#thank god i live in scotland where people are just like aight am aff fer a shite pal
bondsmagii · 2 years
I've spoken before about how I really do not like people baby-talking me or using words that have the same vibe (such as calling me a blorbo or whatever) and I have finally worked out that this is the reason behind why a lot of British slang is so fucking funny. I'm not talking about the glorious insults that the English have gifted us (such as "wankstain," "bellend," "daft cunt," etc).
I'm talking about how grown men and women talk like children. just saw a grown man bitching about workplace toilet etiquette refer to his colleague taking a shit as "doing his plops." once saw another grown man refer to pissing while shitting (therefore sitting down) as a "sitty-down wee." I'm going insane here. "poo" and "wee-wee" and "willy" my god man!! so many inventive names for these things in the English language being neglected in favour of sounding like a five year old!
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