#thank you for asking! ive had resi brain lately unsurprisingly.
subjectsix · 1 year
I'm curious about your Dishonored WIPs and the Control + Resident Evil AU!
My Dishonored wip is a successor to my fic Dream of the Void, where The Outsider visits Emily again, this time when she's a bit older and suffering a sickness. She chalks the entire interaction up to a fever dream-- standing on sinking ships, whalers, the deep keening songs, the stench of blood, and other horrific ventures-- but with The Outsider involved... who knows if she's really in those places or not?
I'll spoil it a bit and share the best line I have in it so far:
“Hold the beating heart of your dead mother in your hands and consider the weight of every action you will take, dear princess.”
As far as the Resi au, so far I've decided that it follows our Control cast set in the Resi universe, while the Resi story with its original characters continues as normal. Polaris is a type of infection or mold that both the Fadens encountered at a young age, and has made them something more than (or less than) human. I really want to play with that concept. I don't think any of the cast will ever really meet or crossover with the Resi cast outside of mentions and allusions-- though I think Sherry would get along with the Fadens really well.
I also want to focus on the idea of being healed from an infection and how that would effect your life-- what symptoms linger, what about your life changes, what becomes chronic-- but not in a necessarily doom and gloom way, but in a "this is just part of life" way, like any chronic condition (which I suppose sometimes includes a bit of doom and gloom, but in this case I mean more like treating them normally and not like a sole defining character trait).
Underhill also plays a much bigger part in this story, and some of her research being twisted might be the catalyst that knocks the Hiss into play...
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