#thanks again to screencapped dot net for the screengrabs
leothil · 2 years
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on the way down by Ryan Cabrera
[Image ID: seven pictures of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from 9-1-1, the first four from episode 4.14 and the last three from episode 5.14, overlaid with lyrics from Ryan Cabrera's song "On the Way Down."
Image 1: Eddie is falling down after being shot. The text reads "On the way down"
Image 2: Eddie and Buck stare at each other in shock after Eddie's been shot. The text reads "I saw you"
Image 3: a collage of three pictures. The biggest at the bottom shows Buck pressing on Eddie's wound in the ambulance, and the smaller two at the top show two different angles of Buck dragging Eddie to safety under the firetruck. The text reads "and you saved me from myself"
Image 4: Buck and Eddie look at each other with smiles on their faces right after Eddie woke up at the hospital. The text reads "and I won't forget the way you loved me"
Image 5: Eddie is crying and clutching a baseball bat; the back of Buck's head is seen in the foreground. The text reads "on the way down"
Image 6: Eddie sits at his dining table and looks into the distance with tears in his eyes. The text reads "I almost fell right through"
Image 7: At the equine therapy place, Eddie and Buck look at each other with slight smiles. The text reads "but I held onto you"
/end ID]
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