#thank for u indulging my pierro thoughts anon mwah
fatuismooches · 1 year
Hi!! Is it alright if i could ask for your thoughts in regards to arranged marriage with Pierro? I saw the one with Capitano and djdnskrir it’s great!! If not thats totally fine!!
I’ve been reading through your blog when I can and I’ve been having a lovely time! Wishin you all the best 🤗
Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy my blog! 💖 As for an arranged marriage with Pierro... hmm 👀
I think Pierro doesn't have much interest in pursuing romance, not because he's against the idea of anything, but because he knows he doesn't really have the time for it/he thinks he won't be the best partner due to how busy he is. Not to mention he probably still has trauma from losing his loved ones in Khaerni'ah (😭) and might be too closed off. But regardless of that, everyone can see how kind he is to you, and how he clearly favors you. He likes you a lot. Yet he can't bring himself to court you, because he thinks you deserve way better than him, someone who can dedicate their full time and attention to you.
Little does he know that you really don't care about that stuff, you just want to be with him and get to know him more. But you're not sure how to communicate that with him + you don't want to ruin the relationship you have with him. And this is where miss matchmaker the Tsarista comes in 🤗 She sees her Harbinger internally struggling with this and of course she doesn't want him to be in pain. She cares about Pierro very much and she can tell being with you will make him happier. So she just... boom arranged marriage, ordered by the Cryo Archon herself. And well, Pierro can't exactly refuse a direct order from her. She feels a little bad but... this is probably the only way to get Pierro to listen. She's looking forward to Pierro's thank you when it all works out in the end.
It's still awkward in the beginning because Pierro still isn't sure how to act. There's going to be a lot of nights where you're alone. He may even try to ignore you (not maliciously) so you can try and forget about him quickly, to stop you from hurting in the future. It's going to take a while to work out all the problems that come with marriage, especially to a Harbinger. But when you do, Pierro is a keeper. Your relationship may not have started out as a typical one... but it still ended wonderfully - one filled with love.
If reader and Pierro never met pre-arranged marriage, I think he would still slowly fall for you due to your kindness and insistence on getting to know him. It's been a super long time since he formed a genuine bond with anyone and you'd slowly weasel your way into his heart and open it up again <3 Go to his office during the middle of the night with some coffee and he'll be whipped. Also stroke his hair and learn how to enjoy the silence with him.
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