#thank you again for the millionth time ahahaha
inkykeiji · 2 years
Nothing could prepare me for how beautiful & tragic Poison pt 2 was. There was so much rawness I could connect to past toxic relationships & the relationship with my dad and his addiction. I literally was left in AWE. You are so talented Clari, & I hope one day I can put a book of yours on my shelf ^•^
oh my gosh, this message means SO much to me!!!!! wow!!! thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful words and compliments!! <3 i’m glad to hear that it felt real and relatable, i found it very cathartic to write tbh, just to work through some of those feelings—the heartbreak and the guilt and the anger—that comes with loving an addict. it’s always very special to hear that someone could connect with my work on a personal level. that is such a massive compliment and it makes me incredibly happy every time i hear it!!!
aaah hehe i hope one day you can put a book of mine on your shelf, too!!! what a lovely thing to say, once again thank you thank you thank you for this <333
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Ok so I love your work (started watching 911 so I could read more of your fics lol), and I completely agree and empathize with every one of your posts about how the show has handles Jamie’s arc. This may be a bit messy but! Here we go,,
My dad is also shitty, like Jamie’s, and my mom has done so so much to protect me from that, again, like Jamie’s. I don’t talk to my dad anymore and probably never will and I certainly haven’t forgiven him and probably never will. The past couple episode really did a wee number on me (read: had a lil break down, we’re totally good tho ahahaha 😬👍) and led my mom and i to have some difficult conversations about forgiveness and the role it does or doesn’t play in our healing and growth and what not. And to put it short, the space you cultivate here on tumblr was really really helpful for me, both in processing and identifying why the episodes hurt and also in being able to verbalize and communicate it with my loved ones. Being so vulnerable is hard and sucky and I know you’ve gotten shitty asks, and I’m really sorry for all that. So,, I just wanted to thank you for being so open and genuine on this lil website, and let u know it means a lot
(on a lighter note i am so excited for like ever ted fic u are working on—the kid fic, the same story, this new fix-it—just ahhhhhhhh can’t wait!)
ahhhhhh man i am so flattered you like my work so much (i'm excited for those fics too!! been making a lot of progress with all of them and the 3x11 fic just hit 12k so full speed ahead on THAT) and i appreciate so much you taking the time and willingness to write this out and send it to me
those last couple episodes were rough for that, and i didn't have an easy time with them either. i'm so sorry you had to see that messaging for what i'm sure is the millionth time in your life - it's a horrible thing to be told over and over. but i'm also so glad you were able to communicate with the people in your life about it and that i could play even a little part in helping that happen and giving you space where those feelings are validated and you aren't alone in them is just.... man <3 i'm really glad that my choice to be open about my feelings on that stuff and why has meant something to somebody. you're right, it's a scary and difficult thing to talk openly about some of the rougher stuff i've experienced, and i've had people say some shocking things to me because of it, but it's all completely worth it for this. thank YOU, seriously.
we're coming up very shortly on what's going to be the seventh anniversary of when i went no-contact with my father, which is something i needed to do for my own safety and peace of mind and heart, after an attempt at reconciliation that went badly for me. without personal and societal pressure from people i knew, broader culture, and a lot of media narratives, i never would've let him back into my life in the first place, because it sure wasn't what i wanted. and even now, the rest of my family - who have all decided to welcome him back into the fold despite some reprehensible shit that ruined my life - is on me regularly, trying to push me into reversing my decision and speaking to him again. i've been lectured about forgiveness a lot, and stuff like the stuff we just saw just. never helps. there is only ever one story about people like us, and it's always our abusers' happy ending. never a moment considering maybe ours might be different.
anyways. seriously. thank you for this. it means a lot to hear, more than i can say. i'm really proud of you for everything you've done to protect your peace and keep yourself safe and have a good, safe, happy life away from him. that shit is so, so hard, even without the world around us constantly trying to make it harder. so in case you don't hear it enough, because none of us ever do, i'm really, really proud of you.
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Fire Force 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
When Shinra finally entered the building, something seemed a little off with everyone in the station. As he walked through the halls, just about everyone touched him in some way. Not in any gross way, of course, (thank god princess Hibana was out). 
Arthur stepped by and bumped his shoulder.
Iris squeezed his arm.
Tamaki covered her chest with one arm and nudged him with her other.
Maki pat his head again.
Hinawa poked him in the forehead.
Vulcan gave him a high five and Lisa gave him a small wave.
Even Licht awkwardly attempted to fist bump him, only to then try and shake his hand, and then eventually just shook Shinra’s closed fist. 
Finally, when a thoroughly weirded out Shinra reached the main room, Obi greeted him. The captain didn’t even wait for Shinra to really say anything before wrapping him in a hug. Captain Obi’s strong arms held him close in both a comforting way and also in a way to keep him from running away. Shinra stood frozen for a second, his face pressed against his captain’s chest. 
“Uh-” Shinra began, not sure how exactly to react. It was nice, of course, but it was completely strange. Why was everyone being so damn nice to him?
“Shinra, you are a valued member of this station crew. No one here actually thinks that you’re a monster or a devil.” Obi said. And…he said it with such confidence that Shinra almost completely believed him. Tears began to well up in his eyes as the captain held him. Shinra’s arms slowly wrapped around the captain as well and he pressed himself closer. 
To hear those words…actually hear those words from someone that he held so highly. Sure, there were times when the captain had said kind words to him, but this just about shattered all of the insecurities that he had been holding up.
Even so…it didn’t seem like he deserved something as kind as this. Everything nice he ever had was taken away, burned, and destroyed. But he didn’t want to lose this. These people and this station– they were the closest thing he had to a family. One of Obi’s hands rested on his head as Shinra began to cry for what seemed to be the millionth time this week. 
What a shitty hero. Always crying. Who the hell would want to be saved by such a crybaby hero like him.
“I can feel you talking shit about yourself.” Obi said and his wiggling fingers began traveling up and down Shinra’s back. Shinra yelped and jumped ever so slightly.
“I-I just don’t think that–” Shinra began, wiping at his eyes with the palms of his hands. Obi began poking at his sides now.
“Shinra, I demand that you say something kind about yourself right this very moment. That is an order.” Captain Obi said, backing up and crossing his arms over his chest. He raised an eyebrow expectedly, looking at one of his rookies. Shinra’s awkward smile came back again and he looked around the room as if the answer would be found in the half burnt wallpaper surrounding the main room.
“You are taking far too long, Shinra. Come on, this should be easy. Even Arthur could answer this.” Captain Obi said, a smirk showing up on his face. He knew that continuing to push his little rookie that he would only get more flustered. Plus, it seemed that what Shinra really needed to get him in a better mood would be tickles anyways. Everyone in station 8 basically had Shinra’s worst spots mapped out by now. 
“U-uh well I, well, you see…I uh…” Shinra stammered, shuffling awkwardly on his feet, moving from side to side. He swallowed thickly. Damn it. Not only was he feeling particularly hateful towards himself, but also the pressure of having to suddenly say something while Obi stared him down…his mind was completely blank. 
“Alright, son, your time is up.” Obi said with a clearing of his throat. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He waved for Shinra to follow him. Obi pat the place beside the couch for Shinra to sit. Shinra stood awkwardly for a moment before walking over and sitting down on the couch where the captain had pat. The captain leaned down and grabbed Shinra’s legs, spinning Shinra over so that his feet were in the captain’s lap.
“Now, I will give you one last chance to say something nice about yourself.” The captain said, giving his rookie a sinister smile.
Now, Captain Obi wasn’t normally the one who began tickle fights. He was the one who ended them. So this…this was absolutely terrifying. Shinra tugged on his legs, but it seemed as if the captain had quite the grip on his ankles.
“U-Uh…Well, I can make…some pretty cool fire I guess?” Shinra said and some sparks actually jumped out from his heels as he said so. His heart was pounding hard in his chest. His feet were his absolute worst spot and pretty much everyone in the station knew that. Usually, the fellow fireforce crew saved his worst spot for last, so this was abnormal and absolutely terrifying.
“That was a sad excuse for a compliment. You’ll have to try again.” the captain said.
A finger swiped up his bare left foot.
Shinra squeaked and jerked his leg, but it didn’t budge. 
His entire head went empty as all he was focused on how he was absolutely stuck.
Wait, his other crewmates had absolutely known what the hell was about to happen. They weren’t just giving him little touches because they thought he wasn’t feeling good, it was because they were giving him reassurance before he was about to be tickled to death. 
“I-hihihi! Wahihihit!” Shinra giggled. The captain shook his head and began scratching at the bottoms of Shinra’s feet. His nails were dull, yet effective. Shinra was already going wild with giggles. His whole body was tense as he attempted to withhold any sort of sparks that may hurt the captain of his station. 
“I can’t even understand a word you’re saying now. Are you purposefully not answering your captain?” Captain Obi asked and Shinra groaned through his giggles. Sparks began to fly from his toes as the captain began to claw his hands up and down Shinra’s poor feet. 
Shinra was laughing a soft bubby laugh now. He crossed his arms over his stomach as he did. His legs jerked slightly as Obi’s clever fingers danced over different sensitive spots on his feet. 
“Ihihihihi! Plehehehease! I’m trhahahAHAHAhihing!” Shinra laughed, twisting his upper half as the captain’s fingers scratched over a particularly sensitive spot on his arches.
“You can try harder than that, Shinra.” Obi said, now aiming at the area just below Shinra’s toes.
“AHA! STAHAHAAP! PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHI AHAHAHA!” Shinra cackled, more sparks raining down from his toes. A few of the hot sparks hit the captain’s hands. Obi winced slightly, but seeing Shinra’s bright smile, rosy cheeks, and tears of mirth made the slight pain worth it. Maybe he should ask Vulcan to get some heat proof tickle gloves. 
Shinra threw his head back and laughed. All of the strength to fight back left his body. This was the point that the captain loved the most. This was the exact moment where he knew that Shinra actually loved being tickled. Right where the tickles were driving him too crazy to fight and the laughter released all of the pent up frustration held in his body. 
It had been a moment or two before Shinra realized that the captain had actually stopped tickling him. He had been laughing so hard that he hadn’t even noticed. The captain was just sitting on the couch, smiling at him fondly. Shinra’s face turned bright red and he pulled his legs back into himself.
“Did you have fun, rookie?” the captain asked, standing up and stretching his arms over his head as if he had just performed a work out.
“Shut up.” Shinra grumbled, and even though he was trying to pout, his smile wouldn’t let him.
“Now, since ya didn’t actually listen to me, I’ll help you out.” The captain said, kneeling down in front of Shinra. “You are an amazing addition to station 8. You change every life you come across from the better and I hope you realize that everyone here cares about you enough to all come to me and ask me to make you smile.”
Shinra was absolutely dumbfounded. He had thought that maybe Maki had talked to the captain, but he never really thought that all of his fellow crewmates cared that much. Shinra looked down, feeling a little overwhelmed. After everything he had been put through since his mother died, he had never really thought anyone would think of him like a family member.
And yet…
“Thanks, dad.” Shinra grumbled before catching himself. He somehow turned an even brighter shade of red. “U-uh, I mean, captain. Sorry, captain. My bad. I uh meant–”
“You’re a cute kid.” Captain sighed with a small smile and he gently pat Shinra on the head. “Dinner will be ready soon. If you skip, I’ll get Arthur to help me out in teaching you a lesson.”
With that, captain Obi left the common room. He turned the corner and saw just about everyone in the entire station 8 crew sitting around. They all jumped to attention as soon as they saw the captain. 
Obi looked Hinawa up and down and just about lost any faith he had in his crew.
“Anyone care to explain why the lieutenant is dressed like a maid?”
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 022 [Winchester’s Starting Line]
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Word Count: 3,282
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“You know you’re fighting in a losing battle, Making a noose out of your hollow crown. I hold a match up to your paper castle, and watch it all burn down.” Ellie Goulding, “Hollow Crown”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The smoke cleared and the boss was on the other end of the room, his body embedded in the back wall. The male standing in front of me was breathing heavily, sword poised in front of him in both hands. Wait, I recognize that mop of green hair!
He glanced over his shoulder, giving me a nervous smile. “H-Hi, Jen-san.” He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt under a green vest. His hands were covered by gloves and he wore a brown utility belt around his waist, legs covered by blue pants. He’s also a swordmaster.
“Deku?! What the fuck are you doing here?!” Bakugo yelled, stomping over to the boy.
“U-Um, I… you looked like… you n-needed help…”
“Hah?! As if I’d ever need help from a nerd like you!”
“You say that, but Winchester would have been a goner if he hadn’t stepped in when he did.” Iida approached the two, dressed in a suit of armor, his helmet tucked under his arm. He’s the knight class.
“That’s her fault for being a fucking weakling!”
“Gee, thanks.” I rolled my eyes, coughing again.
“Don’t worry, Jen, I can heal you!” Ochaco smiled brightly as she kneeled beside me, dressed in a short tan dress with a red hood over her head. Black leggings covered her legs, disappearing into brown boots. She carried a wooden staff, her right hand wearing a red glove. She’s the mage class. Ochaco hovered her hand above my stomach and it started to glow purple before my health shot up. “There, all better!”
“Thanks,” I pulled myself to my feet, dusting off my pants.
Iida snapped his gaze to me. “Why are you here? You’re not even level fifty yet!”
My eyes narrowed. “I’m half a pubic hair from being fifty. Fuck you.”
His cheeks burned. “E-Either way, this area is far too advanced for you! Show some responsibility for your actions.”
“You know, you really fucking piss me off, Prep.”
“P-Prep? My name is -!”
“I don’t fucking care,” I scoffed. “Oi, Bakuhoe. You got five minutes to finish this bitch off before I call it quits. I’m fuckin’ hungry and now in a bad mood.”
“Che, don’t tell me what to do!” He turned his back to me. “Let’s go, shitty hair!”
“Right!” Kirishima blew smoke from his nose.
Izuku and Iida joined the fight, while Ochaco stuck close to me with a magical shield up in case the boss decided to attack me again. Ten minutes passed and Kirishima dealt the finishing blow with a swipe of his clawed hand. Or is it a paw? Dragons don’t have paws right? Feet? But that makes me think of the back legs not the front.
As the boss shattered, an annoying jingling started to go off in my ear like I had just won the fucking jackpot on a slot machine. My level shot through the roof, jumping from forty-nine to seventy-nine. My body feels lighter, stronger, and now I have a shit ton of power points to assign again. For fuck’s sake.
Kirishima’s body started to shrink back to human form and he fell back onto his ass, a bright grin on his face. “I can’t believe we did it! You’re super strong, Midoriya!”
The greenette flushed at the praise, not missing Bakugo’s glare. “N-No, I’m really not -”
“Of course he is!” Iida pushed up his glasses. “Not only is he max level, but he also has the legendary Allmiber!”
Allmiber? What, is that the fucking love child of All Might and Excalibur?
“How the fuck did you hit max level?! And where the fuck did you get the most OP weapon in the damn game?!” Bakugo demanded, trying to grab the front of Izuku’s shirt, but the anti-PVP system prevented him from doing so.
“That’s so cool!” Kirishima jumped to his feet, eyes sparkling. “Only five people in the entire game have managed to find Allmiber!”
“And you, shitty hair!” Bakugo’s vermillion eyes snapped to the red-head, pointing an angry finger at his face. “How the fuck are you a Dragonling?!”
“What’s a Dragonling?” Ochaco whispered from behind me.
Izuku answered, his eyes shining. “Dragonlings are the rarest race in the whole game! They can’t be chosen or even bought, you can only get it as a drop from a powerful boss. The drop rate itself is only .01% and the drop location changes every week. They say that Dragonlings are unbeatable because of their massive health bars and insane defense and armor. They’re also the only race in the game that can change their forms in battle! Their dragon forms have been called the gods of the game! Did you know that the creator -”
I glanced over my shoulder at him, sweatdropping as he continued to ramble on about the game. A simple, ‘it’s rare!’ woulda been fine, ya know. But Ochaco and Iida are listening intently to him, as usual, nodding their head every few words.
Kirishima laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I was just killing some scarecrows for a quest and it dropped.”
“You got a Dragonling from a fucking level five quest?! I’ll kill you!”
My lips tugged down as I watched the two groups interacting with each other. Why do I feel a sudden pang in my heart? I cursed, turning toward the exit portal that had opened up after the boss with destroyed. It took me back to town and I quickly logged out of the game, pulling myself off the wooden floor and turning the console off. I can still hear Bakugo screaming over the phone and I hesitated.
Should I say something? I decided I didn’t want to bother them and just ended the group call without a word, glancing at the clock. Nine-thirty.
The front door opened and closed, Toshi stepped into the living room looking tired and ragged. He smiled when he saw me. “Hello, young Jen. What would you like me to make for dinner?”
I grunted, pushing past him before he could step into the kitchen. “I wanna work on my cooking skull. You don’t mind, yeah?”
He sent me a confused look, but it soon melted to one of warmth. “That’s fine with me. I’m guessing tacos since I lifted the ban?”
“Nah. I’m in the mood for some curry.”
“Oh…” he shifted in the doorway, watching me closely. “Is anything bothering you?”
I sent him a small smile. “I spent all day playing an RPG with Bakugo, so I’ve just got a bit of headache.”
He sweatdropped. “That’ll do it. I’m gonna go take a shower.”
My smile dropped as soon as the bathroom door closed. To be honest, I don’t really know why I’m suddenly feeling so… isolated and down, I guess? I don’t wanna worry him, especially when I don’t even technically know what my problem is. Thinking about it, a lot of time has passed since I came to this world, since I started at U.A.
While everyone else has been forging friendships, I’ve been too damn busy keeping people at a distance. I haven’t made any efforts at all. Bakugo only asked me to play with him because he had no one else, but now he knows that the golden trio and Kirishima also play. They don’t need a low level to babysit that knows nothing about the game.
I groaned, rubbing my forehead in frustration. “Why is this bothering me? Get a grip.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
My phone buzzed for the millionth time and I sighed, opening my messages. From Bakugo:
‘Where the fuck did u go?’
‘Oi, fuckin answer me’
‘…somethings wrong aint it?’
‘Stop fucking ignoring me!’
And from a number I didn’t recognize:
‘Hey Winchester! Got ur number from Bakugo!’
‘This is Kirishima btw’
‘Whyd u log out so suddenly? Everything ok?’
‘That sword u got is really cool btw, it costs a million gold!’
My brow furrowed. Why did he give my number to Kirishima? Why’d he want it in the first place? Are they really worried about me? And that sword… why did Bakugo give me something that’s worth so damn much? I don’t understand anything.
I sighed, throwing my phone onto the couch before plopping down onto the floor so I could put my sneakers on. I heard shuffling behind me as Toshi walked quietly down the hall, pausing when he noticed me.
“Young Jen, you’re up early!”
“Don’t sound so surprised, Toshi.”
“You’re never awake when I leave in the mornings.” He commented, sliding his feet into the over-sized loafers. He suddenly grinned, his body expanding as he took on his muscle form. “Shall I carry you to school today? Ahahaha!”
I rolled my eyes as I pushed the door open. “I’m not a kid, but I’m sure Izuku would take you up on that offer, though.”
He laughed again, closing and locking the door. “I’m sure he would! By the way, I wanted to thank you for befriending young Midoriya. I feel more at ease knowing that you’re there to watch his back.”
“I’d hardly call myself his friend,” I muttered under my breath.
“Hm? What was that?”
“I said you’re welcome.”
He smiled brightly, slapping my shoulder. “Be safe on your way to school, young Jen!” He kneeled down, kicking off the ground as he took to the sky. I waited until he was out of sight before starting to walk, stuffing my hands into my pockets.
It was still dark outside, the neighborhood peaceful as the residents slept. Crickets chirped tiredly in the distance, pausing when the wind blew through the trees. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always found solace in the darkness. I’ve always been a night owl, preferring to be awake through the night rather than during the day. Maybe it’s because I hate the sun, or maybe it’s because there are fewer people around at night… I don’t really know the reason. This little strip of time before the sun starts to rise makes me feel at peace.
I took my time walking to school and the sun was just starting to glare over the horizon as I walked through the archway, casting shades of orange and purple across the sky. It was beautiful, sure, but I ain’t fond of the sun.
I entered the school building, heading for class 1-A. The room was empty and, for a minute, I just stood in the doorway. It felt weird without the loud chatter of the other students. It was eerie, like I had just stepped into an alternate dimension or some shit.
“Fuckin’ creepy,” I muttered, flicking on the light before heading to my desk. What do I do now? I left my phone behind, so I can’t play any games. I guess I could work on my homework… I started it last night but couldn’t concentrate so I ended up giving up and going to bed. Scrunching my nose up, I grabbed my notebook and the worksheets we had been given and got to work.
The door slid open a few minutes later and I glanced up, meeting surprised heterochromatic eyes. I returned my gaze to my notebook, where I was working on a doodle of Deadpool wearing a taco hat. At least he ain’t glaring at me, but the day is still young.
The legs of the chair scraped against the floor as he sat at his desk. He was quiet for a moment before speaking up, almost hesitantly. “Good morning,”
I raised a brow at him, but he was staring down at his desk. “Uh… sure.”
“Are you all healed up?”
“That’s good,” he nodded his head, pulling his notebook from his bag. “Does my voice really keep you calm?”
I nearly snapped my pencil, a bead of sweat rolling down my cheek. Damn, talk about being blunt. I cleared my throat, “Why are you even talkin’ to me?”
His eyes met mine, growing wide. “Should I not be?”
I shrugged. “You’ve always seemed perfectly content just glaring at me.”
Peppermint quickly looked away, his hair covering his eyes. “I’m sorry. You just… remind me of someone.”
He was silent for a moment and I figured he wasn’t going to answer. When he finally did, his voice was like ice. “My father,”
I raised a brow, humming. So a pretty boy with daddy issues, huh? Interesting. “Right. Good to know I remind you of an old man.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he mumbled, his cheeks gaining some color. “Will you answer my question now?”
“Yes, you have a calming voice. Happy?” I sighed, turning back to my notebook. Man, I accidentally stabbed Deadpool in the face.
The door slid open again and Fumi stepped inside, tilting his head as his eyes met mine. He approached my desk with a smile. “Good morning, Jen-san.”
“Sup, Fumi.”
“You’re usually one of the last to arrive. It’s quite alarming to see you here so early.”
“Sheesh, a girl tries to be a diligent student and everyone thinks the world is comin’ to an end.” I grinned, leaning back in my chair. “I wanted to try somethin’ new, but don’t worry, I hate it and won’t be doing it again.”
He chuckled, his eyes scanning my notebook. “You did this problem wrong,”
“Heh?” I glanced at the math problem he was pointing at. “Fuck math,”
“If you’d like, I can give you a hand.”
“For sure, thanks Fumi. The last thing I need is a lecture from Ectoplasm about not paying attention in his class.”
He nodded toward the pencil. “May I?”
“Go for it,” I watched as he scribbled down a number on the corner of the page.
“You can message me anytime you find yourself stuck and I will do my best to assist you.”
“Yeah, I will.” I smiled at him. “Thanks, Fumi.”
He nodded, returning the smile before heading to his desk. I caught Peppermint’s gaze but he quickly looked away. What’s his deal today?
Students slowly started to filter into the room and the silence morphed into loud chatter. In a way, their loud natures is annoying as all hell, but… I think I prefer it over the alternative.
“Wait, who are you?”
I glanced up at the sound of Alien’s voice, seeing Rin standing in the doorway. What’s he doing here?
He bowed, offering a kind smile. “My name is Hiryuu Rin from class 1-B next door. I’m looking for Winchester,”
Her eyes fell on me, half-hidden behind Momo. I stood up and approached him, grabbing his wrist and tugging him from the room. I could already hear her excited whispers. I swear if she starts spreading some stupid shit… I brought Rin to the stairway, which only had a few students passing by. As soon as I turned toward him, his arms were thrown around my neck, my body tensing at the contact.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He spoke with a voice full of emotion, his grip tightening around me. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest. “I heard about the attack, about two students being seriously injured along with Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen-sensei. I came to see you yesterday, to see if you were okay, but your entire class was gone. I was so worried about you, Winchester!”
My body relaxed as I wrapped my arms around him, gently rubbing his back. “The faulty thought it would be a good idea if we took a day off after the attack. Me and Izuku were a bit reckless, but it ain’t a big deal.”
“‘A bit reckless’?” He pulled back, eyes narrowed in frustration and worry. “You could’ve been killed.”
“I didn’t think you cared that much,” I muttered, scratching my cheek as I glanced to the side.”
“You’re my friend, of course, I care!” He sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides. “You’re okay, that’s what matters.”
My heart skipped a beat, my chest growing warm as my lips curled up. My hand rested on his head. “I’m sorry I worried you, Rin.”
“Call me Hiryuu.”
“Only if you call me Jen.”
“Deal,” he grinned.
“Hey, Rin! Class is gonna start soon!” An orange-haired girl smiled at us as she walked by with a girl that looked like she just stepped out of My Little Pony.
“Be right there, Kendo!” He called before turning back to me, pulling his phone out of his bag. “Can we exchange numbers?”
“Oh, uh, sure. I forgot my phone at home, though, so I’ll text you back after I get home.” I gave him my number and we parted ways, entering our own classrooms. Two numbers in one day? You’re turning into a player, girl. My good mood fizzled a bit when I entered class 1-A, eyes locking with angry vermillion.
“Morning, Winchester!” Kirishima grinned. “Last night was so much fun, let’s play again sometime!”
“Ooh~ What did you two do last night?” Alien asked, clapping her hands excitedly. “And who was that boy? Is he your boyfriend, Winchester?”
Satan, grant me the strength I need to not kill anyone today. “No, he’s just a friend.” I ignored her disappointed pout as I headed for my desk. I was almost there when a hand grabbed my shoulder roughly. Green met vermillion as we stared at each for a moment.
“You didn’t fucking answer my messages,” Bakugo’s voice was surprisingly calm as he gauged my reaction.
“I fell asleep after getting offline,” I lied, keeping my expression blank.
“Why the fuck didn’t you answer when you woke up, then?”
“Forgot my phone,”
“Stop fucking lying to me!”
I grunted, pulling myself from his grip and plopping down at my desk. Why do I suddenly feel so guilty about lying? Why did I even lie in the first place? It had been an instant reaction, I didn’t even consider it. We’re not even friends. He just tolerates me because I do the same for him.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance before stomping back to his desk.
“Hey, you guys! Did you watch the news?” Invisigirl asked, excitedly. “It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background…”
“Probably not,” Octo agreed.
Tail sweatdropped. “It is difficult to stand out when you’re just gloves…”
“We’re totally big deals.” Sparky’s voice was full of arrogance. “Those news channels love us, we’re basically celebrities!”
“Yeah, it’s kinda crazy, right?”
“Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked and that’s what they care about.”
“Who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn’t shown up.”
“Death. That’s what woulda happened.” I commented, dryly.
“Why’d you say that?!” Grape freaked out, his eyes full of tears. “I’m gonna pee myself just thinking about it!”
My lip curled back in disgust. Why is this fucking brat even in the hero course? I’ve seen more heroism from a fucking cockroach.
“Ah, shut up! Grow a pair, loser!!”
“Did you guys see All Might fighting the bird guy? That guy was super strong and he still destroyed him!”
“Yes, his strength is truly a thing of wonder.”
“Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!” Iida ordered as he stood at the front of the room.
“Uh, we’re all sitting.”
“You’re the only one standing.”
Iida fell into his chair, body shaking. “Dang it,”
“Don’t sweat it,” Ochaco smiled. She’s honestly too precious for this world.
The door slid open and a heavily bandaged Aizawa appeared. His face was still covered, and both arms were in slings across his chest. “Good morning, class.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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xrikix · 4 years
» Hiraeth Chapter 11 || Haikyuu AU
❝They will learn how to fly.❞ – an AU where the kids of Haikyuu characters grow their passion for volleyball and face their problems. 
Starring our OC’s Hoshi, Minami, and Leo! (don’t worry they’re as fluffy as our babies from Haikyuu but sprinkle in more angst)
Happy Haikyuu Day!!
Read Chapter 10 Here!
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Perfectly Blended Smoothie
Minami’s eyes never wavered as Kaori stepped forward, tossing the ball slightly into the air, her hand smacking it right in the middle. As the ball flew through the air without spinning, she quickly dropped her arms and rushed back to her position. 
Minami’s eyes widened. Kaori used a float serve. 
The ball whimsically soared through the air, leaving the other team unsure of what to do. Their spiker held their arms out, unconsciously, letting the ball awkwardly land and fly off into the distance away from the court. 
A whistle blew out, the first point of the second set was theirs once again! The gym filled with cheers and clapping, as Minami ran towards Kaori who was standing there in complete confusion. 
Colliding into Kaori, Minami excitedly shook her out of her daze. “You did it Kaori!” Minami exclaimed, beaming her blinding smile. 
“I did?” Kaori looked back towards Minami, a smile formed on her lips.
“We got the first point again!” Riki yelled out, pumping her hands into the air. 
“Woo! Good job guys!” Violet cheered from the side. 
Holding her hands, Minami could feel them shaking. Clutching them tightly, she stared into Kaori’s eyes fuming with determination, “I want another five points from you, got it?” 
Kaori belted out laughing, her face flushed, “I can’t promise you that.” 
The whistle blew, signalling for the next serve.
The crowd tensed as the ball unsteadily wracked through the air. 
“Out!” the referee called out, raising their arms up. 
Breath caught in Minami’s throat, as she watched as the ball barely landing within the lines of the court. 
“AHAHAHA!” Riki yelled, “it’s in!” pointing her finger at the team, maniacally laughing. 
Ivy walked up behind Riki, trying to calm her frantic movements, she put her hands on Riki’s shoulders, “we don’t want to push their buttons, do we?” she asked. 
Riki stopped, taking a moment to peer at Ivy, before belting out her answer, “nah!” 
She resumed maniacally laughing. Minami watched from the side, her own laughter bubbling up and mixing in with the rest of the team. 
Everything fit perfectly together, almost like a really well blended smoothie. 
Seconds passed into minutes, and Kaori was putting her all into her serves. 
Already three points in, she sent the ball over, leading the libero to dive for the ball, making it fly back over the net.
“Got it!” Minami yelled, gracefully bumping the ball over to Ayami. Ayami’s fingers pressed against the ball, and she tossed it over towards Ivy, who was ready to attack. Her hands slammed into the ball, and it landed with a powerful thud on the ground. 
“Damn! We’re on a roll!” Riki shouted, holding her hands in the air in a frenzy. Minami joined her, bringing her hands high. 
“It’s not over yet,” Yumia retorted, her eyes still focused on the other side of the net.
As if it was the millionth time, the ball once again flew through the air,  but this time, the ball awkwardly hit the net, bouncing off of it. “Ah,” Kaori whispered, watching the enemy spiker jump into the air. Minami jumped in response, shooting her arms above her head, creating a wall.
Lined up in the middle of the court, Riki’s fingers grazed the ball as it landed in front her. “Damn.” 
The first point for Takagi High was scored. 
Kaori slowly walked off the court, Violet waited for her on the side. 
“Don’t mind! You did a good job Kaori,” Minami yelled, flashing her a thumbs up. Violet patted her on the back, “nice job.” 
Kaori sighed, “but I could have gotten more…” her words trailing off. 
“If you already know that, then you can do it,” Violet responded walking onto the court. Standing at the side, Kaori nodded her head, resolve settling onto her, next time she will get more points, she could feel it. 
Leo’s back was pressed against the seat as if he wanted to melt into the chair.
His parents were besides him, both of them standing up to cheer. “WOOO GO MINAMI!” is all he could hear. 
His ears were about to explode.
He sighed, the jealousy ate away at him. He knew it was going to be the same for him, probably even louder with Minami there, but still he knew it would be different. They were going to be cheering for Karasuno, the team that he indeed was a part of but didn’t play for. 
Envy sat on his shoulder, gleefully sending him these thoughts of dread, but even a part of him had to appreciate the plays the girls team were making. The volleyball loving person inside of him lit up when he watched his sister and the girls play. The frantic dashes and dives, the walls they conjured up with their blocks, everything screamed they were having fun on the court. 
Minutes turned into hours as his eyes stayed glued on every move. Every success, every fail Minami made, Leo watched and noted. 
He felt uneasy when her failure sent him a short burst of happiness, but this dwindling happiness was crushed when he realized what he was feeling. 
He shook his head as if wanting to shake all the terrible thoughts out. 
“Is everything okay? I know I should quit asking this...” Kageyama asked, hesitantly, his eyes wavering at Leo. 
Hinata was up at the front, his body leaning over the railings, shouting out his support. Leo watched Minami laugh at his father’s antics and he felt guilty. “No...nothing is wrong,” he softly said, crossing his arms. His eyes aborted the court, finding the chairs filled with people more fascinating. Kageyama sighed, “I’m not good at this… but you seem conflicted?” 
Leo’s body slumped further even more, “I’m just stressing about my game soon,” emphasizing his words trying to get Kageyama to not press him. 
“Okay,” he responded, dropping the subject rather quickly. 
“That’s it?” Leo asked, surprised. 
Kageyama looked at him, “you don’t want to tell me, so I don’t want to push you.” 
The words of Okiawa flashed through Leo’s head. Maybe he was getting better at this ‘hide your feelings thing’ but then again, why did it make him feel awful. Unsure, Leo spoke, “Thanks dad,” his eyes returning back to the game, watching Minami jump in happiness as she scored another point. 
He really wanted to leave. Glancing at his phone he could see the hours pressing closer until it was his turn to go onto the court. 
From the front of the seats, he could see people watching the game as they gossiped on what was going on. Most of it was directed towards Minami. “Look at number 7 go.” “What was her name? Minami?” “Gonna have to continue watching her.” Leo could practically see the pride flying off of his parents at their words, as he silently wished they would stop talking. Their words fueled the tidal waves that continued to drag him under, and he felt like he could barely breathe. 
His eyes glanced towards the scoreboard, Miami was close to winning the second set, but the other team followed dangerously behind. He could see how tired Minami was, but she kept fighting. 
So close, he could feel it.
So close, once again they were so close. Sweat dribbled down her forehead, her throat felt parched begging for water. But she won’t stop, especially not right now. This was good practice to continue getting her endurance and stamina up. Just one more and this was their win. 
The ball left Ayami’s fingers coming in her direction. Arms flew out behind her, her legs pushing against the sweat slick floor. The air sprung out beneath her feet as her legs pushed her into the air where the light shone down. The ball happily flew right into the palm of her hand. 
Her eyes saw the middle blocker jump, their arms pushing down on top of her, a wall trying to defend their own lands. Minami couldn’t help but slam the ball against their hands, bouncing the ball off their fingers and flying off into the distance on the other side of the court. 
The sound of squeaking shoes rang out as the enemy team frantically dashed towards the falling ball. Time slowed down, and everyone watched the ball fall with bated breaths. 
The resounding thud and the whistle that blew afterwards signaled the end of the game. Time resumed when everyone slammed into one another. Cheers exploded out of the crowd as Minami saw her parents fly out of their chairs in excitement. Her eyes wandered towards Leo whose fists were gripping his chair, as his eyes sparkled. She waved with a huge grin on her face. 
“Oh my god! We did it!” Riki gasped, frantically shaking everyone. Yumia and Ayami stood to the side of the rest of the team, smiles on their faces, letting their teammates do all the crazy celebrating. 
Kaori towered over Minmai as she squeezed Minami into a tight hug. “You did it!” 
Minami shook her head, “we did it.” 
Kaori stopped crushing her, but her smile grew even larger as the realization dawned on her. 
Coach flew into the celebrations as well, her clipboard thrown off to the side, forgotten. 
Clenching her hands tightly, Minami realized this was her first win, her first actual win. She was finally where she was meant to be, and she was going to continue to stay on that court no matter what. She was one step closer towards the Championship, the place that her parents played at. 
Her dreams were in reach.
Lined up at the back of the court, they bowed, the final thank you for the game and the goodbye. Violet happily rolled the cart of balls out as Riki rode inside. Ivy was desperately trying to get Riki out. Yumia and Ayami walked behind, with Haori closely following with a frown on her face. "Why did I even come…" she muttered, regret resting on her face. 
Kaori walked besides Minami, their silence welcome as both sat in their brewing thoughts. 
Walking off the court, Minami saw how the world turned back to normal, as the bright lights of the court disappeared. The crowd screaming became a mere memory in her ears. She knew she already wanted to be back on the court, but that was for tomorrow. 
Today she was going to practice even harder and rest up, needing that energy for tomorrow’s game. Stepping out the door’s threshold her family stood there waiting. Eyes brightening, she ran towards them, Hinata’s arms open in invitation. Minami collided into them as tears fell onto her face. They laughed, “why are you crying?” asked Hinata who wiped her tears away. 
“I actually don’t know,” she said chuckling, “all I know is that I’m ecstatic and,” she looked down at her hands, shaking, “the adrenaline is still there.” 
Kageyama softly patted her head, making her calm down, “good job.” 
Minami looked up, seeing Leo stand behind them as if he was hiding, “What are you doing there bro?” 
Leo looked up in surprise, “ah, I was trying to come up with a way to say congrats.” 
Minami giggled, “can I have a hug?” 
Leo hesitated, but nodded, his arms wrapping around her. His floofy hair tickled her neck as Minami gasped out in laughter, “okay get off you're tickling me!” 
His arms tightened, “nah,” his face burrowing deeper into her neck. 
“Get off!” she said as she pushed him off. 
Both the twins stepped away, their eyes looking at each other. Minami watched the giant grin that seemed to disappear from Leo during the past few months return back to its rightful place. It only made her smile even brighter, the mood bringing her more adrenaline. 
But it seemed to fall when Leo realized something, the grin sputtering out like a match. "Ah," she said, looking at the time, "it’s your turn now.” 
Leo continued to look at her, his eyes dropping, “yeah. My turn…"
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squashedbananatk · 5 years
Tickle Monsters
I know it’s not cannon but lets just imagine it is ok! Lets just day Tony survived Endgame.
Peter had just grabbed a can of soda from the fridge, It’s been a long day at school and now he had a whole nights worth of homework to do. He sighed as he sat down on the sofa of the Stark industries before pulling out a textbook from his backpack.
Just as Peter was starting to get in the zone he heard small footsteps running towards him.
“Uncle Peter!” A small voice called out it was Morgan. Morgan jumped up onto Peter’s lap making Peter set the book aside. .
“Hey Morgs,” Peter said with his best fake smile.
“What’r you doing?” Morgan asked.
“Homework, so I don’t really have time to play right now...” Peter said picking up the book from the floor.
“Oh...” Morgan said with disappointment.
Peter hated it when she was upset, but he had to get this done.
About an hour has past now, Peter closed the book rubbing his eyes to get rid of the remaining fuzz from reading fo so long.
“Maybe he should take a break? No, no he couldn’t!
Peter was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard happy squeals and giggles along with small footsteps once again.
“UNCLE PETER!” Peter heard Morgan screech cheerfully. Little Morgan dashed from around the corner with Stark’s Ironman helmet on her head.
“Uncle Peter I’ms not here M’K?” Morgan said before hiding behind the couch. Peter chuckled rolling his eyes. He could at least play long, after all he turned her down earlier. Peter took a sip of his now still soda when Stark came running in.
“Pete where is she?” Tony asked with a playful smile plastered on his face.
Peter cleared his throat.
“Who?” Peter asked trying to play along with Morgan’s game.
“Morgan, that little monkey stole my helmet again.” Stark explained.
“A hero NEVER shares another hero’s secrets Mr Stark, you out of anyone should know that!” Peter joked crossing hims arms. A small giggle could be heard from behind Peter.
Tony eyed Peter who just did an overdramatic shrug. Tony then very slowly and quietly walked over to the couch. Tony roared picking up his giggling daughter.
“I’ve got you now haha!” Tony yelled playfully before gently placing her on the ground in-front of the couch taking his helmet back putting it to the side before he attacked his daughter with tickles all over her little tummy.
“Kyahahaha! Dahahaddyhyhyhyhy! Nohohohohoho!” Morgan screeched squirming around under her dad. Peter smiled at the sight in front of him.
“Who’s daddy? I’m the tickle monster!” Tony roared continuing his tickle attack.
Peter rolled his eyes with a smile as he pulled out his math homework.
Tony chuckled before putting his finger on Morgan’s bottom rib and began counting.
“One” tickle “Two” Tickle “Three tickle... Morgan screeched each time Tony’s fingers made contact with her ribs.
“Eleven aaaaand Twelve!” Looks like you’ve got all your ribs kiddo! Tony joked.
Tony stopped tickling his daughter as he didn’t want to push it too far.
Morgan then looked over at Peter who had his earbuds in. Morgan then suddenly ran over to Peter
“Attaaaack!” Morgan called out catching Peter by surprise jumping on the young hero. Morgan then latched her hands to Peter’s sides.
“H-Hehey! Morgahan! d-don’t put your hahands there kiddo!.” Peter warned taking his earbuds out and gently grabbing her hands. Morgan giggled taking her hands back attacking Peter’s sides again.
“Why?” Morgan asked happily.
“Ah! Ihihit tihickles!” Peter giggled beginning to squirm hearing Tony chuckle in the background. Peter could easily get away but he was actually kinda having fun, he guessed it wound be ok to take a little break. Peter then picked up Morgan.
“Heh, ohoh man aren’t you a little tickle monster!” Peter joked as he laid her down on the couch next to him before lightly tickling Morgan’s sides
“EEEH! Uhuncle Peter! ehehehe!” Morgan laughed grabbing at the older’s hands.
“Now I’m the tickle monster!” Peter claimed before lightly poking all around Morgan’s tummy.
“Hahaha! Dahahahddyhyhy! Hehehelp!” Morgan squealed kicking her legs out.
Peter looked over to where Stark was sitting to find he was no longer there. He must have slipped away when Peter wasn’t looking. He looked around nervously trying to locate his mentor.
Stark then jumped out from behind the couch with a roar before grabbing Peter around his chest digging his finger into the teen’s lower rib.
“Ah! MR STARK! Nohohoho fahahahair!” Peter giggled, curling in on himself as best he could.
“All’s fair for the Tickle monster!” Tony replied digging in to Peter’s flank.
Mr Stahahahahak! Nohoho!” Peter giggled as he reached his tummy.
“Uh oh! Here comes another tickle monster! Stark said watching Morgan crawl over to Peter. Tony then grabbed Peter’s wrists pinning them against the back of the couch with one hand.
“Get him here Morgan!” Tony exclaimed as he wiggled his fingers in Peter’s underarm.
“AH! HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO AHAHAHA HEHEHEHEHEEHEE!” Peter cackled kicking his legs and shaking his head. His hoodie doing nothing to protect him.
“Attack!” Tony yelled digging into Peter’s insanely ticklish underarms.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHO AHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! AHAHAHA. HEHEHEEHHEEHHE!” Peter laughed loudly and freely which he hasn’t done in a long time. He can’t stand his underarms being tickled.
“Get him Morgan!” Tony yelled playfully. Morgan did just that poking and tickling all over Peter’s torso.
“M-Mohohohorgahahan! St-Stahahahhaahahap! Guys! Lehet me gohoho!” Peter giggled and screeched.
Tony then let go of Peter’s arms to get his sides but Peter took that opportunity and jumped off the couch and started making a break for his bedroom.
“He’s getting away Morgs!” Tony exclaimed chasing after the teen.
Peter had just made it into his room before Stark jumped on him pinning him to the bed.
“No one messes with my girl!” Tony announced before poking all around Peter’s stomach and ribs.
“AH! Mr Stahahahahahark! Nohohohoho! Wahahahahahait!” Peter laughed wriggling around.
“Yay! Get him daddy!” Morgan cheered from in front of the bed.
“Hahaha! You are no match for us Spiderman!” Tony exclaimed as he skitters his fingers up and down Peter’s sides causing the teen to squeak at every touch.
“Plehehehehease! Mr Stark! Ihit tickles!” Peter squealed pushing at Tony’s hands.
Morgan was just giggling along with Peter.
“Aw look at that Morgs, Spiderman is even more ticklish then you are!” Tony teased wriggling a single finger into Peter’s ribs.
“AH! nohohohohohoho!” Peter laughed out.
“No? I can tell you that theory is false!.” Tony teased before drilling his thumbs into Peter’s ribs.
“AHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOP HAHAHAHA!” Peter cackled throwing his head back twisting and turning.
“You wanna get him Morgs?” Tony asked pinning Peter’s legs down at the knees. Morgan squealed with excitement before wiggling Peter’s toes.
“ahaha! dohon’t doho thahat!”
Peter giggled.
Morgan did just that and start scribbling her small fingers all over the ball of Peter’s foot.
“Kyahahahahaha! No! plehehehehease Not there!” Peter giggled and squeaked trying his hardest get his legs free.
“That a girl Morgan! Get him!” Tony cheered on.
“Nohohoho Mohohohorgahahahahan!” Peter laughed covering his face with his hands.
Something about Morgan’s little hands made the sensation worse!
“Keep going Morgan! We gotta beat Spiderman!” Tony called out over Peter’s laughter. Peter then sat up grabbing onto Stark’s shoulders only to have Stark skitter his fingers on either side of his tummy.
“Aah! MR STARK! Nohoho ehehehehehe!” Peter squeaked before falling onto his back once again.
“No! nononono AHAHAHAHA!” Peter laughed as Tony’s fingers dug into his navel.
Morgan was just giggling along with Peter.
“Hey Morgan watch this!”
Tony exlaimed lifting up Peter’s hoodie before grabbing his side and blowing a big raspberry on Peter’s now bare stomach. Peter exploded with ticklish laughter.
“AHAHAHAHAHA MR STAHAHAHAHAHARK!!” Peter yelled tossing his had back and forth twisting his body every which way. Morgan came running over to the side of the bed to see what was going on.
Tony lifted his head not letting go of Peter. Peter laid there gasping for air still giggling as the feeling went away.
Peter could hear Morgan laughing next to him.
“Again!” Morgan yelled. Peter’s eyes went wide and looking up at Mr Stark.
“Nononononono MR STAHAHAHAHAHAHARK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Peter cackled throwing his head back. Peter started pushing at Tony’s head though it did nothing to lesson the feeling.
Peter didn’t know if it was his reaction or the sound that was making Morgan laugh so hard but what he did know is that it tickled like hell!
“Thahahat was awfuhull...” Peter panted laying on the his bed still under Tony.
“Hey guys, I brought some Piz- What is going on here?” The three of them heard from the bedroom door. It was Pepper.
“Mommy!” Morgan yelled running to her mother hugging her leg. Stark got off of Peter smiling at his daughter for the millionth time. Peter’s cheeks went pink as he sat up.
“Uh... H-Hi Pepper, we were just um...” Peter stuttered.
“Tony was tickling you?” Pepper interrupted.
“Me too!” Morgan called out.
“I! Uh... H-How did you?!” Peter asked as the pink rushed to his ears.
“Haha! I could hear you all the way down the hall.”
“Thanks hun, Pizza sounds great!” Tony cut in.
“Yeah, but you know what sounds better?” Pepper asked walking over to Tony.
“Helping the kids get some revenge!” Pepper teased before jabbing Tony’s side.
“NOPE!” Tony yelled before dashing out of the room.
“Lets get him guys!” Pepper said as the three of them chased after the billionaire.
fin ~
(May have a sequel)
(The sequel is here!)
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namujoon · 7 years
pour your love out to your favorite mutuals
i love all my mutuals and i wish to write a message to all of them but i’ll do like several since i’m suddenly feeling quite sappy lol
@jungkookbunbun: CEL. NSFW CEL. the namjoon to my jungkook (or is it hobi? lol) i’m so glad we started talking and we got super super close in just a couple months. i love you sososo much. you’re an amazing friend and you’re someone i can fangirl and absolutely talk about ANYTHING with. you’re honestly so sweet and fun to talk to. i love all the posts you tag me in and all the videos you send me. i’m so happy and excited for you that you’re going to japan but it sucks how you’re leaving right when i end summer class :( but if im still going to japan over winter, we definitely need to meet up!!!!  
@withnosuchgrace: TAHIRA OMG ONCE AGAIN FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, IM SORRY AND IM THE ABSOLUTE WORST AT REPLYING BACK AHAHAHA but omg you were the first friend i made when i switched from a 1d blog to a bts/kpop blog. i still remember how we started talking and how most of our convos were always in all caps :’))) but you’re absolutely sweet and funny to talk to and i can talk to you about anything. i remember when i told you to watch descendants of the sun and sorta helped you figure out the difference between wonwoo and mingyu haha. ilysm and this time, i will try my absolute best to reply back faster AHAHAAH
@itskimtaehyung: i still can’t believe that i met someone on here that lives in sf ahaha. kiwi you’re one of the funniest, sweetest, and most interesting people i’ve talked to on here. your art is 11/10 and your fics are amazing. remember jiwi 👀  and how we tried to kill each other by me tagging you in jin and you tagging me in yoongi rip. AND YOUR DREAMS OMG I CANT FORGET ABOUT YOUR DREAMS AHAHAHA especially when you killed someone with a pocky and me and jimin getting arrested lol. soon we won’t be in the same city anymore when you move for college :( but if we’re both free, we should definitely meet up and go to a noraebang lol. ilysm and you’re a wonderful egg mother
@sevenkookiejars: ahhhhhhhh rena you’re such a sweet and an amazing friend. you never fail to make me smile with your positivity posts that you tag me in :’) im also so happy that we started talking and got really close to each other, especially since we live in such different timezones (flashback to the time when i sent you a bday message just minutes before your bday actually ended rip) i love our convos so much and i can talk to you with just about anything. from fangirling about bts/kpop to talking about aesthetically pleasing libraries lol. i hope you’re not too stressed right now and that everything will turn out amazing for you!!! ilysm, and you should come to sf so that i can be your personal tour guide and we can eat all the good foods together hahaha
@sugaswagdaddy: ALEX OMG ILYSM. you’re my go to person when i want to be spammed with yoongi. you also made me realize how much i love yoongi’s hands and neck, especially when they’re veiny holy. thanks for all the positivity messages you send in the gc, you’re an absolute angel :’))) and all the spams you did of each member and even in the gc that always has me digging my own grave hahaha. you’re such an amazing, sweet, and funny friend and im glad we met :’) you’re an amazing egg sister and im glad we’re an egg fam LOL i know i can count on you to make me suffer, and here’s to more days we suffer together hahaha
@overthemoonjoon: CAI MY MOST PRECIOUS BEAN I LOB YOU SOSOSO MUCH YOU ARE DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVS ON THIS SITE AND IM SOSO GLAD WE BECAME FRIENDS. you’re honestly the funniest and sweetest and most precious person ever. your tags never fail to make me laugh and talking to you is never a bore. i cant think of a time when you never made me laugh, especially in our gc AND OUR NSFW TALKS. I STILL REMEMBER YOUR NAMJOON DREAM AND THE TIME WE ANSWERED QUEENIE’S NSFW QUESTIONS AHAHAHAH. good luck with studying the languages!!! you got this!!!
@taesflower: it feels like it’s been such a long time since we’ve talked :((( BUT SOFI MY PRECIOUS BEAN ILYSM. i remember when you spammed me with such rude hobi, yoongi, and jungkook stuff. you definitely never fail to kill me countless of times too bc of them hahaha. and you’re the biggest yoondrea shipper/supporter that i know (maybe closely followed by kiwi hahaha). you’re honestly the sweetest and most precious person that i have EVER met. you’re hilarious and you never fail to bring a smile to my face. ilysm and i hope all is well!!! 
@solangel-oh: EMELY ILYSM BUT IM SUCH A BAD FRIEND AHAHAHA. our convos may not be super long, but i do love talking to you haha. you’re sosososo sweet, and i still remember how we started talking haha. omg remember when we talked which of the 7 deadly sins are bts??? and after a long convo about it, we finally figured it out hahaha. i love our convos and i love you. ALSO PLS DONT STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH THIS SUMMER AND THIS SCHOOL YEAR. YOU GOT THIS. if you ever need help with anything, you can always come to me
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