#thanks again to suzie!! check out her art it slaps
genesis-quoi · 3 months
Everyone please please please do yourself a favor and check out @suzienightsky's Phantom Ruby Illusion Tails AU, I am literally gnawing on the walls it's so good. This recent comic crumpled my brain like a soda can so enjoy this unhinged piece based off of it and its dialogue. ^.^
If you get there before I do, comin for to carry me home~
Stillness shatters against the soothing warble of an old friend.
Shards of sound so desperately sought after skewer him before he thinks better of opening his eyes, and soon after they burn in the blue crackling of electricity that blurs away at the outer corners of his vision like the stars he hadn’t seen in months. 
He wants to wipe his eyes but can’t, for the fear of bringing his electrified restraints close to his face again, of which the last attempt had him seeing things that weren’t there, and left him forever wondering if he’d ever be able to trust them like he once did.  
Tell all our friends I’m comin too~
He ends up weeping openly. This is a voice he trusts, even as everything else fails him. 
“Tails!” He cried, but it’s hollow and hoarse and pathetic how little he had to say now that his days and nights blurred together in the miserable swirl of longing. 
His pleas were underscored by the droning buzz of electricity that echoed off the metal and a melody so familiar that everything else gets carried away easily in the gentle fondness that came with it, in and out of the bars of his cell like the call of home. 
A long forgotten and bespoke spark ignites within him, brought to life by Tails’ apparent easiness, in spite of the situation. 
He remembers teaching him that song what felt like a lifetime ago…back when he was barely taller than enough than his legs that he refused to let go of. 
It was a tad silly, he thought in retrospect, though Tails took to it so long as he kept his own promises to be back before the tune was finished. 
As they grew, it fell by the wayside for quite a bit, though the assurances it was meant to symbolize lived on in the ways they always tried to protect each other from situations like these. 
He really shouldn’t be so happy that Tails is putting himself in danger like this, but hearing his voice after nothing but the thrum of machinery and his own screaming was a balm on his aching heart. 
It’s him-it was really-
“Comin for carry me home~”
A silhouette approaches the bars from the darkness, and as it does so, he notices that it glows with that same loathsome tint he can’t escape even in sleep-
It’s just another trick. 
Another illusion meant to torment him-
“Here you are!” It called to him, though he doesn’t turn around. Maybe it will just go away on its own. 
“You were right, you know…things are a lot less scary now.” 
It hums the rest of the chorus sweetly, oblivious to the way each note pulverizes him and he feels mangled like he’s gotten caught within the mundane backdrop of pistons and gears. 
“Who sent you this time?” He snaps before long, and the last note out of its lips sours and shrivels into silence. 
Nevertheless, with a deep sigh that sounded more like static off an old TV than a transfer of air, its next words are no less chipper. 
“You did…didn’t you? You wanted me here-”
“I don’t want ‘you’ here. I want YOU you-the real you-!”
“Sonic, don’t you recognize me? I’m sorry I took so long…really! I tried, honest…but you promised we’d be friends no matter what…didn’t you?” 
Its voice quavers in that heartbreakingly agonizing way it used to, back when he would have to field this question at least twice a day. 
He can’t help himself.
Against his better judgment, he looks up and stares into the slightly damp eyes of the doppelganger parading around in his little brother’s skin, as if it had the audacity to be upset when it couldn’t even be bothered enough to try to be someone he missed.
“It’s me…you still love me, right?”  
The pounding in his head grows as his mind splits itself apart. For once he wondered if it would all stop hurting so much if he just went along with it and gave in because he’s been here eight lifetimes as far as he knows. One of them might as well have a shred of comfort in it, even if he knows it’s all that’s left. 
But the other, more stubborn part angrily refuses to give up, because if he never gets out of here he’d at least have done right by his real little brother, who’s out there somewhere probably moving mountains for him.  
Tails is a fighter. They should be arguing right now about things they already know are implicit, just to hear it out loud again how much they meant to each other. It wasn’t like Tails to cave, to crumble, he just wasn’t that docile toddler anymore. 
And yet…
“If it’s you…the real you…you’d’ve sprung me out of this place already.”
He glares at the faded red phantom of his brother with all the malice he can muster, and while its grin never falters, the rest of its form seems to slowly crack around it.
“What if,” a line splits directly down and fractures from its ear to an eye, “the only way we could be together was if i joined you?”
He tried to be intimidating, but as if his subconscious thought it looked enough like Tails to warrant the innate softening being around him usually did, it sounded less like a demand and more like a blatant plea to get him to stop eating stuff off the ground.
“You’re not real! You aren’t real! You’re just like the rest of them, just go back to where you came from and leave me alone!”
That was supposed to have been the end of it. Maybe he’d disappear after calling him pathetic, or maybe Infinite would appear again, least likely Eggman strolling by to gloat despite his obvious failure to trick him this time…
But nothing happens.
Another growing crack creeps up one of its tails and it looked pained as it watched, cradling it in its hands in a futile attempt to stop it.
“You always said it didn’t matter what I looked like.” While the words are despondent, there’s definitely an off-putting hint of anger buried within it that captures his attention.
“But now that I’m like this…?” It stopped, suddenly trying to hide all the cracks that marred his…its little body like scars in that way that was too uncanny to be replicated-
“I used to think maybe you were just like the rest of them too, y’know. You were supposed to prove me wrong.”
There’s years of pain and sadness compressed into his admission that terrifies him-makes him think that maybe he does have it wrong and Tails is really here-that maybe he’s had unspeakable things done to him too and he’s only making it worse by turning his brother away just because he’s also had parts of himself taken away that would’ve made the choice easier. 
“Wait, Tails-!” He shouted, far too late. It’s gone again, and it’s all his fault he’s got nothing but the shadows to talk to now.
Until he turned back around.
“Hi Sonic!” 
He nearly falls backwards onto the metal in surprise when he hears the high-pitched bleating of a dusty old computer struggling to start up.
The kid is behind him now. Inside his cell. 
And while he should be irritated at having allowed himself to be even momentarily swayed, it-he…still looked far too similar to his little brother to the effect that he doesn’t have the heart or the energy for this anymore. 
“You’re…not really him…” He tried gently, deflated.  
If he was lucky, the phantom would take after the real Tails and understand his approach.
His brother could take his licks and a bomb to the face with pride and come out of it no worse for wear, only to crumble away into nothing every single time his own careful fingers would softly brush against his wounds.
“What do you mean?” The phantom illusion of Tails beams and it stands in stark, unsettling contrast to the darkness that surrounds them, like he doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to. 
“Of course I’m him!”
He appears to be completely indifferent to the way his voice distorts around the lie. 
“I missed you more than anything-!” The phantom grabs at his hands and the electric cuffs sear into his skin at the agitation the static brings.
It felt like pins and needles everywhere else, and not in a normal way he gets to laugh it off when it’s convenient. 
It’s chilling. And terrifying in a way he can’t explain.
“Sonic…?” Tails seems hurt that he pulled away, and tries toward him a second time as if to redeem himself. “It’s me…remember…? It’s okay to be scared, but…it’s just me…”
“No…” His heart races and he can’t hear himself thinking…normally this wouldn’t be a problem for him if he could just get away but there’s nowhere to run and he can’t, even if there was-
“It’s just me…let me help you-”
The phantom bounds towards him with outstretched arms and the world starts to close in and everything bleeds red…everything, from the walls to the bars to the stars that aren’t there to the streaks running down the phantom’s cheeks-
He tries to steady himself on the metal that jutted from the wall, but as soon as he sits he’s crashed into atop the makeshift bed and what felt like a current of lightning erupts through his entire body as the illusion engulfs him in an embrace that’s something akin to running face first into an electric fence. 
His thoughts dissolve quickly into a loud screaming chorus of pain and discomfort as the phantom sensation of his little brother burrowing into him continues. 
Much as it hurts he missed it so much he’d burn forever if it meant he never forgot what it was like.
The illusion’s words become little more than a steady thrum that reverberate through him and remind him that he’s still alive. 
“You’d never replace me, right? You promised you’d stay, always. I’m here now. Everything is going to be okay again…” 
He doesn’t remember losing consciousness, yet he comes to so pleasantly he’d been momentarily thankful that it was all a dream.
But the only thing that illuminates his thoughts in the darkness is a persistent glow, reflections of things that were never there lending credence to his loneliness…
And a song he knew all the words to, once. 
Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down~
The phantom illusion kicks his small legs off the side of the bunk to keep time, smiling broadly in a way that made him queasy when he’d noticed he was alert again.
Comin for to carry me home~
His song punctuates itself midway through with a series of light-hearted giggles as if they were around a campfire, either unaware or unbothered completely by the sight of the oppressive prison they were confined to. 
“I waited for you!”  
There’s a deep gouge in his face, just below one of his cheeks that keeps him from grinning any wider. 
“...why…?” It’s all his addled mind can produce. 
Tails’ eyes flitted to the ceiling, almost as if wistful despite the grimy nothingness of the view he’d picked over time and time again out of boredom.
“You’re gonna be here forever,” he nearly whispers, and despite the severity of the statement it’s laden with no emotion whatsoever, “that’s why I’m here…to keep you company.”
The phantom of his little brother continues to hum softly as he stares, admiring the cracks in the darkened corners of the cell. 
Now he’s more than annoyed…he’s scared beyond anything that his nightmares were finally becoming reality the less defined reality became. 
He’d watched Tails die too many times for this to be the new normal. 
Who’s idea was this? It’s far too ‘potentially altruistic’ a plan to have been Eggman’s design, and Infinite usually tormented him in other ways…maybe he’s finally lost it in here. 
While he certainly doesn’t plan on being here forever, he absolutely prefers the company over nothing, though not necessarily all of his alternatives. 
For all he knows, it’s already been forever. 
And if this is all that’s left, then…
Maybe he would hang onto home just a little longer. 
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coffeechangbeanie · 4 years
Home Reading 18+
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Dilf!Chan, biker!chan, kindergarten teacher!reader
Basically Chris' daughter is in your kindergarten class, and you've been simping whenever he pulls up on his motorbike to pick her up. Plus he's tattooed because I have n e e d s ok? There's a bit of pussy slapping and dirty talk but it's pretty vanilla.
You were standing outside the school, making sure your kindergarten class stayed in line. As the bus pulled up to the side if the road, your kindergarten assistant took her line of bus kids to that side of the parking lot, giving you a lovely view of the parent parking lot. Especially one parent in particular. You composed yourself as you saw Mr. Bang pull up in his motorcycle, his daughter, Yuna, excitedly jumped up and down, accidentally hitting another girl. The girl starts to cry, hitting Yuna back. Hiding your annoyance, you knelt down to Yuna, "Yuna, remember, keep control of your hands." Yuna sheepishly nods. "And Suzie we know not to hit our friends back-"
"Ms. Yn?" A deep voice says behind you, interupting your teacher speech.
You turn around, standing up to see Chris.
His black leather jacket hangs off his shoulders exposing just enough of the head of his surpent tattoo on his neck for you to wonder how far the snake went down his body.
"Ah, Mr. Bang, did you get my email?"
"yes I did, where are we having this impromptu parent teacher meeting?" He says, adjusting his helmet under his arm, a much smaller, sparkly pink one tucked inside.
You see your assistant coming back up the sidewalk. "Right now if ms. Chaeyoung wouldnt mind taking over."
"of course! Go have your meeting," she says, taking your clipboard from you.
You lead the way back inside to you classroom.
The room's walls are lined with students drawings, crafts, and pictures. A whiteboard with the day's letter still up.
"Mr. Bang, today marks the 3rd week her home reading isn't done. In class she's unfocused, hyperactive, and disruptive, I'd like to work with you so we can help her succeed."
Chris rubs his eyes defeatedly, "it's been a tough few weeks, I'll get on the home reading and speak to her about her behaviour."
"thank you, Mr. Bang."
He nods, awkwardly leaving your classroom. You watch him exit the building from the window. Happily picking up Yuna and putting on her helmet for her. He carries her out the his bike as she sits atop his shoulders. You can't help but smile at the cuteness.
It had been a few weeks since your meeting with Chris about Yuna, but you couldn't get the thought of him out if your head. (Not that you could normally, but it was especially bad lately). You know you shouldn't be thinking about one if your student's parent that way but you'd never seen a ring in his finger and Yuna never talked about her mom on the "draw your family" art project...
You were out walking your dog through the playground, the late afternoon sun hanging low in the sky. You hear children giggle as they played.
"Ms. yn!" You look up to see Felix, a parent of another of your students, sitting in a park bench next to Chris. You do a double take when you catch a blush rising up his cheeks.
"Mr. Lee, Mr. Bang," you say, your dog preoccupied with a smell under the bench, "lovely evening for the park innit?"
Felix checks his watch, "speaking of, it's almost dinner time."
"tell your wife I say 'hi'" Chris calls after Felix who's helping his little girl pack up her toys.
"always do!" Felix calls back.
Chris laughs. It's such a genuine laugh, almost like a giggle.
You found yourself fascinated with the sound.
"something on my face?"
You snap out if your daze, "sorry, I just wasn't expecting your laugh to sound like that," you try to laugh away the awkwardness.
It seems to work as Chris relaxes his shoulders, loosening up. He laughs again. The sight of his crinkled eyes as he looks at you makes your heart swell.
"I know it's rather sudden," Chris inhaled sharply, "but would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? Yuna's having a sleepover at Felix's since it's a Friday-"
"I'd love to!" You cut off his rambling.
"really!?" He asks excitedly with wide eyes.
"yeah I thought you'd never ask," you laugh, "is 7 o'clock a good time?"
"I'll see you then," he says, grinning from ear to ear.
You walk up a set of concrete steps, seeing Chris' bike on the drive as you approach the front door.
The door opens before you have a chance to raise your hand to knock.
Chris looks stunningly sifistocated in his white button up and black jeans, hair styled curly as he invites you inside. He asks to take your coat, more than happy to show off your backless red dress.
"wow," he breaths, taking in the sight.
You smile, "you don't look half bad yourself."
He has a classy dinner already laid in on his dinning room table.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't find a table cloth."
"I don't mind at all," you say, smiling at Yuna's drawings etched into the wood.
Chris pulls out a chair for you, you sit down, thanking him. From this angle you have a good view into an office. You notice a stack of books and recording equipment piled on a desk
"what's the books for?" You ask.
"hm? Oh! Just my university stuff," he says, serving you.
"what are you studying?"
"music production, because I hate working so low down in the company."
You listen to him talk about his degree, how he's been studying for his finals the last few weeks, his job now and Yuna. He fills you in on all the adorable, sweet, and cheeky things his little girl has done. You see the sparkle in his eyes and can't help but reciprocate, she really is a sweet kid.
You find him fascinating in everyway. But your mind wanders a bit, he is also irresistibly sexy with his dark curls in his eyes and shirt showing a bit too much skin. The fact that you're sitting across from him now is enought to make your core wet.
"-sorry I don't mean to talk so much, I just rarely get the chance to have adult conversations, you know living with a 5 year old and what not- and here I go again rambling." He sheepishly resumes eating his dinner.
"not at all! I love listening to you!"
"yeah," you say, a bit too breathy.
"that's good," he says staring at your lips. You hadn't realized you'd been biting your bottom one. You decide to bite the bullet instead and press your foot to his crotch. His body goes pliant in his chair for a moment before he silently puts his fork down.
He looks at you, searching your gaze before a dark lustful look comes over him.
He picks up his fork again, "the bedroom is the last room on the left hallway," he says, finishing his last bite of food.
Youve hardly processed his sentence when he speaks again.
"Did you hear me baby girl?"
You nod rapidly, standing up with weak knees going down the hallway.
You find the bedroom. You're inside for less than a second when Chris pushes you against his bedroom wall, kissing you deeply.
"How about you strip for me, let me see how much you want me." He's hardly finished his sentence when you're pulling off your clothes. You struggle to get out of your dress in your eagerness, eventually draping it over a nearby chair, kneeling on the floor, looking up eagerly at him.
"no bra," he breaths, his eyes fucking you.
Chris takes his sweet time unbuttoning his shirt. You can't help but ogle at the sight. Your eyes find the serpent, following it down his chest, the end of its tail still tucked behind his black jeans.
Chris continues the show, slowly dropping his pants and stepping out of them.
So it ends at his knee. You think to yourself.
You can see his leaking dick pressed painful hard against his underwear. Your mouth waters at the sight.
"close your mouth, darling. You'll catch flies." He grins, voice like silk.
"maybe you should close my mouth for me," you test.
He smirks, running the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip.
You take that as permission to pull his boxers down.
"you gonna be a good girl and take all my cock?" He asks smugly.
You nod, stroking his length, leaving kitten licks on his tip.
Chris groans, "feels so good, Yn."
You take his whole length into his mouth, taking him by surprise. he accidentally bucks his hips into your warm mouth.
He moans seeing you choke on his cock for a second.
Chris mumbles an apology as he rest his hand in your hair, feeling the way you bob your head up and down on his thick length.
You bask in his elicit moans, feeling smug knowing you're the one on your knees for him, not any of your co-workers or single moms. You.
He suddenly pulls your head off him. You whine in response. Chris guides you back to your feet, pulling your body against his.
"that was fun baby girl, but now it's your turn," he whispers into your neck, his hard-on dripping against your thigh.
Chris picks you up, tossing you effortlessly on the bed, he kisses down your neck to your boobs, giving each a gentle squeeze before continuing his ministrations down your body. He gives special attention to your thighs, avoiding where you want him most. You catch his drift.
"please Chris, please touch my pussy" you whine.
Chris moans, "such a dirty girl."
"please," you whine again.
Chris lightly brushes his fingers over your womanhood, just barely missing your clit.
You groan in annoyance.
"touch me harder, Chris please!"
He lands a harsh but not painful slap on your dripping cunt. You moan, gripping his bicep as a wave of pleasure hits you.
"like that, baby girl?"
You nod rapidly.
Chris kisses your pussy lips, before slapping you again, you don't have time recover when he lands a third.
Chris presses his tongue against your clit. You watch his eyes flutter closed as he eats you out like he didn't just finish dinner.
He inserts 2 fingers, making you scream in pleasure.
He pistons his fingers in and out of your soaked heat while sucking harshly on your clit.
It quickly becomes too much, you come on his fingers with a moan of his name
Chris doesn't stop, he slows down while you ride out your orgasm but picks up the pace when you start squirming.
After your third orgasm, pulls his fingers out, you whine in protest.
"I can't take it anymore," he groans, whipping a drawer open and cracking a fresh box of condoms.
You watch his fingers, still slick with your come open the wrapper.
"first time using one of these," he nervously giggles when he catches your gaze.
You take the condom from him, sliding it down his thick length. His erection twitching in your hand.
You sense the anxiety in the air.
You lay on your back, pulling him on-top.
"fuck me Chris," you moan.
He groans as he guides his dick in you.
You moan when he bottoms out.
He starts off slow, letting you feel all of his length. As he gains confidence, he quickens his pace until you're screaming his name.
He slows his thrusts just long enough to make you squirm before his hips resume pistoning in you. The pleasure knocking the wind out of you.
"feels so good, Chris," you moan, tangling a hand in his hair. Your other hand moving down his back, feeling his back muscles flex with every jerk of his hips.
"fuck Yn, I'm going to come."
You've lost the ability to speak, responding only by moaning.
You both come at the same time, feeling him relax onto you.
After a moment of heavy breathing and gentle kisses later, Chris pulls out. He throws out the condom standing up. He pulls one of his clean black tees over your exhausted form. He tucks you into bed with him.
"that was amazing, Yn, thank you."
"you're very welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed myself," you chime. Chris giggles, his thumb rubbing circles on your thigh.
You laugh, burying your head into the crook of his neck.
He wraps his arms around you as you trace his snake tattoo from his neck down to his side to his leg.
He pulls you into a gentle but passionate kiss, your hands finding purchase on his shoulders.
"can I ask a question, Chris?" You ask between kisses.
"what happened to Yuna's mom?"
Chris took a deep breath, you cringed at yourself for letting curiousity get the better of you.
"she was a fling in my senior year of high school, when she got pregnant and didn't want the baby, I said I'd take her. Yuna's never met her mom."
"I didn't know, I'm so sorry."
"don't be." He smiled, "I think you'd make a much better mom for her."
"if that's what you want!" Chris rushed, realizing what he just said.
"that is what I want," you say, kissing his lips.
"does that mean you'll do her home reading for me?"
You laugh, nodding.
Ugh I feel like this is trash lmao I tried. Ive volunteered in kindergarten before so I tried to make the dialogue work but idk if it did, I wrote this instead of sleeping. It's also been a very long time since I've written in "novel" format since I'm practicing screenplays rn oof so I'm sorry if this sucks. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed! And thank you to @lovebini for the giggling suggestion!
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