#thank you thalie!
maybepolly · 2 years
yumimei. i beg
a ship I hadn't even considered before you appeared and showed me the light
there's something so wonderful about someone like franziska, who used to have no patience for so-called "foolishness", eventually loving someone like seb, who grew up convinced of their own brilliance and stupidity on equal measure. i need to learn more to properly map their dynamics in my head, but so far they sound delightful!!
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commanderthalys · 3 months
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I had the pleasure of commissioning @spindlewit to draw my two babes ahhhh I love them so much!!!
213 notes · View notes
bisexualrapline · 1 year
this screenshot of his live joon posted on his ig story im gonna fucking lose it i just started crying at my desk
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295 notes · View notes
erikatsu · 11 months
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ᥫ᭡ SUMMARY: Life was a show, and you refused to make a final curtain call– that was until you met the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide and found yourself falling off a tightrope for him without a safety net to catch you at the bottom.
ᥫ᭡ PAIRING: Wriothesley x Fem!Reader
ᥫ᭡ WARNINGS: [N]sfw. Prn with plot. Reader is skeevy and manipulative and has a personality. Reader is half-Khaenri’ahn like Kaeya. No physical description minus the primo shaped pupil. There are two OCs. Propositioning. Virgin!Wriothesley implied. Oral (m!receiving). Unprotected sex. Somewhat explicit near the end. Let’s act like there is foreplay, the word count is already wild to me sorry. Implied creampie. selfship coded.
ᥫ᭡ WC: 7.7k
ᥫ᭡ NOTE: The OC Aurélie belongs to @dottores and the OC Thalie belongs to @neuvillettes . Thank you both for letting me bring them into this.
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── ❝ READ ‘EM AND WEEP, BOYS, ❞ you flaunted, showing your hand to the group you had been playing card games with for the past hour. “Haven’t you learned by now that you can’t beat me?”
Laverune and Cuistot both groaned, knowing that it was a losing battle. They always tried, but every time they lost 500 credit coupons– if not more– each. Though, they tended to not complain since they were in your pocket and they could easily make it back running errands for you. A card game or two wouldn’t set them back much anyway with all their hot gossip– some of which was fed to them by you. Whether the information you gave them was true or not, they always ate it up and would boast about it to anyone who will listen. 
In the Fortress of Meropide, it was pretty much every person for themselves. Some things like petty gossip, ways to get contraband, and wealth made you someone around here. The better the criminal, the higher on the underworld’s totem pole they’d be. You had no issue figuring this out, and you quickly climbed what little social ladder there was. You didn’t think it was hard, but then again not everyone had the same skill set as you. 
In all honesty, it was something worthy of even the Warden’s attention. 
You were an enigma to him. It wasn’t everyday that someone from the outside world came to the Fortress in a self-proclaimed exile, but he supposed that it did make sense given the nature of the place. Criminals came here to be reborn and start anew, so why couldn’t ordinary people? Although, ordinary is not how he would describe you. Your file– despite being very well put together– was full of false information from your date of birth to your legal name. He had his suspicions as to who you truly were thanks to his talks with Neuvillette and his sources in the overworld. With how quickly you worked your way up to the top of the food chain, he became more certain.
It wasn’t enough for the Fatui to begin bribing his gardes. Now, they were just waltzing into his fortress and doing as they pleased. He couldn’t complain too much though, you didn’t seem to be causing any trouble. Although there was one thing that did bother him, a lot more than it would others. He could not read you. Wriothesley, the Warden– or the Duke– of the Fortress of Meropide, prided himself on his ability to discern behavioral patterns in the criminals that came here. While you were seemingly carefree, you were too watchful. You had a flair for the dramatic, yet got serious about work. You never broke the rules, but you did push them with your snooping about. You walked a line he was not familiar with– one that teetered on edge normalcy and shady. Of course, he couldn’t let this go unchecked. After observing you for a while, he decided it would probably be in his best interest to speak with you one on one. 
Your card game was now over, and once Laverune and Cuistot left– grumbling to themselves about how you never went easy on them– Wriothesley wasted no time approaching you. You leaned back in your seat, folding your arms over your chest and watching him with what seemed to be amusement, “His Grace wants a word with me? Oh my, what an honor.”
He stared for a moment before replying, “I thought I might extend an invitation for you to have some tea with me. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”
Your expression didn’t change, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. Most would be put off by such a sudden invitation, especially when he’d never taken an interest before. Although, he was sure you knew he’d been keeping an eye on you and your lack of reaction could simply mean you didn’t have anything to hide. You simply smiled and told him you would be delighted. You even hummed to yourself during the short walk to his office, appearing unbothered. It annoyed him. When the two of you walked up the stairs to his office, he made note that you immediately began glancing around as if you were searching for something. It should have come as no surprise that you would immediately stop following him and walk over to the books he had on the shelves behind his desk. You ran your hand along the spines, glancing at the titles before pulling one at random off the shelf. He watched as you flipped it open, skimming the contents before closing it.
“Would you mind if I borrowed this? Books are hard to come by down here,” you asked, confusing him even more. 
Was your search for entertainment? Or was this just a ruse? He nodded, pouring the tea he had made into two small cups. You walked over to the desk, setting the book down before taking the cup from him. You took a sip, the bitter earthy flavor not agreeing with your tastebuds, yet you drank it nonetheless. Afterall, you were invited and you didn’t think telling him your distaste for the drink would go too well. 
“I believe it was over a year ago when the security system sucked you in here,” Wriothesley immediately got down to business. “You chose to stay and work, and have been on good behavior. Though, I do have one issue with this. In order to make you a resident and give you an actual job here, I do need to have legal and accurate paperwork for you.”
You rose an eyebrow, taking another slow sip of your tea, “Fascinating. Surely, it hasn’t taken you this long to figure it out. But, you’re suddenly interested in my identity now? All due respect, Your Grace, maybe your focus on me has diverted your attention from what’s really happening in your fortress. I do think I’m the least of your concerns.”
Maybe your focus on me has diverted your attention from what’s really happening in your fortress. Your words dug deeper than you had intended– or maybe you had meant to get under his skin– twisting in his stomach and wounding his pride. He knew everything that went on here, and you had just told him he really didn’t. 
“One of your night guards, Marcel, is a Fatui spy. On the three days of every month that the pipes are cleaned, he’s always volunteering. Have you ever asked yourself why that was? He uses it as an opportunity to send word back to the Harbinger he works for,” you revealed to him, walking back to the bookshelf to see what else he had that may catch your eye. 
“And how exactly did you come to learn this?” 
You laughed, delicately covering your mouth as you turned to face him, “When I was a child, before ‘Father’ found me, some of the only kindness I’d ever known had come from the Fatui. Growing up in the cold heart of Snezhnaya alone wasn’t easy. If I wanted to survive, I had to pick up on everything to find them. The way they dress, talk, move. They’re easy to spot once you know what to look for.”
Wriothesley’s eyes narrowed, committing the details you were giving him to memory. An orphan from Snezhnaya. He didn’t know what to think. If you were truthful, you easily could’ve been recruited as a child into the House of the Hearth. What didn’t make sense was that you were implying that you would help him find the spies. The Fatui never sold out their own. So if you weren’t Fatui, then who were you and why did you seem so suspicious to him? If you were, what were you gaining from this? 
He was growing more irate the more you spoke. 
“What else do you know?” The frustration was clear in his tone despite trying to remain level headed. The secrets and information you held could be bad for the system he’d created, and you withholding it simply because you could was infuriating. 
You picked up another book, skimming the contents again before setting it back down. You spun on your heel, your expression still just as playful as ever, “Your Grace, I’m sure you’re well aware with how exchanges of information go. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can offer me anything I’d be interested in. Credit coupons are easily earned, mora means nothing here, and I do believe I am free to leave at any given time.”
“Then why don’t you?” He finally sat down, taking a drink of his tea as if it would help his rising blood pressure. 
You sighed, finally growing serious, “I believe you know what it’s like to have nowhere else to go, correct? I don’t blame you for being wary, but you don’t need to be so tense, you know?”
You walked behind him, placing your hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze as if you were reassuring an old friend. He froze under your touch, not knowing how to take the invasion of space. His hair stood on the back of his neck as you leaned down and hummed, “There are… other ways to buy information, Your Grace.”
You gently cupped his cheek with your free hand, turning his head in your direction. He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, his gaze steeled when you lowered your voice, “My identity, who among your men are frauds, or even what lies beneath the depths of this fortress. Anything you want.”
Before he realized what you had said, you took an abrupt step back and grabbed the book he allowed you to borrow. You thank him for the tea, leaving him as he questioned what the hell just happened. 
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Wriothesley had always heard stories of the Goldstein Montrer from when he was younger and up until last year. It was a performance that showcased being different is okay– a circus. It had been ran by a woman named Clymene before her protege took over after she’d passed. The odd story or two he heard about the circus had nearly doubled in the first year of the new ownership, mainly from inmates who had been arrested there for public intoxication, fighting, or attempting to touch one of the show’s animals or cast members. It was a sight to behold, according to others, how a group of outcasts could find joy in each other. He’d never been– having spent his life in foster care then abruptly followed by the Fortress of Meropide– but he had always want to go.
Imagine his surprise when he’d heard the Goldstein Montrer was all one big cover for organized crime and that the young ringmaster had been pinned for extortion, money laundering, bribery, and murder. From that moment he found himself looking forward to meeting her. But, that day would never come as she decided to fight to the death for her honor instead of standing trial. He believed those with the biggest secrets chose the duel to keep them from coming out. It was not necessarily a sign of guilt since it could also be seen as a precaution. Sometimes things that could be brought to the surface were better left buried, things that are worse than the crimes they were accused of. Though, he wasn’t sure what was worse than murder, and he definitely didn’t think he wanted to know. 
After discussing more details of the duel and the former ringmaster with the Chief Justice, Neuvillette over tea, Wriothesley was almost positive that’s who you were. But there were still questions that lead to more questions. The most obvious answer was you had faked your death but how? Thousands of people were watching, there was no escaping in front of that many eyes. There was also why? What or who were you protecting? What was worth giving up any semblance of a normal life? He guessed he wasn’t one to talk, given his own situation. 
Whatever the case was, your true identity was now the least of his concerns. Getting rid of the Fatui and handling whatever issues there were outside of that was now at the top of his list. But he couldn’t do that without your help and that left him at a decision that he shouldn’t have to make. He’d been ill prepared to talk to you. He didn’t realize what cards you held in your hands, and he absolutely didn’t expect to be propositioned in his own office. You had a lot of nerve, he’d give you that. He would have laughed if not for the fact that he was heavily considering. He needed to get to the bottom of cleaning out the weeds here, and he was already at a dead end. 
Your offer was tempting for more reasons than one. He could get the information he needed from you, and he was a man after all– one who’s rarely felt a woman’s touch. Taking you up on your suggestion would go against every moral he had, but doing so could lead him to all the answers he wanted. The decision was clouding his mind. He was unable to keep a simple, watchful eye on you without thinking about what you said. Sigewinne was filling in on watching you, but had nothing serious to report back. Wriothesley didn’t know how one person could be so insufferable. You acted as if nothing happened, politely saying good morning or good afternoon to him in passing. He wondered if you knew what you were doing to him– that a few words and touches had been driving him mad. There was no doubt you did. While your words to him were kind, there was always a smirk that tugged at your lips every time you greeted him. 
It was as if Celestia heard his woes and then laughed in his face. 
You walked into his office, the heels of your shoes loudly clanking against the metal flooring and the stairs. You waved the book before placing it exactly where you’d gotten it from, then headed to the opposite bookcase for the other one that had caught your eye a few days ago. You turned to ask, but he already wagered you would ask to borrow another one. He was behind you, taking the book from your hands and walking back over to his desk. 
“Sit. We need to talk,” he motioned towards the chair across from his. You did as you were told, sitting and folding one leg over the other. You cleared your throat, waiting for him to continue. After a moment of him trying– and failing– to gauge your reaction, he mustered the courage to say, “I’m not sure what you were trying to achieve when you propositioned me, but that’s not how we do business at the Fortress of Meropide–”
“I beg your pardon?” You interrupted, quickly rising to your feet and looking utterly appalled by his words. “I meant material things like books, trinkets… wine! Did you not get the hint last time? I asked to borrow your book, and I told you information not only about myself but the Fatui invasion of your gardes.”
Wriothesley could feel his own embarrassment, heat rising to his cheeks while he stopped to gather his thoughts before spouting out word vomit. He’d been so sure, only to be wrong. He truly couldn’t read you and he hated it. He couldn’t stand not being able to tell what your intentions were. He felt like such an ass, but you didn’t even give him the chance to explain or apologize because suddenly you began to laugh. 
“Oh my, is that why you’ve had Sigewinne tailing me for the past week?” You questioned, walking around his desk. Another fit of giggles left you before you stopped in front of him and sat on the edge of his desk, “Since our conversation topic is already here… Tell me, Your Grace, did you really think about that for seven days? What it would be like to be with me?”
He didn’t know what to say. You weren’t exactly wrong. He had been thinking about it– more than he had been thinking about accepting or declining what he thought your offer was. In fact, he didn’t know how he’d been so off. Your laughter died down, and you purse your lips, “Your grace, you’ve quite captured my curiosity. I know the Fortress can be a lonely place. May I ask just how long it’s been since you’ve felt an intimate touch?”
You leaned forward, hooking a finger under his chin before lightly tilting his head up. He held his breath with how close you were to him, his heart racing when you barely ghosted your lips across his. Mere centimeters separated you, and you muttered, “How long has it been since you’ve kissed someone?”
The small gap was filled when you finally pressed your lips against his, and to your surprise he even reacted. But you pulled away too quickly, lazily staring into his blue eyes. You opened your mouth, ready to speak when he pulled you back into him. It was more rough and fervent than the small kiss you gave him, and answered the previous questions you asked without him having to say anything. It had either been a long time, or never at all. He knew that was probably apparent, but you didn’t seem to mind– with the way you were nibbling at his bottom lip, biting down just a bit harder than you had been to get him to open his mouth. You wound your hands into his hair, your tongue darting into his mouth before he was pulling you off the desk and into his lap.
You straddled his hips, absentmindedly grinding against him. Wriothesley groaned, hands flying to your waist to keep you pinned. He could feel you smirking against his mouth, pulling him back to reality. He broke away from you, eyes wide as if you had him under some sort of spell. 
“Interesting,” you hummed out, giving him a look he couldn’t describe. “When you stated this wasn’t how business was done here, which head were you thinking with and which one are you thinking with now?” 
He had no chance to respond, eyes closing and a huff of air leaving him when you rolled your hips again. The grip he had on you still hadn’t let up, and he knew if he said anything you would call him out on it. He needed to let go, to push you away from him, but he didn’t know how to. His mind was spinning and he couldn’t suppress the urge to have more. He thought he was going to lose it when you began kissing on his neck, mumbling sweetly, “I’m not a prisoner, and it doesn’t have to be business– just pleasure.”
His next breath was shaky, your lips trailing from his neck to his chest while your fingers quickly worked at his vest then his belt buckle. He could hear you teasing him– telling him all he had to do was tell you to stop and you would– and it registered seconds later what you were talking about. He’d been so lost in the way you’d been making him feel, he didn’t even realize you were moving to get on your knees in front of him. You peered up at him through your lashes, as if you were tempting him to shut you down one last time. When he didn't move– except to slide his pants down– you smirked. 
You kissed down his chest, lightly nipping at him until you reached the base of his cock. Wriothesley grunted when you wrapped your hand around him, pressing your lips against his balls and gliding your hand over his skin. He swallowed thickly, having never experienced this before. Even if you were teasing him– slowly sucking and moving your hand– he couldn’t help but savor it. The way you let your tongue snake along his shaft and swirled it over his leaky tip made a low moan slip from him– getting louder once you fully took him in your mouth. 
Wriothesley was even dizzier than before, eyes closing tightly. You brought up a hand, grabbing his balls and squeezing them. For a moment, he was positive he was going to black out– his vision briefly clouding over due to how overstimulated he was. He was getting close, he could feel it however he found himself unable to speak a word of warning. but before he could finish, you were pulling away from him. 
His eyes flew open, seeing you standing up. You straightened up your clothes and dusted yourself off. You gave him a small smile that held a hint of mischief before you made your way to the stairs, “Consider us even, Your Grace. Your accusation took a lot of balls, so naturally, I had to see them for myself.”
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You were never a fighter. While you could, you preferred to use your wit to outsmart others instead of weapons or fists. You didn’t see the point in violence if it could be avoided. But there were some battles you had to face head on, especially when there was so much on the line. You had to save the one person you could rely on– the only person who you had ever considered family. Even if it got you killed. 
It was raining again. The third time this week since Callas of the Spina di Rosula died fighting in the ring you were about to step into. Despite knowing what the outcome of this fight would be, you had one last show to put on. You’d be fighting Clorinde, who you’d seen in action dozens of times. All you had to do was side-step her every move until you found an opening. While others may fear the sharp crackling and sizzling of her blade, you welcomed it with open arms. Though if the rain didn’t stop you’d be in a lot more pain than you initially thought. At least it would be over quickly since anyone had yet to defeat the duelist. 
But, the person who appeared before you was not Clorinde. You sharply looked towards  Neuvillette who avoided your gaze and you swore that the rain began to pick up the second your eyes landed on him. Your heart began to race when your opponent stepped into the ring, but you kept your head high and quickly recomposed yourself. You walked forward, a dramatic cackle leaving your lips, “How grand, ladies and gentlemen! Who knew sororicide would be in the lineup today! Tell me, Thalie. Did you come to die, or did you come to kill me?”
“Leave it to you to put on a performance,” Thalie glowered. “Drop it. I’m not here to fight you, I’m here to get you to stand trial.”
You held out your arms, shaking your head, “Look around you. ‘Father’ is watching. We even have a special attendee, you know. Perhaps you wouldn’t recognize her since you’ve been disconnected from home for so long. I’m sure you’ve heard of Aurélie, no? A big name here amongst Fontaine’s Five, and honored guest of the Doctor. I think a duel is far more theatrical than the court, don’t you?”
You held out your arms, shaking your head, “Look around you. ‘Father’ is watching. We even have a special attendee, you know. Perhaps you wouldn’t recognize her since you’ve been disconnected from home for so long. I’m sure you’ve heard of Aurélie, no? A big name here amongst Fontaine’s Five, and an honored guest of the Doctor. I think a duel is far more theatrical than the court, don’t you?”
Thalie was quick, but unfortunately for her, you knew her all too well. You sidestepped her attack, clicking your tongue in disapproval. She was angry– you could see it in the way she moved. Too aggressive, sloppy. You could dance around her until she ran out of breath but there would be no fun in that. This was a duel, and the victor did not matter. Entertainment did. 
“Father taught you better than this,” you sneered when she swung her sword, flames flying off the blade. You parried with your staff, sliding it up the metal edge before getting a few jabs in before taking two large steps back– knowing full and well she was going to rebound quickly. “You don’t seem to get it, Thalie. We could be here for hours. I know your every move. There’s no way out of this for me, but I can keep stalling if you don’t not hone in your anger and fight me like the duelist you claim to be.”
Arlecchino watched from the crowd like a hawk watching its prey. She was disappointed more in you than in Thalie. Thalie had gone her separate ways. You were still one of her children even if you had grown up and were on your own now. She would’ve helped had you asked. But, with the way you were dragging the fight on plus the Doctor’s… companion sitting right next her, she figured you may have had something up your sleeve. Perhaps more on the prophecy that you could not risk getting out. Afterall, the downfall of the Spina di Rosula’s leader led to the downfall of the organized crime ring that you ran– and the judicial system of Fontaine never wasted time delivering a verdict. Suddenly, she’d never been more interested in a cat toying with a mouse.  
She wasn’t quite sure what you said, but it seemed to get Thalie to straighten up and then the real duel finally began. It was a mess of fire and steam– your hydro delusion smothering any flames that came near you. It was close– both of you bloodied from wounds that you had inflicted on each other and nearly drained from injuries and exhaustion– until Thalie had taken your only defense. With the delusion now in her hand there was no way you could keep up with her. Still, you pushed yourself off the ground with what little fight you had left. 
You didn’t think she’d steal your delusion as a way to get you to back down. You just needed her to deliver a final blow now. She had to. Black spots we’re dancing across your vision, your arms felt like lead weights, and your legs numb. But, you refused to let this end in anything other than your death. 
“Kill me, Thalie,” you gritted out, pushing yourself off the wet concrete. “Or else Father will. Either way, you’re going to end up alone just like I was. Death is not a punishment. It’s freedom.”
Thalie knew what she had to do but she didn’t want to– you could see it with her hesitation and the way her eyes began to cloud with tears. With a cry that was heartbreaking for everyone listening, and one final swing of her blade, your life flashed with the oncoming flames. 
The past was something you wanted to leave buried. But, after you’d given up the Fatui that had wormed their way into the Fortress, Wriothesley still had unanswered questions. Other inmates had begun to notice how often he was calling on you or approaching you. It was bad for business, and you needed him to stop it. Just his presence was enough to run people off, leaving less credit coupons in your pocket, meaning you would soon no longer be living the high life. Excuses of him buying information from you wasn't an option, as it would make both of you look bad. So, you simply settled with telling people you were helping him solve a case from your past. While they were a bit unsettled, it kept you in the clear and them in your pocket. 
But in order to put a pin in what he had started, you needed to come clean. He was surprised when you had requested an audience with him– neither in the room you had taken up residence in or his office– but some place where you could come forward without any chance of someone overhearing you. A poorly lit glass hall that had been closed off with the Abandoned Production Zone. You’d come across it while snooping about, long before Wriothesley had ever set his sights on you, and often found yourself here when you were missing the parts of your life that you had given up. 
You replayed that day as you waited for the warden, watching the fish swimming outside of the glass. The day you’d destroyed the girl who was like a sister to you, in order to give her a future. It wasn’t something you were proud of, but it needed to be done. When you discovered the Primordial Sea Water was connected to one of Callas’ partners you knew your secret business would be blown wide open. You fenced Sinthe, despite working with Callas to figure out what exactly was in the popular drink. And when the two of you did figure out what was in it, he banned the drink from his town and opened an investigation into the vendors. It was only a matter of time before the Gardes found out the circus was just a cover for organized crime. 
“How did you even find this place?” Wriothesley’s voice cut through the thick silence, breaking you from your thoughts. 
You smiled, gaze trained behind the glass, “I snooped around a lot when I first came here. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you’re not a prisoner.”
“Sounds like I need to keep a closer eye on you then, huh?” He joked, watching your smile fade. 
You shook your head, “Your Grace, you are bad for business. Which is why I figured we could come to an agreement. I tell you the answer to the question that’s been bothering you since my arrival: who am I? In return, you are going to allow me on your secret project team. Any other exchanges of information will be done here, in private.”
He knew better than to question how you knew that. So he just nodded and allowed you to tell your story. While he had his suspicions, he was still surprised to hear that you were who he thought you were. The way you talked about the past, up until the duel was a side to you he’d never seen before. You thrived in the spotlight, letting the original crew of the crime ring run that half of the show once you had started solid trade between several ports owned or controlled by the Fatui. Between money laundering, extortion, smuggling Fatui weapons, and fencing Sinthe.. you had to get out before the truth of your show had come to light. It all made sense to him in that moment– your theatrics, your tactics, and the best hiding place of all. But he wasn’t sure what that had to do with the project he’d been working on for the past year. 
“Callas and I had found out that Sinthe was made with diluted Primordial Sea water, it was not only the start of my downfall but a piece of the prophecy ‘Father’ and I had long been looking for,” You folded your arms over your chest, almost as if you were hugging yourself. “The prophecy will come true, Wriothesley. I have seen a man return to the water, and your project… I would simply like to secure a spot. Not for me but for my adoptive sister. As someone born of the Abyss, I have nothing to fear.”
The Warden was not only shocked by your seriousness and sincerity, but the use of his name and your word choice. It was a lot to take in, given everything that you revealed to him. First and foremost he was awed by your sacrifices– even if you did evade the law– along with putting someone else before you. He always had you pinned as selfish and greedy, especially with the stunt you had pulled months prior. Now that he knew your history he knew the act you put on was to keep yourself from further being hurt. 
“Well, you’ve shared your secrets. I suppose it is only fair to introduce you into the project. Can I ask why the Fatui is interested in the Primordial Sea and the prophecy?” He questioned, attempting to understand more about what you had said. 
You finally turned to face him, “The truth of this world. Thanks to the Knave and the Jester’s findings we now know that the Abyss is connected to the Primordial Sea. I’ve theorized multiple times what it could mean, and I dare not speak it in fear of Celestia’s wrath. The only thing I can say with certainty is that the skies of Teyvat are fake and that this world is not kind to those not from it.”
He could see it now, the pupil of your eye different from any he’d seen before. Suddenly, he found himself fascinated by you, and he couldn’t help but say, “It’s not too kind to those from it either.”
Your expression was soft, but your eyes held a gleam of mischief, “I have one more thing to tell you but it has a… heavier price.”
Wriothesley nodded, as if telling you to continue even though you did not mention what the price was. You stepped closer, him watching you in apprehension. 
“Though the skies may be fake, the destinies that lie in the stars are set in stone,” you brought up your hand and cupped his cheek– much softer and less distasteful than before. “Tell me, Your Grace, do you believe in fates and how they can intertwine? Your answer is the price.” 
It was as if your voice was pulling him in, like a siren to a sailor out at sea. He found himself leaning in first this time, pressing his lips against yours. The truth was he didn’t know if he believed or not, but what was the harm in finding out?
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It did not take long to progress in your research of the Primordial Sea. You had been sending letters and samples to Aurélie in Snezhnaya, handing them over to the Epsilon segment. Aurélie was what you would consider a companion. You’d met her when you were young, just starting out in the circus. She’d found you after the show and asked you more about events like these and if you thought they were worth seeing. She’d made it her mission to visit every festival, celebration, or fair in Teyvat and since the circus traveled, the two of you had become at least a bit closer than acquaintances. She even tried to get you to join the Iridescence Tour back when it was first being discussed in Fontaine. 
Imagine Wriothesley’s surprise when he learned that his childhood friend was also a friend of yours. Of course he’d heard a while ago through Neuvillette that she had left Fontaine and joined the Fatui ranks under the Doctor. He was even more dumbfounded when he learned that she had helped you pull off faking your death. One special concoction cooked up by the Number Two Harbinger, and a very specific set of instructions from someone who knew the system well was the only way you could do it. He began to wonder just how small the world really was. If nations could fit into ships, then maybe it certainly wasn’t as big as everyone thought. 
You didn’t care about things like that. 
After adjusting to working on the project during the day, and colluding at night instead of wasting your day in the Production Zone, it became easier to establish a new routine for your ring. You continued to help Wriothesley with the Fatui sneaking in as Gardes, knowing it was vital to keep them from finding you out on top of keeping the project a secret. Afterall, news that the prophecy is real and that the water levels of Fontaine have been rising would incite unrest and eventually lead to chaos. The Fortress was right on top of the gate, and the residents would be the first to fall victim. 
While this routine had gone on for nearly a year, things began to change as well. You had gone from running an intel ring to merging it with a hand in Pankration funds. You set odds, accepted bets, placed them, and paid out with a portion of the earnings going into your pocket. Of course, you had to keep it Meropide legal, but it raised some spirits and kept illegal gambling away. Since you were banned from fighting, you still wanted some form of entertainment from it. The more you spent working, the less time you spent around the Duke. 
You hadn’t spoken much to him outside of picking off the Fatui and the odd meeting about the project. You could blame this on the super conflicting schedules you two had, or that if you had free time he was busy and you shouldn’t bother him. But the truth was you had been avoiding him since you came clean. You were never so open or vulnerable in front of others. The life you had lived didn’t allow for it. If the prophecy came to fruition the Hydro Archon would not be crying alone on her throne. You’d be crying with her at the bottom of the sea. You couldn’t allow what little was left of your broken heart to be shattered further. If you didn’t avoid him, that’s the road you would end up on. 
Of course, you could blame everyone but yourself. Sure, being abandoned by your family in a bitter cold hellscape wasn’t your fault, but your loneliness was. When one of the agents that you had constantly turned to for help as a child had brought you to the Snezhnayan location for the House of the Hearth, everything had started to look up. “Father” brought you to Fontaine to start your training, making the judgment that you could suit the nation’s flair for theatrics. But, you had pushed the other kids away until you had met Thalie. She had been your only friend, your only family until she left it all behind. You were shy, a bit broody, and she was bright and eager to befriend you. It was funny how the two of you had adopted each other’s mindsets near the end. 
Thinking about the past had you unable to sleep, down in the Forbidden Production Zone doing what you could on the ship to try and distract yourself. You didn’t know the time, but you knew most of the guards had fallen asleep at their posts. Running the big machines wasn’t an option, but rechecking all the work that was done today could make less work for tomorrow. Even if Sigewinne did end up giving you that strange food she gave to people who were working too much. 
Unfortunately for you, the head nurse would not be the one to lecture you on that matter. 
“You know if you don’t report in for overtime you won’t get paid for it.” 
You’d recognize his brand of sass anywhere. You held back a sigh, glancing over to the one person who you didn’t want to see, “I’m not interested in the money.”
Wriothesley frowned as he approached, taking the clipboard you held in your hands away from you. He gave you a pointed look when you turned to glare at him, “Then this can wait until tomorrow. Why don’t I make you some tea and we can talk about what you’re doing up at this ungodly hour?”
You went to protest but he walked away, heading back inside the Fortress. You scoffed, following him because you knew it wasn’t a suggestion. He went upstairs, opening the door across from the elevator. He led you into what looked like an apartment, telling you to make yourself at home while he walked towards the kitchenette. You awkwardly sat on the couch, patiently waiting for him to come back with the tea he’d promised. 
It didn’t take him long, but he warned you that it was hot before sitting beside you. He took a deep breath before diving right into it, “You’ve told me your whole life story, but I still feel as if I barely know you.”
“Good,” you told him pointedly. “It’s foolish to get close to others in a place like this one.”
He shook his head and let out a huff, “Is it a foolish thing, or a scary thing? I do recall a few instances where you acted as if that wasn’t the case.”
A foolish thing or a scary thing? You laughed in disbelief, tears filling your eyes before you met his, “An undeserving thing for someone like me. For a sinner.”
He frowned, “The Fortress of Meropide is not damnation, but a chance for rebirth. Everyone here– myself included– has started anew. You’re not undeserving. Though you may not have been charged with your crimes, you still ended up here. If that’s not proof of fate, what is?”
He couldn’t mean that… could he? An answer to your question and what he said about starting anew? But that didn’t completely squander any doubts you had. If anything, it only made you worry more about the others. You didn’t know if you could handle loss again, the pain of separation that you had felt in many different forms. You weren’t able to get a good read on him. You didn’t know in what sense you should take his answer, and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself for a third time. 
So you sat there, staring at nothing in particular and not saying a word. You’d never felt like this before, and you weren’t sure that you liked it. As much as you wanted to act, you couldn’t bring yourself to move. 
You didn’t have to. 
Wriothesley placed his hand under your chin, gently turning your head to look at him. He looked a little dazed, eyes slowly falling to your lips for just a brief second. Your heart was racing, your body refusing to react until he closed the gap. Once his lips met yours, you couldn’t help but melt into him and lost sight of the reality around you. 
The tea he had made was long forgotten, sitting on the small table in front of the couch while the two of you moved the party into his bedroom. A trail of clothes lead up to his bed, the two of you sitting on top, touching one another and drinking each other in as if you were both dying of thirst. He’d never done this before, and was too nervous to ask if you had. But, he followed your lead– his mind clouded with the need to have you after how long it had been since you first gave him a taste of something more. 
“Are you sure?” you asked breathlessly between kisses, rolling your hips against his hard on. “We can stop-”
He cut you off, breaking away from you, “The only thing that needs to stop is your talking, darling. Unless you don’t want to.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, because you did. You had wanted to for some time now, and while he’d easily been putty in your hands you knew you were not going about it the right way. You toyed with him, baited him, got him where you wanted. But you had let him go because you knew him being a special interest or a new play thing was just a cover for what you’d been craving for years. Warmth, love, a place where you belonged. You just didn’t know how to get to it without pulling all the strings, and you wanted to be sure this wasn’t something you had somehow manipulated. 
Instead of answering him, you gave him one more kiss before sitting up and lining him up with your entrance. You sank down, gasping as you bottomed him out. You grabbed his hand, pulling slightly to get him to sit up as you rocked your hips. You cupped his cheeks, your mouth molding to his while one of his hands grabbed at your waist and gently pulled you closer. 
Wriothesley reacted instinctively, still unable to wrap his head around what was happening. One minute you were on top of him, and the next you were under him, squealing at the sensation of the sudden movement. While he had never taken this step with anyone before, and he had a feeling this wasn’t new to you, part of him knew that this sort of softness was foreign to you. It would be as much of a first time as any, even if it was the first time you were being treated the way you should be. 
He’d lie with you like this for hours if he needed to, placing kisses all over your exposed skin, rolling his hips until he met resistance and your toes curled. He may not get it right, especially off the bat, but he would certainly try to make moments like these as memorable as possible. You seemed to be enjoying it, his name rolling off your tongue acting as words of encouragement– suddenly it was all too much for him. 
Then you were clawing at his back, legs wrapping around his torso in an attempt to get him to reach deeper than he actually could. He was losing control of the rhythm he’d set but it didn’t seem to matter with you whimpering and shaking underneath him. Your breaths mixed with his– hot and uneven– until he was grunting. He had no time to react, but you didn’t say anything when he came to a stop. 
Part of you was ready to get up and leave like you were used to, but apparently Wriothesley knew you were going to try that. When he pulled away from you and lied down, he threw his arm over you and pulled into his side. You gave him a bewildered look, and he simply chuckled and placed a gentle kiss against your lips before saying, “I know better than that now, and you’re not getting away this time.”
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sgiandubh · 8 months
He's been in Los Angeles since Tuesday. Work friend saw him in Malubu Tuesday night. She said he was with a couple people no mention of Caitriona.
Dear Tuesday Anon,
I am sorry to pop your balloon here, but I'd be reserved on this. It could fit, but barely.
You all know I am terrible with timelines, but here is my take on things:
Sunday 28th, red carpet in Ostende, Belgium. Afterparty, etc. Perhaps not the best idea to pop in a car all'alba/at daybreak for an almost 5 hour ride to Paris.
Monday 29th, not much. We can speculate, but I would need an Advil. Most probably on this way to Paris. I doubt the Eurostar (the train formerly known as Thalys) was worth a Brussels detour and, while they used to have an Ostende-Paris direct link, it was dropped off around 2015. Why take a 90 minutes' detour (119 km!) to get to the Bruxelles Midi Train Station and hop on the Paris direct Eurostar link for the 90 minute ride, when you could only add (roughly) an hour by car and leave directly from Ostende?
I am immediately having visions of the horrendously impractical hullaballoo at Bruxelles Midi and to me, it's a firm no. @margareth-lv 's guess of a direct car trip is the most logical one and I am sticking with it. Paris pic was posted on Wednesday morning and he was staying at the Hôtel Lutétia, as I heavily hinted in my post (it used to be the Nazi Abwehr/Military Intelligence HQ during World War II). Probably one of the corner suites (angle of rue de Sèvres and Boulevard Raspail), hotel has a very good seafood restaurant, too.
Everything fits: the outside view, the reel/story angle. On my screenshot, x marks the spot on the map and the arrow, the outside view of the corner suites. I should know, it was my playground, many moons ago:
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It is possible the reel was taken Monday evening upon arrival, but for being intimately familiar with Parisian nights, my best bet is on Tuesday morning, very early (jogging? leaving?). Just an intuition, and I could be wrong and I am ready to correct and edit, as we go.
We then assume a direct CDG-LAX flight. Since it's not possible to check past flight schedules, we work with a random February Tuesday. First and Business class yield different results (Shipper Mum, a former airline executive, helped me with those over the phone: hi, mum!).
Traveling First Class (very possible, damn expensive, but money is no object and Frequent Flyer mileage - always redeemable):
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Traveling Business Class (reasonably possible and two more options):
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Factoring in arrival/border/luggage procedures and city/airport, then airport/city transfers, it's not impossible, but to any normal human being who was Batman only on stage (even very fit)... a bit of a stretch.
This is my take on your info. Please don't take it personally (or at least try). I simply think he might have arrived in LA yesterday, Thursday, when the Los Feliz pic was taken, with his luggage in tow.
But you know what, Tuesday Anon? One thing I am sure of, is that this is exactly what he wants us to do, right now. Cue in the Yellow Ski Outfitgate, for fun. Schuss on top - that was a blatant von Trapp latergram and my mind immediately pictured a sidesmile.
At any rate, don't be a stranger. I answered you with all the care and caution in the world. And thank you, whoever you are. It was a fun phone call to Bucharest and Mom, who is laughing like a drain and told me I was probably bonkers.
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moritashie · 3 months
"Will you go with me?" 900 words
huge thank you to @shootothrill and Thali from DC for their help <33
Tony Stark, Iron Man, is in his kitchen again. He has been coming over every day without fail for the past two weeks and has told Peter why, but excuse him for questioning the intentions of the gazillionaire suddenly being all buddy buddy with him.
It is especially strange, as before that, the only four interactions he remembers were of them fighting about Spider-Man. It must've been about this amazing superhero Spider-Man. Peter is pretty sure that Tony doesn’t know that he knows about those arguments. He doesn't understand why exactly the man is acting all friendly, so positive, so fake that it annoys him.
A lot of things began to annoy him recently. The way Ned is suddenly interested in watching sports, the way May constantly sends him random articles from the past two years and the way everyone seems to have already moved on from his uncle's death.
A knock on the door throws him away from his train of thought. 
“Can I come in?” Tony asks from the other side of the door.
“Go ahead.” 
Peter clicks off his pen and lays it next to the notes. The knob turns and Mr. Stark's beelines to Peter's desk. 
“A little birdie told me you still haven't left the house.”
“Didn't wanna.”
“Well, maybe you'll wanna when I tell you about the Expo~”
Correction. Five interactions. Four negative, one positive. 
‘Nice work, kid’. 
And only one that actually feels his. 
“I won’t.” Peter cuts him off.
“Oh, turn that frown upside down, underoos. Will you go with me? Pretty please? Please with a cherry on top?” He lies on top of Peter’s desk, beaming like a child.
“I don’t feel like leaving the house, Tony.” 
“Mm, But I need my crazy–smart intern with me.”
Peter squeezes the pencil in his hand and feels it break inwards.
“I’ve never even worked with you.”
Tony makes an expression pretending to be oh-so petrified, and asks in an artificially low, quiet tone. “Then whose name is in the credits?”
Peter is on the verge of blowing up at the man. Some things start to boil real quick somewhere deep down in Peter’s chest. 
“I’ve told you.” He tries to stay calm. He swears he does. “That I’m not your intern. I don’t remember any of that, It's like it didn’t happen for me, I CAN’T DO ANY OF THE STUFF I DID WHEN I–” Tears well up in Peter’s eyes. He feels a sudden urge to throw his notebook across the room full force when his torso is squeezed tight by Tony. 
For the next few minutes his chest rises and falls, his heart rate slowly decreases and the sobs quiet down bit by bit, as Tony gently strokes his hair.
“I just don’t get you.” 
Tony hums and pulls Peter into a tighter hug. “When you first woke up after the accident, you were absolutely delirious. Going in circles, asking the same three questions every five minutes, you briefly recognized May on a good hour. I was so scared I would lose you, and I couldn’t even do anything to prevent it. And then you got better, and now I can do something to… Still have you by my side. Not just physically.” 
Peter says nothing, but he ducks away from Tony’s arms and raises his head to look at Tony, who seems out of his depth, moments from having a meltdown himself.
“Cho said that since you don’t seem to be recovering your memories, chances are that the past two years are go– aren’t coming back. We can’t wait until it all goes away, neither me nor May want you to stay cooped up in the apartment because of this. So please, let’s go out together. It doesn’t have to be the Expo, we can go to some restaurant or, hell, even an art museum. Baby steps.”
“...I did remember some things.” He mutters.
“What?” Tony asks in a soft voice that leaves Peter unsure whether he didn't hear the question or if he just wants Peter to clarify.
“It’s not much just- I can count all my memories with you on one hand but– you were always annoyed in those, or mad at me, like when we were on some ship? How am I supposed to trust that we’re close and you don’t just want to- I don’t even know… And if we were, I don’t feel like the person you are talking about.” 
The man’s eyes are glossy, and Peter wants the floor to swallow him whole. 
“I am so sorry Pete. I don’t know how to–  I can only promise you, I care about you. More than I thought I would care about anyone. I want you to go back to being happy and healthy, and learn to live with everything. And you are still you, memories or not. I see it every time I come over.”
He takes a deep breath as he carefully assembles the next sentences.
“I’ve researched support groups for people with amnesia, you're not the only one feeling this way. One is here, in Queens, could you at least consider trying? Once?” Peter hides his face in his knees, and Tony’s already bracing himself for refusal when the teen quietly mumbles.
“Will you go with me?”
Tony smiles. “I would love to.”
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ramayantika · 1 year
–✦– 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨, 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 –✦–
Usha's tale
It's Diwali today. Maa got me a beautiful blue-pink lehenga which also sports peacock feather designs on it. I look so pretty! I whisper at myself in the mirror, admiring the lehenga, my golden bangles and the small bindi on my forehead. Lakshmi pooja will begin in the next fifteen minutes. I hear my mother's bangles rustle as she arranges the pooja thali with diyas, sweets and laal tika. Papa is decorating the small mandir with flowers and my brother as usual is sitting on the sofa being utterly clueless about everything.
But I look so good. I feel like Radha from that Krishna cartoon on Cartoon Network. Blushing, I take one last look at myself before heading for pooja, my mind busy thinking about that cute Krishna cartoon I watch obsessively every weekend. Don't tell my mother, okay? I wrote a song for Krishna. Will you read?
Maa is reading Lakshmi stuti now. My brother is staring at the ladoo bowl. Papa is ringing the bell and I well -- I kept my eyes open all the time. I want to see Lakshmi enter my house. If I close my eyes, then I will miss her arrival. Who knows she might share ladoos with me from the thali?
My bangles jingle and somehow my dupatta gets stuck on the shiny stones. I look at the window pane to fix the dupatta and the bangles in case I jerk too hard and tear my pretty dupatta. That's when I see a mist form over my reflection. Rubbing my eyes, I squint to check if I was hallucinating or it really happened.
It was all real! The hazy mist cleared and with the reflection stood the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi. I knew her from that cartoon and a TV show after I secretly peeped behind a wall to catch a glimpse of the scene. Don't tell Maa that due to me trying to catch glimpse of the scene on TV, I got a sum wrong.
Dressed in a richly embroidered saree in shades of red and pink, the goddess stood right there in front. She had a beautiful smile which made me grin. She doesn't look as old as the badi didis who are working in an office. She appears the same age as me. I love her saree and say, "Hi, Lakshmi! Your saree is so beautiful." The goddess replies, "Thank you sakhi! Your dress looks lovely too. It even has peacock feathers, my favourite."
I am twenty now. As a very young girl, I thought of the goddess as my dear friend. She is nature, the ultimate wealth of this world, yours and mine. She is nurturing, loving and kind. For days, I felt low and my sparkle dimmed, she, my dear goddess turned friend stood by my side and she will always be.
Right sakhi??
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arvadthecursed · 5 months
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Happy May the 4th, Thali!!!
It sounds silly to say, but you really are one of my best friends. You've helped me so much, and I'm forever grateful for you. Thank you for everything. Here's to many more years, and may the Force be with us. 💖
I rounded up my favorite story moment screenshots of Thali! It was so hard to pick just 10 for this. The first one is the very first screenshot I ever took of her. I grinded away on a throwaway character to get to level 10 so I could unlock the Chiss species and make Thali come to life. She's truly taken on a life of her own and she inspired me to be better, do better, be braver. I love her so much. My icy princess, my headstrong Jedi, my Alliance Commander. 💖
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triscribeaucollection · 7 months
(So my "write a post a new PJO fic each afternoon" got derailed by going out of town, and the next one-shot is going to be significantly longer by the time I'm done with it, but here's the first page just to tide my new followers over for a bit):
Maybe the ocean would always be nice to her, but Thalia was having second thoughts about the camp’s lake.
“Come on, Thali!” “You can do it, Grace! “We believe in you!”
“Shut UP,” she shrieked, grinning from ear to ear but doing her best to still sound annoyed. “I am never trusting you again, Castellan, never!”
Luke just laughed from the other canoe. Thalia took a chance and swiped her paddle along the top of the water, which did manage to splash the jerk but also caused her dumb boat to wobble wildly again.
“You’re only making it worse!” Percy did not have room to talk, seeing as he kept twisting in all directions on the bench seat in the middle of their canoe. Every time the stupid thing shifted underneath Thalia’s butt, she tensed up and tried to compensate, but then they’d bob the other way instead, and it was all a vicious cycle, okay?!
And she loved every minute of it.
“Just relax!” The big Hephaestus kid in the front spot tried to offer. “It’s like riding a pegasus- or a bike!”
Thalia almost yelled back that she’d never done either of those, thanks very much, but a face-full of water cut her off first. Sputtering, the girl wiped at her eyes, then glared at a highly unrepentant Annabeth gliding by in her own canoe. “You are so getting tickled later,” Thalia swore.
The shrieking-laughing-cussing kept getting louder and louder, until, inevitably, Percy leaned too far over the side to look at something underwater, and Thalia jerked forward to grab him, and the combination of too much weight and movement dumped all of them overboard. At least the Hephaestus kid, Becken-something, didn’t seem to mind: he just grabbed onto the tow line at the front of the canoe and leisurely started swimming for shore. Rather than follow, Thalia enacted her revenge, lunging through the water towards Luke.
“Oh shit-” his alarm got the other two Hermes kids to actually start paddling, instead of just messing around, but they didn’t get away fast enough. Thalia gripped the edge of their canoe, and capsized it too. By the time she kicked away from that mess, cackling, Percy had made his way over to Annabeth. Even if he’d wanted to, the kid didn’t quite have enough bodyweight to dump it over so easily - he just swam alongside instead, dropping his head down underwater every time Annabeth tried to bop him with her paddle.
Hands grabbed at Thalia’s ankle. She kicked back, and was rewarded a moment later when Luke surfaced, coughing and rubbing at his forehead. They proceeded to slap water at each other for a few minutes, gradually drifting closer to shore, until someone shouted their names from the small beach.
“Last one back is a rotten harpy egg!” And of course as soon as she said that, Thalia kicked Luke in the gut, knocking him back with a yelp and propelling her forward.
“Hey! No fair!”
She snickered all the way out of the water and back up onto dry land, where Hailey waited with some towels and a raised eyebrow.
“Chiron asked me to come find you guys,” the older girl said, when Luke staggered up out of the lake as well. “Probably ought to dry off and change first, before you go down to the Big House.”
“Yeah, fine,” Thalia agreed, way more cheerfully than usual. Whatever the old centaur wanted, it was not going to be enough to spoil her good mood. And she managed to keep that mindset, all the way through getting dressed in clean clothes and rejoining her friends and heading down to the camp’s largest building.
But her good mood dropped like a stone when Thalia reached the glass-wall porch, and saw Hermes sitting at the table.
She could tell the instant Luke spotted him too, thanks to the sudden death grip on her forearm. Hermes must have sensed his son in return, because he looked up from talking quietly with Dionysus. He tried to offer them a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Luke. Thalia.” The god’s gaze flickered down and to one side. “And you must be the new Perseus everyone’s been talking about.”
A smaller hand tucked itself inside Thalia’s grip.
“What do you want,” Luke demanded, voice flat and cold.
“Hey,” Dionysus warned, speaking before the other god could, “You better watch it with the tone, kid-”
“It’s fine,” Hermes cut him off. “He’s fine. It’s not worth getting annoyed about.” Thalia shifted her arm, and Luke’s hand slid down to where they could both hold onto one another. If Hermes noticed, he didn’t mention it. “Sorry to drop in unannounced, but you two-” He nodded towards Thalia, and Percy pressing against her side, “-are being summoned to Olympus.”
“No.” Thalia could feel her best friend start to tremble. “You can’t.”
“I have to, kid.” Hermes kept his words soft, but it didn’t make them any easier to accept. “Even gods can get orders from on high. And right now, I’m under orders to bring both of them directly to Olympus. No stops, no detours, no delays.”
Thalia swallowed.Then she turned in place, pulling on Luke’s hand until he met her gaze. “Go find Annabeth,” she told him. “Keep her busy until we get back.”
His face turned stricken in an instant. But he didn’t argue.
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commanderthalys · 5 months
I was tagged by the lovely @i-mybrunettelady for this ^^
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-- B A S I C S
name: Thalyssera
nicknames: Choya, Thalys
birthday: May 28th
race: pale tree sylvari
gender: nonbinary (she/her)
orientation: bisexual
profession: pact commander, post EoD is semi retired and does various pact jobs after several months of vacation
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: patina, short length
eyes: sun
skin: green olive, succulent texture
tattoos/scars: missing her right leg below the knee, the remaining stump is covered in scorch marks. Also has several tattoos! The largest is a raptor skull decorated with flowers on her back. She has a small pact symbol tattoo on the right base of her neck. Her left arm is tattooed with vines, and on her left calf she has two cogs, I talked about them a little more here!
-- F A M I L Y
parents: The Pale Tree
siblings: Trahearne
grandparents: Does Mordremoth even count
in laws and others: Amelarius (romantic partner), Aurene (like her niece), Neil (friend), Caithe (romantic partner), Callum + Meera (friends), Tonn (friend), Tybalt Leftpaw (friend), Carys and Tegwen (friends), Taimi (friend), Braham (friend), The rest of DW (coworkers who she likes but isn't incredibly close to), Clementine (former pet turned friend, it's a long story)
pets: formerly Clementine, Streamline (old raptor, died during PoF)
-- S K I L L S
abilities: after the Clementine incident she inherited some iboga features and can spit acid from openings in her face. Good at close combat both unarmed and with daggers. Decent with guns as well, and can be stealthy when needed thanks to her whisper's training. Can soulbind with her pet if she has one.
hobbies: Training and generally working with raptors, sparring and working out, hiking, fishing with Neil. Overall any activity outdoors, she loves games as well as relaxing nature walks!
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Her optimism and determination! She works hard and plays hard, and refuses to give up fighting for what she believes in. She's incredibly devoted to her work and genuinely believes that the world is worth saving.
most negative trait: her ruthlessness. If she believes her goal is the right one she'll stop at nothing to get it, no matter who may ultimately stand in her way, and she's incredibly brutal when she feels that it's necessary.
-- L I K E S
colors: copper, turquoise, earth tones overall
smells: cooked meats, fresh grass, wood burning, ocean air
textures: rough, dry, bumpy, coarse
drinks: lemonade and fruit juices!
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: no
drinks: not anymore, used to heavily at one point
drugs: no
been arrested: yes
taggin but no pressure!!! @baronvonscrufflebutt @manasurge @mystery-salad @brightwingedbat @wilsons-journey @ratasum @pyppyn @twilightdomain @commanderjuni @ancientkarka @the-desert-beast @sunsrefuge @s0urfangs @dotmander @aetherblooms @the-elven-star
and anyone else who sees this, feel free to hop on! that's right! You there!
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purplefangirl42 · 11 months
This is my piece for the Autumn Writing Challenge put on by my friend @deny-the-issue. Using some prompts from this post, I put together this little piece about my Stargate Atlantis OC, Mina. Hope you enjoy! Divider by saradika
Word prompts: Scars, bonfire, sweater, dusk
Dialogue prompts: “You look cold”, “It’s not even that cold!”, “You should stay.”
Warnings/Tags: Illness mentions, Burns and fire related injury mentions
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The air outside felt crisp and cool as Mina stepped out on her porch. Her gaze settled on the sky beyond the trees, taking in the sight of the setting sun. It set so early now, darkness coming earlier in the day as the season changed from summer to fall. She was lucky if she even got to see much of the daylight, spending most of her time underground working in the infirmary with Corric or training with Nikomi.
As she watched the sun disappear behind the trees, small amounts of light peeking out between the branches, Mina wrapped her arms around herself. The disappearance of the sun meant that any warmth it had brought with it had faded. Goosebumps rose on her skin and a light breeze caused her to shiver. Perhaps it would be best for her to go inside before it got too cold out here.
Just as she turned to go inside, she saw a figure in the distance approaching her home. Mina squinted her eyes to try and see through the falling darkness to ascertain who it was and soon recognized the form of her husband. She lifted her hand to wave as he got closer, welcoming him home.
“What are you doing out here? Especially without a coat or a sweater?” he asked.
Mina shrugged at his question, rubbing her arms with her hands to help warm herself up a bit.
“It’s not even that cold,” she said. “Just a little chilly. I was just about to go inside anyway.”
He stepped past her and opened the door, ushering her into the house ahead of him. The warmth from the lit fireplace was a nice change from the air outside and Mina was suddenly glad to be back inside.
“Why were you out there to begin with?” Kolya asked as he hung up his coat and took a seat in his chair beside the fire.
“I wanted to watch the sunset,” Mina said. “I don’t get to do that very much and it’s only going to be setting earlier with every day that passes.”
“Well, I hope you don’t come down with anything. If you think that I will agree to go with you to the celebration tomorrow night while you are sick, you are sorely mistaken.”
Mina laughed softly and shook her head.
“I highly doubt I’ll get sick that easily, Acastus. I work with sick people all the time and I almost never catch anything.”
“You probably just jinxed yourself, sweetheart,” he said. “Come tomorrow morning, you’ll be sniffling and rednosed.”
“And you will be there to tell me ‘I told you so’,” Mina said, sticking her tongue out at him. “After the celebration, I promise to stay inside unless necessary or wear the proper clothing to be outside.”
“Thank you,” he said. “Now, why don’t you tell me what you did on your day off?”
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The following evening, Mina walked hand in hand with her husband in the direction of the celebration she had been anticipating. The roaring bonfire could be seen from a great distance away and threw many shadows across the ground, illuminating the people gathered around it. 
When they got closer, Mina saw her siblings standing with a few others and released her husband’s hand to go visit with them. Thali threw her arms around her in greeting and quickly pulled her closer to huddle for warmth. Caleb smirked at his sisters and gestured to the large fire.
“You know, Thali, you could stand closer to the fire if you’re cold,” he said. “Rather than stealing all of Mina’s body heat.”
“I’m more than happy to share,” Mina said as she returned her sister’s embrace. “We can keep each other warm.”
After some time had passed, one of Thali’s friends had joined the group and Mina was released from her hold when her attention was captured by them. She waved goodbye to her siblings and started to walk around the fire, saying hello to different people she knew as she passed them. She eventually came across Corric standing alone, staring at the fire. Mina came to stand beside him and bumped him lightly on the shoulder with her own. He nodded in greeting, but didn’t say anything. She wondered what was going through his mind as he stared at the fire, as he seemed to almost be looking for something in the flames.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, breaking the silence between them. “You’re staring awfully hard at the fire.”
“It’s Dahlia,” he said. “I think there may have been some residual effects from the fire on her body. Especially her lungs.”
“It’s been nearly 8 months since the fire,” Mina said. “Why would they just show up now?”
Corric shook his head and glanced over at her. 
“I honestly don’t know. I have to run some more tests, but there’s something wrong. I can tell.”
Mina unconsciously rubbed her thumb over the back of her hand, tracing the scars on her skin. Corric must have seen her slight movement, as his gaze drifted down to her hands. He reached out and gently took one of them to look closer. 
“Do you still feel any pain?” he asked. “I can give you something if you do.”
Mina pulled her hand from his gentle grip and shoved both of her hands into the pocket of her coat. She knew he was trying to focus on something that he could fix to get his mind off the mysteries of Dahlia’s condition, but there was nothing that he needed to do for her that would distract him for long.
“They’re fine, Corric. They sting and itch from time to time, but I take good care of them.”
Mina knew this information wasn’t anything new for him. He saw her every other day and had already looked at her hands many times to ensure that they had been healing as they should. The scars weren’t pleasant to look at and while they would fade, they would never completely go away. To her, they were a reminder that she had saved a life with only a small price to pay herself.
“I should probably go back to the infirmary,” Corric said. “There’s been a number of people coming in with a serious flu the last few days and they could use my attention.”
Mina removed one of her hands from her pocket and grabbed onto the sleeve of his coat to stop him from walking away.
“You should stay,” she said. “Go visit with people. You almost never leave the infirmary and you deserve a break. Whoever’s working tonight can handle things until you get back.”
Corric looked unsure, but finally nodded in agreement. 
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll see if I can find Sora. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind my company.”
Mina gave him an encouraging smile and watched as he walked off in search of his cousin. Once he was out of sight, she turned her attention back to the fire. She wondered if Corric had been thinking of the incident because of the flames before her. Surely a blaze like this would bring back some negative memories of the day he nearly lost the woman he loved. 
“Are you enjoying yourself?” a voice asked from behind her, pulling her out of her thoughts.
MIna turned to see her husband standing a short distance away. He stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin atop her head.
“The warmth of the fire is pleasant,” Mina said. “I was just speaking with Corric. I managed to convince him to stay a bit longer rather than returning to work.”
“That man works too much,” Kolya said. “It’s not good for him.”
“Says the man that also works too much,” Mina said with a small huff of laughter.
“Yes, but I am of high ranking with many responsibilities. He could train others to help with his work, he just chooses not to.”
“He trained me,” Mina pointed out. “Although that didn’t work out very well once I started splitting my time between two places. I really should talk to him about bringing someone else in to work for him.”
Kolya merely hummed in response to her statement and tightened his grip around her waist. The sensation seemed familiar, reminding Mina of earlier when Thali had been doing something similar. She noticed a tenseness in his form and his usually warm hands felt chilled when she touched them. He really should have worn gloves.
“Acastus, are you cold?” she asked, shifting in his arms to look up at him. “You look and seem like you’re cold.”
“I should have worn a sweater,” he said. “I’m a bit uncomfortable, but I’ll live.” 
Mina shook her head in amusement. Just the day before, he had been scolding her for not dressing properly and here he was, not wearing the layers he had suggested for herself. She leaned back into his embrace, hoping her body heat would help warm him a bit. 
They could go home soon, even though the celebration was far from being over. As much as she enjoyed participating in these things, she found recently that she enjoyed staying at home with her husband just as much. Hopefully, they would be able to spend more time together in the near future as things settled down for the winter months.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this! Please reblog, like, and comment!
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el-is-away · 2 years
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sweet Amelarius and Thalys for @commanderthalys! thank you!
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wasseramsel · 2 months
Introduction: Thalassa Jones
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thalassa: the daughter of Aether and Hemera in Greek Mythology, the female personification and goddess of the Mediterranean Sea.
wasseramsel: a small bird that lives around rivers and lakes, able to swim and dive into the water.
Born and raised in Crestle Cove Thali never had much need for the outside world. Between the wide ocean and the fast rapids of the veilwater this place has everything she could wish for. Water in abundance. She has a strong sense of her fae heritage although she has never met her fae-father.
Thalassa was raised by her human mother and - after her mother left - spent most of her time in her uncle Noah's shop, the bait and switch. If she isn't sorting through fishing supplies or leaving all her money at poetry and papers you can find her roaming the steps of the Old Lighthouse, gaze turned to the ocean, heart tuned to its call.
Throughout her teenage years, many called her an ice queen, but now, so close to turning 30, she has found a strong sense of community and is thankful for everything that the Crestle Coven has done for her and her kind. Her ties to the witches of town are strong and she dreams to one day create a similar sense of sisterhood and family for the outcast sirens of the fae world. Until then she enjoys her quiet life in Crestle Cove, but do not mistake her stillness for weakness. Like a small creek frozen over in winter, there is power running underneath the surface, strength, and endurance. Should spring come - should someone threaten the fragile safety of her home, like a pirate captain returned - Thalassa is more than ready to break the ice and let the water run wild.
The sea may be calm and peaceful now, but raging storms loom on the horizon, ready to shatter any boat at the rocks of Crestle Cove.
"Cast my ashes into the river and hear how it speaks of my immortal soul."
@crestlecovehq / Wanted Connections
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yatrirestro · 4 months
Exploring Regional Delicacies: A Foodie's Guide to Train Food Delivery
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Travelling by train has long been a cherished experience for many, offering a unique perspective of the ever-changing landscapes and a chance to savour the journey. While the rhythmic clatter of wheels on the tracks creates a soothing backdrop, the prospect of enjoying delicious regional delicacies can elevate the experience to a whole new level. We will explore how foodies can indulge in the finest local cuisines while travelling by train, thanks to innovative services like Yatri Restro that directly bring India's flavours to your seat.
The Evolution of Train Food Delivery
Gone are the days when train travellers had limited food options, often confined to pantry cars or station stalls. The advent of online food delivery services has revolutionised the way passengers eat on trains. Companies like Yatri Restro have tapped into this market, providing an array of choices that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From traditional thalis to contemporary fast food, passengers can now relish various dishes without leaving their seats.
The Role of Yatri Restro in Train Food Delivery
Yatri Restro has emerged as a prominent player in the train food delivery market. Their mission is to enhance the travel experience by offering high-quality, hygienic, and delicious food showcasing different regions' rich culinary heritage. Partnering with local restaurants and food vendors, Yatri Restro ensures that each meal is freshly prepared and reflects the region's authentic flavours.
How Yatri Restro Works
Easy Ordering Process: Passengers can place orders through the Yatri Restro website or mobile app. The user-friendly interface allows travellers to browse menus, select their desired meals, and specify the station where they would like their food to be delivered.
Wide Range of Options: Yatri Restro offers an extensive menu with regional specialities, vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, and special dietary options. Whether you're craving a spicy biryani or a healthy salad, there's something for everyone.
Timely Delivery: Yatri Restro prioritises hot and fresh food delivery. Their efficient logistics network ensures that meals are prepared just before your train arrives at the designated station, guaranteeing freshness and flavour.
Exploring Regional Delicacies with Yatri Restro
One of the joys of travelling across India is the opportunity to taste the diverse cuisines that each region offers. Here are some regional delicacies you can savour while travelling by train, with Yatri Restro ensuring you get all the culinary delight.
North India
Punjab: Known for its rich and hearty food, Punjab offers dishes like butter chicken, sarson ka saag, and makki di roti. A typical Punjabi thali, with its curries, bread, and lassi, can be a fulfilling meal on your journey.
Delhi: The capital city is famous for its street food. From chole bhature to paranthas and kebabs to jalebi, Delhi's culinary scene is a melting pot of flavours. Yatri Restro brings these street food delights straight to your train seat.
Uttar Pradesh: Experience the royal flavours of Awadhi cuisine with dishes like kebabs, biryani, and korma. The intricate use of spices and slow-cooking techniques make these dishes a treat for your taste buds.
South India
Tamil Nadu: Enjoy the crispiness of dosas, the tanginess of rasam, and the rich flavours of Chettinad cuisine. A traditional Tamil Nadu meal on a banana leaf can be an exotic experience.
Kerala: Known as God's Own Country, Kerala offers a variety of seafood dishes, coconut-based curries, and appams. The delicate flavours of fish molee or the spicy punch of a prawn curry can make your journey memorable.
Karnataka: Relish the taste of Mysore masala dosa, bisi bele bath, and Mangalorean fish curry. The blend of spices and unique preparation methods make Karnataka's cuisine stand out.
East India
West Bengal: Savour Bengali cuisine's sweet and savoury delights. From the spicy fish curry (macher jhol) to the sweet goodness of rasgulla and sandesh, the flavours of Bengal are hard to resist.
Odisha: Try the famous Dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew, or the classic chhena poda, a baked cottage cheese dessert. The simplicity and wholesomeness of Odia food are its highlights.
Assam: The northeastern state offers exotic dishes like bamboo shoot pickles, fish tenga, and duck curry. Using fresh herbs and minimal spices gives Assamese cuisine a unique flavour profile.
West India
Maharashtra: Indulge in the spicy and tangy flavours of Marathi food. Vada pav, pav bhaji, and puran poli are just a few examples of the diverse culinary offerings from this region.
Gujarat: Experience Gujarati cuisine's sweet and savoury balance with dishes like dhokla, khandvi, and the famous Gujarati thali. The use of diverse ingredients and flavours makes this cuisine truly special.
Goa: Enjoy the vibrant and spicy Goan cuisine, known for its seafood and Portuguese influence. Goan food is a burst of flavours, from fish curry rice to bebinca.
Central India
Madhya Pradesh: The heart of India offers delicacies like poha jalebi, bhutte ka kees, and the sumptuous Bhopali kebabs. The rich culinary heritage of this region is reflected in its diverse dishes.
Chhattisgarh: Known for its tribal cuisine, Chhattisgarh offers unique dishes like fara, bafauri, and dehati harela. These rustic dishes are a testament to the state's rich cultural heritage.
Tips for a Perfect Foodie Journey
To make the most of your train journey and the food delivered by Yatri Restro, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: While spontaneity has its charm, planning your meals in advance can ensure you try the best regional delicacies. Check the route of your train and the specialities of the regions you'll be passing through.
Stay Hydrated: Traveling can dehydrate, especially in the summer. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol.
Opt for Fresh and Light: While indulging in rich and heavy foods is tempting, opting for lighter meals can help you stay comfortable during the journey.
Share and Sample: If you're travelling with family or friends, order different dishes and share them. This way, you get to sample a wider variety of flavours.
Check Reviews: Yatri Restro's app and website often feature restaurant reviews and ratings. Check these to ensure you're ordering from highly recommended places.
Travelling by train in India offers a unique opportunity to explore the country's culinary diversity. With services like Yatri Restro, you can enjoy the best regional delicacies delivered right to your seat, making your journey not just a mode of travel but a gastronomic adventure. Every meal can celebrate India's rich culinary heritage, from the spicy curries of the South to the sweet treats of the East. So, the next time you board a train, let Yatri Restro take care of your dining needs and embark on a flavorful journey across India.
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I am not sure if this is helpful or needed but as I used to be associated with scarlet and melias, I know a couple of blogs that subscribe to their beliefs.
@/ sugaglos (makes art inspired by scarlet's posts, also posts abt lilith) @/ thalis-karatzas (is someone who works with them and provides spiritual services alongside them) @/ warriorangel36 (literally their pinned is a masterpost of scarlets posts. that being said, after double-checking, it seems they have hidden themselves from search results) @/ yharnam-moon @/ belial-always-wins @/ adrianna-gemini (dormant since may 2022)
Really thank you for your message, it can help spread awareness. It is helpful and needed. Since I don't know who are you and I had that option, I checked myself, and you are right. To my followers and others (if you don't know what's the matter, scarletarosa and melias are basically running a cult):
- I recognize sugaglos, they are indeed clearly associated with scarletarosa and melias.
- thalis-karatzas - all the most recent posts are reblogs from melias, scarletarosa, and sugaglos
- warriorangel36 - I cannot find them too, either removed from search or blocked me. So I cannot say anything.
- yharnam-moon - initially one may not see it among the social and political posts but there are several reblogs from scarletarosa.
- belial-always-wins - pinned post is the Serpents of Antiquity promo, all the most recent posts are reblog from scarletarosa and melias
- adrianna-gemini - either hidden from search or blocked me.
(checked 13.04.2013)
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
I had a thought (again)!
TH Masterlist
Tag list: @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @alikaheroes @dreamlandcreations @buttercup32sstuff @zablife @woofgocows @vir-tual @liliac-dreamer @ilovemanypeople @elijahssuit
So I’m currently waiting for the Thalys towards Brussels to take the train to King’s Cross from there. It’s fierce nippy and me hands are cold, only having a cup of coffee to warm them on. Yet, it gave me an idea. Now, fancy me this:
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- It’s cold, which he knows you hate because your feet and fingers are very susceptible to the chill in the air.
- So he holds your hand while you hold your coffee in the other, silently praying the train will be there shortly so you can be nice and warm.
- Insists on carrying your backpack on top of his own.
- But the attempt is as much of a failure as his proposal to carry your suitcase.
- “It has wheels, Alfie. I can drag it, you know.”
- “It’s ‘eavy, innit? I saw you pile a mountain of stuff in there.”
- “I don’t have that much with me. It’s fine.”
- “Give me the suitcase, love.”
- “No.”
- “Y/N…”
- “I said no.”
- “Your backpack, then.”
- “No!”
- “Fine,” he eventually conceded, grumbling under his breath. “But coffee’s on me, yeah.”
- The entire trip he’s wanted you to kick back and relax. Alfie is used to having to organize everything and take account of matters, which means he keeps your train tickets and passports and keeps an eye on the time.
- During packing, both before you left London and yesterday, he made a list to make sure you absolutely had everything.
- Save to say, just as you thought you were done and ready to close your suitcase, he’d sweep in with the, by that point, bloody list.
- The only thing he tends to forget are his glasses.
- You’re in charge of making sure he doesn’t.
- Always has a snack stash and a book in his bag.
- As soon as you finished the last sip of your coffee, Alfie envelops your hands with his bear paws (affectionate) while scooting closer. The man’s basically a walking furnace, a feat he’s secretly glad about because warmth is another thing he can provide you with.
- And he loves providing for you.
- When the Thalys is finally there he lets out a barely noticeable sigh of relief, takes your hand, and guides you two towards your carriage.
- Though you don’t always agree with his methods, in this case you’re happy he uses his imposing figure and menacing aura to intimidate the others into making way for you.
- Luggage in the racks above your seats, you two plop down in your seats. He lets you go first, making sure to have booked a window seat for you.
- When Alfie sits down, he allows himself to relax. The tenseness seeps from his body, his shoulders lowering as he leans back.
- You hand him his glasses after he’s pulled the novel he’s currently reading from his bag. In return, in thanks and general affection, you get a kiss on the forehead.
- Which novel he’s currently reading?
- Wuthering Heights.
- And so commences the journey home, golden sunlight illuminating the red accents in the carriage and making you doze off.
- Your hand still in his.
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