#thank you for asking these Traayaa this was so much fun to reflect upon!!
anotherghoul666 · 2 years
I want to know the answer to so many of those questions for the ao3 wrapped. I'll settle for these though: 3, 9 and 28
Buddy, please, you could ask all of them and I'd jump for joy and answer every single one. Engagement is author food and I hunger like nobody's business XD If you want to know the answer to anything else, please send them over. Never hesitate to engage with me. I'd wager most authors would also love the engagement but I don't want to speak for everyone, so maybe check in first, but I LOVE it. I don't find it cringe, I don't find spam likes or reblogs annoying, I love asks, do your worst!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
This Could All Be Yours! Because this beast was an ORDEAL to make. I actually pushed through and produced something that I can legit enjoy now that I've stepped away from it. So much shit happened while I was actively writing the stripper!AU. I wrote it through an insane work rush where I'd do 10 days in a row no breaks spent between my two jobs because of the stupid holiday season, have a day off to recover, then get shoved back in it again. I wrote it through a covid outbreak in my residents at job 1 from which we were not properly protected. I wrote it under the threat and stress of maybe catching covid again, maybe giving covid to my partner, maybe ruining the holidays for everybody cause both our families have immunocompromised members so we had to isolate preventively besides going to work. I wrote it through a good ol' bout of the Spicy Sad. I somehow managed to write Rain to a satisfying standard where I love how I wrote him now but while I was doing it? Holy shit did this cryptid stump me and made want to pull my hair out xD Every scene with him did not flow while I wrote, it was slow and painful and like pulling teeth. Many people have had me in their DMs complaining about why is our water boy so fucking hard to write XD And in the end it worked out so good and I love himmmmm but my god, I had another Rain fic planned right after this and NOPE XD I need a Rain break, I can't put myself through that again so soon hahaha. I can write him well but he's the ghoul I struggle with the most. So yeah. Through all that shit, I wrote almost 20k of what I find to be a very well build verse I'm excited to go back inside of, and I'm proud I managed to get it out in these circumstances!
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Besides the obvious answer of polyghouls because I ship them all as a poly unit, my favorite dynamic is Swiss/Dew. These two together are magic. They're a fucking forest fire. They are so much fun to write, they're natural, they flow so well, they're painless, and I can push shit with them. Swiss is my go-to sadist, Dew is my go-to masochist (even if I 100% plan to make them switch, because all my ghouls are switches, and Dew has a mean sadistic streak too). I'm a fervent follower of the Hurt Dew 2k22 agenda and I shall pursue some version of Hurt Dew 2k23 too, honestly. It's just, right on target for what I love to write the most, these two. The banter, the back and forth, the meanness, the issues, the humiliation and shame sweet spot, the pain and shared delight, that manic electric energy they get into, on a backdrop of so much love and care and trust. They're the pair I realistically see pushing their kink the furthest in terms of edge play and real heavy shit that teeters lines and limits and I love that vibe. I cannot wait to write more of their brand of tender violence. I want to see see how much I can push with these two in the future, how far I'll take them in terms of the more niche or "extreme" kinks and edge play. That's the kind of exploration that really gets my experimentalist kinkster mind going!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Drought or Euphoria probably. It's the most self-indulgent work I wrote for sure, in terms of saying fuck it, this will not be for everybody, but it's what gets me off, and I will write something I'd get off to if I found it in the wild. Turns out, more people than I had expected have suddenly found themselves with an sudden new interest for leather boots hahaha. Yall are welcome for the sexual awakening btw ;) But yeah. Most of the key elements in this fic are self indulgent. It's me pressing my own buttons. The gratuitous descriptions of Swiss and his salt and pepper facial hair that makes me weak in the knees. The whole "consensually twisting someone's arm and tricking them to make them do what you want" dynamic Swiss enacts on Dew. The descriptions of the smell and taste of leather, that's for me to have the scent in my nose and the taste in my mouth while I write. The boot worship. The obedience. The devotion. The humiliation. The shameless projection of my own oral fixation and enthusiasm for blow jobs on Dew, which is now something I've kept on his character for good and will write more of. The monstrous tongue which is me displaying my inner monster fucker. The denial ending. This shit is like, my own kryptonite. I will happily write for kinks that aren't my favs or aren't even kinks I have, for requests or exploration's sake. But oooh boy, when I get to just make an entire fic to be a collection of *my* shit, it's pure fun and it goes to the top of the favorite list real fast hahaha.
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