#thank you random Twitter user 😅
aimeedaisies · 4 months
Princess Anne reading the memoirs of her husbands uncle, Sub-Lieutenant Keith Symons, who at aged 20 was in command of three landing crafts at gold beach on the first wave of D-Day, at the Commonwealth War Graves Commissions ‘Great Vigil’ at Bayeux War Cemetery in France on 5th June 2024.
The full speech:
At 04.15 hours on 5th June 1944, General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces, took the momentous decision to launch Operation overlord - what we now call D-Day - the largest sea and airborne invasion the world has ever seen. After 5 years of war, all that time training and waiting, who knows what those Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen felt. 80 years ago today, charged with storming the Normandy coastline and beginning the campaign to free Western Europe from Nazi tyranny.
One of those sailors was my husband's uncle, Sub-Lieutenant Keith Symons who, at the age of 20 was in command of three landing craft at Gold Beach in the first wave on D-Day.
Recalling in his memoirs the evening of 5th June he wrote:
"At last it was time for our briefing. Our confidence was dented by predictions that casualties in the first wave were likely to be heavy. Everyone was quite subdued, but it was all very matter-of-fact. They were in those days. After supper we sat around making light conversation and listening to the chaplain playing his violin.
My cabin companion was a Captain in the Green Howards, a charming man who had been a solicitor before the war. We talked about what we would do when the war was over. Sadly he was killed in France only a few weeks later."
Bayeux was close to the landing beaches and it was the first city to be liberated by the British on 7th June. The City's hospitals were soon full of the wounded from the surrounding battlefield. For those who could not be saved, this was their final resting place.
It is the largest Commonwealth cemetery of the Second World War in France and contains four thousand one hundred and forty allied graves. It is my honour as President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to continue to protect their legacy.
The epitaphs on the headstones here capture the grief of those who loved these men. One mother's words are:
80 years on, let their memory still live on in our hearts.
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skzshiplore · 1 year
Hi Hi!! My name is Love, I’m bisexual and use she/her pronouns. I’m new to tumblr and sorta new to fic writing but also not really lol. I’ve been reading and writing fics for years but I’m pretty new to my current genre of interest.
Most of my current works are either y/n / OC x Skz or ship content 🤗
The fic world is a lot more diverse than it use to be and so is the realm of sexuality!! So as I explore and evolve so will my writing 😌
Also, most of my work is conjured from random thoughts that pop into my head throughout my day so if it seems messy and all over the place then that is why 😅
I do accept requests but for now only on concepts I am privy to.
As far as ships go I don’t prefer any more than the other and I do plan to eventually write them all lol.
You can also find me on:
AO3 @ https://archiveofourown.org/users/SkzshiplOre/profile
Twitter @ 5kzshiplore
Im definitely in the market for a beta reader to help with more serious works From time to time so if you’re willing to assist be my guest 😌
Also I thrive off of feedback so please feel free to leave constructive criticism when necessary!! I appreciate all comments both good and bad!! (Just not too bad thanks 🙃)
I look forward to this journey with you beautiful humans!! Please be kind to me 🖤
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ggukkiereads · 2 years
Your page is very beautiful and aesthetic can you tell me how you did it 😌.. I'm new user I don't know how to use Tumblr yet everything is so confusing here 😅😅 .
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🌷 Hi there! Thank you for saying this because I actually enjoy customizing my tumblr and creating these banners even though I am not an artist or anything? Hahaha *shy* 😊. I actually don’t know how to describe or give instructions on tumblr customization. But you can try checking tumblr’s tutorial pages?
WIll try to help as much as I could but I am not an expert so please bear with my attempt to explain it below the cut
🌷 I think first step is to choose a theme?
It’s not required and honestly my main blog is just the classic tumblr theme. I just change the color schemes depending on the banner I’ve chosen. I also prefer the grid view so I can see around 4 columns of content since that is my main blog for posting fangirling content + ongoing fics + random stuff. For ggukkiereads, I really prefer if content is posted per column and I decided to choose from different theme creators! 
My theme is from https://seyche.tumblr.com/ and I just customized the colors, the padding, the links, the icons. There are other theme sites though and you can actually search on tumblr for other sites (just type blog themes to find the others). Here are others you can browse:
Important!!! Please check their terms and conditions before downloading theme codes
THERE ARE MORE SITES and I am not keeping tabs of every theme site. However, I remember following one blog that reblogs or features themes from different creators. I will find the blog site and edit this so you can also follow and get their recommendations =) 
🌷 banners and profile pictures
For banner making, I just use Canva. My pfp is butter Joonie/sugakitty which I had commissioned and I can just change or use them in all banners as I wish. There’d be banners on twitter too for profile layouts that you can use for free but they are usually for twitter layouts. If you like some you can ask the artist if you can use the profile photo or banner for tumblr instead of twitter.
If you need to remove a background, there is a free bg remover online. 
Note: important to give credit to the source. In my blogs, I usually document where I get the photos, etc.
🌷 color schemes
I just used Canva for the color codes (hex codes). Tumblr will also suggest a color palette when you’re choosing the blog colors. I guess just experiment and have fun with it? See what colors you like or speak to you.
🌷 mobile
Please note that sometimes your desktop theme will look different on mobile. And this gives me headaches and I am not prepared to give tips because it’s a “let’s wing it” process for me when setting my mobile theme. I guess try simple themes first? Then once you are confident with theme changing, you can start customizing more details of your blog for mobile (you have to use customize for mobile link which you can find on your dashboard settings)
🌷 hyperlinks on your BIO
This requires codes but if you are not comfortable to link sites yet, then not required to use this. But if you see on my blogs my bio has linked description, right?
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These are codes you need to remember when organizing your Bio:
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I hope it’s not confusing or that I’ve been a bit of a help? Feel free to DM me on my main if you wish to chat more about this =) 
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