#tgh: fall 1
markantonys · 2 years
How do you think they'll change the relationship between Rand and Selene? I can't imagine show Rand being into her since he's loyal to Egwene.
i feel like i always got the vibe that TGH!rand's attraction to selene was either LTT taking the wheel or her using some kind of mild compulsion or other seductive magic (??? i don't know) on him, like, something about it always felt a bit ~Magically Compelled~ to me rather than rand's genuine feelings. and if the show went a route like that, then the audience would immediately know Something Is Off if rand starts being into her since s1 established him very strongly as Loyal To Egwene and Not Susceptible To Hot Strangers (see: dana). you know what, i hope the show DOES go this route specifically because the trope of evil women with magical seductive powers that only work on men and meanwhile other women are just super jealous of them is so rancid, and i NEED to see min initially going 😳😳 during her confrontation with lanfear jkjfg
they could also simply portray selene as an "innocent" person whom rand feels compelled (lowercase c lmao) to protect, without it being specific to Hot Woman, Must Impress or Delicate Woman, Must Protect as it is in the books.
i do think that rand's confrontation at the eye was his final letting go of egwene and that we won't see him as attached to her romantically in s2 as he was in 1. i actually just recently saw someone point out that at one of the fall panels, rafe said that by the time the ef5 reunite, it'll be 2 years since they last saw each other! ofc he could have been speaking off the cuff and not necessarily being exactly precise about the timeline, but given that it would take weeks or months for the girls to go from fal dara to tar valon (by non-ways means) and they'd be studying in the tower for more months, and that perrin and rand are both in travel-heavy storylines that could span a long time, it's not unreasonable to imagine show!falme might be 2 years after the eye, in which case rand and egwene would've had a long time to get over each other (and this soothes my heart about randlayne being able to happen in a way that doesn't feel weird, like rand is instantly rebounding with his ex's bff or elayne is dating the guy her bff JUST broke up with/thought was dead lmao)
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cassandrawallac · 23 hours
Understanding Pollen and Its Impact on Allergies
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Pollen is a fine yellow dust in plants, trees, and grasses that are crucial for their reproductive processes. A greater challenge arises especially during what is considered spring and summer season when many flowers grow. An estimated 35 million people in the US have pollen allergy, most of them with ragweed that causes allergy peaks in the fall. Common allergy symptoms include: 1.Sneezing 2.Itchy, runny nose 3.Watery eyes 4.Nasal congestion 5.Wheezing and coughing
At TGH Urgent Care powered by Fast Track , For any allergy, speak with your doctor about getting shots or using sublingual tablets for immunotherapy. Today, regional pollen alerts can be obtained, and, thus, one can reduce symptoms by taking medications beforehand. In addition, due to climate change, seasons with pollen and allergens have increased both, in terms of their duration, and the intensity of allergens. There is also Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome, in which some people are sensitive to raw fruits and vegetables that are similar to pollen.
Read more: What Is Pollen And Where Does It Come From
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soulfullionbunny · 9 days
08 October 2024
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after 2 months ghosting me, she broke the silence. its funny actually sbb recently i had wish so damn bad utk dia reach back to me... and she did. the moment i get her message, i stared at it. it was not bcs its a kind word, nor is it a lovely message, but bcs it was from her. i... get to hear from her, after i oost every ounce hope. yes its an insult, but its HER insult. to me. i was happy yet sad at the same time. happy bcs she took her time yet sad bcs after all these years, thats all i am to her. a pain memory. on my computer screen, middle of the office, i stared at it. long enough for my collegue to notice something is wrong. i get what i wish for, i get apa yg aku doa kan. although i should have asked for better content but nevertheless... she spoke.
future asyraf pls remember this feelings. a mix of glad, melancholy, staring at the rain from inside the house, a king who sees his empire fall, suprised, syukur, and among many other. its not extreme emotions. its warm yet cold. this is it. i get what i want, the bare minimum of what i want. its not much but its still what i asked for.
honestly if I'm analysing this logically. ada several reason why she sent me that it of nowhere. from most likely to least likely, we got:
1. dia tgh main truth or dare-esque game where the punishment is shes required to text her ex.
2. dia tgh emo tahap sial (emosial) and she just had to release it.
3. she talked with her BOYFRIENDSS and they all just showed top tier quality yg aku x de, so she was like "babi kau wasting my time and emotions'. so dia just opened up her ws and went off.
4. x puas hati and benda x settle
5. she rereading my chat with her. (on tuesday morning? x de kerja ke?)
honestly masa it just happen banyak je aku reasons i come out with in my head. haha. honestly im so so soryy fisya. i dont want to haunt you anymore. i wish you wont be hurting anymore by what i have done. honestly i wish taht insult she gave me is just like blinking or a sneeze. something that hold no weight in her heart, so that i know shes at peace. honestly i was trying to be funny and nbak reply "sorry salah no, sini x jual babi" or return her energy like "kau la babi, babi". but i know i dont have any right utk buat tu lagi.
aku actually x de hak nak ckp aku rindu dia pun lol. the only thing i can do is just say "ok" or just see it. maybe next time. when the memories haunt her again, and dia nak insult aku, i will be there. just "ok" and accept it. let her be happy, you promised that right, asyraf?
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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N: What’s wrong with me? M: I’m so glad you asked. I have a list. N: No, but like. Well-adjusted people don’t sleep with their exes because they have mommy issues. M: Mm, probably not. But you always had a strong drive to be loved. N: Everybody wants love, Marcus. M: That’s not what I said. N: You’re saying I like attention. M: I’m saying that you’d rather reach out for anyone who might love you than feel lonely. And I’m saying that’s dangerous. N: Why? M: Because then you’re at the mercy of your whims and others’.
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shinylitwick94 · 6 years
Shinylitwick reads Wheel of Time - Book 13 - Towers of Midnight
Warning:Will contain spoilers.
Well, by this rhythm(sp?) I should be finished next week. 
It’s been a great ride so far and I’ll do both a final book post and a final thoughts on the series post, but for now I’ll just focus on this one.
First things first, I think I owe Mat an apology. Mat was awesome in this and I think I enjoyed his chapters the most, alongside Egwene’s. He’s still a little annoying here and there, but since this book had him staying away from the characters he clashes with the most, it brought out his good side.
And Moiraine is back!!!!I love Moiraine! I was a about as surprised as Mat by the Thom thing, but I do think they work well as a couple. It’s kind of a common thing in this series for romantic relationships - people fall in love completely out of nowhere (I remember being a little confused by Lan and Nyneave way back in book 1 at first), but then the relationships tehmselves seem to work pretty well.
Perrin’s story is also pretty interesting in this book - I liked the interactions with the Whitecloaks and Galad and the Morgase drama going on in the background and Perrin himself finally seemed to get somwhere as a character.
I’m not sure how I feel about the Slayer thing - it feels kind of shoehorned in to give Perrin someone to fight.
Aviendha’s Rhuidean chapter was defnitely one of the highlights of this book, even though I feel that Sanderson didn’t quite get the emotional impact like RJ managed to do in his flashback/flicker sequences. Sanderson just does action better tahn he does emotion. Nonetheless it was very impressive and very depressing and I liked it a lot.
Rand shows up at Maradon to blow up Trollocs and has a few moments here and there. I loved the scene with the apple trees at the beginning. Really plays up Rand’s anture as the Messiah. I also liked his proper reunion with Tam, although I wish we had seen more of it.
Egwene doesn’t get as much to do int his one, but then she had the last one almost to herself, so I guess it’s fine. She’s still great, if a little too into the Amyrlin thing sometimes. I like the idea of the pact to exchange Accepted, although I doubt it would work all that well in practice.
Nyneave is doing amazing impossible things again. First she cures madness, then she passes her Aes Sedai test despite blefiring in the middle of it - and then she finally gets Lan’s bond! I just hope they’ll live long enough to enjoy that.
Come to think of it, very few main characters have died so far in the series, which makes me suspect the last book will be a total meat grinder.
I don’t think there really was anything else - some setup for the drama in the Black Tower that’s only going to come into play in the last book, but that’s about it.
This could have worked really well as a standalone book. Which isn’t something that could ahcve been said of the last 6 books or so. Not since book 4 at least. It’s cohesive, it has a beginning a middle and an end, it knows where it’s going and it knows how to get there. And after so much meandering, it’s really good to finally get there.
It was very well balanced for this series and I enjoyed pretty much every storyline.
So I suppose this is my favorite so far. 
Let’s see if AMOL can steal that spot!
Favorite scene(s): Mat Thoma and Noal rescuing Moiraine in the tower, Morgase’s reunions with each of her children, the fight in the dream world in the white tower, Aviendha’s trip through Rhuidean, Rand and the apple trees, everything Nyneave did
Least favorite scene(s): Some of the Perrin chapters were a little slow, Graendal’s felt pretty forced too - especially that ending, also Tuon’s chapters because someone who trains demane for funs still gives me the creeps
Favorite character(s): Mat (YES!), Moiraine (just because she’s here), Nyneave, Rand, Egwene
Least favorite character(s): Slayer, Tuon
Book rankings so far: 1.TOM 2. TGS 3.LOC 4.TSR 5.TGH 6.TFOH 7.ACS 8.TDR 9.WH 10.KOD 11. TEOTW 12.TPOD 13.CoT
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ahfieq-blog · 6 years
8th Feb ; 10:44pm
okay, i srsly dk whr should i start but anws here it goes. i met a girl back then in 2017. a nice girl, pretty and cute. found her in the app called badoo. aft a few days of talking, i didnt plan to fall for her but i eventually did. idk what really makes me fall in love with her. but the journey with her up till now was really rough. to make it short, we dated for 8 mth, officially attached for like 6-7 mth. we broke off for some reason (i catch that back later), and now we got back tgt. so the story began.....
aku tak tahu mane nak start doh, tapi ok maybe i should start the point whr i still working at nippon. bile aku keje nippon, aku rase diri aku mcm terlalu bodoh utk terus smpi ngn pmpn mcm nie. aper yg aku buat, mesti ader jer yg tk kene. dulu aku keje nippon, aku srs busy doh. hari2 aku balek 12-1 pagi. kadang tu smpi terlalu penting kan keje, aku gaduh ngn amy. smpi satu hari, aku broke down bhai kat keje. aku tak sukeb bile kemarahan aku berubah jadi tangisan. nta lah, cara amy kadang buat aku terlampau stress. bende kecik and simple boleh jadi gaduh besar. aku smpi tak tahu mane silap aku and mane kekurangan aku. bile nak jmp, aku lmbt sikit, dier suke rush aku. mcm dier tak tngu sejap. aku bukan sengaje lmbt kot. beh kadang, dier mati2 nak aku abes keje kol 5:30 sedang kan dier tahu, rare bhai nak abes 5:30 bie keje nippon. aku pham dier perlukan perhatiaan, tapi tiap kali aku free, dier jgak aku cari. kadang bile dabes break, aku tak sempat nak bilang yg aku kene patah balek keje pun boleh jadi gaduh. car dier kasar ngn aku, cara dier bobal ngn aku buat kan aku hilang sabar. buat kan aku rase mcm salah aku besar. aku tertido, dier marah. aku main game, dier marah, aku hayal tak layan dier, dier marah. aku reply lmbt psal tgh mandi, dier marah. asal ?! asal aku ?! aku ot mcm nak mati smpi pagi, dier ckap tmpt keje aku takder org. asal eh ? aper yg sial sngt smpi bende2 kecik mcm gini boleh jadi gaduh. smpi satu hari, aku dah mule buat prangai. aku cube nak avoid dier. aku buat mcm2 utk buat dier benci aku smpi ke satu tahap aku tinggal kan dier and blocked dier yg sume soc med. tapi dier berjaya utk cari aku balek. dier merayu, nangis, pujuk aku tak henti2 tapi tetap, hati aku keras utk terime dier. smpi satu hari, dier bilang aku yg dier btol2 na berubah semate2 nak hidup ngn aku balek. aku cube lembut kan hati tapi susah bhai. rase sakit hati aku mcm membesar tiap kali aku pandang dier. smpi lah skrg bile aku dah terime dier balek. aku nmpk dier berubah skejap jer. tapi tetap and masih ngn cara lame dier. hais, tak tahu knape mesti aku kene hadap sume nie. spi bile ?! aku lemah, aku dah tak tahu lagi mcm mane ... sigh ~~
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
Dropping The 52 Week Low, Textainer Group Holdings Limited (TGH) Close At $9.75
Dropping The 52 Week Low, Textainer Group Holdings Limited (TGH) Close At $9.75
Textainer Group Holdings Limited (TGH)
December 15th, 2018 Amidst falling markets Textainer Group Holdings Limited fell $0.15 Friday, down 1.52%, closing at $9.75. As well as the drop in value, Textainer Group Holdings Limited hit a new 52 week low of $9.71, breaking the previous low of $9.88 from earlier this month. (more…)
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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Neven (to himself): This is a terrible idea.
[He knocked on the door.]
Sasha: …Neven? What are you doing here?
Neven: Hi, Sasha. Can I come in?
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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Date night at the Chop House–
Jamie: Your mom is Nadia Bahri?! Oh my god, I love her! It must be exciting to have a famous mom.
Neven: Well, it’s got its difficulties. She was working all the time when I was young, so. Not a lot of bonding there.
Jamie (not listening): She must’ve struggled a lot, being a woman in a male-dominated industry.
Neven (irritated): Yes. That is true.
Jamie: She must be so wise. And she’s so glamorous. I just–
Neven: …I’m leaving. Thank you for…the water, god we didn’t even get to the bread basket. Bye.
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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Midday, at Magnolia Park across from Willow Creek High–
B: So this is where you take your lunch breaks. May I join you?
[M gestured him over.]
B: One could spend the rest of one’s days in Willow Creek, don’t you think?
M: Here? [He scoffed.] No, absolutely not. I’m genetically predisposed to despise it. There’s a lot of bad blood between Willow Creek and Newcrest, and my family has lived in Newcrest for four generations.
B: Wow. I’ve moved around the world my whole life–and not always for good reasons or to nice places. Putting down roots is a luxury I’ve never had.
M: Where have you lived before?
B: I was born in Bridgeport, but name a city and I’ve resided there.
M (teasingly): You lived in Moonlight Falls?
B: Yes, actually. I wrote my first book there. I also had a bit of a May-December romance: I was just out of university, and they were old enough to have survived the Bubonic Plague.
B: They were a vampire, you know.
M: –wait, what?
B: That was a joke, I promise.
B: ...they were much older than that.
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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N: The whole date made me mad, mostly at Nadia. I mean, she’s been working for this my whole life. I’m glad she’s getting where she wants to be. But now her face is everywhere; I feel watched. M: So where did you go, then? N: God, I ended up at Sasha’s. I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to escape. M (piqued): And you thought your ex-girlfriend was your best bet? That ex-girlfriend?
N: Are you mad at me? About going there? M: No. I am worried about you, though. N: Pfft, that makes two of us. M: What worries you? N: I just can’t believe I just left like that. I know that’s classic me, I know. But I thought...well, I thought I had finished with that playbook. That I was better than that now. M: Do you plan on seeing her again? N: No. I don’t know. Is it better to just leave it where I did or try to salvage the wreckage? Feels like anything I’d do or say would just make things worse.
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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The next morning--♫ (Todd Terje - “Johnny and Mary”)
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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[Neven relayed the details of his evening to Sasha over a glass of wine.]
Sasha: Your date sounds like it went about as good as mine.
Neven: She wasn’t even the first date to do it! They’ve been like that all week! People are obsessed. I was so pissed, I just left. I didn’t even think about it.
Sasha: And you landed here, which surprises the hell out of me.
Neven: I mean–
Sasha: I think the phrase you used the last time we talked was “never again in a million fucking years.”
Neven: Last time we talked…was pretty heated. I wasn’t on my best behavior. I regret that.
Sasha: You know me well enough to know I don’t hold onto things. But I did want to respect your wishes, and I think I’ve held myself to that. I’ve left you be.
Neven: Yes, you have. Thank you. You were always good at keeping your word.
Sasha: I can’t say that I wasn’t devastated. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. We were so angry at each other, but neither of us were interested in doing the hard work to stay together. It was best we stayed away from each other.
Sasha (standing up): So, I ask again: what are you doing here, Nev?
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thesimsblues · 6 years
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