#thank you for the ask aaa
canisalbus · 1 month
i decided today was as good a day as any other to learn how to 3d sculpt and then trace and animate the model…
so i made a little machete to spin in my head
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(i still want to fix the snout length a little so it looks consistent, but i feel like it’s a pretty good first attempt at this)
hope you have a nice day and nicer ones to come! :)
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catcze · 11 months
Anonymous asked: OK SO FIRST UR WRITING IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, like jaw dropping somethings been plaguing my mind recently wriosthesley with a reader with a secret crush on him, and like SINGWINNIE BEING THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS but then he soon finds out cuz yk.. he’s literally the warden of the fortress of meropide cmon now there’s no hiding anything from him
!!! lemme just say that i love love love Sigewinne so much, and in situations, I can 100% see her being in-the-know about things, especially since she's (and correct me if I'm wrong) studying human behaviour? right?
She would deffo pick up on the way that you smile brighter whenever Wriothesley is around. And how you always smile and look away whenever he compliments you. And how your supposedly busy afternoon has been cleared the moment he invites you to afternoon tea.
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Sigewinne finds it kinda cute, and she wasn't planning on saying anything about it to anyone (certainly not the duke himself) but one day when she's puttering about his office, snacking on whatever he had offered her, he breaks the ice. A few minutes after you leave his office, a pep in your step, he turns to Sigewinne.
"So..." he drawls. "A crush, huh?"
"I don't know what you're implying, your grace," is her immediate response. Wriothesley isn't deterred, though, and the small smile on his face doesn't waver.
"About—" his eyes flick to the door that you exited out of, then back to her. "I never really noticed at first but... It's sweet," he says. That smile of his turns fond, and he looks down at his desk absently, his cheek resting on a fist. Sigewinne raises an eyebrow, eyes narrowing as she watches him.
"I see," she says, her own lips curling a bit. After all, when does one have the opportunity of seeing the Duke grow smitten with someone? "Well, if you wish to address this crush, now is as good as a time as any. I doubt you'd have to run very fast to catch up."
"Hah, is that so?" He asks, but stands all the same. Without another word to her, he trots down the stairs in his office and runs out, the doors shutting behind him with a muted bang.
Sigewinne sighs, still smiling. All she has to do now is wait for the happy news later in the day.
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amberluvsbugs · 2 months
I'm so sorry for being late! Happy late birthday
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reegis · 8 months
oh my god seeing the udad poster makes me desperately need one of your prints…… if you end up making a TBI one oh my god you have all my money. but also,,, if you made like little stickers with your chibi art style???? that would be fucking adorable and amazing
working on ideas for the tbi one right now!!!!
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ask-funnybunnydoll · 10 months
Aw you guys better get Pomni some ice cream too! I mean I'm sure she behaved during her appointment to get her shots...right??
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J: Don't worry, Pom-pom was treated to ice cream right after she got her rabies shot.
R: It was a blood bath... *shivers*
Caine: I AM IN PAIN!
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hawnkoii · 4 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Art trade with @kwsworld \(≧▽≦)/
Guys we,,, we cooked here,,,
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Unhinged Urogi is still such a cutie ♡ ♡
Even though my oc is actively shitting herself, she’ll warm up to him
Now imagine the possibilities with Urogi’s tongue
I’m gonna print this out and add it to my collection ajajsjne
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girlboyburger · 5 months
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A gift for you!!
WAH??? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! this is so so cute!!! that's fern !!!!!!!
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shortcakelils · 8 months
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Commission for @cups-and-pentacles!
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frankedz · 3 days
I hope you are doing well 💕
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Hey Aliiii, thanks for reaching out! The truth is, things have been a bit rough on my end lately, but I’ve missed you a ton! ;w; I hope everything’s been going well with you!!!!
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rosynova · 7 months
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(first off, i'm so sorry about the quality, i've been fighting tumblr for 2 hours trying to fix it and it doesn't want to work with me :') please click on the pics for better resolution!)
so ever since reading this ask from @blank-house i've had this little scenario in my head because of jamie's bit, and i've finally gotten the chance to sketch it out :>
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marsosims · 2 months
Hi Maro!! Thank you for all the wonderful CC, it's a lot of fun to add to my game. I was also wondering, WCIF the glasses in the depoofa hair preview? They look very snazzy!
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Hihi! It's the Equinox glasses from @greenllamas' Sunset set! Although I did edit the colors a bit in photoshop ^^
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canisalbus · 2 months
Hello :) Just wanted to say you seem like a great person, your art is rich & lovely, and all your interactions with people are nice & meaningful. Always love to read what you have to say! Hope you'll feel better soon!
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basilpaste · 8 months
hiiiiiii. I love your isaloops au and that fic. I've said that already but I'll say it again because augh. It's so good. so good aaaaaaa!!!!!!! jsut. augh- loop thinking that isa doesn't recognize them while isa very much does and is trying to respect them and and and aaaaaa-
anyways. doodles of the last scene.
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HI I JUST WOKE UP. wawaaaaa these are so lovely oh my god???? thank you for enjoying the fic!!!!
ive said it before, but the way you draw loop and isa both is so so pleasant. you make loops shapes so soft and i like it a lot!!! i really just CANNOT believe ive somehow tricked you into doodling THREE things for this silly au. augh.
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alpanmix · 5 months
I keep thinking about bodyguard Mashita trying to talk to Masamune, only for him to be intimidated by Mashita's social skills (they both have non existent social skills). Masamune trying to run away cuz he doesn't like talking to people but being middly intruigued by mr policeman
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In my headcanon, Masamune's awkwardness is to either outright ignore or try his best to end the convo as soon as possible, vs Yashiki's willingness to try and continue any conversation to be polite but also slowly try to steer it to ending as soon as possible (and failing, goddamnit Yashiki).
Tfw when you're trying your best to avoid everyone by looking busy and sticking close to your sister, but you keep stealing glances at the hot mr policeman across the room (who is also stealing glances at you.)
But oh my god when he's approached by Mr. Policeman he would definitely absolutely try to slowly move away from the hall into a more secluded part or even outside to the gardens (Where gasp! mr policeman can find him easily and talk to him by his lonesome oh no)
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themeeplord · 1 year
Hey there, meep!! Do you think, when the cryptid boys get scratchies around certain spots near their horns, that they will start to kick their leg like a dog or will they fall over and purr like dragons do in httyd?
Eyo! :3
I know Naff said they wouldn't be so animalistic, buuut my brain says otherwise~
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My horns and frills boys would definitely fall over and start wagging their tail if y/n started scratching them around the base of their horns and behind their frills!
It's not something that automatically happens though. They can control their reaction (it doesn't mean they're faking it, they just have multiple ways of showing that they find something pleasurable. But they always melt and purr from y/n's affectionate touch).
They only do it if they're in the mood for it and it also really depends on what mood the moment calls for. Sometimes a more intimate and smooth reaction from them fits the moment better~
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
In your story does Apollo willingly leave or is there some other circumstance? In addition, does he know the consequences of his departure? Your story sounds very interesting !! Also, I got some new character designs that I’d be happy to hear your opinion on !!
YOUR DESIGNS HAND EM OVER AAAAA I will absolutely nyoom over to obsess over your babies after this - I still have those notes on Aphrodite, Ares and Hermes to give too!!
As for Apollo - he is extremely, intensely aware of his roles and responsibilities which is why anyone who knows him also knows that he'd never abandon his station. Even when he leaves for Hyperborea to rest, he is extremely punctual about returning. That said, the circumstances under which he disappeared... he was not himself after Hyacinth's death and he certainly wasn't in his right mind either. The jury is very split on whether something happened to him and now he's lost or needs a rescue (which would be difficult considering no one can find him anywhere) or if he's pulling a Demeter and decided to damn the world in his grief. Since no one's seen him in years and there's that whole 'end of the world' thing going on more people currently believe the latter than the former.
There are a few alternate theories as to what happened to him as well - that he went searching for - or even found - death like he had begged Zeus for, or that his grief metamorphised him into a tree or animal of some sort and that if they could find whatever he's turned into, they could use that to help restore the divine order. The point is, everyone is looking for him but not many people actually want to find him for fear of learning the truth behind his absence.
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