#thanks for Lea for proof reading ❤️
decoloraa · 2 years
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Please look at me - Chapter one
Val, a doctor at fort Briggs, is Casther’s best friend. But after an “accident” they both don’t know how to approach each other’s, Val even distanced himself from the soldier. But the fort is small and the North’s cruelty forces the two of them into a situation where they have no choice but to face each other. Will they further grow apart or will they be able to work through their conflict?
[Read on ao3]
Relationships: Casther Wilk/Val Beauxclaire
Tags: sharing a bed, fluff and angst, misunderstandings, friends to ?
Warnings: (vague) descriptions of drowning, internalized homophobia
Chapter one: Warming up
With a loud bang, the cabin's door opened. Forcefully searching his way inside, Casther stepped onto the wooden floor, carrying the doctor's unconscious body over his shoulder. He quickly glanced through the room to see if someone was inside. But his senses didn't pick up any hints of someone else's present.
A proper search would be necessary, but there was no time. He would have to trust his instincts in telling him if they weren't truly alone. Without missing a second Casther closed the door and hurried towards the small bed that was standing in the back of the room.
Carefully he lifted Val off his shoulders, too scared to drop him by accident. The other man felt so fragile, like he could break if Casther wasn't gentle enough. Casther placed his lower body on the sheets, keeping Val's head in place with his left arm.
"Val, hey! Come on buddy, say something!", Casther didn’t have the capacity to hide the terror in his voice.
Patting his pale sheeks with his hands, Casther tried to get an answer from the black haired man, a sign of life. But he stayed silent.
In an effort to control his growing anxiety, Casther exhaled deeply. Closing his eyes he commanded his overbearingly beating heart to calm down. Clutching the shoulders of his friend, he stayed still for a moment.
And then-
"There!" Casther gasped in relief. A heartbeat. It was quiet, but it was there. Within a matter of seconds, Casther jumped into action again.
"I'm sorry, but I need to get you out of these", he apologized and started peeling Val out of his soaking wet clothes.
Removing the heavy clothing was harder than he had anticipated. A thin line of ice had already set on his coat, but Casther knew there wasn't a moment to spare. Val’s blue lips made the urgency clear.
"You can't die on me here, I won’t allow it", Casther heard himself whispering.
His fingers trembled, but not from the cold. He slipped the freezing man under a blanket he found curled up beneath the bed and piled any piece of dry fabric he found onto him.
While rampaging through wardrobe after wardrobe, Casther took a proper look at the cabin for the first time. It was more of a room that offered enough space for a fireplace and a bed. While it didn't necessarily look deserted, everything seemed to be cared for.
It didn't seem like one of the hideouts they had for scouting groups, but Casther had never learned all of their locations. Was this a hunter's hideout? Would they have to expect some company? He couldn't identify anyone's scent being prominent, so they might be safe for now.
As he eagerly dug through a tall wardrobe, he let out a shout of excitement.
"This is a bear's fur!", Casther looked at the thick material.
"Wow, this thing is huge. Must've been one of the brown bears from around here", he concluded. Many times he had heard of their size and power, but luckily he didn't have to meet them face to face during the three years he'd been at the fort.
Casther ran over to Val again and tucked him under the massive blanket. He nodded in success. Small victories still counted. Below all the blankets Val looked so small, fragile. Casther sat by his side for a second and let out a sign of relief as he registered the other man was still breathing.
Some minutes have passed, minutes that felt like a lifetime to Casther. After placing Val under a mountain of blankets, he had noticed a little fireplace. Making fire wasn't his strongest ability but he was glad everyone at Briggs was so keen about learning to light one. Soon a small flame was starting to brighten the room.
Not daring to leave him out of his sight, Casther sat next to Val for a while. His mind wouldn't stop racing.
Again and again the scene played in his head. Val as he walked through the snow a couple of meters ahead. Any efforts of warning him failed and before Casther knew, he could hear the layer of ice cracking under the doctor's feet.
They were lucky that Val hadn't broken into the middle of the lake, so all Casther had to do was reach into the icy water. But the cold winter air was equally cruel as the freezing water and Casther worried about the odds.
Why did Val run off like that? Casther had told him to stay close, why didn't he listen? It was as if the other man wanted..
..to get away from him.
Casther swallowed.
His mind started playing all different kinds of possibilities. Possibilities of what might go wrong, what else he could do. He tried to force his thoughts to calm down.
Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
Casther reached under the blankets to grab Val's arm, just to feel his own desperation grow. Cold. Usually he's capable of noticing even the most subtle changes in temperature, but his friend didn't seem to warm up.
What was he supposed to do? Val would know the necessary steps, but on his own he felt helpless. So helpless.
"Fighting is the only thing you're good for. What use do your powers have now? None", he whispered.
While running his hands through his short hair, he closed his eyes. With a groan he covered his face in his palms, elbows resting on his knees. Casther gripped into his own gray strands of hair, his left knee tapping up and down in a fast rhythm. Brooding he looked over to the small fire and then back to the doctor.
Should he-?
His mind wanders to that day. The day he blew it all. Val's shocked face had burned itself into his mind. He looked so hurt, even scared. And it was Casther’s fault.
Casther messed it up, like he always did. He managed to scare away his friend. Ever since that day things had been weird between the two of them. Casther wanted to talk about it, apologize, try to make things right.
But Val kept his distance and refused to even look at him.
"Come on, Casther. You have to do something", Casther whispered.
Once again he checked his temperature. Did it fall? He didn't know. He just didn't know what to do. All he could do was wait and hope and it was eating him up.
Casther startled when he noticed movement in front of him: Val winced, his eyebrows furrowing as his whole body began to shake. He was in pain.
And with that Casther made up his mind. He took a stand and looked down onto his own clothes. He hadn't noticed how wet they were, probably from carrying the soaked man all the way here. With stiff fingers he started to peel out of his jacket. Then slipped out of the heavy boots.
As he was slowly undressing he realized just how cold his limbs had become. Not in a dangerous range since he always found himself being more resistant to the cold (another benefit from being part wolf), but he still started to shiver.
"Well this will get awkward", Casther swallowed nervously.
As he stood there with nothing but his underwear, his lips twisted in embarrassment. He looked at Val.
"Get over it, idiot. You need to stop him from freezing. That's what's important", he whispered to himself.
The gray haired man stepped forward to the bed. By slowly lifting up one piece of fabric after another, he worked his way underneath the thick pile of blankets. He paused for a second and then slipped under the fabric to lay next to his friend.
The bedframe was rather small, so he had to move closer to Val in order to fit onto it. He winced as he touched the other one's cold skin. It was like ice. After a moment of consideration he let out a resigned groan.
"Fuck it.", he cursed as he tried to move Val from his back onto his side.
As they were now facing each other, Casther moved closer.
And pulled Val into a hug.
Casther tried to ignore his skin screaming at the cold skin touching him. Even harder he tried to ignore the heat that was starting to spread in his face from his own awkwardness.
"What are you, fifteen?!" he cursed to himself.
His face felt like it could rival the fire that was cracking in the back of the room. Pouting from his own embarrassment, he tried to think of something else. But all that was coming to his mind was the mental picture of Val falling into the frozen lake.
Shivering Casther tucked Val's head under his chin. Carefully Casther moved his arms into a more comfortable position, which allowed him to pull Val closer to his warm chest.
"I hope this will help", Casther mumbled worriedly. Doubts entered his mind. What if it was too late? Intuitively he pressed Val closer. No. He will pull through. Val is strong, he will make it.
After a while Casther's move seemed to have shown the first signs of success. The bed was starting to warm up and he even dared to believe some blue had left Val's lips.
As the stress faded and a glimpse of hope came, Casther felt himself growing dizzy. He shook his head. He couldn't allow himself to fall asleep. After all, he needed to know once the cabin's owner would return. Even more important: He had to notice Val waking up. The thought of him waking up before Cashter left his face burning in awkwardness.
But then, he was exhausted and the pile of blankets on top of them didn't help with keeping him awake.
And then there was the black haired man tugged in his arms. Val's steady breath felt soothing to Casther and he quickly felt himself being drawn to its rhythm.
And out.
Val's heartbeats echoed through Casther, the rhythm luring him into a sense of calmness. Without noticing Casther buried his face into damp black hair.
With the relaxation Casther's senses began to thrive, having his surroundings to wash over him further. He took in all of the different smells around him. The cabin's rustic wood, the lake's muddy water, the burning wood in the fireplace, the earthy smell of the blankets and..
Lavender mixed with a deep soothing smell he couldn't quite name. Traces of something that was most likely an expensive cologne. And Lavender.
With every breath he took, Casther could feel it washing over his senses. The wood, the smoke, everything wandered into the back of his mind and all that filled it was the subtle smell of Lavender.
But instead of overwhelming him, it grounded him.
Without thinking Casther tightened the embrace. And as he listened to the black haired man's breath, felt his heartbeat and nuzzled into his hair, he could feel himself slipping into a deep rest.
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Aah promo time :D
Oop baby proofing 👀 :D
That's kinda sweet but I thiiink he's being annoying lol xDD
I'm thinking it at least a bit without context sooo xD wiiith?
OOP "I already am" (smth like that) XDD
A stroke in a like 5 year old??
That's not good 😬😬 :(
Ooh an interesting brain surgery though 👀
Uh ohhh
That does not seem good xd
Well that episode's gonna be WILD lol!
They all have been recently xD but hey that's just the gig lol. I've just noticed that I've been saying it more beforehand recently lol.
But, still, exciting :D
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I really enjoyed this episode!! It thought it was great :D. I thought we'd finally get a death again, but I'm really glad we didn't :)). I'm sure it'll happen sometime, and it'll be rough lol xd. But I always have extra feelings about cystic fibrosis because of a book I read, so maybe that added into it lol, idk. Anyway, I thought it was an amazing episode, great cases and some good focus spread :).
Now, into the individualized portions!
First off, Asher and Perez :DD. Didn't see them much this episode, but we still love them 🥰🥰. They both gave Shaun good advice, and there were some fun interactions between the three of them :). Also what Danny said about his dad was so sad :'((. I mean, it could be worse, but still D':. Also, Asher had a s'more for the first time last year (in universe) :D?? That's adorable :)). That he got to, I mean, and even though it kinda sucks it's also kind of fun he never did :). Anyway! These two were also amazing on their case and they were fun this episode :). I love them, you honor 🥰🥰.
Andrews! He wasn't in this ep :o! I realized about halfway through lol. I mean, he was mentioned, in assigning work to Lea XD, but not seen. Huh! Well, we miss him :). And, a quick note, Jerome too :D!! And Villanueva :))). Anyway, I hope we get him back next week! I love him :D. And the others too of course 🥰.
Park and Morgan :). I thought their storyline this episode was really fun :D! I mean, not great stuff, but it wasn't SUPER heavy. Like, kinda, but not much :). I'm glad the guy wasn't lying lol, and that the study ended up okay :D!! I'm also glad Park managed to give Morgan a bit more hope in the world :). Or at least, a little bit more of a reason to think/look for it :'). Anyway, I'm glad the guy's okay (plus that's a LOT of blood to donate lol, good for him!! and thank you sir :DD), and they were great this episode :). I love them 🥰. Also Park's whole thing with the coffee machine (I know it wasn't much but still), especially at the end, was great lol XDD.
Lim and Jordan now. :(((( This storyline was SO SAD!!! I'm so glad it worked out in the end though :'D. I always find it interesting when we have a patient that one of the doctors has been seeing for a long time, especially if it's from before the show eve started :). Idk, it's just cool to me. Anyway, seeing how hard Lim was trying was HEARTBREAKING 😭😭. And then Jordan being right by her side :'DD. It was amazing <33. I love their relationship :'). And Brekka (pretty sure that was her name) was so sweet and cool :)). The whole part with the book and her letting go (in general, not just the moment - I don't wanna say giving up), everything around that, was just 😭😭😭. It was so beautiful though :') ❤️❤️🥺. Anyway, I am so glad everything worked out in the end :'D. I love them <33.
Glassman! 😭😭😭😭 Y'alllllll. The storylines this episode!! Half of them were so sad xD. Most of them, maybe - or even all of them lol. Anyway, I loved all Glassman's stories about Maddie :'D. I mean, I think it was only two this episode, but with one last week too, it's a lot more than on average lol. Anyway, they're all so sweet ❤️❤️. And sad 🥺, but still :')). But seriously, seeing Glassman dig through he wreckage of his house this episode 😭. UGH, it was a bit rough xd. I feel so bad for him 💔💔 <33. But I'm glad he was Shaun and Lea by his side to move forward with :'). Speaking of, his scene with Shaun, and with Lea, and with both of them - all amazing 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️🥺. The advice, the experience they got to have together :') just amazing <33. I loved them so much :'D. Also, the nail polish <333. It hurt but still 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love him <333.
Lastly, it's time for Shaun and Lea! PHEW, theyre okay :'D xD. As I suspected/hoped, it wasn't as bad as the preview made it out to be :'). And I mean, parental differences are a big thing to sort out, you know? There's a lot riding on it for sure, and it's gotta be stressful. I mean, just look at those parents from the case 😭. Case wise, by the way, I'm so glad everything worked out :'DD. The kid was okay (looked like even minimal/no brain damage!!! :DD), and the parents united again :')). It was really nice ❤️❤️❤️ <3. Anyway, I'm glad Shaun and Lea managed to solve the issue without a fight. There really wasn't one - there was a slightly heated discussion, but most of the problem was caused not by a specific disagreement about those decisions, but by Lea being busy and Shaun pushing it a bit. It wasn't anyone's fault, there was just stress on both sides. And everything ended up okay :')). Again, I loved both their scenes with Glassman <333 they were so sweet. And the ending one :'D - doing the little hand hold thing 😭😭😭❤️, and then feeling the baby kick :'DD 🥰 (plus Glassman getting to be there for that experience :')) it was just them, together, enjoying life - literally lol, it brought them joy :'D), and then starting on the list lol 🥰🥰 🥰. It was all so sweet, and while I'm a bit stressed for next week with their relationship with Glassman (not permanently, I just mean that side of the storyline), I'm sure it'll all end up okay :). Anyway, I loved that last scene, and the plot in general :)). I love them <333 :).
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought it had some great storylines (some in general, all of them were great) and a good spread of focus for the most part :D. The cases were great, if mostly very sad xdd, but everything worked out and I'm really happy it did :)). For once everyone ended the episode happy lol xD! I am a bit stressed for the next episode, but not much - not near as much as I have been for these past few lol. Anyway, really good episode 🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode. Even with all its sad parts. I'm excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 13: 39 Differences
This episode was a good one! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but not much. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 14: Hard Heart
See you then!
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