#thanks eleven these kids are making me feel insnae
lycianlynx · 1 year
“Chad,” Lugh’s voice wavers ever so slightly, a crumpled piece of paper clutched tightly in his fist, “this can’t be true, can it? We saw Lord Roy stop the Demon Dragon with our own eyes..! Do you think it could be—“ His first thought is Bern, and soon the flames of anger are stoked in his heart. The thought of Guinevere pleading to Roy to end her brother’s madness, only to continue his conquest behind their backs—
“..Do you think we should go..? I’m worried about the littles— but..” He had left home with a purpose, to return to Elibe with the strength to protect, but even so..was he doomed to have to fight for the rest of his life? “..Are you going to go, Chad?”
The first and only thing on Chad's mind is to pack up everything he needs, as fast as possible, and head onto the next ship sailing for Elibe — Saints be damned, if he has to stow away, he will. It isn't anger that spurs him onward this time, but fear — Fear he'll lose what little he managed to keep for being selfish, for chasing what he should've never even dreamed of — Why would he have time for growth when he should be there to provide? Wide brown eyes turn to Lugh, the bundle of supplies obvious in his arms as he does so.
He knows Lugh. He knows Lugh like the lock in his bedroom door, like the places Father used to like hiding the snacks. He sees the anger kindle in Lugh's eyes, in a place he can recognise it. The fear freezes over in an instant, because he can't be scared in front of Lugh. One fire stokes another, dragon-fire and a holdover vendetta rearing its ugly head again. He can see it — Death brought not on the wings of Bernese wyverns, but on those of a legion of war-wyrms.
His jaw clenches. His teeth bare without his meaning to. He directs it towards the window, looking out in the direction of home. He knows Lugh… And if this is anything like last time, he'll try to come along. Anguish crosses Chad's face for half a second, in the pinch of his brows, the raise of his lip.
"I'm going." He says, with finality. "I don't care if anyone thinks I shouldn't. I'm not leaving the kids alone. I'm sick of losing family." Unsaid: you're part of that too.
A pause, fall turning back to meet spring. "And I don't know what's going on for sure. But if it's that... Then I'll fight, with everything I've got."
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