#tgif clone ships
deejadabbles · 1 year
Hello there!
May I humbly request a clone ship of my very own? I'm a gothic shortstack who loves reading, nature, and taking long naps. Dark, curly hair; green eyes; lots of tattoos and piercings. I'm a multi-instrumentalist: I play piano, violin, and guitar, and I used to work as a touring musician and a music teacher. I'm also a great cook, and cooking for my loved ones is one of my favorite things in the world!
Thank you for doing this, and for being such a wonderful and fun member of the fandom!
(*Grievous voice* General Kenobi! sorry, I had to lol) Yes you may! and thank you so much, this side of the fandom is so sweet I'm proud to be a part of it 💕
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Crosshair strikes me as the type who's just a little weak for all those tattoos and piercings (not that he'd ever show it). Is impressed with all your talents, since he too is a man who's devoted to his craft; but while his craft destroys, yours creates, and eventually he'll secretly admit to himself how much he admires that about you. If you ever showed care for him by cooking him a good meal, he may just have to start unpacking the fact that he's falling for you.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Me finally leaving work after a 50 hour week:
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Let the four day weekend begin!!!!!
I feel like celebrating with you guys, let's have some fun tonight!
If you want, send me an anonymous description of yourself, and I'll tell you what clone I ship you with and if you tell me who you ship me with that be totally sweet and awesome too !
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Hi! Sorry you had such a tough week. But it's super cool that you're finding engaging in your creative side to be relaxing!
For the description ask ...
I'm quiet usually when you first meet me, but that's just because I'm really trying to make sure I make a good impression. I'm generally a rule-follower so those two things combined got me stereotyped as the "teacher's pet / goody two-shoes" as a kid. My obsessive reading habit and tendency to always carry a book around didn't help lol.
Truth is I'm actually pretty loud and have a very dry, quick wit to me, and I enjoy that same kind of humor. I also really like complex humor. The more layers or references a joke has, the better. I love making others laugh/performing when I feel comfortable, and after years of training I'm pretty happy with my singing voice. I'm a homebody but love spending quality time with friends/family. I also really enjoy getting lost in nature.
I think adults need to learn a thing or two from kids, especially when it comes to acceptance and seeing the world for the magical place it is. It's so sad that so many people lose their wonder when they get older and I really try to hold onto that ... which makes me sensitive and a bit emotional sometimes.
I'm not very coordinated or graceful, but I do pretty well in sports like rock climbing/ horseback riding / skiing. Family and loyalty are the most important things to me, and I think willful ignorance is a mortal sin.
So, which of our dashing troopers would you pair me with?
Thank you dear, hopefully I can actually get some sleep the next few days lol
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Echo! First off, family and loyalty? You and Echo both hold those values dear. Doesn't mind that you can come off as a goody two shoes (I mean it's Echo) and shares your sense of humor! Wants to spend hours cuddled near you while you both read, either together or your own books. But above all, I think Echo would adore the way you want to see the wonder and magic in the world, it's something he struggles with and being able to view the world like that through you makes him indescribably happy. (also, plz sing to him when he has nightmares it calms him so much)
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deejadabbles · 1 year
hello love! anonymous, as you said, but honestly you might be able to figure out who i am thru description 😭 it’s whatever though!
to start with appearance, im 4’11”, a pretty curvaceous body with hip dips, a large chest and a soft tummy, with small hands and feet. i have dark brown eyes and dirty blond (or light brown, depending on who you ask) curly hair that goes to my mid back.
im entp and a virgo and a huge consumer of pop culture, love animals and nature but prefer the simplicities of being in a cozy cafe or a bay window while it’s raining. i can get easily flustered around people i find to be really cool or good-looking. i’m pretty creative and naturally curious as well. im very good at social interactions and adapting to who im with but with people im really close to and trust im loud, giddy, firm, and very affectionate with words and touch.
love u, hope u get the well deserved rest you need this weekend 🤍
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Hunter! Being extroverted but still liking simple, cozy settings sounds like the perfect balance for Hunter, he'd love taking long walks among nature with you AND sharing a blanket by the window on a rainy day. I think he has a creative side too so sharing those interests with you would be very special to him. He thinks your loud, giddy side is cute and holds your physical and vocal affections dear to his heart
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Here’s an anon description to receive a clone ship… Hope it’s fun!
Career-minded adult with a penchant for nerdy hobbies and awkward cheesy humor. Tall for a woman, with long, wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. Bit of a beakish nose that she can be self-conscious about. Loves nature and could spend hours delighting in things as simple as the leaves and bugs on the ground around her. Eyes often in the sky, enamored with clouds and stars alike. Has an adventurous streak but is equally content to cuddle on the couch for hours and eat and eat and eat.
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Tech! He greatly admires your work ethic and wants to share in your hobbies if you'll let him. He finds not only your sense of humor charming, but also your delight in simple things like nature. He lets you set the pace, as he too can be adventurous but also likes to sit on the couch together while he works on his data pad
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Happy weekend and I hope you can relax and recover from your 50 hour (holy cow!) workweek. Since you’re playing matchmaker, I’d like to be set up with someone special ;)
I’m 5’3”, on the slimmer side with shoulder length dark and very curly hair. I’m a bi woman (I use she/her pronouns.) I’m very independent and value my personal time & space, but fiercely love my tight-knit group of friends and family. I love a good adventure as much as staying home and indulging in my nerdy/crafty hobbies.
(Thank you for everything you do 💕)
Thank you sweetheart! I let myself get a full nights sleep today so I'm recovering <3 lets set you up with someone special.
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Listen, I think Fox adores independent women. He'd be smitten with you from the get go, and when you show how devoted you are to your close loved one? He's done for. He'd respect your need for space so long as you drag him along on your adventures sometimes. And if you show him your hobbies and let him express his own, he'd bless you his soft side 💕
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Alright beautiful darlings, it's officially 1am here, so ship requests are closed. I have 8 more requests in my in box, and I'll get them done tomorrow if I don't tonight. Hope everyone's enjoying them
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Popping in for the clone shipping!
5’2” blondish/brown curly hair and blue-gray eyes girly. Very much an introvert who loves naps, reading, video games, science, and crafts. My ADHD makes me hyperfixate on my interests and when I like something I like to learn everything I can about it. I am doing the prerequisites for nursing school right now. My social anxiety means i struggle making friends irl and almost all of the friends I have I’ve had for at least 10 years now. I typically sit quietly until I feel comfortable enough to engage in conversation which sometimes can take a long time. I hate hot weather and love the beach. I choose comfort over fashion 99.9% of the time.
And you’re just the sweetest so I totally ship you with Rex or Hunter. 😊
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I'm really feeling Kix for this one! I think you'd share a lot of interests, he wants to talk science studies with you, wants to participate when you get crafty, and cuddle while you both read. But the main reason I ship it: I think Kix would be very patient with you, he doesn't mind your social anxiety and is equipped to navigate it without you even asking. Knows you'll take awhile to get close to him and is willing to wait. Also, I could see you showing him the wonders of comfortable clothes, and that alone makes him fall head over heels for you
(and omg someone mentioned who'd they'd ship me with??? You're so kind I'm honored you thought of Rex or Hunter 😭)
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deejadabbles · 1 year
hello my dear!!! I hope you get to have the best weekend with fun and relaxation 😌
here’s my description:
curvy, large chest, junk in the trunk
I rotate between pink, blue, and purple hair, and I keep it short: buzz or pixie
I sing, play guitar, ukulele, bass, and piano
I have 6 tattoos
I love doing fun makeup looks
I like building lego sets
I have a ridiculous collection of pens and notebooks
I love lemon flavored everything!
random extras: I like rain and neon
Hope that’s enough info to go on! So excited to see who you pick!
I had to think long and hard for this one but in the end I think I see you with
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Jesse was first drawn in by your bold hair and tattoos, thinks you're the hottest thing he's seen in awhile. Then he's fascinated by your musical talent, he wants to play guitar with you and sing covers of songs he hopes will woo you. Will tease you every time you pick up yet another notebook. Loves to see you lit up by the neon lights at 79s
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deejadabbles · 1 year
I’m not gonna go anon LOL
I’m 5’3, brown hair pixie cut, glasses. I love animals, being out in nature (hiking and camping). I like trying new foods and baking. I’ve been described as friendly, hard-working, and silly.
I can also get down to business and be serious if need be, especially if it’s a chaotic day at work. I love to be organized, I can’t stand a mess haha.
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Friend, I just really think Wrecker would adore you! You'll go hiking/camping with him AND try new foods with him?? He's already smitten <3 He loves how silly you can be, but the fact that you're hard working and organized are qualities he grows to appreciate too, with you he knows he can be himself but that you'd also help him be more serious when needed
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deejadabbles · 1 year
OOOO CLONE MATCHUPS?? Okay pls ignore my clearly biased URL for this one-
I'm 5'1, she/her, brown hair/eyes, pretty pudgy all around. Lotta freckles, wears glasses. Kinda just look like Velma Dinkley to be honest. I tend to be pretty quiet if I'm around people I don't know, but I rly love adventurous people! I get anxious by myself, but love to get out and try new things if I have someone with me that I trust (and can cling to if I get nervous, I'm pretty touch-oriented for love and comfort). Most of my hobbies are quiet, small things - I read, I draw, I write on occasion. I also LOVE to sing, but get nervous doing it in front of others. I love to collect jewelry too, and always like to get earrings from a new place I visit. So... whichever handsome trooper wouldn't mind a shy tiny lady with an affinity for little trinkets, who wants to feel safe hanging onto their arm <3
OKAY OKAY I promise I didn't do this just because of your URL (I also seriously considered Jesse as an option) bUT
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First and foremost, Fives thinks you are the most adorable thing in the galaxy! Type of guy who would think your shyness is cute and loves to draw out your adventurous side. When you cling to him bc you're nervous, makes him feel like he's the most important guy in the world. He loves to hear you sing! wants to lay his head in your lap while you sing to him, and will try to take you to a karaoke bar to "share" your voice with everyone.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Hiiiii!!! Ooo sleep over clone shipping!! Thanks for tagging me in this too!☺️
My name is Stitch, and I’m 5’5” with shoulder length brown hair (I’d love to dye it purple) and blue eyes. I love to draw, write, play my instrument (I play the cello and would like to learn more), listen to music (my favorite genre is pop punk), and cruise around on main street like they did in the 50s. I’m the “emo” of my family but I prefer punk/emo combo as a description for my fashion sense!
A good dad joke or pun can make me double over in laughter, and I love to use them too. Making people laugh is my passion. I’m quite shy until you get to know me, and kindness is the bestest!
Hope you’re having a great day/night!!!🥰
OKAY OKAY SO I know it's treasonous not to ship you with Tech (and don't get me wrong Tech would hold you dear) buT there was only one man I saw when reading this
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Fives would just adore your whole vibe, like, seriously. Please show him all your taste in music (and play it loud), let him feel the wind in his hair as you both go on long drives together, and give him the chance you help you dye your hair. He wants to spend all day making you laugh because seeing you double over in laughter makes him soooo happy (the moment he finds out you draw he's spreading out on your couch "Paint me like one of your earth girls, mesh'la!" only it's just half a joke, he wants you to draw him)
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Thank you so much for the clone ship idea. It’s super fun to see all your pairings, and really cool that you put time into this! :)
I’m a reserved person, and I’ve been told on multiple occasions that I’m intimidating to those who don’t know me. I don’t trust easily and I’m introverted, preferring to sit back and listen to my friends/family rather than engage. I was told as a kid I had an old soul because of how responsible, conscientious, and serious I was (I am still all those things lol). I’m also highly opinionated and stubborn. I crave deep, emotional connection. I keep my circle small and it’s filled only with people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and loyal. People I can respect. (Idk if this helps, ISTJ/Enneagram 1.)
I love hiking/skiing on my weekends, but I also “play it safe” so I stick to hikes/runs I’m comfortable with. I have to go on a walk everyday to get fresh air and get out of the house. I’m a home body, but I enjoy going out with friends, so long as things are chill and not crazy.
I’m 5’4” and fairly toned (think female soccer player body type) from daily workouts and general consciousness of what I eat. I like routine and the comfortability it provides.
I don’t know if this matters, but when I think of a potential partner, I need someone who is equally responsible and serious. Someone I can rely on to make decisions so that I don’t feel like I’m a caregiver or mom.
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You clearly have high standards (good for you!) and who better to meet those standards than Rex? It would be a slow burn romance for sure, because Rex also takes awhile to get close to others, and wants only deep, meaningful connections. But once you get close and earn each other's trust? Boy howdy, get ready. Rex will also make you feel taken care of and give that stalwart air you desire.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Umm hello, I hope I’m not too late for the clone matchup thing 👉👈
Personality wise, with someone new I recently meet or in a bigger crowd, I’m mostly quiet, just observing and listening to the conversation if it interests me. I feel that I’m a bit awkward in those situations because I sometimes have a hard time reading social cues, but usually it’s not hard to make my laugh or smile. If I’m with someone who knows me well, I can be very talkative, inquisitive and I’ll engage in some lighthearted teasing.
I’ve had a lot of fleeting interests and hobbies throughout my life, but those that seem to stick is drawing, gardening and video gaming. I also love listening to music. Ever since I was little, I’ve been fascinated by natural science. (I’m quite passionate about all things chemistry, especially the chemistry that is hazardous!) I love the idea of having a deep understanding of how the physical world works and I always feel super proud when I’m able to share my knowledge or answer someone’s question with ✨science✨
Thank you in advance 🫶❤️
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Tup is one of the best people to get to know at a slow pace, he doesn't mind any awkwardness you might have at first, in fact he thinks it's very sweet. Loves to make you giggle and makes it his mission to set you at ease so you'll talk to him more. Most don't notice this about him but Tup is actually very intelligent (I mean did you see the way he tricked and captured Krell??) and likes your curious mind, you stimulate that side of him and is very grateful for it
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deejadabbles · 1 year
I ship you with Rex! You seem like a very kind and patient person, and always spreading goodwill.
I think Rex would appreciate that in someone!
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You're too kind my friend!!! I hope I really am someone worthy of his love 🥹 😭💕
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Hello! You're doing "ship me with" requests? If you're still doing that:
I'm female, a lil curvy, with short hair (don't know if it matters but it's currently like a teal green). I love books, learning new things, and anything creative - like writing, drawing, painting and singing. If there is music playing, it is impossible for me to sit still - but I'm likely wouldn't be one to go out on the dance floor.
I enjoy new places, cultures, history, and languages and accents. Like I am constantly saying things in different accents. It's not really something I think about doing, I just do it.
When it comes to conversation, I love to listen without feeling pressured to participate or keep the conversation going. But I will pipe in with a comment if I feel like I have something to say.
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You seem to really value academic focused things so Tech was the first to come to mind. Then when you mentioned how you prefer to listen in conversations, that made it official: Tech would love you! He feels like he finally has someone who truly appreciates his mind, and he values your own intelligence and appetite for knowledge so much! He would dedicate himself to making you feel seen the way you make him feel seen
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