#thank you so much for sending eriko !!!
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noragami uwu
hello !!!
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: i love bishamon and kazuma so mcuh but i also adore hiyori and kufuku and yato and yukine,,,,, i love all the characters basically
least fav characters: ,,,,,, ,,,, i cant remember,,,, ,,,, hhh hh fav relationship: yato & hiyori and bishamon & kazuma ! fav moment: ok tbh its been such a long time since ive watched/read noragami ! the scenes that jump immediately to mind is the scene where hiyori gave yato a shrine !! and the one where she promises to never forget him !!! and also that scene at the end of aragato where ***** dies because wow that scene fucked me up but i also loved it as a scene so theres that
headcanons/theories: none :((
unpopular opinion: hmmmmm i mean???? im drawing a blank i have no idea
how’d you find it: im pretty sure i saw mutuals reblogging it on tumblr and i just thought it looked really nice !!
random thoughts: i really have to catch up on the manga for noragami because i know that the story is breaking everyone’s heart right now and yall know how much i love to have my heart broken
#thank you so much for sending eriko !!!#and also thank you for reminding me to catch up on the manga adksdahlkaj#asks#mobuwu
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Chapter 86 brought Thoughts and Feelings
The last Ajin chapter dropped and gave me lots of thoughts. Fortunately mostly positive ones. More or less unexpectedly even TakaGen related thoughts. Among other things.
Beware incoming spoilers for chapter 86.
Chapter 86 spoilers, now:
Now that the last chapter dropped, I can finally say it: I'm glad the manga let Gen d/ie at the point it did. I'd rather have a character arc that is lacking ideas end instead of seeing it getting dragged on without spirit for two more slow years. And with Gen dy/ing Takahashi’s character arc was put on a bus as well. Which was good because the way his and Gen’s characters had been written had started to feel regressive since a while, not giving anything constructive to work with but instead starting to trip over its own feet. So, I was just glad adventure TakaGen had ended no moment too late.
Even better: The last chapter didn’t give any flashback or new development that disturbed this personal peace: Instead the glance the last chapter gave on Takahashi sets the world right again: Little rascal still full of energy, spirit not broken, energized by the hate, hurt and disappointment that has always been his motor. But now that Gen is no longer around to bring in affection we get an unfiltered view on it? And I love it? It confirms a pile of suspicions I had about his character and about the dynamic he had with Gen. Those few pages were just a good way of seeing Takahashi’s stay in the manga end like this.

Takahashi knew all along that he’d eventually would get captured and he does not care. Also the implication two panels earlier that he theoretically would be able to use his ghost to cause some dama/ge but doesn’t do it because he is rather letting a mindgame going for now is… much better than seeing him succumb to passive gri/ef would have been. I’m sure Gen is rooting for him from the aether, ever loyal.
Further thoughts on the chapter in no specific order: Sato in a box still means Sato can get out of the box; no confinement strong enough to hold him. The world is right, his future still holding potential.
And aw, I'm happy we saw Izumi defending Tosaki's memory one last time. It rings true with the journey her character went through: That despite embracing the opportunity he offered her, she felt it right to appreciate the second chance she eventually decided to actively grasp. Overall, Izumi is safe and I’m happy with that.
Pity thought: No Yamanaka-san in this chapter? This here is the biggest disappointment I feel. Please tell me Kei at least send her a letter to say a thank you. Her taking him in and being kind to him was after all an important part he could avoid capture and think of ways of what to do next.
Furthermore Eriko seems on the path of getting better, at least she is out of the hospital. I wish her the best for her future.
Overall, it’s a chapter that gives the reader the chance to wish the best for the future of any character we saw in it. And seeing how writing a good ending can be a challenge, I consider this a positive aspect: The biggest concern with any manga ending is that the last chapter doesn’t thematically fit into what came before and therefor does not ring true. This last chapter managed to wrap up most of the big questions that were still open, ultimately ending with lots of possibility. Happy rereading soon.
#ajin#ajin demi human#ajin spoilers#satou#shimomura izumi#takahashi#gen#takagen#eidolonlathi writes#lathi writes ajin
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twenty-two meetings that never happened (4/22)
The first hint she picked up on that this really wasn’t going to be like any of her other jobs had been when the maid who took her jacket, a woman as exquisitely beautiful as everything else in these rooms, had brought her the most expensive looking tea set she’d ever been trusted to handle unsupervised, bowed, and slipped off noiselessly.
She shifted, the sound uncomfortably loud even here, in what might very well have been the grandest, classiest room in which she’d ever had reason to sit - though Kei would be affronted by that thought, if she were ever to bring it up to him. Still, even he might have deemed the mansion acceptable enough, if not the family who owned it. His feelings on that point were crystal-clear.
He’d first mentioned the name “Kirijo” to her over lunch in a Nanjo-owned restaurant in Sumaru City (they��d ended up there since it meant the high-end cuisine was gratis, neatly allowing for a compromise between Kei’s frankly ludicrous standards and her budget.) Between bites of lobster thermidor, Kei had mentioned that the Kirijo were looking for someone to photograph the CEO’s granddaughter, and that he’d brought up her name - if she was interested in helping him get an in on the company.
Kirijo, he’d gone on to insist, wasn’t the oldest name on the block and could not and would never be more impactful than Nanjo. Nonetheless, they’d come up on his radar thanks to the CEO’s newfound interests. After some digging, Kei - who among them was the best equipped to handle corporate-level espionage, even that which tinged on the mystical - had uncovered records on some object which had entranced the Kirijo patriarch and reportedly driven him to power-crazed madness. What was clear, at least according to Kei, was that they were either far too close to contacting Philemon or, failing that, to bringing about the end-times.
Yukino didn’t particularly feel like going through a third doomsday scenario, but hadn’t really needed such an exorbitant incentive to take the job. The Kirijo, no matter if they were going to destroy everything, paid better than Kismet Publishing ever had.
On that thought, the ballroom-style double doors across from her swung open and a gaggle of maids came through en masse, swarming away like a flock of pigeons from the tall man at the centre of the group. Slightly behind him was a girl, tiny and solemn. Presumably the latter was Mitsuru Kirijo, who she was here to photograph. She was less sure of the man. Her father? A bodyguard? Maybe it was even a valet (though she never bothered to pay attention to Kei’s exacting explanations as to the difference between one of those and a butler.)
They came striding over to her, though she noticed the man shortening his strides to let the girl keep up. He rose a few places in her estimation.
“Yukino Mayuzumi?” he asked.
“That’s me."
"I’m Takeharu Kirijo. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” So, it was the girl’s father then - and more pressingly, the son and heir to Kouetsu Kirijo. She stood up, unsure whether to bow or shake hands. You never knew with these international jet-setter types, and Kirijo’s house was decorated in a western style.
He bowed. Decision made, she mirrored the gesture. Kirijo waited for her to rise before introducing his young companion: “This is my daughter, Mitsuru."
"Enchantée,” said the girl, politely bowing in turn.
Yukino must have looked dumbfounded, because Kirijo smiled proudly.
“Mitsuru has been learning French from her tutor."
French? She barely spoke English, let alone some other western language. Why hadn’t they sent Eriko along with her? She’d lived in Paris, for God’s sake, she would have been perfect in these surroundings - well, unless they somehow got her onto the subject of demonology. She’d never been great at hiding her weirdness about mystic bullshit and considering the Kirijo family’s dealings…
Actually, maybe it was good she’d been sent alone. The thought calmed her down, and she smiled at the girl, trying to exude a friendly air.
"Hello, Mitsuru-san,” she said, deciding to go a little politer than she usually would for a kid of her age - besides, kids liked being treated as if they were competent individuals, she’d found, on the few occasions she’d had to deal with them in previous photoshoots. “I’m here to take some photographs of you, if that’s fine?"
Mitsuru inclined her head graciously. "Of course,” she said. “I put myself into your care."
She spoke in such a polite way, it put Yukino ill at ease. Was this how Kei had sounded as a kid? When she’d been the same age, she didn’t think she’d ever broken out the perfectly proper grammar.
Yukino was quickly shepherded through the mansion to the room they wanted to show off in the photo. She’d thought their waiting rooms were nice, but her breath was taken away at the place they took her: it was spacious, with far-apart walls and a frankly-unnecessarily high ceiling; but more than that, everything in it was so impressively detailed and expensive-looking that she was scared to move in case she accidentally displaced swirls of gold paint, or something.
Kirijo gestured towards a great, oaken armchair. "We were thinking maybe here, if that’s suitable?"
"Yes, this should work,” she said, forcing herself to look straight at him instead of swivelling her head around and gawping like a tourist. “Though Mitsuru-san will appear rather small in comparison, if that’s all right with you?"
For a moment, she wondered if he could pull out a phone and have an exact replica in miniature made for the express purposes of the photoshoot. He probably could. Her question wasn’t to be answered though, as he just nodded.
"That should be fine. Now, I’m afraid I do have a meeting I have to get to - business, you understand. I leave the rest in your hands. If you require anything at all, please, just ask Saikawa-san."
One of the maids, an older woman, bowed. Kirijo, sending a final smile over to his daughter, left the room. And now she was alone with her subject - or as alone as she could get with a dozen inconspicuous but clearly curious maids lining the walls.
Still feeling a bit overwhelmed, Yukino set to work trying to find the perfect angle. She walked around the room, examining the way the light and shadows fell. It was morning, and thanks to a set of windows built high into the east-facing wall, she had natural sunlight to work with - and plenty of it too; it poured into the room, making the silver-glazed ornaments and varnished floorboards gleam. Perfect conditions, really.
Mitsuru was quiet during her examinations, standing like a tiny, painted statue: her back was straight and her hands were clasped loosely in front of her in a pose that would have fit a noblewoman from days long past. Her gaze followed Yukino around the room. In some sudden burst of paranoia, the thought popped into Yukino’s head that she was making sure she wasn’t going to steal anything. She brushed the thought off immediately. She was here on a job. They were hardly looking for a reason to throw her out.
"Mitsuru-san? Can you come over here?"
"Of course,” said Mitsuru. Daintily, she settled herself into the chair. What she’d told Kirijo was even more true than she’d been expecting: with her little white dress, porcelain-pale skin and ringlets that gleamed almost red in the sun, she looked like more like an bisque doll than a person, the kind that were never taken out their boxes for fear of breakage or devaluation.
Yukino directed her to move her head slightly back, so the tresses would fall in a more pleasing way, then to tilt it slightly to the side so so the lighting would fall in a more slanted angle across her cheeks and neck. Mitsuru complied, but there was still something off, something she couldn’t quite get right.
“Mitsuru-san, do you mind if I-” Mitsuru nodded, allowing Yukino to delicately place a hand on her head and move it slightly to the side. For a moment, she hyper-focused on her own hand. If I was still like how I was back then, they’d not have let me in here at all, let alone near the second-in-line to the company.
“Is this chair all right, Mayuzumi-san?” Yukino jerked her head up, to see Mitsuru looking at her, her previously poised, almost blank face giving way to something like concern.
"I suggested this room to father, but I don’t know a lot about photography. If it won’t work, I’m quite happy for this to move elsewhere."
She was good at hiding it - a lot better than many kids her age - but there was something about the way she asked it that made Yukino suspect she really didn’t want to move. And Yukino thought she knew why. She glanced up at the walls once more. This room had been designed around a line of portraits, placed just out of the reach of the sun’s rays so they wouldn’t get damaged. Each pictured a woman sitting in a painted replica of this very room, each capturing a generation with different fashions, hairstyles and even room decor. The newest, one of a stunningly beautiful woman with a coy smile, looked very much like an older version of the girl in front of her.
She looked back down at Mitsuru, who hadn’t taken her eyes off her the entire time. "It’s my job to make it work,” she told her.
Mitsuru let out a tiny noise of satisfaction that Yukino suspected she wasn’t supposed to have noticed. She laughed, under her breath - whatever had happened to the kind of upper-class brat she’d always been told about, the ones who used tantrums to get what they wanted? Mitsuru must have heard her, because she went bright red and automatically ducked her head. When she peeked back up again, Yukino smiled at her. Mitsuru responded with her own small, appreciative one.
Well, if her wish was Yukino’s command, she had to see about fulfilling it. Yukino closed her eyes, and took a few moments to re-visualise the room and the way the light streamed into it. She considered her options. It would mean sacrificing the deeper shadows she’d been planning on having around the girl’s face, but she could try to put the subject’s entire body at a slight angle towards the sunlight. It was worth a shot, if nothing else. She told Mitsuru what to do, and when she shifted, Yukino all but snapped her fingers in triumph. There it was.
After that, it was a simple matter of snapping the photos. The little Kirijo made for a fine subject, at once elegant and capable of following Yukino’s instructions to the letter.
“That should do it,” she said, after taking pretty much every shot she could. “Well done, Mitsuru-san."
"No. Thank you, Mayuzumi-san,” she responded, with a little bob of a bow. Rising from the chair, she glanced over to the portraits on the wall and then turned her attention back to Yukino, coming closer to her. “Truly,” she said in a low, hesitant voice, “I have no brothers, and Father has told me he never wants to get married again, no matter what Grandfather says, so it looks like my official portrait is going to be with father’s and grandfather’s, not with mother’s. So, thank you accommodating my request."
Yukino felt the strongest urge to ruffle the kid’s hair, but she fought the urge. Instead, she lightly touched her shoulder and, as quietly as she had, murmured: "Like I said, Mitsuru-san. It was no problem.” Mitsuru nodded, minutely, and returned to a normal volume. “Father ought to be back shortly. I shall wait with you until he arrives. Shall we have some tea together?”
Right. The middle Kirijo. The reason Kei had brought up this in the first place. Yukino gritted her teeth in determination and smiled widely.
"Lead the way, Mitsuru-san.”
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Glory Days Part 18 (IM RP AU- Shun & Midi)
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
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Yukihisa’s POV As much as I don’t mind being showered in the kind of attention I won’t get from the average female who’s more than happy to open her legs for me quicker than she’d open a textbook - the night is just painful to watch as countless women attempt to shimmy and shove themselves into my best friends face - Shun seemingly a with his head on another planet. Sighing, I shoo the woman who is in his lap away with a single gesture - suggesting we head elsewhere; not a party, not a bar, not a club - just somewhere he can either focus if he wants to or take his mind off things. My offer is met with not so surprising enthusiasm and the moment we’re out of that place; no longer surrounded by the scent of baby powder, perfume and liquor, I slap a hand on Shun’s back knowing he won’t think anything of it before I fish his phone out of his pocket. “What the fuck Maki–” “You’ll thank me later.” Quick to type out a message as Shun tries his hardest to snatch the phone back; I’m finally defeated seconds after I hit send satisfied with my small act of playing cupid. Knowing how my bestfriend’s head works he’d have just been avoidant and ruins his chances of anything. The text of ‘I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you’ gets a response quicker than expected. I’m quiet, wondering if he’ll respond. Midori’s POV Half awake, head resting on top of textbooks and the sound of the tv quietly playing in the background; the vibration of my phone earns a groan in response, not expecting to be contacted at this hour of the night yet my heart flutters at the text received and a burst of energy rushes through me as I pace the dorm room unsure of how to respond or if I should wait a while and give it time. Ah fuck it. Not wanting to waste time, I reply quicker to this text than any other one I’ve ever written in my life. “Me too. I really want to see you.” Shinichi’s POV (the following morning) “That wouldn’t be a issue if you weren’t such a distraction.” Breakfast, kisses, waking up on the floor a little unexpected - I can’t complain, not that I would even if the opportunity was given. Eri’s soft; lips melting against one anothers as my hands are just as inviting and curse filled as her body that I can’t help run my hands along. Yesterday wasn’t exactly a date - yet with the time we’ve gotten to spend with one another; even helping her move out which provided the perfect opportunity to get to know her a little more than what’s on surface. For me that’s better than unnecessary flirtations over dinner or drunken rendezvous between the sheets . “A little forward”, I stated between kisses; multitasking by talking whenever we need to pause a take a breath, “But”, I continue pulling my glasses off and dropping them on the kitchen counter to allow us to get that tiny bit closer, “I hear there’s a ball next Friday, and I’m wondering”, I squeeze Eri’s hips gently, “if you had a date?”
Shunichiro’s POV Yuki sure knows how to push my buttons even knowing damn well that I would have done the very same thing and I should return the favor to my childhood friend. So waiting till he’s in the shower, I quickly search for his contact list but fail to find the person I have in mind. Turning to Toshiaki who’s also spacing out at his phone at 2 in the morning which never happens- the three of us have not been ourselves since the night we met the two troubled girls. Typing a text on Yuki’s phone from the number I’ve got from Toshi, I lay back onto my bed and stare at Midori’s reply. I could effortlessly reply her and admit that she has been on my mind this whole time as much as my doubts of us being together, I don’t know where she stands. Sometimes people tell the truth from the bottom of their hearts when they’re drunk or pissed off. Taking my time in typing and deleting the words I’m not quite happy with- so much for Journalism, Shunichiro! I sigh and press the send button, putting all thoughts behind and close my eyes. "That was actually Yuki’s doing. It’s late, goodnight.” Eriko’s POV [ SMUT COMING NEXT ] “Is that our next date?” Luckily being half turn on hasn’t killed all of my senses, aren’t I glad all I had last night was just beer and not something stronger- hmm maybe it isn’t too bad to stay sober. My hands wandering on Shinichi’s chest move towards the nape of his neck as my lips leave his and licks his ear. “I didn’t think you’d be the cheeky type, Shinichi.” Responding me with a sly grin as my hands gently pushes him away and head over to the table for my blinking phone. “Plus, I did promise Riki for another date. I don’t want to sound like a bitch but I do want to play fair.” The man in glasses closes our distance once again and back to our steamy session, “Gosh, you are persistent too, aren’t you?” Nibbling my soft spot which he has now figured out and whispers sweet nothing to me. “I’m fine with playing fair, invite him too. I’m only persistent at things that I think it’s worth it and you Eriko Sato, you are worth it.” I melt into his words and kisses as he gently lays me down on the table then the sudden vibration and ringtone from my phone has startled us a little but not enough for Shinichi to stop. Answering my phone with my eyes closed as I feel the man on top of me slowly lowers himself, I bite my tongue before letting out a breathless hello.
#yukihisa maki#im yuki#eriko sato#midori katayani#shinichi kagari#asa shinichi#im shunichiro#shunichiro tachibana#shunichiro x oc#irresistible mistakes rp#irresistible mistakes role play#irresistible mistakes shunichiro#irresitible mistakes#eriko x shinichi#rikiya mononobe#asa rikiya
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Glory Days Part 16 (IM RP AU- Shun & Midi)
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
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Toshiaki’s POV
“BOYFRIEND?” The term startles me yet I’m smart enough to know that it’s come out in a panic rather than a legitimate truth. Eriko’s father? Here now? The salt and pepper coloured hair older man shoots me an unimpressed, downcast look as I’m not sure what to do or where to go from the tight situation I’ve been thrown into. “Mr Sato?”, I ask offering hand out to greet him with a firm shake. There’s hesitation in his return of the gesture, yet once it’s done, I futher introduce myself hoping that the short yet elaborate lie I continue to play along with is believable. “The name is Toshiaki. It’s nice to finally meet you sir - Eriko told me so much about you.” Just as I can tell that something is about to start to escalate - animosity sky rocketing between the father and daughter duo, I clap my hands, rubbing them together and nod to give myself the confidence boost I need. “Perhaps, the three of us could head upstairs - it would be more comfortable and we could talk; civilly. Like adults.” Midori’s POV “I’m the reason you’re smoking? Oh c'mon - give me a break.” It’s the first thing that I’m about to spit out as my eyes roll at Shun’s behaviour. He’s acting like an unnecessary over protective boyfriend and if I wanted someone like that around me - I’d have not broken it off with Ryoichi. “I.. I went to my mom’s store and then to my place - but Eri was there with some guys and I snapped and lost my cool and walked out hoping to blow off some steam but then I went back and no one was there and now I’m here; because I thought you could help. Why are you going to start keeping tabs on me?” Snatching the cigarette box from Shun’s fingertips, I hold them and the lighter I managed to aquire behind my back, taking a step away with every one Shun takes forward toward me. “..and yes”, I roll my eyes back hard not wanting to explain a question I’m constantly trying to avoid, “that was Ryoichi Hirose. I honestly have no idea what he’s doing here and fine - to get the story straight with this stupid argument we’re having Ryo and I dated - for like 6 months, 2 years ago. I’m sure you have ex-girlfriends and I don’t see myself getting irate over that fact.” Shun attempts to remind me again of apparently how drunk I was last night but with how everyone’s been talking to me today - treating me - acting as if I’m a 4 year old that has no grasp or concept of her life I feel like screaming. “YES, OK! I’M AWARE THAT I WAS OUT OF LINE LAST NIGHT BUT I DON’T NEED SOMEONE WHO ISN’T EVEN MY BOYFRIEND REMINDING ME!”, I manage to take a short breath - just enough to let my voice catch up to how I’m feeling before I ramble off again, “…why, you would have rather of been the one to come collect us from the store instead of Toshiaki? So you could what - make a move and if I was to reject you have a shot at Eri. Please.. Shunichiro stop acting like an over protective stubborn child - I came here for your help, not to argue.” Watching as he crosses his arms over his chest and refuses to speak, I drop the cigarettes I’m holding on a bench close to me and allow myself to leave - I’m not hanging around for an argument or for someone who wants to treat me as if I’m a kid. The walk home isn’t any better. Wolf-whistled at, cat called, snickered towards; I’m just happy to see my dorm’s front door and enter without a care - startled to see the guests who are seated. “Mr Sato? I um.. I didn’t know you were coming to see Eri”, I explain with a small smile; a litttle caught off guard by the fact a parent is present on campus. Having seen my own today - I wasn’t expecting to see anyone elses. “…and Toshiaki; what a surprise. You’re the third guy that’s been here today for Eri - she get sick of the other two that were here making breakfast for her in the morning already?” Grabbing underwear, a dress and the shoes that I’ll need. I throw my phone on charge beside my head and head for the shower. Maybe beneath the water, no one would hear me if I started to scream.
Eriko’s POV It scares me to death- Not the events from the last 48 hours or going on dates with stranger or being yelled by my best friend twice in a day. No, there is only one man I cannot face who is now standing in my room with Toshiaki by my side after Midori drops the bomb of news that clearly forces my father to politely ask my boyfriend to leave and give us some space for family matters. My confidence or social experience could never be enough to prepare me for the man who barks at me five seconds after the door’s shut. I’m told that Midori’s parents’re so disappointed at our inappropriate and childish behavior at such age. There is simply no color left to be drained from my face as I freeze with my head down like a little girl in trouble, listening to my father’s lecturing and sending me an ultimatum in person. Expecting my heart to pound fiercely or tears flushing out like it’s the end of the world, I only find myself numb and exhausted, maybe a calm before the storm as one would say. The vibration of my phone has pulled me out of my thoughts and see a text from Toshiaki: “I’m just outside the door if you want an ear or … a shoulder.” Dragging my feet to the door and resting my forehead on it, “Hey, ummm….thank you but I … really am not in the mood…. I’ll just sleep it off.”
I could hear his breathing through the thin door, placing a hand on the wood in hope to touch the man who’s only centimeters away. I am in no condition to face anyone else, not with my pride or dignity down the drain and Toshiaki Kijima is the last person I want to see right now. Defeated, useless, failure, wasted and slutty- the man has seen enough. When his heavy footsteps fade away, I crash onto my bed plug in my earphones and pull the sheets over my head, not caring for the world till the next sunrise.
Waking up to the warm morning sun that shines brightly through the blinds, I poke my head out and giving my eyes few more seconds to get used to the light. Midori isn’t here and perhaps it’s easier this way. I think we have been in each others lives long enough to know her half unintentional venting and exploding with my father’s presence won’t put our friendship to an end but a pause doesn’t sound too bad for now.
“Kagari?“ ”I’m hurt if you’re on first name basis with Riki.“ As curious as I’m, the clock is ticking. “Sorry,” I begin, trying to find better words to phrase what I’m about to say. “I… something else came up and I need to do last minute shopping which honestly isn’t going to a fun date for you.” What I’ve said brings a sly grin to his face, “Try me.” Eight hours later, we are unpacking boxes and suitcases of my belongings in an apartment studio in the Tokyo University Komaba campus. Thanks to the informative and efficient Shinichi, I for once have reached my father's order way before the deadline. Promising him I’ll thank and make it up to him another time, we’re satisfied with pizza and beer for the night. “You surprise me.” The man in glasses pulls out a cigarette from a packet and light it, slowly inhaling. “I thought you’d book to a hotel room or high end service apartment.” Not at all offended, I slightly smirk. “Even a trust fund kid got rules to obey. I do monthly reconciliation report to my father’s secretary and there’s limit on how much I’d spent until certain goals are met.“ Shinichi raises his brows, the flat fills with the aroma of his mint tobacco, pizza and beer yet making me feel like home or at least how I imagine home feels like. "I do freelance work too just no one ever bother asking.” I shrug then comes Shinichi next question that I haven’t heard since Truth Or Dare in junior high- What my type is. He isn’t exactly thrilled to hear Rikiya fitting my first favorite but a cheeky smirk spreading across his handsome face as he happily acknowledges himself as my second favorite, he slips his glasses up the bridge of his nose beofre his slender fingers wiping at the corners of my lips. One question leads to another, what’s it like to be a fashion stylist? My hobbies? My favorite food, songs, movies. Something changes in me, an undetermined but fitting feeling which I couldn’t quite put my finger on. After all the moving around and endless beer in his system, Shinichi falls asleep on the floor while I lay quietly next to him and strokes the redden cheek of the Mathematics major. My mind drifting miles away then the uneasiness of living alone finally creep under my skin, wondering what Midi is doing and whether she has read the hurried note I’ve left along with business card of the store manager I’ve known since a kid in such a rush without explaining why I’ve moved out. “You are more than welcome to work at our stores than serving women who walk around half naked all day. Love, E.”
Officially living on the other side of town, I’ve taken the advice every mature adult and create a visible distance with Midori.
#Midori Katayani#Eriko Sato#toshiaki kijima#shinichi kagari#shinichi kagari rp#eriko x toshi#Eriko x shinichi#voltage oc x canon#voltage oc x toshi#im toshiaki#voltageocrp#multi oc rp#multi oc role play#glory days
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