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vvickydisc · 2 months ago
hi. Hope your day is good, your many ribbuns AU has good me wondering on what lore is behind them, even if its little, also your art in general is amazing. Like seriously your talent is good
oh my god thank you so much <333 please feel free to ask anything about them!
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authoralicesprings · 8 years ago
Twilight’s Love Volume Three: Scootaloo’s Love
by Stormbringer
This story is a sequel to
Twilight’s Love Volume Two: Rainbow’s Love
Eight years have passed since our last visit and joy has found three of the CMC.  But Apple Bloom is still alone with an embarrassing secret.  
Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara has determined to never be burned by another pony again.  So she tries to lead her son to a normal life with the help of her mother and father.  But they can't heal the pain of a yearning heart that still stings from abuse and rejection.
Two rivals will find that the pony they needed was always in front of them.
And a destiny that was put on hold for about ten years is revealed.
PART ONE: Scootaloo And Silver Spoon
“Scootie, are you going to sleep all day?” said Silver Spoon, climbing on her lover’s chest.
“Yes I am,” said Scoot then pretending to snore.
“Then you’re going to miss this.” Said Silver, moving forward and grasping the headboard of the bed, hovering her marehood over Scootaloo’s muzzle.
“Sil, what if we’re caught?”
“Who’s going to catch us?” asked Silver Spoon.  “We’re in our home, in our room and on our bed.  After eight years of having to hold back...”
Silver paused and got an odd twinkle in her eye.
“But then again, there was the time in the clubhouse when we were fourteen, after our friends had left,” said Silver with a giggle.  
“Or the time when my Mama T found you with your muzzle under my tail,” replied Scootaloo.
“You know she knew the real reason,” said Silver with a sly smile, “she’s too smart to believe I was looking for a splinter in your bum, and too cool to have really said anything.  I think any other of our parents would’ve gone through the roof.
But that aside, I would’ve thought you’d be over that stuff by now.  We’ve been married for six months today and you’ve had your muzzle in my marehood more times than I can count.”
“About as many as you’ve had yours in mine,” said Scoot with a giggle.
Before Silver could say anything, Scoot had reached out and pulled Silver close enough so Scoot’s tongue could pleasure her wife.
“Oh Darling,” said Silver moaning, “Mrs. Dash, you’re so good at that.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Dash,” came Scoot’s muffled response.
Scootaloo worked it good and Silver climaxed in no time.  Silver collapsed and held Scoot close and kissed with all her might.
“Good girl,” said Silver, “for that, you get an extra special dessert tonight.”
“I’m already hungry,” said Scoot with a smile.
After a few minutes of kissing and heavy petting, they decided they had to get the day started.  They showered and then walked into the kitchen.  Silver started making breakfast and Scootaloo made the coffee.  Soon they were sitting at the table eating.
“Remember, Dad is celebrating our six month anniversary at the restaurant tonight.”  Said Silver, giving Scootaloo a small kiss.  “Your moms will be there, along with our friends and their parents and families.”
“I don’t know,” said Scoot with a smirk, “Chez Pony has kind of gone downhill ever since they got that new Sous Chef.”
“And what if that Sous Chef makes sure all you get to eat at home is grass from the backyard?”  Said Silver, giving Scootaloo a love tap.
Scootaloo hugged Silver.
“You know I’m only kidding My Sweetness,” Scoot said, “I’m so thankful I fly with magic.  I’m sure between yours and your father’s cooking, I’m going to get so fat wings wouldn’t get me off the ground.”
“And I’m sure I’d give you enough exercise at night you wouldn’t get fat,” giggled Silver.
“I’m the luckiest mare in Equestria,” said Scoot, looking lovingly in her wife’s eyes.  “I have a wife with intelligence, can cook better almost anypony else and she has a face and body to die for.  
How anypony could’ve ever called you homely is beyond me.”
“We don’t need to bring that up,” said Silver, looking a little sad.
“Sil,” said Scoot, “I think she got what was coming to her.  The first year Diamond came back from boarding school for Hearth Warming vacation, it was obvious her activities had caught up with her.”
“Don’t say that Scootie,” said Silver, “having a foal at her age was devastating to her and her family.  Di told me her father said he’d pay to have the pregnancy terminated.  But her mother threatened she’d terminate Filthy if he made her do it.
Besides, motherhood took Di’s attitude down to a normal level.  Not only hers but her whole family changed to be supportive and attentive.  She’s now the friend to you and me she should’ve been in the first place.”
“I know,” said Scoot, “I’m thankful she finally became the pony we all wished she’d be.  Plus Emerald is one neat kid.”
“Yes he is,” said Silver smiling, “I think he looks up to you like you looked up to your mom, Rainbow.”
“I actually didn’t know back then that Spinner was a Pegasus,” said Scoot.
“Yes,” said Silver with a disgusted tone in her voice, “and of all the Pegasi I’ve ever known, he and his family have to be the worse Pegasi who ever flew.  To totally turn their backs on the foal, saying there was no proof it was Spinner’s.  
It forced her to put ‘Father Unknown’ on the birth certificate.  As if Di was some kind of a whore.  In spite of the way Di had treated us in the past, I could’ve kicked them the first I heard of it.”
“Honey,” said Scoot, “I think everypony in Ponyville felt the same.  It’s no wonder they moved to Las Pegasus.  Ponyville is all about respect and tolerance.”
“And love,” said Silver kissing her wife deeply.
The happy couple finished the breakfast, washed, and put away the dishes.
They’d just left their house, about to go their separate ways to work when Scootaloo stopped.
“Hey Sil,” said Scoot, “if you see Diamond today, invite her to dinner as well.”
“I already did,” said Silver with a wink.  “Your little coltfriend would be so hurt if he didn’t get to go to a party for you.”
“I married such a wonderful mare,” said Scoot.
“Besides my love for you, that’s one thing in life you can always count on.  So don’t ever forget it.” Replied Silver, giving her wife a kiss.
Silver started trotting off to the restaurant as Scootaloo stood there watching Silver’s flanks.  After all this time, the sight of Silver Spoon’s flanks still made her tingle ‘down below’.
“Why don’t you take a picture,” said an all too familiar voice, “it’d last longer.”
Scootaloo turned to see Rainbow Dash land beside her.
“Mom!” said Scoot, giving the older Pegasus a hug and exchanging kisses on the cheek. “What brings you by?”
“I was out for a fly before I had to get to work,” said Rainbow, “and I wanted to see if my favorite daughter had left for work yet.  And if not, then we could fly together.”
“I’m your only daughter, and I’d be happy to fly with you mom.”
“Well,” said Rainbow with that smirk of hers, “if you look at it that way, I guess you must be my least favorite daughter.”
“Ha Ha, mom” said Scootaloo, “leave the jokes to Pinkie Pie.  At least she’s funny.”
“Hey there,” said Rainbow in mock indignation, “you’ve been hanging out with your other mother too much.”
“Are you going to stand there and rank me down,” said Scootaloo, a shifting red, yellow and blue light starting to show in her eyes and a similar aura surrounding her.  “Or are you going to fly?”
“Just try and keep up,” said Rainbow, spreading her wings.
“I was just about to say the same thing to you, old lady!” said Scoot, spreading her diminutive wings.  Scootaloo took off like a shot.
“Hey there!” said Rainbow, but it was doubtful Scoot heard her, Rainbow followed fast.
Scootaloo didn’t need her wings to fly because she used levitation, taught by Rainbow and perfected with Twilight’s tutelage.  But she found she could still use her wings to fine tune her flight and make maneuvering easier.
Quickly the two were high over Ponyville.  They just meandered the sky chasing one another for a while then hovered and looked at each other and smiled.  
“I’ll see you later mom, love you,” said Scootaloo as she headed to Golden Oak Library.
“Love you too, and tell your other mother I’ll be there for lunch,” called Rainbow as she climbed and turned toward Cloudsdale.
Scootaloo landed at the library and went in.  
“Mom? You here?” called Scootaloo.
“I’m here Sweetheart,” said Twilight, coming into the front room.
The two ponies hugged and kissed a mother/daughter kiss.
“Mama R told me to tell you she’d be home for lunch,” said Scootaloo.
“I’ve always said the one thing you could always count on your mother for,” said Twilight with a smirk learned from years of living with Rainbow Dash, “is she’ll always be in time for one of my meals.”
The two mares laughed as Scootaloo went to work assisting her mother with the Library duties.
After some time, Twilight came levitating a box of papers into the main part of the library.
“Scootaloo Sweetie,” said Twilight, “would you mind taking these up to the store room?”
“Sure mom,” said Scoot.
Scootaloo’s aura formed around the box as Twilight’s dissipated.   But Scoot just stood there as if lost in thought.
“What’s wrong Sweetheart?” asked Twilight.
Then the thought struck her.  The ‘store room’ was Spike’s old bedroom.
“We all miss Spike,” said Twilight.
“I know,” said Scootaloo, “but he was like a brother to me, and I loved him like that.”
“I know,” said Twilight, “I hatched him, but I was always more like a big sister than a mother to him, as well as his best friend.  But we knew one day he’d have to take a ‘dragon nap’.”
“I know Spike liked to sleep in,” said Scoot, “but a hundred years?”
“It’s part of their nature so they can grow correctly,” said Twilight looking into her daughter’s eyes, “your Aunt Cadence sends guards into the Crystal Mountains to check to make sure he’s okay and not disturbed.  They see him as a hero in the Crystal Empire.
But know this, my lovely daughter, with Spike gone; I’d be completely lost without you.”
The two hugged, and then Twilight loosened the embrace and looked into Scootaloo’s eyes.
“Now get your flanks upstairs and put the papers away,” said Twilight, “we’ve got work to do before the library opens.”
“Okay mom,” said Scootaloo trotting upstairs.
Silver Spoon came through the back entrance to Chez Pony.  She went to her locker and quickly put on her chef’s jacket and toque then entered the kitchen.  As she’d expected, the rest of the kitchen staff hadn’t arrived yet and her father was seated at a small table, drinking coffee and going over the day’s menu.
“Hi daddy,” said Silver coming up and giving her father a kiss on the forehead and taking a sip of his coffee.
“Silver,” said Soup Spoon, “good morning.  How are you and Scoot this morning?”
“We’re good,” said Silver with a sly smile, “but you know my wife, it took a little extra motivation to get her up.”
“Baby,” said Soup, “I know you’re now a married adult.  But you’re still my little filly; I’m uncomfortable knowing about your shenanigans.”
“Oh daddy,” snickered Silver, “you know I say these things to get a rise out of you.  And I know you’re happy Scootie and I are happy.”
“The happiness of my little filly is number one in my world, along with your mother and that ‘mare that took you away from me’.”
“That ‘mare that took me away from you’,” said Silver, “looks to you as a father as well.  You’re the only male parent figure she’s ever known.  And I’m glad you treat her as such.”
“Honey,” said Soup, a tear playing in his eye, “Scootaloo is the most wonderful pony you could’ve ever married.  She treats you like Celestia.  And your mother and I are happy to know no matter what, she’ll be there protecting and loving you.”
He wiped the tear off his cheek.  Then he continued:
“Now get to work, we’re featuring butternut squash soup for lunch.  And you know the Potager(1)  doesn’t cut the squash like I like it.  So if you don’t mind would you take care of the squash before you and I get down to today’s main courses?”
“Yes Chef!” said Silver in mock professionalism.
Silver Spoon was soon chopping the squash, her father watched from his seat.  He was thinking of how proud he was of his daughter.  
At one time, Soup thought Silver was becoming just another snooty brat because her family didn’t lack for bits.  Plus she was always with Diamond Tiara, another snooty brat from a family with bits.  But Silver turned around one day when she discovered a pony who changed her heart.  Soup Spoon had grown up in a family who had to scrimp and scrounge just to meet the bills.  So he worked hard so he could make sure his family lacked for nothing.  Unfortunately, this often leads to spoiled kids with friends who are either equally snooty, or worse, sycophantic fair-weather friends who’re there for what they can get.
But when Silver Spoon started seeing Scootaloo in secret (not as secret as they thought), he was concerned this might be the latter kind of friend.  But to his great delight, Scootaloo never once tried to use Silver Spoon for any type of gain, save emotional.  
His sister Golden was so proud of her younger brother when he told her about Silver and Scootaloo.  She was impressed because he had no problem with her niece dating another filly, unlike how their parents had reacted.  But even during Golden’s time of discovery, Soup was always there for her.  His only complaint, jokingly, was her marefriends were always more attractive than his.  
Now Silver and Scootaloo were married.  Soup had told the couple the Spoon mansion was large enough and they were welcome to stay there.  On turning the offer down Soup tried to set the couple up in a furnished house and offered to cover their bills.  
Once again, Soup was surprised Scootaloo wanted nothing of it.  She wanted to work and earn her living, just like her mothers.  But Soup did make sure they knew he was there for them if they needed anything.  
He, as did all Ponyville citizens, knew Twilight, Rainbow and their friends were responsible for the protection of Equestria by using the Elements of Harmony.  But it was brought home to him how important his daughter-in-law’s parents were when they were planning the wedding and he’d mentioned he’d be honored to pay for the wedding.  Twilight told him it was Princess Celestia’s request to have the wedding at Canterlot Castle with the princess performing the ceremony.  
A request from the princess was as good as a command.  Soup had to admit it was a better venue than he could’ve provided.  
Then after the wedding, something happened to show just how much the princess was now family.  
At the reception, Princess Celestia sought him out…
Six months earlier...
“Mr. Spoon,” said the princess as she and another pony approached him.  
“Your Highness,” said Soup with a small bow.
“Apparently I don’t have to introduce myself, but this is my secretary Raven,” said Celestia with a smirk, “I don’t know if you are aware of this but Scootaloo is, by marriage, my niece.  We’re so proud of the pony she’s become, my sister and I.  And her happiness is paramount to us, as I’m sure your daughter’s is to you.”
The princess turned to go, but then she stopped and turned back to address Soup Spoon.
“By the way, I also heard from Twilight Dash, you in your generosity, had volunteered to pay for the ceremony.”
“Yes Your Highness,” answered Soup.  “nothing too good for the couple.”
“I’m so glad to hear it.  Therefore, my secretary has something for you,” said the princess actually offering her hoof.  “And congratulations, your daughter is an absolute gem.”
“Thank you, Highness,” said Soup as he shook the princess’ hoof, then the princess turned and went off to mingle.  
“Congratulations, sir,” said Raven as she levitated a parchment to Soup Spoon and walked off.
Soup opened the parchment, started to read, as he did he became faint:
Use Of Canterlot Castle Throne Room:                    B(2) 500,000.00
Honor Guard And Security:                                     B     250,000.00
Use Of Canterlot Castle Ballroom For Reception:      B     500,000.00
Catering By Castle Kitchens:                                   B     750,000.00
Serving Staff:                                                        B     300,000.00
Cleaning Deposit:                                                  B     200,000.00
Her Grand Royal Highness’ Services:                       B  2,500,000.00
Subtotal:                                                               B  5,000,000.00
Soup was about to pass out, where was he going to get five million bits?  Then he noticed the ‘over’ at the bottom.  He gingerly turned it over and read.  A smile spread across his face.
Subtotal From Front:                                                  B   5,000,000.00
Royal Family Discount:                                               B -4,999,999.00
Grand Total:                                                             B               1.00
Soup Spoon looked up from the parchment, not far away stood the princess, Raven, Rainbow and Twilight Dash, Scootaloo and Silver and Tea Spoon.  They were all looking at him and laughing.
The present...
(1) Prepares soups in a full brigade kitchen. In smaller establishments, this station may be handled by the Vegetable Chef.
(2) B is used for Bits.
PART TWO: Diamond, Emerald And Apple Bloom
“Mommy!” shouted the green Pegasus colt, “I can’t find my Crusader cape!  We have a meeting after school.”
“Emerald,” said Diamond Tiara walking into the colt’s room, “you’d lose your tail if it weren’t attached to your rump.  It’s right here in your closet, where it’s supposed to be.”
“Oh yeah,” said Emerald blushing, “I’m just excited about the party tonight.  Do you think Scootaloo Dash will let me sit by her?”
“She’ll probably have you sit in her lap,” said Diamond laughing.
“Do you think so?” said the colt.
“No,” Said Diamond still chuckling, “but I’m sure she’ll show you all the attention she can.  But it’s her and Sil’s party, so you’re just going to have to share her.”
“Do you think I can wear my cape to the party?” asked Emerald.
“I’m sure Scootaloo would be honored if you did.” Said Diamond, “The Cutie Mark Crusaders may be an Equestria wide organization now, but she, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle started it, and at my cute-ceañera.”
Emerald had never heard that part before, his eyes lit up.
“So you were a Crusader too?” asked the colt.
Diamond’s face turned a little sad.
“No Honey,” said Diamond, “you might say I was the reason they started the club.  Unfortunately mommy wasn’t very nice to them back then.”
“But they’re your friends,” said the colt, “aren’t they?”
“Yes Emerald, they and Sil are my best friends,” said Diamond, “they tried to be back then too.  But your mommy had a lot of growing up to do before she realized the value of real friends.
Enough of this for now, you need to get your things together.  Windy Daze will be here any moment to walk to school with you.”
“Do you think Windy’s aunt will be at the party,” asked the colt.
“Yes, I’m sure Shady and Sweetie Belle Daze will be there,” said Diamond, “and before you ask, I think Apple Bloom wouldn’t miss it either.
Now get down stairs and make sure Randolph has your lunch packed.”
“Yes mommy,” said the colt giving his mother a kiss, then rushing through the door.
“Emerald!” shouted Diamond, “your cape!”
It wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door; Emerald was there in a flash.  There stood a pink Unicorn filly with white and gray mane and tail and wearing a CMC cape.
“Windy’s here,” said the colt, “see you after the Crusader meeting.”
The two walked together down the path toward the school.
Diamond stood at the door watching as the kids walked out of sight.  She was regretting, once again, the fact she had to face the issues of her past without the support of a ‘significant other’.  Not necessarily a father for her son, but a pony she could share the responsibilities of guiding her son to a normal life.  It wasn’t that her parents weren’t supportive.  But somepony that’d be closer to her than her parents, a pony she could love in more than the physical aspect of the emotion.
However, after the way she’d been used in the past, she was in no way open to another stallion coming into her life, using her only to cast her aside when he got what he wanted from her.  
Never again.  
She wasn’t so closed minded to think all stallions would treat her as such.  But the past pain was enough for her to decide she couldn’t take the chance in case she chose wrong again.  
Nevertheless, she wasn’t quite sure if she could accept a mare as a partner.  She didn’t see anything wrong with it anymore.  She was just uncomfortable trying to wrap her mind around being intimate with another girl.  She also knew sex was sex, and she could just as easily be used and dumped by a mare as she could be by a stallion.
She’d built a wall around her heart to protect her from a repeat of the massive pain she’d gone through once.  ‘Once but never again’, she swore to herself.
But the tradeoff for all this guardedness was a hurting heart yearning to be loved.  Longing for somepony to ease the pain of the certain loneliness which wasn’t cured by being with family and friends.  
So it appeared her longing to feel the embrace of a special pony would never be.
“What’s wrong Honey,” asked Spoiled Rich, Diamond’s mother, interrupting Diamond’s thoughts.
“Every time I have to talk to Emerald about my past with my friends,” said Diamond, “I feel so awful.  I think how different things would be now had I just pulled my head out of my flanks and been the friend Silver Spoon needed.  Not to mention Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.  
But then I think if I had, then I wouldn’t have Emerald.  I can’t even imagine that, I love the little guy so much.”
“We can’t undo the past,” said Spoiled, “we can only make the best of now and try for a better future.  Don’t begrudge the past.  I know I wouldn’t want to be without my grandcolt.  And your friends love him as well.  
All in all, I think you turned out alright.  And the choices you’ve made were because you learned your lesson from the past.  It’s what’s made you, you.”
Diamond looked at her mother, a small tear in her eye.
“Thanks mom,” said Diamond, “I needed to hear that.”
“That’s what moms are for,” Said Spoiled giving her daughter a little hug, “now you need to go to Sweet Apple Acres.  Your dad says the Zap Apples are due anytime now, so he wanted you to go and make sure his standing order of Zap Apple jam is still in place.”
“I’m sure it is,” said Diamond.
“So does he,” said Spoiled, “but it’s a respect thing to the Apple Family.  He wants to make sure they know he doesn’t take them for granted.”
Diamond walked the distance to Sweet Apple Acres.  When she was younger, she would’ve demanded Randolph to pull her in a carriage, but now she valued the time in the fresh air and meeting ponies along the way.  
She really had a hard time coming to terms with the way she’d acted as a filly.  
Apple Bloom was doing her chores, pulling a wagonload of apples to the barn.  The heavy wagon wasn’t a problem.  After all these years on the farm, she could pull, push, buck and lift as well as Applejack or Big Mac.  
The load which was bothering her was the thought of the party tonight.  
She was looking forward to being with her friends and celebrating Scootaloo and Silver Spoon’s happiness.  Sweetie Belle will be there with her husband as well.  Yet another reminder of the happiness she knew she could never have.
It hurt to know, through no fault of her own, she couldn’t be in a relationship others could celebrate.  Fate had dealt her a hand she had a hard time coming to terms with.
She was told by all her friends and many other ponies, she was a very attractive pony.  Stallions were all the time asking her out.  This had to be the cruelest part.  Stallions clamoring over her to go out with them and her knowing she couldn’t take the chance of accepting any of their offers.  
Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon knew her ‘issue’ and so they did understand why their friend didn’t go to many parties and outings.
She could deal with her own hurt, but she was sure the disappointment and scorn which would be the result of her taking the chance would be beyond any heartbreak she could handle.  If she was laughed at or considered a freak because of something she couldn’t change, there was no way she could deal with it.
It was the reason Apple Bloom hardly ever went to social gathering anymore.  She’d even find a reason for skipping the annual Apple Family Barn Dance.  But with this being for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, she couldn’t let them down.
She also felt bad because her sister and Rarity would try to ease her discomfort by having herself go out with them, as if she was still a little filly who needed to have chaperones.  Her condition shouldn’t stand in the way of her sister and Rarity’s time together.
As Diamond came up the lane, she saw Apple Bloom pulling a wagonload of apples.  Apple Bloom saw her and called out to her as she waved.  Diamond waved back as Apple Bloom slipped her harness and trotted over to meet her friend.  As always, the hug Apple Bloom would give was warm and honest.  Diamond thought what a friend she would’ve been in school.  So much could’ve been different.
Many of Apple Bloom’s school chums were jealous of how the filly had ‘grown up’.  She was prettier than just about any mare around.  She never wore any makeup except when her sister’s partner made her wear it for important occasions.  But most ponies agreed she really didn’t need it.  Even the ‘cowpony’ hat she wore now instead of her old trademark bow was slightly more girlish than her big sister’s.
“Diamond,” said Apple Bloom, “what brings you by?”
“I’m here for my daddy,” said Diamond.  “I need to talk to Applejack.”
“She’s in the house,” said Apple Bloom, “got lots of paperwork she has to take care of.  Big Mac ain’t so hot when it comes to fig’ers.  I’ll walk with you, if’n you don’t mind.  I need a break anyway.”
“Sure thing Apple Bloom,” said Diamond smiling, “I’m glad for the company.”
They made small talk as the two strolled to the house and went in.  There at the table was Applejack and a stack of papers, she looked up and saw her sister and Diamond.
“Howdy Diamond,” said AJ, “what can I do you for?”
“My daddy says the Zap Apples should be here soon and he wanted me to make sure his order was still in place.”
Applejack gave a short chuckle.
“I’ve learned Filthy Rich askin’ ‘bout the Zap Apple harvest is as much a sign the Zap Apples are comin’ as the timber wolves howlin’ at night.  You can tell Filthy our best customer’s one hundred jars always comes off the top.” Said AJ, “but he knows it.”
“Yes but he wanted to let you know he doesn’t just take the Apple Family for granted,” said Diamond.  Apple Bloom and AJ both smiled at the sentiment.
Then Apple Bloom got quiet and had a sad look on her face.  It didn’t go unnoticed.
“What’s wrong Apple Bloom?” asked Diamond.
“It’s the first year I have to make the Zap Apple jam by myself, now that Granny’s gone,” said Apple Bloom.
“I forgot about that,” said Diamond, putting a foreleg over Apple Bloom’s shoulders.
“I really miss her,” said the younger Apple.
“We all do,” said Diamond.
“Well,” said Applejack, “I’m glad she’s gone.”
“Really?” asked Diamond.
“Yeah,” said AJ, “her rheumatis’ had been botherin’ her quite fierce.  The doctor told her the dry desert air would do her good.  In her last letter, she said Braeburn and all the Apples in Appleloosa were happy to have her help out there.”
“Well I guess it would be better,” Said Diamond, “and because the jam will be all Apple Bloom this time, I’m sure it’ll be the best Zap Apple jam ever!”
Apple Bloom smiled at Diamond, she knew here was a friend who really understood her.
“Well I got to get the wagon of apples into the barn,” said Apple Bloom, “so if’n y’all will ex-squeeze me.”
“I’ll go help,” said Diamond, then looking at Applejack, “I’ll tell daddy what you said.  Have a good day; hope to see you at the party tonight.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” said Applejack.  “See you there.”
The two walked out to the apple wagon.
“You really don’t have to help,” said Apple Bloom.
“It’s okay,” said Diamond with a smile.  “I’m not in a rush to get back to the store and we never get time to talk.”
Apple Bloom smiled, nodded and slipped back in the harness while Diamond helped push from the rear.
It didn’t take long for the two friends to get the wagon unloaded.  Apple Bloom went and got some cold cider and the two sat under a tree in the shade.
They talked for a while about little things which weren’t of any importance.  Then Diamond asked a question of Apple Bloom the Apple was hoping wouldn’t come up.
“So, are you going with anypony to the party tonight?”
“No,” said Apple Bloom, “I’ll be there, but I ain’t goin’ with anypony.”
“Why?  Hasn’t any stallion asked you out?” asked Diamond, “I really can’t see why they wouldn’t.”
“Yes,” said Apple Bloom, looking uncomfortable, “plenty have.  I just ain’t wanted to go out with any of ‘em.”
“Is it that you like mares,” asked Diamond, without the prejudice of the past, “like your sister?”
“No,” said Apple Bloom, blushing.
“Okay,” said Diamond, “I can see it’s none of my business.  I’m sorry I asked.”
“It’s ‘kay,” said Apple Bloom, it looked like she was going to cry, “it’s somethin’ I ain’t talked to anypony outside the family.”  
“I understand, something’s are just too personal to share.  Celestia knows, I’ve had my share of them,” said Diamond. “Forget I said anything about it, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Diamond put a foreleg around Apple Bloom and gave a friendly hug of comfort.
Apple Bloom looked at Diamond oddly.  Perhaps with what Diamond went through, here was a pony she could talk to, plus they had ‘history’.  She’d held it in for so long, it’d be nice to get it out.  Apple Bloom took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“I need you to promise you won’t laugh,” said Apple Bloom.  “Or say somethin’ ’bout it to anypony.”
“I promise to be silent, and I wouldn’t laugh at a personal problem,” said Diamond, then trying to lighten the mood she continued, “at least I haven’t for some time now.”
Apple Bloom did smile then she decided just to come out with it.
“I don’t go out with anypony because...
I can’t”
“What,” asked Diamond, “your brother or sister won’t let you?  Aren’t you a little old for that?”
“No,” said Apple Bloom, “that ain’t it.  Of all ponies, you should understand.  If’n you go out with a pony, it doesn’t matter stallion or mare, eventually there’s kissin’.  Then if’n there’s kissin’, eventually it can lead to… Somethin’.  
Well, I can’t do the somethin’.”
“You afraid to get involved?”
“No Diamond,” said Apple Bloom a little frustrated and embarrassed, “I can’t have sex.”
Diamond just looked confused; Apple Bloom took another deep breath.
“The doctor calls it Vaginal Agenesis.  I was born without a vagina or a uterus.”
Diamond sat there with an open mouth.
“Don’t take this wrong,” said Apple Bloom standing up.
She turned her flanks in Diamond’s direction, moved her tail aside and with a fore hoof she spread one side of the closed lips of her marehood.
There was nothing between the lips except the small hole Apple Bloom peed through.  But no vagina, no clitoris.
“I have ovaries inside.” Said Apple Bloom, turning back around and sitting back down, “so I am a girl.  I got the normal mare’s nipples; I got a mare’s voice and muzzle.  But other than that, I ain’t got any of the equipment a coltfriend or marefriend would want.  I guess I could do that oral stuff, but what’s in it for me?  And forget the ‘back door’!  There ain’t enough hard cider in Equestria for that.”
Apple Bloom looked down; a tear was running down her cheek, so she didn’t see the one going down Diamond’s cheek.  
Diamond thought about it.  Could this really be the answer to her prayers?  Could her loneliness come to an end?  
Here was a pony who wouldn’t want to use her for their self-gratification and then leave her to deal with the consequences.  A pony with honor and heart.  A pony who wouldn’t expect anything but, to Diamond’s mind, what was really important.  
Diamond thought hard about to say next.
“Look Apple Bloom,” said Diamond, “Emerald is beside himself because you, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will be at the party tonight.  It’d be a bigger thrill to him if you were to go to the party with us.  I’ve no desire for sex myself.  I don’t want to go out with any stallion because I’ve been used before, but I’ll never let it happen again.
And I’m not of the mindset to try mares yet either.  I don’t see anything wrong with it anymore, but I’m not ready for that.  
But I’d be happy to go out with a pony I’d feel completely safe with.  You can be sure I’ll be completely safe for you.  No expectations, no pressures.  
All I want in a pony is one who wants to be together and supportive, maybe a cuddle once in a while.  But I know most ponies would, like you said, expect more eventually.  I’m not for that at this time, if ever again.  I think you’re a pony who could understand all of that and be alright with it.”
Apple Bloom was finding in Diamond’s words the kind of pony who wanted a relationship which wouldn’t be in conflict with her condition.  A pony she could be comfortable with.  A pony, if true to her word, would be the kind of pony she could feel good with.  Not having to expect she’d have to ‘perform’ at a later time.  Apple Bloom could just scream!  
And after all that had happened in the past, who’d have ever thought it’d be Diamond Tiara.  
Diamond then continued:
“It’d also be okay with me if you or anypony else called it a date.  You’re my friend and I could deal with it.”
Apple Bloom smiled even more.
“Plus me being with the best looking mare in Ponyville,” said Diamond with a sly smile, and sounding like the ‘old’ Diamond Tiara, “it’ll make ponies jealous!”
Apple Bloom finally laughed.  
“’kay Diamond,” said Apple Bloom with a smile, “it’s a date.”
Diamond and Apple Bloom hugged. Diamond didn’t know what came over her, perhaps the joy of her heart in finding a pony that so closely fit the kind of pony she wanted in her life.  A pony she’d convinced herself didn’t exist.  
Diamond felt in her heart an urging to do something she’d not done for years.  Diamond kissed Apple Bloom, a respectable kiss.  No girly peck on the lips, it was a kiss Diamond had longed for, for so long.   Diamond was also thrilled Apple Bloom didn’t pull away.  The rush inside was at such a deep level.  It put the kisses of the past into perspective, this was real.  
Apple Bloom felt it also.  She’d never allowed herself to kiss another pony; yes there were family kisses, and the girly kisses between friends, but never a kiss like this.  The feel of Diamond’s tongue made her feel something she’d never felt before.  And she was doing her best to return the kiss in kind.  For the first time in her life, Apple Bloom allowed herself to feel ‘normal’ as far as this kind of stuff went.
They broke the kiss and embraced again.
“I’ll be by to pick you up this evening,” said Diamond, “okay?”
“See you then,” said Apple Bloom with a smile.
They shared another quick kiss and then Diamond turned and happily trotted down the lane.
Apple Bloom returned to her chores.  But her mind wasn’t on what she was doing.  She’d just had her first real kiss, tongue and all!  And who’d ever thought it would’ve been with Diamond Tiara.
After a bit AJ came out and walked over to her sister.  
“Apple Bloom,” said Applejack, “I’m so glad you’re goin’ to the party.  Rarity wanted me to see if’n I could talk you into wearing a dress.  I know you won’t be with anypony so you can go with us so you don’t feel left out.”
“Sis,” said Apple Bloom, “tell Rarity I’d be happy to wear a dress, and even makeup.  But I ain’t goin’ with y’all.  
I’ve got a date.”
“You do!” said AJ genuinely surprised.  “Who’s the lucky pony?”
“Diamond Tiara,” said Apple Bloom.
“Diamond Tiara?” questioned Applejack, “as in the pony who was just here, Diamond Tiara?  The pony who used to give you and your friends such a hard time,   Diamond Tiara?  The pony who tried to embarrass Silver Spoon because she liked mares, Diamond Tiara?”
“Yes sis,” said Apple Bloom, “that Diamond Tiara.  Do you know of another one?”
“Does she know... ’bout you?”
“Yes sis, I told her all ’bout me.”
“And she’d be ’kay with it?”
“I don’t know,” said Apple Bloom snickering, “she didn’t say much, she just kissed me after I told her.”
“Huh?” said AJ a bit confused, her entire preconceived notion about a pony had been shattered.  “And are you sure she’s ain’t goin’ to be wantin’ anythin’... Sexual?”
“She said she’d been used in the past and she couldn’t go through it again.” Said Apple Bloom, “she said she wasn’t ready to go out with mares either.  But with me, she’d feel safe and she guaranteed I’d be safe as well.  No expectations, no pressure.”
“Really?” said AJ, “no expectations?  That’s a lot to ask of a pony.”
“Well she did say one thing which could have been an expectation.”
“What’s that?”
“She said all she wanted was a pony who wants to be together and supportive.  And cuddle once in a while.”
Applejack started to have tears rolling down her cheek.
“What’s wrong sis?” asked Apple Bloom.
“It sounds like my lil’ sis has finally found a pony who could really understand her.” Said AJ, “I’m so happy for y’all.”
PART THREE: Getting Ready For The Party
Diamond went back to Rich’s Barnyard Bargains.  Her dad was busy with a customer, so she decided to put some stock on the shelves while he conducted his business.  When done, Diamond approached him.
“Daddy,” said Diamond, “I’ve a favor to ask.”
“What is it Sweetie,” said Filthy.
“I haven’t done this for years,” said the daughter blushing.  “But I wanted to know if I could get some extra bits.  I’ll work extra to pay you back.”
“What do you need them for?” asked the father, slightly afraid Diamond might be slipping back into old habits.  However in the past there was never any mention of working for it.
“I’d like to get a new dress for the party tonight,” said Diamond.
“You have dresses,” said Filthy.  He was becoming more concerned.  Diamond had a good supply of dresses.
“I know,” said Diamond, “you and mom have been quite generous to Emerald and me.  I thank you for all the times in the past I didn’t thank you.”
Diamond kissed her father and hugged him.  Then she started to blush and couldn’t quite look her father in the eyes.
“But I’ve got a date tonight.”
“A date?” said Diamond’s mother coming out from the back room.  “Sweetie, I’m so glad for you!”
“Who is he,” said Filthy, “he better know if he sets one hoof on you wrong, I’ll rip his hoof off and shove it up his flanks!”
“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” said Diamond slightly amused, “and he isn’t a ‘he’.  It’s Apple Bloom.”
“Did Applejack make you do this for the Zap Apple jam?” asked Filthy.
“No,” said Diamond, “I asked her.”
“But we thought you didn’t want any relationships,” said Spoiled, “you said you were afraid to get burned again.  What changed, did you decide you like mares?”
“It has nothing to do with liking mares,” said Diamond, “it isn’t the reason I asked her out.  I discovered Apple Bloom has as much if not more reason to not want those kinds of relationships either.  
I asked for the money to buy a new dress because this is the first date Apple Bloom has ever had, and I wanted to make it special for her.”
It was so good to hear, after the way their daughter was in the past, she wanted to do something to make somepony else happy.
Spoiled went to the backroom and returned with a small bag.
“What’s that?” asked Filthy.
“It’s my ‘mad money’,” said Spoiled.
“Mad money?” said Filthy with a smile, “if you left it with me, it’d be happy.”
“You see why your father didn’t go into show business,” said Spoiled, Diamond snickered and Filthy smiled a goodhearted smile showing he wasn’t serious.  “Now come along Diamond, we should have just enough time to find something at Carousel Boutique and have it fitted before you and Emerald have to go to the party.”
Carousel Boutique was just down the block from Rich’s Barnyard Bargains so they were at the dress shop in no time.  The bell rang as they entered.  Rarity was at the sewing machine, there were all sorts of dress making items, such as scissors, measuring tape, marking pen and different spools of thread, floating around her inside of a blue aura.  Rarity looked up from her sewing and smiled.
“Spoiled Rich, Diamond Tiara, what can I do for you today?” asked the white Unicorn.
“Diamond has the first date she’s had in years and we want see if we could get something stunning and fitted in time for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon’s party.”
Rarity looked a little sheepish.
“I don’t know if I could have anything fitted by then Darling,” said Rarity, “Not with all the party orders I have.  And I also have a very important customer expecting their garments ASAP.  I’d really like to help but business is business, you understand.
Rarity felt bad, Spoiled and Diamond looked let down.  
“We’re business ponies also, and we understand.  Thanks anyway,” said Spoiled, the two headed to the exit.  “Come on Diamond, I’m sure Apple Bloom won’t mind what you wear.”
Suddenly from behind there was the sound of items crashing to the floor.  Rarity bolted to the two mares and skidded around in front of them, a grin from ear to ear.
“Apple Bloom is your date?” said Rarity looking at Diamond and sounding excited.
“Yes,” said Diamond, “I asked her today.  I understand this was too little warning.”
Rarity, being the same as family to the Apples, knew about Apple Bloom’s condition and she felt sad for her partner’s sister.  For one so young to choose to live without the possibility of love was heartbreaking to Rarity.  Now Apple Bloom had accepted the offer to go out with a pony.  She could hardly stand still.
“Why didn’t you say so Darling,” said Rarity smiling even harder.  
“What about your other customer?” asked Spoiled.
“Pbbbt!” said Rarity blowing a raspberry, “Sapphire Shores’ Comeback Tour can wait.  Business is business, but family is family.  
Let’s make you look fabulous!”
All three mares smiled.
The Dash family was finishing their lunch; Rainbow didn’t mind the fly from Cloudsdale to Ponyville as long as she could have Twilight’s delicious cooking.
“So Squirt,” said Rainbow, still using the nickname she’d given her daughter years ago, even though she was now as tall as her mothers.  “You excited for this evening?”
“Mom,” said Scoot, “Sil and I are just so happy.  It’s like it’s always new every day!”
Twilight and Rainbow looked lovingly at each other.
“We know exactly what you’re talking about,” said Twilight, “it’s how a true love feels.  Just ask your grandparents.  We hope you’ll always feel that way.”
“Well,” said Rainbow, “we hope you’ll be able to share some joy tonight.  All your friends will be there.  I just hope you can spare some time for us when your little coltfriend is around.
I know all too well how much of a kink in your life it can be when some snot-muzzled little brat wants to hang out with you all the time and not share you with anypony.”
“Hey!” exclaimed Scootaloo.
“Yes,” said Twilight, “the only way I could get any time with my wife was to adopt the knee-biter.”
“Even then,” said Rainbow, trying hard not to laugh, “we had to push her off on some unsuspecting filly.  Where did you learn the spell you put on Silver Spoon, Lover-Pony?”
“Wait! What?” said Scoot.
Rainbow and Twilight couldn’t keep it up.  They both broke down in sidesplitting laughter.  Scootaloo couldn’t help but join in the mirth.
Their moment was broken with the entry of another pony.
“Silver Spoon,” said Rainbow, “we were just talking about you.”
“Is that why you were laughing so hard?” said Silver Spoon, trying to act offended.
“No,” said Twilight, “we were just having fun with our gullible daughter.”
“They said Mama T used a spell to get you to like me,” said Scoot.
“How else do you think anypony would like you?” asked Silver, and then turning to Twilight, “I guess it’s too late to remove the spell.”
“Sorry Silver,” said Twilight snickering, “you just missed the cutoff.”
“Darn!” said Silver, “and there’s a new mare who moved to Ponyville last week.  She sure is a cutie!”
“Hey now!” said Scootaloo, “I think it’s my turn to get offended.”
They all laughed and rushed to hug Scootaloo.  Silver gave her wife a large kiss.
“I brought some desert from Chez Pony,” said Silver, taking the basket off her back.  “Fresh raspberry tarts.  I even wrapped one separately for Mama R to take to Cloudsdale with her.”
“Speaking of that,” said Rainbow, “I need to get back to work.”
Rainbow kissed Twilight a deep kiss, then a motherly kiss to Scootaloo and Silver Spoon.  Then took the tart from the basket.
“See you at the party tonight,” said Rainbow as she went downstairs.
“And speaking of the party,” said Silver, “I need to get my wife over to Carousel Boutique to pick up our party dresses.  
And don’t make me have your mom put a spell on you to keep you from kicking and screaming to keep from going, Sweetheart.”
“I’ll go,” said Scootaloo, “I’ll see you tonight mom, love you.”
Scootaloo kissed her mother and turned to go.
“See you, love you too, both of you.”
“Same here, see you later Mama T,” said Silver exchanging a kiss on the cheek with her mother-in-law.  Then Silver and Scoot descended the stairs.
The couple arrived at Carousel Boutique as Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara were leaving.  Diamond had a garment bag draped across her back.
“Hello Mrs. Rich, hi Diamond.” Said Scoot, “can’t wait to see you at the party tonight.  Is Emerald excited?”
“He’s probably more excited than you,” said Diamond with a smile. “he even asked if he could wear his CMC cape and asked if you’d appreciate it.”
“Diamond,” said Scootaloo, “I’d be honored.  I know with Sweetie Belle being the director of the Cutie Mark Crusaders International, will be as well.  And if Apple Bloom comes, I’m sure she’ll be too.  But you know Apple Bloom; she almost never goes to parties anymore.”
“Oh she’ll be there alright,” said Spoiled, “right Diamond.”
Diamond had a slightly embarrassed look on her face.
“Apple Bloom will be there,” said Diamond pausing, “she’s my date.”
“You have a date?” said Silver surprised.
“Apple Bloom is your date,” said Scootaloo just as surprised.
“Yeah,” said Diamond, not really reading her friend’s reactions.
“Why that’s the most marvelous news ever!” said Silver.
“It’s about time both of you got out and did things.” Said Scootaloo, “with it being the two of you together makes it even better!”
Diamond smiled as Scootaloo and Silver hugged her.
“See you tonight girls,” said Spoiled.
The Rich’s walked off and the Dash couple entered the boutique.  It was the first time either pony could remember Rarity singing to herself.
“There’s the couple of the hour,” said Rarity.  “Let’s see how your couture fits.  I made them especially for tonight.”
“Okay,” said Silver Spoon, “we’re sure they’ll be amazing.  But you know how hard it is to get Scootaloo to wear a dress.”
“Don’t I know it Darling!” said Rarity, “with that partner of mine, you almost have to hog-tie her to get her to put on a dress.  And I won’t go into what I have to do to get her to wear makeup.”  
“I think I have a good idea of what it is,” said Silver, giving Scootaloo and bump with her flanks.
“Maybe she’s like that,” said Scootaloo, “just so she can get the ‘persuasion’.”
“I figured as much,” said Silver.
“I’ve always known that,” said Rarity.  “Perhaps we can get together, Silver Spoon Darling, and compare notes.”
“I think Applejack and I are in trouble,” said Scootaloo.
The three broke out in laughter.
Apple Bloom was so excited.  Maybe it was because it was to be her first date ever.  And maybe it was because of the way Diamond Tiara had kissed her.  Either one was something she hadn’t ever expect to happen to her.  And with a pony eight years ago, the news of would have two fillies die laughing, perhaps literally.  But after telling Diamond Tiara about herself, Diamond had explained she was almost in the same predicament, but hers was self-induced.  Because of what she went through with being abandoned by the father of her child after she’d given him everything at a young age, she had determined never to be burned again.
They found they were two ponies who were lonely and didn’t have or didn’t intend to give what other ponies would want in a regular relationship.  But as they talked, both found something in their hearts was telling them this could be an answer to loneliness they might not have realized the depth they were experiencing.  
And perhaps it would now be safe to open up to another pony.
As the time approached for her date to come by, Rarity was thrilled that Apple Bloom was so insistent to have Rarity help her get her makeup perfect and to make sure she was wearing the dress properly.
Applejack stood in the doorway watching her sister and her partner working together.  AJ was trying to hide the tears in her eyes.  She knew how badly her sister had taken the news of her condition and what it meant, when she was old enough to understand.  
It had been a dream of Apple Bloom’s to have a family including foals, like the stories Rarity would read her.  But after a biology lesson at high school, Apple Bloom realized that there was something wrong with the pictures in the books and what she knew about her own ‘private parts’.  When it was explained to her, the news broke her heart.  
But she’d adjusted and made sure she never got close enough to anypony to have to be embarrassed by having another pony let down or even face ridicule.  But with what Apple Bloom had told her about Diamond, plus remembering Diamond’s past, AJ was so happy for her sister and Diamond.
“I don’t believe I’d ever be sayin’ this,” said Apple Bloom with a chuckle, “but do y’all think Diamond Tiara will like how I look?”
She’d thought if eight years ago, Diamond knew about her condition, it would’ve given her frenemy ammunition to make her life in school a living Tartarus.  But now it was something which bound the two lonely mares together.  She could just scream.
Rarity and Applejack both smiled.
“Darling,” said Rarity, “when Diamond and her mother came by the shop to get a dress for Diamond.  Diamond was beside herself wanting to look good for you.  This means as much to her as it does to you.”
“We’re happy for both of y’ns,” said AJ, “do make sure you or she don’t try to go too fast.  It’s new for you and she hasn’t been down this road for a while.”
“But don’t let the moment pass;” said Rarity, “I think if everything works out, you two are a couple of ponies who could be made for each other.”
“Thank you sis,” said Apple Bloom, “thank you Rarity.  I’m just so excited!”
Apple Bloom actually gave a little jog in place and squealed almost like Sweetie Belle.  AJ and Rarity couldn’t keep the laughter in.
“Well I know two ponies who are probably as excited,” said Rarity, “and I see them in a taxi coming up the lane.”
After a few moments, there was a knock at the door; Apple Bloom was so shocked and excited.
“Will you get it?” asked Apple Bloom, “I need to run to the john, I’m about to pee myself!”
Rarity and AJ giggled as Apple Bloom took off to the bathroom.
“I’ll get it Sugar Cube,” said AJ giving Rarity a kiss, “make sure Apple Bloom doesn’t hurt herself before she gets to go on her date.”
Rarity laughed as AJ went to answer the door.
“Diamond Tiara, Emerald,” said AJ, trying not to laugh, “what brings you by here?”
“Is Apple Bloom ready,” asked Diamond.
“Ready for what?” said AJ.
“Darling,” said Rarity coming up from behind, “do you really want to sleep in the barn for the rest of your life.  You know there isn’t anything to keep me from moving back to Carousel Boutique.  At least Rainbow and Twilight, not to mention Scootaloo and Silver Spoon had the good taste to get married.”
“Rarity!” exclaimed AJ.  She sounded hurt.
“Sorry Darling, I was only kidding, and you know how much I love you,” said Rarity, she must have struck a nerve and hadn’t meant to.  After giving her partner an apology kiss, Rarity spoke to Diamond.  “Where are our manners?  Please come in, Apple Bloom will be here in just a moment.”
It wasn’t long before Apple Bloom entered the room.
“Wow!” said Diamond seeing Apple Bloom so thoroughly transformed. “You look beautiful!”
“You’re pretty,” said Emerald.
“Thank you both,” said Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom came up to Emerald and gave the colt a hug.  Then she hugged Diamond and shared a fairly passionate kiss, which made the colt to giggle.
“You look very nice too,” said Apple Bloom looking in Diamond’s eyes.  Then at the colt, “And you look very handsome.
But that cape, somethin’s wrong with it.”
Emerald looked confused; he had worn it to honor the original CMC.
There was a glow from Rarity’s horn and from a small table by the front door, a cape floated to Emerald.  
“Try this one,” said Apple Bloom, “it was my original Crusader cape.  Your new ones ain’t got the gold silk Sweetie Belle lined ’em with, much to the chagrin of Rarity.”
Rarity smirked at the memory.
“Can I really wear your cape?” asked the colt.
Apple Bloom nodded her head, before the colt knew what was going on, Rarity had used her magic to remove his cape and carefully put Apple Bloom’s on him.  It was faded and crude in its design.  Not like the mass-produced ones of today.  But to the colt, he wouldn’t trade it for Celestia’s crown.
“Thank you Miss Apple Bloom,” said Emerald, “I’ll take good care of it.”
“I know you will,” said Apple Bloom.
Diamond looked at Apple Bloom; such kindness to her son was so nice.  And after all the pain she’d caused Apple Bloom in the past.
“You know Apple Bloom is the one who named the Crusaders,” said Diamond.
Emerald just looked at Apple Bloom with stars in his eyes.  If not careful, Scootaloo would be pushed aside for a new hero.
“Aw, go on,” said Apple Bloom, “don’t make such a big deal of it.”
“Well, I have something for you to wear, Apple Bloom,” said Diamond.  “If you’d do me the honor.”
She presented a box for Apple Bloom.  Rarity levitated it to Apple Bloom.  Apple Bloom opened it and there was the tiara Diamond hadn’t worn since she left years ago for boarding school.
“I’d hoped you might be my princess tonight,” said the pink Earth Pony.
Rarity and AJ smiled at the tenderness being expressed.
Rarity levitated the tiara to Apple Bloom’s head.
“What do you think?” said Apple Bloom.
“It looks so much better on you than it ever did on me,” replied Diamond.
The two embraced and kissed deep and long.  Emerald just giggled.
“Okay you three,” said Rarity, “you better get going, you don’t want to be late for the party to start.”
“Yes, the taxi is waiting,” said Diamond, and then to AJ and Rarity, “we’ll see you there.”
“Have fun y’all,” said AJ.
“We plan on it,” said Apple Bloom kissing Diamond again.
“I’m sure there’ll be time for that later,” said Rarity giggling, “you two and that handsome young colt need to be going.”
“We’ll see y’all there,” said AJ.
There were hugs all around then the three left turned and went out the door.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Apple Bloom so happy,” said Rarity.
“I know,” said AJ, Rarity heard a tremor in her voice.
“Are you alright Darling?” asked Rarity.
“My lil’ sis,” said AJ, tears streaming down her cheek, “I never thought she’d allow herself to be open to anypony.  To see her kiss a pony like she did, well I’m just so very happy for her.”
Applejack walked to the window and watched as the taxi went down the lane toward Ponyville.
“She’ll be fine,” said Rarity, “you can ask her all about it tonight when she comes home.”
AJ looked at Rarity with a little smile.
“As Granny used to say, ‘I’d bet hooves to hindquarters’ we won’t be able to talk to her about it until tomorrow some time.”
AJ started to cry, she was so happy for her sister.
“I really hope so,” said Rarity as she put a foreleg around AJ, pulled her close, and let her partner get it out of her system.  
Then she said:
“Okay Darling,” said Rarity with a sly smile, “you don’t want you face all wet when we put your makeup on you.”
“Makeup?” said AJ, “do we really have to?”
“You do if you want what I’m planning for tonight,” said Rarity with a look that would arouse a sleeping pony.
A smile returned to Applejack’s face as the two headed for the stairs.
“You didn’t have to get a taxi,” said Apple Bloom, sitting close to Diamond and holding her hoof.
“Yes I did,” said Diamond, “if I didn’t, then Emerald would be all sweaty and tired by the time we would’ve gotten to Sweet Apple Acres.  Plus I didn’t want to get my dress dusty before you saw it.”
“You really dressed up just for me?” asked Apple Bloom with a large smile.
“Certainly,” said Diamond, “I need all the help I can get if I’m going to convince the prettiest mare in Ponyville to be my marefriend.”
Apple Bloom blushed and smiled.
“It ain’t goin’ to take much convincin’.  But I really like your dress,” said Apple Bloom, “you look so nice in it.”
“So do you,” said Diamond, “yours is as beautiful as yourself.”
The two kissed again, as they traveled to Chez Pony, Emerald just snickered.
Rainbow and Twilight Dash greeted ponies as they arrived.  They were so proud of their daughter and their daughter-in-law.  So much had happened in less than ten years.  
Going from two best friends to being married and then mothers of a daughter they were extremely proud of and just as proud of her choice of wife.
Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were inside mingling with well-wishers.  Up to the happy couple came a couple of familiar ponies.
“Shady, Sweetie Belle,” said Scootaloo. “we’re so glad you could make it from Manehattan.”
“You look great,” said Silver to Sweetie, “when’s the foal due?”
“We have another four months,” said Sweetie Belle, “I don’t know if I can make it.”
“Don’t be silly,” said Scootaloo, “you’ll make it, and you’re going to be a fabulous mother.  You’re the one who was always playing with foal dolls.”
The four shared hugs.
“Okay Sweetie,” said Shady, “the doctor said you should be off your hooves as much as possible.”
“You and Shady are at the head table with us,” said Silver, “there are place cards but you’re by me, Scootie’s ‘shadow’ and Diamond are by Scootie.  Then, next to them are Apple Bloom and her date.”
“Date?” said Sweetie.  
The CMC had been the only other ponies outside the family who knew about Apple Bloom’s condition and they had been sworn to secrecy by a Pinkie Pie Promise, the most unbreakable of oaths.  So they knew why Apple Bloom never went out with anypony.
“Apple Bloom has a date?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Who is he?”
“We just heard she had a date,” said Silver.  She and Scootaloo just smiled a knowing smile.
They walked to the head table and saw at the center a place for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon Dash.  Next to Silver was the reserved spot for Shady and Sweetie Belle.  And then Rainbow and Twilight Dash.  Beside Scootaloo there was, as expected, Emerald then his mother Diamond Tiara.  Next to Diamond was a spot for Apple Bloom and then Applejack and Rarity.  But no spot that Sweetie Belle could see for a date for Apple Bloom.  
“Perhaps they canceled,” said Scootaloo trying to keep the secret to excite Sweetie Belle, she so loved mushy stuff.
“I hope Apple Bloom still comes,” said Sweetie Belle.
As Rainbow and Twilight were greeting guests, they saw a taxi stop in front.  Off it climbed Diamond Tiara and her son, then Apple Bloom.  It was noticed that the two mares were dressed very nice.  Perhaps not unusual for Diamond Tiara, but to see Apple Bloom in a dress was one thing, but such a fancy dress was another.
Diamond paid the taxipony and then she and Apple Bloom kissed.  They walked to the entrance.
Rainbow and Twilight smiled.
“Diamond, Emerald, Apple Bloom!” said Rainbow, “so glad you could make it.”
“Yes,” said Twilight smiling at the mares a most knowing smile, “Scootaloo was afraid you wouldn’t come Apple Bloom, it being a social gathering.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for all the tea in Canterlot,” said Apple Bloom, another Granny quote.  “Plus I was asked out.”
Apple Bloom took Diamond’s hoof.
“Mrs. Dash,” said Emerald snickering, “mommy and Miss Apple Bloom have been kissin’.”
“Oh they have, have they?” said Rainbow looking at the couple with a smile.
“Well, we’ll just have to have a talk with them later.” said Twilight, and then to the couple, “are congratulations in order?”
“Not yet Twilight,” said Diamond, “Apple Bloom and I have some things to talk about.”
Diamond and Apple Bloom kissed a quick kiss.
“See!” said Emerald.
“We see,” said Rainbow, “all your friends are waiting for you.  Go on in and have fun.”
“Emerald Sweetheart,” said Diamond, “I know you’re excited, but let mommy and Apple Bloom tell ponies about us, okay?”
“’member, a Cutie Mark Crusader always does what their parents ask of ’em,” said Apple Bloom.
“Yes ma’am,” said Emerald.  He was excited to tell ponies, but with an original Crusader reminding him of one of the rules.  It was the same as an order.  Plus he was wearing her cape; he didn’t want it taken away because he couldn’t keep his muzzle shut.
Rainbow and Twilight watched as Diamond and Apple Bloom entered together walking very close, Emerald in tow.
“Didn’t see that one coming,” said Rainbow to Twilight with a chuckle.
“You and me both,” said Twilight giving Rainbow a kiss.
The ponies were nibbling on the fantastic hors d'oeuvres.  Scootaloo was telling her friends with the way she’d mastered levitation, she and her moms were looking into other things she could do.  Then everypony saw Apple Bloom and Diamond enter along with Emerald.  They couldn’t help but notice how nice the two were dressed.  They also noticed a familiar tiara but it was on Apple Bloom’s head.
Emerald came trotting up to Scootaloo and exchanged a hug.
“That’s so special of you to wear your CMC cape,” said Scootaloo.
“We appreciate it,” said Sweetie Belle.
“Thank you,” said Emerald, “but it isn’t my cape.  Miss Apple Bloom let me wear hers.”
“I thought I saw a gold silk lining,” said Sweetie Belle.  “My sis was so peeved at me for that.”
Diamond and Apple Bloom walked up.
“Hi girls,” said Silver Spoon.
“We heard you had a date, Apple Bloom,” said Sweetie Belle. “Couldn’t he make it?”
“My date is here,” said Apple Bloom giggling.
“Where?” said Sweetie suspicious.
“Her date is, here.” Said Diamond, who took Apple Bloom’s hoof and kissed her a very passionate kiss.
“Well butter my flanks and call me a biscuit!” said Sweetie Belle in a pleasant shock.
“You’ve hung around the Apples too long,” said Shady to his wife.
All the ponies laughed and then hugged Apple Bloom and Diamond.
“Well Di,” said Silver with a wink, “I guess I’m just going to have to make an announcement,
Diamond Tiara…
Likes girls!”
All the friends laughed so hard they got side cramps.  Sweetie Belle was almost afraid she’d go into premature labor.
“Well,” said Di, getting her laughter under control, “that’s not quite accurate.  The only girl I like is Apple Bloom.”
“And y’all know I’ve never allowed myself to like anypony.  But now the only pony I could like is Diamond Tiara.”
The new couple kissed again.
“And to think,” said Sweetie Belle, “after all the trouble and grief we gave each other and with us not wanting to be around the other.  Now look at us.”
There was a group hug just a few years prior, would’ve been unheard of.
“Ponies,” called out Twilight, “It looks like all the guests are here, everypony have a seat.”
They all sat and had a great meal.  Many ponies looked at the affection being displayed between Diamond and Apple Bloom.  Emerald asked if his mother and Apple Bloom would switch places so he could sit between Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.
No pony could’ve guessed years ago Diamond Tiara would have a son who’d be so proud to be a Crusader.
When done they all demanded Silver’s father come out to receive their gratitude.
Soup Spoon came out and there was a standing ovation for the chef.
Then there was mingling, dancing and just having a good time socializing. 
Everypony noticed how close Diamond and Apple Bloom were keeping to each other.
When dancing, especially the slow ones, Diamond and Apple Bloom had the most content of looks on their faces.
Soon it was announced to return to their seats for the cake.  Afterward the crowd called out for the couple of the hour to open the anniversary presents.  It’d been expressed gifts weren’t necessary but close friends felt they had to bring something.
Rarity and Applejack volunteered to bring the couple the presents.  They would take turns and bring gifts to the couple one at a time.  They’d have the couple read who it was from and then open it.
Applejack brought the last gift to the couple, a small box. Then AJ stood there as Scootaloo read the tag.
“This gift is from Applejack,” said Scoot.  Rarity looked lost; they’d already opened the gift from herself and AJ.  “But it says it’s for Rarity.”
“Me?” said Rarity and timidly came forward.
Scootaloo levitated the box to Rarity who took it with her aura.  She opened it and there was a sparkling diamond ring, Rarity gasped.
Applejack sat back on her haunches and took one of Rarity’s fore hooves.  The gathering went silent.
“I’m so sorry this was so long in comin’,” said Applejack, a tear rolling down her cheek, “but would you honor me by being my wife?”
Tears were streaming down Rarity’s face.  For a moment, in her mind, there were no gathered friends, just she and Applejack, the love of her life.
“Of course I will Darling,” said Rarity lovingly.
Applejack stood, they embraced and kissed as the ring floated to Rarity’s horn.
All the ponies stood and applauded again.  But Rarity and AJ didn’t hear it.  They just heard their hearts beating while holding the most special pony in the world.
“I love you, my beautiful pony,” said Applejack.
“I love you,” said Rarity, “and I guess you’re going to get an extra helping of what I planned for tonight.”
Scootaloo and Silver came around the table and were the first to congratulate the two.
“What a wonderful anniversary present,” said Silver Spoon.
“It was the best we received,” said Scootaloo.
All the other ponies came up and congratulated the two as well as Scoot and Silver.
Apple Bloom and Diamond came up to the two.
“I’m so happy for you sis,” said Apple Bloom, “and you too Rarity, I’ve always thought of you as another sister.  Now you’ll be for real.  I don’t know if’n I’ve ever told you enough, but I love you.”
Rarity hugged Apple Bloom and kissed her on the cheek.
“And I’ve always thought of you as a sister too Darling,” said Rarity, “and I love you too.”
Then Rarity drew Diamond and AJ into the hug.
“I guess this is a special night for all of us.” Said Rarity.
As the party was breaking up, Rainbow and Twilight came to AJ and Rarity.
“Congratulations,” said Rainbow.
“We’re so happy for you,” said Twilight.
“Thank y’all,” said AJ, “I’m so sorry I didn’t do this sooner.  Rarity’s been more than patient.”
“I was more than happy to wait,” said Rarity, “we’ve been happy living together so far.  And it wasn’t necessary, but the thought and the commitment are appreciated.”
“You two have been an example we’ve tried to be like,” said Applejack.
“And because of that,” said Rarity, “we want you two to be our Best Mares.”
“We’d be honored,” said Twilight.
“We can’t wait,” said Rainbow.
PART FIVE: After The Party
There was a taxi waiting to take Diamond, Emerald and Apple Bloom home.  Emerald was yawning so much; he was worn out from the party and being excited to have been around the original CMC.  Because of this they decided to go to the Rich home first.
Diamond dismissed the taxi, telling Apple Bloom she could arrange to get her home.
There, Apple Bloom helped Diamond to get Emerald to bed.  He’d fallen asleep with his head in Apple Bloom’s lap.
The two mares put the colt to bed and kissed him on the cheek.   As they closed the door, they looked at each other and smiled.
“This dress is nice,” said Diamond, “but I really want to get out of it before we take you home.  Would you mind helping me?”
“No problem,” said Apple Bloom with a smile.
In Diamond’s room Diamond turned on the lights.  Apple Bloom helped to pull the dress over Diamond’s head.  To tell the truth, it felt nice being undressed by this pony.
“Might as well take mine off too,” said Apple Bloom, “don’t wan’a get it messed up goin’ home in the dark.”
Apple Bloom took the tiara off her head and handed it to Diamond.
“Sorry,” said Diamond, “I gave it to you.  As I said, you look so much better in it than I ever did.”
Apple Bloom smiled and kissed Diamond again.
Apple Bloom had Diamond help take the dress off her; she felt the same arousal Diamond had felt.
When Diamond had set Apple Bloom’s dress and the tiara aside, she turned to see Apple Bloom looking intently at her.
“I haven’t had anypony undress me in such a long time,” said Diamond, “I forgot how nice it could feel.  
Sorry, I know we said we wouldn’t talk of such things.”
“I felt it too,” said Apple Bloom, “I never knew.”
Without any more words being spoken, the two embraced and kissed perhaps the most passionate kiss they’d shared yet.
When they broke the kiss, Diamond was a little timid.
“I know it might be forward of me,” said Diamond, “but would you spend the night with me?  I haven’t had a pony hold me in so very long.”
Apple Bloom’s answer was a small kiss then taking Diamond’s hoof and leading her to Diamond’s bed.
“Are you sure?” asked Diamond.
“Di,” said Apple Bloom, “I’d like to know what it’s like to be held at night by a pony who really likes me.”
They turned out the lights and climbed in the bed.  Just holding each other closely.  They could feel the other tremble with excitement and trepidation.
Diamond had all but forgotten what it was like to have a warm body close to her and against herself.  Apple Bloom’s forelegs were lightly holding her while her head rested against Diamond’s chest.  In spite of being held by a mare, the strength of the farm pony’s chest and legs could be felt in the muscles Diamond could feel just under Apple Bloom’s skin.  It was almost like being held by a stallion but for the softness of the skin and the pheromones Diamond could register in the back if her mind.  Diamond was sure if she’d just went to bed with a stallion, there would’ve been ‘advances’ already, but Apple Bloom was content to just hold and be held by Diamond.
Apple Bloom had climbed in the bed with Applejack on many occasions right after a particularly bad dream, or a storm which produced loud thunder and the winds made the old house creak.  Applejack would hold her little sister close and help to relieve the fears.  But this was nothing like she’d ever experienced.  The softness of Diamond and the warmth she was feeling was so awesome.  Apple Bloom had read books about couples making love, even some of Rarity’s mare with mare books.  But there wasn’t anything in any of them about just holding their partner, drawing strength and comfort by lying near, and just feeling the other’s heartbeat.
Diamond looked down at Apple Bloom’s head just resting against her chest.  Diamond had never seen such a beautiful smile before.  Di leaned over and kissed Apple Bloom on the forehead.  
Apple Bloom was almost used to getting kisses from Diamond by now.  But for whatever reason, with Diamond holding her in this most private and intimate of settings and kissing her on the forehead, it was like nothing ever felt before.  Her entire body was calling out for more than just kisses.  But Apple Bloom knew this wasn’t the time for it.  She wanted to enjoy the pure bliss she was feeling now.  Apple Bloom looked up at Diamond and kissed her deeply.
They broke the kiss and just looked into each other’s eyes.
“Di,” said Apple Bloom, “I’ve never felt anythin’ like this before.
In fact, if’n I was to die right now, I’d know there’d be nothin’ in life could’ve made me happier.”
“I feel the same way,” said Diamond Tiara, “I’ve been held before, but never like this.  Or at least it’s never felt like this.  And it has nothing to do with being held by a mare.  It has everything to do with the mare who’s holding me.”
The two just held each other close and closed their eyes.
After a while, as the cobwebs were starting to gather, Apple Bloom spoke quietly.
“Di,” said Apple Bloom, almost in a whisper.
“Yes Apple Bloom,” replied Diamond as quietly.
“What does love feel like?”
Diamond was surprised by the question, but she was thrilled Apple Bloom was asking it.
Diamond had thought she was in love with Spinner in the past.  But as she became more mature, she realized it was only a crush and a silly school filly’s fantasy because an older colt was paying attention to her and treating her like an adult.  
She later realized she was only being used for sex and was only being treated like the gullible fool she was.  
It was the most un-adult thing ever.
Now here she lay in bed and in the embrace of a mare she’d been around all her life.  A pony who at one time was her biggest adversary, now Diamond had discovered she shared more in common with her than anypony else.
Her heart felt so good just in the embrace of Apple Bloom.  No demands, no expectations, only a wonderful pony who only wanted to be with her.
The answer to Apple Bloom’s question was clear, but Diamond thought it too early to commit to it.
“Really Apple Bloom,” said Di, “I thought I knew at one time.  But I found out it was just an infatuation and it lead to abuse.  
To tell the truth, I don’t know.  But I hope to Celestia it feels just like I’m feeling for you right now.”
Apple Bloom understood Di’s meaning.
“Me too,” said Apple Bloom.
Diamond caught the reciprocal meaning.
Apple Bloom turned over and snuggled her back to Diamond in the classic ‘spooning’ position.  Diamond held Apple Bloom close, Apple Bloom’s forelegs held the forelegs wrapped around her.  The joy for both mares was overwhelming.
“Whatever this feeling is,” said Apple Bloom, “thank you for feeling it with me.”
“Good night my sweet Apple Bloom.”
Apple Bloom turned her head and kissed Diamond.
“Good night my darlin’ Diamond.”
The two drifted off to sleep happier than either had ever been.
Emerald was happy it was Saturday morning.  He was going to meet with his Crusader friends for a day in the park.  He went down stairs for breakfast; Gram and Papa were at the table.  But his mother, who was now an early riser, wasn’t there.
“Papa is mommy already gone?” asked the colt.
“I haven’t seen her this morning,” said Filthy.
“Miss Diamond came home late,” said Randolph.
“She must’ve had a good time and just got over tired,” said Spoiled.  “I’ll go up and check.”
Apple Bloom was having ‘Her Dream’, the one where she could be like other ponies.  She could love and be loved just like everypony else.  It warmed her heart, it warmed her soul.  But never before had it actually warmed her body.  But then she realized she was awake, she just hadn’t opened her eyes yet.  But like the dream, there was a warm chest pressed against her back and a warm foreleg holding her close.  
She opened her eyes and saw she wasn’t in her own room.  It wasn’t a dream.  
“Di,” whispered Apple Bloom.
“Yes Apple-Love,” whispered Diamond in reply.  Diamond, only after it left her lips, notice the endearment she just called Apple Bloom.  Diamond didn’t care; it was what her heart was telling her to say.  And it appeared Apple Bloom liked it too.
“So I didn’t dream it?” asked Apple Bloom.
“No Apple-Love,” said Diamond, tightening her embrace, “but if it’s a dream, then I don’t ever want to wake up.”
“Me neither,” said Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom was about to turn over and continue the kissing from last night, but there was a knock at the door, it creaked open.
Spoiled went up the stair to her daughter’s bedroom door.  She knocked but the door wasn’t closed all the way so it swung open a bit.  
“Diamond?” said Spoiled, “are you going to sleep all day.”
Too late she noticed Diamond wasn’t in the bed alone.  She was lying with her back to the door.  Diamond appeared to be spooning with somepony.  Her daughter turned over and sat up a bit.
“What’s wrong mom?” asked Diamond.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you,” said Spoiled embarrassed.
“It’s okay mom,” said Diamond with a smile.
At that moment Apple Bloom sat up too.
“We don’t mind what pony knows,” said Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom then turned and gave Di a little kiss.
“Come down to breakfast when you’re ready,” said Spoiled, still looking sheepish as she turned to leave.
“Mom,” said Diamond, “are you upset at me?”
Spoiled turned back; there was a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.  
“No Sweetheart,” said Spoiled, “I’m just so happy for you, both of you.”
Spoiled left and closed the door behind her.
“I hope I didn’t speak out of place,” said Apple Bloom, “I hope you don’t mind what I said.”
Diamond kissed Apple Bloom hungrily.
“Apple-Love,” said Diamond, “I want everypony to know.  I want the world to know I have the best pony in the world as my marefriend.”
The two smiled but they knew they had to get moving.  Apple Bloom was sure AJ, Rarity and Big Mac might be concerned she hadn’t come home last night.
They took a quick shower (together), and then went downstairs to breakfast.  As they enter the dining room, Spoiled, Filthy and even Randolph smiled as Diamond and Apple Bloom entered the room.  However, Emerald was taken aback.
“Miss Apple Bloom!” said the colt, “you came back this morning?”
“Emerald,” said Diamond, “Apple-Love stayed with me last night.”
“Apple-Love?” said Spoiled with a knowing smile.
The two blushed.
“Like a slumber party?” asked Emerald.
“Sweetie,” said Apple Bloom, “your mother and I like each other a lot.”
“You mean you’re in love?” asked the colt.
Di and Apple Bloom looked at each other, then back to Emerald.
“Emerald,” said Diamond, “we like each other a whole lot.  But we’ve only just started to like each other; love is something we’d have to discover.  
But be happy for Apple Bloom and me.  We’re so happy!”
“I am mommy, for you and Miss Apple Bloom,” said the colt, giving each mare a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Well,” said Filthy, “we’re so happy for you two.  Diamond, it’s about time you let go of the past and open yourself to others.”
“Yes,” said Spoiled, “and we don’t think we could name any other pony better to open yourself to.  
And Apple Bloom, you’re welcome here in our family.  You and all the Apples are an honorable and wonderful family.  Just know Filthy and I are here for you anytime you need.”
“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Rich.  We don’t know how this relationship is goin’a go.  But I promise I’ll never hurt Diamond, and I’ll be there to support her and Emerald.”
“We’ve no doubt of it,” said Filthy, “now sit and eat before breakfast gets cold.  Randolph, please bring Miss Apple a plate.”
“Gladly sir,” answered the butler with a smile.  It was clear he was just as happy for Diamond as anypony else.
Randolph retrieved a plate and Apple Bloom sat between Diamond and Emerald, much to the colt’s delight, and ate breakfast.
PART SIX: After The Party Deux
Applejack woke up stiff and a bit sore, but the afterglow she was still experiencing was well worth the discomfort.  Rarity wasn’t kidding about having something special planned that evening.
Rarity came into the room levitating a tray of food.
“Sugar Cube,” said AJ, “you didn’t need to bring me breakfast in bed.”
“It’s the least I could do after last night,” said Rarity.
“Thank you,” said AJ, “it looks and smell so good.  I can’t wait to eat it.”
“Then go ahead,” said Rarity.
Applejack just looked at her with a strange look.
“I would Sugar Cube,” said AJ, “but your goin’a have to untie me first.”
Rarity giggled and her horn glowed. AJ’s legs came free from the ropes which secured her from the four corners of the bed.
“I do have one question for you Darling,” said Rarity, her horn glowing and a fork of food drifted to AJ.  “I only made the comment about being able to leave at any time yesterday.  How did you get a ring so fast?  I don’t think you were out of my sight for very long.”
Applejack looked a little embarrassed but she smiled.
“Sugar Cube,” said AJ, “that was my mother’s engagement ring.”
“Oh Darling!” said Rarity, but then something struck her.  “But it’s a Unicorn ring, and I remember your mother was an Earth Pony.”
“Rarity my Love,” said AJ looking into her fiancée’s eyes.  “I had it converted, with Big Mac and Apple Bloom’s permission, about a year ago.  I’ve been waiting for a right time to ask you.  
Then when you made your comment, it got me thinkin’.  I didn’t want you to think I took you for granted.  I love you and I couldn’t live now without my beautiful Rarity.  So I fig’erd I should do somethin’.  I wanted you to know just how important you are to me.”
Rarity had tears rolling down her cheeks.  Her horn glowed and from her dresser floated a gold chain with a Unicorn ring suspended.
“Darling,” said Rarity, “I’ve thought about it too for some time.  This is my mother’s engagement ring.  I too have been waiting for the right time to give it to you.  You beat me to the punch, but it doesn’t mean I love you any less.  After all, you’re a mare as well, and we shouldn’t treat either of us like a stallion.  So here it goes...”
At that moment there was a sound from in the hall.
“Applejack, Rarity are y’all here?” said Apple Bloom’s voice.
“It’s okay Sugar Cube,” said AJ, “maybe she’d like to see this, if’n you don’t mind.”
Rarity smiled and opened the door with her magic then called out.
“It’s okay to come in.”
Apple Bloom entered, but the surprising thing was, she was being followed by Diamond Tiara.
“One moment Sugar Cubes,” said AJ, “I think Rarity was ’bout to say somethin’.”
The two saw the ring and chain suspended in midair and realized what was going on.
“Applejack Darling,” said Rarity, “my life would be nothing without you.  Will you marry me?”
“It’s what I was born for,” said AJ with a smile and tear on her cheek. “It’d be my honor.”
The chain floated around AJ’s neck and the two kissed.
“How wonderful,” said Diamond, “so romantic!”
“I think it’s just awesome,” said Apple Bloom.
AJ and Rarity kissed again.  Rarity motioned her head toward the newcomers, AJ understood.
“I don’t ’member hearing you come home last night young mare,” said AJ trying to sound stern, but not doing a very good job.
“That’s because Apple-Love spent the night with me,” said Diamond.
“Apple-Love?” said Rarity with a smile.
“Yes, it’s Di’s name for me and I adore it,” said Apple Bloom.
“And you spent the night?”  Said Rarity, she was smiling from ear to ear.  “As in sleeping together?”
The two nodded their heads.
“You did?” said AJ, not sure if she should be happy or embarrassed.
“I just knew you two were meant for each other.” Said Rarity, hugging Apple Bloom and Diamond, “this is beyond great!”
“We’re goin’a have to have a talk Miss Diamond,” said AJ, raising an eyebrow. “Corruptin’ and deflowerin’ my lil’ sis.”
“We only slept together, no sex,” said Diamond, “And I don’t think I’m answerable to any pony but my marefriend Apple Bloom.  She’s an adult and free to make her own choices.”
“Marefriend?” said Rarity excited.
Apple Bloom glowered at AJ in disapproval.
“Calm down you two,” said Rarity laughing, “Apple Bloom, you should know your sister’s sense of humor by now.  Or I should say lack thereof.”  
“And y’all know Rarity,” said AJ laughing, “she’ll be askin’ for all the intimate details.”
“Later Darlings,” said Rarity with a wink.
Apple Bloom and Di relaxed and laughed with the two older ponies.
“I hate to break this up,” said Applejack, “but we’ve work to do Sugar Cube.  Last night the timber wolves were howlin’.”
“The Zap Apples!” said Apple Bloom, “they’ll be here in four days!”
“Yes Darling,” said Rarity noticeably timid.
“What’s wrong?” said Apple Bloom.
“We all are goin’a be super busy,” said Applejack.
“I think they’re saying there isn’t going to be time for us to see each other,” said Diamond sadly.
“But that’s not fair!” said Apple Bloom, almost in tears.
“I know Darling,” said Rarity, “and as much as I’m all for actions of the heart, the Zap Apple harvest and Zap Apple jam production is one of the largest sources of income for our family, right after cider sales.”
“I know, it’s a big deal for my family’s business also.” Said Diamond, then turning to Apple Bloom, “Perhaps we’ll be so busy, we won’t have time to notice.  And we aren’t going anywhere.  And I’m not going to feel less for you, Apple-Love.”
The two younger mares embraced, and then kissed a long kiss.  So long AJ and Rarity started to feel uncomfortable.  They broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes for a moment.
“I guess I need to let my daddy know,” said Di, “we need to make room for the jam.”
Apple Bloom nodded her head and turned to talk to her sister.
“I’m goin’a walk Di to the end of the lane if’n it’s ‘kay.”
“Sure Sugar Cube, you don’t need permission.” Said AJ, “take your time.”
The two younger mares left sadly.  After they heard the door close the older mares went to the window and looked out.  They watched as the two young mares walked slowly.
“Talk about bad timing,” said Rarity.
“I know Sugar Cube,” said AJ, “but what can we do?”
“Apple Bloom is old enough to know what needs to be done,” said Rarity.  “And if what’s happening is really real, then there’ll be time for them to figure out what it is they’ve discovered.”
“What?” asked Applejack.
“Love Darling,” said Rarity, giving AJ a quick kiss, “love.”
AJ smiled as they looked out the window and watched as Apple Bloom and Diamond embraced, kiss and then went their own way.
The next three days were filled with hard work for the Rich’s and the Apple’s.  
The Store had to be rearranged to handle the coming jam.  Filthy had enough professional courtesy to not sell the Zap Apple jam while the Apples had their stand at Sweet Apple Acres active.  In fact he’d wait two weeks after the Apples were out to feature it in his store.  But there was still the job of preparing the storeroom and figuring how they were going to display the sweet and magical treat.  
In the past, Filthy had made a deal to use Granny Smith’s image on a label.  But with Granny in Appleloosa, and to the thrill of Diamond, he had labels made with Apple Bloom’s picture on them.
With the Apples there was the job of setting out as many baskets as possible, they didn’t want to waste a second of the short day the apples would be there.  Plus there was having to make room to store the apples until they could be made into jam.  
It was kind of funny; the Zap Apples were so good in cakes, pies, jam and other treats.  But to eat one, there wasn’t much difference from the regular apples.
Both families worked hard to get ready for this time which actually bound them together as it had since the days of Filthy’s grandfather and Granny Smith original production.  The families took great pride in this.  The Apple’s Zap Apple Jam was the origin of the settlement of Ponyville, and the Rich’s family was the cornerstone of what became the business aspect of Ponyville.
It was the evening of the day before the coming of the Zap Apples.  Diamond was sitting at the dinner table with her family.  Her aunt Ruby was visiting and was busy talking to her sister and brother-in-law.  But as she had for the last few days, Diamond’s mind was on a very special mare.  
Apple Bloom had managed to stop by Rich’s Barnyard Bargains to pick up supplies.  Diamond would have Apple Bloom come into the back room to help collect what she needed.  Both Filthy and Spoiled knew not to go into the back while the girls were back there.  They knew there wasn’t any time for hanky-panky, so they allowed them time to get in some much needed kissing.  It’s was what kept the two going through this hard time.
Now Diamond was just sitting and looking at her food.  Emerald didn’t understand why his mommy was so quiet, so he tried to get her to talk.
“You wan’a know something cool,” said the colt to his mom. “I was talking to Scootaloo today and guess what!”
“What Sweetie,” said Diamond, trying not to let her funk interfere with her relationship with her son.
“I asked Scootaloo if Mrs. Rainbow or Mrs. Twilight was her mother.  And do you know what she said?  Scootaloo said they both were her moms,” said the colt excited. “How lucky is that?  To have two moms!”
“I guess it would be special,” said Diamond.  “I know all moms are special.  My mom sure is.”
Spoiled smiled at Diamond’s remark.
“Well my mommy is too,” said Emerald.  The colt got up and hugged and kissed Diamond.  
“I really love my mommy.  But I still think two mommies would be fun,” said the colt.  
Then he got a strange look on his face.    
“You know, I think it’d be nice if Miss Apple Bloom was my mommy too.”
Diamond sat stunned.  Emerald excused himself and went to play before he had to get ready for bed.
“Out of the mouth of foals,” said Ruby.
“Beg pardon,” said Diamond.
“Come on,” said Spoiled, “it’s plain enough your son sees it, it’s obvious enough a blind pony could see it.”
“Hold on, this is girl talk,” said Filthy, “and here I sit without a uterus.  Randolph, come with me, I think we need to let Emerald beat us at a board game.”
“My pleasure, sir.”
The two stallions left the room, in spite of her mood, even Diamond chuckled.
“Spoiled told me about this Apple Bloom,” said Ruby.  “As thrilled as I am your mind has changed, why a mare, why now?”
“Aunt Ruby,” said Diamond, “it has nothing to do with mares.  Apple Bloom is special; she has more reason than I do not to go out with stallions.  Without saying too much, it could be argued Apple Bloom isn’t really a mare, nor is she a stallion.”
“I see,” said Ruby somewhat understanding what Diamond was hinting at.
“She’s incapable of sex,” said Diamond, “and that’s fine with me.  When we spent the night together and just held the other, it was Elysium.  I found a pony who only wants to be with me.  Nothing more and I so want to be with her.”
Ruby and Spoiled looked at each other and smiled.  Ruby nodded her head.
“Hurts not being around her,” said Spoiled, “doesn’t it.”
“Yes mom.”
“Can’t go five minutes without thinking of her kiss,” said Ruby.
“Yes Aunt Ruby,” said Diamond.
“All you want to do is run out the door and find her,” said Spoiled.
“You want more than anything to hold her close,” said Ruby.
“Yes,” said Diamond, a tear running down her cheek. “More than anything.”
“You want to take her to bed and make love to her all night long,” said Spoiled.
Wait! No!
We promised each other we’d wouldn’t want that kind of relationship.” Said Diamond, looking sheepish, not knowing how much she should say.  “Besides, Apple Bloom can’t.”
“Born without the equipment,” said Ruby.
“How’d you know?” asked Diamond.
“I didn’t,” said Ruby, “until now.”
Diamond thought with this much out, she should share the rest.  If she couldn’t trust her mother and her aunt, who could she trust?
“Apple Bloom says the doctor calls it Vaginal Agenesis,” said Diamond.
“Ah yes,” said Ruby, Diamond had almost forgotten her aunt was a nurse.   “How severe?”
“She said she was born without a vagina or a uterus,” said Diamond.
“Ovaries?” asked the aunt.
“She said she has those.”
“She didn’t say, but she showed me herself briefly when she was explaining it.  I don’t remember seeing one,” said Diamond.
“I thought as much,” said Ruby.  Then the aunt smiled, “so what’s the problem?”
“She said the doctors have told her she couldn’t have an orgasm because of the condition.”
“Horse-apples!” said Spoiled, “a mare doesn’t need to have ‘down there’ penetrated or even stimulated to have an orgasm.”
“What?” said Diamond.
“It’s called sensual stimulation.  I’ve known mares who have climaxed just by having their nipples kissed and rubbed.”
“Really?” asked Diamond.
“Yes,” said Ruby, “and oh Celestia, was it awesome!”
All the mares giggled and blushed.
“Listen honey,” said Spoiled, “when you love a pony, you’ll do anything to please them.  And when they love you, they’ll do the same.”
“Love?” asked Diamond.
“Yes,” said Ruby, “it is obvious how much you feel for this Apple Bloom.  What is it Spoiled said you call her?”
“Apple-Love,” said Di blushing.
“And has she said anything to hint at something?”
Diamond thought for a moment.
“When we were in bed,” said Diamond, “just holding each other.  Apple-Love asked me what does love feel like.”
“How did you answer her?”
“I said, I don’t know, but I hoped it felt like I was feeling for her right then.”
“And she said?” asked Spoiled.
“She said she hoped it felt that way too.  And then she thanked me for feeling it with her.”
“And why do you think she asked it?” asked Spoiled.
“Well… I…” stammered Diamond.
“Diamond,” said Ruby, “she was being as cautious as you are, but she was telling you she loves you!”  
Both Spoiled and Ruby looked intensely at the younger mare, eyebrows raised.
“She loves me?” said Diamond, starting to look happier than she had in days.
“And…” said the two older mares together.
I love her!” said Diamond, her face lighting up.  “I love her!  I love Apple Bloom!  I want to tell her now!”
“I bet you do,” said Spoiled, “but aren’t the Apples getting ready for the Zap Apples.”
“Yes,” said Diamond, becoming disappointed.
“They need their rest,” said Spoiled, “it doesn’t mean you can’t tell her tomorrow.”
All the mares smiled.  Diamond hugged and kissed her mother and aunt.  
But when they all went to bed, Diamond could only just lay there, thinking and imagining what the morning would bring.  She turned on her light and started to read.  
Much later, Diamond was almost asleep when she heard a knocking at the door downstairs.
“Who in the hoof could that be at this hour?” she asked to nopony there.
Diamond quietly went down stairs.  She noticed her mother and aunt were following her.  It was a relief, no telling what kind of pony would be out this time of night.
At the front door, Diamond moved the curtain enough to peek out.
Apple Bloom was exhausted.  Getting ready for the Zap Apples plus getting all the supplies for the jam.  Not to mention painting the pink polka dots in the kitchen and giving the jars ‘a talkin’ to’.
Luckily, the school kids could be counted on to sing to the water.  She now had gallons of ‘sang to’ water ready for Zap Apple Jammin’.  This was fortuitous because Diamond escorted Emerald to and from Sweet Apple Acres so she got a few moments with Diamond.  Also seeing her and getting a little kissing in as she collected supplies at Rich’s Barnyard Bargains helped.
Some time spent with Di was better than none.  She still was amazed at how much she wanted to be with Diamond Tiara.
She now had a mountain of highly motivated jars and she had taken the bees all their favorite flowers so she had collected some of the sweetest honey ever.
But because of the Zap Apples, she hadn’t seen enough of Diamond and her heart was breaking.
In spite of how tired she was, she was surprised she was still awake.  All she could think of was the most wonderful night being held by a most wonderful mare.
Apple Bloom tried to think of anything to get her mind off the pain she was feeling right now.  
Then something humorous struck her, she was thinking how she and Diamond would’ve reacted if some pony from the future came back to them when they were in Miss Cheerilee’s class, and told them they’d be ‘involved’.  
In an imaginary past in Apple Bloom’s mind…
Apple Bloom, and Diamond Tiara were sitting in Miss Cheerilee’s class room.  The rest of the class had went home.  But due to a shouting match which had turned into a shoving match at recess, the teacher told the two they had to meet with her after school was out.
Cheerilee had two chairs side by side and they were instructed to sit by each other until they made up.  Now they were in the classroom alone.
“This is your fault Diamond,” said Apple Bloom.
“Is not,” replied Diamond.
“If you weren’t such a pain in the flanks,” said Apple Bloom, getting more cross.  “You should just shut your muzzle and leave me and my friends alone.”
“I wouldn’t even talk to the likes of you except I don’t want to go to the boarding school in Manehatten.  So I’m stuck here in school with you,” said Diamond.  “If you and the rest of the Cootie Mark Crybabies would learn your place and leave your better ponies alone, there’d be no problem.”
“Yes there would be,” replied Apple Bloom, “the problem is you thinkin’ you’re better than anypony else.  At least Silver Spoon has come to her senses.  Makes me sick thinkin’ there are ponies that can even think that way.”
“You just keep thinking that way,” said Diamond, “but you’ll see.  When we’re out of school, I’ll be living the life of luxury and you’ll still be digging in the dirt.”
“I don’t care,” said Apple Bloom, “at least I won’t have to see you ever again!”
“Same here,” said Diamond turning up her nose, “if I never saw you again, it’d be too soon!”
“Well, at least we agree on somethin',” said Apple Bloom, starting to shout, “I don’t care what Granny Smith says about hatin’, ’cause I don’t think I could ever hate a pony more than YOU!”
“ME TOO!” shouted Diamond.
The two turned their back on each other, both wanting Miss Cheerilee to hurry up so they could get away from their adversary.
Suddenly there was a flash followed by a cyclone of dust, papers and smoke.  When it cleared there stood a green Pegasus stallion.  He looked as if they should recognize him, but they couldn’t place him.  Diamond and Apple Bloom were shocked.  
The stallion looked closely at the two fillies.
“It is you,” he shouted, “it really worked!”
Who are you?” said Apple Bloom in a frightened voice.
“It’s me, Emerald…
Emerald Ritch!
Oh! of course you wouldn’t recognize me,” said the stallion chuckling and facehoofing, “I haven’t been born yet!  Twilight Dash gave me the chance to come back in time to see my parents when they were little.”
“Who’re your parents?” asked Diamond.
“That’d be you…
It struck Diamond, the stallion did have some of Spinner’s features.
Apple Bloom could see the resemblance to Diamond Tiara.
“You’re Spinner’s and my son?” asked Diamond starting to smile.
“Sort of,” said the stallion, “Spinner was my father, or at least he was the pony that made you pregnant.  But the bum and his worthless family turned their backs on you as soon as they found out you were pregnant.  You didn’t find out until you were in Manehattan at the boarding school.  
We don’t talk about him because he and his family never acknowledged me or did anything to help you.”
Emerald looked disgusted at the subject of his biological father.
Diamond was shocked at this revelation.  Apple Bloom snickered knowing how much Diamond didn’t want to go to boarding school.
“But that school is for elementary school ponies, that would mean…”  Said Diamond, almost not wanting to hear the answer.
“That you’re probably pregnant with me now,” finished Emerald.
“So if Spinner left me,” said Diamond rubbing her abdomen, “then who’s the other parent you came to see?”
“You’re both here together just like the spell was cast.” Said the stallion, “she was a pony that took you into her heart and loved you like no pony else would.”
Diamond was shocked at the revelation that she would have a ‘her’ as a mate and partner.
Emerald turned his gaze to Apple Bloom and said:
“It’s so good to see you too mom.”
Apple Bloom and Diamond looked at each other.
“Mom?” The fillies said together.
“Yes, I can still remember the wedding,” said the stallion walking up and hugging the fillies.  “I love my moms so much!  Almost as much as you two love each other.”
Then he looked at them and blushed:
“I’ll never forget the look on your faces the night I had a bad dream and walked in on the two of you having oral sex with each other.  Boy, were you two embarrassed!  And the cockamamie explanation of what you were doing still makes me laugh today.  I believed you then, but I was only nine.”
The stallion kissed each filly on the cheek, then the stallion got an odd look.
“Sorry moms,” he said, “my time is up.  But I’ll see you soon, we’re having dinner at Scootaloo and Silver Spoon Dash’s home tonight.”
The stallion stepped back and then vanished in a flash.
“Scootaloo and Silver Spoon Dash’s home?” they said together.
“Weddin’?” said Apple Bloom.
“In love with each other?” said Diamond.
“You and me,” said Apple Bloom.
“Oral sex!” said Diamond.
“Ewwww, yuck, yuck, yuck!” said Apple Bloom shuddering and spiting.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” said Diamond trying not to throw up.
Then the two looked at each other and burst out in the most spasmodic fit of laughter.
“Us in love,” said Diamond still laughing, “could you imagine?”
“You ‘n me kissin’!” laughed Apple Bloom.
They both looked at each other and made fake kissy faces.
Not sure why they moved closer, their lips unexpectedly met.
Then their tongues were soon exploring the others.  Their forelegs wrapped around each other.  Everything was forgotten, they were lost in the kiss and in no hurry to stop.
Miss Cheerilee walked in and nearly fell over.  
“Girls?” said Cheerilee.
The two fillies broke the kiss and were looking in each other’s eyes.  The largest of smiles on their faces.
“I guess you two have made up,” said Cheerilee most confused.  “You can go home now.”
“Wan’a see if Granny Smith has any fresh apple pie?” said Apple Bloom to Diamond.
Diamond just nodded and the two left.
“I think I like the name Emerald,” said Diamond.
“Me too,” said Apple Bloom.
“That worked better than I thought,” said Cheerilee as she just stood there scratching her head and watched the girls leave hoof in hoof.
Apple Bloom’s thoughts returned to the present…
Apple Bloom had the smallest of smiles at the humor of her thoughts.  She then turned on her side and soon noticed her pillow was wet.  She hadn’t realized she’d been crying.  Somehow, knowing she’d been crying made her cry even harder.  
Apple Bloom had never let Diamond know, but Diamond had made her cry in the past, but not like this.  She was crying to be with Diamond.
Apple Bloom reached out a hoof to the empty side of the bed, all she could think of was how lonely and cold her bed was now.  Even with family there, she’d never felt so alone.  
She was trying to be quiet about crying, but apparently it wasn’t working.
There was a knock on her bedroom door.
“Yeah?” called out Apple Bloom, trying to get the crying under control.
The doorknob glowed blue and the door opened.  Rarity stuck her head in.
“Are you alright Darling,” asked her sister’s partner.
“Yeah” said Apple Bloom, not too convincingly.
“Oh Darling,” said Rarity, coming into the room and sitting on the edge of Apple Bloom’s bed.  “You’re not alright; I could hear you crying in Applejack’s and my room.  Your sister could sleep through a timber wolf attack, but I heard you.”
“Rarity,” said Apple Bloom, “I can’t stop thinkin’ of Diamond Tiara!  I close my eyes and I can feel her holdin’ me.  I want to see her and kiss her so badly.  What’s wrong with me?”
Rarity just smiled and gave a short snicker.
“It’s obvious Darling,” said the white Unicorn, “you have it bad.”
“Am I sick?”
“No you silly filly,” said Rarity smiling, “you’re in love.”
“Love?” said Apple Bloom starting to smile.
Rarity nodded her head.
“I’m in love!” said Apple Bloom, Rarity smiled even larger.
“I’m in love with Diamond Tiara!” said Apple Bloom excitedly as she was starting to get out of bed.
“Where’re you going?” asked Rare.
“To tell her,” said Apple Bloom putting on her hat.
“But it’s the middle of the night,” said Rarity laughing.
“I don’t care,” said Apple Bloom looking happier than Rarity had ever seen her.
Apple Bloom bolted down the stair and Rarity returned to her bed.
“What’s goin’ on Sugar Cube?” asked AJ groggily.
“Love,” said Rarity snuggling close to her fiancée.
“What?” asked AJ.
“Your sister just realized she’s in love,” said Rarity.  “Now you remind me just how much you love me.”
Applejack smiled and pulled the beautiful Unicorn close and kissed her with all her heart.  AJ soon felt a hoof at her marehood.
“Ho Doggies,” said Applejack rolling Rarity onto her back.  Rarity giggled while kissing.
Soon the two were deep into their lovemaking.
Apple Bloom galloped down the lane toward Ponyville.  All the fatigue of the last couple days was gone.  All she could think of was telling Diamond how she felt.  Soon the Rich mansion was in sight and the gate was open.  She noticed despite the late hour, there was a light on in a window.  
Apple Bloom recognized the window, it was the room she spent the most special night of her life (so far).
Apple Bloom went to the door and knocked as hard as she dared at this time of night.  It wasn’t long when she heard hoof steps approaching; a curtain was drawn back enough for a pony to peek out.  
Then the door exploded open, Apple Bloom was tackled to the ground and kissed unmercifully.
“Apple-Love!” said Diamond excitedly, “it’s really you!  I couldn’t sleep thinking of you!”
“Me neither,” said Apple Bloom, “I’ve got somthin’ I need to tell you.”
“I do too,” said Diamond.
“I LOVE YOU!” said Diamond and Apple Bloom together.
Both looked at each other with wide-eyed excitement and then kissed the most passionate kiss yet.
“Diamond, you two need to take that up to your room,” said Aunt Ruby from the doorway.
“The front yard is no place for that,” said Spoiled.
“You and your partner will be more comfortable inside,” said Ruby.
“Plus,” said Spoiled, “we don’t want the neighbors to talk.”
“Partner?” said Apple Bloom and Diamond looking into the eyes of their now declared love.
The two smiled and hugged deeply then they got up and walked into the house.
Inside the two mares were followed by the older mares.
“Why’d you say partner?” asked Diamond.
“You aren’t going to lose sleep like that over a simple crush or marefriend,” said Ruby.
“Now get up to your room and don’t wake up Emerald,” said Spoiled.
“Or keep us awake,” said Ruby as the two older mares went up to their rooms.
Diamond and Apple Bloom went up as well.
In Diamond’s room they quickly put out the light and slipped under the covers of Di’s bed.
PART SEVEN: Apple Bloom, Diamond and Love
As the two lay there it was again the greatest feeling ever.  Diamond thought about the talk her mother and aunt had with her.  She really did desire Apple Bloom, and in more than just what they were doing now.  But her promise kept her from acting.
Apple Bloom lay there with her head resting lightly on Diamond’s chest, Diamond started to stroke Apple Bloom’s mane.  
What Diamond didn’t know was Apple Bloom was fighting the same thoughts as well.
Apple Bloom looked up at Diamond, put a foreleg around Di’s neck and drew her close.  They kissed a kiss of innocent hunger.  It was like nothing either had felt before.
As they kissed, Apple Bloom reached a hoof to Diamond’s hoof and gently moved it down to her nipples.
They broke the kiss only for a moment; Di looked into Apple Bloom’s eyes.  Apple Bloom nodded her head as to say it was alright to touch her intimately.  The kiss continued.
Apple Bloom’s hoof reached to Diamond’s nipples, which she stroked gently.  The after a few minutes of this and to the thrill of Diamond, Apple Bloom moved her hoof down to Di’s marehood.   Apple Bloom’s hoof was barely entering her and it was the most awesome thing she’d felt in her life.  Diamond now wanted to touch Apple Bloom as well.  As she reached Apple Bloom’s love organ.  Apple Bloom moved her hips so she was pressing against Diamond’s hoof.  Despite the lack of all the parts, Apple Bloom was enjoying what Diamond was doing.
Both mares were finding if they were to stay to their pledge, they had to quit now, if they could.
“We probably should stop this,” said Diamond, reluctantly breaking the kiss.  “I know what we promised each other, but I’m finding it hard not to want to make love with you.”
“I don’t know what I can do for you,” said Apple Bloom, “and I don’t know what you can do for me.  But I’d really like to find out.  And I’d only would want to be doin’ this with my partner.
Would you make love to me, as much as possible?”
“Apple-Love,” said Diamond, “I’d truly like to try.”
“By the way,” said Apple Bloom, “I don’t know if’n I told you, but I really like you calling me Apple-Love.  It feels so good.  
So much better than blank-flank!”
Both mares got a good laugh.
They started to kiss again, tongues exploring the other.  They were in no hurry and were taking their time to make sure of themselves.  Diamond was experienced with sex, but only with colts, and it had been years.  For Apple Bloom, it was all new.
Apple Bloom started kissing down Diamond’s cheek then on to her neck.  Diamond reached out her hoof and turned Apple Bloom’s face towards hers.  Their eyes locked for a moment.
“Are you sure,” said Diamond.
“I want this,” said Apple Bloom, “I want you Di.”
Diamond let Apple Bloom continue.  At Diamond’s navel Apple Bloom stopped and licked deeply.  Diamond was starting to moan, her hips were moving on their own.
The reaction made Apple Bloom happy, she was unsure of what she was doing and had only read some books and had seen some movies.
Apple Bloom then moved down to Diamond’s nipples.  Her breasts and nipples were enlarged because of nursing a foal in the past.  They were kind of sexy to Apple Bloom and she took her time licking and sucking on them.  Then she moved down, but as she reached Diamond’s marehood, she stopped.
“Di Sugar,” said Apple Bloom, slightly embarrassed “can I look at you?  I’ve seen pictures at the doctors and I’ve seen mine in the mirror.  But I’ve never seen a real one up close, a normal one.”
Diamond looked at Apple Bloom; there was a tear in her eye.
“Of course Apple-Love,” said Diamond, “just be gentle.”
Apple Bloom looked between Diamond’s legs, and spread her marehood with her fore hooves.  There before her was all she didn’t have.  It was all so new to her.  As she got closer, something told her what to do.  She started to kiss at the outer lips, and then she worked her way inward, feeling every crease and crevice with her tongue.  It was exciting.
She’d said to Diamond before she could do the oral stuff for a pony but she didn’t believe there’d be anything in it for her.  She was finding now she was wrong.  Apple Bloom couldn’t believe the thrill she was getting from this.  Something in her would grow with every moan and movement of Diamonds hips.  
Then she decided to go for it, she stuck her tongue deep in Diamond.  Diamond gasped, her hips thrust, Apple Bloom got such a thrill from the reaction.  She worked her tongue around in Diamond and then finally started to lick and suck on Diamond’s clitoris.  This produced ever more hip grinding and moaning.
“Don’t stop Apple-Love, don’t stop!” called out Diamond.
Apple Bloom had no intention of stopping, her own marehood, in spite of being deficient of all the proper parts, was tingling in a way she’d never felt before.  As she had just found out with Diamond rubbing her love organ, it was alive and it could feel arousal.
Then the first orgasm in many years hit.  And truth be told, when she was with Spinner, the orgasms were few and far between.  Diamond cried out, in the back of her mind she was hoping her parents; her aunt or Randolph wouldn’t hear her.  But they were on different floors.
Apple Bloom knew from books to continue until the orgasm was done.  Diamond relaxed and was breathing hard.  Apple Bloom looked up at her.
“Come up here please,” said Di.
Apple Bloom moved up and kissed Diamond passionately.
“I’m not just saying this,” said Diamond, “but that was the best I’ve ever had.  If I’d known how good you were, I wouldn’t have picked on you so much in the past.”
The two laughed and then kissed some more.
After just holding each other for a while and enjoying the contact, Apple Bloom spoke:
“I guess we should get some sleep, it’s getting’ late and I’ll have to get home early for the Zap Apples.”
Diamond was shocked.
“Without me getting to make love to you?  that’s not right.”
“But what can you do?  I ain’t normal.”
There were tears in Apple Bloom’s eyes.
“No,” said Di, kissing Apple Bloom, “you’re not normal, you’re special.  And more than that, you want what’s important and not just self-gratification.  I’m going to make sure you know how seriously I love you.  And truthfully, how much I want you.”
Diamond resumed kissing Apple Bloom.  The unexpectedly she turned Apple Bloom over to her stomach.
“Just relax,” said Di.
Then Diamond reached in a drawer in a bedside stand and took out a bottle of lotion.  She removed the top and squirted a little on Apple Bloom’s shoulders, and started to rub the lotion in.  
Working slowly, Di would rub the tight muscles she could feel under her yellow/orange coat.  She’d work an area and then put a little more lotion on Apple Bloom’s back and work it some more.
“That feels so good,” moaned Apple Bloom.
“I took massage classes at the boarding school,” answered Di.
Apple Bloom never felt her body so relaxed; Di’s touch was firm but gentle.  Plus there was something sensual about it.  Especially with Diamond straddling Apple Bloom’s back, her marehood, warm and wet slowly was sliding down her back as Diamond worked her magic.  When she was over Apple Bloom’s dock, Di whispered.
“Raise your tail a bit.”
Apple Bloom understood, the solid part of her tail was now rubbing against Di’s marehood.  The moaning from Apple Bloom was matched with the heavy breathing of Diamond.
Then when Di was finished with the small of her back and was at her croup.
“Please trust me now,” said Di.
“I do,” replied Apple Bloom.
Di lay between Apple Bloom’s hind legs, her face Apple Bloom’s ‘bottom’.  Di started to massage Apple Bloom’s flanks in a circular motion.  It would spread her ‘cheeks’ as Di’s hooves went forward.  Then after a while, Di stopped with her hooves forward.
“Raise your tail,” said Di, “please.”
As Apple Bloom raised her tail, she felt Di’s muzzle between her flanks.  The biggest shock was she was now kissing and licking her anus!  With Di’s tongue entering her, it felt weird but good.
“You know that’s my ass,” said Apple Bloom with a chuckle.
“No,” said Di in absolute seriousness. “You’re my partner, so it’s my ass now.”
Apple Bloom didn’t argue, again it felt like nothing she’d ever experienced.  A pony claiming her for their own, not property but partnership.  
“You know,” said Apple Bloom giggling, “I can’t think of how many times I wanted to tell you and Silver Spoon to ‘kiss my ass’.  I guess I win!”
“I wanted to tell the three of you to ‘eat my marehood’,” snickered Diamond, “I guess we both win!”
“And I love that we have,” said Apple Bloom.
“Me too, My Love,” said Diamond getting back to work.
Di didn’t stay long but she continued her massage down Apple Bloom’s legs.  At her hooves, Di instructed her to roll over, Apple Bloom complied.
Di worked back up her legs again.  Then at her ‘bottom’ again, Diamond looked up at Apple Bloom.
“Will you trust me again?” asked Di.
“With my life,” said Apple Bloom smiling at Di.
Di lay herself back down on her belly between Apple Bloom’s legs.  She moved Apple Bloom’s hind legs apart; there was Apple Bloom’s marehood at face level.
Diamond had thought about this.  She’d said she had no problem with the concept of mare-to-mare intimacy anymore.  But she’d also said she wasn’t ready to try it either.  But she was finding this had nothing to do with making love to a mare.  She was now certain of her love for Apple Bloom and wanted to be her partner in more than just words.  
She approached Apple Bloom’s marehood and started kissing.  Then she inserted her tongue to the inner aspect, between the lips.  Di tried her best to stimulate what Apple Bloom had, she’d lick between and suck on the lips.  It turned out the lips of Apple Bloom’s marehood were as sensitive as anypony’s else.  She soon noticed Apple Bloom was breathing hard and her hips were starting to grind.  This made Diamond happier than anything she could remember.  Diamond then started to lightly rub Apple Bloom’s nipples.
Apple Bloom trusted Di, but she was sure what she was about to do would be a waste of time.  But it appeared to make Diamond happy so she let her.
But then...
As Di’s tongue entered between the lips of her marehood, something happened.  The feeling of Di’s tongue was doing something to her deep inside.  Di now reached up and was lightly rubbing her nipples.  She didn’t know such a little act could feel so good.
As she continued, there was a feeling growing.  She hadn’t noticed her hips were moving on their own until they were grinding heavily.  
The next thing she found, there was a feeling, it was growing, spreading, then it hit.  It was like a balloon had burst inside her and there was unexpected bliss flowing to every part of her body.  She found herself calling out like Di had done.  She didn’t even realize it until she was done.  When the feeling subsided, she hadn’t any strength.  She felt weak but she’d never felt so good in her life.
As the hip grinding intensified, Di was thankful what she’d hoped for happened.  She knew she was successful when Apple Bloom cried out:
“D I A M O N D!”
Apple Bloom lay there panting, as Diamond crawled back up and kissed her deeply.
“What was that?” asked Apple Bloom.  Apple Bloom suspected what it was, but she was told it couldn’t happen to her.
“You came,” said Di.
“Came?” asked Apple Bloom.
“You had an orgasm.”
“But I didn’t think I could.”
“For mares,” said Diamond remembering what her mother and aunt had said, “sometimes being stimulated sensually but not sexually can produce an orgasm.  
It looks like you aren’t as defective as you thought.  
I wanted to try to see if I could do that for you.  I told you that I need all the help I can get if I’m going keep the prettiest mare in Ponyville as my marefriend.”
Both mares thought that this pony had really made her life complete.
But then Apple Bloom started to cry.
“Apple-Love,” said Diamond, “what’s wrong?”
“I can’t believe I really can feel sex like other ponies.  So now you ain’t goin’a want to be around me because you said you didn’t want any relationships with sex.”
“But this isn’t just any relationship.” Said Di, starting to cry as well, “just as much as you’ve discovered you can have sex, I discovered I could be in a relationship with intimacy, and be safe.  That’s if you wanted to be in that kind of a relationship.”
“There is only one reason I’d want to be in that kind of relationship,” said Apple Bloom.
“And what’s that My Sweet.”
“It’d be with you,” said Apple Bloom, “my marefriend.”
“Sorry Apple-Love, I don’t want to be your marefriend,” said Diamond.  Apple Bloom looked hurt.  “No My Love, I want to be your partner.”
“I love you so much,” said Apple Bloom.
“And I love you as much!” said Diamond.
The two kissed a kiss they never expected to feel.  A kiss with a pony who understood the other.  And wanted the same things.
And a pony who instructed the other that there could be love and passion in ways they’d never believed was possible.
“Can we see if something else works?  I read it in a book.”
“Apple-Love,” said Di, “anything you want.”
Apple Bloom smiled and kissed Di quickly.
They kissed again and then Apple Bloom slid down the bed, turned and meshed her hind legs between Diamond’s, like two pair of scissors.  Then she scooted up until their marehoods touched.  It was as if Diamond’s hips knew what to do.  They rubbed together and the feeling was to die for.  To both mares delight Apple Bloom climaxed again as did Diamond.  
The two made love on into the night.
Apple Bloom awoke, once again, in the forelegs of Diamond.  It was early and she knew she’d have to leave for Sweet Apple Acres soon; the Zap Apples were probably already ripe and ready for buckin’.  
She felt a sensation in her body, mostly ‘down there’.  She’d later find it was called ‘afterglow’, up until now, it was something she’d only read about.
“Di?” said Apple Bloom quietly.
“I’m here,” said Diamond, pulling Apple Bloom closer, “and I swear I’ll always be.  I can’t be away from you for too long.  I’ve found I love you so much, I don’t want to waste any time we could be together.”
“I think that’s what partners are supposed to do,” said Apple Bloom turning over and holding Diamond as well.
Diamond gave a little laugh.
“What?” said Apple Bloom.
“It’s something Emerald said yesterday,” said Diamond giving Apple Bloom a little kiss.  “He said he was talking to Scootaloo and found out Rainbow and Twilight were both her mothers.  Then he mentioned it must be really special to have two moms.”
“That would be special,” said Apple Bloom, “one would be nice, I really have no memory of mine.  And with my condition, I’m sad that I’ll never get to be one.”
“Perhaps there’s another way you can be, so this might cheer you up,” said Diamond. “What he said next spoke volumes.”
“What was that?”
“Emerald said after that;
‘I think it’d be nice if Miss Apple Bloom was my mommy too’.”
Apple Bloom smiled as she basked in the love she was seeing in Diamond’s eyes.
“I guess we can’t disappoint the little colt now can we.” said Apple Bloom.
“As soon as the Zap Apple jam is done,” said Diamond, “We can get our friends to help you move in with me.  I think it’d make Emerald the happiest colt on earth!”
“I think it’d make me the happiest mare on earth,” said Apple Bloom.
“As happy as it’d make me,” said Diamond then kissing Apple Bloom.
The two smiled and looked deep in the other’s eyes.
Apple Bloom’s and Diamonds friends were ecstatic for the couple.  They’d never seen either of their friends so happy.  The two were almost always together when not working.  It was a dream come true for Emerald, his mom and Apple Bloom playing with him, helping him with homework and tucking him in at night.
The biggest adjustment was for Apple Bloom.  
She had a hard time getting used to having a pony around whose job it was to do for her.  Diamond had to explain to Apple Bloom even though Randolph lived there, and was mostly treated like part of the family, he got paid (and paid well) to do things for the family.  
Eventually Apple Bloom got the message and her friends were amused when they would get invited to come over to the pool.  They’d find Apple Bloom and Diamond lounging side by side at the pool, wearing matching sun hats and sunglasses, holding hoofs and being served cold drinks by Randolph, while Emerald splashed about in the pool.  
Being rich suited Apple Bloom quite well, but she never let it make her snooty or somepony she wasn’t.
PART EIGHT: Final Destiny
Six months later:
“And so, it’s my great pleasure to declare you wed,” said Princess Celestia.  “You may now kiss your bride.”
Diamond and Apple Bloom embraced and kissed with all the joy in their hearts, as did Applejack and Rarity.  Neither couple heard the cheering and ovation of hoofs.  They only feel their partner’s lips and heard their hearts beating harmony with their mate.
“May I be the first to introduce Mrs. Applejack and Mrs. Rarity Apple and Mrs. Diamond Tiara and Mrs. Apple Bloom Rich.” Said the princess with pride.
Rainbow and Twilight Dash, AJ and Rarity’s Best Mares and Scootaloo and Silver Spoon Dash, Apple Bloom and Diamond’s Best Mares hugged the brides.  
Emerald was beside himself, he ran up and hugged Apple Bloom and Diamond, he really had two mommies now.
They were joined by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Shady and Sweetie Belle Daze.  Along with Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s parents and Filthy and Spoiled Rich.  They all surrounded the couples and congratulated them.
It had been a small private ceremony for immediate family and friends.  Sweet Apple Acres main barn had been borrowed for the ceremony.  
As the couples mingled with their families and friends and were headed to the sideboards where the food and drink for the reception were, Twilight and Rainbow hung back with Princess Celestia.
“The two of you have been such a big influence on this community,” said the princess.  “Perhaps more than you know.”
“Thank you, Your Highness,” said Rainbow.
“We haven’t been that much of and influence,” said Twilight, “we’ve just lived and loved and tried to be there for our family and friends.”
“Believe-it-or-not,” said the princess, “it was all it took to guide these to the happiness they have now.
Through your example, Applejack and Rarity’s love was shepherded.  Through your parenting, Scootaloo beat the odds of a foal lost in the foster system.  Your love for her caused her to reach out to a pony who was once her adversary, love was found and it was based on your example.  That example was passed on to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara.  
That’s six lives whose destiny would’ve been much different.”
“Thank you, Highness,” said Twilight.
“That isn’t all,” said the princess smiling even more.  “The lives of two other ponies were changed as well.  A destiny was put on hold by the smallest yet greatest of acts.”
“What was that?” asked Rainbow.
“Twilight,” said the princess, “fate was diverted one fateful night because you did something even the wisest couldn’t foresee.  You broke through you insecurity and pronounced your love to Rainbow.  
Rainbow, you went against your normal instincts and felt compassion for Twilight and weren’t scared off.”
“How could that have made anything different?” asked Twilight.
“Because,” said the princess with a grin, “you weren’t home the next night to receive a package.  I had sent you Star Swirl the Bearded’s spell book.  In it was his unfinished spell if you had solved it, it would have proven you worthy to continue on to your next level.”
Twilight looked shocked.  Rainbow nodded her head, she remembered the talk years ago with Cadence that Twilight had a destiny.
“So when I found out why you weren’t home, and Rainbow’s feelings were real, the test was changed,” continued Celestia, “you were to be a family and be an influence in the community.  It took longer, but I’m happy to tell you finally passed.
You need to tell your friends that you two have to go somewhere and you will see them soon, both of you.  Then meet me outside.”
Twilight looked happy to pass a test by her mentor but confused as to what this all meant.
Rainbow was happy for her Lover-Pony, but she was slightly worried about what this would mean for herself.
Twilight and Rainbow had congratulated the couples and told them what Celestia said and they would be back as soon as they could.
Everypony waved as they two left the barn.
Outside they found Princess Celestia waiting, along with Princesses Luna and Cadence.
“Are you ready?” asked Celestia.
Twilight nodded her head, the princesses stood around the couple.  Rainbow started to get out of the way.
“No Rainbow,” said Cadence, “you need to see this.  Remember what I told you about being there to support Twilight.”
Rainbow nodded her head and went and stood by Twilight.
Suddenly three horns glowed and light enveloped the two mares.
The next thing Twilight and Rainbow knew was they were no longer in Ponyville or Equestria.  In fact, they probably weren’t even in the realm of earth.  The stars were all around, and they were as if they were in deep space and standing on an invisible floor.  
Around them, as if on a multitude of movie screens, events in the life of Twilight and Rainbow played out.  Most embarrassingly, some of their special lovemaking sessions.
Then they saw Celestia approaching, she was looking at the scenes, and even stopped and chuckled at one of the more intimate events.
“I told Luna, two mares could do that,” said Celestia, not really to anypony.
Then Celestia looked at Rainbow and Twilight.
“My most beloved student.” Said the princess, “I knew you could do it.  From the first day I saw you, I knew you’d make it this far.”
“Where are we?” asked Twilight.
“Here is the realm of magic,” said Celestia, “and only here can the magic you have earned be given.”
“What magic?” asked Twilight.
The princess only smiled and floated up, spread her wings.  She was bathed in an almost blinding light.  Twilight floated up also, a purple glow escaped from her chest and started to orbit around her at a quicker and quicker speed.  Light started to flow from every part of Twilight.  She felt herself being stretched; her sides felt as if something was breaking through.  Then in a flash, she was gone.
Celestia settled down, the light was gone.
Rainbow had tears running down her cheeks, Celestia looked at the Pegasus and smiled.
“What troubles you Rainbow,” asked Celestia.
“This is harder than when you tested me,” said Rainbow.  “I’m so happy for my Lover-Pony, I really am.  But being around Twilight all these years I’ve learned things.  I looked it up not long after Cadence told me this would happen.  I found out Alicorns, all Alicorns are immortal.”
“And what’s the problem?” asked the princess.
“Maybe not now, but in forty or so years, I’m going to be an old mare and Twilight will be evergreen.  Then I’ll eventually be gone and Twilight will continue.  
I’m okay with that.  
But I know Twilight loves me so much when I finally die, she’ll be devastated.  I’ll bring pain on her which might possibly last forever.” said Rainbow, tears streaming from her eyes.  “I can’t be responsible for that, I love her too much.”
“So you’re more concerned for Twilight’s happiness than for your own mortality?”  asked the princess.
“We’ve had this conversation once before, Celestia(1) ,” said Rainbow looking oddly at the princess.  “If I remember correctly, both of us were in tears.”
Princess Celestia smiled and walked to Rainbow Dash then embraced her.
“My Dear, Dear Rainbow Dash, I’m so pleased with the way you’ve helped, supported and loved Twilight.  I was correct when I told Twilight you were the best pony she could ever love.  Thank you my friend.
The other destiny would’ve been less complicated, but I’m glad things went the way they did.  
You may not know it, but the test I put you through, it never ended…
Until now.  
You Rainbow, have passed and proven yourself worthy as well.”
“Worthy of what?” asked Rainbow.
As the reception part was breaking up, everypony accompanied the two couples to the barn doors.  They were about to toss their bouquets when they stopped and stood looking in the sky.
Everypony gathered to look as well.  
There in the sky was a large pink six-pointed star superimposed over a white six-pointed star, There were six smaller stars surrounding it.  It was headed slowly their way.  When it landed there was a flash and there stood Twilight Dash.
Everypony could tell she was taller and she now had wings.
All the ponies gathered around Twilight as she tried to come to terms with her new form.
There were many comments.  But the one which stood out the most was when Fluttershy said:
“You look just like a princess.”
“That’s because she is a princess,” said a voice.
All looked and saw Princess Celestia land close by.
“A princess?” asked Twilight.
“Yes,” said Celestia, “but that’s not all.”
There was a flash of red, yellow and blue lightning beside Twilight, all the ponies gathered gasped.   There stood Rainbow Dash, she was as tall as Twilight was now.  And it wasn’t the only difference.
“How do you Unicorns get used to this weight on your heads?” asked Rainbow.
She too was an Alicorn.
“Please welcome Princesses Rainbow and Twilight Dash!”
Rainbow now knew she’d always be there for her Lover-Pony.  Her heart was singing as she embraced Twilight as all the gathered cheered.
“I love you forever Princess Twilight,” said Rainbow.
“And I love you Princess Rainbow,” said Twilight, “forever.”
(1)Rainbow purposely left off any honorific to make a point of them sharing the same concern for Twilight.
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dimensionjumphq · 6 years ago
DJ summary and general info
Please, PLEASE note this is highly messy and all over the place, I’m mostly editing and changing a previous version of this summary from 2015 to save me time so I can get this blog up and running properly. I will recreate this so it’s more organized later on when I have time.
Dimension jump stars my first OC, Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song, her older sister as the protagonists and their adventures as they’re pulled through many dimensions.
Now, this is going to be ripped from Arya’s Toyhou.se profile to explain some general info.
".... she and her sister are teleported into Equestria with their mother for unknown reasons. Jane was a pegasus made(an alicorn with no horn), her sister a deer pegasus while their mother was an alicorn. When Discord opened up a portal home, instead of going, their mother and the two siblings told him they wanted to stay where they knew they'd be truly happy, fully adopting their ponysonas' names; Regal Dusk, Night Heart and Sky Flare.
After leaving Equestria unwillingly many years later back to their home dimension now with their wings while their mother remains in Equestria, the two are suddenly thrown into yet another dimension, this cycle continued when their adventures in that dimension ended. There they adopted new names they felt were truly theirs: Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song."
Now, what isn’t stated is there are people behind their being tossed through dimensions.
Asiyah and James.
Their species is as a mystery to you as well as me, they are very powerful human-like beings, but not quite god-like as they're made out to be.
For some backstory as to how they started pulling the siblings through dimensions, one day, James was mucking around in the attic of his comatose parents and found two strange and beautiful necklaces. Curious, he put his on, and that is where DJ truly begins.
First, it's not so bad, he gives Asiyah the other necklace and the two curiously watch other dimensions, as the necklaces had great power imbued in them that allowed this.
But you know that saying?
"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
Such was the case with James, his weak mind was easy to corrupt while Asiyah however, had a good heart and mind that couldn't be corrupted so easily and thus, she remains the same throughout DJ.
One day, James proposed taking the Shaw family out of their dimension and throwing them into the MLP universe. Asiyah, blissfully unaware of what's happened to her brother, uneasily agrees.
There's no harm in doing it once, right?
W. R. O. N. G.
I plan to end the MLP story after season six once I actually can stomach writing for it. But there’s some general info on it below.
Now, things change a little when Temperance and Arya, known as Night Heart and Sky Flare here, arrive in that world.
Two new elements of Harmony are created, Trust and Courage. Those two were wielded by Night Gale(Trust) and Spark Harmony(Courage), two characters of mine when Celestia and Luna were in power before Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, acting as advisors to the two before Night Gale and Spark Harmony died from old age, their elements disappearing for centuries.
When Nightmare Moon comes back, it's been around five months since Night, Sky and Regal Dusk(their mother) arrived here and have made friends with some of the mane six.
The two siblings go with the mane six to Everfree Forest, seeing no harm in coming with when, because they knew the MLP series up until Twilight's coronation, they knew what was going to happen.
What they didn't know was they were the new bearers of the hidden elements of Harmony, Trust and Courage.
Night Heart's test of Trust is when she hears Nightmare Moon creeping up on them in a different form(perhaps as Slender Man?) and she tells everypony to just trust her and RUN.
Sky Flare's test of Courage, I haven't figured out yet, but I'm thinking something to do with Nightmare Moon becoming a Cockatrice to scare the mane six.
Now, it's a big fricken surprise when they're called out by Twilight as being the bearers of the two HIDDEN elements.
To save you and me some time, in another post I'll write up all the details of what happens in the MLP verse, but the short version is(Note, HEAVY headcanony things ahead):
When Discord shows up, he reveals that they aren't truly ponies and the three of them stay.
Sky gets together with AJ while Night falls for RD and vise versa. Regal Dusk finds love and companionship in Burnt Oak after he helps her move on from her previous husband who abused her.
Night becomes Luna apprentice and learns how to walk in dreams.
Twilight gets reunited with an old childhood friend from before her and her family moved to Canterlot: Night Ink.
Fluttershy and Rarity begin dating.
The Mirror universe arc from the comics comes into play as well as the newest arc "From Shadows", will probably add the Nightmare Rarity arc too.
Now, I don't have the time, nor the will to list EVERYTHING that happens through ALL those stories in the list above, but I am going to tell you some themes that reoccur many times and some facts about a few of the worlds.
Warehouse 13 is crossed over with Five nights at Freddy's, due to me getting into FnaF at the same time I was watching W13.
A few of the animatronics from Fnaf 2 are there such as Mangle and her twin Fang(really, you should go look at my FnaF folders for more info on that), but most of the Toy animatronics have not been retrieved like the Marionette but all the original ones are in the warehouse kept immobile by a special force field, until Arya breaks said field. Luckily the animatronics aren't out for blood anymore, as they had A LOT of time to think on what they'd done plus they are no longer controlled to the spirits of the children thanks to a certain OC of mine.
In the Inheritance Cycle, Arya takes on the middle name Artemis to be called by so she isn't confused with the elf Arya when said elf is in the room.
Arya and Temperance get small "mementos" from each world, such as their wings from the MLP world, it's also how they get strong magical abilities.
Arya's hairstyle changes throughout the stories, mostly alternating between shoulder length, mid back, long braided, messy ponytail or pixie cut.
One thing I should note before going on is Arya and Temperance confront James and Asiyah in Dragon age 2 and Asiyah betrays her brother before they manage to beat him, his sister taking his necklace so he could never use it again. Asiyah then takes her brother back with her to where they come from to be judged by the higher ups of where they come from, and James is never seen again while Asiyah sometimes comes to visit Arya and Temperance.
Now, Asiyah has a memory altering ability she's had since she was born/created, she doesn't use it much because she'd rather be rid of it honestly.
Now, to someone who is going mad with power, wouldn't you want to ENTERTAIN yourself if you had someone who had that power at your fingertips? James certainly did.
So, he made Asiyah lock away Arya and Temperance's memories of their romantic relationships, making it seem like they stayed single to them, he had actually ordered Asiyah to erase them but she chose to block them instead.
And, as such, they ended up with many people and at the end of their adventures, finally remember when all their love interests come to their recuse during the final story as well as all their friends from previous worlds.
This is due to the Doctor from Doctor Who managing to follow them and picks up their friends along the way as well as love interests, and TRUST ME, at FIRST THEY ALL DISLIKE EACH OTHER AND WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.
But then they realize that Arya and Temperance wouldn't have fallen for them without a reason, so through the course of the DJ adventures they are getting to know each other and they either begin to like each at best and just learn to tolerate them at worst.
This leads to a HUGE dilemma at the end right before DAI, as Arya ends up pregnant by someone(Asiyah used a spell to freeze the embryo in time when it was conceived so James wouldn't get any ideas, so Arya never knew or showed any signs she was pregnant until Asiyah removed the spell) and she feels pressured to figure out who the other parent is as well as pick just one of them when NONE of them ever suggested such a thing, leading to her running off for some time, ending up in another dimension due to the fact the dimensional barriers are pretty much IN TATTERS which also helped the fact the Fade(where demons and the like in the Dragon Age universe lurk) ripped open in DAI.
Asiyah is doing all she can to fix the barriers, leaving Temperance and her friends out of luck while running about with the Inquisitors(I have two!) trying to patch up the Fade.
I'm still figuring out what exactly happens to Arya while she's gone, but after she ends up in the Hyrule Warriors universe she raises her daughter Alexandria after giving birth, and, due to dimensions having different times so what was a few months in one dimension is several years in another, Alexandria is sixteen by the time of the next events.
After leaving Alexandria in the care of her new friend Zelda, she starts using her own magic to hop through the tears in the dimensions, trying to find her way back so she and her daughter can return and she ends up in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica universe, where she becomes a magical girl and falls for Mami Tomoe.
Now, due to the sheer amount of MAGIC in her, both her own, some Dimensional and Asiyah's, her soul isn't pulled from her body and instead only her magic is, so she's still alive and kicking and her magic would return to her if her soul gem broke.
After the events of the anime, she along with the remaining Puella Magi as well as her daughter return to the DAI dimension as Wraths were leaking into that world, where they reunite with Temperance.
Of course, Madoka Magica Rebellion has to happen in the middle of this mess, but I'VE FIXED THE CRUMMY ENDING! Homura is no longer obsessed with Madoka, is NOT a demon and falls for Kyoko, Madoka has a physical body and is with Sayaka. That's not all, as it really becomes screwy after Homura steals Madoka before Arya and Temperance intervene and set things right, but that's all I'm saying for now.
After a great big battle with all of Arya and Temperance's friends, as well as some armies from previous dimensions, teaming up against Corypheus and beating him as you do in the game, Arya and Temperance finally settle the love mess they were dealing with thanks to James.
No, they weren't going to pick one or the other, they weren't going to be so cruel as to do that, instead, they would try at Polyamory, so everyone could be happy.
They all end up moving back to Equestria, being the only place Polyarmory was perfectly fine(HELLO! THE PONIES ARE HORSES AND STALLIONS OFTEN HAVE HERDS IRL!).
Trust me, there are a lot of funny stories where it's completely AWKWARD for EVERYONE, but by the time the next DJ series rolls around it's all worked out and fine! They still have problems like EVERY couple, but they work through them and their bonds are the stronger for it. Plus, for their kids having a lot of moms and dads tends to help if one isn't available.
One other thing is that as a result of traveling between dimensions without protection, Arya, Temperance(and everyone else who came to their rescue)'s molecules are frozen, they'll never age and they will never wither or die. Temperance and Arya have constructed devices that will protect someone from these effects, and are working on undoing it for those that don't want to live forever.
As well as this, they have created an advanced city that exists in the space between dimensions, a place where all the dimensions connect and traveling between those worlds is easy so the dimensional barriers aren't ripped to shreds like before, and honestly not all the rips could be fixed. It's generally a normal city with it's share of ups and downs, but it's a pleasant place to live otherwise.
That's all I have to say really about the general plot of the first Dimension Jump series, it's a big mess, but it's the groundwork for my Next Gens and Next Dimension which I’m already adoring writing. There are still some things I haven't mentioned yet, such as who Tempy and Ari fall for, but I'd rather explain those in oneshots/fact lists for each respective fandom.
Now, all I ask is be respectful in the comments and try not to sound hateful, please.
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