#thank u for feeding me once again astra <333
mxddyhero ยท 2 years
omi and alfred having a baking contest with jason and juza being the taste-testers (ofc they're not biased, not at all ;))
No because,, imagine Omi and Alfred talking about their pasts while they baked - just like he did the first time he told Izumi. Of how he used to run one of the biggest, most feared biker gangs in the country with the best friend that he lost and that he's just here now to make his friend proud and ensure that some part of his legacy lives on that isn't just violence. Alfred can relate, being ex-special forces. He saw a number of him comrades die in front of him and he knows how much of a toll that takes but it's so much more personal when the one you lose is a friend taken right in front of you and there is nothing you can do about it. They've both lost someone pivotal to senseless violence and seen enough of it in their years to last a lifetime, but where Omi has chosen the peace and tranquility of a normal life, Alfred is still being subjected to watching the ones he loves fight and get injured and risk their lives every night. But he can tell the young man in front of him that his friend would be so proud of him, and support him for finding a new purpose and it's such a weight off because? He couldn't exactly talk about this kinda stuff with his little brothers or dad, Ryo was still convinced that someway, somehow, the Mad Wolf could come back someday, and while he trusts all of his fellow actors, it was nicer to keep that part of his life separate and away from what he was before. And it's like a weight has been lifted from him as Alfred smiles, pats him gently on the shoulder and they carry on measuring ingredients moving on to lighter topics.
BUT GOD JUZA AND JASON... I think I would literally implode if I thought too much about them together... but God. If Jason was willing to fight over Alfred's cookies, can you imagine how he'd be with Omi's? Mans out here making dango and taiyaki and so many new foods he never got chance to try. He'd be inhaling them before Juza could even get a look in, and he'd analysed him before, he could probably take him if he had to. Juza insists he's fine with it though, since he gets Omi's cooking all the time. Alfred is just like, "Nonsense dear boy. Master Jason is being impolite" and Jason immediately slows down to at least let Juza get a look in. Later, Omi puts a bowl of anmitsu and cream in the fridge and puts a note with Juza's name on it, with a promise to make extra next time and Juza sheepishly texts Omi in the middle of the night as he went for snacks that it's okay, because Alfred dropped him off a dozen cookies earlier and Omi just smiled because now there are two chefs there to spoil him.
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