#thanks for holding me accountable bestie 🖤
monsterrae1 · 1 year
Rae, how's the writing going?
Hi bud, words happened, not sure if they were good words but they did happen 😂 I just posted a snippet if you wanna read it! Here
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jarateblog · 5 months
~ What Is This? ~
I am the entity known online as JarateChop or Jarate - They/them.
This blog is "jarateblog" because "jaratechop" was already taken by a now dead TF2 blog...
Blog Information
I have a blog on my website with posts that are more boring, personal, or technical than what I post on here.
Personal tag explanations:
#choppost - Posts related to my online presence
#jarchive - Archive of older material of mine
#jaratechef - Things I cook and like to showcase 😜
Everything else is generally sorted by artists, characters, series, or other general terms (like #fav, etc.)
Music is my life source and I am deeply rooted in '70s-'90s electronic. Some of my favorite bands/artists are...
Cabaret Voltaire
Gary Numan
Depeche Mode
New Order
The Beloved
Help share the love by talking with me about them (feel free to tag/send me posts about those artists)! And... If it's not obvious, you'll spot me in a crowd wearing all black 🖤🖤
I've mostly fallen out of video games but I hold at least a passing interest in series from Capcom, Sega, Nintendo, and Irem.
I don't watch TV, but will watch the occasional movie with my bestie. I watch anime occasionally, as you'll discover with some of my most popular posts.
I read but am not well-read 🤪 give me a couple years to catch up.
What Do I Do?
Jack of all trades but a master of none: I occasionally doodle and play guitar, bass, keyboards, and program drums (no room for a real set...). Soon, I hope to have something I'm ready to present.
My background is in computer science, but I currently work in networking and audio engineering/mixing.
You should know my political opinions if you made it this far! If you need a reminder: pronouns, electronic music, a Tumblr account...
I wrote this bio because I felt like it, and to prove there's someone behind this Shard profile picture. If no one reads it, oh well! It's here anyways!
Tumblr media
Thanks for reading, and stay groooooovy!
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theosb0rnway · 2 years
About me
Hello there, anyone who's reading this!
My name is Osborn, but you can call me Oz!
My pronouns are he/him or they/them and I'm just your average agender trans dude trying to survive the 2020s.
I am very gay, very tired, and very into my fandoms. Message me whenever you want, I don't care if it's ranting about a character or just wanting to say hi.
I'm 18+ and post/reblog mature content, but if you're a minor and you want to interact with my blog, that's your choice.
I do not support hate speech, homophobia, transphobia, racism, religious bullying, or incest ships. If you support any of those things, get off my page. Thank you.
I will always support Palestine. 🇪🇭
Co-writing a TMNT 2012 story with @dluebirb called Ghosts of Our Days! You can find the Masterpost here! (FIC ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)
My AO3 account is here!
Go check out my besties: @dluebirb , @tillwerefoodfortheworms, @thecoffeelorian , @bloodied-dagger , @justamuppet , @palestinebird , @slamophile
My main fandoms (black hearts are ones I'm actively into)
Scream 🖤
Saw 🖤
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 🖤
Star Wars Rebels 🖤
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 🖤
Hazbin Hotel🖤
Helluva Boss 🖤
Five Nights at Freddy's 🖤
Chronicle [2012] 🖤
Wicked 🖤
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Acolyte
Avatar: The Last Airbender (cartoon)
The Flash
Umbrella Academy 🖤
My Chemical Romance
Stranger Things
She Ra: Princess Of Power
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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segredosjogados · 2 years
Ce n'est pas - Oscar’s Night
Part 2
💚✨🖤 part 1 is easily found on my blog ya’ll, could not attach here
🖤‼️🔅 ———————-
Jack’s walk to you felt like slow motion. You could see his hands coming for a hug and you felt your body immediately refraining.
“Where have you been?” You asked sarcastically. He stopped halfway.
“My flight got delayed from Rio to Miami. Then Miami to LA was a nightmare. The weather was terrible.” He said this excuse and you walked even further away from him.
“Yeah, yeah. Right. Anyways, see you around” you said making your way out of the room. Jack couldn’t understand how you could be so cold with him when he was telling the truth. But it wasn’t the first time he missed something important to you and gave one terrible excuse.
“No, please, really. I made my way here just to see you win, why are you treating me like that?” He asked. The people around kind of disappeared. If they were physically there you don’t know, you didn’t care.
“Thank you for your Swiss precision with time” you scoffed sarcastically. He took a deep breath. “Boy… look” you started “I have made my way to everything you did. MTV VMAs? Bang, I flew to LA from Toronto to see you. All Stars game? Wow, how much does it cost from London to LA again? I paid that. And Donda 2 night? All black, meeting Ye, NY-Miami in the middle of New York Fashion Week, bang I was fucking there.” You let it all out pointing fingers to his face all the time. Your Oscar’s statue, that you wanted so much, was a side actor right there.
Jack looked at you with a mix of anger and sadness. Did you say everything to his face like that? Like you really didn’t want to go, you were behaving like all you did was nothing you wanted to.
“So you wanted to be with me or nah? Cause you’re throwing all that on my face for nothing” Jack expressed his hurt.
“Do you want to be with me? ‘Cause ‘Promises to compromise’ premiere you weren’t there, SAG Awards you weren’t there either, what else? Oh, my night. The Oscars. I’ve been talking to you about it for months, you didn’t even send me a message. Angus did, even Takeoff, that I met on fucking Donda 2 night, wished me good luck!” You threw the words again, this time running around the room.
“Angus… as in Angus Cloud? Ya’ll been too together for my liking, Ion like that. And Takeoff? How long have you been talking? On my back? You didn’t even tell me you exchanged numbers.” Jack said in disbelief.
“Jack, I’m working with Angus, he’s on my next project. And Takeoff was just a nice guy to me!”
“Behind my back? You never said you were talking!” He yelled.
“Tone the fuck down! We’re not talking, he just DMed me and that’s it. And why do you care?”
“Cause I’m your fucking boyfriend?”
“Then act like one.” You replied opening your arms. This moment, your manager entered the room calling you back to your seat in the audience. You nodded but before leaving, Jack came with the most ludicrous question ever.
“Are they fucking you too?” He mouthed. You looked back in disbelief. You wanted to cry but it was your night, one you fought to be at, you were wearing your dream dress, living what you dreamed of your whole life.
“Fuck you!” You said with a low voice, holding back the tears.
Jack sat back on the couch and finally breathed. He knew he fucked up - he started to remember how tired you were on Donda 2 night, but you resisted the tiredness, drank some cans of Red Bull and stayed up all night. He remembered you on All Stars game when you even played basketball with him. But the night of SAG Awards he didn’t go. He also missed your movie premiere because of ‘studio night. Flow’s insane today, can’t really go, I’m sorry’ he remembered the message. Was he being a bad boyfriend?
He opened his twitter account to tweet an emoji because it was a way to let frustration out and the first thing on his timeline was a hugely liked and retweed tweet from Angus Cloud with you and him all giggly on movie set with the “My boss bestie just won an Oscar. First of many. She’s the one”. On the pictures he was sitting on your lap on director’s chair with you wrapping your hands around him. The other picture had you two too close in face eyeing a camera. Jack felt anger building up. Well, if doesn’t stand for his girl someone else will right?
That was the beginning of his nightmare night. Could he apologize properly to you or lose you?
—— part 3 will come soon
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