#thank you to my good friend who gave me this hatchling that was born on the day of the announcement
magiritsa · 2 years
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They're literally noodles
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septic-skele · 4 years
US - Heed The Signs (Part 8)
[Part 7]
Though she had none of her own, Muffet had always liked little hatchlings. Not only were they cute, they were good for business; she rarely ever had trouble selling her wares and making loyal customers out of them. She loved the days when a brood of boisterous bunnies would come storming in, each with their meticulously counted coins to clean out her display case. All of their lively clamoring and chatter amused her. It reminded her of better days.
She would mentally swat herself whenever that thought arose. These were her better days, here and now! She was a working woman, making a living for herself and her family. She was making herself useful! Why would she even bother to think back on the days when her brothers showed her the best places to chase and tease whimsuns? When her sisters taught her how to make vast, intricate art out of her webs? When her mother would pet her head as she did up her hair with ribbons and bows and told her how lovely she was?
Yes, these days, alone in Snowdin, were…better for everyone.
Muffet ought to send them another telegram soon so she could put these things out of her mind.
The bone hatchlings served as a pleasant distraction. Now that the ugly concoction he drank was finally purging from his body, little Papyrus was on the mend.
Muffet’s soul still burned and her hands curled in fury at the thought of that old monster who had done this to him—no matter how accidental. When her cousins in Waterfall had received her news about a poisoned hatchling, they had wasted no time. They had surrounded and cornered the brute with threats and demands.
“I never saw them well enough! T-These old eyes are almost blind!” he had stammered. “I thought they were wild animals, an infestation waiting to happen, so I poured out some bottled bait! It was expired, it—it shouldn’t have done too much harm! Just enough to drive them off.” Swallowing hard at their low hisses of disdain, he shrank in on himself. “How was I to suspect? No children should be the ones rooting through my trash, right? They s-should be at home, safe, with their parents! H-How was I to know?!”
Spiders had no incredible fondness for baiters, poisoners or pest control. Muffet didn’t truly believe that her cousins would kill a monster for that slight unless it was against their own kind…but deep down, she wouldn’t have felt particularly sorry if they had.
Regardless, they had sent back the specifications of the bait he had used. Unfortunately it was one Muffet had plenty of familiarity with, though it came with the helpful byproduct of knowing precisely which medicine could combat it.
It was a medicine intended for spiders; she was unsure how it would affect bone hatchlings but Papyrus was already as frail as a fly. Could a remedy endowed with healing magic make him any sicker? In the end she simply added a splash of milk and gave it over.
Sans was more than happy to assist when Papyrus groaned and refused to take it. “Come on, champ! It may taste bad on the way down but it’s got a lot of good things for you. It’s going to make you better! Stronger!” His smile didn’t wane but it certainly changed. “That’s what you want, isn’t it, to be strong and capable like me? This will do that.”
Muffet sensed she was missing something important between them when Papyrus’ hands shot out for the cup with no more hesitation. His expression of disgust was wrenching as he gagged it down but nevertheless he persisted, spurred on by his brother’s cheers of relief and delight. Of course, he brought about half of it back up just a few minutes later; it was meant to be sipped, not guzzled.
“The next cup will come with a little digestif, sweetling—a spoonful of honey should smooth things over,” Muffet promised, patting his cheek. At first contact he flinched and kept his mouth shut until Sans lightly nudged him, prompting.
“Um. Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am. M’sorry for the mess,” he murmured, eye sockets falling dim and soft as he rested his skull against her palm.
Stars. The sight brought on a rush of affectionate warmth, followed by the instinct not to pull away, followed by confusion. Had she called him “sweetling”? She couldn’t recall saying that to any of the other children before. Her hand was uncertain as she ran a thumb over his cheekbone. Beside him, Sans looked on with a distant, wistful glow in his eyes, leaning his head into his own hand as if by instinct.
Did your parents ever spare you a kindness? Did they remind you that you were loved? If they did, do you even remember it?
Shame, shame on them for misplacing you.
The honey was magic in and of itself; in fact, Papyrus was completely enamored with it now. Within three days he was drinking more honey than milk, much to Sans’ dismay. Milk was being treated with almost the same base prejudice as medicine!
“He needs calcium, not this unhealthy, unwholesome sugar rot; his magic will crystalize!” Sans exclaimed, only to flounder at the pointed stare Muffet gave him. “I—It isn’t—What I mean to say is that—Thank you very much for our tasteful dessert, Miss Muffet! But…um…”
“I’ll whisk the honey into the milk, dearie.”
“Yes! Yes, that would be wonderful. T-Thank you kindly!”
If Muffet set Sans’ opinions on “sugar rot” aside, she could admit that he was great for business. Once Papyrus started noticeably improving, able to sit up in the hammock and hold a plate on his own, Sans became a little more willing to stray from his side and mingle with the customers—and they with him. Whenever a new child was born in the Underground, it was the word around town. Now this, a strange skeleton child appearing out of nowhere? An attraction, a novelty! The shop had more visitors in the last week than she had the three weeks prior.
Sans reveled in the attention. It seemed he had craved a listening ear for a long, long time and now he had them in abundance. He would chatter at the visitors from the moment they opened the door to the moment they closed it behind them, though he cheerfully and blatantly dodged any questions about home or his parents—and the moment he overheard so much as a ragged cough from the backroom, away he went, leaving Muffet to fend off the rest of their questions.
“Is there someone else back there?”
“How long are they staying with you, Muffet?”
“Where did they really come from?”
“Are they, um, yours…somehow?”
That last question both irritated and flustered her. Oh, of course, of course they were hers because it made such savvy sense that a spider could somehow breed bone brothers! Perfectly preposterous. But there was a little buzz in the back of her head, niggling, and it stung.
Children belonged to or with someone…and if Sans’ and Papyrus’ someone(s) were unsuitable, where did they belong?
Together, first and foremost. The first day that Papyrus could move from the hammock to one of the padded booths in the front, his presence was like honey to the flies. It turned to vinegar as soon as a group crowded around him and he shrank, wheezing, into the corner, bones rattling like Muffet’s tip jar. It was the first and only time she saw Sans’ eyes black out as he shouldered through them to sit and gather Papyrus against his side.
“You see, brother? They love you, they all want to be your friends!” he cooed, staring fixedly up at the curious onlookers. “And friends should all care, share and take their turn, so my brother can appreciate every single one of you on your own!” His cheery tone didn’t falter, but his eyelights didn’t rekindle right away either.
No, that was a web that couldn’t be unraveled. As Sans affectionately ran a hand over Papyrus’ skull, Muffet examined a particularly shiny piece of gold and pretended not to wish on it for her mother.
She wasn’t resting well in her hammock this night. Since Papyrus joined Sans now, sleeping in one of the corner booths, she had stripped the old one she had lent him and spun a fresh one. It was comfortable enough to serve, so why were her thoughts tangled up this way?
“We had a house but…we lost it.”
“It would be better to make a new home here.”
It wouldn’t be long before they left her to fend for themselves. How had that turned out for them in the first place? Pain, illness, panic. Make a new home, they said. Did they have any idea what that would truly entail?
“Hatchlings don’t know, so they don’t think until they are taught…and you don’t have any teachers, do you?”
Muffet had enough trouble on her own when she came to town. Scraping up the gold to make it through the first six months had nearly broken her back.
“We don’t have that kind of money!”
Though he should be in school, Sans could probably…hopefully work. His infectious charm could win people over to give him odd jobs, Muffet was sure. But where would that leave Papyrus? Not old enough, not strong enough, waiting somewhere for his brother to return. Muffet would have to be blind in three of her eyes to miss how he reacted whenever Sans was gone too long. The separation anxiety he felt was crushing.
“Just one brother to keep me company is better in my mind than having none.”
Muffet heaved a shaky breath. She could feel it crushing her now, in ways she thought she had trained herself to ignore. She missed her family awfully, yes, but if everything here came crashing down, she always had the last resort of returning to the nest. The family would welcome her back with open arms and legs. Where could the bone brothers go in the wild? They had no nest to scurry back to.
Hers was the first safe refuge they had found. They knew they were safe here in ways they couldn’t be out there. Odd jobs wouldn’t be enough for a table, much less for food to put on it. If they had to go back to scavenging and Papyrus came down sick again—Arachne forbid Sans falling ill—it could be over for them in a matter of months.
No, they…they’ve managed this long, only one and two. They could keep on. Somehow.
But no child should have to.
“My mother carries me on her back until I’m grown and ready, and your mother goes unbothered?”
Muffet didn’t end up finding any rest. Instead she rolled out of her hammock, put her hair up and scuttled to her desk, spreading her meticulous finance logs out in front of her.
It didn’t take long to see that with the new boom the boys’ mere existence gave to her business, it was workable. Projecting for the next…decade?
“Two bone hatchlings. Tsk,” she muttered, fangs tugging into a slight smile. “Mother’s carried ten, twenty, fifty and some. What are one and two?”
That’s if the one and two say yes.
“Miss Muffet, I didn’t know you sold clothes here too!” Sans laughed as he poked his hand through the sleeve of a blue-striped shirt. “Though I don’t think this would fit many of the adults who shop here—mweheheh, especially not after eating your sweets!”
“Blue? This one’s…kind of my size,” Papyrus piped up cautiously, though he held it away from his body so as not to assume. Sans’ smile waned slightly as his eyes darted between the tatty shirt hanging from his brother’s back to the vibrant comparison in his hands.
“Well, um…I’m sure it’d look great on you, Papy, but it—it’d be rude! Yeah! Trying on her merchandise would be like taking a bite out of a donut and then putting it back! We can’t do that.”
“It’s not merchandise, dearie, but…mmm, yes. You will pay me for it regardless.” Both of them cringed, Sans hurriedly flinging the blue one back at the bag, but before he could form a protest, Muffet sighed with exasperated fondness. “Pay me by wearing them down, would you? So I know I didn’t deal for it as a laughing matter but as a gift instead.”
For once, Sans was silent.
“A…gift?” Papyrus echoed, voice cracking as his fingers curled tighter into the soft cloth. Little by little it was bunched into small, possessive folds in his lap. “A gift…for us?”
“Would I be such a poor host, inviting you into my parlor for all this time without presenting party favors? Don’t think so small of me,” she tutted.
“Ma’am.” Sans’ shoulders were sagging and his voice was softer than Muffet had ever heard it. “You’ve already done too much for us. Helping me get Papy better is more than I can thank you for. I…” Something like guilt seemed to sting him. “I…can’t repay you. Ever.”
“My, oh, my. If that’s what you think, let me make an easy barter with you: for all that I have done for you, you do a small something for me. You stay safe by staying here.” She ignored their stunned gasps, pressing on surely. “You learn from me. I’ll not have the shame of misplacing any hatchlings before their time and teaching.”
“Miss Muffet…”
“You’ll make a new home here, just as you planned, but you and only you aren’t always enough. Don’t say you don’t know. You were lost; now you’re found.” Her eyes softened as she glanced between them. “Aren’t your little feet tired of walking alone?”
Papyrus squeaked, lifting the new shirt to bury his face in it, and Sans’ tiny nod came with a quiver in his jaw.
“I’m not your mother, sweetlings. But if she isn’t going to stand on her two measly feet, it’s the job of a working woman with eight to make herself useful. Let me carry you for a while. Stay.”
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kisskissrommie · 5 years
Chase the Tender Light
“Random, can you take a note to send for more lamps? The recreation room downstairs might as well be a dungeon,” Elodie sighed and leaned on the desk. She looked up at the Roegadyn in a maid outfit and gave a weak smile. “Marc’s spending his time napping down there already, last thing I want to do is make it easy on him.”
Random Chance gave a deep, hearty laugh. “Wait until Cheren gets those loud Gold Saucer games down there. He’ll never get a wink on the job again!”
Elodie smirked in spite of herself. “You’d think His Golden-ness would just give us the godsdamned things. We are supposed to be partners, aye?” She ran a hand through her hair. “I guess there is an imbalance of power between the ‘Truffault’ and ‘Manderville’ names, though.”
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“Nothin’ to be done about it, boss,” Random shrugged her shoulders. “Your mom wanted you to go into Othardi imports with ‘er. You picked a travel agency.”
Elodie felt like that was the worst decision she’d ever maid some days. Others, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Today was a mix of both. She grabbed a slip of paper from Random’s side of the desk and wrote a few quick notes on it. She almost didn’t noticed a crude version of their ‘Sunset Destinations’ logo at the top of the page and when she did, she looked up at Random.
“Nanasi,” Random responded with a grin. “Gotta say, boss, you’re two moons at least from opening and I already get a kick outta my coworkers.”
“Eye for talent,” Elodie said wryly. “The gift of House Truffault.”
She heard the door open behind her and made a hand motion without turning. “Take it to the storeroom, whatever it is. I’ll worry about it tom-”
“It is your favorite friend from beyond time and space, Elodie my Melody~!” the unfamiliar voice rang, playful and upbeat. “It is CHOCOBOCOLINA!”
“Eh?” Elodie turned around to see the odd woman. She’d never met her, she’d never even seen her. And she’d have recognized this ‘favorite friend’ for sure. Not least because of a name like ‘Chocobocolina’.
“We’re not open,” Elodie said flatly, “If you’d like, though, I can talk to some of our friends in the hospitality business, see about getting you a place to stay. Or if you’re looking to book a tr-”
The strange woman deflated, and once again said her name, striking a dramatic pose Elodie assumed she had struck before, when no one was looking. “I saiiiiiiid it’s CHOCOBOCOLINA!”
“... if you’re looking for a stable it’s in ...”
“Ellie, dear, what’s the matter with you?” asked the stranger. She walked over and pinched one of the elezen’s ears between her thumb and forefinger eliciting a yelp of pain and surprise. “Are you not eating well? Oh, have you overworked yourself? Do you need a lie-down? You can always count on me, Melody Elodie. I’ve got just the calming incense, only 2,000 gil.”
Elodie rubbed her ear when the odd woman let go. “Do I know you?”
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“Chocolina?” the woman stepped back. “Choco-boco-lina? Chocolina Katzroy. Best friend of Lady Elodie Truffault for an indeterminate period of time?” She grabbed Elodie by the shoulders and shook her roughly. “You rescued this lost lonely hatchling when she found her way to your world! You took me in when I had nothing but my beautiful face, my sparking personality, millions of gil in goods for sale and my beautiful face, which I mentioned once before but is such a valuable asset I had to list it again!” 
“I...” Elodie tried to stay sensible but she was being flung around rather violently by the odd woman. “What?”
“Oh, Elodie Melody, Melody Elodie, my shop is missing! Neither my Lavender Beds branch nor my Chocobo Forest branch, and you know those lovely bunny honeys? They weren’t even around in the Chocobo Forest! And I just feel so lost! I was worried I wound up in the wrong place!”
“We...” she struggled to find sense in what was being shouted at her. “We can arrange a travel package to visit the Chocobo Forest for you. Reasonable rates.”
Chocolina let go of Elodie and stared at her for a long, heavy, silent moment. Elodie was thankful she wasn’t being shaken or shouted at, but somehow found this to be more unnerving. 
Finally, Chocolina -- apparently that was her name -- spoke. “You don’t recognize me?”
“N-no. Should I?” Honestly, at this point she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t taking anything about reality for granted. 
“... uh-oh-cobo.” Chocolina took a step back. “Oh, this is bad. This is properly, terribly, awfully bad! You haven’t met me yet!”
“Should I have?” Elodie was confused beyond words.
Chocolina was now pacing in circles, muttering to herself and looking like she’d just discovered fire, and realized that fire burnt when you touched it. Finally she stopped pacing, placed her hands on Elodie’s shoulders and said, quietly but firmly. “Let’s get drunk, Ellie.”
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Elodie had gotten dressed, because frankly she needed a minute, and had told Random to keep the building locked. If she was going to get boozy with a lunatic, that was fine, but really it was safest for all involved for no other crazy people to wander into the Mandervilla and grab her by the ear. When she sat down at the table with the energetic, mad woman she felt a little refreshed. She didn’t expect that feeling to last. 
“Oh, Ellie, oh, dear, of I’ve done a bad thing, song in my heart,” the woman looked concerned now, and it made Elodie feel sympathetic. Elodie didn’t want to feel sympathetic. “Oh, dear me.”
“What happened?” she asked the lady in red. She doubted she wanted to know, which was fine because she doubted she’d follow the answer.
“When you knew my name on the First, I thought my reputation proceeded me. Though, you know, I was calling myself ‘Chocolatte’ there, it was a weird time, Elodie. You, you, you helped me remember that it was okay to be Chocolina again! You solved my chocostential crisis!” 
“I wanted to show the kiddos, you know. Wanted to let them see where I came into the world! And I told them all the time about Etro and Serah and Lightning and they were mystified by the idea of other worlds and the First is more or less another world and so-”
“... we have kids?”
“Kweh?” she blinked and shook her head. “Better than girls of our own, Elodie, we had EMPLOYEES! Andy and Lehil. We’re not a couple, Ellie my dearest. You’ve always been skittish about sleeping with a chocobo.”
“That... sounds like me,” Elodie agreed. 
“But if you’ve never met me, then you’ve never been to the First?”
“... I have no idea what anything you’re saying means, Miss Katzroy. It’s all words I know, but when you put them together like that I’m completely lost.”
“ME TOO! Oh, oh dear,” Chocolina dropped her head backward dramatically and thwapped it against the pillar behind her. She winced. This didn’t deter her random assortment of words, though. “Lehil isn’t even born yet then. And Andy is probably not born yet either. And if they go home after mucking about in their own timeline things get Really Really Weird.”
“Things get weird? With you involved?” Elodie asked sarcastically.
“Right? I’m a GREAT employer, Ellie. I take such good care of my girls when I’m not accidentally taking them back in time to before they were born and possibly sending them back to a future they never existed in. But so far I’ve only done that once. Which is right now! Which is why, yes, why I need to get drunk with you.”
“... okay. Yeah, I imagine that’ll help.”
“Elodie!” Chocolina looked up, scared. “Elodie, you have to take them in! I don’t know what’ll happen if they interact with their past selves! I never interacted with my past self! Not even when I lived in an afro, and I think I technically am different enough that I could’ve but I don’t know, I’m not the expert.”
Elodie just sat there. She was out of pithy statements and she was even more out of her depth. 
“Elodie, let them stay with you,” the insane woman implored. And there was serious concern in her voice. 
With a sigh, Elodie hung her head and waved her hand. “Fine, but someone’s paying market rate on their suite.”
Chocolina clapped her hands, produced from her cleavage a comically overfull pouch of gil and stood up. She walked over to the bar and addressing the Raen bartender Kuri by name, Chocolina ordered an equally comical amount of booze ‘with gysahl garnish’. She seemed as familiar with Kuri as she’d been with Elodie, and Kuri seemed as confused and alarmed by it as Elodie had been.
Who the fuck was Chocolina Katzroy?
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epag88 · 7 years
Dragon Treasure Chapter: 12
Summary:  Hiccup is just a little seven year old boy running away from his father’s disappointment and meets a new friend hiding in the woods. Stoick is about to learn that one man’s burden is another man’s treasure. 
Hiccup carefully thumbed through his mother's belongings until he found what he was looking for and gently pulled it out of the trunk. Realization dawned on Toothless as he watched the child hug the clothing to his chest before folding it beside him and continued to rummage through the trunk. The Night Fury remained curled around his hatchling while he continued his search waiting for the little boy to say something. When Hiccup found everything he was looking for, he gave the drawing one last glance before gently closing the lid and sat back on his knees furiously wiping his at his eyes.
'I'm sorry little one' he cooed nuzzling the boy's arm.
"There was a dragon raid and one took off our roof," Hiccup said making Toothless' head rise in interest.
"It grabbed me and set my crib on fire before taking off. Mama jumped on its tail before it flew to high and climbed over to me before she stabbed its leg. The dragon dropped me, but we were too high up so mama jumped after me and we fell to the ground. Daddy said that he tried to get to us, but the dragon got there first and carried mama away while she wasn't awake anymore. He said that he probably didn't see me so that's why it didn't take me to," Hiccup explained.
'Please tell me she wasn't fed to the mad queen' Toothless thought horrified.
"It was me. Mama died because of me," The little boy mumbled pulling his legs to his chest and laid his head on his knees.
Toothless quickly sat up and pulled Hiccup to his chest before he laid his forehead on the child's as he wraped his wings around them.
'Of course, she protected you; you were her hatchling. You should not feel guilt for a mother doing her duty to her child.' Toothless growled and felt the child relax on his chest but Hiccup would not meet the dragon's eye.
With a smirk the Night Fury scooped the boy up and cradled him in his stubby arms before using one claw to tip his chin up forcing the child's big green eyes to look at him.
'I will you tell you this as many times as I have to Hiccup before you understand. You are worth protecting more than any other treasure I have ever seen and I will with my life' Toothless growled.
Hiccup had no idea what the Night Fury was trying to tell him, but he knew that his friend was trying his best to comfort him. The rumbling from the dragon's warm chest helped Hiccup relax and he gave Toothless a grateful smile.
"We should probably go. Your girlfriend is still butt naked," Hiccup teased earning him an irritated look from the dragon.
Toothless unceremoniously dropped the little human in the giant chair in the middle of the room making the boy yelp. Hiccup giggled as he jumped off the chair, gently picked up the belongings and followed after his friend.
When they got back to the great hall the villagers had already returned and dressed their new allies. Eldrid was wearing a dress given to her from Eira. The dragon and the healer were talking when the pair arrived; both women looking like their conversation was quite serious.
Tyra stood nearby looking distant and lost in her thoughts when she heard Hiccup call her name and she instantly grinned ear to ear at the sight of him. Toothless stayed back to let the pair have a minute to themselves but stayed close enough that he could still keep an eye on his hatchling.
"These are for you," Hiccup said handing over the carefully folded items.
Tyra looked over the clothing before smiling back at human and said, "I shall treasure them."
The Night Fury changed into the long sleeved, brown linen dress that reached mid-thigh with a pair of leggings underneath and fur boots. Kelda was nearby helping others when she noticed the girl in her friend's dress, staring at the leather bodice in confusion. With a chuckle the woman walked over to the girl to see what she could do for her.
"Do you need a hand?" she offered surprising the dragon.
She nodded quickly before handing the strange thing to the new woman.
"This clothing suits you," Kelda said with a smile as she turned the girl so her side was facing the woman and instructed her to hold the bodice in place. It covered from her breasts to waist completely covering her torso with the protective leather.
"You know there's a story about this bodice," the blond woman said feeling nostalgic when she noticed the girl's curious gaze.
"Valka designed this for battle. She was always inventing new ways to help the tribe but she never had good luck with getting it right the first time until she thought of this. You see how over the first layer of leather she weaved a second layer of small tight knots, she did that to better protect her body when she found out she was pregnant. She also designed it to tie from the side instead of the front so no part of her back or front could be exposed to an attack. It was also designed so that as the baby grew she could fit it where she needed it for proper protection for her and the child," Kelda explained fondly as she finished tying the bodice on the one side.
"She sounds like a very clever woman," Tyra replied impressed by the tale.
"Valka was one of the best. Naturally she became the chief's wife and helped protect the village from harm," Kelda replied sending the pair into silence while continued tying the other side.
"Was she scared?" the Night Fury asked the woman.
"Scared of what?" Kelda asked raising her head from her work.
"Becoming a leader. Taking responsibility of so many lives," Tyra replied staring at the human woman with an unreadable expression.
"She was terrified. Truth be told Valka was not first choice to become the wife of the chief," Kelda explained before she looked up at the girl and added, "I was."
Tyra was shocked by the woman's words and urged her to continue her tale of the aunt she'd never known.
"Stoick's father and my father made the arrangement while we were young so naturally we were often seen together. However, I saw the way he looked at my best friend. He would pretend not to notice her while she and Gobber would talk about her ideas she had drawn. Finally, I found them together one day while we were older. It was just before our wedding and they looked as though this was causing them both great pain. I was in a little pain myself. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt but my love for them both was stronger. So, I called off the wedding and stepped back," Kelda explained her story to the curious girl.
"I regret nothing to this day. I would have forever followed Valka into battle blindly. Scared as she was to become a leader, she was strong and loved her tribe. She fought for it till her last breath," the blond woman added as she finished and inspected her work.
"Thank you for telling me…you are strong as well. I feel like I would gladly fight by your side," the Night Fury said and bowed respectfully to the other woman.
"You remind me of her. Valka would be honored to see you where her clothes," Kelda replied before giving the girl's hand a squeeze and walked off.
Tyra looked down at her new attire and smiled feeling truly honored to be wearing the belongings of her aunt. She turned to look over at Hiccup and Toothless, and tried desperately to hide the giggle that was trying to come forth. The little boy looked excited and very proud of himself for thinking of allowing her to wear his mother's things. The Night Fury was staring at anything and everything in the room that was not her.
"Do you think me ugly in this Night Fury?" she asked Toothless amused.
His neck suddenly moved his head in her direction so fast she thought for a moment that it might snap in half. He simply continued to stare at her falling into the trap without realizing it frozen in place until she spoke again.
"Should I judge by your silence that you do think me ugly?" she asked putting her hands on her hips.
The Night Fury quickly shook his head before he realized that he had dug himself even further into the trap until Hiccup said, "See I told you he thinks you're pretty."
"So, you did little one," she chuckled.
"Did your keep our secret?" she asked deliberately mentioning it in front of Toothless to bother him.
She knew her plan was working when she saw the dragon whip his tail in irritation as the little boy nodded his head enthusiastically. Toothless growled at them both before Tyra smirked at him and turned to walk over to her mother.
'Wait!' he called after her making her stop and look back at him over her shoulder.
'How do you do it?' Toothless asked.
"I was born pretty silly," she teased.
'That's not what I meant! How can you shape shift? What other magic are you capable of?' he asked.
He realized he sounded desperate, but these were the first of his kind that he had ever met and he realized he was capable of so much more than the mad queen let him believe. Toothless was determined to be the most powerful he could be, not just for himself and Hiccup but to defeat the queen and free his friends.
"You truly have no idea what you're capable of do you?" she asked him in surprise.
Tyra was silent for a moment as she looked over at her mother who smiled back at her before turning back to the Night Fury in front of her.
"Very well. I will teach you what should have been taught to you as a hatchling and together we will train the boy. However, I will need your help with something," she explained.
'Name it' he replied.
Tyra seemed to hesitate with her words before finally finding the ones she needed and said finally, "Help me find a home for the others. If not here then somewhere near Dragon Island."
Toothless looked at her confused as she gazed back at her mother once more before leaning in close to him and whispered, "Time is of the essence."
"What do you mean there is something else we must know? What else could there possibly be other than the fact that my brother married a dragon and with her brought a hybrid into the world," Stoick demanded.
"How old do I look to you both?" Hàkon asked the pair.
Stoick and Spitelout looked at each other surprised by the strange question before returning their gaze to their brother and the younger one said, "Thirty I suppose."
"Little brother, I left Berk at the age of fifteen with my mate and unhatched child…I am now forty-seven years old," Hàkon explained.
Stoick was in shock, his older brother did not look his age at all but how could that have happened.
"Are you telling me your daughter is thirty-two years old by human standards?" Spitelout said shocked.
"They grow so fast, don't they?" Hàkon said confirming their suspicions.
"What is the point Hàkon?" Stoick demanded.
"When I took Eldrid as my mate she shared her lifespan and youth with me in return for my love and devotion. However, the dragon bond does not protect me from human disease…unfortunately I share that part of being human with her," Hàkon explained.
The man looked at his shocked little brothers giving them a moment to process what he had just said.
"So, you're saying-"
"Stoick you can't expect to live on a boat for thirty-two years in exile and not catch something," Hàkon cut him off.
With a heavy sigh and a solemn expression Hàkon said, "Brothers I'm dying and my wife joins me in death because of our bond much to my regret. This war needs to end before we do for the sake of Tyra."
"What becomes of her?" Stoick asked.
"Eldrid was exiled by her own people because of me. She was the true queen of dragons before banned by her second in command the mad queen. In the event that the mad queen falls, Tyra must take up the role of protector of the dragons after he die," Hàkon explained.
"This is why she was in such a need for a home," Spitelout said.
The three brothers stood in silence not sure where to go from this point. It was all so much happening at the same time. First their older brother returns and now just as quickly as he came back into their lives he was going to leave. It was not just them he was leaving behind but a child as well, a daughter that was to become a queen to rule over their thousand-year-old enemy no less.
"Hàkon," Stoick finally said getting both his brothers' attention.
"Help us bring down this beast and you can consider the exile on you and your family lifted," Stoick offered holding out his arm.
"Thank you, little brother," Hàkon replied accepting his brother's hand before turning to Spitelout.
"What say you?" the oldest brother asked the youngest.
"I'll tell ya the same thing I tell Stoick before a raid," Spitelout said as he walked over and clapped a hand on his older brother's back.
"The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can drink."
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tyrantdk · 7 years
Slifer!Yugi Puzzleshipping AU Ch1
  So, I finally got the first chapter of my Slifer!Yugi Puzzleshipping Au done. I thought I’d put it on here to see how it went before posting it on FF.net or deciding to abandon the idea completely. I already gave @ashethehedgehog a preview of this, and Ashe liked it, so I think it’s going to be good?
Warnings: There is a NSFW scene near then end of the chapter, also abundance of dragon cuddles
If you like it, share it, repost it, shoot me an ask or message about how much you liked it (if you liked it), what you liked, if I should continue or not.
  Atem, lord of the two lands, Pharaoh of Kemet, the living Horus sat on an altar to the great god-dragon. Around him, the dragon’s priests moved. They chanted, sang, danced, and prayed. This was the only way to protect his people. He had no idea what the great dragon would ask for in return, but he was willing to give whatever he asked. The music crested, stopping abruptly with a crash. The priests silently rose from their genuflections and left the holy of holies.
  He breathed softly, closing his crimson eyes. Atem had been told he would not be allowed to look into the god-dragon’s eyes. The temple’s attendants had bathed him in the temple pool earlier in the morning. His hair had been combed, glass beads of red and black woven into his mane of blond and mahogany red. He had been dressed in linen dyed the same colors. It had been to make the dragon more sympathetic to him. Atem stiffened as he felt a presence before him.
  “I see my priests have done their best to make you appeal to me.” A male voice spoke. The great dragon’s voice was soft, but demanded his attention, demanded that he hang onto every word. Footsteps began to circle him on the altar. He could feel the dragon’s eyes studying him. “Why have they asked I appear, Pharaoh?”
  “I beg your indulgence, great Dragon. My kingdom is in peril. My people starve, while the nobles fatten themselves. I have fasted as much as I can, and have had as much food as the palace can spare spread among my people. I beg you to help! I have tried everything to appease Set. He refuses to give my people the rain they need to stop this drought! Please, oh merciful Dragon, help Khemet. I will give you whatever you wish!” Tears freely flowed down the Pharaoh’s face. They were part frustration and part sadness.
  Gentle human like fingers wiped them away. “Open your eyes and look upon me.” Atem did as told, gasping at the wide violet eyes gazing at him. The god-dragon in human form drew back. His hair defied gravity, much like the ruler’s own, but instead of mahogany red and gold, his hair was black, bright blond, and flame red. He wore a tunic and shenti as black as his dragon form’s underbelly. Over that was a robe as red as his scales. His human form’s skin was pale, almost white. “My price shall be your hand.”
  “My hand?” Atem asked, not exactly sure what the god-dragon meant. Did he mean to cut one of his hands off, or would he be willing to marry a human? Why would one of the divine guardians of Khemet wed a lowly human, even if that human was Horus incarnate?
  “Yes. I want you as my spouse, and in return I shall create a storm to end the drought. Our union will be most beneficial for Khemet far beyond the current problems.” The great dragon held his hand out. Atem slid off the altar. He took a deep breath. His hand slid into the dragon’s. “You have accepted my offer. We shall be wed immediately, then I will go bring the rains.”  
  “For my people.” The Pharaoh murmured. He was more than willing to sign his life, and the possibility of a loving union away for his people. A tear slid down his face, before the great dragon wiped it away.
  “Do not cry, Pharaoh. I may be a god-dragon, but I vow to treat you as my most prized treasure. I will love no other being. I will place no other being before you. I will spend as much time as I need to woo you.” The dragon pulled him closer. Atem trembled in the god’s arms.
  “If we are to be wed, great Dragon, I am Atem. You may use my name.” “My true name is Yugi. Only you are allowed to use it, Atem. Come, my treasure, let us be wed.”
Atem breathed deeply as he drew the sheer cloak about him. The red sheer cloak had been one of his promised wedding gifts. While it seemed light, Yugi had promised it was stronger than any weapon. He had boasted the cloth was woven from shavings of his scales. A rumble of thunder made the Pharaoh glance up. The serpentine red and black form wove through the clouds. Yugi was breath taking as he flew through the sky. His true form was enormous, and the god kept some part of his dragon body over the palace.
  “Perhaps my union with Slifer will not be so bad. He is rather beautiful in either form. It is a wild sort of beauty.” The Pharaoh mused. “Will he be as gentle as he was earlier?” Atem thought aloud, his face flushing softly. He was nervous about what Yugi would expect when he entered his-their room. Would the great dragon demand his virtue and the consummation of their marriage? Or would he be content to rest beside the Pharaoh until he was ready to give it freely?
 He turned away as the rain grew stronger, making his way to his bed. Atem loved this bed. It was the one thing his ancestors hadn’t taken to their tomb. It was a family tradition for the Pharaohs to sleep in this spacious bed; for their children to be conceived and born in it. At least, it was until him. Atem would be the last Pharaoh conceived and born on this bed. Perhaps Slifer knew of a way to conceive a child between two males?
  He ran his fingers over the cream linen bedding. It was soft under his fingers, reassuring him. Things would turn out right in the end. Atem knew it in his heart. He curled into a ball on the bed, smiling, and allowed the rains his divine spouse brought to sing him to sleep. Sometime later, Yugi landed on the balcony as he transformed back into his human form. His eyes were focused only on the form on the bed.
  Yugi slid his soaked robe from his shoulders, along with his equally wet tunic and shenti. He grinned as he found his husband’s clothing. The dragon plucked a dry shenti from the chest, wrapped it around himself, and climbed onto the bed. He wormed his way under the cloak, his inner warmth creating a cozy cocoon. Atem uncurled slightly, and cuddled into Yugi’s embrace.
  He watched the Pharaoh sleep. It was wonderful to finally have someone to love in his arms. He wasn’t alone anymore; would never be alone anymore. His gamble had paid off. Yugi could feel Atem’s heart beat against his own as they synchronized. He hadn’t had the time to tell the other what exactly the role of spouse to one of his kind would mean. He would. Atem had the right to know why he would be glued to him. Why he would growl at any one who comes too close.
  Atem was his greatest treasure, his spouse, his mate. Speaking of the Pharaoh, he shifted slightly, blinking blurry crimson eyes at him. Yugi ran his fingers through the lion like mane of red and blond. The god-dragon was happy. For the first time in his life he was happy. This human ruler made him happy, and he could hear it. Yugi’s body vibrated with the rumbling purr of his dragon self he never let go of. The Pharaoh woke more and watched him in wonder.
  He stiffened as the dragon crawled on top of him. Yugi placed his head on one perfectly rounded shoulder. His palm slipped down the top of Atem’s crisp shenti, fingers dancing lovingly over the skin of his hip. The divine dragon never went any lower, or made any move toward his manhood. “It is fine, my treasure. I will never do anything against your will. I merely wish to touch your skin. I have so much I need to tell you. I may be a divine dragon, but I am a dragon all the same. There are things you need to be aware of.
  “During our first moon cycle together, I will need to be at your side constantly. Dragons are overprotective of what they know and feel is theirs. I will hiss and be aggressive towards anyone I feel threatened by. You are my spouse, and my mate. A dragon only has one mate, and our mates are allowed no other. As the cycle goes on, my instincts will calm. I will be more able to tell a potential rival from friend and family. My kind are also rather territorial, so no one can enter our room anymore.” Atem slipped an arm shakily around Yugi’s waist. The dragon sighed in bliss above him.
  “I understand. I was planning on marrying only once.” Atem replied as he gained a little more confidence in the god-dragon’s presence. “Is there some way to conceive a child? Surely with your powerful magic we could?” Yugi chuckled, placing a kiss on the skin of his shoulder.
  “Yes. After we have been together for some time, typically a year, I will be able to merge our energies to create our own hatchling. Our young will be brought into the world from a dragon egg. We will have to hold the egg constantly. When you have our young’s egg, it will need to be wrapped to keep it warm enough.” The Pharaoh breathed a sigh of relief. “Atem, later this day, will you give me a tour of our home?”
  “Of course. We should rise and dress. I have to assure my people that I am fine, and deliver the news. Would you like to be presented to them as the god-dragon and my royal consort?”
  “I would. Must we rise so soon, my treasure? I want to lay with you for a while longer. Being with you like this makes me so happy, Atem. I feared I would be alone forever. Thank you for accepting my hand.” Atem moved his arm, so that his palm slid over the other’s spine.
  “Perhaps we could lay here a little longer. I find I am rather comfortable.” Yugi kissed his skin again, before pressing an adoring kiss into his cheek. He smiled so happily at Atem. The Pharaoh’s breath caught softly in his throat. He shifted the dragon up higher on his body, so that their heads were level. He was quickly coming to love gazing into the other’s eyes. “If I slip into sleep again, would you join me?”
  “Certainly. I cannot meet my future subjects while I am still weary from bringing the rains. Rest with me, Atem.” The pair fell back asleep to the sound of the rain as it lightened.
  Yugi walked confidently at his husband’s side. His arm was curled around Atem’s, their hands clasped together. They were dressed similarly. Both wore white tunics and shentis, plain beaten gold belts were around their waists. A red cloak flowed from Yugi’s shoulders, while a cloak of royal violet fell from Atem’s. Beaten gold bracers, armlets, and anklets decorated his body as well as the winged crown on his head. Yugi had the same jewelry, save he wore no crown, but a beaded collar of topaz and ruby.
  “My treasure, I have had a thought.” The ruler turned to his divine spouse. He motioned for the other to continue. “Wherever shall I sit in your courtroom?”
  “I do not know, but you would be a welcome addition to my throne. You may sit on an arm.”
  “May I sit in your lap instead?” Yugi asked with mischief in his eyes. Atem flushed slightly, and the dragon would have missed it, if not for his supernatural eyesight. The divine chuckled as they walked. He moved his arm, wrapping it and his other around Atem’s. The god-dragon laid his head on the Pharaoh’s shoulder. He sighed softly in blissful contentment. At least, until the musky scent of a magician reached his nose.
  A rather tall man was walking toward them. Atem’s face lit up in happy familiarity. Yugi didn’t like it. This man was familiar to his mate. Why could he make the ruler smile so? What right did he have to make those beautifully tempting lips lift so? A low hiss, that slowly grew in volume to a growl, filled the hall. Atem flung his arm out quickly, the mage stopping an acceptable distance away. The magician’s aqua eyes darted to the form at his Pharaoh’s side. He tilted his head, glancing into his beloved friend’s eyes.
  “Peace, Mahado. If you would meet us in the courtroom, my friend, all shall be explained there. Please inform the others that they need to be at a proper distance from my throne.” Atem glanced at his divine spouse. He winced as the other’s nails elongated, accidentally cutting into his skin, but not drawing blood. His eyes widened as he saw the long scarlet red tail trailing behind the other. It trailed behind Yugi for a good three or so feet, the end a prong of three appendages. They were feathery looking, unlike the hardened scale look of his full dragon form. The shape was not unlike the leaves of the large palm trees in his garden.
  “What?” Yugi asked as he calmed. His eyes followed his husband’s, catching sight of his most embarrassing feature. His tail. The god-dragon flushed darkly, trying to pull his tail back into his human body. He was still upset, and that made it nearly impossible. “Please, stop looking at it.” He whispered pleadingly. He looked around. The magician must have slipped away as his mate made to calm him.
  “Forgive me. I did not mean to offend you, Yugi.” Atem replied as he tore his gaze from the tail. He couldn’t understand why the divine wouldn’t want him looking. He was rather fascinated by the appendage and longed to touch the prongs to see if they were as soft as they looked.
  “Oh, no! You did not offend me, Atem. It is just that my tail does not look the same as my true form, and it is rather embarrassing.”
  “I like it.” Atem murmured softly. Yugi started as he gazed into the ruler’s eyes. His flushed face darkened even farther as he tried to hide himself from the other’s sight. The Pharaoh chuckled softly, took a deep calming breath, then pressed an uncertain kiss into the god-dragon’s hair. Yugi’s rumbling purr began instantly. Atem smiled to himself. He had calmed the great dragon!
  “You can hold it when we sit, as an apology for hurting you. If it is you, my treasure, I do not think I would be as embarrassed to have my tail out.”
  The Pharaoh raised an eyebrow as his court looked at him, and more particularly the being in his lap. Yugi straddled his lap, his tail curled around one of the ruler’s arms. The minute the appendage had curled about his right arm, the god-dragon melted bonelessly onto his lap. Atem cared not what his court thought. He was becoming rather fond of the purr vibrating the other’s chest pleasantly against his own.
  The divine cuddled closer, pushing his face into the crook of the other’s neck. Atem smiled as he rubbed the dragon’s tail softly. His gentle gesture was rewarded with a lazy nuzzle. He wished he could openly wonder at the soft downy feathers covering the appendage. As it stood, he couldn’t. Here, he had to act every bit the Pharaoh his father had raised him to be.
  “I have an announcement to make. Our great god-dragon, Slifer, has heard my prayer, and answered by bringing the rains. He asked for one thing in return; my hand in marriage. The being in my lap is our beloved sky dragon, and we have already been wed. Please prepare for the official announcement to the people.” Yugi quickly turned his head toward a female mage. He could smell the scent of herbs on her, so she had to be a healer. She was far too close.
  “HE IS MY MATE! STAY AWAY FROM MY MATE!” The dragon’s voice turned into a thunderous roar as he leapt from the ruler’s lap. The human form shifted, and the divine’s true form filled the courtroom. There was chaos as the court raced to escape the room. Atem pushed Isis, his palace healer, out of the room for her own safety. He thanked the other gods that he had been so quick.
  “Yugi, come to me.” Atem called as calmly as he could. The massive scarlet head turned to him. A rumbling purr filled the room. The Pharaoh smiled as he knelt down. He patted his folded knees. The dragon lowered his head, the larger of his mouths opening. A long pink tongue licked the ruler’s cheek. The large god-dragon laid down on the floor, head propped on Atem’s knees.
  There was something mystical about the ease the Pharaoh had. He smoothed his hand over the scarlet scales. Bright yellow eyes watched his every move. Atem leaned forward, draping his upper body over the god-dragon’s snout. He hummed in response to the dragon’s purr. His eyes slid shut, as something awoke inside him.
  His father once spoke of an inner divinity in each Pharaoh. He had explained to an enthralled Atem that each Pharaoh were divine in their own ways. This couldn’t be that, but what was it? It seemed so similar, almost like the thrum of magic that had surrounded him as he spoke his vows to Slifer. It stemmed from an aching loneliness he had never noticed or really felt before. Slifer mewled at him softly as his hands wondered over his scaled face. Atem threw his head back and moaned.
  This was spiritual, but it felt as intimate as going to the marshlands with the great dragon. The divine pushed into him gently.  He fell back onto the stone floor. He moaned softly as the chill seeped into his body. Yugi was above him, just as dazed as he was. “What is this?” The Pharaoh asked breathlessly. He moaned loudly as some power crested within him, back arching up into the other’s form.
  “Ma’at’s blessing on our union.” The divine answered just as breathless. “I need you.”
  “Take me back to our room. I need you too.” Atem panted out between more moans and soft little mewls of pleasure. Yugi swept him into his arms, cradling him close. Boldly the ruler trailed shy kisses over the god-dragon’s neck and shoulder. Scarlet wings burst from the divine’s back. The Pharaoh was amazed as he took in the large appendages. With a flap of the strong wings, the pair were air borne. The dragon flew out into the hall and exited through a high window. The flight to their room was quick.
  Yugi eagerly tossed the Pharaoh on their bed. He crawled onto the mattress, capturing merlot eyes with heated violet. The god-dragon unclasped his belt, dropping it, then his bracers and anklets to the floor. The collar of topaz and ruby was removed with the utmost care, and laid on a nearby daybed. The cloak fluttered to the floor, followed by the rest of the divine’s clothing. He said nothing about Atem’s wondering gaze, or the darkening of his face.
  The dragon came over to him. He tugged gently at the ruler’s own clothing. When the other made no move to stop him, Yugi began undressing his mate. His crown was tangled in his bangs, and the god-dragon untangled it with care. It ended up on the same daybed as the other’s collar. Atem’s jewelry landed on the floor, along with his cloak. Slowly, the dragon slid his tunic up. The Pharaoh lifted his arms, helping remove the cloth. Violet eyes glanced at him as they searched his face. He relaxed his body as the divine unwrapped his shenti.
  A satisfied growl left Yugi as he took in his mate. His hands slid soothingly over the other’s sides before moving to stroke his strong thighs. He barely kept his instincts to spread his mate open and claim him at bay. He needed to fill the ruler with his seed, his claim, and bind them forever more with his magic. Barely visible wisps of scarlet smoke bled from the dragon’s skin. They caressed Atem, curling around him, and searching for a way into him.
  Atem was flustered where he lay, submissive to the divine above him. He wasn’t nervous about consummating their union any more, but was he pleasing to the god-dragon’s eyes? Whatever Ma’at’s blessing had awoken inside him called to the other. He needed to feel Yugi within him. Violet eyes found his again, pinning them as warm palms cupped the back of his knees. The divine spread them slowly before positioning the ruler’s lower half in his lap.
  “Atem, may I?” The Pharaoh nodded, not trusting himself with words. “Say it. I cannot go to the marshlands with you unless you say it aloud. May I become one with you, my beautiful husband?”
  “Yes.” Came the barely audible reply. The dragon captured his lips in a kiss. The ruler sighed blissfully into it. He slid his hands up the other’s arms, over his shoulders, and tangled his fingers into the divine’s hair. It flowed like silk from the Far East through his slender fingers. Yugi pulled away slowly, and moved to trail kisses down his mate’s throat. Atem shifted. A gasp of unexpected pleasure left him as his manhood brushed against the god-dragon’s.
  “Easy, treasure. One wrong move and I could hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Let me prepare your body for me?” Warm loving palms rubbed across his belly in small circles. Atem smiled.
  “Please be gentle with me. My tutors made sure I knew all the ways one could…hunt in the marshlands, but I have never gone to them with someone else before.”
  “I shall be as gentle as I can be.” The divine returned to pressing kisses into the other’s skin. With a wave of his hand, a little clay bowl appeared by the ruler’s hip. The divine lazily swirled a finger in the clear watery like fluid. “Try not to tense your body as I prepare you, Atem. Just trust me not to harm you and relax in my arms.” The finger disappeared from the Pharaoh’s view.
  He gasped softly as the digit, now wet and slightly chilled, pressed into him. Atem wanted to tense, wanted to fight the intruding force, but he willed himself to relax. His husband would not harm him. Yugi pressed a little harder; his finger slid into his mate. He murmured soft nothings to the ruler as he moved in and out, rubbing lubricant on his inner walls. He watched with wonder as the Pharaoh shivered when he added another lubed finger. He built the pleasure for his husband as he prepared him in a relaxed, loving pace.
  “Atem, are you ready for me? Can I claim you as mine and mine alone?” The ruler looked at the divine. His heart melted a little. The god-dragon was giving him a chance to change his mind. He wanted this marriage. He wanted the dragon. He wanted to belong with the divine. Atem lifted his arms, shyly mumbling his answer. “Mine!”
  Yugi slid into his mortal husband with little resistance. He intertwined their bodies flawlessly as he completely filled the other. The Pharaoh groaned softly below him. The dragon froze as he was completely enveloped by the other’s body. Atem reached up, entangling his fingers in the silky hair. Yugi relaxed as he lowered himself. His mate kissed him softly.
  “Are you alright, treasure?” He asked. Yugi stroked the side of his mate’s face.
  “It feels so strange to have you inside me, but I am fine. Am I …Am I too tight?”
  “No, my beautiful mate. You are perfect. I’m going to move.” The dragon withdrew slightly. He started with a shallow, slow pace. A purr left him as the ruler started to fall into the rhythm with him. The dragon’s magic caressed his mate as incoherent sounds left the other. Atem tired of their pace after some time. He tried to move a little faster.
  “F-F-Faster, Yugi!” Atem managed to get out. The dragon did as bid, building the pace slowly. The Pharaoh’s hands wondered over the other, gentle fingers finding the slits in his skin. He softly ran his hands over the slits, making Yugi shiver and growl above him. The growl was the only warning Atem received as the divine sat up, bringing the ruler with him. He slid deeper into his mate; the other moaned wantonly.
  “Arms around my neck.” Yugi commanded. Atem complied quickly. Steel like hands clamped around his hips, lifting his body effortlessly. The Pharaoh screamed in pleasure as those hands slammed him back down on his husband. His back bowed, throwing his head back. The divine had lost it. He gave into his instincts as the fingers found their way back to his wing slits. His mate made no noise other than the constant string of moans as he was forced into total submission via intense pleasure. The dragon winced as the other let out an ear piercing scream. “Found it.”
  “Yu-Yugi!” His poor mortal husband moaned out as he tried to keep pace.
  “I know, treasure, I know. Help me get us to the peak of our pleasure.” Unsure, but willing lips met the dragon’s. Atem rode the constant barrage on his body until white hot euphoria stole his sight. He felt more than saw his seed escape his body to cover the god-dragon’s skin. Yugi clutched him closer as the divine coated his core with his claim. His husband’s essence was warm inside the most intimate part of his body.
  The Pharaoh’s body quivered as the other stroked his back gently. Purrs of contentment made the divine’s chest vibrate pleasantly against his. Pale fingers danced soothingly over his skin as Yugi held him in his lap. Atem shifted minutely. He gasped softly as he felt the other’s manhood still hard within him. He made to move, but hands tightened around his hips.
  “Sh. You are the greatest treasure any dragon could ask for, Atem. Our coupling has caused me to knot with you!” Adoring butterfly kisses were placed on his face and neck. Atem sighed, resigning to having his divine husband inside him a little longer. “I have taken lovers before, but not a single one were worthy of knotting. It seems only fitting that I knot with you, my beloved husband.”
  “I am honored.” Atem mumbled sleepily. He felt pride well up inside him. He had done what no other being ever had. He was the only one to have the great god-dragon’s knot attached to him and his seed within his body. The ruler hummed. The sated, happy sound was music to Yugi’s ears.
  “Rest, Mate.” He spoke softly as he pressed a kiss into Atem’s hair.
  Atem woke surrounded by warmth. It was far too warm, but he cared not. One crimson eye cracked open. Yugi’s true dragon form was curled around him. The divine was no longer connected to him, but coils of his body were entangled with the ruler’s lower half. The dragon form was smaller than the other times he had been in it. The Pharaoh hummed softly as he reached to bring the divine’s head closer to him. A bright yellow eye opened.
  Slifer shifted, placing his head in the mortal’s arms. The ruler stroked the scarlet scales lovingly. He gasped as the dragon’s scales moved over his still bare skin. The coils squeezed him gently. A noise similar to the chuffle of an exotic tiger left the divine. A snout nuzzled into the Pharaoh’s belly affectionately. The mortal flushed as the divine glanced up.
  It has been some time since we hunted together in the marshlands, and you are still so sensitive. How are you feeling? Are you sore?
  “My body is sore, but the aches are not as painful as I thought they would be.” Atem replied as his hand smoothed over the coil of scales around his hips.
 I massaged your body after my knot receded, so you would not hurt so. The heat my body naturally generates helped soothe your muscles too. The Pharaoh cooed, trying to curl around his divine husband’s head. He frowned when the coils of scales tightened. Move slowly, my treasure. I do not want you to hurt yourself from moving too fast too soon. Perhaps I could persuade you into the bath soon?
  “How soon?” Atem asked as he slowly curled around the divine. He cradled Slifer’s head closer to him.
  Very. Your guards are rather anxious to storm into our den. I believe they think I have harmed you. Now, shall I take you to our bathing chamber?
  “If you must, my husband. Will you join me?” The Pharaoh rose carefully, somehow untangling his body from the serpentine one on the bed. The dragon followed him through a hidden doorway. The royal bath was an open room, sheer linen of crisp sand color billowing in the breeze. Storm winds filled the space, cooling the over hearted stones. Slifer slipped into the bath, morphing effortlessly back into his human form. Atem climbed in after him.
  Yugi wrapped his arms around his mate, catching his scent on the other. A growl of possession left him in a low hum. His hands rubbed the ruler’s hips, carefully gentle in their movement. The Pharaoh laid back, head resting on the basin’s edge. He let the other bathe him. The ruler relaxed even more with each caring touch.
  “Brother? Brother, we’ve come to bring fresh flowers.” A female voice from their bedroom made the god-dragon start.
  “My half-sisters. They are younger than I, and are the palace flower girls. I forgot they would come today. Please, do not harm them!” Violet eyes glanced at him. The dragon huffed, but was docile at his side. “Thank you, Yugi.”
  “They are family?” He asked softly. Atem pulled him into his arms.
  “Yes.” The Pharaoh smiled. “Beloved One, Joyful One, please wait a moment more. I shall be out of the bath shortly. I wish for you to meet my husband.” A woman head’s appeared around the entrance. Mahogany red hair flowed around her face in untamed curls. Dark brown eyes glittered happily as she nodded. Yugi tilted his head as she disappeared.
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glitterisevil-blog · 7 years
Regrets, I Have a Few....
Feeling unsettled about your completely transformed life with your newborn? Wishing that you could wave a magic wand and just go back to the way things were? You could be suffering from WHID Syndrome.
Which of course, is a completely fictional, unrecognised condition - but as everyone seems way more comfortable if a new mum’s feelings can be labelled as something, then let’s call it WHID or What Have I Done Syndrome for now.
Throughout pregnancy I was told countless times about this overwhelming rush of love that I would feel upon meeting my new baby. By the time my due date was approaching, I’d imagined what this amazing rush would be like. I suspected that if it didn’t arrive the second he was born, then it would catch me up later. I’d be doing something fairly mundane like hanging out washing, or perusing varieties of digestive biscuits in Tesco when all of a sudden this luminescent, ethereal figure would descend from the sky, sprinkle me with magical dust and I’d get this amazing glowing feeling that would leave me tingling from head to toe. Once I’d been sprinkled, I’d know I’d felt “it” for sure and I would never see, hear or feel things in the same way ever again. I would then spend the next few years floating around in this loved up, post-partum haze of joy.
And then he arrived. Ta-daaaa! And all I felt was knackered, emotionally hollow, and like someone had punched me in the fanny whilst wearing a knuckle-duster.
But I wasn’t too concerned about the absence of the love dust at first. It’ll all come after you’ve had a bit of sleep, they assured me. So I slept….nope, still nothing. Sore fanny – check.  Knackered – check. Emotionally hollow – check. And that was it.
For the next few days I just stared with bewilderment at this tiny human who I suddenly found myself sharing my life and my boobs with, feeling a steadily growing, rather uncomfortable mixture of resentment, regret and…well, just nothing much else really. Where was this massive thunderbolt that was supposed to happen? Wasn’t this thunderbolt/magic dust/rush of love the only thing that would help me get through the trauma and the sleep deprivation and all the crying? Why had Mother Nature fucked up my order?
I turned to my trusted pal Google for some answers, creating a browsing history that would surely have seen me on Trafford Social Services watch list had it fallen into the wrong hands;
Not bonding with newborn
Don’t feel love for new baby
Hate new baby
Missing old life post-baby
Regretting having baby
British Airways flights to New York (yes really – at 3 am one morning, I contemplated a flit to another country as an actual feasible solution to all of this!)
A trusty internet search engine can normally solve most modern day problems, from what the fuck “on fleek” actually means, to how to cook the perfect Beef Wellington. However on this occasion it just wasn’t coming up with the goods. Nobody else seemed to be in the same place as me, feeling vast amounts of nothingness, mourning a life left behind and just generally feeling, well, a bit sad.  
Everybody else on the internet was either having very serious feelings on a clinical scale, or else they were more loved up than Hacienda-goers circa 1992. Why was there no middle ground?
Let’s start first with those happy, loved up baby-bearers. Social media was full of friends, acquaintances and celebrities who’d had babies around the same time as me, but nobody seemed to be finding it that hard to adjust. In stark contrast, the rest of the childbearing world seemed to be cracking on very nicely with new parenthood thank you very much. I trawled through all the Instagram pics of smiling mums in fresh pyjamas, clutching their new additions with grins as wide as their c-section scars. Every hashtag compounded the fact that I was clearly just crap. Each #Blessed felt like a smack in the face. My hashtag would’ve said #thisisfuckingshit
Then there were the people who were at the other end of the spectrum. I read article after article about that condition that I might’ve had but dare not speak its name in case it came true. It was like Candyman – if I said Post Natal Depression out loud then it might just appear. Did I have PND? I didn’t think so, but I wasn’t deliriously happy about the arrival of my baby, so surely I fell into this category? Did I have to pick a side? After a week of going through symptom checklists I eventually came to the conclusion that I probably didn’t have it for a variety of reasons. And so I continued, and just got up each day, cared for my baby in a functional way, but felt no connection whatsoever with him because I just wanted my old life back.
I was one of the lucky ones, I was reminded. I’d had a textbook birth, which resulted in a beautiful happy healthy baby boy, I should be happy. I should be grateful. Didn’t I know about all the people who longed to have what I’m so nonchalant about? Of course, I knew this was true, but it still left me unable to explain why I felt so empty about everything. The only answers I could find lay in chat room discussions at ridiculous hours of the morning, because let’s face it – 4am is the witching hour of the new parent! I discovered a myriad of mummies (and a few dads as well) who were speaking out about how they felt about the arrival of their new baby and – just like me – they weren’t particularly over the moon about the disruption, the chaos or the sleep deprivation that had been thrust upon them. One mum wrote something like “We planned our baby, she is well cared for and loved but I wasn’t prepared for how much she would dominate our lives. I continually find myself missing how things used to be and feeling I’ve made a huge mistake that can’t be undone now.” Another lady described it as all the pieces of her life being thrown up in the air and falling back down in a random mess that she just didn’t recognise.
Yes, I thought! This is me, and exactly how I feel! As I read further, more and more people were saying the same thing. Once someone started off sharing, it gave courage to all the others that were previously afraid to speak. Here we all were at 4am - Selfish Arseholes Anonymous. One mum of a three week old baby owned up to having a packed suitcase full of essentials in her car boot, ready for the day when it all got too much. 
But just like my unbooked flight to New York, she never quite made it either. Once the murky mists of sleep deprivation had passed, and once the 4am outpourings had been shared we all had one thing in common; we all got up in the morning and carried on. We fed, we changed nappies, and we tried to do our best to keep our new hatchlings alive and well for another day. And whilst we did it we probably cried a bit, or shouted at our partners, or possibly even both because deep down we were wishing we could just go out for a spontaneous run, or nip to the pub, or sit down and watch TV for half an hour completely uninterrupted, and have a brew that we actually manage to drink before it goes cold. I’m fairly sure that nobody ever stares at a shitty nappy thinking they’ve totally won at life. No, we actually feel a bit pissed off and a bit sad that this is our life now for the next few years at least. And actually – what I wish someone had told me is this: It’s OK to feel a bit sad because sometimes, being a parent IS a bit crap and life pre-baby WAS probably much easier!
So if you’re reading this at 4am, staring at your baby and feeling shit that you’re not in the New Mummy Delight Club, and worrying that you might have PND because of this then relax – embrace the diagnosis of WHID Syndrome and be assured that there are some easy ways to treat it:-  
1.       Firstly, accept that it’s pretty normal and that you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. It doesn’t make you ungrateful or a bad person for lamenting over your old life. Your old life was probably a pretty great one involving gin, a disposable income and being able to go for a shit in peace. Well who wouldn’t miss that?!
2.       Keep the channels of communication open with your midwife, your health visitor and your partner/friends/family. Contrary to popular belief, health professionals don’t have social services on speed dial, on standby to whip your baby off you the minute you admit you’re not loving life. They actually recognise that this upheaval is pretty normal. If they (or you) spot anything that just might be PND then they will be able to support you. Similarly your partner or friends might actually be relieved to hear you say “Christ this is grim” and then everyone can drop the façade that becoming a new parent is all just snuggling your baby and eating lemon drizzle cake all day, because it’s actually fucking hard!
3.       Disregard all social media posts that depict the perfect life and the wonders of being a parent. It’s not reality and serves only to make you feel as though you’re doing it all wrong. In the same way that nobody’s Facebook profile picture is ever a photo of them hungover, vomiting into the cat litter tray with their Disney pyjamas on, nobody is going to show the gritty, shitty side of new motherhood which usually involve eye bags you could use for your entire Aldi shop, and the toilet bowl looking like a scene from Hostel every time you attempt a poo. It’s all bollocks, and in the words of Public Enemy “Don’t Believe the Hype”
4.       Do what makes YOU feel normal and ignore the Should Sharks. You know the ones who say things like “Oh, you should go to Baby Massage and get out the house because you need fresh air really” or “Going back to the gym so soon? You really should rest you know, because new mums shouldn’t exercise so soon…blah blah fucking blah!” So go to baby massage, or don’t. Go to the gym, or don’t. Abseil from a building dressed as Batman, or don’t. Stay holed up at home, or go out and paint the town – just find your normal, whatever that happens to be.
I got through the worst of my WHID Syndrome by having frank and open chats with my Health Visitor, staying off Instagram for a bit, and establishing a near-sexual relationship with white chocolate Magnums that lasted most of summer. I’ll never be completely cured though, as WHID is recognised as a chronic condition that will probably stay with you until the day you wave your baby off to Uni and turn his room into a walk-in wardrobe. I’m afraid to say that symptoms can only be managed and not completely eradicated. Things that are known to cause the odd flare up are:
-          Those rare English sunny hot days, which result in the temptation to sit in beer gardens and drink Corona all day rather than breastfeed/be responsible for a child
-          Indie bands from your youth getting their act together for a comeback gig that’s not in your hometown but technically still near enough for you to attend. If you could stay away for the whole night, obviously. Or get really pissed on Red Stripe. Or were able to do Britpop-style bouncing up and down without your uterus falling out in the middle of Leeds Academy.
-          Awareness of purchases that would have once been doable. Admittedly extravagant purchases that would’ve meant beans on toast for dinner until the next payday, but still doable. Sort of. But on maternity pay? Massive LOLZ!!
So when an attack of WHID strikes, allow yourself a bit of wallowing time (anything from an hour to a day is OK, any more than that and you might want to have a chat with your Health Visitor ) and then I’m afraid you’ll just have to suck it up buttercup. That Corona isn’t going to be sipped in the sunshine, that designer bag isn’t coming to live with you, and you might just have to download the band’s latest album on iTunes. Your time will come again, but those things aren’t gonna happen for you right at this moment. You have a far greater and more important task to focus on, and you’re the centre of that little person’s universe. That’s feeling has got to taste better than warm Red Stripe!  
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epag88 · 7 years
Dragon Treasure Chapter: 9
Summary:  Hiccup is just a little seven year old boy running away from his father’s disappointment and meets a new friend hiding in the woods. Stoick is about to learn that one man’s burden is another man’s treasure. 
Hiccup sat anxiously in his bed. He felt like he had been waiting for this moment for what felt like eternity for this moment. Looking at the woman in anticipation he tried very hard to wait patiently for her answer. The healer gave him one last skeptical look before making her decision.
"Alright lad, I declare a clean bill of health for ya," she said casually.
"Does that mean I can go now?" the boy asked excitedly.
Eira nodded with a smirk and watched in amusement as the little boy ripped the blankets off and shot out of the bed.
"FREEDOM!" the child cheered as he barrelled out of the hut.
Many Vikings had to jump out of Hiccup's way to avoid being plowed by him followed casually by a Night Fury shaking his head at the boy's antics. Hiccup didn't know what he wanted to do first. He was just so happy to not be in a bed anymore that he was beside himself with his new found freedom.
"Hiccup, over here," a voice called and the little boy and the dragon both looked up to see Astrid with some other children.
Astrid heard Hiccup was 'getting out' today and decided to gather some of the other children from the tribe to celebrate. As the human and the dragon approached the group however the children became a little hesitant.
"Hey guys…what's wrong?" Hiccup asked confused by their behaviour.
Toothless was amused by how naive his hatchling could be. Of course the children were skittish around him after all he was the unbeatable, never before seen Night Fury.
"Wow, I had an idea of what a Night Fury looked like but it was never like this," a taller chubby boy said in awe of the dragon and unconsciously stroking the beast's over fed ego.
"How'd you do it Hiccup?" another boy asked with messy black hair.
"I bet he farts lightening since he's the unholy offspring of it and all," the scrawny boy with blond hair said in a matter of fact tone.
"They probably smell like death to," the girl beside him that had a very similar appearance to the other boy piped in and the strange pair laughed at their own joke.
Hiccup giggled nervously as he looked over his shoulder at the Night Fury who did not look in the least bit amused.
'I do NOT have lightening farts that smell like death' the dragon growled.
"Man you guys are excited all of a sudden," Hiccup replied to them.
"Well it's not every day a guy tames a Night Fury Hiccup. So how did you do it?" the black haired boy asked again more persistently.
Toothless growled at the child for even thinking that he was tamed like some kind of house pet if anything the boy belonged to him.
"Snotlout I didn't tame him. Toothless is my friend and he can come and go as he pleases," Hiccup defended his friend.
"Then why is everybody saying to be extra nice to you so that the dragon doesn't eat us," the chubby boy asked reluctantly as if he was afraid Hiccup would actually do it.
The little boy was shocked by what the other boy had said to him. Was everyone in the village only going to be nice to him now because of Toothless. Did that mean that these children really weren't his friends?
"It's cause everybody is scared. Nobody has ever seen a Night Fury and now there's one walking in our village freely. It's probably a little unnerving to the grownups but just because Hiccup is his treasure doesn't mean Toothless isn't a nice dragon. He just treats people the way they treat him. So if you're only here to ask stupid questions than scram," Astrid scolded the others not realizing the cat she had let out of the bag.
The atmosphere suddenly became very tense as the children suddenly felt very foolish for their behaviour and Hiccup let what he just heard sink in. Toothless wish he could have applauded the human girl for defending them when he looked over at his human and saw that he looked very distressed.
'Hiccup? What is wrong hatchling?' Toothless cooed as he nudged the boy's hand before the child looked at him with watery eyes.
"A treasure? Is that why you took care of me? You thought I was just something you could take and hide away," Hiccup asked the dragon who was surprised by the sudden change in the boy.
'No!...Well perhaps at first but that was not the plan' the Night Fury growled wishing more than ever that he could talk to his human.
"The whole time I was in the cave and you were keeping my dad away, it wasn't because you were protecting me as a friend…it was so you could keep me to yourself," Hiccup accused as more tears started forming.
'Hiccup, please don't cry I didn't mean to' Toothless purred trying to get the boy to understand as he nuzzled him but was disturbed to see him backing away.
"Are you even my friend?" the boy asked bluntly shocking them all before Hiccup took off leaving the stunned children behind.
'HIICCUP!' the beast roared but Astrid stopped him and he looked up at her desperately.
'What do I do?' Toothless pleaded to her.
"He's just upset. I'll talk to him when he calms down I promise…I'll fix this," Astrid said to the dragon who only nodded in reply.
"Astrid we-"
"Just go please," Astrid said cutting off Fish legs.
Toothless heard the other children walk away to go play. The distraught dragon stared at the ground until he heard a sniffling sound. He looked up to see Astrid with her hands covering her eyes and tears leaking through her fingers.
'Oh don't you start. Why are all the hatchlings crying today? What's wrong with you now?' the dragon thought as he nuzzled the girl.
"It's my fault, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a secret I thought he knew. I was trying to help I promise I was," the girl sobbed wrecked with guilt.
The dragon didn't know what to say to her to give her comfort. He knew she was trying to help but that didn't stop the six year old from feeling bad. Astrid slid to the ground as she cried and the dragon sat patiently beside her until her tears stopped and she leaned against him.
"Daddy was right. Girls are nothing but trouble," she mumbled.
'Your daddy is a twit' Toothless huffed in reply.
"Well it's about damn time ya learned," a slurred voice said and both looked up to see a man dishevelled brown hair and mud brown eyes to match.
The man who smelt awful in the dragon's opinion stumbled over and smirked at the distraught girl instead of asking her what was wrong. Before Toothless could stop him he reached out and grabbed Astrid by the arm, hoisting her to her feet.
"What did you do now useless girl?" he sneered at her.
"Daddy that hurts," the girl replied coldly.
'Leave her alone' Toothless hissed at the man.
"Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt your meal beast. My apologies," the man replied before throwing Astrid to the ground again.
Astrid fell with a hard thump and screamed as she landed earning the attention of a view Vikings that were rushing over to see what was going on.
'Stop that!' Toothless roared at him as he slowly approached the girl.
"Well what are you waiting for beast, go ahead and eat her. WHAT'S WR-"
The last thing the man saw before he lost consciousness was the surprised look of both Astrid and Toothless as well as his enraged wife holding a bloody mace. Kelda had officially had enough of this useless man. The only thing good she got out their arranged marriage was their daughter and she'd be dammed if that changed.
"Dragon," Kelda hissed at the Night Fury who was standing over her child sniffing her over.
"Lick even a sample of that child and your head will be beside his on my mantle," she threatened in a deadly calm voice as she pointed the bloody mace at him.
Toothless was taken back the woman and quickly nodded before taking a couple large steps away from Astrid making the girl giggle.
"I knew you were scared of my mom," she teased earning her a glare from the dragon.
"What is going on here?!" Stoick's voice boomed through the small crowd and quickly made his way to them.
"He tried to feed my daughter to the dragon. He's a traitor Stoick and I want him killed," Kelda demanded.
"Kelda, give me the mace. Ya need to calm down," Stoick said with his hands up to show he was not being hostile.
"Promise me something will be done Stoick. I did not ask to be married to that man but the child we created is my treasure. I will not let anyone hurt her as long as my heart beats so that means his must stop," the warrior woman insisted.
"Agreed Stoick, he is a traitor. We've had so few girls born to the tribe in the past few years that he's endangering the tribe by killing them off," a man called out and the crowd roared in agreement.
"Stoick, this isn't about a personal scuffle. Fact is he tried to kill his own kin and that's a traitor through and through. I know ya like your fair trials and all, but I think this is a no brainer," Gobber said to his friend who nodded in reply.
"Alright, I've decided. He'll be exiled, tied to a mass and shipped off so that the sea can have him. Then he can face Thor's judgement," Stoick declared raising his fist above his head and all the villagers followed suit cheering including Kelda raising the bloody mace to the sky.
Toothless hissed at the man's prone form as two large Vikings carried him off and the crowd dispersed. The dragon looked over at Astrid who still seemed to be upset by what happened and went over to the distraught child who was sitting with her legs drawn up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.
"Thanks," she said with a sad smile when she saw him sitting beside her and huffed in reply.
"Astrid, we're going home now," Kelda said gently picking up the girl minding whatever bruising that were going to form.
"Mama I pro-"
Astrid was cut off by Toothless grunting at her. She turned to look at him and he motioned for her to go home. They kept their eyes locked on each other as Astrid was carried by her mother but just before she was out of site he mouthed the words 'I'm sorry.'
Yes, Toothless still had another problem he had to fix and it wasn't even lunchtime yet. The dragon wondered where he was even going to start looking for his little friend when Stoick walked up to him.
"Now what to do with you," he said casually to the Night Fury who looked at him curiously.
"Damndest thing happened just an hour ago. Hiccup came up to me in tears saying you didn't want to be his friend," Stoick explained surprising the dragon.
"Turns out he found out he was your treasure and thought the worst from the stories I tell him about dragons….no offense," the man continued.
'None taken" the Night Fury grunted in reply.
"Found myself with two choices when he came to me. Tell him treasure was all he was to ya and get my son back…or tell him the truth," Stoick said looking once more to the distraught dragon.
'What exactly was that?' the dragon wondered.
"Told him there different kinds of treasure. There's the literal jewels and gold and what have ya. Then there's another kind that's even more precious than money, and it's the kind you wait your whole life for. It's the love a parent has for their child, the joy of finding your soul mate that will be by your side in battle and in life, the loyalty that comes with having a beloved friend…or in your case the bond between brothers," Stoick told him.
Toothless couldn't believe what this human had done for him. He was going to take his child away and now here he was trying to save their friendship.
"He's in the cove. Make sure he's back by lunch," the chief stated before he got up and walked away from the Night Fury.
Hiccup had no idea how long he had been sitting there drawing with a stick but he was happy to have the spot to himself so he could think. He felt awful for what he said to Toothless and was afraid to face the dragon in case he really didn't want to be his friend now and he wouldn't blame him either. He was just doing the finishing touches on his Toothless drawing when he heard a grunt and turned his head slightly surprised to see the dragon behind him staring at the drawing.
As if he didn't hear the child the dragon ran off and Hiccup watched as he came back with a giant branch and started drawing all around him. The boy followed his every move until he finished his masterpiece and slowly got up to see the giant lines drawn in the dirt.
"Just so we're clear I do not look like that," Hiccup said assuming the dragon was trying to draw him.
As he continued to look at his friend's art, he suddenly got the urge to step in between the lines. He stopped when he heard Toothless growling and realized he stepped on one of the lines. After he quickly got off he suddenly began to smirk and put his foot back down on purpose to see the dragon's reaction and when he received another growl quickly took his foot off. He did this a few more times and giggled when the Night Fury started tapping his claws in irritation.
'You're lucky you're cute' Toothless thought and continued to watch the boy dance around his picture until Hiccup backed up into his chest.
He smiled down at the surprised green eyes staring back at him before he nuzzled the boy's cheek affectionately. To his relief Hiccup responded back by wrapping his arms around his neck and hiding his face against it.
'Come out come out wherever you are' Toothless purred to the child.
Slowly the tiny face made its appearance after a while and looked up to the smiling dragon and mumbled, "Sorry Toothless."
'I know. Me to little one' he replied as he wrapped his wings around them and stayed like that until Toothless remembered his hatchling needed to be fed when he heard his tummy rumble.
"Guess we better go back," Hiccup said stepping back.
Toothless nodded before he walked behind Hiccup and put his head between the boy's legs and lifted him up so he could slide onto his back. Hiccup yelped in surprise when he fell back on Toothless and then got excited when he saw the dragon spread his wings.
"Really?!" the boy squeaked.
'Oh ya' he grunted back with a smirk before they took off into the sky and flew back to Berk.
The chief was waiting for Hiccup's return when Gobber came running up to him as quickly as his prosthetic leg would carry him.
"Stoick, we need you to get to the docks there are boats coming our way. The flags have your family crest on them," the man explained quickly.
"Seriously, what is with this day and problems. It's like the universe knows Hiccup is out of bed," the man replied irritated as he followed his best friend.
When they got to the dock another Viking handed Stoick a telescope, so he could see these ships for himself. When he saw the crest, he pulled the telescope away from his eye looking as if he'd seen a ghost.
"It can't be."
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epag88 · 7 years
Dragon Treasure Chapter: 8
Summary:  Hiccup is just a little seven year old boy running away from his father’s disappointment and meets a new friend hiding in the woods. Stoick is about to learn that one man’s burden is another man’s treasure. 
"Stoick have you gone mad?!" one of the Vikings hollered in rage.
The rest of the village yelled in agreement as they all stood in the great hall to discuss the village's new guest. It didn't take long for word to spread that the chief was allowing a Night Fury to remain in their home and needless to say, they demanded answers.
"Everyone calm down please, I swear I have not gone mad. If ye let me ex-"
"Explain?! There's nothing to explain Stoick. The beast has claimed your son as it's treasure, send your useless brat away and the dragon will follow," an old smelly man known as Mildew spoke out cutting off Stoick.
"ENOUGH," the voice of Spitelout roared through the hall sending into a surprised silence.
"My brother has been chief for quite some time now and I'll be damned if he hasn't done a fine job of keeping us alive. Has he not?" Spitelout cried to the crowd who grumbled in agreement.
"This man would do the same for any one of your children so why are we not doing the same for him? If Stoick says the beast stays then he stays," he explained as he slapped a comforting hand on his older brother's shoulder.
"Mark my words this will be our downfall. What say you elder?" Mildew cried again desperate for someone to agree with him.
The elder in question was an old woman with silver pigtails falling from under her Viking hat. Despite her frail appearance the elder was still very much a fearsome Viking. She glared at Mildew in disapproval of his lack of compassion before turning to Stoick and smiled as she nodded her head.
"Thank you elder. The dragon is my responsibility and I will see to it nothing happens to the village," the chief said gratefully before bowing his head to her.
The old woman bowed her head in response with an emotion that read 'I know you will my boy'.
Hiccup was restless, he was a little boy stuck in bed with a cold and nothing to do. He was currently under the ever watchful eye of a certain Night Fury who had become very cautious of the sneaky child who had been caught several times getting out of bed.
"Toothless I'm bored and I feel better so why can't I get up?" Hiccup asked with a pout and crossed arms.
'Be patient little one. We can play when you are all better' Toothless purred as he nuzzled his little friend affectionately.
The dragon enjoyed these small moments when Hiccup would wrap his tiny arms around his neck and scratch behind his ears and under his chin. The child's scent would consume his senses as he purred into the little boy's soft baby hair.
"Should I come back?" a woman's voice said.
The pair turned to see the kind smile of Astrid's mother Kelda greeting them as she carried a basket in her hand.
"Dragon, think fast," Kelda said as she tossed a fish to Toothless which he quickly caught gratefully but was also surprised by the human's actions.
"You can thank my daughter for that kindness," she explained as she walked over to the sleeping girl to wake her up for her lunch.
'Thank you Astrid' he thought as he gobbled the fish happily.
Toothless admired the warrior woman as she gently woke up the little girl; she spoke softly as she sat Astrid up in her bed. The dragon had been observing the village while his human slept to busy himself. The difference between how the dragons and humans raised their hatchlings was staggering. It appeared in the human nests both parents cared for the young and took equal responsibility in protecting and teaching them. It also seemed that although women were indeed powerful and respected they were not equal to the men who appeared to have more respect and power then they did. To say the least when he found out his little human was a prince to a king and not a queen, he was surprised since in dragon tribes it is the queen that is all powerful for she is bringer of life. It also left the question, where was his human's mother?
He noticed that several women would come and care for the hatchling that smelt like mothers but none held the scent that they were his mother. It didn't take long to notice the look of longing on the boy's face when he watched Astrid be gently caressed by her mother but it quickly disappeared when Kelda brought the child his meal.
"Your father wanted me to tell you he will bring you your supper tonight lad. So long as the village gives him peace for a few hours he will sit with you for bedtime," she said happy to bring Hiccup good news when she saw his little face light up.
"Mama we're Vikings. It's amazing we even know the word peace," Astrid joked making the other two Vikings giggle.
"Now, now give our friend positive thoughts my star," she said to the little girl before walking back over and kissing her head.
Toothless grumbled at the thought of the loud human being there but avoided making his thoughts known for the sake of Hiccup's happiness. He had to admit though, he certainly respected the man more so than some other men of this tribe. No matter how exhausted he was, every night the man would enthral the children in great stories as they ate their meals. before he left, Stoick made sure both children were tucked in and wished happy dreams. It didn’t take the Night Fury long to realize Astrid was a rejected hatchling and that the chief was trying to fill an empty void left by another. While Stoick was remedying his own failed parenting with Hiccup, he was remedying another man's as well. Toothless couldn’t help the growl that escaped him as he once again heard the sad conversation between mother and daughter.
"Will my father come see me?" Astrid whispered hopeful.
The dragon hated seeing that look on the child's face when Kelda reluctantly shook her head no, it reminded him of his human when they first met. Ever the brave girl Astrid would quickly replace the disappointment with a smile for her mother as if it didn't bother her.
'Thor, I hope I don't start turning into a collector'
The dragon's thoughts were interrupted when he heard another presence enter the home and became disturbed to realize that once more he was alone with the two craziest women of Hiccup's tribe. The two Vikings smirked at the sight of the stiff dragon caught in torch light while the other two children giggled at the Night Fury's antics.
"You're not scared of them are you Toothless?" Hiccup asked his friend.
'Hush and eat your lunch' the dragon growled at the child as he gave him an annoyed look not wanting to answer the little boy.
"Alright beast you have two options. Stay in here with us or get out of my way so I can tend to the children," the healer said sternly.
Eira watched in amusement as she stepped aside casually so the feared Night Fury could make a hasty escape from the medicine woman.
"You might as well get some fresh air dragon. The children will be asleep all afternoon after I give them their medicine," Eira informed him and Toothless only nodded as he heard the groans of the two hatchlings.
"I don't want him to go," Hiccup said sadly making the dragon stop in his tracks right in between a rock and a hard place.
Daring to look over his shoulder he saw the big green adoring eyes almost hidden under the messy brown hair that belonged to the little human with crossed arms and a pout. The adorable sight made the dragon melt and he had to summon all his will power to resist it.
'Rest for now. I will return before you wake up so be good' Toothless cooed at his hatchling before he left to go hunt for some lunch of his own.
The Night Fury walked through the forest before he came across a deer and quickly pounced on the unsuspecting prey. As he enjoyed his prize he couldn't help but notice how odd it felt for him to be by himself. Although nothing about the forest or himself had changed physically, the feeling of not having Hiccup by his side disturbed him greatly. Suddenly the boy being out of sight terrified him and being alone in peace and quiet was unbearable without the child's laughter.
While deep in his thoughts the dragon didn't hear the approach of another of his kind until the Nightmare was within range. Toothless quickly shot his head in the dragon's direction before recognizing him from before.
'What are you doing here? I said no risks' Toothless scolded the other dragon.
'You said to return when I had word from the scouts and as long as the queen was unaware. Both were accomplished before my arrival' the Nightmare replied.
The Night Fury was surprised by this news but was even more shocked when a Nadder dropped down in front of him bowing her head respectfully.
'Night Fury, this is one of my scouts' the larger dragon explained.
'Greetings, it is a pleasure Night Fury. I wished to convey the news myself of that we have found assistance in our campaign to take down the mad queen,' the Nadder said.
'How many? Where were they all?' Toothless asked excited.
'Some were simply on nearby islands but as we travelled further we found others. Powerful others who wish for nothing more than to take down the queen on one condition,' the colourful dragon said.
'Which is?' the onyx dragon wondered almost fearful.
'Only for a home either here or on Dragon Island where they were born. They are misfits that were exiled by the queen for what she considered an unforgivable crime; sent away along with anyone that either supported or even uttered their name.'
Thinking for a moment Toothless thought back to when he was a hatchling and told stories no louder than a whisper of such misfits.
'Are you telling me you have found the true queen?!' the dragon gasped not sure if he should be excited or terrified when the Nadder nodded in response.
'She wishes to meet you Night Fury. She knows of your bravery against the queen and wishes to bestow her gratitude to you' the colourful dragon said when Toothless didn't respond.
'When? I cannot be gone long," Toothless replied.
'Not for some time my friend. Due to the condition of some of her people she travels slowly,' the Nightmare piped up confusing the Night Fury.
'Very well. Until than Nadder stay hidden for your safety, Nightmare will call for us both when our allies arrive. Continue to act as if nothing is abnormal around the mad queen. Now if you'll excuse me I have a promise to keep,' Tooth commanded.
The two other dragons bowed respectfully to their 'rebel leader' as he was dubbed amongst the dragons and flew off without a word.
Hiccup slowly opened his eyes feeling groggy from the effects of the medicine but quickly looked around and smiled when he saw what he was looking for. Toothless was currently jumping around the room trying to catch something. As the little boy sat up to see better he had to cover his mouth to stop the giggles that were trying to escape.
The fearsome Night Fury in question was chasing a light that was reflecting off Kelda's ax, her and Eira were standing off in the corner trying not to laugh at the frustrated dragon. The women had gotten bored waiting for the children to awaken and when Toothless came back they thought they would have a little fun.
'Mark my words I will catch you firefly from hel' Toothless growled at the speedy reflection.
Hiccup heard a psst sound beside him and looked over to see Astrid sitting up and whispered, "Watch this."
When Astrid caught her mother's attention and gave her a wink the woman smiled back and slowly led the 'firefly' over to the little girl's bed and let the light land in Astrid's open hands. When Toothless got closer to her the little girl snapped her hands shut and the mysterious light disappeared. The dragon sniffed her hands curiously before she opened them again and the light continued its flight around the room.
'You let it go' Toothless huffed at the child before he continued to follow it over to Hiccup's bed where it seemed to disappear under the boy's pajamas. The women all burst out laughing when they watched the Night Fury climb under Hiccup's blankets at the end of his bed and start sniffing out his prey.
When Stoick walked in he had to stop and take in the scene that was taking place in front of him. The Viking women were leaning on each other laughing hysterically in Hiccup's direction. The little boy was laughing as well while a lump wiggled under the child's blankets and a long black tail stuck out from the bottom of his son's bed.
"Do I even want to know?" Stoick asked surprising them all.
Immediately the lump under Hiccup's blankets became still and slowly the tail disappeared under the blankets and a big eyed dragon head popped out on the other end beside Hiccup. The dragon looked around confused before Kelda looked at him amused while reflecting the ax off the fire creating the light once more.
'This is why I'm single' he thought as he glared at the Viking woman after he realized he'd been chasing a light for two hours.
Stoick could only shake his head at the ridiculous sight of the irritated dragon cuddled under the blankets with his giggling son. He couldn't help the smile however when the little boy scratched the ferocious creature behind the ears and the dragon cuddled closer to the child affectionately. His tail appeared once more swishing in content.
"Must have been a puppy in another life," the Viking chief mumbled earning him a look from the dragon that clearly read 'I heard that.'
The man stared across the ocean lost in his thoughts of a time that seemed so very long ago, he was so distracted that he did not hear another presence approach.
'What has your mind so alive at this hour?' a woman's voice asked and the man turned around to see the figure of a familiar Night Fury.
"It's just that it's been so long and I fear what the future brings," the man replied.
'The future brings hope. Not just for us but for her as well,' the onyx dragon replied sympathetically.
"Yes, you are right…but I cannot help but wonder if he will truly accept us all back. I did not leave Berk on good terms and he was so young then," the man wondered sadly.
"Stoick is not the man his father was. Now enough with the 'what ifs' for tonight. To bed with you silly Viking," the dragon commanded gently with a smirk.
"As you wish my queen," the man replied with a smirk before setting off to rest for the night.
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