#thanks jmplel!
kitkasimba · 8 years
5 Things tag
Okay, so I was tagged by @jmplel to tell y’all things about myself in a sequence of 5s. Warning, this is gonna get real long, and I’m going to make it a “read more” thing. So, if you’re really want to know more... PREPARE YOURSELVES. Also, thanks friend! ♥♥♥
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
1. Wallet because it is the holder of my (lack of) money & multitudes of Dutch Bros cards.
2. Important and sentimental notes from my best guy friend, best gal friend, my uncle, and my roommate from my freshman year. These letters are some of the most important things I possess, and they’re all from different parts of my life.  My best guy friend gave me this letter when we first started dating freshman year of high school and I have it because there are a few sentences in it that still hold true of our unbreakable friendship. My best gal friend gave me this letter when I was surprise visited by her 2 summers ago at the San Francisco airport. It was my birthday and every other holiday in the year letter/card and everytime I read it I cannot help but cry because the bond we have is truly remarkable. She’s my best friend, wife, and sister. My uncle gave me this letter when I moved into my resident hall my freshman year of college. He placed it in my rolled up memory foam in a package that was wrapped in half-naked men paper. The “gift” he bestowed upon me was condoms (that I ended up distributing to my friends), but his note was congratulating me on my accomplishments and how proud he is of everything I’ve done. I cry everytime I read that letter too. My roommate from freshman year of college gave me this letter when we were moving out. We were close, but not as close as we could have or wished we could have been. She was the best roommate I could ever hope and ask for though. We were so alike and still keep in touch today, and I keep it because it was the first time living “on my own” with another person. 
3. Well that last one was hella long... sorrynotsorry. I also keep prescription sunglasses (that need updating) because I, too, like seeing in the sunlight. Also, they make everything look like an instagram filter and that is what I truly live for tbh.
4. Allergy pills because I am kind of, sort of, maybe allergic to pet dander... and I have a cat at home-home and living with me in my apartment. Good move Ashley. I also just have terrible allergy attacks from the sun and pollen. Life is great.
5. Chapstick because my lips be hella chapped all the time.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
1. POSTERS GALORE. I don’t like having too much empty space on my walls, so I cover them with posters, flags, cards, pictures, art, etc.
2. A really high (and hella comfy) queen bed with 3-4 blankets and 7-9 pillows (3 are pillow pets and 2 are body pillows). I sleep on a cloud. This is my first time having a bed to call my own that is not a twin.
3. LOTS of clothes (and flannel). I like having options!!
4. Pictures and pictures of my friends and family. Not entirely recent pictures, but people who are important in my life and deserve to be recognized and seen.
5. White Christmas lights that are above my bed and window. They help me wind down at night and they relax me whenever I am feeling too much of anything. Just seeing them makes me feel better. 
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
1. I’ve always wanted to own a Corgi, and someday I will. I walk my past supervisor’s corgi almost every week and it never fails to make me smile. I cannot wait to have a corgi to call my own who I will spend time with and share a home with. It’s one of the only thoughts that actually makes excited for the future (at the moment).
2. Cut my hair short. I’ve been mulling over this for months now and I just cannot bring myself to get it all cut off. Like, I’m talking somewhat of a pixie cut but with a lil more length. Sounds ridiculous, but I’ll explain later why it’s challenging for me. 
3. Come out to everyone... not just people I have carefully selected, especially in my family. I’m pretty much completely out at school (I mean, with my job it’s kind of hard not to be & I have no fear of being out at school). At home, though, I’m out to immediate family except my grandma and dad. I really want to come out to my dad and I was so to doing so towards the end of the year because at the time I had a partner who got involved. However, things didn’t work out and I ended up not doing it... but someday I’ll get that chance--hopefully.
4. Travel to London and Australia. I don’t know why, but I have always had some sort of inclination to go see those two places. It’s probably those red telephone booths and those wombats... But, I would love to see them for myself.
5. Roadtrip around the PNW (or just Oregon, and maybe Washington). I really want to visit Crater Lake again and learn more places about Oregon! It’s a beautiful place and I feel like I have been confined to parts of it and don’t know a whole lot more about its other regions. Oh, and also learn an instrument while on this roadtrip (now I’m just bending the rules and throwing that in there). But I think I’m instrumentally challenged... or just don’t have the ability.
5 things I’m currently into:
1. Tattoos. I am suffering from serious tattoo fever and I just want to get one after the other. I’m trying to wait out until my next one in the summer, but I don’t know... I am really interested in getting a small one on the side of my lower right arm.
2. Reading. During the summer and up until now, I’ve been very invested in the Harry Potter series because it has been my goal for the past couple years to read them. I’m on the final book and I just want to finish the series but I’m finding it really hard to make time to read them with other things I need to do and a part of me doesn’t want them to end. I know I missed the train on these in childhood, but they’re so amazing, and it’s hard to believe that I just got around to reading them. (The length of books and series intimidates me, especially when they’re 400+ pages. Mostly because I’m a slow reader).
3. Working out. I made it a goal of mine to go to the gym 2-3 times a week this term (and year) because I’m paying for the gym at my university and also because I want to channel my extra energy and emotions in a constructive way. Also I just want to try to take care of my body more. (I’m hella sore rn).
4. MOANA. That movie is absolutely beautiful and I cannot get over how amazing it was. It’s in my top 4 favorite Disney movies right now, and I love the music from it. (Lin Manuel-Miranda is a phenomenal human being).
5. TV shows. I’ve been watching more TV shows than I usually have. Like I used to watch shows here and there, but now I’m like “Okay, we finished one show. What’s next?” I just haven’t been invested in them as much before? Or maybe because I’ve gotten older I am able to understand and appreciate some shows more? Currently I’m watching Jane the Virgin S3. I just finished watching A Series of Unfortunate Events... all in one evening. Good job Ashley.
5 things on my to-do list:
1. Do the reading for the one class I had this past week. It’s nothing too much but it’s tedious and I lack the motivation to do it.
2. Finish drafting the email for the people I work with and to make the poster for that other program I have in about a week. 
3. Respond to emails for social activities... I love emails, but sometimes I just do not want to Adult. 
4. Get prepared for Drag Show auditions next weekend!!! AAAHHH I AM SO EXCITED!!
5. Make a list of food to buy within the next 2 weeks. I miss not paying for these things.
5 things people may not know about me:
(Some of you may know these, and sorry. I can be pretty open, so I’ll do what I can).
1. You know how I mentioned I want to cut off my hair but won’t? Well, one of the things I use to mask my (many) insecurities is my hair. Therefore, if my hair turns out not lookin’ so good I am going to feel extremely vulnerable... then again, that may not be a bad thing?
2. I’m in the process of trying to see a counselor. This has been something fairly new because I’ve never seen a licensed counselor. I’ve done volunteer counseling for grad students obtaining their degrees, but never with someone who already has their degree and is out of school. I’m really nervous because opening up to people about things in my past is extremely difficult for me due to self issues. However, this will be extremely beneficial for me because there are some things I need to work out personally and trauma related. 
3. I’ve had pretty short lived relationships... My first relationship (freshman year of high school) was 2 weeks and 4 days (longest). My second relationship (sophomore year of high school) was 2 days. My third relationship (fifth year in college - recently) was 2 weeks and 2 days. I have a feeling the number 2 is not a number in my favor?
4. I have a deep passion for photography and hope to incorporate it more into my life when I don’t have to worry about school all the time. I miss being behind a lens. 
5. While I have accepted the quote “your eyebrows are sisters, not twins,” my left eyebrow is a lil wonky because it has nerve damage. When I was younger, my cousin and I were doing something in the yard and he threw a wooden brick at me and it ended up hitting my left eyebrow. So, my left eyebrow goes flat when I smile too hard. It’s one of my biggest insecurities when people take my picture, but I have learned to accept it (that and my bangs kind of hide it). Its ability to arch is not too great, but she does her best. 
If you read all of this, I’m hella impressed. I’m not too interesting of a person, but something kept you going til the end and I thank you very much for sticking by. 
I’ll tag @sass-and-chocolate, @darth-pope, @latenitetacos, and @kitkatkat18.
Y’all totally don’t have to do this (it’s real long, I know), but I’d love to see your responses if you do. Again, thanks for the tag, Katie! ♥
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anyhao-archived · 8 years
tbh I think you would get along really well with solar bc you're both really cute and beautiful inside and out also you're both goofy and wouldn't it just be so incredible to hang out with solar 💕
really aaaa i have such a big crush on solar and i actually agree we kinda have that soft goofy aspects to us this is such a big compliment wow and youre right i would love to hang out with her :’)
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anyhao-archived · 8 years
5 things tag meme
alright i was tagged by @actualprincejun (sorry this is so late! you’re the real mvp always tagging me in stuff ilu) to do the 5 things.... tag meme! this is gonna end up being long bc i tend to babble so i’ll put it under a readmore
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
it depends on if you mean backpack or purse. i’ll go with backpack bc that’s more interesting lol i’ll always have 
1) professional stuff like my wallet, school ID, textbooks, etc. along with a million pencils. seriously. idk why i have so many of them?? also my glasses
2) headphones, for obvious reasons lol i dont go anywhere w/o them. 
3) a pack of gum bc god knows i cant go through life without gum lol also for that reason where you can offer gum to people you dont know to socialize with them, PRO TIP FOR ALL YOU ENTERING COLLEGE bring gum so you can give some to your neighbors in class/partners, they’ll like you much better i promise. dont wait for them to ask, offer!!! 
4) i usually have a stash of extra tampons and pads on the off chance i get my period or someone needs one lol
5) a miscellaneous item. it changes by the day. sometimes itll be a bunch of plastic bags, or (most likely) food of some sort lol but ive also found a twenty dollar bill at the bottom of my backpack so its rly just... random. one time i found a gift card to borders, which is funny bc they had been out of business for years when i found that lmao
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
im a huge fan of collecting random shitty trinkets that are no use to me whatsoever, so i’ll pick my 5 favorites i guess lol which will likely be incredibly hard... im a hoarder
1) ive got a cute little plant that im convinced is dying, im sorry! the leaves are still green so... i guess its still alive at least a little bit
2) ive got a relatively big replica of the boats from like the 1400s, you know the ones with all those sails and you think of pirates when you see it? yeah thats it 
3) on my wall there’s a bunch of masquerade masks pinned up there, one of them is really nice, im surprised ive not broken it yet. along with the masks are some beautiful folding fans, the ones you always see in historical movies. they’re really breathtaking
4) OH I CANT FORGET ve got my day6 daydream album poster on my wall i love it to bits it just... fits my room so well. i didnt put my mamamoo or seventeen poster up bc day6 feels better in my room
5) ive also got a bunch of these weird... hand things. like ive got two porcelain sculptures of hands put together, holding palms up, like when youre trying to hold water in your hands. i use one of them to put my keys everyday so i know where they are. ones a coin holder. and ive also got a mini statue of just a regular hand and i put my necklaces/jewlery on the fingers to hold. its pretty cool
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
1) SKY DIVING!!!!! i am determined to go sky diving before i die. coincidentally, when i get in a... bad .. mood i always remind myself of that pact and im like Alright....... and i feel less bad in that sense i guess. ive seriously wanted to do it for so long but never had the chance/money
2) become fluent in another language will always be one of my lifelong goals. once i learn one, i want to learn another. my problem is i just cant stick with one
3) live in a house with a secret room like with those bookshelves. man that would be cool
4) have all the weird pets. i want a pet rat, a pet iguana, a pet ferret, a parrot, lol that rhymed, you know all the good ones
5) travel, obviously
5 things I’m currently into:
1) writing. i dont think ill ever not be into writing, just my interest will fluxuate i suppose
2) making gifs! i just recently started that and with a friend’s help learned how to do quite a few things in photoshop, so im still trying to learn more about it
3) fuck if i know?? i dont have any interests unless i have 1 and im hyper aware of it
4) in that case kpop i guess
5) ???? someone please tell me who i am
5 things on my to-do list:
1) shower lmao i hate when i dont have stuff to do during the day bc i dont shower i just.... sit. and be on the computer. which is seriously not healthy for me ive found, its a big cause of mental health(TM)
2) get rid of this fucking acne holy shit its so stubborn i may cry ive been trying for months now with a couple different things and Nothing Is Working
3) start actually eating healthy and working out yikes i keep telling myself i will but its just so hard to get started. once im in a routine its fine but the starting.....
4) try to write something even if its just a sentence
5) idk, do my homework maybe and not screw myself over by waiting till the last minute. also i want to get out of the house. this ice storm & 4 day weekend is giving me cabin fever 
5 things people may not know about me:
1) what am i supposed to write here no ones gonna care enough to know these facts lol  i guess for this 1st one ill write that im way less optimistic than people usually think i am im just good at faking it
2) i like to think im good with reading people and knowing them, even if they dont know themselves. 
3) all my job aspirations are too much for me to handle. being a teacher actually wasnt my first choice, its just the one that hurts the least. i wanted to be a therapist, but knew i couldnt talk to a depressed patient without bursting into tears myself. i wanted to be a vet/doctor but i could never handle death. especially being a vet. i wanted to be a forensic analyist or fbi agent or something but that also deals with death and i just... cant. a teacher is realistic. it may not be what i want, but its what im going to be. wow i went on a long tangent there y i k e s
4) i am one of the few people that actually like their parents. they may not be perfect but i have so much to thank them for. also, my mom always told me that if i befriended someone who didnt like their mom/dad/parents that shes your mom now. lol i used to compare her to mrs clause bc thats the type of person she is shes chubby and constantly smells like cookies and smiles all the time and is just... happiness
5) my favorite thing in the world is buying/making presents!!!! bc its one of the only things im good at lol i love giving people presents because theyre always perfectly chosen, a story behind each thing. its the only time my hyperawareness of people and sentimental-ness comes in handy
okay wow that entire thing was long and took forever and tbh i probably said too much but whatever lol ill go ahead and tag a few people. as always, you dont need to if you dont want to! @jmplel @fishpun @whysuga @85milk @kiryues @jihyeon @alipurple
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