#thank you anon for giving me an opportunity to bitch about rotm. Happy second anniversary to me and the gang complaining about rotm
dogtoling · 15 days
say you were given the opportunity to change 1 thing about return of the mammalians being its story/lore (aside from mr grizz), what would you do?
remove the new squidbeak splatoon. Have it so that deep cut are the sole supporting characters (if you have supporting characters at all). You pop into Alterna with nobody except yourself and Smallfry and explore it in solitude. Deep Cut can even keep their boss fights if they want, you can join sides at the end of the game like you already do (which is stupid in the original story, but thats not news). Would immediately drastically change the atmosphere of the story to be more eerie and desolate which fits the mysterious and isolated vibe they were going for and make it more focused. Would skip the lame as hell Save Cuttlefish plot that feels arbitrary the entire time when that's obviously not the main thing going on, given that part of the story and whatever the hell Mr. Grizz vaguely needed him for is not explained and also pointless as hell, and it would skip the squid sisters just Kinda Being There and lessening the atmosphere.
Alternatively I would just axe the entire final boss fight and leave everything else. Just have that fight like, IN ALTERNA instead. Nothing that happens in the final boss fight is physically possible and they also literally introduced magic. They could've had the same boss fight in... idk, NOT ORBIT? I know the space thing was thematic or whatever and it's """cool""" because they NEEDED to go bigger and better and MORE EPIC than with Octo Expansion and well. it is the final nail in the coffin for the trashfire that is rotm. Just get rid of That.
(And before someone is like uhhhh nothing in splatoon is physically possible it's a cartoon.... yes and no. It's tonal dissonance in a series that prides itself on being immersive and having surprisingly deep worldbuilding to do random ass plots that shit all over that immersion and completely tank the believability of everything else it works hard to achieve just for the sake of 5 minutes of flair)
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