#thank you ghosthouses 🥰 gonna come for u after i post this huhu
lu-sn · 2 years
15 for the ao3 wrapped?
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
there's only one wip that i know i'm taking into next year that i might actually finish, and it's called "i want you to lose like i lose" — and it's a story about porsche in the three days after korn asks him to take the minor family ring.
i went back to read through that wip because of this ask, and you can tell that i was frothing at the mouth after boc pulled that ep14 timeskip, because that fic is just "porsche talks to people and everyone exchanges information" for 10K 😂 there is SO MUCH NEW INFORMATION TO UNRAVEL AFTER ALL FIVE PLOT TWISTS THAT KORN PULLED and i just think we should have gotten to see them process it on screen 😤 why was ep14 not 3 hours long
it was very cathartic for me personally to write right after the show ended, but now that it's been months and we've all had time to read and write oodles of meta about the porsche ending, i don't need that fic to be finished quite as badly as i did before. so it lives on in my wip folder. but if i ever have a chance, it would be very nice to finish it. i am very fond of it and i think people would enjoy some bits of it! but alas i am not the kind of person who can post something that's incomplete, so i must finish it first. we'll see!
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