#thank you lotrojourney
ardentesoteric · 2 years
How about 8, 15, and 20 for the LOTRO ask game?
Thank you so much for the ask!
8. Do you have a favorite and/or least favorite instance?
I'm going to break this down between "dungeon instances" and "quest instances" because I confused myself about which was intended. :D This is only a sampling, as there are so many to choose from!
For dungeon instances, my favorites include: Inn of the Forsaken for its very interesting mechanics, Carn Dum for the epic screenshots at the end, and Den of Pughlak even though I haven't actually played it myself, it's just such a cool and trippy instance.
My least favorite Dungeon Instances are Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar because I always get lost and can't keep track of the mirrors, and Eithel Gwaur, the Filth-well, because I do not like the sewers, and I also always get lost.
As for quest instances, my favorites include The Blade That was Broken, since it is the culmination of so much hard work and a great look into some behind the scenes of book events, the instance in Imloth Melui with Forlong's wife which I won't name because of spoilers, but it is a little heartbreaking, and it's also chronologically the first time you see Minas Tirith, at least from what I remember (and this might depend on how high your draw distance setting is and how good your computer is at rendering it). Another one that is my favorite is The Darkest Hour just because of how batshit crazy it is. I was constantly in a struggle between utmost confusion and laughing my ass off by the end. Memorably, I remember watching Professor Corey Olsen doing this instance the first time during a LOTRO marathon stream to kick off his Signum U fundraising event, and the look on his face at the end was everything I was hoping for. Also, the level 15 Minstrel class quest instance is a really good one too.
Least favorite quest instances include the level 15 Hunter quest instance because it takes ages to find the stupid wolf you are supposed to kill, and there are respawns >.<, and also The Hideout in the Race of Man prologue because Sara Oakheart is a little bitch, and it kicks off some major Rangercide that makes me sad.
15. Do you have a favorite class to play? A favorite specialization? Red and Blue Hunter, Yellow RK, and I am just loving the crap out of my Beorning. I mostly play her in red because I solo most of the time, but I'm aware that Yellow has insane group healing.
20. Do you spend a lot of time on cosmetics- outfits, weapons, housing, pets? Do you have any favorites?
Oh yes I do spend a lot of time, although it mostly comes in spurts. Weapons I spend the least time on, because while there are some that I think are really cool, it isn't my focus.
For housing I have several houses, one classic Falathlorn Deluxe house, a premium Gondor kinship house for my main kinship, a premium Gondor Luxurious house, and a classic Falathlorn kinship house for my storage kinship. Most of my favorite housing decorations are the Gondorian stuff you get from the Dol Amroth rep vendors, especially the bookshelves and the bookshelf couch (which I desperately want irl), and the decorations from the Midsummer Festival.
Pets are something I spend a lot of time gaining, but not a whole lot of time using, lol. Despite the fact that I rarely use pets, I have several favorites. The Yule Tree Huorn is a pet that came out of Yule Gold Hobbit presents, so it's very rare. I only have 3 across almost 30 characters. I also love the little mumak pet, as the ambient sounds it makes just clash so much with how small it is. That and the Firework Corgi (from the Anniversary Festival bought with Mithril Coin), are the only two pets I've spent Lotro Points on. The Pumpkin Gourd lurker and the Pumpkin Lantern lurker are so cute too!
And, oh, the cosmetics. I could write a 50 page thesis on all the cosmetics I love in this game. 15 years worth of cosmetics is SO MUCH! I am particularly fond of the Simbelmyne Spring Festival dress and tunic, as well as Arwen's dinner dress (it dyes *so well*!) and the dress of Entwining Blossoms, both from the Midsummer Festival. The Vestments of the Autumn Sage are really neat too. Armour-wise, I absolutely love the Tempered Iron Hauberk you can get from a quest in Dunland, and it's also available in Lalia's Market for Mithril Coin. Also, the light armour you get from the High Elf intro (Time Worn Tunic and Waistcoat) is so nice too. Also, the Supple Wildermore Robe (crafted lvl 85 Eastemnet armour) is a really nice traveling wardrobe piece.
I swear I tried to keep this brief! :D Thank you, so much, again, for the ask.
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