#thanks again llama for letting us all do this with you <3
carabinersims · 1 year
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Computer Lab Series 1
This set is inspired by: early 80s computers, my dad’s office when he taught electrical engineering, and VHS tape artifacts. Many of the pieces in here are stylized versions of real-life things, which I’ve included more info about under the cut.
This set contains 11 new meshes and features 2 retro computers, a desk chair, a desk, and lots of retro clutter items.
Download link (SFS): Separate packages or ZIP of the whole thing.
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Here's some fancy promo GIFs!
Set contents:
Carapro II Portable Computer: Based on the Kaypro II Portable Computer (1982) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 789 polys
BBC Micro Computer: Based on the BBC Micro Computer (1981) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 329 polys
Steelcase Desk Chair // 5 swatches, 746 polys - has 1 LOD
Retro Desk // 4 swatches, 264 polys
Floppy Disks // 2 swatches, 734 polys
Stapler // 3 swatches, 152 polys (has 1 LOD)
Caradex V (Rolodex) // 1 swatch, 834 polys (has 1 LOD)
Desk Caddy // 2 swatches, 1580 polys (has 1 LOD)
Computer Manual Posters // 4 swatches, 20 polys (resized EA soccer poster mesh)
Cassette Recorder // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 212 polys
Cassette Tape // 4 swatches, 202 polys
Here's everything you get:
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Images for the poster set are taken from the manuals for the Kaypro and BBC Micro; thank you to folks who upload these online!
Fonts used in the textures are Nootrasim, Uni(versity) Llama, and Simlish Crayon.
Technical notes/known issues:
Sims’ hands slightly clip into the computers with angled keyboards; this is not something I can fix due to how the animations are set up.
The computers don’t have mice (they wouldn’t have had them at the time), so the Sims will move their hands around as if they were using an invisible mouse.
The BBC Micro computer has a medium decor slot on top -- perfect for cute plants, books, clutter, etc. In testing, I noticed that if you place something there that trails down the sides, Sims will not want to use the computer (you have to make them sit in the chair and then interact with it). Most items don’t seem to do this so I’m leaving the slot in - just know if you put trailing stuff on top, this might happen.
The cassette recorder has a decor slot in the perfect place to actually put the cassette tape in it, and I love it! I’d recommend picking the cassette tape you want before putting it in; once it’s in the recorder, I couldn’t figure out an easy way to get it out again. You can always delete the whole thing and re-place a cassette recorder.
Other notes:
TOU: Don't upload to paid sites or claim you made these. If you do recolor, you can include the mesh if you link back to me.
This is my first larger set and I'm kinda nervous! If you encounter any issues please message me on here and let me know.
I've also created a companion "further reading" post here, which goes into more detail about the research and references I used for these
⭐ Like my stuff? It's all free but it does take me time -- if you want to, feel free to leave a tip on Ko-fi. ⭐
@mmfinds @maxismatchccworld @simbfinds @adoring-ccfinds @mmoutfitters  @public-ccfinds  
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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Here’s Baby Poldine’s second school report!
First semester of llama school consisted in just walking into the chute and spending a few minutes in there every day until she was no longer stressed about being stuck in this strange narrow place. (It was a two-week semester) (she’s a quick study)
Llama 102 involved wearing a halter while in the chute, and being given little bits of banana peel to distract her from how horrible and embarrassing wearing a halter (apparently) is. She kept rubbing her face against stuff trying to remove the stupid thing, but eventually she got used to it, and when she started hanging out in the chute with a halter on looking like a bored teenager I knew it was time to move on to Lesson 3.
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(Not sure where Pampe’s neck is going in the background. I don’t want to know)
Lesson 3 is walking into the chute, being haltered, walking out and following a human around the (closed) pen with the halter & lead rope. Which means being subjected to having your head pulled this way and that which is every bit as unpleasant as wearing a halter initially was. Pampoldine received kisses and clementine peelings every time she came to me or walked a few steps alongside me or generally did the opposite of digging in her heels and pulling on the rope.
Also, Poldine thinks cats smell nice and she always wants to sniff the top of their head when she sees one, so special thanks to Merricat for accepting to be used as live llama bait to get Poldine to start walking into the chute of her own free will :)
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(Merricat prefers the term ‘teaching assistant’)
I tried uploading a 30 second video but either tumblr or my wifi wouldn’t let me :( The gist of it was, the lesson was going well but Pampe was being a bit of a nuisance, distracting her daughter, and then Pampelune spat at her. Here are some screencaps:
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Pampe had frowny ears, maybe she was being protective of her baby, to be fair. Like, what are you doing to her, remove this halter immediately. But at some point Pampelune chased her all over the pen spitting at her and Pampe looked mortified about being told off by her mum, it was so funny. The dispute probably had to do with hay, but it’s so rare for mild-mannered Mama Pampy to spit, it really looked like she was annoyed with Pampe for disrupting her granddaughter’s lesson! (I managed to dodge the spit.)
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Lesson 4 was all the same stuff, but with a wide open pen, so Poldine could technically tear the rope from my hands and run away to the other end of her pasture. Which was something Pampérigouste did systematically when she was a child in llama school. She came to tolerate wearing a halter and walking around with me in the closed pen, but as soon as I opened the door and she saw an opportunity to escape, she’d make some kind of brusque movement to tear the rope from my hands, and bolt.
Pampe’s daughter on the other hand is a pleasure to have in class and it never occurred to her to do such a thing, so we’re now able to do the same exercises again but in a less coerced way—instead of trapping her in the chute to halter her, I now just put some hay in the pen to attract the llamas (when Merricat is busy), then walk in without closing the door and present Poldine with her halter and some kind of treat, and she’ll put her nose through the noseband to reach the treat, basically putting the halter on herself. I could never reach this stage with Pampe—I still have to resort to wily ruses to approach her without her noticing the halter; meanwhile I can be honest about my intentions with Poldine, I’m like here’s your halter and here’s your treat. You know what’s going to happen if you choose to go for the treat, and she’s like okay, fair :)
Someone doesn’t think life is fair, though.
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I have to hold Pirlouit back every time I put some hay in the pen to get Poldine in there, or he’ll go and not only eat it but also shoo everyone else out of the pen to hoard the hay. Sorry Pirou, this hay is bait and you are not the fish I’m trying to catch.
Lesson 5 will start next week and consist in haltering Poldine wherever she happens to be—I think she’s now reasonably convinced that wearing a halter is not the most horrible thing in the world (no matter what her mum says) so she won’t run if I try to halter her outside of the pen. We’ll walk around a bit every day but will keep it quick and not-annoying (and highly rewarding) (with fruit) so she continues to familiarise herself with being led by a human. Maybe she will take her education further than her mother ever did by actually reaching lesson 6 (hearing sounds that mean ‘stop’ or ‘let’s go!’ and not completely ignoring me.) We’ll see!
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randomgentlefolk · 9 months
I'm crying on the ground. Sobbing with my cat yet again. I feel so peaceful and destroyed at the same time.
Lambcat really said we should start the year with a breakdown huh
I'm gonna hold my breakdown until I talk about the moment.
Lance to the rescue!! Man I love that guy. I also really love how he looks in the panel I put as my pfp. He looks so soft and gentle :')
The interaction between Lance and Lorena is rising my hope that they will still be friends after the chaos ends.
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This did caught me off guard lmao 😭 I'm sorry for saying this but is he implying that he has a thick skull because nahh he did himself dirty
Y'ALL IT'S THE MOMENT WE'VE (or at least me haha) ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. Lance!!! Fighting against his kingdom!!! I'm so proud of him YOU GO LANCE!!!
Huge respect for Lance and his friends tho for CARRYING THAT HUGE PILLAR LIKE WHAT. Remember when I said something along the line of "if Frederick say he's weak while he can carry an entire llama, then I'm terrified of what Lance can do"? Yea this just proved my point.
Also I'm going to keep saying that Lance is going to have a sick scar with that x mark.
I once again wonder what is the legal age for alcohol in cpc? In US and the country I live in, the legal age is 21. But I think it's 18 in UK right? If it's 18 in cpc then that makes sense because Lance is 19 and Blaine is 20 (i'm saying this because of the beer pong comment by Lance's friend)
Sheesh, I hope Leland will be defeated from the king position soon. I don't want anyone to be executed. That would be disturbing.
Oooh!! Syrah and Saffron probably showing their fighting skill in the future episodes??? I hope so!!
Thank you Maria! It's nice to see that The pastel siblings now believe that Frederick truly loves Gwen.
Feeling like your legs are paralyzed whenever you're gonna face something you're terrified of is so real :( you can do it, Frederick! I believe in you!!
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LELAND CHILL???? MAN YOUR HANDS ARE BLEEDING. Eat a snickers damnit. You're not you when you're going through a heart break xd
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Oh. Okay. Ouch. Massive ow. Y'know when I said how the Monika's room episode and Frederick's monologue about what he wants really hits for me? Well add this to the list because wtfff.
Aww Gwegg :( She kept blaming herself even though it really isn't her fault. What Gwen said is pretty comforting though. Them apologizing to each other </3 It really is the shit when you realize you haven't treat yourself kindly. Like when you keep wondering why everything is wrong then you look at your inner self and go "oh. That's why".
GWEN SAYING "No matter what happens, I'll never let go of you again!" HAJWHSIWBS
*cue 1996 batman transition*
Aww the births of The Pastel Siblings! Though Leelathae's thought during each of the births...it breaks my heart :( it seems that she view the births of The Pastel Siblings as a way to apologize for her "mistake" (in which she didn't make any mistake at all), even though it shouldn't be like that at all...
I'm surprised no animals appear at Maria's birth lol. I was really expecting for a deer or birds to suddenly appear haha.
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This IS making me a bit worried though. I don't know much about child births and stuff but while it is normal to still feel pain after giving birth, is it possible that there were some complications leading to Leelathae's dead 3 years after giving birth to Gwen and Jamie? I'll let someone more knowledgeable to figure out what is happening with Leelathae since I have no idea at all.
Anyway! Finally, a close up on Pastel Siblings as babies!! I know we've seen them before in the portraits beside Jack's bed, but it's nice to see them clearer.
Initially, I was worried how Leelathae would react to Gwen, but nevermind that
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I'm so happy about this scene :') Leelathae realizing how beautiful Gwen is, even calling her the most beautiful in all the land. Also her saying as long as Gwen thinks she's beautiful, then what other people think doesn't matter makes me sob. Mother love is always something so touching.
On the other hand though, it made me a little confused now on why she asked Jack to lock up the children and never let them out. Looking at one of the fast pass episode's thumbnail, maybe it's because of the witch? We're nearing the end and there are still so many questions.
And now, INTO THE PRESENT! And the moment....
*cue 1996 batman transition*
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I'M. I'M GONNA CRY. The fact that Gwen doesn't recognize Leelathae?? The fact that they're wearing the same robe???
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WHEN LAMBCAT SAID THERE WASN'T ENOUGH GUT PUNCHES, SHE WAS BEING FR. I don't have anything to say about this scene, but at the same time I want to say a lot about this scene. Gwen's mom telling her that she's beautiful, Gwen crying without knowing why, I'm going to cry.
But hey, Gwegg is finally whole again! True love kiss is real after all ^_^ i love how Lambcat does a little spin at the classic true love kiss. But now that Gwen is finally awake...Well, let's just wish her, Frederick, Aurelia, and Celso good luck at dealing with the officially confirmed big bad wolf/serpent, Leland.
We kinda should thank Leland a bit, though. If he wasn't there ripping off all of the thorny veins, Gwen would get pretty hurt if she still wakes up while sitting up
Yooo the newest fast pass being the final chapter of Leelathae's diary? I hope we will have our questions answered!! And the fact that there's a witch in the thumbnail...hm.
That's it for now!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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charkie-ee · 5 months
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“We’re on a quest for Pizza. I- *zooms in* PIZZA.”
once again, spoilers if you haven’t watched 3rd life smp!!
. Scar and Skizz are the only yellows on the server as of the start of episode 2
. Grian and Scar’s plan for getting valuables in the series was to steel other peoples items, and then put them in Pizza’s chest to sell back to them.
. The first visitors of Monopoly Mountain (aka Sandland in this episode) are Tango and Martyn!
. Scar gives out his first reputation points to Cleo for their enchanted chestplate! (oh god here we go)
. ‘Grian, get the bucket’ is a very common thing you’ll hear Scar say in this episode. This is the lava bucket Grian uses to threaten visitors of the sand biome, though he is not very successful.
. Scott does not respect the torches that layout Sandland, and steals some sand. Grian does a terrible job of preventing this.
. Scar gives reputation points to Tango for his enchanted leggings! (terrible mistake on his part)
. Grian, “get the bucket”s Joel, which is not very effective.
. Scar gives reputation points to Joel for his diamond sword! Grian is not happy about this.
. Grian tries to convince Etho not to give Scar his shoes, but is unsuccessful.
. Scar gives 10 reputation points to Etho for his enchanted boots! (that are deducted later)
. The magic act Soli-beans-major-littlewood-FANTASTICO! comes to show Grian and Scar a magic trick! (etho is also there) Unfortunately, this magic trick is making a dark oak tree appear! (from the forest mentioned in the last note) Goodbye to that monopoly.
This utter loss gives us, in my opinion, one of the best clips in the entire series;
(NEVERMIND TUMBLR ONLY LETS ME ADD ONE VIDEO PER POST WTF. anyway its the one where the ‘magic’ group leaves and Scar says ‘i’m going to murder them’)
. BigB visits! And I’m going to say something now, because not enough people realize this. Grian always has a different tone with BigB throughout these series. He’s much more soft with him, and does everything to benefit him until they turn red. Take a took at this clip below:
this clip is kind of self explanatory? in a way. for instance Grian talks about desperately needing food, and a few second later, gives BigB a portion of his porkchops despite not knowing if BigB’s has enough food. Keep this in mind when watching Double Life. specifically when Grian tries to ditch Scar to hang out with BigB. They’ve always had that kind of bond since the start of the series.
people who haven’t watched double life, you can scroll past that :-D (i guess its too late now but. ahem. moving on)
. BigB gives Grian the idea to put pressure plates all around their base to scare off unwanted visitors.
. Scar finally calls the Sandland base ‘Monopoly Mountain’ (he said it! he said the thing!)
. BigB drops a diamond for Scar, and before he can try to barter with him anymore, BigB flees with the help of Grian’s cobwebs to slow Scar down.
. BigB gets 50 reputation points for a diamond!
. Grian crashes, and Bdubs dies while he’s logged out
. Grian timelapses building the Desert Tower on Monopoly Mountain! (in the process he also accidentally builds his face on the base lmao)
Also one quick thing— apparently Pizza was presumed dead by other players earlier in the episode. Grian does not film or explain this at all, except at the very end where he says Skizz informed them that Pizza was alive. (theres something about this llama and not getting enough screen time smh. i don’t know where it came from and i don’t know how it died, but its there)
did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres information I missed!!
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
thank you for reading and have an excellent day!
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Thanks to my well-honed sim cockblocking reflexes, I put a stop to this nonsense before it escalated further, and now we’re gonna pretend it never happened! You hear me, sluts?? ENOUGH. 
-Don’t worry babe, that moron can barely keep us alive, let alone keep us apart!
Sophito I can’t even express how sick I am of your bullshit. Why don’t you just explain to us how a relationship with Eliza would work given your LTW, because I’d love to hear it.
-I’d figure it out!!
The only thing you’d be figuring out is how to survive massive blood loss after she cut your dick off, ok? Eliza is no Don, she’d take that rose of amnesia and stab you in the eye with it.
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Speaking of Don, Sugar is determined to out-simp his father as he is about to kill both himself and Claire by hypothermia because he won’t stop hugging her long enough for them to get inside. 
-Oh darling, I can think of nothing better than staying here forever, embracing in the rain next to objects that tend to get hit by lighting!
You might have noticed a lack of Sugar the last few updates and it’s because ever since he won Claire’s heart he’s come down with a terrible case of Shajar Former Incel Syndrome. Remember when she finally got with Sophie and her entire personality disappeared because all she did was follow Soph around waiting to woohoo with her?? Well it’s time for round 2!
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Our grades last semester were straight up embarrassing and we’re tittering on being broke again, mainly thanks to the 3 fortune aspiration douchebags and their delusional expensive wants, so it’s time to do the unthinkable: study.
-Ya, I don’t know how effective it is to be studying during June’s party?
Well Sugar, you of all people managed to cuck someone so clearly nothing is impossible around here.
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Look how productive everyone is being! 
-Goddamn it, how do I insert a check for $5000 in this paper without ruining the formatting? You know what, I’ll just attach it in the email. 
-Of course I am, how do you think I keep getting A+s without ever studying?
I assumed you were a brainchad like Sophito??
-Ya, Sophito has been attaching his nudes instead of checks. 
Of course he has! 
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What fresh hell is this, what is this rando feud?
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-Oh Erik, finally you can move in and bring all your cash with you!  -Well I do have like 1k in household funds! -HAHA- wait, you’re serious? YOU ONLY HAVE 1K?? -I sure do!
Erik what the fuck, even the llama brought more with him when he moved in.
-I’m only a freshman! And my entire bio is about wanting to be a starving artist! 
WANTING TO BE A WHAT NOW?? JUNE WE’VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED. I thought we were getting a boring, dependable John Burb type and instead we got Darren Dreamer, fuck.
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-Oh, you broke, beautiful idiot, I’m so into you right now!
June.. istg. Frankly Erik as a marriage prospect is starting to feel barely above the nephew obsession-
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-You didn’t check my personality panel before moving me in?
-2 neat points :)
Fuck my life. Let’s just move on..
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..Our party is going incredibly as usual!
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Can you people not be completely deranged for the duration of one (1) party?
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Istg I can’t leave these flops unattended for more than a minute. REGINALD STOP BONDING WITH EVERY CREEPY PROFESSOR THAT CROSSES YOUR PATH
-Thank you, 00s Emo-Haired Professor, this is very flattering but I’m already in a committed relationship with your colleague, Geriatric Half-Alien Professor.  -Oh my, I’m so sorry! I’d never violate the Professor Dibs On Students Honor Code!
Ok ya, party over, everyone fuck off.
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-Hi Stacy, what the hell are you doing? 
God’s work, that’s what she’s doing. Don’t let them bang, Stac, stay where you are! 
-Hey, genius, if we do the ‘shoo’ action she’s hardcoded to leave.
Fuck you, Eliza, I’m bringing reinforcements..
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And you two I’m not letting out of my sight.
-You can’t win against me, Liz, my grandpa started teaching me chess as soon as I fell out of my mom on the bathroom floor. -Classiest birth your family has ever seen. -Both your dads wanted to marry into my family. -Wanted to marry in so badly they cheated on your grandpa with each other and he had to marry his third choice.
HEY. Wyatt wasn’t our third choice! (He totally was.)
-Well thank God you’re marrying Wilfred who’s always been your first choice! -Absolutely he is, he doesn’t at all bore my tits off. In fact, I’m gonna go wake him up right now and have loud sex with him and you can stay here, being a hoe who’s bad at chess. -Ok, have fun! -Oh, I will!
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-Sophito, I feel our undefinable toxic relationship is gonna be a disaster for everyone involved.  -I know, isn’t it great? :D
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 years
Lee!Dream Month - Day 1
I am starting a day late BUT that doesn't mean I'm any less excited for this awesome event. thank you again @fluffallamaful for sharing this idea with everyone and letting us participate in this event with you :))
if you haven't seen the event post, you can click here to look at the prompt list/rules and check out llama's blog <3
lee!dream month prompt 1 - tummy tickles
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 796 words
"Dream?" Sapnap spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper as he carded his fingers through the soft, slightly damp dark blonde hair in front of him. Dream grumbled in his sleep, nuzzling his face more into the pillow as he was reluctantly pulled from his slumber. "Dreamie, hey, wake up for a second." Sapnap gently sat on the bed, pushing away the strands of hair that had fallen in front of Dream's face just in time to see his eyes crack open.
"Hm?" He mumbled, blinking up at Sapnap.
"Good morning, pretty boy," Sapnap said in his same soft tone, continuing to scratch at Dream's head soothingly.
"G'mornin'," Dream mumbled again, this time with a wide smile spreading across his face. He cracked his fingers before clasping his hands together, pushing his hands against the wall above his head and arching his back as he stretched. He let out a groan as he did so, hearing a few other joints crack before he went limp against the bed again, eyes properly opening to look at his housemate.
"How are you feeling?" Sapnap asked as he took the cold washcloth from the tray he'd brought in and folded it up, reaching out to dab it against Dream's forehead, cheeks, and the sides of his neck to help cool his body down.
"Still feel gross," Dream explained, letting Sapnap work his magic and letting out a happy sigh when the cool fabric touched his neck. Almost instantly, even though it wasn't true, he felt as if he was 10 degrees cooler. "M'all– like, I'm all sticky and sweaty even though I jus' took a bath… and I'm all stuffy and sniffly, but it's not even helping, y'know?" Dream emphasized his point with a pathetic sniffle, closing his eyes and relaxing against Sapnap's touch.
"Yeah, I hear you. And you're all cold and hot at the same time no matter how naked you are or how many blankets you have?"
"Mhm, yeah, exactly," Dream confirmed, eyes fluttering open when he felt Sapnap pull the cloth away and fold it back up on the tray.
"Mhm. Well, I wasn't sure what you would be willing to eat, so your mom said to bring you soup and water with ice and lemon, so… that's what this stuff is. There's also tissues, and ibuprofen, and I'll leave the wash cloth here too for you if you need it. I had it in the fridge so it should stay cold, but if you need me to re-wet it just shoot me a text and I will, or if you need anything reheated or refilled or anything. I think that covers all the bases, right?"
Dream nodded, smiling as he looked over at the tray as Sapnap gestured to it.
"Thank you, like seriously. I would be drowning if I had to deal with this stupid cold without you."
"Of course, anything for you, you little cutie," Sapnap punctuated his sentence with a pinch to Dream's cheek, earning a shy giggle from him. "Alright, I think that's everything. I guess I'll let you get back to sleep, you could definitely use the rest." Sapnap turned to walk toward the door, but before he could step away, he felt something grab onto his arm. "What's wrong, do you need something else?" He asked as he looked back at Dream, who wore a newfound nervous look on his face.
"No, s'just, um… can you… Ca-can you stay?" Dream asked with a hopeful tone, looking up at Sapnap. Sapnap swore he could feel his heart expand at the sight of Dream's big doe eyes, and he found that he would rather be slapped in the face than say no to such a request.
"Of course," He whispered instead, climbing into bed behind Dream and sliding under the covers, laying one arm over Dream's side. They both relaxed into the position, and within a few minutes, Sapnap's fingers were absent-mindedly trailing up and down the sides of Dream's tummy.
He didn't realize until he heard the giggling.
"Sahahap," Dream said, voice muffled by a pillow as he nuzzled back into it. "Tihickles-hehe…"
"Do you want me to stop?" Sapnap asked, and after a few seconds of giggle-filled silence, he saw Dream shake his head. "Okay then."
"Sh-shuhut uhup," Dream mumbled, wrapping his arms around his pillow and pulling it closer to shove his face into it.
Sapnap only chuckled in response, continuing his soft tickling until Dream's breathing evened out and his shoulders fully relaxed. He ended up falling asleep soon after, waking up a few hours later to see Dream's water half finished and his hand held loosely between the long fingers of his recovering best friend.
He wouldn't want to spend his Saturday any other way.
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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I was tagged by @phd-mama to post 5 fics of mine I really like. Thank youuu for the tag, my love! (And I'll tag @pocketsunshineharry @2tiedships2 @laynefaire @disgruntledkittenface @daggerandrose to do this if you want! And if anyone else wants to do this, just say I tagged you!)
Consequences (78k)
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia au
Listen, I'm super proud of this fic, but I almost had a nervous breakdown writing it lol. I was NOT used to writing something this long and did not realize the mental toll it would take on me. I vowed never to write something this long again. However, I do love that I made this an ode to my hometown and there's just a lot of ME in this. And the moments when I dreamed up the plot and the twists, damn I felt so clever lol, I will always remember those moments fondly.
If I Loved You Less (36k)
Beautiful omega Louis Tomlinson is set to make his come out in London society and determined to find a mate in his first Season. With the help and protection of his oldest friend, Lord Niall Mendes, he takes Society by storm.
Being a wealthy and titled alpha means Lord Harry Styles has grown used to avoiding unmated omegas...until now. This Season he finds himself at every Society event just for a chance to speak with the omega with the flashing blue eyes.
Louis has the aristocracy at his feet and all the suitors he could hope for, but his secrets may ruin his chance at a love match.
This fic was one of the easiest things to write ever. This is just what the inside of my brain looks like, honestly. It's just full of romance novels and a whole lot of obscure knowledge of the Regency era. And all I did was pluck out one of the stories in my head and write it down. It'll always be a fav because it feels like what I'm meant to write.
Until (series) (61k)
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
I think this series will always mean something very personal to me. It's a 3 part series, the first part is H/L, second part is Niall/Shawn Mendes, and the third part is a timestamp of H/L's wedding(s). I never intended for this to become a series, but it had a life of its own from the beginning. I thought the horses were going to be focused on and I was going to have a random llama, I think? But then somehow I started writing and a goat named Lacey showed up and made the animal parts all about her lol. And while fic taking on a life of its own is one of the most fun parts of writing for me, this fic meant a lot more to me. This story and the characters carried me through a terrible year and gave me a safe place for my mind to be.
When the Sun Won't Let You Sleep (30k)
Four years ago, Louis Tomlinson left the UK to live on an Antarctic research station for reasons best left in the past. He’s carved out a life for himself on the ice and has dedicated himself to his research, his friends, and especially the Halley VI research station. He’s less than thrilled when he learns that Harry Styles, a glaciologist from another base who once broke his heart, will be coming to Halley, and he’s definitely unprepared for the upheaval Harry brings with him.
I love to read and write about interesting places, and I feel like this fic cemented my love of researching a place. I admit I became a little obsessed with Antarctica while writing this fic. But what floored me about this fic was that I thought it was going to be about scientists and the place itself, and it turned into something much more meaningful because the more I learned about Antarctica, the more I began to understand the people who work there. And that greatly influenced the story I ended up writing. If I was going to say what I thought my best written fic was, this would be a contender.
Ace of Spades (78k words)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
So this is my newest fic. And it started life so long ago. I don't even know when I first started thinking about adapting it, but it's been many years at this point. I didn't mean for it to get as long as it did. Remember when I said I'd never write something long again? lol I did. Anyway, I ended up so damn pleased with how I brought that pirate crew to life in the form of familiar faces. I have so many stories about these characters. I know everything about them. I wish I could have told each one of their stories.
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Dream SMP Recap (June 2/2021) - Self-Care and Reconciliation
Fundy tries some speedy self-care to follow Quackity’s directions of “finding himself.”
Foolish finds out about the supreme fridge and isn’t pleased. 
Antfrost seeks out Foolish, Bad and Puffy to find peace and make amends after what happened with the Egg. 
Captain Puffy
- Phil works on the basement some more
- Tubbo works on his outpost
- Tubbo comes over to the Arctic and visits Phil in his basement to “spy” on him 
- They go to Tubbo’s outpost and Tubbo asks if Phil would like to make a TNT canon with him. Phil sees Las Nevadas 
- Tubbo’s a changed person since he tried to kill Phil’s friend, and now he and Phil are on good terms!
- Tubbo and Phil start attempting to wrangle a Ghast together for the outpost
- A few days ago, Quackity told Fundy that he could have a plot of land in Las Nevadas under certain circumstances, and Fundy has a choice to join the nation or not
- When he and Quackity spoke, Quackity said that this plot of land can be his if Fundy can find himself. Fundy needs to fix what’s broken
- Living in the middle of nowhere away from other people isn’t good, so today, Fundy wants to take care of himself and become a better person
- Fundy’s snow fox is outside, but Fundy decides to let him roam for the time being
- Fundy goes outside and creates a board with signs: 
Healthy diet! fish, steak, vegetables, fruit, dary, grains
Take care of himself. be able to cut down tree fast
mine diamonds
be able to accept therapy say “im okay with therapy”
good friends, get 3 people to say im a friend
take care of pet :)
learn to count
- He sets up a timer to do these eight things, and once it starts, he immediately runs off to fix his diet
- Fundy fetches some cod from the sea and spots Tubbo’s outpost in the distance. Curious, he goes over -- if someone lives there, that can go towards his friend goal
- Seeing that Tubbo isn’t online, Fundy messages Phil instead. He asks if they are friends, and Phil just asks what he wants. After a lot more pressing, Phil says they are friends! Fundy is his grandson, after all
- Phil asks if Fundy is safe. Fundy is overjoyed that he cares about his safety, and counts that as two friends! Fundy says he should come by to play cards sometimes, and Phil likes the idea
- To himself, Fundy whispers: “You are a friend and you are appreciated and worth something. You are cool. You are special. You are loved.” 
He counts this as the final friend, and has now completed one goal!
- He creates a small patch of dirt and plants wheat, then goes mining for diamonds
- Fundy chops some trees and returns to his house
- On his bed, he psyches himself up and musters up the courage to say something
Fundy: “I...accept...and am okay...with...”
(he struggles to say the last word)
Fundy: “I accept and am okay with...therapy. I accept and am okay with THERAPY!”
- He then goes outside and learns to count by killing zombies
- After that, he has to go find his pet snow fox. He asks a nearby Enderman where he is
- Fundy and the Enderman go searching together
- Fundy can’t find the fox. He keeps searching around the forest, until he comes back towards his house and finally finds the fox sleeping on a nearby hill
- With all his other goals done, there is only one remaining: sleep.
- He goes to his bed, hesitates...
...and sleeps.
(This is a set up for next stream)
- Foolish returns to his summer home from Las Nevadas and finds the WAR sign, confused. He then notices the disappearance of the supreme fridge
- He reads the war note left in the chest for Ponk and is outraged. That fridge was his gift! Of all the buildings that have been built here, the fridge was the one thing he allowed
- There will be consequences, but as Foolish will be gone for a bit, he can’t do anything now. 
- Foolish begins to go through the stages of grief, mourning the fridge, before leaving a note:
You destroyed my fridge. It was my gift from Ponk. The one structure that was built for me on this server was destroyed. Once I go through the 5 stages of grief...I will then add on a bonus stage.......REVENGE
- He kills one of the L’Sandburg citizen llamas to send a message
- Foolish goes to the main area and visits Eret’s fortress, noticing the totem statue Eret made in mourning. He changes the sign to simply say “in honor of Foolish” instead
- While working on his pyramid some more at the summer home, Foolish notices Antfrost just over the hill. Ant comes over, seeking to apologize for killing Foolish
Foolish: Listen Ant. From the very start I blamed the egg. And I don’t believe the REAL Antfrost killed me. Nice to see some blue eyes as well
Ant: but we didn’t listen to your warnings, we had our chances and we betrayed you and our friends. I wouldn’t blame you if you killed me right here
- Foolish doesn’t. He tells Ant that he’s moving on. 
- Ant asks if there’s any way to make it up to him, and Foolish says he could use some help gathering sand (Antfrost finds sand tasty, but Foolish doesn’t eat sand. It has too many calories)
- The two gather sand together
Foolish: I hold nothing against you
Ant: thank you
Foolish: Honestly I think the banquet has changed me for the better
Ant: how so
Foolish: It has given me new found strength. Basically from here on out...I’ll be less timid to take action
Ant: well at least something good came out of it
Foolish: So how about you Antfrost, what’s next for the old sly cat
Ant: I need to talk to Puffy and Bad and Sam and everyone I’ve wronged
- Ant asks if Foolish has seen Puffy anywhere, whether there’s something he can give her as a peace offering. She likes llamas
- Foolish thanks Ant for his help. Ant says if Foolish needs anything, to let him know. Foolish looks forward to happier times
- Puffy comes on later and finds the book Foolish left in the chest. She reads it, but she still thinks getting rid of the fridge was better for the aesthetic, and she had to get back at Ponk
- She writes another letter, this time to Foolish, titled “To my sharkyson”:
Dear Foolish!
It was not my intention to make you sad or angry! I didn’t know you cared so much for the fridge as well. it was kinda ugly and it stood out so much from the rest of the builds! But I assure you I’m not allied with Bad, my whole goal behind L’llamaburg was to keep an eye on Bad so he didn’t build any further on your land or cause you more problems.
Once Bad was gone I fully intended to disband l’llamaburg and tear it down!
Sorry for any sadness I may of caused.. you don’t need a fridge though to be reminded of how Supreme you are!
- Ant is at the animal sanctuary. Everything’s been destroyed, but at least Floof is still alive
- He saves Asshole the fish from suffocating out of the water and puts the fish back in the aquarium
- Ant goes looking for Bad. They need to talk
- They meet at the Community House. Bad hasn’t seen Ant in a while, he hasn’t been around. Bad asks if Ant is okay, and Ant doesn’t know. He died
- Ant asks what happened. Bad says things didn’t work out according to plan. Ant remembers Quackity coming in at the Banquet...
Ant: “Bad, what did we do? I killed Foolish...”
- Bad says stuff happens and he doesn’t think anyone would blame Ant
Ant: “Bad, I killed him! What do you mean you don’t think anyone blames -- Bad, we’re monsters! Do you know what we did?”
Bad: “W-well, I try not to think about it!”
Ant: “Well you can’t just ignore -- you can’t act like we didn’t do -- Bad, I killed Foolish, we were gonna kill E-- oh my god, Eret’s on the server too.”
- Bad thinks it’s fine, Foolish will recover and Puffy killed Ant but it was one for one. Ant remembers all the horrible things he said to Puffy before he killed Foolish and asks where Bad went afterwards
- Bad had no choice but to run. He couldn’t save Ant, they were outnumbered
Ant: “...Do you not feel bad about anything? Bad, we’re...we’re mon-- we did horrible things!”
Bad: “Well I mean, yeah, you did do some horrible stuff...”
Ant: “No, YOU! You did some horrible stuff! Who pushed Skeppy into lava, Bad? Who betrayed their friends? We betrayed Sam, Bad!”
Bad: “Okay, we did some horrible stuff -- hey, no! Okay, but -- there were good reasons at the time, or we felt like there was!”
Ant: “No! No no, Bad, we let the Egg control us! No! Did the Egg give you what it promised?”
Bad: “No, ‘cause...we never completed the plan...whatever it was. Ant, I can’t remember exactly...it’s not -- look, it’s -- I don’t know...”
- Ant asks if he’s talked to Sam and Puffy yet. Bad’s trying not to think about it, but Ant says they can’t ignore this. They’re friends, they should make amends
- Ant asks if Bad’s been back down there, but Bad’s steered clear. Ant is feeling normal again
Ant: “I...Bad, do you not...We’re fucked up! We did horrible things! Our friends tried to stop us, and we didn’t listen! We didn’t do anything!”
Bad: “There’s a lot of ‘we’ going on here...”
- Bad points out Ant didn’t really say anything. Ant accuses him of blaming him
Bad: “No, I’m just saying that...if the collar fits!”
- Ant says they both did horrible things, they dragged Hannah in, Punz too and Ponk. Bad hasn’t checked up on those three since. It doesn’t seem like Bad feels bad. Ant’s been gone because he felt ashamed
- If there’s anybody that they’ve hurt the most, it’s Sam. They were the Badlands
- Bad says they were brainwashed. He knows it’s not an excuse, that they should still own up to it even if they weren’t fully to blame
- They both killed one person each. Ant accuses Bad of putting the blame on him again and says that Bad killing Skeppy was worse because they’re platonic soulmates
- Ant wants an apology for letting him die and leaving him. Bad didn’t do anything, he just watched Ant die. Bad was caught off guard. On the other hand, maybe it was a good thing that Ant died, since otherwise they would’ve killed more people
- Ant says they should own up. Bad apologizes for letting Puffy kill Ant. He should have protected Ant, not just from Puffy but from the Egg too. Ant forgives Bad and says sorry for not protecting Bad from the Egg either
- Seeing as Puffy’s online, Ant suggests they go look for her. Bad says he’ll talk to Puffy later. Ant asks about Skeppy -- Bad talked to Skeppy right after what happened, but he hasn’t seen Skeppy since. They had a bit of a confrontation
- Ant wonders if Sam will forgive them. The Badlands wouldn’t be the same without him. He leaves Bad
- Puffy comes down the Prime Path and meets Antfrost face-to-face. The two have a bit of an awkward greeting
- Puffy reminds him of what happened. He doesn’t know how to apologize, but he says sorry. For saying awful things, for killing Foolish. He doesn’t expect her to forgive him, but he apologizes for what he did
- Puffy says it wasn’t right that she killed him, even though she was acting defensively, and she apologizes as well. Ant didn’t deserve to die either, he was blinded by the Egg. She holds Bad more to blame -- Antfrost talked to him recently
- Puffy forgives Ant. She asks how Bad handled it, and Antfrost says Bad is full of guilt and is hoping he can just forget about it
- Bad hasn’t apologized to Puffy, but Ant says he’ll get around to talking to everyone. Puffy made a burner Twitter account to hate on Badboyhalo and if she doesn’t get an apology, she might have to use it
- About L’Sandburg, Ant says he was there for like five minutes, but he doesn’t know what’s been happening since
Puffy: “Ant, you have to be your own person, Ant. He always uses you as his little pet to do things for you, and you murdered a man now because of it, because of Bad.”
Bad uses Antfrost to do things. Why didn’t Bad kill Foolish himself? Why was Antfrost thrown under the bus?
- She tells Ant that he needs to stand up for himself. She had to watch so many “RIP that pussy” and “Why’d you have to kill my cat” edits, it was the worst timing
- Puffy messages Bad asking if he’s apologized to Ant. They spot Bad nearby and walk over to confront him. He’s selling arrows
- Bad says he said sorry for letting Ant die, but Ant wants an apology for Bad making him do everything. Bad says they were both just following the Egg’s orders, that Ant had a grudge against Foolish -- but Ant says he didn’t, that Bad said he had to kill people
- Bad says sorry, but the Egg just wanted it that way. They accuse him of making excuses. Bad apologizes to Antfrost for making him kill Foolish, and the two hug
- Bad and Skeppy had a disagreement after the Red Banquet, and he has to check up with him to make sure he’s okay
- Bad says sorry to Puffy for what they did while under the Egg’s influence. Puffy was told that they were turning a new leaf, letting bygones be bygones so many times that if she took a shot every time she was told that, she would get alcohol poisoning
- Bad says sorry for everything to both of them, from the bottom of his heart. Puffy accepts to be the bigger person. They’ve always been a trio, always been friends, and now that the Egg’s no longer here, she’ll let it slide
- They do a group hug
- After some chatting, Puffy accuses Bad of having a Wattpad account to write Skephalo fanfiction and they continue talking about Skeppy’s merch boxes
- Michael joins the call! They all hang out together
- Later on, Eret and Foolish join in as well! 
- A while after, they all go over to Ponk’s stairway to heaven to finally destroy it
(The build dates back to at least early July, possibly June, of 2020)
Upcoming events remain the same.
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soobasaur · 3 years
spent all my love on you
lee!felix x gender!neutral reader
warnings: since laser tag is in this fic theres mentions of shooting and guns, which is referring to the game where they shoot other players in order to gain points, nothing violent
a/n: hey look a felix au finally in your pov! i told you i’d do it hehe,, and if you remember when i accidentally posted this then no you don’t (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ i’ll finish ur requests i swear ಠ_ಠ anyways enjoy!
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« masterlist prev work »
for the longest time, your lifelong friend jisung had been bugging you to go to this arcade with him
you eventually said yes since you physically couldn’t say no to his puppy eyes and he took you there one weekend
he was practically bouncing the entire way, babbling about all the people you’d meet
turns out he came here every weekend to play laser tag with a couple of friends he made here
this was news to you, but you let jisung lead you to a pool table in the back where six boys were..attempting to play pool?
after several games of game pigeon pool you were an expert !! or at least more then what these guys were doing
the one with long hair was holding the billiard the wrong way (╥_╥)
you could hear the cheerful laughs coming from them as jisung tugged you beside him
“guys, this is y/n, the friend i mentioned! y/n these are the dumbasses i started hanging out with-,”
“if anything, you’re the dumbass!” the one holding the billiard upside down reprimanded, dropping the stick and making his way towards you both “i’m hyunjin, nice to meet you!”
“hi hyunjin—,”
“move out of the way! hi i’m jeongin!” a new boy appeared, shoving hyunjin away as he held his hand out
“oh, hello!”
one by one all the boys came up to introduce themseleves to you, well six of them at least, didn’t jisung say there were seven of them?
“where the hell is felix?” jisung asked, looking towards who you now knew as minho “is he doing the thing again?”
minho solemnly nodded before gesturing to the claw machine a couple feet away from them, and there stood a blond haired boy with his back faced to them as he aggressively tried to win what looked like a stuffed animal
jisung shook his head before gesturing for you to follow him
“is this a normal occurrence?” you asked as you both made your way to the boy
“yeah, last month is was the dance revolution game and this week it’s the claw machine-felix!”
said boy let go of the claw to turn and smile widely at the both of them “sungie! do you have a token i can use to try again? pleaseeee?”
jisung rolled his eyes as he tossed the boy a token before pointing to you
“this is y/n, they’re playing with us now.”
“oh,” felix turned his head to you, giving you a once over before winking “nice to meet you,” before rolling the token in “let me make my first impression winning a stuffed toy!”
“you’ve been at this forever, which one do you want?” jisung asked, waking closer to press his head against the glass
felix solemnly pointed to the chick plushie tucked into the corner, and you admit it was cute so you could see why he was trying so hard
“want me to try?” you asked, stepping closer as you looked over the machine
“go for it!” he smiled, moving out of your way to press himself against the glass next to jisung
you clicked start and took a hold of the joystick
you squinted your eyes and found the same plushie a bit closer, hidden behind another one and aimed for that instead
you heard gasps coming from where the two boys were standing as the claw grabbed the two plushies and dropped them into the box
and since you had some extra seconds left you managed to grab one more
“there you go!” you pulled out the plushies and handed felix the chick one and gave jisung the squirrel one, keeping the llama one for yourself
“wow we all match now!” jisung cheered
“thank you!” felix said, his eyes shining with glee as he looked at you, and you were this close to getting all the plushies out so he could always look this happy
“no problem-,”
“HEY LOSERS OUR GAME IS STARTING HURRY UP!” you heard minho interrupt, as he and the other boys disappeared behind some doors
you guys ran behind him, tucking the plushies away for later
there was another group of people with you and since the teams were randomized, your group got split up after getting the gear on
“prepare to lose!” hyunjin teased, sticking his tongue out at you, chan, seungmin, and jeongin (who were on the same team as you)
“shut up!” jeongin glared, holding up his laser gun and pretending to shoot the other
jisung joined in and started to play shoot you, while you feigned getting shot
before you could play shoot him back the lights went off and the gate opened, letting you guys inside as the game was about to start
you and your team each split up, making plans to shoot at least one member
your ignore the way your stomach fluttered at the thought of felix chasing after you but quickly shook those out of the way, you had to stay focused !
once the bell rang you were off, you hid behind the walls as you shot a couple of the other team’s players
you spotted a familiar pair of shoes and quickly went to go shoot jisung, who gave you a pout as you ran off giggling
you watched your score steadily go up as you got more and more people, and the adrenaline was getting to you, you were motivated to win this thing 〴⋋_⋌〵
you had only been shot a couple of times so you weren’t too worried about getting caught,
you were currently hiding in the corner where no one had found you yet as you shot anyone who ran past
you were just about to shoot a player on the opposing team when you felt a prescence behind you
quickly turning around you were met with felix giving you a sly grin as he backed you into the wall
“your cornered now y/n,” he whispered, pulling out the gun as he aimed it at your vest, “game over for you.”
you ignored the fast beating of your heart as he made his way closer, his free hand coming to make trace its way down your jaw
“you look really pretty under these lights,” he muttered, quirking an eyebrow up and he angled his face a bit closer “lucky i get to see you like this.”
you were too nervous to squeak out a thank you as felix closed the gap between the two of you, but just before he could come any closer you heard the familiar beep on your vest
you look down to see you’ve been shot and felix shooting you a sly grin, the little shit
“distracted by my charm?” he teased, his lips right beside your ear, “am i that handsome?”
you rolled your eyes as he backed away
“i’d love to stay but your vest is charging up so i’m gonna blast, bye sweetheart,” he blew you a kiss before running off
you huffed as you waiting for your vest to reset, following after the blonde boy as you did so
no way you were gonna let him get the last shot between the two of you
and maybe you wanted to be that close again to him...
after ducking behind a couple of pillars you finally spotted him crouching behind a wall as he shot one of your teammates
you let yourself grin in victory as you made your way behind him, making sure you weren’t seen, then aiming your gun at the back of his vest
you shot him and watched in glee as his vest gave out a beep and saw him look around for the culprit before spotting you giggling behind him
“you!” he smiled, geting up from his hiding place on the ground and wagging his gun at you
“you didn’t expect to get away with that, did you?” you laughed, backing away as he made his way closer to you and holding out your gun, “i’ll get you again!”
“cool down time is a minute,” he grinned, letting you back yourself up into the wall, “what do you wanna do with that one minute?”
you let your eyes wander off toward his lips,,but you swear it was cus he was talking!
not cus he looked extremely kissable
perhaps you stared too long cus he took notice and cupped your jaw
“mhm, ten seconds is enough,”
“enough for what—?”
you were shut up with his lips capturing yours, leading you for a bit before pulling back
“sorry babe but my time is up,” he winked before shooting you in the vest and running off
took you a few moment to realize what happened before you were chasing after him
when the game ended you and felix were tied to your immense surprise, while jisung was currently boasting about his first place
now that you were out of the dim lit laser tag room you could see felix in better light,
and god damn
you could see the swear glistening on his face from all the running and his unkempt hair from the humid room
you weren’t too sure if this was a one time thing or he actually wanted to try something with you
you were crossing your fingers it was the latter
you got ur answer soon enough when you felt a tap on your shoulder and an awkward felix made his appearance
it was endearing to see his confident side and nervous one all in one day
“do you maybe wanna, grab lunch after tomorrow? just me and you?”
you played along to being oblivious before you replied,
“lee felix...are you asking me out?”
his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink before nodding at you
you gave him a smile before saying yes, the rest was history
bonus headcanons:
apparently jisung had a bet on which one of his friends you would end up dating, ro your surprised he had guessed it would be felix
ಠ_ಠ sometimes you forgot how well jisung knew you
you also found out he didn’t come every week just for laser tag, he also wanted to get close to a specific boy named changbin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
which was endless teasing material for you
after the lunch date the next day, you both stopped by the arcade again and this time he managed to win you a little prize
since you both had just met one another a good majority of your dates were just you two chatting as you walked aimlessly, getting to know one another
and after about one month he invited you over to his place to cook dinner for you, which is where you shared your next kiss <3
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thank you for reading ⁂
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meggyreap · 4 years
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I have worked all day every day for about a month to complete this project and I’ve loved all of it! This is a save file based on Sims 2 premade sims and their stories. Some things are different, these changes can be seen below.
I have all packs EXCEPT Moschino and Star Wars. Llama in the Monty family was made by @kalino-thesims​.
DOWNLOAD (Mediafire, no ads)
97 new sims from Sims 2
29 new lots (Newcrest is filled and some lots in Windenburg and Strangerville have been replaced)
Custom Content Folder included in download (let me know if I missed anything)
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Monty family now includes Viola Monty who in Sims 2 is an unborn deceased sim.
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Dina and Michael Bachelor had a daughter Amina before he died.
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The Broke family got a little time skip. Beau is now a child and Skipper was born.
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I’ll leave the rest for you to discover when you play it :D
Thank you to everyone who supported this project on twitter! You guys really kept me going. If you use this save file please tag me @meggyreap​ on tumblr, twitter and instagram, so I can see what you do!
I will be doing a series on this save on my Youtube channel so stay tuned for that.
Thanks again if you stuck through reading all of this <3
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The Super Soldier and His Friend
Part 7
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Bucky Barnes x friend!reader
(Bucky x Sam, Sam x reader, Sarah x reader)
⊙ Bucky Masterlist ⊙ Main Masterlist ⊙ TSSAHF Masterlist ⊙
Summary: Bucky tells Yori the truth, and tells you that you’re his family. Bucky invites you to go with him to Louisiana for a cookout with Sam.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: spoilers for FATWS Episodes 5 and 6
A/N: this is the final part of the series, I hope it’s to y’all’s liking :)
I don’t want FATWS to end :((
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“You weren’t amending, you were avenging.” Those words rang in Buckys mind. He truly wasn’t amending, so he knew what he had to do.
“So you’re going to tell Yori today, are you sure today is the day?”
“I’ve waited long enough, he needs the closure (y/n) and it’s one step closer to me making amends.”
You patted his shoulder and gave him a warm smile, “I’ll be at my place, come over if you want, when you’re done.” He nods before you both leave his apartment. You went into your apartment just hoping the best for Bucky.
He’s had so much growth since you’ve met him, he’s finally getting closer to peace. Something he’s wanted since you met him.
Bucky didn’t take long. Bucky knocked on his door, Yori surprised to see him, he let him in. They sat down and Bucky told him straight up,
I, uh, have something to tell you. About your son.
Yori was confused to say the least, what could Bucky know about his son? Bucky and Yori sat down as Bucky slipped off his glove.
He was murdered. Bucky said, making Yori even more confused.
By The Winter Soldier. And that was me. Bucky finally spits out, as his voice shakes. Taking everything in him not to fall apart.
“Why?” Yori asked, Bucky inhales, trying to compose himself, “I didn’t have a choice.”
Yori showed Bucky out after that. Bucky took a little walk afterwards, before showing up at your door.
Once he knocked on your door and you saw his face, you knew he had told him. He had tried to tell Yori multiple times, but this time he stuck with it. You let him in and he sat down on your couch.
You stood just a few feet away from him, wanting to know if he’s okay. “So how did it go?”
“I told him, he asked why, and I told him why.”
“I know that was hard and I’m proud of you.” Bucky nods, as you pat his shoulder.
“Do you want to stay for a bit?” He nods again and you grab a bunch of delivery menus from your kitchen. “You’re lucky I don’t have work tomorrow.”
“Your hours are never consistent. Why do you even work there?”
“Well some of us aren’t a World War II veteran and need to work to have a roof over our heads.” You retorted, passing him a menu. “Order us some food, and if I didn’t have a job I wouldn’t be able to pay for our food.”
He smirked before ordering the food as you brought 2 sodas to the table. Setting them down, before sitting down across from him. “Do you want to talk about it?” He shook his head, popping the lid on the soda off.
Trying to lighten the mood you say, “Well I know what we could talk about.”
“And what’s that?”
“Sam’s new suit.” You say, before opening your own soda.
“I’m not following.”
“That’s a nice suit. The Wakandans did good.”
“How did-“
“Just a hunch. Now let’s talk about your suit.”
“My suit is fine.”
“I mean it could use some tweaks.”
“We are not doing this.”
“Sam’s suit is better than yours.” You blurt out, teasing Bucky more. His mouth drops open in fake shock.
“Take it back.”
“He has wings and a shield. You just have a jacket and some pants and a gold and black metal arm.” You exclaim, making Bucky roll his eyes.
“And here I thought you were my friend.”
“I am, and as your friend I’m saying your suit needs an upgrade.”
“Alright, fashion expert.”
After some more light bantering between the two of you, your food arrived, you paid for it then brought it inside.
You noticed the bag being extra heavy than usual. “Geez, Bucky how much did you order?” You asked, taking containers out of the bag.
“Yeah enough to feed 6 people.”
You and Bucky ate as he told you about him and Sam stopping the flagsmashers. It was nice to hear Bucky and Sam working together and not being a pain in each other’s sides. You saw Sam’s speech on TV the other day, it was beautiful and inspiring. Sam is Captain America.
It was way past 12am and Bucky decided he should go home. Even though you didn’t mind him staying, he insisted. “Will you be alright tonight?” You asked, making sure he’d be okay after that day's events.
He nods, “if not, I’ll come over.” You give him a tight hug before he leaves.
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It was quiet and calm in your apartment as you were getting ready for bed. Bucky seemed fine after talking to Yori but he knew he’s always welcome at your place anytime. Which you always expressed. You were getting ready for bed and was interrupted as you heard a knock on your door. You groaned as you trudged to your front door.
You unlocked it to see it’s Bucky. You let him in and close the door behind him, “why didn’t you just use your key?”
“I didn’t want you to think someone was breaking in.”
“Good point,” you sat down on the couch and patted it, telling him to come sit down. “You okay, Buck?” You asked, remembering what he said earlier. He sat down beside you as you got ready to listen to what he had to say.
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something.”
“What’s up?”
“Sam invited me to a cookout in New Orleans and I wanted to know if you’d come with me.”
“I’d love to, only if Sam and his family are okay with it. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“I asked him if it was okay. He said you’re welcome to come.” You smiled, “well if it’s okay with him.”
“I got us plane tickets.” He says, handing you a plane ticket he bought.
“You just knew I’d say yes, huh?”
“I just want all of my family to be there.” You stare at him for a moment, with a jaw dropping expression on your face.
“You’re family (y/n/n). I thought I had nothing when Sam gave up the shield, but I had you. Even though we are an usual pair of friends, you’re very important to me.”
“So that’s why you came here at almost 2am? To tell me I’m your family.”
“Yes?” Bucky answered, unsure of how you were taking this.
“I love you too, Buck.”
You glanced down at your plane ticket to see the date you’re supposed to be leaving.
“We’re leaving in 2 days?!”
“Yes..” you glared at him as he slouched in his seat avoiding eye contact with you.
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After about a 3 hour flight, you and Bucky landed in New Orleans. You rented a car and you were on your way to the dock, where the cookout was.
“Wait.” You said, making Bucky stop the car abruptly.
“What happened?”
“We have to bring something. We can’t show up empty handed.”
“What should we bring?”
Bucky drove to the store and the both of you settled on a cake with buttercream icing and 2 liters of soda. You pull up to the dock and Bucky puts on some shades and his jacket. You shook your head as you grabbed the drinks and Bucky got the cake. Music was playing, food was being cooked and everybody was just having a good time when you walked up.
The first people who greeted Bucky were Sam’s nephews, Cass and AJ. Bucky pretended to fight with them for a little bit before walking over to the table and placing down the cake. You came behind and placed the drinks on the table as well. Bucky glanced around looking for the man of the hour. He was getting hugs and pictures from people in the community.
Bucky brought you over to Sam, giving him a hug. Buckys come a long way from ignoring his messages to hugging him, you thought. Bucky glanced over to you, introducing you to Sam.
“(y/n), this is Sam. Sam, (y/n).”
“Nice to meet you in person, Sam. Thank you for inviting me.”
“Anyone who’s friends with Bucky is a friend of mine.”
You met a lot of really nice people that day. You talked to Sarah and offered to help her cook. And man did she put you to work. After you were done, you sat at a picnic table, enjoying the atmosphere.
You watched as children played on Bucky's metal arm as he talked to Sarah, which warmed your heart. Bucky’s arm being a bar to play on for kids. It was nice to see him happy and peaceful there in Louisiana.
Bucky excused himself before coming over to you, “you okay, doll?”
“Yeah, I’m just taking it all in. You fit right in down here.” Bucky nods, agreeing with you, he does fit right in. “Why don’t you come over here with me, Sarah and the kids?” Bucky questioned as he grabbed your hand, leading you over to them.
“I know you two have met.” Bucky smiled, as you sat down at the table.
“Yeah, (y/n), helped me with the food earlier, she’s the one that deals with you in New York.” You laugh, before nodding at Sarah’s comment, “that’s me, though, I feel it's a mutual thing, we deal with each other.”
“Thank you for being so welcoming.” You said as a big smile appeared on your face.
“Of course.”
The music continued to play as everyone danced around, chatted, and ate. The sun began to set. Bucky went to talk to Sam for a moment and Sarah went to go talk to some more people. You stayed there watching the kids play, such innocence and beauty. You glanced over at Sam and Bucky as Bucky nudged his shoulder, a huge grin on his face. You had never seen him smile as much as he smiled that day.
Sam and Buckys moment was short but sweet. Bucky came back and sat next to you, still smiling.
“You’re really enjoying yourself.” You said, turning to him, making eye contact.
“I am, I’m really glad you came (y/n/n).”
“I’m glad I came too.”
That day Bucky realized something. He had a family and he was finally happy.
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A/N: tell me what you thought about this part! Might make an alternative ending or something idk.
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Bucky Tags: @ragnaroqk @mollysolo @mogaruke @whothehellisbuckybarnes @amelia-song-pond @fredweazleyswh0re @tinylumpiaa @i-reblog-fics-i-like @weenersoldierr @stephthepeach @sammypotato67 @ttalisa @mxltifaves @supremethunda @hanniebee33 @gamerartisy @afraid-to-be-me @qhbr2013 @kidswhofightmonsters @bahama-mama-llama @teti-menchon0604 @jbreenr
TSSAHF Tags: @nialeesato @marvel-ousnesss
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jamesandthedog · 4 years
i would love to see prompt 3 for wolfsar. no pressure, i saw that you are having a hard time writing rn.
You’re so sweet, thank you ❤️ Combining this with another nonny ask(: 3. “Your hand is… distracting me.” “This one or the one on your thigh?” 20. “You’re making me moan and this is very inconvenient place for it. Check out prompts here. - - - - - -
It’s a secret
“There you go,” Sirius said dealing each of them with a brand new glass of butterbeer.
“With a bit of whiskey for Moony,” he grinned pushing one of the pints closer as he sat down next to him.
Remus rolled his eyes at the long haired boy while James reached from the other side of the table to switch their drinks. Remus let him.
They were sipping butterbeer and talking about the flat they were going to move into once the semester ended two months from now. Remus mainly listened nodding once in a while, trying not to pay too much attention to the warmth radiating from Sirius who sat next to him, thigh to thigh.
“I still don’t get why we’re giving the smallest room to the one with most clothes,” Sirius whined.
“Would you like us to re-explain you the rules of rock scissors paper?” Peter grinned and yielded when Sirius threw a slated peanut towards him.
“What do you do with a bedroom anyway, since you’re clearly not sleeping in there?” James asked, a smug grin framing his face.
Remus almost choked on his butterbeer. Sirius just laughed, it was warm and loud, and it lit up the whole Three Broomsticks. At least that’s how it felt for Remus.
“For your information, I sleep in our dorm just perfectly, thank you very much,” Sirius told him raising the pint as he spoke.
Before he finished his words, he glanced at Remus. It was just a short moment, probably something the other boys paid no attention. For Remus, that intense look in those stormy grey eyes told so much more, it was meant just for Remus. The playful smile hidden behind the pint told even more. It made Remus want to shake his head at him - or push him against the wall and kiss him like they had last night. Instead, he hid his own smile with a gulp of butterbeer.
“Liar. We’ll let you have it this time, but don’t you think you can sneak a girl into the flat without me noticing.”
“Says the bloke who can’t see two feet without his glasses,” Sirius laughed placing his hand on Remus’ thigh under the table.
That’s when Remus lost it. They went on talking about the housewarming party James and Sirius insisted on having. Remus was pretty sure someone had mentioned enchanted beer bong and a living llama but the hand moving upwards his thigh was all he really could concentrate on as stared at the roof.
“You ok?” Sirius whispered.
Remus glanced at him. He had the smallest smile in the corner of his lips, the one that told Remus he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was enjoying the tease.
“Your hand is… distracting me.”
“This one?” Sirius asked quietly raising his butterbeer with a grin. “Or the one on your thigh?”
As he said it, his hand pressed firmly on Remus’ upper thigh, sending a wave of pleasure swirling though his body. Getting hard while surrounded by his friends and the rest of Three Broomsticks wasn’t exactly ideal, but then again, it was such a Sirius move to make.
Remus let out the air he had been holding in with a bunch of curse words making Sirius laugh. Remus rolled his eyes, checking their company that was lost in a discussion about how the Muggle fireworks functioned and if you could use them inside the apartment.
“You’re making me moan and this is very inconvenient place for it,” Remus whispered between his teeth.
Sirius leaned in, his words tickling Remus’ ear. “And here I was hoping you’d be the one making me moan tonight.”
Remus turned to stare at him. Sirius stared back with a slight smirk on his face, he clearly had no shame in flirting with him in front of their friends. Remus glanced at the two boys whose firework conversation had been interrupted by Lily Evans entering the pub, then looked back at Sirius. He set his jaw and raised an eyebrow at him. Behind all his confidence and flirting, Sirius blushed.
“I’m always the one making you moan,” Remus said calmly and leaned in closer. “You got ten seconds to make an excuse to get out of here if you want to be fucked today.”
“Padfoot! Are you deaf? Peter and Lils are saying we can’t have fireworks in the living room,” James waved at his best friend.
Remus could see Sirius breathing deeper as he licked his lips and gave a last look at their friends.
“Yeah, great. I’m gonna come back in a minute,” he said getting up. “Re?”
He was halfway out the pub before he had managed to put his leather jacket on. Remus shook his head at the sight.
“What the fuck was that about?” James furrowed his eyebrows.
Remus shrugged finishing his beer. “I guess I better go check it. Nice seeing you, Lily!”
He left, leaving behind James and Peter who had already continued with their housewarming plans, and Lily who shook her head smiling as the sandy haired boy disappeared from the door only to be tackled against the wall by Sirius Black. Remus cornered him easily before making their way to the castle.
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dramaphan · 3 years
Fuck it live reaction
•the little Dan pop ups while I wait for it to start are annoying but I did giggle at “not much longer before I ruin what’s left of my career by exposing what really goes on in my head” buddy what are you talking about
• the intro is… uh.
• oh we’re on the floor suddenly alright okay coolcoolcool
• oh my god
• actually fuck it I’m gonna do a count every time he tries to act single: 6
• god I hate that jacket
•Dan you’ve been out for two years genius
• oh fcuk alright is this the cry part
• commitment issues counter: 1
• I was gonna make a comment about the straight people shoutout but then he blew a kiss and it broke me STOP IT
• Dan it’s pride month can we lighten up a little
• so we’re in his brain and each door is a moment he didn’t feel proud okay we guessed this
• I have some fucking feelings about Dan always telling stories about himself and saying shit like “this will traumatize me but it might help you lol” like can we cut that the fuck out maybe
• “I’m just the subject of some sad charity advert” then leave
• door 1 door 1 door 1 fear I’m afraid fear fear
• oh fuck it’s him there he is!!! My favourite white boy!!!
• I hate the acting. All around hate it
• I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react to what’s happening right now
• Phil entered the brain through door 1 and exited through a different door is this going to be significant
• like should I be looking for symbolism in this thing
•a pop star what???
• we’re backstage on tour now. Which tour who knows
• why am I anxious
• who are theeeyyyy?????
• are these real phannies or paid actors
• the redhead telling Dan off yes queen get his ass
• through the help of Tumblr??? Which one of you is a tattletale
• oh man what fucked up thing has Dan tweeted lately that I can blame on this
• I’m in love with this redhead ma’am hand in marriage???
• this is kinda fun
• name them! Shame them!
• it was granny wasn’t it
• we’ve heard about this girl a couple times now I wonder if they still talk
• I love these guys I still can’t tell if they’re actual fans or not but fuck what a bunch
• oh
• oh???? Return of the dil head???? I didn’t think I’d be right about that
• new door pride parade outfit let’s goooo
• oh there’s an upstairs to this door go up there dan shh stop yapping go up the stairs
• this thing actually is way more Dan centric than I was expecting it to be
• where are we going now I wanted to go upstairs 😠
• sing break
• I’m skipping over the musical number sorry will
• I think I’m blacking out this whole conversation I just cannot pay attention can we go upstairs yet
• Dan looks like he’s gonna burst into tears dude are you good
• we’re really not gonna go upstairs are you kiDDING ME
• now we’re opening the door Phil left through time to find out if that meant something or if I’m a phannie freak
• couldn’t afford a llama we could see? That’s just floating eyes
• turns out I was a phannie freak
• last door lights weird fear
• now we’re going back in the tour door??
• we’re in. Hollywood.
• wait is Tyler Oakley the guy we like but want to stay away from nice
• realizing I have not laid eyes on Tyler in a long time who is this guy
• I’ve always really liked Dan and Tyler’s dynamic this is fun I’m having fun
• “it wasn’t a secret that I had a secret” is probably the best way to wrap all of that up in a neat little package
• “people see you liking a tweet from somebody and they think there must be something there” looking directly at you, phannies
• Dan came out a completely different door??? Am I the only one keeping track of the doors???
• final door final door fuck hell fuck
• oh fuck OFF
• fuck off fuck off fuck off
• thank god we left I’m not ready for that either
• oh the brain is gone we’re just on the floor now
• oh god there’s a ghost in the room
• “you’re a woman” “all the sensible people are” YES BITCH
• Dan’s fairy godmother is the smartest person in this video so far
• Dan… getting strapped by his fairy ghost. Alright
• I’m so uncomfortable with the aura coming off teenage Dan as played by grown up Dan this guy smells
• are we ending it here???? Please say something funny you can’t leave me with THAT
• looking for Phil owowowoowoOW
• I’m nervous I’m shitting nervous shitting
• Phil sent him back through the llama door
• there’s a guitar and a baseball bat on the table when he’s talking about doing things he wants to do??? Carrie Underwood era???
• there’s something funny about him destroying things like the piano and the all black wardrobe as if we don’t know that he’s going to continue to make those things his personality
Alright it’s over final review: it was way better than I was expecting actually. Still wouldn’t consider it a “””Dan video””” but it’s at least content which is more than we’ve gotten in over 3 years so beggars can’t be choosers I guess. Not bad. Decent use of an hour of my time.
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Part 3]
Part 3! Honestly, I think this might be my favorite part so far! But thank you for all the support and love you guys have given this story so far! Also, thanks to @prettyboycozens​ for all her amazing ideas and support she’s given me! Let me know what you guys think! Enjoy!
Also, here’s the link for the playlist again!
Dylan and I spent almost every free minute I had together after that night. Dad’s busy with business things and the uncles have been doing God knows what all day, every day. So really, Carter and I have spent the last week of our trip by ourselves. Dad actually decided we’re going to stay in Toronto for the rest of the month and the first half of next month, giving me more time with Dylan.  Taylor went to visit some college friends back in Nova Scotia and had offered to take us with her, since Grandma and Grandpa were there but we decided to stay in Toronto. Carter and Kirby were together just as much, but they mainly just made out and cuddled.
As the 4 of us pile into Kirby’s car to go get ice cream late one Friday night, Carter and Kirby in the front seat, and Dylan and I in the backseat, Dylan won’t let go of my hand.
“Dill Pickle, I’m not going anywhere. You can let go.” I say, patting his knee as Kirby starts the car. Dill Pickle is the nickname I started calling him the other day and have now decided it’s his new nickname.
“Nope, I like it better this way.” He says, tugging me across the seat so I’m closer to him. As we start to drive, Carter starts to play music, gracing us with her awesome DJ skills.
“This is shitty music.” Kirby says, looking over at Carter. Her brow furrows.
“If you want what we talked about later, you’ll shut up and deal with my shitty music.” She says, leaning towards him. He smirks and leans over to steal a kiss. I attempt to keep my eyes from rolling and look over at Dylan who is paying no attention to anything going on in the car.
“What even is this?” Kirby asks, his hand slipping over between Carter’s thighs. Their relationship is much more physical than Dylan and mine is. And honestly, I’m okay with that. I like taking things slow with Dylan.
“This is the wonderful, amazing, talented band One Direction who happens to be the loves of Ava and I’s lives.” Carter says, looking back at me with a smile. I nod and Dylan suddenly rejoins the conversation.
“I know this song!” He says, tapping on my hand with his thumb. I laugh and lean my head on his shoulder.
“I have loved you since we were 18…” He sings terribly. I laugh as he looks up at me. And as he looks up at me, my heart flutters. The words he just sang register in my mind.
“Oh wow.” I mutter, shifting away from Dylan.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asks, sitting up and looking over at me.
“N-Nothing. No I’m okay.” I say as Kirby pulls the car into a parking spot at the ice cream place. Carter glances back, checking to see that I’m okay and I nod quickly, keeping my hand clutched in Dylan’s.
“What ice cream are you gonna get? I think I might get…” Dylan says, his voice trailing off. Carter and Kirby walk inside but Dylan pulls me to a stop.
“Hey, Avs. You okay?” He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking at me.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He raises an eyebrow and looks down at me.
“You’re freaking over something, I can tell.” I shake my head, attempting to step back away from him.
“Ava, come on. Tell me.” Dylan asks, his eyes begging.
“You said that you love me. Earlier. In the song? I-I didn’t think we were there yet. I mean, we aren’t even together yet!” I say, finally bursting. Dylan steps back, a confused look on his face.
“Wait, Ava, you’re freaking out over that?” He says, looking down at me.
“I know it’s stupid and that I shouldn’t be freaking out but I am!” I say, throwing my hands up in the air. He pulls them down, trapping my fingers between his.
“Ava, Ava! It’s okay! You want to know how I feel? What’s happened between us over the last month? I never thought I’d fall this hard for someone, especially someone who just appeared in my life. You’re...You’re the most important thing to me and I love being around you. You’re beautiful and funny, sometimes.” He says, looking down and smirking at me. I roll my eyes and he starts to talk again.
“I guess what I’m saying is, I want you to be my girlfriend. But I need to be honest. What I’m saying is, I don’t not love you.” My heart falls, just for a second, but then I realize what he just said.
“You jerk! I love you too.” I say, swatting his shoulder as he pulls me in and hugs me to his chest.
“Now that you know that, can we please go get ice cream?” He asks before he presses his lips to my cheek. I nod and we walk into the ice cream parlor. Kirby and Carter and huddled in a corner booth, both eating their ice cream. Carter rushes over to me as I tell Dylan that I want a vanilla milkshake.
“You two took forever. Did you get lost?” She asks, nudging me as Dylan orders for the two of us. Carter and I head back towards the table Kirby is sitting at. As we reach him, he stands up and plants a kiss on Carter’s lips.
“Mmm, you taste like chocolate.” She says. I turn to look back at Dylan who is now licking his ice cream and hands me my milkshake.
“Can we go to that park out by the pond?” I ask, looking over at Dylan next to me. He looks over at Kirby who nods.
“I call the car!” Kirby says, nudging Dylan as we walk out to the car. Carter looks over at me with an evil grin on her face. I roll my eyes and sling my arm over her shoulders.
“Be responsible kids!” I say as we climb in the car. Kirby laughs and shakes his head.
We’re all pretty quiet on the drive over to the park, finishing our ice cream. The only noise is the radio playing quietly and the noises from my straw. We pull into the parking lot of the park, which the sign says closes at dark but there’s no one around to stop us from going in. Dylan leads me out of the car and we settle on the ground next to some trees.
“You know you get the most boring ice cream in the entire world, right?” Dylan says, nudging me as I curl into his chest.
“Mhm. What did you end up getting?” I ask, looking at him as he eats the last bite of his cone.
“It was some Hawiian island thing. Pretty good but not the best thing I’ve had.” He says, smiling down at me as I glanced up at him. His eyes find mine and then flick down to my lips. I climb onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.
“You’re pretty.” He says as his lips brush against mine.
“You’re a cutie.” I say as his lips finally hit mine. It takes my breath away in a second. It’s everything I wished it would be and more. He knows exactly what to do and it makes my mind race. But the longer it goes on, the harder it gets for me to breath.
“Hold on hold on.” I gasp, pulling away from Dylan.
“I-I can’t breath.” I choke out. He looks at me, concerned. As I gasp, his face goes from concerned to terrified.
“Carter!” He yells, looking between me and the car. Somehow she hears him and gets out of the car. As I sit there, struggling to breath and choking every breath out, Carter starts to yell in spanish at Dylan, something she does when she’s stressed or angry.
“¿Qué sucedió? ¿Qué le hiciste a ella?” She yells, running towards us. Kirby gets out behind her, his hair messed up.
“I don’t know what you’re saying. Don’t yell at me!” He yells back.
“¡Idiota, llama a su papá o al 911 o algo así!” She yells again. Kirby finally steps up and is the voice of reason.
“Either call her dad or call 911! Don’t just stand there!” Dylan finally snaps out of shock and grabs my phone. Dad and all my uncles’ numbers are in my emergency contacts. So all he has to do is slide the lock screen and press Dad’s name.
“It’s ringing! Oh God.” He says, holding his hand up and showing everyone how much he’s shaking.
“Hi, um I’m your daughter’s boyfriend, Dylan. Um we’re taking her to the hospital. Because I think she’s having an allergic reaction.” He says, running his hand through his hair. He glances between me and Carter, a terrified look on his face.
“Yes Sir. Yes Sir. I’ll have Carter text you what hospital. Okay, bye.” He sticks my phone in his pocket then helps me to my feet as I fight for every breath. The next 45 minutes are a complete blur. Kirby rushes us to the hospital where Dad and all the uncles are all waiting. I get rushed into the emergency room and everyone else has to wait in the waiting room. It turns out I was having a severe allergic reaction to coconut, which happened to be in the ice cream Dylan had. When he kissed me, it triggered the allergy. Somehow, in the last 18 years, I managed to avoid coconut. But the doctors decided to keep me at the hospital overnight since I was still struggling to breath a little. They were also worried that I might have another reaction. Dad and everyone was allowed in to see me after the doctor decided I was somewhat stable for the night. Everyone else tells me how happy they are that I’m okay and everything. Dylan gets a few minutes alone with me and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“Avs, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll make it up to you.” He says, his eyes sad. I smile and pat his hand.
“I wanna kiss you but I messed that up last time. So we’ll try that again another time. But I can hug you.” He pulls me into his chest and I sigh.
“Hey, Baby, don’t worry about it. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t even know either so it wasn’t your fault.” I say as Dad walks back in. Dylan looks up and nods.
“Ava needs to get some rest now. Dylan, Kirby and Carter are heading back home. You might want to go with them.” He says, crossing his arms. Dad walks back out of the room, leaving Dylan and I alone to say goodbye.
“He’s mad.” I say, sighing.
“It’s because of me, isn’t it? I’m sorry Avs.” I shake my head.
“Nope, this is because of me. I decided not to tell him. Don’t worry about it, Dill Pickle.” I say, smiling. He kisses my forehead again and says goodbye.
I somehow manage to sleep a little that night but wake up in a terrible mood. The food at the hospital sucks and the only sustainable thing I’ve eaten in the last 24 hours was the milkshake last night.    
Dad still isn’t speaking to me. Which I understand why he’s upset. I mean, I did almost die less than 24 hours ago. But the reason why he isn’t talking to me is because of Dylan, not because I almost died.
“I can’t believe you went behind your dad’s back! What were you thinking, Little Crosby?” Kris asks, sitting on the side of the hospital bed I’ve spent the night in.
“Okay, calm down. This wasn’t entirely her fault. Yeah it was dumb to sneak out of trhe hotel with a boy none of us knew but she didn’t know she was allergic to coconut. But you definitely should not have been kissing that boy.” Marc says, looking down at me with a glare. Carter sits in the corner, on her phone and silent. My family is scattered around the room, with Dad standing in the doorway of the room. The doctor said I should be able to go home tonight. Dad decided we were just going to spend the rest of the month up in Toronto, after my “little stunt” last night. Dad also has my phone, meaning that if Dylan has texted or called, I didn’t know.
“What were you thinking?” Dad finally asks, taking a few steps towards the bed. Suddenly everyone clears out of the room.
“I was thinking that the boy I like wanted to spend time with me. And I wanted to spend time with him. But you wouldn’t like that so I went behind your back.” Dad scoffs.
“Ava, you have to talk to me about things! We’ve never had problems like this before. I thought we were closer than this.” Dad says, sitting down on the bed next to me.
“Dad, I wanted to! I tried to! But you were convinced that the only guys I needed were you, my uncles and Grandpa. You basically told me that having a boyfriend was out of the question! What was I supposed to do?” His hand rests on my knee, and he looks at me hard.
“Honey, I just want to protect you.” He says, stroking my knee.
“You’ve never been like this. You’ve always let me figure things out on my own. You’ve let me do it on my own because I was smart and could handle it. But now all of the sudden, you’ve decided to get protective?” I ask, crossing my arms and pulling my knees up into my chest.
“My little girl is growing up before my eyes. You’re not gonna need me anymore and it’s hard to let go of you. All I can think about is how it used to just be me and you. Remember all the things we did during the first few seasons in Pittsburgh?” I swallow, watching Dad, whose eyes are starting to tear up. My mind wanders to one of the few memories I have from those first few years.
I was 4 when Dad played his first season in the NHL. He moved the two of us into an apartment in downtown Pittsburgh right at the beginning of training camp. I don’t remember much from the first few seasons. But one story Dad tends to avoid, is the one that sticks out in my memory the most. If it ever gets brought up, I always pretend I don’t remember it because it’s a hard topic for Dad.
Right before his first road trip, one where my grandparents would be keeping me for the week, he took me out for a daddy-daughter day. We got pizza for lunch, played at the park, visited the arena that would become Dad and my second home, bought me my first Penguins jersey with Crosby spelled out proudly across the back, had ice cream twice, and just got to spend time together. But then she showed up. For the first time in 4 years, my mom walked back into our life.
“Sid! Sidney Crosby!” She called across the restaurant. Dad looked up, his eyes confused and stormy.
“What are you doing here, Jenna?” He asked, standing up and crossing his arms. I sat there, happily eating my cheese pizza. I was completely oblivious to what was going on above me.
“I wanted to see you! And my little girl!” She said, rushing to him and hugging him. He stiffens and pushes her away.
“You haven’t wanted anything to do with us for the past 4 years. Why now all of the sudden?” He asked, staring her down.
“I decided I want to be in my little girl’s life. Things are getting busy for you now, Sid. You won’t have time to take care of Ava the way she needs. I can.” He scoffs.
“Besides, she’s my little girl. I know how to raise her. You don’t want her weighing you down now that you’re going to be a big NHL star.” Dad puts his hand up, forcing her to stop speaking. He looks down at me, at the pizza sauce covering my face and the front of my shirt. But the thing that stops him is the huge smile I have covering my face when I look up and see him.
“Hi Daddy. Love you.” I say, blowing him a kiss. His glare softens and he looks back up at my mom.
“You’re not taking her, Jenna. You haven’t been in her life for 4 years. I’ve raised her by myself for 4 years because you decided you didn’t want to be a mom anymore. Why would things change now? You don’t get to decide when you want to be a mother and when you don’t.” Mom reels back, baffled.
“You’re trying to tell me whether or not I can be a mother? To my own daughter? You’ve gotta be kidding me, Sid!” And as she starts to cause a scene, Dad seems to grow 10 feet and stares her down.
“No Jenna. You don’t get to do this to us again. You’ll just walk out on her again and I’m not putting my little girl through that. Get out. You’re not allowed to see her.” Of course, Mom threw a fit, claiming she was going to take him to court for custody. She had to be escorted out by security. Dad’s PR team did a really good job with everything, keeping the court case under wraps and making sure nothing got out about Mom’s fit at the restaurant. That was pretty much the start of Dad hiding me away from the world until I was old enough to understand his world that he lived in. Dad obviously ended up winning custody, considering the fact that he had raised me since I was born, with no help from my mom. I spent a lot of time in Minnesota with my grandparents during Dad’s first season. He wanted me with him but he didn’t want me to see everything going on with my mom. But in the end, that was what was best for Dad and I. During my times in Minnesota was when he got close with the men who I now call my uncles. Once I was a little older, Dad sat me down and explained everything to me. He explained why Mom wasn’t in the picture at all, how my uncles came to be my uncles and the fact that during that first season, he considered just signing custody over to Grandma and Grandpa. He had convinced himself that he couldn’t give me what I needed, just like Mom had said. He told me how Geno, Kris and Marc had sat him down and talked him out of it, reminding me how much he loved me and the fact that every goal, every assist; every little thing he did on the ice was because of a little girl almost a thousand miles in Minnesota. And to this day, he reminds me that he’s never regretted the decision to keep his little girl with him.  
Ever since then, Dad made sure I knew that he loved me more than anything else and would give up the world and everything else for me. He made sure that I was surrounded by people who would love me and take care of me, the same way he would. Everything Dad has done since I was little, he’s made sure it’s been the best option for both of us. Nothing was ever about him.        
But then one day I asked him why he and Mom never worked out. He got this faraway look in his eyes and I almost wondered if he would actually start talking.
“Honey, your mom and I weren’t meant to be together in the future. She was the type of girl that everyone warns you about. The one that’ll break your heart, no matter what. I was away from my parents for the first time and we were stupid. We were young. Too young to be as reckless as we were. But I was convinced I loved her. Do I regret what happened? No because you know why? It gave me you and you are the light of my life, Sweet girl.” Dad said, suddenly coming back to reality and looking down at me.
“Daddy, I’m always going to need you. You’re my dad. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. But this is something that was bound to happen. Daddy, Dylan won’t hurt me. He cares about me. He didn’t mean for what happened last night to happen. I want you to meet him, Dad.” Dad’s eyes are still shining.
“Dad, I’ve actually found someone I really like. He’s kind, smart, sweet, genuine; everything you would want me to have in a guy. He’s got the worst sense of humor, just like you. He takes care of me, I mean he did get me to the hospital. But Daddy, you’ll always be the first man that really loved me. And nothing will ever change that. You held me so tight, now it’s someone else’s turn. ” He smiles, his features soft and a few tears slipping out.
“Baby, you know you’ll always be my little girl.” He says, hugging me to his chest. I wrap my arms around him and take a deep breath of his smell. He smells familiar; like my childhood.
“Hey Ava? There’s someone here to see you…” Carter says, walking in and knocking on the door frame. A few feet behind her, Dylan stands with a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey Avs…” He says, his voice trailing off as he makes eye contact with Dad. Dad stands up and crosses his arms.
“Dad, meet Dylan Cozens. Dill Pickle, this is my dad, Sidney Crosby.” Dylan reaches his hand out and Dad shakes it.
“Nice to meet you sir.” Dad nods, his face straight. Slowly, everyone starts to trickle back into the room. I glance towards the door and see Carter and Kirby in the hallway, obviously discussing something. He leans down and catches her chin in his hand and pulls her in for a kiss. Dad and the uncles have started their interrogation of Dylan, which he seems to be handling very well. He looks over at me and winks, which makes my heart melt. After a few minutes, he manages to get away and settles onto the bed next to me.
“Can I kiss you now?” He whispers in my ear and I turn to look at him with a smile.
“As long as you haven’t eaten any coconut lately.” He laughs and leans in.
“If it means I can’t kiss you, then I’m never eating coconut anything again.” He whispers against my lips. My heart melts and I realise just how hard I’ve fallen for Dylan Cozens. Harder than I’ve ever planned on falling for anyone. He easily has my entire heart.
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eclecticash22 · 4 years
🔮 What Does Spirit Want You to Know? 🔮
Take a moment to breathe and relax as much as you are able in this current moment. Take three deep breaths. 1... 2... 3... Now look over each pile. Which one really jumps out at you? Trust in your intuition and follow where it leads you.
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Pile One - "You're one cool cat" | Pile Two - Llama | Pile Three - "You Rock!" | Pile Four - Sloth
Please make sure to also read the "All Piles" section at the bottom of this reading!
Pile One - "You're One Cool Cat"
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Hello! I'm feeling as though you may currently be in a lack mindset. You may hold a belief that you aren't good enough or that you're not worthy of something. But spirit wants you to walk away from that mindset. Know your worth. Get back in touch with yourself. Spend some time with yourself. Get grounded. Shadow work may be something to look into. Often times we stunt our own growth with our thoughts. It may not be intentional, but the beliefs we hold are powerful. Especially the beliefs we hold about ourselves. Allow yourself the opportunity to grow by believing that you deserve the world. Because you do 💕 Stay true to who you are because you are amazing!
Charms: It is time for you to focus on yourself and what you want. Have some fun. Treat yourself. Believe in yourself and you will go far. Find your passions and keep them close. Have faith. Your current mindset may be holding you back from a love connection. Have faith in yourself and those watching over you. You may be experiencing a spiritual awakening soon. You will overcome the obstacles you face. You are being supported by your angels. The angels are telling you that something good is coming. Good fortune. Focus on you and your energy and your goals. Balance.
Channeled Message: "You are worthy and you are destined for great things. Have no doubt about that. Believe."
Notes: While receiving your channeled message, I heard a man's voice. Someone older and they sounded quite lively. Intelligent as well. I got the feeling of grandfather or father. This may be directed towards someone specific. They are sending you a message. They are watching out for you and want what is best for you.
Pile Two - Llama
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Why, hello there! There is some really positive energy here. I see you feeling confident and prosperous. Happy and excited. But I'm also getting that for some of you, this may not be where you are but where you desire to be. Confidence can be tricky sometimes, and for many people it is a cycle. Sometimes we may slip and feel negatively towards ourselves. Its okay, it happens. But when it does, we need to face how we're feeling. Why do I feel this way? Is this how i feel, or am i letting someone else's beliefs cloud my own judgement? Do not allow the opinions of others cloud how you feel about yourself. You are radiant and beautiful. Don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise. Nurture yourself and find happiness within yourself. It may not be the easiest of journeys to take, but it is worth it. Know you're loved 💕 And you've got this.
Charms: Life is a constant cycle filled with ups and downs. When the down cycle occurs, know it isn't forever. Good things are coming. Look within and be true to who you are. Nurture yourself. Battling demons isn't easy, but you have the universe on your side and angels guiding you. You have a purpose in life and it is beautiful. Work patiently with yourself. Life changes may be occurring. Change can be scary, but the outcome is often wonderful. These changes are needed. Think positively.
Channeled Message: "You're beautiful. Stop worrying so much what others think. What matters is what you think, doll."
Notes: You truly are a beautiful soul. Never forget it 💕💕
Pile Three - "You Rock!"
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Hello, friend. Why are you so hard on yourself? I'm getting that you may be feeling down about yourself. You may have certain beliefs about yourself or may see yourself in a certain way, and it may be in a negative light. The thing is, though, is that we can choose how we see ourselves. We can choose who we are. And while it isn't always the easiest choice, we must push ourselves to love ourselves. We need to find our balance. We need to be mindful of ourselves. It's easy to find the negatives about ourselves, but there are also so many positives we don't always see. We have to allow ourselves to grow so we can become the best and happiest versions of ourselves.
Charms: I'm getting that there may be some bottled up emotions here or maybe some unresolved issues. Take some time to understand these. Nurture yourself. Growth isn't always easy but it is worth it. You have angels watching over you. You are smart and capable of great things. Have faith in yourself. Be your unique and wonderful self. Be unapologetically you. Listen to some music or maybe even create your own. Self expression through music is a wonderful way to release emotions. Be adventurous! Have fun. Communicate what you need with yourself and those close to you. Ask for help when you need it. You are in control of your own story, so work towards your goals and your dreams. The angels are offering you love and encouragement- do what you need to do to achieve your goals. They also want you to have strength to focus on balance and fairness. Be more fair with yourself.
Channeled Message: "Remember to challenge yourself. Take a break when you need it. Make the most out of life. Make memories to last a lifetime."
Notes: You are an incredible person with an incredible story. You have a wonderful future ahead of you. Don't let anyone, not even yourself, make you feel as though you are unworthy or undeserving. You truly deserve the entire world.
Pile Four - Sloth
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Hello! I see the need to think both logically and emotionally. Find a balance between the head and heart. Have strength and courage. Do what is best for you and make sure to nurture yourself. This may be a time of rest before a time of hard work and/or excitement. Take a break and relax when you can. Nurture yourself so you can feel at home within yourself.
Now, for the really interesting part of this reading. Only take this part of the reading if it resonates with you. I know this is a touchy subject for some, which is why I do not normally touch the subject, however this seems to be a very strong message. I am seeing a lot about fertility and children. For some, you may find that you're expecting. For others, you may already be. If this is the case and you're going to be welcoming a tiny human into the world, make sure to not only do what is best for you, but the little one as well. Think with both head and heart, as this is a big life change. If you aren't looking to start a family or have a small human child, use proper protection and be careful.
Charms: I see new beginnings for you. I also see emotions being released that may have previously been hidden. I see for some, you may be committing to a romantic partner or meeting a life partner. For others, I'm seeing more of a commitment to the self.  Again, I do see fertility and children. I'm also seeing passion and communication. For some of you, an ex may be reaching out or you may reach out to an ex. Your angels are with you, and they want you to know that there are going to be some changes happening. They may be big or small. But no matter what, these are positive changes. You also may be worried about finances, but do not worry so much about that either. You may not see how things will work out now, but you will see soon. Things are going to be okay.
Channeled Message: "Don't be afraid. Work hard, don't be hard. Open your heart, as good things are moving towards you."
Notes: The voice I heard when receiving the channeled message sounded like an older woman. Calming and wise.
***All Piles***
Thank you so much for your time today 💕 I want to make sure everyone reads this section as well, as some disclaimers I have are important.
This reading is for entertainment purposes. If it resonates, that is fantastic! If it doesn't resonate, that is okay too. Take what does resonate and/or pick a different pile. This is also a collective reading. It may resonate for several people or it may resonate for one. Whichever it is, take what does resonate and leave the rest.
I am not claiming to know exactly what is happening in your life, nor am I claiming to know what will happen in your future. As I said before, this is for entertainment purposes and it is for fun. Tarot is not a way to see your exact future, as things can change and nothing is set in stone. Finally, I am not responsible for any decisions you make. All actions you make are 100% your own. We all have free will, and we each use it to make our own choices.
Have a lovely day/night everyone! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Little Darling 4 - a Lady Dimitrescu x Mia Winters fanfiction
"The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”"
what awaits Mia in the basement of Lady Dimitrescu's castle? how is the mold connected to both survivour, even if their trauma was 500 years apart?
ohhh boy i am SO happy with this fic yall have no idea. big thanks to everyone who has commeted on my fics so far, you make writing a fun process. i hope you enjoy the new chapter! !!!flashbacks are written in cursive!!! <3 <3 <3
Warnings: mention of child death, various mental illnesses
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
During the night, the snowfall in the valley had increased, snowing most of the village in. Lady Dimitrescu stood on the balcony, taking a drag from her smoke, blowing out smoke that nearly froze in the cold air. Mia was still fast asleep, the exhaustion caught up on her once the nightmares vanished. Lady Dimiterescu didn’t get any sleep during this very night - sleep was barely needed for her anyways, but she had ignored her own tiredness in favour of making sure Mia was okay. Guess the ‘human’ touch worked wonders on the traumatized.
“Lady Dimitrescu?”, Mia’s tired voice ripped her out of her thoughts and she turned around to face the young woman, standing in the doorway to the balcony, rubbing her sleepy eyes. “Can you close the door? I am freezing.”
“Oh right, you humans and your temperature problems.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stepped back into the bedroom, “and please, call me Alcina.”
“Alright, Alcina.”, Mia chuckled, sitting back on the bed she had just emerged from, stretching her body from this good night’s sleep. “What is the plan for today? Will you show me where Rosy is?”
“Not yet. Before, you have to understand a few things. A few things about us. You worked with bio weapons before, so you will understand quickly enough…”
The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”
“Exactly. I spent hundreds of years dissecting my own blood to find out what was the trigger in this very mold, turning me into...this.”, Lady Dimitrescu said as she took a seat in the very same place the plague doctor had been on. “What I have come to realize - the plague doctors and fuck knows who else worked on the mold...they created an early version of the mold you were infected with. Of course, early and very simple, but you can see what it did to me.”
Mia nodded as she listened to Alcina talk, taking in the surrounding. It all reminded her so much of the basement she was locked in for three years, she could even feel the hard mattress under her spine. Something she never told Ethan was that she spent most of these years either trying to escape or sleep her injuries off. Eveline didn’t let her go. “How did they manage this back in...1500-something?”
“You are asking good questions, dear. I suppose the mold had a spontaneous mutation which caused its effects on me. I saw the dead bodies of previous victims. They died of mold poisoning or its effects on their lungs. Was lucky there, ‘suppose. And now I am immortal and could take over the world if I wanted to. Do I want to? Fuck no.”
“Why not?”, Mia chuckled at the thought of a vampire lady ruling over the world. What would the aliens say that watch us all day long? “Nothing could stop you. Not even any kind of bio weapons so far.”
“That’s the thing! Redfield and his team are developing a cure to the mold as we speak, with Rosy’s blood. The mold we were infected with is dangerously similar. Since no D-series exists anymore, they had to work with what they get. Ever since I got word of the D-series and the mold, I kept my eyes on your team and you. Because you would be the key to our deaths.”
“But why are they after you and your daughters? You haven’t caused any significant troubles, like turning a whole city into zombies…”
“Because we are mutants in the end. We shouldn’t exist in a perfect world with all sunshines and rainbow pooping unicorns. Too bad the world is a cruel place. Helping Redfield with the resurrection of Jill Valentine was the worst mistake I have made in over 500 years of living.”, Lady Dimitrescu explained, trailing over her exposed arm. Her veins were visible, but it was clear the mold had taken over her bloodstream judging by the colour alone. “The mold feeds off human blood. Once my blood was out, I started to thirst for whatever blood I could find. Most of the time I settled for homeless or old people - you know, the kind of people no one would miss.”
“...that makes sense, and that’s something rare to say in a situation like this.”, Mia said, earning a smile from Lady Dim- Alcina. “And why...don’t you just surrender and die? You have lived for over 500 years?”
“Oh Mia.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stood up, cupping Mia’s cheeks, “Death is something so personal, trust me. It’s about the choice. If I want to kill myself, I’d just turn the mold into a vaccine. But being killed by a big mouthed assface who thinks the world belongs to him? I won’t give up without a fight. My daughters won’t give up without a fight. Suicide is something so personal.”
“Here.”, Carlos placed the newspaper article in front of Chris. Several homeless people had been found dead, drained of their blood. Chris read it with great interest, even though his Romanian was rusty. “Drained of their blood in Romania? This is either some sick dracula cosplayer or we have our eyes on vampires. Maybe they are the key to life!”
Chris raised an eyebrow at Carlos, “You really are into the thought of bringing her back to life, aren’t you?”
“Chris, look”, Carlos sighed, frustration and anger present in his mimic, “This is not the death Jill deserves. She deserves a second chance! Without the blood and pain and bio weapons. Fuck, let her adopt five cats and a llama if it makes her happy. But this is not the death she deserves”, and he pointed towards the cold camber her lifeless body was resting in. She looked so peaceful, as if she was just sleeping. Her blonde hair had fallen over her face, as if she was a fallen angel, ready to spread her wings at any given second. Chris might have given up on her, but not Carlos.
“Send out Kennedy then. He knows how to deal with the dirty work.”
The reports from Leon were clear. Mutants had infested the castle, but they weren’t much of a threat while Leon had been in there. It actually seemed as if they were avoiding him. But the key was a moment he accidentally witnessed.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”, a cry broke through the quietness of the castle. Leon had heard this sort of cry before - a mother who had just lost her child. A cry he never wanted to hear again. “Please help me! My daughter, my little baby…!”, she wailed as the three daughters surrounded her, taking the dead body of the toddler from her. The blonde daughter ran to where Lady Dimitrescu was staying while the two others comforted the hysteric mother. The child was pale and stiff, and must have been dead for quite a while. Leon swallowed dry at the view. He could deal with zombies and mutants in the weirdest ways, but dead children...he could never get used to this.
About an hour later, Lady Dimitrescu walked out of her study with the little girl, who was looking at least more alive. The colour had returned to her face and her chest was moving a little bit. “Here.”, she smiled as she handed the lady her daughter, “She needs rest for a few more days. Keep her warm and secure, bedrest is the best idea there. Also, she will be very thirsty once she wakes up. Let her drink all the water she needs, her body is severely dehydrated.”
Because of this, Leon decided to stay a few days more. He followed the mother to her home and stayed hidded. About a week later, he knocked on the door of the woman, asking for her help, if she had seen his dog ‘Rex’.
“Sadly, I have not.”, the woman said, and from the corner of his eyes, Leon was able to spot the once dead daughter, playing with some barbies. “But if I see him, I will let you know.” This was all the confirmation he needed. Leon headed back to the USA the following day to report from what he witnessed, and how they could be the key to saving Jill.
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