#thank you anon i sure hope nothing bad happens to me too…. 😟
sttoru · 6 months
you jjk fanfics is nice, i hope nothing bad happens to you
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icouldntfindquiet · 11 months
I won’t link your tumblr on the Reddit post if you don’t want me to! ♥️
As someone who’s experienced this before, you won’t get in trouble but Marty might 😂 don’t get too worried or beat yourself up. Nothing bad will happen to you. Stuff gets leaked all the time and most people will call bs anyway like what happened to me. Lay low for a bit till it passes over. I’ve sent you a chat so if you could look at it that would be great! I want to get this whole thing straight! :) - LA anon
I’d prefer you not link me. The thought of Van or Benji stumbling upon Tumblr scares me. I mean if they find me, they find me but I don’t want to make it easy for them. I need them to do some digging, find some fanfics, thirsty posts, etc. Y’know…get the true Tumblr® experience. 😂
Is he at risk of losing his job because that’s the last thing I want. I think he knows people are wondering about the band so he said that in good faith and he probably trusted me with that info. I feel bad now. 😟 But Wasserman didn’t do anything to hide CATB so maybe it’s not a big deal and I’m overthinking things.
And I replied to your chat. I’m not sure what else you want to know as it’s all been posted. Joy was the one who found out about Wasserman. She was wondering why CATB’s follower count kept going up and noticed Wasserman as a recent follower on Instagram. She looked at their website and noticed CATB on the new signings page. She messaged me about it on 26 October but we both didn’t know what to make of it.
Then I got an ask asking what I thought Van was up to and thought I’d share Joy’s finding in the hopes that someone on Tumblr knew more. An anon suggested emailing Marty so I did that not expecting him to answer. I’m very thankful for what he told us but I’ve stopped emailing him after he replied with
“Not on this run
Also not looking for random promoters”
as I felt I was asking for too much. I really hope people leave him alone as I think he only knows about booked shows in the US and nothing much beyond that. I think we just gotta be patient. We’ll definitely hear from them before summer but it’s nice to know when to expect something. ☺️
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