#thanks kima <33333
zeenmrala · 7 months
Mimi loves puffer pigs. She adores all animals, but the pigs have a special place in her heart due to the frequency of which they are kidnapped, abused and trafficked on the black market. Their treatment and value reminds her of her own experiences when she was a teenager and she resonates with them on a personal level.
She had six pigs at the peak of her fame, and the animals came to be associated with her - similar to how Paris Hilton became known with her chihuahuas.
The names of her puffer pigs were Lady, Tula, Coryo, Little Darth, Gossip and Manny. Lady was her first pig, rescued from a foundation on Lothal. She had a type of albinism that caused her skin to be a pale white colour and her eyes a vivid, bright pink, her colouring fitting Mimi's aesthetic and matching her own iconic skin. This led to Mimi being enamored of her, and she was even featured in some of Mimi's photoshoots and music holos.
Little Darth was given to her by Ventress, after the runt puffer-pig got stuck in a crate in the cargo of a transport the Sith acolyte acquired on a botched mission for the Separatists during The Clone Wars. Mimi was on board, having been caught up in the chaos - and she had a tantrum, refusing to leave the ship until Ventress allowed her to take the pig with them. Ventress' soft spot for the pop star allowed her to get away with such an immature display, but the ridiculousness of the entire situation wasn't lost on her.
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