#thank you for the ask! if lucifer or sugar had entered vourison would have immediately launched them out of his realm lmao
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet:
He felt... drawn to this entrance, to this place. Something about it.... as he got close, it drew him in. And it was a place he'd never have found without invitation. (unanswered ask lmaooo I will answer it I promise)
"There's something very special about these woods....." he murmured. "...Can you tell me more about them? Something.... I'm absolutely fascinated....." And indeed, there was a deep curiosity shining in his glowing eyes.
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“I’m unsurprised that you can sense the energy radiating off of these woods, especially being so closely aligned with death and souls as you are.”
“This place is one shaped by my own being, and influenced by my power. I planted the seeds myself and grew this entire forest by scratch, and as such I have complete control over this realm. This is a place of healing and rejuvenation, and so I will not tolerate any conflict within its bounds. The flowing mist produced by the trees that surround you is good for the soul. Literally.”
“The… specific reason as to why this place came to be is a very special one. This realm lies in the space between the overworld, our main realm, and one we tend to call The Nothing. The Nothing is the place where all discarded things go, where things cast out from their own realms wander eternally. All those seen as undesirable or unwanted fall into The Nothing, unknown to those who banished them and heedless of their cries. It’s a place impossibly dark, and being sent there is a terrible fate, one many are unfortunate enough to end up with.”
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“Not even legendaries are spared, as I’m sure you can tell. Without aid those banished would be doomed to wander eternally, and so I routinely enter The Nothing and guide the souls out from its grasp. I am one of the few who can enter and exit safely to do so. These woods provide those I have retrieved a safe and peaceful place to rest and heal. This is why I am so reluctant to allow others to visit.”
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