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babsvibes · 3 months ago
wait can i also request 8
“The holidays are coming up,” Tina said as she shuffled onto the couch and cozied up next to her husband.
“Mhmm,” Jimmy Jr. hummed noncommittally, flipping through channels to find that baking show they liked but not remembering the name.
“The kids want something big again this year.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm, huge. It’s a Bongo Jerry, the musical marsupial. The most expensive toy on the market.”
“Uh huh…” Jimmy Jr. said, clicking through channels slower now.
“So, we might need a little extra ca-“
“I am not going to ask for shifts at Pickles, Tina. I’m a father now.”
“But it could be so fun!” She argued. “You on stage and me in the crowd. We could pretend like we don’t know each other and-“
“And you’ll be the only one paying me for a private dance with what?” Jimmy Jr. paused for a beat then continued. “Exactly, with our money. Nothing earned, nothing gained, and the kids go hungry for Christmas.”
“I wouldn’t say nothing gained,” Tina grumbled, settling in deeper and resting her head on his chest. “It’s that one, Baking Alaska.”
Jimmy Jr. selected the program, kissed the top of her head, and promised he would dance for her later. After they were SURE the kids were asleep.
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snowy-weather · 25 days ago
mirni aaaand... j'zargo hehe
Ohh interesting. XD
Mainly, I see Mirni and J'zargo as buddies and sort of friendly rivals. They constantly try and out-shine each other with their magical abilities, but they have fun with it too. They hang out, they share theories and they help each other study. Sometimes they do get on each other's nerves. XD I imagine they have magic duels for fun all the time as well, but they both tend to go a little overboard and people do sometimes get hurt... The college will probably have to ban them from having duels eventually. At least on college grounds.
I don't think I personally could see them together romantically, but I definitely enjoy them as friends. In fact, I should really draw more of their interactions. XD
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spittinwatches · 5 months ago
artist ask 6 13 19!!
6. favorite thing to draw?
love to draw clothes and kisses and embraces and romance. theyre hard but its so worth
13. talk about a wip you like!
ive been working on the spear cuts through water phone wallpapers for myself because i need them
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19. where do you find inspiration?
my bed. im serious, my best ideas are when im lying in bed in the dark dead tired and perhaps listening to music
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shenzi-hemlock · 3 months ago
(anon because I'm shy) About the cat litter, I think it depends on the quality of pine pellets? Hopefully, heat treated destroys the aromatic stuff that's bad for cats to breathe.
I've had the same issue with dusty/muddy clay litter. I've taken to ripping up those bulk rolls of cheap paper. I put inch wide strips on top of a couple litter-pan-sized sheets. The finely shredded stuff tracks too much. I sometimes use newspaper when the roll is out.
Well my first issue with pine pellets is that I’ve been mixing it with the traditional litter to get my cats used to its size and texture. I know that this particular kind of pellet we have is for horses and they say to wet/mist the pellets so they “bloom”. This is for horses though and I don’t know if that would work well for cats.
I’ve also found that the pellets don’t stick to their poop nearly as well as the clay litter does. And it definitely does nothing to help with smell. So idk, am I supposed to be misting the pellets so that it has a finer texture?? Would that fix the issues I have with it?? But then it also doesn’t clump the way clay does so it would be harder to remove the waste.
You shred cheap paper?? Would you be able to send a picture?? I’m sorry, my brain isn’t pulling up a useable picture.
The sheets you put down first, is it just the paper cut to fit the pan?? Have you found that the paper is a better and cheaper alternative?? Do you throw it all out after a day or two or do you sift it out like with clay litter??
Sorry if I have a ton of questions! I’m just trying to find a better and more economical alternative for both my cats and our wallet.
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bothzangetsus · 5 months ago
ask meme 16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
choose violence ask game
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
😂 Already answered here technically and I honestly still don't have something concrete to say to this. I keep racking my brain and leafing through things I dislike, but... I get why others like them. Even if I think they're wrong for doing so 😤.
For another non-answer: AUs that do not at all reference canon beats. What is the point of an AU if not to explore an angle canon could never take due to the constraints or shortcomings of its setting/themes/plotline? But, I know many (most?) people turn to fandom & fanworks for escapist purposes and AUs divorced from not just the canon but its stakes end up being comforting.
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hawktims · 1 year ago
FT ask game
9, 10 + 11 😄
(from @feelingpure)
Thank you for sending an ask! ❤️
9. What is your favourite headcanon(s)?
Answered here but I'll add one more and say that after Tim dies Hawk starts wearing the tie Tim gave him for Christmas again (it was always his favorite) as a way to somehow keep Tim with him still (if you think about it the tie rests just over his heart 💔).
10. f the show had one more episode, what would it be about?
Answered here
11. What era did you like the most and why (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s)?
I HATE choosing because they all have something great about them. I think I have a soft spot for the 50s since it's where we see Hawk and Tim become smitten with each other for the first time. The 80s were also nice. It pained me seeing Tim getting sicker by the minute but I loved that he at least had something he was passionate about fighting for. Also grandpa Hawk's gotten much softer. I liked the small moments of them being cute (the cuddling in Tim's hospital bed, "it feels like we're on a date").
fellow travelers ask game
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crazypercheron · 11 months ago
WIP game: through
WIP from my Convex fic. (inspired by "Incandescence of a Dying Light" HermitcraftxFirewatch fanfic) Because the Sentence was too short, I'll post the entire paragraph instead lol
Suddenly, the identifying shrill of a rattling bell rang down the hallway and out through the screen of Cub’s front door. The homeowner turned and gave Scar a look, crossing his arms to express his disapproval at being lied to. However, the credibility of the threat was quickly lost when Cub saw how much Scar’s face suddenly lit up. And to his surprise, it was a genuine smile at that. “Ahh! Right on cue!” Scar grinned, limping past Cub at a quicken pace, the rubber tip of his trekking pole thudding rhythmically along the ground. “‘Xcuse me Cub, that phone call’s for me.”
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mywaywardcupcake · 11 months ago
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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OMFG. But to give you a real answer, according to Google, 700 pounds??? Dear God.
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97keanu · 2 years ago
Hi, can you do an headcanon about being Tommy Warnecki's girlfriend, please?🙏❤️
Of course!!
The main things I think being Tommy's gf would consist of are:
Tommy wanting to see you at school all the time, he'd probably try to get some classes with you and sit next to you in class trying to make you laugh all the time
Him asking to come over for "study" sessions but you know he's just coming over to goof off with you and maybe a make out sess while watching tv
this boy is PUPPY! He loves going for walks with you, he loves his head rubbed and he loves doing anything for a treat!
You two probably hang out at the local mall a lot on weekends, tommy seems like a "grab a slushie and people watch while joking about what they're doing/where they're going" type
I feel like tommy would be really into trying to get good grades for you, and you motivate him a lot in the end, and he's super grateful for the successful study sessions you do end up having every once in a while
Expect small pranks, never ones that hurt you, but I'm sure he would love to do little things just to confuse/make you laugh.
Expect long, drawn out make out sessions, tommy def loves getting his hands all over you and experimenting.
Overall, I think tommy is just super loving, a bit goofy, and a little dumb, but in a cute way. He would do anything to make you laugh or blush, and he loves teasing you playfully. Any outtings or gifts will be a bit childish but its just so fun! He really cares and tries to show it even if it doesn't come out right :)
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babsvibes · 3 months ago
“Come onnn,” Linda purred, tugging Bob closer and dancing her fingers across his chest. “It’ll be fun! You, me, the smell of corn dogs just above us. Kinda puts you in the mood, right?”
“I can’t think of anything less hot than the memory of me almost dying in this exact spot.”
“So we’ll make new memories!”
Despite his insistence that their walk along the beach remain to the sandy bits closer to home, Linda had dragged him over to the shaded area under the pier, feigning a sudden fear of burning. The sound of the waves had relaxed him just enough to agree, but it was all a lie. A lie from a wicked temptress trying to take his pants off.
“Lin, people will see.”
“What people?” Linda asked, swiveling her head to scan along the empty beach. “I don’t see any people.”
“THOSE people,” Bob said, pointing to the feet enjoying the wharf above.
“And when was the last time you were playing the water shooty game and looked down through the boardwalk to catch someone having sex under the pier? Hm? Mr. Smarty Pants? That’s right, never.”
Bob sighed, quickly losing the will to argue when his wife pushed herself against him like that—soft curves, smooth skin, and a face so full of love it swept away his inhibitions with a look.
“What if… what if we just made out a little bit? Then went home. To our bed. Where we can be horizontal.”
Without another word, Linda rushed to meet her lips to his, excitedly smiling into the kiss as if it was their first. He returned it, adoration an undercurrent in every contented sigh. Compromise felt good.
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candyheartedchy · 2 years ago
🎤 and Bill!! 👀
This is when he stole Dipper’s body, but I just love how excited he sounds here and how much of a rush he’s getting!
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theraedar · 2 years ago
Hi! 14 and 30 for the art ask game please~
14. Any favorite motifs
Answered here!
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
My collab with miu! I hope you can show it some love<3 also maybe this squad piece haha I was really excited to put them in matching varsity jackets and then the bday union jackets came out a year later and I was like YESSS
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biromantic-nerd · 4 months ago
🧠 🫂 🌻 💿🕹🪻
🧠- i love hearing you talk. you should ramble to me more often
Thank you! I love hearing YOU talk so, so much so this is so extra fun to hear
🫂 - i wanna hug you
Yeah!! Sending virtual hugs is the best I've got but I wish!! ❤️
🌻- im proud of you
Okay what thank you aaaa this is so surprising and nice ���� Thanks 🥺
💿- i wanna listen to music with you in a treehouse in a summer night
Seriously!! This would seriously be so fun!! Lamenting that we can't!! Next best thing is listening to you talk about your playlists but I wish we could treehouse hangout
🕹️- i wanna go to an arcade with you
I used to be so good at Frogger, man I haven't played an arcade game in years oh my gosh. I am Not good at Street Fighter but I love that game. Probably my favorite, next to those Bubble Shooter ones.
🪻- you are so so cool and awesome oh my god
❤️ Omg 🥰 Thank you ❤️ My phone cannot even show me the emoji so I hope whatever I copy/paste shows up as an emoji lol.
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backslashdelta · 10 months ago
just guessing here - you hate hot weather and you like writing in cursive?
Ooo half true!! Maybe 3/4 true??
I do hate hot weather, I'm always too warm so the only time I'll tolerate hot weather is if I'm able to go for a swim.
I print more often than I write because I generally prefer it. BUT I don't mind writing in cursive and I was literally talking to my friend less than a week ago saying that I should start using cursive more!
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flatsuke · 11 months ago
Ask game: 20, 21, 25
Hehe, thank you!
(Yet another writing ask)
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
I try to work on a single project before to the next one, but I end up working on many at the same time lol. It's given me mixed results in terms of completion time lmao
21. Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?
Sort of? I usually anticipate my fics being longer than my target word count, and that usually checks out once I finish. I dunno if I have a secret, it's mostly just vibes lol
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
The advice I always get (especially for longfics) is to write the whole thing beforehand before publishing...but in practice, I write as I go LOL. I usually outline everything beforehand, but when I do write the fic, it's just me operating based on vibes
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gnashiingovteeth · 1 year ago
11 & 28 :)
11. A song that you never get tired of
I could probably listen to this song every day for the rest of my life and still not get enough of it 😭 (probably not the vibe anyone would expect)
28. A song by an artist with a voice you love
The most underrated artist of the last ten years right here….
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