#thank you for the ask lmao I’ve been loving FOP this week
milolunde · 19 hours
Weeeeeeeell, Timmy is kind of 10? There was that whole thing about his wish to stay a kid forever and then it was revealed that he kept everyone in town the same age for like 30 years so he's only kind of 10?
I dunno tho I've only seen videos talking about this
Yes BUT ☝️
The only reason he made that wish is because he is 10.
He likely wasn’t able to mature in that time, permanently 10 and just knowing he made the wish out of fear of losing Cosmo and Wanda (and Poof? I don’t remember when in the series this happens) the only positive adult present in his life forever, not even allowed to remember them. His life before Cosmo and Wanda was living in a neglectful home with an abusive babysitter which went unnoticed because the ones who should have been there to notice, his school teachers, were also abusive— and the only people who would’ve been able to realize the abusive staff, his parents, were neglecting him, it’s a cycle.
Even if, being aware of the wish, Timmy knew it had been 50 years of being 10, 50 years of experiencing life, his body and brain were still stuck at 10 years old, physically incapable of realizing the detriment of “I’ve trapped everyone in a time loop” beyond his personal detriment of “my godparents, my only family, are going to leave me and this is the only way to keep them.”
Timmy Turner was JUST 10 YEARS OLD!!!
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