#thank you eggelo
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leia-hill · 8 years ago
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Illustrations of the three endings of the Dracà-cwellere fanfiction. Three very nice and so lovely portraits! I commissionned the amazing @eggelo for this and he send me these gorgeous pieces of art. Thank you again for this lovely commission, each of them fits greatly the alternative ending I wrote for this fanfiction AND I LOVE IT. Please commission @eggelo! Such a nice and talented artist! Here’s a link to the fanfiction behind it:
fanfiction.net : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11332235/1/Drac%C3%A0-cwellere
AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11492769/chapters/25780161
Aaaand the summary:
A woman warrior struck with anathema. An extraordinary journey to the Lonely Mountain. A choice between the life she leaves behind her and the adventure of a lifetime. Relive the epic quest of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield through the eyes of its fifteenth member: Ayrèn. Will she change the cruel fate of Durin’s sons?
The three portraits are below.
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loghainmactir · 6 years ago
I don’t know nearly enough about padril so ya gotta tell me what he’s like
ROLLS UP MSLEEVES…… i feel like i post about padril all the time but thank u for this………………… THIS is padril:
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(art by @eggelo !!!), he’s my grey warden– mahariel, he’s a big ol’ gay trans dude and he’s a MESS. 
i wish i was kidding but he’s a major gremlin. not my biggest gremlin, but still. anyway, padril was practically forced into the grey wardens (he ABSOLUTELY wanted to die instead of being roped in2 it!!). he pushed himself through the blight; he chose mages/saved isolde and connor, chose to cure werewolves, put bhelen on the throne, and saved loghain (………… obviously). 
his post-blight adventures are outlined/are being outlined in just you and i; padril’s mother was a dalish hunter and she died pretty early on in his childhood. his father is from nevarra (and early on i was saying he was human, but i’ve changed that recently and now his dad’s an elf too rip lmao); his father’s actually an artist & a part of the mortalitasi, which is something the fic’s going to touch on.
a lot of padril’s characterization revolves around his insecurities, anxities and depression; he’s not meant to be a perfect hero, he’s an extremely reluctant hero with mental illnesses. by the end of the blight, padril doesn’t want to live. everyone’s expectation and ideas of him are too much.
he finds happiness in travelling with loghain. it’s comforting to have someone who he can relate to re: mental illness and BIG expectations, and it’s especially nice having someone who’s willing to support & lift him up. they have two kids: cassian and valarie mac tir (i’m thinking of playing either one as my next inquisitor as an au, tbh!), BUT i’ve recently changed that too to make it so that happens far post-inquisition
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tormentedbythirst · 7 years ago
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Ruth aka Rook, in the field (literally) Thank you @eggelo lovely work!! 💗
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loghainmactir · 6 years ago
yo I've not heard abt peter before, what's he look like and what's his personality?
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT thank u for my LIFE ryan!!! ok so this is Original Peter, which is technically now dragon age au peter:
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(it me boi... drawn by th wonderful eggelo here on tumblr!!!)
peter’s, like, 5’5-6” (can’t quite remember i’ll figure it out eventually), he’s wiry (like... dude’s a lil thin, but he can absolutely choke someone out if need be he wants to), and he looks sick 99% of the time in either canon bookverse or dragon age au. he’s got dirty blonde hair, he’s got a lil goatee goin, and if it weren’t for his partners he’d be wearing the same damn thing for five years straight
personality-wise, peter’s... A Mess, lmao. outwardly he’s kinda like (and this is an awful way 2 describe him im sorry bb...) a rabid dog or smth: he’s loud, he’s angry, he swears every five seconds and he will absolutely pull a knife or six on you if you get on his nerves
(this is, honestly, mostly bc he’s overwhelmed n upset 99% of the time from both extremely awful head Stuff and godawful sensory overload, and his automatic reaction is always & has always been violence. it’s almost like a permanently boiling pot of water and if u drop like 1 piece of pasta in there everything’s ruined always. its almost kinda drilled into him?)
HOWEVER w his partners he’s... still a lot, but it’s subdued. u can tell w his partners, fleur and beon, that he can relax bc they actually respect his boundaries and triggers and know not to fuckin, u know, speak at certain volumes or touch him in certain ways or make certain noises.
they try 2 distract him a lot from his head & they do it well, so he turns into this really relaxed, almost goofball (in th sense that he will absolutely make puns like “haha im giving u my heart, get it? bc im handing u an Actual Heart?”) who swears a lot. he’s literally endlessly devoted to them both and he’d fistfight god for them if they asked him to!!!
his favourite things include murder, sitting on beon’s lap while he reads, murder, sculpting, and murder
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leia-hill · 8 years ago
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A quiet night during the journey to the Lonely Mountain. From left to right:Thorin, Ayrèn and Bilbo in front of a warm campfire, talking and smoking pipe after dinner (notice how Bilbo saved two more breads for himself... ! Haha !). A very nice and so lovely illustration! I commissionned the amazing @eggelo for this and he send me this gorgeous illustration like AGES ago, but I just don’t know why I forgot to post in on tumblr. @_@ I’m confused! Thank you again for this lovely commission, there’s a great atmosphere here and I love it. Please commission @eggelo! Such a nice artist! Here’s a link to the fanfiction behind it:
fanfiction.net : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11332235/1/Drac%C3%A0-cwellere
AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11492769/chapters/25780161
Aaaand the summary:
A woman warrior struck with anathema. An extraordinary journey to the Lonely Mountain. A choice between the life she leaves behind her and the adventure of a lifetime. Relive the epic quest of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield through the eyes of its fifteenth member: Ayrèn. Will she change the cruel fate of Durin’s sons?
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