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tetzoro · 5 months ago
good morning and happy tuesday friendz ! i hope today is wonderful for you all !! sending you all my best wishes and good energy for the day ahead !!! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ෆ
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months ago
hii bestie i loveee ur writing <33 the arcane finale is literally driving me insane holy shit and i just keep thinking about how all the old bitches on the council are probably bigoted assholes to our beloved sevika at first (hopefully) and was wondering if you’d consider writing the reader comforting her after these council meetings or letting her take out any stress on the reader from these meetings heheh okie bye thanks hope you’re doing amazingly <3
GOD. i've been thinking about it more lately (the euphoria of her making it through the series alive is wearing off too) and i just. really need to hug her. because YES she lived and YES zaun is getting a voice and YES she is the best person for the job, but... she lost EVERYTHING. and now she's gonna have to be treated like shit forever for her city. and of course she's gonna stick it out because that's who she is and she'll do anything for zaun but FUCK. i need to hug her so bad. okay lets write lol.
men and minors dni
it's been a hard year.
you and sevika got your worlds rocked when isha and jinx stumbled in your lives, and then you got your hearts broken when they stumbled back out.
there wasn't even a moment to catch your breath before you had to start rebuilding efforts and negotiations with piltover.
and then sevika was appointed to represent the free nation of zaun in piltover's council as the sister cities figure out how to rebuild and get the undercity on it's feet as it gains independence.
and, in a way, it's everything sevika's ever wanted. she's there to assure that the topsiders treat her city right, she's there to demand everything zaun deserves. she gets to oversee development in the undercity, she gets to open schools and parks and libraries.
but in another way, she's never been so miserable in her life.
the councilor's are all members of the wealthiest families in piltover-- and they do not take kindly to sevika's sudden addition to the council.
shoola's been sevika's one true ally, her biggest advocate and defender in the council room. they're friends, in that the same tentative way sevika was friends with silco, but... maybe a little kinder. a little more lighthearted.
shoola's become a close friend of yours, too. she learned quickly that sevika keeps her cards close to her chest, and she often comes to you for an insight into what your wife is thinking. it's fun to have someone to laugh with over sevika's quirks, and you're endlessly appreciative of the woman's fierce protection of your wife in the council, when you can't be there to defend her.
still, though. shoola isn't always there, and she can't control the whispers sevika overhears.
and it's not like your wife is new to being insulted. but it's one thing to be cursed out by a man you're fighting in the street, and a different thing entirely to overhear posh accents whispering about 'sump rats' and 'undercity trash.'
especially when those same posh accents are the people demanding tax cuts for the wealthy, and budget cuts for the undercity.
so, you've been anticipating this.
this being your wife breaking down in silent sobs, crying so hard she can't make any noise, kneeling before you the moment you gets home to bury her face in your stomach.
but just because this has been a long time coming, doesn't mean it breaks your heart any less.
"oh, sevika." you whisper shakily, kicking your boots off before kneeling down and wrapping your arms around her. she buries her face in your shoulder, her arms circling your waist with desperation. "fuck, baby. i'm right here. let it out." you say.
sevika shakes against you, taking desperate gasps for air between her sobs. "i'm so tired." she stutters out. you start crying at her words, settling down onto your ass to pull her into your lap.
"i know, baby. you've been working your whole fuckin' life." you say, scratching her scalp and rubbing her back as she curls up on top of you.
"and i fucking miss them." she cries.
you let out a choked cry and nod, kissing her forehead as tears stream down your cheeks. "yeah." you choke out. "me too."
there's nothing else to say. everything else sevika already knows. you love her. you've got her. jinx and isha are together now, and zaun is free. none of it makes it any better, though.
so you just hold her.
in a while, you'll both run out of tears and get sore from your spots on the floor. you'll dry both of your tears, kiss sevika soundly, and comb her hair from her face as you whisper her praises. you'll call for food to be delivered, draw a nice bath, and you'll make sevika eat and soak until her eyes droop. and then, you'll take her to bed. in the morning, sevika will go back to the council, despite the fact that everyone in that building looks down on her, because sevika is nothing if not loyal to zaun. and tomorrow evening, you'll be waiting here at home to build back up all her confidence that those rich assholes managed to tear down throughout the day.
but, for now, sevika's still crying.
so, for now, you just hold her.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@lavandasz @strawberrykidneystone @sevikasfan @fict1onallyobsessed
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janetsboys · 10 months ago
gally x female reader pleaseeee anything
here you go baby
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❀ characters: gally x fem!reader
❀ A/N: i’m so sorry for the amount of time it took me to post this
❀ summary: y/n has been in the Glade for three months, she’s a Builder, but she doesn’t get why her boss hates her.
❀ warnings: can’t think of any
english is not my first language<3
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“Why do you even care so much about what this jerk thinks about you?” Newt asks you as you’re both sat under a tree during your work break.
“I don’t know, we spend our days together and I just, I just wanted him to like me but every single thing i do makes him angry!” you say agitating your hands in incomprehension.
“He hates everyone, pretends he likes his friends, and he doesn’t like you because you get attention for being the only girl in here. He knows everyone likes you.” Newt was your best friend and always brutally honest with you, which was why you loved him so much.
You were looking at the grass under the “sun”light when a tall shadow came up to you and Newt. “Hey, it’s ten minutes break not five hours so get your ass back to the cabin.”
Gally was looking down on you, talking to you with a severe tone as usual. You in fact didn’t know why you wanted him to like you. He’s your boss and you spend all your days with him, you thought maybe you could see something behind his cold personality because weirdly, he didn’t intimidate you. Maybe that’s why he didn’t like you.
You were fixing a fence for the Slicers to keep the livestock in the Glade when you heard Gally saying there was a bonfire tonight. You thought that would be the perfect occasion to try to make friends with him. Though you didn’t want to chase him down and beg for friendship, it was your last try.
When the night started and you joined the gladers at their little celebration for being alive another day (that’s what you guessed), you didn’t know everyone perfectly well yet. You liked Zart because he was really nice to you, you liked Ben and Minho cause they were unintentionally funny to you, and Newt was your favorite of course.
You looked around to find someone you know because you didn’t want to be in the middle of all the boys by yourself and also, you don’t like all the attention being on you (— which was unfortunate since the attention was always on you).
Minho waved at you with a straight face because he saves his smiles for rare occasions. You felt relieved as you walked to him sitting alone but you also felt a huge pressure as if someone was looking at you.
“Hey, how is this bonfire going so far for you?” Minho kindly asked giving you a cup of a weird drink, “Well, i like parties, i think i do, at least. I’d like to know everyone here but apparently, not everybody wants me here.” you respond taking a sip before making a face.
“Gally again?” Minho said exhaling, “I know i shouldn’t care but it makes me upset.” you say sitting next to him, sighing.
“Don’t worry, it’ll come. He’ll end up liking you just like we all do because, there’s absolutely no reason to hate you.” he kindly answers with a little smile. Your best friends really treated you well for the past three months because, even though they couldn’t understand how it was to be a girl in a world of boys, they knew how hard it was for them when they arrived here. They could only imagine it was harder for you.
“Thank you.” you say with a tiny smile before resting your head on his shoulder. You knew Minho wasn’t really the one to say kind words to everybody. Or the one to accept a head on the shoulder easily, but he let you.
“Hey Newt.” you saw him walking up to you with a huge cup, “Do you guys want to taste THIS?” he said laughing like he knew something you didn’t. “That thing has to hold a deadly virus.” Minho said before you added “No thank you, i’d rather stay alive.” slightly giggling.
Newt then turned around to look at everybody then told you; “The hell is he staring at?”, “Who?” you answered a bit concerned. “Gally.” Newt said laughing again, “Maybe he doesn’t hate you that much after all.”
“You know what? I’m gonna talk to him and we’ll see if tomorrow he still hates me.” you reposted getting up to go there. “He doesn’t hate you!” you hear Newt add as you walk away. Always the devils advocate, always staying positive for some reason.
You felt a little stressed out, your hands were slightly shaking as you got closer to him while he was focused on laughing with his friends and drinking, you started regretting but you were too far into your mistake to go back. Of course, the alcohol in your blood made you braver which was good in this situation.
You sat next to him as if it was totally normal. “Hey, Gally, this drink is really good. I heard the recipe was a secret.” you boldly told him putting hair behind you ear, trying to look confident.
“Thanks. What are you doing here? Your boyfriend and your lil’ best friend must miss you already.” He says loudly as all his Builder friends laugh (— they laughed like that was the funniest thing ever, i think they laugh at everything Gally says).
“I don’t have a boyfriend, i have good friends though. And some guys seem to dislike me for unknown reasons, they miss out on a lot of fun.” you smile, looking really friendly and nice. You’re not trying to seem patronizing or something. That would only make him despise you.
“So, Gally, you want us to go get another drink?” he stares at you for a while before getting up to follow you. Your legs shake from stress as he walks besides you.
“Why didn’t you tell me anything about you?” you break the short silence. “There’s nothing to say.” he coldly answered. “Oh come on, you like building and fighting, what else do you like?” “Having a purpose. And a home. I guess.” he finally opens up a little bit more to you. You feel a small smile growing on your face, breaking the ice.
“Great, you know what, I like that too. We have a common point, see?” he stops walking when you finish talking.
“You know, (y/n), i didn’t like all the changes you brought with you. Everything was new when you arrived in that box.” he says looking at you. “And you hate change, i get it. I’m sorry.” you say smiling again. You finally started to understand what kind of guy he was, he needed stability, and control.
“It’s not your fault, we made those adjustments for you and you turned out to be a Builder. I think it is- nice to have you with us.” wow, Gally was complementing you? That made you blush for a reason you ignored. You then started walking again towards the drinks. “I’m glad to work with you guys too. It’s tough for me but i try to stay positive and fit in, you know?” you confess to your new friend.
Maybe his drink convinced him you weren’t that annoying after all. He handed you a glass of whatever that was and you walked back to the others to sit down with them.
You relaxed a little bit and started making jokes, your coworkers were really dumb (most of them) but pretty funny and nice even though they were kind of onerous sometimes — as you are a girl and of course it means there are a lot of inappropriate jokes they’re allowed to make.
You knew Alby made it very clear no one was allowed to touch you, or go too far, so you felt safe with them. You knew teenagers like them wouldn’t hurt you, even the dumbest ones.
Surprisingly, you started laughing with Gally, he was actually chill in parties, unlike the bossy guy you knew at work and also in the glade in general. Maybe those nights were important to him because it was a traditional thing, you were staring at him as he told a story about Zart, that you never heard before.
You didn’t know why exactly but you needed to analyze his face, you liked the way his eyes moved and the way he smiled telling that anecdote. You bursted out laughing at the exact same time the other Builders did, he was a good storyteller.
When everybody started separately talking, you looked at Gally and spoke, pretty loudly so he could hear you “You’re a good storyteller” you smiled, he leaned over a bit, to hear you “What?” he asked smiling, you put your hand on his arm and got closer to his ear, you were more confident, you felt like you usually do when you’re with Next and Minho. “I said you’re a good storyteller” you chuckled slightly.
He pulled away and looked at you, he was smiling way more now that you guys had talked. Now that you knew he didn’t exactly hate you. “Really?” you nodded, and he stood up and you tilted your head slightly.
He held his hand out, you took his hand without hesitation and walked with him.
You walked in the Glade without really knowing where you wanted to go, you chuckled as you talked about the story he told.
“Did he really wake up with those drawings on his face?” “He really did, and he stayed like that the whole day.” he laughed.
You sat down together at the end of a tree, you were both a bit tired but you still wanted to talk.
“You’ve been here three years, right?” you say looking at the trees around you. The “moon”light made everything look peaceful in the Glade.
Gally nodded “Three years.” he said staring at a random tree. You looked at him “Do you think they’ll find a way out?” you ask, you still had the innocence of being here for three months, because you had no idea how it felt for them. This was the only home he’d ever known.
He shrugged, “I don’t think anything, I wait.” you looked down, you wondered everyday why you were all here, why you were the only girl, why didn’t you remember your life.
“Do you think we like, knew each other out of the Glade? In our other lives, i mean.” you look back at the trees, not noticing he had turned his head to look at you. “You think we were friends or something?” he asked then continued, “maybe we were like- high school enemies.”
You giggled and looked at him “I’m sorry but you must’ve been a bully.” he nodded chuckling “Alright alright i’ll give you that one. You must’ve been the girl that talked back to teachers but still had good grades.” you laughed at his statement, you had thought so many times about what your life could’ve been like outside the Glade.
Somehow, you always thought you used to know Gally. “I’m almost sure I knew you.” you say, looking in front of you, your two bodies sitting pretty close to each other. He turned his head to look at you. “Is that why you wanted to be my friend here?” he wondered, he’d always been curious about you, he just never admitted it.
You nodded then answered “I think…Maybe i was looking for comfort and landmarks. I thought maybe what i felt towards you was that research of something. Because i couldn’t let go of the past even if i didn’t remember anything.”
He was listening closely to every word you said, you didn’t think he’d want to understand you and genuinely listen. He nodded “So, i was like, a magnet and you were metal?” he said sounding surprisingly soft and warm.
You giggled slightly looking at him “Yeah, that’s it. That’s why i didn’t want you to hate me.” you smiled. He shook his head “I never hated you, i was just, scared, i guess.” you could hear the slight shake in his voice, because you paid so much attention to details.
You heard him say i guess and he was trying to make his fear seem like nothing, but it mattered to you. “I think, you had every right to be scared.” you said with a gentle tone, nodding your head slightly.
You kind of just, looked into each other’s eyes for a while, it was like there was some sort of connection between you, you felt seen. The real you, the one you didn’t even remember.
He leaned towards you, you stopped thinking, you stopped hearing the loud thoughts and worries in your mind, he carefully placed his huge hand on your face, you closed your eyes as he tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips against you.
That was both of y’all’s first kiss ever, which felt weird, you gently took his hand into yours as he kissed you. You quickly both heard Clint screaming as he was looking for you guys.
You both pulled away and bursted out laughing, you had no idea what all that was, but it was surely a new connection.
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thank you for reading me🩵
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etherealily · 8 days ago
𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 // f.odair
based on this ask <3
Finnick Odair + fem!reader. I love him.
Warning: Cuss words .
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You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : bitter truths and blobcakes.
It's hard to recall his first tribute. He'd had to begin quite early. Maybe in some twisted way, he was jealous of you for being able to be twenty and mentor. He'd had to be seventeen. Well, that was until he found out that you knew one of your tributes. His initial sharp inhale of breath upon the realisation didn't even begin to cover the turmoil he knew you must be facing. The jealousy evaporated out of him expeditiously.
He'd first seen your little tribute at the Tribute Parade with her little overalls and laurel crown. The boy seemed to have a better chance. But this little girl, good god, she was younger than Finnick had been during his own Games.
He'd seen you around quite a bit, too. I mean, how could he not? A couple years after his own Games, you'd won yours. Absolutely obliterating the competition. You weren't particularly strong, definitely not Career-level, but you'd definitely got the smarts to make up for it. You relied on geurilla surprise-attacks.
He'd always wondered what happened to you. You were oddly composed after your Games, which meant you were internally chaos personified. He knows this, because he personally knows someone else who was eerily calm after their Games. Him.
Now you were back. Same anxiousness as you'd exuded at your own Tribute Parade, but now, with the anxiousness for two others.
After spending far too much time gnawing on the inside of his cheek watching his tributes train in the Center from an obnoxiously large screen - they were talented, of course, they were Careers, but it was just not enough - he decided that he'd actually take advantage of the Capitol treating this like a party and help himself to the food laid out for him and the other mentors.
And then he saw you. He wasn't exactly sure if you'd remember him.
You were attempting to (utilise your evidently limited knowledge of) sign to the Avox behind the counter, who gave you a small menu in response. Looking up the item number on the menu, you tilted your head. "Cupcake?", you questioned, brows furrowed.
"Yes, Sugar?", he asked, leaning his elbow on the counter, grinning. With all his perfectly pearly white teeth. "Sorry, I had to.", he chuckled, watching as you curiously turned to look at him. "You don't think that's a cupcake?"
"It doesn't look like one."
"It's a District 1 delicacy. Don't let them hear you say that."
"It doesn't look like anything. It's a blob. Plus, I think that's gold on it."
"It's edible gold. It's fine. She'll have two. Trust me, if the Capitol's good for one thing, it's knowing the best materialistic stuff to have. And gold-dusted-cupcakes are iconic. We have 'em every year."
You nodded as you begrudgingly took the two cupcakes from the Avox attendant, handing one over to him.
"Thank you kindly, ma'am.", he replied, tipping an imaginary hat. "I'm Finnick."
"Yeah, I know."
"You remember me? And I don't mean from any ads or TV appearances. I mean, me, from the last time you were here at the Capitol."
You shrugged. "Kinda? Sorry, I was more focused on the Games."
"No doubt, no doubt.", he nodded, watching as you gently unwrapped the bottom of the blobcake. "What are you doing?"
You gestured at the blobcake. "Eating. You said it was good."
"You gotta lick the icing off first. That's how you eat it. It's a law."
"It's a law?"
"Well, not a-- yeah, basically."
"That's disgusting."
He spluttered. "The icing is the best part!"
"So save it for last!"
"Wow. Uncultured.", he muttered, running his tongue along the icing, shooting you a triumphant look. "Mm-mm, it's better when it's eaten right."
Defiantly, you took a bite of the cake-part, mirroring his look, to which he mock-gasped. "Blasphemy."
You laughed. He was glad. "So. You really don't remember me? I was standing right next to your mentor when you came out of the Arena?"
"Wait, aren't you the one who told your tributes to try to psych me out--"
"I nudged them in the direction of psychological--"
"Not- not warfare, more... teasing. You killed 'em, anyway, so, I guess we're even.", he muttered, offhandedly as he took another lick of the icing, cleaning his lips with the back of his hand. Your silence made his head snap up.
"Right. Sorry." It was so quiet, he almost screamed to counter it.
"No, no, that was a joke- well, not a joke, I'd never joke about that, I just... it didn't mean anything.", he rambled, nudging your shoulder with his elbow, only letting up once you nodded.
Clearing his throat, he continued to lick the gold dusted icing off his blobcake, now sort of understanding your point of how disgusting it must look. But it felt right, and he'd long learnt that things feeling right was a rare emotion these days.
"So, your tributes. Quite the age difference, huh? Can't really push the whole star-crossed-lovers thing that Abernathy's doing with the 12 tributes, can you?", he asked, looking up at you taking another gentle bite of the blobcake.
You shook your head, instinctively glancing up at the screen, where, like clockwork, 11's tributes were displayed, along with a ranking.
"Seven.", you whispered, setting your blobcake down slowly, causing him to raise a brow before his eyes dutifully followed your line of sight. Oh. Wow.
"A twelve-year-old got a seven?", he muttered, resting his elbows on the counter behind him. "You trained her well."
"No, she's always been like... this insanely talented kid. Back at the District, right? She'd manage to squeeze her way into the Victor's Village to come see me. Peacekeepers never see her."
"Squeeze her way? What, you're not allowed to see the others?"
You gnawed on your lip, shrugging as you picked at your blobcake. "I mean, you guys haven't heard? The Peacekeepers said that the whole of Panem knew and that's why they look down on 11."
"Knew what?"
You looked down at your cake and he huffed. "C'mon, let's cause a scandal.", he mumbled, dragging you by the wrist to a secluded corner of the room. "Now, tell me."
Exhaling softly, you glanced around for a moment before nodding. "11's been trying to get our own Training Programme. Like you Careers have -- because it's an unfair advantage. The Capitol doesn't like that. It prefers you guys, obviously. So Snow calls me over sometimes, being the most recent Victor from 11, because he thinks I'll be loyal to him and snitch."
"Do you?"
"Would you?"
"And that's why he has you guys separated from the rest of the District? So you can't give them tips?"
You nodded. "I try my best to help people out. I know it's stupid, that at the end of the day, there will be two tributes chosen every year anyway, but I donate some of the annual income I get as a Victor to families with eligible but very young kids. Y'know, like Rue. So that there's no need for Tesserae."
Whoa. So it was true, what the other mentors had been whispering about. You had personal attachment. Yeesh.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Of course, Rue, c'mon."
You allowed her to settle down in your blankets before you stroked your fingers through her hair. "You have pretty hair."
"Thank you."
"No problem, Rue-bird." You'd been told by her mother, while she was clutching your arms with her trembling hands, to call her that if she needs it. No promises were demanded of saving her. No promises were given, either.
"How did you win your Games? They didn't tell us."
They wouldn't have. Doesn't go with the image of the badass, merciless Victors.
"Well, um, I was in an alliance with someone from 2. Which, I know, is odd, because usually, the Careers band together, but she was weaker than the rest of them. And somehow, it had just come down to four of us left."
Rue hummed, playing with her fingers as they rested on your stomach.
"So, we'd gone our separate ways to look for food. I found a, uh, a District 3 boy bleeding out. Some muttation, I think, had got to him. He didn't have much time left. He reached out his hand. But all that went through my head was my little baby brother. I had to know him. I--", you exhaled, licking your lips as you looked up at the ceiling.
The worst thing is that you've always been incapable of tears, when asked about the brutality of the Games.
"What did you do?"
"I turned back around. I went past our meeting spot, to where she was, the 2 tribute. And then...", you sighed. Fuck. "I literally stabbed her in the back as she was aiming at a squirrel for food. Well, not stabbed. I shot her. With an arrow. Both of their cannons went off at the same time. Hers and the boy's. I didn't have to mercy kill him."
"That's how you won?"
You nodded, lips pursed.
"You said there were four of you."
Oh, right.
"The other one was my fellow 11 tribute. I hid from him. The Gamemakers tried their best to force us together, but I managed not to."
"So he was looking for you?"
"I couldn't handle killing him, too, Rue. Someone from my own District. But he started believing I was dead and he just kept missing it on all the nightly announcements. He thought the Capitol was messing with him, that he was alone in the Arena. Wouldn't put it past them. But he went mad. He ended up killing himself."
Rue's silence was expected, and strangely enough, welcome.
"You won by default."
"Yes. They didn't see it that way, though. The Capitol's so used to brutal murders that they thought this was an 'innovative psychological strategy', not that I couldn't bring myself to kill him. But for my brother, I couldn't bring myself to let Heath find me."
"The other 11 tribute's name."
"Did you say sorry to his family?"
"I haven't been able to look them in the eye since. They forgive me, though, they've sent letters on numerous occassions."
She fell asleep, then. Good. After this reliving of trauma, at least one of you should.
If you could loop this week for the rest of eternity, you would.
One week went by so quick. One second you were on a train, watching Rue and Thresh's knees bounce as they looked out the window on the journey to the Capitol, and the next, you were sitting in a swivel chair marked '11', with Haymitch Abernathy to your right, mindlessly offering you a bottle for the fifth time after you'd declined.
But this time, you said okay. Because the countdown had just begun.
You bit the inside of your cheek, taking a sip, but your eyes stayed trained on the screen. If those two kids can't close their eyes, neither would you. You'd avoided watching any of the Games since yours so far, but now, you had no choice.
Your biggest worry was that some Career jackass would set off one of the landmines and that would set off Rue's or Thresh's.
But no. That didn't happen. Instead, a goddamn massacre painted the screen and the reflection on everyone's eyes was an angry, bruising red.
"It's a motherfucking bloodbath. I mean, it always is, but goddamn.", you heard Haymitch mutter from next to you. You looked down from the big screen back to the little one you'd been personally provided - the one you could zoom into, use map tools and whatever the fuck else the Capitol had cooked up - to locate your tributes. But fuck. You couldn't find her.
Thresh, of course, survived the bloodbath almost effortlessly. Well, no, that would be wrong. He used a lot of effort, but his training worked well. And plus, finding that he's hidden himself in the ginormous patch of tall grass - forestry district, baby! - you weren't too worried. But fuck, fuck, fuck, where was Rue? Where the hell was Rue? You heard cannons upon cannons and you just clenched Haymitch's bottle tighter with each one.
You were allowed to try to find your tributes on the screen, allowed to navigate through landscapes in the arena, but you weren't allowed access to the tracking tools used on them, or any other districts' tributes. Because what if you sent in a sponsor gift with a coded message of other tributes' locations. Wouldn't be fair, would it? At least, that's what the asshole Gamemaker Crane had said. As if sending kids to fight to the death was fair.
"She's a fuckin' idiot. An actual goddamn idiot."
For a split second, you didn't even care that he's possibly insulting your tribute. "Where?" You realised all too quickly, he was talking about his tribute.
"This girl, she's...", he groaned, slapping his forehead as he gestured to her, the one who got an eleven - Katniss, you recalled - running with an almost fluorescent orange backpack. "He was smart, he hid. And she was supposed to, but she just fucking-- she's this lucky. This goddamn lucky.", he muttered, pinching his fingers together.
"I can't find Rue."
Hey, you'd take all the help you can get. He's more familiar with this computing system, anyway.
"What, the tiny one? She's probably up in the trees or something.", he mumbled, waving you off.
"But we don't have access to those cameras."
"Yeah, I know. You just gotta keep waiting till it shows up on the big screen, I guess. Man, how the hell am I supposed to push this whole star-crossed-lovers schtick if one of them keeps trying to get herself blown up?"
Your eyes ran back to your screen, trying to scour the arena's locations for any hint of Rue. He was right, actually. She could be in the trees.
"You gonna hog that, or what?"
Eyes still on the screen, you absentmindedly passed the bottle back to him. Your blood pressure was rising with every cannon you heard.
Hands rested on your shoulders, and it shot even goddamn higher, as though it was you in the Arena again.
"It's me." Well, it's good Finnick decided to announce himself, because there was no fucking way you'd have taken your eyes off the screen for a moment, even if it was Snow himself trying to slit your throat from behind. "You find them yet?"
"I saw Thresh. I can't find Rue, we don't have access to the tree cams."
He nodded, leaning over your shoulder. "Shh. I know an override."
As silently as possible, while occassionally raising his brows (and eyes) to look around to make sure he wasn't being watched, he typed out something complex that looked almost like what you'd expect only people from Three were capable of.
"Did you find yours?"
"My boy died at the Cornucopia. My girl's still alive. She's with the other Careers.", he murmured, his eyes still focused on typing. "There. You won't get all the tree cams, 'cause they'd notice that. I've lowered the range to near the Cornucopia. She can't have gone that far."
You nodded. "Thank you, Four."
"No problem.", he muttered, squeezing your shoulders before sneaking back to his seat, seven seats to your left. You almost frantically navigated through the tree-cams, until finally, finally, you saw a flash of her hair.
"See? I toldja. All the Eleven ones do it every year. If there's trees. Never fails."
You could both hug and stab Haymitch at that moment.
"Yeah, this is weird as hell."
Your head whipped around, and you raised a brow, watching as he moved closer to you, arms crossed.
"What is?"
"No one does this shit, man. You know that, right? You'd get notified if your tribute died."
"I'm just making sure."
You watched the night sky of the Arena light up with the names of the fallen. The two of you stood in silence as the big screen shone with eleven bright announcements, Finnick's jaw clenching as the District Four boy was announced.
He inhaled deep and long, tilting his head as the screen went dim again, the cameras showing split screen shots of the faces of the thirteen remaining tributes. "You didn't ask me what I was doing here."
"I didn't really care."
He nods. "Fair. You wanna know now?" You shrugged. "I kinda figured you'd be here."
"Capitol darling, expert hacker and now psychic, too?"
"Everyone hates triple threats.", he grinned, resting his elbow on your shoulder. "I figured you'd be like me and not trust the Capitol on your first Games as a mentor. Ergo, figured you'd be here."
"How so?"
"I remember during one Hunger Games - can't remember which one, but this kid thought he was all alone, and he was going insane. And the Capitol fucking taunted him. Let him goddamn believe it. They started displaying all the dead in a list and once or twice, the other tribute was shown although they were alive."
You didn't respond. How could you? You were reeling from the new information that Heath had got a tiny display of the deceased list all to himself that you hadn't been privy to, and the Capitol had fucked with him by adding you in sporadically.
"So, yeah, I figured you might have seen that Hunger Games. It was more recent. So. No Capitol trust."
"Those were my Games."
His elbow slipped off your shoulders as his hand slipped into his hair. "Fuck. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you, uh, relive that.", he rambled, clearing his throat. How many fucking times is he going to put his foot into his mouth in front of you? He's pretty sure a hundred more.
He exhaled, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Hungry?"
You raised a brow, and he raised one right back. "That's what I thought. Come on, Eleven."
He'd never seen anyone look as delicate as you while licking the icing off a blobcake. "Man, I don't know if I'm going to keep my end of the deal up. You're just making my way look so appetizing."
"Hey, whoa, I'm being disgusting and eating it your way. You gotta do it my way."
"What, a bite with cake and icing?"
"Uh huh.", you nodded, wiping icing off the corner of your mouth with your thumb. "Go."
Begrudgingly, he took a bite of the whole thing. Whoa, okay, whoa. He'd never fucking admit that it was perfect. But it motherfucking was.
"Hey, I saw that, I saw that!", you exclaimed, pointing at his eyes.
"Saw what?"
"That! That look in your eyes. You're awe-struck! It's the golden ratio of cake : icing. You know it!", you laughed, scrunching up your nose as you jabbed your finger in the air in front of his eyes.
"It's average. It's not that great."
"Oh, please!"
"What'd your district bring to this metaphorical potluck, then?"
You shrugged. "Nothing much. It's all out, now, anyway. No one wanted it, so I snuck it all back for Rue and Thresh, so they had something to eat to remind them of home." That was a week ago.
"What was it?"
"We have this special kind of bread, y'know? Like, it's... the most delicious thing ever. We have it on birthdays and when Victors come back."
"How long's it been since that happened?"
He nodded, setting down his blobcake and leaning against the counter. "You find any sponsors yet?"
You threw the wrapper of your blobcake away, before patting your hands together, clearing any crumbs off as you accepted the glass of water he passed to you. "For Thresh, yeah. For Rue, uh...", you trailed off, rubbing the ridge of your brow.
"She's hiding. She probably will do so for the rest of the Games. They won't really see much of her potential, will they?", he reassured.
You furrowed your brows, sucking on your teeth for a moment before shaking your head. "Yeah, thanks, man.", you mumbled, attempting to shoulder past him.
"It's just the truth.", he told you, his hand on your shoulder again. "Okay? I have no reason to hurt you or 'psych you out'. We're not the ones competing."
"Can you stop doing that?"
He removed his hand from your shoulder. "What? The hand? 'Cause I'm sorry, it's insti--"
"No, asshole, I mean the whole, like... 'you and I are birds of a feather, you can trust me, soft-as-fuck-look' in your eyes! Seriously, it's getting old.'
"What's getting old? Me caring?"
"No, you acting like you do! You're Finnick Odair! It doesn't matter to you whether your tributes live or die, because if they live, you get the glory, and if they die, you get the sympathy!"
"Whoa, HEY!"
Silence. He hadn't meant to snap.
"Do NOT fucking go there."
"I'll see you around, Four."
Good that you walked away, 'cause he'd have beat you the fuck up if you'd doubled down.
Three days later.
He didn't think of what had happened between the two of you as a fight - he'd long learned that a disagreement and a full-fledged fight were vastly different - but he'd pretty much expected lack of any further conversation. Not that he wanted to talk to you and your half-baked knowledge of who he was.
But that's not to say he didn't check on you. And he just could not handle watching you take to Mr. Abernathy's methods.
"I think I'm cutting you off. Yeah?", he whispered in your ear, a hand on your shoulder to stop your inevitable jump of surprise as he gently pried the bottle off you.
"You have one.", you replied as you allowed him to drag you to the corner of the viewing room as you gestured at his glass.
"Yes. One. My first and only one of the night.", he informed, before tipping it towards the screen. "You're not checking up on them?"
"I just did. Thresh is still fine, and Rue's in an alliance with Haymitch's tribute."
He hummed, pulling you from in front of him to his side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders after pushing hair off them. "And sponsors?"
"I have enough for Thresh. I can't find any for Rue."
"Have you tried talking to the bettors?"
He leaned his face in towards your hair, whispering once more. "It's inhumane, but you could convince them to help you out with Rue."
"Finnick. I'm not going to talk Rue up to get people who are betting on her life to put in more money, no fucking way."
He licked his lips, before sighing, placing a soft, seamless kiss on your temple. "Okay. Can I help you out at least? I know some Capitol patrons who have a thing for helping underdogs. You'll have to talk her down, though. They're the same people who bet on Johanna, when she pretended she was weak so no one would go after her."
Sighing, he relinquished his grip on his glass of champagne and watched you gulp. "Just 'cause Katniss and Rue are in an alliance, doesn't mean you and Haymitch have to share supplies, too."
Two days later.
Fifth day of the Games. His girl's doing fine. Career pack.
You? No, you're frantic. Thresh is getting herbs and knives and Rue's getting Katniss-scraps.
He doesn't come up to you, though, you who's spinning in half-arcs in your little swivel chair, eyes on the screen. He can't, not when the Capitol patrons devote such unnecessary attention to him, especially now that they're sure one of his tributes is valuable, having not been killed by the bloodbath nor by the other Careers (yet).
"What did they expect, her being trained by Finnick Odair? The fourteen year old victor himself?" They think he's flattered? They're sorely mistaken.
Yeah, well. Maybe you weren't particularly wrong about the fact that no matter if his tributes lived or died, he'd still be adored by the Capitol. It was so sickening, he'd have clawed his skin off if he could. Just to get their paws off him.
He watches from across the room as you slam your screen closed, shouldering through the crowd of patrons, bettors, mentors and gamemaker assistants alike, muttering "space, please" and "excuse me" too many times to count.
Fuck. He wished he could apply his 'not my circus, not my monkeys' motto here. But he couldn't. He'd almost made the same mistake and he'd been helped out, so.
It'd be a hard task, though. Sneaking away from the Capitol patrons would be fine, but sneaking past the Avoxes and the Peacekeepers would be a hassle. Nevertheless, he grabs your screen, tucking it under his arm, before he slips out of the viewing room as seamlessly as possible.
Now the real hard task.
He'd just have to hope the people already in the elevator were from 1, 2 or 3, so they wouldn't see him press the 11th floor after they left. That was a slim chance. The chances of that were, what? Three out of ten, excluding you and him? Phenomenal odds.
Luckily, it was goddamn Johanna Mason. District 7.
"Odair, as I live and bleed."
"Hey, Johanna." Thank fuck.
She nods, her eyes trailing down to his arm. "You're going to watch the Games in bed, eat popcorn or something? You're around Snow too much. He's rubbin' off on you."
"I'm returning this."
She raises a brow, gently gesturing for him to turn the device over, reading the huge '11' sticker on the back. "The new mentor? Really? You're all buddy-buddy now?"
"Uh huh."
"Fucking ace, man. But you know you can't visit other floors, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"No, like you can't. You'll be stopped."
"How do I--"
"There's stairs. Not the staircases, take the stairwells. Get off on your own floor, then make two rights."
He snorts, watching the elevator climb up past the floor for District 2 and get to District 3. "And you know this how?"
"You think I don't have midnight business with the other floors?"
He chuckles once again, hugging her by the shoulder. "Man, I missed you."
"Tell Eleven I said hi. And good job on keeping both her kids alive. See you next year."
He salutes, watching the doors open on the District Four floor, before disappearing to the right. And then another. And sure enough, there's a door that looks just right enough to hold an abandoned secret stairwell.
He shuts it gently behind him, before sighing. Seven more fucking floors.
The thuds on your door are loud enough to elicit a frustrated groan from you, spitting out your toothpaste and gargling before slamming the bathroom door shut behind you. "I said I didn't FUCKING want dinner! No dinner, no dinner, I said no dinner!"
There's no Avox in front of you.
There's a goddamn Finnick Odair.
"Sorry, so, did you say you wanted dinner, or...?", he muses, raising a brow and showing you just why the Capitol was so obsessed with his eyes. They were his district. Ocean. Water. Beauty.
You can't exactly do anything but scoff, and he tilts his head knowingly. "Johanna says hi. And congrats."
"Johanna Mason?"
"Yeah, why? You need proof before you let me in?"
Oh, right, you hadn't even let him in.
Moving to the side, you glance at him walking in, whistling lowly. "Sweet suite.", he mumbles, flicking the end of a leaf on a potted plant near your bedside before placing the device on your bed.
"You can't be leaving this shit down there, you know?", he scolds, hands on his hips as he points at it and then you.
"Why not?"
"You don't want to know what happens? You only get the notification if your tributes have died or got sponsors if you have the goddamn device on you, do you realise?"
He flops on your bed, hands behind his head as he watches you disappear into the bathroom again, presumably to floss.
"Did you talk to the Underdog-bettors?"
A soft "mhm" gently floats out the bathroom.
"They didn't go for her?"
"Did you tell them her age?"
"I told them everything. I even used her fucking family for pity points."
Your voice sounds odd, and his head gently lifts off his arms, as he sits up. "Yeah?"
He bites the inside of his cheek, flicking at the comforter mindlessly. "Hey."
Okay, that's your third 'mhm' of the night. He knows what that shit means.
"You okay?", he asks, but he's already up and stalking towards the bathroom.
You don't respond, and he knows he needs to go the fuck in. He knocks, his knuckles lingering on the wood to softly push the door open. It creaks weakly, and he tilts his head.
Hands on either side of the sink, you're looking down at it, as if it contained all the money you'd need to send Rue mentor-gifts. The tap wasn't open, but the sink wasn't dry.
Now, Finnick has little to no experience comforting people. That's his biggest flaw, he'd wager. He could light up a room, but not a person.
"Hey." It's as soft as he can bear to go without sounding patronizing. It's a gossamer-thin line, and he's pretty sure he's crossing it.
You don't respond, shaking your head, and he almost, almost makes the grave mistake of thinking that's you saying you don't want him there. However, he mentally flips off that thought, and instead, reaches a hand out.
It's almost like he's taming a bear or something. But. But when his fingertips graze the skin of your shoulder as timid as the first snowflake to ever fall, you immediately move, and he's found himself in the new, unfamiliar position of holding you, your face -and tears- on his chest, and his hand in your hair.
He doesn't tell you to 'shh', he doesn't say 'it's okay', because it's goddamn not.
"Why won't they help her? And why won't they let me use some of the money for Thresh on her?"
Your voice is barely heard, constantly overshadowed by trembles and sobs and gasps.
"Sweetheart.", he breathes out, attempting to pull you to the safety of air when you buried yourself harshly into his chest, so harshly, he's half sure you're breathing in zero oxygen, just 100% tears. "Hey. You're gonna have to look at me. Yeah? Yeah?"
His thumbs rub arcs into your cheek as it slowly untethered itself from his chest, and he sighs. "There she is.", he smiles softly. He's not going to give you any illusion of Rue and Thresh's miraculous saving.
"I don't get it."
"Look, she got a seven, which is impressive for her age, but--"
"No, I don't get the whole thing! District 13 rebelled, and so we gotta send our children to this shithole to die?!"
He really wasn't prepared for a worldview analysis.
Pressing fluttery kisses to your hair and your forehead, he hums, shaking his head. "It doesn't make sense, you're right, but we're here."
"If one of them doesn't win, I'm starting a rebellion."
That was treason. He should recoil, tell you to shut the fuck up, to never goddamn say that.
But instead, he kisses lower. Your cheeks. Your nose. Your chin. "You're right. We should." He's humouring you, but Johanna's already been talking about this, grumbling, more like. He's also got one of those gut feelings, y'know? He can feel something big happen.
"I might start a rebellion either way."
"I'll back you up."
"I'm not joking!"
He takes the shove like a man. "Yeah, I know, I'm serious, too. I'll join you."
You glare at him for a moment, before shouldering past him to the bed again, turning the screen on. "I wish they both would survive."
"Two Victors?" Maybe that's the 'big thing' that he feels will happen.
"Uh huh."
"I tell you, sweetheart, that will be the day the rebellion actually starts.", he tells you, scratching at his chin before he closes the bathroom door, and eases himself back onto the bed in front of you, of the screen.
Your eyes are still red, your lip still quivering, as you navigate first to the tall grass field, to check that Thresh isn't in any immediate sort of danger, and then back to the rest of the Arena to search for Rue. You do it monotonously, as if you've already resigned yourself, and honestly? You might have a point. He won't tell you that, though.
"If you say I'm still only pretending to care, I don't know what to tell you.", he muses, and you snort, shaking your head.
"Listen, I'm not going to pretend to know what you feel. I've never... I mean, my fellow tribute in the Games was someone I never knew, and I've never personally known any of my mentees, so, what you must be going through? Unimaginable."
"I don't need pity."
"It's not pity. It's concern. It's sympathy. It's... it's caring."
You nod. "Thank you. Greatly appreciated." Sarcasm? He'll never know.
"See, you're saying that, but you're not really easing up on the comforter there, sweetheart."
Your hands, gripping the cloth like the talons of the mockingjays in the trees back in Eleven, loosen on reflex. It leaves a mark on the bed. "What do I do, Finnick?" Your voice chokes off into a tired exhale. He tries not to focus on the fact that you've just used his name for the first time.
"What's that?", he asks, tilting his head as he reaches to turn up the volume. You frown for a moment, biting your fingernail, before your brows relax in recognition, and you lean back onto the pillow, sighing.
"Her song. Four notes. They've been using that as a signal, her and Katniss."
"Why does she sing it?" Anything to get you to forget the fact that this girl could die.
You smile, softly. "She sees the end-of-day flag go up, because she's the highest up in the trees."
"'Cause she's the smallest."
"Exactly. So she whistles that, and the mockingjays carry it back. Lets us know the working day's over."
"Mockingjays? Whoa, never seen one. Thought they went extinct."
You shake your head. "They prefer staying in our District. High trees where they can hide. They don't like the electric fences, though, of course."
"What do they look like?" He's on one mission. Keep you talking. Distract you. Maybe this is how he should have approached comfort before.
It's been hours.
The screen's long forgotten now, though he sees a flash on your screen saying his tribute has died from trackerjack stings. He'll have to rewatch how the hell that happened. "Fuck."
"Oh. Oh, Finnick, I'm sorry.", you murmur, your hand on his arm. See, you're better at this comforting thing than he is.
"The sponsors didn't prefer her, either. Coral was, uh...", he groans, rubbing his hands over his face. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Not the strongest. Not the most charming. She was just a Career. Just there."
"Will you have to go home? To pay your respects? I think Johanna had to, I heard Haymitch talk about it."
He shakes his head, pushing some hair from your shoulder before chewing on the inside of his cheek. "Usually, yeah, that's the procedure. But, uh, not me. I just go home. I have one here, in the Capitol."
"You have a house in the Capitol. Not a home."
Yes, yes, yes! Fucking exactly! He nods, earnestly. "Yes."
Silence, as you both watch Katniss and Rue speak.
Their conversation is short, but the Capitol will eat it up.
"Do you really not want dinner?"
You shake your head, and he kisses your temple as he stands.
"Then let's just go get blobcakes."
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viperbunnies · 2 months ago
It's officially New years for me here! I am not the best at words, but I'm thankful for the support that I've received for the short amount of time that I've started posting art more often.
What started off as me wanting to just Archive some art I'm proud of snowballed to so many memories that I'll look back fondly to, so many silly ideas that breached containment that I remember seeing people do (Like the draw your oc reacting to their fave card that me and addie just talked about as a joke, and the Shroompocalypse that was just meant to be an Jade stealing people's yume joke)
I'm glad that I met so many amazing people and discovered new artists on this site! With that said I want to drop a few words of thanks to some of the amazing people that I've met here <3
Firstly, thank you to @oya-oya-okay being my first ever follower and mutual! If it weren't for you sharing my art I wouldn't be able to meet so many of my moots, your words of encouragement means a lot to me (and to other people that you also support!) I wish you well in life!
Thank you to @natsukishinomiyaswife ! If it weren't for you reaching out to me back then I probably would've continued lurking. You're a dear friend to me and I enjoy our random talks! May it be about life, or our own interests 💕 I hope the new year treats you kindly.
Thank you to @justm3di0cr3 ! For giving me so many ideas (some I've yet to finish...) and for listening to me whatever the topic maybe. I'm thankful that I met you! You're such a considerate person, always checking in on me whenever I feel down. If something's bugging you, I'm always all ears!
Thank you to @scint1llat3 , your overwhelming support has helped me so much. It's always fun seeing your currynoodles, and just your art in general. But it's just as fun just reading your thoughts! Your comments/tags are always so fun to read 😭 I hope you never get tired doing what you love! Labyu lodicakes (/p) kain ka ng madaming pansit sa new years for long life
Thank you to @jovieinramshackle ! I remember feeling so scared due to some inevitable changes, but seeing your general words of encouragement during that time helped me so much. Wishing you the best on your journey as well!
Thank you to @fell-e ! Your keysmashes and memes are so fun to see 😭 Genuinely need to know how you make them so quickly. Thank you as well for being my earliest supporters, I probably would've been burnt out so quickly if you didn't show genuine interest in my arts.
Thank you to @part-sadist ! For the laughs that you give me from your silly sketches, and for acknowledging some of my ideas. You've contributed so much ideas to my to do list as well, to the point that I don't think I'm gonna run out of any drawing prompts any time soon (They just need to give me the time already...)
Thank you to @taruruchi ! for being one of my earliest supporters, it's just so nice to see someone with similar interests as me! I still have so many Oz and Taru interactions that I want to make, so I hope you look forward to them hehe.
Thank you to @jadelover69 (i miss your old name /j) Thank you as well for your overwhelming support! I love seeing the things you rb on my tl, may it be twst or different fandoms you're interested in. They help lighten up my mood whenever I need it!
Thank you to @the-travelling-witch ! We haven't been mutuals for long, but you've always been so supportive of me! Thank you for showing genuine interests in my ocs! And for sharing me rambles about yours as well! If you ever get any new ideas, I'd love to hear them :> (Probably not asap due to Timezones and schedules, but of course I'll get to you soon!)
Thank you to my friend (alias Melone) If you see this I hope you know that I'm thankful that you pushed me to draw more. You'll always be my no. 1 hypeman, and I wish we can spend more time together soon. 2024 really is cursed-- our annual meetup didn't happen 😔 I hope we can meet soon! I still need to give you my gifts from your birthday.
If I could add everyone I've met here I genuinely would 😭 I love all of my moots/supporters /p.
Honestly I feel like I'm more cynical qnd negative irl... due to many reasons, but perhaps it's due to the people that I've met here that I'e had such a positive influence, which I'm honestly so thankful for. It's helped a lot with my personal struggles.
If you've made it this far, I hope you know that life gets better. A struggle today, doesn't determine the wind's path tomorrow. Wishing you all Happy new years! I hope that this coming year will be kind to us as all ^^
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oneforthemunny · 2 years ago
rabbit food |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: after a run in with your ex, eddie has to let you know that you're all his. you're more than happy to let him.
haven't done older!eddie in a sec! and inspiration struck last night so here it is :) older!eddie and his lil bunny.
thank you @eddiemunsons-missingnipple for the edit <3
contains: 18+ MINORS DNI, age gap established relationship, eddie is 42 and reader is 26, protective!eddie, jealous!eddie, language, filthy filth to follow, fem receiving, ass play, anal sex, aftercare
The coffee shop was bustling, quite the crowd for a Thursday afternoon, but you supposed with finals and midterms coming up that was to be expected. Brielle had been on edge all week, her and Madeline crammed up in the house, pouring over books and notes. She'd been extra snappy lately with the stress, her and Eddie getting into a number of tiffs throughout the week, leaving you and Madeline to stand and awkwardly watch. You supposed you should've been used to it by now, you'd been around long enough, but you still didn't want to overstep when he was being a dad.
That was exactly why you  chose to have your date at the coffee shop. You'd quit a little over six months ago, not needing the extra work to busy yourself as much. You still liked to come and support the small business that treated you so kindly. It had history with you and Eddie too, after all.
You could hear the cheery sound of your name being called from across the cafe, smiling when you turned over you shoulder, expecting to be greeted with an old coworker.
"Hey," There he stood. Billy. Your ex-boyfriend.
Your blood ran cold, spine going rigid watching in slow motion when he crossed the space towards you. The same cocky grin, eyes narrowed and running over your frame predatory.
Your mouth ran dry when he stood in front of you, wrapping you in a hug that you didn't return. You could see he'd gotten new tattoos added to his forearms since your split, his hair cut shorter now, but he was still the same.
"What are you doin' here?" Billy asked, tongue running over his lower lip. "Came here last week and Theresa said you didn't work here anymore. Was she lyin' to me again?" He grinned, teeth baring.
You pursed your lips. "No, I don't work here anymore."
Billy nodded. "Good for you. Must be doin' better at the school now then, huh? Did they finally give you that raise you were always bitchin' about?" He bobbled his head like he was joking, but you knew by the way his lips snarled, curling at the edges he was serious. Always having to take a shot at you, put you down and leave you a little wounded.
You hummed, unimpressed. "Wow," You sneered, eyes rolling. "Anyways, it's been so great seeing you, but I'm meeting someone-"
"Yeah? Is it your friend, Nicole? Saw her and Marcus broke up. Think you could help me out?" Billy crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at you.
You scoffed, eyes bulging. "Nicole? Please, Billy, she hates you." You rolled your eyes hard.
Billy shrugged. "She doesn't know me. I'm sure I could change her mind." He said cockily. "I mean, I know you told her what a shit guy I was, but you certainly stuck around long enough. Must’ve been for a reason, hmm?”
Your blood ran cold, heart stopping. You could feel the familiar heat creep up your chest to your cheeks, embarrassment. You hoped he couldn't see how he'd made you feel, you didn't want him to have that over you. Judging by his smirk, arrogant and triumphant, he did.
"C'mon, you love to say what a shit guy I was, but you stayed around way longer than I thought you would." Billy took a step closer, you took one back. The dance all too familiar. Your back pressed against the table, trapped, pinned under his menacing gaze.
"Must've stayed around for something." He scoffed down at you, mocking you.
You stammered, heart hammering and mind racing. You were caught off guard, surprised. Billy inched closer, eyes narrowing even more. He opened his mouth to deliver the final blow, the final line that would break you into submission, leave you insecure and nervous like he always did.
"Hey, bunny," Eddie's voice called.
Your gaze snapped from Billy over his shoulder, seeing Eddie standing there, coveralls and a questioning glare. Seeing you ridged posture, helpless eyes cutting to his- he was stepping forward in an instance, heavy boots stomping against the ground.
"There a problem?" Eddie asked, gruff and mean, eyes locked with Billy.
Billy looked from Eddie back to you, brows knit in confusion. "Is this... You know this guy?" Billy asked, thumb hiking over his shoulder at Eddie.
Eddie scoffed, moving to wedge himself in front of you, hand on Billy's shoulder firm, pushing him back slightly. "You wanna tell me what's goin' on here, baby?" Eddie asked you, but his eyes never left Billy's standing toe-to-toe in front of him, you pressed securely behind him. "This a little friend of yours?"
Billy scoffed. "Look, man, we were talking, alright-"
"-No, not alright." Eddie's jaw set, grinding teeth in an unimpressed stare. "I think you need to leave."
You watched, eyes wide and rounded, flickering from Eddie back to Billy. Your heart hammered in your chest.
"Yeah? You gonna make me or something?" Billy scoffed. "What? Are you a friend of her dad's?"
Eddie laughed, humorless and mocking. "I think you know who I am." He sneered. Billy swallowed, faltering slightly. "Think you should get outta here. Before we have an issue."
Billy stammered, scoffing slightly. "What issue?" He rolled his eyes. Eddie's fists balled, and you grabbed his arm gently, pulling him closer. Billy took a step back, eyes wide. He tried to play it off, shaking his head. "Whatever, man. Don’t worry about me, alright? I’ve had it and don’t want it back. She’s all yours." He scoffed loudly.
Eddie lurched forward, a loud, stomping boot. "Ed, no, just..." You grabbed his arm gently, grinning softly at the way Billy jumped slightly, head spinning around with wide eyes before quickly leaving the shop.
"He touch you?" Eddie asked, eyes narrowed and serious when he turned back to you. "Tell me right now. I'll go out there, and fucking drag that-"
"-Eddie." You cooed softly, eyes darting around to the patrons that watched you, wide eyed and amused. "Maybe we should go." You whispered.
Eddie sighed heavily. "I'm sorry." He muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I shouldn't have done that. I just-"
"It's alright." You reassured him with a soft smile, chewing on your lip slowly. Seeing him so protective, rough, it made your tummy flip, heat spilling and filling every inch of you. It was a new side of Eddie, one you hadn't seen. It was exciting, thrilling.
You ordered to go, letting him drive you back to your own apartment. His knee bounced, white knuckled grip on his steering wheel. You knew he was fuming, buzzing and bristling with anger, the scenario running over and over again in his head. Your thighs pressed together watching him take a drag of his cigarette, shaking his head.
"Should've beat the shit outta that little prick." Eddie exhaled out the cracked window. "Fucker had the audacity to try and go near you. The fuck does he think he is?"
You grinned softly, leaning over, pressing your palm lightly on his thigh. "He's a dick." You purred low in his ear, pressing a kiss to his temple, lips buried into the flecks of grey hairs that framed his face. "You scared him."
Eddie scoffed. "Little bitch. What a shock. All talk." He rolled his eyes. "Dealt with stupid fuckers like that my whole life."
"Well, you scared him away." You grinned, eyes lighting up with excitement. "My hero. What would I do without you?" You muttered, lips trailing down his temples, dragging slow and sweet down his cheek over his scruff of facial hair. Your hand trailed higher up his thigh, squeezing the skin beneath the thick, navy coveralls.
Eddie looked over at you, brows pulled together accentuating the deep lines on his forehead. He watched you carefully, pupils blown, lip tucked between your teeth, the small flush across your cheeks. He knew that look all too well.
"I don't find this nearly as amusing as you do." Eddie huffed, pouty and grumpy. "S'not funny at all. Him thinking he can talk to you like that."
You giggled. "Eddie, I don't think it's funny. I'm being serious. I appreciate you doing that for me. Billy's a dick." You sighed, giving him a knowing look.
Eddie scoffed. "Yeah, he is." He muttered. "Why'd you ever date a guy like that?"
You shrugged. "He could be nice sometimes."
"When? When he was trying to fuck you?" Eddie snapped, knuckles tightening over the leather steering wheel. "That why you were with him?"
You gawked, scoffing playfully at his remark. "Seriously?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. Eddie's jaw tightened. "Are you jealous or something?" You giggled.
Eddie huffed. "Not funny." He muttered, petulantly. "'M not jealous. Just trying to understand what would attract you to a piece of shit like that."
"I was young." You sighed heavily. Eddie's eyes flickered over to you, accusing. You faltered. "Alright, younger. And I thought he was cool, but he wasn't. He was a bum."
Eddie pulled into your apartment, turning the wheel to fit into the spot. "A total bum." He agreed, throwing the car in park and yanking his keys out. "Should be ashamed of yourself for dating someone like that, young lady." He gave you a stern look.
Your pussy throbbed, legs clamping together. You were sure you were soaking his seat.
Eddie opened his door and you followed, starry eyed and wobbly legged, excitement trilling and building deep in your belly. Eddie pressed you up against the door, dark eyed, nose pressing to yours. His hands, still stained and calloused from a day's work, pressed by your head, trapping you underneath him.
"Tell me, bunny, was he better than me?" Eddie asked, nearly a snarl on his lips.
Your heart thumped excitedly in your chest, spine tinging with familiar warmth that made you shudder. You shook your head firmly, eyes still locked with Eddie's. "No." You rasped.
Eddie cocked his head to the side. "Don't lie to me, baby." He warned. This was new, a darker, domineering side of Eddie you'd never seen before, possessive and exciting. It made you throb, knees buckling.
"I'm not." You whispered back. "I promise. You're the best I've ever had, and I mean that." You looked down for his lips, back up to his eyes, rounding sweetly for him. "Billy could barely make me cum."
Eddie snorted, faltering out of his demeanor. You grinned lightly. "I mean it. I really though that people lied about getting off from someone eating you out. Thought that was just something in porn." You admitted sweetly, tilting your head to the side.
Eddie barked out a laugh, shaking his head. "Oh, bunny, that is horrible." He cooed, fingers tucking under your chin, lifting your gaze up to him.
You shrugged. "Then I met you." Your eyes shined at the admission, gooey and warm under his gaze. He was melting you, making you feel so consumed with adoration. "Now I know better."
Eddie hummed, nodding slowly. "You better," He muttered, tilting his head so his lips slotted over yours, passionate and controlling, pressing you farther against the cool wood of your door.
You moaned into the kiss, letting him take over, tongue sliding over yours, swirling and exploring every square inch of your mouth. Your hand moving down to his waist, pulling him flush to you. You could feel his erection, hard and straining even against the thick material of the coveralls.
Eddie flipped you over, pressing you against the wall, hands on your hips. He kneeled slow, pushing your leggings down with him, pooling down by your ankles. You knew to spread your legs before he even asked, feeling your arousal seep out of you, spreading and coating your inner thighs.
Eddie groaned slightly, hands spreading your cheeks apart, salivating at your puffy lips peeking back at him, your tight, little hole taunting him. You looked delicious, positively edible, he was sure of it.
"Fuck, baby," Eddie rasped. "Lean forward for me a little bit. Let me get a better look." His hands were squeezing the fat of your ass, rolling and massaging the plump skin.
You pressed your body forward, shimmying back until your ass was nearly in his nose. Eddie breathed deeply, burying himself inside you before he devoured you, no warning, tongue lapping from your clit to your sopping hole back up to your ass. You whined, knees buckling at the surprise sensation.
His fingers went from your pussy, collecting your spend, spreading it over your tightest hole. You groaned loudly, eyes rolling and head tipping back at the sensation of his thumb circling your hole.
"Fuck, Ed, that feels so good." You whined, forehead resting on the wood.
"Bet that fucker never did this, did he?" Eddie growled, spitting a glob of saliva back down on your ass hole. You whined, high and nasally, feeling his pointer finger spread it around before the tip barely pressed in, just to the first knuckle and you were pushing back for more.
Eddie grinned. "Huh? Bet he never did this? Never ate this pretty little ass, did he?" He growled again. You shook your head, legs quaking at the sensation. Eddie smirked. "Scared little boy, pathetic. Doesn't know what to do with a woman like you. Doesn't know how to treat you."
His finger sunk in further, the second knuckle and you were moaning loud, cries and whines echoing off the door. You were overwhelmed with sensation, one finger plugging you from the back, pumping slowly in and out making you clench. His thumb working lazy circles on your clit, slow and steady how you liked it.
You didn't tell him that Billy or anyone in the past never took the time to ask you, to learn your body and the things you liked. They were only looking to chase their own pleasure, rubbing your left lip for five minutes while they jackhammered you, leaving you feeling used and unsatisfied. Convincing you there was something wrong with you for not finishing, never them. Then you met Eddie, and you never had that problem again.
You whined, rocking to draw his finger in tighter in you. His thumb kept working you slowly, the heat in your belly growing more and more, shooting electric spikes of heat up your spine, toes curling sensation.
"'M close, fuck, 'm close!" You chanted, head bowing down to look at your toes. You could see Eddie beneath you, the flex of his hands working on you.
Eddie's scruff pressed to your lower back, soft kisses against the curve of your spine, finger pulling back to catch your release and press it back into your ass again, a second finger starting in.
"Close already?" Eddie cooed, mocking and sweet. You could see his grin in the back of your mind, smug and dimpled.
You whined, hips rocking when the two fingers pressed forward. The stretch of your tight hold, invading and dipping further into you. You felt filthy for how much you loved the sensation of him in your ass.
Eddie pressed further into your clit, fingers rocking and swirling lightly in your ass until you cried out, clenching hard around him. Your cunt clamped around nothing, nails digging into the wood of your door as you rode your high, loud and unforgiving; neighbors be damned, he was making you feel too good.
Eddie watched your chest heave, two knuckles deep in your ass, the other dipping into your sensitive, sopping hole. You whined when he stood, fingers spreading wide, your sticky release stringing along them. You blushed, cheek pressed against the wall.
Eddie moved so he could see you, brow raised, his soaked hand in front of both of you. "He never made you do this?" Eddie asked. You shuddered, glazed eyes trained on the release.
You shook your head truthfully. Eddie sighed, examining the release. "A damn shame." He muttered, bringing your release to his lips. He sucked them off gently, eyes trained on yours.
A small whine caught in your throat, shaky legs trembling as you watched him. Eddie pulled his cleaned fingers out of his mouth, grinning at you. "Doesn't even know he's missing out on the sweetest damn thing in the world."
You blushed hard, smiling softly back at him. Eddie moved, body pressing back over yours, but his hands cradled your jaw this time, pulling you closer and closer into him. Lips found yours again, sweeter this time, taking his time to feel your soft lips against his. You could taste your own release on his tongue, a groan pulling out of your throat, vibrations tickling his lips that were still roaming your mouth.
Eddie pulled back, a string of saliva connecting from your mouth to his. "See?" He grinned. "Sweetest damn thing out there."
You let him bend you over the couch, pushing into your ass easily, using your own sticky, wet release as lube. Your eyes shut at the stretch, Eddie's hands soft and comforting on your back, shushing you with every inch that he sunk deeper into you.
He fucked you nice and slow, letting you adjust to the feeling. No matter how frequent you both fucked like this, he wanted you to be comfortable, gentle with you and caring. It made your chest fill with warmth, hips rocking back to meet his slow thrusts.
Eddie groaned at the squeeze of your tightest hole around his cock, strangling it in the best way. He was sure he wouldn't last long, not with the way you were reaching back between your legs, cupping his balls lightly.
"You're just my best girl, aren't ya, bunny?" Eddie groaned, eyes blown and focused on the stretch of your ass around his dick. The way your cheeks rippled and hips jumped when his hips met yours.
You whimpered in response, your own hand reaching to rub your clit furiously when his pace picked up, hips rolling and pressing into you so deep you knew he was lodged deep in your guts. He usually liked to fuck you on your back so he could see himself through your tummy, pressing a hand over it or sometimes yours.
You could feel that familiar rush, blinding hot pleasure with every brush of his cock in that sensitive spot inside you. How he managed to find every nook and cranny that made you gush, you weren't sure. He was just good like that, wanted to be good like that for you.
You rubbed your clit faster, toes curling as you climbed closer. Eddie leaned forward, back folding on top of yours. He pressed a kiss into your neck, sucking and nipping gently. His own hand moved underneath you, replacing your hand, fingers sliding and rubbing over all the places you needed them to.
"Oh!" You cried out at the sensation. His teeth nipping into your skin, leaving you clenching. "Again, do it again." You panted, bouncing and rocking back to help him rut into you further, faster.
Eddie obliged, tongue rolling over the sensitive skin in the nape of your neck, sucking slow and calculated, teeth grazing until you cried out. He felt your shake, collapsing into the couch, his hand circling your waist, still working your clit while you rode out your orgasm.
He could feel himself getting closer and closer with every thrust, dick twitching until he was spilling deep inside you, hips stuttering and breath catching with every slow thrust he spilled into you.
You were spacey, glass eyed and fucked out from the sensation. You could barely register the kisses he placed down your spine, muttering as he pulled himself from you.
Eddie's chest heaved, catching his breath. He was trained on his release spilling out of you, down your slick, puffy folds and dripping towards the carpet. "Fuck, bunny," Eddie pressed a hand to his forehead. "So good. You did so good, didn't you?"
He cleaned you up. He always did that. So sweet and gentle and attentive, even if he was exhausted too. Eddie took his time cleaning you gently, soft pets and gentle coos that soothed you as you came back down, came back to him.
Eddie had you pressed against his chest, curled up in his lap. He had his cigarette lit, slow drags as the embers cracked. His other hand ran up and down your back.
"That fucker ever comes around you again, you let me know." Eddie's eyes were half lidded, a little dark but serious.
You smiled softly, nuzzling deeper into his chest. "I will." You muttered, mind still foggy. "Don't worry about him. He doesn't ever compare to you."
Eddie snorted. "Good." He grinned, blowing smoke in the other direction.
You pressed your chin to his chest, right over the smattering of inked letters on his heart- Brielle and his mom's names and birthdays; you wondered if you'd ever be there too. Eddie looked down at you, soft smile tugging on his lips.
"What about me?" You asked slowly. Eddie raised a brow. "Am I the best you've ever had?" You raised your brows.
Eddie smirked, bumming his cigarette in the tray next to him. He shifted with a slight groan, leaning down so his nose was brushing yours. You could smell the nicotine on his breath, ghosting over your lips when he talked. "Bunny, you're the best I've ever had. Whole different league, whole different ballgame. On another level from anyone else. Incomparable." He said, small grin on his lips but you knew his words were genuine.
You perked up, beaming with pride. You lifted so your nose pressed against his, feeling your breath mix with his, hot on your top lip. "Promise?" You whispered.
"Promise." Eddie moved so his lips ghosted over yours. "My best girl, I promise. No one compares, bunny. Not even close."
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occatorcreator · 9 months ago
Second Chances
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4 - Friendship Lost
It's always one step forward and two steps back for Purple. An unexpected reunion between the color gang and a long lost friend threatens to tear apart Purple with jealousy.
Time flies. Months rolled by since that argument and the gang kept true to their word.  They did their best to not start unsanctioned fights whenever they got upset or angry. At least, while in front of Purple.
But that was fine by Purple. Without the worry about a potential fuse blowing, Purple felt more at ease being around them. Visits to each other’s desktops became more frequent as a result. Purple found himself chilling on the Animator’s desktop more often than his own as the year went on, entertained by the creative ways the four played with Minecraft and other games.
It distracted him from the pain. A pain that was lessening in intensity every month, but Purple could still feel it. The thoughts nagged at him; how would Orchid and Navy feel about what he was doing? How long is this friendship going to last, really? 
“You know, we were originally created to fight each other for eternity,” Yellow confessed to Purple privately one day as they showed him around their website.
The mention of being created for the purpose of fighting made Purple’s stomach clench uneasily.
“This was where we were meant to be,” Yellow said, gesturing to the blank white walls, “to fight for the rest of our days until one of us won.” They dropped their hands to their sides. “We ended up declaring a truce two weeks in.”
“Why?” Purple asked. “What made you stop?”
“Look around,” Yellow said. “I like this place. I come here whenever I need space, but it wasn’t like that initially. Imagine you were created to hate four other people, and your creator put you in a box with them, and none of you could leave that box.”
Purple’s eyes widened slowly as he tried to imagine, yet he couldn’t. Suddenly, the sparse decor and white color felt oppressive. Yellow smiled sadly.
“You understand, even when you like it, fighting grows monotonous here,” Yellow said, “I still have these thoughts of attacking them when we’re just hanging out, doing nothing… sometimes I see in their eyes, they have the exact same instinct that I have. But, I think we’ve been getting better at handling them. Thanks.”
Why are you thanking me? Purple thought, I just pointed out the obvious without even knowing how you lived.
He still didn’t know them all that well, did he?
“How did you get out?” Purple asked softly.
To that, Yellow looked away, shoulders tense.
“A stick figure broke in, somehow,” Yellow said, letting out a bemused huff, “that Orange kid… they came looking for a fight for some reason, but didn’t even have a proper fighting stance. When we saw the wall was broken down, we were so happy to be free and almost ignored them! They were chill enough to show us around the computer” He sighed. “But then Alan deleted us.”
Purple nearly tripped over himself. “Alan deleted you?”
“We spawned right back here,” Yellow said, so casually as if the fact Alan deleting them didn’t warrant further explanation, “We couldn’t do much until he refreshed the page, and when he did, the desktop was a mess. Orange had fought Alan and ran off.”
“As they should!” Purple said, crossing his arms, “Why are you living with Alan after what he did to you?”
“I mean, well,” Yellow cleared their throat, “Alan really regretted what he did. I don’t think there’s a day that goes by that he doesn’t, probably why he treats us so kindly now. We came to forgive him after a while, but I get it if you feel differently after knowing that.”
Purple didn’t know what to say. Had Yellow said nothing, Purple would still be blissfully ignorant and see the Animator as yet another kindly human. The shock of it left him stunned.
“He asked us to find them, and helped us search. We went out into the city putting up flyers…” Yellow kicked the ground. “But we got nothing. We tried for months before we just gave up. It's been almost two years since we last heard of them.” Yellow whistled. “Hard to believe it’s been that long, huh?”
“Yeah,” Purple’s heart hammered. He nodded, feeling uneasy at the mention of the passage of time. “Can hardly believe it.”
The year wrapped up, and soon Purple’s birthday reared its ugly head again. They already celebrated the gang’s mutually shared birthday, so of course the others wanted to celebrate Purple’s in kind. Purple should have known better than to have told them his birthday was coming. He should have expected it when they invited him to their desktop that day without warning and surprised them with a large cake.
“Happy birthday!” 
Purple eyed the cake, staring at the numbered candles that read “18” on it.
That can’t be real, can it?
“Eighteen, eh?” Green walked up and playfully nudged Purple’s shoulder, oblivious to how still Purple was. “What’s it feel like to be a certified old person?”
It was meant to be a joke, so Green couldn’t know how much it hurt Purple to hear. 
Old. Somehow time slipped past him, and Purple was now officially an adult. And yet he didn’t feel like he was. It didn’t register that he was older now, aging. He would have been a senior by now, a couple months from graduating. He could picture it clearly: wearing the cap, the gown, his mother staring at him with pride…
But no. He was here, a high school dropout, spending his life in a game made for children instead of going to college or finding a job. His mother was gone, and she would never get the chance to see her son become an adult.
She died young, he realized, as he watched the cake with its light pink frosting drip. But she died old.
Would the same fate happen to him?
“Purple? Purple, what's the matter?”
Purple couldn’t hear Blue’s concerned voice over the sudden, gross sobbing that seized him. Purple hid his shame in his hands, trying to push the tears back, but the sobbing wouldn’t stop.
“Hey, was it the joke?”Green asked, shocked, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
He trailed off, unsure as to what had set him off. None of them saw Purple reduce to such tears in the year knowing him. Purple wouldn’t have allowed it before.
“Please, no,” Purple tried to speak through the blubbering, “I’m not ready – I don’t want this. Please.”
Arms wrapped around him, and Purple felt himself being ushered off the desktop and sat down somewhere else. Purple gulped air down, wiping away the streaks as he heard the others trying to calm him down. He noticed that they brought him to their webpage, sitting around the card table. Yellow and Green were beside him while Red and Blue looked across anxiously.
When the sniffling died down did Yellow ask, “What was that all about?”
“Really, Yellow?” Blue frowned at Yellow.
“What? I have no idea what happened!” Yellow said. “I’m sorry Purple, but that was… kinda scary. Did we do something?”
“Is it something about your birthday?” Red asked.
Purple shut his eyes and willed himself to breathe slowly and evenly. Thankfully, they stopped asking their questions as he tried to calm down. 
I never did explain to them about my mother, Purple thought. Despite knowing each other for a year at this point, he found that there was never a good time to explain all of his mess. Of his loss, or why certain days he wanted no contact from them. It was daunting, frightening to even tell them of it.
But when he opened his eyes again he saw the faces of his concerned friends who only wanted to celebrate with him.
They told me their issues, he supposed.
“There’s something I didn’t tell you all…” Purple confessed quietly. “What happened before we met…”
“This is where you buried her?”
Purple could only shrug at Green’s question. “There was no body to bury.”
It was a week after his birthday. A week after he shared about his mother’s death, his father’s abandonment, and his reasons for hating his birthday. When Purple admitted that he had not visited her grave since her death, it was Blue’s recommendation for him to go. She emphasized that he didn’t have to or could go alone if he wanted, but he insisted they visit.
Purple forgot that seasons passed for the city, and it was winter. Here they all were, standing in the chill with little in the way of protection. The tombstones were covered in thick piles of snow. The Minecraft daisy they placed before her grave blended in with the ground. 
“It’s strange,” Purple said after a moment of silence, ���some days I don’t feel much of anything, I hardly think of her. Other days it hits me like a train, and it hurts so much.”
Yellow let out a small hum in acknowledgement, but otherwise was silent. He, Blue, and Green stared at her grave in silence, while Red was looking around the cemetery, eyes darting from grave to grave.
“You alright, Red?” Purple asked.
“Huh? No, I’m fine,” she said in a rush, made awkward by Purple’s question. “It’s just…” she looked up at the sky, straining to think. “…a lot of graves here.”
“We are in a cemetery, Red,” Green said with bitter sarcasm.
“I know. It’s just… a lot of dead rest here,” Red said, quietly, “it’s been weighing on my mind, I guess.”
Guess she’s just uncomfortable and bored, Purple thought. He empathized with that feeling. He was dreading coming back to the cemetery the whole travel time, fearing that he’d repeat his gross sobbing again. But he didn’t; no tears were shed.
Despite how morose he felt standing before her grave, he felt also at ease with his friends by his side.
“So,” Purple announced, clapping his hands and startling them. “I don’t think you guys really got to see the sights around here. How about you follow me?”
Purple didn’t have any cash on hand, so he couldn’t treat them to lunch. But there was a park nearby with a track and field. He figured they would like physical activity even if it was cold.
“It's so lovely out here!” Blue said, taking in the pristine landscape.
“Look! A squirrel!” Red pointed up at the trees.
“I don’t see anything,” Yellow said, trying to peer up through the bare branches. “Are you sure a squirrel would be up during winter, Red?”
Purple and Green stood off to the side, Green chuckling. “I’m not surprised that Red and Blue adore the place.”
“I used to come here a lot when I was a little kid,” Purple said.
“As little as them?” Green asked, pointing out to the field. Children were running around, screaming, throwing snowballs, and making snowpeople. “Wow, they are very small…”
Right, you never really had a childhood like I did, Purple reminded himself. It made him realize that his mother and father were the same as Green; they also never had a childhood the way Purple and his high school peers did.
“You know, you should be grateful you skipped that stage,” Purple said, “I have so many embarrassing memories, let me tell you.”
He waited for Green to say something in response, but when none came, he turned to look. Green had come to a standstill, looking at a nearby park bench with eyes stretched wide in surprise. Purple turned back to try and look for what was happening but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. There were kids running about, parents eating at a park bench, an orange teen playing swords with their younger brother…
Wait, Purple paused upon seeing the teen. The distinctive hollow head was something Purple only saw once, but couldn’t forget. They were talking with his old high school friends about him...
“Be grateful you never met him. He’d be horrible to you too.”
And Green was staring at them with the biggest grin on his face.
“Guys! Come quickly!” Green called Red, Blue, and Yellow over, waving, “It’s Orange!”
“Orange?” Blue exclaimed as they ran over. She rubbed her eyes like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, “It is! They were here this whole time?”
“What are we waiting for?” Red said, taking off after them. “Come on!”
Green, Blue, and Yellow quickly raced after Red, leaving Purple in the dust.
“Ah! Wait!” Purple chased after them. A little too late, as the group already went skidding up to Orange. The golden child they were playing with, surprised by five random stick figures coming up to them, rushed to Orange's side, hiding partially behind their back.
And Orange shared the same look Green had earlier, shock turned to a disbelieving joy.
“Green? Red?” they said, “Blue and Yellow too? I thought you were-”
“Yes!” Green laughed. “We’re here! And we’re okay, see?”
“Oh my goodness!” Orange jumped up to hug Green, “I thought you were dead!”
“We got better!” Yellow said, joining in the hug. “I thought we would never see you again!” Red and Blue joined as well, creating a rainbow group hug.
You only knew them for a day and haven’t seen them in years! Purple balked at the sight of his friends hugging a stranger. He stood off to the side, staring and then looking at the child who looked just as bewildered and confused as he felt. 
This kid feels familiar too, but I can’t place where I saw him?
The child regarded Purple with similar recognition, his eyes squinting in judgment. Recovered from the shock, they charged into Orange’s friends, trying to shove and push them off of the hollow head.
“Get away from Second!” He shouted, smacking Red with his shoulder.
“Hmm?” Given that the child was half Red’s size and bulk, she broke from the group and looked down with curiosity. “Who’s this?”
The others broke the hug and turned their attention to Gold. Upon seeing muscular teens and his pitiful efforts to push them off, the kid shrank back a couple steps.
“Come on, Gold, don’t be rude!” Orange said, rubbing the kid’s shoulder, “Guys, this is my little brother, Gold.”
“Aww, a little brother?” Blue cooed.
“Hey! Same color as me!” Yellow said, holding his hand out for a high five.
Gold eyed their hand nervously. “I’m darker,” Gold corrected, crossing his arms.
“Only a bit,” Yellow said, holding his thumb and index finger an inch apart.
“How did you get a little brother? What have you been up to this whole time?” Green asked. “We tried looking for you…”
“You have?” Orange said, placing a hand on their cheek, “this whole time? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
Green exchanged a concerned look with Yellow and Blue as though that was a strange statement. Only Red didn’t seem bothered.
“Oh, come off it,” Red waved her hand, “you couldn’t help it! We should just be glad to meet again despite it all!”
Orange beamed at Red. “Yeah! You have to tell me what you’ve been up to?” They said, their eyes turning to Purple, “Like, who’s this?”
The suddenness of being acknowledged caused Purple to flinch slightly. Their curious stare made Purple feel like he shouldn’t be there at all.
“This is our friend, Purple,” Green said, “We met him through Minecraft!”
There, it was - only for a second, but Purple could see the moment Orange registered the name. The smile dimmed, eyebrows lowered before returning to normal.
Were they wondering if I’m that Purple their other friends talked about? He thought, feeling his palms sweat. The horrible high school dropout?
If they did, they didn’t comment. Instead they turned back to Green to continue the conversation. “Minecraft?” 
“It’s a video game!” Green said, “Ah, man, we got so much to tell you.”
“Same here!” Orange said, “It’s time for lunch anyways, and I have money saved up.” They looked down at Gold. “How about you, feeling up for some hot chocolate and pastries?”
Gold looked up at Orange like it was a bad idea before nodding anyways. 
“Awesome! I’m starved!” Red said, pumping her arms up.
And I feel sick, Purple thought.
That fateful meeting changed everything. Now that the gang was reunited with their old friend, they were desperate to reconnect. Purple and Gold felt like accessories, watching as the five conversed with each other.
Only, Gold joined in to ask his curious questions more often, slowly warming up to the new stick figures. After the conversation was over and it was time for them to head home, Gold had taken a strong liking to them.
Purple couldn’t say the same. Orange spoke of school and their after-school curriculars. They were positively thriving: a Straight-A student, getting an A+ in an honors math class no less, becoming their soccer team’s team captain… Oh, and on top of being brilliant in sports and academics, they were a prolific artist. They even pulled out a stunning piece of art from their pocket to show them.
Oh, how Purple hated them. 
He thought he couldn’t hate anyone more than he hated his father, but no, that didn’t hold a candle to the burning disgust he had for this stupid and apparently perfect stick figure! Didn't help that the others loved them to bits. Even after heading back to the desktop, with promises to meet up again, they talked about Orange the whole way back. Purple tried to tune them out, but it was impossible, because he couldn’t stop thinking of them either.
No one can be that great, Purple thought, stomach churning.
“Hey, Purple?” Blue said, “You’ve been quiet for a long time. Are you feeling alright?”
Purple turned his head, his face turning to stone less he expressed how he really felt. Blue was quicker to detect something was wrong, but her concern made Purple rankle.
Oh, I’m sorry, am I bringing down the mood after meeting your better friend? He thought. 
“I think the hot chocolate didn’t sit well with me,” Purple said instead. 
“Need some milk then?” Red asked.
Purple shook his head. “I think I’ll retire for tonight.”
Yellow frowned and looked down at the desktop clock. “It’s only 6-”
“Good night! See you tomorrow!” Purple shouted before booking it out of there. He raced towards his room and closed his door with a slam loud enough to spook nearby villagers. But he couldn’t rest, even when night did fall. Nothing he did could settle the newfound distress in his chest.
It only got worse as the months rolled on and winter melted away into spring. The gang started making plans to visit Orange more often. They wanted to hang at the arcade, the parks, the mall, Orange’s soccer matches and art competitions. They wanted to play with their little brother, Gold. Purple was invited to tag along, but it felt like a formality, as Purple hardly felt included in their conversations when he joined.
Some days, they played Minecraft like normal, adventuring like usual. But there was always that shadow of Orange. So many mentions of “Orange would love this game!” or “Can’t wait to tell Orange!”
Purple struggled to find anything really wrong with Orange personality wise. And believe him, he scoured for any dirt. They were polite, if cautious. They were an attentive listener to the gang’s wild stories. They cared for Gold and their mysterious father figure, Mango Tango. It seemed like the small family were openly proud of Orange’s accomplishments, given the times Gold bragged about Orange.
The gang were unabashedly proud of Orange too, so happy when they met up.
He couldn’t help but wonder, had Orange not run away, would they even be friends with Purple? Was he just a pathetic replacement to tide them over until they found Orange again?
I hate this. Purple thought with resentment. Why am I not good enough for anyone?
At some point, Purple had enough and tried avoiding Orange whenever he could. He declined outings, blaming Alana or some villager for his “full” schedule. Eventually the others could tell he was full of baloney, but they did not try to challenge him on it.
Time played in reverse. At first, they tried to be consistent with their meetups, then they started missing those. Eventually they hung out occasionally every two weeks, then once every month. And the times they did meet up felt stilted, awkward. The games they played weren’t as fun as they were before.
It all came to a head on Gold’s birthday.
The gang wanted to get a present for Gold and invited Purple, out of formality. Much to their surprise, Purple took the invitation instead of declining. Purple wasn’t exactly sure why; he hated Orange and found Gold annoying. But he missed the gang.
How did it get to this point? Why can’t we go back to before you found Orange again?  He wanted to ask, but he kept those words deep in his heart.
Orange met up with them at the mall, greeting them with hugs. 
“Oh, Purple, you’re here too!” they said, standing awkwardly before Purple.
“Yep,” he grumbled, giving them a half-hearted wave.
Just like that, a stilted awkwardness hung over the group. They walked around, looking for a good store and discussing what gifts Gold would like. Usually, Orange lead at the front in these endeavors, but this time they hung in the back, walking beside Purple.
“Sooo, it’s been awhile since I last saw you,” Orange said after some point of silence, “How’ve you been?”
Stop pretending like you care, Purple scowled, only bothering to shrug in response. I’m not your friend.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Orange continued, not discouraged by Purple’s coldness, “Do you know someone named Chestnut? Or Periwinkle?”
Purple squinted at Orange. “I might, I might not,” he said, “Why do you ask?”
“Because they might have mentioned you,” Orange said, “that you used to go to our school, but you stopped coming two years ago…”
“Oh, really? Did they tell you because they were worried about me?” Purple asked, “or did they just want to spread some juicy gossip about me?”
To that, Orange looked elsewhere.
“You could clear it up,” Orange said, “they didn’t say many kind things about you, but my friends–” they looked to Red and Yellow arguing with Green and Blue about some tangential thing, “– really like you. And they’re worried about you too. They’ve mentioned you’ve been kind of distant lately.”
“Oh! Oh, really? Because that’s news to me,” Purple snapped. It stung. If they were concerned, why did they not tell Purple? Why tell Orange instead?
No, Purple doubted they said anything. Orange had to be asking for an alternative reason.
 “So you’re trying to see if it’s my fault?” Purple growled, pointing a finger at them.
Orange waved their hands in a panic. “No! No! I’m not-”
“Then why bring it up?” Purple continued. “Right after mentioning my former friends? Oh no, your friends wouldn’t do anything wrong or have the wrong idea. It has to be Purple’s fault! He’s up to his old manipulative ways again! Well, I’m not the one who goes to Alan’s to see if they want to hang out, and finds they’ve bailed on me to go see you! If anything, it’s your fault!”
Orange’s eyes stretched and narrowed. “My fault? It’s not at all my fault they wanted to hang out with me,” Orange challenged. “Besides, they say that you decide to pass when meeting here. They’re allowed to have other friends, Purple!” 
“If they didn’t run into you, everything would be as usual,” Purple yelled, “We would be hanging out and going on adventures! Instead, we’re going shopping for your dumb brother.”
“Don’t you dare call Gold dumb.” Orange yelled back, and it was the first time Purple saw a murderous anger burn in their eyes. They jabbed a finger in his chest and it hurt. “You apologize right now- ”
“Or what? You’ll hit me?” Purple pushed their hands back, “That would make you look real bad, huh? You’d look like a temperamental jerk if you did. What have you been telling them about me? Have you been calling me an umbrella thief? Or an absolute flake? Have you been trying to turn them against me?”
“Shut up!” Orange was shaking with rage. They raised their fists. “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?” Purple repeated.
“Stop it!” Green came in between them before either could say or make another move. “Stop it, both of you!”
Red and Yellow had rushed to Orange’s side to pull them back while Blue grasped at Purple’s shoulders. Both stick figures pushed the offending hands off of them.
Green was looking between them in bewilderment. “What is going on?”
“Nothing,” Orange said, crossing their arms, “Purple’s being a real jackass.”
“Ha! I could say the same about you!” Purple laughed, “You were about to hit me!” 
“Purple,” Green warned, “this isn't like you. Why are you starting fights?”
“Why are you accusing me?” Purple yelled, “You’re taking their side!”
“We’re not,” Blue said, moving beside Green, “but Purple, you’ve been acting really different for a long time.”
“Becoming very bitter,” Yellow added. “You hardly want to hang with us.”
“I hardly want to hang out with you? Me?” Purple snapped. “Maybe I don’t want all my hangouts to be with a loser like them!” He pointed at Orange, and Red had to pull Orange back again. “You guys hang off them as if they can walk on water!”
They all had the gall to be stunned by Purple’s statement. Were they that oblivious to how Purple felt the entire time?
“Purple, we thought we’d never see them again,” Green said, “They thought we were dead for years! What’s wrong with wanting to spend time with them after all the time we lost?”
“I never said you couldn’t,” Purple growled, “but it’s funny how you knew me for longer, and you chose to hang out with them! Every time! Right after I showed you–” He stopped, recalling Orange was there and observing.
Like he’d ever share his past to them.
“Why didn’t you say anything to us?” Red asked.
“I thought it was obvious!”
“We’re not mind readers!” Green snapped, pointing a finger at Purple, “You always do that! You sulk and get mad at us without ever telling us jack! I thought we were over this?”
“Why didn’t you ask?” Purple asked. “You noticed I was being different, and you never thought to ask?”
“You… make it hard to ask…” Blue said, rubbing her arm.
“Right, of course, it's all my fault again!” Purple growled, turning away. As he did, he saw the crowd of shoppers around them, having paused to watch the argument unfold. Given their judging stares, no doubt they saw Purple as the one in the wrong again.
“Purple! We’re not accusing you! We just asked you to tell us,” Green said. He placed his hand on Purple’s arm. “We’re friends. You should feel comfortable telling us how you really feel!”
“Are we really?” Purple asked, yanking his arm back. He glared at all of them, hating how they stood beside Orange. “Are we really friends if you keep blowing me off for someone else?”
Green looked helplessly at him. “Purple…”
But he added nothing more, and Purple turned away.
“Guess that answers it,” Purple said, “I guess this is it, then. I’m leaving. Don’t you dare follow me!”
Purple ran and didn’t dare look back. Despite what he said, part of him hoped that one of them would run after him, to stop him.
They didn’t.
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seniaasaysstuff · 2 years ago
hii i was wondering if you do requests, ill leave here this request and if you dont do them or dont like this feel free to ignore this!<3
its sukuna (or characters of your choice) x fem! reader where she gave birth to a baby but sadly it died so she fell into depression and sukuna is worried but tries not to show it much
thank you even for reading this, take care!<3
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️- miscarriage.
Hi anon! This is actually my first request haha. Thank you for the request! I tried to write a happy kind of ending?
Um I hope you like it :D Have a great day<33
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SADNESS ; ryomen sukuna.
Sukuna may be considered as someone that didn’t have feelings, a monster, an unnatural freak but he loved you.
The first time he ever laid his eyes on you, sukuna knew you were the one for him.
Even though you were a sickly person, you diligently took care of sukuna when he was wounded. You tried your best to protect him from the villagers. You even went as far as taking a hit that was meant for him.
One day sukuna asked you to leave with him.
You accepted, you didn’t have anyone in the world other than him.
You knew about sukuna being a powerful sorcerer but you always worried about his safety.
Soon sukuna built an estate just for you.
He took great care of you. You never had to worry about a thing. He treated you like a queen.
He courted you and married you like a respectful gentleman.
Everyone in the estate respected you, some even feared you as they believed that you were the only one that could control sukuna.
The estate maids adored you, you treated them so kindly, always greeting them. To them even though you were a sickly person, you always were bubbly, so friendly.They always felt delighted when they saw sukuna sama treat you with devotion because in their eyes you deserved the best.
After a year of your marriage, you felt lonely.
When you noticed the estate maids with their children it made you cry.
You knew you would have great difficulty having kids but you wanted to try having a baby with sukuna. You always envisioned having a child that looked just like sukuna, your husband.
Sukuna vehemently refused as he was worried about your safety. But after your incessant pleas he gave in. He couldn’t handle you and your puppy dog eyes begging him for a baby every day and it worked.
You were finally pregnant. Sukuna got the most sought out doctors for you.
The pregnancy took a toll on you. It was taxing both for your physical and mental health. The morning sickness made you unable to stomach anything and it made you look even more sickly.
While you were walking around one day you felt cramps. They were alarming and it felt like you were dying. You felt something warm trickle down your leg. It felt like blood. You looked down and cried out. You were bleeding.
After hearing you scream, the maids came down rushing. They yelled for the doctor as they ushered you into the room. Sukuna dropped everything as he heard you cry out and ran towards your room.
Pain, all you could feel was pain when the doctor sadly informed you that you had miscarried. You wailed for your lost child.
You never really recovered from your miscarriage. You stopped leaving your room, always sitting in your room looking out of the window sadly. You lost your appetite neither did you have the energy to do anything.
You never really knew it but sukuna cried.
He was so worried for you. He didn’t care for the baby, sure it hurt but you were the only thing that mattered to him.
He did his best to cheer you up. He did not know what to do to make you feel better. He didn’t wish for you to grow distant and fall into depression. So he took you on walks, tried getting you gifts like jewelry, he attempted to make jokes to make you laugh but it didn’t work. Nothing worked.
He was growing even more frightened for you.
If you went on like this you could die and he didn’t want that.
One day sukuna dropped on his knees in front of you. “My love,” he rasped.
“Please let me take care of you. I vow to you that I would do everything in my power to help you. Don’t ignore me please my darling. Kill me if you wish but talk to me. I can’t handle you not talking to me.” His voice cracked. Tears were threatening to fall.
“It was not your fault. Believe me, it wasn’t, curse me all you want but please don’t do this. I can’t do this anymore- seeing you trying to kill yourself.” He let out a tired sigh.
You let out a sob. “I don’t know what to do kuna. I lost our baby.” Sukuna lifted and placed you in his lap. You clutched his kimono and wept against his chest.
“You didn’t lose our baby sweetheart. None of it was your fault. We can always try for another or adopt if you want hm?” He tried to soothe you.
“But-” You trembled. He placed a finger against your lips.
“My love, it's okay.” He assured you.
“It’s okay to miss the baby. But don’t beat yourself up over it.” He murmured.
A few months later you had settled down a bit. You at times felt empty. You didn’t have anything to fill up the void. Sure sukuna tried his best to keep you happy but it wasn’t enough.
“You know what? You wanted a baby to look like me right?” Sukuna barged inside your shared room with his hands behind his back. You were confused. You didn’t know what was going on nor Why he was bringing up babies?
“Here meet Yuji and Mizuho.” He handed you two infants.
“What is the meaning of this?” You shrieked.
“Did you steal someone’s kids?” You shouted. “Look at the children.” He whispered. You looked down and noticed they looked oddly similar to sukuna.
You glanced at him in bewilderment. “I made them with my cursed energy. I knew you wanted children but I couldn’t put you through hell again.” He proudly spoke.
“I know you were planning to name our child Yuji if it was a boy and Mizuho if it was a girl.” He added. Tears were brimming in your eyes. “You did all of this for me?” You stuttered.
“I love you. This was nothing. I’m willing to do anything for you.” He hoarsely spoke. “I know it will not make you forget about the baby nor will it fill the empty void. But I want you to be happy.”
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vinylfoxbooks · 8 months ago
July 6 - Limb | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 1139 Part 3 of Medium James AU Previous Part | First Part
“I hate the ghosts in the Slytherin common room.” James hums, watching as the door to the Slytherin dungeon shuts behind Regulus. It’s not often that they go down there to pick Regulus up for one reason or another, but everytime they do, they get a peek into the common room -- dark, dreary, and absolutely haunted -- but this is the first time that they’re mentioning it to Regulus.
“Ghosts, plural? How many are there?”
James shrugs, “Dunno. I’ve seen three or four different ones but they all creep me out.”
“For any specific reason?” 
“They’re… I hate using ‘creepy’ for things like this but, they’re creepy. The way they move and look at people is off putting. One of them also has their limbs bent at wrong angles.”
Regulus balks at that, “What?”
“I don’t know what happened to them, and being honest, I don’t really want to find out.” James hums, guiding them down one of the hallways that leads towards the kitchen, “One of their feet looks like it's one backwards, there’s a bone sticking out of their elbow, and their other leg looks like it's hyperextended. It’s actually really disturbing.”
“Oh Merlin.” Regulus grimaces, “Do you see them everytime?”
“It’s like they’ve decided that their job is to guard the entrance to the dungeon. They stand by the door and glare at me whenever I look in. Or whenever I’m talking to your friends outside it. They’ve never left the common room either, so I think they just like it there.”
“I don’t like it.” James shakes their head, “Something that my mum was always insistent on was that I don’t… discriminate, I guess, against ghosts by judging their appearance but I’m just put on edge when I see something like that, especially when they glare at me all the time.”
“I don’t blame you.” Regulus hums, “Where are we going?”
“To the kitchens, I want snacks and Remus asked that I grab him some chocolate puff pastries since I was coming down here anyway.”
“You can get things like that from the kitchens?”
James shrugs, “If you ask nicely. A lot of the house elves in the kitchen actually love cooking and offering us treats when you treat them right. They also let me cook sometimes when I’m missing home.” Regulus hums but doesn’t say anything else. James gets them into the kitchen by whispering something to one of the unassuming portraits in the hallway. They head inside and are greeted by one of the house elves. 
“Hello Coopey.” James smiles.
“What can Coopey get for Master Potter?”
“Do you have any welsh cakes that I can have?”
Coopey seemingly takes a moment to think before he shakes his head, “Coopey doesn’t but he will make some for Master.”
“If it’s not trouble.”
“Never! Anything else for Master Potter?”
“Remus was wanting some chocolate puffs, if you don’t mind.” Then they turn to Regulus, “Did you want something?”
Regulus shakes his head, “I’ll just have some of your welsh cakes.” 
James nods then looks back at Coopey, “That’s all, thank you.” Then the house elf is bounding off further into the kitchens, and they sit down on some stools by the entrance.
“Thank you.” Regulus murmurs.
“Hm? For what?” James tilts their head.
“Being nice to the house elves. They’re so often mistreated, it’s nice to see someone actually care about them and treat them right.”
“Of course, I mean… they deserve to be treated kindly, especially since they’re doing things for us in our everyday lives.” “Do you have house elves at home?”
“No, my mum grew up in a muggle household and loves taking care of the house herself. We keep our house and make food the muggle way because we like it.”
“I’m sure that was weird for Sirius.”
James snorts, “He’s still not allowed in our kitchen from when he almost burned it down the first time he tried to make himself food.” 
“I’d expect nothing less from him.” Regulus shakes his head, smiling at the thought of his brother, “He was always dependent on our house elf, though he didn’t treat him very well.”
“Kreacher, right?” James asks, shocking Regulus.
“Yeah… how did you know that?”
James hums, looking off into where Coopey had disappeared, “Sirius has mentioned him a couple times, never talked about him fondly but he’s said his name a couple times, and that you always really liked him.”
Regulus nods, “He was one of the only people that I could confide in when it came to the house, even more so when Sirius started distancing himself from me, he was the only one that was kind to me. That’s… it’s part of the reason that I haven’t taken you up on your offer to leave. I don’t want to leave Kreacher alone in that house.”
“I see.” James hums, opening their mouth to say more, but they don’t get the chance to before Coopey is showing back up with a basket in his hands.
“Here, Master Potter.” The house elf says, offering the basket to James, who takes it gratefully.
“Thank you so much, Coopey, these smell amazing.”
“Of course! Now shoo, shoo!” He scolds, starting to push the two of them out of the kitchens.
James laughs, “Alright, we’re going. Have a good night, Coopey.” And with that, James is guiding Regulus out of the kitchens. The painting slams shut behind them and James jerks their chin, “They don’t like us staying in their space longer than we need to.”
“Most house elves don’t. They like their room to do their work, or so Kreacher has told me.”
“To be fair, my mum also shoves people out of the kitchen when she’s cooking and we’re just standing around,” James laughs, opening the door to the empty classroom that they’ve started to use, “You’d like her a lot. I think she’d like you, too.” Regulus swallows, not wanting to let on how much their words get to him. Nervous as he might be about meeting the Potters, some of the stories that both Sirius and James have told him have almost created a sense of yearning. 
“Maybe I’ll try to come over for Christmas break.”
“That’d be great.” James smiles, and Regulus swears that it genuinely lights up the entire room, “We’d love to have you.” 
“I’ll…” Regulus clears his throat, having to look away from James, blindly reaching for one of the welsh cakes that James has in the basket Coopey gave them, “I’ll try to convince them to let me stay at the castle over winter hols, then I can go with you and Sirius.” 
“I’d love that.” Regulus absolutely prays to whoever is listening that James isn’t able to see the way his cheeks have tinged with what is likely bright red.
Next part
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lowkeyren · 2 months ago
happy new years lovelies!!
it's hard to believe ive only been "lowkeyren" for a little over 7 months, it feels so much longer because of how much kindness and support i was met with throughout my journey here.
you've all treated lowkeyren so kindly, and i want to say thank you —from the bottom of my heart. thank you for supporting me, for reading my works, and for finding something meaningful in them. writing has always been a personal indulgence of mine, but sharing it with all of you has made it mean so much more to me.
and to my beloved moots, my fellow hvnters, thank you for believing in me, even on the days i didn’t fully believe in myself. you've made these months unforgettable, and im grateful to have crossed paths with each of you.
thank you for being a part of this journey and for allowing lowkeyren to find a home here on tumblr. wishing you all love, happiness, and a brighter 2025 to come <3
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ryuichirou · 2 months ago
EEEEEE I love Idia’s bday groovy so much!!! Happy birthday to him!! But on that note, who do you think would treat him and ‘treat’ him (wink wink) the best out of your ships for him? Any notable presents or experiences?
Now that it’s been like two weeks since Idia’s birthday, and Lilia’s birthday is almost here, it’s time for me to write this reply! Sorry for being late as always… And thank you for this question! Idia’s bday groovy is wonderful, even after staring at it for this entire time I am not over it. It’s so good…
Anyways! I think everyone treated him well, wink wink~ But in all honestly, this ended up being a much more wholesome reply that I expected it to be, even though I’m ending it on a spicier note lol
Azul’s go-to is to get Idia some game, but it’s not too unique of a present, is it? Not to mention, Idia buys all the games he wants for himself anyway, so it’s difficult to pick something new for him. So I think Azul is going to end up giving him a gift of “we can play whatever you want today”, which would result in Idia setting up all the games Azul refused to play anymore… he can’t say no now… he’ll break the fucking table because of his poor luck, and Idia will laugh….truly, an amazing gift. Azul doesn’t understand why Idia is so excited to see him seething and malding.
Floyd is going to bring him a bunch of clothes! Did he go out and buy it specifically for Idia or did he just find something that he bought and forgot about? Anyways, somehow all of it suits Idia so nicely: a hoodie, a bunch of oversized tshirts, knee-long shorts, a bag, a hat and of course a pair of sneakers… Idia feels weird wearing it, but Floyd wouldn’t leave until Idia tried all of it on. I guess it doesn’t look that bad… huh…
Jade is going to bring Idia some homemade treats, and he’ll say that this is a thank you for that time when Idia gifted him a chocolate bar for his birthday… you know, when Jade saw him near the wending machine and basically bullied him into giving him candy? Yes, that one. Jade remembers <3 This is why he kindly made delicious stuff for Idia in return! It didn’t even taste weird, but… it was kind of salty, Idia expected it to be sweet…
Lilia could actually gift him a sleepover party~ for the two of them, of course. He’ll bring a lot of snacks, energy drinks and a huge pile of homemade…whatever that was (Idia couldn’t even look at it, maybe it was supposed to be a birthday cake), and they’ll spend the entire time playing all kinds of games. But they won’t just play throughout the entire night, of course Lilia will start kissing the birthday boy at some point… Idia will be tired and sore the next day…
You know what Ortho is going to get him? You know you know? >:3 He is going to bring him to an escape room! With a bunch of friends! Since I’m biased, it’s going to be Azul + the Tweels! They’ll go through several quests, and Idia would have to team up with each and every single one of them at some point! Ortho planned EVERYTHING, he is actually the quest master, but that’s a big se-cret~.
But worry not, because after Idia survives this whole ordeal, Ortho will gift him a chance to stay in his room without interacting with anyone for a whole week. He deserved it.
… in all honesty, I think all of them should gift Idia a good ol’ orgy, and cosplay characters from different games for him while doing it. Make his brains melt, make him believe like he is in some kind of messed up dating simulator. Jade, bring the mushrooms, make this hallucination more believable..!!
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maidmyth · 2 months ago
happy new years! ♥ sappy lil letter under the cut ...
thank you all for being with me (& remilia!) for another year. this year has had its ups & downs, & i will admit now that there were a few times i felt like quitting tumblr due to insecurities / anxieties / etc. i also went through a very bad period of mental health where i felt like there was little hope. but i got better, i got help, i found my hope again. you all mean so much to me, your support & your very presences being some of the reasons that i chose to stay here on tumblr, to keep me going, & i am forever grateful to have you all here existing at the same time as me. truly. thank you for reminding me that i do have a place on here, that i do have a place in people’s lives. thank you for continuing to accept remilia & loving her just as much as i love her. you all make me so happy; you all make me feel listened to & loved. that is something i cannot thank you enough for. even through my mood drops & sad times, you all remained. through my celebrations & joys, you all were here. your love & support mean a whole whole lot to me, as sappy as that sounds. if i could give you all the world, or at least some of its happiness, i would do so in a heartbeat. but i can really only give you my love & my support, & i hope that is enough. thank you for being here with me & remilia another year. you all have watched her grow, watched her develop — i hope the pride i feel is shared with you, just as i share the pride from watching your muses grow. not only that, but you have watched me grow & develop & learn to be more confident in myself. thank you for allowing me a safe place to feel supported, listened to, & cared for... i hope i made you all feel the same at least once or twice. thank you all for being not just my mutuals, but some of the closest & bestest (that's a word now) friends i've had the pleasure of meeting / keeping.  please stay by my side for another year (& many years after if that’s okay!) just as i will stay by your side for as long as you want me. ❤️ besides all that: i am truly hoping that 2025 treats us all softly, kindly, & gently. i hope there's nothing but good things & good times ahead. so so much love always, your lis <3
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geutori · 2 months ago
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ GEUTORI’S ⠀ 2025 ⠀ GREETINGS⠀ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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⠀ hello geusies!! (do you guys like the name? :3) i write this with 20 minutes left until the new year, just to get into the spirit of things! this year has had its ups and downs, but being on blr and meeting so many magnificent people has truly made me the happiest i’ve ever been!
⠀ from new blogs to new friends, i couldn’t ask for a greater experience than this one. i don’t know what to say, unable to comprehend how loved i’ve felt on here. from my works on @kissofhoon, to my works on this new blog, i want to thank everyone — my moots and everyone that has enjoyed my works — from the bottom of my heart, for giving me undying love and support. i am forever grateful for everyone’s kind words and feedback. you guys are what keep me driven and motivated, even if i do lose my motivation from time to time.
⠀ i love each and every one of you, even if i don’t outright say it or show it. it’s a bit difficult for me to do so, and also i shy on telling everyone that, but i hope everyone knows how much they mean to me! because you all truly mean the world to me, even if we’ve spoken once or twice. our interactions will always be in my heart.
⠀ to my moots; thank you so much for being my moot? like wow ygs rlly chose lil ol’ me? ☝️🤓 you all are amazing people, such marvelous souls, and i hope 2025 treats you as kindly and lovingly as you’ve all treated me! i love you all sosososososo sooooooo much! i hope we can grow closer throughout the new year <3
⠀ ⠀ @hollyoongs @dollyyun @cupidhoons @ourhees @okwonyo @flwrstqr @junislqve @pshbites @tzyunaes @icyy-hoon @spidermandni
19 notes · View notes
unhinged-summer-fun · 3 months ago
the foolish heart's guide to not repeating history - chapter 3
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Pairing: Dream of the Endless "Morpheus" x F!Reader
A/N: happy turkeys everyone, sorry I haven’t updated common grounds I am also eager for me to write it
series masterlist
chapter 3: elsewhere, elsewhen
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Around 1000 B.C.E.
“Well, aren’t you a treat?”
The dripping red interior of the Heart of Desire is as slippery as it looks. You have to truly search for your footing before you find it, and even then, your center of gravity seems infested with butterflies. “It’s nice to meet you, Desire.”
Their golden eyes turn icy. Desire is caught off guard by your familiarity and assertion that this meeting can be summed up as nice. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one of you.” Curiosity can be an element of Desire—wanting to know more and see more. After all, they’re one of the more inquisitive siblings of the Endless, always sticking their nose in their siblings’ businesses.
“No, you haven’t.”
Their bright red lips turn down into a sneer when you don’t elaborate. They sweep closer to you in a sensual burst of summer peaches. Like the white eyes of Destiny and the green eyes of Destruction, the golden eyes of Desire seem to see you in a way that strips you bare and still finds you concealed and mysterious. Wanting, in every sense of the word.
“You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.” They like to play games. More than that, they like to win. You have become a curious opponent to them, one they have not yet puzzled out a victory against. Even when besting an enemy becomes standard, Desire never offered something like mercy to them. 
They certainly never offered it to Dream.
It’s that thought that chills your once-cordial voice.
“You don’t know me. I am not from here. I am from somewhere much further from here than even you can fathom. I am of something much older than you can imagine. And I wish to talk with you.”
A tittering laugh bubbles from their throat, beautiful and melodic but shaken. “Then let’s talk.”
“I will keep this short. You are to stop this game you have started against Dream. You do not possess the hindsight of Destiny nor the foresight of Delirium, but I do. You may not like being told what to do, but I promise you that your days shall be numbered upon one hand should you continue this path, Desire. Tell me you understand this.” Your voice shakes the floor beneath you, like the pounding heart of a hunted deer.
“I understand,” they say instantly.
“You think you are protected by the promises made by the Fates, so long as you adhere to the rules. You are mistaken. In continuing this path, all blood spilled will fall upon your hands, and while my sisters can be kindly, I will not be; do not cross me.” You draw nearer to them through your promises, and your breath blows with the chill of the Wind Between Worlds. “I know your nature. You believe there is little you have to lose in doing this. You are mistaken. The scorpion goes down alongside the creature they kill. Do not make me an enemy, Desire of the Endless.”
Their beautiful face becomes drawn with badly concealed fear. It was very, very rare that a being could overpower an Endless, and even rarer did those beings give the equivalent of a shovel talk. Over several minutes of breathless, stunned silence, respect and curiosity eventually fade into their eyes.
“Thank you for the advice. I will take it.” They are not happy to admit it. Neither are you. But the word of an Endless is impossible to recant.
“Thank you.” You smile. It’s fanged. “For your promise, I will not leave this gift unrepayed. You may ask me one question, and I will give you one answer.”
The tension dissipates at the recognizable meter of the Fates—a boon has been offered. Much like the Endless, the word of the Fates, when recanted, would destroy all it touched. Desire knows they have momentarily taken the upper hand.
Desire considers you like a predator watching its prey, wolf-golden eyes warming into a primal kind of mischief—the kind that gleams the same as any trickster-god you’d ever met. Though logic dictates that their question would not harm you, you feel the shift in the air that speaks of sour intentions. 
You’re mistaken. The question does hurt.
“Do you really think he’ll love you?”
The Hum tells you every answer to their question instantly, and the overwhelming result is—
Desire looks shocked—like they weren’t expecting you to answer, let alone give that answer. But they asked what you think, not what you believed or hoped. You don’t owe them either. You nod your head in conclusion to the conversation and walk to their Gallery.
“But why are you—?” Their words cut off when they remember the terms set to ask questions of the Fates. Not wishing to incur another debt to you, they quickly change tactics. “Pursuing a cold heart like Dream’s when you don’t think he’ll love you back seems… foolish.”
“It would, to you,” you shrug. “I don’t pursue this thinking he’ll love me. Not this time. But I am alone in that opinion. Farewell, Desire.”
“See you around,” they say, and you fall away away away into the Sunless Lands.
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Gallery-to-gallery is the right move. It tickles you that Death has living quarters, and the family picture on the wall is touching, if a bit ridiculous. As if all of the Endless would sit that close for something like that.
The door slams open within moments of your arrival. Death herself charges in, bearing that thunderous expression that all seven siblings share. She rarely frowns, but the strange nature of… well, everything about your presence is troubling at best. However, you have the blessings of your sister-selves. For all your doubts about belonging, their approval fills you with loads of confidence.
“Hello,” you say, clasping your hands before you. She looks you over with an arcane kind of concentration, but she flinches back at whatever she sees.
Reminding yourself that these people are not your friends would be best. In another place, another time, she liked you. She trusted you. You were friends. You knew she liked the honesty and the simplicity of those who knew what they wanted. “I have not been here long. I have little to trade that you would want, and I am in no place to ask favors, but I would ask your patience to hear a story, and I would make a request.”
She peers into you, her brown-black eyes wise and keen. She tilts her head and doesn’t comment on the reason for your visit. There is no reason for her to doubt your intention, only your motivation. She must recognize the self-same energy that Desire had, for she does not ask a question of you outright. “I did not awaken you.”
You shake your head. “I am… I believe the best word is a prototype.” More like a scrapped concept.
“I’ll say,” she says, the ghost of a smile stretching her lips. It’s generally a good sign, humor. You’re only ever wary of it from Desire. “You feel like the Fates. Requesting something of me seems redundant. You’re exceptionally powerful in your own right.”
“I’m actually not. Think of me as a savage weapon whose blows never land.”
“So what is your story?” she asks, eyes gone serious. “Start from the end.”
The Hum senses the question in the air, and shows you darkness, sadness, heartbreak—all your own. But that is not the story you came to tell.
“Dream will die.”
In every universe, Death and Dream were all but twins. The connection they share, the deep family ties and affection—they have at least this in every universe. You see the same kind of pain in her eyes that you remember from the funeral.
You did not anticipate her asking for your point before you’d attempted to make it, so reordering the elements of your story takes a few moments with your eyes closed, settling the Hum once more.
“Dream will die, and you will collect him as you collected your sister. He will be killed by the Kindly Ones, but not until his kingdom has been shaken to the firmaments, countless innocent beings destroyed, and every scrap of happiness has been ripped from him repeatedly until he has no more choices than to accept it.
“I am not from here, no. I am from a place where all this happened before my eyes. It is similar enough to this place that the history there is doomed to repeat itself here. Mistakes were made in the place I come from. He made mistakes, everybody in his family made mistakes, starting as far back as his father. Each of us made stupid, prideful mistakes. I don’t intend for them to happen again. The Endless are accused of inability to change. But this is not true. They change too slowly to be noticed. And in his case, too slowly to save himself.” You plead with her to understand.
“Then that is his fate, terrible as it is!” Tears choke her voice. Perhaps she also smells the scent of death upon him. Perhaps her brother smelled the desolation in his bones long before you noticed it. By the time you had, it had been too late for him. “No matter your intentions, to recant the word of the Fates is impossible. This is his fate, disastrous as it is.”
“It does not have to be.” The rattling in the walls responds to the timbre of truth in your voice.
Her eyes cast about the room, watching the family portrait go still on the wall. She waits for the goldfish bowl to stop trembling before she turns to you again.
“Who are you?”
Hmmm—stars, void, chill—I suggested he create a sword—why should I stay on the path?—pristine sand behind you—a ceaseless—hmmm—friend—you truly do belong with him, don’t you—hmmm …
“I’m someone who wasn’t built to belong. But Dream made me feel like I did, for a while. And I owe it to him to… to make sure he’s still able to do that.”
Death considers your motivations.
“He doesn’t tolerate anyone’s meddling in his affairs, you know. Even from me. Even from… whatever you are.”
Ouch. You wince and cross your arms, fidgeting a little as you further course-correct. This wouldn’t be as easy as shaking down Desire. “It wouldn’t be as direct as that.”
She matches your posture, crossing her arms and giving you a look of disbelief. “He wouldn’t consider it that way if he ever found out.”
“I know that. Just… hear me out, please. I’m not trying to prevent you from… doing your job or anything, but… let me start over, and tell you the story I wanted to… before you asked to spoil the ending.”
A flash of macabre amusement crosses her face before she stifles it back down. “Why don’t you have a seat? Would you like a drink?”
This is so off course from what you thought this conversation would be that you accept. The Hum seems to have short-circuited at the hospitable not-questions Death had asked. Why don’t you have a seat? Indeed, why not? A drink between friends should always be accepted. Once the wine has been poured (red wine, very appropriate, very appreciated), she crosses one leg over another and leans back, waiting. Go on, then, the tilt of her head says.
You can’t look at her as you speak.
“Grief is powerful, you know? It’s… I know you’re not responsible for all of it. Actually, you’re not responsible for any of it. We are all accountable for our own grief. But also our anger, and disgust, and… and happiness, and peace. We are ultimately responsible for confronting it, grabbing hold of it, and letting it go before it does any harm.
“But going through it alone, doing the work alone, it’s impossible, for the big griefs, and angers… for the smaller ones as well. Mortals, gods, the Endless, and everybody in between—anybody who feels anything—are not exempt from that rule.
“Even the half-Endless son of a muse.”
Death goes still, tense with realizing who you’re talking about, and where your story starts. Death would come for everyone eventually, but occasionally, she would know about some well ahead of time. She has appointments to keep, after all.
And tomorrow is Orpheus’ wedding. You do not have time to waste.
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I believe she wouldn’t find it very funny to begin with a sing in me, muse, but it amuses me to think about. Right. Sorry. I don’t know for sure where differences in this universe and the next begin and end, but—I’ll make a few guesses to the similarities:
Dream has not grieved his lost loves; he has not mourned the deaths of the friends he insisted he was indifferent towards. He has not confronted his anger toward his father nor his loathing toward his mother and chooses to wait out the storm of his every emotion. He has traded his peace and happiness for the sake of responsibility to his function.
Really, for someone so obsessed with responsibility in the first place, his personal responsibilities have been neglected to the point of certain doom. He has not changed this part of himself for ten billion years.
Am I off the mark?
No, I thought not.
But Orpheus is young. Extremely young. He is a child. And as much as his father may wish it, Dream cannot wait out his son’s grief over what’s coming because what is coming will be disastrous in cosmic proportions.
You already know the ending.
When Eurydice passed away, Orpheus, unable to accept her departure, denied himself the right to mourn her, even refusing to attend her funeral. This denial of grief would lead him down a path of tragedy.
He had been taught that his father’s family moved the stars; why couldn’t they help him? On some level, he knew beseeching his grandfather Zeus would not yield him the results he wanted. He instead went to the Dreaming to beseech his father for aid in bringing back his bride.
In response to his son asking for help, Dream proved incapable of helping him grieve. In Orpheus’ eyes, he’d been betrayed.
It’s important for this tale to note that Orpheus was not an Endless, but his blood still bound him to the ancient laws set by the First Circle. He had, through youthful hubris, broken the same law his father had seven thousand years before: that an Endless could not love a mortal.
At first, I couldn’t parse what the Circle was thinking with that rule, but when I saw the ruinous path that grief and loss spurred them both toward, I understood: the Endless that chose to love and feel enough to grieve were more likely to grieve when they loved and felt things for mortals, for loss was ever so close at hand.
That’s the trouble with mortals: they die.
Dream’s perceived indifference to his son’s pain led Orpheus on a ruinous path. From his hurt, he denied Dream as his father and asked his uncle to open a door to your realm—so that he might convince you to bring back Eurydice. Of course, you’re a professional, so you told him she’d already gone to Hades.
But Orpheus did not know the truth of the afterlife: one’s final destination is ultimately the choice of the one who died. That upon their arrival to the Sunless Lands, there was a place for them, somewhere they belonged… where they need not grieve, need not anger, need not do anything but be. Some souls choose to punish themselves for all eternity, and some leave their fates in the hands of the gods. His wife had gone to Hades. She had made her peace with it.
You do not choose where they go. You show them the options and all the doors available to them. They go through those doors themselves.
You tried to tell him, but he did not hear your advice. The moment you denied him, all he heard was another betrayal from his kin, and his grief worsened and deepened.
He asked you for a favor.
He asked you to bring her back, but you would not. It went against your function. Orpheus believed himself clever when he asked you to let him try to get her himself, to petition Hades himself for the return of his love. You warned him what this would mean should he fail or succeed, but he was a child, and had not even lived his life. He did not truly know what it meant when he traded his death, his choice in the afterlife, for the opportunity to divest Eurydice of her own.
He was a child. 
He was Dream’s child, though. And he’d do foolish, ruinous things for love. As a father would ruin themselves for their children’s happiness.
Ultimately, Orpheus’ attempt to retrieve Eurydice was in vain. As the tale goes, he was given one chance by Hades to walk from his House to the land of the living, leading Eurydice behind him. Should he turn to ensure she was there, he would lose her forever. He could have walked through the darkness for years, uncertain if she was following. His impulsivity could have been the thing that turned his head. Some accounts say he was tormented by the sound of her agony, others say she asked him to look back. But his desire to see her outweighed his desire to save her, leading to his ultimate failure.
I like to believe that he finally understood what you meant when he turned. That she’d found a place she’d chosen for herself, one where she uniquely belonged because she wished it. And because of his selfish wants for her to belong beside him, he was putting both of them through more and more suffering, an endless kind of suffering.
Given time, love, understanding, and the opportunity to grieve and heal from his hurt, he could have figured it out. I spent three thousand years ruminating about this, and had even asked him about it myself. But the lesson was only learned when it was too late, when the Furies had doomed him in divine retribution for making them weep.
After his failure, Orpheus spiraled into despair and apathy. He ignored his mother’s attempts to protect him from the fate trudging toward him. He let himself be torn apart by the Bacchante, and his head landed in the sea, undying but unliving now, too.
Thousands of years later, he would ask Dream for a boon in exchange for a prophecy. His boon was death, and his father did not deny him. This lifted the protections of the Fates, and when vengeance came knocking in the Dreaming, his doom opened the door, and he died. His death was a direct result of his actions and inactions, a tragic end to an existence overflowing with love and grief.
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You’d glossed over much of the unpleasantness of Dream’s downfall but feel you had made your point adequately.
Death looks troubled, though you aren’t as familiar with this face as you were in the other universe. “All this happened where you came from?” she asks, frowning at you.
Hmmm—She is dead. You are alive. So live.—
“Elsewhere. Elsewhen.”
“What would you have me do? Not collect Eurydice at all? Refuse my nephew of his bargain? Break the blood bond myself?”
“No.” You finish your wine in one go to silence the buzzing in your ears. “Changing those courses of fate would be too much of an intervention, and that future would not last long before the band snapped back into place. I ask you to talk to your nephew. Give him the wisdom he deserves before his father can harden his heart. Sit with him as long as is necessary, and grieve his loss with him.”
“Telling Dream to simply not be an ass when the time comes seems like the most natural intervention point.” She gets up to grab more wine.
“It’s not my place to live anyone else’s life for them. Dream’s place is not to live his son’s life in his stead. He won’t give that advice because he doesn’t believe it. Because he doesn’t believe that grief will end or that hatred can pass. And like his son, he wouldn’t believe it until too late. By saving Orpheus from his folly, Dream can be saved. It won’t be instantaneous, but he will be safe.”
You accept another glass of wine and allow her another question. “And what’s your place in all this?”
The Hum, for once, is curious to know the answer and does not give it to you.
“I want him to be able to change and live a life free of the unhappiness I explained.”
“You love him.”
“I do.”
She’s pleased with your quick answer and delighted by your ready reply.
“Were you lovers, then?”
You laugh, nearly spitting out your wine. “That seems awful familiar of you to ask a stranger.”
She shrugs, amused with herself. “He dazzles his lovers, but never any to the point of changing his fate,” she explains. “I do not want to know the details, but I am curious about the context.”
“I love him,” you affirm. “I have loved him for ten billion years. He has loved me for a blessed some of that time.”
“So doing all this is done in an effort to be with him again.” She frowns at you.
“Absolutely not,” you scoff. “It is impossible to grieve someone like Dream. He’s never really gone. Staying there, in that universe where he both was and was not, where fractured pieces of him live in the borders of reality and dreams, I… there, he was living life how I had done for ten billion years. Never belonging, never making a mark where I wanted. I never had him, so how could I lose him? And how do you grieve someone who isn’t lost at all? In the end, all he did was change.”
“You grieve them by letting them go. You don’t turn around to check if they’re behind you. You walk through your existence ever onward, hoping they are there with you but accepting that you’ll never know.”
It’s a solid truth if you’ve ever heard one. “It is not in my nature to accept fate as it comes. I am the savage weapon that severs any hand that would cut the strings of whom I love. I refuse to let him go. Not without trying to fix things first. This time, it will be different.”
Your words shake the walls again, but Death doesn’t look away this time.
“It will be different,” Death repeats to herself. “Let me get this straight: you want me to have a conversation with my nephew to convince him to accept his wife’s fate and not make a foolish bargain with me so that he will… ultimately not kill his father three thousand years later?”
“That’s not exactly what I asked… but yes.” You grimace. “I’ve already put other protections in place, but this is… I don’t want him to hurt like I know he would. He seeks enough suffering on his own.”
She’s quiet for a moment, then laughs. “He really is the same there as he is here.”
“I’d guessed.”
She deliberates your question with careful thought. “Alright,” she murmurs, nodding her head. “I think I have my answer, but I have a few more questions for you.”
“Ask away.” You brace for the Hum.
“You mentioned not belonging. What do you mean by that?”
“In the other universe, I didn’t show up in history or memory, except for the memories of the Endless, my sisters, and infrequent circumstances outside of that. I think it stems from pissing off Destiny or something. From what I’ve seen of this universe, the rules seem to be the same. I didn’t quite start off on the right foot with your older brother here, either.” It’s a complicated theory, but a theory you’re used to. It’s sound enough that the Hum seems to agree. 
“Will you just walk away after all these plans are set? You wouldn’t want to… I don’t know, pursue him?”
“Dream of the Endless does not allow himself to be courted,” you scoff, shaking your head. “I told you I’m not doing this with any underhanded attempt to be with him or set myself up in that position. And it’s true. The clearer I keep my motives, the better. I want to spare him and his son the unhappiness of at least the next three thousand years. Or at least, spare them what I can.” Happiness and peace are the two things Dream did not allow himself. He’d be able to find them safely, at the very least.
“So what will you do when this is done and he is… saved?”
You shake your head, the Hum sending permutations rolling and rolling and never settling.
“I have no idea.”
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prismaticpichu · 6 months ago
Zack decides to bake some cookies for his BEST FRIENDS <3, but he reads the recipe wrong and does a teaspoon of sugar and 2 cups of salt.
How, uh, does that go?
Shshshsshh 🤣❤️ I actually needed some salt for my scrambled eggs, funny enough!! *showers crystals onto breakfast* <333
Ahhhhh, Zack… that is SUCH a thing the pup would do 🤣💙 I imagine it going something like:
“Orddeeerrrr up!”
The resulting boom of wood hitting drywall could’ve very well been compared to a grenade being thrown through the door, at least when taking into account how the sheer magnitude of their visitor’s entrance sent both Genesis and Angeal tumbling off the couch and onto the floor in a startled, yelping mass.
Not Sephiroth, though.
He just more or less glanced up from his book, sitting in the plushiest chair in the SOLDIER First Class Lounge.
“Hello, Fair,” he nodded, smiling nonchalantly as his two friends peeled themselves from off the cold hard floor, straightening. “What brings you here?”
“Yes—good question, Sephiroth.” Genesis dusted himself off, trying to ignore the potential damage to his ribcage, mako-lit eyes snapping toward the puppy—then Angeal. “Angeal, chum... how did your student get in here?”
Angeal pulled himself up, cracking his back, looking somewhat sheepish. “I... well, I did give him a key,” he admitted, and it sounded as if he was starting to regret it.
“Oh, I forgot the key!” Zack kicked the door shut behind him, leaving the implications hidden behind his nonchalant smil—
“So you kicked the door open?” Genesis saw right through the grin, an he didn’t like it.
“Sure did.”
“Well, you wouldn’t let me in if I knocked.”
Genesis huffed, his eyes floating back toward Angeal with a certain woodenness, opening his mouth again to speak:
“Gen, don’t start,” Angeal sighed.
“Oh, I’m starting,” Genesis folded his arms, the familiar embers sparking in his gaze. “I don’t understand—this is the First Class common room. Why would you ever even tell the kid where this room was to begin with? I mean, really, we deal with the younglings every day; do you know how many of his little friends he’s probably told by now? Before we know it, this place will be infested with them—”
“He brought cookies,” Sephiroth pointed out.
“Like, for Minerva’s sake...—wait, cookies?” Genesis repeated, pulling his head out his metaphorical hind to see Zack had indeed pulled out a small baggie of chocolate chip cookies from his pocket, and his eyes widened. “Those aren’t for us... are they?”
“‘Course they are!” Zack proudly chirped, peeling open the baggie to pull three fresh-baked sweets out. “Wanted to make something sweet tor ShinRa’s sweetest SOLDIERs. Made ‘em myself.”
Genesis’s eyes widened further, the embers suddenly smothered as he gestured for Zack to enter. “Well, what are you standing by the door for? Come in, come in! We’d love to have you here!”
His own eyes gleaming, Zack bounded into the heart of the lounge where all three Firsts were situated, dishing out the delicious treats to each of his wonderful heroes.
“Much obliged!” Genesis thanked, graciously accepting the offered the cookie.
“Thank you,” Sephiroth nodded with a faint smile, offering Zack a secret hair-ruffle before the boy skipped over to his mentor.
“Thanks, pup,” Angeal chuckled warmly, studying the cookie as one would a fine gemstone. “You really made these yourself?”
“You bet!” Zack beamed. “Right in my kitchen.”
“And these aren’t just ‘Tonberry House’ dough you put in the oven?” his mentor smirked.
“Nope, nope! Made ‘em from scratch, right down to the eggs and sugar!”
Not that they needed to know of the mess he had so kindly dubbed, “the egg-plosion.”
He could always just repaint the walls.
“Well,” Angeal’s smirk softened into another warm grin, reining Zack back to the present as he brought the cookie to his lips. “They look wonderful, pup. Good texture, good chocolate chip-cookie ratio~”
“Indeed...” Genesis hummed, then happily took the liberty of taking the first bite—
And, in an instant, Genesis dropped the cookie as if it were a steaming hot potato—which, all things considered, it probably could have been, given just how... how...
How malevolently SALTY the things were!
The flood of ungodly flavor surged into his mouth like a salted ocean of chocolate and dough, any semblance of sweetness engulfed in the thirsty saltiness, and Genesis found himself overcoming his extreme mysophobia as he grabbed Sephiroth’s water bottle and took a generous swig; then, as he continued to chug the liquid, he found the water bottle seized from his mouth as Angeal chugged the water for himself, bombarded with the same horrid assault on his senses, unintentionally catalyzing a desperate tug-of-war over the magical remedy, each managing to take a rapid sip before it was rapidly tugged away, and this pathetic display continued until nary a single bead of water was left in the silver vessel, completely drained like hungry dogs lapping at a puddle.
Only then, as the two SOLDIERs stood there panting, did the world come back into focus.
Genesis’s eyes narrowed, and he glared at the spiky-haired First, who had sucessfully been, like the poor water bottle, drained off any color on his face.
“...ZACKARY—” he started again.
“I... uh...”
“You put... SALT in the COOKIES?”
“...You know, now that i’m thinking about it... I may have grabbed the wrong—”
“What kinda moronic JOKE was that?!”
“...Sugar does kinda look like salt...”
“Do I LOOK like I’m laughing?!”
“...They are both crystaline...”
“DO I?”
“...Should I start running?”
And the chase ensued, a blur of red leather hounding a poor, good-hearted SOLDIER out the door, down the hallway, and probably all through the building:
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m SORRY...!”
“Genesis...!” Angeal shouted—coughed—already smelling the flames, and he took off after his friend in fear of his dear student’s life. “Don’t you dare...!”
Meanwhile, Sephiroth remained in the First Class lounge, quite relaxed in his chair, and quite enjoying himself as he casually finished the salt-showered cookie in his hand.
He shrugged.
“I like it.”
And little he know that, his water bottle, sitting completely drained on the floor, had just inadvertently his spread anti-degradation DNA through the bodies of his two closest friends.
The world was saved.
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ritualofcirice · 2 months ago
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🐑 ♡ Here's one letter fresh from Sup-port, addressed to one poetic author ♡ 🐑
Dear @kewpikayo,
There is nothing more than a perfect blend of kindness rolled up in a blanket of skill. To watch you craft, is to watch magic happen, and the way you infuse you creations with life is inspiring! Not only that, but listening to you come to life as you read your stories is quickly becoming the favourite pastime of many.
No matter what you do, there is no doubt that it will be done with love. That very same love seeps into those who get the pleasure of seeing that which you share. Keep doing what makes you happy, and we wish you all the best in achieving your dreams!
That's why you're getting a letter to rally support for you! Thank you for sharing your artwork with us, and thank you for sharing your stories. There's never a dark day with you around.
Wishing all the best, and sending all of our love,
The Sup-port Team xo
Let's see what other letters arrived for you!
From @redvexillum ♡
"Oh, KEW!! You hold such a precious, cozy little spot in my heart! From the very moment I discovered your unwavering support for my writing (and our shared love for that delightful, human Alastor), it’s been nothing short of magical. I can’t even begin to describe how much joy it brings me to see your incredible talent shine, both as an artist and a writer. You pour so much heart and care into everything you create, and it leaves me in awe every single time. But more than that — it’s you I cherish most. Every time you reach out, you bring this radiant, warm, sunshiney energy that never fails to brighten my day. You’re kind beyond words, thoughtful beyond measure, and I feel so unbelievably lucky to have crossed paths with you. Thank you for being exactly who you are — a beam of radiant light in my world 🫂"
From @primsgirl89 ♡
"Kayo is such an amazing writer and artist. She deserves every good thing she gets when she shares any kind of her work. I can't wait to see more of her work!!"
From @reinthechaosdeer ♡
"Kayo-bao what can I say that hasn’t been said by many of us. You are a wonderful writer and I love seeing how you improve and further enchant others. You are a sweet soul that is support giving, your recent Lucifer angst stories have kept me on the edge of my seat. Keep on improving and being another bright star in our universe of a community OwO"
Kayo's Advice To You
'You have to suck at something to be good at something.'
"I heard this before and every year I write, it becomes more true. Every new thing is a challenge. It is something new, something you haven't done before. You can't expect yourself to be good at something if you haven't practiced it yet. Give yourself grace. Give yourself time, and I promise with dedication you can see changes bit bit bit ^^"
'Treat yourself kindly. After all, you live with yourself everyday. You are your own roommate, so you might as well be a good one.'
"We all have days were life is hard and things weigh us down, but we must also be there for ourselves too, and show ourselves grace."
'Treat others the way you want to be treated'
"Empathy, Kindness and compassion go a long way. They friendships worthy of eternity, and grant opportunities to be there for others, to get to know people. Something as simple as a kind word will go miles; and even if all you can do is give a smile to someone else, that might just be the thing they need to get through their day. Always lead with kindness and understanding, and it will certainly take you places~<3"
Want To Write A Personal Letter?
Kayo's official Sup-port tag is #fromsup-port2kewpikayo
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