#thanks for sending in a prompt! <3 sorry it's like a week late. clearly i got carried away
reinvent-and-believe · 11 months
trick or treat!!! roy/jamie #12 !
12. musical 🥰
“The musical My Fair Lady,” Beard says, not lowering his book, “is based on the 1913 play Pygmalion by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, which is in turn based on the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion.” “So?” “Pygmalion—” Beard’s looking at him from over his book now with that nonplussed stare—“sculpts a statue he finds so perfect that he falls in love with his creation.” Roy finds himself glancing back through the doorway just as Jamie pulls off his shirt, pausing to fix his hair in the mirror before he opens the locker to grab his kit. When Roy turns around, Beard’s buried in his book again. “Right.” Roy frowns and shuts the door.
read it on ao3 :)
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returnsandreturns · 7 months
I just dontated to the PCRF! For a mattfoggy prompt, what about, in college, matt sitting in foggy's lap just becoming A Thing That Keeps Happening that started as a circumstantial thing but it just. never /stopped/ happening. And eventually they kiss about it.
matt being just an absolute goddamn mess has been my favorite thing to write lately so this was a lovely opportunity!! thank you <3
(also, if you donate any amount to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund or a similar organization of your choice, you can also get a guaranteed matt/foggy ficlet of an undetermined length. just send me an ask.)
“We cannot afford a cab,” Foggy says, leaning out of the questionable car belonging to Marci’s friend that is already full of more college students than should legally be in it, “and we are both drunk enough that there is a non zero chance that somebody is going to fall in front of a train. Just sit on my lap—you’re too pretty to wander around the streets alone.”
Matt sighs before climbing into the car, slumping down so he can settle awkwardly on Foggy’s lap, shutting the door behind him.
“This is undignified,” he says.
“Dignity’s overrated,” Foggy says, wrapping his arms around Matt’s waist loosely, making a soft noise when Matt shifts and they both clearly internally reckon with the fact that he’s making significant contact with part of Foggy that he actively tries not to think about. Because it’s weird to think about your friend’s dick—and maybe just as weird to have to think so much about how he shouldn’t be thinking of it.
The car is full of drunk babbling so neither of them has to say anything—which is probably for the best.
What’s there to say?
“Oh, shit,” Matt says, when he goes to sit next to Foggy on his bed but, in the midst of finals week delirium, ends up sitting directly on him. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Foggy says, after letting out a shocked laugh, arms going around Matt’s waist to steady him and immediately reminding Matt of that feeling from a few months ago—sitting on Foggy’s lap, Foggy’s arms around him, Foggy’s—his thoughts are interrupted when Foggy says, a little high-pitched, “Are you gonna maybe move, buddy?”
“Oh god,” Matt says, again, despairingly, climbing off of him and considering hiding under the bed. “Sorry! I normally have a better read on where you are, I’m just. . .”
“In clinical need of a nap?” Foggy asks.
“So tired,” Matt agrees.
“I’ll point out,” Foggy says, “that we are currently in a bed—where most naps take place.”
“That’s true,” Matt says, smiling. “Statistically.”
“C’mon, we’ve earned it,” Foggy says, gently touching Matt to guide him so they can lie next to each other, on their sides, touching in so many different little places that Matt can’t focus at all—until Foggy asks, softly, “Is this okay?”
“Yeah,” Matt says, just as softly, smiling. “It’s good.”
If they wake up a little more tangled together and with Matt having a broadened awareness of what Foggy’s dick feels like when it’s pressed up against his ass, it’s fine. They were unconscious. It’s not like they wanted it.
Matt wants it.
Matt—Matt wants it.
After a series of lap related incidents, some unintentional, most incredibly contrived to the point where Matt almost gives up because Foggy has to actively be choosing not to say something, Foggy pulls Matt into his lap on his bed and gently grabs his hips.
“Do you have something you want to tell me, Matty?” he asks, voice a little lower than normal.
Matt’s eyes widen.
“Uhm,” he says.
“Use your words, please,” Foggy says.
“Okay, but what if I—I mean, instead, what if—fuck, Foggy,” Matt says, giving up on words and leaning down to kiss Foggy instead, soft at first then decidely not when Foggy hands move to squeeze his waist then down to his ass as they go from kissing to Matt dazedly thinking about everything else Foggy could do with his tongue as they frantically make out.
“Okay, the lap sitting,” Foggy says, when they break apart out of sheer need for oxygen. “Do you normally come onto people by literally throwing yourself at them?”
“Everything preceding the month of October was accidental,” Matt says, immediately.
“And what about the incidents following that?” Foggy asks, amused.
“. . .less accidental,” Matt admits.
“You just like being in my lap, buddy?” Foggy asks, stroking Matt’s hair.
Matt nods, a little too overwhelmed, but Foggy gets it immediately and takes Matt by the hips again to pull him slowly closer, making an encouraging noise when Matt shifts so his erection presses up against Foggy’s through too many layers of clothes. He rolls his hips. Foggy swears.
Matt’s fingers slide over the zipper on Foggy’s jeans and Foggy says, firmly, “Yes,” before Matt even has a chance to say please.
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sagesolsticewrites · 2 years
hi #37 pretty please :3
Thank you for the request darling!
37: “You always have my attention.”
(oops, this got a little angsty 😅)
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“Hey honey!” You called at the telltale sound of keys in the door that signaled Austin’s return. You ran to the foyer and wrapped your arms around him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips in greeting, “How was your day?”
“Hi sweetheart,” he says distractedly. “Long,” he groans, toeing off his boots and hanging his coat on one of the hooks on the wall.
“Well, I made dinner, and I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie? Something relaxing?” You suggest, trying not to sound too hopeful or persistent.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, that sounds really nice but I’m so tired, I… I’m probably just gonna jump in the shower and go to bed,” he says apologetically, “Next time, I promise.” He presses a kiss to your forehead as he steps past you through the hall.
As much as you try, you can’t keep the hurt from you voice as you mumble a quiet “Oh. Okay.” in reply.
Austin, though, picks up on it and turns back, brow furrowed in concern.
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?”
You shake your head, willing back the tears threatening to spill over, “It’s nothing, I’m fine.”
“Clearly you’re not, sweetheart, what is it?”
“It’s just… I really wanted to spend some time with you. You’ve had your attention on so many other things lately I—”
“Sweetheart, I promise, no matter how busy I am, you always have my attention.” He tries to assure you.
That’s not true though, you think, and you don’t realize you’ve said it out loud until you see Austin’s concerned and hurt expression and the tears are spilling down your cheeks and you feel awful for even feeling like this when he’s been so busy and stressed but it’s too late for you to stop now as you continue, “I know you’re busy, and I know you say that I still have your attention but it doesn’t feel like it! I hardly ever see you, and even when I do you’re too tired to spend time with me and I— it hurts.” You choke out. “I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve done, and I know there’s a lot of work and time away that comes with that but… it feels like you’re gone more often than you’re here and I…” your voice softens into a mumble as you continue, “I miss you.”
Austin states at you like he’s seeing you for the first time as he takes in your words, and as if you couldn’t feel worse, he sounds absolutely shattered as he pulls you into his arms and whispers “I’m so, so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve realized how much this was affecting you, I should’ve noticed—”
You shake your head, ready to protest — he’s had work, he’s been busy, this is what comes with dating an up-and-coming actor, you know that — but he continues “I’m gonna take this next week off, and we’re spending every second of it together.”
“What? Austin, you don’t have to—”
But it’s too late, Austin’s already pulling out his phone and telling his agent to cancel everything for the next week, he’s taking a much-needed break.
“Done,” he announces, shoving his phone back in his pocket and pulling you in close, one hand cupping your cheek as he looks at you— really looks at you. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m sorry for not noticing how much this was affecting you, but I promise I’m gonna do better. And if you’re ever feeling like this again… please tell me? I can’t stand the idea that you were feeling like this for who knows how long and you didn’t feel like you could tell me.”
You nod in reply, a watery laugh escaping you as he presses a series of kisses across your face. “Good. Now, you said something about dinner and a movie?”
You beam as he wraps his arm around you, pulling you close as the two of you make your way to the kitchen, already bickering about what movie to watch.
Send me drabble prompts!
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hi!! So I was listening to paper rings by Taylor Swift today and the lyric 'I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings' made me think of coops and o'knutzy. Could you write a prompt about this?! <3
This song is so perfect for Coops and it’s the best way to start of the long-awaited wedding series! Yay! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Combined with:
1. Domestic Coops
2. Remus making fun of Sirius’ initials
3. Sirius trying to make Remus moan while he’s on the phone with his folks
4. From @colored-rain: Taking Hattie to the vet
TW for mild smutty content, taking a pet to the vet, and the inherent stress of wedding planning
I: Six Weeks Before the Wedding
“Where are we even going to do this?” Sirius asked, running a hand through his hair.
Remus shook his head silently, pressing his forehead into the wooden edge of the table. “What if we elope?”
“Celeste would skin us both.”
“True. Oh, god, my dad would cry if we did that.” Remus slid down in his seat and stared up with sad eyes. “Can’t we just be married already?”
“I could get tinfoil from the kitchen and just…” Sirius mimed wrapping it around his ring finger and Remus snorted.
“Baby, I would marry you with paper rings, but I think we want them to last.”
“You like shiny things!”
“I do, that doesn’t mean I want tinfoil on my hand for the rest of my life,” Remus laughed, pulling him in for a quick kiss. “Alright, let’s go through our list again. We agreed on small, right?”
“Just the team and families. We still want it to be outside?”
“Yep.” Remus checked off two boxes on the piece of paper they had been grappling with for the past four days. “Rings have already been ordered?”
“I’m doing that this afternoon. What kind of cake do we want?”
“Uhhh…an edible one?” Remus shrugged. “I don’t have a huge preference. Chocolate is really good but all the ones from the store are spongy.”
“Wow, an edible cake, so original,” Sirius teased. “We can ask Celeste what she thinks.”
“Good plan.” He paused for a moment. “Where outside will we do it? We need an actual venue. I think people would be upset if we just had a wedding in a public park.”
“The media would be all over it, too.” Sirius scrunched his nose up in thought just as their timer went off and both sighed as they headed for the door. “It’s going to be hard to focus on practice when we know next to nothing about the wedding we’ve been planning for over six months.”
“We’re disasters.”
II: Four Weeks Before the Wedding
“We’re not putting that on the cards.”
“Why not?” Sirius frowned and looked down at the mock-up invitation. “It’s our initials. It’s cute.”
Remus blinked at him. “Sirius. Your initials.”
“Do you not want my initials on our joint wedding invitation?”
“I would love to have your initials on our joint wedding invitation, except for the part where it’s the same acronym as ‘son of a bitch’.”
Sirius paused, then groaned and put his hands over his face. “Fuck, I forgot about that.”
“You forgot your own initials?”
“I forgot the son of a bitch thing!”
“Okay, I clearly don’t tease you enough for that,” Remus snickered, wrapping an arm around his waist to kiss his cheek. “Alright, attempt number eight is a bust.”
III: Three Weeks Before the Wedding
Sirius ran his fingers gently through Remus’ hair, feeling him shift in the darkness. “What’s on your mind, mon amour?”
“Are we changing our last names?”
“Did we…not discuss that?” Sirius wracked his brain, but it was so exhausted from wedding topics that he came up empty.
“I don’t think so.” Remus scooted around so he was on his side, facing Sirius. “Both our names are super connected to our jobs. Plus, Lupin-Black might be a little long for jerseys.”
“I’d rather not go through the whole name-change process.” There was a beat of quiet. “Though I do like the sound of Sirius Lupin.”
Remus’ breath audibly caught and he leaned closer to Sirius, nuzzling against his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
IV: Eighteen Days Before the Wedding
Remus’ back hit the mattress with a soft bounce that was quickly stilled by Sirius’ weight pressing him down by the hips, his mouth skimming along all the right places on Remus’ neck. “Yes,” he hissed as Sirius ground down, their bare chests bumping together. He dipped his hands beneath the waistband of Sirius’ sweats and he shivered, nipping the hinge of his jaw.
“Wait,” Sirius gasped, pulling back to straddle Remus’ waist.
“What? Is this a flamingo moment?” Remus panted, still buzzing with arousal.
“Did we invite your parents to the wedding?”
Remus stared at him in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“I don’t think we did.”
“Sirius, you are literally about to—holy fuck, did we invite my parents?”
“I don’t know!”
Remus groaned and let his head fall back against the pillows before tapping Sirius’ hip and swinging his legs over the edge of the mattress. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed his mother’s number, taking a few deep breaths to collect himself as it rang.
“Hey, mom, how’s it going?”
“Oh, it’s going fine out here. How’s wedding planning?” Hope asked. Remus could hear her smiling.
“That’s what I’m calling about, actually. Did you—” He bit his lip as Sirius’ fingertips trailed up his thigh. “Uh, did you get an invitation?”
Hope was silent for a moment, save for a few rustling sounds. “Now that you mention it, I don’t think so. Lyall! Honey, did Re send us a wedding invitation?” There was a low humming noise as his father responded. “He says we didn’t get one.”
Remus winced. “Sorry about that. I can text you the details, if you want.”
“Will you mail one as well? I want to put it in our memory box.”
Sirius’ hand slid further along Remus’ leg, growing closer to his inner thigh by the second and doing nothing to quell his frayed nerves. “Yeah—yeah, mom, we totally can.”
“Are you alright? You sound a bit out of breath.”
“Hattie was running around and being a little crazy.” Remus covered the speaker with his hand and turned to glare at Sirius, who grinned and kissed his cheekbone.
“Okay,” Hope sounded skeptical. “So you’re not getting sick or anything?”
“Nope. Healthy as a horse.” The last word came out a little breathless as Sirius licked a stripe up his neck and bit down on the junction to his shoulder, making Remus’ eyes flutter closed. He smacked Sirius’ hand halfheartedly and felt him grin.
“How’s Sirius doing?”
“Fine, he’s fine. We’re a little stressed with the wedding planning and everything, but things are good here.” Really good, he thought as the heel of Sirius’ hand pressed down just next to his dick. He swallowed down a moan and squeezed his eyes shut. “Alright, I’ll text the details to you this afternoon love you mom bye.”
“Love you t—”
A millisecond after the call ended, Remus slammed his phone into the nightstand and pushed Sirius into the sheets, bracketing his face with his elbows. “What the fuck was that?”
“I’m just keeping things interesting.” Sirius tugged his lower lip between his teeth and smirked, which really left Remus with only one option: kissing him senseless until he couldn’t even remember his own name.
V: Three Days Before the Wedding
Sirius’ leg bounced up and down nervously and he gripped Remus’ hand as they waited in the lobby of the vet’s office. “She’ll be okay.” His voice was noticeably higher than usual and he cleared his throat. “She’ll be fine. It’s just a cough.” A cough that’s been going on for four and a half days.
Remus hummed his agreement, though he hadn’t stopped twisting Hattie’s leash in his hands since they arrived. “Just a cough. Probably a cold, or—or something like that.”
The doors ahead opened and both of them stood as Hattie trotted out next to the vet tech, who looked rather amused. “What’s wrong with her?” Sirius asked, scanning her for any signs of illness. “Is she alright?”
“She is a very talented actress,” the vet said, rubbing Hattie behind the ears. She whined pitifully and cuddled into Sirius’ side. “Have you two been busy lately?”
“We’re planning for our wedding.” Remus looked as confused as Sirius felt. “Why?”
“Because Miss Hattie here is one of the healthiest, snuggliest dogs I’ve ever seen.”
“But she was coughing.”
“She was faking.” The vet knelt next to her and petted down her back, raising an eyebrow. “Weren’t you, munchkin?”
“Hattie!” Sirius exclaimed, torn between relief and shock. “You little monster!”
Remus frowned and tapped her forehead lightly as he slid her leash on over her head. “We were so worried about you! Why would you do that?”
“She’s probably been sulking because you’re busy with wedding stuff,” the vet said with a smile. “Quite the drama queen you’ve got there.”
“Tell me about it,” Sirius huffed as he kissed her head. “Don’t ever do that again, young lady. You’re in big trouble when we get home.”
“Thank you for your help,” Remus said, shaking the vet’s hand. “We really appreciate it and we’re so sorry for wasting your time.”
“Are you kidding? She was the best part of my day,” he laughed. “All the other techs can’t stop talking about Hattie cuddles now. Have a good one, you three.”
+1: The Lions, the Media, and the Locker Room
Word spread like wildfire in media circles, and the rumor mill had never worked harder once news of the Black-Lupin wedding came out.
Naturally, the Lions decided to have a little fun with it.
“Pots! Pots, what can you tell us about Black and Lupin’s wedding?” Four different microphones were shoved into his personal space, but James put on his best confused face.
“What wedding?”
A wave of murmuring spread through the reporters. “So you weren’t invited to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin’s wedding?”
“There’s a wedding?”
Across the room, two other interviewers mobbed Thomas Walker in his stall. “Talker, do you know anything about Black and Lupin’s wedding?”
“Who?” he asked with a perfect act of innocence.
“Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.”
He bit his lip. “I don’t think I know them, sorry. Are they fans?”
“Talkie!” Remus tossed him a towel from the adjacent stall, and he caught it with a grin.
“Heads up, Loops!” Talker threw it right back and headed toward the ice baths with a wink to the cameras. “Good chat, guys.”
One of the interviewers muttered under their breath and hurried over to Pascal, who was still unlacing his skates. “Dumo, when is the wedding between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin?”
Dumo frowned. “Quoi?”
“The wedding. You were invited, yes?”
“Desole, je ne parle pas l’anglais,” he said regretfully. “C’est un…wedding?”
“Yes, the wedding between your teammates.”
“These words, I don’t know them.” His French accent was almost comically thick as he shook his head. “Desole.”
Out of view of the cameras, Sirius gave him a thumbs-up and reached over to high-five Pots.
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years
From the prompts! “Watch me” 👀
Thank you for the prompt!!! Send me more prompts
I’m so sorry!!!!!!
My Only Sunshine
Lily woke with a start.
Harry’s shrill screams filled the house once more. She groaned and collapsed back onto her pillow. The baby had been so lovely for the first few weeks of his life, but at one-month-old, all hell broke loose. Almost nothing made him happy. Not his soft blue blanket, not the mobile of quidditch players flying on brooms that hung above his crib (a gift from Uncle Sirius), and certainly not his sweet, well-meaning father. Nothing, it seemed, but her own soothing touch.
“James,” She grunted, face-down on her pillow, “it’s your turn.”
There was no answer.
Lily stilled. It wasn’t like James to ignore his fatherly duties, even at 3 o’clock in the morning. With her face still pressed into her pillow, Lily stretched out her left arm and felt for James next to her. She met only covers. Cold covers.
Lily sat bolt upright. “James?” She called, trying to keep the panic at bay. Where had James gone? He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave the house, ever. Dumbledore had been very clear about the rules of the protective charms that guarded their cottage. No venturing beyond the far gate, not even with the invisibility cloak.
She swung her legs off the side of the bed and grabbed her robe. No, James was surely just downstairs. Perhaps he had woken up for a glass of water and fallen asleep on the couch again. She hurried past the door to their bedroom, trying not to feel guilty that her child was still screaming bloody murder in the other room. James’ disappearance was more pressing at that moment. She had just reached the top landing when she heard soft whispers from Harry’s room.
Lily let out a deep sigh of relief. She was being stupid. Of course, James was with Harry. She padded down the hallway and leaned against the nursery’s doorway.
The light from Harry’s yellow nightlight outlined James’ profile. He was hunched over in the blue rocking chair, frantically attempting to rock the squirming child back to sleep. “Shhh,” he hushed desperately, swinging Harry from side to side, “it’s alright, Dada’s here, please go back to sleep. I’ll give you five galleons if you stop crying.”
Lily snorted. “James,” she said softly so that she wouldn’t startle her sleep-deprived boyfriend, “you can’t bribe a baby into going back to sleep.”
“Watch me,” James muttered as Harry screamed again.
Lily frowned. She could hear the stress in James’ voice. She walked toward him and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.
“Hey,” she whispered, “are you okay?”
“Do I look bloody okay?” he said distractedly. Harry’s shrieks had grown so ferocious she worried his head would explode with the effort. “He won’t stop crying. I’ve tried everything. I tried Padfoot,” he motioned to the black stuffed-dog that lay abandoned next to the rocking chair (a gift from Uncle Remus), “and the blanket and that swaddling technique Molly told you about, and nothing’s working. He hates me. He only wants you.”
“You know that isn’t true.” She tried to sound reaffirming, but she knew how futile her words were.
James rounded on her. His eyes were red-rimmed and dull. He searched her face as if the answer to silence his son was etched upon it. “Here.” He held the baby out to her. Harry’s face was bright red and covered in tears. “Take him. He’ll calm down when he gets away from his useless dad.”
She hesitated. On the one hand, she knew how it would look to James if their son stopped screaming as soon as he was safely in her arms. On the other, the cries were starting to make her head ache. She gingerly accepted the child, bounced him softly a few times, and whispered, “Hello, sweetheart, Mumma’s here.”  
Harry immediately stopped crying. His breathing slowed, and he reached a tiny hand up to grab a strand of her hair. Lily used all her remaining strength not to smile too hard at this display. She could feel James’ disappointment hanging thick in the air between them. Then, to her horror, James burst into tears.
“Oh, not you too, love,” she sunk to her knees in front of James, clutching Harry to her chest, “we’ve just got him to rest. It’s going to be alright.”
“I’m s-s-sorry,” James buried his face in his hands, “I’m just exhausted. I just want him to want me too, you know?”
“I do,” she rested her hand on James’ knee and squeezed gently, “he does want you, James. He’s just a baby, he doesn’t know what he needs.”
James wiped his eyes with his t-shirt, his chest heaving as he tried to slow his breaths. “I know. It’s stupid, really.”
“It’s not stupid,” she said fiercely, “right now he’s driven only by instinct. For some reason, he likes my smell or my voice or whatever it is, but someday he’s going to be bloody obsessed with you.”
James lifted his bloodshot eyes to her. “Yeah?”
“Are you kidding?” She grinned, and cupped his cheek in her free hand, “Gryffindor quidditch champion Chaser? Best prankster Hogwarts has ever seen? Soldier on the front lines of The Order? You’ll be his hero.”
James scoffed. “Yeah. Less of a hero these days, though.”
“Stop it,” she gripped his leg tighter, “that isn’t your fault.”
He sighed. “I know. I just feel so cooped up here. And you have Harry and he has you, and I just want to be useful too. I can see how tired he makes you, but I can’t even stop him crying in the dead of night.”
Lily smiled softly. “You are useful, James. You’re my sunshine.” He laughed at the reference to an old muggle song she’d taught him to sing to the baby. “I couldn’t do any of this without you. Here,” she stood up and handed the bundle of blankets to James, “he’s not crying now, let him fall asleep in your arms.”
“Lily, no,” James scrambled away from her, “don’t, he’ll just scream again.”
“He won’t!” She pressed the baby into his arms more insistently, “Come on, let him fall back to sleep, and then we can finally get some sleep of our own.”
James looked at her uneasily, but finally relented and accepted his son. Harry stirred as he settled into James’ chest. James froze, clearly afraid to provoke the baby, but Harry just snuffled softly. After a few quiet minutes, he was fast asleep.
James beamed up at Lily. “Holy shit, I did it!” he whispered excitedly, “I’m an amazing dad!”
“Yes,” Lily breathed, “but I don’t think amazing dads say the s-word in front of their newborns. Come on, let’s put him down and get to bed.”
“Nah, you go,” James gazed down at his son, beaming stupidly down at him, “I’m going to sit with him a bit. Remind him that he’s got a kick-butt dad in addition to a wonderful mum.”
Lily rubbed James’ back soothingly. “Fair enough. Just don’t stay up too late, yeah? There’ll be plenty more baby duty when the sun comes up.”
“Aye aye, captain.” James grinned, then caught her hand and kissed her palm. “Get some sleep.”
She nodded, then turned her back on the peaceful pair. She paused in the hall just outside the nursery door. Could hear James singing under his breath.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know dear how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.”
James sang the last phrase slowly, his voice wavering slightly. She pressed a hand into her mouth so that James would not hear the desperate sob that escaped her. It was moments like this where she realized how much they had to lose.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
CONGRATS ON 4.6K!! Can I pleaseee get angst prompts 18 and 20 with Freddie. My heart loves the angst
thank you so so much haley!! ❤️ i hope this is angsty enough for you - enjoy!!
theweasleysredhair’s 4.6k follower event!
18. “Stop pretending like everything is fine.”
20. “What the hell were you thinking?!”
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 922 (oops?)
Taglist: @dreamer821 21 @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @besitos-41 @heart-of-tempered-steel | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever made it
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“What the hell were you thinking, leaving me sat alone in that bloody restaurant for two whole hours?!” You burst into the back room of the shop, finding your boyfriend huddled over the countertop, focused on a mixture in the cauldron in front of him.
Fred jumped, looking up at the sudden outburst. His eyes wandered down your figure and his face drained of colour, mouth opening a little as he realised he’d been absent for the date he’d planned, “Darling, I-“
You shook your head and interrupted him, “That was a rhetorical question! Because clearly you weren’t thinking! And don’t call me ‘darling’!” You crossed your arms over your chest and glared.
“What did I just say?” You were livid, your jaw set as your hands clenched.
Fred swallowed, moving away from the counter to step a little closer to you, “I-I’m so sorry, I was busy making this antidote mixture, I completely lost track of time. It won’t happen again - I’ll make it up to you!”
You let out a humourless laugh, blinking as you felt tears of frustration building in your eyes, “No you won’t, though! Because that’s what you said last time! And the time before that! And you know what? The time before that, too!”
“Love, I will! I promise! Let’s reschedule for Thursday night, I’ll get us a reservation at that new restaurant in town. It’ll be really nice, you can wear that pretty red top of yours and those new shoes you bought last week!”
Three months ago, your mind supplied. You’d bought those shoes three whole months ago, and had worn them out at least four times already, to the dates he hadn’t turned up to.
“So that’s it then?” You asked quietly, “You stand me up for the fourth time in the space of a few weeks, and then all you suggest is rearranging again for another day? Where I’ll get dressed up again and you’ll leave me waiting for you, hoping you’ll finally turn up because, maybe you’re just running late! Or maybe you just had a bit of a minor emergency to attend to! But no. Each and every time, you let me down.”
Fred tried to reach out, to take your hand in his when he saw a tear roll down your cheek but you pulled away and he almost flinched - he hated it when you were upset.
“This time is different! I’ll turn up, I’ll buy you flowers and everything will be fine!” Fred offered helplessly, his hand still mid-air as if he wanted to reach out again.
“Please stop it. Stop pretending like everything is fine with us, like everything is going to be fine! Everything is not fine! It’s not been fine in a long time!” You said, angrily wiping away the tear that had fallen, “But you don’t seem to care about that, right? Because all you care about is making your products. And I’m proud of you for doing it, I am, because you and George are doing such amazing things, but when you’re just forgetting to cancel on dates, or not even acknowledging me at all? That hurts, Fred. I’m supposed to be your girlfriend, and right now I don’t even feel like your friend. You push me to one side like I’m second best, like you don’t care about me-“
“I do care about you, of course I care about you! I love you!” Fred interjected, eyebrows furrowing at the thought of you thinking he was anything less than irrevocably in love with you.
“It doesn’t feel that way right now though! I understand that you’re busy, I understand you’re working hard to make the shop thrive but I can’t keep doing this - I can’t keep sticking around, hoping you’ll maybe look up every once in a while to say hello,” you pressed your lips together and looked up into his brown eyes, “You’ve barely looked at me for the last few months, let alone hug or kiss me. I go to bed alone, because you’re working. I wake up alone, because you’re working. I didn’t want things to get to this but I can’t do this, Fred, I can’t do it anymore.”
Fred felt his breathing become shaky, his lip trembling and hands clenched feebly at his side as he asked hesitantly, “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying...,” you swallowed, breathing out slowly and closing your eyes for a moment before pressing your lips together, “I’m saying I think we need a break.”
“No, princess, please don’t say that! We don’t need a break. I’ll change - I’ll do anything! Please don’t- don’t leave me!” He felt desperation clawing at him, his heart dropping at the reality that he might be losing you, the person he loved more than anything.
“I just- I need some time, I think,” your lip trembled as you shook your head, wiping away more tears that had fallen as you took one last look at the man you’d loved for so long before you turned and hurried away, leaving Fred staring at the space where you were stood seconds before.
He pushed the antidote mixture away from him angrily, hearing the caldron fall to the floor but not bringing himself to care. He ran a hand through his hair, and took a shaky breath, before running out of the door after you.
It may have been his own stupid fault he was losing you, but he wouldn’t let you go without a fight.
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
hmm for the mix and match drabbles how about established relationship + prompt 19!!! OR bakery/flower shop/bookstore au + prompt 6!!! you can pick!!!
hmm i see your options and i raise you this: why not all?
lol an epic crossover of prompts: au #3 - established relationship!au, au #2 - bakery/flower shop/bookstore!au, prompt #19 - “No, I have a [girlfriend/boyfriend].” “That’s me! How much did you drink?”, and prompt #6 - “One more kiss.”
make your own request here using these prompts!
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bakin’ me crazy
jimin x reader
word count: 3.4k
genre: fluffy fluff fluff, established relationship!au, bakery!au
summary: despite having one disaster on top of the other and then some, you can’t help but feel better when he’s around
a/n: apologies in advance. i think we’re all learning that i’m a pun-lover and that probably won’t change
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It’s everywhere. 
There’s sugar in your hair and lashes, coating your cheeks and sweater, even under your nails and somehow you swear you feel it between your toes. 
It’s been a long day. Up at the crack of dawn to open up shop, meeting with customers until noon, and now you’d found yourself baking way past your bedtime to keep up with all the orders. There’s nothing you’d like more than to eat your weight in cupcakes and enter the subsequent sugar coma on your couch, never to be disturbed again. 
But just as you’d pulled that last batch of cupcakes out of the oven, just as you’d started whipping up a fresh batch of icing, disaster struck. 
You should have known better, should have thought to check. Sunny was frantic yesterday as she rushed out the door, completing her tasks as quickly as she could so as not to leave too much work for you but still be present for the birth of her child who was not supposed to be due for three more weeks. You’d tried to calm her down, tell her to go home already, but you eventually learned that pre-parental panic is just as bad in real life as it is in the Sims4 and let her do what she needed to relieve stress. 
Which included restocking the powdered sugar. 
And in her tizzy, Sunny hadn’t noticed that this bag, the very one she placed on the edge of the shelf, had a hole in it. And you, in your own tizzy of work and stress, hadn’t noticed how it began to slump over, dangerously close to falling. You hadn’t noticed the impending explosion of powdered sugar until it had detonated on top of your head. 
No part of the kitchen seemed to be spared. While you were sputtering and stumbling backwards, wielding your spatula like a weapon as if it could help you, the fine powder coated all of your fresh cupcakes (which were still hot. and thus now had a weird film of dissolved powdered sugar on top), fell onto the clean dishes drying by the sink. 
When the dust settles, you think about crying. Seriously consider it. After the past day and a half, you definitely deserve it. 
Why couldn’t one thing go right today? And now you’ll have to stay even later just to clean things up and check to see if the cupcakes are salvageable. You’re tired and you’re hungry and you really just need a hug. Is that too much to ask for?
And suddenly the tears are pricking at your eyes and you’re sniffling and hiccuping and still covered in sugar. You feel pathetic and exhausted and miserable, the terrible feeling welling in your chest with every passing moment. 
The front door of the shop swings open, the bell attached to it ringing sharply. Who the hell comes into a bakery at this late? And what the hell did you think you were doing, not locking the door earlier?
“We’re closed!” you manage, voice choked as you scramble to your feet, slightly nervous at the sudden intrusion. 
“It’s me, Y/N!” You recognize Taehyung’s voice instantly, though it doesn’t stop you from being confused. “Sorry for stopping by so late, I have Chim with me and he wouldn’t quit asking for you and I saw the lights on— What the hell happened to you?” 
You’ve fully collected yourself, walking out of the kitchen and into the lobby to find your boyfriend of a few months with his arm wrapped around your friend of many years, staring at the floor and giggling to himself. You’re still a bit flustered, inexplicably covered in powdered sugar and very confused by the sight in front of you. 
“Uh, long story?” you manage. “Well, not really. Just a freak accident in the kitchen.” You approach the two of them tentatively. “Is Jimin okay?”
 At the call of his name, he lifts his head and smiles rather stupidly when he sees you. In an instant, he parts himself from Taehyung and stumbles over to you, nearly crashing into a cake display in the process. 
“Y/N!” He wraps his arms around your waist, digging his nose into your neck and shoulder, no doubt covering his blonde strands in sugar as he nearly squeezes the air out of your lungs. 
“‘Missed you,” he mumbles, voice muffled against your sweater. 
Taehyung shakes his head, running a hand through his dark hair. “He about drank his own weight tonight at the bar, that’s all. Let Jungkook talk him into doing shots and well...” You nod knowingly, rubbing your palm up and down Jimin’s back. “He gave me a lot of trouble on the way here, he wouldn’t let up until we came to check on you.”
You laugh when Jimin squeezes you tighter, peppering kisses at the most ticklish spots on your neck. You’re surprised he’s not more talkative, normally babbling on about any and everything he can think of when he’s had enough to drink. 
“You get any good videos of them acting stupid?” Taehyung chuckles, pulling his phone from his pocket. 
“I’ll send them to you now. Jungkook was flirting with a pole for at least ten minutes before he realized.” You snort and Jimin smiles into your sweater, nearly pressing his entire body weight onto you and sending the both of you toppling. 
You know Taehyung’s tired, try as he might to hide it. You’ve always appreciated how attentive he was of your boyfriend when you couldn’t be. Their shared apartment is on the other side of town, which means either they were drinking nearby (unlikely, you all hated the bars around here) or Jimin had begged to come see you so much that Taehyung finally caved, despite his exhaustion. 
“You can leave him here, if you want. I’ll let him sleep on the couch.” Taehyung’s eyes go wide while Jimin is still blissfully unaware of what’s going on around him, snuggling into you like you’re his childhood stuffed animal. 
“No, no, you don’t have to do that. You’re clearly all tied up here—”
“It’s okay, Tae,” you insist, smiling warmly. “Go home and rest, I’ll take care of him from here.” There’s a moment where Taehyung opens his mouth to argue, but he closes it, seeing your expression. 
He sighs. “Alright, it’s your funeral,” he jokes. “Thanks, Y/N.” 
“No problem.” 
The bells tingle again as Taehyung leaves, bracing himself against the night air. 
“Alright, sleepyhead,” you tease, ruffling Jimin’s hair. “You’re gonna have to let go of me a minute so I can clean up.” 
You shuffle backwards in spite of his grumbling protests, dragging a chair into the kitchen for him to sit on. You peel him off of you while he’s spouting incoherent sentences, gently guiding him into the chair. 
It’s difficult to resist him when he gives you those puppy dog eyes and that pout like he’s going to cry if you don’t pull him into your arms again, but you remain stern, though smiling slightly at this face and clothes that have also become victim to the powdered sugar explosion, via his contact with you. 
He giggles upon fulling taking you in. 
“You look like you got snowed on,” he says, propping his chin in his hand to keep it from bobbing too much. You shake your head, a cloud of white dust falling off of you when you do. “What happened?”
“You don’t look much better, love bug. And it’s sugar.” His brows furrow in confusion before he licks his lips, smile widening at the taste. “I’ll just clean it up and then we can go home, m’kay?”
“You should let me kiss it off for you.”
You laugh, reaching for the broom while he watches you sleepily. “We’d be here all night.”
“I don’t mind,” he calls back in a sing-song voice, seeming more awake than before, or at least, more talkative. 
You get to work sweeping up the sugar, deciding to put the forgotten cupcakes in the fridge and worry about them in the morning. You’ve too soon forgotten that you were sobbing and contemplating staying here all night to finish this order a few minutes ago, Jimin’s presence, albeit pretty drunk, helping you think a bit more sensibly.
“Did you have a good time?”
“Uh-huh! Had sooooo much fun.” You sneak a glance at him, smiling softly at how his cheek is squished against his palm and his head is bobbing slightly. He starts mumbling something again and you can only catch a few words. 
“What was that?” He sighs as you dump some powdered sugar in the trash, grinning at him sweetly.
“I said you’re pretty, dummy.” He clicks his tongue disapprovingly as he shakes his head to himself. “Always making me repeat myself when I compliment you.” He juts out his index finger in your direction as his words slur together. “I know your dirty tricks.”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, deciding to tease him further. “Still can’t understand you, love.”
He cries out in frustration, throwing his arms out dramatically. “You’re hot! Is that what you wanna hear?” Now you can’t help but giggle at his pouting, always so easily riled up both sober and intoxicated. 
You kiss him on the top of his head as you pass by, putting away a few stray dishes. “You aren’t too bad yourself.” At that, he huffs, making a point not to look your way and give you the cold shoulder. 
You still have a few things left to tidy up and Jimin doesn’t question you further while you do them. It isn’t until you hear him snoring quietly as you wipe down the counters that you realize he’s nodded off, neck bent dangerously as his head leans against the kitchen wall. You cover your mouth to keep from laughing at his slack-jawed expression, approaching him quietly and snapping a quick picture. You immediately make it your new lockscreen, just to tease him in the morning. 
You remember the first time you met him, when Taehyung invited you to go get drinks along with the rest of your friends. The shop had been a mess and so were you, so Taehyung picked you up from work as soon as you were done as to keep you from just going home and sleeping. You’d slid into the backseat happily, Jungkook in shotgun and Jimin beside you. 
You hadn’t given him many glances, just polite greetings and small talk, not until he quietly informed you that you had hot pink frosting on your forehead and nose and you were thoroughly embarrassed. Luckily, one thing led to another and the minute you had any alcohol in your system, you were pressed against his side, rambling about the cupcake business and your passion for baking. His giggle was more intoxicating than the drinks and you found yourself unable to part from him. 
At the end of the night, you asked him to go on a date then and there, like a drunk idiot. And he said yes, also like a drunk idiot. 
Neither of you made it two steps before you were passed out in the back of Taehyung’s car, your head on his shoulder and his lying on top of yours. 
The next day, you swore you’d never drink again and hoped and prayed Jimin had forgotten the entire incident. But fate is both cruel and caring, and you’d picked up your phone a few hours into your workday to see a text from Jimin, inquiring about the promised date.
There’s still things to do and you definitely aren’t fully cleaned up, but you make the executive decision for yourself and Jimin to just go home before it’s past midnight and you’re really miserable. 
You remove your apron, tossing it in its designated bin at the back of shop, grabbing a bottle of water for Jimin and a defected cupcake (i.e. you knew you loved this flavor and purposely messed up the decoration so you could sneak it later) for yourself. Your boyfriend is still snoring quietly, head jerking painfully every few minutes as his hand struggles to it upright. You gently shake at this shoulders, keeping your voice low as to not startle him too much. 
“Hey, love bug,” you murmur. “Let’s go home, okay? Get you to bed.” He whines in his sleep, pulling away from you. 
“I can’t,” he mumbles. You laugh at his dramatics, grabbing his elbows as you try to coax him to his feet. 
“You can, promise. My apartment is just upstairs, remember?” It’d been nothing short of a coincidence that the space Sunny found for the business lied right underneath your apartment, but in times like these, it was definitely a blessing. 
He wags his finger in your face, his eyes barely opened. “Nuh-uh. No, I have a girlfriend.” You scoff incredulously, crossing your arms. 
“That’s me! How much did you drink?” His eyes open fully and he smiles sheepishly at his mistake. 
“Oh. Oops?” You roll your eyes, pulling him to his feet unceremoniously and shoving the water bottle in one hand, guiding the other around your shoulder. 
“I barely drank anything, really,” he insists as you lock the doors and turn off the lights. 
“Like— Two sips!” he says, holding up three fingers.
“I believe you,” you lie. “Now drink some water.” He complies, though his eyes lie on the chocolate cupcake you’re taking a bite out of. You catch him staring quickly as you round the corner of the building, entering the hallway that leads to the stairs. You’d take the elevator, but you worry that if you don’t keep him moving, he’ll fall asleep where he stands, so you suck it up and prepare to climb three flights. 
Before he even has to ask, you stick the cupcake in his face and he smiles, licking a big chunk of the frosting right off the top. 
“Jimin!” you cry, yanking the cupcake back. “You know I hate when you do that! Enjoy the cupcake as it is or just ask me for some frosting.” He doesn’t seem the least bit guilty as you glare at him, pretending the leftover frosting on the corner of his cheek isn’t both tempting and adorable. 
“But I loooove the frosting!” he argues. “You know what else I love?” You already know what he’s going to say, he’d blurted out the “L word” on your two month anniversary, totally on accident. Luckily, the feelings were mutual. 
“Me?” He scrunches his nose. 
“What? No.” You gasp, offended. “I mean, yes, you know I do, but I wasn’t talking about that. I love the name of your shop.”
You blink at him twice. “You like ‘Bakin’ Me Crazy’?” You huff. “That was the biggest mistake of my life.” Now it’s his turn to be offended, stopping in his tracks and nearly sending you both falling back down the stairs. “Jimin—!”
“It’s an amazing name, Y/N!” he exclaims, brown eyes wide and earnest. “It’s cute.”
Hmmph. “If you say so, weirdo.”
“Cute like you,” he sings, loud enough to wake the entire building.
“Stop complimenting me. I’m still mad at you.” You shove the last bit of cupcake in your mouth, wiping the crumbs from your mouth with your thumb. He giggles, leaning closer to you. 
“I like you so much, did you know that?”
“I did.”
“I’d really like you if you gave me a piggyback ride, though.” You scoff. 
“You’re such a tease! You always lay it on thick when you want something.” You remember his words from earlier, wagging your finger in his face to copy him. “I know your dirty tricks.”
He sighs, acting extra tired as if to emphasize how deserving he is of a piggyback ride from you. You’d consider giving it to him, if you thought you were physically capable and you weren’t on a stairwell. 
He takes another sip of water as he pouts. “Pretty please?”
“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“And whipped cream?” A laugh slips through your lips, all too soft for him when he’s acting cute like this. 
“What are you even talking about?” you giggle, unlocking the door to your apartment which is thankfully not far from the stairwell. “Just keep drinking that water. You’re gonna be so embarrassed in the morning.” You guide him to the side of the bed next to your dresser, helping him sit down. 
He makes grabby hands at you as you fish through your drawers for pajamas, muttering something about you abandoning him. 
You hold up a pair of bright orange fleece pants decorated with penguins. “You like these? All my sweats are in the wash.” You toss them into his lap when he nods happily. “Do you need help?” He yawns and blinks hard and you smile in satisfaction, seeing that his water bottle is half empty and he’s ever so slightly more sober. 
“I got it,” he says. You go into the bathroom, washing your face and changing into your own kiddish pajamas. When you come back into the bedroom, Jimin’s already tucked in with the covers pulled to his chin. 
You cross your arms. “I don’t remember inviting you into my bed, mister.” He smiles at you as you slide in next to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. You’d had every intention of sending him to the couch out of fear that he’d puke on your sheets, but you reason that you’d be cold without him and you’d rather be close by if he did get sick. 
You dust the last of the powdered sugar off of his nose and brows, pressing your cheek into his chest, exhaustion already overcoming you. Underneath the alcohol, you can still smell the comforting scent of his vanilla lotion, lulling you to sleep. 
“Don’t fall asleep yet!” he suddenly exclaims, pushing you a few inches away. You groan, propping yourself on your elbow and wondering how the hell he’s still awake and bothering you. 
“What is it?” You blink a few times as he smiles cheekily. 
“One more kiss.” You scoff. “You still have sugar on your face. On your lips, actually. So I should get it for you.” 
You’re scoffing but oblige, smiling into the kiss as he slots his plush lips against yours, knowing very well you scrubbed the last of the sugar off your face moments ago. 
You wake up to your phone ringing rather rudely. You sigh, peeling yourself away from Jimin and laughing at his bedhead and the displeased expression he makes in his sleep, his face swollen and eyes shut tightly. 
“Hello?” you whisper, pulling yourself into a sitting position. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Once you register her voice, you can barely contain your excitement, bouncing on the bed once before reminding yourself that Jimin’s still asleep. 
“Sunny!” you whisper-yell. “How’s Jisoo and the baby? You a mom yet?” Your business partner laughs on the other end of the phone. 
“Oh, she’s fine. Just tired. The baby was born a few hours ago, but we’re still deciding on a name for her.” You grin. “So yeah, I’m a mom and you can be her unofficial auntie.”
“You’re gonna name her after me, right?” 
Sunny giggles tiredly on the other end of the phone. “I’ll add it to the list, don’t worry.” You’re about to tell her to go get some rest, but she interrupts you before you can. 
“Speaking of names! I got in contact with that guy about changing our sign so we can finally choose a different name for the business. You’re still serious about that, right?”
You glance at Jimin, his cheek squished against the pillow and lips puckered. You run your fingers through his blonde hair and he sighs contentedly. 
“Maybe we should leave it, for now.”
“What? But you said—”
“I know, I know. Let’s talk about it another time. Go get some sleep!” 
The two of you exchange a few more words of endearment and congratulations before you hang up, noting the sunlight cracking through your blinds. 
You know you need to get up soon. There’s still cupcakes to bake and customers to deal with and a temporary replacement for Sunny to find. 
But for a moment, you self-indulge, curling up next to Jimin, letting him wrap his arms around you and warm you back up. He digs his nose into your shoulder as you press a quick kiss onto his forehead, closing your eyes and drifitng back to sleep, feeling weightless as he holds you. 
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sincerelytan · 3 years
Girlfriend V / S Bestfriend
Girlfriend v / s Bestfriend
Word count: 4245
Prompt: “Free Day” Day 7 of Digiweek 2021
Features Characters: Yamato, Mimi, Taichi, Sora, Takeru, Kari, Koshiro and Joe
A / N: I had written this a while back and thought I would post it during day 7 of free day. Hope you enjoy my attempt at this little humours fic.
Also Today is August 1st - Happy Odaiba Day
Summary: Yamato finds himself in between yet another argument of Taichi and Mimi, but this time Sora has a solution that just might solve the age old question or just make things more awkward for Yamato
“I hope we are not too late,” Sora commented as she, Yamato and Takeru were making their way to Taichi’s house.
“We are very late,” Yamato replied blandly.
“We would have been on time if you hadn’t taken so much time in picking out a gift for your girlfriend,” Sora shot back caustically. “besides, you asked us for our help.” she further pointed out.
“She’s right you know,” Takeru added; “who knew you would take so much time!” he muttered “in choosing a dress,” last part almost to himself.
“Yeah, whatever,” Yamato said rolling his eyes, clearly having heard what Takeru said.
“Thanks for helping though,” Yamato murmured after a bit of walking in silence. “I really want this date to be special.” And Takeru; Yamato said halting and turning towards his brother, “She better not find out about this surprise.” Yamato commanded Takeru in a playful warning tone, remembering how Takeru had a habit of confiding in her in just about anything and everything.
“My lips are sealed!” Takeru said enthusiastically. “Relax, she will love it! I’m sure, besides your anniversary is next week! He said beaming at a nervous Yamato.
Sensing Yamato still needed some assurance, Takeru added, “You got the black dress, the necklace, you booked the table at Il Ristorante - Luca Fantin,” he stopped and looked at Yamato, “You booked it right?”
“Yes, of course, a month ago” Yamato added.  
“And we got the limo, I know because I booked that one, Sora’s going to give you the flowers in the morning” Takeru added counting down the list on his fingers, “We have the perfect coverup story so now,” he continued as they reached Taichi’s house “let’s just hang out with the others and not let her suspect anything.” He said beaming to a somewhat confident Yamato.
Great, poker face, Yamato thought as they rang the bell to Taichi’s door.
 When they arrived at Taichi’s all 3 of them were revising their excuse as to why they turned up together and that too late. The excuse was going to be that Yamato and Takeru were held back by their mum and on the way to Taichi’s place they bumped into Sora who was going to say she came from her tennis class that was near Takeru’s place and thus they ended upcoming together.
As it turned out they didn’t really have to worry about their excuses because they could hear Taichi and Mimi arguing while they waited outside for someone to open the door.
“What’s the argument about this time?” Sora asked as Joe opened the door.
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you” Joe sighted back rubbing his forehead.
“Are they finally here?” Kari called out from the room.
“Yeah,” Joe shouted back.
“Tell them to come here and end this now.” they heard Koshiro say clearly sounding annoyed.
 “We have been friends forever.” They could hear Taichi claim loudly at Mimi.
“So have we! and we’ve been dating for 3 years now.” Mimi shot back.
“Ha please, you’ll didn’t even talk with each other during elementary school.” Taichi declared assuming his victory.
“So what! I know things that you would never ever know,” Mimi replied back with a smirk, “I am the one that sleeps with him.”
Yamato blushed bright red overhearing this conversation as he, Takeru, and Sora entered the room.
“Are you two fighting; over who knows Yamato better?” Sora asked with amusement.
 “Obviously I do!” Mimi smiled as she approached Yamato and gave him a quick kiss.
“Kissing someone doesn’t necessarily mean you know them,” Taichi said shrugging his shoulders. “I kissed Catherine a couple of times; didn’t know she already had a boyfriend.”
“That’s because all you guys did was kiss,” Sora commented back dryly.
“Touché!” Taichi smirked at the guys as Sora and Kari shook their heads. 
 “Anyway,” Yamato said butting in “I guess I would say, Mimi does know me better than you, sorry Taichi.”
“That’s my man,” Mimi said happily sending an air kiss in Yamato’s direction.
“Whipped” Taichi smirked as he received a glare from Yamato.
“Anyway, I know you are just saying this because you want to continue sleeping with her.” Taichi continued now rolling his eyes at Yamato. “and you know I am right, thus further proving my point that I know him better,” Taichi concluded with his hands gesturing and looking at everyone to agree with him.
As Yamato opened his mouth to argue back, “A quiz!” Sora chimed in quickly.
“I will ask both of you’ll a few questions about Yamato, and whoever answers most of them correctly is the winner.” Sora continued excitedly as Yamato, Mimi and Taichi looked at her with confusion.
“That’s a good idea but obviously Yamato will agree with Mimi and cheat,” Taichi said shooting a look at Mimi.
Before Mimi could argue back to that, “Written cards” Koshiro butted in. “Sora can ask the question, all 3 of you’ll get a card to write the answers and then everyone can reveal the answers that they wrote at the same time, so no one can cheat,” Koshiro explained.
“You can’t be serious!” Yamato said facepalming while Taichi and Mimi were giving it a serious thought.
“This is a great idea” Takeru chimed. “Although technically I am supposed to know him better than both of you’ll.” He said pointing at Mimi and Taichi, “but this way I will find out things I don’t know about you” he added with excitement.
“This is going to be so much fun” Sora smirked with gleaming eyes as she looked directly at Yamato.
“I’m sorry Yamato”, Joe added sympathetically patting Yamato on his shoulder. 
  While the others prepared the questions, Yamato, Taichi and Mimi waited in the other room.
“Better game up Tachikawa,” Taichi said stretching his neck, getting his game mode on.
“You’re going down Yagami,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes at Taichi.
“Oh Boy!” is all Yamato could mutter.
 “Okay, we are ready,” Kari giggled as Taichi, Yamato, and Mimi entered the room.
“Please sit at your assigned seats,” Joe said, pointing to the chairs that had each of their names, a bunch of empty cards, and a marker for them to write with. “This way no one can cheat,” he said as Yamato, Mimi, and Taichi took their seats.
“Rules are simple,” Koshiro continued, “Sora will host, asking you’ll questions about Yamato, you get 10 seconds to write your answers on the cards and when asked you will reveal what you have written after which Yamato reveals his answer, Kari keeps score, and we can see which one of you’ll knows Yamato best.” He finished taking his seat near Joe and Takeru as Sora stood in front of the three participants.
 “Welcome to the game of Girlfriend v/s Best friend; a game where Mimi, the girlfriend, and Taichi, the best friend or is it the other way around?” Sora spoke commanding everyone’s attention as she began the game joyfully in her best host voice.
“Anyway, where both will try and answer some questions about Yamato. The person with the most correct answers wins the game and proves to the other that they do indeed know Yamato better.” She continued gleefully.
 “Okay, let’s do this!” Mimi said with a determined look on her face. 
“Bring it on!” Taichi answered equally determinedly.
“You all are enjoying this way too much,” Yamato said annoyed.
“You have no idea,” Sora replied giggling.
  “Starting off with an easy Question, Question 1 for girlfriend vs best friend is What colour M&Ms are Yamato’s favourite?” Sora asked grinning at the three.
As soon as Sora finished asking the question Mimi, Taichi, and Yamato quickly wrote down their answers as Koshiro timed them.
And “Mimi” Sora said pointing at Mimi as Koshiro gave her the nod indicating the time was up.
Blue – Mimi’s card read. “He always snatches up the blue ones while I go for the red ones.” She said smiling broadly.
Blue – Taichi’s card also read “this is too easy.” He said lazily.
“And now for the reveal, Yamato?” Sora asked turning to Yamato.
Yamato sighed and held up his card, where it was written Blue, “remind me why I agreed to this again?” he asked in a defeated tone.
“Because it’s fun and we get to take your case,” Sora said with a bright smile. “Also, I get my revenge on you for dragging me through 20 different shops” She added the last part softly to Yamato while Mimi and Taichi were busy taunting each other. “A point to both Mimi and Taichi” She concluded loudly pointing at Kari who giving a thumbs up and wrote down the score on the board.
 “After an easy start moving on to Question 2!” Sora continued with the same enthusiasm; What is Yamato’s favourite food?”
As before all 3 of them wrote down the answer as soon as Sora asked the question and Koshiro began his timer. With a nod from Koshiro, Sora asked Taichi and Mimi to reveal their answers.
Pizza – Taichi’s card read. “obviously” he muttered while showing his card.
Onigiri/Mochi – Mimi’s card read “I know this because I cook for him.” She answered giving Yamato a sweet but dangerous look indicating his answer better be this.
Onigiri – Yamato’s card read. “I like pizza and mochi as well,” Yamato said looking at Taichi apologetically, while Mimi gave him one of her widest smiles.  
“Oo bad luck Taichi, looks like Yamato’s favourite food is Onigiri.” Sora concluded in her host voice. “and that’s a point to Mimi." She said pointing at Kari who put another point up for Mimi.
“Whose favourite food is not Pizza!” Taichi said out loud and annoyed as he threw his answer card down.
“We all like pizza but you have an unhealthy obsession with it Taichi,” Kari said sighing. “Seriously I once saw him finish 2 large pizza’s in 1 go,” she added looking at the group.
“Hey, those pizzas were to die for,” Taichi said defending his love for pizza.
“Oh, is it the place you insisted we go for my birthday?” Koshiro asked. “Oh yeah, those pizzas were really good” he agreed, much to Taichi’s delight.
“The very same” Taichi answered happy that Koshiro was there to back him up.
 “Which reminds me, we should order some food for later,” Joe said taking out his phone to place an order. “Any suggestions?” he asked looking around.
“Pizza” Taichi answered before anyone else could. “And Yamato my Pizza is on you for not answering pizza.”
“And mine too” Mimi added. I agree with Taichi on this, she giggled much to Taichi’s delight.
“Wait, What! But Onigiri? Fine!.” Yamato said just throwing his hands up and giving up.
“Hey, I am the host, my Pizza is on you as well,” Sora added to the mix.
“I keep the score” Kari chimed in.
“and I time you guys,” Koshiro added.
“and I am your brother,” Takeru said giving his best puppy dog face.
“you guys torture me like this and expect the pizza to be on me?” “Some friends you are!” Yamato started protesting.
“Pizza is on me and Yamato,” Joe said giving Yamato an apologetic look as Yamato put his hands on his face in annoyance.
 “As Joe orders the Pizza, we move on to Question 3, What is Yamato’s preferred pizza topping?” Sora continued in her host mode.
“Was that question on the list?” Koshiro asked giving Sora a confused look.
“Well, I just thought of it” she added. “come on guys it’s a relevant question!”
Alright, muttered the three as they wrote down their answers.
“And for the reveal,” Sora said pointing towards her best friend, “Mimi”
Double Cheese – Mimi’s card read. “Yamato really loves cheese”
Double Cheese – Taichi’s card read as well; “you better not answer anything else, our friendship is literally at stake now” Taichi said dramatically.
Double Cheese – Yamato’s card read, “you know it” Yamato exclaimed as Taichi grinned chanting, “Our friendship is saved.”
 “Mimi leading by a point, we move on to Question 4,” Sora said laughing at the exchange. “Which is Yamato’s favourite band?”
“And answers,” she said as she got the nod from Koshiro.
Mimi and Taichi held up their cards at the same time
Nirvana – Mimi’s card read, “Yamato absolutely loves them, he also likes Linkin Park though.”
Nirvana – Taichi’s card also read. “Yeah, I remember this from elementary school.” He said shooting a look at Mimi.
Nirvana – Yamato’s card also read. “I think everyone knows this.”
“Apparently they do, adding a point each to Mimi and Taichi.” Sora concluded.
 “For Question 5” Sora continued; “Which sport does Yamato least suck at?”
“Thanks for putting it that way,” Yamato said rolling his eyes at Sora.
“My pleasure, and Mimi?” Sora smirked, clearly enjoying her role as the hostess.
Basketball – Mimi’s card read “He loses against Takeru every time,” she said earning a grin from Takeru and a very annoyed “hey” from Yamato.
Basketball – Taichi’s card also read. “He really sucks at soccer.” Earning a further “hey!” from Yamato.
“I can beat every one of your asses in Basketball,” Yamato stated as he showed his card that read Basketball.
“and yet somehow you always lose to me”
“Shut up Takeru.” Yamato glared at Takeru as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to Question 6,” Sora continued. “What is Yamato’s favourite guilt trip series to binge?”
Doctor who – Taichi’s card read when Sora called out his name to reveal his answer. “I don’t know why but he loves that show.”
Glee – Mimi’s card read next.
“Mimi that’s your favourite guilt trip series, not mine” Yamato said, showing his card that read – Doctor who.
“but you always watch glee with me” Mimi pouted.
“yes, because you enjoy it, I watch it with you,” Yamato said smiling at her, at which she further pouted.
“Looks like Taichi knows Yamato’s Tv preference here better than Mimi” Sora concluded. “With a point to Taichi, he is now caught up with Mimi.”
 “And for Question 7,” Sora continued in her best hostess impression. “If Yamato could have anyone’s superpowers from the Avengers team, who’s powers would he want to have?”
“Great question!” Kari said looking at Koshiro, who had suggested the question. Blushing at Kari’s comment, Koshiro nodded to Sora as the time ended.
 “Mimi? Your answer please” Sora asked her friend.
Captain America – Mimi’s card read as she looked at Yamato with a dreamy expression.
“Oo Captain America, that would be a hot choice,” Sora giggled. “Taichi?”
Iron Man – Taichi’s card read. “Please, Yamato is more like Tony Stark, also he’s the coolest.
Thor – Yamato’s card read. As everyone gave him a bland expression. “What?” he added.
“Seriously? I thought you like Captain America, you have a keychain of his shield” Mimi squealed, somehow offended, “also he’s the hottest! and you definitely have the Ass, perhaps not America’s but definitely Japan’s Ass.” Mimi added winking to a very red Yamato.
“Hmm I don’t know, maybe; Yamato, give us a twirl now, will you?” Taichi said trying to check out Yamato.
“And deleting that image from my mind,” Takeru said making a face at Yamato.
“Yeah, but I would prefer Thor’s powers, I could fly and manipulate thunder and also not to mention I would be a God.” Yamato tried defending his answer.
“Okay, no points for anyone, looks like you guys need to buck up your game, if you wanna win who knows Japan’s Ass better,” Sora concluded laughing.
“Shudd up.” Is all Yamato could say red in his face as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to DC, Question 8!” Sora continued as the laughter died down. “Who is Yamato’s all-time favourite DC character?”
“I actually like DC more than Marvel” Takeru added to the room.
“Nah aa, marvel all the way” Kari shot back at Takeru. “They have better movies”
“Please, who can compete against Batman?” Takeru chimed in.
“Have you read any of the comics?” Koshiro asked them both.
“some” Takeru mumbled while Kari shook her head.
“And before this gets into a Marvel vs Dc or TV vs Comics, answers please!” Sora slipped in halting that discussion.
Batman – Taichi’s card read. “obviously”
Nightwing – Mimi’s card read. “This time it’s definitely the butt," she added with a squeal.  
Nightwing – Yamato’s card read. “It's not because of the ass” Yamato added to a gleaming Mimi.
“Okay, seriously Yamato, you have got to give us a twirl!” Taichi exclaimed.
All Yamato could do was glare at Taichi as the girls giggled and the boys laughed.
 “We are just getting started on to the good questions” Sora added cheekily as the laughter subsided. “Moving on to the next question! Question 9” “What age did Yamato have his first kiss?”
Yamato and Mimi both blushed hiding their faces behind their cards as they wrote the answer.
“And Mimi?” Sora asked
13 – Mimi’s card read
16 – Taichi’s card read. “He was a late bloomer” Taichi teased
13 – Yamato’s card read as he held it up to cover his face.
“13? Really? Who?” Sora asked surprised, asking the question that was on everyone’s mind as Yamato was extremely closed off as a person that time.
“Mimi,” Yamato answered slowly “the day she was leaving for the states”
“But you guys weren’t together that time,” Koshiro asked. “or were you already secretly dating”
“Well, it was unexpected for me as well, I mean I did have a crush on him that time but didn’t think he had, so imagine my surprise when I went to tell him goodbye, he kissed me.” Mimi smiled at the memory, “And he’s really improved a lot since then in that department” she added in a teasing tone.
“I knew I saw the two of you kiss, you told me I was seeing things,” Takeru exclaimed at Yamato.
“I didn’t really want anyone to know,” Yamato said apologetically to Takeru.
“Those mood swings make so much more sense now” Takeru added laughing.
“Okay, moving on” Yamato gestured to a smiling Sora.
 “This game is just getting started,” Sora said amused at Yamato’s embarrassment.
“I am going to kill all of you,” Yamato replied pointing towards Sora and the other spectators.
“Kari, would you tell us the score please,” Sora said sticking out her tongue at Yamato.
“Taichi needs to game up, as Mimi is leading by 2 points.” Kari added with a giggle.
  “Revealing more secrets of the lone wolf, moving on to Question 10” Sora smiled “What is Yamato’s favourite alcoholic beverage?
Even before sora could ask for an answer,
Beer – Taichi’s card read. “phh please” he added with an air of confidence.
Old Fashioned – Mimi’s card read. Please, Yamato likes his classic gentleman’s whiskey drink”
Old Fashioned – Yamato’s card read.
“What old fashion? Are you kidding me!!!! We always drink beer together” Taichi bellowed.
“But I like a good whiskey, bourbon, or scotch.” Yamato tried to defend himself.
“And you don’t like the beers we drink together?” Taichi asked absolutely furious.  
“Yeah, of course I like beers but that’s not my favourite alcoholic beverage Taichi” Mat tried to explain.
“oh! So now beer isn’t sophisticated enough for you! First, you turn your back on Pizza and now Beer!” Taichi crossed his arms absolutely fuming.
“Taichi” Yamato tried to continue.
“Next boys’ night you get your own fancy-ass drink” Taichi pouted cutting Yamato off “Sora, next Question”
“Taichi” Yamato tried again.
“Next Question Sora”  
 Giving Yamato an apologetic look, Sora continued “Moving on to Question 11, What is Yamato the most afraid of?”
Ghosts – Taichi’s card red. “Remember the time when me, Takeru, and Mimi pranked Yamato” Taichi said laughing at the memory as they had spooked Yamato quite badly.
Ghosts – Mimi showed her card, smiling at the memory.
Ghosts – Yamato’s card read as well, cursing Takeru for revealing his secret.
 “With Mimi still in the lead, Question 12” Sora continued with a knowing smirk towards Yamato. “Which celebrity is on Yamato’s list? Basically, which celebrity does Yamato wish to sleep with?” she further clarified.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Taichi held up his card excitedly
Merei Kiritani – Mimi held up her card with a stoic expression.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Yamato held his card, looking anywhere except at Mimi.
“oo she is pretty” Joe let slip to everyone’s amusement.
“Didn’t she come for one of your shows?” Takeru asked with an innocent curious look, while Mimi looked surprised, and Yamato tried to signal him to shut up.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” Yamato dismissed Takeru.
“Hang on!” Mimi added looking at Yamato now. “When was this? And how do I not know about this?”
“She came backstage as well” Takeru added. “I remember it was when you were in New York for your work visit,” Takeru said looking at Mimi.
“Mimi, I swear, nothing happened. She came to meet the band and that was it, I walked out of my dressing room when she came in”
“Okay this even I didn’t know,” Takeru said amused. “I just remember she came backstage to tell you guys she really enjoyed the show.”
“Are you telling me, you had the opportunity and you chickened out?” Taichi roared with laughter.
“Excuse me?” Mimi said tartly to Taichi.
“I didn’t chicken out Taichi, I didn’t want anything to do with her.” Yamato replied just as tartly.
“Not what you said when we were watching ..” Taichi continued in a teasing tone
“Shut up Taichi” Yamato cut Taichi off. “Mimi, babe, its not ..”
“We shall talk about this later,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes.
 “Is this over yet?” Yamato asked to the room where the others were just giggling at his misery.
“no no, I want to see what else I don’t know about you.” Mimi replied in a teasing manner.
“Is it lets torture Yamato Day, today?” Yamato asked rhetorically.
“Mimi,” Joe asked cautiously, still not convinced of her mood, to which the ever bubbly girl just smiled and winked. Satisfied that Yamato won’t be in much trouble, Joe cleared his throat, “I think we have 3 more questions” to which Sora and Koshiro nodded.
The bell rung indicating the pizza was here. Joe and Yamato went to get the pizzas and pay for them, with Yamato insisting to pay for the whole thing and Joe politely but sternly telling him that they can split it amongst both of them.
 Handing everyone their food and beverages, as Yamato and Joe got back in their place, Sora continued the game.
“To continue on to Yamato’s torture, Question 13,” she asked, “What type of porn category does Yamato like?” in a very serious and calm voice.
Joe almost choked on his drink while Koshiro spat out his drink, as the remaining two roared with laughter.
 “Taichi?” Sora asked barely able to contain her laugh,
Cheerleader – Taichi’s card read. “I remember the time when he used to fantasize about Mimi in her cheerleading outfit all the time. I don’t think he’s gotten over that.” Taichi said raising his eyebrows cheekily at Yamato and Mimi.
Threesome – Mimi’s card read. “Really? You used to fantasize about me back then?” she asked amused. “And here I thought you were dropping hints for a 3way.”
Cheerleader – Yamato’s card read. “That wasn’t a hint, Mimi. I told you it was a misunderstanding.” He said blushing furiously than he ever had.
“Shame,” Mimi said casually checking her nails, “I might have been game.” She added with a wink towards him.
Taichi nearly fell off his chair, while Koshiro did fall off his chair, his mouth open with shock.
“You lucky lucky son of a gun,” Taichi added to a blushing Yamato, with a slight hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Misunderstanding?” Sora asked trying to fish for the story, while Kari just laughed and Joe looked down embarrassed.
“Okay, too much information for me,” Takeru said clearing her throat. “Next question please,” he said gesturing towards Sora.
 “So having that opportunity taken away from him, moving on to Question 14.” Sora continued still between her laughs. “What is Yamato’s safe word?”
Sora wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks and gestured for all of them to reveal their answers.
Orangutan – Taichi’s card read.
Orangutan – Mimi’s card also read.
Orangutan – Yamato’s card read as well.
Seeing the shocked look on everyone’s face, Mimi looked over to Taichi’s card and in a very loud pitch voice, almost shouting exclaimed, “What!!”
“What! No way, What! How do you even know that?” Mimi bellowed.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Taichi laughed falling off his chair, as Yamato just stared at Taichi with total shock. “Dude we really are soulmates.” Taichi managed to say between laughs as he struggled to get off the floor.
“I’m done, you know what I am done. All the other questions are irrelevant now” Mimi dropped her cards, got up, and walked out the room.
“Mimi come back,” Taichi tried calling behind her. “Princess,” he called after her as he got up and ran behind her still laughing his head off at the coincidence.
Yamato just shook his head, covering his face with his hands, as the rest of the people in the room erupted in laughter that went on for quite a while.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Packing - TsukiYama
Hello ! Midterms finally ended and I am just: suffering. But I wanted to put something out and this came into my brain the other day
Warnings: Tsukki swears bc it’s Tsukki
Summary: Tsukishima & Yamaguchi have a fight. Swear it isn’t too much angst and you won’t be like depressed by the end (this takes place in the future btw)
“Tsukki, I’m home!” Yamaguchi yelled as he walked through the front door, shutting it behind him and slipping off his jacket to hang it in the closet.
Tsukki bounded down the stairs of their shared home to meet his fiancée at the door. “Missed you.” He pulled Yams into a hug. “How was your day at work?”
“Eh,” He shrugged. “It was fine. It wasn’t the best Thursday I’ve ever had.” His eyes lit up. “Hey! Do you have any plans this weekend? Practices or work meetings or anything?”
Tsukki paused to think. “Believe it or not, I’m actually completely free. Why? Hinata wants to go on another double date?”
Yamaguchi rolled his eyes, pushing the taller man playfully. “Noooo. I just wanted to spend time with you. Without having to be stressed about anything.”
“Not even wedding planning?”
Yamaguchi motioned that he was zipping his lips. “I won’t even say a thing about wedding planning this weekend. Just some chill time for us. I think it’ll be nice.”
“Does sound nice.”
Yamaguchi tilted his head up slightly to kiss his fiancée on the lips, then bounded up the stairs, calling “I’m gonna get changed real quick!” as he did so. All Tsukki could do was shake his head and laugh at how cute he was.
Yamaguchi took off his dress clothes, absolutely wiped out and more than happy to get out of the itchy collar of his shirt. He went to throw the shirt into the hamper, only to see it still missing. “Tsukki!” He called. “Did you get the clothes washed today?”
“Huh?” His fiancée called back from downstairs. “Oh, shit I forgot. I’m sorry.”
He froze. Damn. He was running out of dress clothes to wear to work. He had things, just not anything he liked wearing, not anything comfortable. It was unfortunate.
Tsukki bounded up the steps, making Yamaguchi jump with his voice so nearby. “I don’t think you heard me. I forgot, I’m sorry Yams.”
Yamaguchi glanced towards the man now standing in the doorway and took a deep breath. This really wasn’t the end of the world, just today being so bad at work made things seem worse than they were. “It’s okay!” He cheered back. “If you put the laundry bag in my car I can do it after work tomorrow.”
“No! I can still do it. I just forgot today. I’m sorry.” Tsukki was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. It clearly hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“No, don’t worry about it.”
“But I can-“
Yamaguchi chuckled slightly. It was... slightly off. Was he getting irritated? Not even he could tell. “I mean, you were supposed to do it Tuesday, then forgot. Then Wednesday. Then today. Just let me do it? I’m running out of nice shirts to wear to work.”
“I’m sorry Yams. I genuinely forgot,” Tsukki frowned, making his way over to the other boy.
“No, it’s not your fault. I have to do laundry way more often than you. In fact, we can just split it up so I do my own and you do your own? That way you don’t have to go more often than you need to.”
He frowned even harder. “No-“
“It’s okay.” Yamaguchi forced a smile. “I understand wanting to be independent. Yeah. Let’s do that.”
He left the room without another word, leaving Tsukishima speechless in their bedroom. What just happened? It felt like this was a step back.
Yamaguchi came back a minute later, laundry bag in hand, dumping it out and getting to work separating the couple’s clothes into different piles. He did so meticulously, making sure not even a sock would end out in the wrong pile. Tsukishima made no effort to stop him nor to help him. He still was confused as hell.
They ate dinner in absolute silence. What was either of them supposed to say? It seemed like the other actually wanted this. Were they really fighting over this? It sucked.
Yamaguchi didn’t let himself cry until he got into the shower, sitting on the floor and letting the water fall over his head. What had he done wrong? Was the wedding stuff too overwhelming? Now Tsukki didn’t even want to share laundry machines.
“Tadashi.” Yamaguchi snapped his head up to see his fiancée at the shower door, holding a towel in his hand. How long had he been sitting in the shower? How long had Tsukki been here?
“I...” what could he even say?
“You okay? You’ve been in there for a while.”
He bit his lip. Hard. Trying not to let it wobble or let out a sob or to even let any tears fall. He stood up and turned off the water, staring at his fiancée and nodding.
“Nice try.” Tsukishima wrapped the towel in his arms around his boyfriend’s figure. “What’s wrong?”
Yamaguchi started to dry off, not able to meet the other man’s eyes. “You don’t even want to share your laundry with me...” he mumbled.
“No, of course I do. You’re the one who separated them.”
“You didn’t stop me.”
He frowned. “I’m sorry. I was very confused in the moment. Are you really okay?”
Yamaguchi nodded half-heartedly. “I’ll be okay. Just work really sucked and it made thing even worse.” He got changed into his pajamas, shaking the excess water out of his hair, then climbed into bed.
Tsukishima climbed in next to him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Yamaguchi nodded. Tsukki didn’t make any effort to hold him or cuddle like they usually did before bed, but still, feeling his warm breath against his neck was enough to lull him to sleep.
Yamaguchi was at work before Tsukishima had even woken up, which was pretty surprising. Usually they at least got to see each other in the mornings. Yamaguchi always would make a lunch for Tsukishima and write him a cute little note. He wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t one today. He hadn’t realized not doing laundry was a big deal, but clearly it was a build-up of a few other things, and he felt really bad. He had wanted to apologize this morning, but that didn’t seem to happen.
Well, the least he could do was send a text to Yamaguchi.
I’m sorry for missing you this morning. And if I upset you last night. I love you and hope you have a good day
Aaaand now he was running late because he was stuck in his thoughts. He hurried to grab his laptop and his lunch, thank God Tadashi had made him one, and rushed out the door.
Half the day at work his eyes were trained on the lunch. Would there be a message? And why wasn’t Yamaguchi texting him? Hopefully it was just because he was busy.
When it was time for his break, Tsukishima practically leapt out of his seat to grab his lunch, opening it and shifting the food around to look for a note.
Got it!
Happy Friday! Hope you have a great day :)
Oh thank goodness. He let out a giant sigh of relief he hadn’t even realized he was holding in. Were his eyes seriously watering? That was ridiculous. Tadashi wouldn’t stay mad at him for something like that; he really was the best.
Just got on lunch break. Hope you’re having a good lunch <3
That was kind of a cheesy message, but he was very relieved and very much so in love. As long as nobody ever saw it but Yamaguchi it would be okay.
Yamaguchi must’ve had a really busy day. He’d usually reply with something cute, but this time he just loved the message. Well, at least he knew he had seen it.
Something felt weird though. This never happened. He never left for work early. He always replied during his lunch break, and if his break came earlier than Tsukki’s he would text him first.
Well... it was probably nothing.
Yamaguchi’s car was in the garage when Tsukishima got home. Yams usually got home later than him... hopefully that meant today went better at work for him.
“Yamaguchi! I’m home!” He called, making his way through the door.
He went to the kitchen, but his fiancée wasn’t there. Outside? Nope. Up in the bedroom?
“T-Tadashi?” He uttered out. There was Yamaguchi, bulky headphones over his ears, shoving clothes into a suitcase.
Yamaguchi’s eyes snapped up to meet his. “Oh!” His face was bright red. “Tsukki, I didn’t know you’d be home yet...” he slipped the headphones off his ears to focus on the distraught man standing over him.
“W-wait. What are you doing?” He knew something was off. He was an idiot for thinking things would be okay.
“Packing?” The man on the floor shrugged. Well yeah, that was obvious enough.
“I... don’t.”
“Hand me that shirt behind you,” Yamaguchi prompted him. Tsukishima looked behind him, eyes trained on one of Yamaguchi’s comfy t-shirts.
“I don’t want to.” He pouted.
Yamaguchi chuckled. “God, you’re such a pain.” He stood up and walked past his fiancée to grab the shirt. Tsukishima grabbed him in his arms as he past, trapping him.
“Tsukki,” he whined, shuffling to get out of his grip.
“No, no, no.” He held him tighter. “I’m not letting you go.” His words caught in his throat. This was stupid. How did Tadashi not realize it was just something stupid!? Had things been building up for a while now and he was too stupid to realize it? His grip tightened even more.
“I can’t breathe. I give in! I won’t move.”
Tsukki, sighed, feeling Yamaguchi relax in his arms, and loosened up a little.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not doing the laundry.”
“It’s okay! We can just do them separate from now on-“
“No!” He shrieked. “I don’t wanna. I wanna do my laundry with yours.”
“Huh? I thought you didn’t.” Yamaguchi seemed genuinely confused.
“No, no. You made that stupid suggestion. I wanna go to the drycleaner’s every week just to get your comfy shirts washed for work. Just... let me.”
“Well, in my defense, I’ve been trying to let you but you keep forgetting.”
“I’m sorry.” His grip was tightening and he could tell. He couldn’t help it. He was afraid if he let him go now he’d never be able to hold him again. “I’ll do it right this time.” His voice was shaky. He was scared.
“Why are you so upset over laundry?” Yamaguchi laughed—a genuine laugh—his chest shaking and giving Tsukishima butterflies, which he definitely didn’t deserve at the moment.
“You’re- you’re fucking packing Tadashi.” He let the boy go, folding his arms in front of him.
“In my defense, you weren’t supposed to find out this way.”
Why was he smiling!? What kind of a sick joke was this? He felt seriously ill. Was today backwards day? April Fools? Did he forget something?
Yamaguchi’s smile faded. “You okay? You look sick?”
“No, I’m not okay,” Tsukishima whimpered, tears brimming in his eyes. “Why are you smiling? And laughing? Do you even like me? Was it just some stupid joke to get with me?”
“Well, I’m not gonna stop you.” Tsukki grabbed the shirt behind him and threw it towards the suitcase. He walked off towards the bathroom. He was gonna throw up. He should be begging for him to stay, but his stupid attitude came up and now Tadashi’s probably even more upset.
“Tsukki!” He felt the back of his shirt being pulled back. He turned to face him. “I feel like I’m missing something, Tsukki. Are you mad that I couldn’t text you today? We had management come in...”
“Huh? Why would I be mad.”
“You seem very mad...” he replied, eyes trailed on the ground.
“Aren’t you mad?”
“Huh? No. I’m just confused.”
Tsukishima was speechless. What was he missing here? “Why are you packing a bag?”
“Weekend together? I was able to get a flight to a beach and... I don’t know, I thought maybe it’d be fun. Do you have work or something? Did I mess it up?” Yamaguchi was fiddling his thumbs as he spoke, clearly nervous by his fiancée’s attitude.
“You idiot.”
“Hey!” He pouted. “It was going to be a surprise but you got home early.”
“I thought you were mad at me about laundry and you were leaving.”
“Leaving leaving? Why would I have written you a note for your lunch then?”
Tsukki frowned. “Well... I don’t know. I was confused.”
“I’m sorry.” Yamaguchi wrapped his arm around his fiancée’s neck, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. “Do you still wanna go? We don’t have to.”
“You scared me to death. Yes I wanna go.” He wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi’s waist, keeping him close. “Jesus, Tadashi. ‘Really scared me there.”
“I didn’t mean tooooo! I was confused too.”
Tsukishima picked him up, placing kisses all across his face, causing the shorter boy to giggle.
“Tsukki! We have to pack for the flight!” He squealed between giggles.
“When’s it leave?”
“Th-three hours!”
“Ugh, fine.” He dropped his boyfriend unceremoniously. “But to be continued when we get to the hotel, ‘Kay?”
“You better actually help me pack this time.”
He rolled his eyes at his fiancée. “Duh. Shut up you idiot. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tsukki.”
73 notes · View notes
upsteadhq · 4 years
stay with me
prompt: requested by anon, who said “a role flip where hailey gets critically injured and jay is the one loosing his mind” and of course i was going to do it because, well, who would say no to worried!jay? so thank you anon for the request, and for your kind words on my fic “attempts”, it truly did brighten my morning, i hope this is what you were after <3
title is from he is we’s ‘kiss it better’ as well as the iconic 7x10 line “stay with me, jay”
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Today was the first time in a while Jay woke up in bed on his own. It felt like forever since he had done this, and he and Hailey hadn’t been sure on the whole idea when it had been suggested to them a few weeks ago at Molly’s, it had been his brother that had proposed the idea, saying it might be fun to stick with the traditional “not staying in the same place the week before the wedding” route, so they agreed in an effort to shut him up about the fact.
He missed being able to reach out and wrap his arm around Hailey, to convince her to stay in bed just a little bit longer with lazy kisses up and down her neck before having to jump out from under the sheet quickly and skip having breakfast and coffee at home and instead grab one at the district because they were running late, if they hadn’t been interrupted that was. What could he say, sometimes the lazy kisses turned into something a little more and they would lose track of time. 
But there was no one there to do that to this morning, so Jay begrudgingly rolled out from underneath the thick sheet, not that he had really been underneath it - the sheet was too thick for the current summer heatwave overtaking Chicago right now and he had been awoken in the middle of the night to him sweating buckets so he had kicked it off. 
He checked his phone sat on the nightstand, unplugging the charger from the port and smiling at the message from Hailey already waiting on his home screen sent under ten minutes ago, presumably when she woke up.  
(07:02 - Hailey) Good morning soon-to-be husband. Just 6 more days
Jay quickly types back a response to let her know that he was awake too. 
(07:10 - Jay) The day can’t come by fast enough
He hit send and then padded out of the bedroom, the smile immediately gone when he almost tripped up the pile of somewhat damp clothes placed right outside the bathroom door, in other words two steps out of the room he had just walked out of. 
A mumbled curse escapes his lips as he carries on down the hall, finding his brother in the kitchen making himself a coffee. 
“Seriously? The wet clothes on the floor, you’re still doing that?” Jay asks, gaining the attention of his brother quickly, Will turning sharply at the sound of Jay’s voice coming from behind him, almost making the older one drop the mug held in his hand. 
After a moment to compose himself Will sighs, putting the mug down on the kitchen island and grabbing another empty one, sliding it along the top for Jay. “Sorry, I can’t help it,” he says before furrowing his eyebrows. “And whatever happened to not complaining to your host about the accommodation?” He questions. 
Jay shrugs. “I don’t remember agreeing to that,” he mumbles, not meeting his older brother’s gaze and instead he just takes the outstretched mug from his hand and walks past him to the coffee pot. “And you were the one that said it, I didn’t specifically ask for this, I was quite happy being able to see my fiancée.”  
Will rolls his eyes dramatically. “Shut up, you see her every day at work.”
The younger brother then looks up from pouring the coffee into the mug. “Speaking of work aren’t you supposed to be there right now?”
Will shakes his head. “Not for another two minutes.”
Jay’s phone on the counter beside him, making him lift up his attention from the mug to see what it was. A smile automatically appears on his face when he sees a text from Hailey, with a blurry photo attached. He slides it across, opening his messages and there he can see the photo better, it’s no longer blurry, and he didn’t think it was possible but the grin grew wider.
(07:13 - Hailey) I agree. Miss having someone there to clean up the mess, means I have to do it
The photo sent just underneath the message was one of the dining table, leftovers from breakfast everywhere. Sitting in one of the chairs was the same, it layered over the face of their two-year-old daughter, Macie. The girl had a cheeky grin on her face and oatmeal in the ends of her blonde hair, where clearly it had been accidentally dipped in the bowl. Her pajamas were covered in the food and her hands were slapping a specific spot of the mess on the table. She looked very proud of herself.
His brother’s voice rips Jay back up from his phone. “What you grinning at?” He asks over the mug in his own hands.
Jay turns the phone around so Will could see, a smile appearing on Will’s face at the sight of the picture. Jay slowly shakes his head as his older brother looks up from the phone, Jay taking it back so he could look at it again. “You know I saw her last night, but I already miss her.”
Will smirks, chugging the last of his coffee and then putting the empty mug down on the kitchen island once he catches sight of the time. He says a quick goodbye to his brother before having to rush out the door.
Jay finishes his rest of his coffee in the silence of the kitchen, putting both his and Will’s mug in the dishwasher for the cycle after dinner before heading back through to the bathroom for a quick shower before work, taking a moment to pick up the damp clothes from the floor and put them in the laundry basket because Will wouldn’t do it.
When Jay arrives into the district he’s greeted pleasantly by Trudy, as pleasantly as you could get from the desk sergeant at least, and then he makes his way up into the Intelligence bullpen, finding everyone already there.
He gives them all a smile as he passes by their desks before shrugging his lightweight jacket off and putting on the back of his chair, sitting down opposite Hailey, offering her the widest smile of them all.
“Nice to see you decided to join us.” Hailey jokes, looking across the two desks to him.
Jay leans back into his chair. “I’m sure it is.” He replies with a subtle wink in her direction, gaining a quick roll of Hailey’s eyes and then she turns around in her chair, trying to hide the smirk upturning the corner of her lips.
The moment is quickly over however when Voight leaves his office and walks over to the board, pulling it into the center of the room and starts briefing the unit on their new case.
An hour later someone was called to chase down a possible witness and Jay and Hailey being the only ones left in the bullpen - the others had also gone out to check out alibis and security footage from the surrounding area - they were sent on their way. On the drive over Jay quickly looks to Hailey, his eyes only on her for a second before back in the road.
“Did Mace go down alright last night? I know how difficult it is for her to sleep without my nightly bedtime story.”
Hailey chuckles, watching him from the corner of her eye. “You give yourself too much credit, she went down just fine without you last night.”
“Ouch.” Jay mumbles, dropping his face down to show a forced hurt expression.
Hailey then tilts her head to one side, fully turning it so she could see his profile. She reaches one hand up and places it atop his on the steering wheel, giving it a gentle squeeze before putting her hand back down in her lap.
Once they arrive at the house Jay stops the truck and they both step out simultaneously. Jay makes his way around the hood of the car and joins Hailey on that side but before they could make their way up to the house the sound of gunfire startled them both, Jay grabbing hold of Hailey’s shoulder and pulling her down into a squatted position just as another shot rings through their ears, the sound of the truck window directly above their heads smashing filling the air just after. Staying as low as they can they make their way around the other side of the truck, putting the vehicle between them and the shooter. Jay takes a shot at the window he could see the muzzle poking out of, scaring the gun away as Hailey radios it in, requesting back-up to their location.
Before the back-up could arrive however the sound of a scream coming from inside makes them jump up and advance toward the house and kick the door in and start their search in the house. In the living room they found a body of a woman on the floor.
Hailey kept watch around them as Jay knelt down, putting his fingers against her neck and leaving them there for a moment before meeting Hailey’s quick glance, shaking his head after he had felt nothing. He stood back up and they carried on their search around the house, clearing rooms as they did. When they made it to the kitchen however they were stopped by the man, said to be the witness they were there to speak to, hiding behind the wall with the gun pointed shakily at them.
Hailey and Jay didn’t lower theirs, they had seen many of these scenes in front of them before. The obvious uneasiness of the man’s hands could lead to one of two things - him dropping the gun quickly or another round would be let off.
Jay spoke in a calm manner, not wanting to scare the man anymore than he clearly was. “Chicago PD, lower your weapon and keep your hands where we can see them.”
The man shakes his head. “I didn’t mean to - I didn’t want to hurt her.”
Jay then nods. “I know,” he says, quickly carrying on but he doesn’t move his gun from up high and neither does Hailey. “But if you lower your gun and cooperate, we can talk to the State’s Attorney and work out a deal for you, but that will only happen if you put the gun down.”
It looks as though he was about to but all of a sudden he lifts it up higher, the tremors in his hand gone and he becomes swiftly confident pointing the gun toward the two detectives. He argues further for another minute before another round echoes through the room, and then another, and then another and then the gun gets thrown to the floor and the man bolts out of the back door.
Jay goes to follow him before catching the drop of someone in the corner of his eye. He looks over his shoulder to see Hailey on the floor, clutching her side and the thought of chasing the offender gets ditched as Jay throws his own gun back into the holster and kneels down beside her.
She’s insisting she’s fine the whole time he’s pulling at the strap of the vest to take it off, that it just knocked the wind out of her and that he should go after the offender.
“If patrol’s here they heard the shots. I’m not leaving you,” Jay shakes his head quickly, finally pulling the vest off of her left shoulder. “It didn’t go through, but it could have hit a rib.” He finds himself mumbling once he bunches her shirt upwards to see the skin underneath, making Hailey force a chuckle.
“Guess we might have to push the wedding back again, I was wondering what it would be this time,” she says, the words coming out gritted but despite that she carries on. “First a pregnancy, next a baby, then a huge profile case and now a bullet. What are we gonna tell people this time?” She asks, the words still an indicator on how much pain she was experiencing.
Jay tried to get her to keep her energy but he liked how she kept talking. If she was talking it meant she was alert, and if she was alert it meant she was okay - for the most part at least. After a beat he reached for his radio, having forgotten to do it before. “5021 George, officer down, I repeat officer down, need an ambo to 1812 South Racine Avenue. Offender is in the wind, blue jeans, dark sneakers, white jacket.”
The confirmation comes through the radio, telling them both there’s an ambulance on route and Jay spends the time keeping Hailey alert. As more time goes on he starts to notice her slowly drifting away, taking longer to answer questions and finish sentences, her eyelids starting to drop, the color drifting quickly away from her skin leaving her pale. The bullet didn’t penetrate through the skin, he didn’t know why this was happening and it wasn’t like he could apply pressure to try and slow the bleed. He kept tapping at her cheek to keep her awake, it working for the most part as they waited for the ambulance to show up. 
“Hey no, you stay awake,” he tells her after he taps her face for the third time to knock her back into reality. “You’re not allowed to, remember? We made a deal, no dying.”
Hailey slowly nods. “I remember.” She responds, the words barely a whisper.
They may or may not have been a little drunk the night they made that deal just a couple months into their engagement the night they picked the first date for their wedding and it may or may not have been the night they conceived their daughter, but the deal was the one thing they can recall in full from that night, the other things were blurs here and there.
Jay gives her a smile at the fact she answered quicker than normal. “Good, good. Do you remember what we said the punishment was if one of us tried to break the deal?”
There’s a quiet mumble from Hailey before she shakes her head. “We made a punishment?”
Jay nods, repositioning himself so he sat up properly, squeezing her shoulder as he went to say what the punishment was before he catches the sharp movement from Hailey, the tight grimace as he touched her shoulder. The smile previously there is wiped away and replaced with concern. “Did you get hit there too?” He asks as he peeks through the neck of her shirt to see if there was bruising or a wound from a bullet.
The words were coming out basically inaudible, just small movements of the mouth as her eyelids dropped lower. “No, it just hurts.”
There wasn’t a bruise or wound so he brought the neck of her shirt back where it was before and then he notices just how pale she had become. She was white as a sheet and by the time he realized how close to unconsciousness she was it was too late, her slipping away before he could attempt to stop it.
He quickly reached for his radio, practically shouting through it. “5021 George, I need an ETA in that ambo.”
The response is immediate. “Ambo is one minute out.”
Jay curses, trying the tips of his fingers against the side of her face again but that doesn’t work.
The next minute was hell, nothing he was doing was working and she just wasn’t waking back up again. Eventually the paramedics came rushing in through the front door and made their way to the back of the house after Jay called them through.
He explained what had happened, how she had passed out a minute before and how she had kept getting more pale despite the fact the bullet didn’t go through the vest. They did their usual quick exam and then got Hailey loaded into the back of the ambo and Jay jumped in close behind, the ambo taking off toward Med as soon as the back doors slammed shut.
On the way over there Hailey kept slipping in and out of consciousness, being out-of-it when the ambo pulled into the bay and they moved her into the ED.
One of the paramedics guiding the gurney toward the room spoke. “Hailey Upton, GCS 8, heart rate 107, BP 75/50. She’s been in and out of consciousness the entire ride over here. Non-penetrating gunshot to the upper left abdomen and was complaining about pain in her left shoulder before she fainted.”
Doctor Marcel ordered the transfer on to the bed and the paramedics took the gurney back out, disappearing out of sight again as Jay stood alert in the doorway to the trauma room, watching as the doctor and nurses poked her with IV’s and prodded at her abdomen. Jay watched as Marcel's face dropped subtly and ordered an ultrasound and that’s when he spoke up.
“What’s going on?” He asks loudly from the doorway, making everyone look up momentarily toward him before the doctor puts his focus back on to Hailey, waving in his direction and Jay’s face scrunches up, wondering what that means before he feels someone’s arms wrap around him and pull him away. He fights it, kicking his legs because he just about couldn’t put the soles of his feet on the floor and waving his arms around, demanding to be out back down.
“Stop, Jay, you can’t stand there, they need all the space they can get.” The person behind him says, Jay quickly recognizing the voice as the one who belonged to his brother. Will puts him back down on to the floor and then stands in front of him, putting his hands out to stop Jay when he punches forward to try and go back to the room.
Jay fights against it again, trying to push past his brother but it doesn’t work. “Will just let me passed, I need to see what’s going on.”
Will shakes his head, stopping the brunette. “What you need is to stay out of the way, you can’t stand there.”
Jay huffs. “I won’t get in the way, I need to see what’s going on.” He says, not only fighting off his brother as he did but the tears filling up in his eyes, making it difficult to see what was going on anyway.
Will’s hands reach for Jay’s shoulders, only to have Jay swat them away quickly. “Protocol says you can’t.”
Jay’s eyes widen, making it easier for Will to see the emotion written clear in them. “What protocol?! She’s my fiancée, my partner, I’m allowed to stand there.” He replies, his voice raising and catching at the back of his throat, causing a subtle break.
Will sighs. “The protocol in emergency situations, nobody in the doorway for easy but quick transportation to an available OR. They need to save as much time as possible.”
The volume in Jay’s voice disappears and it’s all spoken cracked. “What’s going on?” He pleads.
Will gives his younger brother a reassuring nod. “I’ll find out.” He whispers, catching Jay in for a hug when the emotion eventually overwhelms him, kicking his balance off and knocking him off his feet and he slowly falls into Will’s open arms.
They stay like that for a beat before a commotion from behind Will, making them both part away from each other just in time to watch Marcel leave the room and make his way over toward them.
Marcel doesn’t waste a beat, getting the point straight away. “Jay, the FAST scan showed Hailey has a lot of internal bleeding in her abdomen, the force from the bullet caused her spleen to rupture and she’s unstable. It’s my best recommendation to perform a splenectomy and remove the organ in its entirety. Usually we wouldn’t jump to surgery but this is a very severe case. She’s still incoherent so as her next of kin it is your decision. Do I have permission to do the surgery?”
Jay quickly nods. “Yes, do everything you can for her.”
Marcel steps backwards into the room, coming back out moments later with two nurses wheeling the hospital bed toward the elevator. Will isn’t quick enough to react, Jay jumping forward and racing through the ED to the bedside, escaping his brother’s arms by a second.
He walks alongside the bed, grabbing hold of Hailey’s hand and giving her a forced smile when he sees her slightly awake. “You’re gonna be fine, Hailey, I promise you, and we’re gonna be able to get married when you’re out of here and then we’re gonna get to grow old together, just like we said. I’m gonna be with you every step of the way, I’m not gonna leave you,” he whispers to her before being pulled away by Will as the bed boards the elevator. “I love you, Hailey.” He adds, his voice slightly louder and he says it just in time, the steel doors shutting in his face.
Jay takes in a steadying breath and he just stands there, eyes glued to the doors in front of him. Quickly he loses it, spinning around on his heels and clutches on to his brother again, wrapping his arms around him and hiding his head in Will’s shoulder.
Will brings his hand up, patting Jay’s back and tightening the hug. Will doesn’t say anything, doesn’t move, just breathes calmly and listens to the quiet cries coming from his baby brother, allowing him to have all the time he needed to let it out, knowing it would be worse off if Jay kept it in.
Jay’s eyes stung. It had been just under an hour since Hailey had been taken upstairs to surgery and he hadn’t heard a word. The rest of the unit had showed up a few minutes after Hailey had been wheeled off and had taken Jay from Will’s arms, allowing the red-head to go back to work, and Kevin had then become the leaning post for Jay hold on to for another few minutes before he pulled away apologizing and then they were taken upstairs to wait in the appropriate waiting room. Since then everyone had been sat in the chairs silently.
Some of the other people in the room were looking through something on their phone, the odd few skimming through old newspapers and magazines kept on the ankle-high coffee tables and then there was the unit, who were looking around nervously and sunk into the uncomfortable chairs obsessively drinking their third coffee in time time they had been here. Jay was picking at the now non-existent fingernails on one hand and staring down the oddly coloured and stained carpet underneath his feet. Before that he had been rubbing the base of his fourth finger on his left hand, where in just six days there’s set to be a ring there but for the time being it’s still just an empty space waiting to be filled. It was probably going to be a lot more than six days until it did now, but he was used to that feeling, knowing the wedding would more than likely have to move again.
At least the first two times had been positive reasons.
He thought back to the first time, when Hailey had been acting off for a few days, being all distant. She wasn’t herself and when he confronted her about it, when he asked what was wrong she had just shook her head, muttering how she couldn’t do it before handing back over the ring. He remembers moping at the district until Will talked some sense into him and told him to speak to Hailey. He had gone back to the apartment to find her stood by the front door and once they went inside he gave a speech about how he wasn’t going to let a little bit of cold feet stop him unless she really didn’t want to get married.
"Jay, I didn't call off the wedding because of cold feet."
It takes a second before his face screws up with confusion, him sending her a slightly very confused look. "Then why did you?"
She gives him a smile as she shrugs her shoulders lightly. "Because I didn't want to be eight months pregnant when we got married," she replies and she watches the confusion drain from Jay's face at what she said, his face becoming very straight, "I had a hunch a few days ago but it was too early to be able to take a test, and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure because I know how you felt about having kids because of your own dad and I didn't want to freak you out if it was noth-"
She's cut off suddenly by Jay stepping forward and leaning over, locking his lips against hers whilst cupping her face with his hands, tangling the ends of his fingers into the loose strands of hair she had draped over her shoulders. She smiles against his lips, just beginning to move her hands up his arms as he parted them apart a few moments later after the initial kiss, leaning his forehead against hers for a beat before edging his jaw forward again, putting a more gentle kiss to her lips this time but it was over quicker.
A beat passes of just the two of them leaning with their heads still inches apart before she lets out a single breathless laugh. "Nothing." She whispers, finishing off her sentence that had been cut short by his mouth.
He remembers what had happened next, how the rest of the night had been spent in pure bliss. About how the next few months were spent in pure bliss. About how the last few years were just spent in pure bliss.
And now everything could be crumbling apart. It could have already fallen down and he wouldn’t know about it, not just yet anyway.
He felt sick to his stomach and he knew there’s nothing he could do to make that feeling go away, that it wouldn’t leave until he knew about Hailey and her being out of surgery, and yet that could still be hours away.
He doesn’t move his gaze away from the floor as he continued to pick at his bleeding nails, finding comfort in having something to distract himself, even if it wasn’t ideally what he should be doing.
There’s scenarios rushing through his head. What-ifs taking over. He should have stopped it. Maybe if he hadn't missed that window shot outside the house this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if he hadn't been so calm in the kitchen. What if he had dropped the offender to the floor before he got the sudden confidence spike? He easily would have been able to pounce on the guy and take the gun from his hands so why didn’t he?
Because you might have been shot yourself, dummy. He can hear Hailey’s voice in his head respond to the question he posed himself.
Although the voice was right. With the nerves clear in that guy’s hand there had been so many ways that situation could have gone wrong, ending up in a more fatal shot to one of them than the one Hailey took.
But still, he should have done it. He should have reacted faster. He was trained professionally, for the army, to be quick and have fast decisions, but he still pulled back and didn’t notice the signs early enough. He should have taken the man down there and then, disarm him before he shot, but he didn’t and now look where he was.
He feels a warm hand rest on his back and it makes him jump in his seat, shooting his head up to stare at the person standing beside him. At first the bright light coming from the ceiling blinds him, he had been looking down to the floor longer than first thought before he sees the gentle reassuring smile of Kevin hovering over him.
Kevin hesitantly sits down beside him, keeping his hand pressed against the detective’s back before pulling it away when Jay leans back in the chair to avoid having it crushed in between the two.
Jay props his elbow up on the arm of the chair and bunches his hand into a fist and leans his temple into it. After a beat the detective slowly nods, speaking his first words since Hailey had been taken into the elevator - until now he had been a silent statue sat there. “I should have stopped it.” He whispers and in the corner of his eye he could see everyone in the unit turn to look at him from their own seats, the surprise to hear him talking written on their faces.
Kevin’s face is the only one to drop though. “Jay you didn’t know, there was no way you could have stopped it.”
Jay’s voice is a lot more urgent this time, compared to the silent words he had just spoken before. “Well I should have tried.”
Kevin sends a quick look over his shoulder to the rest of the unit and they all look as lost as he feels. He doesn’t know what else to say to the detective, so he just brings his hand back up and puts it atop Jay’s shoulder.
Jay has to swallow back the lump in the back of his throat and the teary eyes that accompanied it. At this point surely he should be cried out, but the tears just kept on coming and he was quite surprised he still had that much water in his body left.
He leans back further into his fist, resting that half of his body weight on that one elbow propped up on the arm of the chair, and just lets everything play out again in silence.
He wasn’t sure at which point he fell asleep or how he even managed to, but the next thing he knows his shoulder is being shaken and someone is calling his name into his ear. He bolts up, looking around the room quickly to see what all the commotion was about before seeing doctor Marcel stood in the waiting room, being surrounded by the unit.
Jay jumps up from the seat, his legs a little uneasy at first but he gets to the other side of the waiting room without falling over so he’s calling that a plus.
Once he reaches the rest of the group and basically pushes to the front, Marcel shakes his head, gesturing for Jay to follow him. “She’s awake, wants to see you.”
Jay quickly follows, keeping less than a step behind the doctor at all times on the path across the floor to the surgical recovery. Marcel can barely open the door before Jay is already in there, walking over to the bed.
Hailey smiles when she sees him and there’s a giant wash of relief that comes over him, the weight he didn’t know was there lifted up from his shoulders.
He stops at the edge of the bed and leans down, putting a soft but long kiss to the top of her head, his lips upturned the entire time. After a moment he pulls himself away and stays put as doctor Marcel moves to the foot of the bed, running through the important information.
“You’re gonna be in the hospital the next few days so we can monitor you, and you should be fully recovered in about six weeks.” Marcel says, gaining a breathless chuckle from Jay.
“Guess we’re gonna have to push the wedding back again.” Jay cuts in.
Marcel nods. “Just a little bit.”
Marcel runs through a few more things before whispering how he’ll be back in a few minutes to go through things in more detail, and that he’d let the two of them have a moment alone, before sticking to his word and leaving the room.
Jay sat on the very edge of the bed, slowly grabbing hold of the hand that didn’t have an IV line in, rubbing the pad of his fingers along the back of her hand, giving her a weak smile. “See? I told you you would be fine.”
Hailey’s eyebrows knit together and she briefly looks down to where his hand lay on top of hers. “Did you mean what you said earlier? About growing old together?”
“You remember that?” Jay asks, gaining a nod from Hailey but nothing more. He sits sideways a little further so he could face her better. “Hailey, we’re getting married, of course I meant it. There’s no one else I’d rather grow old with.”
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kalimagik · 4 years
You Are My Home
Ron Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Abusive father, alcoholism 
A/N: This lil fic was requested by @obsessedwithrandomthings <3 Congrats on 300 love! The prompts were “kiss me” and “you make me feel safe.” My requests are OPEN! and there is a prompt list somewhere on my dash if you’d like to request something. I was planning on posting this 2 hours ago, but tumblr got annoying and deleted it from my queue. So reblog, comment, like, all that fun stuff pleasssse! Feedback always welcome! Happy reading! 
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Not my GIF - credit to owner
Summers at the Burrow were always crazy, but relaxing at the same time. Molly gave her children chores each day, but there was plenty of time for playing quidditch, pranking, and roaming around the muggle village nearby.
While Hogwarts brought excitement and adventure, the Burrow brought time for rejuvenation, well that was when the twins weren’t picking on Ron. But, it was home. It was where he felt the most comfortable, especially when Harry and Hermione were around. Yep, summers at the Burrow were the best place for a kid to grow up.
*Knock, knock, knock*
Being the last one awake, Ron slid off the couch and crept to the door. Ron glanced at the real clock on his way through the kitchen, which read 11:30. Who could be knocking this late at night?
Ron swung the door open to come face to face with Y/N L/N. She was definitely more Ginny’s friend than his, but she was always kind to him and vice versa. And, if he was being honest, he always did have a crush on her. She was so full of life and brightened the lives of everyone who knew her.
“Uhhh, hi. I’m sorry. I was hoping to catch Ginny. But now that I’m realizing what time it is, I realize that that was a silly notion.”
Y/N wouldn’t meet Ron’s eyes, but he could hear the shakiness and uneven vibrato in her voice. When she sniffled, he knew that she had been crying.
“I should go,” she whispered, turning from Ron.
“No, wait. Why don’t you come in. It’s late. I don’t even know how you got here, but it probably wasn’t easy.”
Y/N just nodded and stepped through the doorway. She stood in the kitchen, looking like she didn’t really know what to do, but Ron watched as she timidly wiped her eyes. He knew she was trying to hide whatever she was feeling.
“Are you okay?” Ron blurted out. He couldn’t stand seeing her hear like this.
“I don’t want to bother you with it. Would it be okay if I just waited down here for Ginny? You don’t have to wait up with me, I can just sleep on the couch.”
“No, you can sleep in my room. I’ll sleep on the couch.” If she didn’t want to talk to him, that was fine, but there was no way that he was letting her sleep on that lumpy couch in the living room.
“I don’t want to put you out.” This was not her, not at all.
“You won’t be. I’m sure of it. You may just have to mind the ghoul in the attic,” Ron warned with an airy chuckle. “I’m the room on the top floor. You can’t go any further. Go ahead up. There are t-shirts in the top drawer, you can use one of those for bed.”
Y/N just nodded before turning to walk up the stairs. Before she could get out of Ron’s sight, she paused and looked back at him. “Thank you, Ron,” she said quietly. Even though there weren’t many words, Ron knew that his actions meant the world to her, he could just feel it.
Once he was sure that Y/N was in bed, Ron got comfortable on the couch or as comfortable as he could. He stared at the ceiling wondering why Y/N had just shown up like that. Molly would have no problem with her being there, but it was still strange.
Ron woke up to Ginny, Fred, and George standing over him.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Fred grinned.
“Fall asleep dreaming about a mermaid?” George teased.
“Shove off,” Ron groaned as he rolled over.
“Why are you down here anyways?” Ginny questioned.
At that, Ron shot up, Y/N. “Gin, I think you might want to go up to my room.”
“I’m NOT dealing with the Ghoul again, Ronald.”
“No, no, no. I didn’t sleep down here because of a ghoul. Y/N showed up late last night. She seemed upset. I told her to sleep in my room.” Ginny was out of the room before Ron could even finish his sentence. Her footsteps pounded loudly on the steps. If anyone was still sleeping in the house, they weren’t anymore.
“What do you think that was about?” George wondered out loud.
“Girls are strange beings…” Fred followed, shaking his head.
Ron followed the twins into the kitchen for breakfast, constantly looking at the stairs for Ginny and Y/N’s feet. Breakfast was filled with jokes from the twins and Percy telling them off.
“MUUUUM!” Ginny called from up the stairs, maybe about halfway up.
Ron watched intently for any sign as Molly rushed up the stairs. She didn’t even question it. She had to know that Y/N was in the house by now. Why was he feeling so uneasy about this? Playing with his eggs until Molly emerged again.
“Well dears, it seems that we will be having a guest for the next few weeks,” Molly smiled as she pulled out another plate and set of utensils. “Ronald, you could have woken me up when she arrived last night,” Molly informed him.
“Sorry. You went up so long before she got here,” Ron tried to explain.
“Wittle Ronnikins gave his room up to the pretty girl,” Fred mocked.
“She needed it. You don’t get it.” Ron spat back at him. Ron didn’t know why, but he felt the need to protect her. He needed to pave the path for everything to be alright with her.
“Good morning again,” Ginny said, announcing her re-arrival downstairs.
Ron whipped around fast enough to see Y/N coming down the stairs behind Ginny, smiling timidly at the family she knew so well. This just so wasn’t like her.
“How’d you sleep?” he found himself asking in spite of himself. Maybe he should have just kept quiet.
“Well, thank you. But you can have your bed back. I’m going to stay in with Ginny.” She smiled at him, well what seemed like a genuine smile. Maybe last night was just a fluke and she would be her normal self by this afternoon.
“Y/N, dear. Have some breakfast. I will send an owl to Arthur and tell him to pick up your things.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.” Something still seemed off about her. Ron looked up slightly, but not enough for his brothers to catch him. He watched her slowly eat the food placed in front of her. He watched the twinge of pain shoot across her face when she turned too quickly to respond to something Percy said. He watched her.
He watched and noticed things in the weeks following the night of her arrival too. She was happier each day, growing more comfortable and relaxed in a way that someone could only do at the Burrow. Ron started spending more time with her too. She would offer to help them all with their chores and some days Ron got lucky. She’d help him all day. She was her playful self. Spraying water at him while they tended to the garden, keeping the clippers out of his reach. It was all the Y/N he was used too.
Ron even got to spend some late nights talking to her. Like him, she was a night owl. She’d stay up until she was practically falling asleep next to him on the couch or outside on the grass. She was at her cutest when she was tired, giggling and trying to keep her eyes open for as long as possible. Ron just adored it.
It was another one of those nights when just Ron and Y/N were still awake with everyone else asleep. Ron sat with his back against the couch and bum on the floor. Y/N had been sitting next to him until she became more tired. She slid towards the floor and laid her head on Ron’s lap, looking up at him.
“You’re beautiful,” he blurted out before he knew what had possessed him. It was just those eyes…Those sleepy, sparkling, beautiful eyes.
“Thank you, Ronald,” Y/N smiled, not really processing what he said.
“Can I ask you something?” Ron continued, not minding that she hadn’t said anything more.
“If you want to ask if you can have a rematch on the quidditch pitch tomorrow, the answer is yes,” she giggled.
“I will take you up on that,” Ron grinned, “but that wasn’t what I was going to ask.”
“Okay, shoot,” Y/N responded as she adjusted on his lap.
“I’ve been wondering this for a while, but when you came here a month or so ago, you were crying. You weren’t yourself. I don’t want to pry or push you, but what was wrong?” Ron felt the confidence leave him as he asked the question. Maybe he should let the reason stay her secret.
Y/N tensed, he could feel it. She was thinking and then sat up, criss cross applesauce, now facing Ron. “I guess I do owe you an explanation, you were so kind to not push me then. I would still be wondering too if I was you.” She rambled. She was still beautiful when she rambled.
“I knew that the Burrow was a safe place. Ginny has always been like a sister to me. I couldn’t be at home anymore. M-my, my dad, he- he drinks…a lot. It’s just me and him at home usually. Mum died when I was little, but I-I think you knew that. Anyways, that’s too much information.”
Y/N took a deep breath before she continued. “So, he drinks. And it just got out of hand that night. I hide it well, bu-but he can hurt me. He doesn’t always use his hands. Sometimes it's with magic, but I was hiding in my room that night. I swear he loves me. He’s my father. I just remind him of mum and it sets him off- I guess? I don’t know. I shouldn’t defend him.” She shook her head as she looked at her hands in her lap.
Ron just took in her words and the grace that she had while telling him her story. How could she be so calm? He felt the rage begin to rise in his chest. No one- No One, should ever want to do anything to harm Y/N. His fists clenched against his sides, but he tried to hide it, even though it could be read clearly across his face.
“But, I managed to get away and grabbed a broom and this is the first place I thought of. Before I knew it, I was at your door and knocking.”
Ron nodded to show he understood and was listening, but he was boiling over.
“I told Ginny the next morning and insisted I tell your mum, even though I didn’t want to. When your mum found out the basis of my situation, she essentially ordered me to stay with you all. I couldn’t say no, but I’m happy she did. This has been one of the best summer holidays I have ever had.” A smile crossed her lips as she thought of the weeks that she had spent in the Burrow.
“You can stay here as long as you want.” Ron told her, straight faced. He didn’t want that man coming anywhere near her again, whether or not he was her father.
“Thanks, Ron. Your mum said the same thing. I like it here…a lot.”
“You can stay here forever even. All school holidays, summer holidays, all of them.”
“I have to go back at some point, Ron.”
“No you don’t,” Ron argued. “You never have too.”
“Okay.” Her words didn’t seem like an agreement, but an understanding. “I’m going to go to bed now, okay? Thank you for listening.” As she stood up, she leaned down to kiss Ron’s cheek. “Good night,” she said softly as she made her way upstairs to Ginny’s room.
Ron sat in the stillness of the living room. He slowly lifted his hand to his cheek. It burned with the blush left from her kiss.
Growing used to the routine with Y/N at the house, Ron adjusted his own to spend even more time with her. Some would even argue that she was starting to spend more time with Ron than with Ginny. They were growing closer and closer and Ron felt like he may combust if his feelings for her grew any larger. He was falling, falling harder than he could ever imagine. His crush was so much more than a crush on the happy, free-spirited girl that was friends with Ginny. He loved that version of her, but also the her he got to know in the evenings and the her that could let loose like no one was watching. He loved all of her.
Then, one morning he woke up later than usual. He’d been kept awake by the soft explosions from the twins’ room and the thoughts about Y/N swirling in his head. When he came down the stairs, Y/N’s bags were all packed at the door.
“What’s going on? Are we going somewhere?” Ron asked as he rubbed his eyes.
“Y/N’s going home.” Ginny replied with a straight face and angry eyes watching the front door closely.
“She’s what? Where is she?”
“Her dad showed up early this morning demanding to see her.” Ginny spit out. Ron could tell she was infuriated.
“Where is she?”
“Outside. He wanted to talk to her.”
“Did anything seem off about him?” Ron’s mind began racing. What if he did something to her? Ron had to be there to protect her.
He flew through the door that Ginny had been watching so intently. He ignored his sister as she called saying that Y/N’s father said not to follow. He tore through the garden that he had tended to so many times with her and past the Weasley’s makeshift quidditch pitch. He ran all the way to the edge of the trees on the property. The moment Y/N spoke, he could pick her voice out of the normal outside noises.
“No. I want to stay here, Dad. Please!”
“You’re coming home. I need your help around the house. You cannot just skirt your responsibilities.” He growled at her.
“I don’t understand. You don’t have to worry about me when I’m here. They’ll take care of me…” she tried to explain.
“I can take care of you just fine. You don’t need to be playing make believe here.”
“Dad. No.” She was standing her ground and Ron was proud of her, he thought maybe he could just watch from a distance just in case. But when he looked at Y/N’s father, something seemed off. He was staggering and stumbling at only 11 o’clock in the morning.
“You are coming home with me, Y/N.” Her dad grabbed her arm harshly.
“Okay, fine, fine,” she conceded. Even from a distance, Ron could see the confidence fade in her eyes just to be replaced by fear. “Just let me go get my stuff.”  
“No, we are going now. You humiliated me by having Arthur Weasley show up at MY house to collect your things.”
“Please, dad. My school things are in there. I need them to do my summer work.” Her words became more urgent as though she was trying to calm him down and be reasonable.
“WE ARE GOING NOW!” Y/N tried to pull away, but his grasp was too tight on her wrist. Ron couldn’t take it anymore.
“Let her go!” he yelled.
“This doesn’t concern you,” Y/N’s dad spat in Ron’s direction.
“Ron, it’s really okay,” Y/N said, but her eyes pleaded for help.
“I said, let her go.” Ron repeated, closing the distance between him and Y/N.
“She’s my daughter, under the age of 17, and I can do with her as I please.”
Ron’s eyes flickered to where Y/N’s father held her arm. It seemed to be getting tighter. His nails were practically breaking her flesh.
“Dad, that hurts,” she spoke softly to him, but his grip didn’t loosen. Ron could see the pain emanating in her eyes.
“She said she wants to stay here.” Ron gritted through his teeth, losing his cool.
“Let’s go, Y/N.” Her father yanked her arm so hard that Ron was sure her arm would pop out of her socket.
The tears swelled up in her eyes as she held back her audible cries. “Let her go.” Ron was giving her dad one last chance before…
Once Ron spoke, Y/N’s dad only pulled harder. Ron leaped forward, fist aimed at the man holding onto Y/N. He hit him square in the jaw. When Y/N’s dad recoiled, he lost his grip on Y/N, allowing her to break free.
“Are you okay?” he asked, rushing to her side.
“Yeah, just a little sore,” she lied. Ron stood up beside her to face her dad. The man stood a few inches shorter than Ron, so he had to look up to meet Ron’s fiery stare.
“You need to leave now.” Ron spoke as calmly as he could.
By this point, the commotion had drawn the attention of his family inside. Fred, George, and Arthur Weasley were all running to where Ron stood, Ginny running next to Y/N, helping her up.
“Take Y/N back inside, Gin.” Ron said, not breaking eye contact with her father.
“You can’t just hide my daughter from me.” He dared to speak.
“I’m not hiding her. I’m keeping her safe from you now.” Ron was determined to win this one.
“Mr. L/N. Please leave our property,” Mr. Weasley spoke sternly.
Realizing he was outnumbered, Y/N’s father apparated on the spot. Ron turned instantly to go back to the house and check on her. She had been hurt and he just knew it.
“Gin? Ginny?!” Ron called once he was in the house.  
He could hear her soft sniffles and Ginny calmly repeating that she would be okay. He turned into the living room to see Y/N on the couch with Ginny holding her arm and his mum fussing over her. As annoying as her fussing could be to him sometimes, he was never more grateful to have her here taking care of Y/N.
Ron could see the silent tears streaming down her face. His heart ached at the sight, she should never ever cry.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Ron kept his distance, wanting to be respectful of the people buzzing around her.
“She will be alright,” Molly smiled at the girl, standing up. “Just needs some rest, that’s all.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley,” Y/N whispered, not really making eye contact with anyone around her. Ron could tell that she was embarrassed by the whole situation even though she didn’t need to be.
“Why don’t you come rest in my room,” Ginny offered, being the type of friend that knew Y/N wouldn’t want to be the center of attention all day because of this.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Ron couldn’t stop pacing around the ground floor. Not even the twins could bring themselves to tease him over his concern, they were concerned too. Y/N took her meals in Ginny’s room with Ginny and Arthur watched the yard, making sure that her father didn’t return.
The family went up to bed with an uneasiness in the air. Ron walked so slowly past Ginny’s room, hoping to maybe catch Y/N going to the bathroom or something, but he didn’t. So, now he lied awake in his bed, listening to the ghoul make a ruckus in the attic.
When the soft knock echoed off his door, Ron flew to answer it. Y/N stood there, small and shivering. “Can I come in?” she asked quietly.
“Yes, yes, of course.” Ron opened the door wider when he realized she hadn’t been up here since the first night she arrived. Y/N stood in the middle of the room, looking utterly unsure about what to do now.
“You want to sit down?” Ron asked motioning to his bed as he took a seat on the floor.
“I don’t want to put you out.” How was she still so polite and thoughtful?
“Sit, Y/N.” Ron offered softly, not wanting to push too hard.
“I just wanted to thank you, for coming out earlier to help me.”
Ron couldn’t stop himself as he grabbed her hand to reassure her that he was there. “You don’t have to go home ever again…”
“I’ve been home, Ron. For months. A home is a place where you are supposed to feel safe and loved and warm.” She looked up from the floor to look at him for the first time since she entered the room. Oh, how beautiful she was. “You make me feel safe, you are my home. And somehow when I was out there today, I just knew you would come…”
She sank onto the floor next to him and all Ron wanted to do was close the space, but he wanted to make sure that she was comfortable above all else. “The Burrow was a safe haven for me,” she continued, “but you, you made every second here amazing. And it may be silly, but I’ve had this crush on you forever.” Y/N broke eye contact as she spoke the words, slightly embarrassed to be telling him this way, but nevertheless she kept going. She wasn’t going to be scared of this anymore. “But, I can’t help but feel like it’s become more than a crush. I-I think I love you, Ron and I just have this feeling that you might feel that same way?”
The words evaded him. How could he express just how much she meant to him?
“Kiss me” was all he managed. The most beautiful smile he had ever seen spread across her face as she leaned forward into him. Ron couldn’t stop himself from pulling her lips to his to close the space faster. He swore he felt sparks as the kiss deepened and became more passionate. This was it. Ron knew that she was it for him.
When they finally pulled apart for air, he studied her beautiful face so closely that he could see every freckle, every line, and every blemish, but even those were beautiful. “I can be your home as long as you need me too,” he spoke against her lips.
“How does forever sound?” she whispered, closing the gap one more time.
Y/N never did have to go back to her father, Ron made sure of that. Ginny was more than happy to let her best friend share her room and keep her things there, but really she snuck up to Ron’s room almost every time they were back at the Burrow.
Forever can seem like an awfully long time, but whenever Ron held her in his arms, forever felt like something he could definitely do, especially for her.
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ilalos · 3 years
Lavender dreams-(Anthony Bridgerton x OC)-Part 3/3
Word count: 2k
A few hours had gone by when Simon finally showed up in Anthony’s room holding a small stack of papers in his hands.
“What is that?” Asked Anthony.
“The prenuptial agreement sent by her father that details her dowry, her dress allowance and some other important information” Antony didn’t even read the document and just signed it, he knew Lord Gillingham was an honest man and frankly he did not care about how much Grace’s dowry was. Simon didn’t have much else to say, he was responsible for finding her a match (thanks to his wife) and Anthony was the man Grace had clearly chosen, so the duke’s job was done.
“What about Lord Watts? Didn’t he propose?” Suddenly Anthony seemed to remember the reason for him to be out late at night in that tavern.
“No, he wanted to do it at his house, it was going to happen today” now Anthony felt a bit silly having been so upset over something that didn’t even happen “I already spoke with him and informed him that she had gotten engaged to you”
“I bet he wasn’t happy”
“He wasn’t, accused me of deceiving him but I simply explained that I was unaware of the deep feelings she held for you, and much less that you reciprocated them” It hadn’t been a pleasant conversation and Earl Watts had certainly been mad but the duke couldn’t do much, he hadn’t actually proposed so there was no real engagement.
Simon left soon after that and Anthony was left alone once again. Sometime later his mother entered accompanied with a maid that held a tray of food that she was prompt to leave by his bed before leaving Lady Bridgerton and her son alone.
“Are you here to congratulate me, mother?”
“Yes, but I’m also here ask what were you doing last night in such a horrid place?” His mother sat by his side and watched as he picked pieces of bread not wanting to answer.
“It is not important now”
“It is if it got you oh so terribly hurt”
“I was trying to drown my grieve in liquor and didn’t want anyone from the ton recognizing me” he chuckled, saying it out loud made him realize how foolish he had been “And I didn’t want to drink here in our home because I didn’t want any of you to see me like that”
“Grieving from what? Are you thinking about your father again?” She grabbed his hand and looked at him with pity.
“No, mother, I was grieving the loss of the woman I love”
“You better not be speaking about that singer Anthony Bridgerton“ she warned.
“Grace is the woman I love” it was the first time he had said that out loud and it felt good “I thought I had lost her after Earl Watts talked about asking for her hand in marriage”
“Oh son, if only you would’ve spoken up about your feelings, all of this could’ve been avoided” Violet recognized that maybe the sudden death of his father had made Anthony harsh and unwilling to love, so maybe him not speaking up about his feelings was just a result of all those years of emotional hardship.
“I know I was a fool, but I get a second chance and I’m not going to let her go now” her mother smiled at him and caressed his face, oh how quickly her children had grown up.
She sat with him planning the wedding and making a list of everything they needed to prepare for the ceremony, Anthony just watched her amused at her excitement. She continued like that for sometime, occasionally looking at her son to see if he was paying attention, he only nodded along thinking that this was maybe a conversation to be had between his mother and his future wife; speaking of which, how was she?
“Mother” he interrupted her mid sentence “Where is Grace? Shouldn’t you be having this conversation with her?”
“Her little adventure last night has made her terribly sick and she is resting now”
“Well did you call the doctor? Why did no one inform me of this? I must see her right now, make sure she is okay” he ignored the pain from his injuries as he stood up and hurried to put on proper clothes.
“You shouldn’t be up, son, just rest and tomorrow you may see her” Violet didn’t even know why she was trying to convince him, if her children had anything in common it was definitely their stubbornness.
“I mustn’t wait one more second before checking on her, she is my future wife and I won’t leave her alone when she needs me the most” he was struggling to get his clothes on so his mother gave up and called the footman so he could help her son get dressed, she also sent a maid to call the doctor because she knew her son would request his presence.
Once he was finally dressed and presentable, Anthony all but ran to Daphne’s old bedroom, were Grace was staying. He entered the room quietly, to not disturb her, and was saddened by what he saw. She had her eyes closed and looked as if she was asleep but a sudden spurt of violent coughing made her double over holding her chest with a pained expression, it was then when she noticed his presence.
“My lord!” Cough “You shouldn’t be” cough “Here”
“Shhh” he shushed her softly and helped her lay back down “I shouldn’t see my future wife when she is sick?” He chuckled watching as a deep blush crept up her already rosy cheeks.
“I- future wife?”
“Truly someone must’ve told you about me asking for your hand” he grabbed a nearby chair and sat by her bedside.
“I’m sorry to inform you that someone was yet to come bearing those news”
“Well then allow me to be the carrier of such joyous information, we are getting married” before she could speak, he continued “And yes, your father has been notified and will probably be on his way as soon as he gets the letter that I personally wrote”
“If I may ask, why did you asked for my hand? You mustn’t take pity on me for my foolish actions I-“ Anthony held both her hands and brought them to his chest.
“Worry not, my dear, I proposed because I have love for you and I want you to be my wife” he kissed her knuckles but frowned upon seeing her eyes fill with tears “Unless I read the situation wrong and you bear no feelings for me, if that is the case I couldn’t possibly force you to marry me” he let go of her hands and was standing up when a soft hand on his wrist stopped him.
“You did not misread anything, I do love you and” a fit of coughs stopped her and he patted her back waiting for it to subside “my foolish actions are a statement of just how deep my love runs”
Anthony smiled felling absolutely happy and at peace with where his life was at, his family was safe and he had found the perfect match for him to help him run their home and to give him an heir, while it was true he hadn’t intended to fall in love he wouldn’t complain now that he had found his love match. He knew it was inappropriate but the desire to feel her lips against his overcame him, he grabbed her cheeks and watched smug how her lips parted on their own accord, their faces were inches apart and just as he was about to kiss her he pulled apart with a concerned expression.
“Your skin is burning up” he confirmed this by pressing the back of his hand against her forehead “Have you seen a doctor yet?”
“Is just a cold Anthony, no need to call the doctor for that” Grace could kill him for teasing her like that, they were so close.
“Nonsense, I shall send for the doctor immediately”
“No need son, he’s here” Lady Bridgerton was glad her intuition was right.
The doctor entered and kicked everyone out the room. While he was in there, Anthony and his mother were waiting anxious outside. Violet watched her son try to mask how worried he was by standing completely still but his nervousness showed in the way he checked his watch every minute and how he seemed to lean against the door when muffled voices could be heard.
“She will be alright, son, it’s merely a cold she got from riding in the rain”
“I’ve seen grown men perish for less” he said it without thinking and immediately regretted it “I am terribly sorry, mother, I meant no harm with my harsh words”
“I know son” she squeezed his hand reassuring.
The doctor came out of the room and Anthony practically pounced on him to get answers.
“Your fiancé is quite all right, Lord Bridgerton” the doctor pretty much rolled his eyes at Anthony’s anxious behavior.
“‘Quite alright?’ She is coughing like she is dying!” his mother had to place a hand in his chest to refrain him from attacking the doctor.
“She is coughing like she has a cold, sir, I have given her another dose of the same concoction she drank yesterday and left extra doses for her to take every night and morning for the next week” after that the doctor excused himself and left.
Anthony wanted to believe that everything was well but given his history with loved ones he felt like something was wrong, he felt like that pretty much all the time but usually he’ll believe everything is fine in the name of logic and facts; but now it seemed impossible to ignore the bad feeling because even if it was small, the was a chance something might go wrong and he could lose her.
“She will be fine” Violet pulled her son form his inner turmoil of thoughts before it got too dark “Why don’t you go be with her?”
///Time jump\\\
The best way to top off the season is to do it with a wedding, and the union between of the most eligible bachelor and the diamond of the season was the best event to mark the end of the social season. Violet Bridgerton had outdone herself with the wedding party, there were so many flowers and decor that it looked like she had transferred Versailles to Lady Danbury’s house.
The groom and bride said their yes before a priest like any respectable couple of the highest levels of society. Anthony wanted to murder the priest for taking so long in the ceremony, he had waited months to finally kiss his bride and the man seemed to be taking ages with the ceremony. One would have thought that Anthony Bridgerton, the biggest rake in the ton, would not care for propriety and would’ve kissed his bride ages before the ceremony, and he did tried to but his mother knew of his intentions and made sure they were never left alone.
“You may kiss the bride”
The priest didn’t even get to finish before Anthony placed both hands on Grace’s face and kissing her deeply, so passionately that the priest had to interrupt by clearing his throat, reminding the couple of where they were. They pulled apart quickly and a deep blush covered Gigi’s cheeks, Anthony only chuckled taking her hand and walking her out of the church.
Anthony had decided, in favor of not inconveniencing his family, to ride with his wife to the London townhouse. On the way there he kissed her until her lips were swollen and red, later she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes before whispering
“Wake me up when we get home”
Finally Anthony had his own home, with a wife who would’ve bear children for him, children he would love just as much as his father did him.
˜˜˜˜The End˜˜˜˜
Sooo there it is, the end :) I accidentally posted a draft and my anxiety got the best of me so it took me ages to write this haha still, I hope you enjoy it and if you read it know that I appreciate you :):):):):):):)
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
April Writing Prompt List 💧
So, Earth Day is this month so I thought it would be cute to recycle prompts I haven’t used yet from January, February, and March. I also just don’t really have any prompts saved up to use lol. Anyway, as per usual, I’ll be crossing prompts out after I do them.
Since, there’s so many prompts this month and I don’t think I’ll be writing them all for fillers, if so choose you can send in two prompts at a time for the same imagine request. Not only does that help use up some of the prompts but it’ll help me by giving me more to work with lol.
Without further ado, here’s this month’s prompt list:
1. “All that ‘You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first’ mess is bullshit. I have never loved myself. But you, oh god, I love you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
2. “I don’t know how but I’m going to blame you for all my problems.”
3. “Bite me.” “Eat me.” “Kiss my ass.”
4. “You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
5. “Call me that one more time, see what happens.”
6. “It’s pitch black in here and I can see you’re blushing.”
7. “I always take life with a grain of salt, …plus a slice of lemon, …and a shot of tequila.”
8. “Sorry, I have a clingy and feverish assassin on my lap. I’ll call you back when I’ve convinced them that a cold doesn’t mean they’re dying.”
9. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
10. “Did any of these assholes mess with you?” “No, you’ve marked your territory so hard they’re scared to even say ‘hello’”
11. Person A seeing that Person B’s shoelace is undone and instead of telling them, they just do it themselves.
12. Person A getting really annoyed with their tangled headphones and Person B just taking them off them and doing it for them.
13. “Do you need a hand?” “Does it look like I need your help?” “Do you really want me to answer that or would you like to maintain plausible deniability for later?”
14. “Don’t tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood!”
15. “We have a problem.”   “Let me guess. You caused it?”
16. “We have a problem.”   “No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one.”
17. “We have a problem.”    “Gimme a sec, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this yet.”
18. “We have a problem.” “And it’s another Tuesday, what’s your point?”
19. “We have a problem.”   “If you mean the flaming pillar, that’s our solution to the last week’s problem.”
20. “We have a problem.”   “Would shooting you solve the problem? No? Then get out.”
21. “We have a problem.”   “You call it a problem. I call it a solution.”
22. “How dare you demand more of me when you know, without question, that I would give you the very shirt off my back if you asked for it. My very skin and blood and bones to keep you happy.”
23. “Did you really not see it? Or were you too afriad to look?”
24. Person A and Person B are having to share an air matress for the night. Person A is already sound asleep and comfy in bed. Person B, very tired from the day, flops down on the other side, thus launching Person A into the air.
25. Person A gets lost in a crowd so Person B yells at the top of their lungs something that they know will piss Person A off. 
26. “I’m personally offended that you didn’t get me to be your fake date.”
27. Person A hasn’t slept in days and keeps forgetting to eat because of a task or project they’ve been working on. Person B is worried about them and keeps lecturing them about it and finally manages to get Person A to take a break.
28. “If you do that again, I’ll throw you out that fucking window you- what are you doing?” “Checking how high the drop is, see if it’s worth it.”
29. Person A and Person B are walking down the sidewalk together. Person A trips and Person B catches them, ending up in a dramtic dip. Someone yells, “When’s the wedding?”
30. “How’s your day going?” “Well, no one died.” “Those are your standards?”
31. Person A, noticeably disheveled as they enter the room, “Sorry I’m late. I was doing stuff.” Person B looking equally disheveled but grinning smugly, “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m stuff.”
32. “I have a solution.” “Thank goodness.” “It involves fire.” “Absolutely not.”
33. Person having a cute nickname for Person B. Person C, a friend, clearly doesn’t know that Person B only allows Person A to call them that, and one day learns the dire consequences.
34. “Where you from?” “Here and there.” “What do you do?” “This and that.” “You ever-” “Now and then.” “Boy you’re just full of information.”
35. “Where’s your shoe?” “That giant mud puddle down the road demanded a sacrifice.”
43 notes · View notes
oftenderweapons · 4 years
Love Talk - Taehyung
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader (nicknamed Lace)
Wordcount: 11k words
Genre: smut, fluff, (Taehyung is moody but no angst I guess) dating au, idol au
Rating: 18+
Finally! I can post this! My inner praise-thirsty brat has been missing y’all’s attention so here I am!
Actually I’ve managed to write the end this afternoon after I finished writing a whole chapter of my dissertation (God, why do I need a degree...)
Anyway, here is Taehyung’s take at love talk. This is clearly smut, so minors please, do not read or interact.
Quick recap/everything you need to know before reading. Taehyung and Lace (in this fic called many many nicknames since “Lace” hasn’t sticked yet) have been dating for a couple months and Tae has been taking it slow, they have done some coupley stuff and have made out, but they haven’t been really physical yet. Until he visits her late at night after coming back from a trip in Paris with Jimin. And he has a gift which might spark up something interesting. 
Disclaimer: Personally, I don’t see Lace as the stereotypical slim girl, but there’s a very generic reference to this. Also, Lace has taken bondage and basic domination lessons in a dungeon. Taehyung knows this. Both of them treat this fact as something serious rather than a kinky fun fact, since it comes from one of Lace’s insecurities.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: woah. so. Foreplay, mostly masturbation (male and female receiving), making out and grinding, marking, biting, Oral (male receiving), duality king Kim Taehyung, mental health and depression, body image issues, the characters discuss public sex, food play, oral sex, sensation play and impact play, wax play, tantric massage, BDSM, domination, bondage and submission, sex toys, exhibitionism, dungeons. Both the characters have had same-sex experiences and relationships. There might be a few swearwords here and there.
Wordcount: 11k. This thing is big so I’ll come back and edit it a bit at a time. 
Here is my masterlist!
And remember to vote for next prompt :) (link in bio!)
Enjoy <3
“Hey.” He replied right back. He was standing in the empty corridor at three a.m., the light coming from your doorway illuminating his chocolate curls, his eyes gleaming darkly. “Can I come in?”
You nodded, opening the door and letting him in. 
The low lights of your hallway made him move slowly in the room, since he’d never ventured upstairs before. Reaching your living room, you switched on the small lamp beside the sofa, a gentle yellow warmth diffusing. 
“Your house is very pretty.” He said, looking around. 
“It’s basic. I’m still trying to buy some pieces as I go.” You commented, your mind still slowed down by sleep. 
“I’m sorry. I know it’s late.” He said. He was being extremely scarce with his words. “We arrived in town ten minutes ago.”
“How was our trip?” You asked out of habit. You were still trying to understand what to expect from this. 
“Very tiring.” He murmured. “I think I’ll be jetlagged all the way to next week.”
He had been in Paris with Jimin after being in London for group schedule. Of course he’d been conflicted between coming back to you and spending some time with his best friend, but at the same time, he thought you'd been dating for a short time and after all, he should give Jimin the priority. 
You smiled. “Eight hours?”
“Seven.” He corrected. “May I?” He gestured to the sofa, a two-seats dark red velvet number dominating the room entirely. 
You nodded. 
“You look incredible.” His low voice made your insides shake. “Have you just woken up?” He shook his head in disappointment. “I’ve woken you up, haven’t I?” He shook his head, reprimanding himself. 
“It’s okay.” You said, sitting beside him at a respectful distance. “What brings you here at three a.m. on a workday?” You asked, mischief tinting your voice. 
“I wanted to see you.” He replies dryly. 
What’s with the atmosphere?
Something felt off. It wasn’t just your sleep-addled mind. There was tension. 
“Okay.” You argued back in his same attitude. 
He shook his head, throwing his spine against the pillows, inflating his lungs. As he turned towards you, something lustful and obscure possessed his eyes. “Say yes.”
You furrowed your brow. “To what?”
“Fuck, just say yes, ____.” He begged with a growl. 
You bit your lip and nodded.
He was on you in a millisecond, kissing you with an intensity that you didn’t think his lithe figure could muster. Yes, of course he was solid under your touch but his body was sinewy rather than bulky. It was a matter of kinetic force rather than actual strength. 
He smothered you under his torso, your lungs constricting with the impact. The kiss wasn’t even an attempt at gentleness. It was a matter of teeth and tongues and sucking straight away. Your hand gripped the hair at his nape, trying to control him, slow him down. If he kept this up, he was going to bruise your lips. Soon he grew breathless and parted from your lips. His body was thrown over the sofa, over your lap, into your arms. 
“I’ve been thinking of this single spot for days.” He murmured, diving for the crook of your neck, immediately nibbling on it. One hand already on your hair, he tried to move the other one around you, between your back and the soft burgundy velvet. “And I find you all fuzzy and warm from sleep, skin tender, freshly woken up, wearing this sorry excuse of a nightgown.” He snarled.
“Taehyung.” You murmured. 
“Lace looks incredible on you, dove.” He lowered his head and started sucking on the upper curve of your left breast, clearly intending to leave a bruise. 
You combed his hair back, looking at him while his eyes stared into yours. 
“Tae, baby. Why don’t we get more comfortable? I have a queen size bed in the other room, are you sure you want to stay on the sofa?” You offered gently. 
He shook his head, still latched onto you, no intention of letting go whatsoever. 
"Taetae, you're gonna get a cramp, darling." You caressed his face with affection, his wide-eyed look making you weak. 
He finally parted from you and inspected the bruise. Happy with the result, he kissed the mark, drying it with his cheek, slightly scratching you with his stubble. "I think we should stay on the sofa." He argued with a rumble. 
He wouldn't answer for himself if he had you in bed. And it was too early to go all the way anyway. Of course his aim was getting his hands under your clothes — and possibly your hands under his, — but he also knew he wanted to take his time. His will was still strong enough to wait, but he knew, were he to be tempted, he would not hesitate. And he knew he wanted to play it slow, go one base at a time before diving all the way in. 
"Were you listening, Tae?" You asked, noticing the absent look on his face. 
He shook his head with an innocent look, his curls tickling your bosom. 
You giggled, fondness warming your gaze. "You want to stay here?" 
He nodded, his hair grazing your skin once more, his expression sparkling with a playful smile. 
"Then we'll stay here." You declared. "Do you want something to drink? Something to eat? To you it should be dinner time, right?" You fussed. 
"No, I'm okay, I'm trying to adjust." He explained. His expression went blank for a moment before lighting up in an Eureka! moment. "I have a gift for you!" He chimed happily. 
"Really?" You replied, incredulous. 
"It's a bit artsy and sexy, but it's from Paris, so…" He shrugged. 
"Oh, now I'm curious." You combed his hair back, exposing his forehead. 
"Let me—" He sat upright, disentangling himself from you. He sat cross-legged on the sofa and dove for his canvas bag. "Here." He said, handing you a paper bag. 
"Is it…" It was heavy. Very. You opened the bag and you were met with the heavy scent of printed paper. "A book." You realised, taking the volume in your hand, gently removing it from the bag. It was still covered in a thin layer of plastic. "Oh, God! It's that book! How did you find it?" 
He grinned. "A friendly bookseller. A connoisseur." He winked. "I didn't open it. I didn't want to ruin it. And I wanted to open it with you. Do you like it?" He dove into the crook of your neck once more, shaking his shaggy locks against your tender skin. 
"Thank you, baby." You kissed his cheek. You were still getting used to his mood swings from dark, charming gentleman to his bubbly tiger cub persona. “Do you mind if I go grab a glass of water and then we leaf through it together?” You asked. 
“Yeah. Grab one for me too.” If he had to have you half naked beside him for an hour or so, he’d better have something to keep him cool.
As you did your thing in the kitchen he looked around, wide eyed. The relaxing golden light coming from the lamp illuminated a shelf of fashion books and a series of black and white pictures on the walls. He recognised one as a feather. It looked very classy, still he knew you had bought it in a cheap shop downtown, a vintage parlour the two of you had visited during your fourth date. 
“Here, Tae.” You said, entering the room, putting the glasses on the small tables at each side of the sofa, one of which hosted the lamp. 
“Thank you.” He was sitting comfortably, legs slightly parted, his back laying on the sofa, elbows propped on the pillows. You stood in front of him, admiring him a little. 
He was used to being watched, but your scrutiny was so fierce and detached that he felt crystallised, as if any movement would send him shattering on the floor like a frozen leaf.
He looked up at you, mesmerised, but also so terribly afraid of your next move. Like you could incinerate him with your eyes. Slowly, he raised his back from his slouching, hands naturally meeting your hips. It was intimate and cold at the same time. You felt afraid of the intensity he could evoke with a simple touch and a glance. 
He called your name and it felt like an awakening, like you had never had a name before. His long lashes covered the upper part of his irises, giving you the sultriest, darkest look.
“Taehyung.” You whispered back, in hope you would sound just like he did. 
His hands moved from your hips to your waist, bringing you closer, right in front of him. He scooted closer to the edge of the cushion, his nose skimming the soft silk of your nightgown from your sternum to the dip of your navel. “I missed you, darling.” He kissed your belly, propping his chin on your stomach. 
Again, you combed his hair back. “I did send you a small gift, though.” You reminded him coolly. 
Once again he remembered the picture, the voice text, your breathy moans and needy whines as you whispered how much you were missing him, how dumb you had been to tell him that you could wait one more week before seeing him again. Your relationship wasn't sexual yet, but during his short stay in Paris you realised how quickly it had escalated, feeling the need to simply tell him how he made you feel, how hot it was to listen to his deep, warm voice as he talked about his day. He could have been reading his shopping list and you would get wet anyway. 
"You did send it." He replied. "And it was wholeheartedly appreciated." He said with a growl. 
You licked your lips as you noticed his legs spreading farther, parting to accommodate your standing figure. 
"Are you gonna make me beg for it?" He murmured, a pinch of worry in his voice. 
You raised an eyebrow, playing confused. 
Shaking his head, he tutted and grabbed your waist, his strong fingers digging into your skin as he turned you with his back to him, making you sit heavily between his thighs. "I won't beg for you tonight, Lace." He huffed minaciously in your ear, one arm coiling around your waist while his other palm dragged possessively from your hip bone to your knee, fingers digging into the soft skin of your inner thighs. 
“Let’s look at your kinky, niche art book.” He growled at your ear.
Nodding silently, you bent to the coffee table, lunging for the book, your hair tumbling forward and exposing the naked expanse of your shoulders. 
Of course he profited from the moment, lunging forward, drawing the line of your spine with the tip of his nose, from the upper hem of your nightgown to your nape, inhaling the flowery scent of your shampoo. 
You almost lost your grip on the heavy book, your body responding to his touch with a deep shiver and a slight loss of balance. He gripped your waist tighter, helping you up. “Did you like that?” He asked. 
You let your short breath and stumbling heartbeat speak for you. 
“Did you like that, sweetheart?” He asked again.
“Yeah.” You huffed. 
He chuckled gruffly. “Open the book.”
You used your nail to open the thin plastic foil, ripping it until you managed to open the cover. The first page was an unmade bed, the title printed in a dark, heavy font. 
“Passion portrayed”
The theme was very… French. Your ex-flatmate had recommended you the book, printed by one of her former university classmates. 
It didn’t even feign being ordinary or appropriate. From the very title of it, it was unmistakeably an erotic book, meant to expose intimate parts of the subjects’ life, exhibitionism in its most artistic vest.
“How does it work?” Asked Taehyung, his chin settling on your shoulder. 
“It’s a book.” You said, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, but the theme.” He said, taking the book from your hands and turning it around, searching for an abstract.
You shrugged. “From what I’ve been told, some couples asked the photographer for a series of intimate pictures. They loved the results so much that they asked if the author ever thought of publishing them as a collection. The pictures were selected and rearranged to create this book.” You explained, using your forearm to sustain the back of the book, your hand turning the first page. 
“I like this.” Taehyung said, the page printed fully offering a wide, light green clearing in the middle of a wood. The straw field was bathed in orange twilight, the light cutting perfectly into the lens, creating small, interference halos in the picture. 
You smiled, nodding, your hair brushing against his cheek. 
He exhaled, his body relaxing. You felt so soft. Like his personal teddy bear. The skin of your thigh was warm against his palm, if slightly clammy. You were holding the book so to allow his hands to wander and he felt somehow confused and grateful for it, not knowing whether he could take advantage or whether you were just testing him. 
“Tell me when you want me to turn.” You said quietly. 
“Turn.” He said. The following two pages were only partly printed, hosting a smaller photograph on the center of each page. Both offered the same setting as before with a change of perspective, one lowered to the ground, in a picnic, the traditional chequered blanket laying on the ground, a wicker basket, small glass cups for wine, grapes, cheese and picturesque, cliché sandwiches; the other filtered through the backseat of a pickup. The definition of an American Sixties teenage rendezvous. “I can kind of figure where this is headed.” He murmured. 
You snickered. “I can only imagine.”
You turned the page again. Black and flashes of neon pink. Probably a club, empty. 
“Wow.” You said. The atmosphere had changed dramatically, contrasting with the previous page. The juxtaposition was somehow interesting. 
“Turn?” He asked.
You obeyed. Same disposition of pictures: two, smaller, at the center of the page, same setting — the club —  but through a different cut. A gothic black velvet armchair, the seat surrounded by elaborate swirls of sculpted ebony. The glimmering of metal in the darkness, reflecting the neon hot pink. 
“It looks like an adult club.” He murmured, his finger exploring the vague shape of chains hanging from the wall in the picture on the right. 
“I think so, too.” You agreed. “Have you ever visited one?” You asked, turning slightly to examine his reaction. 
He denied with a tut. “I’d like to visit one, though. It would be curious.” He shrugged.  “Have you?” 
You cocked your head to the side. “Kind of.”
He waited for you to elaborate. 
“Call it an occupational hazard of sort for a lingerie retailer. You just get used to a lot of crazy stuff, meet a lot of crazy people, get into a lot of crazy hobbies.” You approximately justified yourself.
“Was it for your… extracurricular?” He asked, a lazy smirk on his face. 
“Yeah.” You confirmed, licking your lips.
He nodded delicately, trying not to punch his chin into your collarbone. “Next?” He called and you turned the page. 
A bluish bathroom. Maybe a spa room, it had a massage bed. But everything was blue. Entirely blue. Blue tiles, blue floor, blue carpet, blue supplies. Blue. everywhere. Soothing, calm. “So much blue.” He commented. 
“I think she’s going through primary colours. Yellow, reddish pink, blue. We’ll see what’s next.” You explained. 
Tae stared at the picture. “Do you like it?”
“I’m not sure.” You turned the page. Again, two smaller pictures at the center of each page. The first one was a closeup of the massage bed, with its plush blue cover and a small shelf of products and candles. The other picture contained another detail, a white, thick candle and its burning wick against the dark blue tiles. 
You nodded with a knowing huff. 
“Want me to turn?” You asked. 
Taehyung hummed in approval. 
Black. And white. And grey. This is the same setting as the title page: bedroom, silken, glimmering sheets. But now you could figure out the rest of the room. A plain bedroom, the headboard made by a sophisticated tangle of iron swirls and bars, the rest of the scene empty except for a big wardrobe and a drawer. The setting in time is completely anonymous, the black and white chromatism killing any light that could suggest day or night or twilight. 
First detail: the silken sheets appearing through the iron bars at the foot of the bed. 
Second detail: some absolutely ordinary, if not cheap and old clothes abandoned on the wooden floor of the room. 
This is where it starts. 
Taehyung was growing impatient, his hand getting restless on your leg. He started drawing small circles with his short nails on your inner thigh. "So…" 
You stopped turning the page, leaving it perfectly standing, pinched between your fingers. 
He suddenly shut his mouth, as if he had decided not to speak, however his glance gave him off, his eyes stuck on the page you had just uncovered. 
He moved his hand from your belly, catching your wrist and making you turn the page fully. 
On the page on the left a dainty, lithe female body occupied most of the picture, picturing the torso and lower body, covered only slightly in a cute, gingham lingerie set with small embroidered cherries. It looked like coquettish demureness, the combination extremely girly and juvenile on the model’s barely-there curves. 
You turned to Taehyung as you felt his adam’s apple bob against your neck. He was staring at the picture on the other page, where a wooden honey dipper hovered over the girl’s lower abdomen, dripping the sticky, sweet liquid on her skin, her bent thigh hiding her crotch from the camera. “I like the angle. And the colours.” You commented.
He nodded simply. 
You observed the picture for one more second before letting your fingers reach for the corner of the page to turn. 
“Would you let me do that to you?” He growled, leaving a soft kiss on your neck. 
Let him cover you in honey? “Would you lick it away?” You asked, curious, trying as hard as possible to play it cool. Secretly you were self-combusting. 
“Duh. Of course.” He kissed you again. 
“Yes.” You replied, without even thinking about it for half a second.
The following page moved back to the club, all black and magenta. This time everything you could see was the silhouette of someone laying on their front, naked, on a flat surface. It was impossible to recognise a male or female anatomy. It made everything more interesting. On the page beside, the picture focused on the dip of their spine, showing a vague outline of the shoulder blades and the frilly tip of a feather barely grazing the skin, as if the person in the room with them was running the… tool? down his or her spine. 
“And you, would you let me do this to you?” You asked, curious, looking at him. 
His fingers clawed at your lower thigh, making you hiss at his vicious grip. “You want to torture me, sweetie?” He teased, parting your thighs. The cool air licked at your sweaty skin, raising goosebumps in its wake. “Want to make me furious? Get me mad?” His lazy, soft kisses turned into an aggressive nipping, his main intent that of making bruises bloom on your tender skin. 
“I want to see you wild.” You replied, still hoping to sound detached, even though at this point it was your own arousal rather than your sweat making your thighs clammy. “I’ve seen your stages. You roar.” You used your free hand to grab and knead his knee, but unfortunately he stopped you. 
“Hands on the book.” He reprimanded. “What about my stages?”
Flashbacks of his Singularity performances ran through your mind. “You’re sultry. Seductive. Predatory. And so aggressive.” You explained. “So sinful...”  You admitted.
“I know it drives you crazy.” He whispered, nuzzling into the underside of your ear. 
“Fucking insane.” You huffed out, leaning into him. 
He chuckled. “You’re so weak for me.” He mocked you. 
You wiggled a little in his hold, your backside brushing against his lap, a deep, vibratoed moan exiting his mouth. “You’re so weak for me.” You teased back. 
And then you squealed. He had just bitten your shoulder. “Turn the page, you menace.”
You did as you were told. This time it was a woman for sure laying on the massage bed, her body covered from chest to knee by a pale fluffy towel. Again, everything felt a bit too blue. You liked that she looked overall fuller, curvier than the previous models, the towel draping around her curved belly, her fleshy thighs. It wasn’t that strategically planned plumpness. It was genuine, showing both the traditionally attractive and the socially unaccepted parts of body fat. It wasn’t all tits and ass. It was arms, calves, belly. And it looked beautiful. Still, you couldn’t see her face.
“You like her?” Taehyung asked. 
You shrugged. “Her body's non-canonically beautiful. You can tell that she loves her body. I like that she didn’t let society kill her vibe, that she likes her body so much that she wanted to have this kind of pictures taken. I think she trusts the photographer a lot.” You shook your head. “I’m so dumb. All of them must have trusted the photographer a lot. I don’t know why a curvier person would be more insecure about her body than a slimmer person.”
“I think society kind of taught us that people who don’t adhere to a certain beauty standard should or actually do feel ashamed for it.” Taehyung mumbled. “I don’t see why a curvier girl should be ashamed. And curvy is not just the sexy curve. Curvy is fleshy, handfuls everywhere. I don’t really care. I just want flesh and fullness to grip while I’m fucking.” He continued mumbling with a slightly careless but also complaining tone. 
Suddenly the meaning of the hand coming around your middle, gripping the skin on your side and occasionally your love handles changed meaning. “So that’s what you were doing when you gripped me?” You asked. The first time he did it during one of your previous dates, you had felt wary, almost called-out by his action. 
“The first time we kissed. And then some.” You blushed. “I thought you were pointing out that I’m fat.”
“You’re not fat. You’re beautiful and sexy and yeah, you’re soft, so what? You feel so good. And we all have body fat. You like eating. You eat regularly and healthily. You care for yourself and love yourself. You’re one of the most confident women I’ve ever seen.”
You dipped your head, trying to avoid spilling the tear almost rolling down your cheek. “Thank you.”
“And you make lingerie look like sin.” He added, turning your head and holding you tighter. “I grip you and grab you because you’re sexy and because I need to stop myself from doing dumb, ridiculous stuff. And you’re squishy. It calms down my nerves. It soothes me.” He kissed your cheek. “If you ever decided to lose weight I would support you, of course, but if it were for me, I wouldn’t want you any other way.” He kissed you again. “And look!” he pointed to the following photography. “She seems to like curvy girls too.” He pointed to the other female figure appearing in the picture, standing beside the bed, untucking the towel and revealing the top of the laying woman’s breasts. “I like that they have a same-sex couple. Do you think they’ll have two boys too?” He asked. 
“Are you interested?” You asked, no judgement or excitement in your voice, trying to silently communicate that he was safe whatever his reply would be. 
“I mean, you have two girls, why not two boys?” He said, raising one shoulder. “Plus, I’m not opposed to it.”
“Have you ever had a boy?” You asked, quite blatantly.
He tutted. “It was a quick thing. I prefer girls, I think. The female body is more attractive.” He confessed. “It has way more secrets. It’s more interesting to explore.” He pushed his hips against your backside. “I think that the moment I feel attraction and curiosity, I let myself experience it. I don’t limit myself to something as dumb as gender.”
You loved his eclectic, versatile tastes. He is experimental and seductive, a natural hedonist. 
“That sounds good for you.” You admitted. 
“Have you had girls?” He asked, curious. 
You smiled. “Yeah. I was in a relationship with a girl, in uni. A small thing.” You told him. “And yeah, they’re more interesting.”
“Right, you mentioned.” Taehyung remembered.
“I don’t wanna sound rude or pervy but… how was the sex? I mean, is it different, other than anatomically speaking?” He asked. 
You exhaled, thinking about it more accurately, trying to remember. “Every person is different. I never really had male lovers, but the few subs I had all  had something special and different — not that I had that many, that is.” You blushed. 
He nosed his way through your hair and against your nape. 
“It was more… conversational?” You tried finding the right word. “We gave each other a lot of constructive feedback.” You reminisced. “And fuck, I loved how responsive she was.” You scrunched your face. “I do miss fucking a girl every now and then. Wrecking a pretty girl gives me quite a boost of adrenaline and self esteem.” You admitted with a wild, embarrassed laugh. 
“I agree to that.” He laughed too, his diaphragm moving with a belly laugh that ricocheted from his stomach into your back. “I can’t wait to wreck you.” He spoke with a dirty, hot, gruff voice. 
You arched your neck, offering him the curve of your shoulder as you licked your lower lip. “Why aren’t you inside me already?”
The hand on your thigh, which had lost some pressure, climbed half an inch higher. “Because you couldn’t wait to see this book.” 
You shook your head in disagreement. 
“And because I’ll put my fingers inside you first.” He said aggressively. “And because I’m waiting. When I’m so desperate that I’ll wake up sweaty and horny in the middle of the night because I was dreaming of your dripping, sweet cunt on my face, then I’ll come fuck you until your entire body is nothing but a pretty toy trained for my pleasure.” His hand shifted from the harsh grip on your side to the devious, light, teasing fingertip tracing your puffy areola and erect nipple which were pushing against the satin of your nightgown. "I need to wake up so fucked out that I can conjure your taste in my mouth, that I can almost feel the wetness of you around my fingers. Your pretty, red lips around my cock.” 
You hummed at that, wanting nothing but the stretching feel of his blunt, long erection inside your mouth, warm and salty down your throat. “Fuck my mouth, Tae. Please.”
He snarled and snickered. “Not a chance, darling. Now, turn the page.” He felt dumb for turning you down, but he had plans. He needed to resist. Good boys go to heaven. 
Turn the page. The black and white felt soothing after all the coloured shots. “Oh.” 
Taehyung breathed out loudly. “Fuck.”
You were too fascinated by the picture to look at him. 
“Yes?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” You replied. 
“You’d let me?” He asked again. 
You nodded. “Would you? Let me, I mean...”
“You wanna tie me up?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
You momentarily put the book on your legs joining your pointer fingers together at the fingertip. “I have taken lessons, so...” You bit your lip, blushing.
He kissed your shoulder. “I can’t wait to try that. With you.” He gave you small bites this time, playful and caring. “And I’d be very happy if you taught me too.” His hand caressed your belly gently, the other one digging in the valley between your joined tights. 
“Thank you, baby.” You pressed your shoulders into his chest enjoying the solid feeling of his body supporting yours. 
“Anything for you.” He replied politely. “Now, can we move on?” He asked, trying to ignore the picture that had sparked the conversation, where a man wearing only boxers laid in bed, his wrists tied to the bedpost with a sturdy, rough rope. 
You nodded, picking up the book and turning the page. Back to the babygirl in the field. This time her lover had his mouth on her; the shot a closeup of his stubbly cheek and chin and his open mouth sucking at her inner thigh. In the matching picture his mouth was on her small breast, sucking her nipple over the fabric of her bra. You clenched your legs slightly, wiggling a little in your seat. 
It went maybe unnoticed. Maybe. Taehyung stopped breathing for a second, until you settled and he managed to gain his cool again. 
You managed to keep it cool with the second set, the dungeon, where the only thing really happening was for the feather to caress the submissive’s ass, in the picture on the left, only to be substituted by a furred glove on the following photograph. 
The third set had Taehyung gasping and moaning. You simply breathed out a small laugh. “Will you do this to me too?” You asked. 
“I’m gonna worship you head to toe, dove.” He grinned, observing the pictures. Both involved the standing woman massaging the laying one, with strong, oiled hands kneading the round globes of her ass and thighs, the soft and pale plants of her feet. 
“I love your hands.” You murmured, placing yours atop the one on your navel. 
He smirked. “Don’t you?” He twisted his wrist to intertwine your fingers. 
Nodding, you added: “They look so strong. And big.” You took a deep breath, daydreaming about the feel of them grabbing your breasts, your ass, your neck, pinning your wrists, moving inside you. Your brain had a special gallery dedicated exclusively to his hands. 
“I bet you can’t wait to have them inside you.” He teased, the hand on your thigh climbing a little closer to your heat. You were wondering how long it would take for him to find out about your little surprise for him. 
Let him live in innocence for now. 
“That, yes.” You admitted, not even playing coy. “And also I can’t wait to see them on yourself.” You provoked him, hoping that he would understand. 
“You want to see me touch myself?” He asked, his face absolutely impassive. 
“Yes.” You replied plainly. 
He laughed with a series of quiet exhales. “We’ll see.”
You turned a few pages, observing all the small details of the four different foreplay scenes. 
“Would you do it outdoors?” He asked at a certain point, his stare fixed on the coquettish blonde angel sucking off her partner at the picnic. 
You raised an eyebrow. “If the setting was right, yes. Though here in Seoul it's quite difficult.”
“We could visit my hometown. There are a lot of empty, remote fields over there.” He said, his arm holding you tight as he made both your bodies scoot back, away from the edge of the sofa.
“I would rather avoid you risking your career for a fuck out in the open air.” You commented pragmatically. 
“We’re only risking that if we get caught. And I’m sure we’re smart enough.” He tried to convince you. 
“What about insects? Bugs? Safety?” You asked, concerned. 
“We’ll think about it in detail if we ever decide to walk down this path, yeah?” He suggested respectfully. 
You pouted, nodding in agreement. 
“Holy shit, look at this.” You commented, quite shocked. In the dungeon, the dom was sprinkling glitters on the backside of his submissive, which you had discovered being — much to Taehyung’s chagrin — also a man.
“I want that. Oh my God, they're gonna get all over the place.” He replied, frowning at the thought. “You can go through major catastrophes and those bitches would still colonize every nook and cranny of your body.” His brow creased. “But fuck it looks amazing.” Especially since in the second picture the dom was using a leather glove to spank his sub, making all the glitter disperse into the air at the impact, creating a purplish halo around the silhouette of the spankee.
“I’m gonna spank you.” He said, out of the blue. “I hope you’re okay with that.”
Yes, sir, Your slutty brain replied. “We’ll see,” you said out loud. 
Ha laughed dryly. "You'll want me to. It's only a matter of time."
You turned around, smirking at him. You tipped his chin back with a finger, kissing him with a cruel tenderness. His eyes closed, initially surprised, but then he became more than eager to deepen the kiss. Still you drew back, while his mouth tried to chase after yours. 
"No." You whispered. 
"Are you telling me no?" He asked gruffly. "Mh?" The hand between your thighs had kept rising and by now his palm laid on the junction between your hip and thigh, his index tracing your mound. "Is it a no?" 
You moaned lasciviously. Was he going to discover your surprise for him? 
He finally reached your sex, expecting to meet a wet patch on your underwear. "____. Where are your panties?" He murmured in your ear. 
You bit your lip. "Not wearing any." You murmured gently. 
"Say it again." He growled. 
"I'm not wearing panties, Tae." You mewled tauntingly. 
He moved his hand from your navel to your breast, the other one cupping your crotch. 
"Naughty girl." He snarled. "Bad, bad girl." His mouth latched at your neck while his hands pushed you further into him, his erection pressing against the small of your back. 
"I want you." You whined. "So bad, Tae. Please." 
"You're wet for me?" He said, his mouth parting from your skin long enough to interrogate you, only to continue to lick you as soon as he was done talking. 
"I'm drenched. I want you. Make me cum, Tae, please."
His chest shook with an evil laugh. "You told me no earlier." He replied. 
"I made a mistake. I only wanted to tease you." You cried out, your free hand trying to reach for his between your legs. 
"Hands on the book, bad kitty." He said, nibbling your earlobe.
You obeyed with some quiet complaining. 
"Why would you tease me?" He asked
"I wanted you to want me." You confessed. "I wanted you to stop resisting me."
"I'm not gonna fuck you." He repeated. "But nothing is stopping me from making you cum with my fingers." He kissed your temple. "Are you okay with that?" 
You nodded. "Just make me cum, Tae." 
He snickered. "Then keep your hands on the book. Keep watching your kinky pictures. Let's see what makes you even wetter."
You whimpered as his long fingers moved against your folds, and you parted your legs further to grant him better access. 
On the following page, the women had moved from a tantric massage to a steamy, slow session of waxplay. The receiving partner was now laying on her back, her breasts exposed for her lover, her skin glistening with oil as the other woman let a droplet fall on her unmarred skin, however you could tell it wasn't the first drop from a stain barely visible in the corner of the picture, out of focus. 
Taehyung interrupted your musings with a twitch of his fingers, while he spoke directly in your ear. "What about waxplay, darling? Would you like to try that?" 
You exhaled at the movement, your head falling forward as the muscles on your neck went slack. 
"Your body would be a work of art, covered in coconut oil, sweat, droplets of wax and my cum."
You felt your soul leave your body. From your seated position your inner organs were positioned so that his fingers perfectly reached your g-spot. "Fuck, Tae, you're fucking perfect."
He kissed the corner of your mouth, the hand on your chest toying with the hem of your nightie until he slipped the strap off your shoulder and uncovered your naked breast. "Oh, you like it." He bent some more trying to reach for your mouth. He thought about using one hand to turn your face but he was content with where they were at the moment. 
The black and white bondage scene turned into a submission exercise, the woman standing on her knees over the face of the laying man, using a vibrator to pleasure herself. 
And he simply laid there, mouth open, waiting. You almost turned when Taehyung stopped you. "I'd love to try that." His voice was slightly strained, probably from the strange angle he was in. Both his arms were busy and working from a difficult position. Not that you noticed. 
Ever since he had started touching you, you had been in a haze, your head feeling extremely light and floaty. 
"Anything you want." You replied before your voice broke in a mewl. "I'm close." You were, already, and incredibly so. All you needed was for him to keep talking. "I wanna hear your voice."
"What do you want to hear, Lace? How soft your cunt feels on my fingers? It feels like fucking velvet, darling. Do you want to know how much I wanna eat you?" He moved closer to your ear. “I wanna hear you scream for me, Lace. I want you to be so loud that everyone will know you’re having the best orgasm of your life.” He bit your earlobe. “I’m gonna make you cum so many times you lose count. I’m gonna make you regret teasing me. I’m gonna make you cry in every best way possible.” His fingers moved faster between your legs, his thumb meeting your clit. “I’m gonna fuck you so much you’re gonna hate yourself for complaining I haven’t fucked you yet.”
His dirty words got to your head like liquor, your hips undulating to find the final stimulus you needed to come apart. You felt your backbone roll dangerously and in a few seconds you snapped forward, his forearm on your chest keeping you upright through your climax. “That’s it, Lace. Ride my fingers.” He commanded and you complied, like the needy, desperate animal you are for him. Only for him. 
Never in your life had you experienced the need to bend over backwards for anyone, least of all a man; yet, here you were, pliant like putty in his hands, feeling submissive for the first time of your life. “Taehyung.” You whispered, too lost to realise it was barely hearable. Still, he noticed, slowing down his movements. 
“Are you okay, dove?” He checked on you, his voice warm and caring. 
You shook your head yes. “I need a second.” You said through heavy breath.
He moved away the hand on your breast, bringing it to your cheek, making you ease back against him and cradling your body gently. “It was beautiful, Lace. Beautiful. I can’t wait to see you do that again.” He murmured, comforting you and praising you. 
You giggled cutely in reply, turning toward his face and puckering your lips. 
He read your cue and pressed his lips to yours chastely. “Need some water, dove?” He asked. 
You nodded and for a second he thought how he could possibly grab the closest glass with both his hands busy. Noticing that, you caught his dirty hand and brought it to your face.
“Lace.” He groaned as you observed the slick coating his fingers. 
“Tae.” You groaned right back at him, turning to give him a nice view before you put his fingers in your mouth, sucking lewdly. 
His hips rolled below you, his eyes fighting to stay open while his forehead met your temple, jaw hanging low in a silent invitation to slide your tongue in his mouth. What you did, your devious will overpowering you, was to free his digits and part them in a V against your lips and chin, lashing your tongue out in the valley between his middle and ring finger to make out with him. 
The sound he emitted was something so dirty and lewd that you found yourself turned on again, ready to slip his hand between your thighs once more.
“I cannot fuck you tonight.” He reminded himself once he parted from your tongue — and his hand. 
“I still don’t see why.” You teased, always the temptress in a wild attempt to lure him into your bed. 
“I need to take my time.” He gave himself the whole talk. “I need to learn you, your language, your tells and cues. Let’s run the bases and then I’ll take it home. Let’s enjoy every little step that takes us there.” He explained, giving you his whole vision. 
You nodded. This is what he wanted. To make every single milestone meaningful, important, unique. “You should have said.” You caressed his face. “I wouldn’t have been so bratty, had I know of that.” You kissed his cheekbone. 
“It’s cool.” He breathed out, eyes shut, teeth gritted. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, fondling him some more.
“I’m just… dealing with something.” He replied, stressed, pressing his hips against your. 
And you felt him. He must have been pretty big. 
“Would you let me take care of you?” You questioned tentatively.
He shook his head. Then waited a few second. “Would it be okay if I grind against you?”
You raised your eyebrows, only to grin madly after it. “Yeah. Whatever works for you, love. Touch yourself, grind, I don’t care, just… let me be there for you.” You comforted him. 
“Water first.” He said, using his clean hand to reach for the glass, mourning the departure from your chest for a quick second. As soon as he brought the glass to your lips, you took it from his grasp and placed his palm back to your chest, taking a small sip and and offering him some. He stretched over your shoulder and you helped him drink, tipping the glass carefully to avoid him choking or spilling. As soon as he was done you moved the glass back to the small table, grabbing the book in the process. 
“Okay, back to where we left.” His hand covered in a dried up mixture of your and his spit laid on your navel, hiking up your nightie. The other was cementified to your naked breast, toying with your nipple. 
On the pages there was an escalation of foreplay, the American sweethearts moving on to her offering him a blowjob.
“You okay with that?” You asked Taehyung, refusing to assume that all men love blowjobs. 
“I think so, yeah. I hope in the near future I’ll be able to feed you my cock multiples time a day, sweetie.” He indulged in your kink, still shocked by your earlier request to suck him off. 
You had to stop yourself from asking him to feed you now. He had asked for one step at a time. You owed him that. “All you need to do is ask, Tae.” You simply reminded him. 
“Can’t wait to see you on your knees for me.” He mumbled, his hips thrusting up against you.
“What about spanking tools?” He asked as you turned the page, amazed by the riding crop that the dom was sporting. 
“I’ve used them in the past, but I’ve never had them used on me.” You confessed. “I tested them on myself first before using them on someone, obviously, but I was never… I’ve never been truly dominated by someone else, so—”
He moaned and caressed your neck with the tip of his nose. “That’s okay. We don’t have to...”
You shook your head. “I want to, though. Just— easy. As you said, one step at a time.”
He ohed at that, nipping at your jutting collarbone. 
You went through some more pages, discussing details, objects, feelings. 
Of course your fascination with the dungeon scene grew when Taehyung cupped your pubis once more as a flogger appeared in the picture. “I’m close, I just wanna feel your wetness.” He explained. “I’d love to use that—” He indicated the flogger with a gesture of his chin “—to tease you. Drag its soft tips from your toes to your breasts, flick it innocently over your sensitive nipples. Draw lazy circles on your belly. Watch you lick, suck and hump the handle.”
You awed at that. Most importantly you awed at how he was pressing his hard on against your asscheeks through his trousers and your nightie. 
“I’m close.” After ten minutes of being on the very edge of it, he gave up and brought his hand to his crotch, just adding more pressure. You felt somehow disappointed that you wouldn’t feel him on you anymore. 
The next page was his undoing. In the bedroom scene, the man was still bound, propped up against the pillows, wide eyed, imploring. On the right page you discovered why: the woman was showing him her backside, on her knees, chest to the mattress, fucking herself with a huge dildo. “Fuck” he growled. “Lace, would you?” He asked, needing you to talk, to give him a scenario. 
“Yes, I would. I would do it like that but I would also do it with your cock in my mouth, the dildo making me so relaxed that I could easily deepthroat the monster you’re hiding in your pants, mister.” You teased. 
He smiled like the devil, barely holding in a snicker. “Fuck that, Lace, you just want my cock in your mouth, don’t you?” He mocked. 
“I’ve never been so hungry for a cock, Taehyung. I just want to see you fucked out.” You had never felt so dirty and sexy in your life. You were fighting with your teeth and claws for him. There were so many people out there willing to do anything to get him. Might as well set the bar up high and offer him more than anyone else would ever dare to. 
He whimpered, his forehead pressed to your nape. 
You turned, grabbing his chin, making him look at you. “Let me see that bliss, Tae. Show me your pretty face when you cum for me.” You spurred him on gently. “Give me your best look. Come on, I wanna save that for the next time I fuck myself with my toy. Please.”
And he crumbled, holding your gaze, precipitating into oblivion. His mouth hung open, releasing a deep cry while his chest fell into your shoulders, pressing into you. He couldn’t care less about cumming in his pants, or messing up his trousers, in that moment he was only looking for a way to let his soul slither under your skin and tangle with yours. He wanted closeness and warmth and to leave his body and feel light. 
When you saw his eyelids tremble, you tutted repeatedly, calling for his attention. “Keep looking at me, baby bear.”
He whined at the nickname, fighting the postorgasmic haze threatening to drag him under. 
You fumbled with your hold of the book, freeing a hand to caress his wavy hair. “That’s it, baby.” You murmured, finally allowing him to let go of the snippet of control he had left over his body. “Are you okay, Tae?”
He nodded and inhaled against your neck, his mouth opening and laving your skin with heavy, wide and wet licks. He still had his hand between your legs and it looked like he was very happy with it.
"Are you happy, baby?" You asked him, combing his hair back. 
He simply offered you an elated smile, nodding and nuzzling into you. 
"You look so pretty when you cum, Tae. And so damn sexy." You praised him, being absolutely straightforward about your thoughts. 
"I feel so good, ____." He said, his expression completely blissful. 
"Do you want to keep leafing through the book?" You asked, still completely focused on him. 
He scratched his cheek and nodded, even though he barely hid a yawn. 
After making sure that he really wanted to keep going, you took hold of the book again. The couples in the pictures moved on from foreplay to actual intercourse, simply showing the closeness of body parts, but never including genitals in the photographs. It was only possible to identify which belonged to whom because of the light and setting. You appreciated the so-to-say gender neutrality of the shots.
"It's interesting how all the couples feel the same. The positions are slightly different but still there's always the same closeness, intensity, passion and intimacy." He noticed. 
You agreed. 
"It feels like they're together not just as in doing stuff together but actually exist together. They're one." He said, running his finger along the same possessive pose of the arm — snaking around the lovers back and keeping them close — which was featured on four different pictures put together, side by side, from each of the couples. 
And finally it was the open mouths, the hard grips, the arched backs of an orgasm. 
"It's so… Natural. The way we feel pleasure." He murmured, his heavy breathing and the movement of his lips teasing the sensitive spot behind your ear. "I mean, I know that there are some people who don't like sex. Or who don't perceive it as a necessity. And that's natural too." He thought about it some more. "But this feels like a universal language. Like music. You can read it in its little signs." 
You were growing impatient again. The book was almost over, only a few pages left. What happens now? Does he want to leave? Is he going to stay? 
You hesitated before turning the page, but he spurred you on. 
This was aftercare. While the other photographs looked like they were made for the observers' aesthetic pleasure, this looked like invading the models' privacy. 
"I feel uncomfortable." You spoke gently. 
Taehyung worried. "Is it… Do you need space?" He asked, realising that you've been sitting for almost an hour in a very uncomfortable position. He started unraveling his hold on you but you stopped him, blocking his hand between your legs with the muscles of your thighs and blocking his other arm by catching his wrist. "I was talking about the pictures. It feels like I'm seeing something that I'm not supposed to see."
"Yup." He agreed. "But I like the one in the field. The one with the sweethearts." The sun had almost completely set behind the trees and the boy and girl were sitting exhausted in the backseat, her body perched on top of him, his head resting on her breast. "I would stay inside too." Taehyung said. "It's so warm. Intimate. And when you're tired and vulnerable it's so good to feel that emotionally together with someone. To stay sheathed inside." He mused. 
You felt his fingers twitch almost imperceptibly on your folds. A wave of wetness oozed out. 
"Oh, you're ready for another, doll?" He grinned, brushing against you more pressingly. 
"Tae." You cried out. 
"Yes, Lace?" 
"Let me suck you." You said with a more imposing voice than before. 
He made you turn your head and look him in the eye. 
"You want that so bad?" He asked mischievously. "I guess you won't have any problem saying it again as you look me in eyes if you're truly so desperate for my dick."
You shook your head briefly. "Please Tae, let me suck your dick. If you don't give that to me I swear I'll go down the street and suck it to the first attractive man I see." You said, growing impatient both to his denying and his teasing. 
"How can I say no to that?" He grinned sardonically. "Plus it would be dumb of me to put you at risk, wandering through the streets at this hour of the night wearing that skimpy mess of a nightgown." He parted your hair and moved it to the side, removing the locks that had stuck to your neck because of your sweat and his saliva. "And no panties.” His hand squished your breast aggressively. “You're driving me crazy with all this lace, baby.” He took a small pause, like he was thinking. “Come on, you want my cock in your mouth? Get in position and be ready to take it." He directed you harshly. 
You put away the book, only the acknowledgements page left unread, and jumped to your feet, much to his chagrin, kneeling on the floor with the speed of a lightning. 
“God, you sure are hungry for my dick, uh?” He kept getting cockier and cockier. 
You probably should have played it cool, but you were too into it to fake aloofness. “Undo your trousers, Tae, please.”
He smirked, his eyelids lowered to look at you on the floor. He looked like a sex god, the kind of god that teaches unspeakable, sinful things. 
His hands moved slowly and deliberately, so that you had the time to spot a wet patch of fabric where his tip was located. As soon as he undid his belt, you threw your hands at his button, but he stopped you. 
“You don’t want me to block your hands, do you?” He warned you. 
You raised an eyebrow as if doubting his words. 
“I know basic knots, doll. Don’t test me.” He growled. 
You pouted and looked at the floor. 
He tutted. “Have I offended you, doll?” He questioned. 
You rocked your head in a way that meant “so and so”. 
He shook his head. “I’m so strict with you. I’m sorry, Lace.” He took a moment, thinking about how to make it up to you. “Would you be happy again if I asked you to pick a toy to play with while I use your mouth, doll?”
Your mouth opened slightly in surprise as you processed his request. You looked up at him. His zipper was undone, his cock partly out, his hand slowly, heavily petting it. 
“Is this what you wanted to see, doll?” He threw his head back, licking his lips and giving you quite the show. “Go pick your toy, nymph.”
You sucked your lips in, indecisive between staying and not losing one second of this view or going to get something to relieve yourself.
“Go quick, doll.” He ordered. 
Staying with your eyes fixed on him, you stood up and walked backwards to your room, running as soon as he got out of your sight. You quickly fished your favourite dildo from your bedside table, rushing back to the sofa. 
“Here already? You chose quickly, doll. Are you sure you chose wisely?” He questioned, his voice caving when his hand reached the tip and circled it slowly but energetically.
“Yes, Taehyung.” You said, showing him your candidate, turning it so he could analyse it. 
“It’s a very nice toy.” He commented, “It looks squishy.”
“It’s a special silicone.” You explained. “It was expensive but it feels amazing. And it’s safe, most importantly. No silly, cheap rubber.”
“Excellent, sweetie. Come kneel, doll.” He invited you and you complied obediently. “Such a good girl.” He praised you. “Look at you, all pretty, diligent, cute and wide-eyed. Who would guess that you’re the filthiest nymph ever?” He sat on the edge of the pillow, spreading his legs as far as his trousers allowed.
“May I roll them down?” You asked, leaving the toy stranding on its base on the floor while he nodded, your hands tried to push his linen trousers to his calves and ankles. 
“I want you to put the toy inside, doll.” He growled. 
You looked at him with an endearing expression. “Will you make it wet for me?”
“Want me to spit on it, doll?” He asked and you nodded neutrally. 
He started collecting some saliva in his mouth before ducking to collect the accessory and rolling his tongue out, letting the liquid spread over the thick head. 
“The base is important.” You tipped him, “it’s were I need it to be more slippery, since it’s thicker.”
“Okay, dove.” He said, his lips puckering dragging a thick coat of wetness all around the base. 
It looked very erotic. Especially with his other hand stroking his shaft
What looked even more erotic was to see him stare at you before sliding his face up, all the way to the tip, his mouth opening and swallowing two thirds of the impressive length. His hand became faster on his hard-on.
“Holy shit, Tae, I— ” Words lost sound and meaning when you saw him bob his head on the toy, closing his eyes and moaning. He played with it for a minute or so before slipping it out of his lips, offering it to your chin. 
There is a saying. No sub is truly trained unless they kiss whatever their dom puts before their lips. 
And you kissed it. 
He grinned with lust-fevered eyes. “Put it in, Lace.”
You took a second, staring at him. Your hands naturally reached the hem of your nightie and dragged it up and away.
“Fuck, doll. Look at those tits, you’re delicious, babe.” He praised you, and you beamed up at him, retrieving your toy and bringing it between your thighs, the tip already at your entrance.
“In, Lace.”
Once more you obeyed.
A moan escaped your throat and echoed from his own lips. He had moaned himself. 
“Shit, all the way in nymph. All the way.” He said, replicating your pace on his cock. 
When you bottomed out, he gripped his base, slipping his hand down to his balls and squeezing them delicately. With his eyes closed, head thrown back, he rumbled: “leave it there. Don’t move. If you can make me cum before you do, I’ll stay the night. But remember I won’t be fucking you.” He regained his controlled demeanour, staring at you, voice empathetic. “It’s up to you. I’ll still go if you want me to. Just know that there’s a way, if you want to make me stay.”
Distracting yourself from the filling sensation, you dragged yourself back to reality, making the best of the moment. As his hand gripped his base, you leaned in and licked the head with the tip of your tongue. 
His rumble sounded like an earthquake. “Do what you want to, doll. Remember our game.”
Grinning, you opened your mouth and took him in as far as he would go. 
You took maybe one third of him. 
God, he was so big, his skin glistening, his veins pulsating so fascinatingly just under the surface. 
He caressed your face and hummed. "Beautiful." 
You took two more inches, eyes watering, lungs burning, but oh so determined to take all of him. 
Backing up a little, you released some of his length to focus on the tip, twirling your tongue around it as you regained your breathing. 
When you felt ready, you sinked again, adding one inch to your previous goal. 
"Fuck, so tight, doll, you're a crime." His hips jutted forward and you opened your eyes wide, a little surprised by the motion. A single teardrop spilled, not due to discomfort but only to his shaft hitting the back of your throat. 
"You okay, doll?" He checked in on you as soon as he felt the droplet hit his thumb. His hand gently tangled in your hair and pushed you back delicately, trying to free your mouth. You whined as his tip slipped out of you with a pop, even though you had tried to suck on him to keep your hold.
"Listen carefully, _____. I need to fuck your mouth, nymph." He said, panting, trying to control himself. "Can I put my hands in your hair? Is it okay if I stroke in?" He asked, worried.
You just nodded. "I want that, Tae. Just use me." You pleaded, caressing his erection, placing small kisses on the thick underside. 
"Good. I just thought it was good to warn you. And make sure that you like that, doll." He combed your hair. "Now let's get it, sweetheart."
He showed no mercy. The moment you sucked his tip past your lips, he started pushing in with short, quick jabs. However, when he saw you getting more and more of him inside, he lost all semblance of control. 
In the meanwhile you had lost any sensation apart from those coming from your mouth, almost forgetting the toy inside you, of which you were reminded the moment he started thrusting so hard that your whole body began to roll back and forth. 
He groaned before murmuring deeply, "I'm gonna cum." At that he zoned out, going completely silent, his thrusts getting sloppy before he spilled into you with a long, raspy hum.
You welcomed his taste in your mouth, as he fussed, whimpering ‘don't swallow’. His first spurt was already down your throat but you focused on the second, the third, the last one a weak series of drops. He stayed still a few second and you admired his form: lush ringlets of hair sticking to his forehead, head tipped back as he filled his lungs hungrily before huffing out, his breathing pattern quick and heavy. His lashes fluttered and his brows knitted together every few second as he tried to get a grip on himself. He licked his lips, which had grown too dry with all the panting, his eyes finally opening and focusing on you. 
You slowly pulled him out of your mouth. 
"Lemme see." He growled. 
You knew what he meant. 
"Such a little nymph." He praised you, and you felt your inner walls flutter at that, moving the toy inside you. 
"Do you want to swallow it? Drink me?" He asked with a condescending tone. 
You nodded, trying not to spill his release from your tongue. 
"Do it." 
Eagerly, you did, the gulping sound almost too loud in the quiet room. 
"Show me." He said, just as you parted your lips to do just that, assuring him that not a drop had gone to waste. 
"Come here, doll. Keep the toy inside.” He grumbled, lowering himself to put on his boxers, coming close to you and kissing the top of your hair in the process.
Biting your lip, you stood up, quickly propping one knee on the sofa and straddling him, one hand gripping the base of the dildo. 
“Tae.” You whispered. 
He kissed your lips delicately, simply pressing his lips to yours. “Want me to do it?” He asked. 
You nodded. 
He caught your hand on your crotch and substituted it with his, the other one grabbing your ass. “Can I move?”
You nodded, “I just need hard and fast, please.”
Taehyung grinned, kissing your forehead as you lowered your head, looking at his veiny forearm starting to pump the toy inside. “Is it good like this—”
“Faster!” You exclaimed, your hand tugging at the hair of his nape. 
In response he placed his lips on your cheek, nibbling at your soft skin. He hammered the toy inside you, teasing you on how nasty, kinky and absolutely divine you were, how incredible you looked, how much he wanted you to cum, how he was going to destroy you the moment he’d get to be inside you. 
You felt on the very edge of pleasure, the sensation so disturbing since you felt like something was missing. 
“Tae?” You asked with a whiny voice. 
He slowed down, trying to let you focus on talking“What is it, doll?” He huffed gently.
“I need to touch myself.” You said with a pout. 
He nodded and bent to your mouth. “It’s okay, sweetie. I’ve got you.”
He kept his pattern slow, trying to adapt it to your fingers on your clit. He synced up so nicely that you managed to rub yourself for maybe a minute before the tip of the toy reached the perfect depth, making you come apart in Taehyung’s hold. 
“That’s lovely, doll. Lovely.” He whispered in your ear, speaking sweet nothings that you couldn’t quite register from your fucked out state. 
After a couple minutes you managed to go back to reality. “Are you okay, Tae?” You asked. 
“I should be asking that. You moaned your lungs out, doll.” He kissed your lips, bringing your wrist up from your mound to his mouth, smearing his lower lip with your wetness before licking it sinfully. 
“Kim Taehyung.” You said in warning and exasperation. 
He looked at you wide eyed, playing innocent. “I believe you earned me as your sleeping buddy tonight.” He joked. 
“Indeed.” You said, wincing a little as he extracted the dildo. 
“Are you sure it’s okay, you’re okay?” He asked. 
You simply nodded. “Let’s just head to bed. It’s four thirty. I’ve got work tomorrow morning.” You explained. 
“Can we have have breakfast or will you have to rush out?” He asked, already in tiger cub mode. 
Your body deflated in desperation over your lost sleep but you smiled gladly when you looked up at him. “I’ll be happy to wake up early and have breakfast.”
Cleaning up was a bit messy, especially finding sleeping clothes for Taehyung, still you managed to hit the bed at five am, Taehyung managing to stay in his lane for maybe five minutes before cuddling up against you and falling asleep like a toddler. 
Of course your head tried to process how you felt about the whole event, but your exhausted body and his gentle embrace cradled you to sleep. 
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blush-and-books · 4 years
🥳🎉 Congrats on 1.5k followers!!!🎉🥳
My four word prompt for you is
One: famous au
Two: fluff
Three: meeting
Four: autographs
And anything you come up with will be amazing 💕💕ily
once again i got carried away. but who is surprised??? this was so much fun!!!
Luke Patterson was excited to be at the Grammys for many, many reasons -- but only part of it (a big part) was because Sunset Curve was nominated.
Best Rock Album, Record of the Year, and Best Rock Performance were their three nominations for their third album, Demo Tapes, and specifically their singles Now Or Never (rock performance) and Unsaid Emily (record of the year). It was all that the boys had been working towards, seeing as this was their first time around after a near revolt towards the academy last year for snubbing their sophomore, self-titled album. The four of them were beaming with excitement in their custom suits -- God, custom, as uppity as it was, Luke couldn’t deny he looked hot. 
However, besides the fact that the four boys were rocking their suits and were going to be honored to perform Now Or Never on the same stage that their inspirations had done decades before -- Luke couldn’t help the bubbling in his stomach that he might run into Julie Molina on the red carpet. 
Yes, the Julie Molina. 
After revealing during a round of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts on the Late-Late Show that Julie was Luke’s raging celebrity crush, and she exposed the same truth about him while playing Plead The Fifth on Watch What Happens Live, Luke had been itching to meet her in person. 
Both of them seemed to be on the other sides of the country -- hell, even the world -- at different times, from running the talk show circuit to world touring. He knew they were both from LA, but it never felt like they were home at the same time. 
Tonight, she was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album, Best Pop Vocal Performance, and yes; Record of the Year, too. And this was only for her sophomore album, Wake Up, and her leading single of the same name. The single had debuted at #1 on the charts and knocked Now Or Never to #3 (it was competing with All Eyes On Me, by Dirty Candi), while the album had been switching with Demo Tapes on the charts for the last month. 
He was honestly hoping that they would get the chance to communicate, or even collab, at some point -- as many avid fans online were urging -- because he was pretty sure she was one of the most talented songwriters in the next generation of the music industry.
He thought they could make each other even better. 
His plan was honestly to try and track her down on the red carpet, and if that didn’t work, he would find her in the auditorium. She would probably be in the front row next to Adele or Beyonce anyways, seeing as how she was (as deserved) America’s Darling. 
“Dude,” Alex elbows him in the gut and gestures to the line of paparazzi and reporters with flashing cameras in microphones. “Stop staring into space and smile. And walk us on, lead guitarist.”
The nickname is said with spite and a smirk, but Luke is overall grateful that Alex centered him in the moment once again and got him to quit looking for Julie. 
She probably wasn’t even there yet, so he shouldn’t worry about it. 
(Even though he’s definitely been fantasizing about how stunning she’ll look tonight.)
Him and the boys walk up to a few reporters to hyperactively answer a few questions while finding time in between to pause for photos of all of them together, and some individual shots. They are in the middle of being ushered down the red carpet when he hears it:
“Julie! Julie Molina! Come here darling, I would love to talk to you!”
There are a few people in between them, but she’s there -- in a stunning, bright purple dress covered in sparkles and small diamonds. Her curls are flawlessly pulled back but still twirling down behind her head, and to be blunt -- she takes his breath away, even though he can’t see her clearly. 
“Luke! Luke!” A photographer is calling out to him, so he is sure to face back and sling his left arm around Reggie as the band poses for a few more group shots. Once again, a technician is guiding them to walk right to proceed along the carpet, and Luke catches that Julie is still being interviewed. 
He doesn’t realize he’s staring when a reporter, the same reporter that’s interviewing Julie, is calling him over. 
And Julie is still standing there, visibly blushing under layers of makeup and sending him a sheepish, apologetic smile. 
Without hesitation, he jogs over, and hugs the reporter. 
“Hi, Grace! It’s good to see you!”
“Luke Patterson, you are the talk of the night -- besides my other guest, Miss Julie Molina, of course.” Grace gestures to both of them, and Luke sees that Julie is still avoiding her eyes, and even though they are currently broadcast on national television he just wants to talk to her. 
“Yes, of course, I’ve been looking forward to getting to officially meet her all night.”
Julie’s head whips to the left to look at him -- he meets her eyes with his classic, joyous Luke Patterson grin. When she reflects it, he feels like the final nail has been hammered into his coffin. 
“No, you have not!” She slaps his arm playfully. “I should have known you’d be a flirt when I met you.”
“So what you’re saying is… You’ve thought about meeting me too?”
Their moment is interrupted by the reporter. “Wait, you two haven’t met before? That’s impossible!”
“And incredibly disappointing,” Luke jumps in. “All of our fans keep asking us to meet but we’ve been touring at the same times, and the timing’s just never been right.”
“I just told Marie Claire last week that Lu- Sunset Curve, sorry, was my dream collab for the future. Our sounds could blend so well!”
Luke’s heart just about shoots out of his chest, so he tries to control himself by biting his lip with a smile. The reporter doesn’t miss it. “Luke, you look happy about that!”
“I- I-” His stutter emerges, but he quickly swallows and changes directions. “It’s just really cool to hear that, we listen to Julie’s music all the time at home, and I have spent an unhealthy amount of time imagining a collaboration, so hearing she feels the same way tells me already that we would creatively blend really well.”
At his side, Julie beams at him. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and she’s giggling at his sweet words, and in the split moment that the reporter tries to regain their focus -- their hands brush together as they spin back to face Grace. 
In a bold move, Luke raises his fingers towards hers like they are magnets, and holds his breath while he waits for a reaction. 
He can finally breathe when her fingers link in his; her soft skin brushing along and sending sparks up his arm. 
“Well, I should let you guys go,” Grace says with a sigh, “but thank you both so much for taking the time! Can we expect a possible Julie Molina/Sunset Curve collab anytime soon?”
Surprisingly, Julie takes the lead on this one, her fingers tightening around his hand. 
“If it’s not the next song that I release, then somethings wrong and you guys will need to send help.”
You have a band, Luke tells himself, a band that you need to talk to about-
“I second that,” he finds himself saying with a squeeze to Julie’s hand. 
As the reporter hypes up their announcement while facing the camera, they start to walk away, and Luke realizes he has to rejoin the band on the carpet and not get to stand here and hold Julie’s hand and tell every reporter that he is holding Julie Molina’s hand! 
Julie turns to him. “See you in there?”
“See you in there,” Luke smirks, “I’ll be the one on my feet when you sing.”
“And I’ll be the one holding the Grammy.”
And with a wink, as Luke shakes his head with an awed grin, she makes her way back to the carpet.
As it turns out, they do find each other later. Shockingly, Julie asks the band for an autograph, because -- despite Luke’s teasing -- her little brother is apparently a huge fan.
She is the victor in the competition for Record of the Year, but Sunset Curve pulls away with two trophies from their other nominations, and Luke can’t find it in him to be anything but overjoyed for themselves and Julie -- especially as he watches her sing, captivate the entire audience, and get everyone on their feet at the end. 
In a burst of impulsiveness, she joins them in their van after the ceremony; but instead of going to an afterparty, they drive to the boys’ house on the beach and Luke finds himself curled up on the couch in his custom suit right next to Julie (who is almost on top of him), furiously writing down new songs and beginning their collaboration then and there. 
It turns out, they were wrong about one thing. 
The next song released by the two artists isn’t the collab -- the next album is. Julie and the Phantoms becomes their official collaboration project, and spirals into more of a hit than their individual groups. 
Twelve months later, they are back at the Grammys, and everything is the same -- only they are no longer competing. They are a team. And Luke couldn’t be happier about it; especially when he shows up on Julie’s arm.
@willexx @unsaid-emily  
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softlass27 · 4 years
yes, ya girl accidentally turned what was meant to be a short, fluffy prompt into 4000 words and ended up having to post it a day late. what can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
kind of a continuation of my “end of chaddy” ficlet from last week, but you don’t need to have read that to follow this one. as long as you’re aware of the hoped-for chas/al affair :)
Flufftober day 3 – But you said
AO3 link here
“So uh… ” Aaron sidles up to Robert while he’s cooking tea, snaking both arms around his waist. “You remember how you love me?”
Robert drops his knife on the chopping board and twists around to stare down at his husband, suspicions already raised. “Yes… it rings a bell. Why?”
“No reason,” Aaron blinks up at him with a innocent look that’s not dissimilar to the one Seb gives them when he’s been caught eating a biscuit before mealtime. “Just… remember that, okay?”
“What’ve you done?”
“It’s nothin’ bad! Except… I sort of… toldPaddyhecouldstaywithus.”
“Excuse me?” Aaron’s already starting to make his escape, but Robert grabs him by the arm and pulls him back. “Oh no, you don’t. You told Paddy he could what?”
“It won’t be for long.”
“I agree, it won’t be any time at all. Because it’s not happening.”
“Look, he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Marlon has a full house, there’s no room for him there.”
“Not my problem.” Robert can genuinely, sincerely, think of nothing worse than having Paddy Kirk for a houseguest. He only just got rid of Cain, for Christ’s sake. “Why’s he moved out anyway? Your mum’s the one who slept with someone else, isn’t the cheater the one who’s supposed to get kicked out?”
Aaron raises an eyebrow. “You’d rather live with my mother, then?”
“No thanks, I already did my time.”
“No need to make it sound like it was a prison sentence,” Aaron fires back with a roll of his eyes. There’s no response Robert can offer that won’t end with him sleeping on the sofa, so he keeps his mouth shut. “Mum has to stay in the pub, it’s where she works. And to be honest, I don’t think Paddy ever really liked living there, he didn’t want to stay.”
“And now he’s got his sights set on our place, does he?”
“Only for a few days!” Aaron says quickly. “Just until he gets himself sorted and finds somewhere more permanent. Look, he took me in when no one else would, the least I can do is return the favour for a couple of nights. Please? For me?”
Robert sighs and takes a moment to contemplate the things he does for the sake of his marriage.
“Fine,” he says through gritted teeth. “A few days.”
Aaron’s face lights up and he pecks him on the cheek. “Thank you.”
“When’s he coming, then?”
“In about… ” Aaron glances at the clock. “Five minutes?”
“Wha – five minutes, are you kidding me? Aaron, get back here. Aaron!”
Day One. It’s been just over twelve hours and Robert’s at the end of his tether.
The man sitting across from him at the kitchen table slurps his tea disgustingly loudly, chewing with his mouth open and getting toast crumbs all over himself and the table. Robert’s three-year-old has better table manners.
“So, you and me?” He says to Aaron with his mouth full, grinning widely, no sign of his misery from the night before. “Roomies again, eh?”
His high-pitched giggle makes Robert miss Cain. At least he’d had the decency not to talk during breakfast. Or at all, really.
Aaron gives him a fond look from where he’s buttering his own toast (Robert’s fresh sourdough loaf is going to be gone by tomorrow, he just knows it) and nods. “Just like the old days.”
“Until you get your own place sorted, of course,” Robert says loudly from behind his newspaper, an outwardly pleasant smile plastered across his face. “How’s that going, by the way? Making time for flat viewings in between your appointments with pregnant cows?”
The grin drops from Paddy’s face and he fixes Robert with the same scowl he’s been levelling at him for the past six years.
“Haven’t found anywhere yet,” he mutters moodily.
“But there’s no rush,” Aaron’s quick to add, sitting at the table next to him. “You’ve been through a lot these last few days, you can stay as long as you need.”
Paddy nods morosely, face like a wet weekend. “I just… I can’t believe she – that this has happened. I thought – I just didn’t see – see it coming.”
Funny, Robert saw it coming a mile off.
“Me neither,” Aaron pats Paddy’s arm, already shooting Robert a look that clearly says don’t you dare.
And just like that, Paddy’s taking off his glasses and blubbering into his napkin, like he had been for most of last night. Rambling on and on about shock and betrayal and how he just doesn’t know how he’s meant to get through this.
“Well,” Robert closes his newspaper. “How did you get through it the last time she cheated on you?”
Paddy is stunned into silence. He gapes at Robert like a fish, face torn between shock and outrage.
“Don’t you need to be getting to work now, Rob?” Aaron asks, exasperation radiating off him in waves.
“Suppose so.” He leans over to plant a kiss on Aaron’s lips, trying hard to ignore the pitiful sniffling next to him. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. See you in a bit.”
No sooner is Robert in the car, he gets a text from Aaron.
You’re a menace.
He chuckles and set off for work.
“Please tell me you’re not here for food,” Victoria begs when Robert turns up at the pub later that day. “Marlon’s decided that since Chas has A – cheated on his best mate, and B – slept with the man who ruined his marriage to Jessie, he doesn’t want to see her right now. Which means he’s not coming into work, which means that muggins here is now stuck holding the fort in the kitchen all day.”
She throws her hands in the air in frustration, face sweaty and chef’s hat askew, and any inclination Robert had had to ask for some chips quickly vanishes.
“No ta, just came for a drink.”
“Oh, thank God. Right, can’t stop, too many pies to make.” Without further ado, she turns on her heel and scurries back towards the kitchen.
“Stellar customer service skill as always, Vic!” Robert calls after her, just as Chas herself appears in her place. “Chastity,” Robert smiles and rests his elbows on the bar.
His mother-in-law watches him warily. People have been sending filthy looks and snide comments her way all week (Priya and the Sharmas have more friends and influence in the village than she could ever dream of), so she’s somewhat on edge.
“What can I get you?”
“Just a pint, please?”
She nods shortly and grabs a glass.
“So… how’s Al?”
Chas stops pulling the pint, tired and baggy eyes narrowing at him. “Excuse me?”
“Just making conversation.”
“Well, I’d rather you didn’t.”
She huffs and continues filling his glass in silence.
“So should Aaron and I put his name on your Christmas card this year or – ?”
Chas slams the pint down and storms into the back, leaving a smirking Charity to take his money.
“You’re a brave man, Robert Sugden,” Moira grins from where she’s perched further down the bar.
“It’s because of her that I’m stuck with Paddy snoring in my spare room, I’m beyond caring.” He takes a gulp of his pint and heads in her direction. “Besides, I’ve gotta get my kicks from somewhere. Chas Dingle making a mistake like the rest of us mere mortals, I couldn’t resist.”
He can’t pretend he isn’t enjoying everyone getting a stark reminder of just how much of a hypocrite Aaron’s mum can be – he’s had to deal with it since the day he and Aaron got together – longer, even. She may act civil enough for her son’s sake, but Robert knows that Chas has never quite trusted him – not even after they got married properly – and that she was always looking for an excuse to use his past against him. Never mind all the wrong she’d done and the hurt she’d caused people over the years.
“Ah well, can’t say I blame you,” Moira’s smile dims into something more contemplative. “After all the grief she gave me for what happened with Cain last year, I’m tempted to get a small dig in myself.”
Christ, at least Robert's not the only one. How many times has someone in the village had to hear Chas Dingle gleefully whip out her classic mantra from behind the bar? Once a cheat, always a cheat.
Moira shakes her head, face brightening as she holds out her glass. “Well, here’s to us mere mortals, then.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Robert clinks his glass to hers. “Cheers.”
“House rules.”
On Day Two, Robert slaps a piece of paper down in front of Paddy, startling him so badly he nearly drops his phone.
“S-sorry what?”
“House rules. For you to follow while you’re staying here.”
Paddy picks it up tentatively. “It’s… laminated.”
“It’s Rob’s latest toy at work, don’t question it,” Aaron scoffs from the sofa. “He laminated our shopping list last week.”
“Take the recycling out on Tuesdays… don’t touch Robert’s coffee pods…no talking to Aaron while Top Gear’s on… only ten minutes in the bathroom?”
“Yeah, what of it?”
“B-but you two have an en-suite! I’m the only one using the bathroom, why does it matter how long I take?”
“The rules are there to be followed, not questioned.”
“But – ”
“Do you want our rent-free spare bedroom or not?”
“Well then.”
“So then I told the bloke,” Aaron says from his perch on the kitchen counter, banging his feet against the cupboard. “He bloody well take what was agreed in the contract, or I’m gonna tell every scrap contact I know to never work with him again. He changed his tune pretty quickly after that.”
“Absolutely ruthless, I’m so proud,” Robert grins, before whacking Aaron’s leg with the wooden spoon in his hand. “Stop that.”
Aaron rolls his eyes, but brings his swinging feet to a stop. “What’re we havin’ for tea, then?”
“Stir fry do you?”
“Mmm, yeah. With… ” Aaron picks up a packet of quinoa, frowning at the label. “Kwin-oh?”
Robert stares at him. “I think the word you’re looking for is quinoa.”
“Whatever, it’s a daft spelling.”
Robert plucks the packet out of his grasp. “You’re lucky you’re fit.”
“You’re lucky I have a thing for pretentious arseholes.”
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?”
Aaron moves half a second before Robert does, flying off the counter and dashing away just as Robert makes a grab for him. He chases his child of a husband around the kitchen a few times, knocking into the chairs and sending a bag of peppers careering to the floor before he manages to get hold of him.
“Rob, no, don’t!” Aaron cackles as Robert’s fingers dig into his ribs, tickling him mercilessly. “Stop, stop it, I’m sorry, stoooppp!”
They both laughing so loudly, they almost miss the awkward cough that comes from the living room. Robert moves his hands from Aaron’s sides to rest on the small of his back, as they turn their heads to see Paddy watching them uncomfortably from the sofa.
Honestly, Robert had forgotten he was there.
“Alright, Paddy?” Aaron asks breathlessly, hands travelling up Robert’s chest to rest on his shoulders.
“Fine,” Paddy says shortly, still watching them with a mixture of annoyance, discomfort and… something else that Robert can’t quite put his finger on. He’s not sure he likes it. “Just… ” he wafts a hand in the direction of his laptop. “Trying to find a solicitor so I can sort out access to Evie. Could do with a bit of peace and quiet.”
“Well it’s very quiet in the spare room,” Robert offers, wincing when Aaron pinches the side of his neck.
“Ignore him, Paddy. Sorry, we’ll keep the noise down, let you concentrate.”
“No, actually I think I will go up to my room,” Paddy gathers his things and heads for the stairs. “Would rather be on my own anyway.”
As soon as he’s out of sight, Aaron rolls his eyes at Robert.
“I know he’s a bit of a pain, but would it kill you to cut him some slack?”
“Er, we shouldn’t have to ‘keep the noise down’ in our own house. It’s not like you’re still a teenager, Aaron!”
Aaron quirks a half-smile at him. “Dunno, might be sort of fun. Waiting ’til the grownups are gone so we don’t get caught, sneaking out later so we can be alone.”
“Oh yeah?” Robert raises an eyebrow. “The teenage romance thing doing it for you, is it?”
“Well it’s not like I got to do much of it the first time around, what with, y’know, not being out.” Aaron leans in to whisper in Robert’s ear. “Fancy goin’ for a snog at the cricket pavilion after tea?”
Robert shivers and turns to nuzzle at Aaron’s neck. “Make it a hand job and you’re on.”
That unreadable look that Paddy had given them, the one that had put Robert on edge, keeps making a reappearance.
It happens when Robert flops down on top of Aaron where he’s stretched out on the sofa, bumping his head against Aaron’s chest until he starts running slow fingers through his hair. They stay curled up together like that for the rest of the night while they watch TV, and more than once, Robert spots Paddy out of the corner of his eye. Just… staring at them with his brow furrowed, mouth twisting with displeasure. He almost looks... angry?
He does it again when Robert presses Aaron’s morning coffee into his hands with a warm kiss, and again when they talk excitedly about all the stuff they’re planning to do with Seb when he next comes to stay, and again basically every time they show the slightest bit of affection to each other.
“Oh, did you manage sort out the electricity bill yesterday?” Robert asks Aaron on the morning of Day Four.
Aaron opens his mouth to answer, but Paddy’s incredulous scoff cuts him off.
Robert blinks at him. “Something funny?”
“No, it’s just… Aaron doing the bills?” That high-pitched laugh of his returns, this time accompanied by a series of snorts. “There’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear.”
“Why not?”
“Well… it’s not really your thing, is it Aaron?”
“Pretty sure dealing with bills is something most adults are capable of dealing with,” Robert says, eyebrows raised.
“What, you think I just make Rob sort out everything for me?” Aaron adds with a slightly bemused laugh.
The mirth in Paddy’s eyes has dimmed rapidly, his giggling taking a more nervous turn. “No, that’s not – I mean – I’ve just never seen it, I suppose. You never had much interest in that side of things when you lived with me.”
“When I was 18?” Aaron’s brow crinkles in confusion. “I think I’ve grown up a bit since then, Paddy.”
“Oh, you definitely have,” Robert murmurs with a wink, snickering when Aaron whacks him on the arm. “So, electricity bill?”
“Yeah, I finally managed to speak to an actual human on the phone, for once. Got ’im to refund all of the money they overcharged us.”
“Brilliant, can finally tick that off the to-do list.” Robert kisses him lightly. “My hero.”
Aaron snorts. “Alright, soft lad.”
There’s that odd look again, Robert can just sense it. He doesn’t know what Paddy’s problem is but he doesn’t care, not really. Not when he’ll be out of their hair sooner rather than later.
It all comes to a head on Day Six. Frankly, Robert’s amazed they made it almost a whole week without someone snapping.
It’s early evening, Robert washing the dishes and humming along to the radio while he waits for Aaron to bring a takeaway home. Paddy sits at the kitchen table, sausage-like fingers bashing at the keyboard so slowly it’s making Robert’s eye twitch.
There’s a loud sigh from behind him, shortly followed by some frustrated whispering. Followed by another, louder, sigh.
Robert grits his teeth.“Something wrong?”
“The flat I was meant to be viewing tomorrow, someone’s just flippin’ taken it.”
“Ah. Well, something will turn up soon.” Please let it turn up soon.
“This isn’t fair,” Paddy mutters a moment later, bitterness dripping from every word as he slams the laptop closed. “I’m the injured party here, why should I have to be the one who ends up homeless?”
“Didn’t think you’d want to stay at the pub, Aaron said you were never keen on it.”
“I’m not,” Paddy snaps. “But it’s the principle of it!”
“Ah, the principle. Of course, what was I thinking?” It wasn’t so long ago that Paddy’s principles had very nearly screwed up Johnny’s adoption for Vanessa and Charity. Robert hadn’t forgotten.
“You know what, Sugden?” Robert wipes his hands on a dishcloth and turns to see Paddy looking at him with narrowed eyes. “I have had just about enough of you and your attitude.”
Christ, it’s like living on the farm again.
“Well if you don’t like it, you know where the door is.”
“Oh, I bet you’d just love that. Although if I wasn't forced to be here, then you wouldn’t be able to rub it in my face anymore, would you?”
Robert stares at him, baffled. He turns off the radio. “…You’ve lost me. Rub what in your face?”
“Oh, come on, you think I don’t know what you’re doing?”
“Paddy, I genuinely have no idea what you’re on about.”
“You!” Paddy jerks to his feet, shoving his chair back so hard it almost tips over. “You, showing off all the time, shoving it in my face like you’re trying to prove that you’re this perfect, loved-up couple when I’ve lost – when I’m going through… ”
Robert can honestly say he’s never met a man as pathetic as the one stood on front of him.
“Is that what the funny looks have been about?” His jaw nearly drops when Paddy just glares, confirming his suspicions. “So what, you’re just… I don’t know, jealous that Aaron and I have a good relationship while yours has crashed and burned – ”
“Jealous?!” Paddy splutters, his words angry and halting. “Of you? Don’t you – acting as if you’re better – don’t you dare look down on me and my relationship with Chas.”
“What, like you’ve looked down on me all these years?”
“That’s different, entirely different.”
“Oh yeah?” Robert sneers, Paddy’s sheer audacity ruffling his feathers. “How’s that, then?”
“Because you – you're Mr Shifty. Doesn’t matter how hard you try with the ‘nice guy’ act, you always have been and you always will be,” Paddy snarls, teeth bared. “And fine, maybe you and Aaron are happy now, but relationships are hard work, even strong ones can fall apart just like that. You don’t know anything about my relationship! When you’ve been through something like what Chas and I have, losing a child – you have no idea.”
“No, I don’t. I can’t imagine. But that doesn’t give you the right to have a go at me and accuse me of all sorts in my own house.”
“It does when what I’m saying is true. And I’m not about to sit here and listen to a lecture from another cheater like you.” Paddy smirks nastily, folding his arms triumphant. “If there’s one thing I’ve learnt these last few days, is that those sorts of people don’t change, not really.”
“Is this the moment where I bring up Tess, or…?”
And that, apparently, is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“How dare you?” Paddy hisses, apoplectic with rage. “Standing there on your high horse, like you think we’ve all just forgotten what you are. Well, maybe other people have, but I definitely haven’t.”
He jabs a vicious finger in Robert’s direction.
“You’re the same smug, arrogant piece of scum you always were, and eventually Aaron will see that for himself," his voices raises to a shout, spit flying from his mouth. “Maybe things between the two of you are fine now, but they won’t be forever. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll screw up again, just like you always do, and the wool will fall from his eyes. He’ll figure out that he can do better than you.”
“Will I, now?”
There’s a long, ringing silence, and Robert and Paddy both turn to see Aaron standing in the living room, coat and shoes still on and a takeaway bag dangling from his hand. The look in his eyes is as dark as thunder.
“A-aaron I – ” Paddy stammers, face paling. "I wasn’t… ”
“You weren’t what? Havin' a go at my husband and slagging off my marriage behind my back?”
“I – that wasn’t what I was trying to do – ”
“No? Because it definitely sounded like it.” Aaron tosses the takeaway bag on the coffee table. “So what, Paddy, not only do you think I’m rubbing my marriage if your face, you also think I’m trapped in a relationship with some master manipulator and I’m just too thick to notice?”
“No!” Paddy lurches towards him, stopping in his tracks when Aaron takes a swift step back. “No, of c-course not, I meant him, not you. I just – Aaron, he started it! He was winding me up!”
“I’m sure he was,” Aaron looks at Robert and his glare briefly softens into fond irritation, before his gaze snaps back to Paddy. “But that’s no excuse to say any of what you just did. Can you blame Robert for havin’ a go sometimes when you treat him like that?”
“I’m just – I’m just looking out for you.”
“That’s not what that was,” Aaron purses his lips together before sighing, hands on his hips. “You know what, Paddy, I think you’d better find somewhere else to stay from now on. The B&B probably has a room free.”
“What?” Paddy gapes at him, shocked. “Aaron please, I’m sorry, I won’t say anything else, I swear – ”
“No,” Aaron cuts him off. “Seb’s coming tomorrow, and I don’t really want him around this sort of atmosphere. It was gonna be a bit cramped with the four of us anyway.”
“But – but you said I could stay as long as I want.”
“I did, but that was before you threw my hospitality back in my face. Besides, if it’s so hard to watch me and Robert be happy together, then the Mill definitely isn’t the place for you.”
Paddy gawks at him for a moment, before scowling and trying a different tack. “So that’s it, you’re taking his side over mine?”
He gestures to Robert without actually looking at him. Robert would be offended if he wasn’t feeling so smug right now.
“He is my husband, and I'll thank you to remember that,” Aaron all but growls, not giving an inch, and Robert feels something warm swoop through his chest. “Now pack your stuff and get out, before I say something I regret.”
Paddy’s shoulders slump, as it clearly hits him that no amount of begging or guilt-tripping is going to work in his favour. “Fine.”
He lumbers up the stairs, leaving Robert and Aaron alone. They gravitate towards each other, meeting next the sofa.
“I’m sorry he said all that stuff, it wasn’t okay,” Aaron murmurs, thumbs stroking gently over Robert’s forearms.
“S’alright,” Robert dips his head, shooting him a slightly lopsided smile. “It’s not like I haven’t heard worse from him, I’m used to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to be,” Aaron frowns unhappily. “I didn’t think he still felt that way about you – about us. Not anymore.”
There’s nothing Robert can really say to make it better, so he settles for pressing a soft kiss to Aaron’s forehead. Eventually, Aaron tips his head back to look him in the eye.
“Well, all that stops now,” he says firmly, face full of resolve. “I’m not havin’ it.”
They stay pressed together until Paddy reappears with his bags, mouth downturned.
“I’ll be off, then… ” He stares at Aaron, most likely waiting for him to say something, to tell him he’s sorry and he’s changed his mind. “See if I can find somewhere to sleep tonight.”
“Right, good luck with that,” is all Aaron says, jaw set and arms folded. “Can see yourself out, can’t you?”
Paddy blinks, before looking down at the floor and nodding. He trudges out the door, leaving not with a bang, but a whimper.
There’s a brief silence, before Aaron moves to pick up the takeaway bag and gives Robert a small smile. “So… curry?”
Later that night, as Robert walks along the landing, he pauses outside the spare bedroom. He pokes his head in and flicks on the light, grinning at the blissfully empty space. Not a single relative in sight.
“Rob!” Aaron calls from their bedroom. “You comin’ to bed anytime soon or do I have to start without you?”
Robert flicks off the light and closes the door.
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