#thanks for asking neen bean!
donutcryforme · 6 years
a plot that you’d like to play out && a real-world setting that you’d like to use as the setting of a plot && your favorite rp genre :o
22. a plot that you’d like to play outOk this has been in my head for months but I have been…actually physically dying to do a dark + twisted peter pan-sorta au set during the prohibition era (roaring ‘20s) that’s lightly inspired by a workshop we did at my school roughly 7 years ago. Basically Nate (peter pan-esque  – a daring young man who has made the city streets his home, with a sense of adventure and a shadow he can’t seem to shake) takes a Wendy Darling-kinda broad (probably Privileged White Girl who just wants to escape from the fancy parties and the parents who are too busy entertaining guests to raise her) to Neverland (a smokey mobster speakeasy or underground watering hole of some kind where the fellow lost boys and anyone else who’s lost themselves to the dark side tends to congregate). Captain Hook is probably a detective of some sort looking for these criminals, and the mermaids are most likely prostitutes or strippers. It’s dark and dirty and he pulls her into this world of drugsz and drinking and partying and doing Bad Stuff and it’s so new and exciting to her and he’s just a toxic black hole of Bad News Bears and it’s all I want nina blease somebody give this to me
23. a real-world setting that you’d like to use as the setting of a plot
Hmmm this one is a toughie. I like setting plots in places that I’ve lived in so I can accurately place my characters there, namely cities (ex. Boston, New York, ec) since I seem to be more attracted to big, bustlin’ plots. But as for a place I’ve never lived? I think Berlin would be super rad. I went there for a weekend on a study abroad trip and the architecture is awesome. Also: Amsterdam (I could set Nikki in the Red Light District there and it would just be litty titties). 
For a challenge, I’ve never done a plot that takes place in a desert. Or in the countryside! I think either one of those would be really fun (but I don’t know enough about the West or the South to pick something specific without a little research). I’ve also never attempted anything historical or far in the past, so maybe Victorian England? Or some place not in the United States. I feel like the majority of Tumblr RPs are set in America (minus ElementHQ) and I need ot stretch my writin’ bones a little bit. 
I’m sorry I didn’t have a good answer for this and just rambled instead afgkhajdk
tl;dr:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
24. your favorite rp genre
OH MAN! Honestly, I don’t think I”ve been in an RP that wasn’t straight fiction. ElementHQ never got into its supernatural elements, and Lukas’ BrightHaven rp never made it past its renovations, so I don’t think I’ve explored enough to really say for sure! I’m not usually drawn to fantasy, zombies, horror, or fandom (and I don’t know what other rp genres exist, but I haven’t been in those either). I’ve had the best experience in school and town rps, since every character has a reason for being there and congregating together, which makes plotting a little easier. Also, they’re kind of loose so you can do whatever plots you want, or just develop your character at your own pace. I did this one really cool rp years ago, though, that was a dystopian town rp (which was a sweet twist, since I’m a slut for dystopian literature). I haven’t seen any more like that since then, though. Sad.
tl;dr: straight fiction because I haven’t tried anything else!! (But, probably still straight fiction. I like realism and .. I’m boring.)
Roleplayer Ask Meme | (Somehow Still) Open
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thasorns-archive · 2 years
content creator appreciation! list five favorite sets you’ve made and send this ask to five other content creators 💖 (no pressure if you don't want to do it or have done this already 😘)
zey 🌻 amazing beautiful bean that you are💜 (that prev. ask got mixed, ignore it pls 🤣)
Gei, you precious human being!! 💖 which chooses the most beautiful scenes out of dramas and make it seem like the most heartstopping loving drama out there. ✨ I hope you're doing well and staying hydrated? Thank you for this ask (which I got yesterday and read BUT I needed my laptop for this to answer) 💕
Since my url is toptaps and it's related to Toptap let's start with him. my favorite set of him is and will always stay the same - this one. I like it and it's the cutest sh*t ever. honorable mentions - this and for the thirsty people this.
Since 2g/still2g was/is a part of my soul, I will go with it next. I was debating with myself which mantype scene, I should choose but I can't. I love them too much to choose one instead I chose this one bc I don't know, I like the colors in it.
Earnpear deserves their own enumeration. Yes, am I still riding the agenda? (it's not a question even when I put one there.) also with this one my answer is still the same - this one. Even though I could've used other fonts (which I regret now but I still like this set very much.)
We can stay with the girls and move on to the bad buddy girls, inkpha. I only made one but thus to mention: I really like the coloring and the fonts I used. (I maybe could've replaced the fonts in the 3rd and 4th one but I really like the 2nd one. Sappho alone deserves to be in those lists.) honorable mention - It's because I like. the 3rd gif so much and how I merged it together.
I'm already at 7 fave sets and I still have two to lists what now? Can I still mention them? I will do it though - I am sorry if this already got super long but how can I lists my fave sets and never mention Sammy in any of them? That would be a crime especially since I love her very much. (was debating with myself again if I should mention Sammy or Neen). honorable mention - which has nothing to do with Sammy at all but I'm already at the end. This set. from Not Me because I like the coloring of the fonts and the fonts I used).
In the end 9 fave sets which I am also very proud of because I also could've used scenes from 8 years ago (yeah, that's how long I am on this hellsite and longer. Exactly 10 years ago, whoa my first post on this blog was on the 27th April 2012). Anyway, that's not relative to this ask. I hope you'll enjoy going through them and thank you so so much for sending this in. I hope you'll have a wonderful day/night filled with memorable moments, happiness, calmness around your soul and heart, many smiles and laughters 🌸🧡
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texanpeanut · 6 years
First Feelings
I wrote this email to some of my friends and family from home as my first update in country. It’s about a few of the first things I was learning at the time and felt important to share. It’s pretty simple and vague, and I think I will go into more detail in later posts, but for now I think it’s worth sharing!
October 13, 2017: 
My last two weeks can be summarized totally by all the changes I've been adjusting to mentally and physically. The bathroom is different, the food is different, the plants are different, the animals are different, and the people are different. I have not been bored once thanks to all my new stimuli!
First, the bathroom. I'm starting with the bathroom because this was one of the first things we went over after getting off the bus at the Peace Corps Training Center in Thies (pronounced like Chess). Actually, I'll back up. We arrived in Dakar mid morning September 27th and were greeted by a team of PC staff who helped us with our luggage, gave us water, put us on buses, and gave us our anti-malarial medication. THEN, when we arrived in Thies we found out our toilet would be a porcelain hole in the ground called a Turkish toilet for the next two years. Toilet paper is also very rare here - if you're fancy you might have a water sprayer, but if you're like most people you have a bucket with water. It's a little like camping. :)
Anyway, more exciting than the bathroom are the people. All the staff in PC Senegal I've met are so kind, encouraging and helpful. There's a laundry list of people I met in the first couple days that would take forever to enumerate here so I'll spare you that, but they may pop up later in the emails. The staff members can be divided into Language Cultural Facilitators (LCFs - everything is an acronym here), Peace Corps Volunteer Leaders (PCVLs), and the Important People like the Country Director, Safety Officers, etc. All the staff were introduced to us on arrival, but we got to have several meetings and interviews one-on-one on our first full day. Our technical leaders asked us about our experiences in work, our Country Director got to know us personally, and the LCFs (Senegalese natives who teach us our local languages) gauged our current language skills.
We also were exposed to some of the traditional Senegalese food! Breakfast at the center has been bread (baguettes), peanut butter (praise be to God), jam, and beans. And of course coffee. Lunch is usually something Senegalese like the traditional dish of ceeb bu jen which is rice, fish, and an assortment of vegetables, yassa which is an onion sauce, or mafe tiga which is peanut sauce. Lunch is served in a community bowl and shared by a group of 4-5 people. Dinner has been something a little more American, meaning salad and potatoes are usually involved.
Our first week was mostly spent learning about basic policies and procedures and getting to know one another, so there aren't too many exciting things to share. However, we did have a lesson about Senegalese dances which ended up being one of the best workouts I've had in a while! We also had some lessons about cultural practices here, like religious ceremonies, how to greet people, how to bargain in shops, and what kinds of food you can find in the markets. I can go into all these things more in detail throughout my service. The most exciting thing that happened in the first week was the language reveal! Many of you I spoke to before my departure probably heard me talk about Wolof and heard me fret over not learning enough. To clarify, Wolof is the most widely spoken language in Senegal. French is official, but it's mostly used by people in government and cities. However, my local language is not Wolof, but a smaller language called Pullo Fuuta, which is a dialect of Pulaar. It's been pretty fun to learn so far, and most language learning happens at our Community Based Training sites.
My CBT site is in a small town about 35 km from Thies. After about a week at the very luxurious center in Thies, we all went to our respective host families at our sites and spent one week with them while attending language classes and practicing our field techniques in the garden. My host family is relatively small - I have a mom (neene) named Aisatu, a dad (baaba) named Amadou, a cousin named Aliu, a 2 year old little sister named Asiatu, and an 8 month old little brother named Alfamaru. My Senegalese name is Fatimatu. They are amazingly kind and helpful with my language - any time they see me studying they help by teaching me  vocab around the house and repeating things very slowly. We came back from CBT on Wednesday and are going back tomorrow - I'm excited to see them again.
Since we've been back it's been non-stop technical learning. Field crops, gardening, tree nursery preparation, tree ID (my favorite!!!), etc. I'll also be glad to head back to CBT so I can take a break from all the classroom learning and get my hands a little dirty.
Anyway I know this is turning into a novel so I think I'll cut it off here. There are also some other Trainees waiting to use the computer so I'll turn it over to them. Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll send something again soon!
En ontuma (See you next time), -Maggie
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