#thank u for making me actually ship shockwave it's a first
terrorskies · 1 year
shockwave ship drops
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grandmasickomode · 2 years
*scrolls scrolls scrolls-* aHA! found it! *slaps the bingo card into your askbox* blorbo time òwó
i do not know your blorbos, friend, but i dont have to for this card! using your favorite blorbo - YES your FAVORITE! - mark the boxes that apply to it and Tell Me About Your Blorbo!
(i saw your sad meme and actually am interested to know who your favorite blorbo is, and what media they're from!)
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U are very sweet and now I need to do the thing. In fact I will do it twice.
If we are talking about Flavor of the Week I am think so hard about Stain from bnha (and no i have not watched it, I see him through my opera glasses like "hey there handsome man".) I also blame a certain asmr artist for having an incredible stain voice that leaves me just AAAAAAA?
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Mind u this is all PRE-I AM GOING TO RESEARCH THEM TO HELL AND BACK phase. Just wait until Im actually done researching Im gonna be insufferable. Also am I gonna self ship with him and my self insert? Maybe. Hes one of the first to make me feel ok doimg so :o
Now if we are talking long term Ive had them for years lile a lil white dog with eye crust level of devotion Id have to say TFA Sentinel Prime.
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What can I say except I have written fucking essays about this jackoff in discord and on tumblr. He is my silly rabbit. He is everything wrong with the system. He is perfect. He is so fucking flawed. The narritive fucked him over. I think he got what he deserved.
I used to hate him and think he was truly yhe worst character ever until I realized he just like me for real. A sap trying to adapt to a system that doesnt allow mercy or kindness or to even cry. Constantly pretending like you have everything under control because the alternative is admitting you dont. And thus showing weakness in a system where that isnt allowed.
I saw him in me and I cried thinking about it because I had the luxury to do so.
I love him lots but I would still mercilessly bully him because itf be funny.
I also ship him with shockwave because theyre both losers who are too devoted to causes that dont care about them
And if they can find comfort and solace in each others pain and suffering, then maybe things would be a little bit more peaceful.
I also headcanon Sentinel as a monster fucker and he heart eyes @ shockwave because (thank you @cloverpatches for this headcanon) shockwave is an insecticon amd sentinel is super fucking into insecticons (not bugs or techno organics, theres a difference).
So yes I have lots to say but this is already a longass post.
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kidknux · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons for Blurrbee ship? It's a really rare pairing so it's always nice to hear about it :3
yes..... i love them so much
I wasn't sure if you meant tfa Blurrbee or tfrq Blurrbee also, so I put a copy of the ask on both blogs, and we'll make an answer there too for the tfrq version
god this got super long and rambly and stuff too tho so i’m gonna. put this under a readmore so u can bail when it gets too dumb. i’m very sorry anyone on mobile you’ll have to Deal
@captainofthestars​ and i talk about them so much w/ our tfa au or tfrq or just. in general, whenever. we love them, we started shipping them after tfa because they had such a fun dynamic? Basically right after Blurr’s first few appearances, whoops
Bee thanking Blurr when he’s still just the “mysterious racer” is super good... Bee does a name shout when Blurr gets pulled into the space bridge! And he immediately wants to prioritize They Have To Get Him Back, i’m JUST SAYING, so like we got super attached rly fast bc of their general back-and-forth and little things like that.
Bee during the series is sorta competitive outside of cute moments like that? Which we tend to write as just... he’s kind of like that when he’s not sure what to do w/ his feelings, Blurr is super fast and kind of cool and he kind of saved Bee before and Other Emotions so instead of dealing with how he feels abt that its time to Fight. Blurr (who quint writes more often) also likes Bee pretty fast but he’s not great with people and doesn’t really realize it until later when he actually stops to think about it, post-series (which is getting into au territory but that’s just the hill we’re gonna die on)
It’s after the show that they manage to find Blurr, and his time in the hospital is... a process. Bee runs into him here again and learning about the state he’s in and what happened to him is pretty upsetting, especially since he already has a lot of problems/guilt around Shockwave and what he did. Blurr is stuck in the hospital for a pretty long time, since they need to be careful unfolding him and replacing parts of his body as needed, and no one else is really there much so Bee starts visiting him pretty often.
At first Blurr can’t really talk, but he can make some noises, and they start figuring out how to talk that way in some basic codes. Blurr is bored and lonely between surgeries, and Bee is one of the people who gets permission to take him out around Cybertron sometimes when he’s stable but not being worked on. Or, y’know, just sneak him out without permission. It doesn’t really seem right to try and be rude, or start fights, so instead they just... talk, and hang out, and under everything it turns out they really do get along and really like each other?
And it’s while Blurr is in the hospital slowly being repaired that he has lots of time to think, and think and think because he’s bedridden without supervision and that’s about all he gets to do most of the time. So he stops to think about it, finally, and realizes that he might like Bumblebee- and of course, he’s been so nice to him. It could be entirely pity, of course, that would be unfortunate, but it could be that he likes him too- he should ask. I’m just. Gonna copypaste part of the discord convo on it
CaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Eventually, I want Blurr to bluntly ask if Bee likes him romanticallyAre they in a relationship now??kidotix 09/19/2017GoodProbably after a while of them going on dates trips and hanging out in generalBee is somehow still caught off guard, what?CaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Blurr's beeping kicks up a notch so he can say everything he's thinkingYou've been really nice to him for no apparent reason, so it's either pity about his current condition or romantic attraction, in which case it is reciprocated. And when two people have an equal amount of attraction they are in a relationship, right?kidotix 09/19/2017Bee will get progressively blue from blushing as his processor decodes it, it might take a little while longer than normal bc it's more complicated than most of what Blurr saysUh, w-well he definitely doesn't pity you, yeah it sucks but he was.. He was doing it 'cause you're a friend, more or lessNot that he's saying no! He does like you, just not like that at first and he doesn't want you to think he was expectin' something from you in exchange or anything- but if you really want to then yes! SureBee is flustered and this must look ridiculous to any potential onlookersCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017He's cutekidotix 09/19/2017Beyond one or two incidents of flirting at space ports, he's going in blindCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Blurr makes a squeaky surprised noise, his spark starts beating fasterAh, well. Good!kidotix 09/19/2017Bee grins, yeah! Great!Um, but they should- it's probably way too soon for them to. YknowHe's never done this before, you don't have to bond right away right?? He's not sure he's ready for anything like thatBlurr: can we dateBee: yesBee: ...oh no does this mean we need to get marriedHe doesn't know how fast this is supposed to goCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017They can take it slow, ironically
And Then They Date and it’s fucking cute bc they’re dumb and in love. Blurr is maybe not totally ready to jump back to active intel duty on Cybertron, so he goes back to earth with Bee instead. Omega Supreme’s presence basically doubles the size of their base on earth, which is good because with the new members they’ve got- mainly Wreck-Gar, and now Blurr- they need the room. Especially since the one now-empty room is one that no one is super willing to clear out.
Blurr ends up being part of the “Bee Team” that Bee puts together eventually to try and relocate Wasp. Which involves a lot of dimension-hopping shenanigans. It’s the first big mission Blurr’s been on since recovery, too, which is fun. Wreck-Gar and the Dinobots come along too, which is important bc after they do find Wasp- and a lot of other troubles to eventually rehabilitate the poor guy- Blurr, Wasp, Wreck-Gar, and an oc end up as a b-team to the main earth autobots (along with a few other occasional members)
at this point it ends up in sorta nebulous The Adventure Continues areas, eventually they do end up sharing a room and stuff which i’ve written into one of the once-in-a blue-moon fics, I’ll jst drop some more scattered hcs that were located looking for the confession hc
CaptainNessbot 04/15/2018Sentinel hates working with Blurr in any capacitykidotix 04/15/2018Sentinel plsCaptainNessbot 04/15/2018Sentinel does not have the patience necessary to understand Blurrand Blurr hates repeating himself and also thinks Sentinel is kind of an idiot 
CaptainNessbot 03/19/2018Has [overclocking] had effects on how he perceives time? YesDoes he care? NoIs it bad I can see a lotta racers disliking himCompared to what I'd expect the usual charismatic, showboating race star to be (like IDW Blurr), he's kind of....Snippy, awkward, and distant?
um also idk how to wrap this up so. they’re one of several ships that i have a playlist for. i’m always kinda tweaking it tho since it’s jst smthn i keep around for me and friends yknow
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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gaydinobots · 6 years
scorponok, flame, and/or stardrive and swoop
im gonna try to answer all of them but im starting out with my fave becasue,,,yeah (everything else will be under a read more)
sexuality headcanon this giant metal lizard bird is gay and there’s nothing hasbro can do about it 
otpi fucking love swooplock obvs but,,, im very soft towards idw swoopslug (in general polyam dinobots make me soft) 
brotphim and snarl + strafe due to my own hcs but outside of the dinobots? i think hed like the scavs…..rowdy boy meets more rowdy boys (also uhhh brainstorm,,)
notphes not popular enough to get a lot of shitty ships thank god but. aligned shockwave/swoop its unfortunately out there :/ 
first headcanon that pops into my headhe subconsciously does a spiderman perch stance after a while in robot mode and it tends to be more frequent if he happens to be standing on higher ground 
one way in which I relate to this characterim gay and i like seeing drama between ppl if i dont like them even if still wanna be a good person alkdsfj
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterthe fact hes…..genuinely my favourite transformer makes me incredibly embarrassed,,, also his stupid design
cinnamon roll or problematic fave?all the dinobots fall under problematic fave
sexuality headcanonlesbian / bi w/ a pref for girls! idk much abt her since im. not intending to read the space knight parts anytime soon 
 otpslashdrIVE CUTE,,,, i want them both. to have. Gf
brotpdont know enough to make a Full On Brotp but i want her to have friends!!! she sounds like shes been thru a lot ;___; (maybe another camien? preferably nautica. she’ll probably Never Meet Her but i can dream) 
notpstardrive/starscream i know its out there ive been on the internet too long 
first headcanon that pops into my headOUGH i wish i knew enouogh abt her but seeing that panel w/ her and that plush?? id think shed like to collect memorabilia from planets!!  
one way in which I relate to this character her being lonely and wanting to just have someone to talk too Lma.o
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterNOTHING shes adorable im in love w/ her 
cinnamon roll or problematic fave?cinnamon roll…….
sexuality headcanon he’s not straight thats all i know
otpyoure slowly getting me into scorpflame so ill put it here……i cant properly get into it yet but. H
brotpsdfdsfs im sorry i cant actually answer this question 
notpis scorp/grimlock out there??? god i hope its not
first headcanon that pops into my headhe gave himself the ability to glow in UV light to mimic actual scorpions for no reason other than he can. also secretly likes kids? idk
one way in which I relate to this characteri dont think ive ever related to him before oop
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterthe baby
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? he falls closer to problematic face def
sexuality headcanonhmmmmmmmm,, gay! 
otpsee scorponok’s ans! i dont think i have anymore ships w/ them :0
brotphm. i like to think! he kinda gets along w/ the scavs because he knows flywheels!!! also hed get along w/ any chaotic energy science dude 
notpwhats the worst ship he could get?? 
first headcanon that pops into my headsometimes he likes to see his bf glow in the dark its fun. i really have nothing im so sorry
one way in which I relate to this characterH. Gay 
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterok u might snipe me for this rev but for some reason my brain was convinced flame would sound like lightning mcqueen for a month 
cinnamon roll or problematic fave?ok my brain tells me latter but i trust this lil science man so hes neutral
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sxypigeon · 7 years
Fires Everywhere (Chapter 17)
A/N: More Kuvira back-story, korrasami cuteness, and Mako and Bolin being cops.  Yeah, there's a lot of plot in this one.  
This is a canon korrasami story starting just after the fall of Kuvira.
Chapter   1,   16,   NSFW 17
"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard!"
Baatar Jr. pinched the bridge of his nose and growled at Varrik, "And your idea of an extinguisher bomb isn't?!"
It had been nearly twelve hours since they'd left Zaofu and they were already running into problems.  Kuvira watched the exchange with a passive expression, but she was beginning to tire of the men's bickering.  "Varrik, is your idea feasible to construct in the three days we'll be here?"
The inventor rubbed the stubble on his chin as he watched Zhu Li roughly calculate the number and cost of each explosive.  "Assuming we can get enough of the chemicals, we can probably make four or five dozen."
"Not nearly enough to put out the fires in Ba Sing Se," Baatar said with narrowed eyes.
"Fine!  We use your idea, too - whatever that was."
"A water bucket on every airship will-"
"Yeah, yeah.  If you'll excuse me, I have a production line to start.  Zhu Li, take all this down-"
Baatar growled again as Varrik exited the airship giving his assistant orders.  "He's an idiot!  The chemicals he wants to use aren't even safe!  They'll put out the fire, but anyone who doesn't die of asphyxiation will end up with lungs full of corrosive chemicals!"
"So we'll have to used them on areas that have already been evacuated," Kuvira said as she stared at the map in front of them.  "The burrows nearest the outer wall should be empty.  Once we stop the fire's spread, we can focus on containment and use his bombs."
"But . . . they're still bombs.  We're going to fight fire with an explosion," he said sarcastically.
"All ideas are worth exploring at this point.  He'll have to give us a demonstration before I allow any onto our ships, but if it helps fight the fires faster, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt."  She raised an eyebrow at his enduring scowl.  "Either way, your idea is the one we are going forward with regardless."
He sighed and nodded.  "With Lake Laogai within the outer wall, it shouldn't take long to refill the buckets after they dispense their load."
Kuvira allowed a small smile to tug at her lips.  "Keep in mind that Varrik is used to getting what he wants, whatever the cost.  He will try to belittle your ideas if it will get his invested in."
"But he doesn't need to!  We're all in this together!  How hard is it to work as a team?"
"Hopefully he'll see that in time, but for now keep fighting for your ideas.  His maybe more unique, but yours are more practical and that's what I need in the long run.  Putting out the fires is just the first step."
"Stabilizing the city is the end goal," he agreed tiredly.  "I'm going to check on assembly.  Work from Tu Zin has a history of being . . . suboptimal."
Left alone in the navigation room, Kuvira stared out the windows at the darkening manufacturing town they were commissioning to build Baatar's giant water buckets and now Varrik's extinguisher bombs.  Their initial reluctance to take the work, no doubt due to Su's threats of moving her manufacturing needs elsewhere, was quickly forgotten once they saw the profits to be made.  Which reminds me, I need to speak to the investors tonight.  Varrik's idea would be an added expense and every last yun needed to be accounted for or their endeavor would quickly find itself without backers.  Makes me almost miss being just Captain of the Guards.
"Is that it?"
Kuvira continued staring at the glow in the distance, "Ba Sing Se is definitely burning," she said quietly to Baatar.  The sun had set nearly two hours ago when the first hints of the orange glow could be seen in the distance.
"How far out are we?"
"About three hours, sir," the ship's captain said from Kuvira's other side.  
"Do you think this will really work?" Baatar asked quietly.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't," she answered calmly.
"Remember your training and, above all, do not allow the flames to surround you," Kuvira said to the men on her ship and over the radio to the other airships.  "Our priority is to contain the fire, once that is accomplished, aid civilians in need.  If the fire spreads, more people will die.  Good luck and stay safe."
"You two," she said to Baatar and Varrik as she switched off the microphone, "need to work together.  I'm going to be on the ground and can't referee your arguments.  People's lives are at stake, not just the citizens', our troops' and mine, too.  Can I count on you two?"
Varrik and Baatar stared at eachother for a moment, before the inventor threw an arm around the younger man, "Junior and I will have everything under control from up here.  Go save the city!"
"Be careful," Baatar pleaded.
A small smile crept to her lips.  "I always am."
Blocks away and the heat is almost unbearable, Kuvira thought as she and her men were lowered into the city.  Smoke and ash clogged the air, limiting their sight as the raging inferno echoed deafeningly through the streets.  She led them toward the hellish conditions doubting for the first time if the fire actually could be stopped.
As they came to a wide enough street, she gave hand signals for the men to spread out.  Once in position, they began pulling rock and earth from the ground, forming a wall to separate the flames from the rest of the rest of the city.  
"Alright, kid, let's put my babies into action," Varrik said as the first load of water was dumped.
Baatar frowned, but relented.  "Take us to the edge of the fire near the outer wall," he said to the captain.
"Open the hatch!" Varrik ordered.  
Baatar watched anxiously as the inventor and his assistant approached the opening in the floor.  "Make sure you don't hit the bucket!"
"Hm . . . in that case, Zhu Li, you do the thing.  That woman has the arms of a platypus-bear."  He waved Baatar over to watch as the petite woman heaved the bomb from the airship.  It fell towards the smoldering ruins before suddenly erupting in a wide cloud of white, powdery gas.  "Ha, ha!  Yes!  Perfect, and look!  The fire is going out around it!"
"I never doubted it would work," the younger man said with a huff.  "I doubted whether it was worth the risk to the people on the ground to use it."
"We'll keep it away from the people, I promise."
"Take us to the lake."
"We'll have to figure out a way to use them strategically since we have so few of them," Varrik mumbled to himself as he stared at the flames below.  "Speaking of strategy, what sort are you using with our fearless leader?"
Baatar cocked an eyebrow.  "What are you talking about?"
"Oh come on, it's just us guys up here - and Zhu Li, but she doesn't count.  The only reason I can think of for why you haven't made a move is because you must have something elaborate planned like directing the ships to put out the fires to spell I heart U."
"What?!  No!  She doesn't like me like that," Baatar stammered in alarm.
Even Zhu Li rolled her eyes and sighed.  "Look, kid," Varrik whispered conspiratorially.  "I know she's an intimidating girl and shows about as much emotion as a badger-mole, but she's been sending you signals at least since we started planning this heist."
“Really?" he asked in a stunned voice.
"She's crazy about you!  If I was you, I'd be taking full advantage of that!"
"Oh…" he stammered as a dazed look overtook his face for a considerable amount of time.
Sweat-drenched and exhausted, Kuvira signaled for her group to stop after hours of work.  They all turned their faces skyward as she lit a flare and pointed it above them.  
"There!  That should be Kuvira's group.  They're the only ones that haven't checked in yet," Baatar barked.
"About time, too.  I was starting to worry," Varrik muttered in an uncharacteristically serious voice.
Baatar shot him a surprised look.
"What?  She's our meal ticket!  If we lose her, this whole thing will be for nothing!"
She felt it before she heard it, a searing heat and the shockwave.  Kuvira saw the look of alarm on her men's faces and she felt the blast on the back of her neck.  Without thinking, she threw up a wall of earth in front of her to protect them.
"Woah!  That's a heck of an explosion!" Varrik yelled as they neared Kuvira's group.
"You don't think anyone was hurt, do you? Baatar asked.
"Nah, I'm sure Kuvira has it covered."
"-vira!  Kuvira!!!"
Sluggishly, she pushed herself off the ground where she'd been hurled into the wall she'd created.  Rough hands pulled her to her feet and supported her as she was half dragged to the safety of the other side of the wall.  "What?"
"Stay with us, ma'am!"
Everything seemed to be filtering through mud as she tried to make sense of what was happening.  Ba Sing Se . . . the fire . . . an explosion . . .
"Hold on to me, Kuvira!"
Clumsy hands gripped the soldier supporting her as he pulled her toward a cable dropped from an airship.  The thick smoke nearly sent her into the comforting embrace of unconsciousness as they ascended.
"Hey!  Hey, Kuvira!!!  Hold on, damn it!"
The soldier shock her violently as her grip began to loosen.  I'm several meters above the ground.  A fall from this height would kill me.  Finally through the fog engulfing her mind, she tightened her grip on the soldier and clenched the cable pulling them up.  
"There they are!" Varrik shouted as the hatch closed below them.  "Someone get these guys some water!"
"Kuvira!  We need a doctor!" Baatar called as he ran forward.
"I'm fine," she muttered as she shakily stood on her own feet.  The soldier supporting her moved to step away as Baatar moved closer, but she gripped his sleeve and pulled him into her arms.  "Thank you, Tao."
"Anytime, ma'am."
"You're not fine.  Your face is covered in blood!  What happened?" he asked as she released the soldier.
"An explosion behind me.  I didn't have time to protect myself, but I was able to put up a wall between myself and the rest of the men," she said patiently as Baatar took her face in his hands and examined her.  "I might have a bit of a concussion, but I'm fine."
"Woah!  That's a lot of blood!" Varrik shouted from behind her.  
"What are you- Ahh!"
"Don't poke at shrapnel in her back, you idiot!" the ship's doctor cried as he pushed the inventor away.  "This way!  Bring her over here!"
Kuvira unclenched her jaw as she was pulled toward a chair.  She hadn't noticed anything wrong with her back until Varrik poked her.  "How bad is it?"
"Well, you have about five centimeters of wood protruding from your back under your left arm," he said patiently.  "We need to get this armor off.  Guys, a little help?  Be gentle."
Tao carefully pulled the metal away from the wound.  
"Good.  Baatar, keep her still while I cut away her uniform."
"Um, okay."  He knelt in front of her and let her brace her hands on his shoulders.
"That is in there pretty deep," the doctor muttered to himself.  He began to gather his tools.  "This is going to hurt.  Would you like an anesthetic?"
"No, I need to stay alert," Kuvira said after a breath.
"Varrik and I can do this," Baatar said confidently.  "You don't have to be in pain."
"These men are following me.  It's my voice they need to hear over the radio giving orders," she muttered to him.  With her hands on his shoulders, it was easy to see his eyes avoiding hers.  "I can take it."
"If you say so," the doctor said as he gripped a pair of pliers.  "Take a deep breath and try to relax."
Kuvira closed her eyes and exhaled. "Oka- Grrahh! Damn it!"
The doctor quickly inspected the wound.  "There's still a bit left in there.  Deep breath and relax."
Her breaths were anything but deep as she tried not to break Baatar's collar bones with her grip.  "I need a moment."
"The shrapnel needs to come out."
"I know, but I need a moment," she said through clenched teeth.
"Rethinking the anesthetic?" Varrik asked with a grin.
"No, damn it.  Just give me-"  She was cut off by Baatar gripping the back of her neck and crashing his lips into hers.  What? . . . Oh . . . Okay.  Her lips moved without conscious thought and quickly the clumsy kiss turned into something that made her momentarily forget her pain.  
The ship was silent as they parted.  "I'm sorry.  I should have-" Baatar tried to say before Kuvira griped his shoulders tightly again and hissed in pain.
"Thank you, Baatar," the doctor said as he held up a long, bloody sliver of wood. 
"Damn it," she groaned as she let her head fall onto his shoulder.  "Don't apologize.  I needed that," she whispered.
"Oh, good."
"Okay, another deep breath."
"Just- DAMN IT, MAN!" she yelled in agony.
"It's just a bit of antiseptic.  You're fine, remember?" the doctor said impatiently as he dabbed at her wound generously with alcohol.  "Alright, I'll stitch it up and you'll be good to go."
"Your bedside manner needs work, doc," she groaned.
"Next time avoid the explosion," he countered as he threaded the needle.
"Hey, rookie!  Quit daydreaming and start your shift!"
Kuvira snapped out of her memories and back to where she sat in the mess hall.  The other guard was right, she needed to check in for her night shift.  It had taken half a day to come up with a cover story to get the local recruiter to take her, which required a fair bit of makeup to make her less recognizable - she even had a small pebble in her right shoe to change her confident gate.  The end result was an assignment at the work camp she was trying to liberate.
It had taken just an hour on her first day to find a prisoner willing to accept her help and tonight would they set their plan in motion.  
I'm not going to get any sleep at this rate, Asami thought with a smile as she stared at the ceiling of her apartment bedroom.  She buried her nose in the hair of the woman sleeping peacefully on her chest and inhaled, feeling another wave of contentment wash over her.
It seemed like a lifetime ago that she and Korra had finally made it to her apartment, but in reality couldn't have been more than four or five hours.  She could hardly remember showering or eating; what she did remember in exquisite detail was leading Korra by the hand to her room, the feeling of Korra's hands on her skin and the heat of her mouth as the avatar explored her body.  She remembered the moans and sighs she pulled from the younger woman and the satisfaction of having her writhing under her.  There was one memory in particular that was leaving her restless, warming her face and making clench her legs together impatiently.  
"You're supposed to be sleeping," Korra said drowsily.  The arm around Asami's torso and leg across her thighs wrapped tighter around her in a sleepy hug.
"I was just thinking."
"When aren't you?"  Korra propped herself up on an elbow and grinned.  "Anything I'd be interested in?"
Asami cupped the side of her face for a moment before letting her hand tangle in her hair.  "Just how much I enjoyed our vacation . . . and tonight specifically."
"It was pretty great, wasn't it?" she sighed happily before dipping her head into a slow kiss.  "I feel like you're not telling me something, though."
"Um, I - I might need your help with something," she mumbled with her bottom lip nervously between her teeth.
"O-okay," Korra laughed quietly.  
"I was thinking about . . . about what you did to me earlier-"
"Which time?" she asked with a full grin.
"You're enjoying this too much," Asami groaned as she threw her free arm over her eyes.  "The first time."
Korra frowned as she pretended to think intently.  "You might have to jog my memory."
"You know, I could just take care of this on my own."
"Oh, the waterbending thing," the avatar said, suddenly remembering.  "What about it?"
"You're going to make me say it?"
Blue eyes seemed to blaze in the dim lighting of the room before she whispered against her lips, "Yeah, I am."
Asami pulled her into another, longer kiss.  "Do it again."
"Yes, ma'am," she whispered as she began kissing down her body.
"This is a bad idea."
"That's why I told you to stay with your family," Mako whispered to Jeong as they and Bolin crept toward the tent they had seen Ping leaving earlier.  
"I'm in charge of this neighborhood-" she tried to say quietly.
"You're a civilian!" he hissed.  "If something-"
"Guys," Bolin muttered, "we've got movement."
All three fell silent as they watched a teenager leave the tent.  "Now?" Jeong asked.
Mako looked to his brother, "Can you tell if anyone is inside?"
"I'll try.  I'm still pretty new at this."  Bolin stomped the ground and fell into a low, wide stance.  There were a lot of people around them, but it didn't seem like anyone was in the tent.  "We're good, I think."
Mako led the way to the back side of the tent, having the other two keep watch as he pulled up a corner stake and lifted the canvas enough to slip under it.  
The inside of the tent was dark enough he was tempted to use his firebending, but he ignored the urge.  He stayed crouched as he passed a row of beds and felt his heart stop.  Half of them were filled with sleeping boys and teenagers.  Bolin, you definitely need a few more lessons.  He was about to shimmy back out of the tent when he spotted a stack of papers and a map on a table near the entrance.  
Screw it.  I'm already here.  He moved with a slow and practiced grace he hadn't had to use in ages as he crept across the room filled with what looked like new gang members.  Staying as low as he could, he began going through the pages, making mental notes of names and locations.  He was putting everything back the way it was when he heard the rustle of blankets.
Crouched under the table, Mako watched as someone turned over in their bed waiting anxiously for the moment they opened their eyes and spotted him.  The muscles in his legs and back clenched as he prepared to defend himself. . .
Mako pinched the bridge of his nose.  The urge to issue a bellowing fart that ended with a quiet, high pitched hiss, that was what prompted the kid to roll over, not hearing Mako.  
Bolin turned when he heard his brother slide from under the tent.  Mako hurriedly shook his head as he pushed the stake back in the ground and led the others away to a safe distance.
"So, what did you find out?!" Bolin asked in excitement.
"That there were at least half a dozen kids sleeping in that tent," he said irately.
"What?  No," he muttered before stomping the ground.  "Hmm, that's what that is."
"Aside from that?" Jeong asked impatiently.
"Give me a minute," Mako said as he pulled out his notebook and began jotting down everything he could remember.  Locations in the city, names of new recruits, and a few coordinates neatly filled the page as he tried to make sense of it.
"Those could be new territory landmarks," Bolin muttered from over his right shoulder.
"I recognize a lot of those names," Jeong said from his left elbow.  "They've gotten to more kids than I thought."
"I want to know what these are," Mako said thoughtfully at the list of numbers.
"These and these," she said pointing to the first and fourth entry, "could be tent locations in the camps.  They would be-"  She paused and looked around to get her bearings, "over that way," she said pointing down a wide thoroughfare.  
"Let's check it out," Bolin proclaimed in his Nuktuk voice.
The all too familiar smell of smoke filled the work camp as Kuvira hurried from her assigned post away from the source of the fire.  She pushed her way past the other guards going the opposite way, ignoring their shouts wondering where she was going.  
I need to get back to the guard barracks.  She rounded a prisoner shack and spied her target.  The canister of gasoline was exactly where she left it that morning.  Sliding to a stop, she quickly pulled out a rag and a lighter.  
Shouts filled the air as more guards converged on the first fire.  Rag lit, Kuvira took off running again.  One more fire to start, she thought as she neared the mess hall.  
The second fire was underway.  Alert everyone and separate them, cut off communication, and sabotage their efforts at suppressing the fires - it wasn't as subtle and clever as Azula's coup of Ba Sing Se, but she didn't have time to forge alliances.  
"Hey, where are you going soldier?!"
Kuvira altered her path and run towards the man.  "There's a fire!"
"No shit!  Turn around and-"
She dropped into a slide and took his legs out from under him.  She climbed onto his back and wrapped her arm around his neck tightly.  For five violent seconds he thrashed below her until he became still.  
I have to get going.  She took off in a sprint across the camp yard.  Angry yells were crossing the camp.  They've figured out the hoses won't work.  Hopefully they haven't fixed the radio tower yet. . . 
"You there!  What's happening?  We can't reach anyone outside the camp!" another soldier said as they exited the mess hall.
"There's a fire in one of the prisoner's barracks," she said pointing behind her.
"Wait, is that another-"  
The narrow edge of Kuvira's flattened hand collided with the man's throat.  His eyes bulged as his hands gripped his neck before she drove her knee into his groin and then his face.  As he crumpled, another two Empire soldiers exited the building.
"What happened?"
"He fainted," Kuvira said breathlessly.
"What-" he said moving to kneel down next to the fallen man only to meet her knee.  The other stood shocked for a moment before sending strips of metal at her.  She dodged them and sent a low kick to the side of his knee.  "Ahrr!"  Twisting her body around, she swung the heel of her boot into the side of his face.
Now I'm really behind schedule.  Hopefully the prisoners can hold their own for a little while.  She moved to the back side of the hall and found the last gas canister and set up her bomb.  Just like the one that almost killed me that first night in Ba Sing Se.
Guards were converging on the second fire as she set off towards the prisoner barracks.  No one stopped her as she ran, but she did notice more soldiers abandoning the prisoners for the other fire, especially as the last canister exploded behind her.  
The fighting had yet to break out, but there was plenty of chaos as prisoners yelled and screamed at the jailers to put out the fire that had spread to two more bunkhouses.  As Kuvira neared, her contact spotted her and quickly put the second part of their plan in motion by jumping the nearest guard.  Several more prisoners followed his lead.
"Shit, shit, shit!  The prisoners are revolting!" a soldier yelled just before he was tackled to the ground.
Kuvira threw herself into the mix and together they quickly subdued the opposition.  "Everyone alright?" she asked as the guards' platinum handcuffs were used on the soldiers.
"Nothing that won't heal," a woman said beside her.  "What's next?"
"I need a group of you come with me," she said quickly.  "We don't have a lot of time before they repair the radio tower and call for help.  Speaking of which-"  She paused as the shouts of soldiers neared them.  "You, pretend to fight me.  The rest of you, hide."
"We have your back, rookie!" the soldier said as he and female guard ran toward them.  Neither could get a clear shot at the prison because Kuvira stayed between them.  "Move, rookie!"
She turned and shifted the ground under their feet causing them to fall.
"What the hell?!" he yelled.  Wasting no time, Kuvira landed a kick to the man's jaw.  
The woman rolled out of her range and sprang to her feet snarling.  Metal strips flew past off her uniform for the Kuvira's head.
Quick hands deflected the blows before moving the ground below the woman's feet again.  The soldier stumbled and gasped in dismay as Kuvira ripped the remaining metal from her uniform.  Her attempt to pull a chunk of rock from the ground was too slow as one of Kuvira's collided with the side of her head.
The rest of the prisoners came out of hiding and crowded around the fallen soldiers.  "We're in for a long night.," Kuvira stated.  “Those that are willing to fight come with me.  Everyone else will need to make sure the guards we incapacitate are striped of their metal and securely bound."
A brief calm fell as the fires burned, lighting up the night.  
"Let's move out."
"We should be getting close," Jeong muttered quietly.
"Eight fifty-two, eight fifty-three . . . It should be the third one down on the right," Bolin hissed.
"We're just going to walk by it.  Bolin, try to get a read on it and don't forget to check the furniture for people," Mako whispered.
They walked by as nonchalantly as a pair of cops and a known neighborhood watch-woman could, knowing the Triple Threats likely had eyes on them.  
"Anything?" Mako asked.
"There's definitely people in that one.  Maybe five or six."
"Can't you just go in there and say you had a tip something illegal was going on in there?" Jeong asked impatiently.
"No, because they're going to see through that and know I can't legally do anything with the evidence I might find in there."  Mako looked around.  "What we need is a distraction."
Silence fell on the group as they continued further down the path.  "What if we flush them out with an argument?" Bolin offered.
"And then what?" Jeong asked.
"We'll need you at the back of their tent watching where people leave to.  They'll probably scatter so you'll have to watch for anyone important-"
"How will I know if someone is important?" she asked in a whispered panic.
"They'll look important . . . or they'll be telling the others what to do."
"O-okay," she muttered nervously.
"And stay out of sight or better yet," he said looking at the hooded coat she wore, "if you could pretend to be a vagrant or a beggar-"
"What?!" she hissed.
"No notices beggars until they start talking," Mako explained.  "How many people sitting along our path have you noticed?"  At her frown he continued.  "We've passed at least five so far."
"Just sit on the ground a few tents from the target with your hood up," Bolin said with a grin.  "Mako and I used to do this as kids!"
"So I just sit and-"
"With the hood up!  Or a big hat if you have one," the younger man muttered.
"Right and watch for an important person to leave the tent.  Do I follow them?"
"If you feel like you can do so safely," the detective stressed.  "Even if we can get a general direction that's better than nothing.  We need to know what other tents they're using."
"Ready?" Bolin asked.
"Sure," Jeong said with a strained smile.
"You don't have to do this-"
"No, I'm good.  Let's figure out what these bastards are up to."  Her smile felt a little more genuine.
The men turned back the way they came with Bolin leading the way looking agitated.  Jeong cut between the tents and followed a parallel path back towards their target.  On the other side of the tents, she could hear their staged conversation.
"Bolin, what are you doing?!" Mako shouted.
"This is stupid!  I'm going to talk to them!"
Jeong quickly pulled up her hood and looked for a good spot to sit.
"Bo, you're a cop!  You can't just barge into people's tents!"
"Yeah, watch me!" Bolin shouted.
"Hey, boys!  What's going on?" a new voice asked.  
"Mushi!  What's going on in there?!" Boling demanded.
"Nothing illegal if that's what you're worried about, Bolin.  We're just trying to get by like the rest of the people here.  Not everyone can be friends with the avatar and get a cozy place on Air Temple Island."
"Bolin, calm down.  We can't just invade someone's home!" Mako tried to explain.
"Well maybe I don't want to be a cop.  Maybe I'm just a normal citizen who's worried about the gang problem around here!"  There was a rustling of clothing.
"Kid, listen to your brother.  Taking off your shirt doesn't make you any less of a pig."
"And hiring kids to do your dirty work doesn't make you any less of a jerk!"
"You didn't seem to mind working for us a few years ago."
Jeong picked a spot two tents down.  Wait, what did he mean by that?  Were they-
"These kids aren't homeless, Mushi.  They have families that are worried about them!"
"Some of them are."
"Bolin, grab your shirt.  We need to get going," Mako said.
"No, I'm not leaving until I know what you're hiding in there!"
That seemed to do it.  Quietly, people began to trickle into the walkway she was watching.  Just like Mako predicted they were quickly scattering.
"Bolin, what do think you'll find?  Bombs?  Drugs?  Money?  We evacuated just like everyone else - they barely let us bring a bag of clothes with us."
"It doesn't matter what I think you're hiding - I know you're hiding something!"
A man carrying a heavy bag passed by Jeong.  That's important, right?
"Bolin, come on.  I'm sorry, Mushi.  We've had a long day," Mako explained.
"No, no.  I get it.  You kids know what it was like.  Things have changed," the gangster said calmly.  "We prefer white collar crime these days - the stuff you were good at, Mako.  If Bolin needs to see what's in the tent so bad then I guess I could let him take a peek."  
Jeong set off after the bag carrier.  Okay, don't get too close.  Don't let him know I'm following.  I have no idea what I'm doing!  She cut between tents to keep an eye on him.  He's taking a left.  For about five minutes she tailed him until he finally ducked into a tent.  Yes, I did it!  Um, where am I?  She looked for signs and got a general idea.  Now what do I do?  She was about to head back to her family's tent when the man exited without the bag.  Where is he-  Oh, lavatory, Jeong concluded based on the direction he was heading.  I should just go home . . . but, I want to know what was in that bag!
Ignoring the rational voice in her head telling her she'd get herself killed, Jeong darted into the tent.  It was small and empty except for a cot and a small table.  Where did he - there it is!  She knelt down and pulled the bag from under the cot.  What were you hiding? . . . Spirits, what are these?  
Long metal and wood . . . things filled the bag, at least eight of them.  I don't know how I'd even describe them.  Would he notice if I took one?  She lifted one out of the bag.  Wow, this is heavy!  I have to keep it hidden.  Carefully she closed the bag and pushed it back under the cot.  The trip back home was nerve-racking, but thankfully uneventful.  
"There you are!" Bolin shouted from outside the tent.  "We were getting worried."
"In here," she hissed as she led them in.  Her family was asleep so they kept their voices low.  "I found this."
Mako took the object from her and inspected it.  "Where did you find this?"
"One of them had a bag full of them when he left the tent.  He dropped it off at his and left to use the bathroom so I took a look," she said feeling very pleased with herself.
"Are you out of your mind?!" he hissed.  "You could have been caught!"
"I know, but I couldn't just not see what he was hiding!"
"Yes, you could have!"
"Guys, what's done is done," Bolin whispered.  "What is that thing anyway?"
"A weapon," the detective said ominously.  "One we need to show to Varrik and Asami, if she's back yet."
"So we're heading back to the island?" Bolin asked excitedly.
"Yes, and you're coming with us," Mako said to Jeong.  
"Me?  Why?"
"The chief is going to want to talk to you and to be honest, it's probably for the best if you disappear for a bit after being seen with us, for a while at least.  So pack a bag - we need to go now."
Well this will be a fun conversation, she thought as she moved to wake her parents.
A/N: More plot for your enjoyment!  If you were looking for Korrasami smut then you won't find it here, BUT you can find it in Slurping Noodles and Bending Water - it's the NSFW version of this chapter.
It feels good to be writing again.  I think I tried writing this at least three different times before I had something I felt was up to snuff.  
Thanks for reading, liking, and/or reviewing!
Chapter 18 Politicians are jerks
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rurounidrift · 7 years
June 28 Blurr’s HOrror Stream - Life
A Hot Rod showed up. Drift fell all over himself.
Apparently he’s tired of the type of movie endings this one has, because he ranted a bit about it.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: [[ fair warning, comcast is sucking asss today, so i may possibly lose the stream )) B l u r r: [[ im not even showing anythingand it's dropping frames ]] Hot Rod: ( iM HERE ) B l u r r: ( A SMOL! ) B l u r r: / skids in on fast pedes and vents. Hiss steam from pauldrons. He is here! / Soundwave: *Rumble stumbles in after him, slightly off-balance.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Somebody catch th' plate on that fragger?// Hot Rod: *so conFUSED as he comes in* B l u r r: / snickers and flicks claws in his direction / B l u r r: Hnn? /a new face. He doesn't recognize it / Hot Rod: *squinty-eyed look at the others* "...Bonjour...?" Sunstreaker: -and he's here in place of Blaster tonight- B l u r r: ... /sharp tooth grin/ Bonjour. K-Kyeheheh. Hot Rod: *nervousness intensifies, as he plants his servos on his hips* "Alright, merci beaucoup, strange one." B l u r r: Blurr. /motions around with claws/ This is my ship. Sunstreaker: -glances around at the crowd. Only recognizes a few. Gets ready for a long night of not knowing what is going on- Hot Rod: *nods and looks around* It's a very... /nice/ ship. B l u r r: How sweet... B l u r r: You haven't even seen the best part of it yet. B l u r r: But, that's off limits for now. Hot Rod: "It's /quite/ alright. Im content on standing RIGHT HERE.." Bevel: *trundles in* B l u r r: Kyeheheh, if you want to. Whirl: *slinks in and makes his way for his hammock* Sunstreaker: -snorts, and goes to sit, somewhere out of the way- B l u r r: Snacks are set up. We just got new supplies, so they're all fresh. B l u r r: So, feel free to pick and choose. /vents/ Or what have you. Drift: *look who finally showed up!* B l u r r: / wiggles claws at / Drift: ((which continuity hot rod is here? 0v0)) Whirl: *sticks out the legy to rock his hammock* Anything liquid? And strong enough to strip the paint off ya? B l u r r: (( hes tyran, i think )) B l u r r: (( he new friend! )) B l u r r: Yes, we made liquid treats this time. Bevel: *waves to Blurr as she gets some of said liquid treats* B l u r r: / waves at Bevel / Drift: *wiggles fingers at blurr, and flops next to* B l u r r: / smirks at / B l u r r: D: where hot rod go? I was excite to see! )) Bevel: *now to find someplace to sit* Hot Rod: ( omg sorry IM HERE ) Whirl: And the "strong enough to strip your paint" bit? B l u r r: ( yay! ) B l u r r: ... Hell, I don't know. I have a different flavor pallette. B l u r r: But, I know one of them smells extremely sweet. Whirl: Hmm. *hauls himself up and stalks over to inspect them* Hot Rod: *claps his servos together* alright, i need names. Who are you all??? Bevel: *looks up from the drink she's grabbed* My name is Bevel. B l u r r: You already know me. /eyeing him/ And I think I know you. Hot Rod: ( eyes him back ) "Monsieur, I do not think you do." B l u r r: No, but... I could know you real fast. /licks sharp denta/ You look like you taste good. Whirl: *holds a glass under his helm, huffing in the scent* I... am Ultra Magnus. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble squawks. That's HIS joke!* Drift: I'm Drift. *nods at Whirl* Ultra Magnus over here is my second-in-command. Hot Rod: ( FROWNS ) "You touch me, I'm punching you, mon ami. I suggest you do not." Sunstreaker: Sunstreaker. B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHA!! /kicks pedes. He's wheezing. He's joking/ Whirl: *you snooze you lose, pipsqueak* Drift: S'okay, Blurr doesn't eat guests unless they're causing trouble. Sunstreaker: -and just going to sigh at the joke. Really?- Bevel: *laughs* Hot Rod: ( nods at everyone else, offering a charming smile ) "Bonjour, quite a pleasure to meet you all. && I do not think you are Ultra Magnus?" Whirl: *sets the glass down, having apparently decided not to drink it* And why would that be? Hot Rod: "It eez... a gut feeling." B l u r r: / nudges Drift and snickers / He thought I was gonna actually eat him. Drift: Oh, that's just because he's not in his suit. Bulks him up a lot. Whirl: Well, you're wrong. As you can see, my fellows will vouch for me. Whirl: *retreats to his hammock* Sunstreaker: -No he won't- Hot Rod: "Alright, I stand by my beliefs." ( huffs ) "I have no idea who you are and I literally just came here. Can you blame me?" Bevel: *realized she clearly missed a chance to say she was Shockwave or Astrotrain or something* Whirl: Yes? I can? Whirl: You don't know a damn thing about me or where I come from. Why would I LIE? B l u r r: Stop picking on him, guys. What if I get in troubl-... / trails off/ Ah... Optimus Prime of Tyran breaking in to kill me. B l u r r: /SIIIIIGH / Whirl: He might very well step on you. Whirl: Slowly. B l u r r: He might... Hot Rod: ( confused french noises ) Hot Rod: ( perks up ) Hot Rod: "Man, Optimus is like my sire. He's rather cool!" ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in and looks over at Whirl.* B l u r r: ... you know him closely , then? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ultra Magnus, Blurr, Bevel, Drift. Greetings.]] B l u r r: / waves at Soundwave / Whirl: *it's a good thing he's so dam good at poker faces* Soundwave. *nods gravely* Sunstreaker: ((SNEK! Primus-mun says hi ItsyBitsySpyers: *Parks himself on his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((hi!)) Whirl: ((YOOO)) Hot Rod: "Kinda close?" Hot Rod: "I'm pretty sure that even if we weren't close, he would still step on you." B l u r r: .... That's fantastic. B l u r r: Come sit with me and Drift. Sunstreaker: ((she's not having a good day, like at all B l u r r: (( hi Primus - mun! )) Drift: ((hullooo!)) Whirl: Yo. Pipsqueak. *clicks his vocalizer*
Missed a little. Hot Rod gave his name and Drift immediately, enthusiastically, and repeatedly welcomed him to their couch. Blurr called him out on it.
Drift: *swats at blurr* Life's too short for subtlety. I'm NOT scaring him away, I'm welcoming him. This is his first night here, right? It's polite. Hot Rod: [ looks very awkward and squints ] That would be a stupid law. B l u r r: / rolls optic/ Great, now you're gonna spend the whole time with him. /joking / Hot Rod: [ THEN looks at the other and hesitantly slides over ] "Zhen it would alright if I sit here?" B l u r r: Sure, I won't bite you. B l u r r: I'm under strict orders not to hurt your... kind. Drift: Yeah, absolutely! 0v0 Drift: *pokes blurr* Hey. I can spend time with BOTH of you, you know. B l u r r: Now where have I heard THAT before? Hot Rod: [ curious look ] You can't hurt MY kind? I do not understand? B l u r r: ...We're different. But, I know hurting you might back fire on me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble manages to hoist himself up the leg, also with great dignity, and settles in.* B l u r r: [[ oh, does anyone need captions? I can turn it off. ]] Bevel: [[i do please B l u r r: [[ okie we leave them on! ]] Hot Rod: [ sits all prim and proper, jesus, rELAX HOT ROD ] "Hurting bots in general would backfire, irregardless." Whirl: *counter-settles and, content that his Clever Ruse is well underway, looks to the screen. And, staring fixedly at the screen, he veeery subtly nudges Rumble* Whirl: @R: Thanks, by the way. B l u r r: / rolls optic/ Oh, relax, Hot Rod. You're fine. I'm not gonna bite. B l u r r: Besides, Drift here would have a panic attack if I tried /snort/ ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //Huh? What for? I mean, like, yer welcome 'n all, but I dunno why.// Drift: He's right. I'd panic, and then I'd attack. Whirl: @R: Basically all of Monday. Sunstreaker: -Can they not? Sunstreaker is off-duty now- Sunstreaker: -He'd like to remain off-duty- Hot Rod: ( HUFFS ) "I can handle myself in a fight. I am no damsel in distress." B l u r r: / snerk / Drift: Oh no no, of course not! B l u r r: Anyway, baguette, you're perfectly safe on my ship. So long as you don't cause damage. Whirl: *SNK* Whirl: *he approves of the nickname* ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //Oh. Oh, yeah! No problem, mech. Got your back, swear.// Drift: ... "baguette"? B l u r r: It's a french thing. Hot Rod: ( HISSES LOUDLY ) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave eyes the new mech curiously* Whirl: *nudges again, in silent acknowledgement* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just listening to that. And Rumble nudges back.* B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. Drift: *he /hisses/. wow.* Hot Rod: "Baguette is a STUPID nickname." Hot Rod: *he can make many other noises* Sunstreaker: -settles to watch humans being stupid on screen- B l u r r: Oh, is it? Well, I suppose I could come up with something later. B l u r r: [[ also, btw, some gore shyte is comin' up ]] Drift: I'll just call you Hot Rod. 0u0 Hot Rod: "It eez Hot Rod && ONLY HOT ROD" Hot Rod: "Merci beaucoup!" B l u r r: Aut ' 'Od? B l u r r: / smirking more / Whirl: *squints* what is it, like, an amoeba? Whirl: A very tiny barnacle...? Drift: *paps blurr's head* Don't make fun of him. B l u r r: / scoffs/ Sunstreaker: ...... Hot Rod: "HOT. ROD. You imbecile!" B l u r r: I'm just playing with hi- ItsyBitsySpyers: //Looks kinda like a... whatcha call it. Lich. Lichen... Leech!// B l u r r: .... /optic flare / Whirl: A leech. *blank stare. Pertraxia flashbacks* B l u r r: / engine growl / I am NOT an imbecile. Whirl: Not sure it's a leech... but it IS leech-like. Whirl: *he can understand the one scientist's pride. Who wouldn't love a horrid little blob baby.* Hot Rod: ( tips his helm up ) "Then call me by my proper designation." ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Heh. Node.]] B l u r r: That's what it SOUNDED like to me. B l u r r: Though, I admit. It's nice to meet an Autobot with some taste. Drift: ... How about both of you be nice to each other. Whirl: ExCUSE you. Whirl: I'M an Autobot and I have EXCELLENT taste. B l u r r: I meant from Tyran, you bolt. B l u r r: Aside from Roadbuster, I haven't met a mech who wanted to take control of an accent. B l u r r: I was COMPLIMENTING him. Hot Rod: ( clears throat and pronounces slowly ) "Hot. Rod. And of course, I know that I have excellent tastes." Hot Rod: ( ok you made him happy because his lil dorrwings are fluttering ) Bevel: Is Calvin gonna eat everyone? *knows what kinda movies Blurr shows by now* B l u r r: / smirks/ Hot Rod it is. Whirl: I hope it gorws into some kind of monster. I mean. That's what I EXPECT, of course. Hot Rod: ( pleased purr and settles to watch the movie ) B l u r r: I hope it's a monster. I love monsters. Bevel: *giggles* Whirl: *side-eyes Hot Rod; interesting noise. After a moment, he mimics the purr* Drift: I like the accent! *belatedly and uselessly* Whirl: *not quite purrfectly but very close* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey! Hey! We got accents. Just they don't sound like that one.// Jazz: *drops down from the ceiling and drapes over Soundwave's couch* BUDDY! Hot Rod: ( embarrassed smile now ) "Merci beaucoup, Drift." ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is up off that couch, turned around, and waving wary feelers in a FLASH.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus.]] Jazz: *grins* Did I scare yah? Drift: *he got a smile!! smiles back brilliantly* Hot Rod: ( laughs at Whirl trying to mimic him. Does a little purring noise again ) Whirl: *mimics again--it's much better this time* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You nearly lost your helm.]] Jazz: Whoa... new mech! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pauses his irritation to look at the screen. Neural network?* Jazz: *looks at soundwave* Awww, you sound like you'd be sorry if I did. Whirl: Aww, look at it! Already growing. Most likely into something bloodthirsty. <3 B l u r r: Hopefully. Crosscut: Hello? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes, well. He does have an oath to keep. He would be loathe to break it.]] Crosscut: -enters- Jazz: *shrugs and struts across the room for some snacks* Sunstreaker: -Yep, crowd watching is more intersting right now- Whirl: *quick glance to Crosscut, but is not obvious about it* Jazz: Well, the all spark an' I thank yah, Sounders. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yo!// Wave to Crosscut. He tries to make it not look as excited as it is. //Ain't seen you in a long time. How ya doin'?// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You should.]] Whirl: *Look at the thing!* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sits himself down and watches the creature with interest, now that Jazz is moved* Crosscut: Why helllo, I suppose it has been some time hasn't it? Whirl: *zoops towards the screen* B l u r r: [[ lmao poor whirl. ]] Whirl: ((IT'S CUTE THO)) B l u r r: [[ good luck. ]] B l u r r: [ DONT BLAME ME ]] Whirl: ((BY HIS STANDARDS)) Crosscut: I'm well, busy but well. Hot Rod: "Ewwwww... it's WIGGLING" Whirl: It's precious. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...How is it progressing so quickly...?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah? Whatcha been up to?// Hot Rod: ( covers his face ) Crosscut: -is there room to sit by the tiny writer?- Whirl: *he's in the Hammock, but Whirl nudges him--if he wants to go to CC, he can* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny writer is by Whirl, so that depends on Whirl* B l u r r: .. Are you scared of it? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! He's being nudged. Well, he'll scamper over, then.* Jazz: *flashes visor and waves at the peeps he knows * Hot Rod: "It's gross and yes, its kinda scary" Whirl: *glances after him, looking briefly very satisfied with himself* B l u r r: K-Kyeheheh. Don't worry, it's just a movie. B l u r r: For now. Hot Rod: "But not as scary as the dinobots." Whirl: *JUST AS KEIKAKU* B l u r r: ... /makes a face/ Dinobots are... rather intimidating. Crosscut: -takes a seat- Well, looking into moving preperations mostly. Hot Rod: "If you saw MY dinobots, you would be terrified. The first time I saw them, i fainted" ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bounces up onto the seat just enough nearby to be friendly without going full fanboy.* B l u r r: I HAVE seen your dinobots. B l u r r: I don't want to see them ever again ItsyBitsySpyers: //Movin'? You leavin' the ship?// Hot Rod: "And when I woke up, i was in their nest for a few days." Crosscut: -Pfft, no mini bots in lap- Drift: Saw them. Watched a documentary. Crosscut: Yes, planning on it. B l u r r: /nudges thumb at Jazz/ He's more accustomed to them, honestly. Jazz: *sipping cube* they're snugglers. Whirl: The little tyke got loose. Sunstreaker: -wow, alarms from the lab. Surprise.- Hot Rod: *nods slightly* Hot Rod: "They like to... cuddle a lot." Hot Rod: "Normally im up for it, but its real scary" Jazz: Aw, they're just lonely sometimes. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Where ya gonna go? You gonna go politics again?// Jazz: *flashes visor* Jazz: I don't know you, do I? You're new. *grins* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Tyran Dinobots, snuggling?]] Crosscut: Just Cybertron. Hot Rod: ( thinks back to all the times he's been chased ) Crosscut: What? Oh no no, no politics anymore. B l u r r: / nudges Drift / Hey. Maybe he can get Optimus to kill me and you can go celebrate with him. Hot Rod: "I don't... think I've met you either?" Drift: Shut up. Optimus can maim you, but killing is off-limits. Jazz: Probably not. Been gone for a while. *holds out claw* Name's Jazz. First Lieutenant, mech. B l u r r: Okay, but that doesn't mean you can't hang out with him. /pokes Drift's helm/ Crosscut: I have enough savings, I'm going to focus on my writing mostly, or that's the plan at least. B l u r r: You giant flirt. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Crosscut's gonna write again?* Hot Rod: ( takes his hands and shakes it ) Hot Rod, soldier and World War 2 veteran. Pleasure to met you Jazz: *grins and magnets to his servo. Shake shake* Sunstreaker: -watching screen again. What are the humans doing this time?- ItsyBitsySpyers: //Awesome. Got enough politics mechs around.// Sunstreaker: ... Sunstreaker: ............ Drift: Oh, you've been on Earth that long? Hot Rod: ( confused looks to their servos ) Hot Rod: ( goodness, are they sTUCK ) Hot Rod: ( nods happily ) "Oui! I have been there for that long." Whirl: *recoils a bit. mmmmmm* Drift: *... he's going to lose a hand* Whirl: *VERY QUICKLY LOOKS AT HIS HAMMOCK* Sunstreaker: -well slag- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble pings Whirl.* Drift: *distraction time* Hey! Whirl! Hot Rod: "whats happening" Jazz: *shake shake and releases servo* Sunstreaker: -That's not good- Jazz: I don't remember you...  but you feel familiar. Hot Rod: ( tERRIFIED SQUEAKING ) Drift: Whirl, have you put more thought into the whole—ship—thing? The little ship. B l u r r: / uh. Awkward. Uhm. Pats Hot Rod's uh... arm...? / Drift: *was drift too late* Whirl: *antenna twitches; he's still looking down* Sunstreaker: -stares and doesn't like where this is going- Sunstreaker: And it is out Crosscut: -watching the film- Drift: *was clearly too late* Crosscut: ((NO! Not that cute fat boy!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Is it gonna go Alien on it?//
Missed some, idk how much. Crosscut got scurred.
ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble nudges Crosscut.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //You holdin' up, mech?// Crosscut: W-what? Oh..no, I mena yes. Crosscut: I'm fine.. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Note to self. Crosscut probably isn't ever going to write scary stories.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They should never have shocked it.]] Crosscut: -He's fine with scary stuff!  just not...parasites or things similar to it.- Drift: ... Listen, Whirl. I know that you're... Sunstreaker: That was...a very bad idea Drift: *mm. no. don't say that.* You can stay on the Lost Light, if you want. It's just...it's not a ship anymore—it's more like an apartment complex. Drift: Nobody HAS to leave. Whirl: And stay there. On Cybertron. Hot Rod: ok, this isnt that scary anymore B l u r r: [[ so i missed all of that 8') ]] Drift: ... I take it that's a no. B l u r r: [[ had to be the convenient "yell at speedy" time ]] Whirl: With Starscream, and the NAILs. *his voice is getting flatter and flatter; when Whirl's not actively trying to emote, his voice sounds very dronelike* Whirl: No. Whirl: It's definitely a no. Drift: *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Humans really gotta stop goin' to space.// Crosscut: ((My sassy sassy rat, so big and cute and fat~)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //They don't do nothin' but get killed.// Crosscut: Hah ha. Bevel: [[this is too much for me, i'm gonna step out,  night everyone Drift: ((gnight)) Sunstreaker: ((g'night! B l u r r: Humans should stay away from space in general. Sunstreaker: .........so, two down already? Whirl: ((gnight!)) Hot Rod: "Humans are so cute, i love them" Hot Rod: ( night! hope you feel better soon, sweetpea~ <3 ) Crosscut: Who si that actor? Crosscut: He's so familar.. B l u r r: Humans disgust me... but I digress ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Which one?]] Jazz: I used to like 'em... *huffs* Now I'm just picky. Crosscut: I enjoy them. Hot Rod: ( excited look ) "I especially like the French people!" Jazz: Yo, French people are great. Jazz: They got the best style! Crosscut: They value entertainment more than most planets, they're very creative....It may hold them back quite a bit but they're very rich in culture. Whirl: *glances over, briefly* How d'you feel about French cinema? Crosscut: I quite enoy it, one of the first Earth languages I learned actually. Crosscut: *enjoy Whirl: ...well, I was talking to Hot Rod, but no reason not to poll the room. Crosscut: (omg im sorry i can't type tonight, i am juggling a rat in my hands- Crosscut: __ Crosscut: )) Whirl: ((A GOOD RAT)) Crosscut: ((He is good)) Drift: ((you notice how they kinda sway/bob back and forth while they're talking, since they're floating and all?)) Hot Rod: "I really do like French Cinema, especially their animations! They are very good." Drift: ((imagine the actors standing on solid ground and slowly leaning back and forth to pretend they're floating)) Crosscut: ((cut)) Crosscut: *cute Sunstreaker: ((hah! Jazz: (( pffft)) Whirl: If you've not checked out Jean-Luc Godar's work, you should. Whirl: ...y'know, it's been a while since we had Cukture Club. Whirl: *Culture ItsyBitsySpyers: //Lil while, yeah.// Whirl: .....*Godard ((GDI)) Drift: Whose turn is it? Whirl: Prowl's, I think. B l u r r: What is a culture club? Hot Rod: "Oh! Thank you, ill keep that in mind!" B l u r r: Humans are so hard to restart. Crosscut: ((-imaging all the typos tonight as drunken slurring- )) Drift: /Ugh/. Whirl: It's a thing I host every now and then. We all pick movies, and watch them. Whirl: You're welcome to come, as always. B l u r r: ... Ah. B l u r r: / frowns/ Cultural things? Whirl: Though I... guess I don't. Know where we're gonna do 'em, now. B l u r r: I'm afraid I've been stunted on culture thanks to the Decepticons. B l u r r: ... It's beautiful. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Stop attacking it.]] Whirl: Precious! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It reminds him a little of octopuses.]] B l u r r: It's smart... very smart. B l u r r: It's learning... /smirks/ Crosscut: That's terrifying. B l u r r: I want one. Sunstreaker: Humans have a...very /very/ active imagnation ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fascinating.]] Whirl: Strong little guy. B l u r r: ... Oh, you're an idiot. B l u r r: That's not how you survive. Crosscut: No, stay in there. B l u r r: well, if they didn't attack it, it wouldn't be defending itself. B l u r r: It saw them as the enemy the instant one of them attacked it B l u r r: so, if one is hurting it, to Calvin, they all will. Drift: I think hating somethinig that just killed three of your friends is pretty rational, actually. B l u r r: Hating something is easy. Whirl: I mean, if it were me, I'd try and find a way to kill it regardless of whose fault it was. Sunstreaker: -watching in mild fascination again- B l u r r: Survival calls for killing it, yes. Hot Rod: "Oh gosh, this is-- an oh gosh moment" Hot Rod: OH MON DIEU Hot Rod: MERDEEEE Drift: *looks at Hot Rod* You all right? B l u r r: He's having a moment. Hot Rod: "I would say oui, but non Sunstreaker: Yikes Hot Rod: I am not ok B l u r r: It's just a movie. It won't hurt you. B l u r r: They don't have escape pods? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And if it got in one with them?]] Jazz: ... Yah blow up the one it's in. Jazz: Or yah push it out into space. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[With what?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Motions to the screen.* Jazz: Shouldn't escape pods have navigation? Jazz: I mean, ours did. Sorta. Sunstreaker: ........ B l u r r: It's eating the other crew, too? Whirl: Looks like it. B l u r r: Well It's hungry. B l u r r: Well, he had a newborn. By horror logic, he was slated to die. Hot Rod: "oh no, sho.i loved u" Sunstreaker: I...have no more words left for this movie Whirl: Look at the little guy crawling. Whirl: ...well, that looks bad. ItsyBitsySpyers: //New rule: take swords to space.// B l u r r: If they're worried about their planet... B l u r r: why don't they just use what they can to get themselves further from Earth? B l u r r: Instead of struggling to go back Whirl: Best to keep a sword on you at all times. Just in case. Drift: They don't HAVE anything to get themselves further from Earth. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Where's yours?// Sunstreaker: Because they are being idiotic Drift: They're out of fuel, the little mini-rocket thing broke off... They're out of stuff. B l u r r: But they're still struggling to find a way back. Whirl: *shifts a bit, flopping back on the hammock, and whips his sword out of subspace. He points it straight up at the ceiling* Drift: Were they? I thought they were just kinda, being resigned here to not going back. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Holy frag. I didn't think ya actually had one.// B l u r r: Maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Boss. Boss, I want a sword.// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We will ask Bevel.]] Crosscut: Goodness, whirl put that away. Whirl: Yep. *still holding it aloft* Picked it up on the batle for Luna-1. B l u r r: .I have swords built into my frame. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah?// Whirl: Dunno who you're talking to, Crosscut. I'm Ultra Magnus. B l u r r: Yep. Crosscut: BT B l u r r: / snort / B l u r r: / He's finding this character slightly endearing / Whirl: *he feels you, pilot guy* Jazz: *sad face* Whirl: *at last, puts his sword away, but doesn't un-flop* Crosscut: ((I know it's the end but I'm falling asleep)) Whirl: ((if you're headin out, GNIGHT MY DUDE)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((gently blankets you)) B l u r r: /nudges Drift / Drift: Hm? Drift: ... Isn't HER turning on the candle gonna mess up the plan? B l u r r: I would lure some alien creature away for you. Crosscut: ((I'm gonna try to stick it out.)) Sunstreaker: ((g'night! Sunstreaker: ((or not Whirl: ((HANG IN THERE)) Drift: Aww. I'd lure one away for you. Drift: ... But we should fight it together. B l u r r: But if it came down to saving your planet, I'd rather lure it away. Drift: Don't need to lure it if we kick its aft together. B l u r r: Mm true. Whirl: ((its loving embrace)) Drift: ... Where's she going? She's going to mess up the plan. B l u r r: oh she's in it. Crosscut: -nodding off, starting to tilt over to the side- Drift: *scoots to edge of seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stretches a feeler out and tips Crosscut upright* Drift: ... I swear, if they decide to pull some "it falls to Earth and the last thing we see is it surviving and heading to civilization" slag... Whirl: *is presently a limp pile of elbows on his hammock, with a head zooping lazily out* B l u r r: What do you expect?Humans can only think so far. Drift: That's got nothing to do with humans. That's gonna be on the movie makers. Crosscut: -is pushed back up into a sitting position, but optics still dim- Drift: If the movie makers decide do that, I'll be torqued. B l u r r: ... Drift, those are humans. Drift: ... I thought you were talking about the characters. B l u r r: No, I meant the people who make the movies. Sunstreaker: And here comes the mess Whirl: At least it's happening for a reason--Calvin's doing it. Drift: Oh. Then no, I'm not talking about their ability to think so far, either. I'm talking about their decision to have a HAPPY ENDING. B l u r r: Happy endings don't exist. Whirl: *mmm TIME TO LOOK AWAY AGAIN PERHAPS* Drift: And a happy ending is an ending that doesn't finish with humans being endangered. Drift: They do in movies. B l u r r: Then it's more realistic for it not to end happily. Drift: I don't want a realistic ending. I want a happy ending where they save their planet. B l u r r: ... /shrugs / B l u r r: It's so CUTE. Whirl: *peeks back* Crosscut: ((smooch)) B l u r r: Maybe I'm just cynical. /completely is / Drift: ... Yeah, I think they made it to deep space. We're good. Crosscut: -flops forward, laying over own lap- Sunstreaker: -sits back to watch- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tips up again and taps with feeler claws.* B l u r r: / flexes claws/ I'm not even allowed back on my planet. So maybe my attachment is a little strained. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yo. Yo, you're missin' the end, mech.// Crosscut: Wha-...huh? Crosscut: Oh! Oh i'm -yawns- sorry. Drift: ... Yeah, fair. ItsyBitsySpyers: //'S cool.// Drift: ((it froze, what's happening???)) Sunstreaker: .............. B l u r r: [[ oh, she mcfuckled and went into deep space. ]] Crosscut: ((It froze what happened? B l u r r: he brought calvin to earth ]] Crosscut: I'm gonna guess his ship landed and hers got flipped into space? Drift: DAMMIT! Sunstreaker: There goes Earth B l u r r: [[ she tried to pilot ]] B l u r r: [[ and fuckked it up ]] B l u r r: [ SO THATS HER FAULT TBH ] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the hit to the solar panel *** up her system and piloting so she went into deep space)) Whirl: Interesting, that Calvin kept him alive. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and calvin stopped him finishing the manual override)) B l u r r: For a reason, I'm sure. Drift: I asked for ONE THING! B l u r r: It's a movie. Whirl: *blinks, and then gives a little snort* Whirl: Spirit in the Sky, eh? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Well, he's smart, ain't he?// B l u r r: / shrugs/ Besides, Earth is a disgusting planet. Crosscut: That was, well...a rather predictable ending. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Horror films often have them.]] Crosscut: This is true. B l u r r: I have no idea why anyone is surprised. Crosscut: Do like this song though. Sunstreaker: You mean there are other endings besides 'everyone dies?' Drift: Yeah, there's sometimes "the enemy is defeated and a single female survives." Crosscut: -rubs helm- Sorry for dozzing like that. B l u r r: Well. Sunstreaker: -snorts- Close enough B l u r r: I like that the monster didn't die. Crosscut: I'm more tired than I though I guess. Drift: No! It's different! Because this ending is an apocalypse. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey, you oughta recharge.// Jazz: Earth IS an apocalypse... Jazz: in most situations. Drift: I'm sick of implied apocalypses. I /lived/ through one. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then perhaps you should watch happier movies.]] Drift: Multiple! Multiple apocalypses! Crosscut: Yes, I suppose I should. Sunstreaker: Mech, most of us here have Crosscut: I will. I'm going. -stands on tired, stumbly legs- B l u r r: Horror movies are horror for a reason. The outcome isn't a success. most of the time. B l u r r: That's the "horror" Drift: I know! Why aren't more of you annoyed that it's gotta end with an implied apocalypse? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Don't fall asleep drivin' or - however ya move. Seeya, mech.// Whirl: C'mon, Drift, surely we could go through a few more apocalypses before we're done. Sunstreaker: Because it is /fiction/ B l u r r: / looks at Drift / My Master /wanted/ an apocalypse. Drift: No, the horror is the stuff that happens DURING the movie. I want it—I'd like it all wrapped up and OKAY again at the end. Drift: Yeah but that doesn't count, because I'd be rooting for you guys. Sunstreaker: We just watched a horror movie ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble bounces back to the hammock, thrilled that he spent most of the movie with a secret idol, and attempts to scramble in* B l u r r: I would be angry if they killed the monster. B l u r r: It was defensive the entire movie. Crosscut: Goodnight. Jazz: I dunno... I'm kinda leanin' on Drift's side. I mean, if it's fiction, then I guess a better endin' would make more sense. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Night!// Crosscut: -waves before turning to take his leave- It was nice seeing you again, Rumble. A shame we don't get to do so more often. Drift: I /just/—I want more movie endings that don't imply that humanity is going to go extinct. Sunstreaker: Yes, a happier end would have been nice Whirl: *un-flops and shifts to make room* Jazz: Humans sure don't give two scraps about any other species goin' extinct... Sunstreaker: But apparently the writers thought differently Jazz: *scratches helm* But, I don't wanna see their race run out, either. Drift: Oh NOW you're agreeing that a happier ending would have been nice? After snarking at me for the past five minutes? Drift: I'd just—I'd like a FEW more that are terrifying for two hours, and then after the two hours the humans are, presumably, going to be okay. Not ALL humans. The main cast can die, I don't care. Drift: But humanity, in general. Sunstreaker: You are taking a work of fiction too seriously Drift: Shut up. Let me have my damn opinion. Whirl: *nudges Rumble* You should ring him up sometime. He's not a hard mech to get a hold of. Sunstreaker: You have your opinion, I have mine Sunstreaker: And if I have to respect yours, then kindly /do the same/ Drift: Yeah, and I didn't ask you what you think of mine. B l u r r: Ohfor pit sake... B l u r r: / rubbing temples / You liked the ending. You hated it. There. B l u r r: We're done Drift: I never said you can't have my opinion. I'm just sitting over here talking about mine while you're— Drift: one—implying that there ARE no other endings—two—implying I'm an idiot for having an opinion based on living through apocalypses because oh wow, so have other people— Sunstreaker: You got upset over the fact that not everyone in the room shared yours ItsyBitsySpyers: //No fraggin' way.// Nudges back, following with a private comm because everyone doesn't need to know his fanboying. B l u r r: / scrubs claws over faceplate / Drift: —three—implying I'm an idiot for having an opinion over FICTION—and four—acting like having a damn opinion is "taking things too seriously." ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //What'm I gonna do, ask him to sign a datapad? C'mon. Probably looked dumb runnin' over there anyway.// Whirl: *prudently also switches over* R: He's not standoffish. You can just TALK. Drift: No, I got upset at your fragging attitude. A care a lot less about the movie now than I do about you apparently having a problem with the fact that I was annoyed over it. Drift: So shut up. You're not cool for acting apathetic about the end of a movie. B l u r r: / twitches finials/ ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //But I -don't- talk. Not, like. Not where all everybody sees. I'm gonna go to the rebuildin' site. They hear I'm talkin' to old senators 'n writers 'n I'm gonna get a girder to the faceplates.// Drift: *huffs. turns back to blurr.* Anyway. B l u r r: Mm? B l u r r: / now velocity wants to argue. / Drift: Sad 'bout the humans, but at least the monster DID live. So that's a plus. Sunstreaker: -sorry, he zoned out for a moment, he had to answer a call- B l u r r: I liked the monster. Sunstreaker: ((because mun wandered off, my bad Drift: ... I mean /I'm/ sad 'bout the humans. I know you aren't. S'fine. Whirl: @R: So, kick their as s. B l u r r: I just... have a hard time. B l u r r: Finding sympathy for them. Whirl: @R: Since when do THEY get to tell you what you can and can't do? *snorts* Drift: Yeah, I know. That's okay. Drift: My experiences with Earth were... nice. The only bad parts were the parts caused by Decepticons. B l u r r: .. /huffs/ Drift: Your experiences... weren't good. I don't blame you for not caring about them. B l u r r: I care about a few, I guess. B l u r r: But it's not because of me. B l u r r: It's because of someone else. Sunstreaker: -stands up, shaking his helm- Thank you for the movie, but I just got called into the med-bay Sunstreaker: Good night. Drift: Yeah? The ones you know now? B l u r r: Mm... B l u r r: / vents and sinks down/ And I went out the other night with Rodimus, against better judgment. B l u r r: / scratches helm/ Stupid idea. My bounty on Cybertron is incredibly high- higher than Magnus. Drift: ... Well, YOU'RE not dead. So is he? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble makes frustrated motions with his hands. How does he put this without looking weak?* B l u r r: No. Drift: Damn. B l u r r: / looks at the ceiling/ We drank for a while. /flickers optic/ He said he was sorry. Drift: You're still alive though. That's good. Drift: HA! B l u r r: But, I don't believe he's sorry for everything. Drift: Why, what's he want? B l u r r: He just.. wanted to talk. B l u r r: It felt weird. Drift: No no, I mean what's he REALLY want? B l u r r: I don't know. B l u r r: I drank too much. My processor glitched out and I shut down. B l u r r: I'm not supposed to ... Drift: Pfeh. Drift: ... Blurr, why in the world did you let him talk you into drinking? Drift: He was probably trying to fry your processor and kill you. B l u r r: Maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //I ain't afraid of kickin' aft. But listen, I'm five times smaller'n you 'n don't nobody respect minicons right. I probably already gotta fight like 20 mechs jus' so won't nobody try nothin'.-- ItsyBitsySpyers: The frag I wanna make it 40 for?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hi, he doesn't have very good opinions of most huge bots.* B l u r r: He didn't seem like he was trying. B l u r r: Even so... he erased my bounty. Drift: That's /acting/, Blurr. Drift: ... He definitely wants something out of you, then. He wants you to do something. B l u r r: I have nothing I can do. Drift: If he asks you for ANYTHING in the future, don't agree until you know EXACTLY what he's going to get out of it—including the stuff he isn't telling you. B l u r r: I won't be doing him favors. Drift: Like slag. You have a pirate crew. He could try to manipulate you into attacking his enemies for him. B l u r r: My slate is full right now. B l u r r: Speaking of which. I need you to do me a favor soon. Drift: Like—what if he said "hey, this planet has a treasure I've heard, here's a map as an apology for what a slagger I've been," and really the planet is just one of his enemies. Drift: Oh—yeah? What? B l u r r: Hnh... I can just steal the treasure and leave the planet. Drift: There's no treasure. It's a lie he told you to get you to attack it. B l u r r: In a few weeks, I need you to at least come onto The Emperor once every few days to check on the crew. Whirl: *tilts his head, considering; he can sort of see this position, though not in the exact way Rumble does. He has, after all, dealt with people trying to stop him from doing what he wants* Drift: Yeah, sure. No problem. *he's been spending a lot more time over here anyway* Whirl: @R: If THAT'S the case... then see to it that they don't find out. I won't rat you out to 'em, if you talk here. B l u r r: Cool. Thanks. B l u r r: They're gonna need some watching. B l u r r: They tend to get roudy without me on the ship. Whirl: @R: And, luckily for you, you happen to know a spymaster. Drift: Yeah? Where are you going? B l u r r: As for the planet and treasure, well. I guess I would just bounce and not do anything- what? B l u r r: Oh. /shrugs shoulders/ Roadbuster needs help. B l u r r: Scrap's going sour in his universe. Drift: What's up? Need another warrior down there? ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //...You better swear. Cause I ain't afraid of kickin -your- aft neither.// B l u r r: No. / said that way too fast/ B l u r r: I mean.. I can ask him. But I don't know if it's strictly Wrecker stuff or not. B l u r r: I bet he'd like you... Jazz: *flips over to sit next to Soundwave. Sliiides up next to* Whirl: *he's gonna swivel his helm to fix Rumble with his optic* @R: You think I WOULD? Drift: ... If you're sure. B l u r r: / vents/ It might be more dangerous than I think. B l u r r: I don't want to drag you down there. Drift: You think I can't handle danger? B l u r r: No, I know you can. B l u r r: It's not that I think you're incapable. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave casually lifts a hand and puts it on Jazz's head so he can't come any closer than he already is.* Jazz: *grins* 'Ey, did you hear that rumor about us? Jazz: * B) * Drift: *crooked, not-really-happy smile* It's not like I've got anybody at home waiting for me. I might as well be out watching your back. B l u r r: ... /shifts a little. Turns behind him and hisses/ Shut UP. B l u r r: / looks back at Drift/ I'll ask... Drift: Anyway. I'd like to meet Roadbuster. And whoever else you've got over there. B l u r r: Roadbuster. Topspin. B l u r r: Crosshairs is a useless fragger. Drift: Whatever Velocity just siad, it was a lie. B l u r r: Drift is all right... B l u r r: He's not as cool as you. Drift: Oh! The triplechanger me? B l u r r: Mmhm. B l u r r: You already know Jazz. Drift: Hey, I wanna meet my alternate. B l u r r: Well, I'll see if he wants to meet up sometime. ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //...No. It's--// And there's the frustrated hands again. //Ex-Decepticon. Y'know how that scrap is sometimes.// B l u r r: The problem is... they just... /fiddling with claws / They're acting different. They used to be this ring. And I was a dot on the far left ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What rumor about us? And what do you mean, 'us'?]] B l u r r: But, when I come over, they just... open the ring. B l u r r: I don't know what they want from me. Jazz: Yah know. Somethin' about you likin' my claws. Drift: ... Maybe they want you to join the ring. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does NOT like your claws. He HATES your claws.]] B l u r r: Impossible. Drift: ((SO ATTRACTIVE)) Jazz: I dunno, man. Jazz: They said you thought they were attractive. Drift: ((IT'S AS THOUGH THEY PULL HIM IN)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LOOK YOU)) Drift: ((HE'S DRAWN TO THEM)) Whirl: *the top shutter of his optic comes down and he regards Rumble with wry amusement* @R: I'm sure I don't, actually. Drift: ((cmon now, i know that soundwave and jazz are very different, but you know what they say)) Drift: ((opposites attract)) B l u r r: [[ omfg ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm going to find you and pour chicken grease on everything you love)) Drift: ((gasp)) Drift: ((what if i say i love all my friends, including you)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble grunts.* @W: //I'm shuttin' up before I get my leg in my mouth too.// ItsyBitsySpyers: ((then i'll nibble a drumstick while i do it)) B l u r r: / vents / Anyway. I'll let you know as things come up. /pats Drift / B l u r r: Sometimes I don't come back for a while. Dart is used to those moments. Whirl: *snorts and nudges him* @R: You're good. No harm, no foul. But yeah. I won't blab. If you get obvious about it, I'll tell you. B l u r r: / Dart panicks / Whirl: @R: Got your back. *this choice of words is, ofc, intentional* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are as attractive as a bucket of rust. He would not proposition you if you tied Autobot command's worst secrets to your frame and rested on a bed of silver.]] Drift: ((... undress him.)) Jazz: ... Whoa. *lifts claws* Bro, slow down. I got me a mech. Drift: ((then leave with his clothes.)) Jazz: You need to sloooow the frag down. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble is quiet for a second, then nudges back with a grin. Thanks.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Oh, for Pit's sake.]] Jazz: I just think it's funny some mech out there wants to see us together, ya know? Jazz: Gotta run that by m'space wife. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's probably YOU trying to bother him.]] Jazz: Nah, it was NOT me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Are you sure? You're the one constantly trying to hold his hand.]] B l u r r: / flops on Drift/ You wanna go explore this abandoned temple I found? Drift: DO I?? B l u r r: ... Do you? B l u r r: That's what I asked you. Jazz: 'Ey, you HELD it for as long as yah could, so  that's on you, too. Drift: ... That was a yes. Hell yes. B l u r r: Ah... well. Good. Because our maps are indicating we're getting close. B l u r r: By the way. Skychaser misses you. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You magnetized yourself to him!]] Drift: Does it have treasure, or just the next step in the treasure? Drift: *brightens* Yeah? I haven't seen him in a while, we should hang out. Drift: Hey, how's he been liking space travel? Whirl: *he simple nods, and streeetches* All right. Up, you rust-bucket. Time for me to go. B l u r r: It has a treasure, it says. B l u r r: /twitches finials/ Oh, he's enjoying it... a lot more than I thought. B l u r r: He pilots the ship when I don't Drift: Heh. I'm not surprised. B l u r r: He's gotten a little more outspoken. ItsyBitsySpyers: //I'm scootin'. Seeya, Ultra Magnus. Have fun polishin' your hammer.// Snicker. Whirl: *SNRK* Whirl: *tosses Rumble a salute before he clambers out* Seeya, losers. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A nod from the other seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We should be going.]] Soundwave looks at Jazz and pulls his hand away. [[-Without you,- whatever your rumors say.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble flips himself out of the hammock and jogs over to the Boss. Up on the arm he goes.* Jazz: *snickers and looks at Drift * He digs me, don't he? Drift: ... WHAT rumors? Whirl: *bobs his head at everyone else and trots off; it has been A Night* Whirl: *and not necessarily a great one* Jazz: So, this gray dude contacts me and says Sounders is sweet on me. Drift: Uh huh? Jazz: So I bring it up and now Sounders is all in denial. Jazz: All he's gotta do is says he digs me. I ain't gonna get mad. Hell, I'm a good lookin' mech. Drift: ... Okay, let's get something straight. Drift: If somebody said that about Soundwave, and it WASN'T true—he wouldn't ever even let the message get through. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[--WHAT.]] Drift: So he's definit— Oh, you're still here. Jazz: *LAUGHS* Drift: *gonna. bite his lips shut.* B l u r r: / snickering against Drift / ItsyBitsySpyers: *You're in trouble, Drift. He doesn't know what kind, yet. But you are.* Drift: *is it balanced out by the fact that he implied you're such a master of communications you can even control your own gossip* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Somewhat. 10% of his ire chipped off.* Drift: Ssso I should probablyyy go check on my crew... B l u r r: ... Oh, right. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Unless you have any other incredibly unwise things to say in his presence.]] Jazz: Aw, come on, Sounders. Jazz: We're just kiddin' Drift: Ha ha... ha... That was a... it was... you know I don't really... ahhh... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Leeeeeans closer to Drift.* B l u r r: / HISSES / Drift: Gonna... just... *he's gonna try to figure out how best to get to theDISJDLFJS GOING FASTER heads to the door while taking the WIDEST route away from Soundwave* Drift: *if that includes climbing over couches, so be it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Straightens up and watches Drift flee, pleased.* Drift: *he is out the door* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Turns to Blurr.* [[And you. Don't think he didn't hear you laughing.]] B l u r r: I laugh at everything. Drift: *and ducks his head back in* The war is over! You shouldn't be afraid of your feelings! B l u r r: You shouldn't be surprised. Drift: **** DASHES* ItsyBitsySpyers: *FEELER SHOOTS OUT AT DRIFT* Jazz: *LAUGHING HARDER* Drift: *TOP SPEED* ItsyBitsySpyers: [][][]One of these days, you're gonna die laughing.[][][] B l u r r: Probably. Drift: *IF HE DIES FOR THE CAUSE OF LOVE IT WILL NOT BE IN VAIN* B l u r r: I mean, it's almost happened. B l u r r: / smirks and stares at Soundwave / ItsyBitsySpyers: *IT'S NOT LOVE, FOR PRIMUS' SAKE. HE LIKES THE -OTHER- SOMETIMES SIC.* B l u r r: / welcome to the voices laughing and snickering / Drift: *LMAO SOUNDS FAKE* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He'll be sure to attend your smelting when it does.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Trudges out. Enough of this nonsense.* B l u r r: Good. Jazz: *grins and waves* Bye bye~
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Mar 15 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Monster Calls
Prowl continued to lack a verbal filter.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: / he is present. Dragging himself in with a thermal over him. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in and makes himself comfortable on his couch, lights dimming a bit as he exercises his right to slightly improper posture.* Shockbox: *He's here, he's queer, and ready for human fear.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((PFFFFF)) Shockbox: *In other words, he arrives on time as usual and heads to his seat.* B l u r r: (( omfg )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Plays a waving animation on his screen. Hello to those already here and just walking in.* B l u r r: / burrows on his couch with his thermal. Is a lump of thermal / B l u r r: / with maybe a helm fin sticking out / Shockbox: *He nods back on his way to his seat. Upon observation of the others, it seems all of them are a little worse for wear.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sees someone drowning in warmth. Probably Blurr. That's as it should be. Warmth for everyone. Defy the cold ship air.* B l u r r: / sticks claw out to wave to everyone / FakeProwl: *GUESS WHO'S STILL INJURED. it's this guy.* FakeProwl: *at least he's in the right avatar this week.* Whirl: *trots in and clambers into his hammock, as is customary* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl hello and repeats the waving animation for Whirl.* B l u r r: / tugs thermal down so he can see his screen better / boomtank: -is here now- Drift: *for the first time in like... ten years. he arrives.* B l u r r: / not that he's reading it. Hes more or less just staring at it. / FakeProwl: Hello. *sits with Soundwave* Whirl: *bob his head to Soundwave, and then to Blurr* B l u r r: / flicks left finial. Give him a delayed thirty seconds / B l u r r: ... / waves at whirl / Shockbox: *Ah, a shame, the predacon skin was more interesting, in Shockwave's opinion.* B l u r r: / another delayed thirty seconds. Wiggles claws a little sloppily at Drift / ItsyBitsySpyers: *More pings and lazy screen waves to all. A big crowd tonight. He'll have to make sure none of them run Prowl onto unwelcome topics.* Drift: Hey! *flops down next to Blurr and wraps an arm around him.* Drift: What've I missed. B l u r r: .... / opens mouth and just closes it. Just has a very 8I face / Drift: ... A lot, huh. B l u r r: ... Mm. Drift: I'm sorry I haven't been around. We've been registering new crewmates and preparing to take off again. B l u r r: Mm... /shakes helm / B l u r r: / holds up a digit and pulls himself under his thermal. He's rummaging around for something / B l u r r: / tugs thermal off his helm and hands Drift the equivalent of a dictionary, but it's a popup book / boomtank: -sits somewhere he can- Drift: *what is this* B l u r r: / it's the history of the last like month / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused.* B l u r r: [[ LS, not today. ]] Drift: *how many words are in this holy slag* B l u r r: / there aren't many words. Just pop ups / B l u r r: / hums and settles again/ That should about cover it. B l u r r: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ]] Drift: *okay then, he's gonna read* Whirl: ((I am ready!) B l u r r: / spoiler alert, the fight is the first thing ur gonna reaD / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready)) Shockbox: (( Quite ready.)) Drift: *WHICH fight* Drift: ((ready!)) B l u r r: / the JT one / B l u r r: [[ okiiie. We start ! ]] Drift: *does it say why he had the fight* B l u r r: / Not high key. Maybe low key. / B l u r r: / low key as in : I did something wrong says Blurr. / B l u r r: / not u / Drift: ... What. Drift: *skips forward like fifty pages* B l u r r: [[ omfg DRIFT ]] boomtank: ready)) B l u r r: [[ U CANT SKIP PAGES ]] Drift: *HE NEEDS TO KNOW BLURR'S GONNA BE OKAY* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...BLURR'S RIGHT THERE* Whirl: I can give you a super-abridhed Whirl Perspective on what's been goin on with Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If Drift doesn't want it, he does.]] Drift: I'll take it! B l u r r: / I AM ALIVE / Drift: *he'll read the details after he gets the summary* Whirl: Ahem, B l u r r: / makes a face / Whirl: Blurr met a very dashing Wrecker from another universe, did some pretty damn heroic stuff, like, we're talking BIG HERO STUFF, on Earth--and I know 'cause I was there, saw it with my own eye. Whirl: We had a good time blowing stuff up, Blurr rescued some guys, and, if I'm not mistaken, hit it off with that aforementioned charming Wrecker of his. Shockbox: *Well. This is an eventful start.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Not wasting any time, this movie.* Whirl: And then he did... something, killed some pirates? And got that THING you see on his back. *gestures to the upgrade* And then went into a sort of almost-coma and wouldn't wake up for weeks. Whirl: But he's better now. I still say he should get rid of the thing, though. B l u r r: I was not in a coma. Whirl: It was practically a coma. B l u r r: It was not a /coma/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ohhhh, what a voice.* B l u r r: / looks at drift/ I was not in a coma. B l u r r: I just don't remember three weeks out of the month. Drift: YOU WERE IN A COMA?! B l u r r: It was not a COMA FakeProwl: Don't shout. It's painful. Drift: Why were you in a coma?! B l u r r: I wasn't- /vents/ my processor didn't want to... function. B l u r r: here. B l u r r: In the... present. Drift: You were in a depression coma?! Why were you in a depression coma! B l u r r: ... you skipped half the book. B l u r r: Why are you asking me questions that are answered in the book- oh for pit sake. B l u r r: I got into a fight. Whirl: Yeah, when your processor stops working, what do we call that? A COMA. Drift: *goes back to the beginning* Whirl: And nobody will LISTEN to me, but I'm pretty sure it's cos of that mod he's got. Overburderdening his processor. B l u r r: Yes, but a coma... oh , fine. Call it a coma. Whirl: ...*overburdening Whirl: ((good job me)) FakeProwl: Either a coma or brain death. FakeProwl: It depends on the extent. B l u r r: It was near brain death, according to Axis. Drift: Why did your brain nearly die!! Drift: Is it fixed? Is it going to happen again? B l u r r: / rubs temples / I don't... know. B l u r r: No, it's not fixed... it can't be fixed. Whirl: *points! Emphatically! At the speed booster!!!* Whirl: THAT. B l u r r: As for it happening again, I don't know. Drift: Why can't it be fixed?! Just take the thing off! B l u r r: It's not the mod! Shockbox: *Could the boy have not bitten the bully's hand?* Drift: How do you know?! B l u r r: Because it was happening before it! Whirl: Well... I'm sure the mod isn't helping. But also, this is the first I'VE heard of that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, early human movie devices. He sits up a little.* B l u r r: / chin claws and looks at the screen / FakeProwl: ... I've just realized I'm not paying attention to the movie. FakeProwl: I should start paying attention to the movie. Whirl: That's generally the best way to enjoy a movie. Audencies and critic alike agree. B l u r r: / rolls optic / ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Summary needed? FakeProwl: Yes, I think it's the best way to enjoy a movie too. B l u r r: / monster!! / FakeProwl: ... Oh. That was probably sarcasm. Whirl: I mean... not REALLY. I'm telling the truth. Whirl: Think of it more as "wry commentary tempered with amusement." Shockbox: *Very intrigued by this monster.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *HAS to show this to Wheeljack.* Shockbox: */His/ turn to sit up straighter.* FakeProwl: I did not catch the wryness or the amusement. FakeProwl: Thank you for the description of your tone. B l u r r: / tugs thermal down more so he can see better / Whirl: *shrugs* I've gotten PRETTY good at modulating, but sometimes I guess the ol' vocalizer goes flat. FakeProwl: I don't know. I just can't hear tone well. Whirl: Lord, between my sub-par vocalizer and youre crappy hearing, it's a wonder we get ANYTHING done. Shockbox: *The creature rates a 6.5/10 on his personal monster scale.* FakeProwl: Do we get anything done? Whirl: I mean as far as understanding each other. FakeProwl: Do we understand each other? Whirl: You tend to make yourself pretty clear, most of the time. *swivels his helm around to fix Prowl with a deadpan, half-lidded optic* So I think I understand you. Whirl: I'm sure you think you understand me, like most folks. B l u r r: Anyway /half mumbling/ If you have any other questions... /nudges Drift / Let me know. B l u r r: Though, I made the book fairly simple. Drift: *what was that? he's reading in terror right now* B l u r r: / oh my god. / FakeProwl: Oh. Good. I'm usually not sure people understand me. Especially when it's people like you who tend to ignore whatever I'm saying. FakeProwl: It's hard to tell whether I'm being ignored or being misunderstood. Whirl: Probably mostly ignored. FakeProwl: That's disheartening. And depressing. If I'm being misunderstood I have the hope of correcting the misconception. There's little that can be done about being ignored. Whirl: Don't take it personal, mech, I ignore a lot of people. B l u r r: [[ lemme know if it drops a lot btw ]] Whirl: *Whirl's gotta agree with Soundwave on the voice, really* FakeProwl: I know you do. And a lot of people ignore me. The fact that it isn't meant personally doesn't mean it doesn't have a personal impact on me. Whirl: If it makes you feel any better, it's not likely to personally affect you, since we're not exactly part of the same chain of command anymore. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Should he interrupt this conversation? ... Maybe it's something others should hear. He's not sure. Will keep an audial on it.* FakeProwl: Every time I try to communicate with somebody and they flat out ignore what I'm trying to communicate, it has a personal effect on me. FakeProwl: *he probably would have liked to be interrupted about fifteen minutes ago* FakeProwl: *he would still like to be interrupted* Whirl: That only counts if you actually care about the other person in the transaction. Whirl: And we both know that's not the case here. *snort* FakeProwl: That isn't true. FakeProwl: I would not attempt communication with a person if it did not matter to me that they hear what I'm saying. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Maybe he should. This could change his reputation. Does Prowl want that reputation? No, no. Wrong question. Does he need that reputation? Probably.* Whirl: So, what exactly is it, then, that you think is so important for me to hear? What could you have to say to me that would really matter, Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Prowl has heard this tale before? FakeProwl: Right now? Nothing. I don't think I've said anything I actually meant to say since I got a pipe in my head. Whirl: You should get that looked at. FakeProwl: *focuses on Soundwave* No. It's unfamiliar. Why? Whirl: @P: Because, you see, mech, the only things you've been saying to me laately are how stupid and useless I am--so forgive me if I ignore 'em. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Then perhaps Prowl should focus, listen. Vital to film story. B l u r r: /paying close attention to the story tbh / FakeProwl: I'm trying to. It's hard. I'm being talked to. ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Prowl cannot filter audio input? B l u r r: ... /wow this shiit is deep / Whirl: That was a long and fancy way of saying, "life's unfair." B l u r r: Some people need long and fancy to get it through their thick heads. FakeProwl: It's hard right now. Drift: WHAT?!?! Drift: *he finished the book* B l u r r: / flicks finial. Geez that was right next to him / FakeProwl: ... And people keep shouting. B l u r r: / reaches over. Pats Drift / Drift: Are you okay?! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Please contain your voices.]] Whirl: I'd think most of us would've learned it when life was kicking us in the teeth. Whirl: *now looks to Drift curiously* B l u r r: / tilts helm. Thinking / Drift: *attempts to contain.* Are you joining Optimus? Are you dating Roadbuster? Are you moving to that universe?? B l u r r: / makes a face / What- slow down. Pits. B l u r r: No, I'm not... I don't know about Optimus Prime of Tyran. He's ideal, but he's not... No, I'm not his type of Autobot. Whirl: He is totally dating Roadbuster. I can confirm this. B l u r r: I'm not moving anywhere, I live on The Emperor. Shockbox: (( Sounds pretty gay.)) FakeProwl: I dislike shouting. Why were we given the option to shout? Whirl: It's fun. FakeProwl: It's not fun, it's painful. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So that others may hear us over other nosies in emergencies.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: noises not nosies omg)) FakeProwl: Wait. You enjoy enducing pain. FakeProwl: We could use comms for that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And if they are damaged?]] Whirl: It's not always painful. Does it--*now looks back to Prowl, curious again* You audials ARE really messed up. B l u r r: / makes a slight face/ And Roadbuster and I are... sort of... working on. Something. B l u r r: / they're 100% dating tbh / FakeProwl: It's not my audials. FakeProwl: ... I am going to focus on Soundwave's comment before you ask follow up questions. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A wise idea.* Whirl: Knock yourself out, mech. FakeProwl: If they are damaged, louder volume is a viable option. Whirl: *shrugs and returns to the movie* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then that is one good reason why we have it.]] Whirl: *for the record Whirl is still totally unclear on what Prowl's exact deal is; he just knows he's being weird* Whirl: *and that he has a pipe in his head* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...This is a dream, isn't it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's too happy for this setting.* FakeProwl: It shouldn't be used outside of emergencies, then. FakeProwl: I don't use my sirens outside of emergencies. B l u r r: [ is it dropping? ]] FakeProwl: ((fine here)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((nope)) Whirl: ((runnin fione!)) B l u r r: anyway... /vents/ I'm fine. / the usual response / Drift: In all the time I've known you, you've never been fine once. B l u r r: / sheepish shrug / Whirl: *SNORTS* Whirl: He speaks the truth, Teach. Drift: *pets Blurr's head* But, you're... not as bad as you've been. B l u r r: / makes a face /What's what mean? Drift: Well, you're not in a coma right now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave considers this claim a moment. The answer's going to be public. He has to word this carefully.* Drift: And you're not actively dying, as far as I know. Whirl: That IS a big improvement over the usual. B l u r r: Not at the moment, no. Whirl: ...is this kid gonna throw a tantrum and break that clock. B l u r r: Most of my wounds from Thundertron are healed up. Drift: ... I'm—sorry, that I missed all that. That I wasn't here, when you were... B l u r r: And the damage from ... well. the first fight is done. FakeProwl: He is probably going to destroy the clock. FakeProwl: The clock is innocent. He shouldn't. Whirl: That little piece of sh it. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Some enjoy hearing berth partner voice raised in satisfaction. That, second reason. B l u r r: / looks at drift. Shakes helm / You said you were busy. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ahh, another story. He splits a little more focus toward the movie again.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He believes this qualifies as breaking the 'touching something' rule.]] FakeProwl: If people have loud voices for emergency situations, then they can use those voices in the berth for partners who enjoy hearing it. That's no reason to shout in public. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You didn't specify public. You simply asked why we have the option.]] Whirl: I still maintain that shouting can be fun. FakeProwl: ... I did. Fair. FakeProwl: Why? Does Windchill like hearing it? Whirl: Hm. I dunno, we rarely yell at each other. Usually we sing at each other. Whirl: It's just enjoyable to yell. B l u r r: ...Well, he's right. It's satisfying. B l u r r: Very much so... B l u r r: / oh god its all so satisfying / Whirl: I hate him. Drift: *likes the moral of this story. it's... vindicating.* B l u r r: That's what my room looks like. /snort / B l u r r: / it's not funny but it's funny / Whirl: So we're, what, supposed to feel sorry for this kid? After he destroyed her house? B l u r r: who cares about her house? Whirl: It's not like she's going through the trauma of watching her DAUGHTER die, or anything. FakeProwl: Why do you hate him? He's destroying things in a senseless rage. Isn't that right up your alley? Whirl: Hey, all of my rages are entirely sensible. FakeProwl: So is his, from his perspective. B l u r r: Sometimes you can't control where your anger goes. /mumbling/ FakeProwl: Why do you hate him? Whirl: Well first of all, he destroyed a clock. That's practically a crime. Whirl: Second of all, he's useless and pathetic. B l u r r: Why's that? FakeProwl: ... Destroying someone else's property IS a crime. Whirl: I dunno, it'd be different, maybe, if he was even the least bit likeable. But he's a sniveling little wimp. FakeProwl: You're... protective of clocks? I didn't know that. Whirl: Won't even hit back when someone picks on him. B l u r r: / shrugs / Whirl: There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Prowl. FakeProwl: I know. B l u r r: sometimes it's harder to do that. Whirl: The only time it's hard is when you can't get to them, really. I mean, if they get away or something. B l u r r: / crosses arms and shifts / Or you can't beat them. Whirl: Pfft. Wouldn't know what THAT feels like. *preens* B l u r r: Sometimes it hurts so bad, you just take it out on the first thing you find. Like a room full of mostly junkish things... B l u r r: Or a cargo ship... B l u r r: / spacing out/ Or a pirate fleet... Whirl: *or a corpse. ...he's not saying that out loud* B l u r r: / staring off into the sky / FakeProwl: I don't take it out on the first thing I find. I save it to take it out on something that won't feel or inflict pain. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Listening to all of this and thinking to himself.* B l u r r: That takes too long. Whirl: *he's not even gonna comment, lest he say something incriminating* B l u r r: / flickering optic. Right, he has company / It's better to get rid of it fast. Whirl: Also, that's a dumb moral. Whirl: Believing doesn't get you anything. FakeProwl: No it's not. Getting rid of it fast hurts people that don't deserve the hurt. B l u r r: They can't hurt if they're dead. FakeProwl: Death is a near-infinite hurt. B l u r r: /shrugs shoulder / B l u r r: There are all types of infinite hurt. FakeProwl: There are. Death is one. B l u r r: Not always. FakeProwl: Always. B l u r r: If you let them go, yes. FakeProwl: ... Whose hurt are you talking about? I'm talking about the hurt of the person who dies. B l u r r: If they're dead, how do they hurt? B l u r r: Is their ghost going to come tell me how much it hurt? FakeProwl: It's the negation of every opportunity they could ever have in the future to be content or happy. B l u r r: You don't need to die to lose that in a future. FakeProwl: I never said you do. FakeProwl: Just that death is one way. B l u r r: / shrugs / Maybe where you're from. B l u r r: Where I'm from, once you die, you die. You get taken apart and they make someone different. FakeProwl: Are you suggesting that where your from, dying DOESN'T rob you of all future opportunities to be content or happy? FakeProwl: Are you claiming that you are capable of being content or happy after your death? B l u r r: You can't be- you're DEAD. FakeProwl: Exactly. Therefore, it's the same wehre you are. B l u r r: Once you die where I'm from, you cease existing at all. FakeProwl: Exactly. B l u r r: So how are you supposed to feel remorse when you're DEAD and CAN'T? FakeProwl: Who said anything about remorse? B l u r r: Oh for pit sake. FakeProwl: I don't know where remorse came from. B l u r r: You can't feel something if you're dead. B l u r r: nothing. Not a single thing. Not even pain. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Life is always in the eyes. Not the first time he's heard that. It makes him glad he covers his.* B l u r r: You can feel pain while /dying/. FakeProwl: I never said you could. B l u r r: I've been there plenty of times. B l u r r: then how is death near-infinite pain if you can't feel pain when you're dead? Whirl: *that is a phrase Whirl believes in, too* FakeProwl: I never said pain. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is near-infinite pain for those who knew them.]] B l u r r: / scoffs/ FakeProwl: Hurt. Hurt is not necessarily the presence of a negative. As I am using it, it is the absolute absence of any positive. B l u r r: Yes, hurt and I are practically attached at the hip. B l u r r: I know what hurt is. Whirl: Well, that depends, Soundwave. FakeProwl: Then why are you arguing? Whirl: Some people would celebrate if I killed, say, Tarn. Whirl: I can't imagine anyone would mourn HIM. FakeProwl: The DJD would mourn him. B l u r r: I'm saying that the cargo ship I slaughtered  helped ease my hurt more than it caused theirs. B l u r r: Nothing else was helping. THAT helped. FakeProwl: I don't mind if the DJD mourns. Whirl: That's based on the assumption that they actually CARE about one another. Whirl: Which is a pretty big leap. FakeProwl: They do. Whirl: Why? You got the inside scoop or something? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Negative, negative, abort.* B l u r r: / hums / Kill him, kid. FakeProwl: Yes. Spies work for me. Whirl: Oh. Well. ...asked and answered. Whirl: Either way, then, I just consider their distress a bonus. Whirl: My only regret will be that I won't be able to watch them mourn. B l u r r: There you go. Whirl: FINALLY. Whirl: He's finally done something to make him almost likeable. FakeProwl: ... He wants to be punished. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of course he does.]] FakeProwl: If he isn't punished, he doesn't matter. He doesn't exist. FakeProwl: Not being punished tells him that he makes no impact upon the world. Whirl: Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There is a sense of failure as well.]] B l u r r: / ugh his buried feelings hurt / ItsyBitsySpyers: *They do indeed.* B l u r r: / flex claws. / B l u r r: / hhhh she reminds him of someone/ B l u r r: / yanks thermal over his helm / FakeProwl: This is a bad moral. Whirl: Agreed. FakeProwl: Don't break things that belong to other people. FakeProwl: Only break your own things. Whirl: It's just dumb. FakeProwl: ... Unless the other people deserve to have broken things. But those are rare cases. Whirl: *shakes his head; the film is not reachig him emotionally* FakeProwl: The DJD deserves to have broken things. If their things are broken, they can't kill as many people. Whirl: I'd rather break THEM. FakeProwl: Yes. Even better. Shockbox: *Not a fan of all this yelling, to be earnest.* Drift: *okay maybe it didn't touch whirl, but drift is feeling touched* Drift: *slowly clings to blurr* B l u r r: / tugs thermal down. Okay. He's good./ B l u r r: / pats Drift / Drift: *clings tighter* Whirl: Lord, just. Whirl: END THE SCENE. B l u r r: / is being clinged to / Whirl: Finally, sheesh. B l u r r: / pats Drift / Shockbox: *He and Whirl agree on something, for once.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((NO IT DROPPED)) Whirl: ((whop.... it gone)) Drift: ((IT'S BLACK)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((AAAAAAH)) B l u r r: [[ i already paused it ]] B l u r r: [[lemme know when it's back. it reset ]] Drift: ((offline right now)) B l u r r: [[ well it WAS back. ]] B l u r r: [[ anyway it's paused, so. we can wait til LS gets its shiit together ]] Whirl: *steeetches in his hammock* B l u r r: / scrubs faceplate / Whirl: What were we even talking about? B l u r r: Pits, I don't know. B l u r r: I spaced out again. Whirl: *eyes him dubiously* You spaced out or you SPACED out? FakeProwl: This is the danger of giving people the ability to raise their volume so that they can use it during emergencies. B l u r r: What's the difference? FakeProwl: This was obviously an emergency but his shouting was useless. FakeProwl: And painful. Whirl: Like, normal spacing out or "your broken brain is messing up" spacing out? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We do not know that it was useless. We have not seen the end.]] B l u r r: ... Dodge and Velocity were taking my attention over for the moment. Whirl: Oh, gotcha. Normal spacing out. FakeProwl: He did not summon help or give her necessary instructions to save herself. B l u r r: I spent all day with them yesterday, I don't know why they're being so demanding. Whirl: And, Prowl--sometimes, when you're feeling a lot of emotion, you just yell. Drift: Tell Velocity to shut up. Whirl: When your exhilarated, for instance. Whirl: *you're B l u r r: ... Ah. /twitches finials and looks at Drift / FakeProwl: That's why yelling is a bad skill to have. Whirl: It just bursts out. FakeProwl: It's too easy to abuse. B l u r r: I forgot to mention... /shrugs / Velocity is prominent right now. Whirl: It's not a skill, it's a reaction. B l u r r: He and Dodge both catch my attention much easier since I woke up. FakeProwl: If people have to have it in case of emergency, it should be something that can only manually be turned on. Whirl: Like flinching, or how you people sneeze, and stuff. B l u r r: Axis says it's an effect of my semi-long term catatonic state. B l u r r: [[ is it back ?? ]] Whirl: ((not yet)) Drift: ((nop)) Drift: Comas give you Velocity? Drift: Blurr, you're never allowed to have a coma again. B l u r r: No... Whirl: I'm glad *mine* didn't. B l u r r: The situation before all of that. B l u r r: That gave me Velocity. Drift: What's the new Optimus's number? I'm going to comm him and tell him to order you to never have a coma again. Whirl: I'd have to rip my brain module out of my head. B l u r r: [[ I reset it. So, idk if it's working ]] Whirl: ((THERE WE GO)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((aha!)) B l u r r: ... Don't. He's not my boss. Drift: Would it work? Drift: ((there it go)) Whirl: ...*sly look* Drift. B l u r r: ... I don't know. Drift: Yeah? Whirl: You should him Blurr needs a good stepping-on. B l u r r: [[ okay is it back for everyone ?? ]] Drift: ... *sly grin* B l u r r: ... / scrubs faceplate / FakeProwl: I think Blurr should be stepped on. Whirl: *snickers* FakeProwl: In a fatal way. B l u r r: Me too. Whirl: Well, I don't. FakeProwl: He believes that curing his own pain is more important than other people's lives. That's terrible. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Was going to protest that being said out loud, but Blurr just agreed, so...* B l u r r: ... /snort / B l u r r: I never said I was a good person. B l u r r: [[ soo... can we go now? ]] Drift: ((ye)) Whirl: ((yes)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yep)) Drift: Maybe not, Blurr. But you are... a hero. B l u r r: ... Stop. B l u r r: / crosses arms/ I did a few people a few favors. B l u r r: That's it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are entitled to think these things about shouting. Mind that you do not say them to Frenzy.]] Whirl: You saved a lot of Autobots' lives. FakeProwl: Frenzy can't help himself. Whirl: Hero. *points* B l u r r: Not a hero. /huffs / Whirl: Yep. B l u r r: The point is, I don't work for that Prime. B l u r r: / yet. / Drift: ... Would you if he stepped on you? B l u r r: I'd be ecstatic if he stepped on me. Whirl: *snickers* B l u r r: But, I don't work for him, or with him. We don't even talk. FakeProwl: That is a good moral. FakeProwl: Thoughts and beliefs do not matter. Only actions. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod.* Whirl: *considers this* Whirl: *yeah he'd have to agree. But he' Whirl: s not going to say it out loud* FakeProwl: *rude. prowl's been baring his soul over here tonight and whirl won't even agree with him when he's right.* FakeProwl: *admittedly, prowl hasn't been WILLINGLY baring his soul, but.* Whirl: *it absolutely IS rude, but Whirl dislikes Prowl for the moment* B l u r r: ... / oh for pit sake his insides hurt / B l u r r: / makes a noise / FakeProwl: *"for the moment"* Whirl: *anything is possible* Whirl: *he's still carrying a grudge from that last meeting* B l u r r: / hhhhh. his insides are hurting more / FakeProwl: This is sad. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's spark has joined Blurr's insides in aching. This is ridiculous. He should not be affected or reminded of these things by organics. They barely live a blink.* FakeProwl: He should say "I love you." Whirl: To be honest, I figured that would be the "simplest truth" the monster was talking about. FakeProwl: That's what most people regret not saying to someone who's going to die that they love. He hasn't said that. B l u r r: / oh shiit it hurts / FakeProwl: I figured that too. B l u r r: / tugs thermal over his helm / B l u r r: / he doesn't like stories about letting go / FakeProwl: Good. I'm not the only one that figured that. B l u r r: / ohhh no no no he's buried under here / FakeProwl: Maybe the hug was a symbolic "I love you"? Drift: *SQUEEZES* Whirl: *shrugs* The answer to cheesy lines like that is usually "love." Whirl: Movies love to do that. B l u r r: / muffled noise / Whirl: ...heh. B l u r r: / is squeezed / FakeProwl: It's not a bad thing to say to someone who is dying. Whirl: I guess not. FakeProwl: ... I mean, unless the person who is dying isn't somebody you love, of course. But provided that they are. B l u r r: / this mass of thermal is moving closer to Drift / Drift: *good. easier to squeeze.* B l u r r: / his processor is running too many miles a minute / Shockbox: ((Ahem. I left to shower right after the stream broke. What happened?)) FakeProwl: ((the kid confessed that on some level he actually wanted his mom to die so he could stop waiting for it to happen)) FakeProwl: ((even though he'd miss her.)) FakeProwl: ((then grandma came and took him to the hospital and he and grandma and the monster watched mom die.)) FakeProwl: ((they had a hug and he told mom he didn't want her to go.)) B l u r r: / noiSEs / Shockbox: ((Sounds legit.)) Whirl: Passable, not nothing remarkable. Whirl: *waves a claw at the screen* Shockbox: Did you intend to make a double negative? Whirl: ...nope. Whirl: I meant to say but. Whirl: *someone made a typing error oops* Shockbox: Ah. Whirl: I mean, to be perfectly honest, though, I don't care much about grammar, so I might as well have said it. B l u r r: / yanks thermal down off his helm/ Wait, does that mean the monster was a decent monster? Whirl: It definitely wasn't the villain. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He suspects whether or not it is remarkable to someone depends on what they have experienced.]] Drift: Yeah. He helped the kid work through his emotional issues. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It seems like the kind of tale that would.]] Drift: The monster was... a hero. B l u r r: Oh for pit sake... B l u r r: I'm not a hero. Drift: I'm just talking about the monster, Blurr. He was definitely a hero. Don't you think so, Whirl? B l u r r: / rolls optic and scrubs faceplate / Whirl: I guess the movie would connect with you more if you could... get on it slevel, yeah. *shrugs* But I didn't think it was very well put together. Whirl: *to Drift* Oh, yes. Of course. Whirl: ((SLEVEL. WOW MY TYPING IS SO GOOD)) Shockbox: *Welp. That was all the time he had for interacting. He takes leave* B l u r r: Well... at least /he/ got to say goodbye in his own way. /grumbling to vacant air / Shockbox: ((G'night.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *A farewell nod to Shockwave* B l u r r: (( ni ni ! )) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[To each their own.]] FakeProwl: I'm not going to judge the movie structure because I don't know anything about art. B l u r r: / shifts and looks over at Drift / Well, either way. Heroic monsters aren't so bad. Less violent. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You do not need to know. You experienced it. You are allowed to have a feeling about your experience.]] FakeProwl: I'm not qualified to have an opinion about experiences I'm ill-equipped to understand. Drift: He was pretty violent. B l u r r: I guess so. Drift: Knocked down a guy's house for no real reason. B l u r r: He had a reason. Whirl: Oh, of course. *waves a claw* I mean, one person's word isn't the say-all, be-all about just about any art. Drift: Was kind of a vague on. B l u r r: In any case, it makes my insides hurt. Drift: ... No taking out parts of yourself. B l u r r: ... Well, we're a little late on that. Whirl: Though there are SOME arts that I will say are more objective than subjective--film isn't really one of em. Drift: Dammit, Blurr. B l u r r: I didn't do it right now. Drift: No taking out MORE parts. Show me your hands. B l u r r: I'm missing a lot of parts. B l u r r: / holds out claws. Empty / Drift: *takes them.* B l u r r: / wiggles digits / Drift: *wiggles fingers* B l u r r: See? Nothing. B l u r r: But, when I fought Thundertron, I was missing a lot of parts. Drift: Good. I'm keeping it that way. *hand is hold.* B l u r r: That was... a little after the whole thing with JT. B l u r r: / oh. Hold hands is nice / Whirl: *watches Blurr and Drift for a moment. Deep down, it still makes Whirl a little bit jealous, but for once, he's going to be happy for someone else; nobody makes Blurr perk up like Drift does* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Not sure how to respond to that. Surely Prowl has the right to say what the movie made him feel? Unless he doesn't know how he feels. Maybe that's the pipe talking.* Whirl: *the rare moment of almost-but-not-quite selflessness passes as quickly as a shooting star; if you blink, you'll miss it* B l u r r: In other news, I gained a fleet. An entire fleet. All with my flag on their airships. Drift: ... *squeezes hands tighter.* B l u r r: Though, I don't... remember the three weeks after I got them. /snort / Drift: *is like... 85% sure that BLURR wasn't the one who caused the fight with JT* B l u r r: / he waS / B l u r r: / flexes claws / Drift: Yeah? A fleet's cool. Drift: How many ships? B l u r r: er... I haven't counted. Drift: Gimme an estimate. B l u r r: ... /wrinkles nasal ridge / Fifty? B l u r r: / he's probably very wrong / Whirl: Damn, Teach, movin on up. B l u r r: / hums / Think so? B l u r r: / shifts/ You know... /nods at Whirl/ it's thanks to you I woke up at all, says Axis. So. If you ever want anything- well, I would have given it before. B l u r r: But, you know. Thanks. /flicks finials/ Dodge says so, too. Whirl: *tilts his head, then nods* If there's anything I know I'm good at, it's disturbing someone else's peaceful rest. Anytime, Teach. Drift: Wow, that's not bad. Most ships I've ever commanded at one time was ten. B l u r r: / snort/ ... / looks back at Drift / It's very hard. Drift: ... You helped him out, Whirl? B l u r r: Apparently Whirl manhandled Dart and NOS to get to me. /snort / Whirl: Because I couldn't trust those chumps to LEVEL with me. Whirl: They hid the whole "coma" thing for me for a whole night. Made an idiout out of me. They're lucky I didn't do something WORSE. B l u r r: It wasn't a coma. /vents / Drift: I guess that makes you... a hero. B l u r r: ..... Whirl: *LAUGHS* Whirl: *AND KEEPS ON LAUGHING* B l u r r: / snort / Whirl: *LAUGHS SO HARD HIS CRAPPY VOCALIZER STARTS GLITCHING OUT AND MAKING WEIRD DIAL-UP NOISES* Drift: Don't hurt yourself. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Startled back to the present. What is -- oh, Whirl. All right.* B l u r r: Yes, that wouldn't be ideal. Whirl: *wheezes* FakeProwl: ... That's painful too. FakeProwl: Are there more painful noises than usual or am I more sensitive than usual? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Both.]] Whirl: *with a modulated trill and a pop, his vocalizer resets* I get where you're going with that one, Drift, but I'm way too far in the red for that. Drift: Nobody's too far in the red for an act of heroism. B l u r r: I mean, look at me. B l u r r: You mechs keep calling ME a hero. Whirl: You're a lot younger than me. Whirl: I've had way more time to rack up terrible, terrible acts. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Has little else to say about the film in public, but may have something to say afterward. He is undecided.* Whirl: And, well, sorry Prowl, but that was involuntary. B l u r r: I don't know. I'm pretty fast on my pedes. I'm sure I've got a long record. ItsyBitsySpyers: *For now, he pings Prowl to alert him to incoming contact and traps his hand in a silent request for him to stay behind longer than the others - if possible. Health comes first.* Whirl: No helping you with that. You just gotta be sure never to make me laugh. ...which shouldn't be hard. B l u r r: In any case, that almost made me laugh. /snort / FakeProwl: My comment was involuntary too. B l u r r: / he doesn't laugh too often anymore at the moment / FakeProwl: Everything I've said for the past two movie nights has been completely involuntary. Whirl: *swivels his helm to stare at Prowl* FakeProwl: Except for any instances of "please," "thank you," "excuse me," "I'm sorry," or any other such etiquete phrases. Whirl: WHAT kinda DRUGS do they have you on? I thought you were acting kind of weird. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The kinds of drugs you would expect for a mech with such an injury.]] FakeProwl: I told you, I'm not on anything. I turned off my pain receptors, I don't need anything. FakeProwl: I just have a pipe in my head. It is literally pushing my brain module. FakeProwl: Well. Not literally. It is literally pushing against my right optic, which is pushing my brain module. Whirl: I don't know what those kinds of drugs are. Do I look like a medic? *or someone who would be responsible enough to let a medic get their hands on him after an injury?* B l u r r: It's probably going to cause a few different changes. Depends on what it's pushing. Whirl: Oh. Whirl: ...wait. So, you're--like. This is brain damage talking? Right now? B l u r r: / taps his helm / If it's the frontal part or the left or right temporal areas. /vents/ Though , your processors are probably different. FakeProwl: Yes. Whirl: That. Explains a lot. FakeProwl: Did you think I was talking about my weaknesses and insecurities in a mixed crowd willingly? Whirl: I didn't know what your deal was, Prowl. FakeProwl: We founded a club together. You should at least notice when I'm acting blatantly and wildly out of character. Whirl: Maybe you're reinventing yourself. How'm I supposed to know? FakeProwl: ... Then again, nobody noticed when I had a Decepticon in my head, so why am I surprised. Whirl: I don't psychoanalyze everyone I meet. I'm not YOU. FakeProwl: The past few years have taught me that I'm far more mysterious then I've spent the past five million years of my life thinking I am. FakeProwl: I suppose that's a good thing, except for the fact that I learned this in the most depressing ways possible. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Had a--* Whirl: Well. ...hard lesson: learned, then, right? B l u r r: A lesson learned is a lesson learned all the same. FakeProwl: Yes. Hard lesson learned. Whirl: But if you don't wanna walk around compulsively just... telling the truth, all the time, maybe ask them to knock you out. Whirl: That's what I'd do, probably. FakeProwl: I can't do that. I have a pipe in my head. It might make the damage worse. B l u r r: What's so bad about telling the truth, anyway? B l u r r: I tell the truth all the time. FakeProwl: I have a lot of secrets. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There are some things that should not be spoken aloud.]] B l u r r: So do I. Whirl: Maybe pump the brakes there, Prowl. B l u r r: I have a few skeletons in my closet . So what? Whirl: Before you go into that subject. *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Which is why he suggests moving on to other subjects.]] B l u r r: / hahaaa see what he did there? FakeProwl: Long Haul has started sitting next to my berth and putting a hand over my mouth before I say things he thinks I don't want to say. But he's not here. B l u r r: So pretend he is. FakeProwl: Blurr, we know about the skeletons in your closet. You threw a birthday party for one. They're not secrets. Whirl: ...would putting a hand on your mouth even stop a holoform from talking? B l u r r: Who said I only had one? FakeProwl: I said skeletons plural. B l u r r: And Dodge deserved that party. B l u r r: He's been a great support. Whirl: And, ey, you do you, Teach. If you wanna share your whole... deal with the world, have at it. B l u r r: /I/ don't tell people /anything/ anymore. Whirl: I, personally, just wanna save myself some embarrssment. No big secrets here. *WHAT A WHOPPER* B l u r r: Which is why I am in the situation I'm in. Whirl: *BUT ONE DELIVERED with an utterly straight face. ...well, "face."* FakeProwl: You have secrets. B l u r r: Everyone has secrets. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Everyone does.]] B l u r r: / finger guns at soundwave / B l u r r: / that's his form of a wink tbh / Whirl: I said "big" secrets. Whirl: I mean, yeah, I've got stuff I like to keep personal, of course I do. B l u r r: Look, everyone has one big secret they don't tell anyone. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Just one?]] B l u r r: / shrugs/ I have a lt. B l u r r: *lot. Whirl: Despite what you might have been told, *dryly* I am slightly more complicated that "a pair of guns attached to some legs." ItsyBitsySpyers: [[In his experience, most people have many more than that.]] Whirl: Nope. My sins have been laid bare. Mostly. FakeProwl: We're talking about everyone's one big secrets. This is dangerous because I'm going to start thinking about mine and then I'm going to say it. I'm leaving. Goodbye. FakeProwl: *he leaves. goodbye.* Whirl: ...oops. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh DAMN it. He should have known better. That's -- all right.* Whirl: That one wasn't my fault, for the record. B l u r r: /shrugs / B l u r r: The subject was brought up? FakeProwl: *AND FOR THE FIRST TIME. HE MANAGED TO SELF-CENSOR. BY REMOVING HIMSELF ENTIRELY.* Whirl: *YOU DID IT PROWL* B l u r r: / good job prowl! / B l u r r: / vents and shifts and stands to stretch. SAY HELLO TO SCARS AND NEW MODS / ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll ping Prowl a 'well done'. And then an apology. Because he didn't quite think about that new subject.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Records those scars and mods, if they're visible.* Whirl: *watches Blurr for a bit and then pings Drift* @D: Hey. You know how Blurr is. Look after him, yeah? You're the only person he really trusts. B l u r r: / most of them are / Whirl: @D: And I'm not convinced that whatever took him down isn't over. B l u r r: / his mod is on his back so. here it is. Everyone check out the speed disc / Drift: @W «Sounds like you've been doing a pretty good job of looking after him lately.» B l u r r: / go speED RACER / Drift: @W «I mean—of course I'm going to look after him too, but... I'm trying to say thanks, basically.» Whirl: @D: As much as he'll let me, but there's a limit to that. Like it or not, you're responsible for this hot mess. Drift: Hey. *lightly smacks new mod.* So this is the big treasure, huh? B l u r r: / turns helm and spins around / Yep. B l u r r: Increases my speed ten fold. Whirl: *he doesn't look startled, or suspicious; he simply inclines his head in Drift's direction* @D: No sweat. Drift: Nice. How much damage does it do, though? Did Axis say it was safe? B l u r r: [[ everytime you @ Drift, I see a worried D: face and im like OH NO ]] Whirl: ((PFFT)) B l u r r: Axis already cleared me for using it. B l u r r: It wasn't the mod that broke my processor. Whirl: ((Drift's actual face when he finds out something bad happened to Blurr)) B l u r r: It didn't help, but... it wasn't that. FakeProwl: *prowl doesn't answer soundwave's ping because now he IS thinking about his secrets and talking about them to the constructicons.* FakeProwl: *so. yknow. better not call anyone else.* Drift: Even if it isn't, I wanna make sure it isn't gonna hurt anything else, you know? B l u r r: It won't. I think. B l u r r: All of this started with Tyran. I meddled... and I became friends with mechs I shouldn't have. B l u r r: And then HE came over and started spewing nonsense and /I/ was worried. Drift: More friends is always good. B l u r r: More friends, yes, sure. Maybe. B l u r r: But I don't think Roadbuster wants to be friends. Whirl: *streetches* All right,losers. I'm out. See you guys. B l u r r: In fact, I know he doesn't. B l u r r: ... /waves at Whirl / B l u r r: thanks... again. Whirl: *bobs his head at Blurr and Drift and Soundwave* Whirl: *...so, everyone left really* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods.* Drift: *waves* Drift: *and then rECLAIMS BLURR'S HANDS* B l u r r: / omg / B l u r r: / flickers optic / ... Hi. Whirl: Anytime, Teach! *and he is gone* Drift: Hi. :) B l u r r: ... /tilts helm / You're worrying about nothing, you know. Everything is fine. Drift: That's never true with you, Blurr. B l u r r: ... /long vent / All right, I'm not fine. But... I mean, I'm not dead? Drift: That's good. Stay that way. B l u r r: ... I can try. B l u r r: I made you the book because I didn't know how to explain... all of that. Drift: ... I think hanging out with the other Autobots might be good for you. Even if it's not your own Optimus. B l u r r: /makes a face / It's hard to do that... Drift: Yeah. Thanks. It helped. B l u r r: But, Roadbuster and Topspin visit sometimes. And Optimus seems to talk to me on a level that's more... the same level. B l u r r: Some human likes me. Drift: That's good. They're visiting you, they're talking to you... B l u r r: When they can. I guess they're busy with their whole... problem. Drift: ... You could go help them. B l u r r: .. no. B l u r r: I can't... that's how I got into this whole mess. Drift: I don't think it's a mess. You've met people who like hanging out with you.
Missed some.
B l u r r: ….. Whirl: *LAUGHS* Whirl: *AND KEEPS ON LAUGHING* B l u r r: / snort / Whirl: *LAUGHS SO HARD HIS CRAPPY VOCALIZER STARTS GLITCHING OUT AND MAKING WEIRD DIAL-UP NOISES* Drift: Don’t hurt yourself. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Startled back to the present. What is – oh, Whirl. All right.* B l u r r: Yes, that wouldn’t be ideal. Whirl: *wheezes* FakeProwl: … That’s painful too. FakeProwl: Are there more painful noises than usual or am I more sensitive than usual? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Both.]] Whirl: *with a modulated trill and a pop, his vocalizer resets* I get where you’re going with that one, Drift, but I’m way too far in the red for that. Drift: Nobody’s too far in the red for an act of heroism. B l u r r: I mean, look at me. B l u r r: You mechs keep calling ME a hero. Whirl: You’re a lot younger than me. Whirl: I’ve had way more time to rack up terrible, terrible acts. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Has little else to say about the film in public, but may have something to say afterward. He is undecided.* Whirl: And, well, sorry Prowl, but that was involuntary. B l u r r: I don’t know. I’m pretty fast on my pedes. I’m sure I’ve got a long record. ItsyBitsySpyers: *For now, he pings Prowl to alert him to incoming contact and traps his hand in a silent request for him to stay behind longer than the others - if possible. Health comes first.* Whirl: No helping you with that. You just gotta be sure never to make me laugh. …which shouldn’t be hard. B l u r r: In any case, that almost made me laugh. /snort / FakeProwl: My comment was involuntary too. B l u r r: / he doesn’t laugh too often anymore at the moment / FakeProwl: Everything I’ve said for the past two movie nights has been completely involuntary. Whirl: *swivels his helm to stare at Prowl* FakeProwl: Except for any instances of “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” “I’m sorry,” or any other such etiquete phrases. Whirl: WHAT kinda DRUGS do they have you on? I thought you were acting kind of weird. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The kinds of drugs you would expect for a mech with such an injury.]] FakeProwl: I told you, I’m not on anything. I turned off my pain receptors, I don’t need anything. FakeProwl: I just have a pipe in my head. It is literally pushing my brain module. FakeProwl: Well. Not literally. It is literally pushing against my right optic, which is pushing my brain module. Whirl: I don’t know what those kinds of drugs are. Do I look like a medic? *or someone who would be responsible enough to let a medic get their hands on him after an injury?* B l u r r: It’s probably going to cause a few different changes. Depends on what it’s pushing. Whirl: Oh. Whirl: …wait. So, you’re–like. This is brain damage talking? Right now? B l u r r: / taps his helm / If it’s the frontal part or the left or right temporal areas. /vents/ Though , your processors are probably different. FakeProwl: Yes. Whirl: That. Explains a lot. FakeProwl: Did you think I was talking about my weaknesses and insecurities in a mixed crowd willingly? Whirl: I didn’t know what your deal was, Prowl. FakeProwl: We founded a club together. You should at least notice when I’m acting blatantly and wildly out of character. Whirl: Maybe you’re reinventing yourself. How’m I supposed to know? FakeProwl: … Then again, nobody noticed when I had a Decepticon in my head, so why am I surprised. Whirl: I don’t psychoanalyze everyone I meet. I’m not YOU. FakeProwl: The past few years have taught me that I’m far more mysterious then I’ve spent the past five million years of my life thinking I am. FakeProwl: I suppose that’s a good thing, except for the fact that I learned this in the most depressing ways possible. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Had a–* Whirl: Well. …hard lesson: learned, then, right? B l u r r: A lesson learned is a lesson learned all the same. FakeProwl: Yes. Hard lesson learned. Whirl: But if you don’t wanna walk around compulsively just… telling the truth, all the time, maybe ask them to knock you out. Whirl: That’s what I’d do, probably. FakeProwl: I can’t do that. I have a pipe in my head. It might make the damage worse. B l u r r: What’s so bad about telling the truth, anyway? B l u r r: I tell the truth all the time. FakeProwl: I have a lot of secrets. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There are some things that should not be spoken aloud.]] B l u r r: So do I. Whirl: Maybe pump the brakes there, Prowl. B l u r r: I have a few skeletons in my closet . So what? Whirl: Before you go into that subject. *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Which is why he suggests moving on to other subjects.]] B l u r r: / hahaaa see what he did there? FakeProwl: Long Haul has started sitting next to my berth and putting a hand over my mouth before I say things he thinks I don’t want to say. But he’s not here. B l u r r: So pretend he is. FakeProwl: Blurr, we know about the skeletons in your closet. You threw a birthday party for one. They’re not secrets. Whirl: …would putting a hand on your mouth even stop a holoform from talking? B l u r r: Who said I only had one? FakeProwl: I said skeletons plural. B l u r r: And Dodge deserved that party. B l u r r: He’s been a great support. Whirl: And, ey, you do you, Teach. If you wanna share your whole… deal with the world, have at it. B l u r r: /I/ don’t tell people /anything/ anymore. Whirl: I, personally, just wanna save myself some embarrssment. No big secrets here. *WHAT A WHOPPER* B l u r r: Which is why I am in the situation I’m in. Whirl: *BUT ONE DELIVERED with an utterly straight face. …well, “face.”* FakeProwl: You have secrets. B l u r r: Everyone has secrets. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Everyone does.]] B l u r r: / finger guns at soundwave / B l u r r: / that’s his form of a wink tbh / Whirl: I said “big” secrets. Whirl: I mean, yeah, I’ve got stuff I like to keep personal, of course I do. B l u r r: Look, everyone has one big secret they don’t tell anyone. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Just one?]] B l u r r: / shrugs/ I have a lt. B l u r r: *lot. Whirl: Despite what you might have been told, *dryly* I am slightly more complicated that “a pair of guns attached to some legs.” ItsyBitsySpyers: [[In his experience, most people have many more than that.]] Whirl: Nope. My sins have been laid bare. Mostly. FakeProwl: We’re talking about everyone’s one big secrets. This is dangerous because I’m going to start thinking about mine and then I’m going to say it. I’m leaving. Goodbye. FakeProwl: *he leaves. goodbye.* Whirl: …oops. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh DAMN it. He should have known better. That’s – all right.* Whirl: That one wasn’t my fault, for the record. B l u r r: /shrugs / B l u r r: The subject was brought up? FakeProwl: *AND FOR THE FIRST TIME. HE MANAGED TO SELF-CENSOR. BY REMOVING HIMSELF ENTIRELY.* Whirl: *YOU DID IT PROWL* B l u r r: / good job prowl! / B l u r r: / vents and shifts and stands to stretch. SAY HELLO TO SCARS AND NEW MODS / ItsyBitsySpyers: *He’ll ping Prowl a ‘well done’. And then an apology. Because he didn’t quite think about that new subject.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Records those scars and mods, if they’re visible.* Whirl: *watches Blurr for a bit and then pings Drift* @D: Hey. You know how Blurr is. Look after him, yeah? You’re the only person he really trusts. B l u r r: / most of them are / Whirl: @D: And I’m not convinced that whatever took him down isn’t over. B l u r r: / his mod is on his back so. here it is. Everyone check out the speed disc / Drift: @W «Sounds like you’ve been doing a pretty good job of looking after him lately.» B l u r r: / go speED RACER / Drift: @W «I mean—of course I’m going to look after him too, but… I’m trying to say thanks, basically.» Whirl: @D: As much as he’ll let me, but there’s a limit to that. Like it or not, you’re responsible for this hot mess. Drift: Hey. *lightly smacks new mod.* So this is the big treasure, huh? B l u r r: / turns helm and spins around / Yep. B l u r r: Increases my speed ten fold. Whirl: *he doesn’t look startled, or suspicious; he simply inclines his head in Drift’s direction* @D: No sweat. Drift: Nice. How much damage does it do, though? Did Axis say it was safe? B l u r r: [[ everytime you @ Drift, I see a worried D: face and im like OH NO ]] Whirl: ((PFFT)) B l u r r: Axis already cleared me for using it. B l u r r: It wasn’t the mod that broke my processor. Whirl: ((Drift’s actual face when he finds out something bad happened to Blurr)) B l u r r: It didn’t help, but… it wasn’t that. FakeProwl: *prowl doesn’t answer soundwave’s ping because now he IS thinking about his secrets and talking about them to the constructicons.* FakeProwl: *so. yknow. better not call anyone else.* Drift: Even if it isn’t, I wanna make sure it isn’t gonna hurt anything else, you know? B l u r r: It won’t. I think. B l u r r: All of this started with Tyran. I meddled… and I became friends with mechs I shouldn’t have. B l u r r: And then HE came over and started spewing nonsense and /I/ was worried. Drift: More friends is always good. B l u r r: More friends, yes, sure. Maybe. B l u r r: But I don’t think Roadbuster wants to be friends. Whirl: *streetches* All right,losers. I’m out. See you guys. B l u r r: In fact, I know he doesn’t. B l u r r: … /waves at Whirl / B l u r r: thanks… again. Whirl: *bobs his head at Blurr and Drift and Soundwave* Whirl: *…so, everyone left really* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods.* Drift: *waves* Drift: *and then rECLAIMS BLURR’S HANDS* B l u r r: / omg / B l u r r: / flickers optic / … Hi. Whirl: Anytime, Teach! *and he is gone* Drift: Hi. :) B l u r r: … /tilts helm / You’re worrying about nothing, you know. Everything is fine. Drift: That’s never true with you, Blurr. B l u r r: … /long vent / All right, I’m not fine. But… I mean, I’m not dead? Drift: That’s good. Stay that way. B l u r r: … I can try. B l u r r: I made you the book because I didn’t know how to explain… all of that. Drift: … I think hanging out with the other Autobots might be good for you. Even if it’s not your own Optimus. B l u r r: /makes a face / It’s hard to do that… Drift: Yeah. Thanks. It helped. B l u r r: But, Roadbuster and Topspin visit sometimes. And Optimus seems to talk to me on a level that’s more… the same level. B l u r r: Some human likes me. Drift: That’s good. They’re visiting you, they’re talking to you… B l u r r: When they can. I guess they’re busy with their whole… problem. Drift: … You could go help them. B l u r r: .. no. B l u r r: I can’t… that’s how I got into this whole mess. Drift: I don’t think it’s a mess. You’ve met people who like hanging out with you. B l u r r: That’s not the mess, Drift. Drift: What’s the mess, then? B l u r r: / makes a face/ Roadbuster… he and I weren’t supposed to… Drift: … I don’t think that’s a mess, either. B l u r r: What if I’m just attaching onto him because I miss mine? B l u r r: Without knowing it. Drift: So what if you are? Drift: He’s got the same traits you liked in the first one. B l u r r: I don’t replace people. Everyone is unique. B l u r r: What if I’m with him for the wrong reasons ? Drift: What’s wrong with being with him because you’re attracted to him for the same reasons you were attracted to his alternate? B l u r r: … Because I don’t want to forget my Wrecker. B l u r r: And then there’s JT… B l u r r: / makes a slight noise. Something between a gag and a whine. It’s odd. / Drift: You’ll never forget your Wrecker. I promise. Drift: *yeah. JT. grimaces.* Drift: … I’m sorry. B l u r r: …What for? /flicks finials/ B l u r r: Don’t. It was my fault. Drift: *vague shrug. can’t say for messing that up because Blurr hasn’t admitted it was Drift’s fault.* B l u r r: [[ IT WAS BOTH OUR FAULTS ]] Drift: Just—sorry. That’s all. B l u r r: … Well. There in lies the problem. B l u r r: He came back. Drift: … He did? Drift: Wait. So, does he wanna—? B l u r r: / vents/ When I left… he chased me off his ship. B l u r r: Said he never wanted to see me again. B l u r r: So, imagine my surprise when he’s knocking on my door… B l u r r: A month later. Drift: … That’s a good sign. B l u r r: A month after being stuck with Velocity. B l u r r: Does a lot of damage, honestly. B l u r r: But, from the beginning, I didn’t say anything to anybody. After that whole fight with JT, I figured it was over. B l u r r: / shrugs shoulders/ What can I say? I lost it.
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therewas-a-girl · 8 years
Ppl thinking oliver queen would have been better - liked/treated/his issues better respected - by fandom, if he had been a woman has me laughing at the… is it called paradox? Blatant nontruth of the statement?
Here are some easy examples of how this is not so:
Laurel lance (lol most heatedly hated character of arrow for a myriad for reasons, at least half of them sexist bullshit the other ¼ shipper bullshit; had some shit writing which is always taken as a character trait and for which SHE is blamed for; had a depression arc, is an addict, after all the times shes been kidnapped abused and beaten probably has some form of lingering effect from all the… u know… trauma + the emotional upheaval that has been her life for the last 10 years. And yet - still loathed and her issues are negated and belittled at every turn. Always misinterpreted, rarely afforded the luxury of viewer empathy; favorite fandom strawoman usually)
Sara lance (ptsd from all the fucked up shit the league put her through amd that she went through before that, which was very visible when she was on arrow. Probably dealt with some for of sexual harassment/threats of violence/violence when she was on the Amazo, which we never explicitly saw thank god. A good portion of Olicity fans dispise her cause ship reasons, same with lauriver fans. Who is the REAL black canary discourse is still going strong btw, which inevitably generates hate on either of the lance sisters side. Saras bisexuality is constantly erased or denied or treated as sth tintillating for the straight male gaze; she is slutshamed at every corner; ppl hardly can be bothered to remember that she was actually suicidal at one point, that she thought she was not worthy of love or capable of love or of being with someone - HUGE CHARACTER MOMENT HERE - when she broke up with oliver usually dismissed/forgotten cause felicity walks in the room so most of the olicity fandom - big portion of arrow fandom - 9 times out of 10 doesnt bother to remember that sara was talking about herself here)
- yes shipper tendencies matter, they shape character perceptions.
Bonus: thea queen (neglected by her mother, abused physically and emotionally by her monster father, has some serious issues with violence, probably ptsd-related avoidance for it, the mask, her old life. Has utterly detatched from a whole side of her personality and history, something that was intrinsic to her for 2 years, and yet nobody sees that as eyebrow-raising worthy for some reason cause that is what a tots normal person would do. The almost oliver-like split of the sides of her life/personality is mentione…. how many times in fandom? The metas are where? Maybe ive just missed them. Okay. Oh i almost forgot - was stabbed and just about died. But she got over that, right? Which has nothing to do with the bloodlust, by the way. Thats from the Pit. Trauma outlasts the bloodlust. And yet whenever she displays behaviour that is consistent with some kind of post-traumautic symptoms/behaviour… she is bitchy or ungrateful or whiny or being a child again. Literally do not know how to go on with this one)
Extra bonus: felicity smoak. How much felicity’s trauma was aknowleged = she has all kinds of traumatic shit happen to her, including but not limited to near-death experinces, and yet the effect this had on her is nearly nonexistent in big fandom spaces. Sunshine felicity yay! Supporting and taking care of oliver. Yay. Always the light to guide his way. Untarnished. Y. A. Y. (Feel my burning enthusiasm for this interpretation. But thats my preference and of no consequence here.) And the moment it was “officially” aknowleged that a ptsd arc would be explored with her (which is, imo, still a euphemism, or a gross misusage of this very serious illness /that they cant be bothered to portray right on a woman/) - the same ppl that say ‘olivers mental illness is disrespected cause he is male’ were all about (paraphrasing here) “olivers LONG LASTING and X YEAR LONG ptsd is as valid as felicitys NEWLY CONCOCTED/FRESHLY CREATED ptsd” …somehow managing to insult the both of them and imply that the years one lives with an illness give u a sort of precedence and ‘elder card’ in the club. ‘Empathy should go first HERE where its mooore…’ more what? I just dont know how to continue this. needed? Valid? I dont know man. I mean, by works of logic the obvious non-truth of the beginning statement of this post is encapsulated by this last example. But lets be thorough.
Look there are layers. Olivers character deals with shit writing sometimes and horrifying demonisation of his mental illness FROM THE WRITERS OF HIS OWN SHOW. And there is a shitton of ableism in fandom about him.
But if he’d been a woman… my dude… my guy… my pal…. experience shows fandom generally, not as separate ppl but as a block unit, (fandom currents? Fandom tendencies?) have *lower* empathy for women and their narratives (e.i. a lot **less** 29596k word metas about why he does the things he does, trying to explain away the writing holes would be floating around). Lower patience for their fuckups. Lower imagination for their inner lives and even lower willingness to search them out. The show itself would have a lower interest in exploring these issues, as they have shown it to be the tendency with female characters.
Oliver queen is human, he fucks up, he has a deep inner life and his trauma has far reaching shockwaves. All those are characteristics we assume him to have, as default, cause hes a WHITE MALE presented as straight. Who has to contend with bullshit ableism, sure, and fandome expectations colored by toxic masculinity, which canon doesnt even support. But he would have faaaar more prejudices to contend with if he were female. All those assumptions - of hidden logical reasons, depths, triggers etc - up there wouldnt even go halfway if hed been a woman, or not white or, god forbit, a woman of color.
(Dude can u imagine the shitstorm of slutshaming that would hit a female!oliver for sleeping with a *fraction* of the number of ppl oliver has slept with??? In canon he has always had emotional ties or reasons for sleeping with every single one of his partners whether fandom likes it or not, and STILL he is called a manwhore, as if he only thinks with his dick. Even oliver isnt afforded brains and emotions when it comes to sexual agency. It baffles me.
But im willing to bet that it would be worse if he were a woman because the reason for dumbing him down would go from ‘i want to belittle all these other relationships he has so that THIS ONE SHIP shines thru’, to straight up sexism and womens agency over their bodies and emotions. Case in point ppl were calling felicity a plethora of disgusting epithets for sleeping with ray (ONE MAN) when she was a FREE BEING WITH AN INDEPENDENT WILL tied to !!!nobody but herself!!!, just cause she didnt plant olivers name on her ladyparts from the moment she first saw him. (Lets also admit that shipper reasons are present here too but the difference is that in olivers case, his sexing up other ppl lowers olicity’s value cause hes not devoted enough and whatnot. In felicitys case, her sexing up other ppl lowers *felicity’s* ‘value’ because… do i rly need to explain why here? Hint - It ties back to the ‘pure felicity oliver’s light’ argument and the dehumanization of her character by making her the literal object of olivers salvation and therefore nullifying/ridiculing her choices if they make her path deviate from olivers.) Ppl are saying Laurel would be betraying tommys memory by loving oliver still - TOMMYS MEMORY. a man whos been dead for *four years* matters more than a live womans feelings. Just… christ…)
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rurounidrift · 7 years
June 14 Blurr’s Horror Stream - The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Look who’s not dead! It’s me!
Drift showed up as Blurr was welcoming Bevel to the team. He never found out that Bevel isn’t a “he,” but he DID find out that Bevel can shift to look like anyone she wants, including him. It impressed the hell out of him.
He told Blurr that there’s a high chance the Lost Light isn’t gonna be taking off again, and Blurr said he’d be happy to welcome Drift and Whirl onto his crew, if they want to come.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: / shoving a cart inside and slides on his heels to slow down. Was going top speed. Smoke off the heels/ There we go. Snacks. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy coughs and waves smoke away from his face* B l u r r: Hey, Frenzy. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SUP. HEY, SNACKS.\\ B l u r r: Mmhm. Whirl: *trots on in, bobbing his head* Sup, Teach. B l u r r: Hey, Whirl. Bevel changed their nickname to Bevel. boomtank: -peers in- Bevel: *trundles in right behind Blaster* boomtank: Hello!...um...? -forgot her name- Whirl: *gonna inspect these snacks critically before he takes his seat* Bevel: Bevel. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave tromps in after Frenzy, lopsided. One arm's long and skinny. One's regularly proportioned and buff. Apparently Rumble's not awake just yet.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He gets settled on the couch and nods to the room at large.* Whirl: *and when he hears bevel announce her name he's gonna swivel his helm around and awkwardly try and bob it while looking backwards* Whirl: *the paragon of grace and aplomb* boomtank: Bevel. Hi. -and he's trying to not laugh at Whirl or Soundwave- B l u r r: / leans on the snack table/ Well, there's the mech. I was wondering where you were. /wiggles claws at Bevel/ Whirl: Pfft. That's a good look for you, Soundwave. Bevel: Hi! Nice to meet you. Bevel: *grins at Blurr* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He ignores both of these comments. He's already a damn rainbow when all six dock-capable minicons are on him. Weird arms are just weird arms.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oh, sorry, Blaster's was a narration thing. ignores Whirl's comments, then)) Whirl: Any of these brews noxious, Teach? boomtank: Nice to meet you too. I'm Blaster. B l u r r: Pardon? Bevel: Cool. Did you bring any of your minicons with you? boomtank: .................... boomtank: ((if that was directed at Blaster, then damn boomtank: ((all his are dead Whirl: These drinks. Anything really strong? Not--not grade-wise, I mean taste. Aything nigh-undrinkable? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*gets the popcorn out*)) Bevel: [[omg boomtank: ((prepare youself Bevel: [[*faceinhands* Whirl: ((o man 8) )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*gets Shockwave ready with the ARE ALL DEAD sign*)) B l u r r: Hnnh... not sure. My taste pallet is a bit too specific to be the judge. B l u r r: / points to a few cubes / these are pretty strong. boomtank: -Well. He just froze. Might look a bit like a deer in the headlights about now.- I...I...I really....I really don't think I want to talk about that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave lifts his helm and looks over at Blaster, now most curious* Whirl: *gonna huff over the cubes to get a good sniff;hmm. He probably can't taste them, but he'll take one anyway* Bevel: *oh. oh no. oh no she did the thing. rolodex tells her she needs to be more careful asking after people because a lot of times people are fragging dead.*Oh! Oh, I am really sorry. That is ok. Bevel: You do not need to talk about it. Bevel: *reassurring nod* B l u r r: / snort / boomtank: -small, aborted movement to what used to be docks before his accident- I...it's not a problem. You didn't know. B l u r r: Think you might like one, Whirl? B l u r r: [[ everyone ready? ]] Bevel: [[yes ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ye)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Oh. Ohhhh.* boomtank: ((yep! Bevel: I will try to remember in the future. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Perhaps he should poke at that some time. Maybe Blaster would talk with someone who knew...?* B l u r r: [[ hang on i gotta check on something so screen gonna be black ]] Prowl: ((ye)) boomtank: ......yeah....hey, no hard feelings. boomtank: -Be prepared, he's locked those memories down- B l u r r: [[ kay. Everyone's good? Then we gon' start ]] Whirl: *clambers into the Whirl Hammock, taking a sip once he gets settled* It'll do. *he's either not noticing or pointedly ignoring the DAMN SAD CONVO that is popping up in this room* B l u r r: / scrapes claws along the snack tabletop. Yeeeah we like that nails on chalkboard sound/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave cringes and Rumble pops off with a wail* boomtank: -WHY!?- ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yo! Some of us was nappin'!// B l u r r: /blows claws off/ Now that I have your attention. Bevel: Ok. *awkwardly fidgets and then finally opts to smile* Wanna sit with me tonight? Bevel: *at least it wasn't Frenzy who was napping* B l u r r: My ship and I are celebrating. boomtank: Sure. -rubbing audios after Blurr's 'nails' trick- Whirl: *serenely took a sip through that whole chalkboard-sound fiasco* Oh? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Grumbles and stalks over to the hammock. Scramble scramble.* Drift: *BAM LOOK WHO JUST SHOWED UP* B l u r r: Yes indeed. You see, my crew and I are welcoming a brand new crew mate! Whirl: *shifts about to make room for Rumble and settles* B l u r r: / motions to Bevel/ B l u r r: [[ I apologize if the volume gets wonky. This film does it on its own. ]] Bevel: *oh attention on her hey* :D Whirl: *and offers a toast with his cube* Good job, Shovel. *looks as cheeky as someone with just an eye for a face can as he takes a drink* Drift: *ooh an announcement is being made. stops in the door to listen in and check out the New Crew Mate* boomtank: -small applause- Congrads ItsyBitsySpyers: //Good on ya, Big Bit.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Bust up them expectations.// B l u r r: And, well...  That and my crew is still open for some allies. B l u r r: And... stuff. /twitches finials / Bevel: Thanks! B l u r r: / okay, business is over. Guess who's gonna lunge over this snack table in a purple streak and NFL TACKLE BESTIE AT TOP SPEED / Drift: *raises hand* What's his na—? Drift: *NEVER MIND HE'S BEING TACKLED* Bevel: *names later apparently* Whirl: *snorts as he observes this* Oh, hey. He's alive, after all. Drift: *from somewhere under the purple streak* Barely. Whirl: Ain't we all? B l u r r: / lifts helm/ Hey, I was dead last week for ten seconds! B l u r r: It's a new record. Whirl: My lack of surprise is visible from space. Drift: Dammit, what were you up to? B l u r r: Had some upgrade problems. B l u r r: I tried to install something and it didn't go well. So Axis removed it. Whirl: Ugh, WHAT did I TELL you, about those upgrades. They've been NOTHING but trouble. B l u r r: / he is legit on top of Drift / Whirl: *looks to Drift, irritably* He went catatonic for like... what? A month? Because of these stupid upgrades. Drift: ... Honestly, I'm surprised you bothered to get Axis to do it. B l u r r: That was not because of the upgrades! B l u r r: ... I wanted to try. Drift: I'm glad you didn't try. Whirl: Yeah, everyone keeps saying that but nobody can give me an ACTUAL explanation so I'm gonna assume you're all wrong. B l u r r: / pushes up off of Drift / It was not because of the upgrade. B l u r r: it didn't help, but it wasn't the core reason. B l u r r: / holds claw out to help Drift up / Whirl: Well, what was it, then? Drift: Well, I don't know what the core reason IS, so I'm with Blurr for the moment. boomtank: ...-going to find a place to sit, if Bevel is busy- Bevel: *Bevel is going to sit down now as well* B l u r r: It was... personal. Drift: *lets Blurr help him up.* "Personal." Okay. Whirl: I was actually THERE, andI'm making my decision off what I SAW, so I'm with me. Drift: So, it's either the upgrades, or something even worse. Whirl: *rolls his optic* Well, believe whatever you want. I'm telling you now--those upgrades are bad news. Your processor can't handle 'em. You're gonna get yourself killed. B l u r r: It wasn't the upgrades... Drift: So. Something even worse. B l u r r: I suppose. B l u r r: / glances at Whirl/ I was just curious. Luckily, Axis helped me out. boomtank: -datapad back up to read and shove memories back down- Whirl: *shrugs* I've done my part, offered my highly valuable advice. If you ignore it, it's on you. Drift: So. *nudges blurr* New crewmate. Who is he? B l u r r: / points at Bevel / Bevel: *waves* Whirl: ...@Bevel Hey! Do the thing. Drift: *waves back* Hey! I'm Drift. Blurr's friend. B l u r r: /Best/ friend. Drift: BEST friend. Whirl: @B: That guy, Drift, has no idea you can do that. B l u r r: / flicks Drift's helm/ Or am I demoted? Drift: *throws arm around Blurr's shoulder* Of course not. Bevel: @Whirl: Shift to look like you? B l u r r: / smirks at/ Good. Anyway, that's Bevel. Whirl: @B: Shift to look like HIM. B l u r r: [[ be careful, Blurr doesn't know that is a thing either ]] Whirl: ((omfg)) Drift: Bevel. Hey. :D Bevel: @Whirl: Oh! Whirl: ((is whirl gonna make trouble for everyone in one fell swoop)) boomtank: ((oh? B l u r r: I didn't know you were coming by. I have to get your books together, Drift. Bevel: *stays sitting where she's at and transforms so that she looks and sounds exactly like Drift.* Hey! Nice to meet you. Drift: Book—? *!!!!!!* Whirl: *lowers his head behind his cube to hide his glee* Drift: *his first instinct is to get in a fighting pose and grab the hilt of a sword.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up with both feelers out. Whoa, now.* B l u r r: / LOL UR FIRST INSTINCT? His speed mod is already charging tf up / Whirl: *sits up aburptly, alarmed* What the frag're you two DOING? Whirl: Calm down, you IDIOTS. Drift: *... And then to laugh* Bevel: *hey no one stabbed her, she's taking this as a win* boomtank: -twitched. then snickers- Oh, that was good. B l u r r: / crosses arms. Twitching digits on his arms. / Whirl: *rolls his optic* Lord. I can't believe I'M the calm and mentally balanced one here tonight. Bevel: *giggles* Whirl: What's the world coming to? B l u r r: I didn't know humans made /you/, too. Drift: Holy frag, what's—? What is this, some kind of, of... duplicator armor? I've heard of armor that mimics people. Bevel: *transforms back to her usual form* Bevel: Nope! It is just me. I can transform into a lot of different forms but I like being in this *motions to herself* most right now. Drift: ... Huh. What Blurr said, then, are you one of those—what are they called, CSI bots? KSI? The human-built ones. B l u r r: KSI. Drift: Yeah, that. Whirl: THAT looks like a problem. boomtank: ....um.... Bevel: I was created by Cybertronians. Whirl: Her beat's eating her. Whirl: ...*bed B l u r r: [[ fun fact: Almost all of her movements are real. They made a dummy of her for the bad scenes, but she was like nah i got this. So like all of it is really her ]] Drift: Was that her bed bending in on itself? Or a weight on top of the bed? B l u r r: Probably a weight. boomtank: That's...uh...what? Whirl: I think the bed itself ate her. Whirl: ..I guess that doesn't explain all her controtions. B l u r r: Huh. Well, it's just like what the KSI mechs CAN do. Whirl: But everyone needs to stretch now and then, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He can confirm that she is not human made.]] B l u r r: I just wanna make sure you're not spying for the humans looking for /me/. Bevel: I want to meet one of those bots. They sound cool. B l u r r: Two live on the ship. But they aren't human made. B l u r r: Not entirely. Whirl: They're chumps. B l u r r: Dart isn't. Bevel: Aw Drift: *cool scene gone. back to the New Crewmate.* I've never seen that in a— well, Cybertronian-Cybertronian before. Rather than a KSI-Cybertronian. Whirl: *stage whisper at Bevel* They kinda are. Whirl: ...but, they helped me out when this genius over here--*gestures to Blurr* broke himself. Bevel: Still want to meet them then. B l u r r: I didn't BREAK myself. Whirl: So... two-thirds chumps. B l u r r: And you WILL meet them. If you're on the crew, you work with them Drift: Dart's okay. Just... try not to have too much to do with Nos. B l u r r: NOS is a pain... Bevel: I am a Shifter. They do not exist in every universe. Drift: Haven't seen them in mine. B l u r r: We don't have them in mine, I don't think. boomtank: ...Shifter? Like there are more like you? Whirl: Yep, not in my dimension, either. Bevel: Uh-huh. Bevel: Maybe not exactly like me but close. Whirl: I'm... trying to remember, the last time we watched a movie about possession, didn't they get some kind of cool, freaky powers out of it? Drift: *gestures at the movie* So, how come they targeted her? Usually in these things, ghosts and demons target a human for a specific reason, right? boomtank: That's cool. B l u r r: Not always. B l u r r: Sometimes they just see someone weak and want what they have. boomtank: ...that was...not...oh wow... Drift: But there's almost always, like—something that lets them in. The victim accidentally does a ritual or moves into a haunted house or her relatives sold her to a demon or something. Whirl: Wait, which movie did I miss where someone's relatives sold them to a demon? Drift: The one with the invisible demons on the cameras? Drift: They promised their first male descendant to a demon. Whirl: *squints* Whirl: Ohh, yes, I think I remember now. Drift: So everyone in the family got haunted until they got a baby. Bevel: Why did they promised their baby? B l u r r: for success. Drift: Magic power, I think. Whirl: I'd promise some dark entity my firstborn for power. B l u r r: Let's be honest... if I was offered magic powers, I think I'd give up something. Whirl: Because I don't propagate, see. Drift: I think the dark entity wouldn't make a bargain with someone that obviously couldn't keep up their end of it. Whirl: Well, what, it can see the future? That one had some bad luck with those generations of not-boys. Whirl: I'll bet they can be tricked. B l u r r: We should try it. B l u r r: I know some pretty interesting places. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble nudges Whirl* B l u r r: What do you say, Whirl? Drift: Entities that are making bargains with Cybertronians probably know Cybertronians don't make offspring. Drift: ... Unless it's an entity from a different universe where they do. Whirl: *sigh* I would... but I'm already pretty tight with Heqet, I can't go around making pacts with dark, evil entities and all that. boomtank: ...what if the entity asked for you to carry the child? Bevel: Universes are weird. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: Careful whatcha say. Bevel's creators thought they couldn't propagate neither, heh. Drift: So you'd have to cross universes to get a bargain. B l u r r: Well, then come with me! I can make one. Whirl: *looks to Rumble* Yeah? B l u r r: I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Drift: An entity powerful enough to give you dark powers is probably also powerful enough to punish you when it finds out you can't keep the bargain, though. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Little nod.* Whirl: *blinks and nods* @W: Well, nobody in my universe, period, can propagate. It's a certainty here. Whirl: ...@R Whirl: ((whirl telling himself)) B l u r r: / looks at Drift / I don't know. I think I could pay it back. Whirl: Also, I can go, right now, to a universe where Cybertronians can make offspring. One of my pals recently did it. Would take me five seconds. AND if the entity gets mad... fight it with your powers. Drift: What these people need, obviously, is better doors. Demon-proofed doors. They just walk straight in. B l u r r: My debts are all paid off, actually. Whirl: At least you get a cool supernatural battle out of it. B l u r r: Kyeheheh. Right? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: //Yeah, well. Supposed to be certain here too. All I'm sayin'. Jus' don't go near no Matrix.// Drift: *looks at Blurr* If the demon asked you for your first born you could pay it back? ... What, would you give it Dart or Nos? Whirl: *antenna pins back* boomtank: ..... B l u r r: I mean, why not? Drift: ... Which one did you make first? Whirl: @R: Trust me, I WON'T. *not again, anyway* B l u r r: ... Hn. B l u r r: Dart, I think. Bevel: *the Matrix is a jerk* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble nods again and kicks back to keep watching the movie* Drift: ... Offer the demon your second-born. Whirl: *nudges him back and offers the cube* @R: Wanna finish it? It's not bad, I don't think, but I can't taste it. I'm done. B l u r r: Who, NOS ? Kyeheheh. I suppose. B l u r r: There's not much of a soul to bargain with- there's only half of it left. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: //Yeah? Sure. Sorry we don't got the other stuff. Ravage's-- uh. Workin'.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll pluck the leftovres outta Whirl's claws and get comfy again. Occasional sips.* Whirl: *hands it over* @R: Nah, you're good. I haven't brought anything to trade in a while. Bevel: *not really following this movie very well at all* B l u r r: So, this is basically a trial between people who don't believe scrap and people who do, huh? B l u r r: I'm on that lady's side. / points/ Drift: If she can't stand the sound of forks and spoons, then why doesn't she just eat the—? The whatchacallems. The things humans eat without forks and spoons. Drift: The McDonald things. B l u r r: Burgers? Whirl: Or just drink her food instead? Drift: Is that what they're called? Sounds wrong. B l u r r: I don't know. Fries? Drift: No, not fries. Drift: Maybe it's burgers. B l u r r: Nuggets? Drift: Definitely not nuggets. Those are the small chewy chunks. B l u r r: ... /confusion / Drift: ... But yeah, I guess she could've eaten nuggets too. B l u r r: I don't know what food you're talking about... Drift: It's the round flatish thing in layers. Whirl: Apparently, spiders. B l u r r: / hums/ sandwich? Drift: ... Well, if spiders works. Drift: Sandwich! boomtank: Uh....? B l u r r: Oh, there we go. boomtank: Ah. Uh...yikes? Whirl: Still not as wild as the craziest therapy session I'VE been to. B l u r r: I remember that one time that Soundwave tried to get all up in my head. B l u r r: He didn't like it very much. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Which?]] B l u r r: Oh, the one from Tyran. B l u r r: We only met once. Whirl: ((WHOA WAIT)) Whirl: ((THAT VOICE)) B l u r r: [[ yes i love her voice ]] Whirl: ((i knew i knew it she's in Mass Effect AND Destiny! THAT'S LAKSHMI-2, MY GIRL)) B l u r r: [[ mmhm! ]] Bevel: [[she's in the new ST show as well Whirl: ((omg....)) Bevel: [[or one of the movies, i'm not sure Bevel: [[Ah, it was Beyond, the tos reboot movie Whirl: ((even so, still a ST!)) Bevel: [[Gotta love ST actors Drift: ... Lots of crazy people know they're crazy. B l u r r: I don't like that word /grumbling / B l u r r: It's so overused in the wrong way. B l u r r: But, you're right. Lots of people know what they are. Drift: Well. Yeah, but you know what I mean. I'm just, disagreeing with him. B l u r r: Nah, I get you. B l u r r: That's why I'm on her side. I want her to win. B l u r r: Wait, she's the side that is defending the unrealistic, right? Drift: Yeah, she is. She's defending the demon story. B l u r r: ... Okay, I like her. B l u r r: I don't like that other guy. Whirl: I agree. *holds up claw* Speaking as someone who is vrazy and knows it. Whirl: *crazy B l u r r: I don't now why people panic when they hear things... B l u r r: I'd freak out if I didn't hear them. Whirl: Usually it means it's time to fight. Whirl: If there's a noise where you don't expect it, that is--especially if you're asleep. Drift: Most people don't have people with them all the time. B l u r r: ...Huh. B l u r r: / looks at Drift/ Isn't it too quiet? / looks around the room / Do you guys sleep in silence? B l u r r: / scratches helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU'RE KIDDIN', RIGHT?\\ B l u r r: ...No ? Whirl: Mostly silence. Whirl: There's always some kind of noise on the ship. Drift: There's ship noises and Rodimus noises, but—mainly it's silent, yeah. Whirl: But if something loud happened, then yeah, that'd wake me up. B l u r r: Huh... I mean, I wake up to loud noises, too. B l u r r: But I've learned to tell the difference between them. boomtank: ...? Drift: If it's quiet enough, you can also wake up to medium noises. And that'll save your life. Whirl: Yep. B l u r r: Huh... /tilts helm and looks side to side / Whirl: And if you sleep with your proximity sensors on, then movement'll wake you up, too. B l u r r: / shrugs shoulders / I dunno, you guys usually talk when I'm asleep. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is a carrier unit. He is accustomed to resting with others or hearing their voices.]] B l u r r: / leans back / B l u r r: I don't sleep often, though, so I suppose I'm always ready for an attack. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[But he has learned not to wake to them unless it is excessive. He still wakes to other sounds and movements.]] Whirl: That's exactly why I sleep with my proximity sensors on. Gotta be ready. Whirl: And also, habit. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Familiar.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It was unwise to get too comfortable in the Pits.]] B l u r r: Hm... interesting. You all sleep so different. B l u r r: Like, in actual beds and stuff. Whirl: These days, yeah. Whirl: *he just nods at Soundwave; he was never in the Pits, but he learned his habits in similar places* Bevel: *shrugs* I sleep with noise sometimes since Rolodex and I share a room. B l u r r: Yeah? See, you guys have roommates.. Whirl: Nah, they never saddled me with one. B l u r r: You have Killer, though. B l u r r: I suppose Oberyn is my roommate...even though he likes to lay across me and crush me Whirl: Well, yeah, but it doesn't make any noises, unless it's eating. Drift: ((upside down crosses are arguably more holy than rightside-up crosses wh do movies keep using them lmao)) Whirl: ((YEP)) B l u r r: [[ omg i don't know but lmao its so funny ]] B l u r r: [[ that they get it wrong ]] Whirl: ((St Peter refused to be crucified like Jesus, he's the one who demanded and upside-down one)) B l u r r: [[ it's so cool- this movie- cause from here on out, all of this is really her ]] Whirl: *SNICKERS* boomtank: -And this is when Blaster gets up, and heads for the door- Igotstufftodog'night! B l u r r: [[ like her actress does all this crap without help ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Farewell.]] boomtank: ((because mun remembered early work tomorrow Bevel: Night, Blaster Drift: ((it's like all these demons going "i'm not even good enough to die like jesus" like okay glad u feel that way)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ah! sleep well)) B l u r r: / waes claw at blaster / boomtank: ((thanks for the stream, G'night! B l u r r: *waves Drift: Pfffff! There it goes. Whirl: ((gnight!)) Drift: ((gnight!)) B l u r r: [[ ni ni ]] Whirl: *still snickering* Drift: ((playing a possessed person has gotta be one of the most fun movie roles)) Whirl: ((she Whirl: s killin it too)) Drift: ((right??)) B l u r r: she isss ]] B l u r r: i love her. Even the other actors said they were terrified of her at this part ]] Drift: ... Maybe the demon's name IS one-two-three-four-five-six. B l u r r: Who would name a demon that? Drift: Someone who likes numbers? B l u r r: I mean... maybe. Drift: ... Okay, I don't know all those names, but Judas is like a... a pretty high-ranking guy. Why'd she rate a bunch of high-ranked demons? Whirl: Yeah, I'm wondering that, too. B l u r r: I think the demon with her is the same one that was with that guy? Drift: Yeah, the demons said there were six of them and the one that was with judas. B l u r r: Okay so maybe six all got together and they had a free weekend? Drift: So they decided to party in a random college girl? B l u r r: I mean.... isn't that what college is all about? B l u r r: Partying? B l u r r: According to humans? Drift: Partying and learning things. B l u r r: Well, maybe the demons have school and this is their final? Whirl: *snrk!* Drift: I'd think that the one who possessed Judas previously would've already graduated. B l u r r: Maybe he's a mentor? B l u r r: Oh, maybe he's returned for his credentials Drift: Maybe. Whirl: PFFT. Drift: Where the hell did that car come from? Whirl: *bursts out laughing* B l u r r: / snicker / Whirl: It was the deeemond, Drift! *clicks his claws ominously* B l u r r: The demon didn't pass driving school! Drift: Pff! Drift: Too much time partying at college instead of studying for the driving test. B l u r r: you see? B l u r r: This is what happens when mechs don't receive proper education. B l u r r: / looks at Bevel/ You're educated, right? Bevel: Like school? B l u r r: Yes. ItsierBitsierSpyers: ((sorry my internet hiccuped)) Drift: ((soundwave shrank)) B l u r r: [[ it okaaay ]] Whirl: ((zoop, there he go)) Bevel: Um, kinda. B l u r r: [[ smolwave]] B l u r r: /hums/ Explain. Drift: ... Is that the tree Judas died on? B l u r r: I have no idea. Drift: It looks like it. From the movie. B l u r r: Oh? B l u r r: Huh... maybe it is? Bevel: I went to school when I was really little and then I learned stuff on my own. B l u r r: ... well, when you're on my ship, you have to do more than just live here. Thundertron had you working? B l u r r: / looks at Drift/ I killed the scrap out of Thundertron, by the way. He's super dead. Drift: Oh, cool. Good job. B l u r r: /nudges Drift/ I also met that Tyran Drift. /snerk/ B l u r r: He's not that cool. Bevel: We were hired as temporary extra crew. Guard stuff mostly. Whirl: He DOES turn into a chopper... but he's not as awesome as *I* am. Drift: He's a triplechanger. He's pretty cool. B l u r r: Guard stuff, huh? Well, we can give you something much more fun to do. B l u r r: / twitches finials/ He was pretty cool... until he got me detained. Bevel: Yeah? B l u r r: Give me a list of skills you two can do. B l u r r: I'd say... within the next two days. Bevel: I can do that. B l u r r: Good. ItsierBitsierSpyers: ((i'm having internet problems y'all i'm sorry if i'm quiet))
Missed some. Drift tried to explain to Blurr and other multiversal audience members what an amica endura is (not an american endurance, amica as in amicable and endura as in enduring, because it’s an enduring relationship with someone you’re amicable with). He went on to explain some of the legal and social benefits of having an amica—they can visit you in the hospital and make decisions for you, they get to decide what’s done with your stuff when you die, etc.
Drift: No, you don't have to. Whirl: You just do what everyone who doesn't have an amica does. B l u r r: / turns to Dodge/ I told you! B l u r r: You owe me five credits. Drift: The only "rights" you lose are things like, "rights to visit your amica in the hospital." If your amica's dead you can't visit him in a hospital so there's no longer a right to be exercised. B l u r r: Can you have more than one? Drift: Yeah. I knew someone with, uh... I think the max he had at one time was nine? ItsierBitsierSpyers: \\YA JUS' SAID YA GOTTA BE "ALLOWED" TO FIGURE OUT WHAT'S DOIN' WITH TH' DEAD FRAME.\\ Whirl: Yep. B l u r r: Oh.. /turns around and council time again/ Drift: He had seventeen, but not simultaneously. War, death, all that. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Nine?]] B l u r r: I TOLD you. See? Whirl: ...hm. I never thought about that. Amica deciding what to do with your corpse... B l u r r: / swats at the air/ Velocity, no one wants to ask YOU to be their ANYTHING. Drift: Nine, yeah. He was popular. Bevel: I just have one. Nine sounds cool. I bet they were really happy. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Was he a carrier unit?]] B l u r r: / turns to Soundwave/ Wait, is THAT why you and Jazz hang out a lot? Drift: Eugh, Primus no, we don't have that in our timeline. B l u r r: You're those things, aren't you?! Whirl: *LAUGHS* Drift: Just hot spots and cold construction. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[...What things?]] Whirl: *wheezes* No, nono Drift, he means--like HIM. B l u r r: Are you guys... A-mi-ca Endura? ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Wait, no - a carrier unit. A host. Not a creator of offsp--NO.]] Whirl: *LAUGHS AGAIN* B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHA!! ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[NO.]] Bevel: *giggling so hard* B l u r r: Well he sure seems to like you. Drift: ... Wait, isn't that the word for someone makes sparklings? A carrier? ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[In some other places. Yes. Not here.]] Pause. [[His here. Where he is from.]] Bevel: We call them creators! Drift: Huh. Bevel: I have creators but no one else has them here. We had to make a whole word up for it. Whirl: I'm going to call the one I know, "dad." Drift: "We"? You're from the... *gestures between Bevel and Soundwave* Same timeline, you two? Whirl: Like, not... me eprsonally, calling him dad. He's a dad. Drift: So what's a "carrier unit"? Bevel: Uh-huh! Bevel: *points to SW in answer* ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Jazz does not like him. Jazz likes pestering him. There is a difference.]] B l u r r: I think he likes you. Whirl: What she said. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[And he thinks you enjoy keeping your tongue. Perhaps you should silence it.]] Whirl: ...or didn't say. What she pointed. Drift: ... Okay, I'm getting that Soundwave IS one, but I still don't know what one is. B l u r r: / licks his sharp denta/ Ooh, please come tear my tongue out, I've been dying to install a new one Drift: ...... Is it the... carrying around smaller mechs thing? Bevel: Like Blaster. Drift: *paps Blurr's head* No self-mutilation. B l u r r: / is joking/ K-Kyeheheheh. I'm only hesting. B l u r r: *jesting Whirl: *raises his claw, makes a clicking noise like he's about to speak, pauses, and then just blinks* ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[He is part of a symbiotic relationship with smaller mechs. His duty is to host them - protect, work with, transport.]] Whirl: You know I... *looks to Soundwave, and then down to Rumble, since he's the closest* What IS the deal with carrier units? Drift: Huh. And that's a... thing? Whirl: *oh, wait, Soundwave's explaining* Drift: I dunno remember what sizes all his amicae were, but they weren't all way smaller than him. And I haven't heard of "carrier units" being a thing in our universe. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[It was. Then the war happened, and he eventually became the last.]] Taps his fingers. [[There may be more now.]] Bevel: Just like there are more Shifters! Whirl: *flips a lazy salute* Good luck on that. Whirl: I'll let you know if we ever figure out how to crack that problem ourselves, and if any of your types pop up. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[And, good. He has enough work to do without seven government forms.]] B l u r r: / sits back. His council is done and he is slouching / ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Gives Blurr a good staring now. That's right. You be quiet over there. Last time you went on about Jazz one showed up.* B l u r r: / twitches finials and swats at the air/ B l u r r: / stares right back/ What? ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[And yes. He's told the closest version your timelines have to him is... himself. Blaster does not count there. It is odd, in the way the multiverse always is.]] Small shrug. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Nothing. See it stays that way.]] B l u r r: Perhaps. B l u r r: / turns to his vacant side and pats the arm of the couch/ Don't worry, Dodge. We already did our thing. /mumbling/ ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Lapses back into silence, now that he's neither being teased nor pushed for data.* B l u r r: So what happens if you don't sign the paper? Does that mean you're not friends? Whirl: Nah, it just means you didn't sign the paper. Bevel: Means you have to sneak by hospital bouncers. B l u r r: Well. I don't go to hospitals so. Bevel: *she found that analogy really funny* B l u r r: You're all welcome to visit The Emperor. Drift: It means you don't have the legal benefits. Whirl: *nods* B l u r r: Oh. Whirl: I mean, in practice... I went the Frenzy route last time you got sick. B l u r r: Well. You mechs have fun with your Amica Endura business... B l u r r: / pulls up datapad / Whirl: Your chumps could've TRIED to stop me, but they did the smart thing. B l u r r: Well, they're not exactly the smartest mechs. Whirl: Smart enough to know not to pick a fight with ME. Drift: You're still friends and all, you just don't get the bonuses. And you don't get to tell people this is your amica. B l u r r: Oh...that must be nice, I guess. B l u r r: / snort/ Well, they didn't know you. Now they do. B l u r r: They just guessed right, Whirl. Whirl: Oh, no, I fully threatened them at one of your movie nights before I came to visit. B l u r r: Oh... they ran movie nights? Whirl: *utterly unrepentant* They had an idea of what they'd have to deal with. Whirl: Yeah. I stayed for one of them. Idiots held out on us until the movie was done. Bevel: Best friend sounds really important too. ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Soundwave can't tell people anyway.* B l u r r: Oh, they did? They're not that smart. B l u r r: / nods at Bevel/ I've only had two best friends in my life. B l u r r: One tried to kill me and the other hasn't yet. ItsierBitsierSpyers: \\BEST FRIEND'S BETTER. YA ONLY GOT ONE BEST. THAT OTHER FRAGGER GOT NINE AMICA, HE SAID.\\ B l u r r: / looks at Whirl/ Well, I'm sure they showed interesting movies. ItsierBitsierSpyers: \\CAN'T HAVE NINE 'BEST'. THAT'S JUST NINE 'GOOD'.\\ Drift: Well. Presumably one of your amica is gonna be your best. Drift: And that's sorta what having a conjunx is for. To promote one of your friends above the others. Drift: That's your bestest friend followed by your best friends. Whirl: *briefly contemplates, but Whirl already knows who was his one and only best friend; operative word being WAS* Bevel: I thought conjunx was for like kissing and spark stuff friend. Whirl: *antenna pins back a bit* I don't even remmeber. I didn't stay for the second night. Whirl: Something about corn. B l u r r: Ah... B l u r r: were you with me? B l u r r: / scratches helm/ I don't remember anything, honestly, and they won't tell me anything. B l u r r: They just keep insisting I had a visitor. I guess that was you. ItsierBitsierSpyers: //Eh. Good thing ya ain't got us types, I guess. We gotta go before that scrap. Probably torque off everybody.// Drift: You can do that too. Drift: But I mean—presumably the person you're in love with is also your bestest friend, right? Whirl: Yeah, that was probably me. B l u r r: You know, I think Drift's the only best friend I have, now that I think of it. My last one tried to kill me and shot my jaw off and sent me to Antarctica... B l u r r: / looks at Whirl again/ Well... thanks for visiting. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Are you not allowed more than one conjunx?]] B l u r r: I didn't think anyone would. B l u r r: Not that I was planning on the whole event. Whirl: *waves a claw* As if you could get rid of me. Drift: One conjunx limit. Bevel: Lots of bots in our universe would not like that. B l u r r: Mm... I see, I see. Drift: That's why it's above amica. It's special. Drift: ... Well, I mean. Amicae are special to. But conjunx is SPECIAL-special. ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[He imagines that must cause friction with the other lovers.]] Bevel: What if you like two bots the same above everyone else? Drift: Well that's why you should only have one lover, now isn't it. :/ Drift: *MR. VICIOUSLY MONOGAMOUS RIGHT HERE* Whirl: *snorts* Not everyone's swimming in suitors, Soundwave. B l u r r: Uh.../ yikes awkward. WELL LETS TALK TO WHIRL / ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Whirl. Whirl, no.* B l u r r: Anyway. Uhm, they didn't tell me you visited a lot , so. Whirl: *he's looking dead at you* B l u r r: I was confused if you were the one. Whirl: I visited at least once. Tried to get you o snap out of it. Whirl: Obviously, it didn't work. B l u r r: ... You did? Whirl: Yep. Bevel: Are you really, Soundwave? B l u r r: Ah, Master must have been keeping my attention... /mumbles/ ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Quietly puts his hand over his visor and vents.* Whirl: *shrugs* Or, you just COULDN'T snap out of it on your own. That's what happened to me. Bevel: Aw, it is ok. You do not have to talk about it. *see she can take a hint* B l u r r: .. I don't know. Drift: *ZOOPS TO BLURR* You mean Optimus? What—were you having visions of him or something? Whirl: *he, however, cannot* He's kicking it with Shockwave and he's officially joined Prowl's Dating Circus. B l u r r: ...Uh.. No? ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Oh thank Primus, Drift's attention transfer---DAMN IT, WHIRL.* Bevel: *twitches at the sudden Optimus drop* B l u r r: I- I didn't have vision, I just... / twitches finials. / Bevel: *SW saved* ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Check ping on Bevel. He saw the twitch.* B l u r r: If Whirl is right, then I guess I wasn't registering what was outside of... my room? B l u r r: / sweats loudly / Drift: *slowly turns to stare at whirl* Whirl: More accurately, you weren't registering what was outside of your head. Drift: ... That's the fakest thing I've ever heard. B l u r r: ... Ah. Whirl: ...Okay, I'm going to need you to clarify which thing you think is the fakest thing. Drift: Actually, I don't know what part sounds faker. Shockwave in a relationship or Prowl having a—a "dating circus"? B l u r r: It wasn't that I couldn't register it, you know. Whirl: Because I honestly can peg a few of 'em. Bevel: *have a mental :| Soundwave* Whirl: *snorts* Believe me, or don't. See for yourself sometime. Drift: You're yanking my chain. B l u r r: / oh thank god, a different subject / B l u r r: / pulls up datapad. / Whirl: *shrugs again* Like I said: believe me or don't. B l u r r: / now he don't gotta explain shyte / ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Suspiciously silent. ... er.* Bevel: Shockwave. He really likes science. Whirl: Yep. Bevel: *to Drift* Whirl: Anyway... I lost my thread here. Whirl: So, okay, what now, Teach? B l u r r: A shame. B l u r r: / glances up from behind datapad/ Me? Whirl: I'm pretty sure you couldn't register it. I got noting out of you. Whirl: *nothing Bevel: *had no where to go with that answer to Drift's statement but her moods a little sour now anyway* ItsierBitsierSpyers: //I thought yankin' yer chain was the Captain's job.// ItsierBitsierSpyers: [[Rumble, please.]] Whirl: *SNRK* Drift: Yeah. Yeah, he definitely—he really likes science. B l u r r: ... /shrugs/ Like I said, it wasn't that I couldn't. Drift: *looks Rumble dead in the optics* It's more of a gentle caress. B l u r r: I mean, I probably couldn't, but that's not why I asked them to.. uh. Yeah. ItsierBitsierSpyers: //Awww.// *Yeah, he's not even sorry.* //That's sweet. Mus' be a real romantic.// Whirl: I don't follow, Teach. Spit it out. Drift: Super romantic. B l u r r: / screws face up a little / I was having a really hard time processing everything happening to me at the same time. Whirl: *exaggerated wince* Rumble, don't encourage him. You're just inviting disaster. Whirl: HMM. You know that SOUNDS to ME a lot like a OVERWHELMED PROCESSOR--but nooo. Whirl doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm telling you--it's the mod. B l u r r: ... It wasn't the mod, Whirl, it was /me/. ItsierBitsierSpyers: //Yeah? What'd he do? Like, for real, not jokin'. I ain't pegged him for sap.// Whirl: Your brain just decided to up and quit on you? Drift: ... He'd probably kill me if I told you, honestly. B l u r r: No... I wanted it to quit. B l u r r: I asked Dodge and Velocity to make the pain stop. And it stopped. ItsierBitsierSpyers: //That mushy?// Impressed whistle. Whirl: *tilts his head, and then nods* Sort of shut youself down? B l u r r: I couldn't do it. I tried to get through it by myself- it wasn't working. So I shut down. ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Of course, you know not knowing means they're going to spread rumors about all kinds of romantic gestures. It is Their Way.* Whirl: *another nod* ...@B: Teach. What HAPPENED to you. *at long last, Whirl is starting to put two and two together. It only took him Literal Months* Drift: *annnnnnd his attention is back on blurr.* B l u r r: [[ ITS OKAY WHIRL UR SWEET ANYWAY ]] Drift: *... very slowly wraps an arm around him.* B l u r r: @W: :: A lot. A lot all at once, honestly. :: ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Soundwave is tempted to pry...* Whirl: *aloud, he says, brusquely but not unkindly* Been there. It happens. B l u r r: / flickers optic and pats Drift. / B l u r r: / he figures this is a normal hug so it's okay / Whirl: @B: I fully expect you to not tell me most of this but I got one question: WHO did it? Drift: *this is not a normal hug* B l u r r: @W: :: .. It started with Roadbuster. Then it spiralled into the fight with Thundertron, which was honestly right after that whole thing with JT, plus the struggle with the fleet and- it's a lot. :: Drift: *it is a very tight hug* B l u r r: / oh this is a tight hug okay. Pat pat ? / Whirl: *the moment Blurr mentions JT there's that very subtle shift in what's left of Whirl's face that suggests he's gone from being relatively calm to contemplating murder* @B: I see. B l u r r: / well he can hug Drift back while he's comming/ Drift: @Blurr «... If you don't wanna talk about it you don't have to. But do you wanna talk about it?» *100% oblivious to the fact that WHIRL'S ON THE OTHER LINE* Whirl: @B: Well, you took care of Thundertron. And your fleet seems to be doing fine. And last I checked, things worked out with 'Buster... so seems to me that you're bouncing back. Bevel: @SW: *ok curiosity has killed the... Bevel* Was Whirl really telling the truth? About Shockwave and Prowl? B l u r r: / OH GOD COMM CALLS ON ALL LINES / Bevel: *no one try to connect to AOL you'll knock everyone offline* ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[And you have an interest in his personal affairs because...?]] B l u r r: / looks at Drift/ @D: :: Maybe...yeah. :: B l u r r: @W: :: Sort of. Things are still rocky... But we're figuring out this reality thing. :: Bevel: @SW: Because you should be happy and Shockwave is all sciencey and everyone [Elita] says you like Prowl. Our Prowl. So a different Prowl is probably even cooler because you- Bevel: -did not try to kill each other in a war. Drift: @B «Yeah?» *will wait for blurr to elaborate, then* ItsierBitsierSpyers: *He's going to push Elita into a smelter.* Whirl: @B: Good. Well. I owe JT a lot more than a punch if I ever meet him. Bevel: *Elita would somehow survive and come back stronger, don't do it* ItsierBitsierSpyers: *You're right. He'll just continue to loathe her from afar.* Bevel: *safest option* B l u r r: @W: :: Uh... well. Maybe some day? :: B l u r r: /switches lines/ @D: :: ... Remember when I offered to give those coordinates to JT? :: Drift: *......... drift's not gonna like this* @B «Yeah?» Whirl: *metohdically flexes his claws and stares into space; he is not even trying to be subtle with his body language* @B: The moment I find him. *and, quite ominously, that's all he's gonna say* B l u r r: @W: :: Well he- wait... who's this? Wait. This is whirl. Uhm. Well... wait. :: /processing/ :: I couldn't tell you where he is. :: Whirl: @B: Don't worry about it. B l u r r: @D: :: I wouldn't advise seeking him out. :: /totally wrong line / Drift: @B «Hah. Ahh. Yeah. No. I—wasn't gonna.» ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Shockwave is "all sciency," yes. It is an attractive quality. But everyone should mind their own business. He distantly admired our Prowl's abilities. We did -not- like each other.]] B l u r r: @D: :: Wasn't gonna wha- wait... scrap. :: Drift: @B «... He got mad, didn't he. At you. Because I asked you for a favor. He took it out on you.» B l u r r: @D: :: No. No he didn't. :: Whirl: *pauses, draggig himself out of his burgeoning murderous fantasies* @B:Also, of course this is Whirl. Who else would it be? B l u r r: @W: :: I wouldn't suggest seeking him out- I got my lines crossed. :: Whirl: @B: Oh. *pauses and peers about; it's not hard to guess who else he might be talking to* @B: Well. Like I said, Teach, don't worry about it. B l u r r: @D: :: He went and killed them, so everyone got what they wanted, so it's fine! :: B l u r r: @W: :: He wasn't the sole purpose and you know it. I had a lot on my mind. :: Bevel: @SW: Duh. Prowl hates you. Drift: @B «He's mad at you. It's not fine. ... Did it—how bad is it? Between you two?» Whirl: @B: Yeah. Everything else is resolved.He's the only loose end. Besides, it's not the first time he's hurt you in some way and you KNOW it. B l u r r: @D: :: Nothing happened. It's fine. He just got annoyed, but it's fine now. :: Drift: @B «Don't give me that. I know it wasn't nothing.» B l u r r: @W: ::... Granted, yes, you're right. But we settled the issue already. :: B l u r r: / oh god he's sweating more than an operator back in the time of the switchboard/ B l u r r: @D: :: It wasn't on you though. And I told him that. I offered- and you know that's true. I did. :: B l u r r: @D: :: It was my idea. :: ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Good. May it stay that way.]] Whirl: @B: Mm-hmm. ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Slowly drifting toward the smell of MURDER on the wind* Drift: @B «Where are you two at now?» Bevel: @SW: Yeah well I hope you are happy and no one you like actually hates you. B l u r r: @W: :: It's true. :: B l u r r: @D: :: Well, we weren't talking for a while... but now we are. :: ItsierBitsierSpyers: *Oh, distracted again.* ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[That is an odd blessing. He accepts it.]] Bevel: *provides all the distraction :D* Drift: @B «... I'm sorry.» B l u r r: @D: :: It's fine- it's not a big deal. Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything. :: B l u r r: /distressed. Grips tight in hug. / Drift: @B «It IS a big deal! You were ready to DIE because I let you do a favor for me that you shouldn't have!» B l u r r: @D: :: I offered! It's - really it's okay! :: B l u r r: @D: :: Besides, I sorted it all out in the end. We're talking again and he even came over... That's sort of how we got talking- anyway. We're okay. :: B l u r r: / has not stated they're back together but u know it fine / Drift: @B «You almost DIED.» B l u r r: @D :: That's a monthly thing, though... :: Bevel: @SW: Not that odd. Hey, um, why is Dancitron open less? Drift: @B «But this time it was because you WANTED to die. And I helped cause it. I'm sorry.» B l u r r: @D: :: Oh for pit sake. :: /just hugs a lot tighter/ :: You didn't do anything. If you had, I would have taken it out on you. :: B l u r r: @D: :: I'm alive. You're alive. And you finally came to visit. That's enough for me. :: Drift: *tight hug* ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[His monitoring duties have increased since it was first opened. He needed the extra time.]] Drift: *with BOTH arms this time* Bevel: @SW: For what? ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Work, rest. The usual.]] B l u r r: / both arm hugs! Squeeze/ Bevel: @SW: ...you are really good at not answering questions. ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Yes. The Autobots used to think so too. It comes with the territory.]] B l u r r: / rest forehelms together/ @D: :: I have to tell you something else... It's not that bad. :: Drift: @B «Yeah?» Bevel: @SW: Spy territory? B l u r r: @D: ::... Roadbuster and I got together. Finally. Officially. :: Whirl: *has, in the few minutes since he spoke, calmed down a little; watching Blurr and Drift, his proverbial hackles smooth more* Drift: *perks up* @B «Yeah? That's great.» ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Yes. The borders of which happen to be secret.]] B l u r r: @D: :: He's a lot more fun now that we're not trying to beat each other up. :: B l u r r: @D: :: Maybe you can meet him sometime. :: Drift: @B «Heh. I bet he is.» Drift: @B «I'd like that.» B l u r r: @D: :: Mm...:: / tighter hugs for friendo/ Bevel: @SW: I tried to be a spy sometimes but I was not very good at it. Pretending to be people is really hard if you have to do it for a long time. Bevel: *especially since she literally can't stay in one form for very long either but also y'know* B l u r r: @D: :: But really. It's not your fault. So don't beat yourself up over it. :: Drift: @B «... Are you okay now? REALLY okay? It's fine to say if you aren't. I want to know.» Whirl: *Drift has this situation handled. Good. Gona tip back and streeetch again, careful not to tip his hammock* All right, losers, time for me to go. ItsierBitsierSpyers: @Bevel: [[Makeshift learned that one the hard way. Still. You seem to have found a calling of sorts.]] Whirl: See you lot later. *clambers up and out* ItsierBitsierSpyers: //Seeya.// Drift: See you. Bevel: @SW: I guess. Bevel: Bye, Whirl Whirl: *bobs his head to each of his well-wishers in turn* B l u r r: / waves to Whirl/ Hey! B l u r r: Thanks... again. Whirl: *he was in the doorway when Blurr called him back, and he seems a little surprised* Well. Yeah. Of course. *bobs his helm again* B l u r r: @D: :: I'm adjusting to realitty again. It was hard the first few weeks, but... I'm better. :: Whirl: And I STILL say you should go easy on the mods. Idiot. *and with that affectionate goodbye zoop he's gone* Drift: @B «Anything I can do?» B l u r r: I will... / waves again / B l u r r: @D: :: I know I stopped talking about things with everyone, but maybe sometime we can hang out again or something? :: Drift: @B «Yeah, definitely. I think my schedule's about to clear up soon. I should be able to come over more.» B l u r r: @D: :: If you want to. It's not a must. I know you're busy. :: Drift: @B «I'm about to get less busy. And I want to.» B l u r r: @D: :: If you're sure. :: /hums/ :: We'll be stationary for a while... I need to recruit. :: B l u r r: @D: :: A sleepover would be cool.:: Bevel: *Found her calling. Something about that phrase nags at her and rather than think on it, she's going to bid the room goodnight and go ask Rolodex for help on writing that list for Blurr* Drift: @B «Yeah. It would be cool.» B l u r r: @D: :: Dodge says... you don't need to feel bad. But he wanted you to know that we're all okay. So, maybe we can have a sleepover sometime. :: B l u r r: @D: :: velocity is not invited. :: Drift: @B «Pff. Good. I don't want him there.» Drift: @B «... I've got a question. Don't repeat it to Whirl, okay?» B l u r r: @D: :: I won't. What do you need? :: Drift: @B «You've fought alongside him a few times. You think he's good? Like fighting alongside him?» B l u r r: @D: :: Whirl? :: Drift: @B «Yeah, Whirl.» B l u r r: @D: :: ... Absolutely. He's a bit reckless, but what's a fight with pristine movements? He's had my back and I've had his. He's reliable and knows what he's doing. Tough, too. Real tough. Why ask? :: Drift: @B «If he asked to join the crew, would you let him?» B l u r r: @D: :: Yes. :: Drift: *nods* @B «Okay.» B l u r r: @D: :: I trust him to not kill me, so... you know. :: Drift: @B «Pff. Always important.» B l u r r: @D: :: I consider him a friend. So, I mean... I don't think he'd listen to me, but I would say yes. :: B l u r r: @D: :: ... Why? :: Drift: @B «... This doesn't go beyond you, but...» Drift: @B «Unless we have a miracle, I think it's going to be a long, long time before the Lost Light takes off again. If it does. Something's broken and the tech doesn't exist to fix it.» Drift: @B «I'm looking at a few things right now. If I'm lucky, we could be up and running again in a week. But I can't plan for that.» Drift: @B «And, Rodimus is... I'm responsible for the crew right now.» B l u r r: @D: :: Ah... well, that's unfortunate . :: B l u r r: @D: :: well, if you need supplies, I can hunt them down for you. :: Drift: @B «If the Lost Light's grounded, they'll have to—go somewhere. Do something else. Most of them can handle that. But a few of them, I... don't think they'd adjust to Cybertron. I wanna help them.» Drift: @B «If we ARE grounded... if it's alright with you, I want to join your crew. And I'm going to try to get Whirl to come with me. I don't think he'd be okay in civilian life.» B l u r r: @D: :: Ah... :: B l u r r: / excuse him, he's having a moment / B l u r r: / More like he's just staring / Drift: @B «I'll find out from our engineers what kinda supplies we need and pass the list to you. If you CAN find them, I'd—we'd all be in your debt. But I don't know if they CAN be found.» B l u r r: / blinks/ Uh... @D: :: Oh uhm... right. Yeah. :: Drift: @B «... Would that be okay with you? Whirl and I joining? Or just me, if I can't persuade him to come.» B l u r r: @D: :: ... You'd live with me.:: Drift: @B «... Yeah. I would.» B l u r r: @D: :: Like...everyday. :: B l u r r: / that's what MOVING IN MEANS BUT OKAY / Drift: @B «Yeah. Like... everyday. It's kinda a big step, I know, but... I think it'd work out. If you do.» B l u r r: @D: :: I'd get to see you all the time... :: / ;~; / Drift: *drift's gonna take that as a yes. more hugs?* B l u r r: / turns to his left/ Shut UP I AM NOT-! / oh hugs! / B l u r r: @D: :: Of course I'd say yes to both of you!! :: B l u r r: @D: :: You guys are always welcome on my ship! :: Drift: *oh now drift's getting choked up.* Drift: @B «............... Th-thanks.» B l u r r: /oh no. Uh. Pat pat / B l u r r: @D: :: You're welcome...? Did I say something wrong? :: Drift: @B «No. Just. ... S'been a hard few months. This's nice. Good news.» Drift: *he's definitely trying not to cry* B l u r r: / smirks a little/ @D: :: Well, regardless of how hard it gets, you always have a place here with us. I made a promise. :: /wiggles scarred claw/ Drift: *takes claw with scarred hand* @B «I know. Thank you.» B l u r r: / lines scars up/ @D :: Sure thing, Drift. You always have a place here. Even if I die, they know to let you on. :: Drift: @B «... But don't die though.» B l u r r: @D: :: Well, I haven't yet, so. I doubt I will soon. :: B l u r r: @D: :: Next time, Drift. Don't ask. Just show up. You don't need permission to stay here. You can walk in any time and claim a room. :: Drift: @B «Pff. Yeah, okay.» B l u r r: /Rummages in subspace. Pokes a sticker on his forehelm/ @D: :: Dork. :: Drift: *sits back and takes it off to see what it is* B l u r r: / it is a gold glittery star / Drift: *...........* Drift: *sticks it next to the rodimus star on his chest. and now he IS crying. c'mon in for a hug* B l u r r: / oh my god he made drift cry / B l u r r: / goes on in for that hug and pats his back/ Sorry... are you okay? Drift: Yeah! M'fine! *he's cryin tho* B l u r r: Uh... well, you say that, but you're kind of crying. B l u r r: / worried noises / Drift: Good crying! I'm fine. I'm fine. Drift: *only half good tbh* B l u r r: ... Are you sure? /pats a bit more and just hugs/ You know you can still talk to me. Drift: ... I'm just— Drift: Rodimus is gone and I don't know when he'll be back, and I'm running the ship while he's gone, and I don't, I'm not made to be a captain, and it's— Drift: —it's just really nice to get a gold star. B l u r r: Ah... I see. /hums and just pulls closer for a hug/ B l u r r: You're my best student, you know. Very smart mech. Drift: I don't know if disbanding the crew is the right thing. Should I buy another ship? Should we continue the quest without Rodimus? Is that what he'd want me to do? B l u r r: / hums and looks contemplative/ If you don't feel like you are Captain, then I suggest gathering the crew and asking them to vote on a list of options. Drift: ... Yeah. Yeah, that's— okay. B l u r r: Is the quest important to  you and your friends? Drift: ... It's only important to me if Rodimus is leading it. Drift: But... Rodimus likes votes. That's what he would do if he didn't know what to do next. B l u r r: / vents. Not even gonna start on the rodimus business/ Then do the voting. B l u r r: / reaches up and rests claws on shoulders/ I know this place isn't the best... but I'm telling you right now that it can be your home, whether it's temporary or permanent. If you need it. B l u r r: I'm no Rodimus... but. I'm not the worst Captain in the world. Drift: *crooked smile* It's good enough for me. B l u r r: / pokes his nasal/ It's nice to know I'm good for something. B l u r r: But... figure out what you have to first. And you can call me anytime if you need anything. B l u r r: and I mean that. Anything. Drift: Okay. I'll let you know. Drift: Same to you. Call me if you need anything. B l u r r: Mm. Sure. B l u r r: /pat pat/ Get some rest, yeah? I'll talk to you sometime soon- when you have time. You just let me know.
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