#tfw you ship with multiples of the same muse and gotta find the particular ship tag LOL
atropaanimus · 2 years
♥ (Oz + Milo)
HEART CHART [Accepting]
If we kissed? [x] Quickie. [x] Tongue. [x] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [x] Long and meaningful. [?] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [x] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no. Would I go out with you? [x] Yes, definitely. [] No. [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [x] Already did. [] I don’t know. If we took a picture together, we’d be… [x] Hugging each other. [x] Just chilling. [x] Holding hands. [x] Kissing. [x] Acting dumb. [x] Normal picture. [x] You holding me from behind. You are… [x] Cute/Pretty. [x] Good looking. [x] Sexy. [x] All of the above You + me + room = … [x] Movies. [x] Cuddling. [x] Hanging out. [x] Kissing. [?] Playing games. [] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in. You should… [x] Hit me up. [x] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [x] be studying (You're worrying about school and they know it) If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [x] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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