#thank you for popping by again nanamindate anon!
costellos · 4 years
ok i know i said dissertation but it’s basically like akaashi’s list of bokuto’s weaknesses except it’s nanami’s good points and it’s just 73 pages of his face bc it’s Nanami Kento, everything is his good point. his only flaw is that ppl have bad taste and put gojo over him in popularity polls 😔
YES I HAVE, SADLY. my parents have tried all sorts of ways but it just does not agree with my taste buds and stomach, no matter how it’s cooked or what spices are used 😭 i think part of it is the texture too? i like crunchy fruits but not vegetables lmao. so like i do enjoy spinach, mushrooms, and eggplant. (apparently potatoes are considered veggies too??? but who doesn’t like potatoes) with that said, i still don’t like some other softer veggies (or crunchier ones cooked to be soft) like tomatoes and peppers, though i can eat them if they’re in sauce form 🙈
ty nanami, once again reminding us all why he’s the best date ever 🥺 and pls, ugly food won’t deter me, i’m no foodie like nanamin but taste is def much more important than how it looks!
also ty to you for the tip! i appreciate it even tho i might not actually use it bc my social anxiety has me asking my mexican friends to order for me instead and i don’t want to make it even more complicated for them as it is 🤧 i’ll just pick the cilantro out individually, it’s okay
BTW!! two questions from me, it’s v important alright i need it for Science
1. how do you think nanami feels about pineapple on pizza?
2. who would you take out on a date, why, and where would you take them? 👀
GUY. I KNOW!!! ugh see you just get me. I mean Gojo’s an interesting character but. where’s the spice. the pizazz. I bet he doesn’t have a 401k like Nanami does. 
whomp whomp. I’m sorry, friend! veggies are good but I get they’re not for everyone.  you can try mixin them in a smoothie! getcha vitamins w/o the awful taste.
and of course!! also rip to your fingers.... picking out the cilantro is no easy task...... but I’ll give you kudos. and trust me, the camareros would much rather you tell them no cilantro so that it can go to someone who doesn’t have this shit gene! go get the food you deserve, nanamindate anon!!
as for ur questions ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ OKAY SO I firmly believe that Nanami would be indifferent to pineapple on pizza. mostly because pizza wouldn’t be his first choice to begin with; it’s too messy. but he does like the contrasting flavors, and he thinks that the people who don’t like it are the same people who haven’t tried it. he enjoys it, but again, it’s not his first choice just because he’s eh towards pizza.
AND AH. a date for me..... thank you for asking! I uh. I’ve never come this far lmao. honestly, my first thought was Atsumu! I have a lot of energy to burn so it’d probably be something physical. I’d love to take him to a neat hiking spot! or go on a 30-mile bike ride along the mountainside!! (but then we might both get super competitive and run each other off a cliff oop.) I would also love to check out some shopping district we’ve never been to, burn off all the calories walking, then get those cals back from eating so much street food. we could do a double date and I’ll keep Atsumu from annoying you too much eheh (๑´ㅂ`๑)
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