#thanks to Ana for her help and her endless support with me shitting with Xal's backstory for 2 years :')
ephemereon · 6 years
Xal, a backstory - an update
Alright, I’m bored so here goes an update on Xal’s backstory because it needed to be fleshed out... If you have questions, feel free to send them :)))
Character traits :               
Altruist, patient, social, trusting, kind, steely resolve // Naïve, emotional, envious, predictable, idealistic, impressionable
Fears :
Claustrophobia, losing someone dear
What he can’t stand/understand :
Lack of honor, selfishness (he grows to understand that though), not helping people
What he likes to do :
Cooking, reading swashbuckling adventure stories, gardening (even though he doesn’t have green fingers)
About his magic :
Always loved thunderstorms: that’s why he has an affinity with storm magic
Lost a horse younger during a particularly harsh winter: that’s why he's reluctant towards ice magic
Becomes knight-enchanter because he saw how badass Vivienne was, and also because he’s read lots of stories about them and it reminds him of his childhood books - also he can heal
He has a great mana pool  
Other :
No sense of direction
Sleepwalker during stress periods
Fidgets with his fingers when nervous
Good contact with horses
Life before the Circle :
Lived with his family at the Trevelyan domain, in Ostwick ; sometimes they’d go to Wycome for holidays and such
Had private tutors for his education
Good horserider
Loved taking care of his siblings
Life during the Circle :
The Circle reframed his views on the chantry
Discovers his exceptional mana capacity, his storm affinity
Meets Miral who mentors him; they develop a romantic relationship
At 17 he passes his Harrowing
Miral dies when Xal’s 22; he earns a scar from the event
After his mourning, he becomes a junior enchanter
When was is declared he flees the Circle
Life after the Circle :
During his flight, he’s caught in a wolf trap; he’s healed by elves (?)
Has after-effects because he left before he was fully healed
Escape lasts a year or so
Probably got lost around Ostwick
Goes back home before being sent to the Conclave
Long-term handicaps :
Wolf trap: ankle tendon remains fragile despite the healing; wears a brace; during humid weathers, he sometimes has to walk with a cane; recurrent sessions of reeducation with the Inquisition’s healer
Magic induced scars on his arms, Lichtenberg figures; on the long term (so after a dozen years), has reduced sense of touch at the tip of his fingers; doesn’t like being touched on his arms when the act is uninvited
Lost an arm lol
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