#thank you so much for showing interest in my boi he's currently my obsession oc
thewastelandlosers · 3 months
CAn you please tell us more about him!! Where he comes from if theres more like him!! How did he become a riader boss!
Heeheheeehe yes I can
He's a big 7'6 boi, 169 years old and comes from a secret vault-tech science vault, not created to house civilians but to mess with prehistoric and modern reptilian/amphibian DNA with human embryos to create diseases, cures etc.
Creating a bunch of humanoid reptiles and amphibians from different periods of time.
Hetz was one of the last of the batches created and the biggest mistake, spliced with Dilophosaurus genetics he become a mix of a favourite and problem experiment amongst the human scientists.
He was only 6 years old when the breakout happened, a lil Gecko mutant having gotten into the wiring of the vault, shutting down the power which turned into a massacre of vault-tech scientists against lizard people.
For the next 163 years, it was just Hetz and his family of lizards, dinos and frogs, kept hidden in the vault, kept alive and well from either hibernation or the aid of the mr handies still functional. A quiet society that kept themselves away from the outside world, only encountering the every so often radrat, roaches or molerat.
Hetz finds a way out of the vault, though unintentionally, originally wanting to fix the air circulation ended up finding an old molerat cave that came to the outside world, collapsing when he got out and trapping him out.
Unable to get back in, he took the newly freedom to explore the world.
How he became a raider boss is simply from some raiders not leaving him alone. He killed and ate so many that he came across, word that spread around that a "Freaky Pinky-Purple talking Deathclaw-Looking Thing" is killing of raider gangs, some whack jobs are gonna want to follow in his footsteps.
Hetz just kinda went with it, at the start finding it annoying but whenever he got praised and cheers it just rubbed his ego so much he stopped chasing them away. His raider groupies started to paint themselves to match his patterns, wear spiked armour, some even putting ropes or belts on to resemble a 'tail' calling themselves the Cold Teeth which is as cheesy as you'd expect.
Really they built everything up for him, not having to do much other than spout out orders every so often and in return he gets to be a pampered princess.
Sure he misses his reptilian family deep down, but he's loving his violent fun life up in the wastes. Given the opportunity though, will try to get anyone who owns a pip-boy to help him open his vault in return, might give them a reward.
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roetrolls · 3 years
Can you tell me the lore of your ocs and your blog? I'm fairly new and on mobile, so the embedded links in pinned don't work for me I'm afraid. 😅
Sure thing! Thank you so much for being interested in my characters ^^
I've actually been waiting until this plot concludes to update everything, so those links won't be much help anyways. There's quite a bit, but I'll do my best to give you everything relevant to the current happenings!
There are two converging plots going on right now: The Flashback arc and the Thorezille arc. We'll start with the former!
It begins with Benjin Mahkir and his backstory. Ben's ancestor, the Dominion, is a prominent figure and the head of his own church where followers worship him as a god. It's a cult.
Now, the Dominion, AKA Harlan Mahkir, is uh. Not a good guy! He's also 10'8 and I will never stop mentioning it because oh my god that's so scary. Harlan is obsessed with his legacy, so he tracked his descendant down when Benjin was just a kid and snatched him up to be raised as a perfect successor.
This was all stuff I had before everyone's favorite agent of chaos @sasster came to play in my sandbox. So. We backplotted.
Turns out Harlan was moirails with Chase's troll Orfuse Saekul, a guy who can see events from both the past and future! He saw one day that Harlan would turn into a megalomaniacal tyrant and went "Uh-oh! I should fix him!" (Spoilers: He couldn't fix him)
There's a lot more to it than that, but I don't want this to get too long, so we'll leave it at that for this overview. All you need to understand right now is that Harlan was extremely possessive of Orfuse and also currently owns all the journals he wrote detailing the events of the future.
Now, back to Benjin. Forcibly adopted by his ancestor. Grew up in an environment that was just... SO fucked. Harlan has the power to compel people and, if they take something from his hands, puppet them completely for a time. He's done this to Ben so many times that Benjin has permanently lost some control of his body to Harlan.
Ben had resigned himself to his fate, but eventually askers convinced him to try escaping, which he did with the help of his only friend, Veylin Kenshe. Veylin is a psychic empath who can feel and manipulate the emotions of herself and others. She lived alone in the arctic to avoid the pain of involuntary empathic readings!
Anyways. Veylin helped Ben get in contact with some people who could help him escape, and they did, and he was safe and happy. But Harlan didn't really like losing his heir, so he kidnapped Veylin (who he knew about through Orfuse's journals) to 1) find a way to use her powers for his own gain and 2) bait Benjin back.
Soon after that, he went and kidnapped Orfuse's descendant too, just to have him. You know. As a keepsake. Veylin and Zurven get close while they're trapped together.
Then Benjin found out they had Veylin and came running back without thinking because that boy's got some MAJOR trauma from watching Harlan kill the last person he dared to care about.
And Harlan is thrilled. He's got his puppet (Ben), his tool (Veylin), and his trophy (Zurven) all right in front of him. He starts having fun.
That's when we get 3 separate drabbles showing how he fucks with each member of Flashback in a specific way! Veylin gets his symbol carved into her arm, Zurven has his powers triggered beyond their limit, and Ben has to relive his traumatic childhood organ lessons for an audience (Zurv and Vey)
They're really only getting through this by leaning on each other. Anywho! That's status quo for PLOT ONE OF TWO. Harlan's fucked up game of house where he traumatizes 3 young adults for fun.
Chase and I made new characters together, and then we roped @ask-the-troll-boys in as well. Hi Dami <3
Welcome to Thorezille, an idyllic town with an associated cavern, run by Remora Ofidis and Redivi Duxile respectively. Redivi is Chase's! Remora's his husband :) He's very in love! A little too in love, honestly. It's scary.
I can't tell you too much about Thorezille, because a lot of that is still being revealed, but everyone is aware by now that things aren't as perfect as the seem, as evidenced by my ship w/ Damien, Canidly Fowl Harts, made up of Theoci Chorda, Marqez Tsakal, and Hirsch Geweih (Damien's!) who live there.
Theo was raised in Thorezille by Redivi himself, but he moved away for unknown reasons before returning with his two boyfriends.
We (actually just you guys) don't know how these plots converge, just that they do, thanks to a vision Zurven had of Redivi being pissed about Veylin.
There are, of course, other characters and other plotlines going on, but this is getting long, so I'll leave it here unless you want me to explain certain character specifically!
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artekai · 3 years
I've noticed you making more post about your OC, I really wanna hear more about him if you have anything... please ramble about him as much as you want §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§
OKAY SO i've been bluescreening all afternoon because I don't know where to start??? This is a P5R x Horizon AU, so do I start with the P5R stuff? Do I start with the Horizon stuff? Do I start with who Artekai actually is as a person?? I was gonna go over the story in chronological order, but when I was midway through my essay I realized it was gonna require me to explain a lot of Horizon stuff I don't really wanna get into, and it was gonna be like 80% Horizon, 10% P5R, and 10% actual Artekai ;-; So I'm gonna try to focus on my boy this time :')
(Just as a heads up, I will be going into major Horizon Zero Dawn spoilers, but I will try to explain so that it makes sense even if you’ve never played it. Also, I'm still brushing up on my knowledge of Horizon lore, so please forgive me if I get the timeline or any other canon details wrong ;-;)
SO. About Artekai. He's a 20 years old (give or take) machine hunter from the Cut (which is what we currently call Yellowstone, except it's frozen over in the future). He's a manwhore, a himbo, an attention whore. He doesn't have the same terms to describe his identity as we do, but, if he did, he'd be a gay trans guy. He's a devout believer of the Banuk tribe's faith and dreams of being a shaman someday, but, deep down, what he truly wants is to be needed. Poor guy feels very disconnected from the world and the people around him ;-;
Artekai, much like his predecessor, is extremely forgiving. Even though the werak that raised him was wiped out during the war with the Carja, he doesn't hold a grudge against any of the other tribes. That is, of course, as long as they don't say anything against Kai's people now, because he can get very defensive very quickly, but, otherwise, he always tends to assumes the best of everyone. He also advocates for diplomacy, migration, and trading between tribes, because he believes that contact with other cultures can only enrich all of their tribes and make them stronger.
Speaking of cultures, you could say that Kai takes a lot of interest in anthropology, haha. He's excited about traveling around and learning all about other tribes, their traditions and their beliefs, showing a child-like wonder when he gets to share his own culture with any outlanders who are willing to keep an open mind.
As protective as he is of his people, however, Kai does find some aspects of Banuk culture stifling, like the emphasis on self reliance or how everything, even survival, is made into a competition. He hopes to be able to get through to the other Banuk and push for a change, but he feels like he needs more authority to be able to actually achieve anything (which ties back to his desire to be a shaman - but it's fine, he'll settle for chieftain if he gets the chance).
On the topic of authority and social change, Artekai isn't very well liked amongst the Banuk, not even within his own werak. They tolerate him because he's a very skilled hunter and explorer, but he's the werak weirdo, who's overly clingy and flirts with the chieftain, who challenges tradition yet somehow believes in the Blue Light more obsessively than anyone else, who thinks he's the second coming of Banukai (an important historical figure in Banuk faith) or something equally insane. And yeah, Artekai's feet aren't exactly grounded on reality. He's a lot more quiet about it now, since he has been shamed for it throughout the years, but the werak he was raised in used to believe he had been born from the Blue Light to heal the world and restore peace to the machines, so he believed it too.
In that sense, I guess he's a bit of an anti-Aloy. And I know that sounds like more of a Carja thing to do, but it's all Azathoth's fault. Let me explain.
Back in the day, about half a century ago, there was this guy called Takuto Maruki (idk, you've probably never heard of him lol) who was part of Project Zero Dawn, because he was the world's leading expert on cognitive psience at the time. What was Project Zero Dawn, you may ask? Well, you see, at the time, a swarm of self replicating machines had gone rogue, so there was nothing humanity could do to save the world they knew. However, Zero Dawn was a project led by Elisabet Sobeck, created with the goal to stop the machines and restore life to Earth even after total extinction.
Azathoth, however, survived. How did he live through humanity's extinction, which would've presumably caused the cognitive world to crumble and be rebuilt later on in completely different ways? I'm not sure. I'm still figuring things out ;-; He's probably an actual deity and not just a cognitive being here. This AU is already very far removed from P5R canon, so that might as well happen, I guess.
Anyhow, Azathoth had to watch Takuto die. He lost his master, his role model, his only friend, his partner in crime... and, as if that wasn't enough, he had to watch the rest of humanity die as well. He watched as plants and animals disappeared, as the world was taken over by machines, and he couldn't do anything about it...
Azzie had a lot of time to sleep while he waited for the world to be repopulated. He might've even unlocked a new whole range of emotions while he processed what was happening around him. But, even when the wait was over and humans came back, he still felt... horribly empty. He needed his master, his chosen human, his friend. Even if humans came back, there'd never be another one as perfect as Takuto, who'd be able to give Azathoth a sense of purpose like he had, who'd help him feel complete again...
Azzie impulsively ordered a Takuto clone to be made. How???? No idea. Did he even have access to GAIA or ELEUTHIA??? I dunno. But Azzie is a deity, nothing was gonna stop him. He was gonna learn how to actualize an AI if necessary, dammit.
As you can see, I'm trying to connect the two things that don't make sense in this AU (The existence of a Takuto clone + Azathoth's survival) to try to fit everything in... but, on the other hand, this was self indulgent from the start, so maybe I can allow myself a few plot holes?
In any case, that's how Artekai was born! It was only then that Azathoth realized what he had done. He really had just made a whole ass baby just because he was sad and lonely... He could practically hear Takuto panicking and banging his head against a wall in the afterlife. Azathoth didn't know the first thing about taking care of a human child, so, for the baby's sake, he scouted the area and chose to hand him over to the Banuk. Why the Banuk, specifically? He probably thought their way of life suited Takuto or something. After all, wasn't Takuto self-reliant and resilient to a fault? Surely his clone would fare well in a society that valued those two traits above all else, right?
But Azathoth either didn't account or didn't care for the way the Banuk would react to his presence (he is the blind idiot god, so I'm leaning towards "didn't account"). This was around the time of the Derangement, which meant the machines that had once been peaceful were turning aggressive towards people without explanation. So, imagine you're a Banuk shaman and, during that period of change and uncertainty, a machine unlike any other (taller than any human, body bathed in gold and hovering over the ground, cables in place of limbs, bright blue light flowing through its tendrils and shining in his eyes) shows up at your werak and places a baby in your arms. For all you know, this baby has no human parents. This machine also seems a lot friendlier than all other machines, even before the Derangement. Are you supposed to not interpret that as some kind of divine sign?
So yeah. If Artekai's name sounds similar to Banukai, that was a deliberate choice. He was loved and uplifted by his original werak, which he misses dearly, but he was also pushed even harder than usual because they believed that the duty of saving the world rested on his shoulders. So that's why he's always so thirsty for validation.
Of course, someday, Artekai is gonna meet Azathoth and find out that he never was some sort of savior, because he's just the clone of some random dude from the old world (whereas his traveling partner Aloy really is the clone of the Scientist that Saved the World) and that he was made just because Azzie got lonely :/ That's not gonna be fun for anyone involved, haha. But hey, Kai still sticks with Aloy and helps save the world for real, so maybe his wish still came true somewhat! ^^
(I must say, though, I find it amusing that Azathoth single-handedly gave both Takuto and his son god complexes to match. King shit)
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450 Followers: Meet The Writer
Hello there! We’re back with another Meet The Writer Q&A and it’s our pleasure to introduce a fellow Brazilian fanfic author for our ninth interview:
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Blog: @julia-highstorms​ Name (or petname): Julia/Ju Birthday: July 9 Nationality: Brazilian 🇧🇷 Current residency: I'm one of the 12 million people living in São Paulo, Brazil Languages you speak: Brazilian Portuguese, English and a bit of Japanese Masterlist: Julia’s choices fanfiction masterlist
1. Is there a meaning behind your url name? Yes! For those who have been following me for a while, they already know that I used to change my URL according to the Choices character I was stanning at the time but it was a PAIN to fix all my fanfics links 😩 so I decided to finally create an unique URL that I wouldn't get tired of. So I mixed my two surnames together and it (basically) means Highstorms. I loved it 😌
2. When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 2017 I believe. TRR book 1 was about to debut. YEAH. It was the Freshman Book 1.
3. When did you decide to join Choices fandom? December 21 2017. ILITW was in its last chapters and I was obsessed with it. I wanted to talk about it with other people, but I didn't know anyone who also played Choices. So I found the fandom on Tumblr and decided to join. I miss all my friends I made back then and we all went nuts with ILITW finale together 😩 Good times
4. Go back to your archive and tell us what was your first post on your Choices blog was about. My first post was about how I loved ILITW and how everyone was fucked up sjddndossok also a lot of reblogs about MAKE NOAH AN LI 🗣️
5. How long have you been writing fanfiction? I started writing fanfictions in my senior year of high school, although I attempted to write my own stories when I was younger, around 12-13.
6. Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? My first fanfic ever is about The Maine, it was my favorite band back then slfjdfodj but my first Choices fanfic is If Jane Was Here (ILITW told by Noah) Chapter 1. I AM SO PROUD OF IT. Of course, there are some things I would change. Like adding even more angst. Having finished writing it way sooner. But I'm super proud of it overall. My first (and so far only) Choices long series I've ever finished. Wow.
7. What are your favorite Choices books to write about? Definitely Open Heart just because of Bryce Lahela and Rei (my MC). OPH has become a mess, but I love Bryce too much. I loved the It Lives anthology too and enjoyed writing about. And I'm hyped for my upcoming Blades AU series!
8. What is your specialty as a fanfic writer? Oooh I guess it is rewriting certain scenes or events of the books or thinking about AUs. Since ILITW I have enjoyed doing this. Writing on another character's point of view of the events that have happened (the whole If Jane Was Here series, that is ILITW told by Noah's POV). Or adding some depth to a certain scene (did something like this with Julia, my ILB MC, and Tom's relationship. And with Rei and Bryce's). Or even rewriting the story to fit better with my MC's personality (Rei, OPH MC).
9. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised? When people say they like my MC's, Rei (OPH MC) and Luxia (Blades MC). Before, whenever I played Choices, I didn't care much about the MCs because they're all generic (which makes sense because we're the ones playing it). They're always the happy go lucky friend that tries to fix everyone's problems and every LI is in love with them. Boooooring. Rei was my first MC that I created a whole non-canon personality to her, and that's why she's my baby 🥺 and when people commented that they felt represented by Rei, that she felt more realistic than PB's usual MC, well, that was my peak as a writer lol so they're basically OC's, with their own personalities and temperaments.
10. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them? I do, but I wish I could participate more often! The prompts are what I like the most, because they give me ideas that I'd have never thought to write about before.
11. Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? Meg Cabot was my favorite author growing up and I read some of Sophie Kinsella’s books too, so probably my love for adding a bit of comedy, silly little things in my fanfics came from them. I love Jane Austen too. And last but not least, my flair for angst definitely came from reading Fruits Basket, my favorite manga ever. There’s so much angst in Furuba dodksdishd Takaya Natsuki-sensei really enjoys it. I recommend reading her other manga series, Twinkle Stars, too.
12. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Actually writing lmao. You know, taking the plot out of my mind and typing it down on Google Docs. Writing is hard, takes too much time and I'm lazy 😩 I wish I could just transfer my ideas to a document and it's done. No need to write, no need to revise, etc. I love the final product, but I hate the process.
13. Do you have any abandoned WIPs? What made you abandon them? A BUNCH OAJDSKDKD 🤦 Either because my inspiration to write it has faded or because I don't want to spend my whole time writing.
14. You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio? Oooooh great question! I must put:
If Jane Was Here - Alternative ending (ILITW): this is the only finale I accept sorrynotsorry
Too Little Too Late - Jax x MC (Bloodbound): I wanted to feel hurt. People cried. I loved it sclkdsdjsops
The Loudest One - Bryce x F!MC (Open Heart): I wrote this one for CFWC Kinktober! And honestly, this is the best smut scene I have written. I’m quite proud about it.
Satisfied - Jax x Lily (Bloodbound): it was fun writing for my crack ship! My babies. And the first smut scene I have ever written. I’m glad it was with these two. I still can’t get over the fact that either one of them dies in BB’s finale. I cannot accept skfjdpd
Lullaby - Tyril x Elf!F!MC (Blades): don’t get me wrong, I love Tyril and his goth lordling mysterious elf boy personality and the first time he and MC made out was HOT but… I missed a bit of clousure before, you know? It felt a bit sudden to me, so I wrote a couple of fanfics showing their growing interest and attraction towards one another. This one is a light cute one and I really like it.
15. Do you create original content aside from fanfiction (original stories, art, etc)?  I sometimes draw some fanarts in which you can see by searching for #occasional drawings on my Tumblr.
Do you want to contribute with questions/ideas for the next Meet The Writer Q&A? Send us a message.
Thanks for reading! Reblog to share your appreciation for @julia-highstorms​ ❤️
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silveryfairy · 4 years
hey man if it's not too much trouble, could you give us a brief rundown of the Nocturnes? It's just, every morning I wake up and there's a new one, and I Care everyone in this establishment a lot though I don't really know them, thank you kindly have a nice day
let my preface this by saying: aayushi, i love you, and your enthusiasm and interest for the things i create never ceases to bring me joy. you are the kind of friend i think everyone should have and i say that completely genuinely outside of this bit.
i say that as an apology in advance for what i’m about to unleash upon you, because what you’re going to see is the product of my friend @himepapillon and i’s absolute BRAINROT and what comes of it when not only two people make an oc universe from scratch but what happens when we then have to explain that universe to other people
you are in no way required to retain this information as to be completely honest me and jeremie haven’t fully either and we’re the ones who MADE this shitshow. below is the shoddy family tree i lovingly crafted in ms paint
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let us begin. 
for starters, i’ll specify some things:
1. not every oc on this chart is mine, as it’s a collaboration between me and jeremie - the koenig family and bishop family belong to faer but the rest is all me baby! for the sake of your soul i will only be going into my half of this Mess
2. the universe this takes place in is a pretty wacky and silly one, just, like, Slightly removed from reality. these characters are all completely batshit insane and do things that no human being probably should. it’s all portrayed critically, as the general concept of this whole thing is “the goings-on of a bunch of unhinged corrupt rich people”. we kind of flip flop on how seriously stuff is played but if i had to slap a genre on this it’d be, like, black comedy drama. i know a lot of these concepts sound kinda fucked to write but that’s just because i’m trying to describe them in a SOMEWHAT concise way without going into Super Introspective mode
the nocturnes are an incredibly influential and rich family in the uk that tends to produce very influential and rich people. they’re also all a little bit insane. the main characters of this Saga are the sons of desmond and xanthes, the family’s resident Power Couple and biggest figureheads. they suck ass but that will become apparent the second i talk about their children.
from oldest to youngest, the nocturne boys are:
ichor nocturne, 25 - the eldest, ichor was disowned from the household when he was 18 for unruly behavior, sent to live alone on a farm so he couldn’t tarnish his family’s image any further. since then, you’d think the isolation has driven him a bit mad - he’s a very prolific cotton farmer and has been doing astonishingly well for himself, running his farm on his own with only his parents’ inheritance as help. ...that, and, of course, the blood of the people he executes to keep his crops growing - or so he believes. he moonlights as an executioner in the small town over, exterminating the ‘pests’ of the city. despite his newfound violence, he still routinely checks in on his siblings, finding ways to mysteriously end up at their door to pay visits. the older brother instinct still hasn’t left
icarus nocturne, 23 - the second eldest (only by technicality, as he is a twin), icarus is the family’s golden child! but not in terms of business or anything, oh no - icarus is a famous heartthrob teen (sorta) musician! he’s been in the limelight since he was a little boy, being an actor as a small child and getting into music as he grew. his general Look(tm), accompanied by infectiously happy rave music, is a trademark cutesy mask over his face with oversized clothing - meant to express as much energy as possible as he bounces about the stage. in reality, he lives a life as forced and controlled as possible by virtue of... living the fucked up life of a child star. but his parents have someone to take the fall - so, what of his twin?
achilles nocturne, 23 - icarus’ younger twin, which wouldn’t mean much... in any family but this one. achilles has had it drilled into his head since the beginning that he was a mistake next to icarus, to the point where legally, he does not exist. following icarus beginning his career, achilles was unpersoned completely - living in the family’s basement with the height of his education being for a very specific purpose... needing to be icarus’ body double on tours and for paparazzi - after all, they can’t have icarus’ purity tainted by all those clamboring fans! it’s a godawful situation. on the bright side, though, achilles has found a hobby where he can be himself: twitch streaming! yes really. under the name of 1upanonymous, hidden under a mask just like his brother, achilles at least has a fanbase that can love him for who he is! ...uh, kind of.
tomasine “tommy” nocturne, 16 - the youngest of the bunch, and it says a lot about his siblings’ capabilities that he’s the technical heir to the nocturnes’ various businesses and fortune. tommy is just a feral 16 year old that doesn’t give two shits about any fame or fortune, he just wants to party and drink and have fun like any other kid his age! he’s rebellious, loud, and charmingly annoying (to his brothers anyway), and has no real care for the gravity of his family’s situations beyond finding it annoying that they want him to be all PRIM and PROPER and BUSINESSY EEWWWWW. he’s just a funny loud little child trying to live his best life. loves his brothers fiercely
already a mess of people. and really, all you need to know about or really keep in mind are those four: the upcoming characters are largely just side ones we came up with because we thought it’d be funny to flesh out this fucked up family more. so let’s get into the anatra branch of the family - headed by jael nocturne, xanthes’ brother and the siblings’ uncle
jael anatra-nocturne, who i am not giving an age for my own sanity trying to decipher this fucking timeline - a crude and playful uncle, jael is someone the nocturne boys either love (icarus, tommy) or hate (achilles, ichor). constantly joking, as he expresses affection with loving insults - kind of a money-driven asshole, but a lovable one - he’s a career politician and met his current husband, joaquin, on the job. or, well... no longer current, because jael’s funny life of debauchery, toxic masculinity, and making fun of his nephews, came to an abrupt end when he was assassinated on live television. yipes!
joaquin anatra-nocturne, who also does not get an age - jael’s former secretary and current widow, joaquin is the local wine uncle. im not sure if that’s a classification but it is now, because he is one. an unapologetic gold-digger, he (publicly) took jael’s death frighteningly well, and is now living his best life with a revolving door of new boyfriends. his relationship with jael was a genuine and very loving one, and joaquin IS devastated by his death, but both of them just found the bit of pretending to be this loveless gold digger/politician couple very funny, and being as suspicious as possible around his husband’s death is exactly what jael would have wanted joaquin to do
taddeo anatra-nocturne, 14 - the youngest child of these two, a shy little boy with big Child In A Horror Movie energies. makes potions in the backyard and probably decorates his clothes with animal bones n stuff when he’s older. despite this he’s pretty harmless, nice and fiercely loyal - tommy especially thinks he’s fun and likes to hang out with him at family gatherings - just so long as you look past the creepy dolls he likes to talk to and fires he likes to set. especially close with jael and wants to be a miniature version of him, buuut still being a shy tween taddeo hasn’t been able to act on that much.
dailon anatra-nocturne, 20 - the adopted second child of jael and joaquin, dailon is a moody and unstable delinquent that was snatched up by them just as he was about to age out of foster care. while he has a chill ‘cool-older-even-though-he’s-younger-cousin’ demeanor, the tension when he’s around his parents - jael specifically - can be cut with a knife. dailon hates his dad: ‘someone who expresses affection with insults and jokes and likes seeing people pissed at him’ and ‘someone who’s volatile, short-tempered, and sullen after living in a foster home most his life’ are just as bad of a combination as you’d expect. dailon gets himself into a lot of trouble, and is an overall very self-centered prick, but we’ll get more on that in a bit.
HELL FAMILY...2!!! that’s the last of the families to cover, buuuut there are still some other names on that list - mostly connected to dailon. this is REAL “just going on in the background” shit that you also do not need to know whatsoever (except for mitzi she’s pretty important she’s just down here for organization purposes) - i just like to play god and make characters get into drama.
[tw: cheating, unhealthy relationships, stalking]
mitzi “moon” altberg, 23 - achilles must feel very far away by now, but we’re back to him for a second! mitzi is his ex-girlfriend he met online, a fan-to-employee-to-lover and one of the maybe two people outside of the family achilles has shown his real face to. however, achilles growing up deeply unstable - between his parents’ abuse, having spotlights on him and adoring fans both as icarus’ body double and as a streamer, and in general not really growing up to be any kind of well developed human being - made this relationship a complete disaster. he grew obsessive and controlling - and when she tried to ignore him, he broke his one rule (to never go outside without permission) to find the hotel she was staying at in real life and show up to confront her. the incident was completely covered up, both by the nocturnes and with their connections, and so mitzi was forced to stay silent. this entire thing is based on this song! as time heals wounds, though, mitzi will end up doing pretty well for herself and putting achilles behind her - even getting a new boyfriend, jared!
reynard fiala, 20 - dailon’s (ex-)boyfriend, who he’s enraveled in his own weird soap opera subplot with. reynard is a relatively chill person, with an interest in art and taxidermy - just as morbid as dailon’s brother, but in a more. Normal way. genuinely a sweetheart who does not deserve what happens to them: getting cheated on with dailon’s best friend. yipes^2! while it's earth shattering in the moment, all reynard will really want to do come some time to process is to move on and for him and dailon both to heal in peace... far away from eachother (which is easier said than done since taddeo thinks reynard is super cool and loves having him over, the awkwardness between them and his brother be damned)
jared summers, 21 - the most normal person here. a longterm best friend of dailon’s, and yes, the very same one i just mentioned. he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer - what we in the industry would call a himbo if his dumbassery didn’t cause very real damage - who had been pining for dailon for years and him dating was no deterrent, and dailon, thinking the world revolves around him as he tends to do, accepted jared’s confession so they just kinda started dating on the side. jared has the moral backbone of a pool noodle, and even after it causes dailon’s relationship with reynard to fall apart, will need a wholeass intervention to be staged to make them both realize just how shitty they’re being. after that, though, jared will end that mess and be on his way to becoming a better person himself - with the help of a sweet girl he’s met online.
jared and mitzi dating in the future is the most contrived thing on the planet but just hear me out that it’ll be HILARIOUS for achilles to check in on his ex-girlfriend and find she’s dating his cousin’s best friend, who said cousin was apparently dating on the side. very small world, it is. 
anyway, thank you if you’ve somehow stuck around to read this entire thing - this isn’t even getting into jeremie’s half of this whole ordeal, which includes some of these fellas’ friends and partners, as well as more crazy rich people nonsense. it’s been very fun to think about and i do love it all dearly, even if putting it all together it’s SUCH a mess.
we don’t intend to make anything Legit out of this, it’s honestly just a fun way to pass the time. it’s the adult equivalent of playing dollhouse. in our minds this is like a 20 season soap opera but actually explaining it to other people it’s just like this
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but thank you again for letting me babble i hope it was somewhat entertaining! and again, godspeed if you managed to read this much XD
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kirishwima · 4 years
Can I please have some headcanons for the RFA meeting MC's older brother, who is EXTREMELY over-protective? The "hurt her and I'll kill you, my sister deserves the best" type. (If you can add Jihyun and Saeran that'd be great, if only to see Big Brother facing both the sweetest man alive; and another man who is both a care bear and 300% more edgy than he could ever hope to be)
ok but like....my mystic messenger OC has TWO brothers, an eldest one who’s a sweet fluff bean and a twin who is EXACTLY what you’re describing lmao, so this is a scenario ive had stuck in my head for ages, bless you for sending it in lmao :DD
i’ll also be using she/her pronouns since you’ve specified them!
* When he’ll first meet MC’s brother, he’s...actually not that worried? He’s met his sisters boyfriends before and sure, he’d tell her his opinion on them but he never like, tried to intimidate them or anything so...how bad could this go?
* Very, as it turns out.
* When Yoosung joins MC with her brother at the specified coffee shop after class, he’s met with two polar opossite looks; the one of fondness as MC waves him over, and a glare strong enough to freeze up the sun, from a man standing next to MC with his arms folded.
* Yoosung took slow shaky steps towards the table, feeling the dark aura surrounding him until it nearly suffocated him as he stood across the glaring man, MC oblivious and nonchalantly beaming up a wide grin as she leaned up to kiss Yoosung’s kiss.
* Throughout their...talk? At the coffee shop, Yoosung felt scrutinised, MC’s brother barely joining the conversation unless she prompted him to, preferring to stare Yoosung up and down instead.
* At some point MC excused herself from the table, leaving Yoosung to face the wrath of her older brother alone, with only his cup of milkshake and purple-pink straw to fend for himself.
* As MC’s brother watched her walk away, he turned back to Yoosung when she was out of earshot, his brows furrowed as if permanently in that position.
* “Listen, I’ll lay it out simple for you. That is my little sister you’re dating, the one I’d kill a man for without second thouhgt or remorse. Hurt her and I hurt you back thrice as bad, got it?”
* Yoosung blinked slow, like a squirell looking into the eyes of a shark. He made to nod before shaking himself out of his trance.
* “Wait, h-hurt her? I’d never-no! If I ever dared hurt her-which I’d never! I love her! But if I ever accidentantly did anything to make her cry, I-I’d come find you myself and ask you to beat me up!”
* MC’s brother stared at the blond dumbfounded, his lips a frown before he snorted out a laugh, loud as he shook his head and brought a hand to Yoosung’s shoulder.
* “Good” he said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, “I like that response. Don’t forget what you just said kid” he said, tightening his grip on Yoosung’s shoulder as a warning.
* And so, Yoosung never forgot.
* N E V E R.
* Well...Zen was warned about how over-protective MC’s brother was, and how the moment he heard about their relationship he demanded he meet Zen for himself.
* And listen, Zen gets it-if he had a sister he knows he’d be just as protective, but the odds were NOT in his favor when it came to leaving a good impression on MC’s brother.
* For one, a quick search of Zen’s name online would not only bring up his many shirtless photos and fans’ screeching about him, which he wasn’t embarassed of, not really; but it would bring up that whole mess with Echo Girl, and second of all
* The day MC asked Zen to come to a resturaunt to meet her brother, of COURSE a flock of fans had to find him at the entrance, surrounding him and giggling at everything he said, one evern asking for a picture only to reach their arm around Zen’s and lean in as if to kiss him for the photo.
* That in itself wasn’t too bad-sure MC never liked it and honestly Zen didn’t either, but it’s something they both had gotten used to. No, instead, it was bad because all the fiasco happened RIGHT in front of MC’s now furious brother.
* As Zen excused himself from his fans and walked towards the table MC and her brother were sat at, he brought his hands in front of him as if to protect himself, apologizing for what just took place as he took a seat besides MC.
* When Zen leaned in to kiss MC hello....he politely turned it into a quick peck on her cheek as MC’s brother threw ice cold daggers to Zen with his glare.
* Zen tried explaining himself, professing his love for MC at every opprotunity, making her have to hide her face in her hands more than once in embarassement, he even explained the whole Echo Girl fiasco to her brother with MC backing him up on the facts.
* Still, her brother wasn’t pleased.
* At some point as Zen kept monologuing, MC’s brother put the glass he was drinking from down on the table with a little too much force, surprising Zen into silence.
* “Look, to be frank I don’t care how much you say you love MC. You’re an actor, hell, you could say ‘I love you’ to a rock and make it look romantic, it’s your freaking job. What I wanna know is, will you always be loyal to her? Will you be there for her when she needs you, or will you be chasing tail around some popular Kardashian or something?”
* MC tried to speak up but Zen halted her, giving her hand a quick squeeze under the table where he’d interlocked his fingers with hers.
* “Thank you for your honesty. If you allow me, I’ll be just as frank in my answer?” he asked, waiting for a nod from MC’s brother to continue. When he received it he nodded back, breathing in before collecting his thoughts.
* “I plan to marry your sister.” He ignored MC’s surprised gasp, simply squeezed her palm in his with a soft smile. “First of course I’d like us to move in together, find a place we can both call home. I’ve had some significant memories in my current place, but I’d leave it in a heartbeat if it’s to find a home with MC. Then I’d propose in the grandest gesture I can, but well, the when and how’s not something I can reveal right here” he grinned, stealing a quick glance at MC’s flustered face, “we’ll get married and I know she’ll be the most beautiful bride the world has seen. If she’ll have me and would be happy to, then the next step would be children. I...I haven’t told you yet” he turned to MC, his smile sheepish, “But I’d love a boy first, then a girl. So he’d be a big brother and protect her at school, because we’d raise him right, he’d be a little knight in shining armor. And she, she’d be our little princess, and we’d love them both just as much. Maybe get a dog for them too, two if you want-”
* He ignored the lodge in his throat as he continued, biting it down along with his embarassement. “And even if she wanted nothing from all that-so long as she wants me, I’ll be there, through thick and thin. So no, I’d never turn to look at another woman, ever-how could I? I have all I need right here” he said, and tugged his and MC’s interlocked fingers to rest atop the table isntead of under it.
* And well-MC’s brother had little to say after that, looking down sheepishly as he thought.
* “Ok just-damn, I had a whole speech ready and you beat me to it” he huffed. “Just-I want to be involved in the wedding planning!” he grinned.
* Turns out he’d soon become best bros with Zen lmao, who would’ve thought
* Honestly...it’d be impossible for MC’s brother to be harsh with her.
* He’s always been MC’s number one supporter, and knowing she’s found herself such a caring and smart girlfriend he’d be happy for his little sis. 
* If there’s anything he’d be harsh about, it’d probably be their plan to open up a coffee shop so quickly. He wouldn’t be mean about it, but he’d sit down with MC and Jaehee and talk it through with them, telling them to consider the risks and how they’d be losing their previous jobs for this.
* Well, Jaehee had it all covered-she’s made a spreadsheet covering the coffee house’s estimated expenses and how they’d be handled going forth for at least one year, and ways to combat every little possible drawback. 
* Even MC’s brother was awed, staring at Jaehee like she grew a second head.
* “You..” he started, “good luck dating my sister” was all he said, earning an elbow to the ribs by his little sister.
* Yeah, Jaehee is definitely the best girlfriend for his little sister, no doubt to that-he can’t even give her the whole ‘If you hurt her I hurt you’ spiel because...honestly the odds of her ever hurting MC are slim to none lmao
* Honestly, in levels of intimidation, they’d both be the same lmao-MC’s brother would try and intimidate Jumin and he’d be completely unable to catch the hidden threat in his words-or rather, he would, but Jumin being Jumin would simply choose to ignore it.
* He’d even rertort back to every little comment her brother made with valid points as to why he’s the best husband for MC.
* “Don’t you think you’re too obsessed with cats?” MC’s brother asks. “That simply shows how devoted I am with my love and interests, which means I’ll always care and love MC with my whole being.” 
* “Aren’t you just some pompous rich dude?” MC’s brother asks, rather rudely. “I don’t know about pompous, but I am rich, yes, which means I’ll always be able to provide for your sister whatever she desires.” Jumin replies.
* Honestly...he’d make MC’s brother give up on his indirect threats, and simply come out and say ‘look, I don’t like you getting married to my little sister so fast-she barely knows you!”
* And that’s the comment Jumin had been waiting for. It’s why he met up with MC’s brother in the first place; Jumin values family, and he wanted all of MC’s loved ones to be on board with her marrying him before going through with it, so that their marriage would be a happy event for everyone involved.
* So Jumin spoke honestly. “I know it’s rather fast, but we both know our feelings for each other are true and strong, and we’ve been through more in the short period of time we’ve known each other than others have been in a lifetime. Your sister is a remarkable person and she’s the first to ever draw such feelings from me, and I never want to let her go. If she’ll have me, I want to be besides her, ‘till death do us apart.”
* Well, by that point...well, MC’s brother knew how MC spoke of Jumin, how much she loved him. He was never going to fully oppose this wedding, he simply wanted to be sure both parties were completely on board with this.
* Besides...one glance at Jumin’s bodyguards let him know for certain that him threatening this millionaire with physical harm wouldn’t roll well here lol
* It’d take a LOT for MC to convince Seven to meet her brother.
* Saeyoung...he’d never feel ready to meet him. What kind of face will he show to MC’s family? What will he tell them? ‘Hi, I’m the hacker that put your sister in an apartment with a bomb then took her with me to a cult’s den to find my missing twin brother? Also my dad’s a super dangerous person and we went through hell and back because of him?’
* Yeah...no. 
* So for the longest time, he avoids meeting MC’s brother. Even when MC moves in with Saeran and Saeyoung, even then Saeyoung still finds excuses to postpone their meeting.
* Until one day, Saeran comes back into the house with a bag of groceries and a frown. 
* “Some dude’s out there and threatened that he wants to talk with me about MC. I told him I’m not the one that’s dating her but he seems way more mad than before, you should probably go check what that’s all about” Saeran shrugs and disappears to the kitchen, leaving Saeyoung to manically check the security cameras to see who this man is-and of course, it’s MC’s brother, leaning on his car that’s parked right outside their house.
* So...there’s no more avoiding it, not when it’s come to this. MC wasn’t even home, so of course her brother had come here to...what? Beat Saeyoung up? Threaten him? And if he did, what right did Saeyoung have to fight back? There was nothing he could offer MC, and anything her brother would say to him would be correct.
* “If you want some advice or anything-” Saeran’s head popped out of the kitchen, a tub of ice cream in hand, “I say just go out there and tell him all the sappy things you tell MC when you think I ain’t listening. He hears someone talk to his sister like that he’s bound to think ‘ah fine he loves her’ and leave you alone’ he shrugged, disappearing back into the kitchen.
* With a sigh Saeyoung dragged himself outside, walking like a sheep to the slaughter as he came to stand across MC’s brother. 
* Absent-mindedly, he noticed the car behind him, nodding as he took in the model. “A Fiat Abarth 500. Which year’s? They’re some tiny but mighty sports cars” he mumbled, more to himself than MC’s brother, who stared wide-eyed at the hacker.
* “Uh...it’s a 2012 one” he replied dumbfounded.   “The best ones were manufactured that year” Seven nodded along.
* Were they...accidentantly bonding?
* What was meant to be a long intimidating speech turned into a 30 minute conversation about sports cars, that only ended when MC walked to the entrance of the house to find her boyfriend and her brother talking animatedly about....cars?!
* When she asked her brother why he was here he seemed to snap back to reality, pointing a finger to Saeyoung’s chest.
* “You...I was here to warn you! Ask why you were hiding yourself from me and tell you to meet me face-to-face like a man if you want to be with my sister..! But uh-you’re actually a pretty decent guy? I mean I’ll still kill you if you hurt my sis-”
* “If I ever dared to hurt her I’d have her kill me herself then have my twin brother hide my body” Seven retorted with a straight face that made a shiver run down MC’s brothers spine.
* And that’s the story of how MC’s brother and Saeyoung ended up not only becoming best friends, but MC’s bro being the only person Saeyoung ever allowed to drive one of his babies, E V E R.
* He’d never admit it, but meeting MC’s brother sent chills up his spine. He had never been in a relationship before, and now here he was-he was meeting her family, living together with her-a completely changed man, and as happy as he was for the change, he was equal parts terrified.
* And as it turns out, his fear wasn’t unwarranted-her brother was a menace, sending glares Saeran’s way from the moment he came into their home for dinner like MC had invited him to.
* Yet the thing about Saeran is this-when he’s scared, he hides it like an ace up his sleeve, becoming more agressive instead, like a cat that fluffs its tail to turn its fear into a threat.
* Each jab from MC’s brother was taken and thrown back to him tenfold by Saeran, who whilst sweet to MC, was more and more cold throughout the night to her brother, much to MC’s dismay.
* It came to a point where the two were prety much fully argung, standing and threatening each other with forks and spoons over the dinner table as MC sighed, sinking into her seat waiting to see if either of them will cave and stop.
* “You’re such an asshole how can you even fucking say you care for my sister?!” “Fuck you that’s how!” Saeran screamed back.
* It escalated and escalated until MC had had enough. With a loud thud she got up from her chair, ramming both her palms onto the table, demanding the boys’ attention.
* “Shut up! Both of you just-stop it! You-” she pointed to her brother “You’re my brother, I love you and respect you, but you’re at my house and you’re yelling at my boyfriend!” she accused, making her brother look away with a scowl, “and you!” she pointed to Saeran next, “You were so sweet, worrying about what kind of foods my brother would like and even going out of your way to cook all this, only to be so rude when he did arrive?! What gives??”
* The two seemed embarassed at their actions at least-MC’s brother had his hand on his neck whilest Saeran folded his arms around himself, looking down to the floor.
* “You uh-you cooked all this?” her brother asked, nodding to the table. Saeran nodded, willing his blush to leave his face, the traitorous blood supply.
* “It’s pretty good man. I thought it was my sister, but she can’t boil pasta to save her life so uh-I was wondering who cooked.”
* “...She almost burnt the kitchen down. Twice.” Saeran supplied, smiling as MC’s brother chuckled.
* By the end of the night the two had sided in teasing MC, but she merely rolled her eyes at them-seeing them bond even over them making fun of her was worth it.
* When she excused herself to go bring the dessert, there was an awkward silence between the two boys before Saeran spoke up, making sure that MC was already in the kitchen and out of earshot.
* “I know I can-I’m an asshole sometimes. I’ve done shitty things, I’ve been mean, and without being aware of my actions, I’ve been mean to her to-” he nodded to the kitchen, “but never again. Even if I’m an ass with everyone else I’ll always cherish her. I love her, she...she’s my sunflower.”
* Her brother didn’t reply, but Saeran knew; they both knew the severity of his words.
friendly reminder i havent played the after ending yet orz
* After all the mess MC had been put through-getting abducted by a cult, only to end up spending a full month besides some dude who got stabbed in a hospital-her brother finding out about it all through the PHONE as he’d called his sister a million times for days whilst her phone was out of service and she wasn’t at her apartment-and then this dude up and DISAPPEARED FOR TWO YEARS? Only to then come back and start dating his sister?
* Nuh-uh. MC’s brother was gonna have some choice words with this asshat, this-cult-loving playboy who toyed with his sister this way!
* When MC’s brother walked up to MC’s place where she’d invited both this Jihyun guy and him for coffee...he expected some big player kind of guy with a snapbcack hat or something.
* He did NOT expect this lanky tall mint-coloured man with this disarming sweet smile, awkwardly extending his hand for a handshake to MC’s brother.
* All the threats MC’s brother had prepared were lodged in his throat as he took a seat across of Jihyun on the living room couch, answering his small talk questions as if they were fast new friends.
* Once MC sat down besides Jihyun and together they explained everything that had happened...Jihyun’s ex and her psychotic delusions, how he did everything he could to help but failed, how his brave little sister MC hepled Jihyun out of that situation-
* “Dude...that’s so messed up” MC’s brother ended up saying, his coffee grown cold as he got so engrossed in the story he didn’t even take a single sip.
* Jihyun nodded sheepishly, biting his lip. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in this story, ones I’ll never repeat, and once I’ve only been able to acknowledge thanks to MC” he admitted.
* Wtih a more confident look, Jihyun held MC’s free hand in his, looking her brother in the eye as he spoke. 
* “I know I’ve hurt her a lot in this story, and if I could re-do it all again I’d do everything in my power to keep MC out of harm’s way-but the past is the past and I can’t change that. I can however promise that so long as she’ll have me, I’ll always be besides her to protect her and love her, no matter what. I cherish your sister more than words can convey, and I’d only wish to have your acknowledmgent in this relationship-I’m sure it’s something that would make MC happy too.”
* Honestly...where did his sister find this marshmallow of a man?? Her brother simply nodded, biting back tears-why was this dude so damn sweet, jeez. 
* “D-don’t-if you hurt her I hurt you, got it?” MC’s brother sputtered half-heartedly. 
* The fact that V nodded along sincerly and said ‘of course’ didn’t help. 
* MC’s brother actually gave Jihyun a pat on the back before leaving, mumbling ‘you’re a good man dude’ quiet enough for his sister not to hear.
* Everyone loves Jihyun and that’s. them. facts.
-send me mysme headcanons for character reactions!-
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XXXV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I am so sorry for forcing you to read this. The twins had an excuse but truly it is me saying I have no idea how to be funny.
Words: 2,168
Warnings: None!
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Seventeen: Valentine's Day.
Hermione had a dreadful time as a half-feline. 
People thought she'd been attacked and tried to take a look, Mel was having a hard time controlling her temper, but she managed to not scream at anyone, which was an utter success.
She was currently waiting for Erick at the far corner of the library, he'd sent her a note saying it was time she returned the favor and help him with his own search, she didn't know what he'd meant, but she wasn't too worried about it.
Harry and Ron were in the Hospital Wing, giving Hermione her homework for the day, so she wasn't expecting to see them in a while.
"Good afternoon, Miss," Erick sat down, going straight to business, "I've a list with all my doubts- I also have some petitions but don't worry, nothing about stealing human hair or making someone fall unconscious-"
"You'll never let me forget it, won't you?"
"Not ever," He pulled out a fancy notebook and opened it on its first page. "First thing on my list- What things do muggles teach to their kind?"
"You mean at school?" He nodded, "They teach them to write and read, then math-"
"Math?" Erick frowned, "subtractions and all that?"
"Yes, Erick. They need numbers too," She rolled her eyes, "What else... oh! They also have their own History lessons, science class- we don't have science here, but I guess we don't exactly need it since magic has its own rules..."
"Science?" The boy wrote it all down, "You have books on that?"
"Some, from when I was in muggle school- they're pretty basic, but they should do. I'll send a letter to my mom asking for a pair"
"Alright," He nodded, still writing, "You know about farmers?"
Mel laughed.
"A thing or two," She said, "what do you want to know?"
"How do they grow things?- And their animals?"
"They do that on its own, you don't need magic for that- wizards don't use magic for that either, I know it because the Weasleys had chickens and all"
"Oh," a faint pink color tinted his cheeks, "I didn't know that."
"You don't have a farm then," She tilted her head, "why do you live around so many?"
"The house belonged to my ancestors for centuries- we've lived there for ages," He shrugged, "my parents don't exactly love it but they never leave the house unless absolutely have to- the neighbors probably think we're mental"
"Anything else you want to know?"
"Yes," He turned the page of his notebook, "I... I need to know who's Rapunzel"
"What?" She raised a brow.
"Anne," Erick explained, "when I talked to her she told me I was like Rapunzel- that I was always locked down in my castle... is it some sort of muggle royalty?"
Mel tried to contain her laughter.
"N-No," She said with a strained voice, "Rapunzel... She's... She's a princess from a story"
Erick's eyes widened, his face turning completely red.
Mel snorted, hiding her face so the laughter would come out muffled.
"I-I think she didn't mean to insult you- maybe just teasing," She bit her lip, "Rapunzel's a fairytale. I could lend you that one too?"
"That would be nice. Thank you," He cleared his throat, "that's all I have."
"Alright," Mel smiled, "so... you've only talked to Anne that one time?"
"I didn't get a chance after that," The boy frowned, "my parents didn't know but they suspected something was off when she started to take the long path to her farm, the one closest to our home- They didn't allow me to leave the house after that."
"No wonder why you're so pale- Your family," Mel sighed, "are they like... the Malfoys?"
"They certainly want to be," Erick raised a brow, "but not really, some relatives have married half-bloods and muggle-borns- distant relatives though. My grandfather, my mum's dad- he's good with me. Never said anything dreadful- I think he doesn't care about blood. My parents are the problem... I don't know why are they so obsessed about it, I really don't. Guess I'm just that unlucky..."
"You're not," She reached for his hand and patted softly on it, retreating before he'd react. "You'll grow up one day and you'll be able to do whatever you want"
"That won't come fast enough," He scoffed, leaning back on his chair.
"Tell you what," Mel grabbed her bag and took out parchment, quill, and ink. "I'll write the letter while we're here so I send it today, what d'you say?"
"I say I would walk you to the owlery- although someone might see us"
Mel smiled.
"That's the fun part."
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"A diary?" Mel asked for the third time.
"Did you hit your head?" Ron frowned, "Yes a diary- We found it in Myrtle's bathroom"
"And you just picked it up," She raised her eyebrows, "bit thick from both of you- that thing could be haunted"
"That's what I told him!" Ron argued, "But he insisted-"
"I think it might be important," Harry handed it to her. Mel held it away from her body, "oh, don't be dramatic..."
"I'm being careful, there's a difference," She huffed, "have you told Hermione?"
"No, we found it after we visited her"
"Well now, and what're you going to do?"
"Dunno, wait for Hermione?"
"You could give it to Dumbledore," She offered, "it's a bit strange... I don't like it. It feels..."
She frowned, Mel didn't know why she felt that way about an empty diary, but she hated it.
"Come on now, and what we'd say? 'Excuse me, Professor, we found this on a toilet, thought you might appreciate it-' Ouch!"
Mel had hit Ron on the head with the book.
"Stop talking to me like that," She snapped, "why are you so moody?"
"Hermione can't help with our homework," Harry explained.
"Get it together," Mel demanded, "I'll help you if you promised to behave."
Ron's interest peaked.
"Would you?"
"I like to think that I'm clever enough to help others, you know?"
"You've got a lot to do," Ron dragged her to the nearest armchair and let all his works fall on her lap, "I've no idea of what've been doing in Potions and Transfiguration."
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"The moment their acne clears up, they'll be ready for repotting again," Sprout was telling Filch as they walked into their herbology class,  "And after that, it won't be long until we're cutting them up and stewing them. You'll have Mrs. Norris back in no time."
It was February and the attacks had miraculously stopped, things were going back to normal, even for Mel and her friends. Less people thought that Harry was the heir, and they were finally leaving him alone, now she could focus on her to-do list.
One morning she walked in with Hermione and Ron to the Great Hall -apparently, Harry was too tired from Quidditch practice and Ron didn't want to wake him up- and got attacked with a mixed set of emotions.
Everything was sickeningly pink.
Mel liked pink a fair good amount, but this was just excessive: Roses on the walls and confetti shaped like little hearts coming from the ceiling, she felt inside a doll's house.
"Gross!" Ron hissed as soon as they walked in, reluctant to step further, "Who did this?!"
"Locktwat," Mel pointed to the teachers' table, where their professor sat, proudly wearing the pinkiest set of robes she'd ever seen.
"I should've known," He groaned, dragging his feet towards their table.
After half an hour, Harry finally arrived.
"What's going on?"
Ron pointed to the teachers' table this time, Mel had her eyes fixed on her plate.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart finally spoke up, getting her attention. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all - and it doesn't end here!"
Lockhart clapped his hands and through the doors to the entrance hall marched a dozen surly-looking dwarfs. Not just any dwarfs, however. Lockhart had them all wearing golden wings and carrying harps.
"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"
"Ugh..." Mel groaned, pushing her plate away, "I think I lost my appetite"
"Just eat quick," Ron said to Harry, "I can't stand this for another hour"
"I think it's nice he's trying to cheer us up," Hermione shrugged.
Mel glared at her, she was certain Hermione was one of those bloody forty-six letters.
After the first half of the day, a dwarf appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of her, he didn't seem in the mood to get a no for an answer.
"I've got a musical poem to deliver-"
"Oh no," Mel backtracked.
"Sweet as butter mellow," The dwarf started to sing -more like yell- and people stopped to listen, "Mel Dumbledore, your temper turns every boy yellow..."
She was dead, she had to be, this felt very much like hell and she was paying all her crimes.
"It sure hurts to fall on such bounder, but how pleasant it is to have our requital!"
She didn't have much experience with valentine's, but that didn't sound romantic at all.
"The twins," She growled- and sure enough, Fred and George were laughing at the end of the corridor.
"YOU!" She bolted over to them.
"Oh, come on, we went easy on you!" George snorted.
"The poem was lovely!" Fred added, "We did it in like, ten minutes or so. I'm sorry is not the best-"
"Be thankful I'm trying to control my temper now, otherwise you'd be running away with your heads turned into owls' nest!"
"Why are you so mad? We just declared our undying affection," George replied, Fred's chortles kept him from talking.
"Affection my-!"
"Mel, we'll be late if you don't hurry!" Hermione urged her, grabbing her arm and taking her away from the twins.
"They'll regret it," She growled, "those idiots- I'm going to win-"
"You won't amuse them," Hermione said severely, "don't let them get into your head!"
Ron and Harry's teasing definitely broke the deal for her, she was sure that by the end of the year the twins would end up regretting their decision.
On their way to charms, Mel got a bit of consolation.
'His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine, The hero who conquered the Dark Lord'
"Oh, don't you love irony?" She smiled at Hermione.
Harry got up and started to pick up his things, Mel helped him with a little smile on her face.
"All right, divine boy?" She smirked.
"Shut up."
"Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now," Percy said. "And you, Malfoy-"
Harry looked up and turned pale. Malfoy was holding Riddle's diary.
"Give that back," He said.
"Wonder what Potter's written in this?" asked Malfoy.
"Hand it over, Malfoy," said Percy.
"When I've had a look," he replied.
"As a school prefect-"
"Expelliarmus!" Harry pointed to Malfoy and the diary flew up in the air.
Ron caught it with a triumphant smile.
Mel had to admit that looked extremely cool.
"Harry!" said Percy loudly. "No magic in the corridors. I'll have to report this, you know!"
Malfoy was fuming, he pushed some kids to walk past and snapped at Ginny.
"I don't think Potter liked your valentine much!" She ran into class with her face hidden behind her hands.
During their charms class Harry poked her arm to get her attention, she turned to see him hold the diary above the rest of his things.
"What is it?" She examined the book. "Is it ruined?"
"No," He frowned, turning the pages, "it's completely blank- the ink vanished!"
"Really?" She leaned forward, "How weird! D'you think that Hermione's right?"
"Looks like it," He admitted. "I'll give it a look tonight"
She nodded, then Harry perked up again and searched further on his bag.
"Look!" He took out a chocolate's frog in perfect state.
"Nice," She grinned, "finally a good thing happens to you, huh?"
He broke the chocolate in half.
"To us," He corrected innocently, "happy valentine's, Mel"
"Oh," She mumbled, grabbing a half, "I don't have anything for you..."
"S'not like I planned ahead, it's half a chocolate frog," He laughed, "you don't owe me anything"
"Still, it was nice..."
"Shut up you two," Ron groaned from Harry's side, "the last thing I want is to deal with your mawkish interactions"
"Shut up!" They replied.
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Next Chapter —>
@tiphareth2018​ @vampiregirl1797​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @celestialhayi​ @mikariell95​ @tomshollandz​ @omiwashere​ @steve-thotgers​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @reverse-hxlland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Alison O’Brien
Writing Blog URL(s): @httpangelicjimin
What fandom(s) do you write for?: BTS, although I wouldn’t mind writing for other groups. Often, I have other idols that make cameos in my stories.
Age: 21
Nationality: Portuguese + French
Languages: Portuguese + French + English + Spanish
Star Sign: Leo
Favorite color: pastel blue
Favorite food: pizza no doubt 
Favorite movie: I’m gonna have to be a sucker and say monster’s inc. bc who doesn’t love Pixar
Favorite ice cream flavor: I’d say coffee, tho I love a good ol’ chocolate ice cream
Favorite animal: wolf, it’s my spirit animal 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?: Coffee, for sure. Iced coffee or mocha
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Ever since I was little I always wanted to be a singer but I guess I’m too shy for that ahah so I’d either say writing or advertising.
Go-to karaoke song: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?: The ability to change shape at will.
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?: The Victorian Era sounds brilliant to me. I would be a sucker for the dresses. Although, I also would’ve loved to be able to live in the ’20s. Great Gatsby made me dream countless times of all the amazing parties, with jazz playing in the background. The fashion was impeccable, and of course, to be alive at the same time as F. Scott Fitzgerald. I could even run into him at one of those glamorous parties. 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?: I don’t think I would. Life has taught me some valuable lessons along the way but I was happy. Even when surrounded by those who didn’t have the best intentions in mind. If I had known all that I know now, I wouldn’t have lived as freely and carelessly as I did. I cherish those memories, even if they weren’t the best for me.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?: Alright so… that’s a weird one. And what makes it weirder is that people have made that same question with me; it was either one horse-sized me, or 100 me-sized horses. Huh… I do have some background with chickens chasing after me, so I’d go with the 100 chicken-sized horses.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?: I would 100% be the sucker that falls for the bad boy… ah… how I miss the high school bad boys.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?: I don’t. Although I have no problem getting lost in those amazing universes where such creatures exist. 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?: I absolutely love mango-flavored things but I cannot eat mango. Just the texture of the fruit…. Yuck. 
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?: I write everything. So far, in the 2 years, I’ve been writing, I have experienced a little bit of everything. I think writing all those genres are important to complement the story. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?: I never wrote anything that was mxm but I am ok with that. Besides, I have two stories out with an OC and the others are mostly with female readers, mostly because I write thinking about me with a member or one of my friends.
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?: I was already using Tumblr to read other people’s work. When the thought of starting my own writing blog came to mind, it seemed the most logical option to use. I have only recently learned about AO3 so… yeah, Tumblr seemed the most “at reach” app.
When did you post your first piece?: The first thing I wrote was called Wonder and was posted on a private blog. I started writing it a couple of days after Euphoria by Jungkook BTS came out.
What inspires you to write?: Everyday situations are always a good base for me. I like to write moments that I have gone through. Besides that, I find inspiration on movies and tv shows and some Pinterest albums. Sometimes it’s just a random thought that comes to mind ehe
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?: I’d say college/high school aus. I did a collab with another writer from a college au and it was a lot of fun. Additionally, I have some wips I am meaning to work on and will soon be presented on my blog! 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?: I think that I wanted them to feel okay. Life can get pretty hard and reading, for me, has always been like a getaway. So, whenever I write, I hope that I can distract my readers from whatever is happening in the real world. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?: Whenever I’m struggling in life, it’s almost as if I lose my ability to write. I get really stressed, especially when I set deadlines. I try my hardest to push through. I believe that writing, even if it’s not to our liking, is better than doing nothing. I try to read more, to sleep better, and to seek inspiration. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?: I don’t think I have a “most successful” work. I am pretty recent to Tumblr and am still growing bit by bit. As for my favorite, I’d probably say Dr. Love. It started out as a fun Valentine’s Day fanfic and I have some good stuff outlined.
Who is your favorite person to write about?: As I said, I love to find inspiration in my friends. Getting the feedback and how much they enjoyed reading what I wrote really is a heartwarming feeling. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?: I don’t think they are so different. Because when writing fanfiction, you’re not obliged to go 100% with the idol’s personality you’re writing. You have the freedom to marvel around in the worlds you create and make them do whatever you feel like would work best. So sometimes, it can be just like creating a whole new character from scratch. 
What do you think makes a good story?: There’s a lot of things that are needed to make a good story. I mostly value the storyline. I don’t like it when things are rushed and prefer to read something others may find unnecessary but get more context. I love the small little details about characters that make me relate and emphasize with them. Also, a plot twist. I love to read stories that completely blow my mind and catch me off guard. Creativity is everything.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?: Why not? I don’t have a problem with giving different names to my characters as long as the story stays the same.
What is your writing process like?: I prefer to write at night. But, as I said before, sometimes there’s just an urge to write and I have to grab my laptop, or even the pull out the notes on my phone and type out some words for the story I’m currently working on. I try to create a coherent storyline as well. Plus, I have an amazing beta reader that always helps me with the plot and hears my ideas and complements them. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?: I love the typical “good girl falls for bad guy” trope. I don’t care if it’s cliché, I just love it. Although, I hate those where the girl is portraited as weak and as if she would ever be completely happy and fulfilled if the guy is by her side; as if she’s helpless without him. Girl power you know? Aha
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?: It means A LOT. I think there’s no better feeling than receiving a piece of feedback, despite how small it might be. There’s always room for improvement and just the simple fact to know that someone took the time to read my work and found it interesting enough to send me their thoughts, I really cherish it.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?: I believe that my growth for the past months I’ve been on Tumblr could be due to how active I am. I always try to engage with the people I follow and even when I’m not posting my works, I try to be around. I have big dreams for my blog and hope to one day have a large audience to read my stories, but for now, I am happy with the ones by my side already.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?: Yes. A lot of people think that fanfic writers are mostly horny/crazy teens that are obsessed with some famous wannabe that couldn’t even care less for their existence. I think that’s one of the biggest issues with how society sees us. But I consider those to be amongst older people (perhaps 40+yo). 
Do you think art can be a medium for change?: Of course. Art is one of the most personal ways of showing emotions, I believe. Being brave enough to show with the world your creations takes courage and I admire those who do it proudly. Art can be interpreted in so many ways; it overcomes all the barriers that there might be. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?: The feeling can get to me sometimes but I immediately shut that down. There was a time when I was forcing myself to write things I didn’t appreciate or that didn’t follow my storyline just to make others happy and I had to give up on those projects quickly because it was driving me insane. I strongly believe that if we don’t write what we are passionate about, it will either come out sloppy or we will hate it. Writing what we like, even if some might consider it bad, is what we should do.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?: I don’t think so. Although, I don’t receive as much feedback as I’d like to, so I’m not certain. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?: Only my boyfriend does and he’s totally cool with it ehe
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?: A big big thank you! I am so happy to have you here and I hope you can take some time to read over my works ehe I am always open to talk if anyone needs~ 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?: Just do it!!! I know there are so many great writers out there and you might feel like you would bring nothing to the game but that’s not true. You don’t need to be scared ok? It will be alright. Just give it a chance. There was a time where I was scared too and now I have made so many great friends and meet so many great people through my writing. You can make it too! 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?: No. 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?: Yess!! I have made so many friends thanks to Tumblr! I mostly have to thank the amazing people of @bangtan-headquarters for accepting me into their network and making me part of their discord server. I’m not going to be @/ing everyone but I know I have made friends whom I will forever keep in my heart uwu 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” - Les Brown 
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powertothefan · 4 years
A Stanford Pines x Original Character Fic
Hazel DeForest belongs to @evaroze
Stanford Pines is property of  Alex Hirsch
This was something tossed together after discovering the adorable OC known as Hazel, she’s so cute and I love the design of her~ So, I did a little dabble of when both her and Stanford were in college and their first official conversation. I hope I wrote her write, as I have been a little rusty in my writing, Far too long since I posted something here that was worth the read. Anyway, please share any thoughts or feelings you have as long as it’s constructive. 
Hazel was wandering the commons of the college that morning, a little on the early side. She left the door early that morning to do some research at the library for one of her papers. Just because Backupsmore wasn’t her first college pick didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to put in the effort! She wasn’t as dressed up as she usually would be, just a simple blouse and shorts. She had pulled on a pair of flats as well before herring her hair up in a big ponytail and tossing on her bright pink glasses. With her messenger bag full of notebooks and pens, she was ready to go anywhere
Glancing to her watch, Hazel checked the time. Her first class of the day wasn’t until mid morning, so she’d have plenty of time to get some work done before classes that day. Most of her dorm mates were sleeping in from yet another party. She honestly couldn’t believe it. Just because they were at Backupsmore University didn’t mean they could party the semester away. Who did that anyway? Not her! No, definitely not. 
Hazel was terrible with social interaction. In truth, she would have probably never gained any friends unless they proactively were the ones to speak with her first. She knew a few other people, mostly from those forced social circles they did as an ice breaker during the first weeks in the dorms. Otherwise, her friend group was very, very small. She was fine with that though, most of the people she did know the names of were not people she would actively spend time with. They drank and partied and blew off their classes as if they could afford to do it. Hazel didn’t have that luxury. Every penny counted! Still, a very itty bitty part of her wished that she didn’t have such terrible social anxiety. 
It would have made trying to introduce herself to a certain someone easier. 
Huffing to herself, she let her thoughts pass on as she got to the library door. Stepping inside, it was calm and quiet. It was a massive place too. For a second choice college, it had an outstanding collection of literature. Likely because they didn’t have much of a sports team to spend money on. Either way, the ability to have such a vast collection of books at her disposal made her studies all the easier. Especially with her focus on mythology. She never would run out of resource material for her papers. 
As she walked further into the library, she realized that it was very empty. In fact, there was really no one around at all, save for the librarian. Then again, it was a Monday. No one ever got up before classes on Monday, unless they were someone like her and super focused on their studies. It was all the better really, she’d have the whole place to herself. Wandering further into the library, she hurried to the folklore and mythology section. It was her element, her one true oasis. No one and nothing could take it away from her-
“Oof!” Hazel sounded as she smacked right into something. She hadn’t been looking where she was going, instead skilling the shelves as she walked past them. Just as she was stepping back out into the open areas beyond the shelves, she collided with someone, and hard. Books were flying, paper scattered by the ceiling fans, and the two moving forces pushed off the courses and onto the thin and worn carpet. Laying there, Hazel had to take a moment to breath, that impact hurt! Carefully, she groaned while sitting up, rubbing her side where he was sure she was charged into an elbow. 
“Oh, gosh. I”m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going!” A deep voice said, A shadow overcoming her as a hand was offered up. “I was carrying too many books, and couldn't see a thing. I shouldn’t have assumed I was the only one here.”
The tone was upset, clearly more so at themselves than her. There was some obvious disappointment in their own carelessness. However, it was also very familiar...too familiar. 
Not really thinking as she grabbed the hand, she was dizzy and shaken still, she was easily pulled right back up to her feet. With the bright ceiling lights no longer glaring down right into her eyes, Hazel could focus on the man who helped her up. As she locked her gaze on their face, about to give them a stern talking to for being so reckless in such a sacred place, her throat swelled and her heart stopped. 
Stanford Pines... It was like an arrow to the heart, struck by a cupid with a sniper rifle. So accurate that it fried her brain. Stanford Pines was everything Hazel had ever wanted since high school! Originally, he was supposed to get a scholarship of some kind and head off to some amazing college. Instead, he ended up going to her only affordable pick. She had wanted to try and be good and say hello. He had been her obsession throughout all of high school after all, not that he even knew she existed back then...Hazel never had the heart to speak. Now, as an adult, and independent, she had told herself she’d try.
And boy, did she try. 
They had gotten classes together, unknowingly of course because she hadn’t realized that he had any interest in the fields of mythology or folklore. They were English heavy studies after all, not the wonderful sciences that he seemed to be skilled in. Part of her knew that he was aware that she existed, he often waved at her with that handsome smile. However, every time that she saw him, with that grin and cute sweater vest, the ability to talk was replaced with the need to nervously vomit. In all cases since the semester began, she flat out ran away before she could lose her lunch to her anxiety. Not exactly the best way to say hello. 
Now, here he was, his glasses skewed off a bit from the impact and his large hand wrapped firmly around her’s. Only a foot apart, both a little shaken from the impact but still breathing...or at least Ford was. Hazel couldn’t get her body to continue their usually automatic functions. As Ford seemed to get himself resettled by fixing his glasses, Hazel felt herself just melt at his touch. They were rough, but not painful, Just worn from all his tinkering and building. They were so large too, and not just because of the extra finger which she had always found to be an adorable addition to an adorable man. 
Ford had really grown up, a lot more than she was prepared for. 
“Oh! It’s you!” He said suddenly, bringing hazel back down from the second hand high of his existence. Breathing in suddenly, she blinked, her mind rushing forward to catch up to the conversation. “M-Me?” She weakly said, her voice still a little breathless from the lack of air in her lungs. 
Stanford turned a slight shade of pink, giving a nervous smile of sorts as he tried to correct himself. “I mean, I recognize you from the folklore seminar class. ‘Folklore and Its Effects on Modern Development.’ You..ah, You sit in the row behind mine.”
His tone had gotten a little meek, almost as if the man was becoming uncertain of himself as he addressed her. Why was he getting nervous? She was the one having an internal battle between heart and brain!
He was talking to her...Stanford Pines was physically talking to her! He knew she existed! The man she had been obsessed with for years knew they were in the same class. Holy crap! She needed to speak, to say something, anything. For the love of god open your mouth Hazel DeForest! 
“Ah- RIGHT!” She said very loudly, her face going bright pink as her mind finally caught up to current events. “Rightrightrightrightrightright. I remember! You did the opening argument statement about how folklore was only lore until people could collect it! It lost the folklore touch when people found out it was all fact.” She blurted out, saying just about anything to show that she wasn’t a brainless zombie. 
“Ah, well, it's true! Once something is discovered to truly exist, it isn’t lore. It’s Science. That in turn means it can’t be categorized as lore but as a truly existing species. The professor was not really impressed with my reports for that debate session but he didn’t flunk my report either so I guess my point was valid enough!” Stanford said, seeming to pick his tone back up while in a subject he could work on. “Anyway, sorry for running you down. I was walking to my table with more books and...clearly got over zealous.” It was then that Ford looked around, causing Hazel to pause and do the same thing. Oh, they had made a bit of a mess...The books were scattered all over, some having flown far enough to land on top of the shelves! His notebook was crumpled nder a couple and the pages from it seemed to have scattered to the winds, still being carried off by the breezes of the fan. 
“H-here, I’ll help clean up.” Hazel said, pausing a moment as she then looked down at their hands, which were still tightly held together. Ford noticed this too, and quickly let go with a nervous chuckle before roughly clearing his throat. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll start over here.” 
The pair turned away from each other, Ford kneeling down to grab and gently fix the books near his feet. Hazel did the same, grabbing a couple and fixing the pages before gently setting them on a nearby table. She then also started to snatch up the flying papers, trying to keep them from wrinkling any further as they continued to flutter at her feet. It took a minute, but with the two of them collecting they were able to get it cleaned up easily. The last book was picked up by Hazel, her eyes a little dazed until she read the title. Instantly, she was back to her usual self for a second. 
“Ah, It’s here!” She said suddenly, causing ford to look up as he grabbed the last few books from their places on top of the selves. “Hmm? Something catch your eye?” “This book, I’ve been trying to get it for ages but every single time I get here it’s pulled off the shelves! I need it for my report on the correlations of folklore creatures and their real life potential counterparts. It has a segment on how folklore creatures and mythological monsters are created based on a person seeing something for the first time and using other animals to describe it! I wanted to read it for my paper and reference some of it’s points on how artistic interpretation cannot be trusted unless done while actually in front of the creature.” She rattled, her tone serious and smooth as her intellectual side kicked in, a finger moving up to adjust her glasses for a second. “Oh, You’re referencing it as well?” Ford asked, coming closer and putting the last of the books on the table. “I originally grabbed it because I’ve been trying to get it as well. Whoever has been hoarding it just got it back over the weekend. I’m using to further my argument that just because we depict creatures in a certain way does not diminish their potential existence. The author has a wonderful part about the statues of medusa actually and how they believe that medusa is a real being, but her hair was misinterpreted.” “I came here this morning to borrow it...Looks like you beat me.” Hazel said, suddenly feeling herself getting shy again. 
Damn it, Hazel. This was your first real conversation with Ford and you were going to blow it because you couldn’t keep the talk going! What was worse, she had gotten up for nothing. Ford got the book first. Even if she wanted to, she didn’t have the heart to try and ask him to let her borrow it first. So much for getting a head start on that report. 
“Do you wanna borrow it?” Ford asked suddenly. 
“What?” Hazel squaked, not prepared for that statement. 
“Well, I don’t have classes until mid-morning. That’s our Folklore course. If you don’t mind just using it this morning, you’re more than welcome to take whatever notes you need from it while I’m referencing other books. I technically already checked it out but if you need it now you can keep it until after classes. Then meet up later to give it back?” Ford asked, his tone strangely hopeful. 
Was he- Nooooo, naw he couldn’t be...maybe? 
“Um, well...I really do need the book for a few other things besides just the research. If it's not an issue I guess we could meet at the coffee shop off campus? The one with the big tables? It’s very dead in the afternoon on Mondays, so we could meet up after all our classes for the day and I’ll try to quickly get the notes I need before giving back the book. The library gets too busy later in the day anyway for me to focus.”
“Heh, yeah, I have to move my work back and forth from the dorm to here because the afternoon library people. However, I can get coffee later! I’ll need it anyway for my second wind of research. So coffee, after the day's classes?” 
“Yeah, coffee!” Hazel said, suddenly finding herself smiling as her cheeks turned a bright pink. 
Ford seemed to also, his own lopsided grin making Hazel’s heart flutter harshly in her chest. Stanford quickly stacked his books back up again, still grinning a little before carefully turning so he could see Hazel beyond the still massive stack of literature. “Alright then, I’ll get back to my work. I’ll see you for coffee.”
With that, Ford smiled again and headed off, hurrying back to his work table but making sure to take the time to check each eye before moving past. Hazel stood there, clutching the book to her chest as the gears in her head turned, trying to comprehend what just happened.Coffee, she was going to get coffee with Stanford Pines. A cute cafe~ Where people sat together close and chatted over lattes and teas. So, she didn’t actually drink coffee, as she preferred tea, but that didn’t matter! She was getting coffee with Stanford Pines!
Slowly, she took a few steps into a shelf area so that she wouldn’t risk being seen, before falling to her knees in giddy delight, covering her mouth to make sure her excited giggles and squeals did not echo throughout the whole place. Looking back to the book that she set down, she snatched it up again before darting out of the place with a high skip in her step. She had to get as much note taking done as she could, as she knew that she probably wouldn’t be able to focus on her work if she was sitting across from Stanford...But that was a problem for future Hazel, current Hazel had work to do!
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inazuma-hq · 6 years
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Inazuma Showcase Spotlight: @yuumanosaka / @lulurionu
[tumblr] [art tumblr] [twitter] It shows two girls holding plushies of the person they love the most! obviously, the right is Nae holding Norika, which represents my current Inazuma OTP! and then there’s the girl on the left, which actually shows my OC holding Gouenji. she just represents as myself holding Gouenji, who is my favorite character in inazuma hhgjkd
Introduce yourself! Hello everyone! I'm Lulu. I'm 20 years old, I live in the Philippines, and I've been a fan of Inazuma Eleven for a really really really long time! I'm a mainly illustration artist, but I'm also partly a writer in the Inazuma fandom! Though, I did start out as a fanfiction writer, I gradually shifted to becoming an artist, mainly because of my interests towards art and desire to have it as a career in the future.
How long have you been a fan? How did you discover Inazuma Eleven? Somehow, I still remember how I first knew about Inazuma. It was around August 2010, and I was at home during that time. It was nighttime in our place, but it happened before dinnertime. I walked to the living room of my house where I saw that the TV was on and my brother was watching something. The channel that was on was Cartoon Network, and the show that was airing right now was...?
It was a bunch of kids playing soccer, against...aliens?! It was that episode where Epsilon was introduced, and Kogure (or Scotty, as how I first knew him) first played for Raimon. Intrigued, I sat down and continued watching it with my brothers. And then the episode finished, but it was around then that I caught on the name of the show that I watched. Inazuma Eleven, huh? Oddly, I can't remember myself watching the rest of the episodes after that...sort of. I somehow remember watching the last few episodes (of the Aliea arc), and honestly, I really enjoyed those episodes so much that I wanted to watch it all again! It was September 2010, and I began my habit of watching continuously the Aliea arc episodes from Gouenji's return, up until the finale of the Dark Emperors...with the dub version. Somehow, CN Philippines' website had those episodes, and I would find myself watching those episodes everyday after school. But as time went on, I craved for more. I was curious if there was more to Inazuma than just fighting aliens. So I searched it up on Google, and the answer I had wanted was true. There were MORE Inazuma episodes! More than A HUNDRED! I quickly typed up Inazuma Eleven Episode 100 on Youtube, because I was curious to know what was the 100th episode. And I watched it, obviously, and to my surprise...it was about Xavier...and Scotty? Why are they called Hiroto and Kogure?? Why are they together??? It was October 2010, and around this time, I discovered the original Inazuma series...in JP audio! I just continued watching the series after, finishing the original series immediately after it aired and moving on to the GO series. I also constantly rewatched a lot of the episodes during that time! I was really obsessed with Ina11, but it honestly really made me happy so I'm not complaining!
How has Inazuma impacted you since discovered the series? What does Inazuma mean to you? What has made you stick around? I think, if anything, Inazuma is the series that really cemented majority of my interests and made me who I am today!
Inazuma is the series that really made me start out both writing and drawing, it's the series that made me realize that anime is my main interest in media, and it's what got me engaged in the Internet and fandom engagement!
Also, because of Inazuma, I made so many friends! Many of my friends I met here, we all came from Inazuma! And I would like to meet and make even more friends!!!
And this series, it...really means so much to me. I really, really, really love Inazuma??? It's hard to explain how much I love this series. I honestly feel like I fundamentally wouldn't be where I am today without Inazuma, seriously! Despite it being such a pretty unpopular series, I love this series so much to bits;;;;;
I mainly stuck around because...I guess, the series really kept me interested?? Inazuma is one of those series I don't think I would ever let go,. It's too important to me! It's hard to say with words why exactly I stayed hdhhfksj;;
Who are your favourite characters from Inazuma Eleven and why are they your favourites? I started out without really having a solid favorite, until the episode where Raimon and Epsilon Kai happened. Episode 52, specifically.
Back then, I was in despair that Raimon was losing against Epsilon! And there was also a mysterious boy in a orange hoodie who kept popping up. He seemed to be in danger, why? (Please note I started watching Inazuma from Fubuki's debut.)
And then after going through a lot of trouble with aliens, the mysterious boy came to the field. I was confused to who he was, until he took off his hoodie and all of the Raimon cheered happily to see who he was.
It was Gouenji (or Axel back when I first watched)! I didn't know him at all, but from the past episodes I've watched, everyone seemed to admire him a lot. I wonder why?
And I got my answer when he began to play.
Oops, sorry for...that. I'll be honest though, I fell in love more when he was Ishido??? Though, initially, I wasn't...accepting of this change of his. It was pretty hard for then 13 year old me at the time to accept that he was playing the bad guy! But I've changed my ways and realized...Ishido good. All Gouenjis Good.
Though, enough of Gouenji! I have other faves in the series as well!
In the OG series my faves are Kazemaru, Fubuki, Hiroto, and Haruna! My faves in GO are Kinako, Kariya, Taiyou, and Manabe! And my faves in Ares/Orion are Nae, Nosaka, and Norika!  
It's hard to explain why I love them so much?? Since I got to know most of them when I was much younger and just liked them if they gave me...feelings. Anyways, yeah! Tbh, I love most of the  characters in Inazuma anyway! They're all good and I appreciate them for what they are, even if they don't get to shine so much!!
Any favourite pairings? OTPs, BROTPs? Initially, I never really liked any ship in Inazuma, but I think the first pair I fell in love was RanMasa! It's my very first otp ever, so it holds a special place in my heart!
Now, aside RanMasa, I also really love NoriNae, KazeSaku, Honoo no Pride poly (Gouenji, Fubuki, & Someoka), HiroMido, Taiten, and NishiYuu!
As for BROTPs, I love Break Trio, Ares Teikoku, GO Raimon First Years, and Ares Hakuren!
Has there been any particular favourites moments within Inazuma Eleven so far? Why are they your favourites? Obviously, my favorite has got to be the Gouenji's comeback in the Aliea arc! Mainly because it's what solidified my love and appreciation for the flame striker! Though if there two other scenes that left a huge impact on me, it was probably Chrono Stone's Episode 18. Particularly, Kirino's inner struggle on how he feels that he can't keep up with Shindou, and then Kariya comes in and helps him by pretending to be sick so Kirino can go with Raimon instead to the France era. And the other, is the whole Dark Emperors versus Raimon match! I loved that episode with Kirino's struggle, mainly because it's kind of what made me love RanMasa and also appreciate both characters a lot more. Kirino is more than a pretty face, and despite Kariya knowing that he isn't on best terms with Kirino, decides to help him. It's really touching, actually, it made me love the ship!
As for the Dark Emperors versus Raimon match, it's...hard to explain why I like it so much? I think it's because I've always liked the trope of friends to enemies (for a time), and it kind of made me appreciate Kazemaru and Endou's friendship a lot!
What do you hope to happen for the next 10 years of Inazuma? Anything on your Inazuma wishlist you hope to happen in the future? Whether it be in Orion or any future IE series? I just hope nothing bad happens to the OG and new cast in Orion, please let them all play happy soccer ;____; and also, maybe an alternate GO series that follows after the Ares-verse??
Mention some awesome people, blogs or twitter accounts in the community To my long-time Inazuma PH pals, Lou, Sukki, and Ven, thank you for sticking with me for a really long time! Without Inazuma, I probably wouldn't have met you guys!! Also to my new Inazuma PH pals, Aru, thank you and hopefully we continue screaming abt Inazuma for the years to come!!
And to all the new Inazuma pals I've made during the past months since I got back into the fandom, thank you for all the fun times!! You're all cool and I love you all!
Thank you for taking part in the showcase Lulu! If you’d like to take part in the Inazuma Showcase Spotlight event, please follow the details in this post here!
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
BBRae Week 2018 Day 6: Silently Pining
It had happened again. That flash of emotion Raven thought she detected, a blink of hope, there and gone in a moment. Funny how something so short affected her for weeks to come each and every time it occurred.
The empath sat at a table along with the rest of her team outside of their favorite Jump City pizzeria. Though she currently was starring pointedly out at the civilians bustling about from their table, her mind was occupied by something completely different. Namely, the green shapeshifter seated, much to her chagrin, directly beside her.
She attempted to ignore him, but that was a difficult enough task on a normal day, much less sitting beside him in public. She could almost feel the warmth of his smile as he turned to her. "What about you, Rae? Who's your favorite villain?"
Adopting an uncaring persona, Raven spoke withot turning to see him, keeping her eyes fixed on the bustling streets nearby. "Adressing me by my actual name would increase the nonexistent likelihood that I answer your moronic question."
Though her gaze never diverted from their target, she could clearly envision his grin growing larger all the same, the mental image still sending her stomach into a frenzy of butterflies despite herself.
"Oh c'mon," Beas Boy mock whined. "Why cantcha just answer?"
Raven made a show of rolling her eyes and sighing, ensuring not to hint at her inner turmoil. "Because I'm not interested."
The changeling wrapped an arm about her shoulders and pulled her close. "Well what'll it take to get you interested?" He questioned conspiratorially.
Raven automatically felt herself freeze at his touch, and the thought that he could do so so easily. A street lamp she had been inspecting beforehand shattered, and she finally directed her attention back to the others seated at the table. Thankfully, they seemed preoccupied with the conversation at hand. However, that didn't change the issue at hand; a green arm about her shoulders which both sent shivers of warmth through her body and spikes of pain into her heart. She needed a distraction, and now.
"Hey guys, what's going on?"
Raven had never been so thankful for a gay man in her entire life.
Greg, the young pizzeria waiter whom had been unofficially assigned as the Titans' official server, sauntered over to their table laden with server cheesy discs, and Beast Boy was immediately diverted. The green teen had somewhat of an obsession with the college student whenever he was around. Raven suspected that Greg made him feel normal, like he wasn't a green freak.
Of course, she thought the skin and ears and fang were cute, though that's something she would never divulge.
Greg placed their pizzas on the table, announcing each as it was served, before turning to Robin, which reminded the empath of the alternate reason Beast Boy probably was rather fond of the waiter.
"Don't eat too much now, Boy Wonder," he told the caped crusader, voice dropping several octaves almost to a low purr. "Can't ruin that perfect form." As he spoke, his eyes unashamedly ran up and down what he could see of Robin's body above the table as the superhero flushed.
Greg was gay, and attracted to her leader. Therefore, he represented neverending mortification for the Boy Wonder, something Beast Boy enjoyed immensely.
"Thanks for the advice, Greg," Robin responded weakly as Cyborg and the changeling beside her tried to reign in their hilarity.
With the conversation successfully diverted, Raven was free to sort out the struggle plaguing her psyche.
Beast Boy felt nothing but friendship for herself for her over the years, despite what she may have hoped for. Yes, that friendship was boundless and steadfast, and came with caring, trust, and concern, all things the half-demon never would have thought she would receive in her life at one point. However, these things were exactly why she wished for more from the him.
And in the past, there had been brief moments where she thought that she could have it, leading from years ago up until mere moments ago while waiting for their food. Moments where that unshakeable friendship gave way to an emotion that had her shaking, though in excitement or fear even she wasn't sure.
But then, the emotion would disappear, faster than a light flicking off. It completely bewildered her, and cracked her heart open slightly more every time, though recently she had been hoping she had numbed herself to the pain.
Apparently she hadn't, despondency surging through her at the thought. This time the pangs of heartache were even more instense than in the past, as if they merely strengthened over time.
Overwhelmed by a deluge of misery, Raven felt her eyes sting and tugged her hood further down over her face before pushing her chair back to stand. The others paused, Greg stepping back from a protesting Robin, whom he had been trying to use as a model of peak physical performance. She avoided their questioning gazes, and merely uttered a quick "I need to meditate," before conjuring a black portal and walking quickly through, coming out in the comforting dark and loneliness of her room.
As soon as she did, the empath lowered her hood and allowed the tears to fall silently, causing her vision to blur. Her room was the only place where she felt safe and comfortable enough to cry, even if the action still filled her with a sense of weakness and self disgust. To think that her, Raven, the only daughter of Trigon the Terrible, was reduced to crying hurt nearly as much as the green teen's emotions themselves.
At least no one will see me do it.
Or so she thought, before a sound turned her back just in time to see Beast Boy stumble through the gateway after her before it closed. He straightened up and immediately froze upon seeing the shining trails of moisture traveling guiltily down her face. She too was paralyzed, self consciousness and grief rushing to the forefront of her mind.
"Raven," he finally murmured with a soft voice, reaching out for her uncertainly. She recoiled in fear, and that's when it happened again.
Through the swirling maelstrom his emotions had descended into when he rushed after her into her room, that something winked at her, this time lingering for a short time before drowning under his other sentiments. As if it was mocking her.
Mocking. Her.
The half-demon snapped, eyes bleeding a bright crimson glow and black pooling around her form. She surged forward until she was inches away from Beast Boy's face, whose face had flooded with fear and confusion, and he stumbled backwards, falling to the floor in surprise as she towered over him.
"Don't you 'Raven' me," she snarled. "Don't you touch me." Sorrow-fueled rage flowed through her, shattering statues and rending books at their seams about her room, unnoticed by both teens.
"Rae, I-," Beast Boy began, but she cut him off with a growl.
"You've hurt me enough already, and Azar forbid I let this carry on for another second. I won't let it," she hissed dangerously, feeling a sick pleasure as his emotions filled with fear, taking it as recompense for everything he had inadvertently put her through.
"These feelings I have for you are a curse," she continued. "A source for pain and nothing else. Now if you-." She stopped abruptly as an unexpected warmth flooded through her. After a brief reflection, she realized the feelings was coming from the changeling before her, his face now flooded with understand, disbelief, and... happiness?
As an unbridled joy bloomed on the green teen's face, Raven found it increasingly difficult to maintain her anger at him, realizing that the situation was in no way his fault. At least, not intentionally.
"Feelings?" Beast Boy echoed in wonderment, and she was paralyzed by the realization of what she had just said. Just revealed. "You... have feelings for me?" The statement was more a question than anything as he stared up at her in amazement.
Raven whirled around to run, but in an instant the changeling has her arm in his grip. She struggled to break free, powers forgotten for a moment, until he spoke again. "I do too!" He nearly shouted, trying to reign her in. Pausing, he amended the statement. “I mean, I do for you, not me.”
The empath's struggle slowed as she processed his words, but then renewed her efforts. "I would feel it if you did," she replied, once again flooding with tears and a feeling of weakness.
However, that's when the curtain was removed and a tidal wave of affection, and definitely not affection of the friendship sort, crashed into her, and she was submerged by the sentiment, drowning in it. She instantly stopped moving, staring at the changeling in shock, mouth moving soundlessly.
Beast Boy shrugged sheepishly, releasing her wrist. "Mento taught me how to disguise or hide my emotions from empaths and mind readers. I was never that great at it, but..." he trailed off awkwardly.
Raven stared back, still trying to recover from the sheer force of emotion. "So those flashes that I've been feeling," she murmured, almost to herself.
With a nod, the green teen continued. "Those were my concentration slipping."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice nearly broke as she asked.
Another shrug. "Probably the same reason you didn't tell me. Scared."
The pair stood in silence in the center of her room as she processed the new information, him no doubt doing the same. "So, what now?" She finally asked.
"Well, we did both just skip out on lunch," Beast Boy replied, a sly smile creeping onto his face, sending her stomach once again into somersaults, though she kept her poker face on of course. "Want to go get something to eat?"
"No," Raven deadpanned. She felt bad when his face fell tragically, but she was still slightly hurt by what he had unknowingly put her through. "But I wouldn't say no to stopping by a cafe or restaurant during our date."
For those who are curious, Greg is an OC I first introduced in my fic "Testing Feelings". He's just a side comic relief character that I like having some fun with and will occasionally show up in my stories.
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bakubros · 7 years
Tagged by @artsytodoroki, @minaaashido, @pilotpig! This was so much fun to fill out, guys! Thanks for tagging me. 💞
Rules: Answer 11 questions, Create 11 of your own, and Tag 11 people!
I’ll tag: @pinkcupofcherrytea, @dekudorks, @lupizora, @enonmia,  @shulksfeels, @mysonisthesun, @a-erith, anddddd.... just about anyone else who’s interested in doing this c; (i’m a lazy tagger, rip.) amy, shy, piggie, i’d love to see your answers as well if you have some free time! 
(questions are at the veryyyyyy bottom of this read more, lol)
Amy’s Questions:
If you were a character in the BNHA universe, what quirk would you want to have? *nervous sweating* I actually have a really detailed OC I made for Hero Aca and now that I have the opportunity to show her off to the world, I’m getting nervous? LOL. I’ll just say that the quirk’s name is tentatively “flying fish” and then leave it at that for now... Until I find the courage to brag about it in depth... (I am actually in love with the idea and character I came up with, I’m just ??? Suddenly nervous for no reason?? LMAO)
Do you know your MBTI? If you do, what is it? INFP!
Are you somebody who thinks before you act or do you act before you think? It honestly depends on the context of the situation. When I’m with friends or people I’m comfortable with or when I’m tired, I act before I think. When I’m skeptical of others or anxious about how I’m being perceived, I think before I act.
What’s your current obsession? Mmm, tough! I’ve been really into watching movies recently, particularly the Oscar-nominated films. I’m sad because I side with the New Academy on a lot of their picks but know that the Old Academy still dominates so rip ;;;
If you ever wanted to change your name, what would it be? I used to hate my name and thought about changing it to “Willow Kathryn” instead of “Jessica Kathryn.” I don’t know what I was thinking when I was younger; I just know that, now that I’m older, I would never go through with such a change. LMAO
Least and favorite subjects in school? Favorite was literature, least favorite was (and will always be) math.
Describe yourself in one or two words. Passionate, Empathetic
How tall are you? 157 cm (though I like to think I’ve grown a bit ;;;;)
Do you have a phobia? I don’t think that any of my fears are strong enough to constitute a phobia? Though I will admit to an awful abhorrence of bugs.
Would you prefer to go where there’s less people or more people? I’m assuming you mean live? And if that’s the case, then less people. If it’s late at night or something though (like now!), I prefer to be around more people.
Do you believe that the world is divided into good and bad people or is everybody the same? if so, why? To assume that the world is Manichean feels like an antiquated, small-minded notion; to assume that everyone in the world is the same feels ignorant and dehumanizing. I believe that all “divisions” within our culture (I’m throwing morality into this category for the purpose of this question) are man-made constructs--in that sense, there’s no right or wrong answer. In my case, it’s just fundamental disagreement with the notion, lol. On the question of morality, however, I will say that I believe that all individuals exist on a spectrum and cannot be definitively good nor definitively bad; to label someone in a single category like that limits future perception of them and implies an inability for human change/growth.
Shy’s Questions:
[pre-school teacher voice] What do you want to be when you grow up? I wanted to be a teacher, and then a pediatrician, and then a writer, and then a professor. And now I’m back to teacher. We’ve come full circle. LOL.
What did you do today? GOT SOME OF MY SHIT TOGETHER!! Double-checked my degree audit with my advisers, met with the dean of my college to ensure that I’m on-track to meet the criteria for graduating summa cum laude with the dean’s medal in December, and discussed scholarship funding with some of my current sponsors. I thought that I was going to owe my school money after the summer, but it’s looking like they’re going to be paying me instead. 😎
What’s the last really good fanfic or meta you’ve read? I’ve... honestly been slacking really hard in the reading department for the fandom. I’ve been reading a lot of wips recently (which obviously haven’t been posted), but the last one that comes to mind is cherry chapstick on the tip of your tongue by oliviyay on ao3! 
Do you prefer saying “y’all” or “you guys?” You guys!
What is the last thing you watched? A video of Die Mannschaft’s coach talking about how proud he is of His Boys™️.
How are you feeling? I just really want the semester to be over because I’m tired of the workload? But at the same time I’m really antsy about that because it means graduation is just that much closer?? And idk if I’m fully ready for that?? Like, I know that I am but like... I still don’t feel like an adult lekrjwlekrri
Favorite sitcom? Parks and Recreation, hands down. I binged the entire series when I was going through a bad breakup, and whenever I can’t sleep or need a pick-me-up, the show always has my back. I’m p sure that if Netflix ever removes it I will die.
Anime or manga or neither? I’ve always been partial to manga!
Favorite kind of smoothie? The Beach Bum at the Tropical Smoothie Cafe! I like it because I’m a sucker for chocolate, but the ingredients in the smoothie still make me feel like I’m healthy.
Got any allergies? I’m mildly allergic to dust and pollen. For some reason I’m severely allergic to a certain species of grass. (And, because I have the best of luck, it’s the species of grass that is native to Florida. It’s everywhere I go and I just want to be able to sit in the park without breaking out into hives. ;;;)
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever purchased? I just recently paid $800+ for VIP tickets for my parents and I to go see Elton John in concert. But, like, I know it’ll be worth it so I’m not even mad LMFAO
Piggie’s Questions:
What is your favorite soap scent? Ooooh, this is a really tough one! I can’t think of anything specific, but I’m a fan of scents with floral undertones!
What is the talent of yours that you are most proud of? Please go on and on and on about it!! (and don’t say you have no talents because I know all of you well enough to know that’s not true >:’D) Mmmmm, this is tough! This is more of a personality trait, I suppose, but I’m really stubborn when it comes to getting what I want; if I have a goal in mind, I do absolutely everything that I can to achieve it. So far, this has worked out really for  me, which is why I’m considering it a talent? I’m sure that a lot of it is just good luck though. LMAO. I think that I also have really good memory! I remember seemingly insignificant details really well, which makes for fun writing. c:
What is your favorite book and why? Or TV show/anime/movie if you don’t like books? The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien--this book is honestly what inspired me to become a writer and holds a very special place in my heart. Second favorite would be The Mill on the Floss by George, and every time I’m reminded that it’s considered one of the worst books in classic lit I cry a little harder.
Which fictional character do you relate to the most? (And why, if you want?) Bakugou Katsuki, in terms of backstory (being praised when young and letting it go to my head), passion/ambition, and tendency for cursing. I’ve never been outspoken or antagonistic though, so that’s where our biggest difference is, lol. (He is still my Child though and I Would still die for him)
Do you have any collections? If so, what do you collect? Books and video games, I suppose! Though right now I’m also starting a magazine habit that I know I’ll regret in the future...
What are your top three best personality traits, and what is one thing about your personality that you want to work on? In no particular order: passion, empathy, and friendliness. I’d like to be more consistent outgoing when it comes to meeting new people and making new friends. I’ve been given many opportunities to form bonds with really awesome people, but I always get shy/awkward or just fudge it up. I’d really like to change that, haha.
Do you have any pets? If so, what is/are their personality/personalities like? I have a dog named Snowie! When she was younger, she was super rambunctious and liked playing in the dirt--wasn’t much of a cuddler. Now that she’s older, she’s a lot calmer. And she really likes cuddling which I really appreciate.
What is your preferred study method? Depends on what I’m doing specifically! If I’m reading lit or crit theory, I need an empty room, some good music, and soft lighting. If I’m preparing for a test or writing something up though, I need to be around other people. When it’s something that I don’t really want to do, constant supervision is necessary to make sure that I actually do it. LMAO.
What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Impromptu island hopping and cliff diving on my cousin’s boat during my last trip to the Philippines!
What are your life goals? Oh boy. Although I mentioned that I’m a very goal-oriented person, I’m really bad at designing long-term goals? I think that I’ve only ever gotten as far as five or so years in the future. I guess I’ll say that I want to work in a job that I enjoy, surround myself with people I care about, and do something that makes me feel like I’ve left a mark. (Ahhh, this was such a bad answer! Sorry! ;3;)
What is your favorite part of being on Tumblr? Probably the people I’ve met. The nice ones, ofc!
My Questions
What was your first big fandom? How did you get started in it and how did it inspire you?
Was there ever a fandom that you were a part of that you now regret? (catch me in middle school skipping class to watch the early premieres of the twilight movies and getting into intense debates over team edward v team jacob LMFAO)
If you had to pick an artist to create the OST of your life, who would it be? Why?
Tell me three things a person could say/do/believe to instantly taint your friendship/relationship with them.
I suck at cooking. Do you? If you don’t, what’s your favorite thing to make? (hmu with a recipe and i’ll love you for life lmfao)
If you had to name a daughter right now, what would you name them? What if you had a son? (Alternatively, if you have no interest in children, what name would you like to give a female/male character that you create?)
Let’s say you were to die right here, right now. What would be your biggest regret?
Think of one really, really good teacher you had. What made them so great?
What’s your “origin story”? If you had to explain why you are the way you are by only pointing at one event in your life, which one would you choose?
Tumblr is an actual hellhole. But what do you like about it?
How are you? (I’m stealing Shy’s question because I really like it lmao)
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patchworktail · 7 years
ITS 4:30 AM AND I DONT FEEL LIKE SLEEPING so I’m gonna do this meme that i got tagged for twiCE and totally forgot to do til now!!!! (i had 2 dig through your blogs to find them omg)
ANYWAY i was tagged by both @mooitstimdrake​ and @cynessie​ (I MISS U BOTH BTW ❤)
RULES: Share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions provided by the tagger, tag 11 awesome people and leave 11 questions for them to answer!
(I’m gonna skip tagging people/asking 11 questions - 1) because I’m lazy 2) because a lot of people who I would tag either have already been tagged or woN’T DO IT and 3) I have to answer two sets of 11 questions anyway so I’ll let one of those sets take the place of my 11 questions!!)
11 Facts
I was supposed to leave to move into my college 3 days ago but since my college is in Savannah they pushed off move-in/orientation for a weEK BECAUSE OF HURRICANE IRMA AND I’M STILL UPSET/DISAPPOINTED
That being said I’m about to start as a college freshman at art school, planning on majoring in animation! :D
I binged all of Buzzfeed Unsolved in like 2 days and I fuckin LOVE IT
Also BNHA is like my current main obsession???? I fell in love w that anime and uhhhh I’d Die For My Kids
I almost never use skype anymore - I’m always on Discord now (mutuals may add me just message me if you want my tag :3c)
I loooove creating OCs and my main OC is a forest elf named Rally and he’s precious and I LOVE HIM AND COULD TALK ABOUT HIM FOR HOURS (also my best friend @/harpxer and I have a huge ongoing rp with him and her mountain elf oc, Kahl!! they’re really gay)
Hmmm fun fact I guess I’ve been involved with internet communities since I was 10 years old and I made my very first internet friend when I was 10 and we’re still great friends and talk p much every day to this day (hi @/fiishr)
I want a tattoo super bad but idk what I’d geT
I worked at a jewelry engraving stand at an amusement park this summer and one night I accidentally gave myself a 1st degree burn on my finger from the hot glue gun and it hurt So Bad
I had my graduation party this July and it was really fun but the best part was when 14 of us played this giant game of spoons and it got really intense, made worse by people randomly screaming during it, and then we collectively decided to blast hardcore rap music from the speakers and Let Me Tell You i have not been involved in a more stressful card game in my LIFE
I’ll always always always fall for the hero/happy character/protagonist basically....idk what it is about me but I’m so Predictable...I love cute optimistic brave characters who just wanna do Right.....I don’t cARE IF PEOPLE THINK THEY’RE BORING I THINK THEY’RE PERFECT AND AMAZIGN AND I LOVE THEM
@mooitstimdrake​‘s Questions:
If you were to make a new blog dedicated to one single thing (fandom, hobby/activity, etc) what would it be? Honestly, right at the moment probably BNHA!!!! it’s legit my most recent big obsession and I love it?? so much???
If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you have? A RACCOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH and some people actually do have them as pets! They can be difficult though but WORTH IT
Who was your favorite teacher and why were they your favorite? OH BOY......I’m gonna say it’s a tie between my AP studio art teacher and my AP US government teacher from this past year, my senior year! My AP art teacher because our class was super tiny, 12 kids, and it really felt like a family?? She was a-okay with letting us all goof around and say weird shit, she was really chill and funny and like. part teacher, part friend, which was always nice. As for my AP gov teacher, he was SO. FUCKING. FUNNY. OH MAN. NOT EVEN ON PURPOSE he just like? put up with SO MUCH? we had some real character kids in that class and my teacher’s reactions were HILARIOUS. he had a sarcastic streak too so his responses were equally as funny when someone did something weird. He would say the funniest stuff just ask @/harpxer I would tell her so many stories from that class sohboshrb. Aside from the humor that class was really interesting, and he’s a really good, invested teacher - he wanted us to learn, he’s super passionate about government and history, and he always started off each class with 2 current events which was really nice and helped me learn more about things happening in the world too!!! overall that was like my fav non-art class I’ve ever taken!!!!
What’s your guilty pleasure (and I’m challenging you not to say some kind of food)? HMMMMM. Honestly I’m gonna go ahead and say really cheesy or lame movies/shows (like, Disney channel movies, dumb shows - like the one summer I watched all of Glee LOL, stuff like that). Like yeah I know 90% of it is terRIBLE but it’s still amusing/lighthearted stuff that makes me happy KLSDJVLSDHB
Favorite pizza topping? EXTRA CHEESE IF THAT COUNTS, if not then pepperoni!!
What’s the last thing you bought (that wasn’t food)? I’ve actually been buying a lot the past few weeks in prep for college/spending a little money for ONCE since I worked all summer. I got a bunch of boring stuff but the things I’m most excited about are: two posters I got for my dorm (The Office is one and one is Lord Huron), a giant wall tapestry (it’s Up themed!!!), tWO BNHA/POKEMON CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY AND EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THEM I START CRYING BC THEYRE SO CUTE, and oh my GOD I BOUGHT THIS GIANT PILLOW FROM TARGET AND IT IS THE SINGLE SOFTEST THING I’VE EVER FELT AND IT’S HUGE AND IT IMMEDIATELY BECAME MY #1 COMFORT OBJECT AND TOP FIVE FAV THINGS IVE EVER BOUGHT!!!!!! I guess MOST recently though I just bought Clip Studio Paint online today (art program) since it’s on sale for 50% off and I’ve heard great things about it!
What upcoming movies/tv shows are you looking forward to? UHHHHH as for movies... justice league part 1, the incredibles 2, kingsman 2, the neW POKEMON MOVIE I CHOOSE YOU, probably a lot more I can’t remember rn. AS FOR SHOWS HMMM I’m...excited for the next season of the good place and izombie, and oh I’m excited for the punisher netflix show!! and the next season of voltron of COURSE!!! and next season of stranger things!! probably more I’m forgetting too tbh
Any recommendations (this could be anything just throw your best pitch at me)? JFISDJKLBJ I DON’T KNOW OMG tbh rachel you watch a lot of the same things I do already LMAOOO
What’s your favorite thing to wear that you own? OH FUCK I DUNNO HMMM I really like wearing my various leggings and scarves, but as like a Single Item....I like wearing....uhhhh I have this giANT sweater like it’s WAY too big for me but it’s so COMFY and I love it. I also love wearing my Star Labs sweatshirt bc it’s soft and comfortable
What was your first pet? my cat!!! we took her in as a stray kitten living in our backyard when I was like. 2 or 3 and so we’ve basically had her my whole life!!
If you could learn any language, what would it be? UHHHHHH honestly probably spanish - I took it 4 straight years and was okay at it in class but one year went by with me not taking it and I forgot everything LOOOL I’m...bad....at languages....
@cynessie‘s Questions:
Where is the coolest place you’ve ever been? I haven’t been many cool places :( I guess the coolest isssss I dunno it depends? Lake George is where I go on vacation every year, I LOVE NYC, I love Savannah too and it’s where I’m gonna be for college so?? ?? ?  ? I’VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND I’M SAD BUT I’M POOR AND CAN’T AFFORD IT
What was the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? veterinarian!! 
Look to your right. What do you see? a dirty plate on my desk, my bed just past that, and my CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY THAT ARE SO CUTE I CRY EVERY TIME I SEE THEM
What are you procrastinating on? ajkldjboidj lik e 4 art commissions,,,, and 7 MAP parts,,,, and my pre-work for 2 of my classes,,,,,,,and cleaning my room,,,, and sending thank-you notes to relatives,,, SOMEONE KICK MY ASS AND MAKE ME DO SHIT
Which family member are you closest too and what is their name? UHHHH.... I guess my younger brother Luke? or maybe my mom? I’m not on bad terms with anyone though, I love both my older brothers too and we all have a good sibling relationship I just talk more with my younger bro I think - second closest would be with my second older brother Connor!
What’s the last song you listened to? I’m listening to Ultralife by Oh Wonder right now :3c I’ve been on a huUUGE Oh Wonder kick lately!!
What do you generally carry in your bag/pockets when you go out? my wallet (w my license and money and debit card and all), travel size lotion, phone, and chap stick!!
Do you believe in ghosts? I’m gonna hesitantly say YES but I’m not 100% convinced I don’t think
What is a skill you want to learn? MAYBE THIS IS WEIRD but I think learning how to act would be kinda neat. On a more realistic note I wish I could learn to exercise without dying
Tell me a joke. I’M BAD AT JOKES DON’T DO THIS TO ME NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO YEAH THAT’S ALL FOLKS it’s 5am now...Nice..... :’) I love my ability to stay up obscenely late while also getting Nothing Done JLSDNVDHAGHVDLAK
3 notes · View notes
K is for Kids
The next installment of this story is here! And in a somewhat timely manner, too! Fair warning, it’s pretty long for me, and there’s a lot of kid-speak. The twins are also my own characters, and I’m really nervous posting something that focuses so heavily on them because OCs are scary aaaaahhhhhh.
Also, interesting fact. Did you know that 8 out of 10 three-year-olds can say “Eustass” perfectly, yet only 3 out of 10 can say “Law” clearly? (Who would’ve thought working with kids would help me write fanfic, huh?)
Anyway, here it is!
Author: fangirlwonder (wordsandwonder on AO3)
Pairing: Kid/Law
Prompt: Kids
Rating: Teen?
Unbeta’d, so please excuse and/or point out any glaring mistakes!
“Mr. Eustass, do you know why I chose not to specialize in pediatric medicine?” Law asked in the quiet, even voice that Kid had come to realize meant he was in deep shit.
“Well, considering your bedside manner I’m guessing they wouldn’t let you?” Kid snarked, hoping that a joke might lessen the tension currently thick in the air between them.
He was an idiot. He knew Law wasn’t exactly crazy about children, but he’d gone and agreed to babysitting at their apartment without even consulting the other man, and now it was painfully clear that Law was pissed.
“Hilarious though I’m sure you find yourself, Eustass, I am in no mood for your attempts at humor right now,” the definitely-not-less-tense surgeon warned. “I did not pursue pediatrics because I find children rather … difficult. And while I don’t exactly mind spending time with your brothers at your family functions and such, I’m not sure at all why you agreed to babysit them here rather than at your mother’s house where they live.”
“Aw, c’mon, Law –“
“Without discussing it with me,” Law interrupted.
Kid stared dumbly at his seething boyfriend and tried to decide if it would be better or worse to tell him the truth. Which was that he liked seeing Law interact with children and wanted the chance to see how he handled it when he had a more active, caregiver-type role. But only because it was funny, and not for any other heart-fluttery reason at all. Obviously.
“Well? Please, Eustass, I cannot wait to hear your reasoning on this.”
Yeah, the truth definitely wasn’t an option right now. “Well, just … you were good with them at Christmas and my birthday dinner so, I dunno, I thought it’d be okay,” he finally replied lamely.
“Both events which were held at your mother’s house, and at which I was not expected to provide any level of care. I assume since you scheduled this for my day off, my only day off for a week and a half, that you are expecting assistance with them?”
“I mean, it’d be nice,” Kid agreed sheepishly. “But you don’t have to.”
Law scanned the living room he had been obsessively cleaning and reorganizing all afternoon in an attempt to make it more “child friendly” and ran a hand through his hair. “Well obviously I’ll help, I know they’re a handful,” he muttered. “And it’s not as though I’d just hide in the bedroom all night. They’ll be in bed by nine, right?”
Kid nodded eagerly. “Probably before. And they sleep like the dead, so it’ll be like they aren’t even here. And I’ll owe you one.”
“Oh, Mr. Eustass, you will owe me so much more than one,” Law growled.
“Whatever you want, doc. I’ll even do that thing you’ve been wanting.”
That got Law’s attention. “Really?” he narrowed his eyes. “You’ll really wear it?”
“Yeah, I’ll wear it,” Kid promised. “I’ll wear it and do whatever you want me to in it, I swear. All you have to do is kinda help me herd them and act like you like them, and I’ll do it all without a single complaint.”
Law considered that for a moment, but then had to shake his head to clear his mind of the images of Eustass that were popping up and putting him in a less than babysitting-ready mood. “Fine, fine,” he snapped eventually. “When will they be arriving?”
The buzzer sounding answered Law’s question before Kid could, but it wasn’t like the doctor didn’t know when they were coming anyway. He’d been anxiously counting down since Kid had told him the plan at breakfast.
“Shit. I mean shoot,” Law corrected under his breath (which Kid found hilarious considering the twins were still downstairs) before hitting the talk button. “Hello?”
“Law! How are you, honey? Thanks so much for taking the boys!”
“Uh, not a problem, Annie. The door should be open, please come on up. Unless you need assistance?”
“No, no, I’ve got it. C’mon boys, let’s go play with your brother and Law!”
Releasing the talk button, Law rounded on Kid with wide eyes. “Toys!” he whisper shouted, clearly panicked at the sudden realization that his apartment was completely devoid of child-appropriate entertainment. “Children require toys. We don’t have anything for them to play with. Damnit, Eustass, if you had told me earlier I could have purchased them some toys!”
“Law, relax. They’re three. If you bought them a toy they’d probably play more with the box it came in.”
Law lit up at that. “I have a box! It has some old photo albums in it, but I could empty it and then they would have a box.”
Laughing at Law right now would be a very big mistake, Kid knew. But the temptation was overwhelming, especially as Law looked at him with such sincere, if slightly freaked out, eyes. “Nah, mom probably brought some with her. Worst case scenario we give them a spoon and a pot to bang it on and both suffer through a headache. They’ll be fine.”
“Helloooooo!” Annie called cheerfully from the hallway. “A little help, please? My hands are full out here, boys!”
Kid gave Law one last reassuring smile and opened the door, only to immediately stumble back as two energetic toddlers collided with his legs.
“Bubba!” they cried in unison, hugging tightly to his thighs.
“Hey Austin. Hey Kyler. How’s it going?”
“We – we gonna stay with you! An’ play!” Austin replied enthusiastically.
“We saw a old person,” Kyler informed him solemnly.
“Let me help you with that, Annie,” Law offered, bypassing Kid, who was trying and failing to keep up with all the information his brothers were trying to share with him at once.
By the time Kid looked back up from his extremely jumbled conversation with the boys, his mom had slipped back out and Law was staring, perplexed, at a small rock with googly eyes glued onto it.
“That’s Dig,” Kid answered Law’s unspoken question. “Kyler won’t go anywhere without him.”
Kyler detached himself from Kid’s leg and went to the pile of things his mother had left behind, rummaging around until he found a step stool, which he then brought over to Law. He climbed up, which still didn’t put him anywhere near Law’s eye level, and reached a hand out for his rock.
“Dig not a person,” he assured Law. “Only pretend. He jus’ a rock.” With Dig safely tucked into the palm of his hand, Kyler jumped down from his stool and carried it dutifully off to the side of the room where it wouldn’t be tripped over.
“I … I see,” Law replied, though his face showed very plainly that he did not see. Turning to Kid, he asked, “Your mother brought him a step stool?”
Kid shrugged. “He likes to be tall. He climbs on stuff that isn’t sturdy if he doesn’t have it. The stool is a hassle, but it’s safer.” The redhead clapped his hands together. “Okay! So, what d’you hooligans wanna do?”
“We not!” Austin protested indignantly.
“Only Austin a hooligan. I not,” Kyler insisted.
“Oh, I think you both are hooligans. Do you know what we do to hooligans in this house?” Kid asked, slowly crouching down and raising his hands with his fingers splayed apart like claws.
Both boys started giggling, watching Kid creep slowly closer and closer. When he was almost close enough to touch them Kid let out a playful growl and both boys scampered away, shrieking with laughter as Kid chased them around the room.
Law stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, watching his boyfriend chase the squealing three-year-olds around and around, and tried to ignore the warmth spreading in his chest. Because he was mad at Eustass, and that man was absolutely, by no stretch of the imagination, completely adorable.
A loud thunk followed by deafening silence drew Law sharply out of his denial. The silence lasted only a moment before being replaced by an ear-piercing wail and Kid’s hurried sounds of comfort.
“Shit, Austin, it’s okay, buddy. You’re okay. Can I see it?”
“N-N-N-NOOOOOOO!” the boy screamed into Kid’s chest, refusing to move so the mechanic could inspect where he’d hit his head.
“What happened, Eustass?”
“He tripped and bashed his head right into the corner of the coffee table,” Kid replied, not looking away from his brother and trying hard not to let his panic creep into his voice. Shit, what if the kid was really hurt? Fuck.
He was too busy trying to coax Austin into letting him get a look at the injured area to notice Law step out of the room, but when a cool hand replaced his on Austin’s head he glanced up. Law had on his doctor face, and had laid out a first aid kit next to him where he knelt by the boy.
“Austin,” he said calmly. “This is very important. I need you to do something for me, do you think you can try?”
Austin shook his head violently and tried to bury his face further into Kid’s chest. “I don’t think that’s gonna –“
“Hush, Eustass. Austin, I know it hurts, and it was probably quite startling, but it’s very important that you take a deep breath and let me look at your head, understand?”
Austin did take a deep, stuttering breath, which reduced his sobs to quieter, hiccuped whimpers. But he still refused to turn fully toward Law, instead only peeking at him with one watery eye.
“C’mon, big guy, you can do it. Law’s a doctor, y’know. He’ll take really good care of you.”
Austin still wasn’t convinced. He’d always been warier of Law than Kyler, and now that he was hurt he was naturally being extra clingy toward Kid.
“Do you know how I met Eustass, Austin?” Law asked in that same unshakably calm voice. Austin shook his head slightly. “He hit his head, just like you. And he came to my hospital to get fixed up. Do you think I did a good job fixing his head?”
Kid tried to hide a smile as Austin very seriously examined his face, as if looking for any indication that Kid’s head was damaged. After a moment he seemed to decide that Kid was okay, so he nodded and finally turned to face the doctor.
“Good. Do you think I could do a good job fixing your head too?”
The boy nodded slowly and walked a step closer so that Law could look at his wound. There was a shallow cut on his forehead, but it wasn’t really bleeding. There would definitely be a bump there, though. Law took out a small flashlight and gently talked Austin through the steps of checking for a concussion. Kid suspected Law was adding in a few extra things, because he was pretty sure he’d remember if he’d had to pull a face and waggle his fingers at a nurse or something like Law was having Austin do to him, but it made the boy giggle, so he really didn’t mind.
“Alright, Austin. Thank you for helping me with that. You did very well. Now I just need to get a band-aid on you, and then we need to put some ice on your head for a bit, okay?”
Austin nodded and leaned his head forward to receive his band-aid like it was a medal of honor. “I brave?” he asked earnestly.
“Very brave,” Law confirmed. “Eustass, if you could get the ice?”
Once Austin was situated comfortably on the couch with an ice pack and Wallykazam streaming on Law’s smart TV, Kid pulled the surgeon to the side.
“How the hell did you do that? Last time Austin got hurt he cried for two hours, and that was with my mom comforting him.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “It is literally my job, Eustass.”
“Yeah, but you said you weren’t good with kids.”
“I’m not,” Law agreed. “But when I work in the ER I do come across quite a few highly intoxicated individuals. They’re remarkably similar, wouldn’t you say?”
“You … You used drunk people techniques on my three-year-old brother?” Kid asked incredulously.
Law frowned. “Well, it worked, didn’t it? And I did make some modifications that I felt fit the situation.”
“Like having him make faces at me?”
Law’s smirk was all the answer Kid needed. “It seemed appropriate. He did get hurt because of your roughhousing, after all.”
“He got hurt because he’s three and uncoordinated!” Kid defended hotly.
Law chuckled and nudged his boyfriend fondly. “I know that, Eustass. You’re a good brother.”
The praise caught Kid off guard, but he quickly schooled his expression into one of disinterest. “Whatever,” he grumbled. “I’m gonna make dinner. Watch them, huh?”
The smirk fell off Law’s fast so fast it was comical. “By myself?”
“What, can’t handle that, Trafalgar?” Kid challenged. “Just keep pretending they’re drunk people.”
The death glare that got him was totally worth it, and Kid just grinned in return as he backed toward the kitchen. “Oh, by the way,” he added, “we’re having spaghetti.”
“I am going to actually murder you, Eustass Kid, and they will never find your body,” Law hissed quietly.
“Love you too, babe.”
Law turned on his heel to storm back into the living room, but was immediately stopped in his tracks so abruptly that he nearly fell backwards. Because standing behind him, he hoped not for very long, was Kyler, on his step stool, looking quite proud of himself.
“Oh, uh … pardon me, Kyler.”
The boy simply looked up at the surgeon with wide, unreadable eyes.
“Did you – uh, do you need something?” he asked after an uncomfortable silence had stretched between them.
Instead of answering, Kyler leaned forward, his expression so solemn that Law felt himself starting to panic a little. “Did you know …” the boy asked lowly, “I very fast?”
“I …” Law knew he was blinking like an idiot right now, but he really had no idea how to respond to this child. “Uh … I suppose … I do now?” he finally managed to sputter.
Kyler gave a nod, got down off his stool, and raced in a circle around Law. “See?”
“Yes, uh … very fast, Kyler. Why don’t we, uh … go join your brother?”
“He hiding,” the boy informed with a shrug.
“He’s … hiding?” Law asked stupidly.
“Yup! Him hide sometimes. But it okay! Him come out for food.” The boy paused and looked at Law calculatingly for a moment. “Waw?”
“Why Bubba say “wuve you too, babe?”
Law felt the heated blush spread across his face and added several more things to the long list he’d already made of what exactly Eustass was going to do to make this up to him. He really shouldn’t have been surprised by the question. If anything it was probably overdue. The twins had surely noticed by now that he and Eustass were more than friends, though they were careful to keep displays of affection to a minimum when the children were present. But Law had attended enough family functions and holidays for them to realize he was different from, say, Killer, or any of Kid’s other friends.
“Uh, well, because … uh … because he loves me?” Law offered somewhat lamely. He had no idea how much the boys knew about relationships, especially same-sex relationships, and he didn’t want to overstep his bounds with them. Not that he thought Annie and Al would really care. They were nothing but supportive, after all. But still. He did not sign up to educate a three-year-old about his sexuality.
“Like mommy wuves daddy?”
“Yes, something like that,” Law agreed gratefully.
Kyler cocked his head to the side and grabbed Law’s hands, inspecting them closely. “Where you wing?”
“My … wing?”
“Mommy and daddy has wings,” Kyler explained, pointing to Law’s tattooed but otherwise unadorned fingers.
“Ohh,” Law breathed, understanding. “Ring.”
Kid, hearing voices still in the hallway, took that moment to pop his head out of the kitchen to investigate. A choice he almost immediately regretted as he heard Kyler repeat slowly, as if what he was saying was completely obvious, “Yeah, wing. Where you wing?”
“Ah, Kyler do you want to, uh-“ Kid fumbled from the doorway, trying to redirect the conversation to something he, and no doubt Law, would be more comfortable with.
But Law, being the devious little fuck that he was, smirked evilly up at his boyfriend. “Yeah, Eustass, where’s my ring?”
It was meant as a joke. Kid knew it was meant as a joke. But he still felt all the blood drain from his face as he choked on his own spit. “Uh, I mean,” he coughed. “Do you … do you want one?”
Now it was Law’s turn to go pale. “I … well, we haven’t really discussed it.”
“Waw, you wuve Bubba too?”
Both men turned their attention back to the boy, who continued to stare at them critically.
“I … yes, of course,” Law replied quietly.
“Where Bubba wing?”
“Look, this is silly-“ Kid began.
“Really more complicated than that,” Law muttered.
“But you in wuve?”
“Yeah,” the now highly embarrassed couple agreed simultaneously.
“Then you get wings,” the boy said decisively. “Just wike mommy and daddy.”
Kid and Law exchanged a look before both smiling somewhat awkwardly.
“Well, we’ll get right on that, Kyler. Why don’t you go show Law what toys your brought while I finish dinner, okay?”
“’kay! Come, Waw.”
Law dutifully followed the three-year-old into the living room, only to remember what Kyler had said about his brother.
“Uh, Kyler? Where exactly is Austin hiding?” he asked, trying to mask his apprehension. There were a lot of things around this apartment that were dangerous for children to get in to, and Law knew he hadn’t been able to put all of them out of reach, and probably forgot some of them entirely.
The boy shrugged. “He jus hiding.”
“Yes, but … where?”
“We find him?”
“Uh, yes, I think that would be good,” Law agreed, already scanning the room for any sign of the child. “Eustass, your brother is hiding somewhere!”
Kid stuck his head out of the kitchen again. “Look in cabinets. He likes cabinets.”
“Does he do this often?” Law demanded, kneeling down to check under the couch.
“Yeah, sorry. Forgot to warn you.”
Thinking about several things that he would “forget” to warn Eustass about when the redhead was paying him back for this absurd evening helped Law to calm his frustration enough to search for the missing boy.  His stomach dropped when it became clear that Austin was not in the living room. If he’d gone into Kid and Law’s bedroom … into the closet …
“If he’s found any of our toys I really will kill Eustass,” he seethed under his breath as he raced to their room.
“You has toys too?” Kyler asked.
Law choked on air and cursed himself for forgetting that Kyler was there. “Uh, yes, but they are only for Eustass and me,” he explained.
“You gotta learn share, Waw,” the boy reprimanded. “Or you not make fwiends.”
“Austin!” the surgeon called a little too loudly. “Uh, dinner’s ready!”
“Yay!” a small voice cried happily from the bathroom. Law nearly collapsed in relief. Until the boy emerged from his hiding place carrying several … balloons?
“Look! I find balloons!” he announced proudly, holding them up for Law to inspect. “They slippery.”
Kid rushed out of the kitchen upon hearing his boyfriend’s distress, but the sight that greeted him in the hallway had him nearly choking trying to hold back his laughter. There was Law, blushing furiously and pointing at Austin, who was excitedly showing his brother the “balloons” he’d found and blown up (all by himself!) in the bathroom.
“This is not funny, Eustass!” Law hissed.
“Oh come on, Law, we barely use them anymore. At least someone is getting some use out of them.”
“Your brother has blown up our condoms like balloons and you are making jokes?! He’s playing with them! Look at him, he’s covered in lube! What would your mother say?”
“She’d probably laugh and tell you about the time Bonney wore her anal beads like a necklace.”
“Oh my god.”
“C’mon, guys, lets wash hands for dinner. I made spaghetti, how’s that sound?”
The twins cheered and rushed back into the bathroom to wash their hands while Law grudgingly helped Kid set the table.
“I made you a salad,” Kid offered cautiously, holding the plate out like an olive branch.
Law glared at him and didn’t reply, but he did take the salad, which Kid figured was a good sign.
Kid got the boys situated at the table, placed between him and Law so that Kid could help Kyler and Law could help Austin as needed. Kid couldn’t help but smile as he watched Law relax a little in the familiar territory to eating with the twins. He’d shared plenty of meals with them, starting way back when Kid was still in the hospital, so he was more comfortable passing them things and encouraging them to eat veggies and such. Kyler excitedly told them more about the old person he saw in the hallway coming up to the apartment, but Austin was uncharacteristically quiet, staring intently at Law’s salad.
“Waw, you not eat?” he finally blurted out.
Law looked confused. “What? Yes, I’m eating. I have salad.”
“No, you not eat bascetti?”
“Ah. No, I not – ah – I don’t eat spaghetti.”
“Because I’m not fond of pasta,” Law explained gently. Kid was impressed by his patience, honestly. He knew that Law had explained his dislike of pasta to the boys several times, and Law wasn’t one to repeat himself.
“No, it not pasta, it bascetti.”
“Right,” Law acquiesced slowly. “But spaghetti is a type of pasta. And I don’t particularly care for it.”
“Oh.” The boy looked troubled for a moment before brightening up significantly. “But, Waw? It not bascetti! It ice cream, see? You jus … you use the-the pointy one? An’ eat it!”
The laughter Kid had been holding back escaped him in a loud guffaw that had Law glaring halfheartedly at him. “Well, kiddo, that was a good try, but Law doesn’t eat ice cream either. It ruins his figure.”
Law discretely kicked Kid in the shin under the table. “I’m afraid he’s partially right, Austin. I don’t eat ice cream or spaghetti. So either way, I think I’ll just eat my salad.”
The boy looked so dejected that Law briefly considered sucking it up and eating the pasta, but a flashback to the loaf of bread meltdown had him shaking the thought away. He was perfectly content with his greens.
“Alright, boys, I think it’s time we clean up, huh?” Kid asked when they’d finished eating. Admittedly, he was pretty sure that more spaghetti had ended up on the twins than had gone in them, but they both seemed satisfied with the meal, so he wasn’t too worried about it. Law had already begun clearing the dishes, so Kid jumped up to help him. Law, however, had other plans.
“No. You stop right there and take those two to the bathroom immediately. And for the love of god, don’t let them touch anything. I’ll clean up this mess. You clean up that one.”
Now that he looked at them, Kid did see where Law was coming from. He made a point to keep the apartment obsessively clean, after all, and two spaghetti-covered three-year-olds running around all over would definitely cause some damage.
“Alright, hooligans! To the bath!”
Austin giggled and tried to escape, so Kid wrapped him up under his arm and carried him, but Kyler seemed more resigned to his fate and let Kid simply lead him by the hand. He got them set up in the tub with these weird little fizzy things his mom had sent that made the whole bathroom smell like lavender and chamomile. Apparently the boys would be impossible to get to sleep without them, and Kid definitely didn’t want that. Law had been great so far, and aside from being a bit frazzled by the condom thing, he hadn’t seemed terribly unhappy about spending time with the boys. Kid didn’t want that to get messed up by Austin and Kyler fighting sleep with all their cranky might. He’d seen it before, and it was not pretty.
Man, Law really had been great, though. The way he handled Austin’s injury had Kid’s heart skipping a beat. He could say it was just his experience with drunk people, but Kid knew better. And seeing his boyfriend engaging with the kids, especially getting Austin to smile through his tears, well … it had Kid feeling things he wasn’t sure he was really prepared to feel.
And then there was the ring thing. Shit, that had been unexpected. Maybe …
“Eustass? Is everything alright in there? There seems to be quite a bit of splashing.”
Kid jerked out of his thoughts just in time to get hit by a massive tidal wave of fragrant water. “Ah shit, you guys, seriously?!” he cursed, leaping to his feet and wiping the water out of his eyes.
“Sorry, Bubba,” Kyler giggled remorselessly.
“Yeah, Bubba. Sooooorrrrrry.”
“Oh you aren’t sorry at all, you little-“
Scowling, Kid opened the door and glared at Law. He expected Law to be pissed about the messy bathroom, to snark at him for not paying close enough attention, but instead the surgeon smirked.
“Now who’s the cat?” he asked, obviously far more amused than he should be at Kid’s predicament.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s still you, doc. How about a hug?”
“Don’t you dare,” Law warned, backing away and pointing a finger at him.
Kid grinned. “See? Still you.”
Law clicked his tongue dismissively, but still kept his distance from his soaking wet boyfriend. “Are the boys clean? It’s nearly nine.”
“We clean!”
“Alright, let’s get you dried off and then we can show you where you’re sleeping,” Kid suggested. “And maybe, if you ask really, really nicely, Law will read you a story.”
Kid ignored the raised eyebrow that got him and proceeded to help the boys dry themselves and get into their pajamas. He was kind of excited to see their reaction to the “big boy” bed they’d be sharing. It was huge and soft and he knew from experience that it made for a great night’s sleep. But when he opened the door with a flourish he was surprised to see both boys shrink away at the sight of it.
“What’s wrong, boys?” Law inquired, concern etched into his features.
“Too wisky,” Kyler announced.
“Yeah,” Austin agreed. “It too wisky. We too small.”
“Whisky?” Law mouthed to Kid, confused.
“You guys, it’s not risky. It’s just a bed. Look, it’s really comfy!” Kid threw himself down on it, bouncing slightly before settling into the luxurious sheets.
“Nope,” Kyler insisted. “Too wisky. We sleep wif you.”
“Yeah! We sleep wif Bubba an Waw.”
Shit. Kid knew Law was never going to –
“Alright, then, if you’re that frightened. Come on. But our bed is just as big, you know.”
What the fuck. “Law, you know they want us to sleep with them, right? Like, not just change which bed. They want us to go to bed with them … right now.”
“I understand that, Eustass. But if they’re scared to sleep in the bed alone there’s not much we can do, is there?”
“Well, no, but … I mean, you don’t have to. I can just go to bed with them. You can go do whatever.”
“No! Waw gotta sleep too!” Austin insisted, wrapping his arms tightly, and uncomfortably high, around Law’s thigh.
“Yup,” Kyler confirmed solemnly from their bedroom door.
Kid looked helplessly from his brothers to his boyfriend, but was once again shocked to see no trace of annoyance on Law’s face. Okay then. Apparently they were all going to bed … at nine o’clock at night.
“We can just stay there until they fall asleep and then get up,” Kid assured Law quietly as they changed.
“Mmmhmm,” Law murmured, watching closely as Kyler and Austin helped each other climb onto the bed.
“You really surprised me today, you know.”
Law shot him a quick glance. “Yes, well, I do have some rather enticing motivation. Don’t forget your promise, Mr. Eustass.”
Kid smirked partially at the thought of that motivation, but mostly because he and Law both knew it was more than the promise of Kid doing that that made him so cooperative today.
After their fourth rendition of Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes, Kid and Law finally turned off the bedside lamps and laid in the dark, waiting for the boys between them to settle down.
“Pet him,” Kid whispered.
“I’m sorry?”
“Austin. If you kinda … pet him, he falls asleep.”
“You want me to pet your brother.”
“I’m telling you, he’ll fall asleep way faster if you do it.”
Law reached a tentative hand out and ran his fingers through the unruly mop of hair currently using his arm as a pillow. Austin sighed and tucked himself closer to Law, so the surgeon continued to smooth his hair back. Sure enough, within a few moments the boy’s breathing was slow and even, just like his brother’s.
“You wanna get up?” Kid asked.
“I am currently a human pillow.”
“Right.” Kid let the silence stretch comfortably between them for a moment, thinking. “Hey Law?”
“Would it be like, cliché rom-com levels of cheesy if I said I love you right now?”
“Yes,” Law whispered back curtly. “Just go to sleep.”
Kid shrugged and shifted to let Kyler snuggle closer in his sleep, resigned to the fact that he was going to bed for real after all. His eyelids grew heavy in the darkness and he felt the irresistible pull of sleep washing over him.
“I love you too, asshole,” Law murmured, his voice so soft Kid almost thought he’d dreamed it.
He fell asleep smiling.
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Fanfic writers meme: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 27, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, and 50 (my question for #50 is: Your favourite character from any of your fandoms (pick one or several characters you like) is writing a fanfic STARRING YOU AS A CHARACTER. Regarding this fact, what kind of fanfic do you think he/she/they are writing about and how would you feel about you literally being in it?)
Thank you so much for sending in an ask! :D
3. Name three favorite writers.
Ahh, this is a toughie! I’m going to list three writers from different fandoms that I admire a lot.
A. Anappleofdiscord from fanfiction.net I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a tumblr and even tho it’s been forever since I spoken with her personally, she is an awesome person and an awesome writer. She writes for the Hetalia fandom, focusing on gen stuff centering around England and America. If you know anything about the Hetalia fandom, it’s ridiculously rare to find platonic fics about these two and her fics are like the cream of the crop. Her characterizations are on point, her fics are educational and hilarious (and also a rollarcoaster of emotions) plus she pulls off OCs superbly. If you ever check out her fics, tell her that Listenerofshadows sent you ;)
B. Glimare from fanfiction.net I don’t know her personally, but I love her work in the DC fandom. Sadly, she’s since mostly moved on to other fandoms (which is great for her, if the feeling’s not there, don’t push yourself to write fanfic for certain fandoms) but she has a TON of content and it’s all so good. Her most-well known work is a collection of one-shots known as “Daddy, Not Bats”. It’s an AU where Bruce encounters the bat-kids at a younger age and decides to retire to raise them all. It’s sweet, fluffy and angsty all rolled into one.
C. @elfpen from AO3, Fanfiction.net and Tumblr.  I stumbled across her fanfic Reprise when looking for a good star wars time-travel fanfic to satisfy my needs and boy, DOES SHE DELIVER. Most time-travel fics center around the OT era or Obiwan and/or Anakin traveling to TPM, but hers focus on OT!Obiwan traveling back to the era BEFORE TPM. It’s a great fic, I love the characterizations and her OCs are on-point. Not to mention, she also has a lot of other awesome SW and HTTYD content. 
Putting everything else under the cut because this is gonna get long quick!
4. Name three authors that were influential to your work and why.
A. Anappleofdiscord, again. Because she has actually beta’d my work before and given me great writing advice. I haven’t finished Neverlast, nor barely touched on it, but I’m thankful for her influence she’s played on it.
B. It’s hard to pinpoint my inspiration for my writing, because it’s kinda an intuitive thing? Like, I’ll be writing and a phrase comes up and I’m like “I know I stole that phrase from some fanfic lol” but i don’t know which one??? But basically all the fanfic writers I love are legions above me and I admire them all. But I have to say, I’ve started writing more third-person present tense because of a few good fanfics (but I can’t pinpoint which ones) which it’s a rare tense for a novel to pursue but I love the rhythm of it.
6. How did writing change you?
I’ve been writing before I could even write. Basically as a little four-year-old, I’d make pictures and then dictate to my older sister/mom what the pictures were about, essentially creating a storybook out of it. Since writing has been part of my life for so long, it’s so innate to me like breathing air. I know there’s a lot I could improve on writing, but it’s just a freeing way for me to express myself in a clear and concise manner. In real life, I can be awkward in how I word things and I have a tendency to trip over words or don’t fully pronounce my th-s and s-es. Fanfiction is great because I can explore my favorite concepts of a fanfic in a medium that people can enjoy reading in :)
7. Early influences of your writing
Once I discovered reading was fun (I didn’t learn to read until 2nd grade but that’s okay, because once I did I was reading several grades above my level) I devoured books. Some of my favorite books as a child are: PJO, Chronicles of Narnia, Boxcar Children and Black Beauty. I also did some RPG’ing at a young age, which greatly improved my writing as the constant writing at a rapid pace forced my writing to improve exponentially. There were roleplayers that I admired greatly that I imitated because I wanted my writing to be as good as theirs.
10. how do you do your researches?
Google, man, Google. For example let’s say my fanfic is a historical AU. I know a lot about history, but I might look up a historical site to proofcheck my dates or phrases of the time. Fanfic is nice, because it gives you an excuse to rewatch your favorite show if you wanna make sure you nail the characterizations. I might just look at a fan wiki if it’s a minor detail like what’s Ahsoka’s smaller lightsaber called. 
13. Hardest character to write
Oohhh boy! I think everyone can agree that Yoda and Darth Vader are the two toughest SW characters to write for. It’s hard to get into the head of a 900 yr old troll and Vader is just…really hard? Palpatine is also hard not to make him the typical cookie-cutter villian (Which he is, but I’d like to try to give him some depth). I feel like I write a different take of Anakin every time I write a different AU involving him, but I think that’s because the AUs are at different points of his life and also the AU effects his reaction to things.
14. Easiest character to write.
I know it’s contradictory, but Anakin. He’s definitely chaotic good and it’s fun to write that archtype. I haven’t written much Obiwan (actually I have, but I can’t post it until I write the chapters bridging to him :/) but he’s more lawful good compared to Anakin and throwing those two into the same fic is fun to see. Padme is a fun one to write as well as Ahsoka.
17. Favorite AU to write
I have so many AUs so again, hard choice. Gotta say Impetus, since it’s the most I have written for and I love it. It deals more with the traumatizing effects that slavery/the Jedi have inflicted on Anakin plus an even more problematic Palpatine. I didn’t mean to recreate Palpatine in that fashion he’s basically a pedophile in this AU, the characters kinda just made it happen and I ran with it. It was supposed to be a humorous/fluffy what-if but like everything I touch, it’s also angsty ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
19. Favorite fandom to write for
My favorite fandom to write for naturally changes with my interests. I was obsessed with YJ for a while, then Hetalia and now SW. Star Wars is fun to write for because there’s a big audience and it’s pretty easy to find a pocket audience who love the same types of things that you do. YJ will always be my first love. I’m currently writing a fanfic for a YJ fandom event, but I’ve been kinda struggling? I’ve lost my enthusiasm writing-wise even tho I still love it to bits.
20. Favorite Character to Write.
Anakin, probably. It’s funny because I used to never like the PT, but the Clone Wars changed all that. It’s a shame that Lucas went the direction he did for Anakin in PT because TCW uncovered a problematic but likeable hero and I wish we could’ve seen that live-action (It’s not Hayden’s fault btw, the director is the one responsible for what portrayal the actor gives)
27. Best review you ever got.
Okay, so. I used to share an account on FF.Net with a friend and I wrote of a lot of YJ fanfics. One of them was a gen one-shot involving Bart and Jaime that received a good amount of attention. AND A REALLY GOOD FANFIC AUTHOR THAT I ADMIRED AND LOOKED UP TO REVIEWED MY FIC AND I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT. I never in a million years imagined that my favorite authors potentially read my fanfics, let alone review/favorite it.
39. Do you want to be published some day?
Kinda. As a kid I’ve always wanted to get published but now I’m not so sure. I’ve never finished any fics other than one-shots and that really has gotten to me. My current goal is to finish at least one of my fanfics but I think I’ve been putting it off because I’m afraid it’s impossible to acccomplish. It’s silly, I know. I just need to do it.
40. Which one of your stories do would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Hmmm….probably my one-shot involving those two bounty hunter OCs. I could just see them trying to survive the universe with the least amount of weird space stuff happening but they seem to get pulled into it anyway. Those two are actually the easiest OCs for me to write, btw.
42. Do you plan or do you write whatever comes to mind?
I’m a weird creature. In life, I like to know things ahead of time. I like things to run exactly the way I planned. I don’t like unexpected variables. but in writing…I rarely outline. I usually write whatever is on my mind. Pure inspiration is awesome…until it runs out and feels like you’re pulling teeth to just to write a single sentence. That’s when I attempt to outline things.
45. Share the synopsis of a story you haven’t published yet
“Whatis love? To a young child slave, it is the words his mother used to caress himafter a brutal beating by their master. It is wrapped in the kisses she givesto each bruise and lullabies that lull him to sleep.” A meta on Anakin’s varying views of love a crappy summary authored by moi
46. Share a scene of a story you haven’t published yet.
Welp. Might as well share from the above fic.
Whatis love? To a young child slave, it is the words his mother used to caress himafter a brutal beating by their master. It is wrapped in the kisses she givesto each bruise and lullabies that lull him to sleep.
Hismaster can freely touch every part of him he wishes. He can say words to him—hecan do anything he like to him.
Hecan say things like, “You know I love you, boy?” and the slave obedientlyanswers, “Yes, master.”
He’sso very young, but he knows that his master’s words and touch are not love.Only his mother’s is. He doesn’t know how to describe it. But he can feel thewarmth behind them, like hovering over a fire on a cold desert night. They arelike a thick blanket made of bantha furs, soft and comforting. They melt awayhis tears and fill his lungs with laughter.
Everyday, his mother tells him “I love you Ani.” and Ani, the slave boy, freelyreplies, “I love you too, Mom!”
Hefollows by her example, smothering her with hugs and tells her silly stories tohear her laughter that rings like the bells at the market stands. Because heknows love is the best medicine to heal anyone. It makes them feel fuzzy insideand they don’t feel so sad knowing someone cares about them.
Hismom gets sad a lot, so he does his best to repel the sadness away. He doesn’tget angry when she’s sad, because she isn’t angry when he’s sad.
“It’sokay to be sad,” She tells him one night as she runs her hands through hishair, “Everyone gets sad, just like how everyone gets angry or happy.”
“Mastersdon’t like it when we’re angry though.” Anakin pouted.
Shepauses; looking down at her son with a sad smile, “No matter what they say,you’re allowed to feel angry, Ani. Bundle it up, and keep it to yourself—andrelease it when they aren’t looking.”
“Areyou ever angry, mom?” He yawned as he snuggled closer.
“Yes.”His mother breathed deeply, and he could feel a bit of her anger—for aninstant.
It ishot—not warm like Love’s fire. No, it burns and consumes him for a moment. Itreminds him of all the bruises and welts that his masters have given him. Angeris selfish and doesn’t love. He doesn’t like seeing the giver of his Love feelthis way. He internally sighs in relief when her anger melts away as he told atale about a funny customer that came in that day.
Hehas never truly felt anger. He flinches from its’ touch and refuses to feel theemotion that his masters are fond of.
50. Your favourite character from any of your fandoms (pick one or several characters you like) is writing a fanfic STARRING YOU AS A CHARACTER. Regarding this fact, what kind of fanfic do you think he/she/they are writing about and how would you feel about you literally being in it?)
I feel like everyone relates when I say I don’t think my life is interesting. I’d pick Cassie from YJ because I feel like she’d be the type to write fanfic. I will say one ironic moment in my life is that I starred in a play as a shy bookworm girl who got the lead role in her school play alongside her crush, the star basketball player, incidentally they ended up together in the end. Everyone irl teased me about this but the truth is….I actually had a crush on the actor himself. We’ve known each other for years and are good friends. And the closest I ever gotten to “kissing” him was a moment in the play where our characters almost kissed before being interrupted by other students. But of course nothing real came of the play and we still remain good friends.  I always note in my head that the hollywood version is that we…would’ve hooked up in the end. I’m sure if I was a fictional character and Cassie shipped me with him and we didn’t get together in the end, she’d be writing a fix-it fic where our pairing is the true pairing in the end. If i wasn’t fictional, I’d feel really weirded out by it. I don’t like fic involving real people in it, especially if it involves ships. I’m almost 90% sure this guy doesn’t have a crush on me and just regards as friends. Which is okay, because I’m not sure if I even want a relationship at the moment.
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