#thank you for sending this kiwibear!
gwyynbleidd · 4 years
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​ @lcserscnly​ said: 💀 (jaeri's honeydrew hehehe)
where my muse would bury a body  :  source  : always accepting
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          "Bold of you to assume I have a body to bury in the first place,” his jest was paired with a mischievous waggle of his brows. Andrew was required to recall if he had ever needed to do so in the first place. Pensive, a crease formed between his furrowing brows. While he had certainly seen quite a few corpses in his secondary line of work, they were often left where they had dropped with no regard for anything remotely similar to a burial. “I think...” his lips soon parted further, making way for a smile of revelation. “I’d do it like in that show, the one where the cancer dad and his old student melt the body in a barrel. Then we bury the barrel somewhere in a desert. Maybe leave a little lucky Chinese cat statue as a marker.”           Andrew took a moment to pause, his emerald hues softening with mild contrition. “I meant ‘I’d’, not ‘we’. I wouldn't drag you into that -- not that there’d be anything to drag you into in the first place!” A string of chuckles followed suit of his panicked clarification, making his answer seem to walk the line between sincere and hypothetical. 
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