#thanks to all the two people who read this full thing cuz it’s long asf
gracecarstairss · 2 years
If there was anyone who would understand Grace’s actions it would be Jesse, because they lived in the same toxic household and when you live like that, you throw morality to the wind to just survive. He knew full well how manipulative Tatiana is and even stated it multiple times in ChoT, so you would think that he would be more understanding of why she did all those terrible things with her powers. He forgave Lucie for commanding him against his will in ChoG, why is it so different for someone who’s lived a HORRIBLE life and who has nothing just like Jesse. I’ve seriously been agonizing over the way their sibling relationship developed or, shall I say, the LACK of development. We needed a resolution to their issues if they were going to have discourse in the way they did, but we got nothing. My personal opinion is that a lot of the things Christopher said about empathy and not judging Grace for the terrible things she has done is more in line with Jesse’s character and his relationship with Grace, but Christopher needed more character development and a more strengthened friendship with Grace in order for his death to “matter” more because clearly the only one who cared about Christopher dying was Grace. I don’t understand why they BOTH couldn’t have empathy and care for her, but only Christopher could. Only one person is allowed to care about Grace, apparently. Like obviously Jesse would be rightfully angry about all the bad things Grace did but the way that he acted was definitely different than you would think based on his previous characterization and his and Grace’s shared trauma from Tatiana. The way that he was saying that they would get Grace a house in the middle of nowhere and basically banish her actually made me so upset. And the fact that Grace and Jesse don’t live together at the end? It’s like there’s such a rift in their relationship but honestly how would we know because we were given ZERO information. What about how Jesse talking to Rupert for the first time affected him? Oh wait, we never hear about the Rupert thing again! But that’s another rant for another day. I love Jesse and Grace, they only ever had each other (but from this book we barely see that) and I hate how we really didn’t see very much between them. Jesse would never choose living with Lucie over Grace in my opinion based off his characterization but whatever I guess ChoT was a glorified fanfic for everyone except for Grace, Jesse and Christopher UGHHHHH
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