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allynabean · 6 months ago
vaas montenegro? <3
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i don’t know this man but i hope i did him justice!!
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callumilott-archive · 4 years ago
hi! so u said u could write a whole other essay abt the 2019 championship in your juri post so i have come to humble rrequest the essay pls id like to know your thoughts if u have time thank you have a good day
OH yes this is one hell of a distraction thank u skdjfkg let’s go! i’m mainly focusing on juri and marcus here since i really only paid attention to the both of them (in f3 at least) up until spa.
disclaimer before we start: my memory is bad and it is possible i remember some things wrong and finding sources on the messy f3 website is a PAIN so some info might be inaccurate
so the 2019 championship kicked off in barcelona, which was a mess in true f3 fashion. 2 guys hit each other on the way to the grid, i think one started from the pit lane and the other had too much damage?? boys, the race doesn’t start until lights out smh. this was also the race where christian lundgaard crossed the line first, parked his car at the 1st sign and then it was cruelly taken from him because of a 5 second penalty for virtual safety car infringement and no one told him until he was already out of his car skdfjsg it was sad but also kinda hilarious and a goddamn mess. i remember reading it on the f1 website at the time bc i didn’t watch f3 at this point. juri did alright here, think he got a podium in race 2. the premas were already pretty dominant but christian was up there as well.
season progresses, juri gets his penalty cancelled in france (icon, really. who else can say that) and apparently does not have a good time in race 2. he also did a kimi impression somewhere on the radio (’leave me alone’). marcus didn’t like france either bc he stalled at the start, got back up front, got tapped around and still finished in the points both races. f3 france = mess. spielberg brings my favorite top 3 of any f3 race ive seen so far. marcus starts on pole, so far the only prema who hasnt won a race yet, max fewtrell p2 and juri p3. somewhere during the race marcus and juri swap places and max minds his business in p2. great podium, dont remember this race at all sjdfgks. race 2 still has me cackling even tho it probs wasn’t that funny, but marcus and rob were arguing over the lead and they collided (on the final lap, i think), sending marcus off with a puncture and rob actually still won but got a penalty which demoted him to second. rule number 1 of motorsports, lads. rule number 1. do not hit your teammate. would’ve loved to be jehan in that team debrief. 
at this point, juri is considered a title contender. he will be considered a title contender until monza. more on that shitshow later. he knocks it out the park in silverstone (race 1 win, pole) and talks start up about juri to toro rosso 2020 (i mightve been one of them). this, of course, all depends on juri getting enough super licence points. budapest, marcus’ first win in f3. don’t remember much else tbh, wasn’t that eventful i guess?? aaaand then we get to spa. saturday is fine for them since they race in the morning as opposed to late afternoon for f2. robert’s still in the lead by far, jehan and juri following but since there’s only 2 rounds to go after this so mistakes are costly. juri learns this the hard way in spa race 2 but i cant blame any of them for mistakes made in spa and monza one week later, or sochi for that matter. i think marcus won that race and dedicated it to anthoine but im p sure i didnt see much through my tears this day. juri scores no points, damages his front wing somewhere and gets a black and orange flag to come in for damage repairs. monza, also a disaster. also do not blame them. both marcus and juri did not have a good time, i remember juri launching himself into space over the rear wing of another car and marcus got p2 in race 1 but was penalised heavily for one thing or another, and ended up p21 and far outside the points. 
juri’s no longer a contender for the title, neither is marcus. the title will be decided between jehan and robert in sochi, at that point p2 and p1 respectively. sochi was also a mess for juri, considering he spun christian around in a low speed corner while the safety car was ending. to this day i have no idea what on earth he was doing but it does make for great banter between juri and christian. with the penalty following, juri drops from p3 to p8 and misses valuable points. robert wins the championship, marcus wins the race. jehan has a terrible time in the last race and gets demoted to p3 in the championship because marcus said sayonara and fucked off with another podium and a fastest lap. juri is p4 and is 17 points short for p3. not enough super licence points. he does win the final race of the season, tho his face says he knows hes about to have a very uncomfortable conversation with helmut marko. still pains me. 
to conclude, it all got away from juri in spa and i think thats very understandable considering the circumstances. it started out very promising but just. ended up falling short. he was the only driver to even remotely challenge the premas last season tho, in terms of championship. and this is why same spec racing is so exciting! we’ve seen it again in f3 this year with a very very tight championship. one bad weekend can throw your entire season off. 
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axelsagewrites · 7 years ago
Raphael Santiago*Costume Party
I got this rrequest a while ago but didn't have time to do it.i didn't want to leave it unwritten so, first if all sorry to whoever requested it (they’re anonymous) and secondly this was meant to be a Halloween imagine but its just a costume party now. sorry.
Also I decided to make the reader a Herondale because...I felt like it.
Hope you enjoy!
Raphael X Herondale!Reader
Requested by anonymous:
can i request a raphael santiago/shadowhunter!reader? it's halloween n magnus throw a party, reader is invited n come as little red riding hood. she met raphael there n there is sassiness involved. afterward, reader went patrolling still in her custome, got ambushed by a bunch of rogue vampires who want to drink shadowhunter blood n raphael help her out n by helping i mean 'i just happen to be around n im not stalking u n stop calling me broody'. pls do this. thanks.
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Magnus Bane was a party person and didn’t care what time of year it was; he was going to throw a damn party! It wasn’t surprising when Magnus sent you an invitation to his party, you were one of the few shadowhunters he invited, but what did throw you off was that it was a costume party. You had known Magnus for over 3 years so knew not to question it anymore. That’s how you ended up dressing up as little red riding hood, walking to Magnus’s flat with people giving you questioning looks. I mean who says you can only dress up in October? Why not now?
I press the buzzer to Magnus’s flat and wait for the familiar buzz to let me in. however, a Magnus' voice booms out. “Who dares disturbed the high warlock of Brooklyn?!” Pressing the button I answer “You invited me, idiot.” There was a pause. “(Y/N)?” “Yup.” The door buzzed. I rolled my eyes and went inside. Once I was outside his apartment door I just opened it. He knew I was here anyway. Looking around I saw the loft was empty of people bar those setting the event up. The barman was just setting out the stools. In the middle of the room stood Magnus and a deathly pale latino boy. I raise an eyebrow at Magnus when he turned to me. “I forgot to tell you,” he began, walking closer. “parties a little behind. Won't start for another 20 minutes.” I roll my eyes. I fling myself onto his couch and place my feet on his coffee table. “Ok.” “Make yourself at home,” Magnus said in a flat voice. I grinned at him. “Always do.” Craning my neck I look at the boy, vampire, who was still standing there. “Who are you?” “None of your business.” He spoke coldly and walked over to Magnus. He began to speak quietly so I activated my hearing rune on my forearm. The vampire stopped talking and his face hardened. “Whats the point,” he began to whisper. “of trying to have a private conversation when a shadowhunters around.” “Dunno,” I said, checking my nails. “Yoy tell me?” This time he faced me as he spoke. “Since when did shadowhunters patrol parties and listen in on conversations?” “Since you didn’t tell me your name.” He glowered slightly. “Raphael. Raphael Santiago.” He walked closer to me. “And you are?” I stood and faced him. I smirked and held my hand out to him. “(Y/N). (Y/N) Herondale. Nice to meet you.” Raphael's expression didn’t change as he shook my hand. His skin was cold to the touch just like his gaze. My smirk didn’t falter though. “Tell me, do you go home through the bat flap? I'm dying to know the answer.” “Really (Y/N)?” Magnus questioned as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Why must you be like this?” “What?” I question, smirk ghosting my lips. “Fabulous? Brilliant? Amazing? Geni-“ “Estúpido?” Raphael suggested. Now I glared. “Perra por favour{Bitch please}. I'm a blessing.” I turn to Magnus. “Back me up,” Magnus smirked and began to walk away, whistling. “Magnus!” I call. “Hey!” I chase after him as he retreats to the kitchen. “I am a blessing.” I and Magnus ended up talking for about 10 minutes in the kitchen before I heard the first person knock on the door. “C’mon,” I said as I slipped off the stool and went into the living room. However, I saw Raphael opening the door to a bunch of vampires. “Didn’t know you lived here?” I call over to him. “You don’t know a lot though,” Raphael smirked walking over. “But no I don’t live with Magnus.” “Never again.” Magnus shudder. I raised an eyebrow at the warlock. “Do you remember that time you met Ragnor? The green one?” I nodded. Thinking back to the man I liked to call green cabbage after a story Magnus told me. He was waaaay to serious. “He’s the perfect match for him. Only more snarky.” “I do my best.” Raphael grinned. “But not good enough,” I turned to Raphael as Magnus went to open the door to more downworlders. “Trust me; I’m the snarkiest and sassiest person you have the delight of the meeting.” “You sure about that?” I nod and cross my arms. “We’ll see.” “Yes, we will. Mr broody.” Raphael rolled his eyes and walked away. We went our separate ways but bumped into each other throughout the night. Many comments were made. Just a few examples are: Play dead Don’t you have some shadow puppets to chase? Fangs very much I ignored you fine the first time Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my lack of care Everyone has the right to be stupid but you're abusing the privilege I wish to make your acquaintance with my fist Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? That last one stung a bit. My mother had been seriously injured in battle a week ago and may not make it. I had already lost my dad before I was born. My mother was moved to the New York Institute while she was pregnant with me so the Lightwoods were ‘in charge’ of me at the moment. I held back the tears and rolled my eyes. I pushed past him and left. I didn’t notice the vampires following me till it was too late. As I began to take the shortcut through an alley a cold icy hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. “Well well, look what we have here? Little red riding hood.” The man grinned. His sandy blonde hair was matted and dirty. The vampires behind him didn’t seem in better shape. A dark-haired girl stood with what I can only assume to be a blood stain on her dress. The other 2 men were noticeably dishevelled. “Get off me.” I spat, ripping my arm back. The vampires hissed. “I always wanted to try angel blood.” The girl hissed at me. I only had a dagger on me so I did what I could. I broke his nose with one punch. After I heard the crack I said. “I'm no angel.” through gritted teeth. The vampires glared and charged me. The girl launched herself at me so I flipped her over my shoulder. I didn’t have time to think before the sandy-haired one was trying to claw my eyes out. I grabbed his wrists and twisted them until he had to go to the ground. However, the other 2 men pushed my shoulders down, knocking me to the floor. I tried to get up but the girl was still on the ground and grabbed my ankles, pulling my feet out from under me. I scrapped my face, hands, knees and pretty much all exposed flesh within the next few minutes as I wrestled them on the ground. Somehow I ended up with the girl sitting on my stomach, hands on my neck. The sandy-haired vamp was holding my kicking feet down and the last two kneeled on each arm. I spat at the vampire on me who just grinned. “How sweet you’ll be.” She whispered, lowering her mouth closer to my neck. “Leave some for us Kenzie.” One of the vampires kneeling on my arms said. However, a new voice joined in. “Or just leave her.” The vampires looked towards the end of the alley. I couldn’t see who it was but I recognised the voice. The one who I had been firing insults and sassy comments at all night; Raphael. “You always ruin the fun.” Kenzie pouted. “But we're not with you anymore. We’re our own clan.” “You still answer to the clave,” Raphael spoke calmly. Kenzie leaned up and glared at him. “Not if they don’t find out.” She turned back to me but Raphael spoke again. “Don’t you think they will be concerned when one of their own goes missing. She’s a Herondale, the inquisitors family. I'm sure she won't be happy to find out what you did. It will affect all us night children. You know what they do to us?” He questioned. They shook their heads and one of the ones kneeling on my arm looked scared. “They torture us with the sun. they burn us apart limb by limb until you try and yell out for God and the name chokes you to death. You will last 5 minutes. They’ll make sure. They want you to suffer. Especially if you touch her.” This shocked one of them so much that he stood and walked a few steps away. Now my right arm was free but was numb so I didn’t even try to move it. “Get back here Damien.” Kenzie hissed. “Don’t tell them my name!” He angrily proclaimed. “This was your idea!” They began arguing among themselves long enough for me to manage to move my arm. In slowly brought my hand to my crystal necklace. Only it wasn’t crystal but witchlight. It wouldn’t kill them but would blind them for a few seconds and burn slightly. “Raph, duck!” I yelled before wrapping my hand around the witchlight. He did just as the bright light shot from the witch light. The vampires hissed, apart from Raphael. Due to the shock, I was able to shove Kenzie off me and yanked away from the other vamps to stand. I held the witchlight towards them as I backed away. My foot hit someone. Raphael. I looked down to see him crouched hissing though slightly. I dropped the necklace and grabbed his arm. He stood slowly. “You ok?” I asked quickly. He nodded. Looking at the vampires they were all covering their eyes and writing slightly. “I forgot about witchlight.” Kenzie spat though her eyes were still closed. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of them just as the first one stood again. Though once he faced us we were already gone. Raphael had picked me up and used his vampire speed to get us away. We eventually stopped and I looked around to notice we were near the institute. “Thank you,” I said quietly. “But how did you find me?” “I wasn’t stalking you if that’s what you mean.” I raise an eyebrow. “I wasn’t,” he sighed. “I was going home when I heard the scuffle.” “Sure” I dragged out my words to annoy him. I succeeded. He rolled his eyes. “Quit being so broody. Not everything sucks.” “Stop calling me broody-“ “Stop being broody then!” I exclaimed. He shook his head though I swear I saw the corner of his lips twitch up.  “Goodbye Raph, and-“ “Raph?” He was the one to raise an eyebrow this time. I smiled slightly. “It suits you. And thank you for your help. Otherwise, I don’t know how it would have ended.” I began to walk away and he stood still. “I'm sorry if I crossed a line tonight,” He called. I threw a glance over my shoulder. “it wasn’t my intention.” “Whatever!” I called and walked away. I might have been swaying my hips more than usual. “Whats done is done!” I could hear his chuckle as I neared the Institute doors. I got a few looks as I walked in the institutes. Some questioning, some staring at the skin I was showing and some at the bruises and scraps upon the said skin. “What happened to you?” Izzy and Alec asked me at the same time. Though Alec had a frown on his face, most likely due to the injuries, and Izzy most likely due to the smile that ghosted my lips. “Just some vampires. Nothing I cant handle.” “How many?” Alec asked as I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and brought up the picture. “4, these 4 to be specific.” I handed Alec my phone. “You took on 4 vampires with just a dagger and witch light?” Izzy questioned, crossing her arms. I smiled slightly. “I might have had some help.” I walked away, ignoring the looks I got and went to clean up. After I put some healing runes on, cleaned up and changed I sat on my bed. The word Raph was still sticky sweetly to my tongue. “Raph” I mouthed the words. Let's just say I took all the hotel dumort missions I could get.
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