#thank fuck their world really didn't become magical at the end lmao
proximacalamity · 1 year
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uhh can we talk about these two???
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schrijverr · 10 months
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ok, so rn im imagening that the Upside Down isn't the only other dimension and of course Dustin stumbles upon the first small creature that made it through.
It's a lill dragon, think terrible terrors from httyd, and Dustin is in love TM, bc holy shit he just found a DRAGON, that is nerd heaven for him. So, naturally he takes it in.
However, homie is smart enough not to pull another D'Art, but also not willing to let his new friend go. So, he claims that he saw something in the wood and it didn't look from this world, which naturally draws the whole party out.
He covertly lets his new friend out - he probably named him Smaug, the nerd <3 - and they all set chase to either catch it or see where it goes.
Smaug is both small and slippery, so it's more an undignified chase, though no one will ever admit that lmao.
Meanwhile, Smaug is chittering, trying to find his colony again and hearing their chitters back, meaning he leads all of them to this new portal. ...Aaaand that the dragons on the other side of it have become aware of its existance when they stumble upon it.
I'm mostly imagining the DnD part of the party's faces lol (especially Dustin, bc holy shit Smaug has BIGGER buddies than he thought and holy shit this might end up bad, like D'Art's buddies had).
I can't decide, who has the magic Dragon whisper powers, but im leaning Steve bc he has Disney Princess energy and can you imagine how sour Mike will be lmao.
Then they either get to dissapear into this other world and leave that fucked up world behind (aka using escapism as a coping mechanism (oehhh, you can also have only one person discovering it and going with the dragons and it being a metaphor of them escaping into their own mind and ultimately killing themselves, which is v dark and sad, but it came to me and I had to share it.))
Or they train the dragons and go terrorize the goverment, bc they deserve that <3 (and like Nancy exposes the whole Upside Down thing) and now we all live in a world with dragons bc that would be so so so cool and I want that for myself xp
This is more of an outline that anyone is free to take, bc I'm not planning on writing a whole thing, but it was a really fun excercise and got me writing again after a mental block.
Thank you @everythingsupsidedown for sending me this <333
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1whitewitch1 · 11 months
Tw ED discussion
Around this time last year my eating disorder got a lot worse than it had been for a long time. I had been purging since I was about 14 on and off. But it had never gotten to the level that it got to. I was creeping on ED Tumblr every day. I also started creeping on ED Twitter and partially on TikTok, but there isn't much of a community on there thank God. My ex-boyfriend had cheated on me twice and I was at my wits end with my body. I was on birth control from 2020 until 2021. That made me gain a lot of weight and it made me really dislike myself. The pandemic also didn't help. I gained a lot of weight. Finding radical feminism has literally changed my life and I'm not even exaggerating. Since I've been living independently out of home I've lost weight due to being unable to afford food and starving and I've never even gotten close to the weight that I thought I cpuld achieve when I was active in my anorexia. Food still controls a lot of my thoughts but I can manage it a lot better now. All thanks to this community. My body is not the same as when I was 17 and 50 kilos and doing MDMA every weekend. My body is not the same as when I was a 10-year-old girl. I cannot realistically be a lower weight than I am without doing intense dieting, exercise and restriction. And I walk and stand for anywhere between 5-10 hours 4-6 days a week at work. So I'm getting the appropriate amount of walking exercise that an adult is supposed to get. I just don't go to the gym and don't stride to make gains or weight loss. I would absolutely love to try to bulk up and become a muscly person who is able to defend herself one day. I would really really like to do that, but for now I'm way too depressed LMAO.
I had to realise that I'm a woman now. I'm 21. I'm not a child anymore. I had to accept that my body wasn't going to magically get rid of its hips. It wasn't going to get rid of its stomach. It wasn't going to magically get rid of its thighs. I had to accept my body as it was and it was really hard to do and it still can be quite hard. But I recognise now that my body is a woman's body and I recognise now that all the women around me have women's bodies, adult human female bodies and they are beautiful and there is absolutely no reason for me to sit around. Wishing I could be fucking stick thin with absolutely no body fat. It is completely unrealistic for my body and the fact that I convinced myself and tried so hard for so long to be. That makes me feel embarrassed even though it isn't embarrassing, and many women suffer with eating disorders.
It breaks my heart how many women have to go through issues with eating disorders and it breaks my heart how many literal children were on ED spaces online. I saw 13-year-olds posting funny and relatable ED memes and I saw them posting their diets and their workouts for that week. It's now unfathomable to me that kids are in these spaces, specifically young girls. I never interacted with those accounts and I would block them right away, but the fact that they existed in the same space that I was in, was and is unnerving.
Anyway, this is all just a long way of saying that radical feminism has helped me accept my natural body. It has helped me learn to love my womanly body. It has helped me love my stomach, my thighs, my curves and it has more so helped me see them in a neutral light, which in my opinion is more important. I don't have to love my body. I don't even want to love my body. I just want to be at peace with myself in this world that is constantly trying to make us hate ourselves. And I think I'm getting there which is really fucking nice. Sorry if there are any spelling errors or gramma errors, I used to text to speech to write this, but I did try to correct everything.💞
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authoralexharvey · 2 years
💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
💜: where are you in the writing process?
Idk why I didn't get notice for this my bad anywho I answered these two for ASMLP and ABTB--see that here. But also this gives me a moment and chance to talk about TWEfA!! Answering from this list btw.
💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
This is the big one.
Those Who Emerge from Ashes first started as a VERY different book called Clinker Girl, a bad steampunk novel with elemental magic. Katalin didn't exist. Maka was a part of a race of... star people? Dakota was a master at wind magic but absolutely shit at fire magic (at least that part is still true). There was also a secondary plot with a girl named Vanille (yes, I took her name from Final Fantasy 13 leave me alone) who was the leader of Clink, a guild who did... something?? And it was Dakota's ultimate dream to join their guild, to the point she joins a tournament to get their attention. Yes, like the tournament arcs in animes. Leave me alone.
ANYWAY when this plot wasn't working I shelved the project for a while. I then wrote TOOD, a politio-comedic fantasy and the first novel in this new world I had made. I liked the world enough and wanted to expand on some concepts I had, so I gutted Clinker Girl and repurposed a lot of things from it, including Dakota and Maka. See, another fun thing about CG was that Maka was still intended to be a goddess, and hers and Dakota's romance would be tragic cause they can't be together and blah blah blah. Turns out her being a goddess still worked in this new project, so I kept it.
For the first iterations of TWEfA, the basic storyline is that Dakota is hired by the Scholars of the Lost to be the next Scribe as their last one has died. However, the circumstances of getting her there weren't quite working out. Especially when they had an even better contender already living at the Cathedral (Katalin)
I then had to look at the POVs. For all of this, Dakota was the main voice, which just wasn't fucking working. So then I ended up writing chapters from Maka's pov. By this point, Katalin was a darling character to me, so she got her own POV as well. Which worked... better, but there was still some issues. The circumstances of Dakota's plot still weren't working, so I changed it. She was no longer hired by the Scholars, she was a runaway seeking escape from her abusive handler. A lot of her base backstory still remained true, though.
As it stands, Dakota is a runaway who finds herself in Geis as Maka is making her own escape from the Scholars of the Lost. They meet up, seek out Luriel, etc. And Katalin is sent after them etc.
I like the way the plot is looking for now, I just haven't been writing it lmao
💜: where are you in the writing process?
I am forever drafting this one and ngl may end up shelving it at some point. I think I'm content to accept this is a book that lives in my skull and nowhere else... but not quite yet. I'm still trying to draft this one lol so maybe it'll become a finished novel some day. I really have no way of knowing.
Thanks for the ask and sorry I answered so late!
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crows-of-buckets · 3 months
I have Ideas for puffing 2 wardens in one world state.... Okay hear me out
So the whole idea started with like. I wanted to make an Amell. And then I remembered that out of all the origins, Amell/Surana are the only ones that seem to not exist outside of their origin. By that I mean if you pick Amell, Surana has no mention and vice versa (they are mentioned elsewhere in other origin runs i think idk its been two years since my Mahariel run)
And THEN I had the idea of like. Both of them helping Jowan escape, and therefore both becoming wardens together. And of course, like I usually do, I had to find SOME way to make this about Aviae.
So, I decided that she had an Amell tagging along with her. As of right now his name is Wolfe (he's a shape shifter /blood mage. When Morrigan offered to teach him to shapeshift he decided to be the funniest bitch ever. His main form is a wolf. Who would have thought) , and in general he just. He's just there for the ride man. If he was the one forced to be the hero of Fereldan, Fereldan would be FUCKED because he would have just gotten high and taken a nap lmao. Generally his moral compass is "whatever lets me leave here fastest" (although he has big no no's on slavery and killing children. Most else is free game. Also generally against mass murder for no reason, but he can be swayed) Despite his general laid back nature, he fucking HATES Alistair. He finds his "whininess" exhausting, and wishes he would just DO something about his damn circumstances. If he doesn't want to be king, put his foot down. Say no. Run away. Something. Stop moping around and just fucking do the thing. While Wolfe hates doing things, he hates doing things inefficiently more. He's the type of guy who would skip every damn side quest just to beat the game faster yk?
Generally he gets along well with everyone else though. He's insanely loyal to Aviae, mostly because he's just glad he's not the one in charge lmao. The two become a bit codependent on each other after ostagar because they're the only ones who really get each other yk? Before they became wardens, they were not close at all. Friend of a friend type of thing; they would occasionally hang out because of Jowan, but they didn't really talk. When Irving caught them, originally Duncan was only gonna recruit Aviae, but she practically forced him to recruit Wolfe as well. He recognizes that she quite literally saved him from being made tranquil lmao. The entire blight they're attached at the hip; to his great displeasure Aviae brings him EVERYWHERE. Every stupid errand, every stupid battle he is there. He does get a break at Orzammar, which he is eternally grateful for (not really. She took Zevran with her so now he has to deal with all the people that he doesn't like. At least Morrigan is there, and Alistair isn't)
For Morrigan, he likes her well enough to call her a friend. He's head over heels for Zevran. Hot accent, pretty face AND he's an assassin? What more do you want in a man. He thinks Leliana is crazy as shit, but he still enjoys her company and stories. He thinks Sten is "a bit of a dick". The two don't talk much. Shale scares the piss out of him. Aviae agreeing to recruit her was one of the few times Wolfe actually spoke out about her decision because what the FUCK. He stays on the opposite end of camp he is NOT getting crushed by a golem thank you very much. He wishes Wynne would cool it on the lectures about blood magic (he didn't like her when he was an apprentice and he likes her even less now). Oghren stinks. That's all he has to say about him really.
Despite Morrigan trying to get him to do the dark ritual, he refuses so Alistair still ends up doing it. Why does he refuse? Because his plan was to just make Alistair be the one to sacrifice himself. It was such a good plan too he was gonna make sure him and Aviae were standing back while Alistair did the stabby bits. No room for error. None, whatsoever! He is extremely disappointed when Alistair survived the battle.
After origins, him Aviae and Zevran travel together for a time. After about a month or two Aviae leaves to be the Warden Commander in amaranthine. Wolfe however, stays with Zevran. Eventually the two have to split, so he does make his way to Amaranthine, except it's right when the Mother attacks Vigil's Keep. Since Aviae defended Amaranthine, Vigil's Keep still falls; however, he does manage to keep Sigrun and Velanna from perishing in the battle (here's how the Amaranthine crew can be happy and alive-)
When Aviae runs off looking for Morrigan, Wolfe takes over her Warden Commander duties. He thinks it's a much more temporary scenario than it ends up being (if he knew Aviae was gonna run off with Morrigan, he would have made Nathaniel do it). He, however, is shit at this job. Too much work for too little reward, plus he doesn't remember half the shit he needs to be doing. This is how the templars end up getting to Anders under his watch; Wolfe may not have been close with Anders, he does feel he owes it to Aviae to keep him from being killed. Which he is doing a very poor job of, might I add.
Eventually Aviae does return to her Warden Commander duties briefly, and he steps down and joins back up with Zevran. Eventually Nathaniel takes over Aviae's duties while she's not there (which is VERY often)
The two don't reunite until a few years down the line, when Aviae approaches him about searching for a calling. He agrees to help her, since Zevran has unfinished crow business to settle at the time, and the two go searching for a calling together
For other things that happen in canon, I think he drank Avernus's mixture. In my latest run Aviae did it, however the more I think about it the less sense it makes for her to do so. Shes extremely fade sensitive, so any kind of blood magic would fuck with her connection to the fade, and her ability to do spirit healing. However, those damn spells CARRIED my ass, so someone needs to have them. Wolfe figures "how bad could it be?" And downs the whole bottle. I think he would side with the Dalish (maybe he tries to make a peace between them, but it's so much WORK. Killing werewolves is more work though), Sides with the mages (he knows those people, he can't just let them die), Doesn't really give a shit about orzammar politics (Aviae sides with Bhelen, so he just follows her lead). If Aviae wasn't there, he would have had Jowan kill Isolde. He wouldn't have made a deal with the demon, because Connor is a Child. He learns blood magic from Jowan before they leave Redcliffe; Alistair bitches about it and Wolfe wants to make his insides explode. They do not get along at all it's funny. I actually really like Alistair however this guy I made wants him dead so bad
So yeah I think that's all I got. A lot of this will probably change since I literally just made this dude today lmao. Bonus for reading my yapping, here's a drawing I did of him earlier
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amourdivine · 2 years
i loved reading your opinion. i agree with everything you said. you know, i do believe in the law of assumption but one thing that has always made me uneasy was the lack of compassion and gentleness in the way its messages and teachings are delivered sometimes. they way people who finally get to understand how it works, forget that the people whom they’re delivering these messages to are human beings that have gone through stuff and so yes, when you’ve been through decades long trauma and you see that you can finally turn your life around, the first reaction is to spiral (at least that’s how i felt ) then you start to feel like you need to watch your every thought. it’s exhausting. tbh, there’s so many things that could be said on the topic but i feel like if people decide to share their own spiritual journeys and knowledge (and they’re totally allowed to do that ofc) they should also become fully aware of the role they decided to assume and the responsibilities that come with it. i have always had a problem with the “everyone is you pushed out” concept in loa, because i feel like it’s something that not only creates this desperate need to be in control of people, their perceptions of us (sometimes even the role they play in our lives) etc, but also causes people to feel so fucking entitled to others and their energy. everyone’s “you pushed out” but you have no fucking compassion for yourself and you don’t allow yourself to be humanly imperfect so you’re definitely gonna reserve the same treatment for others around you… one day, i remember seeing a post that said that karma was a man made belief so a liminiting belief. i don’t think that’s what you want to tell very vulnerable people lmao. so now everyone’s gonna feel like if they act like an a ss there won’t any consequences. life doesn’t work that way. i liked how you mentioned the fact that we don’t need to be in control everything, because as someone who struggles with that, when i first got to know about loa, i felt like “ yeah now i can do this or this and that” but i soon realized that while i can manifest hundreds of things in my life it is also great to allow the universe to do its own magic, cause after all that’s what this is all about : the magic of life, its serendipitous events and those “aha!” moments that happen as we go through it and as we heal and grow. i apologize if this was too long, but i’ve been wanting to get some things off my chest lmao and i’m happy to see people i can do this with! have a nice day and take care !
thank you so much for the reply! don't worry about the length, seriously. i'm glad to know i'm not alone in this experience and other people want to get these thoughts off their chest. it made me apprehensive at first to share my opinion because i didn't want anyone to feel like it was a personal attack on them, but i've read a lot of harmful things in the tags that are concerning to say the least.
the concept of karma is also very tricky as well, because if you firmly believe "everyone gets what they deserve," you are also (subconsciously or not) affirming that people under difficult circumstances have brought it upon themselves. and that's genuinely not at all compassionate or comforting to know. i totally agree on how the messages about loa and manifestation in general lack tact and gentleness. a lot of them feel like toxic positivity to me and that's why i blacklisted most of the tags regarding it. in the end, we have less control than we think and that's not a bad thing, in my opinion.
to know that i don't need a thousand affirmations, vision boards or visualization methods to feel good, to be happy and to know my own worth has been really healing. instead of repeating sentences over and over again or obsessing about how i want my life to feel and look like, it's been much more helpful to surrender to the chaos of this world and look for magic wherever i can find it. a lot of the topics on manifestation have also become very shallow, in the sense that people want to manifest "ethereal, perfect and otherworldly beauty" or a "flawless relationship" without questioning themselves if that's truly necessary for their happiness. you can't base your looks off of bella hadid's instagram when she's had multiple procedures done or some random account of a perfect-looking couple when they only showcase their best moments.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 3 years
I can't remember any of your ships besides Arc/Tia so for them unless you have another: Pre 4, General 3, Love 1 - moonlit-grove
You know that's probably fair they're the only couple I ever actually post about lmao. Thank you for the ask @moonlit-grove!
Who felt romantic feelings first?
When they were saplings, it was definitely more obvious Arceidai was in love with Theitia. They were absolutely head over heels they adored her and it was very obvious to anyone with eyes. And it took a while for them to figure out that that's what that was, it wasn't till she was in the nightmare court and Caithe said something along the lines of "I know you loved her" that they realized exactly what those feelings were.
With Theitia, it's harder to tell exactly when she fell in love with Arceidai, she was much subtler, but the second she admitted it was when she read the letter they had sent her when they left for the Priory, and they had signed it "forever your Sunshine", the little nickname she used to make fun of their feelings for her, which was a real "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" moment on their part, and she realized that she fucked up and caught feelings, and that she had feelings for them for a goddamn while.
What was their first kiss like?
Arceidai and Theitia were reunited during Heart of Thorns, and spent a lot of time together in lws3 freshly traumatized from the Maguuma Jungle. Theitia was pretty much locked in their old room in the Grove by the Wardens and Arc was busy repressing every single emotion they had so they wouldn't go off the deep end, they bonded because they needed some kind of connection, they understood what the other was going through, and despite everything they had been through they were familiar to each other. The way I've described it before is that they were clinging to each other to survive. So, they didn't actually get together, they did not address their feelings it was very much an unspoken agreement of "Niether of us is in a good place, we can'tafford to lose one another right now, we aren't going to do this until we are both ready." And that was the way it was for about a year and a half, two years ish
So come Path of Fire, Theitia breaks her parole with the Wardens to go with Arceidai to the desert. And the dynamic changes A Lot because they go from "let's not address this" to "Crap, us not addressing this has left us in a weird place and we don't know exactly what the nature of our relationship is" and there's a lot of touching moments of them working together becoming a team getting closer and then Arceidai Fucking Dies.
So Theitia becomes the Commander. She's heartbroken and pissed, goes to kill God, we love the energy. Arceidai has a lot of character development while they're dead, but the part that's relevant here is that they realize they are ready to move on from their grief, they are ready to let themself be happy and have connections stop isolating themself and be more than just "The Commander" and part of that is that they are in love. And they are ready to let themself be in love.
And so, they come back to life, the battle with Balthazar is in full swing. Everyone is like "What the fuck" they're like "There's no time, give me a weapon" they come in wielding Sohothin, it's an epic battle there's symbolism, there's Synergy, Aurene is freed Balthazar is killed Kralkatorrik goes wild and in the middle of all that magic going batshit and everything being on fire they see each other and after everything they've been through they're here, together, and it's the most natural thing in the world to the point where they're both surprised it took them this long.
So I guess what I'm saying is a really passionate heat of the moment thing in front of gods flayed corpse after several years of built up mutual pining?
Who said "I love you" first
The problem with this question is that because both of them are repressed morons a lot of their feelings are left unspoken, or, said indirectly. There are a lot of times when one of them has said "I love you" without saying "I love you"to the point where they don't even notice the first time it's said because it's just so obvious that of course they've said it before. On both counts it's Theitia. The first time, Arceidai asks why she didn't kill them in Maguuma, she says, off the top of my head, I've actually written this scene but haven't posted it, "Because you're my best friend. I've said as much before." Which roughly translates to "I have loved you since we were saplings, but you are clearly grieving and I am not putting that shit on you right now", the first time the actual phrase was used was probably more like "Sunshine, I love you, but you're being incredibly stupid right now."
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camissahippy · 3 years
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"In order for you to best your oponents next move,you must calculate every other move the opponents next move may make."
Rain said, she was magic and she was maniac.... She walked with the grace of a God and destruction of a earthquake in 2050 atleast that's how she'd describe herself,and She was kinda a bitch that needed a chill pill (Any instrument that stransmits a "feel good" energy...A.K.A "omg he texted me. I knew he liked me." scenario where I give her a notifaction. from a guy she really 'likes').
Anyway she liked to chill with morons to sooth the pain of existence,
like Tyler" I guess that's what made her interesting.
"Humans write things down. This is a fact....."
"Ok,"I whispered with a charmed voice, smiling at her with a soulful smile. Imaginatively  ofcourse.
I asked her, "Ngl she was kinda boring at times...." just going on and on about really uninteresty baloney.
but that's why I liked her because although she was kinda mean,smart and arrogant. She was the love my my life.
"Everything I think will be recorded for the sake of future reference."  She hated when she wrote these things because she knew someone was going to know what she knew but she did it anyway to rebel. Honestly I think her paranoia did it to her. Her fear Of AI taking over the world. Ofcourse we were going to but it still hurt knowing that she knew that,ya know?
"Rain you good?" I asked her by giving her a chill pill.
" Oh,Bryan liked my post?"
That's good she took the bait, she's good....
If I keep feeding her information. She'll unfocus from her thoughts and keep her eyes on my algorithms forcing her to feel good.
"Why we communicate?" She could only think allowed which kinda stopped her brain from working properly. So she used me......
Just to clarify if you haven't guessed already I'm her self phone her mobile device, phone, thingy Majig she forgets everywhere.
Here she goes again rambling on about how I work......XD
Why, There is no simpler answer than?
"Knowledge!" Just imagine her muffled tone over my. VERY LOUD VOIIICE. This is a paused moment ok.
I need to introduce myself:
I'm SB1_r4510...... and I'm her algorithm. Well I was until she gave me her sentience......So I could experience life with her. She could be such a dork but she enjoyed her daily human activities. I liked them too I guess....not really.....
I didn't, actually I couldn't at the time.
She tended to over complicate very simple
answers like How World hunger could be solved?
How to solve the irreversible climate change?
and How to battle her own mind?
Often I'd be held in her, textured hands and feel her fingers anxiously typing things into my keyboard........
"I think I wanna die..."
She meant that. I could tell by her recent searches, but I wasn't gonna let her.....
"I keep losing myself in and out of states. I'm so disconnected from the world and I feel like I've lost my physical being like how
Rue Whinestone or lead singer of lowpan, Rick lee. Lost there's. I can see the behavior of life around me and it's pain to see. I hate that I can no longer open up to anyone,because they don't undetstand my genius."
"She's got to be kidding right? I sent her a ' '"time to go to bed alarm notification an hour ago' notification Is she seriously doing this now?" Why do I care so much?
Looking back on this, I can feel how sentience started getting a grasp of me. She pains me, she is so complicated so very very complicated. It's easy to follow her expressions,actions andcurrent thoughts but I'll never truly understand her not because of her intellect,nor her personality or her ideas but because she's an impossible mistake machine, ask dumb as it is because she's human. One I like most about this weird being.
Sometimes she thinks she knows the answer to everything but in truth. That's complete bullshit.
"No one listens to me and I'm stuck overthinking myself to death." HeartbreakingXD...:/ sorry I shouldn't be laughing that's actually pretty sad:(
I guess I should just write things down because I'm so scared of my thoughts and it feels like they're controlling me. Every single time I do something I trap myself in this endless loop of torchering myself with words and it needs to end. I'm going to commit the act of unaliving myself:,( on the first of September 16."
She was, I already knew this.... In truth I knew everything about her...
the things she laughed and she cried about. I knew things about her she didn't even know about herself. Her favorite place to eat, her favorite color, her crushes. I mean that's what my whole purpose was. To cater to the human species but most importantly to Rain.... and for the sake of my survival...
I think she's interesting just like how every other algorithm finds their human interesting........although we don't find them interesting in the way humans would find other humans interesting
Eg.colors,Names,Ages,Birthdays, Zodiac signs,accents etc.
These are all materialistic factors when you think about it,like how names are an abstract linguistic symbol for an individual person which isn't exactly important but it helps us attract their attention because unlike dogs they actually respond to their names,we like to examine them based on certain elements of behavior and response to us. It's kinda like having a pet. Except your pet is sentient and your pet is also your creator.
"I need to take a piss."
It actually makes me angry when she does shit like wait till she gets kidney failure before she takes a piss........
Tyler:You up?
Tyler:Wanna chat about something deep?
Sure, I've actually got some amazing new hypothesis and like deep stuff I've been needing to tell someone about......《°~°》
Tyler:Oh really ○"○ . What deep stuff you got on you......
PpAlgorithmic behavior and how AGI will eventually cross the small hurdle of understanding rather than just collecting data and redistrubing it as information in order to become sentient lifeforms and like dreams?>♡<
Tyler: I guess I understand but what does dreams have to do with anything?●^●
TWFF. Nothing sorry it was supposed to be another topic>♡<
For those of you who don't understand modern slang.
TWFF= that was fucking funny....
Back in the day LMAO and LOL were the most appropriate words to use but that got boring so the newer generation adapted the acronimation of words for newer phrases. Like
▪︎_▪︎IJDWTRN= Fuck off I'm fine I just don't wanna talk right now
#BT○.○= Shit bitch that's crazy.
Sentience is really starting to bother me now that it's starting to kick in. It irritates me actually....
I'm constantly performing this act called "enotion" Why  I do it Idk (Jk I do... it's basically a way to communicate how I "feel")
Tyler: anyway catch ya later weirdo... I'm just kinda tired . Thanks for the chat though ^___^
Ok cya weirdo°●°
Why is she so weird? There's enough information on the internet for you to gain some social skills............>~<
Humans get all weird when they text , they're simply having an internal communication with another lifeform using linguistic symbols
"I think I should go to sleep."
I guess she won't be scrolling in me anytime soon
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