. He’s over it. 
Joel thinks about you at night and wonders if you think about him, too. He envisions what you might look like, thinking of him.  He imagines you with your spine arched, toy between your legs, closing your eyes, just soaking your sheets as you sigh his name. One night, he’s picturing this, really choking his cock.  He groans then sighs as he cums into his fist.  And then, when he’s recovering from his climax, that’s when it hits him.  How to get your attention. 
You’re lying on the couch watching TV.  You’re distracted.  Joel’s outreach has been ambiguous so far.  He hasn’t said anything about your mom. He hasn’t begged for pictures, much less for another chance. He’s only begged for forgiveness, over text.  You haven’t opened his snapchats because you don't want to be reminded about what he did.  You don’t want a serious talk or a lecture or god forbid details.  You don’t even want a sincere apology, unless it’s in the interest of fucking you.  
You get a notification that you have a package at the leasing office and sigh in exasperation that you have to make the trip there when it's probably not even yours. You aren't expecting anything, but sure enough, it has your name on it. 
It’s a vibrator.  Your heart races when you read the gift message. “Thinking of you. A lot. I’m sorry. J.” Unwanted butterflies swarm in your chest and you try to bat them away. He even included an extra pack of batteries.  How. . . thoughtful. Smart, too, because if it were rechargeable, you’d never plug it in.  It would feel like an admission of forgiveness. But since it’s battery-operated, you can just pull the battery tab as soon as you get horny. And of course you do. You lay on the sofa where you and Joel hooked up before and you take the toy for a spin. His ploy is working, you’re thinking of him, and you’re too horny to care.
You finally open his snapchats. They're a mix of horny and pathetic videos. They start off horny, just showing you a bulge in his pants or he's jacking off with your panties.  
Video: Then something non-sexual. A closeup where he’s just looking at you with messy hair, puppy dog eyes, and dark circles. “Talk to me. Yell at me, I don’t care. I'll take anything.” 
Video: Then horny. Palming himself over his joggers.  Whining your name in a whisper.  “Please.” His desperation turns you on. 
Video: A sad one the same night. He's sweating, looking like a little more of a mess, forehead glistening, catching his breath. "Don't throw this away." He breathes for a few more seconds.
Video: Another sad one another day where he doesn’t really say anything but his face says it all.  He looks awful, as if he’s not sleeping. Red eyelids, might have been crying.  He starts to say something, “I—” he takes a deep breath. Then he shakes his head, looks up and it cuts off. 
Video: A horny one that must have been the same night. He looks the same, but his reddened eyes look hungry. His lips are parted and he's taking in a shaky breath with his arm moving slowly off screen. "I just miss you." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He turns the camera down where his clothed erection sticking straight up in his joggers, just jutting into the air. His hand pushes it down and he slowly grabs it.
You leave his snaps on "seen," not even beginning to reply. Then a few minutes later he sends a new one.  A minute after that, another one.  You leave those unseen for the time being.
Joel sees you open the old snaps. That's progress, he thinks, and boldly assumes you open them when you’re horny. When he starts to second guess that assumption, he gets self conscious and thinks it might be for the better that you don’t open the last two snaps. They might have been too much. . .
Video: He’s sitting in his office chair in front of a full length mirror. He’s manspreading and his joggers are hugging him in a way that emphasizes his bulge.  His big, veiny hand is slowly rubbing his inner thigh, getting closer and closer to where he desperately wants your touch. He says, “Ya know,” (deep breath) “I should be doin’ that for you.” Then he palms his arousal and says, “Ahh, fuck it.”  
Video: A few minutes later, he’s slouched down in the chair.  His T-shirt is pulled up well over his  belly button and his hand around his cock. After just a few wet strokes, he sighs loudly as he cums all over his abdomen.  It’s a lot of cum, like six or seven ropes. Then his stomach rises and falls with heavy breaths for a few seconds before he ends the video. 
He’s grateful for the glimmer of hope but still beating himself up.  He doesn’t know what to do. He’s not even sure what you want. At times, it feels like a losing battle. He’s not even sure what you feel.  At some point he thought he knew, on some level. He thought you both knew, the moment you kissed, it felt like there was something electric neither of you could articulate but both of you knew.
It felt more than skin deep, but he couldn’t say where it went within either of you.  He still can’t say. It’s not like you were in love. Certainly not batting eyelashes at each other or making future plans. Half the time you were bickering.  But there was something there.  Even if it was only physical, it was deep in your bones and something made it electric. 
The further it gets from that moment, the more he wonders what you ever wanted. Is he your play thing? Do you get off on torturing him? Did you genuinely enjoy chatting with him?  Do you get off on sneaking around or would you be into him if you knew each other a different way? 
He pushes those thoughts away and keeps coming back to the physical spark between you. The hunger in your eyes.  Your persistence.  He wants both of you to take a leap of faith–not into a relationship–but a leap backward to the beginning.  This all burned down and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.  If he lets it cool and builds it right, maybe it can become something better.  Abstaining from other people feels like a good start. He can’t think about whether you’re seeing anyone else or it keeps him up at night. 
The next day, you’re horny again.  You get comfortable and turn on your new toy. You tell yourself opening his snaps doesn’t mean anything.  You don’t have to respond.   It won’t have any effect on you.  But when you watch those two in his office, and oh, God. It takes you no time flat to cum, and cum hard.  You don’t say anything back to him. He texts you, “did you like that?” and you don’t respond.  He continues, “if not i’ll stop, sorry. Lmk.” You don’t let him know anything at all. You stay radio silent. 
Over the next couple of weeks, he keeps snapchatting you.  Even if you don’t open it that night, he knows you might go on a spree and open several in a row, probably when you’re using his gift. 
Video: It’s a computer screen with your insta pulled up.  He’s at the desk in his bedroom, the one where you found him jacking off to your pictures a few of months ago. He points the camera down at his lap and he’s wearing gray boxer briefs you didn’t know he had.  You see the very clear outline of his hard cock atop his thigh, straining to burst out of them.  “See what ya do to me.” He runs his hand down it with a low sigh.
Video: A few minutes later, selfie mode, breathing heavily.  Hand wrapped around his shiny cock, stiff and swollen.  He fists himself at a beat that’s becoming as irregular as his ragged breaths. He grunts as he thrusts into his hand.  “Oh, fuck—oh—-ohhh fuck, I–nngg–” He devolves into a groan as he erupts in his hand. It shoots back toward the camera. It takes a good thirty seconds of him moaning and sighing and catching his breath before he’s finally done emptying his balls. 
Video: He’s on his bed, rear camera facing his lap.  cock and his hand gliding wetly up and down it.   “I can’t believe. . .” (heavy breathing) “-oh, fuck—I–I can’t --I can't believe,” (moan) “I ever turned you down.” (long, drawn out orgasmic groan). 
Photo: Close-up of his lap with a boner.  His hand resting at his groin. His hand has no business being that hot.  Caption: How’s silicone joel treating you.”  You roll your eyes and begrudgingly smile just a little as you use the silicone joel and quickly tap for the next snap. 
Video: He’s in the office again, standing in front of the full length mirror. He’s in boxer briefs and his thighs swell out from them. No shirt.  He pans so you can see him head to toe, shirtless. Then he relaxes back in the chair, manspreading. The snap ends and it cuts to the next one.
Video: Now he’s breathing fast, stroking his raging erection feverishly in the next one “Ohh-nng-Oh–God–Fu–” (moan) “Fffuuuck” (loud, low sigh).  Stringy white ropes rocket onto his abdomen as he shudders loudly and strokes himself slower. You rewatch this one multiple times and count seven real ropes before it’s just gurgle. Seven.
You think about getting your ipad out and taking a video of this one for later use, but you accidentally tap for next. By now, he's completely unashamed.
Video: He’s in his car. You can only see his lap, and the ample bulge in his joggers. “Had to pull over.” He scoots the seat back, rubs himself slowly, breathing heavily. “Just thinkin’ about” (low sigh) “the way you came all over my mouth” He pulls his waistband down, spits on his cock, then sighs loudly. That snap ends, and in the next one--
Video: He's just cumming–really hard. It’s his fist around his cock.  “Oh, fuck,” (a gasp, then a soft, ragged groan)  “Fu–” he cuts himself off with a long sigh as he cums into a t-shirt.  You can’t see the cum but know it’s a lot.  You see his cock twitch and his hips lift as he sighs again. 
Photo: His big, masculine hand is holding a peach. Caption: Every fkn thing reminds me of you. 
All this time, you’re still not responding. Not so much as a thumbs up or sweating emoji. But you keep watching them, day after day, until  one day, he doesn’t send any.  You use the toy and just think about him, envisioning his videos, and replaying your encounters. You don’t just think about him jacking off, you think about him crying, too, and that turns you on just as much. You picture him crying and jacking off and you cum instantly. Then you feel kinda bad.
In your post-nut clarity, that’s when you realize you’re pretty much ready to move on from it.  Because you start to worry. Maybe he’s had enough of the games. Maybe he’s given up. Maybe you shouldn’t have punished him like this. It was fucked up, so fucked up, but the memory will fade. You detached enough in the moment that it's not that vivid to begin with.
Joel is married. He’s always been married. That's why he was always saying no. They kissed in front of you days before. Instead of insisting on a conversation, within sixty seconds you were putting your panties in his pocket. Then you made a pass at him, and he got you off on the kitchen counter.  Then you kissed.
That kiss. It was so loaded. Packed full of tension and potential. A glimpse of what could be had. There's no doubt in your mind the sex would be explosive.
If Joel hasn’t given up, maybe this interlude got you a little closer to what you want, somehow.  There's only one way to find out.
the silicone Joel
STEPDAD MASTER LIST - Fandango has the most advanced smut
THANK YOU for reading and engaging. Your reblogs and comments mean so much to me, and I love when I start to see new “regulars.” It’s so exciting really. Love you guys 💙💙💙
Special shoutout to stepdad’s lawyer @milla-frenchy for expert counsel!
A/N: Based on a) people wanting her to hold out on him longer (which is what this was) and b) what i want to do on vacation, I think the vacation is going to have to be after Christmas. 
FAQ: I’m not planning on pursuing the jacques/cheatbacks storyline rn, you can HC that however you want as for what she did that night (if anything).  Don’t really wanna address the mom situation more, and probably won’t answer plot Qs. That way maybe you'll get the next story sooner --- I’m kinda trying to make this easier to write so it won’t take so much deliberation and weighing opposing inputs lol.
TBH it was supposed to just be sexy, smutty, scandalous, “we shouldn’t be doing this” PWP and it kinda got away from me.  But I at least wanted to give a little insight into Joel’s POV with this  one. 
Now back to the agenda: [cock, baby!.gif ].
You can follow @toxicfics and turn on notifications (click on the person at the top) for just the most major posts. You have to have push notifications turned on for tumblr on your phone.
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea@evyiione@xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious@chernayawidow@ambassadortotrilliusprime@not-a-unique-snowflake-blog@jasminespringtime @romanarose@fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore@blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires@taeslarityy@str84pedro@lokanda @kyloispunk @filthfairy@fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine@worhols@fan-fiction-floozy@cutesyscreenname  @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl@feministfanboi@gracieispunk@prettypartyfavor@am-3-thyst@babeincolor@milla-frenchy@switchbladedreamz@within-the-depths@am-3-thyst@may-machin@pedromania91 @sloanexx@paleidiot
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ziptiesnfries · 10 months
oh yeah so i was at thanksgiving dinner with my family, in the kitchen while we were cleaning up, and the dog was running around underfoot all excited about the scraps, and someone said to the dog, "oh, you get to lick the floor, aren't you lucky?"
and i just. pet whump dialogue prompt?
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afewproblems · 11 months
Season Two Halloween AU Part Nine
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for cheering me on, letting me send spoilers, and Steddie screaming with me!
Eddie moves, trying to find a comfortable position in the firm plastic hospital chair, letting his legs stretch out into the bulk of the hallway and sliding down the chair. 
He won't be able to stay like this for much longer either, but it's worth it for the irritated looks he can feel from the nurses station.
Eddie hadn't been allowed in the room with Steve while he was being assessed, forcing him to wait outside in the hallway.
He can hear them talking, not bothering to be quiet at four in the morning.
"There's no answer, who isn't home at this time of night?"
"Did you try the secondary number?"
"Yes, it's for a business though and all I get is the answering machine for a Richard Harrington". 
Eddie frowns, silently agreeing with the first nurse, why the hell aren't they here?
That's when he remembers something Steve had mentioned, so casually, Eddie realizes, feeling a little sick, that his parents wouldn't be home until Thanksgiving this year. 
Which is just shy of a month away still, give or take a week.
Just how long have they been gone, he wonders, feeling an anxious pit begin to form in his stomach, and what would that mean for him now?
He's saved from this train of thought for the moment by Hopper appearing at the end of the hall, his heavy step and squeaky boots announcing themselves well before he steps into view. 
He looks exhausted, and a little worse for wear, and Eddie has never been happier to see a cop.
He walks past Eddie, though he does spare him a single nod, and makes his way to the nurses station. 
"Morning," Hopper says gruffly, his voice crackles as though it's either been used too much or too little recently.
"'M'here about the Harrington kid, we have a few questions for him and his injuries and then I'll be taking him home after his statement".
"Sir, that's not--" one of the Nurses tries, only for Hopper to flash his badge and knock his knuckles once on the top of the desk.
"Which room?" He at least has the decency to ask this time, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. 
Eddie hears a long sigh as the other Nurse mutters, '206'; Hopper doesn't even wait for her to finish the word before he's turning on his heel, his boots making a horrible squeak against the linoleum tiles as moves. 
He slows to a stop in front of Eddie, finally looking at him, it's always been nerve wracking having the chiefs full attention on him, though there's a rather big difference between now and the last time, down at the station.
"They check you out?" He grumbles to Eddie, his fingers tap a nervous rhythm on his leg.
Eddie shakes his head, "Steve took the brunt of everything tonight". 
Hopper nods, his gruff face pinched with something close to worry, but it's gone in an instant.
He looks down the hall at something over Eddie's shoulder and lifts his hand in a muted wave before turning back to Eddie.
"You should head home Munson, I took the liberty of getting you a ride".
Eddie frowns at the words and startles slightly as another person sits down beside him, he hadn't even noticed until Wayne was all of a sudden right there.
Eddie blinks, exhaustion and emotion all encompassing; he feels as though he might sink into the floor or tip forward and fall away from the world right then and there, but Wayne reaches out, clasping his shoulder with his firm warm hand. Like he always does.
"Wayne," Eddie says in a tremulous voice, the weight of the night finally crashes over him, the dogs, Billy, the tunnels, it's too much. The image of Steve crumpling to the floor, shards of ceramic in his hair, plays over and over again.
Eddie's face is wet as Wayne pulls him into his arms, he ignores the way the hospital chair digs into his ribs as he moves.
"S'okay Ed," Wayne whispers, letting his hand rub soothing circles on his back, up and down.
Wayne says something above Eddie's head, most likely to Hopper, but he doesn't care, not now. He focuses on the grounding feeling of being held, the warm comfort of knowing that when he needed it, his uncle was there. 
He tries not to think about the fact that it's Hopper in Steve's room rather than his parents. 
They don’t talk after. 
It shouldn’t have been surprising really. After the whirlwind in the tunnels, learning that Dustin really had managed to bond with one of the creatures over a mediocre chocolate bar, and finally, finally, getting Steve to the hospital, it was like everything else was put on the back burner. 
The government gives them all NDAs to sign, including Wayne now --how was he not going to tell his uncle after the hospital? The government officials had given Eddie a bit of trouble about it during the debrief about their cover story, until Wayne and Hopper had argued his defense. 
The worst part though, about everything, is the pretending. 
Pretending that everything is normal, like there aren't monsters from an alternate dimension running around Hawkins, like the government didn't know about the real reason so many people, like Mr.Newby, had died. Pretending that small petty things like his late homework assignments, or who was dating who in the wilds of Hawkins High really mattered. 
With that being said, the news that Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers were officially dating now, surged through the school. 
Pretending that that news doesn't make Eddie feel relieved was also difficult.
Well, maybe relieved isn't the right word, but after Eddie's half-assed confession before the tunnels, and the stay in the hospital, Steve has been avoiding him. 
And if it wasn’t because of Nancy….
Well, Eddie tries not to dwell too much on it.
Two weeks after their trip into the Dismal Caverns, Eddie spots, speak of the devil, Nancy Wheeler leaning on his locker.
The last bell has long past so it's only the stragglers now wandering halls, those waiting for Band Practice to start, those just getting out of detention. 
Three guesses which one he's here for. 
Eddie hasn't seen or spoken to Nancy since their government meeting, not that either had been particularly chatty that night, but she had at least sent a grateful smile Eddie's way as one of the officials went through the whole story of that night.
So to see her now sets his teeth on edge and his stomach plummeting into his shoes.
Is it back, did something happen to Will, did another Demodog surface?
Is Steve okay? 
As if Nancy can see the terrified questions swirling around his head, she raises the hand not holding her books to her chest and says lowly, "everyone's fine". 
Eddie lets out the breath he's holding, trying to lower his heart rate, "haven't seen you around these parts Wheeler, don't tell me you need a pick me up?"
He tries for a swarthy smile but it falls flat as the adrenalin from his earlier panic is still running rampant, he runs a sweaty hand through his hair, trying to hide the slight shake.
Nancy rolls her eyes and pushes herself off the locker by her shoulder, tipping her head towards the far back door to the building. 
She says nothing as she leads him out of the school and towards his usual picnic table in the trees.
Eddie tugs his leather jacket around his torso as a harsh November breeze kicks up dead leaves and dust around the school building in small whirls. He wishes in this moment he had found a zip up closure rather than one with button snaps.
Eddie laughs nervously as they enter the treeline, "uh huh, you sure you didn't want something?"
Nancy turns to sit on top of the table, her face impassive, "Mrs. Click was still there, in her room, I don't need to have any meetings with her and my parents because they think I'm being corrupted," she lifts her hands and makes exaggerated quotations with her fingers before rolling her eyes again. 
"We can talk here," she says primly, setting her books down on the table beside her. 
Eddie grins, "you're probably setting yourself up for a meeting with the counselor tomorrow anyway, walking out of the school with me".
He kicks at a bottle cap in the grass and watches as it tumbles a few feet away. When he looks back up, Nancy is staring at him with a pinched brow.
"I'll bite, what's going on?" 
Nancy nods and it's like a switch flips, her spine straightens slightly and her shoulders square before a determined expression smoothes out her face, it's eerie how similar it is to Steve's.
"What is he to you?" Nancy asks, 
"Who?" Eddie stumbles over the word, already knowing exactly who Nancy is asking about.
She looks around now, prompting Eddie to do the same, just in case.
"I know it isn't," she hesitates for a beat as though searching for the word, "safe to talk about it, but," she blinks once, twice, "that's part of why I'm here, asking". 
"I won't see Steve get hurt, not again". 
"So," Nancy stands now, gracefully rising to her feet and stepping off the table, she takes a step closer towards Eddie, "what is he to you?"
He has a good five or six inches on her at least but the fire in her blue eyes makes him feel so much smaller in this moment. 
Eddie feels a snarl build in his chest, the words tumbling out before he can get a chance to really think about them.
"That's fucking rich coming from you, as though you didn't rip his heart out at that stupid Halloween party". 
Nancy's face pales slightly, but there's blood in the water now.
He never really had the heart to ask Steve this question, and he probably never would have been able to actually answer it. 
But Nancy can. 
"Steve is brave, fucking reckless but he's brave, and selfless, and he cares so much --about everything,"
Eddie forces himself to stay where he is, to not move, but his voice climbs in volume, carrying through the trees. 
"You had that and you threw it away Wheeler, and you come in here asking what he is to me?"
He watches as Nancy looks around them frantically watching for people, but Eddie doesn't care, he keeps going.
"He's more than some bullshit you toss in the trash".
There are twin spots of red on the high points of her cheekbones, matching the flush painting her ears, Nancy pins him with a frosty glare as she breathes out slowly through her nose.
"Well, you certainly care, don't you, that's a question answered at least".
She clears her throat and blinks again, and to Eddie's horror, her eyes shine with tears in the afternoon sun. 
"You don't know what it was like after everything last year, how hard it was".
She wipes roughly at one of the tears that rolls down her cheek, cutting it off.
"I wanted to talk about it, I wanted to tell Barb's parents what happened to their daughter, my--"
Nancy swallows roughly, her nostrils flaring, "my best friend, was dead". 
"And Steve wanted to pretend that everything was fine, that it was normal," she clears her throat and wipes at her eyes again, "and I can't do that, I don't have it in me to let it go yet". 
Eddie nods, he gets it.
He didn't understand how everyone was able to just go on like everything in the last week didn't happen, or if he will ever forget the sounds those things made as they screamed in the darkness, that people had died that night. 
He can't pretend either and it's a relief to know he isn't the only one.
Eddie opens his mouth to apologize but Nancy keeps going, her words softer this time.
"I don't really believe that Steve has been able to let it go either if I'm being honest," Nancy says, her eyes searching Eddie's face as she speaks, "he sleeps with the hall lights on, did he tell you? He can't stand the dark anymore". 
"Yeah," Eddie breathes out, "he's said it before, I didn't know about the hall, but.."
He lets the thought trail off, it makes sense. It's not as though he's been sleeping well since everything ended either. Wayne had woken him up that first night to stop his screaming and calm him down, he ended up crawling in with Wayne for the rest of the night, something he hadn't done since he was eight.
Eddie startles slightly at the sudden small hand touching his arm. Nancy pulls back almost immediately at his flinch, regret painting her face.
"Steve needs something that I can't give him,"   and I need more than he can give me, it wasn't meant to last". 
"I didn't mean to hurt him, but that doesn't mean I'm good with Steve getting hurt again and again, he has enough of that with his parents".
Eddie nods again, "have they always been like that?"
Nancy's face darkens for just a moment before smoothing out again.
"In the year we were together, I met them once," she wraps her arms around herself and shivers as another breeze rips through the clearing, "he always made excuses for why they were gone or when they would be back".
She looks up at Eddie now, her wide blue eyes still red rimmed from earlier, "he told me about you, that night". 
Suddenly the weighted looks Nancy had been giving him make more sense. The small conspiratorial smile.
"Yeah well, he's been avoiding me," Eddie admits softly, lifting his hand to snag a lock of hair, "so I wouldn't hold your breath".
Nancy nods and shivers against a rough gust of wind that shifts the trees and swirls the leaves around the table. She looks into the distance suddenly, her eyes catching something behind Eddie as they widen before darting back to his face.
He turns his head to look behind him, only to see Hawkins Middle through the trees.
"Steve's good at pretending, but he doesn't have the same kind of friends around him that would just accept that version of him now, he's got us --well," Nancy stutters momentarily, "he's got you, and the kids, I'm pretty sure Dustin thinks Steve's an action here now".
Eddie snorts, prompting a smile out of Nancy. He takes a small step forward before offering his elbow. Nancy looks from his arm to Eddie's face once before reaching out to curl her hands around it.
"Alright Wheeler," he says with a grin, "how do we do this? I know you've got a plan rolling around that brain of yours and I'm cold as shit so let's move this to the van".
Nancy smiles again, tilting her head towards the Middle School once more, "How do you feel about Dances?"
Tag List: Please Note the List is Officially Closed
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@lizzicleromance @fairy-princette @eddiethehunted
And a few people I think may be intersted!
@steddierthings @steddie-there @stevesbipanic @henderdads @spooky-brakers
Part Ten Now Up (Final Part)
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
I Just Need Quiet
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whumptober day 3: overstimulation
pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x sarah grant (plus size fem!oc)
characters: jake seresin, sarah grant, sarah's family
warnings: overstimutaion, family gatherings, holidays, crying, please let me know if i missed anything
word count: ~1.5k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
this is also apart of my oc series j and s so the tag list for that is included! and this is based on my own personal experience in this situation
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: family can be a lot, especially around the holidays, and it's okay to take a break when it gets too much... sometimes you just need quiet, and that's okay.
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“Okay, so what do I need to know about your family?” Jake asked Sarah as they got ready.
She laughed as she curled her hair, “Well, first thing is, you never bring up the Longhorns. That alone is a death sentence.” Jake chuckled and nodded as he looked through his clothes for a shirt, “Noted. Anything else?”
Sarah sighed a little, “The house is gonna get pretty cramped. So it can get hot in the house, and it won’t take long for it to get loud. I know you come from a big family too, probably bigger since both sides are big, but you usually have it in a bigger house than this. And we might have about 20-40 people in this house, so it might get crowded.”
Jake nodded, “Got it.” He came over and kissed her head, “I’m really excited to meet them. And apologize for not being at Thanksgiving.” She hummed softly and turned to peck his lips, “You had to go back to base, they’ll understand.”
He smiled and pecked her lips again and again before moving to go take a shower while Sarah got dressed.
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A few hours later, Jake was pulling into Sarah’s aunt’s driveway and parking next to her sister’s truck. 
“Alright, hopefully they like me,” Jake chuckled, squeezing Sarah’s hand. She smiled at him, “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Cowboy.” 
He pecked her lips before getting out and racing around the truck to get to her side before she could open her door.
“Such a gentleman,” she giggled as he helped her out of his truck. “Anything for you, Sugar,” he said with a wide smile before kissing her forehead. She kissed his cheek and they both grabbed the things they brought before heading inside.
Sarah walked in first, thanking Jake as he held open the glass door for her.
She turned and waited for him to join her before announcing their arrival. 
“Oh, well look who’s here! And she brought a friend.”
Sarah laughed, “Hi Aunt San.” She gave her aunt a hug before turning to Jake, “This is Jake, he’s my boyfriend.” Her aunt’s eyes widened a little, “This is your pilot?” Sarah nodded and felt Jake come up behind her. “Jake, this is my Aunt San.” He smiled and gave her a hug, “It’s nice to finally meet you.” His eyes scanned the house, “And it seems I have plenty of people to meet.”
Aunt San nodded, “You sure do, but I’m first so that’s what’s important.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and laughed, “Oh um, Jake has the food, will you show him to the kitchen while I put the gifts up?” “Oh of course, follow me Jake.”
Jake nodded and followed Sarah’s aunt to the kitchen as she went to the living room.
As she walked into the room she smiled and greeted everyone, talking as she put the presents in the respective bins.
She glanced around, finding very little room to sit and feeling that pressure building in her chest already. Seriously Sarah, you just got here, she thought to herself as the voices started to muddle together.
Sending a smile to everyone, she left to go find Jake so she could do the rounds of hellos and introduce him to her family before they started to eat.
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It didn’t take long after their arrival for dinner to start. After that they played bingo until all the gifts were gone and then they brought out other games while eating the rest of the finger foods that were left.
Jake and Sarah sat at the table, Jake playing spoons with Sarah’s uncles, her sister, Elizabeth, and a few of her cousins. Sarah was just sitting there next to him, resting against him and watching the game and drinking ice water.
At first he thought nothing of it, thinking that she was only talking when she addressed to not mess up his game and distract him. But she was unusually flushed, fanning herself a few times and pulling her hair off her neck into a bun. She was taking deep calculated breaths, he could feel her chest moving against his arm.
But when she sat up and started to shake out her hands, popping her knuckles and flexing her fingers, he knew something was off.
“Sugar… are you alright?” Jake asked her quietly as Elizabeth was shuffling the cards and setting the spoons back up. “Mhm,” she nodded, not looking up from where she was picking at her nails. “You sure?” “Yeah, I’m fine.”
She was mumbling, and if Jake knew anything it was that if Sarah mumbled… she wasn’t fine.
He went to say something else but was dealt a hand and the next game started.
This round he’s distracted. Glancing between his cards and her the whole time, picking up on her rhythmically tapping her fingers on her thumbs – index to pinky then pinky to index. She was inhaling through her nose and out through her mouth as her eyes stayed on the table.
Before he can say anything, the sounds of flat palms smacking the kitchen table and then a few loud shouts and laughs from those that managed to get a spoon. 
Jake’s attention is pulled to that, realizing that he missed getting a spoon. But he didn’t really care, something was up with his girlfriend and she wasn’t telling him.
“Dang… that’s alright, I was getting tired of winning anyway,” Jake commented, toothpick moving to the side of his mouth as he chuckled and tossed his cards down. The table laughed and set up another round.
As they did this, Jake turned to Sarah to talk to her but found her getting up and walking towards the front door, attempting to discreetly wipe her eyes but Jake noticed it.
Confused, Jake turned to Elizabeth, “Hey, do you know what’s wrong? I asked but she said she was fine…” She sighed, “I think she’s just a little overwhelmed, it happens.” Jake nodded, humming to himself and he looked over to the door, thinking of how he could help.
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Sarah sat down on the porch swing, trying to delicately wipe her tears so she didn’t smudge her makeup.
“Damn it…” She swore under her breath, shaking her hands out and trying to calm down.
She hated that this happened more often than she would like to admit. She loved being with her family, but sometimes it was just too much.
With everyone having to be close and everyone talking, it got hot quickly and it got loud. 
Now she could handle loud, she was a coach – loud things weren’t uncommon. But it was loud conversations. Her brain was trying to listen to everyone and it all just muddled in her mind and it affected everything else.
Sometimes the lights would be too bright or the different scents of food mingling made her brain foggy, that mixed with the heat and the volume of the room – it was too much stimulation at once.
So she always just went outside, letting Arkansas’s freezing December weather bite the heat off her skin. It wasn’t loud outside either, just the muffled sounds of people talking inside and the cars on the highway in front of the house.
She sat there for a few minutes, her eyes closed and she tried to take even breaths and keep the tears in their ducts.
But then she heard the door open and looked over to see Jake come out, holding his Carhartt coat in his hand.
“Hey,” he greeted gently, coming over to her on the bench. “What’s wrong?” Sarah shook her head as she moved on the bench to give him room. “It’s nothi-”
“Sarah, I know you. What’s wrong?” 
She sighed and let her head fall into her hands as Jake sat next to her. He rubbed her back, waiting patiently for her to talk. 
“It’s too much. It’s really loud and really hot and there’s a lot of smells, the lights are too damn bright… I just…” She sighed, tears slipping down her face as she leaned on Jake’s shoulder as she talked.
“I just need quiet…”
Jake nodded, resting his cheek on her head, “I understand. I can go back–” “No, please stay…” He nodded again and put an arm around her back and on the arm rest. Using his other hand, he pulled Sarah’s legs into his lap.
He held up his jacket, inside facing the both of them. “Put your arm in the sleeve,” he told her, nodding to the sleeve hole closest to her. “What, w-” “Trust me, just do it,” he said with a playful grin.
Sarah sighed and slid her arm in the sleeve, looking at Jake to see him doing the same thing.
Jake then gently pushed her head into his shoulder and kissed her forehead.
“Jake… Darlin’, what are you doing?” 
“You need quiet, so we’re gonna have quiet… now shhh and just snuggle.”
She couldn’t help but giggle as she inhaled the faint scent of hay, leather, bergamot, and whiskey that seemed infused with the fibers of the jacket. The scent that always seemed to calm her down.
“Thank you, Jake…” 
“I love you, Sugar.”
“I love you too, Cowboy.”
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whumptober taglist: @valmare @bradleybeachbabe @fanboyswhore9 @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11
j and s taglist: @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @mayhemmanaged @nobody7102 @djs8891 @kmc1989 @marbledaesthetics @penguin876 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @bellaireland1981 @memeorydotcom @whatislovevavy @coffeewithcal @showthemwhoyouare-6 @matisse556
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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