#thanks for sticking with me till the end
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charlottecbordeaux · 2 years ago
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(-insert evil cackling-)
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moyazaika · 2 months ago
will you appear again before Christmas?🥲
YES HI!!!! WOWEE sorry for being away longer than i intended! estranged family member showed up on my front door after 18 yeARS of no contact?!?!? went to bali and lost my pasSPORT?!?!?! failed my driver's TEST!?!?!?!
#i've been writing a lot!#so i will post something soon#i missed u all and thank you to the people who checked in with me#it meant so much more than you know :') <3#tumblr has become such a creative outlet for me and retreat for me overtime but i didn't realise how comfortable i got here till now#taking time away has also cemented my own writing style#for a while i was trying too hard to force/fit into what i saw was popular in the yandere niche (art under capitalism xyz competition xyz)#now i've fully embraced what i can write#like to write#and want to be known for writing#so yes it's been an interesting end to an otherwise hellish year. honour roll second yr in a row so it all feels worth it now but jfc#i've never crashed out so much before in one year#so yeah! if u read all that ur a legend#just yapping abt what's been on my mind#consciously reading has also challenged me with how i want to extend my own writing#as if i wasn't ambitious enough bye#but i really hope that 2025 is#above all else#the year of unbroken promises#i don't want to promise things i can't deliver#but i still want you guys to be excited for what i do put out!!#so lesson learned; do not make a series masterlist/seasonal event if all the chapters or stories aren't pre-written out alr :')#2025 writing goals just bcuz i saw people do this with their reading so why not with writing?#1) begin and finish a multi part series (more than 5 chapters! i live for the longform)#2) clear out my inbox fully. i'm at 40ish asks so this isn't too crazy of a goal imo#i'll c ya guys soon tho! thanks for sticking around <3<3<3 love u all#excited for what's next :)
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year ago
We celebrate 10.000 hits today!
DAET, my baby, my beloved, you’ll find your way to your readers at your own pace and when time is right for them 🤍🪽
Thanks to whoever read it, enjoyed and reached out to me with your beautiful words.
Thanks for giving us a chance. It means so much to me ✨
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Here’s the link if you want to give it a try:
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turnupswritessometimes · 8 months ago
The climax at the hotel really made me yell (internally) "ICHISAYA MOMENT, YEE-HAAAAAW!!!" (For context, I'm referring to the lead ship from my favorite childhood magical girl franchise, Tokyo Mew Mew. Romeo barging in quite reminiscent of a scene near the end of both the original manga and 2nd anime adaptation). The quiet scene outside the hotel is soft with the final scenes at the opera house being nicely sweet and smutty. Satisfying to see this to the end!
My blog icon and theme were actually all Ichigo Momomiya themed a while back, lmao. I!! Love!! Tokyo Mew Mew!! It was my very first anime and it holds a special place in my heart. (I, however, was very much a Ryou Shirogane girlie all the way. <3)
Not an intentional call back, but very cool similarity that has me thinking about further similarities between the two...(Magical Girl P AU...? Hm..)
Thank you so so much - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! Particularly the last scenes - I enjoyed writing them very much! <3 <3 xx
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cerealbishh · 11 months ago
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"(...) I love Maria. I love her determination, I love how proud she is of her roots, I love that she knows what she wants in life." - Isa in an interview with SciFi(x)
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fxstpace · 24 days ago
the accidental one-night stand
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summary: the consequences of sleeping with your best friend while drunk include waking up with no memory of how you ended up in his bed and the awkward realisation that your friendship is irreparably damaged. but avoiding it only works for so long—especially when feelings you’ve both been hiding begin to bubble to the surface.
⇢ pairing: jeon wonwoo x fem!reader ⇢ contains: fluff, angst, best friends to lovers au, college au, idiots to idiots in love, debatable attempts at comedy, implied sexual content, nudity, profanity, alcohol consumption, injuries & hospital visits ⇢ word count: 10.0k ⇢ note: this was written for the lonely hearts café collab hosted by @camandemstudios! thank you so much for letting me be a part; please check out the other authors’ fics as well. i hope you enjoy :)
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There were many things that you expected would happen after you and your friends went out drinking to celebrate the end of the semester.
Waking up next to a naked Jeon Wonwoo was not one of them.
The first thing you notice is the sunlight. It filters through the cheap blinds, casting uneven slats of light across the room. The scent of stale beer and leftover pizza lingers faintly in the air. Normally, you would’ve groaned, turned over, and buried yourself in your blanket to fend off the cruel reminder that mornings exist. For a moment, you’re convinced you’re back in your own bed, with nothing more pressing than to decide whether you should get breakfast or sleep in till noon.
The second thing you notice is the peculiar warmth of someone pressed against you. A shoulder brushes your arm; a leg, bent at an awkward angle, leans uncomfortably into your thigh. When you squint, you see a pink piece of fabric hanging off one of the blades of the ceiling fan. That’s new.
Your eyes widen. When you turn your head, you are subject to the horrifying revelation that your best friend is lying in bed next to you—Jeon Wonwoo, sleeping on his stomach, bare back exposed to the world like it’s a perfectly normal occurrence in the three years you’ve known him.
You must be dreaming. But then you see his glasses, folded neatly on the nightstand and placed on top of your phone. Oh no.
“Oh no,” you say aloud, because, apparently, merely thinking it isn’t enough.
Wonwoo stirs at the sound, a soft groan escaping his lips. His head turns slightly on the pillow, and you freeze, praying to every deity you can think of that he doesn’t wake up. Unfortunately for you, whoever is in charge of karma seems to be in a particularly spiteful mood.
“Mm?” His voice is groggy, muffled by the pillow. His eyes flutter open. It takes him a second to focus on you. When he does, his brows furrow. “Why are you in my bed?”
Silence. You blink at him. He blinks at you.
What can you say? There is no eloquent explanation for waking up in your best friend’s bed—especially when he’s naked and you’re one hasty movement away from unraveling whatever fragile composure you’re clinging to.
“I, uh— I was hoping you could tell me that,” you croak out.
He shifts, the sheets slipping lower on his body, and you immediately avert your eyes. “Are we—” Wonwoo pauses, glancing down at himself, then back at you. His face flushes a deep pink. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you whisper, pulling the sheets tighter around you. “Oh.”
“Are you…?” He starts, then clears his throat awkwardly. “You’re not… y’know…”
“Naked?” you supply, struggling to maintain whatever shreds of dignity you have left. “No. Thank God. I think I’m, uh, wearing your shirt, actually. But my, um, bra is hanging off of your fan.”
If a pair of eyes happens to wander up there, neither of you acknowledges it.
There’s another long pause, filled only with the sound of your combined breathing and the hum of traffic outside. You can feel him staring at you; it takes all your willpower not to bury yourself into the mattress.
Wonwoo blinks at you again, his hair mussed and sticking out in every possible direction, a faint sleep line on his cheek from where the pillow was pressed into it. It would almost be endearing were you not teetering on the edge of an existential crisis.
“Do you remember anything?” He finally asks.
You consider lying, but what good would that do, anyway? You shake your head. “Um, not a lot. Do you?”
He hesitates, and somehow, it’s worse than an outright no. “I remember… karaoke,” he says slowly. “And shots. A lot of shots.”
“Karaoke?” you repeat, horrified.
“Yeah.” Wonwoo looks faintly amused despite the whole situation. “You sang ABBA. Badly.”
“I always sing ABBA badly,” you mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose. “That doesn’t explain anything.”
“I don’t know either,” he says, sounding genuinely baffled, which is both a relief and a disappointment for reasons you refuse to examine. “Do you think—”
“What?” you prompt, though you already know the question.
Your best friend gestures vaguely between the both of you, the tips of his ears turning red. “Do you think we—?”
“Oh, my God, don’t say it,” you hiss, feeling your own face heat up.
“Well, something happened! You’re in my bed, and I’m—”
“Naked,” you finish for him, grimacing.
Wonwoo clears his throat again, suddenly very interested in the ceiling—though he pointedly avoids staring at the fan above your heads. “Yes. That.”
“Maybe we should just… not talk about it.” Your voice sounds weak to your own ears. You pick at your cuticles underneath the covers.
Wonwoo snorts. You stare at him.
“What?” you demand.
“You think we can just pretend?” The smile tugging on his lips is humourless. “Yeah, okay, good luck with that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Soonyoung was there last night,” he says grimly.
Your stomach drops.
“Oh no,” you say again, because there’s really nothing else to say.
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You thought you were successful in avoiding Jeon Wonwoo and Kwon Soonyoung. You were not, and this must be the universe’s idea of a cosmic joke, because you’re currently crouched behind a dumpster while your two best friends are having a frantic, hushed conversation a few feet away from you.
The smell is an assault on every sense you possess—a vile concoction of rotting leftovers, moldy cardboard, and something acidic you can’t begin to identify. You shift uncomfortably, regretting everything that possessed you to follow Wonwoo and Soonyoung to this cold, putrid place. Your sneakers sink into what you pray is just old soda.
“...I didn’t tell her because she looked so freaked out,” Wonwoo says, voice tight. He doesn’t sound angry, exactly—more like he’s restraining his frustration, the kind of tone that demands silence from anyone with half a brain.
Except Soonyoung doesn’t have half a brain. “You didn’t mention to her that you remember everything? That’s… kind of a big deal.”
“Of course I remember,” your best friend mutters. “I was drunk, yes, and extremely stupid, but it’s her. I remember everything about her.”
You instinctively press a hand to your mouth, breath catching in your throat. He remembers? All this time, you’d convinced yourself that the foggy gaps in your memory extended to him too—that’s what he’d said, hadn’t he? You were convinced that the awkward morning after was borne out of shared ignorance. Evidently not.
Soonyoung snickers. “You? Stupid? Sure, and I’m fucking Albert Einstein.”
“Can you be serious for once? It isn’t funny.”
“It’s a little funny.” You can practically hear Soonyoung’s grin, though his face remains elusive. “I mean, come on. You’re usually so—I don’t know—emotionless and now look at you. This is gold.”
You want to throttle him. You’re pretty sure Wonwoo wants to throttle him, too. He settles for a long, exasperated sigh instead. “I’m not emotionless. I’m just… worried.”
“Worried?” Soonyoung echoes, curious. “About what?”
“About her.” Wonwoo’s voice softens; the change is so startling that you lean forward without thinking, the damp ground squelching underneath you. “She looked so freaked out, Soonyoung. Like she couldn’t get out of my bedroom fast enough. How was I supposed to bring it up?”
You should leave. You need to leave, but your legs stay rooted in place, a strange combination of morbid curiosity and pure panic keeping you locked in place. 
“Fair enough,” your other friend acquiesces. “She was kind of a mess when I saw her that morning.”
“Exactly. So I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to make things worse.”
“But now you’re making it worse by not saying anything,” Soonyoung points out. “Come on, Wonwoo. You’ve liked her for years. You finally get her alone and you don’t even—”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo cuts him off, the word laced with quiet steel. “I didn’t plan for any of that to happen. You think I wanted to wake up next to her and realise it was all just… an accident to her?”
Your stomach twists painfully. There’s no way this is real. There’s absolutely no way you’re hearing this conversation right now.
“I left ‘cause I thought you would finally grow a pair of balls and confess,” Soonyoung says defensively.
Wonwoo scoffs. “Congratulations. Now it’s a fucking disaster.”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” his companion chides gently. “She’s your best friend. She’ll understand if you talk to her.”
“She doesn’t feel the same,” Wonwoo says, so quietly that you nearly miss it.
Your heart nearly leaps out of your throat.
“You don’t know that,” counters Soonyoung.
“I do.” The resignation in Wonwoo’s voice carves something hollow in your chest. “She wouldn’t have been so freaked out if she did. That night—it wouldn’t have been an accident to her.”
Is this how Wonwoo saw it? Is this how you made him feel? The words linger in the air, heavy and unforgiving, until they slip through the gaps in your rib cage and squeeze your heart tightly.
“...I think you’re wrong,” Soonyoung says slowly. “You should give her more credit than that.”
Wonwoo doesn’t respond immediately. You hear the sounds of footsteps shuffling on gravel and hold your breath, waiting for their voices to fade before daring to move. Your muscles scream in protest when you stand up. Your legs wobble, and you don’t move the hand clamped over your nose and mouth. 
Wonwoo remembers. He likes you. He thinks you don’t feel the same. Standing in the shadow of a dumpster and reeking of garbage and despair, you’re faced with one inescapable truth: You have no idea what to do next. 
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The coffee shop is too bright, but it’s the only place where the owner gives out a free chocolate chip cookie with every purchase. You nibble at the cookie, brushing away the crumbs that fall onto your lap. Your cup of coffee is untouched, steam curling out of it in lazy spirals. Xu Minghao sits opposite you, occasionally stirring his tea. The spoon clinks against the ceramic; it’s a little bit annoying, but you can’t tell him that when he’s almost certainly called you over to interrogate you.
You can’t remember why you agreed to meet Minghao. You can barely remember how you even got here, your legs on autopilot while your brain went through a series of catastrophes all involving Jeon Wonwoo. Minghao’s eyes bore into you, quietly observing. He doesn’t say anything, but he always seems to be one step ahead of you—always knows things before you’re ready to admit them, which is why you’ve been avoiding him, as well. 
Yet here you are, because Minghao’s persistence is a force of nature. Finally, you break. “What?”
“You tell me.” Minghao’s reply is immediate. He leans back in his chair and crosses one leg over the other with the sort of poise that makes you feel like a feral raccoon in comparison. “You’ve been acting weird all week.”
“You’ll have to be more specific.”
He merely narrows his eyes at you.
“Okay, fine.” You sigh and lean back, dropping your half-eaten cookie next to your coffee. “What do you think is so weird?”
“The fact that you’ve been avoiding everyone like the plague. The fact that your good mood about our finals ending lasted for, like, thirty seconds. The fact that you look like you’ve seen a ghost whenever someone mentions Wonwoo.”
You wince. “I don’t look like that.”
“You do,” he says.
“I don’t. I’m just tired.”
“Sure,” Minghao drawls, “and I’m the Pope.”
You glare at him, but he merely smiles at you, like he’s sitting on a cloud of smug superiority and you’re some lowlife staring up at him. He continues, “Do you want to tell me why I had to hear about your night with Wonwoo through six degrees of separation?”
“What— Huh? What are you talking about?” you flounder helplessly.
“Wonwoo told Soonyoung,” he explains without missing a beat, “who told his roommate Jihoon, who told his girlfriend Sana, who told her best friend Miyeon, who told her roommate Jihyo, who told her boyfriend Seokmin—who just so happens to be my roommate, as you’re aware. And now I know.”
You stare at him, utterly aghast. “What a small fucking world.”
“It is,” Minghao agrees, nodding sagely. “Don’t worry too much about it. They all mean well.”
You pick up your cookie and shove the whole thing into your mouth, before burying your face in your hands. “Kill me. Just do it. Right here. Please end my misery.”
“I’d consider it,” he says, “but then I wouldn’t get to hear your side of the story.”
“There is no story,” you say, voice muffled by your palms.
“Interesting,” your friend muses. “But according to all six of my sources, there’s quite a story. Something about you waking up next to Wonwoo? Naked?”
You peek at him through your fingers. “Are you enjoying this?”
Groaning, you drop your hands onto the table. “It’s not what it sounds like.”
“Enlighten me.” Minghao’s smile widens in the way it does whenever he’s truly intrigued by something.
You resign yourself to the sad fate of telling your friend about what happened that fateful night. “We went out to celebrate the end of the semester. There was drinking. A lot of drinking—” you hesitate, voice catching in your throat— “and then I woke up next to him.”
“Naked,” Minghao supplies.
“I was wearing a shirt!” you say a little too loudly. A few heads turn in your direction, and you lower your voice, cheeks burning. “Okay, yes, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Or anything else. But nothing happened!”
“Mm.” His noncommittal hum feels worse than outright disbelief.
“I mean it,” you insist. “We talked about it. Sort of. And he said he didn’t remember anything, so—”
You swallow, remembering the conversation you weren’t supposed to hear. It sits in the depths of your stomach, hot and heavy and gnarly. You don’t want to bring it up. You really don’t.
Minghao arches a brow. “Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Not remember anything.”
You swallow again, the aftertaste of your freebie dessert turning from sweet to bitter. “Why would he lie?”
“Why does anyone lie?” Minghao shrugs. “To spare someone’s feelings. To avoid awkward conversations. To hide the fact that they’ve been hopelessly in love with their best friend for years.”
“That’s not true,” you say, far too quickly. “That’s not… It can’t be true. If he’s liked me for years then—then remember when he had a girlfriend in our freshman year? He really liked her.”
You would know. You’d been there when he broke up with her, when you had to haul him to the nearest soju tent and let him get batshit drunk while you sipped on water and tried not to let your heart crack. Wonwoo had been heartbroken about it—enough for you to think that he’d loved her, and if his heart could have so much love bursting out of its seams, then what would it be like if you were given even a fraction of it? You’d squashed the thought immediately afterwards; he was here crying about his ex-girlfriend and you were a truly selfish person if you wanted to acknowledge your crush on him.
Minghao’s sharp gaze turns sympathetic. “I remember. But did you ever ask him about why they broke up?”
“No, I—I didn’t,” you admit. “He was crying his lungs out the day they broke up. I wasn’t gonna be insensitive. We never spoke about it afterwards.”
“So that’s why you think he can’t have feelings for you?”
“He’s Wonwoo. He’s not… He can’t— He isn’t—” Your words crumble under Minghao’s knowing smile.
“He is,” Minghao says, quiet but certain. “You’re just too busy panicking.”
“I am not panicking,” you say, panicking.
“Right,” your friend says drily, “and this is you at your most composed. Are you going to talk to him?”
“No,” you say immediately.
Minghao blinks, finally taking a sip of his nearly-cooled tea. “No?”
“No,” you repeat, crossing your arms. “I’m going to avoid him until graduation and then pretend this never happened.”
“That’s a terrible plan,” he deadpans. “It’s a great plan,” you counter. “Completely foolproof.”
“It’s cowardly.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
Minghao rolls his eyes, not unkindly. “Just drink your damn coffee. I’m paying for it.”
“Thank you, Minghao.” You smile gratefully at him. “I knew you would understand.”
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Xu Minghao clearly did not understand.
It starts with him, obviously, because who else would take your very serious declaration to avoid Wonwoo until graduation and turn it into prime gossip material? By the time it reaches you again, it’s mutated beyond recognition. Sana texts you, asking if you’re okay because she heard you and Wonwoo had a “tragic lover’s quarrel.”
You stare at her message, then at your coffee, briefly debating the merits of deleting every single app on your phone. Then you sigh, and type back who told you that? and steel yourself for whatever reply you’re going to get. Her response is almost instant: Soonyoung said Minghao said you’re avoiding Wonwoo for dramatic reasons?? idk, call me.
You do not call her.
Instead, you stew in mild indignation until she finally ropes you into Taco Bell plans for the afternoon, promising that the food is on her. But the second you walk in, you know it’s a trap. Sana’s sitting by the window, her expression brighter than the fluorescent lights. She waves you over. You feel like you’re walking into a very elaborate sting operation.
“Hey!” she greets you, grinning. “Come sit! I already ordered drinks for us.”
“What’s gotten you so happy?” you ask warily, already exhausted.
“Nothing,” she says cheerfully. “I’m just so glad to see you.”
“Hm.” You eye her suspiciously. “And you picked Taco Bell because…?”
“Because it’s delicious, affordable, and deeply underrated,” she says in one breath. You want to scoff—everything she just spouted out about Taco Bell is false—but she continues, “Also, Jihoon’s coming. He said he was starving, and I thought, why not make it a group thing?”
“Right. Because I love being the third wheel.”
“Can’t you let me admit that I enjoy your company for once?”
Your response is immediate. “No.”
Sana’s face brightens when she glances behind you at the door. Jihoon walks in—but he’s not alone.
Jeon Wonwoo is with him.
You feel your stomach flip in that terrible, rollercoaster-drops-out-from-under-you way. Jihoon, for his part, looks completely unbothered as he scans the restaurant, but when you glance at Sana, you find her trying and failing to hide her triumphant smirk.
“Oh, my gosh,” she says in the fakest tone of surprise you’ve ever heard. “Wonwoo! What are you doing here?”
You glare at her, and she has the audacity to look innocent. Wonwoo, meanwhile, approaches the table with slow, deliberate steps; his hands are stuffed in his jacket pockets and his mouth is set in a thin line.
“Hi,” he says, glancing at you briefly before looking anywhere else.
“Hi,” you echo, willing your voice to stay normal. Jihoon takes the seat across from you, shoving Wonwoo into the booth next to you. The space feels smaller than it is, like Wonwoo’s presence is some sort of gravitational force you can’t ignore.
“What’s everyone in the mood for?” Jihoon asks, leaning back in his seat like a bizarre talk show host.
“Tacos,” you say immediately. “And to leave.”
Jihoon ignores the last part, turning to face his girlfriend. “Want to help me order for everyone?”
“Absolutely.” Sana is already standing, grabbing Jihoon’s hand. “We’ll be back in a sec.”
“Wait—” You try not to sound desperate. “Why can’t we all just go and order together?”
“No need! We know what you guys like.”
With that, they disappear, leaving you alone with Jeon Wonwoo.
The silence is instant and crushing. Your fingers pick at the edge of a napkin like it’s some kind of lifeline, the paper shredding under your nails. Next to you, Wonwoo shifts slightly, the sound of his jacket brushing against the booth unnervingly loud.
“You don’t have to—” he starts, then stops. “The napkin. You don’t have to do that.”
“I’m not doing anything,” you reply automatically, still shredding the paper to bits.
He sighs. “You’re going to tear it apart.”
Your hands still for a moment, then resume. “If Taco Bell runs out of napkins, I’ll buy them new ones,” you say, only a little sarcastic.
Wonwoo doesn’t say anything to that, but out of the corner of your eye, you see him shift again, squaring his shoulders. Something in your chest tightens, wound up like a spring.
“This is weird, isn’t it?” he says finally.
You laugh, short and humourless. “What gave it away?”
He doesn’t reply. You glance at him, but he’s staring down at the table, fingers tapping idly on the edge. You take a deep breath, gaze dropping back down to your hands. “It doesn’t have to be weird,” you offer tentatively—though it sounds unconvincing even as you say it.
“I agree. But you’re kind of making it weird.”
Your head snaps up. “...Me?”
“Yeah,” he says, looking at you now. “You’ve been avoiding me for, what, days? That’s not exactly normal behaviour.”
“...I wasn’t avoiding you.” Heat crawls up your neck.
Wonwoo raises an eyebrow.
“Okay, fine. I was avoiding you,” you admit, voice dropping into a mutter. “But I, um, had a good reason for it.”
“Yeah?” he asks, leaning forward slightly. “What was it?”
You stare at him, throat tightening. How are you supposed to put it into words? That you’ve been avoiding him because every time you see him, your brain replays that morning and his conversation with Soonyoung in painstaking detail, and it makes your stomach twist in ways you don’t understand? That you don’t know how to act around him anymore, and it’s easier to run than to face him?
“I don’t know,” you say slowly, shrugging. It’s a lie, and it feels thin and flimsy, but you can’t manage anything else. “It just felt… easier.”
Wonwoo’s expression doesn’t change, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes—disappointment? Understanding? You can’t tell.
“Easier,” he repeats, like he’s testing the word. “Do you think it’s easier now?”
“Not really,” you admit quietly.
“Exactly.” He leans back again, running a tired hand through his hair. “Look, I get it. That night was—it was a lot. But I don’t want to lose our friendship because of it.”
There’s a lump in your throat now. You swallow hard, trying to push it down. You want to tell him that it’s not that simple, that every time you think about him, you feel like you’re standing on a cliff’s edge, terrified of falling. But the words stick to your tongue, and all you can manage is a small, “I don’t want that either.”
Wonwoo nods. “Okay. Good. That’s—that’s good.”
You don’t respond right away. Instead, you focus on the napkin in your hands—or what’s left of it, at least. Your thoughts spiral. You think about the way he looked at you that morning, the way his voice softened when he said your name, the way he resigned himself to the fact that you wouldn’t like him back. The way everything feels like you’re teetering on the edge of something permanent and irreversible.
Now, sitting here with him, you wonder if you’re still on that edge—or if you’ve already fallen.
“I just—” Your voice cracks slightly; you clear your throat. “I don’t know how to go back to being normal with you.”
Wonwoo doesn’t hesitate. “That’s okay. I don’t know, either. We can work it out.”
It’s such a simple thing to say, but it cuts through the static in your head. You look at him, really look at him, and for the first time, you see not just the calm front he’s putting up, but the uncertainty that bleeds through—the way his fingers fidget against the table, the way his gaze flickers briefly before meeting yours again.
You exhale slowly. “Okay.”
“Yeah.” You nod, more to yourself than him. “Okay.”
His lips twitch into the faintest smile, until it is immediately obliterated by Sana’s shriek as the four Baja Blasts she was balancing in her arms plummet to the floor in a tragic display of carbonation and crushed dreams. 
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The walk back from Taco Bell is stiffer than it needs to be. Wonwoo had offered to walk you home—mostly because both of you weren’t keen on intruding between Jihoon and Sana—but you’re acutely aware of the distance between you and Wonwoo, an awkward, invisible chasm neither of you seems eager to cross. You fiddle with the crumpled receipt in your pocket, sneaking glances at him every few steps. Each time, you catch him doing the same, though you don’t acknowledge it.
You didn’t think your awkwardness with Wonwoo would fade away immediately, though you have to give him credit for trying. It still clings to the space between you like stubborn static. Even the distant hum of traffic and the occasional rustling of leaves doesn’t drown it out.
“My cousin is graduating high school the day after tomorrow,” he says finally, breaking the long stretch of silence between you both.
“No way,” you reply, kicking a loose pebble on the ground. You watch it skitter away from you, and say, “They grow up so fast.”
“Yeah. It’s insane. I’m going back to Changwon tonight.”
“Really? I bet your aunt will be happy to see you.”
He smiles. “She’s going to screw me for not eating enough homemade food,” he says, and for a moment, it feels normal—but silence falls again, heavy and stilted.
It isn’t until you hear a soft, high-pitched cry that the spell finally breaks.
At first, you think you imagined it, a stray sound swallowed up by the evening breeze. But when you hear it again, clearer this time, you stop dead in your tracks, your head swiveling towards the source.
“Did you hear that?” you ask.
Wonwoo comes to a halt beside you. “Hear what?”
“That!” you exclaim as the sound repeats, urgent and mournful. You point towards the trees lining the edge of the parking lot. “There’s something over there.”
He squints. “Probably just a bird or something.”
“That’s not a bird,” you insist, already veering off the footpath. “It’s a kitten.”
“Yeah,” you say, craning your neck to locate the source of the sound. Sure enough, a tiny ball of fur is clinging to a branch halfway up one of the trees, its pitiful cries echoing through the still evening air. “It’s stuck.”
“It’s a cat,” Wonwoo says flatly.
“It’s a baby. Wonwoo, it’s going to fall!”
“It’s not going to fall. It’s a cat.”
“Look at it!” you counter, gesturing wildly. “It’s hanging on for dear life. Do you want that on your conscience?”
He stares at the kitten, then back at you, shoulders sinking with impending responsibility. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“Not a chance,” you say, folding your arms.
“Fine,” he mutters, shrugging off his jacket. “Only ‘cause you asked.”
Wonwoo reaches for the lowest branch, testing its sturdiness before hoisting himself up. His movements are deliberate, cautious, and yet somehow still awkward—like someone who’s watched enough action movies to think he knows what he’s doing but has never actually climbed a tree in his life.
“Careful,” you call out, wincing as the branch creaks under his weight.
“Really? That’s the advice you’re giving me right now?”
“I could’ve said, don’t fall,” you point out.
The kitten, meanwhile, is less than thrilled about the rescue operation. It hisses and fluffs up its fur as Wonwoo inches closer, its tiny claws digging into the bark.
“You’ve got this,” you say.
“Oh, do I?” He grunts. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
With a final, determined stretch, he manages to grab the kitten by the scruff of its neck, holding it up triumphantly. It lets out one last indignant yowl before going limp in his grip, big, yellow eyes blinking up at him.
“Got it,” he says, holding it up like a trophy.
“You’re a hero,” you deadpan.
But before he can descend, the branch beneath him gives a menacing crack.
The sound is followed by a split-second of stillness, and then gravity takes over.
Wonwoo plummets to the ground with a thud. The kitten, miraculously unscathed, wriggles free from his grip and bolts towards the bushes, leaving the two of you in stunned silence.
“Oh, my God,” you gasp, rushing to his side. “Are you okay?”
He groans, propping himself up on his elbows. His glasses are somewhere on the ground next to him; you fumble for them and hand them to him. He puts them on and says, “No. I’m not okay.”
“You fell out of a tree,” you say, as though he might need reminding.
“Yeah, I noticed.” His voice is tight, laced with pain. When he tries to stand, he immediately winces, clutching his ankle.
“Don’t move,” you say, panic creeping into your tone. “You could’ve broken something.”
“It’s just a sprain,” Wonwoo mutters, though his face says otherwise.
“How do you know?”
“Because I can still feel my foot,” he replies, like that’s the definitive test for a sprain versus a fracture.
You hover uncertainly, hands flitting uselessly between him and his phone. “I’m calling for help.”
“It’s fine—”
“No, it’s not fine,” you snap, voice shaking. “You’re injured, and it’s my fault because I made you climb that stupid tree for that stupid kitten—”
Wonwoo interrupts by saying your name softly. “It’s not your fault. I could’ve said no.”
“But you didn’t,” you mutter, blinking back the ridiculous sting of tears.
He huffs a weak laugh, leaning back against the tree trunk. “Yeah, well. You’re really persuasive.”
“Just don’t—don’t move, okay?”
“Okay. I won’t. You… You will come with me to the hospital, right?” He is quieter now, as though the adrenaline is finally wearing off.
“Of course,” you say immediately.
When you drop down onto the ground next to him, waiting for Sana—who you’d called earlier—to come drive you both to the hospital, you catch a glimpse of the kitten peeking out from the bushes, its wide eyes reflecting the streetlights. You shake your head. “Ungrateful little thing.”
“Worth it,” Wonwoo says, surprising you.
He shrugs. “It was worth it. You were worried about it.”
Oh. You don’t really know how to respond to that, but the words are sweet as honey, and despite the chill brought about by the setting sun and the rising moon, you feel warm throughout.
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The fluorescent lights of the hospital flicker faintly while you wait for Wonwoo to finish his discharge paperwork. You stand a few feet apart in the waiting area, unsure of what to say. Arms crossed tightly over your chest, you rock back on your heels. Wonwoo leans on his crutches, shoulders hunched.
“I, uh, brought my car while Sana and Jihoon were with you,” you say, not daring to meet his eyes. 
“You’re driving me to Changwon?” he asks, sounding more resigned than questioning. “You don’t have to.”
You lick your lips. Half the reason Jeon Wonwoo climbed up a tree and sprained his ankle badly is because you asked him to. The least you can do is drive him back to his hometown so he can attend his little cousin’s graduation ceremony.
“Yes,” you reply, a little too quickly. His eyebrows twitch upward, but he doesn’t say anything. You shift from one foot to the other under his gaze, feeling self-conscious. “What, you think women are bad drivers?”
He huffs a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “I don’t think women are bad drivers. I think you’re a—” He pauses. “Wait, that’s a trick question. You’re going to kick my ass regardless.”
“Exactly. So you can just get comfortable in the passenger seat and think about the systemic oppression of women in the workforce while I drive.”
The lightheartedness helps, but only marginally. When his name is called, Wonwoo limps toward the discharge counter, his crutches squeaking against the polished tile floor. You follow, stuffing your hands into your jacket pockets because you don’t know what to do with them. The nurse hands him a clipboard, and he scrawls his signature on the dotted line. 
You glance at his profile—the curve of his mouth, the faint shadow of stubble on his jaw, the way his glasses are perched on the bridge of his nose. It’s all so familiar, and you hate the fact that you feel like a stranger standing next to him. You know he likes you, and it’s eating you up inside, gnawing at your brain, because telling him you like him, too, would ruin everything.
Not that everything isn’t already hanging by a thread, but what if something happens that makes it impossible to fix? What if you break up, and the friendship you’ve been clinging to falls apart completely? What if everything changes even more than it already has, and you can’t stop it? What if you lose one of the most important people in your life, and no matter what you do, you can’t find your way back to him? What if, what if, what if—it’s a thought that echoes endlessly.
“You don’t have to look so worried,” Wonwoo says without looking up, startling you out of your thoughts. 
“I’m not worried,” you lie, chin jutting out defensively.
He glances at you, then. “You look worried.”
“Well, I’m not.”
“Noted.” He hands the clipboard back to the nurse.
By the time you’re both outside in the parking lot, you’re back to being awkwardly polite, dancing around each other with all the grace of a baby giraffe. You watch as Wonwoo fumbles with his crutches, maneuvering them clumsily toward your car.
“I can carry those,” you offer, holding out a hand.
“I’ve got it.”
“Oh. Um. Okay.”
He doesn’t say anything after, but his jaw tightens as he leans into the passenger seat. It takes some effort—his crutches clatter against the doorframe, and he winces, trying to angle his injured foot without bumping it. You pretend not to notice his struggle, letting him preserve what little dignity he has left.
Sliding into the driver’s seat, you adjust the mirrors, stalling for time. Wonwoo doesn’t try to break the silence festering in between you both. The only sounds are the click of your seatbelt, and the soft hum of the engine.
The first few kilometres pass like this—with a quietness so thick, it’s suffocating. You grip the steering wheel a little too tightly, focusing on the road ahead as though it holds the answers to all your questions.
“So,” you begin after a while, when it becomes too uncomfortable to not speak, “your cousin’s graduation. Big family gathering?”
“Something like that,” Wonwoo says. “Everyone’s making a big deal out of it. She’s the youngest, so…”
“That’s nice.” You glance at him briefly, his face half-hidden in the shadows. “It’s good to celebrate milestones.”
He snorts. “Spoken like someone who’s never had to sit through hours of small talk about what you’re doing with your life.”
“Oh, I’ve been there. My relatives love to remind me of all the ways I’ve failed to meet their expectations.”
“And here I thought you were the golden child.”
You laugh dryly. “As if. My aunt still brings up the time I failed my learner’s permit test. Twice.”
“Twice?” he repeats, raising his eyebrows. “And you wonder why I think you suck at driving.”
“It was hard,” you defend, though your cheeks flush with heat.
The corners of his mouth lifts, the closest thing to a smile you’ve seen from him lately. It’s fleeting, but it stays with you, lingering between you both.
Conversation ebbs and flows after that, accompanied by long stretches of quiet. You focus on the road, stealing the occasional inconspicuous—or so you hope—glance at Wonwoo. At some point, his head leans back against the headrest and his eyes flutter shut. 
It doesn’t take long for his breathing to even out, his features softening in his sleep. You glance at him more openly now, heart tugging at the sight. He looks younger like this. The lines of tension on his face have disappeared, leaving only the quiet rise and fall of his chest. His glasses slip down the bridge of his nose, and you resist the urge to push them back up.
You grip the steering wheel tighter, an unexplainable warmth blooming in your chest. It’s ridiculous, really, how easily he manages to disarm you without even trying. 
But it’s not the first time you’ve seen him like this. The memory sneaks in, unbidden—the morning you woke up beside him, the sunlight filtering through the blinds, casting golden streaks across his skin; his hair mussed against the pillow; his face so close to yours. The disorientation, the rush of emotions you couldn’t name, the way your heart stuttered because of his proximity.
The warmth in your chest turns cold. You inhale shakily, tearing your eyes away from him.
Wonwoo stirs slightly, his head turning a fraction towards you. You glance at him again, your resolve faltering for a split second. You wonder if he would laugh if he knew what sort of thoughts are running through your head right now, or if he’d give you one of those infuriatingly expressionless looks of his—the kind that makes you want to simultaneously punch and hug him.
When Google Maps announces the next turn, you straighten in your seat, forcing yourself to focus. The road stretches ahead, long and winding, illuminated only by the yellow glow of your headlights and the streetlights on the sides.
It’s a long drive, you remind yourself. Plenty of time to figure out what you’re doing. Or avoid it entirely.
For now, you simply drive.
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The moment you step foot into Wonwoo’s aunt’s house, a wave of warmth welcomes you—the aroma of something sweet baking in the kitchen, faint perfume, and the hum of cheerful conversation. Wonwoo limps slightly beside you, leaning more heavily on his crutches than he probably wants to admit, holding his duffel bag with his other arm.
You glance at him, frowning. “Are you sure you’re okay to walk around like this?”
“I’m fine,” he replies. You eye the faint wobble in his step but let it go for now.
Before you can dwell on it further, his aunt sweeps into view, her face lighting up like fireworks. Her hair, pinned back with a colourful bandana, curls in ringlets around her heart-shaped face. “Wonwoo!” she exclaims, hurrying over. Her gaze quickly shifts to you, and she clasps her hands together. “Oh, and who’s this?”
“This is—” Wonwoo begins, but his aunt isn’t waiting for an introduction.
“Oh, what a lovely young lady!” she gushes, stepping closer to you. “Are you two…?”
“No,” you blurt out, shaking your head vehemently. The tips of your ears burn as the word tumbles out of your lips. “We’re just friends.”
Wonwoo’s aunt looks mildly disappointed for a second before her smile reappears with renewed vigour. “Ah, well, it’s a shame,” she says. “You two would make such a beautiful couple.”
“Really, we’re just friends,” you repeat, your voice a little bit higher this time, as though saying it twice will make it truer.
Wonwoo shifts uncomfortably next to you, adjusting the crutch under his arm. His lips part like he’s about to add something, but he closes them again, opting for silence instead.
His aunt seems unconvinced, but thankfully doesn’t press further, instead ushering you both further inside. “Come in, come in! Everyone’s been waiting to see you, Wonwoo. And don’t worry, sweetheart,” she says to you with a pat on your arm, “you’ll fit right in.”
“Oh, actually, I—I think I should head back,” you say, lifting up your thumb and jerking it backwards.
“Don’t be silly,” Wonwoo says, unexpectedly. “It’s dark. You can’t drive back alone.”
“He’s right, dear,” his aunt adds. “Stay for the weekend. I have a spare bedroom you can sleep in.”
You try to backtrack, shaking your head. “I didn’t— I don’t have any clothes, or toiletries. I didn’t pack anything.”
“That’s quite alright,” his aunt says. “We have extra toothbrushes, and I’m certain I have clothes that could fit you. Consider it a little vacation, if you will.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Wonwoo nudges your shoulder with his and gives you a pointed glare. Pressing your lips together, you—still a little unwilling—follow her into the living room. The sound of Wonwoo’s crutches tapping against the hardwood floor draws attention. A dozen pairs of eyes swivel towards you, curious but welcoming.
“Wonwoo’s here!” someone exclaims. His cousin bounds over to greet him, carefully navigating his crutches.
“Holy shit, what happened to you?” she asks, eyes wide.
“Language,” he chides, offering her a smile nonetheless. “And it’s just a sprain.”
But her attention quickly flicks to you. “And who’s this?”
Before you can answer, another voice cuts in. “Is this his girlfriend?”
You freeze. Wonwoo sighs.
“No,” you manage to say, laughing nervously. “I’m just a friend.”
Wonwoo nods in agreement, but it's too late. The murmurs have already begun.
“Really?” another middle-aged lady—another aunt, you suppose—asks, eyebrows raised. “Just friends? You two look so comfortable together.”
Hah. As if. You’ve spent the last few weeks avoiding Wonwoo so rigorously that your friends had to shove you both together into a Taco Bell booth for you to start talking to him again. Comfortable, your ass. Of course, you can’t say that aloud, so you turn to Wonwoo, silently pleading for him to step in, but he seems more focused on shifting his weight into his good leg. His family’s scrutiny, it seems, doesn’t faze him nearly as much as his sprained ankle does—which is understandable, to be fair. Just not for you at the moment.
“Seriously, we’re not—”
“But why not?” his cousin pipes up. “He’s handsome. You’re pretty—it’s like fate.”
Heat rises to your cheeks again, and you resist the urge to crawl into the nearest decorative vase and never come out. Wonwoo finally takes pity on you, clearing his throat.
“Can we all calm down? She’s here because I needed a ride,” he says measuredly.
“Sure,” his uncle mutters, and it’s followed by a smattering of chuckles.
“Alright, alright,” his aunt finally interjects. “Let the kids sit down before you lot grill them to death.”
Reluctantly, everyone’s attention shifts to the basketball match playing on the television. Wonwoo hobbles toward the nearest loveseat, and you instinctively reach out to steady him when he wobbles a little. He doesn’t say thank you, but the way he lets your hand linger on his arm feels like silent acknowledgement.
“You’re not going to make me carry you if this gets worse, are you?” you murmur, settling into the seat next to him, careful not to jostle his injured leg.
“Not unless you want to,” he deadpans.
You roll your eyes—but the moment your knees accidentally bump, the room feels a touch too small, too warm.
Conversations begin again, and occasionally, someone makes another comment about how “nice” you two look together, and you muster up a strained smile each time. Wonwoo, meanwhile, remains utterly unfazed, answering questions about college and his injury like he isn’t the centre of his family’s romantic speculation.
“Your family is… nice,” you whisper, when the room quietens finally.
“They’re just excited to see someone new,” he says.
“Excited to marry you off, you mean.”
He hums. “Maybe.”
His aunt hands out warm plates of brownies topped with ice cream, and you gratefully dig in. You’re mid-chew when his uncle asks, “How did you two meet?”
You groan inwardly, resting your spoon on your plate and barely restraining yourself from banging your head on the coffee table. Wonwoo’s lips twitch like he’s trying not to laugh. He shrugs and says, “We met through a mutual friend. Simple enough.”
“Very simple,” you echo, nodding your head prudently, hoping to end the conversation there.
“But was it love at first sight?”
Wonwoo tilts his head slightly, as though he’s genuinely considering the question. You elbow him hard, ignoring his startled oof. “No,” you answer quickly. “We didn’t even like each other at first.”
“Didn’t we?” Wonwoo asks, lips curving upwards.
“No,” you say firmly. “You were too quiet, and I didn’t know how to talk to you.”
“Maybe you just weren’t trying hard enough,” he quips.
You gape at him. “That’s—”
“Adorable!” someone cuts in, and everyone—except you—bursts into laughter.
You bury your face in your hands, utterly defeated. Wonwoo, on the other hand, seems entirely too pleased with himself, his soft laugh barely audible over everyone else’s.
You glance at him once again, dropping your hands and letting them rest on your lap. He’s resting back in his seat, his injured leg stretched out in front of him. The tiniest furrow creases his brow, a sign he’s not as comfortable as he’d like everyone to believe.
“You should’ve stayed off your feet,” you say softly, leaning closer.
“And miss all this fun?” he says, smiling softly. He’s quieter, now, seemingly tired of all the socialising, but he watches his relatives bicker over something stupid with fondness.
You shake your head, biting back your own smile.
It’s only later, as everyone disperses to their rooms, that silence befalls upon you both yet again—though not quite as awkward as before. Standing outside the guest room, you turn around to face Wonwoo, who leans heavily on his crutch now, fatigue evident in his every movement.
“You okay?” you ask.
He nods, face impassive. “You?”
“Ask me again tomorrow.”
His lips quirk upwards for the smallest of moments before he nods towards his door. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you say, slipping into your room and closing the door behind you.
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Sleep, that night, is a stubbornly elusive thing. You toss and turn, unable to close your eyes for more than a few minutes. Each time your mind refuses to quiet, you assign a new reason for your restlessness—the bed is too firm, the covers are unnaturally warm, the pillow is too lumpy. But you know, deep down, that the true culprit lies just down the hallway.
Jeon Wonwoo.
The thought of him—his silent steadiness, the way his mouth twitches up slightly when he finds something amusing, the fact that you’re in the same house as him—makes your pulse flutter in ways that you’re sure aren’t good for your heart.
You sigh, staring up at the ceiling. The faint creak of a floorboard breaks the stillness, and your heart jumps before logic catches up. It’s an old house; it makes noises. Then, there’s another creak, a softer one, like when someone is careful and doesn’t want to disturb anyone else.
Curiosity—and the undeniable urge to see him—wins over your hesitation. You slide out of bed, the floor cool against your bare feet, and pad to the door. When you open it, you nearly collide with Wonwoo in the dimly-lit hallway.
“Oh,” you whisper, pretending to be startled. “What are you doing here?”
Wonwoo shifts his weight to his better foot, leaning against his crutch. He’s dressed in a loose t-shirt and sweats, hair slightly mussed. “Couldn’t sleep,” he murmurs. “You?”
“Same,” you admit, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Your room’s closer,” he says.
You step aside, holding the door open for him. “Come in.”
Once inside, he maneuvers carefully to the bed, his movements slow to avoid jostling his injured foot. He sits down on the edge of the mattress with a soft groan, stretching his leg out.
“You sure you’re okay?” you ask, hovering awkwardly near the desk chair.
“I’m fine,” he replies, leaning back on his palms. “Don’t hover.”
“I’m not hovering,” you mutter, sinking into the chair opposite him.
The quiet stretches, each second feeling longer than the last. You wonder if this is how it’s going to be for a long time—awkward, but unavoidable, because not being by each other’s sides isn’t an option. You fiddle with the hem of your sweatshirt, glancing at him and then quickly looking away when his eyes meet yours.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Your fingers still. “Talk about what?”
Wonwoo tilts his head. “Whatever’s keeping you awake.”
You chew on your lip. Maybe it’s because it’s so silent that nothing seems intimidating anymore, or maybe it’s everything you’ve pushed down so far finally reaching a tipping point, or—and perhaps the most likely reason—maybe you’re just incredibly, terribly, immensely stupid, but the words spill out faster than your mind reacts.
“I heard you,” you blurt out.
He straightens a little. “Heard me?”
“The other day,” you clarify, voice wavering. “In the alley by the dumpster. With Soonyoung.”
The shift in his demeanour is subtle, but you notice it—his shoulders tense, his fingers curl around the covers on the mattress. “Oh.”
You take a deep breath and force yourself to continue. “You told him you remembered. That night. The… you know.”
Wonwoo doesn’t immediately respond, his gaze fixed somewhere near the desk lamp.
“I’m not mad,” you add quickly, feeling the need to fill the silence. “I was a little confused, but—but I get why you lied. I just—” You hesitate, wringing your hands. “I feel stupid. You remember everything, and I… don’t.”
His eyes snap to yours. “You’re not stupid. We were drunk. It’s only natural that you don’t remember.”
“I don’t even know what I said to you,” you say, barking out a short, bitter laugh. “Or what I did. I’ve been over analyzing it for days, and you’ve just… known.”
“Because it was important,” he says, voice low.
Your heart stutters. “Important?”
He nods. “Yeah.”
The air feels too thick, like the walls of the room are closing in on you. You swallow hard and muster up a weak smile. “You didn’t think to, um, bring it up?”
“I thought about it,” he admits. “A lot. But I didn’t know how you’d react. I didn’t want to mess things up.”
“Wonwoo,” you say, “we’ve already messed things up.”
“Fair point.” He gives you a small, rueful smile.
You let loose a soft exhale. It feels like a weight off your chest, somehow, as though partially revealing the truth eased some of the static in your head. Wonwoo shifts on the bed, adjusting his position with a wince. Without thinking, you stand and move closer, grabbing a pillow to place under his leg.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Making sure you don’t injure yourself even more,” you say, propping his foot up gently.
“Thanks, doctor.” He’s teasing you, and you know it, but his voice is soft when he says it. Your heart, that traitorous organ, speeds up a little.
You straighten up, but something about the way he looks at you pins you in place. His eyes roam over your face, searching, and it makes your skin feel too warm.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed,” he says after a moment, “about not remembering.”
“...I can’t help it,” you admit, barely more than a whisper.
He leans forward slightly; his hand brushes against yours. “Then let me help you.”
“What are you—”
Before you can finish, he reaches up and removes his glasses, setting them on the nightstand. His movements are deliberate, his eyes fixed on you. When he says your name, it sounds like a plea, and then, “C’mere.”
You sit down next to him. Your heart pounds so loudly, you’re sure he can hear you. “Wonwoo,” you whisper, voice trembling.
“Do you want to remember?” he asks.
Your throat feels dry; your hands clench into fists at your sides.”I—”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, leaning in slowly, his gaze dropping to your lips. You don’t move away. You can’t, so you nod instead. When his mouth meets yours, it’s anything but tentative.
Wonwoo’s lips mold against yours insistently, sending sparks shooting through your veins. His hands find your waist, pulling you closer, and you instinctively reach up, threading your fingers through his hair.
You gasp when he deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing against yours unhurriedly, in a way that makes your knees weak even though you’re already sitting. He tilts his head, exploring your mouth with a thoroughness that leaves no room for hesitation. His hand slides up to cup your jaw; his thumb brushes against your cheek. The combination of his touch and his kiss is overwhelming. Every nerve in your body feels like it’s on fire.
When you pull back for air, he doesn’t let you go far. His breathing is ragged, his fingers still gripping your waist like he’s afraid you might disappear.
“Do you want to stop?” he asks hoarsely.
You hesitate. “I— Your foot is still injured.”
“So?” Wonwoo counters, lips twitching. “That doesn’t mean I have erectile dysfunction.”
“Wonwoo,” you groan, half-laughing, half-mortified as you push at his shoulder.
He chuckles, warm and low. “Okay. No sex. But kiss me again.”
So, in the darkness of the night, in the quietness of his childhood home, you do.
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There was a time when you thought Jeon Wonwoo was going to ask you out.
It never happened, of course—you wouldn’t be in this pitiful state if he had, wouldn’t be rotting in bed in layers of your own misery and heartache. 
You remember the way he’d looked at you that night. His gaze lingered just a second too long, his expression soft in such a way that made your heart flutter and your stomach twist into thousands of tight knots. You’d caught yourself staring at his lips, wondering what they’d feel like against yours, and immediately looked away, cheeks burning. He’d seemed nervous, too—words stumbling over each other like he was rushing to get them out. For one foolish, fleeting moment, you’d thought that he was going to say it.
When he told you about his girlfriend, you’d plastered on a smile and congratulated him. Still, something in your chest had sunk that day. What had you expected, really? For him to sweep you into his arms and confess that you were the one? He had always been kind, but kindness does not equate love.
Except it does, because Jeon Wonwoo had told Kwon Soonyoung that he likes you. It’s impossible—it has to be, because he had been devastated when he broke up with his girlfriend. But you remember the accidental one-night stand, and the night spent in Changwon, and the fact that he climbed up a tree to save a measly kitten just because you asked, and you know you’re lying to yourself.
And you? When he broke up with his girlfriend, you felt… relief. His sadness wasn’t something that you wanted to enjoy. No, you hated that he was hurting. But the other part of you, the part of you that had waited for this moment without ever acknowledging it, was thrilled.
The truth always finds a way to slip out. You’ve always been bad at hiding it, but the truth is this: You’ve loved Jeon Wonwoo for as long as you’ve known him.
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The consequences of an accidental one-night stand go something like this: 
It starts with Kwon Soonyoung. Of course it does.
When Soonyoung gets drunk—really drunk—he becomes the type of mess no one really knows how to handle. He laughs too loud, stumbles too much, and becomes emotional over the smallest of things. The only difference tonight is that he has, apparently, outdone himself. He had, in his drunken state, managed to get himself stuck in the worst part of town with a phone number he couldn’t remember dialling, and no one had the heart to tell him he probably should just stay the night.
Somehow, Sana managed to rope you and Wonwoo into picking him up, much to Xu Minghao’s glee. 
And somehow, equally confusingly, you are on Jeon Wonwoo’s lap in his car, his foot fully healed now. The seat belt buckle digs painfully into your thigh, but it’s forgotten quickly—simply due to the fact that Wonwoo’s lips are on yours.
His hands are gentle as they rest on your back, holding you closer, almost like he can’t believe this is real. The softness of his lips, the careful yet urgent way he kisses you—it’s enough to make you forget the world outside of his car, enough to make you forget about your late-night rescue mission.
It’s dizzying, intoxicating, and when he pulls back for a brief moment to catch his breath, you barely let him before you’re leaning in again, eager for more. Your hands move on their own, finding his shirt’s collar and gripping it as if it’s the only thing keeping you grounded.
You forget that you’re both in a car, in the middle of the night, on some random dark street far from home. You forget that there’s so much you’ve buried underneath layers of friendship and years of yearning. 
It all blurs out, except for the one question nagging you ever since Minghao posed it to you back in the coffee shop.
“Wonwoo,” you murmur against his lips, and his kisses slow, just enough to listen. “Why did you break up with your girlfriend in freshman year?”
He pulls back, brows furrowed slightly. “Because of you,” he says simply, as though it was obvious all along. 
Your breath hitches. The words settle into your chest, fluttering like wings, wrapping around your heart. Because of you.
“I don’t— I don’t understand,” you whisper. “Why?”
Wonwoo doesn’t answer immediately. His hands move to your face, fingers brushing away stray strands of hair from your forehead, his touch gentle. His thumb traces the curve of your cheek. He leans forward, just enough to close the distance between you both, and kisses you again.
It’s different this time. The kiss isn’t frantic or urgent. It’s slow. His lips move tenderly against yours, hands slipping down to the small of your back, pressing you against him. When he pulls back this time, it’s only by a fraction.
“You’ve always been there, you know?” he murmurs. “It was hard, trying to get over you. I didn’t want something to happen and for our friendship to end ‘cause of something stupid.”
It turns out you and your best friend are a pair of idiots, juggling the same worries about toeing the carefully-drawn line between friendship and the forbidden zone beyond it.
All at once, the confession you didn’t even realise you were dying to make slips past your lips. “I’ve liked you from the start,” you say, a little breathless, and before you can stop yourself, you’re laughing lightly. “I never thought I’d—” You cut yourself off, shaking your head while your hands find their way back to his shirt, tugging him close.
His lips return to yours, his kiss deeper this time, more insistent. There is no hesitation this time. The kiss spirals between soft and demanding, his teeth nipping your lower lip and your tongue sliding against his. His hands are everywhere, pressing you to him as if trying to make up for lost time, and you let him, falling into the moment with a fervour you didn’t know you possessed.
You pull back only when your lungs burn for air, lips swollen and kiss-bitten. Wonwoo’s hands settle on your hips, warm and gentle.
“I think,” he says, gruffly, “Soonyoung’s probably passed out by now.”
“Priorities,” you tut, but a laugh bubbles out of your throat anyway.
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The consequences of an accidental one-night stand also include dealing with an irate Kwon Soonyoung the next morning, when he barges into your apartment without warning. You and Wonwoo, with identical bedheads and noticeable embarrassment, stand in a corner together while he paces your living room.
“You’re telling me,” he says, turning around so violently, he nearly trips over his own heel, “that you forgot to pick me up because you were too busy sucking face in Wonwoo’s car?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” you say, at the same time Wonwoo says, “How crass of you, Soonyoung.”
Your friend splutters, flabbergasted. “Wow. Maybe I should quit college and start a matrimony service instead.”
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⇢ a/n: this entire fic was inspired by two of my favourite kdramas: business proposal, and love next door. thank you to skye, @etherealyoungk, & kae, @ylangelegy, for beta reading this fic & leaving sweet comments! thanks for reading & i hope you have a wonderful day!
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lalunanymph · 9 months ago
𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 — toji fushiguro
you love spoiling your husband rotten
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The sun creeps across his scarred, tan skin, and it’s not long before he feels your fingers doing the same.
Down his abs, over his pecs; slowly etching the tattoos curling around his biceps and arms with a soft touch he knows all too well. 
He resists the urge to grin, pretending to be asleep so you could continue with your naughty exploration. You sigh, and the sound tugs on his heartstrings. Toji thinks it's time to end this little game of yours before he does something you’ll regret starting. 
“A bit early to be a tease, don’t you think?” 
His sleep-roughened voice stops you short. Your fingers freeze in their unhurried path up his pecs, your breath faltering out in a whoosh. 
“T-Toji,” you stammer, and this time, he cracks his eyes open, a lazy smile lifting the corners of his lips.
“Mornin’, dollface.” Huffing, he pulls you on top of him, your naked skin intimately flushed against his. Late night scenes from last night play in his mind, a dirty reel on loop as he repays the favor, stroking your hips and thighs; running those calloused fingertips all over the marks stretching across your belly. 
“Those monsters still asleep?” 
You nod. “Haven’t heard a peep from them.” 
The golden band around his ring finger is cool when it touches your neck. Fighting back a shiver, you crane into his caress, almost purring with how delicately he’s touching you.
“Megs will be awake soon,” he murmurs, but it doesn’t stop him from grinding his stiffening hardness into your thigh.
You bite down on your lower lip, and Toji groans.
Your husband, still fit and handsome, dazzles you with a smirk, untucking your lip from the confines of your teeth.
“Oh, darlin’,” he mumbles. “You’re not supposed to do that—you know how wild that makes me.���
Shifting while straddling his thighs, you can’t pretend to not want this, especially when it's Toji of all people who’s looking at you through heavy lids, the tip of his tongue briefly touching the split skin of his scarred lip. 
“Get on this dick, baby,” he exhales huskily. 
Obediently, you mount him, letting him lift up your hips.
“Oh—Toji,” your caught gasp turns into a low moan when he stretches past the tight muscle, inching you down onto his leaking, throbbing cock. 
There’s nothing in the world that can make him go insane other than the feeling of your walls lovingly wrapped around his thick length. Your tinier hands brace on his broad pecs, and you lean forward, tits right in his face and within inches from his mouth.
Toji lets you ride him slow and easy, perfectly happy to suck on your nipples till they're tight and sensitive. Your gasps hit the shell of his ear, and he fights back a shiver when you moan his name so sweetly it almost sounds like a hymn. 
Sunlight splotches across your skin, illuminating you with an ethereal glow that Toji can’t keep his eyes off of. 
You lean back, letting him touch the deepest parts of you while you continue to grind down on him in sensual circles.
“Happy Father’s Day, Toji.”
Your breathy wish makes him chuckle, and he starts to rub your clit, humming in pure adoration.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Best Father’s Day gift ever. 
While some schmuck was getting a stick drawing from his kid and the cold shoulder from his old wife, Toji couldn’t help but think his gift was the absolute perfect start to the day. 
Your mouth falls open, breathing growing heavier. He feels your walls pulse, your thighs starting to shake.
“Toji,” you whimper. “C-close.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he hums, increasing the rough circles he was rubbing with his thumb. “Are you going to be good for me? Going to cum for me?” He groans when you start to choke on his dick, and he can’t fight off the tense muscles and feral need to blow his entire soul into you. “Or, do you wanna make me a daddy again, hmm?” 
Your hips stutter, and you cry out softly. “Yes.” Your eyes screw shut and he can’t have that. Toji’s free hand snakes around your throat, squeezing down on your windpipe just to hear you choke. 
A cruel smirk draws up his lips, and he snickers. “Yes, what? What does a dirty whore like you really want?” 
Your nails stab into his calves, and you shake your head from side to side, nipples peeking through the curtain of your hair; you’re trembling from head to toe. 
“Daddy,” you manage to garble out, gasping when he slaps your ass to push you to ride him faster. “Oh—wanna make you a daddy again.”
“Fuck,” he spits out, grabbing your hips, jackhammering you up and down his raw, red cock. “Knew you’d want that, you little fucking slut. Fuck. Gonna fill you up all hot and thick, yeah? Keep my cock in there until it fucking takes and you become my little pregnant whore again.”
He pinches your nipples, slaps your tits so they jiggle obscenely. Your cries are cut off by his fingers in your mouth, gagging you into silent submission.
“M’wan it,” you gurgle around his digits, eyes glassy and lips wet with spit. “M’want your cum, Daddy.” 
All the muscles in his body tenses. He’s hanging by a fucking thread.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans, gorgeous green eyes rolling back into his skull. You’re as delirious as him, biting down on your lower lip to stifle your moans, going cross eyed when he hits the golden spot inside of you which has your eyes fluttering close.
“Look at me.” 
Toji’s rough demand and rougher hand grips your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
“Look at me when you cum, baby.”
You can’t keep the flood at bay, your body crumbling under his pressure. 
Your husband is quick to catch you when you lapse into his arms, thrusting up into you as you can do nothing but take, take, take.
Those big hands spread your cheeks wider, and you love the feel of them on your body—so sturdy and strong.
There’s a tight tension coiling deep inside of you, and your eyes squeeze shut, mouth falling open as the band breaks and you shiver—flooding down his cock with a soft cry of his name.
Good girl, he moans. Cumming so pretty f’me. 
Toji grunts, lips pulled back of over his teeth, snarl ready to devour you and plug you so full of him it fucking takes and you’ll be so round and glowing just for him—
“Papa!” His eyes wrench wide when he comes to the mortifying realization it's not you calling out for him.
The door slams open, and Toji barely has time to throw the blanket over your shoulders when three small figures come barging in.
You yelp, darting under his armpit as your two twin girls and son joyously crow out, “Happy Father’s Day!” 
None of them, bless their tiny hearts, notice you’re both naked under the sheets. The orgasm he’s been denied rears its ugly head and Toji has to try his damndest not to grimace when his girls run over to him, stars in their eyes and butterfly pajamas rumpled.
“Darlings, what did mama say about barging in with no permission?”
In spite of the situation, you couldn’t help but burst out into tiny giggles at the disappointment on his face. 
Serves him right. Now he knows how heartbreaking and sore it is to be on the receiving end of denial. 
Toji can’t even shoot you a glare, not when his baby girl is clinging to his neck, rubbing her face into his 5 o’clock shadow.
“Dada, miss you,” she hums. “Wanna breakfast.” 
Megumi, shyer than his two twin sisters, is the only one to notice your bare shoulder under the blanket. 
“Ma, did you just come out from the shower?”
Hearing his question, Toji groans, head thrown back against the pillow. 
Glowering at all three of his dark-haired squirts, he raises a brow, scarred lips twisted into a grimace.
“Okay, all of you. You need to get out of our room and go brush your teeth.”
Megumi opens his mouth to protest, but Toji quells it with a sour look. 
“Now. Stat. Go.” 
Taking pity on your three little troublemakers, you sigh and shake your head. “C’mon, darlings. Go and brush your teeth. I’ll be with you in a few minutes and then we can make pancakes for Papa, okay?”
Mentioning the twins’ favorite breakfast was enough for them to cry out in joy and bound out of the room. Megumi lags behind, still suspicious as to why his father and stepmom were both being evasive.
But, the idea of pancakes appeals to him even more, especially when you make his favorite chocolate chip one, and the boy leaves you two alone. 
The door closes and Toji groans, pushing his sweaty bangs from his forehead. “We really need to remember to lock the door next time.”
You hum. “At least Tsumiki is with my mom. She’d probably freak out.”
Gathering yourself with enough composure, you lean forward, intending to give him a chaste kiss when Toji grabs your ass, dragging you back onto his lap.
“Baby,” you warn, but he’s not listening, trailing kisses down your neck. “The kids—”
“—can wait,” he murmurs, green eyes darkening, filled with an insatiable hunger just for you. 
Smacking his shoulder, you giggle. If there’s one thing your daughters inherited from you, it was your impatience whenever food was mentioned. “Barbarian. You know that door will not stand against Sora and Seia. We have plenty of time for that after breakfast.” 
To soothe his stinging ego, you tenderly cup his cheek, nuzzling both your noses together.
“In fact, we have until lunch. So, you better keep your promise to knock me up again after this, Fushiguro Toji.”
Toji can’t help it when you smile this brightly, putty to your charms.
“Fine. You win this time, Mrs. Fushiguro.”
— literally could not stop thinking abt him i think i need to be sedated .... rbs and comments are neat thank you <3
©️ lalunanymph.
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witchofhimring · 10 months ago
Being the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and claiming Cannibal
This is sort of an offshoot of my Being the Daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen where Reader claims Cannibal instead of Tessarion. Thanks to @katiekatluvz for giving me the idea! Sorry for the long wait I finally have time to write after exams!
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Minor Rhaenyra x Reader (platonic)
This happens before Aemond looses his eye.
This was dangerous, possibly suicidal. But after Aegon's comments earlier you could not take it anymore. It was another forced family gathering where Viserys tried to get his eldest child's family to sit with his second wive's. Things started out okay, there was eating and the occasional conversation. You were merely concentrating on just finishing your meal and getting the hell out. Everything fell apart, with it simple being an innocent comment made by Helaena. She had simply said; "When will you get a dragon Y/n?" Oh poor Helaena. She had meant well but of course Aegon had to stick his nose in matters not his own. "Maybe you would like a pig. Call it the pink dread." Aegon threw you a nasty look. Face heating, you shyly looked down, avoiding his gaze. Of course Aegon would find it funny to make fun of other peoples misfortune. "Shove off." Jaecery's snarled at Aegon. Aegon was not done, even when you had gone back to eating. "I guess one day you shall have a dragon. After all, you are a very strong girl." A thick blanket of tension blanketed the door. Everyone, even those at the other end, heard. Helaena's breath hitched, a low exasperated sound escaped Alicent. Aemond snorted. Your cheeks burned with hurt and shame. "Some of us burn hotter than others." Aemond added.
A fist slammed on the table. Visery's, despite being well past his prime, struck the table with enough force that it quivered. Even your mother, normally so vocal, had fallen silent. "You will not utter such slanders in this house." He snarled. At that moment Visery's did not remotely look like the loving grandfather you knew. Visery's glanced at his wife before ordering Aegon to his study. Hanging your head, you ran out of the room, ignoring your mother's cries.
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Your door was locked, barring anyone from entering. Even your beloved mother. As the hour grew late there was silence outside. Night did nothing to calm the raging heat in your heart. Of course Aegon thought he was better, riding on oh-so-great Sunfyre and his silver Targaryen hair. And who was Aemond to laugh at you! He didn't have a dragon either!
Here you were, deprived of Targaryen looks and dragonless. Tears rolled down your cheeks. Outside a roar echoed across the water. Wiping the remaining tears you opened the window. A gust of wind nearly blew you back. Bellow the sea surrounding Driftmark thundered, crashing against rocks. Far ahead was a great black lump, so dark that even against the sky it was easily seen. You would have thought it was Vhaegar except that Laena and Daemon were in Pentos. Beyond a stretch of sand were the dragon caves. If one exited the gaves and ran across the sand they could reach the dragons. Sunfyre and Dreamfyre were snoozing in their cave. Vermithor and Silverwing were back at Kingslanding. There were others, of course. You entertained the idea it might be Meyles until the dragon roared once more. It's screech was nothing like you had heard. It sounded like metal being scrapped together. Yet instead of being afraid, an idea came.
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Any sane person would have thought twice. Then again, Targaryens were not exactly known for their sanity. Waiting till the early morning, you slipped out. When the sun was just pocking over the horizon that Driftmark was quietest. The guards would be tired and few would be up. Down the halls you slunk, nearing the exit. There was a small side door leading to stairs. These stairs took one right down to the courtyard. Passing a pair of sleepy guards you slipped behind a pair of barrels. Now it was just down the steps. That was when you heard a noise.
A familiar drawl could be heard. Great. Aegon was awake. Quickly you ducked behind a pair of barrels by the door. He stumbled inside and right past you. "I should have kicked him." Once he was gone you looked left and right. Then came the hard part.
The court yard was empty. Not even your father Laenor would be out training. Beyond was the gate, with two guards standing sentry. If you could slip past them, and across the sand, then you could take a small passage that lead to the dragon cave.
It was down to luck. The guards would need to be distracted for long enough. Fortunately, there was luck on your side. The walls supporting the gate were made of stone. And they just so happened to be uneven pieces of stone. Meaning all you had to do was climb up. The guards were so focused on the other side that you could get up without being spotted. Small hands grasped the rocks and you climbed. It occurred to you at that moment wearing a nightgown was likely not a good idea. But it was too late to turn back.
The salty air whipped your hair. Reaching the top you had a view of the caves beyond. There were soldiers guarding but none were looking up. There were four you could see. And now that you had reached the top there was yet another problem. You had no plan other than wait and hope. It was poor planning strategy. Though in your defense you were ten. The sun was rising higher in the sky. Would you even be able to sneak out!?
"Change!" A call nearly caused you to jump up. Looking over the side you saw the guards marching away. Taking the chance you jumped down. The force in which your feet hit the ground made them sting. "Hey!" To your horror you saw guards rushing toward. Shit. Taking a deep breath you plucked up the courage and ran. Having a head start helped. But these were full grown men, and running in sand was hard. The only thing on your side was that they were covered in armor. It meant you were able to reach the dragon cave that remained unguarded. It was was left unguarded for a reason. Because none would ever dream of challenging The Cannibal. For a moment you looked at the dark passage, and then looked back. You could hear them calling out. "I've come this far." And with that, you headed in.
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The first few steps plunged you into pitch black. The air tasted stale and the rocks threatened to rip open your feet. Most dragon caves were well maintained, but even dragon-keepers would not dare go near this one. A few steps later and a few crack in the walls gave light. Step by step you walked forward. Now you could smell it and it nearly made you gag. But you had come so far that to turn back now was not an option. You heard a deep rumbling and stopped. Even the foundations of this cave seemed to hum. When the noise stopped you proceeded. Ahead you saw the tunnel end. Finally you met The Cannibal.
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Despite the dragons infamy few could describe it. In fact many did not survive such an encounter. And it was enormous. Only slightly smaller that Vhagar, The Cannibal turned his head and mad poisonous green eyes met yours. Dragon eyes had always fascinated you. They held this terrifying imperious gaze. But when you looked into The Cannibal's all you saw was a wild raging fire. You had heard of Wildfire, created by the lords of Old Valyria to mimic dragon fire. While you had never seen wild fire, you thought his eyes might be close enough. Dragon scales came in all colours, but black was rare. The only other dragon known to possess such a colour was Balerion the Black Dread. Smooth pitch black scales glistened in the sunlight. His great jaw had uncountable razor sharp teeth larger than you. The large tale swung around and The Cannibals body was facing you. Then he opened his mouth and fire curled at the throat.
"I will die." In that moment you felt fear and rage. You were as good as the rest of them. Why should you not have a dragon! “Dohaerās, Cannibal! Lykirī!” Those were the only words you could say. Something akin to fire swelled within you at that moment. A defiance bordering on madness. The fire in The Cannibal's seemed ready to burst forward. "Lykirī!" You thought those would be your last words. It was not fear you felt in that moment, but the desire to prove something "At least I tried, like a true Targaryen." The blast of white hot flame which would encase and disintegrate your body never came. Your eyes met his. The Cannibal was looking down at you with his imperious glance. Was he not going to burn you?
That was when you heard voices. It seemed the guards had decided to go in. Better to perish in dragon fire than whatever your mother might do to them for failing to protect her only daughter. Then you stepped forward. Now was not the time to be afraid. Already you had braved possible dragon fire. Over rock and bits of bone you stepped, ignoring the stinging in your feet. From The Cannibal was a ladder attached to a harness. "So The Cannibal once had a rider." At that moment you did not ponder too much. They said The Cannibal had never been ridden before. But since his very being was a mystery you supposed it was possible.
Scrambling up the rough ropes you desperately hurried to the top. "There she is! She's...she's on the dragon!" The Cannibal jerked back nearly sending you flying off. "Daor!" You ordered loud as possible. To your astonishment the dragon listened. Reaching the top you fastened the harness, securing you in place. The Cannibal seemed to know what you wanted, for the moment you were settled the dragon gave a great huff and speed down the corridor. Every jut of his muscle sent you roughly inching forward. "This is much more uncomfortable than I thought." You always imagined dragon riding as a smooth ride. But now you realized that was untrue. Then what would flying be like? You barely had any time to comprehend anything before sunlight was visible. The Cannibal then picked up speed. Suddenly The Cannibal launched into the air with a great jerk. Had you not been harnessed in you would have fallen. His leathery wing beat the air as the ground became smaller.
You would have smiled if it had not been for the fact your voice has disappeared. The thrill, terror and excitement nearly paralyzed you. The Cannibal was not going up smoothly. The dragon seemed to be doing his best in order to shake you off. Despite this the harness was well made, and thank the gods. You had just enough sense to seize the reins and pull at them. It did nothing to slow The Cannibal down but you were suddenly possessed with a renewal in courage. Sitting straight in your saddle there was suddenly a level of control you felt. The Cannibal must have felt it, for he leveled himself. Soaring above the clouds you finally looked down. "We really are close to the Gods." You muttered.
You flew several laps in the sky. It was less about commands and more about the connection between dragon and rider. You had to remain in control of your emotions. Not being used to dragon riding, your legs started to cramp. Deciding it was time to descend you ordered The Cannibal down. Surprisingly graceful, The Cannibal started to climb down. His cave became more clear. A crowd was gathering outside of the cave. You were not too surprised since they probably thought you dead. With a great thud The Cannibal landed sending sand into the air.
"Y/n!" You had never heard your mother scream like that. Practically leaping off the rope ladder you flew into your mothers arms. "Oh Gods Y/n!" Rhaenyra clutched you close with shaking arms. You mother who was usually so indomitable and strong was shaking and weeping. Her arms held you in a vise grip. "Y/n...never do that again!" Rhaenyra had broken apart, gripping you by the arms. Normally you would bust into tears and apologize. But a fire was ablaze in your chest was burning bright. Taking your mother by the hand you lead her to The Cannibal. Rhaenyra looked hesitant but seeing your determination encouraged her. Reaching out you placed a hand on The Cannibals warm scales. "Touch him." Rhaenyra's fingertips grazed the dragon. Then she steadied and placed her hand directly on the dragon. The Cannibal crooned and for the first time seemed something close to calm.
Looking back you saw your brothers, aunt and uncles. There was pride such as you had never seen on your brother's faces. Your eyes met Aegon's and Aemond's, for the first time you did not look away. This time it was them who looked away from your defiant eyes. You were Y/n Velaryon. Daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Rider of Cannibal. And fire dwelt within your veins like any blood of the dragon.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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svtiddiess · 7 months ago
Quiet Baby
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Summary: You know what you're doing is wrong, but it just feels too good to stop.
Genre: smut, mini-series
Pairing: Seungcheol x afab!stylist!reader
Warnings: smut, explicit language, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don't do this), dacryphilia(?), semi-public sex, creampie, spanking, mean dom!Cheol, hair pulling, lemme know if I missed anything!
Rating: mature
Word count: 552
Note: This is a longer drabble of this thot. @brownsugarbaybee I have a feeling you'll enjoy this.
Thank you to @tomodachiii and @c-oupsie for helping me with the ending, and sorry for suddenly attacking you both.
Click here to join my taglist!
Quiet Baby | Kneel Baby | Louder Baby | Now Baby
Read on ao3
Reblogs are appreciated ♡
.ᐟMinors/blank/no age indicator blogs will be blocked.ᐟ
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This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong.
Chants in your head as Cheol continues to pound into you from behind. But fuck, it feels so good. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes back and let a few moans escape.
“Shhh, quiet baby don’t want anyone to hear us now, do we?” He whispers in your ear as his hand snakes up your body to cover your mouth. 
It’s true. You don’t want anyone to hear you cause you’re not in a private space right now; you’re in one of Seventeen’s assigned dressing rooms. How did this happen? You think to yourself. You were just supposed to do your job as a stylist and help him get his stage outfit on, and yet here you are, getting dicked down by him instead. Sensing your brain drifting, he starts pounding into you harder, making you let out a muffled squeal against his hand.
“I thought I asked you to be quiet, baby, don’t make me choke you now,” he tauntingly whispers. You can’t see him, but you just know he has a smirk painting his face. You let out a sound of protest, but the sound of moaning quickly replaced it. 
“What was that baby?” He snickers as he continues to wreck you. 
You try to respond, but your brain has melted and is consumed by him; he just feels so good, stretching you out and filling you up. You suddenly felt a smack against your ass, making you gasp against his hand. He rubs his hand over the spot to soothe it before smacking it again harder. The cycle repeats until salty tears stream down your face, streaking your makeup. You felt a sudden tug on your hair, causing your head to tilt back and allowing Seungcheol to look at your tear-streaked face. 
“Fuck, you look so good fucked out like this,” he chuckles against your ear, “I’m the only one who can make you feel this way, right baby?” You weakly nod against his hold and let out a pitiful whimper, making him snicker at your pathetic state. You feel his thrusts getting sloppy. 
“Shit, I’m close,” he grunts. “Cum with me, baby. Cum all over my cock like the good little whore you are,” he growls, his hot breath against your ear. You cum around him, hard, almost passing out due to the intensity of the orgasm.
“Gonna stuff you full of my cum. Gonna fill you up,” he rambles as he continues to pound into you, making you whine from overstimulation. With a deep, guttural moan, he buries himself inside you and cums in you, filling you up to the brim. Your body trembles under him as he continues to ride his orgasm out.
He pulls out of you and then pulls your panties back up, making you cringe at how they stick to your skin. He turns you around and looks satisfied at your ruined state. He cups your cheek and gently caresses it, the stark opposite of how he treated you just seconds before. He leans in, lips almost touching yours.
“Better keep my cum in you till I get back; I’ll make sure to fuck it back into you later,” he whispers huskily before leaving you alone and fucked out in the dressing room.
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hannieoftheyear · 10 days ago
drinks or coffee (c.vn)
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the bad party takes a turn when you end up competing in a game with the friend you've been secretly hooking up with
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✧˖* pairing: vernon x fem!reader
✧˖* w.c: 5k
✧˖* genre: friends with benefits, porn with plot. MINORS DON'T INTERACT.
✧˖* content warnings: one use of y/n, vernon's a waist grabber, pet names, alcohol consumption, teasing, car sex | smut warnings: softdom!vernon (but lowkey a switch), public and semi-public shenanigans (club bathroom, parking lot and inside the car), mutual masturbation, desperate dry humping, fingering, choking, unprotected penetration, cream pie.
🎧: drinks or coffee — rosé
"standing in the corner of a crowded place this is boring, till i heard your name and now i'm staying for you, we're just friends it's okay we don't have to talk, i know that you want me"
✧˖* note: the second half was not proofread. also, this was supposed to be done for his bday, but hey, a few days later is not that bad!
dividers used
don't be shy! share your thoughts!
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“This party's ass." 
You side eye your friend before replying, “I didn’t want to be the one to say it, but…” 
“Fuck.” Chan sighs as he leaves his drink on a tiny table by his side. “I’m sorry I brought you here.” 
“Don’t be sorry.” You chuckle and put your hand on his shoulder, jokingly comforting him. “Wherever you go, I go. That’s our friend code.” 
When Chan asked you to be his plus one to his coworker’s birthday party so he wouldn’t be alone, you didn’t think twice about it. He’s done the same for you countless times. 
“Still, thank you. I wouldn’t have survived this long here without you.” He replies, defeated. 
“We’ve barely been here for over an hour.” You can’t help but chuckle at your tired friend. It seems even extroverted people have their limits. 
“What do you say if... in half an hour, nothing interesting happens. We’ll leave.” Chan pleads with his eyes that you agree with his escape plan, but someone gives you no time to. 
A shout from across the house draws both of your attention. 
“Who wants to play the jeopardy game Giselle made!? There’s a prize for the winner!” 
The interesting thing you were begging to happen calls you in the form of a deep-voiced frat boy, and you both lock eyes with raised brows, knowing how you’re going to spend the night from now on. 
Your competitive spirit takes over you as you walk towards where you think the game is being held. Passing between the sweaty bodies dancing to the terrible electronic music blasting from a speaker placed on the corner of the kitchen, you feel like the win's already yours, not even taking into consideration whoever you might be up against. 
It’s when you’re about to cross the door to the kitchen that you hear it. 
“C’mon, Vernon! Don’t be a chicken!” 
Your ears perk up at his name being called so close to you, there, at a random party. Neither he nor Chan had told you he was going to be there. 
A hand drags you away from the door you were obstructing and into the kitchen, where a cardboard box with blue pieces of paper sticking to it is clearly meant to be the game. 
“Are you okay?” Chan asks with a slightly concerned face. 
“Vernon’s here.” Whatever excitement you feel bubbling up inside you, you try to hide as to not be too obvious to your best friend.
Chan and you are concrete proof that friendship between a man and a woman can stay purely platonic. As cliché as it sounds, it’s closer to a sibling bond than anything else. You’d trust him with your life, and he’d also trust you with his. Being friends with him is a constant in your life. He’s present even in your earliest memories, and you can confidently say that being anything more than that has never crossed any of your minds. That's not the case with Vernon and you. 
College allowed you to broaden your circle of friends, from being just the two of you to a whopping 14 people. The synergy is top tier, and all the different types of friendships within the group coexist to find a perfect balance. 
With a group that big, it’s normal for you to form small groups when all of you hang out together. Most of the time, you sit completely opposite to Vernon. You barely even talk to each other on nights like those. It just looks like you choose to hang out with other people in the group before one another. Secretly, the stolen glances from across the room tell otherwise. 
It didn’t start that way, your bond with Vernon. You first started talking more after being paired up together for a project in one of the electives your entire group decided to take for fun. You didn’t have the chance to talk much before, and working together, even if neither of you cared much about that class, really cemented your friendship. 
You always thought he was hot. The way he went on with life, so calm and sure of himself, really attracted you to him, but you didn’t expect it to go beyond that. A group of friends so big, even after surviving a long time and managing to stay together, is still fragile. The last thing you wanted was to make everything weird. 
But months passed, and the tension you felt every time you’d end up alone with him finally reached a peak where it was unbearable. Vernon felt it as well, and he decided he couldn’t resist it any longer. 
You didn’t talk about it. You didn’t set any rules after the first time it happened. Neither of you told any of your friends, then it happened again, and again, and again, and it was clear neither of you wanted to stop it. He was irresistible, and you weren’t trying to find a cure for that growing addiction.
Vernon would be manspreading on a chair, paying attention to whatever anecdote is being told, so nonchalant one would think he doesn’t understand how hot he is. And from time to time, when no one was looking, he’d sneak a glance at you, catching you red handed with your eyes already on him –you’re sure you look at him more than he does. He’d raise one of his thick eyebrows ever so slightly, only for you to notice, and that feeling at the pit of your stomach would burst into flames. 
When the hang out stretched until it was too late in the night, he'd offer to take you to your place, using the late hour and your need to take the public transport as an excuse, you’d get on his car with no suspicions, and you’d always end up in the apartment that’s closer, ripping each other’s clothes off in between desperate kisses that you’d been suffering to hold out on.  
Other times, when instead of a chill hang out, the group decided to go out to the club, both of you would mysteriously disappear at the same time, hiding in any available toilet stall with no care in the world, moaning into each other’s ear hoping the music drowns out the sounds. 
Unless you’re just bad at disguising your meet-ups, Chan's the only one who knows of that other aspect of your friendship with Vernon. The only time he ever spent the night at your apartment, Chan showed up to your building unannounced and caught Vernon leaving in a hurry with the same clothes as the night before. 
“You asshole! You told me you had other plans tonight!” Chan sees him first, entering the very same room just behind you, and he goes for a man hug after raising his eyebrows at you. 
Chan had his concerns at first, same as you, about the wellness of the friend group, but he quickly realized nothing much had changed in the dynamics except your late night activities, so he just moved on to tease you about it any chance he got.
“Sorry, bro, I didn’t think it’d be the same party.” His low voice quickly stirs something inside you. The party’s not boring anymore and you’re staying until you get what you want.
“Good thing we know someone else here!” With your best friendly smile, you turn around to say hello. “Hi Vern.”
You’ve always greeted your friends with a kiss on the cheek, so it's not out of the ordinary to do it with him too. But when his hand tightens a little more than normal on your waist, and your lips remain a millisecond longer on his cheek, the temperature inside the room rises noticeably. 
“Are you guys playing?” Vernon asks after letting go of his grip on you. He looks at Chan to wait for his answer as well, but you want to believe the lingering of his stare on your form before turning to your friend means something.
“Of course.” The teasing roll of your eyes matches with the appearance of Giselle in the kitchen. “And I’m ready to beat whoever stands in my way.”
Noise erupts as Giselle begins drawing the names that’ll play against one another, and you and Vernon end up on opposite sides of the dashboard. 
“Sounds good.” The defying stares you share hold something behind them only you two, and Chan, know about. “Let’s meet in the final.”
Even Giselle, the birthday girl who planned the whole game, was impressed by the interest everyone showed in playing. After a while, even the people who refused at first started joining to watch the matches, whispering the correct answers to their friends and laughing at anyone who doesn’t know basic facts.
“What is the real identity of the Marvel character known as Deadpool?” Giselle reads the question under the last blue sticker.
“Shit, I don’t know! I don’t watch marvel movies!” The long-haired girl shouts, defeated as all of her friends boo her, losing at the last question.
“You can take it!” Giselle points to Vernon, who she was up against.
“It’s Wade Wilson.” Vernon answers with a smirk and nods while everyone claps at him, even the girl’s friends.
“That’s cheating! He didn’t say ‘what is’!” You’re pretty sure she’s Giselle’s girlfriend, judging by the way she grabs her hand and attacks her with puppy eyes.
“You didn’t say that for any of your questions, dummy.” Giselle kisses her on the cheek as she pouts. “Okay! Let’s see who’s the finalist against…”
“Vernon.” He chuckles, reminding her of his name.
“Vernon! Who’s going up against Vernon!” She reads her list, adding the points you hope she annotated correctly.
She looks around, drunk enough to have forgotten your face already. “Y/N?"
“Woohoo!” Chan shouts behind you, also too drunk. “Go crush him!”
Vernon throws Chan a look and he just shrugs, finishing the drink in his hand.
While Giselle tries to set up the last board on the counter, in between all the people doing tequila shots and others annoying her on purpose, Vernon rests his hips beside yours on the island, too close for it to be a coincidence.
“What do I get when I win?” He whispers in your ear, his hot breath tingling down your neck.
“You mean when I win? And she said there would be a prize.” It’s been at least an hour since your last drink, but turning your face and seeing his so close almost makes you pass out.
“If I win, you’ll spend the night at my place.” The corner of his mouth lifting just slightly has something of a mesmerizing effect, and you can’t take your eyes off his lips.
“That’s no punishment for the loser.” You only reply, trying to keep going with his game.
“I didn’t say it had to be a punishment for you, only what I want.” There’s no arguing that logic, and luckily, Giselle calls your names before you have to figure out what to answer.
“Fair game?” You stretch your hand forward, and he shakes it slowly, electricity flowing through your veins as your cold skin melts with his.
“You haven't said what you want if you win.” Giselle's voice trying to get your attention is barely a murmur in the background.
“I'll think about it.” Now it's your time to smirk, registering Giselle deciding to choose the questions herself and asking Vernon the first one. “You should focus on answering correctly.”
“Game on, princess.” When he turns to answer, so fast he had clearly heard the question before it was repeated, you can’t help but keep your eyes on the side of his face.
“What song has spent the most weeks at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100?”
“Old Town Road!” You hear his answer before you’re even done registering the question yourself.
It's ruthless. You both fly through the questions as if your lives depended on it. Every correct question you answer, you cheer as if you just won a million dollars, and everyone celebrates with you.
“Which country won the 2022 FIFA World Cup?”
“Argentina?” Scratching the back of your brain trying to find any clues, you’re pretty sure you remember seeing too many tiktok edits of Messi that year.
“You have to be certain!” Giselle helps you, not wanting a man to win.
“Yes! Yes, Argentina.”
The game’s head to head, neither of you answering anything wrong, until…
“What is the highest-grossing film of all time?”
“Is it Endgame?” Vernon thinks out loud after a few seconds.
“Wrong!” Giselle doesn’t give him a second chance, and you just scream.
“It’s Avatar!” With your hands in the air, you jump excitedly with Chan as he mocks Vernon. “How does a self-proclaimed cinephile not know this?”
He looks too relaxed to be losing, hands in his pockets as he just watches you celebrating the steal.
Between the two of you, you’re definitely the more competitive one, but it’s a little too suspicious for him to not even argue with your taunting. He’s getting his points back, and you have to get your head on the game again.
“What is Eminem’s real name?”
The question takes you by surprise, and not even your extensive tiktok knowledge is helping you with this one. Your eyes drift to Chan, but he seems just as confused as you.
“Is that not his last name?” You ask, knowing you just lost that question. Giselle says nothing and just stares at Vernon.
“Marshall Mathers.” The male audience cheers for him, seemingly a boy versus girls game now.
A hand pats your shoulder, and Chan spawns to your right, sighing as if you already lost. “It was a good game.”
“There’s one more question left, asshole.”
“Yeah and it’s his.” He says, like it’s obvious. “There’s no way he won’t know it.” 
Giselle doesn’t help the situation as she reads the last question and exclaims, “fuck! I left the easiest for the end!”
A choir of drunk shouts telling her to change it and others telling her to just read it out loud fill the room. From the corner of your eye, you see Vernon raising an eyebrow at Chan, feeling like he’s already won.
“Which Jonas brother has Taylor Swift dated?” All the boys around you cheer, knowing the answer and trusting Vernon knows it too. The girls ‘boo’ him as he’s thinking. 
“Nick?” Vernon answers doubtfully, scratching his neck and furrowing his eyebrows.
“It was Joe!” You don’t even let Giselle speak, rejoicing in your win and jumping excitedly once again.
Some people clap, some people go back to wherever they were in the house before they got called in to watch the game. Behind you, Vernon claps slowly, watching Giselle trying to get your attention to give you the winner’s prize.
A white thong as wide as a thread. So small, you almost don't notice Justin Bieber's face in the center. The cackle that escapes out of you jolts your head down, your stomach contracting as tears begin forming at the corners of your eyes.
“I'll make good use of it.” You tell Giselle, who finds it even funnier than you, between laughs.
Now that the game, your main reason to stay at the party, is done, you should be getting ready to run off the house and get inside your bed as soon as possible. But a pair of eyes staring up and down your body keep you from finding Chan and force him to drive you home. It’s that kind of look that your legs can barely handle before turning into jelly. A kind of look that leaves only one thought on your mind.
The kitchen clears out intimidatingly quick, the empty bottles and cups on the counter being the only company to the silence between Vernon and you. The white fabric in your hand serves as a temporary stress ball, taking your mind off the hot body hovering too close.
“What goes on the winner’s mind?” He turns to the side, hip resting on the edge of the island.
“I can’t believe you didn’t know that last question.” A chuckle to hide the nervousness doesn’t really work with him.
A man of few words, but as observant as they can be, he realized your attraction to him before you could even think of the possibility that your anxiousness to sit beside him during class was because of something else than having a new friend. He reads your body language too well for your own good.
“Maybe, I just wanted to let you win.” He lies, the smile slowly forming at the sight of your frown telling you that much.
“If that’s what’ll help you sleep at night.” You feel his eyes on you even as you pretend to analyze the backsplash on the wall.
“Did you come here with Chan?” He doesn’t move from his spot, but you suddenly feel warmer, the kitchen too small and the air too thick.
“Maybe… Why?” The answer is obvious.
The answer materializes in the way he tilts his chin down so his eyes can rest on your parted lips, in the corner of his mouth lifting at your hitching breath, and in his hand scattering in his pocket to find his car keys.
“Just thinking he’s going to miss you when you leave with me.”
It’s always a different kind of anticipation when he talks about having you out loud. The little secret between the two of you being out in the open, even if it was only for you to hear, paints the whole of your cheeks a faint pink.
“This party sucks anyway.” You’ve started walking away from him, looking back to find him on the same spot behind you with a knowing smile. “Are you coming?”
“I’ll see you outside.” His free hand finds its way to the side of your waist, the flimsy fabric of your dress doing nothing to hide the heat emanating from you. “Let him know so he doesn’t worry.”
Vernon walks past your frozen body standing by the edge of the door, crossing the nearly empty living room, passing where Chan’s sitting with a couple of men you know you should know the names of, saying goodbye to him too.
“Should I ask?” Chan questions when he lays his eyes on you, with your jacket on and suspiciously ready to leave after Vernon.
“We're just getting more to drink! People drank everything already.” The dumb excuse gets past Chan’s friends, but he naturally doesn’t buy it.
“You shouldn’t drink and drive!” Chan shouts as you head to the entrance, mocking the blatant lie you told.
“We'll get some coffee then.” With your hands on the doorframe and half your body already out the house, you wink his way and he just rolls his eyes.
The parking lot beside Giselle’s house is full of her guests’ cars, but not a soul’s visible at this hour in the night. The music can still be heard even as you get further away from the source, searching for the familiar car and the all too familiar friend of yours.
“Lost?” Vernon’s voice reaches you from the side, and you turn to find him resting against his car, waiting for you like a gentleman.
“You should get a red car. That way, I can recognize it from further away.” The slow steps you take towards him cause no visible reaction. But when you’re within arms reach, he’s trapping you against the backseat door in no time.
“Duly noted.” Vernon’s hands wander inside your jacket, attempting to slip it off you without breaking eye contact.
“You really can’t resist me.” You wrap your arms around his neck, and he does his best to throw your jacket through the driver’s window and inside the car.
“I don’t try to.” His dark eyes hypnotize you into being unable to utter a witty reply, solely focused on his face so close to yours you could count his eyelashes.
But his lips go nowhere near yours, heading down your neck in a teasing trail of kisses leaving you gasping for air. You moan as his arms press your body further against his, as if leaving marks on your sensitive skin wasn't enough for him.
“You haven't told me what you want as your prize.”
His voice reverberates down your spine, followed by a groan as your fingers thread with the hair at the back of his head. You're a mess of tangled limbs against the cold metal of his car, his hands roaming your body in their quest to make you crave him even more.
“For you to stop teasing me.” At that, he halts his assault on your neck, raising his head to pierce through you with his fiery gaze.
“Oh,” he tilts his head to the side, one eyebrow raised as he taunts you, “but you like that, don't you?” One hand slips between your chests, finding its way inside your dress to let his fingers feel the wet patch on your panties. “You like how it feels when I tease you?”
The back of your head hits the car window just behind you at his touch, and his fingers slide over your covered core, making you gasp over essentially nothing.
His body’s still so close you barely have to move to finally connect his tempting lips with your needy ones. Your lips melt instantly with his, moving over yours the way he knows will have you sighing in his mouth. One swipe of his tongue on your lower lip and you're done for.
The sheer lack of shame he has as he presses his body harder against yours, moaning against your lips when you tug at his hair, only burns the fire inside you hotter. It's as if he wanted for every stranger that dared to wander around to know you're his.
Vernon’s hand between your legs plays with you like his favorite toy, knowing exactly where to press, graze, and circle, but stopping the second you grind on his digits, asking for more. He makes it easy to want him, to render to his touch as the world around you dissolves into a meaningless void.
How could you care about anything else when his fingers sneak into your bare core, your dress hoisted up your legs far more than what’s considered publicly decent, smearing your arousal in circles as his mouth does a lousy job at drowning your sounds.
But Vernon’s no innocent man. He pushes you to the edge while the grind of your hips against his hand breaks down his calmness. His legs slot between yours in a desperate attempt to hold you closer, for you to feel his growing hard on the crevice of your inner thigh. He’s as hungry for your touch as you are for his.
His coated fingers tease your opening, ready for him since you heard his name, and invite you to do the same.
Somehow, between the pressing of your chests against one another, the frenzy kiss sucking all the air from your lungs, and your leg wrapped around Vernon’s hips to try and impossibly push him closer to you, your hand sneaks under the layers of clothes hiding him. Your fingers grazing his hot skin contract the muscles in his abdomen, preparing himself to be touched where he needs it most.
When he finally slips two fingers inside you and you wrap your hand around his length, both of your mouths stop working, parted lips soft over the other, in awe at the other’s touch. The rush of adrenaline dies down, time stopping as you each savor the other’s strokes.
It’s not long before Vernon decides he needs to be inside you or he’ll explode.
“I want you to ride me, princess,” his breathless whisper brushes against your gasping lips, “can you do that?”
Your answer comes in both of your hands rushing to unbutton his goddamn shirt and trying to zip down his jeans in one movement. Vernon just chuckles at your eagerness, dreadly removing one of his arms from your body to unlock the car and open the door you’re standing against.
The leather seat caves under your weight, Vernon sitting under you, his both hands feeling your back as you try to close the door for a silver of privacy.
He can't get enough of you, his hand slotting on the side of your jaw to guide your face back to his. You chase after his bruised lips, melting on top of him with your hands on his bare chest, soft grinds on his growing hard, making him groan against you.
With your hair a mess because of him, he brushes it back, making you halt your movements to see what he does next. You swallow hard as his hands drift down your body until they reach where you’re almost connected, where your wet panties are beginning to stain his lap. But he doesn’t stop at your core. Instead, he unbuckles his belt in record time, lowering his jeans and boxers just enough for his hard to spring out.
“You look so good on top of me.” He dares to say, and you might argue he looks even better under you.
Bloodshot lips from your teeth giving into their desires, shirt half open down to the buttons you never reached, slightly scratched abs that welcome the slap of his angry red cock. A sight you'll never get tired of seeing.
“I think I know what I want as my prize.” You declare, getting a hold of his length and lifting your hips to line him up with your entrance.
“Whatever my girl wants.” He almost stutters at your doing, his nonchalant persona faltering with your touch.
You ignore the butterflies erupting at the pit of your stomach at his words, concentrating on sliding down his hard until you're sitting on him and his tip reaches the deepest parts inside you.
“I want you to cum inside me,” you whisper into his ear, the filthy words being a secret between you two, “fill me up.”
His hands squeeze your hips, urging you to move and get what you want, helping you bounce on him as hard as you can.
“How long do you think you can last?” You can feel the car jumping at your rhythm,  and Vernon fights to not let a loud moan get out as he asks. “Because I won’t last long if you keep going like that.”
The straps of your dress slip down your shoulders, hypnotizing the man below you and driving him to try and fix them, but he quickly finds his hand going up your neckline, wrapping his fingers around your neck as you moan at the stimulation.
“Shit.” He mutters under his breath as your walls clamp impossibly harder around him, and he has to thrust his hips up to match your pace.
When he realizes the pressure of his fingers on your neck, he mumbles a quick apology, but you stop his hand on its way down.
“Do that again.” You see his lust filled eyes turn into something more, darker, as he understands what you want.
The air going into your lungs is quickly restricted, Vernon’s hand below your jaw applying the pressure that has another wave of arousal flushing out of you. The grind of your hips restarts as best as you can, as he keeps thrusting up with more force each time.
Every thrust, every touch, and every sound  from him combine to accelerate your pending orgasm. Your legs quiver with tiredness, and he has to let go of his grip on your neck to wrap his arms around your waist and finish the job.
With your chests flushed, his unrestricted moans right against your ear, and his cock hitting relentlessly that exact spot that has you screaming, you cream on Vernon’s cock as he chases his own release. 
“Fuck, princess, you’re so fucking tight.” His hips stutter as you clamp around him purposely.
“I want to feel you, Nonie,” the nickname slips out of you, and judging by the guttural groan he lets out, he likes it. “Cum inside me.”
You always loved the feeling of him twitching inside of you, dizzying and addicting, and when he paints your insides with his cum at your request, you know you'll never want it any other way again.
There's a beat of silence after you get off of him and sit by his side, the ruffling of his jeans as he zips it back up, being the only sound filling the steamy car. And you can't help but chuckle.
“Are we always that desperate?” The casual talk comes out easy in the midst of your breaths regulating.
“I think we went all out tonight.” He turns his head to your side, and your laugh turns into a soft smile, replicating his.
It’s always a mess of different feelings running around your heart as your post-sex mind finally realizes what just happened. And you always hope that what you see behind his gaze is a similar thought process.
“Do you still want to get some coffee?” He asks, smile not leaving but definitely teasing you with an eyebrow raised.
“You heard that?” The pink blush comes back to your cheeks after being caught red-handed.
“I'm not the fastest walker, I was barely a few steps away from the door.” His admission is for sure turning your whole body red in embarrassment. “But I am down for a cup of coffee if you want.”
He shows that warm smile he knows can get him anything he wants, and you nod without even thinking.
“You can drop me off at my place after.”
He doesn't take you to your apartment after. His place is closer anyway.
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thank you for reading! you can check out my masterlist for more of my works and my wips list to see what’s coming next!
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caramelkoo · 5 months ago
be still my heart — jjk [two]
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the one in which Jungkook lets his imagination run wild and you confront Jimin about your past.
genre : childhood best friends to enemies to lovers, physical therapist!reader x hockey player!jungkook, slow burn, smut, fluff, angst
word count : 5.1k
chapter warnings : strong language, kissing, jungkook is again nervous around Destiny. That's it i guess lmk if i missed anything.
a/n : ohmygod the first part got so much love i just couldn't wait to post this. This one is a bit intense. I love my babiest baby jungkook so much. Please enjoy my lovely people and remember you're so loved :> feel free to send asks. kisses.
During Jungkook’s college days, there was a guy named Oscar who’d sit beside him in class with his round glasses resting on his face. He would bunk classes almost every day which led the ever so curious Jungkook to follow him one day in order to find out what’s so special that he’s even willing to bunk classes for? Listen, the nerdy Jungkook thought bunking classes is bad manners. Don’t come at him.
Eventually, he found himself watching Oscar playing the guitar inside the vacant auditorium and he can swear he’s heard nothing more melodic than that. He figured the guy escaped so he could do what he loves. It was his passion.
If someone were to ask him, what’s his passion? Jungkook would say, Hockey. It pumps him up, it brings him back to life. He was born to do this.
He has seen his older brother playing hockey for as long as he can remember but trying the sport for himself? That never came to him, until his brother thought handing out a hockey stick to a 15 year old would be funny.
Newsflash, it wasn’t funny and as much as he doesn’t want to, Jungkook has no option than to give him the credit for him being here. It’s only right. The moment he held that hockey stick it was like the clouds parted and angels started singing.
This life right here is something he has built with hours and hours of practice, diet, diligence and working himself out until he’s a sweaty mess.
It’s not like every other 28 year old’s life, it’s different as well as demanding but every other 28 year old is also not being thrown into the penalty box like him right?
On a good day he would even call himself a conflict-avoidant guy until it comes to his teammates. Then, he’s an animal, ready to tear down every motherfucker who dares to touch them. Dramatic? he doesn't think so.
Yes, they piss him off but they’re a team, it’s a unified responsibility that they have. You stop at nothing to protect your own. The spark of defensiveness is bound to come to the surface given he's the defenseman of the team.
This is why he’s in here, trapped behind this glass shield as he watches the guys do their worst performance till date. The forward of the opposite team tried to get a fight started making Jungkook see red. His instincts led him to act immediately. He had to do something to put an end to it and breaking the guy’s nose seemed like a nice option.
The lions are not an easy team to play with, they’re hard hitters and show no mercy. That’s what coach has been telling them ever since they landed here. Seems like nobody listened. Fuckers.
Sweat drips from his hair as he watches the game, ears filling up with screams behind him.
“Jeon Jungkook I’ll have your babies”
“Jungkook you’re so hot it makes me insane”
“Oh god this man will be my death”
“He can slap me and I’ll thank him”
God help him. The thing is, the shitshow before him is not the only reason behind him being a mess today. Destiny has been… weird lately. At the risk of sounding like a goner, she’s not acknowledging him at all, like at all.
She used to grab the seat in front of him on the plane whenever the team flew for the games but this time she didn’t so much as look at the poor guy let alone sitting before him. Is she hurt because of last time? Did he fuck up again? This proclivity of fumbling every time he’s around her needs to be checked.
“Dude, we couldn’t have held a candle to them.” says Taehyung.
Ah yes, the guys lost the game if it wasn’t predictable enough and now the coach will have their heads on a platter ready to serve. Well, he doesn't want to do that any more than Jungkook himself does.
Jungkook gets rid of his shin pads, placing them on the bench. “Try saying that in front of coach”
“He’ll understand”
Yoongi glares at him, “The fuck he will. He’s been in our faces telling us how wild it might be over there. Who listened? Because you sure not did, Tae”
Taehyung chuckles in disbelief, propping his hands on his waist. “Dude, you’re targeting me as if I was the one breaking noses and all.”
He gives Jungkook a side eye. Oh he’s so gonna get Tae later.
“You might as well have. And as for you,” he glances at Jungkook, "I'll just hope you come back in one piece."
“Alright, cut it out” Namjoon says as he slips into his practice jersey. That’s so like him. Heading straight for practice after a big game, whether or not they win.
He’s one of the most dedicated people Jungkook has ever seen and you can’t generally get a praise out of him like this.
He blocks out their bickering and focuses on getting out of his hockey pants. A sharp pain shoots up in his knee making him cringe. That’s strange. He doesn’t remember his knee getting involved in the ruckus. Anyway, he makes a mental note of letting Destiny know about it and not repeat the same douchebaggery.
“Hey bud, you doing okay?” Namjoon asks as he’s rubbing the painful spot.
He looks up, “Yeah it’s… it’s just a slight pain. Might be a cramp for all I know”
He pats Jungkook’s shoulder in support, a kind smile plastered on his face. “I hope so and hey, don’t be picking fights like that anymore. You understand?”
Jungkook is quick to defend himself. “But that asshole–”
“I know,” he nods, “Just be careful. That’s all I’m saying. Let it be your last.”
He gives up, nodding his head. “Yeah. I’ll resist”
Namjoon is right. Jungkook did not pick a fight and he knows it. He also knows that Jungkook is always ready to come at his players’ defense, however that might be.
After all, it all boils down to a nasty fight on the rink which is nothing to be surprised about. There have been plenty of fights down here, some resulting in broken limbs and some going as far as a person on a stretcher.
Nightclubs are hands down Jungkook’s least favorite spot ever. He hates the smell, he hates the crowd and he hates how loud everything gets. If it weren’t for Yoongi, he would be at home chilling or overthinking. No one can tell.
Although, he’s not sure if he can even call that four walled room his ‘home’. It’s not home, it’s just a place he was given to stay at when he joined the federation and while he’s more than grateful for it, an empty, emotionless space where he only exists in can’t be qualified as a home.
However, he can’t stop wanting a place which is only his. A place he can share with someone he loves, wakeup next to her, cook with her, make memories with her. A home overflowing with laughter and giggles only.
Clearly, that murky ass house can never live up to that expectation not when it consists of a bathroom smaller than his fist, a bedroom which can’t fit more than 3 people at once and a kitchen he, for some reason, can’t get himself to cook in. He believes someday he’ll have that albeit the wait.
“Do you think I’m joking?” Taehyung’s voice is louder than ever before because of the surroundings. Sitting beside Namjoon as his hands fist a glass of old fashioned, he acts like he just spilled the most expensive beans.
He dramatically places one hand on his chest and turns to Jungkook, “Dude, tell him. Tell him how I got my dick pierced last week”
A chuckle leaves him, “Better yet, you can lose those pants and give him a live show”
The guys break out in fits of laughter.
“Don’t act like you haven’t seen my dick already, you twat. I did it for my girlfriend alright? Was this close to tattooing her name too but didn’t,” he holds up his thumb and forefinger to show how much,
“I don’t want my guy to swell and look like I accidentally got it stuck between a door or something.”
From his peripheral vision, Jungkook spots Destiny walking up to them looking like an absolute goddess. She’s wearing a shoulder strapped bodycon dress tonight with her hair curled in such a way that it makes her face look more feminine. He has seen so much of her in those scrubs that she’s doing things to him now. Hold your damn horses, Jungkook.
The poor guy can’t so much as look at her for too long or he’ll get hard. That’s something he can’t allow himself to do right here when all his friends are gathered. They’re never gonna let him live that down.
Maybe, when he’s alone he can fuck his hand with the thoughts of her taking him into that sweet mouth she’s got a bold red lipstick look going on. His cheeks turn crimson and he fights back a smile.
“Hey, guys” she greets them as she tucks a hair strand behind her ear. A gold hoop adorning her. God, she’s trying to kill him. She's like Jungkook’s own version of heaven.
The guys all smile up at her like she just asked them to give her a foot massage. Meanwhile, her eyes never land on Jungkook.
“Jimin, can I steal you for a second?” she hesitates.
“Sure” Jimin places down his drink and stands up. He walks up to her and rests his hand at the small of her back making Jungkook’s smile drop. Nice, he's getting jealous over a kind gesture now. Next thing you know, he'll be ending anyone who dares to breathe in her direction.
Namjoon shakes his head as he follows them both with his gaze. “Am I the only one who thinks they’re fucking?”
Yoongi dissolves into laughter while Taehyung spits out his drink. Almost. Jungkook? He finds nothing funny about it but refrains himself from saying something stupid in the heat of the moment.
“There’s some tension, yes. Can’t say anything about the fucking part though” says Yoongi.
“What do you think?”
“Do you think they’re shagging?” asks Taehyung in a hushed voice.
“I think you assholes need therapy” With that he rests his own glass of drink on the table and walks away. Their voices calling out to him become more and more faint as he goes on.
He needs to find out what is it that gave rise to this sudden change in Destiny and if he’s the reason for it. His stomach churns as soon as the thought of her having something going with Jimin crosses his mind.
The guys were joking back there and given their proclivity of joking around, he takes their statements with a grain of salt. Howbeit, he can’t help but wonder the same.
The worst thing of all is he doesn’t have any right to feel this way. She’s not his and she might never be for all he knows. So maybe this is for the best, maybe if she keeps on discounting him like this, it would be slightly easier to forget her. Right?
“What do you think you’re doing? This is a men's bathroom?” A guy who must be in his early twenties nearly pokes his finger in Jimin’s eyes. His gaze darts over to you as he gives you a disgusted look.
Jimin levels him with an intimidating glare, “Why don’t you mind your own damn business and we’ll be good. Yeah?”
He flashes you another appalling look, his nose flaring before he walks out. For a second you might even endorse with the guy but in your own defense, the club is buzzing with commotion and there was not a single space Jimin and you found where you both could have a proper conversation without anyone bumping into you. You spent quite the money on this dress and it'd be bummer to ruin it. It’s insane how crowded it is. So, here you are.
Jimin turns to you, his fingers still laced through yours for the sake of your safety. “I’m sorry for that”
You snatch your hand back. “No it’s totally fine. I mean it’s not usual for a guy to bring a woman in here” an awkward chuckles leaves you.
“It is”
Your smile drops, “Huh?”
“They do bring women in here. Well, let’s just say they do everything except have a talk”
Of course they do. God, this is more awkward than you imagined it would to be. You could die of embarrassment right now but if you don’t clear things up with him, it would be more humiliating to simply exist around him. You roll your shoulders back, plucking up enough courage.
“Let’s discuss the elephant in the room, shall we?”
He steps closer to you, just enough to catch you off guard but not enough to knock the breath out of your chest. There is someone else who's been doing that job lately.
“What elephant Destiny? The one about us having the best time together or how you left me the next morning? Alone and pathetic” he demands.
Well, knock me down with a feather.
Your mouth parts in shock, “I left you? You sneaked out, Jimin and you know it”
You wonder if he’s gonna come clean about that. If he’s gonna stop blaming you and take accountability for once. You guys did have the best time together and as short lived as it was, you regret nothing about that night until this point.
Now that he stands in front of you, accusing you of being so cowardly that you dared to leave him, it makes you question your own integrity.
He takes another step forward, automatically making you take one back as he searches your face. “So where were you when I woke up? Where were you when I reached my hand out and didn’t find you lying next to me, huh?” his voice barely a whisper.
Enough. You wouldn’t have bothered to stop the scream that’s begging to leave you had someone pointed a gun at your head. A gal can only take so much before she snaps.
The vacant bathroom echoes with your own words. The words you were holding back from saying out loud.
“I went in search of those, Jimin. Apparently, that’s what you’re supposed to do when you fuck each other and not take necessary precautions”
He stills, backing off as if you had slapped him. A heavy silence hangs in the air around you.
Jimin’s eyes flash with barely contained astonishment as he looks around trying to find words. When he doesn’t say anything, you take it as an opportunity to continue.
“You weren’t lying about us having a great time together. I accept that, we did have fun and I don’t regret it which honestly, I’m not so sure of now.”
A quick look of hurt passes through his face before he recovers.
“I was planning on staying back too oh… how badly I wanted to stay back but you have to understand that I was also at the prime of my career as a professional physical therapist. I couldn’t afford having a child, Jimin. Back then even the thought scared me. So, I left for a while, mentally promising you to come back. You were sleeping so soundly and you looked so beautiful and I didn’t want to disturb you—”
Your words come to an abrupt halt as he takes a long step towards you, backing you up against the white wall behind.
It’s not the same, your chest is not rising and falling rapidly like it did back then. Gosh, you couldn’t even speak in front of him. This time you’re immune to his eyes, his closeness and his warmth. Is this what they call healing?
“You should have” his brown eyes flash with hunger, “You should have disturbed me, Destiny. I would have woken up, ate you out, maybe fucked you again while wearing a condom, cuddled you and then accompanied you to the medical store.”
Oh fuck no, this is not happening. You’re not getting yourself back into this situation where he charms you with his mere words and leaves you cold. You deserve better than that.
You push him back with your palms on his chest, “Maybe, but I think I wouldn't have it any other way,”
You look straight into his eyes and nowhere else to make him feel how serious you are, leaving no room for uncertainty.
“Bella, my assistant, keeps saying that everything happens for a reason. It’s written up there," you point your forefinger up, "I feel the same about what went down with us. There was a reason why you left, there was a reason behind me not bothering to wake you up."
A bitter chuckle slips through your mouth, “Although, I can’t seem to grasp why the hell are you here?”
The way your heart is beating inside your chest, you might end up on a ventilator. It’s because you haven’t had much control of anything in your life, this feels particularly massive. This is one way for you to take back control, because it’s your choice and yours alone.
You try not to let the tears spill, “I asked you to spare me a few minutes just so I could talk to you about it but this isn’t how I imagined this conversation to go, Jimin. Regardless of that, I need you to do me a favor”
He holds your gaze. “What favor?”
You clear your burning throat, “I’m requesting you to please not initiate any conversation about our past with any of the guys. That could pretty much cost me my job and yours.”
He offers you a stern nod, “You have my word”
With that you turn and walk around just like you always do and always should when it’s time. Only this time, you don’t feel victorious. Instead, the feeling of utter shock rushes through your body because standing outside is the only person you had been avoiding to say the least.
You flinch. “Jungkook?”
He’s leaning back against the cold wall with his hands inside his front pockets, head hanging low. You can’t make his face out because of the darkness.
He frantically lifts up his head when he hears you calling, looking as surprised as you, “Hey, I— wait, why are you coming out of the men’s room?”
You shift on your feet, folding your hands in front of you. “What? OH !! Well, I had some business with Jimin and this felt like a nice place to.. you know”
You can’t talk for the life of you. How do you explain yourself to him without word vomiting? But then you think better of it and just shake your head.
“You know what? Never mind that. What about you? Why are you standing here like someone just broke your heart?”
No fucking way did you just say that. What is this? A bollywood movie? You immediately feel like you hit a nerve when his face falls, causing you to curse yourself.
He’s silent for a moment before he stands up straight. “You could say that”
“Wait, really?”
Yet again you’re struggling to breathe, a spark of curiosity threatening to rise up. Why do you care about his heart? He’s been all but rude to you every day since you’ve begun working by his side so why would you care if someone put his bloody heart in a blender? You have been assigned to take care of his body, what happens unrelated to that is none of your business.
Except, you do. There is a teeny tiny part of you that cares. Though, you can’t say if it’s the doctor inside of you or something else. Something which could ruin you and save you all at once.
“Who is it?” you ask in a small voice.
His eyes rank behind you and he pulls you close to him by grabbing your arm. You see a man passing by, faltering on his own under the influence of probably the sheer amount of alcohol inside him.
When you look up, you have to swallow a gasp. Jungkook’s face is so close to you, you can almost count his moles. The one under his lips is begging to be kissed and you hold yourself back from grabbing him by his jacket as you kiss the hell out of him.
Wait what?!
He looks down at you, his eyes burning with something you can’t pinpoint. It’s like a mixture of anger and adoration. Soft lips brush your temples as your heart beats out of your chest.
“It’s not safe here. Why don’t you go join Bella? If I break another nose it’ll cost me good”
You lean back, still in his arms. It would be nice if you get out of his hold. You should shove him away too exactly like you did with Jimin but for some reason, you can’t. His hold is safe, cozy. It reminds you of your grandmas cookie recipe. Warm and lovely.
“Another nose? Did you get into a fight?”
He breaks away, turning his back to you but you clutch his forearm as you hold him back before he can bolt.
“You know the PR is gonna make your life a living hell. What did you do?”
His jaw sets instinctively as he looks at you for a moment before speaking.
“Destiny, if you don’t want me kissing that sweet mouth of yours and imprint my name on it for once and for all, get the fuck out of here.” he rasps.
That's it. Flashbacks of that night and that fucking dream consume you. It doesn't help at all that he looks so dashing tonight in all black. Black leather jacket, black pants and his black boots. You're having visions you shouldn't have. They're nice. Farfetched but nice, nonetheless.
You release his hand like it will set you have you combust if you keep holding onto it for even a moment longer. You turn around, with the intent of getting out of his proximity when his voice stops you.
You don’t turn around because something is telling you if you do, you will never be the same.
“My life turned into a living hell the moment you stopped looking at me”
Jungkook is dying. 
Figuratively, of course.
He should have taken Destiny seriously when she said that the PR is going to make his life miserable once he gets to know about the mess he had made. His phone is buzzing on the kitchen counter. He knows who it is but he doesn’t pick up.
Instead, he just waits until it stops ringing. Jungkook can see it all playing out in his head. He will be called to the PR’s office as soon as he enters the academy and the PR is gonna ask him why he did what he did, Jungkook will then tell him that he's a a man of virtue, he will ask him to repent and tell him to fuck off. Very classic. Been there, done that. 
He drops his head low, palms splayed in front of him. Calling last night chaotic would be an understatement. He said things he shouldn’t have and heard things he hoped he wouldn’t. It was not deliberate, of course. He would like to call it a spur of the moment.
Alright, he was fucking jealous. There he said it. He was jealous of Park Jimin because that man was touching who Jungkook had been longing for, he was talking to the women Jungkook had been begging to look at him once and allow him to breathe. 
When he reaches the academy, he quickly asks about Destiny’s whereabouts and goes on to find her. He thinks his knee needs to be discussed because he can’t risk not playing the next game.
He's not sure if he's prepared for the uneasiness that's about to welcome itself but– god if you’re listening, help him, he prepares himself as much as he possibly can. 
Raising his hand to make a fist, he knocks on her office door. This would be his first time inside, if she would even let him in.
“Come in” her voice reaches Jungkook. 
He takes a long deep breath and pushes the door wide open. Stepping inside he looks at her sitting in her chair with glasses resting on top of her button nose. She looks so adorable. He doesn’t think he has ever seen her with glasses on but he approves. 
“Jungkook? Is everything okay?” 
Is it? Why is she acting like everything about last night was a dream? Did I imagine it all? Jungkook wonders.
He slips his hands inside his front pockets and nods, “My knee is acting a bit weird. I wanted to get it checked. See if there’s anything serious.” 
She takes her glasses off and rises to her feet. Pointing to one of the chairs, she says, “Sit down and let me have a look”
He does what she asked as he leans back to make himself comfortable. An eerie silence surrounds them, making every inch of Jungkook's body stiff as he grips the armrests of the chair a bit tighter. He doesn’t let it appear that way of course. He’d rather die. 
When she’s satisfied, she gets down on her knees and looks up at him. The visual is lethal but not something which he hasn’t already imagined.
He's not entirely proud to say that he has had the privilege of seeing her on her knees in his dreams, in the darkness of his bathroom, in his fantasies. He's seen it all but the real sight nearly makes him blow his load.
What do you think happens to a man who witnesses a queen getting down on her knees for him? Ask Jungkook. Mentally thanking himself for not wearing the sweatpants, he prepares to answer any of her questions.
“Do you wanna tell me what caused this?” 
“There um, there was a fight back at the game. I felt a slight pain in the changing room but didn’t think much of it. Thought I’d let you know about it.” 
She smiles, “Well I’m proud of you for that minus the fighting part. I’m sure you’ll be discussing that in the PR’s office” 
As she’s examining any possible pulls or cracks, he thinks about apologizing to her about last night. To be very honest, he's tired of this awkward silence every time he's around her. Not talking is one thing, walking on eggshells around each other is another. He wants her to behave the same way she does with the rest of the boys. 
“Destiny, I needed to talk to you about something” 
She looks up again, her eyes filled with curiosity. 
“Sure. Was something else hurt during the fight?” 
“What? No. I wanted to talk about last night” 
She stiffens as her mouth forms an ‘O’ shape. Fuck, why is his heart beating so fast? Wait, is he sweating? 
Then she shrugs, talking in a casual tone. “I don’t think it’s worth talking about” 
“Why?” Jungkook can’t help but ask.
“Well,” she smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, “You and I both were drunk and people do stupid stuff when they’re drunk so.”
“There was not a single drop of alcohol in my system. However, whatever I said was in the spur of the moment.” he says wording his previous thoughts, “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I’m sorry” 
She’s quiet for a moment before she lowers her head and mumbles something. 
He lowers down his own head, trying to listen clearly, ‘What was that?”
“I said I had a sex dream about you so we’re even” as soon as the words slip out of her, she claps a hand over her mouth. Her eyes wide as saucers. Meanwhile, he just sits there wondering if he heard her right or his brain is as fucked as his knee. 
His mouth goes dry as he keeps looking at her. He feels like someone just dumped a bucket full of ice water on his head. She had a sex dream about him? When? How was it? 
“It was uh okay” 
Kill him, kill him now because he said that out loud. See, this is what he means when he says he messes up every time he's in front of her. That’s exactly what the last thought that crosses his head before he pulls her by the back of her neck and smashes his lips on hers. Fuck it, he can’t take it anymore.
When she kisses him with the same amount of passion and hunger, he resists himself from hoisting her up on the table and eating her sweet cunt. She matches every movement of his lips. Hers suck his before his take her pink and pillowy ones. 
Within seconds, he has her caged in his arms. A low moan slips past her lips as she clutches onto Jungkook's shoulders for support, his fingers digging into the sides of her waist. Is this what feels like to kiss Kim Destiny? Is he actually touching and tasting her?
She tastes like cherries and bubblegum and he swears he's tasted nothing sweeter. He wants to have this taste every day on his tongue, and wants to remember it till the day he takes his last breath. Maybe, even longer than that. 
He pulls back and cups her cheek, running his thumb along her lower lip as she catches her breath. She’s got her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling against his. Jungkook can feel her hard nipples through her scrubs.
Someone shakes him by the shoulders and he snaps out, blinking rapidly. He looks around and finds himself sitting on the very chair Destiny asked him to but when a feminine voice calls out his name, it's not hers.
“Well, watching my best friend on her knees in front of my step brother was not the visual I thought I needed”
Turns out, it takes a lot to make that someone up there 'happy' because standing in front of him is his only step sister. It's hilarious how unpredictable life happens to be. After all, not only did he imagine kissing Destiny after she told him about her little sex dream but will now have to figure out how to face his sister without wanting to hurl himself out the window.
Can he catch a break?
Taglist - @keylime4eva @xumyboo @jash719 @dmstoyangyang @pitchblack0309 @withluvjm @chaelvrx @httpjeonlicious @lovingkoalaface @rpwprpwprpwprw (ilusm and thank you for reading <3)
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bahrtofane · 1 year ago
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Jude misses his spanish class, and that somehow ends with the both of you stuck in a dark elevator, legs tangled and annoying each other till help comes
Word count - 3.5K+ 
Watch it - ur trapped in an elevator with jude, lights go out, you accidentally sock him, fluff tho hehehe
a/n - shout out to my bff best plooki for sending me the last jude pic, its what inspired this whole thing. nmout 3lik kho
Jude is late to spanish class (again) so he's forced to sit for the staff ones instead. his mom will kill him if he misses any more, and his teammates will only tease him more. With the amount of promotional content and youtube videos he has to film soon, he literally doesn’t have the time to skip another class. 
The only open seat is by you in the far corner, so he slides in as discreetly as he can. Which turns out isn’t all that discrete when all eyes are on him from the moment he steps into the room but it’s whatever. He'll live. 
He pulls out his ipad and takes notes like the good student he is and pretends not to notice your gaze on him. He sits like such a teenage boy, legs spread and arms dangling over the table. 
You haven’t been with Madrid all that long, you came along as an intern, eager to find your footing. Having one of the players all up next to you during class was not something you saw coming, you’ve met maybe one or two of them, after you got lost and ended up in the training facilities and they so graciously led the way out of the maze. 
You’ve honestly been so busy with just getting settled you completely forgot the players existed. And here Jude is.
You stick your head back to your notes and hunker down for the hour left of spanish.  You don't miss his stray gazes that land on you. 
Jude is a quiet guy you learn. He chews his bottom lip and blinks a little harshly at times. He's a pretty standard run of the mill guy and you try to treat him as such. He leaves you be, letting you have your space and pays attention to whatever the professor is saying in favor of talking to anyone. 
When class is over you gather your things, slipping out from behind him and head to the elevator. Why the class is on the top floor you have yet to figure out. You like this elevator anyway, it's down the hall from the main big one that everyone crowds into, usually empty. Even though it lacks the big windows that overlook the pitches.
You see Jude jog to the elevator, you slide your hand out ,holding the doors open for him and he smiles at you in thanks, you smile back. It's silent save the hum of the elevator moving down.
Until it screeches to a halt, jolting the both of you so fast you land on the floor, legs tangled, things strewn all over the floor. Jude looks away while he picks himself up, helping track down your pens that roll across the floor. When you smooth your clothes down and find your footing, another jolt rocks the small metal box you're in. 
Jude instinctively reaches out to steady himself, his hand landing on the railing beside you. You lurch forward and almost land right on him again. But you manage to keep your composure, and footing. Thank god. 
"What in the world?" Jude asks, brows furrowing. 
"I... I'm not sure," you reply, your heart still racing from the amusement park ride you never signed up for. Does Madrid not keep their elevators up to date on what is going on. 
You both glance around the elevator, trying to assess the situation, and half waiting for another lurch. It's eerily quiet, and you notice the emergency button panel is dimly lit.
"Should we... press the emergency button?" you suggest tentatively, eyeing the panel.
"Probably our best bet" Jude agrees, reaching out to press the button. After a moment, a crackly voice comes through the intercom, 
"Hello? Is someone in need of assistance?" a nasally voice comes to life. She sounds like your aunt kinda.
"Yeah, the elevator stopped suddenly, and we're not sure what's going on," Jude explains.
“Ah okay, which elevator? There should be a number and letter over the doors.”
“2C.” you real aloud.
"Perfect thank you. We’ll have people get to you as soon as we can. Please remain calm and stay where you are," the voice responds before the intercom falls silent again.
You exchange a look with Jude, both of you silently hoping that help arrives soon. The minutes tick by slowly, and the silence in the elevator becomes almost suffocating.
"So... Do you have any plans for after this?" Jude asks, breaking the silence. Even if its a little awkward.
You shake your head, grateful for the distraction. "Not really. Just some studying, I guess. What about you?"
Jude shrugs. "Probably just head back to my place if they don't need me. Training was pretty intense this morning."
You nod, "Sounds hectic."
"Yeah, it can be," Jude admits, scratching the back of his neck. "But it comes with the territory, I guess.
You fall into a silence again, playing with the hem of your shirt. Jude tucks his ipad under his arm and sighs deeply. Now that you take a good look at him, it looks like he booked it right from training. Slides and socks on, madrid shirt and shorts. Interesting. 
You move to push the button again after what feels like ages, but this time the voice doesn't answer. 
“What the..” you mumble. You reach for your phone but as luck would have it there is no connection. 
Jude slides to the floor, sitting criss-cross applesauce and trying his luck on his phone. 
“No signal either huh.” he grumbles.
“Nope, we really just have to wait on them then.” 
“I hope they hurry it up, no offense.”
You shrug, ”none taken.” sliding to take a seat on the floor opposite to him. 
Little do you know you're about to spend the next 4 hours in this elevator together. 
It turns out there is only so much small talk you can make in an hour with a total stranger. Trust, you know. 
After telling your life story, and him his, you’ve both run out of things to say. So you sit, drumming against the metal walls, taking turns pressing the help button and being greeted with the sweet sound of silence each time.
“What the actual hell are they doing.” Jude groans.
“Ignoring us.” 
You just might lose your mind. Your legs are starting to go numb, and you watch Jude  grow more agitated as time presses on. Thankfully there's been no more lurches downward, a win is a win. You get up periodically to stretch your legs out, checking your phone, reorganizing your bag, playing rock paper scissors, telling each other stories.
Jude is a silly guy, very competitive even after your 10th round of tic tac toe. 
“I win again.” He cackles. 
You wave him off, “Yeah yeah it’s just luck.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he smiles. 
He goes back to the red button, and once again there’s no answer. You’re half way to losing your mind. How do they just forget about you here? You try texting people, and nothing goes through. Jude walks around the little space, arm raised and pointing his phone up in hopes of catching a signal. 
“Oh wait I think- never mind. Not even one bar will hold in here.” He slumps back down against the wall. 
“I actually can’t believe they’re not answering.” You groan, head in your hands. 
“Me neither. “
You resort to looking through your phone for any games to pass the time. But you need a signal for just about all of them. Might as well clear out your photos right? Jude joins, scooting next to you.
“Don't mind if I watch?”
You shake you head, “nah, just getting rid of old pictures.”
He nods.
Now you just have to be triple careful of not accidentally swiping through any embarrassing pictures. You don't thankfully, instead your room back home pops up, after you redecorated it. Zidane jersey hanging off your wall.
Jude perks up at this, “Zidane fan?” 
“Very big one.”
He smiles, “me too.”
“I've heard. What's he like?”
“Zidane? Hm, he's well, elegant. Classy. He's a calm guy.”
You nod, tucking your phone back inside your pocket, turning to face him, “have you seen him play in a charity match with ronaldo?”
He laughs ,”yeah the one with that insane title, fat old ronaldo does hat trick.”
You giggle, “that's the one.”
He hums, leaning his head back on the wall and you fall into silence again. 
More time passes and you don’t think you have it in you to reorganize your bag for another time. 
“I have an idea.” you declare as you move into the second hour.
Jude raises a brow.
“Might as well do our Spanish homework right?”
“I might die.” he dead pans.
You roll your eyes, “its better than doing nothing.”
“Nu uh, no way. I choose nothing.”
“Suit yourself,” you shrug.
10 minutes later Jude sits down next to, pulling his ipad out and getting to work. You smile, “see, I told you.”
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbles, “can you help me on number 4?”
You do, leaning against him and walking him through the conjugation of each word, your fingers brush against the iPad screen and you hope he doesn't notice how you blush. 
Hours in an elevator with Jude bellingham what is this a bad fanfic plot?
You end up finish the pages of homework side by side and Jude smiles
“That wasn't half bad actually, thanks for the help.”
“No problem. We make a pretty good team huh?” you tease.
He snorts, “I guess so.”
It turns out Jude is really bad at staying in once place, he does anything but keep still, throwing his slides at the buttons periodically, and one even hits the help button, this time the voice answers. 
“Hello?” it's a completely different voice his time, male. 
“Thank god hello.” Jude scrambles to get up properly, and you follow suit, leaning closer to the little speaker. 
“I'm sorry?”
“We've been in this elevator for what, 2 hours now and no ones been answering the call button? Fucking ridiculous.”
“I apologize for the inconvenience, we've been short staffed and I clocked in a few minutes ago.”
“For fucks sake, thats great and all but can you get us out?”
There's a pause, and for a second you think they're going to hang up and there will be no hope. You will die in this elevator. 
Luckily for you the voice comes to life again, “would you like us to call the fire department?”
“What do you think?” Jude dead pans.
“We will keep you updated, but for now it's looking like a wait time of 45 minutes to an hour. “
Both of you groan, dramatically falling to the floor.
“You'd think Madrid would have better staffing,” he rubs his eyes.
“You think.” you agree. 
“Im so gonna complain about this.” he squints his eyes at the buttons, almost like he's threatening them.
“Hey it could be worse, you could have missed a game.”
“Very true.”
He chews his lip before turning to you, a glint in his eyes, “Wanna play hot hands?” he tries.
“Sure why not.”
You shuffle so you're facing him once again, You're up first, palms up while Jude hovers his hands palm down over yours, and wow are his hands huge, completely covering your own. The name of the game is to manage to slap his hands faster than he can move them away. 
And so it begins. 
Unsurprisingly, Jude has keen reflexes, and you only shake your head at him. 
“I'm at an unfair disadvantage, whereas VAR.”
He giggles, “VAR or no var, you're losing,” he shrugs.
It's just enough of a distraction to get you your first win.
“Lets gooo.” you celebrate. 
“VAR immediately, time wasting, yellow card, red card, extra time.”
You smile, “you're just mad I won.”
“Yeah you won unfairly. “He sulks.
“Yeah yeah, your turn.”
He sighs dramatically, but puts his palms up regardless. 
You're too focused on his hands, skittering at any movement, so much so you end up jumping and throwing your hands out so fast you slap him. Uh oh.
“Oh my god i'm so sorry, are you okay.” you reach out and cradle his face, a little red but nothing too bad thank god. You almost took out Madrid's star boy, you're just an intern, you do NOT have the money to fund any legal cases. 
You don't even notice he's laughing, giggles bursting from his lips while you watch on. His eyes are big, oh my god, he's got those big brown beautiful eyes. People weren't kidding. He's even more handsome in person. You want to kiss him. Oh yeah you're holding his face, you drop your hands away and roll your eyes, trying to play off the blush that's spanning your face. 
“I'm fine, don't worry. You got a mean arm, ever think of being a goalie?” he teases. 
“I'm going to be Barcas goalie. How about that.” you shoot back, though there's no real bite to your words. 
He only laughs harder, “hot hands really makes you competitive huh.”
“It wasn't my fault okay, you moved too fast.” 
He only shakes his head, “I think you're the sore loser.”
“No but seriously, are you good?” 
He waves you off, “nah i'm good seriously, you're fine.”
You sigh in relief. 
He snorts, “no more hot hands for you.”
You squint at him, “I'm going to sleep.”
You make a pillow out of your bag and try to nap. Might as well at this point. Jude seems to share a similar idea as he lays down opposite to you, tucking his arms under him and screwing his eyes shut.
It turns out sleeping on the floor on an elevator is extremely uncomfortable, and you get about 5 minutes of shut eye before Jude somehow has his legs rolled into yours.
“ ‘M Sorry,” he mumbles. But you don't say anything, wiggling your feet back under his and trying to get some shut eye. 
At the turning of the third hour you get woken up by the crackle of the magic voice in the wall, “the wait is up about an hour to an hour and a half.”
“What's taking so long,” you huff, eyes still blurry from your sleep.
“We apologize for the delay but there's a back up in call logs and-”
“Yeah we get it you're understaffed whatever. Just please hurry up.” Jude bites back, nearing closer and closer to you. 
The voice fizzles away and the sleep has worn off you, enough so to realize he's almost spooning you. You sit up, but Jude remains as he is, breathing soundly as he uses his hands to cover the harsh elevator lights that beat down on him. You're surprised the lights haven't- 
You spoke too soon. Way way too soon. The lights go out within an instant and you almost scream, jolting against Jude.
This stirs him awake again, and he's oh so confused at the lack of lights. The secondary elevators are great, but there are no windows. Just solid metal on all ends. Leaving the two of you in complete darkness. 
You hear shuffling, “Yeah, I'm right here don't worry. “
“This is kinda freaky now.” you trail off.
“Hey, we'll be fine. Look on the bright side, it's easier to sleep.”
You snort, “Yeah guess so,” But the ease doesn't wear off of you. 
“Here,” you feel Jude’s hands reach for yours. Feeling for them in the darkness till they're laced together. “Now it's not so bad right?”
You can feel your face heat up,“Not bad at all.”
“How sick would hot hands in the dark be? Just think-”
“Absolutely not.” you sigh.
He giggles again, teasing you is surprisingly very very fun for him. This is the most fun he's had all day. Every time you turn away while you blush only fuels him to tease you more. Out of all the people to be stuck in here with, he thinks he got pretty lucky with it being you. 
But as sweet as you are, the situation only seems to get worse. He uses his free hand to feel for the button again, and the voice comes back.
“The lights just went off. I hope they're on their way.“ Jude speaks.
“The wait is about an hour.” the speaker says.
“My fucking god.” he sighs. 
“Were supposed to wait in the dark, for an hour?” you can't believe it.
The voice mumbles another apology and Jude only tells them to go away if they’re going to be completely and utterly useless. And alone you two go. 
You start singing by the fourth hour. You're completely tangled in Jude’s legs, unable to even see what's in front of you in the pitch black darkness, but you can feel him. And it keeps you grounded, keeps away the panic. He pats your back while he sings stupid songs, trying to cheer you up and mind off of the situation as much as he can. The teasing doesn't stop, and you're starting to like it. (You liked it from the beginning).
If someone told you you'd be cuddling Jude Bellingham on the floor of an elevator in the darkness after class, you're pretty sure you'd call the nearest psych ward. But here you are. You think you’re sitting sideways on his lap, while he sits back to the wall, your arms tangled. You've started to trace shapes on his arms.
Who knew an elevator would be the perfect place to bond.
“You smell nice.” Jude mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You hum,” thank you.”
“You know, this is pretty nice. You're a good cuddler.”
“Yeah. my rooms a better spot though.”
You try not to freeze up too much, but you're sure he can feel you go rigid next to him.
“I bet it is,” you mumble into his shoulder 
He laughs, easy and light, “You’re pretty cute too.”
“You cant even see me it's literally pitch black in here.”
“You're silly Jude.”
“So i've been told”
You get comfy again, sliding a hand to his back and scratching lightly. 
He melts within an instant, “that actually feels really nice…” he trails off, leaning against your shoulder. 
“You’re like an overgrown puppy, “ you laugh. 
He only snorts, leaning forward to allow you better access to his back.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the voice comes to life, and Jude is not in the mood. 
“What is it?” 
“The wait is now 10 to 15 minutes, please step back from the doors and do not be alarmed when the fire department needs to possibly force the doors open.”
“Finally.” You sigh, squishing your face into his neck. 
“Finally.” He confirms. 
After a few minutes. You hear the sound of footsteps outside the elevator and voices chattering. 
“Alright guys, sit tight, should be a few minutes and you’ll be outta here.” A voice says on the other end. 
“Alright.” Jude replies, gently getting up and separating from you. 
“We’re gonna need you guys to step back.”
You do as much, trying to feel for your bag to kick it away from the door. 
Jude rests a hand on your hip and you smile, even if you can't see it you bet he's doing the same. 
The doors are manually pried open, and you're greeted by the sweet sweet faces of firemen and security. 
"Are you two okay?" the fireman asks, helping you both out of the elevator.
"Yeah, we're fine. Just glad to be out of there," you say with a sigh of relief.
As you step out into the hallway, you and Jude exchange grateful smiles. Unsurprisingly people crowd to him and make sure he's all good. He waves them off instead pointing them in your direction. You insist you're all good, no injuries. After thanking everyone you slip away and begin walking down the hall. After all, you don't expect him to actually mean anything there. You just got stuck together for a while, and got comfortable. That's all.
You think this is the 4th floor? Down the stairs you go. 
The man is full of surprises. He catches up to you, shouting your name and closing the door to the stairs behind him.
“Had enough of me?” 
“Eh four hours seems like enough.” you shrug. 
He rolls his eyes, “so you don't give me your number then if i ask?”
“Only if you ask nicely. And I don't even have a Spanish number yet, I'll have to get yours.” 
(you want his number sooo bad you might explode, this can't be real.)
“Would you like to get my number then?” he scratches the back of his neck, suddenly shy, ‘only if you want you know you don't have to just because the whole elevator thing i mean-”
You cut him off with a kiss to the check, “I'd love to get your number Jude. And thanks for being so nice in there.” 
He looks to the ground, playing with his hands, “yeah anytime.” 
You hand him your phone and he takes a contact picture right there, with the most obnoxious contact name to match. 
‘the best elevator buddy Jude <3’
You smile, “I'll text you when I can, yeah?”
He hums, waving you off, slipping the door open with his foot and setting off in the opposite direction. What a day huh?
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ayukas · 1 month ago
r/UberEATS 21 fate is real
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r/UberEATS posted by
u/sakumyaegi・16 hr. ago
i'm dating my uber eats driver!
hi reddit!
a year ago, i made a post asking for advice on whether i was in love with my uber eats driver or if i was just insane and i received tons of responses on it. well, i finally remembered to come back and update… and guess what? turns out, i wasn't as crazy as many of you thought, because i'm now dating said uber eats driver!
it's actually insane looking back at all this. i spent an entire month giggling and kicking my feet every time he delivered to me, convinced i was just a delusional customer with a ridiculous crush. but after making that reddit post, we actually talked for awhile, got to know each other and even went on our first date! >O<
fun fact: while we were talking, he actually made a reddit post about me too, trying to help me out with my problems despite saying he didn’t like me like that (i know who you are finickydriver141.)
we match each other's freak SO hard, we're basically soulmates, and i'm so so so in love with him. to everyone who told me to shoot my shot back then, thank you! and to everyone who said i was insane… my boyfriend loves setting houses on fire…
anyways, tl;dr: i was in love with my uber eats driver, he was secretly (VERY obviously) in love with me too, and now we're disgustingly happy together. fate is real :D
⬆️ 66 ⬇️ 💬 127
u/rainsinheaven・16 hr. ago
its been one year since that post??? omg
u/back2u・16 hr. ago
congrats op!! i remember those two posts lol u guys are so cute
u/finickydriver141・15 hr. ago
i love u so so so much too
u/cooingpenguin・14 hr. ago
i wanna fall in love with a cute uber eats driver too :|
u/jendiggity・10 hr. ago
im not an uber eats driver but im cute dm me
u/rrremmm・13 hr. ago
he was definitely in love with u dude he had a whole ass account on twt dedicated to u
u/sakumyaegi・13 hr. ago
u/finickydriver141・13 hr. ago
u/creativehamster・12 hr. ago
called it from the start I KNEW HE WAS IN LOVE WITH U TOO
u/ynisafreak・10 hr. ago
genuinely cant believe ive been suffering for over a year already
u/yuwushi・10 hr. ago
u/ynisafreak・10 hr. ago
stop interacting with me
u/sioningz・9 hr. ago
finally omg. its sion's time to shine
u/jwisung・9 hr. ago
jisung's* time
u/yuwushi・10 hr. ago
the both of u suck. its actually YUSHI'S time
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previous / masterlist
notes the 😭 end 😭😭😭 thank u everyone 4 reading my silly little smau and sticking till the end, im so extremely grateful for all the love and support ive received, ur comments and reblogs meant the absolute world to me :') ill cherish this smau forever… please dont forget user sakumyaegi and haejjang everybody… 🥹🤍
taglist @ddolbyong @nmbr1stickerenjoyer @wonpoem @jeonghansshitester @kukkurookkoo @dudekiss3r @https-yeonjun @nahyuckers @slayhaechan @luvvhaechan @chenlezip @ryuvrsie @aerivrs @snoopyjimin @yukisroom97 @snowyseungs @thegracerammy @purezitas @sundamariis @nctrawberries @sehunniepot @holyhaech @belleilichil @cyjzzl @haechology @ant-onie @n0hyuck @axo-l0tl @goquokka @jich3nle @gela0205 @irlrenjun @cinneorolls @kodasity @taroddori @hyuckies18 @hibernatinghamster @renjunniex @haechyuckan @i-lovegood @chan-yeoldelling @lampcults @jae-n0 @jeongintwt @sunghoonsgfreal @injvns @sewergirlfriend @fluermeijisblog @pinklemonade34 @t-102
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warpstarrie · 15 days ago
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˗ˏˋ ★☆ end of prologue ☆★ ˎˊ˗
heehee sorry for the cliffhanger
but yay! that's the end of the prologue of this little series, which i am now formally dubbing 'adventures in dream land'!
if you've stuck with the comic up to this point, thank you for reading! and thank you so much for all your comments and tags! this was the first long-term project i've ever done for myself, and your encouragement really helped me stick it through till the end! seriously, thanks :)
the next chapter will be up within a few weeks (because i am allergic to breaks) and there you'll finally get to meet...well, u can already tell LOL
hope you look forward to it!! see you soon! ☆
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comfxrtablykai · 28 days ago
hey kai!
can you please write a fanfic about dae ho comforting us after a game. (with a one bed trope 👉👈)
btw love ur writing smm!!🎀
EEEE I LOVE THIS REQUEST!!! dae ho is my shayla😭 (TW: Blood, gunshots, talk of death. let me know if there's more i should've added!) This is also for my favourite kang dae-ho stan @lanadelreyworshipperr
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Kang Dae-Ho x reader ────୨ৎ──── The gunshots rang from the distance as you covered your ears, your palms pressed tightly against the shell, till all you could hear was a faint ringing. You whimpered quietly as you look at the blood pooled on the floor. How quickly had they cleaned up the bodies? The smell of blood made you gag as you choked out desperate sobs. "I wanna go home..." Your teammates Gi-Hun and Dae-Ho picked you up from the floor as you took in shallow breaths. You couldn't hear anything, not their words, not the other players talking and rushing out to go back to the bunks. No. The only thing you could still hear were bodies thudding the floor and the harsh sounds of the bullets leaving their guns to pierce through the heads of the innocent people. You couldn't breathe. Everything looked blurry for some reason, getting darker and faded. If you hadn't died from losing the game, you'd surely die from this panic attack. You saw Gi-Hun run to go to Jung-Bae and Young-Il, but Dae-Ho stayed with you. You sniffled and tried to recognise the world around you, trying to ground yourself in this terrifying situation but nothing worked. It wasn't until a certain former marine picked you up from the ground, hugging you close and carrying you bridal style back to the beds through the obnoxious amount of stairs. You curled against his chest and sniffled, hearing his heartbeat and coming back to reality just enough to croak out his name to tell him you were fine and awake, "Dae-Ho..." You moved you hand to your face, wiping the remaining tears. Dae-Ho looked at you with kindness shining in his eyes. A kindness people here seemed to have forgotten, "Ah, you're coming back to us. I know it's scary but I'll protect you, ok?" His voice was so soft as he put you down to your bunk. You hadn't even realised you both had reached the bedroom already. You hand was still grasping at the sleeve of his jumpsuit like your life depended on it, and quite frankly, you felt like it did depend on it. You felt yourself slip away when he started to go back. Nobody was really paying and attention at you both and thanks to Gi-Hun, your mattresses were in a perfectly hidden spot. "Dae-Ho, stay with me?" You asked, feeling tears prickle your eyes again, you weren't sleeping yet you could feel the nightmare that would haunt you for multiple nights on end. You also felt pathetic. Everyone here was so strong, even Jun-Hee who was pregnant and here you were. You couldn't go a single game without crying. Dae-Ho's eyes softened and you could swear you saw a fondness in his eyes. Though he quickly hid it. "Of course I will. I promise that no matter what happens in these games, I'll never leave you." He said it with such surety that you two would stick together, it couldn't help but make you optimistic as well. Dae-Ho settled on your mattress besides you and took this opportunity to curl up into him even more, "I feel so dumb." His hands found their way into your hair and gently massaged your scalp. "You're not dumb. Panicking in a scene like this is... normal. I'd be surprised if you weren't. I know I am as well." He joked and you couldn't help but smile as you buried your head in his chest. "It doesn't look like it. You're so brave." You muttered and looked up at Dae-Ho's face, it was rigid for a second before turning back to the soft, smiling face she liked. "Yeah, well, you're my sunshine and you're crying. That doesn't seem right either, does it?" Dae-Ho wiped another tear that had fallen from your eyes and gently pressed his lips against your forehead. You close your eyes, feeling the exhaustion from the day finally bring you down. You fought against your sleep and also blushed at the kiss he had just given you. "Dae-Ho..." "Go to sleep, sunshine." He said and cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against the soft round skin of your face. You gulped in fear and held him closer. "Only if you stay..." You said and pressed your forehead against Dae-Ho's, breathing in and out, slowly, following the pattern of his breathing.
He smirked and leaned closer, the tip of his nose brushing against the tip of yours, "I'll always stay." He whispered to you like a promise and before you knew, you were drifting to sleep in his arms. ────୨ৎ────
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whatifitis · 5 months ago
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♡ I knew it, I know you - FC 43 ♡
Based off the song: I knew it, I know you by Gracie Abrams
Summary: You and Franco dated but when things took a turn with your career, your world got turned upside down.
Author's note: i was told i should add additional parts to this plot so lmk if that's something you guys would like to see <3
WC: 3309
CW: fights, brief mention of a car crash, a bit of angst i think
You swore to god, you hadn’t thought of him in ages. But there he was, plastered all over social media as a driver for Williams for the remainder of the season in F1. The man who absolutely destroyed you. But you had also destroyed him. You had destroyed each other towards the end of your relationship. 
You and Franco dated back when the two of you were in F2 and F3. The two of you had hit it off almost instantly, already so drawn to each other. You weren’t gonna lie, the two of you almost weren’t a thing. You are terrible at not only initiating, but also keeping conversations going. But the fact that Franco was so bold and carefree, he was able to stick with you till you opened up out of your shell, which was truly insane to you. And you’re grateful for him and everything he has done for you, no matter what went down all that time ago. 
The two of you were always there for eachother, whether one was winning races or not. You would always scream the loudest when he won. Every single time he was on the podium, you’d be so incredibly proud of him, standing there watching in awe, tears streaming down your face. You’d never met someone so perfect. 
He was so different from anyone you’d ever met. He was valiant, hilarious, strong, and so beautiful, on the inside and out. He knew you’d often struggled with your mental health and maintaining relationships, whether platonic or romantic. But he stayed, he actually stayed, through all your faults. He loved you anyway. He was the best thing that ever was yours. 
But now it’s like he’s on another planet, you wonder how the weather is there. 
While you were proud of him for making it to F1, you still couldn’t help but feel a bit of annoyance. The two of you would often talk about the future together. The plan was always to work your asses off and make it to F1 together. He was gonna be the first Argentinian driver in ages, and you were gonna be the first woman in ages to drive in F1. During this time, you guys were gonna save money and buy your dream home together. He’d always wanted a big patio where you two could do barbeques together, where he could bring his family. He also wanted a pool where everyone could enjoy their time together, away from the cameras and chaos. 
But now those dreams are just that. Dreams. 
The breakup wasn’t necessarily mutual or on good terms. Franco initially wanted to work things out and talk but you didn’t think it’d fix anything. Things were already getting rocky as your racing career was coming to an end. After a bad accident all those years ago, you weren’t able to get back in the car. And for that, you were so angry. Racing was all you could do, you didn’t have a backup plan. Your anger got the best of you and you were taking it out on those around you. Franco got the worst of it though wanting to do his best to help you, but all it did was make you feel pitied. 
Things just kept spiraling from there, til you officially ended things with him. 
It was the night after the F2 race in Monaco. You had been there the whole weekend, cheering on all your friends. You were making your way to see Franco but you were stopped by a journalist. You weren’t really in the mood to speak to a stranger but you decided it wouldn’t do any harm to stop for a minute or two. 
The journalist was a young man, about your age and a bit taller than you. 
“Hello, thanks for taking a moment to speak with me.”
You simply smile at him, still not feeling all that sociallike. 
“I just wanted to ask you a few questions, if that’s alright.”“Sure. Hit me.”
“My first question is, how does it feel to have had to drop out of racing due to your crash back in Australia?”“Oh well, you know, it didn’t feel great. I’m super disappointed in my performance from that day and of course not being able to race again has been a big struggle. I miss it a lot, but there’s nothing I can do now besides keep going. I’m still gonna come to some of the races and cheer on and support my friends.”
“Amazing. Now, how does it feel to know you won’t be the next woman in Formula 1? To know that you’ve essentially let down so many women, young and old, with you leaving the sport?”
You were honestly baffled by that question. Why the fuck would he ask that? Who in their right mind asks that? 
You seriously had no words, so you simply nodded your head and walked away. 
When you reached Franco, he could practically smell the rage emanating from you. 
“Amor, what’s wrong?” going to touch your arm, before you quickly pull away.
“Nothing. Let’s go.” 
Your shortness with him wasn’t new at this point, so he stayed quiet till you guys reached your flat.
Once you guys had walked in, he was quick to ask what happened at the track that led you to be stomping around with smoke coming out your ears. You told him everything that happened with the journalist, and he was nothing but sorry that something like that had happened to you. He knew how hard your transition was into a life without racing. 
“Baby, I know things are hard right now, but we can figure it out. This isn’t the end.” Franco tried to reason with you. But all you could see was red, feeling an intense pressure and heat in your chest. 
“You don’t even get it. My career is over, everything I’ve worked towards is gone. I have nothing left.”
Your words hit Franco, like a knife. You had nothing left? What about him?
“There are so many things you can do. We’ll find something that works for you. Stop being negative and actually try.” 
“Fuck you. I am trying, you don’t understand how hard this is. Everything’s working for you. Your life is perfect and amazing. Stop pitying me. I’m not a child.”
Somewhere in the chaos in your mind, you had lost all sense of where you were and who you were talking to. All you knew was that you were screaming everything you felt. 
Your mind was racing, you weren’t making total sense. 
After the race today and having dealt with you these past few months, he was tired. He wasn’t gonna coddle you and go easy on you anymore. 
“Well you’re sure acting like one. You need to grow up. Shit happens and you have to deal with it. Not everything will work out in life, you just have to deal with it.”
“Easy for you to say. Your life is perfect and you have everything you want.”
“If I had everything I wanted, then I wouldn’t have a girlfriend who’s giving up. I’d have a better girlfriend.” 
What? Did he really just say that? I hate when we fight, sucks when we fight. 
“I can’t pretend I’m sorry, when I’m not sorry. All I’ve ever done was my best when it comes to you and us. Unfortunately your girlfriend is awful.” 
You looked him in the eye one final time, “Get out. We’re done.” 
“That’s it? You’re gonna give up so easily?” he lets out a huff, “Typical of you to give up, again. Let me know when you’ve grown up.” 
With the slamming of the door, he was gone. That was the last time you saw him.
After a few days of radio silence from you, Franco felt abandoned. He’d already felt lost when you told him to leave, the second the door slammed closed, he almost went back in through the door to fix everything. It felt as if you didn’t care about his feelings, like he’d been cut a thousand times. Franco actually struggled to keep it together. He didn’t realize how much he needed you in his life. He didn’t realize how he depended on you, on your support, your touch and how it kept him sane and stable when everything around him was just pure chaos. 
It was hard for him to race after that day. And words could never describe how his heart hurt when he got called up to F1, when he got a seat. He immediately thought of you, he was living your dream after all - he couldn’t even share the experience with you, you weren’t by his side anymore. You were gone. 
Until now. 
Since that day, you have been working on yourself. You were in therapy now and continuing school to become an engineer. You thought, maybe since you can’t be in the car, you could work around it or with it. Things had been looking better. You started to surround yourself with love and support from your friends and family. 
You were on a work trip in Texas, helping a company work on a new up and coming project that could be innovative, when you got a call from an old friend. Oscar had seen through social media that you were in Texas, and invited you to see the race at COTA. When he initially offered the invitation, you almost didn’t go since you didn’t think it’d be a good idea, considering how you and Franco had left off. But it had been years, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You would be able to go and support the rookies and maybe make up with Franco. 
It’s not like you didn’t feel love for him anymore. Maybe you two could work things out and get back to where you were. So you told Oscar you’d be at COTA. 
“That’s great! I’m so glad you’ll be able to make it. It’s been so long and I’m sure Lily would love to see you too.” “Omg, I’m so excited to see her again! I’ve missed her so much.” “Yeah. So, I’m sure you’ve heard. Franco is driving for Williams for the rest of the season, so he’ll be at COTA. Will you guys be able to keep it civil if you run into each other?”
“I can. I’ve lived a lot and I’ve let the rain in since everything. It’s just a matter of how he’ll react.” “I’m not gonna lie, I think he’s been waiting for an apology from you. Er, at least he did for a while.” “Yeah, he deserves one from me. I was pretty shitty to him, I know that now.” 
“I’m glad you were able to sort everything out on your end, hopefully you two can be friendly again.” “Maybe. I gotta go, Osc. Talk soon.”
“Talk soon.”
The amount of various feelings flowing through your body was making you physically shake. You were excited, nervous, happy, and everything mixed into one. 
You pull up Franco’s contact, thinking it’d be better to reach out and arrange a meeting rather than bombarding him at the track. 
You must have typed and deleted about 50 messages before settling on a simple “hey”
Franco didn’t expect to see your name show up on his screen. He chuckled bitterly at the irony of life, bringing you back onto his path after being the one to send him away. He doesn’t even know how he feels about you anymore. 
“Hey” he replied
“How are you?”
“I’m okay. You?”
“I’m okay”
Three minutes pass, you simply just stare at the screen, not knowing how to proceed. You watch as three dots float on the corner of your screen. 
“What do you want?”
Damn, harsh much?
“I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime this weekend? Oscar invited me to watch the race and I thought maybe we could talk. I think I’ve calmed down since the last time we spoke.”
“Sure. I don't know when exactly I’ll be available but I can text you closer to the weekend”
“That sounds good. Thanks for being cool about this.”
“No problem, see you soon.”
He was quick to cut the conversation. Maybe he's just busy. You decide to put your phone away and focus on some work stuff. 
The weekend comes around quickly and you find yourself wandering around the paddock alone. You weren’t able to make it Friday, but at least you’re here for qualifying. You managed to get a few minutes with Oscar and Lando, catching up a bit before they had to get ready for qualis. You made your way to where you were gonna watch the race, texting Franco at the same time. 
He was letting you know he’ll be able to meet up with you after the race today. You were so incredibly nervous because you wanted things to work out between the two of you. You missed him. He was your best friend, and you guess that was the worst part of losing him. If he just said when, you’d play again because you felt more in brief moments with him, than with anyone else. 
You sat down and watched the qualifiers, screaming and cheering everytime one of your boys passed someone or did something impressive. You didn’t realize how much you’d missed this. Watching and cheering on your friends from the sidelines. It felt good to watch them achieve their dreams, even if you couldn’t reach yours. Franco ended up in P6, which was impressive considering he’s only raced a few times in an F1 car, and he’s in a Williams car. 
After about 20 minutes, Franco texted you, letting you know to meet him in his driver's room. You made your way to his room after getting lost for about 8 minutes, when someone eventually felt bad for you and pointed you in the right direction. 
You walked up the steps to his room, standing there for a minute, nervous about seeing him. It’s been about 2 years since you last saw each other. You wonder if he looks any different now. Of course you’d seen his pictures around, but sometimes the cameras don’t catch certain things. Like how his eyes are essentially a kaleidoscope of everything you’ve ever loved, how his nose crinkles a bit at the bridge when he’s happy. 
Fuck it, enough stalling. You knock on the door and wait there for a response. After a minute, you don’t hear one so you assume you didn’t knock loud enough. You raise your hand to knock again when the door swings open. When it opens, your eyes quickly find his. 
He looks deep in your eyes, trying to find a glimpse of the past in them, a recollection of the memories you shared together, but it’s like you’re not there anymore. Sure, you’re standing right infront of him, but the you that he knew, the one he fell in love with, is missing. 
“Hey” he said softly. 
You two stood there in silence for a moment, sort of processing that you’re seeing eachother again in person. As if your brains are trying to decipher whether this is real or a hallucination. 
The silence breaks when Franco shakes his head and clears his throat, 
“Come in.” he says, holding the door open for you. 
You walk in, brushing past him. 
The room is spacious, quiet, yet suffocating. 
You walk to the middle of the room, feeling a bit self-conscious. Turning back to face Franco, you watch as he closes the door and turns his body to you. 
“So’’ he says. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“I wanted to catch up, see how you’re doing. A lot has changed since the last time we saw each other.” you look down, swallowing a gulp before continuing, wringing your hands together, “I also wanted to apologize, for everything. The way I had acted all those years ago, especially towards the end. I wasn’t being fair to you and all you wanted to do was be there for me.”
“It’s fine.” he replies, leaning against a counter, crossing his arms over his chest, not giving you an ounce of emotion.
The burning sensation he feels in his chest now isn’t love anymore - instead it’s a mixture of pain and anger, feeling a riot form in his emotions. He’s wasting time on listening to someone who kicked him to the side without caring about how you had let him down when he needed you the most. 
Well, you didn’t know what to expect, but it surely wasn’t that dry and short answer. 
“That’s it? I came all this way to come and see you and apologize, and all I get is ‘fine’?!”
“I said ‘it’s fine’ actually.” 
Why was he being like this? You get that you fucked up a lot and that you had hurt him, but if this was how he was going to act, you weren’t sure if you wanted to continue this conversation. 
“Why did you even agree to talking to me, if this is how you’re gonna act?”
“How am I acting?” “Like you don’t give a fuck. Like you just wanna gloat, see how badly I was doing. You don’t know how to step outside yourself.” “You think so little of me? It’s not my fault you can’t sit with the hard thing.”
“Well when the proof is in the pudding then yeah. Are you even sad about the fact that we don’t talk anymore? That all we had is gone?”
“I’m not the one who ended things, you were. You’re the one who ruined us.” 
“I blew all my plans, just to get to talk to you today. I’m trying to fix everything that I broke but you’re not letting me.” “Maybe you aren’t trying enough.” he says as he pushes off the counter and walks towards you, stopping a few inches from you. Close enough that you can feel each other's breathing. 
“Not trying enough? Or not enough for you? For your deluded self?”
“I’m not the problem here, especially considering I’m the one driving in F1.”
“I should be the one with this chance, not you! All you have is an inflated ego and your shallow thinking.”
“I was the one who worked my ass off to get here. I’m sorry you couldn’t join me in this like we had planned, but it’s not my fault that things fell this way.”
“I should be in your seat, not you!” 
“No, you don’t deserve this seat. I actually put in the work to be here.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I earned my way through those races. I was one of the best.”
“Keyword: was.”
“You know that crash stopped me from driving. I can’t get back in the car.” “Can’t or won’t” 
“No, you’re just a fucking pussy. You’re too scared to get back in the car cause you know you can’t do it. You can’t amount to anything.You know that even if you get back in the car, you’ll never get a seat in F1.”
You stand there for a beat. You never knew he could be so mean. Maybe you brought it out of him. 
It’s all your fault. You’re the problem. 
You feel the tears threatening to spill. You take a breath before saying, “I thought you thought of me better, someone you couldn't lose.”
He looks you up and down, lip twitching, “I guess I lied. I had the wrong idea about you.”
An all too familiar sight, his back, as he walks out the door, again, because of you. 
You really thought you would get what you wanted. But what did you want?
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